541 bus time schedule & line map

541 - Elvington - - Northbourne - View In Website Mode Deal - Kingsdown -

The 541 bus line (Tilmanstone - Elvington - Eythorne - Northbourne - Deal - Kingsdown - Dover) has 6 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Deal: 10:59 AM - 2:10 PM (2) Dover: 9:30 AM (3) Kingsdown: 9:30 AM - 12:29 PM (4) Middle Deal: 10:38 AM (5) Northbourne: 11:51 AM (6) Tilmanstone: 1:01 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 541 bus station near you and nd out when is the next 541 bus arriving.

Direction: Deal 541 bus Time Schedule 32 stops Deal Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 10:59 AM - 2:10 PM Chapel Road, Tilmanstone Tuesday 2:10 PM Pike Road, Eythorne Wednesday Not Operational The White Horse, Eythorne Thursday Not Operational

Primary School, Eythorne Friday 10:59 AM - 2:10 PM

Chaucer Road, Elvington Saturday Not Operational

The Green, Elvington St. Johns Road, Eythorne

Milner Road Church, Elvington 541 bus Info Direction: Deal Primary School, Eythorne Stops: 32 Trip Duration: 6 min Eklr Station, Eythorne Line Summary: Chapel Road, Tilmanstone, Pike Road, Eythorne, The White Horse, Eythorne, Primary School, Eythorne, Chaucer Road, Elvington, The Post Oce, Eythorne Green, Elvington, Milner Road Church, Elvington, 2 Sandwich Road, Eythorne Civil Parish Primary School, Eythorne, Eklr Station, Eythorne, Post Oce, Eythorne, Green Lane, Eythorne, Green Lane, Eythorne Monkton Court Lane, Eythorne, Kennel Gate, Green Lane, Eythorne Civil Parish Eythorne, The Cider Works, Eythorne, Park Gates, Eythorne, Waldershare Road, Ashley, Monkton Court Lane, Eythorne Chapel Lane, Ashley, M Stores, , Church, Sutton, Sutton Road, Ripple, Village Hall, Great Kennel Gate, Eythorne Mongeham, Three Horseshoes, , Hornbeam Primary School, Upper Deal, Church, The Cider Works, Eythorne , St Leonard's Church, Upper Deal, The Magnet, Upper Deal, Victoria Hospital, Middle Deal, Waldershare Park Gates, Eythorne Grange Road, Middle Deal, Fire Station, Middle Deal, Queen Street, Deal, South Street, Deal, Deal Castle, Waldershare Road, Ashley Deal

Chapel Lane, Ashley Chapel Lane, Sutton Civil Parish

M Stores, East Studdal

Church, Sutton

Sutton Road, Ripple

Village Hall, Great Mongeham

Three Horseshoes, Great Mongeham

Hornbeam Primary School, Upper Deal

Church, Sholden

St Leonard's Church, Upper Deal

The Magnet, Upper Deal London Road, Deal

Victoria Hospital, Middle Deal Park Avenue, Deal

Grange Road, Middle Deal

Fire Station, Middle Deal

Queen Street, Deal Queens Mews, Deal

South Street, Deal 5 South Street, Deal

Deal Castle, Deal Direction: Dover 541 bus Time Schedule 59 stops Dover Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday Not Operational Chapel Road, Tilmanstone Tuesday 9:30 AM Pike Road, Eythorne Wednesday Not Operational The White Horse, Eythorne Thursday Not Operational

