North Cumbria Fisheries Advisory Committee 1st April, 1980.

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Publisher North West Water Authority

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Dawson House, Great Sankey Warrington WA5 3LW Telephone Penketh 4321

F2/A5 25th Match, 1980

To: Members of the North Cumbria Fisheries Advisory Committee:

(Messrs. E. P. Ecroyd (Chairman); A. E. I. Bell; E. Cave; T. Cousins; A. C. Findlay; B. Irving; J. S. Marshall; Win. McKenna; R. K. Nicholson; J. Thompson; Dr. I.J. Faulkner; and the Chairman of the Authority (G. Mann); and the Vice Chairman of the Authority (A. Richardson); and the Chairman of the Regional Fisheries Advisory Committee (T. A. F. Barnes) (ex officio))

Dear Member,

A meeting of the NORTH CUMBRIA FISHERIES ADVISORY COMMITTEE will be held at 2.30 P.M. on TUESDAY, 1ST APRIL, 1980, in the NORTH CUMBRIA AREA OFFICE OF THE RIVERS DIVISION, CHERTSEY HILL, LONDON ROAD, CARLISLE, for consideration of the following business.

Yours faithfully,


Director of Administration.


1. Apologies for absence.

2. Minutes of the meeting held on 8th January, 1980 and joint meeting with Lune, Wyre and Furness Committee held on 14th February 1980 (enclosed herewith together with Minutes of the meeting of the Regional Fisheries Advisory Committee held on 4th February, 1980). -2-

3. Draft netting rights - River Eden.

4. Rod and line licence duties.

5. Salmon coops - River Eden and River Derwent.

6. British Gas Corporation - pipeline project.

7. Fishing byelaw 14 - baiting.

8. Goosanders and mergansers.

9. Calendar of meetings.

10. Report by the Area Fisheries Officer on fisheries activities.

11. Any other business.



Present: E.P. Ecroyd Esq. (Chairman) A.E.I. Bell, Esq. B. Irving, Esq. E. Cave, Esq. J.S. Marshall, Esq. T. Cousins. Esq. Wm. McKenna, Esq. A.C. Findlay, Esq. R.K. Nicholson, Esq. J. Thompson, Esq.


Apologies for absence from the meeting were received from Mr.T.A.F. Barnes, Mr. G. Mann and Mr. A. Richardson.


The Chairman introduced Mr. J. Thompson and welcomed him to his .first meeting of the Advisory Committee.



That the Minutes of the last meeting of the Committee held on 16th October, 1979, be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


On 12th November, 1979, (Minute No.22) the Regional Committee resolved that the existing net and fixed engine licence duties within the Authority area be reviewed and a report be submitted to their next meeting in February of this year; the report to include appropriate comparisons with duties for similar instruments in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

The Regional Fisheries Officer reported the results of his continuing enquiries concerning comparable duties throughout the British Isles following which, the Committee discussed various aspects of the review.


That Members consult their associations and clubs on the review of net and fixed engine licence duties and submit any obser­ vations to the next meeting of the Committee on 1st April, 1980.


The EEC had adopted several Directives setting water quality objectives for a variety of purposes in the marine and freshwater environment. The aim of this Directive was to protect or improve the quality of those running or standing fresh waters which supported -2-

or which, if pollution were reduced or eliminated, would become capable of supporting freshwater fish. In this connection parameters to be applied to fresh waters were specified, imperative (mandatory) and guideline values were given.

In accordance with the requirements of the Directive the Authority had now drawn up an initial list of designated waters classified as salmonid or cyprinid and incorporated the list in a Consultation Paper which had been circulated widely among local authorities and interested organisations in the region. The list would be finalised and forwarded to DoE in May of this year for submission to the EEC by July, 1980.

DoE had advised that the implementation of the Directive should not unduly affect the Authority's capital expenditure programme and consequently at this stage the designated waters comprised those which currently met the desired standards.

The Committee was informed that further investigations had enabled the officers to add the following Salmonid waters to the list:-

Argill (tributary of the R.Bela), Marton Beck and Swindale Beck (tributaries of Trout Beck), Ramsgill, Bannerdale Beck and Boredale Beck (tributaries of Ramsgill), and Hazelrigg Beck (tributary of Glassonby Beck).

In receiving the report the Committee requested that officers investigate the practicality of including the Boundary, Cargo and Rockcliffe Becks in the initial list of designated waters.


The Area Fisheries Officer presented his report on fisheries activities within the area since the last meeting of the Committee and referred in particular to river conditions and fishing; management of and work carried out at the hatchery; fish mortalities and the collection of brood fish.

The Committee noted that the occurrence of salmon which had survived to spawn a second time probably provided the most encouraging evidence of the declining virulence of UDN; in addition to which very few fish had been seen displaying any of the symptoms associated with the disease.

The effects on the fish population of removing coarse fish from the rivers were discussed in some detail. -3-


That the report be received and approved.


The Committee gave consideration to a report on a draft Project Plan prepared by Dr.Peter Maitland of the Institute of Terrestrial Ecology outlining alternative costings for a three year project to establish the populations of goosanders and mergansers throughout the region and their impact on juvenile salmonids.

The costings varied from a minimum of £37,500 to a maximum of £66,000.


That Dr.Maitland be formally thanked for his assistance, but that no action be taken at the present time to implement the project. F1/A14 MINUTES OF A JOINT MEETING OF THE NORTH CUMBRIA AND LUNE, WYRE AND FURNESS FISHERIES ADVISORY COMMITTEES


Present: W. Bailey, Esq. Dr. I.J. Faulkner, R. Barratt, Esq. J. H. Fell, Esq. J. M. Croft, Esq. R. Harper, Es q . E. P. Ecroyd, Esq. A. L. Harris, Esq. J. Thompson, Esq.

In attendance: R.D. Houghton, Esq., (Chairman, South Fisheries Advisory Committee)



That Mr. E. P. Ecroyd be appointed Chairman of this joint meeting of the Advisory Committees.



Apologies for absence from the meeting were received from Mr. A.E.I. Bell, Mr. E. Cave, Mr. R.A. Challenor, Dr. J.V. Dyer, Mr. A.C. Findlay, Mr. B. Irving, Mr. Wm. McKenna and Mr. H.B. Whittam.