Primary School, Eythorne Friday Not Operational

Chaucer Road, Elvington Saturday Not Operational

The Green, Elvington St. Johns Road, Eythorne Civil Parish

Milner Road Church, Elvington 541 bus Info Direction: Dover Primary School, Eythorne Stops: 59 Trip Duration: 99 min Line Summary: Chapel Road, Tilmanstone, Pike Eklr Station, Eythorne Road, Eythorne, The White Horse, Eythorne, Primary School, Eythorne, Chaucer Road, Elvington, The Post Oce, Eythorne Green, Elvington, Milner Road Church, Elvington, 2 Sandwich Road, Eythorne Civil Parish Primary School, Eythorne, Eklr Station, Eythorne, Post Oce, Eythorne, Green Lane, Eythorne, Green Lane, Eythorne Monkton Court Lane, Eythorne, Kennel Gate, Green Lane, Eythorne Civil Parish Eythorne, The Cider Works, Eythorne, Waldershare Park Gates, Eythorne, Waldershare Road, Ashley, Monkton Court Lane, Eythorne Chapel Lane, Ashley, M Stores, East Studdal, Church, Sutton, Sutton Road, Ripple, Village Hall, Great Kennel Gate, Eythorne Mongeham, Three Horseshoes, Great Mongeham, Hornbeam Primary School, Upper Deal, Church, The Cider Works, Eythorne Sholden, St Leonard's Church, Upper Deal, The Magnet, Upper Deal, Victoria Hospital, Middle Deal, Waldershare Park Gates, Eythorne Grange Road, Middle Deal, Fire Station, Middle Deal, Queen Street, Deal, South Street, Deal, Deal Castle, Waldershare Road, Ashley Deal, North Barrack Road, , Canada Road, Walmer, Lord Warden Avenue, Walmer, Dorset Court, Chapel Lane, Ashley Walmer, Hanover Close, Walmer, Primary School, Chapel Lane, Sutton Civil Parish Kingsdown, Victoria Road, Kingsdown, The Five Bells, , Queen's Rise, Ringwould, Oxney M Stores, East Studdal Bottom, Ringwould, The Swingate Inn, Guston, Old Park Barracks, Whiteld, Honeywood Close, Church, Sutton Whiteld, Tesco, Whiteld, Honeywood Close, Whiteld, Aspen Drive, Whiteld, Christ Church Sutton Road, Ripple Academy, Buckland Valley, Natal Road, Buckland Valley, Auckland Crescent, Buckland Valley, Selkirk Village Hall, Great Mongeham Road, Buckland Valley, Dunedin Drive, Buckland Valley, Winant Way, Buckland Valley, Cherry Tree Avenue, Buckland, Charlton Primary School, Dover, Three Horseshoes, Great Mongeham Dover Girls' Grammar School, Dover, Dofras Place, Dover, Pencester Road, Dover Hornbeam Primary School, Upper Deal

Church, Sholden St Leonard's Church, Upper Deal

The Magnet, Upper Deal London Road, Deal

Victoria Hospital, Middle Deal Park Avenue, Deal

Grange Road, Middle Deal

Fire Station, Middle Deal

Queen Street, Deal Queens Mews, Deal

South Street, Deal 5 South Street, Deal

Deal Castle, Deal

North Barrack Road, Walmer

Canada Road, Walmer The Strand, Deal

Lord Warden Avenue, Walmer Liverpool Road, Deal

Dorset Court, Walmer Lord Warden Avenue, Deal

Hanover Close, Walmer

Primary School, Kingsdown Glen Road, Civil Parish

Victoria Road, Kingsdown

The Five Bells, Ringwould

Queen's Rise, Ringwould

Oxney Bottom, Ringwould

The Swingate Inn, Guston

Old Park Barracks, Whiteld Honeywood Road, Whiteld Civil Parish

Honeywood Close, Whiteld 14 Whiteld Court, Whiteld Civil Parish

Tesco, Whiteld

Honeywood Close, Whiteld Honeywood Close, Whiteld Civil Parish

Aspen Drive, Whiteld

Christ Church Academy, Buckland Valley Natal Road, Buckland Valley

Auckland Crescent, Buckland Valley

Selkirk Road, Buckland Valley Vancouver Road, Dover Civil Parish

Dunedin Drive, Buckland Valley Blenheim Drive, Dover Civil Parish

Winant Way, Buckland Valley Green Lane, Dover Civil Parish

Cherry Tree Avenue, Buckland

Charlton Primary School, Dover

Dover Girls' Grammar School, Dover Frith Road, Dover

Dofras Place, Dover Hewitt Road, Dover

Pencester Road, Dover Direction: Kingsdown 541 bus Time Schedule 46 stops Kingsdown Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 9:30 AM - 12:29 PM Chapel Road, Tilmanstone Tuesday Not Operational Pike Road, Eythorne Wednesday Not Operational The White Horse, Eythorne Thursday Not Operational

Primary School, Eythorne Friday 9:30 AM - 12:29 PM

Chaucer Road, Elvington Saturday Not Operational

The Green, Elvington St. Johns Road, Eythorne Civil Parish

Milner Road Church, Elvington 541 bus Info Direction: Kingsdown Primary School, Eythorne Stops: 46 Trip Duration: 24 min Line Summary: Chapel Road, Tilmanstone, Pike Eklr Station, Eythorne Road, Eythorne, The White Horse, Eythorne, Primary School, Eythorne, Chaucer Road, Elvington, The Post Oce, Eythorne Green, Elvington, Milner Road Church, Elvington, 2 Sandwich Road, Eythorne Civil Parish Primary School, Eythorne, Eklr Station, Eythorne, Post Oce, Eythorne, Green Lane, Eythorne, Green Lane, Eythorne Monkton Court Lane, Eythorne, Kennel Gate, Green Lane, Eythorne Civil Parish Eythorne, The Cider Works, Eythorne, Waldershare Park Gates, Eythorne, Waldershare Road, Ashley, Monkton Court Lane, Eythorne Chapel Lane, Ashley, M Stores, East Studdal, Church, Sutton, Sutton Road, Ripple, Church, Great Kennel Gate, Eythorne Mongeham, Mongeham Church Close, Great Mongeham, Chalk Pits, , The Cider Works, Eythorne Crossroads, Northbourne, Chalk Pits, Little Mongeham, Mongeham Church Close, Great Waldershare Park Gates, Eythorne Mongeham, Church, Great Mongeham, Village Hall, Great Mongeham, Three Horseshoes, Great Waldershare Road, Ashley Mongeham, Hornbeam Primary School, Upper Deal, Church, Sholden, St Leonard's Church, Upper Deal, Chapel Lane, Ashley The Magnet, Upper Deal, Victoria Hospital, Middle Chapel Lane, Sutton Civil Parish Deal, Grange Road, Middle Deal, Fire Station, Middle Deal, Queen Street, Deal, South Street, Deal, Deal M Stores, East Studdal Castle, Deal, North Barrack Road, Walmer, Canada Road, Walmer, Lord Warden Avenue, Walmer, Dorset Church, Sutton Court, Walmer, Hanover Close, Walmer, Primary School, Kingsdown, Victoria Road, Kingsdown Sutton Road, Ripple

Church, Great Mongeham

Mongeham Church Close, Great Mongeham

Chalk Pits, Little Mongeham

Crossroads, Northbourne Chalk Pits, Little Mongeham

Mongeham Church Close, Great Mongeham Mongeham Church Close, Great Mongeham Civil Parish

Church, Great Mongeham

Village Hall, Great Mongeham

Three Horseshoes, Great Mongeham

Hornbeam Primary School, Upper Deal

Church, Sholden

St Leonard's Church, Upper Deal

The Magnet, Upper Deal London Road, Deal

Victoria Hospital, Middle Deal Park Avenue, Deal

Grange Road, Middle Deal

Fire Station, Middle Deal

Queen Street, Deal Queens Mews, Deal

South Street, Deal 5 South Street, Deal

Deal Castle, Deal

North Barrack Road, Walmer

Canada Road, Walmer The Strand, Deal

Lord Warden Avenue, Walmer Liverpool Road, Deal

Dorset Court, Walmer Lord Warden Avenue, Deal

Hanover Close, Walmer

Primary School, Kingsdown Glen Road, Ringwould With Kingsdown Civil Parish

Victoria Road, Kingsdown Direction: Middle Deal 541 bus Time Schedule 15 stops Middle Deal Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 10:38 AM Victoria Road, Kingsdown Tuesday Not Operational Primary School, Kingsdown Glen Road, Ringwould With Kingsdown Civil Parish Wednesday Not Operational

Osborne Road, Kingsdown Thursday Not Operational Friday 10:38 AM Lord Warden Avenue South, Walmer Saturday Not Operational Lord Warden Avenue, Walmer

Lord Warden Avenue, Walmer Liverpool Road, Deal 541 bus Info Canada Road, Walmer Direction: Middle Deal The Strand, Deal Stops: 15 Trip Duration: 21 min North Barrack Road, Walmer Line Summary: Victoria Road, Kingsdown, Primary 53 The Strand, Deal School, Kingsdown, Osborne Road, Kingsdown, Lord Warden Avenue South, Walmer, Lord Warden Avenue, Deal Castle, Deal Walmer, Lord Warden Avenue, Walmer, Canada Road, Walmer, North Barrack Road, Walmer, Deal Castle, Prince Of Wales Terrace, Deal Deal, Prince Of Wales Terrace, Deal, South Street, Prince of Wales Terrace, Deal Deal, Queen Street, Deal, Fire Station, Middle Deal, Grange Road, Middle Deal, Victoria Hospital, Middle South Street, Deal Deal 5 South Street, Deal