At their meetings in January, both Committees adjourned consideration of this matter to enable Members to consult relevant associations. However, on 4th February, the Regional Committee resolved that a special joint meeting of the North Cumbria and the Lune, Wyre and Furness Advisory Committees be held at an early date to finalise observations.

The Regional Committee was also informed on that day that the Finance and Personnel Sub-Committee in considering Estimates and Charges for 1980/81 had recommended that the Regional Committee be instructed to formulate proposals for increases in fishing licence duties to be effective from 1st January, 1981, of a level at least equal to forecast increases in inflation up to and including 1981; this recommendation being subsequently approved by the Authority on 11th February.

Consideration was given to the licence duties applying to the nets and fixed engines throughout the region, and having regard to the duty placed on the Regional Committee by the Authority, it was considered appropriate that the duties should be increased by approximately 50%, with the exception of the duties applying to nets operating in the River Lune estuary; those duties to be subject to a 50% increase less 15%, in the light of the additional restrictions in fishing time being imposed by byelaw on the Lune netsman with effect from 1st April, 1980. -2-


That the licence duties for nets and fixed engines throughout the region be amended with effect from 1st January, 1981 as set out below thereby achieving an increase of 44.4% in the income derived from this source, subject to the comments of the Derwent and West Cumbria Advisory Committee at their next meeting.

Net Number and Present Revenue Suggested Anticipated Location Duty received New Duty Revenue £ £ £ £

Drift 4 (Cumbria coast) 78 312 12 5 500

10 (Lune) 104 1040 133 1330

6 (Ribble) 52 312 80 480

Draft 2 (Eden) 195 390 300 600

3 (Duddon) 71.50 214.50 110 330

1 (Lune) 91 91 116 116

Haaf 26 (Lune) 39 1014 51 1326

175 (Solway) 16.90 2957 25 4375

Lave 6 (Leven) 32.50 195 50 300

8 (Kent) 39 312 60 480

Fixed 2 (Eden coops) 117 234 175 350 Engines 1 (Derwent coops) 260 260 390 390

1 (Ravenglass 130 130 195 195 garth)



Present: T. A. F. Barnes, Esq. (Chairman) J. S. Bailey, Esq. W. F. Hobson, Esq. A. G. R. Brown, Esq. R. D. Houghton, Esq. J. M. Croft, Esq. J. Johnson, Esq. E. P. Ecroyd, Esq. R. A. Parkin, Esq. T. M. Farrer, Esq. Major J. G. W. Skipwith J. H. Fell, Esq. L. B.- Williams, Esq. G. Wilson, Esq.


The Chairman welcomed Major J. G. W. Skipwith to his first meeting of the Committee.


Apologies for absence from the meeting were received from Mrs. W. Lomas, Mr. Wm. McKenna, Mr. G. Mann and Mr. A. Richardson.



That the Minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 12th November, 1979, be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


A. Derwent and West Cumbria

The Chairman of the Derwent and West Cumbria Advisory Committee submitted the proceedings of the meeting held on 7th January, 1980.

The Committee was informed that in relation to Minute No. 18 regarding representation on the Special Sub-Committee, set up to make decisions on matters arising in connection with the Public Inquiry into water supply for West Cumbria, the Chairman of the Authority had invited Mr. T. A. F. Barnes to be present at meetings of the Sub-Committee when matters with fisheries implications were to be discussed.


(1) That the Minutes of the meeting of the Derwent and West Cumbria Advisory Committee held on 7th January, 1980, be received and that the recommendation contained in Minute No. 17 (EEC Directive on the quality of freshwaters) be considered under the appropriate agenda item.

(2) That in the light of the decision taken by the Chairman of the Authority; the recommendation contained in Minute No. 18 be not approved. NorthII. ■ - ... ..Cumbria ■ MU, I . The Chairman of the North Cumbria Advisory Committee submitted the Minutes of the proceedings of the meeting held on 8th January, 1980.


That the Minutes of the meeting of the North Cumbria Advisory Committee held on 8th January, 1980, be received and that the recommendation contained in Minute No. 17 (Survey of goosanders and mergansers) be approved.

South Lancashire

The Chairman of the South Lancashire Advisory Committee submitted the proceedings of the meetings held on l-3th December, 1979, and 9th January, 1980.

In considering the detailed recommendation relating to the proposals for the development of Stocks Reservoir as a trout fishery (Minute No. 12, 13th December, 1979) The Committee appreciated the management problems associated with the site, which formed a major part of the the estimated high capital costs and annual net expenditure associated with the proposals. Even so these figures had been reduced to the absolute minimum having due regard to the necessary safety standards to be observed. The Committee noted the unlikelihood of grant-aid being forthcoming from the Sports Council.

The officers undertook to seek an alternative site which could be established as a still water trout fishery at less cost, and concurrently to consider the future management alternatives for Stocks Reservoir.

The Chairman emphasised that there w|as no intention of converting an existing coarse fishery to provide the facility of a still water trout fishery.


(1) That the Minutes of the meetings of the South Lancashire Advisory Committee held on 13th December, 1979 and 9th January, 1980 b$ received.

(2) That the recommendation contained in Minute No. 12, 13th December, 1979, (Stocks Reservoir) be not approved and the Water Management Committee be advised that in view of the present financial climate, the development of Stocks Reservoir primarily as a trout fishery be postponed, but that any development of an alternative site as a trout fishery be not allowed to prejudice the future development of Stocks Reservoir as such. -3-

(3) That the recommendation contained in Minute No 18, 9th January, 1980, (Market Survey at Worthington Lakes) be not approved and the Recreation Sub-Committee be advised that this Committee recommends that Worthington Lake be retained as a coarse fishery for a minimum period of 5 years.

(4) That recommendations Numbered 16 (Net and fixed engine licence duties) and 17 (EEC Directive on the quality of freshwaters) 9th January, 1980, be considered under the appropriate agenda items.

D. Lune, Wyre and Furness

The Chairman of the Lune, Wyre and Furness Advisory Committee submitted the proceedings of the meetings held on 13th December, 1979, and 10th January, 1980.

On 13th December, 1979, the Committee had considered, inter alia, amendments to the proposed byelaws for the River Lune which had been suggested by MAFF and the Committee had recommended further amendments which were subsequently accepted by MAFF.

After consultation with the Chairman of the Regional Committee the Chairman of the Authority, acting under his delegated powers for matters of urgency, gave formal approval to the Local Committee's recommendations to ensure the byelaws would be operative on 1st April, 1980 for a three year period.


(1) That the Minutes of the meetings of the Lune, Wyre and Furness Advisory Committee held on 13th December, 1979 and 10th January, 1980, be received.

(2) That the recommendations contained in Minutes numbered 21 (Survey of goosanders and mergansers) and 27 (Netting practice on the Lune estuary) 10th January, 1980, be approved.

(3) That with the substitution of the words "in appropriate juvenile form" for the word "smolts", the recommendation contained in Minute No. 29 (Stocking - River Crake) 10th January, 1980, be approved.

E. Mersey and Weaver

The Chairman of the Mersey and Weaver Advisory Committee submitted the proceedings of the meeting held on 16th January, 1980. _4-

Strong concern was expressed at the lack of an adequate bailiffing force in the Mersey and Weaver area; Associations being extremely keen to receive advice on fishery management and an acceptable level of patrols to ensure the enforcement of the licensing provisions, being required.


(1) That the Minutes of the meeting of the Mersey and Weaver Advisory Committee held on 16th January, 1980, be received.

(2) That the recommendation contained in Minute No. 14 (Bailiffing Staff - Mersey and Weaver Area) be not approved, and the following recommendation to the Finance and Personnel Sub-Committee be substituted therefore.

(3) That the recommendation contained in Minute No. 17 (EEC Directive on the quality of freshwaters) be considered under the appropriate agenda item.


That in view of the considerably increased income expected to accrue from licensed angling, and the requests for advice on fishery management in the Mersey and Weaver area, the bailiffing staff in the area be strengthened as a matter of urgency.


A schedule was submitted incorporating comparative duties paid in respect of nets and fixed engines in Eire, Northern Ireland and four water authorities.

In reviewing the duties, the aim was to achieve an increase in revenue of approximately 50%, in line with the increase which it was anticipated would be produced by the rod and line licence duties introduced on 1st January, 1980.

The observations of the local committees were sought at the January round of meetings, when the following recommendation was forthcoming:-

Derwent and West Cumbria and South Lancashire

"That the officers make recommendations to the Regional Committee concerning the review of licence duties applicable to nets and fixed engines in the light of their knowledge of all the circumstances prevailing".

The North Cumbria and Lune, Wyre and Furness Advisory Committees adjourned consideration of the matter until their next meeting when Members would have had an opportunity for consultation with the relevant Associations. - 5 -


That a joint meeting of the North Cumbria and Lune, Wyre and Furness Advisory Committees be convened at an early date, for their final consideration of this matter; following which the Chairman of the Authority and the Chairman of the Committee be requested to approve recommendations for submission to the Policy and Resources Committee.


The EEC had adopted several directives setting water quality objectives for a variety of purposes in the marine and freshwater environment.

The aim of this directive was to protect or improve the quality of those running or standing freshwaters which supported or which, if pollution were reduced or eliminated, would become capable of supporting freshwater fish. In this connection parameters to be applied to freshwaters were specified , and imperative (mandatory) and guideline values were given.

In accordance with the requirements of the Directive the Authority had drawn up an initial list of designated waters classified as salmonid or cyprinid and incorporated the list in a Consultation Paper which had been submitted for observation to the local committees and circulated widely among local authorities and interested organisations in the region. The list would be finalised and forwarded to DOE in May for submission to EEC by July 1980.

The Committee noted that DOE had advised that the implementation of the directive should not unduly affect the Authority's capital expenditure programme and consequently at this stage the designated waters comprised those which currently met the desired standards.

The following recommendations were forthcoming from the January round of local committee meetings:-

Derwent and West Cumbria

"That the River Keekle be added to the list of designated freshwaters and the possibility of including Lostrigg Beck in the list be investigated".

South Lancashire

"That canals within the region be surveyed with the object of designating those reaches which conform to the standards required by the directive".

Mersey and Weaver

"That the Authority aim to designate all recognised fisheries within the region as and when finance become available". <5

- 6 -


(1) That as improvements in the quality of the River Keekle and Lostrigg Beck are of a long term nature and could not, within the specified time period meet the criteria laid down by the directive the recommendation of the Derwent and West Cumbria Advisory Committee contained in Minute No. 17, 7th January, 1980, be not approved.

(2) That the recommendations of the South Lancashire and Mersey and Weaver Advisory Committees contained in their respective Minute No. 17, be approved for consideration by the Policy and Resources Committee.


It was reported that the Finance and Personnel Sub-Committee were recommending to the Policy and Resources Committee that this Committee be instructed to formulate the proposals for increases in fishing licence duties to be effective from 1st January, 1981, of a level at least equal to forecast increases in inflation up to and including 1981.


That the the Local Advisory Committees be informed accordingly and their observations together with a full report be submitted to the next meeting of the Committee.


The Chairman of the Derwent and West Cumbria Advisory Committee expressed concern regarding the alternative proposal for water supply to BNFL, brought forward, for the first time, at the Public Inquiry; whereby supply could be piped directly from Ennerdale Lake to the Company's premises at Windscale, thereby depriving the River Ehen of that flow of water, with the consequent pressure on the fisheries of th e r i v e r .


1ST APRIL, 1980


1. Since July 1977, investigations of ownership of the draft netting rights on the lower part of the River Eden have been proceeding as a preliminary to assessing the cost of acquiring the rights. Essen­ tially the rights belong to the owners of land fronting onto the river, but this ownership has become fragmented through the long standing system of boat rights, whereby an individual has a right to use a boat either exclusively or at intervals with other boats. The sub-division of the boat rights into many fractional parts has resulted in the dispersion of the net rights amongst an unknown number of part owners.

2. The only draft netting which now takes place on the river is that carried out by the partnership of Mrs. M.B.C. Faulder and Mr. & Mrs. R.D. Harrison, who lease the rights of the Lowther Estates and own or lease part or all of the 18 boat rights which are believed to exist.

3. In September 1977, a meeting took place attended by Mr. E.P. Ecroyd, a representative from the Authority's Estates Section and a Mr. J. Westoll acting in the capacity of go-between for the Faulder/Harrison partnership. A document was produced at the meeting detailing the terms drawn up by the Partnership for which they would give up their draft netting interests. Estates requested details of the Part­ nership' s interests and of income expenditure in order to prepare a valuation. This request for information was refused and on a number of occasions since the meeting similar requests have been ignored or bluntly refused.

4. The proposed terms submitted by the Partnership through Mr. Westoll were:-

(i) Compensation to be paid to the partnership (Mrs. M.B.C. Faulder, Mr. R.D. Harrison and Mrs. A. Harrison) of £50,000.

(ii) Authority to take over the partnership rights and liabilities under a Lease dated 14th day of June 1960 with the Earl of Lonsdale at a current rental of £500 per annum.

(iii) Terms to be negotiated with Carlisle Corporation for the acquisition of their Free Boat, and with known owners for the acquisition of 6 boat rights in Cargo and one and three eighths boat rights in Stainton from known owners, and two fishing huts which are at present leased. -2-

(iv) payments of £1,000 and £500, plus any redundancy payments, to be made to two fishermen who have worked for the Partner­ ship for 42 years and 12 years respectively. Redundancy payments or jobs offered in lieu to other two short term fishermen.

(v) The house known as King Garth and the field adjoining - O.S. No.1299 extending to 2.669 acres and O .S. No. 509 extending to 0.517 acres to be excluded from the sale. The Authority to permit discharge from a septic tank to be installed at King Garth, subject to satisfactory standard of effluent discharging into the water course.

(vi) Four Rods to be reserved in perpetuity for the Partnership from North British Bridge downstream to the Solway Firth, and the number of rods to be let by the Authority to be limited to an agreed number.

(vii) All nets and boats owned by the Partnership (except two Rod Boats) to be acquired by the Authority at valuation.

(viii) All necessary legal fees relating to the acquisition to be paid by the Authority.

5. If the capital sum of £50,000 is accepted, plus the other items listed above, but excluding the value of four rods to be reserved for the Partnership in perpetuity, the total compensation could amount to £75,000. In addition to this it would be necessary to acquire the Lowther Estate and other boat rights not owned by the Partnership, for which a capital sum of £50,000 has been suggested, thus giving a total of £125,000 to acquire known rights, but not necessarily all existing rights, Because the appropriate information has not been disclosed, the Assistant Director, Estates is unable to produce detailed valuations to support the £125,000 or otherwise, but from the limited informat ion which he has could probably show a value in excess of £100,000 for the known rights.

6. During the period 1972-78 inclusive, the mean reported draft net catch was 870 salmon and grilse, with a mean weight of approximately 7.5 lbs. Assuming that anglers will crop approximately 25% of these fish, the additional rod catch might be expected to be about 220 fish per year and on a basis of capital value of £500 per rod caught salmon would add £110,000 to the value of the rod fisheries on the River Eden.

7. Because of the uncertainty in what would be acquired for the estimated £100,000 to £120,000, it is recommended that the Authority should not consider the acquisition by negotiation of the draft netting rights on the River Eden. If the Authority feel that expenditure of this order is justified, consideration might be given to seeking 3-

an amendment to the byelaws to prohibit draft netting in this part of the River Eden. If the amendment to byelaws were approved, compensation would be payable, probably of the same order as that now being discussed and there would be no doubt of the extent of the reduction in netting rights.

8. The Authority agreed on 17th March, 1980 to take a 21 year lease of the Carlisle City boat right at a cost of £225 per annum in view of the comparatively small expenditure, and the necessity for this right should the whole of the other rights be acquired or extinguished by byelaws.

9. Before contemplating taking any further action of any description the Authority will need to be completely satisfied that the expenditure of money of the order mentioned solely for the benefit of the Eden fishery is fully justified not only in relation to that fishery but in relation to fisheries expenditure generally throughout the region, as clearly the amount spent in extinguishing the draft netting rights will be unavailable for the benefit of fisheries elsewhere.

10. Should the Authority decide that the expenditure was justified in principle the appropriate sum would require to be included in the capital programme and the Capital Programming Sub-Committee would recommend the financial year in which the expenditure could be incurred. Fl/Bll NORTH WEST WATER AUTHORITY


1ST APRIL, 1980


1. On 11th February the Authority considered Estimates and Charges for 1980-81 and approved, inter alia, the following recommendation:-

"That the Regional Fisheries Advisory Committee be instructed to formulate proposals for increases in fishing licence duties to be effective from 1st January, 1981 of a level at least equal to forecast increases in inflation up to and including 1981."

2. As net and fixed engine licence duties are currently under review with a view to introducing the new duties from 1st January, 1981, this report is confined to making proposals in regard to rod and line duties.

3. The rod and line duties were reviewed in 1978 with a view to introducing a two licence structure to come into operation of 1st January, 1979. It was estimated that income from those proposals would produce £284,000 which was 40% of the gross estimated expenditure on fisheries (£710,000) in 1977-78. The two-tier licence system was unacceptable to MAFF and the existing licence duties remained in operation for 1979. Revised proposals estimated to produce £276,000 were submitted in June 1979 and approved and came into operation on 1st January, 1980.

4. In view of the above history and the fact that the new duties came into operation during the financial year 1979-80 it seems reasonable to take the probable gross expenditure on fisheries in 1979-80 as a base point and measure forecast increases from that point. The estimated expenditure for 1980-81, which allows for inflation, has recently been approved in the Authority Budget. The 1981-82 expenditure is estimated to be the 1980-81 figure plus 20%. The 20% is the current annual rate of inflation which seems hardly likely to be reduced in the foreseeable future and may, according to some forecasters, prove to be inadequate. The figures are shown below:-

£('000) Index

1979-80 Probable 966 100 1980-81 Estimate 1174 121 j.93i-S2 55C1.U3CS {S3.y} -■4?'

5. To conform with the instruction of the Authority it is necessary therefore to increase licence duties by 45% and it is recommended that the duties be as follows on 1st January, 1981. -2-

Present Duty Revised Duty £ p £ p r“ Salmon Whole Area

Season Adult 15.00 21.70 Part Season from June 1 10.00 14.50 Season Junior etc. 7.50 10.90 Part Season Junior from June 1 5.00 7.20 7 day 2.50 3.70

Migratory Trout Whole Area

Season Adult 5.00 7.20 Season Junior etc. 2.50 3.60 7 day 1.00 1.50

Non Migratory Trout (Brown Trout, Rainbow Trout & Char) Freshwater Fish and Eels

Season Adult 3.00 4.30 Season Junior 1.50 2.20 7 day .50 .80

Commercial Eel Fishing

Fixed Eel Traps 25.00 per trap 36.25 Eel or Fyke nets .50 per net .75 Traps, Putcheons or Baskets 5.00 per 25 (or 7.25 part thereof).

(A straight increase of 45% would result in a number of duties ending in five pence. To facilitate giving change, season duties have been rounded down to the nearest ten pence and seven day duties rounded up to the nearest ten pence). Hem N& 5 i F1/B24 NORTH WEST WATER AUTHORITY


1ST APRIL, 1980


1. A letter has been received from Castle Fisheries querying the present arrangement for the operation and licensing of coops the Rivers Eden and Derwent (copy of letter attached). The general arrangement of the coops on each river is shown on the attached plans for Members information.

2. The season on the River Eden is from the 1st March to the 31st August and the licence fee is £117 per coop, while the season on the Rivet Derwent is from the 1st April to 31st August and the licence fee is £260 per coop. There are three coops of differing widths on the River Eden but only two are used at any one time with a total width of any two traps ranging from 25' - 9" to 23' 0". The Derwent coop has a trap width of 61 - 1*?". Both rivers are approximately the same width at this point.

3. The River Eden flows on both sides of the islands adjacent to the Eden coops and there is always a flow in both channels even at times of low flow. To some extent the same position exists on the River Derwent but at times of low flow the entire flow down the channel on which the coop is situated will pass through the coop and the free gap.

4. It is evident that the Eden coops occupy a greater proportion of the river channel width than the Derwent coop. No information is avail­ able on the quantity of water passing through each coop and to obtain this for the differing river levels would be a long and difficult exercise. The Authority's policy, however, is to licence on the potential fish catch. This is not necessarily linked to the width of channel occupied or the quantity of water passing through the trap. From details of the catch returns from the coops since 1966 it is apparent that the River Derwent has a greater potential catch and this is reflected in the present level of coop fees. However, the record of catches returned by the operatives of the River Derwent coop shows a sharp drop in catches since 1970 while the Eden coops return, despite wide variation in the annual catch since 1966 shows no clear trend in either direction.

5. other factors to be taken into consideration on the River Derwent are the effect of drainage from the A.66 following the sulphide pollution in 1975 and the water abstraction via the Little Derwent. The only known adverse effect of the A.66 pollution has been on two small nursery streams. The abstraction arrangements on the Little Derwent have only a marginal overall effect and it is estimated that the majority of fish continue to run up the River Derwent. Rod catch returns from the River Derwent have shown comparatively little variation and it is difficult to see why the coop catch should have declined so markedly.

6. The Committee is asked to consider whether there is any justification in the light of the above facts, for a reduction in the present licence duty on the Derwent coop. CASTLE FISHERIES ESTATE OFFICE EGREMONT ESTATE COMPANY COCKERMOUTH CASTLE. Dt*gGTO*B ! COCKERMOUTH 1.0*0KSNKMONT B.AOY BORSMONT manaoik: a, a. pavnc CUMBRIA CA! 3 9Z aownt*• Mmana, smitha cone TELEPHONE C O C K C R M Q U T M (0600) fi2347?/3/4


Director of Administration North West Water Authority Dawson House, Great Sankey, Warrington, WA5 3LW.

Dear Sir j FILE. ( On the 13th November 1978 I wrote to you on behalf ©f Castle Fisheries in respect ©f the opening dates and in particular the season for cooping on the River Derwent. In reply to this letter you did promise to look into the matter.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that over the last few years the licence fee for operating the coops has risen from to £260: the coop licence on the River Eden costs £117: the season on the River Derwent is from the 1st April until the last day of August; on the River Eden the season is from 1st March to 10th September. I am afraid that I am at a loss to understand why the difference should be, both in the price of their coops and in the length of season they are allowed to operate and I should be obliged if the Authority could give me an answer to the above. I understand that there is a proposal being put forward to increase the licence duty of the coops on the River Derwent yet again. If this is in fact correct, on behalf ©f the Castle Fisheries I must strongly object to any increase whatsoever. Apart from the anomalies stated above I would draw your attention to the fact that due to pollution,i.e. the A.66 which has in fact made a significant difference t® the catches of fish in the whole of the river Derwent,together with the changing of the main flow ©f the River Derwent into the Little Derwent for water abstraction purposes, the main run of fish bypass the coop’s weir and therefore in my ©pinion any alteration to the licence fee would be totally wrong and I sincerely hope that the Authority will realise that the Derwent Coop has been overrated in the past and that it will not be necessary for me to take this matter to arbitration. Tours faithfully

VAT N.i 2fS7l5??66 Fishery Manager

4 9 2 1 -459 § Wetheral Abbey Sheepwash / O'1 Trough S'- / j /' etheral Abbey/„ ® / (Remainsof) / S>/

Corby Castle Coops, River Eden. 9/ «/

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1ST APRIL, 1980


1. The Authority has been advised by the British Gas Corporation of the proposal to construct (a) a 36" diameter pipeline between the Corporation's existing sites at Longtown, near Carlisle, and Lupton, near Kirkby Lonsdale which will also involve the construction of a Junction Station in the Milnthorpe area (Section I), and (b) a 42" diameter pipeline between the proposed Junction Station near Milnthorpe and a proposed Coastal Gas Reception Terminal near Barrow-in-Furness at Westfield Point (Section II). Work on the project is due to commence in Spring 1981 and should be completed in October, 1982. Section I is for the reinforcement of National Gas Transmission System. Section II is wholly associated with onshore pipeline works to connect with the preferred coastal terminal site for the Morecambe Bay Gas Field, which lies approximately 25 miles west of in the Irish Sea.

2. Details of the proposed route have been sent to the Authority for initial comment. Discussions are now commencing with the Corporation's Project HQ at Lockerbie to advise upon the special requirements of the Authority, particularly in respect of the protection of watercourses fisheries and drainage areas. These will include measures to ensure that all possible precautions are taken to secure effective protection against the pollution of and damage to, fisheries and spawning grounds. The phasing of the programme of work which involve the crossing of watercourses will also be discussed with the Corporation.

3. An officer from Rivers Division has been given the specific responsibility of Project Officer to liaise with the Corporation (and their eventual appointed Contractors) regarding all the river manage­ ment interests. The Area Fisheries Officer will also be closely involved with all phases of the project, and progress reports will be made to the Committee as appropriate. Plans showing the route of the gas pipelines will be available for inspection at the meeting. Item No. 7



1ST APRIL, 1980


1. At a meeting of the Lancashire Fisheries Consultative Association on 15th January, 1980, the provisions of Fisheries Byelaw No. 14 were discussed against the background of the general review of Fisheries Byelaws to be carried out during 1980. A copy of Byelaw 14 is attached for Members' information.

2. it was claimed by members of the Association that in addition to worms, wide use was made of such baits as caddis grubs, dock grubs and similar substitutes for maggots during the period between 15th March and 15th June annually when the use of maggots and their chrysalises, or imitations thereof, is prohibited. Under the provisions of the byelaw, such baits appear to be perfectly legal. It was further claimed that even the use of these substitute baits did not result in the capture of significant numbers of migrating smolts.

3. The Lancashire Fisheries Consultative Association requested that these facts should be brought to the notice of the relevant Local Fisheries Advisory Committees, together with a suggestion that the use of maggots and chrysalises thereof should be permitted on the lakes listed in the byelaw (Windermere, Coniston, Rydal, Grasmere, Ullswater, Brothers Water, Bassenthwaite, Derwent Water, Loweswater, Crummock Water, Buttermere, Ennerdale Water and Wastwater) for a trial period of a year, with a view to reassessing the impact upon migrating smolts of the use of such baits. No suggestion was made that the byelaw should be relaxed on the rivers covered by it.

4. In practice, such an arrangement would be impossible without repeal of the existing Byelaw No. 14, and in any case a period of one year would be unlikely to give a fair indication of the results of using baits hitherto prohibited - three years would probably be a more realistic trial period. Members are therefore asked to consider whether they would wish to see the provisions of Byelaw 14 relaxed on a temporary basis. This would entail making a new byelaw to enable the use of maggots, chrysalises or imitations thereof to take place for a suitable trial period. F1/B8 NORTH WEST WATER AUTHORITY


14. Baiting

During the period from and including the 15th day of March to and including the 15th day of June in any year, (i) the use of maggots or imitations thereof or the chyrsalises of maggots or imitations thereof as hook bait and, (ii) the use of any lure or bait not on or attached to a hook, are prohibited in the from the Naze at Freckleton upstream to the Bridge at Samlesbury and rivers and streams north thereof and all rivers and streams north of the the A59 road from the above-mentioned bridge to where the A59 meets the boundary of the Yorkshire Water Authority, and in the following named lakes:- Windermere, Coniston, Rydal, Grasmere, Ullswater, Brothers Water, Bassenthwaite, Derwent Water, Loweswater, Crummock Water, Buttermere, Ennerdale Water and Wastwater. F1/B9 NORTH WEST WATER AUHTORITY


1ST APRIL, 1980


1. In accordance with Minute 21 of the meeting of the Lune Wyre and Furness Fisheries Advisory Committee on 10th January, 1980, an approach was made to the Freshwater Biological Association to ask if they were able to undertake, for the Authority, a rather less detailed and costly survey than that originally envisaged by the Department of Terrestial Ecology.

2. The Association has now presented three alternatives, all based on a survey of the population of mergansers and goosanders on the River Kent alone which would produce population figures for comparison with those obtained two years ago by Authority staff. If the Authority wished, the survey could be extended subsequently to another river system in order to provide similar information.

3. The Freshwater Biological Association proposals would survey mergansers and goosanders on the River Kent from Kentmere Reservoir to the confluence with the River Gilpin from September 1980 to September 1981, though with fewer counts in the Winter than in the Summer. The Association has offered three levels of coverage:-

(i) Eight counts, three Winter and five Summer on the main river with no coverage of the tributaries. cost £1,050.00

(ii) Ten counts on the main river with more adequate Winter coverage but no coverage of the tributaries. cost £1,260.00

(iii) Ten counts on the main river as in (ii) above and two counts on the tributaries which would include one detailed coverage of all tributaries up to the point where they are only l-2m wide, plus any tarns in the drainage basin and a second coverage of the main tributaries where practicable, i.e. Rivers Mint and Sprint and tributaries and the River Gowan. cost £1,600.00

These proposals would be conditional upon the Authority arranging for access to the rivers and tributaries for the counters.

4. Carrying out the work would be dependent upon volunteer labour being available although willingness to co-operate had already been indicated. However, should the assistance of volunteers not be forthcoming, the contract would be terminated and the Association would not seek any payment. -2-

5. As the aim is to obtain an accurate and independant estimate of the population of mergansers and goosanders the best coverage would be obtained from option (iii). However, as no provision for this research was made in the 1980-81 estimates, the work cannot be financed from existing provisions and, in the present financial climate, a supplementary estimate would not be approved. Item Mo. 9



1ST APRIL, 1980


1. On 3rd March, 1980, the Policy and Resources Committee, approved a draft calendar of meetings for the Authority, Committees and Sub-Committees for the "Authority Year" from June 1980 for submission to the Authority for consideration at its Annual Meeting on 16th June, 1980, in accordance with Rule 1(3) of the Rules of the Authority.

2. The dates proposed for meetings of the Regional and Local Fisheries Advisory Committees are set out in the appendix hereto for information. Any variations made at the Annual Meeting will be notified to members. F1/A23 APPENDIX



ADVISORY COMMITTEE TIME AND DATE OF MEETING ■ ---- r --- Mersey and Weaver 2.30 p.m. Wednesday, 18th June, 1980 Derwent and West Cumbria 2.30 p.m. Monday, 23rd June, 1980 North Cumbr ia 2.30 p.m. Tuesday, 24th June, 1980 South Lancashire 2.30 p.m. Wednesday, 25th June, 1980 Lune, Wyre and Furness 2.30 p.m. Monday, 30th June, 1980 REGIONAL 2.15 p.m. Monday, 28th July, 1980

Derwent and West Cumbria 2.30 p.m. Monday, 13th October, 1980 North Cumbria 2.30 p.m. Tuesday, 14th October, 1980 South Lancashire 2.30 p.m. Wednesday, 15th October, 1980 Lune, Wyre and Furness 2.30 p.m. Monday, 20th October, 1980 Mersey and Weaver 2.30 p.m. Wednesday, 22nd October, 1980 REGIONAL 2.15 p.m. Monday, 10th November, 1980

Derwent and West Cumbria 2.30 p.m. Monday, 5th January, 1981 North Cumbria 2.30 p.m. Tuesday, 6th January, 1981 South Lancashire 2.30 p.m. Wednesday, 7th January, 1981 Lune, Wyre and Furness 2.30 p.m. Monday, 12th January, 1981 Mersey and Weaver 2.30 p.m. Wednesday, 14th January, 1981 REGIONAL 2.15 p.m. Monday, 2nd February, 1981

Derwent and West Cumbria 2.30 p.m. Monday, 30th March, 1981 North Cumbria 2.30 p.m. Tuesday, 31st March, 1981 South Lancashire 2.30 p.m. Wednesday, 1st April 1981 Mersey and Weaver 2.30 p.m. Wednesday, 8th April, 1981 Lune, Wyre and Furness 2.30 p.m. Monday, 13th April, 1981 REGIONAL 2.15 p.m. Monday, 27th April, 1981 Item No, 1 0



1ST APRIL 1980



(i) Salmon and Trout

The Close Season for salmon was characterised by observations of large numbers of dead kelts on the banks of the Eden, and a significant number of dead unspawned hen salmon. As far as could be judged these only represented a small proportion of the total spawning population. As the season started, good numbers of well-mended kelts have been observed and any have been caught and returned to the river.

Salmon fishing started steadily, the first two Weeks being most productive for the lowest reaches of the river. Later in February the main run of fish moved through into the Armathwaite area, the highest known catch so far being from Eden Lacy.

Reported catches although considerably down on 1978 are in excess of those reported for 1979 for the same period. This applies both to the Eden and the Border Esk. The comment has also been passed from a number of anglers that the catch level is not due to shortage of fish. However, what proportion of the observed fish are well mended kelts is difficult to ascertain.

(ii) Coarse Fish

Coarse fishing in the period has generally been disappointing with few good catches being reported. This is thought to be mainly due to weather and river conditions.


(i) General Comment

Exceptionally wet weather necessitated use of the borehole to cut down problems with silt and leaf debris. This in turn has given rise to an early hatch of most ova. Hatching rates were generally good although unavoidable changes from borehole to stream water had given rise to some yolk sac absorption problems.

In the older fish problems have arisen with myxobacterial gill infections and a furunculosis type infection, but both these have been controlled by medication.

In mid February the theft of some 600 of the larger brown trout occurred which interferred with the delivery of some existing orders. 'On two occasions, one in early March and in late February mortalities occurred which were caused by the blocking of the diaphragm type valves on the Swedish tanks. On the first occasion 388 brown trout died, and on the second occasion some 470 pre-smolt sea trout died.

(ii) Fish in Stock

Stock Date Hatched 1979 1978

Eden Salmon 10,115 Kincardine Salmon 14,614 Wye Salmon 188 Border Esk Sea Trout 6,791 Brown Trout 12,641 3.305

(iii) Number of Ova Laid Down

Eden Salmon 203,000 Border Esk Salmon 10,000 West Cumberland Salmon 21,000 Thurso Salmon 75,000 Kincardine Salmon 165,000 West Cumberland Sea Trout 10,000 Northumberland Sea Trout 290,000 Brown Trout 60,000

5,000 each of salmon and sea trout ova are held on behalf of Keswick A.A. pending the completion of their new hatchery.

(iv) Fish Delivered

1,700 Rainbow trout fry were sold to a commercial fish farm.

300 9" Brown trout were sold to a private angling club.


Carlisle A.A. and Penrith A.A. stocked their waters on the Eden and Eamont and Lowther with brown trout.


On the 3rd March a small fish mortality occurred on the River Wiza at Wigton. Subsequent investigations have revealed that the fish probably died as a result of iso propy1-alcohol entering the river.


An offender was caught taking kelts from the River Eamont in February. At the end of the same month there was evidence of attempts of "Cymoging" at Eden Brows but investigations into the matter produced no result. -3-

salmon Spawning

Continuous high flow conditions during and after the spawning season prevented an effective count of redds being made on the Eden and Border Esk, but the large numbers of both dead and well mended kelts suggests that a large spawning stock was present.


Summaries of the monthly net and rod returns submitted to the Authority for 1979 are shown in the Appendix to this report. Details for rod licences are based on a 24% return. Approximately 8223 salmon and migratory trout licences were sold and 1,972 returns have been received. RIVERS DIVISION



No Wt No Wt No Wt No Wt No Wt NO Wt NO Wt LBS No Wt

Ed e n & ESK -- 12 13.7*1 38 389 65 664 505 3936 338 2762 66 584 8.26 1024 8462%

COASTAL DRIFT - - - - - . - - 105 771 170 1133 -- 6.92 275 1904 » SOUTH & WEST CUMBRIA ------5 20 14 124- 18 115 - - 7.00 37 259

DUDDON ------31 116 24 122% - - 4.33 55 238%

LEVEN -- - _ - - 6 44 - - - - 7.33 6 44

KENT - ■ - - - _ - 6 31 64 523% 27 188% - - 7.66 97 743%

LUNE - - 5 61 34 355% 101 1044 391 3467*1 1049 9410% - 9.07 1580 14338*i

RIBBLE -- 4 49% 5 61 30 351 176 2,060 434 4,845% _ 11.35 649 7,367

TOTAL - 21 238 77 805% 207 2110 1,292 11,042 2,060 18,526% 66 584 8.96 3,723 53*356% f MONTHLY SEA TROUT CATCHES-NETS AND FIXED ENGINES-1979 SEASON


No Wt NO Wt No Wt No Wt NO Wt No Wt No wt LBS Ho Wt

EDEN & ESK -- 3 3 lOO 291 860 2182 1100 2654 77 190 1 6 2.49 2141 5331

COASTAL DRIFT - - - _ - --- 2 9 3 15 - - 4.80 5 24

SOUTH & WEST CUMBRIA 6 43 - -- - 7.17 6 43

DUDDON - -- - 1 3 7 ' 17 44 106% 24 76% - - 2.67 76 203

LEVEN ------, - - - -- „ - -- -

KENT ------17 46*s 3 11*1 -- 2.90 20 * 58

LUNE - --- 28 117% 214 760% 359 1265% 68 255 - _ 3.58 669 2398

RIBBLE - - 1 3 _ - 2 9 5 29*i 1 8 - - 5.50 9 49*i

TOTAL _ - 4 129 411% 1083 2968*1 1533 4154 176 555% 1 6 2.77 2926 8106% 11 NORTH WEST MATES AUTHORITY RIVER DIVISION MONTHLY SALMON CATCHES ROD & LINE 1979 SEASON

Jan. r«b„ Kb?. Apr. Hay June «Jwly Aug. Sept Oct Total Average Weight Ho. Wt. NO. Wt. Ho. v t. No. Wt. MS. Wt. N9. Wt. Wo. wt. m . Wt. NO. Wt. No. Wt. No. Wt. (lbs.) Border Esk - - 1 10 6 78«i 2 14 2 21 2 8 1 3% 14 78 38 290% 23 264 89 767% 8.€2 {Eng.) Eden 22 292% 20 246 LQ9 2,242 78 856% 35 381 26 250% 23 155 63 462% 125 1,171 55 547% S56 6,604% 11.88 Derwent . -- - - - 1 5 1 9% 1 13% 13 97% 101 727% 186 1,554 159 1,447 462 3,854 8.34 Cocker ------2 23 1 6 15 116 26 199% 39 278 83 £22% 7.50 Ellen ------1 2 - -- - 4 23 17 92% 13 77 35 194% 5.56 Ehen « - 3 2f 16 99% 18 130 8 sa 45 312% 6.95 Calder ------■ - - - - 3 16 2 17 3 17 8 50 6.25 I r t ------3 35 5 27 8 45 9 64% 5 38% 30 210% 7.01 Annas ------~ - - 2 4% - - 2 8% 4 12% 3.19 Esk ------.-- 4 26% 7 46% 10 84% 7 62 28 219% 7.84 Duddon - --- _ ------1 12 2 17% 7 48 IO 80% 20 158 7.90 Leven ------6 24% 5 11% 8 54% 10 69% IO 82% 39 243% 6.25 Kent ■ “ ” - - 1 9% 2 19% 2 14 io 90 17 99% 37 194% 36 246% 23 153 128 816% 6.3.8 Bela - - “------1 2 1 2% 1 3 3 7% 2.50 bine - - 1 20 3 21% 4 . 41% 11 126% 10 106% 14 126% 83 731% 163 1,623 121 1,285% 414 4,084 9.86 nibble - - - 2 17 10 % 17 175% IS 143% 11 78% 83 687% 131 1,077% 146 1,286 415 3,563% 8.59 Heddar ------9 72% 37 326% 89 828% 135 1,227% Wyre ------“ - 1 7% - - 2 9% 14 62% 14 68% 31 147% 4.76 fees ------1 3 - - 1 3 3.00

TOTALS 22 292V 22 276 121 2,368h 97 1,034% 69 729% 76 694% 98 668% 458 3,388 831 7,062% 732 6,584% 2,526 23,099 9.14 NORTHWEST WTERMJTHpRITJ rivers division HOWTHLY SEA TROUT CATCHES ROD AMP I.SHE 1979 SEASOH

H*y June July hog. Sept. Oct 7ot*l • Avaraga Kiv&r Itoifflh* (to. Wt.. m . Wt. Ho. Wt . Ho. Wt. MO. WE. NO. Wt. No. Wt. * (lbs.)

Border Esk (Ere§. 5 7 u % 123 228% 2%) 348 235 302% 117 138 5 4% 707 1,033% 1.46 Bd«n IS 26% 105 206% 219 391% 158 269% 77 117% 12 15 596 1,026 ' - 1.7S Derwent 1 2 8 12 25 47% 104 158% 87 140% 38 43% 263 403% 1.53 Cocker -- 1 1% - - 4 12% 2 7 -- 7 21% 3.03 Ellen »------8 14% 1 1% § 1.78 Ehen - - 2 3 11 23% 81 101 40 57% 16 19% 150 205 1.37 Caldcr - - -- 4 4 7 9% - - - ' - 11 13% 1.23 Irt - - 1 6 1 1% 6 7 15 22 6 7% 29 44 1.52 Esk -- - - 24 32% 17 32% 6 8% - - 47 73% 1.S7 Duddon -- 5 12% 9 13 7 12 4 5 1 3 26 45% 1.76 Leven - - • 3 2% 13 21 40 52% 66 84% IO 8% 132 168% 1.27 Kent 13 16% 5 10 70 113 170 280% 151 225 32 39% 441 684% 1.55 Lune 21 34% 92 154% 290 483% 482 723 473 618% 132 204% 1,490 2,224% 1.4# Others 13 3 57 67 1.17 Northern Area - --- - : - 39 51 15 3 Slibbla 4 2% 17 17 21 25% 53 67% 30 128% 9 16% 184 257 1.40 Hoddar • ■ S 6% 26 *• 56% 168 314 89 161% 21 34 31® , 572% lj«S Myr* 4 4% 2 2% 3 3% 17 24% 22 24% 3 7% 51 67% 1.32

TOTAL 65 98% 370 663 936 1 ,571 1,588 2,417% 1,252 1,765% 289 407% 4,500 6,923% 1.53