Queen Street, Deal Queen Street, Deal

Fire Station, Middle Deal

Grange Road, Middle Deal 86 London Road, Deal

Victoria Hospital, Middle Deal Bowling Green Lane, Deal Direction: Northbourne 541 bus Time Schedule 26 stops Northbourne Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 11:51 AM Victoria Road, Kingsdown Tuesday Not Operational Primary School, Kingsdown Glen Road, Ringwould With Kingsdown Civil Parish Wednesday Not Operational Thursday Not Operational Osborne Road, Kingsdown Friday 11:51 AM Lord Warden Avenue South, Walmer Saturday Not Operational Lord Warden Avenue, Walmer

Lord Warden Avenue, Walmer Liverpool Road, Deal 541 bus Info Canada Road, Walmer Direction: Northbourne The Strand, Deal Stops: 26 Trip Duration: 36 min North Barrack Road, Walmer Line Summary: Victoria Road, Kingsdown, Primary 53 The Strand, Deal School, Kingsdown, Osborne Road, Kingsdown, Lord Warden Avenue South, Walmer, Lord Warden Avenue, Deal Castle, Deal Walmer, Lord Warden Avenue, Walmer, Canada Road, Walmer, North Barrack Road, Walmer, Deal Castle, Prince Of Wales Terrace, Deal Deal, Prince Of Wales Terrace, Deal, South Street, Prince of Wales Terrace, Deal Deal, Queen Street, Deal, Fire Station, Middle Deal, Grange Road, Middle Deal, Victoria Hospital, Middle South Street, Deal Deal, The Magnet, Upper Deal, St Leonard's Church, 5 South Street, Deal Upper Deal, Church, Sholden, Hornbeam Primary School, Upper Deal, Leather Bottle, Upper Deal, Three Queen Street, Deal Horseshoes, Great Mongeham, Village Hall, Great Queen Street, Deal Mongeham, Church, Great Mongeham, Mongeham Church Close, Great Mongeham, Chalk Pits, Little Fire Station, Middle Deal Mongeham, Crossroads, Northbourne

Grange Road, Middle Deal 86 London Road, Deal

Victoria Hospital, Middle Deal Bowling Green Lane, Deal

The Magnet, Upper Deal 267 London Road, Deal

St Leonard's Church, Upper Deal

Church, Sholden

Hornbeam Primary School, Upper Deal Sampson Court, Deal Civil Parish

Leather Bottle, Upper Deal 103 Mongeham Road, Deal Civil Parish

Three Horseshoes, Great Mongeham 139 Mongeham Road, Great Mongeham Civil Parish

Village Hall, Great Mongeham

Church, Great Mongeham

Mongeham Church Close, Great Mongeham

Chalk Pits, Little Mongeham

Crossroads, Northbourne Direction: Tilmanstone 541 bus Time Schedule 65 stops Tilmanstone Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 1:01 PM Pencester Road, Dover Tuesday 12:29 PM Priory Street, Dover Priory Street, Dover Wednesday Not Operational Thursday Not Operational Charlton Centre, Dover High Street, Dover Friday 1:01 PM

Templar Street, Dover Saturday Not Operational 322 London Road, Dover

Shooter's Hill, Dover Shooters Hill, Dover 541 bus Info Cherry Tree Avenue, Buckland Direction: Tilmanstone London Road, Dover Stops: 65 Trip Duration: 68 min Eric Road, Buckland Line Summary: Pencester Road, Dover, Priory Street, Eric Road, Dover Civil Parish Dover, Charlton Centre, Dover, Templar Street, Dover, Shooter's Hill, Dover, Cherry Tree Avenue, Buckland, Buckland Bridge, Buckland Eric Road, Buckland, Buckland Bridge, Buckland, 1 Buckland Avenue, Dover Civil Parish Winant Way, Buckland Valley, Dunedin Drive, Buckland Valley, Selkirk Road, Buckland Valley, Winant Way, Buckland Valley Auckland Crescent, Buckland Valley, Natal Road, Colorado Close, Dover Civil Parish Buckland Valley, Christ Church Academy, Buckland Valley, Aspen Drive, Whiteld, Honeywood Close, Dunedin Drive, Buckland Valley Whiteld, Tesco, Whiteld, Honeywood Close, Montreal Close, Dover Civil Parish Whiteld, Old Park Barracks, Whiteld, The Swingate Inn, Guston, Oxney Bottom, Ringwould, Queen's Rise, Selkirk Road, Buckland Valley Ringwould, The Five Bells, Ringwould, Victoria Road, Kingsdown, Primary School, Kingsdown, Osborne Auckland Crescent, Buckland Valley Road, Kingsdown, Lord Warden Avenue South, Walmer, Lord Warden Avenue, Walmer, Lord Warden Natal Road, Buckland Valley Avenue, Walmer, Canada Road, Walmer, North Barrack Road, Walmer, Deal Castle, Deal, Prince Of Christ Church Academy, Buckland Valley Wales Terrace, Deal, South Street, Deal, Queen Street, Deal, Fire Station, Middle Deal, Grange Road, Middle Aspen Drive, Whiteld Deal, Victoria Hospital, Middle Deal, The Magnet, Upper Deal, St Leonard's Church, Upper Deal, Church, Honeywood Close, Whiteld Sholden, Hornbeam Primary School, Upper Deal, Leather Bottle, Upper Deal, Three Horseshoes, Great 14 Whiteld Court, Whiteld Civil Parish Mongeham, Village Hall, Great Mongeham, Sutton Tesco, Whiteld Road, Ripple, Church, Sutton, M Stores, East Studdal, Chapel Lane, Ashley, Waldershare Road, Ashley, Waldershare Park Gates, Eythorne, The Cider Works, Honeywood Close, Whiteld Eythorne, Kennel Gate, Eythorne, Monkton Court Honeywood Close, Whiteld Civil Parish Lane, Eythorne, Green Lane, Eythorne, Post Oce, Eythorne, Eklr Station, Eythorne, Primary School, Old Park Barracks, Whiteld Eythorne, Chaucer Road, Elvington, The Green, Honeywood Road, Whiteld Civil Parish Elvington, Milner Road Church, Elvington, Primary School, Eythorne, The White Horse, Eythorne, Pike The Swingate Inn, Guston Road, Eythorne, Chapel Road, Tilmanstone Oxney Bottom, Ringwould Queen's Rise, Ringwould

The Five Bells, Ringwould

Victoria Road, Kingsdown

Primary School, Kingsdown Glen Road, Ringwould With Kingsdown Civil Parish

Osborne Road, Kingsdown

Lord Warden Avenue South, Walmer

Lord Warden Avenue, Walmer

Lord Warden Avenue, Walmer Liverpool Road, Deal

Canada Road, Walmer The Strand, Deal

North Barrack Road, Walmer 53 The Strand, Deal

Deal Castle, Deal

Prince Of Wales Terrace, Deal Prince of Wales Terrace, Deal

South Street, Deal 5 South Street, Deal

Queen Street, Deal Queen Street, Deal

Fire Station, Middle Deal

Grange Road, Middle Deal 86 London Road, Deal

Victoria Hospital, Middle Deal Bowling Green Lane, Deal

The Magnet, Upper Deal 267 London Road, Deal

St Leonard's Church, Upper Deal

Church, Sholden

Hornbeam Primary School, Upper Deal Sampson Court, Deal Civil Parish

Leather Bottle, Upper Deal 103 Mongeham Road, Deal Civil Parish

Three Horseshoes, Great Mongeham 139 Mongeham Road, Great Mongeham Civil Parish

Village Hall, Great Mongeham Sutton Road, Ripple

Church, Sutton

M Stores, East Studdal

Chapel Lane, Ashley Chapel Lane, Sutton Civil Parish

Waldershare Road, Ashley

Waldershare Park Gates, Eythorne

The Cider Works, Eythorne

Kennel Gate, Eythorne Kennel Hill, Tilmanstone Civil Parish

Monkton Court Lane, Eythorne

Green Lane, Eythorne Green Lane, Eythorne Civil Parish

Post Oce, Eythorne 2 Sandwich Road, Eythorne Civil Parish

Eklr Station, Eythorne Shooters Hill, Eythorne Civil Parish

Primary School, Eythorne

Chaucer Road, Elvington

The Green, Elvington St. Johns Road, Eythorne Civil Parish

Milner Road Church, Elvington

Primary School, Eythorne

The White Horse, Eythorne

Pike Road, Eythorne

Chapel Road, Tilmanstone 541 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or Check Live Arrival Times subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in London. About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved