MDO BRAND-BOOK MDO brand guide book

MDO’s brand guide book is intended for any creative person or agency who are responsible for creating visual content for MDO (Prospecta).

The guidelines cover all the essential components and guides for both digital and print materials.

Please respect the MDO brand and guidelines.


MOD brand guidelines v.1.1 MDO logo 4


Colours 14

prospecta 17

Colours 19

Imagery 23

Bringing it all together26

Emails 30

Documentary video guidelines33

Training Video tutorials 43 MDO LOGO MDO

Since 2008 MDO has been operating as a SaaS product under the Prospecta master brand. This mix of services and products created ambiguity within our offerings and dilution of our purpose and ambitions.

Today there is no room for ambiguity and mixed messaging. ERP systems and data governance offerings are becoming more fluid and adaptive. The old is making way to the new and the new can’t stand still for long.

Our new MDO brand is all about progressive thinking, clean-cut and straightforward results. It represents our purpose of making data management and governance a flawless experience, free of hurdles and risks.

We are no longer a sub-brand or a solution for a specific problem. We are a single, united entity that drives data quality and governance forward.

We’re creating data culture.

MOD brand guidelines v.1.1 Logo Structure

Shear 45°

10% X Space 1X Height

½X 10% X Overshoot

10% X Overshoot

The logotype's weight is based on the X height. 1 X Height This is applied to most graphic and typographic needs.

10% X The 10% X space should be applied for small spaces and distances. Height Multiple 10% X can be applied for different usages.

MOD brand guidelines v.1.1 Logo placement guides

Wordmark max height

mdo flag

Wordmark m height


mdo wordmark

MOD brand guidelines v.1.1 Sizes

The logo is designed in a way that it can be used on various devices and publications. However, please make sure not to reduce the size beyond the recommenced min size.

Minimum size

10.5 mm 35px

25 mm 85px

MOD brand guidelines v.1.1 Colour variants

Positive The default logo is black with a cyan flag (positive). The use of the logo in it’s other variants depends on the background, device (fax for instance) and use (Product interface for instance)


Full black on white and light images or white on black and dark images.

Negative (reverse)

MOD brand guidelines v.1.1 Safes pace

The wordmark can appear on colour, illustration, or photographic backgrounds, as long as it's legibility and integrity are not diminished.

X Height XHeight 2X Height 2X

2X Height

MOD brand guidelines v.1.1 Do's & Don'ts

The mdo wordmark should always appear correctly as shown here.

Horizontal stretch Thin versions Fat versions

Drop shadow Application positioning Horizontal shrink Using and applying graphic effects such as shadows and glows, horizontal and vertical stretches, gradients and misuse of colours must be avoided.

Tilt Contour Gradient

Colour misuse

MOD brand guidelines v.1.1 TYPEFACE Montserrat regular ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Montserrat abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890!@#$%^&* Montserrat is the official primary choice for the mdo brand used in headlines, large and medium sized Montserrat semi bold ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ running text and opening .

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz PT or similar font such as Source 1234567890!@#$%^&* Serif Pro on MS Word should be use on our official documents.

Montserrat extra bold ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Note, we don’t use Montserrat within our product UI. abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890!@#$%^&* Montserrat is available in Google

PT Serif is the secondary font to be used in official and managerial documents.

PT regular ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890!@#$%^&*

PT bold ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

1234567890!@#$%^&* MOD brand guidelines v.1.1 COLOURS Logo variant colours Primary Process RGB Pantone

100% C R 0 Process Cyan The mdo brand uses a primary colour for 0% M G 179 the word-mark and a secondary colour 0% Y B 239 group for it's application, signified 0% K through the flag icon.

DIW Secondary for DIW Process RGB Pantone

100% C R 0 340 0% M G 167 80% Y B 109 0% K

Secondary for Fuse Process RGB Pantone Fuse

14% C R 210 674 76% M G 97 0% Y B 164 0% K

MDM Secondary for MDM Process RGB Pantone

0% C R 242 165 74% M G 103 94% Y B 43 0% K MOD brand guidelines v.1.1 Application Flags ½XDIW

The mdo brand uses dedicated colour flags for each of their associated applications and services.



MOD brand guidelines v.1.1 PROSPECTA Prospecta

In order to remove the conflicting brands and focus on our core product offerings prospecta In colour (MDO), Prospecta will simply be visible as a typeface without a symbol or as a logo.

Prospecta will mostly be used as a footnote on our official documents and marketing assets.

We use Quicksand font and lowercase. prospecta In reverse

prospecta prospecta In reverse and colour

MOD brand guidelines v.1.1 COLOURS Web and screen colours RGB RGBA RGBA RGBA R 50 (28, 94, 116, 1) (54, 54, 54, 1) (146, 180, 128, 1) G 60 B 70 Our web and screen colours are to be HEX HEX HEX used as backgrounds and photo overlays 1C5E74 363636 92B480 for screen applications and websites. The HEX colours are neutral and have been 323C46 selected to be used with our various logos and flag colours.

Primary Secondary Text Accent Our screen and web colours meet AA accessibility guidelines and we do our best to keep testing and reviewing our colour palettes to global accessibility criteria. RGBA RGBA RGBA (215, 220, 220, 1) (255,255,255,11) rgba(255, 179, 32, 1)


Subtle grey White Hi-vis trigger (use with black text)

MOD brand guidelines v.1.1 Gradients

We use 2 colour gradients. DO NOT add a more colours to the mix.

Our gradients are subtle in nature and can be a combination of any of our four primary colours or a primary colour with a black or white.

Our gradient’s direction can be at 90˚ or 45˚

MOD brand guidelines v.1.1 Image overlays

We use image overlays as backgrounds for text such as websites and social media banners.

Images for overlays must be converted to black and white and can be darkened to suite text overlays.

DO NOT covert or manipulate images except for converting to black and white or adjusting basic settings such as exposure, brightness and contrast.

MOD brand guidelines v.1.1 IMAGERY Images

Images are a great way to convey a message. While technology and data related photos are nice they do not convey our brand values and personality.

Our images should show people and the consequence of great data management and governance on their daily lives.

Abstract images are fine too as long as they serve a purpose.

MOD brand guidelines v.1.1 Headshots

Headshots and specific objects related to the text can be used with our primary colours and gradients.

Please make sure the images are deep etched and are subtracted from the background.

MOD brand guidelines v.1.1 BRINGING IT ALL TOGETHER Mixing components Working with data Join our upcoming webinar to learn how to work with data using MDO’s Master Data Management platform. In order to create a consistent and professional look we must obey some REGISTER TODAY Working with data basic rules such as the rule of thirds, margins, hierarchy and the Ut eget mauris ac nunc luctus ornare. Phasellus enim augue, logo placement. rutrum tempus, blandit in, vehicula eu, neque. Sed consequat nunc. Proin metus. Duis at mi non tellus malesuada tincidunt. Cras Please refer to the logo placement on in neque. Sed lacinia, felis ut sodales pretium, justo sapien 9 hendrerit est, et convallis nisi quam sit amet erat. Suspendisse Master data for the consequat nibh a mauris. Curabitur libero ligula, faucibus at, mollis oil & gas industries ornare, mattis et, libero.

Ut eget mauris ac nunc luctus ornare. Phasellus enim augue, rutrum tempus, blandit in, vehicula eu, neque. Sed consequat nunc. Proin metus. Duis at mi non tellus malesuada tincidunt. Cras in neque. Sed

LEARN MORE MOD brand guidelines v.1.1 Flag symbol First name Last name Title description

We use the logo flag symbol as an Video overlay title additional creative element or when the Browser Fav Icon logo is too big within the container space.

A good example is a browser fav icon or collapsed navigation area within our Ut eget mauris ac nunc luctus product UI. WORK ornare. Phasellus enim augue, rutrum tempus, blandit in, vehicula eu, neque. Sed WITH consequat nunc. Proin metus. Duis at mi non tellus malesuada DATA tincidunt. Cras in neque. Sed lacinia, felis ut sodales pretium, justo sapien hendrerit est, et convallis nisi quam sit amet erat. Suspendisse consequat nibh a mauris. Curabitur libero ligula, faucibus at, mollis ornare, mattis et, libero.

Aliquam pulvinar congue pede. Fusce condimentum turpis vel dolor. Ut blandit. Sed elementum justo quis sem. Sed eu orci eu ante iaculis


Phone browser bookmark Creative element

MOD brand guidelines v.1.1 Social media banners

When creating social media banners or other assets such as hero banners it’s important to adhere to the channel’s image specifications as each channel has it’s own rules, sizes and ratio. LinkedIn page banner 1192 x 191 px

Adhering to these rules will make sure our banners are displayed correctly on all Working with data devices, screen sizes and orientation.

Join our upcoming webinar to learn LinkedIn specifications how to work with data using MDO’s Master Data Management platform. Social media image size guide 2020 Presented by Tim Jackson

June 22nd 2020 | 1pm AEST REGISTER TODAY

Working with data

Join our upcoming webinar to learn how to work with data using MDO’s LinkedIn feed banner 1198 x 627px (scaled by 50%) Master Data Management platform.

Presented by Tim Jackson

June 22nd 2020 | 1pm AEST REGISTER TODAY

Banner resized on mobile MOD brand guidelines v.1.1 EMAILS Email template

Banner or logo 150px min, Communications generated by 600px marketing and support applications such as MailChimp and Zendesk should use 45px the same sizes in order to maintain compatibility across the various email Body text clients such as Gmail and Outlook in both mobile and desktop devices.

As a rule of thumb the max width for email comms should be 600px.

Font should be a standard sans-serf font type such as Arial or which I widely used and will render properly on recipients applications.

DO NOT use custom fonts or colours.


MOD brand guidelines v.1.1 Email template sample

Generic Email template layout with and without a dedicated banner.

Note, for specific campaigns the height Hi customer Body text, Arial 14px min. of the banner can be greater than 150px. Body text Quisque in augue. Donec aliquam magna nonummy enim. Proin 45px margins/ paddings all around blandit imperdiet sem. Donec malesuada, urna sit amet varius aliquam, nibh tortor laoreet turpis, eget sodales felis nibh ac sapien. Fusce eget augue. Integer sed risus. Aenean mollis. Donec facilisis egestas quam. Duis bibendum augue id mauris. Sed laoreet, tortor vel cursus fringilla, turpis elit vestibulum arcu, eu varius dolor leo in nulla. In sem ipsum, faucibus quis, varius tristique, porta eget, lorem. Curabitur hendrerit diam et mauris. Etiam porta nunc euismod dui. Maecenas a lectus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Suspendisse id massa. Nullam porta velit sed lacus. Duis eleifend, felis eu euismod lacinia, felis erat feugiat nisl, vitae congue leo velit a massa. Quisque nec justo a turpis posuere tristique. Maecenas condimentum tincidunt lorem. Vestibulum vel tellus. Sed vulputate. Morbi massa nunc, convallis a, commodo gravida, tincidunt sed, turpis. Aenean ornare viverra est. Maecenas lorem. Aenean euismod iaculis dui. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla quam. Aenean fermentum, turpis sed volutpat dignissim, diam risus facilisis nibh, sit amet iaculis est turpis non tellus. Nunc a mauris. Proin eget ligula. Nam cursus libero. Vestibulum velit orci, bibendum eget, molestie eu, sagittis non, leo. Nullam sed enim. Duis ac lorem. dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Suspendisse potenti. Sed tincidunt varius arcu. Mauris vitae arcu sit amet quam condimentum pulvinar. Aenean arcu elit, accumsan id, consequat

Thanks Your name

Body text Quisque in augue. Donec aliquam magna nonummy enim. Proin blandit imperdiet sem. Donec malesuada, urna sit amet varius aliquam, nibh tortor laoreet turpis, eget sodales felis nibh ac sapien. Fusce eget augue. Integer sed risus. Aenean mollis. Donec facilisis Footer 45px / paddings, centred aligned egestas quam. Duis bibendum augue id mauris. Sed laoreet, tortor vel cursus fringilla, turpis elit vestibulum arcu, eu varius dolor leo in nulla. In sem ipsum, faucibus quis, varius tristique, porta

MOD brand guidelines v.1.1 EMAIL SIGNATURE Email Signatures

Default signature can be with or without Don’t change font size, font Don’t change font type or move An email signature is the modern your direct phone number. colours or move the logo. business card. Additional contact info can be added to Do not add your own contact specific staff such as support channels such as Skype, Our email signature is designed to work on any email client and is using only our logo and basic contact information. Please DO NOT add colours, other graphics or details that are not part of our brand or not required.

Please use the default sans-serif font from your email clients e.g. Outlook. John Smith Font type, style and size the John Smith John Smith | Senior QA Developer Senior QA Developer same as your default email Senior QA Developer +612 8887 7888 font. I.e. Ariel, Callibri etc. +612 8887 7888 Skype: johnsmeith

MOD brand guidelines v.1.1 DOCUMENTARY VIDEO GUIDELINES General guidelines

These guidelines are created for professional video production agencies and offers a general brand usage guideline.

Logo, typeface and colours DO NOT add effects, styles and animation to our logo. Please use our brand typeface and colours.

Minimum requirements - FHD or higher screen resolution - 16:9 or 16:10 screen ratio - Record at hi-bit rate and low compression levels. - Export at FHD or higher (4K)

Voice-over recordings Voice must be recorded to a dedicated sound recording device or directly to the camera using a dedicated mic (lapel preferred) or professional grade mic. DO NOT use the camera’s built-in mic.

Soundtracks and sound effects DO NOT use sound effects. Soundtracks must be obtained from a hi-quality source and fit with the general video theme and rhythm.

MOD brand guidelines v.1.1 Safe zones

Screen area (1920x1080) for example (FHD) Please use the content and type safe zones to mitigate cropping on various

5% screen sizes and display types.

10% Content safe zone (headshots mostly)

Title safe zone



MOD brand guidelines v.1.1 Intro title

Background colour: R:80, G:96, B:112 Font: Montserrat Font-weight: Regular Font-size: 50px Colour: white

Logo size: 300px 127px

Transition: 15 FPS in/ out

Example shown at 50% size

Video title

MOD brand guidelines v.1.1 Watermark and section title

Our logo should be placed at the bottom right corner at all times.

Logo 50% opacity white 120px X Y Position: inner content safe zone

Font: Montserrat Font-weight: Regular Font-size: 25px Colour: white Section title with image background

MOD brand guidelines v.1.1 Section title overlay

Background colour: R:80, G:96, B:112 Background overlay 85%

Font: Montserrat Font-weight: Regular Font-size: 25px Colour: white

Section title with image background

MOD brand guidelines v.1.1 Text overlay above screenshots

Font: Montserrat Font-weight: Bold Font-size: 30px Colour: White

Background: 75% Black

Overlay text above product

MOD brand guidelines v.1.1 Title slides

Font: Montserrat

Title Font-weight: Bold Font-size: 24px Colour: White

Description Font-weight: Normal Font-size: 20px Colour: White

Rectangle Colour: 80, 96, 107

Approx. 30% of frame width

Title safe zone

First name Last name Title description

MOD brand guidelines v.1.1 Christine McFarrlen MDO Consultant Ending title

Background colour: R:80, G:96, B:112

Font: Montserrat Font-weight: Regular Font-size: 30px Colour: white

Transition: 15 FPS in

MOD brand guidelines v.1.1 TRAINING VIDEO TUTORIALS General guidelines

All our screen recordings should be created using hi-quality screens and updated software to insure compatibility with latest hardware and video players (on/ off line)

Logo, typeface and colours DO NOT add effects, styles and animation to our logo. Please use our brand typeface and colours.

Minimum requirements - FHD or higher screen resolution - Adjust contrast and brightness to acceptable levels - 16:9 or 16:10 screen ratio - Record at hi-bit rate and low compression levels. - Export at FHD or higher (4K)

Voice-over recordings Voice must be recorded to a dedicated sound recording device or directly to the camera using a dedicated mic (lapel preferred) or professional grade mic. DO NOT use the camera’s built-in mic.

Soundtracks and sound effects DO NOT use sound effects. Soundtracks must be obtained from a hi-quality source and fit with the general video theme and rhythm.

MOD brand guidelines v.1.1 Margins and safe zone

We use screen margins and safe-zone to make sure content (text) is not cut (bleed) outsize the video player.

100px As a rule-of-thumb keep overlay text such as titles within the safe-zone.

100px 100px


MOD brand guidelines v.1.1 Intro/ course title

Background colour: R:215, G:220, B:220 Font Font: Montserrat Font-weight: Regular Font-size: 50px Colour: white

Logo size: 300px 127px

Transition: 15 FPS in/ out

Video/ course title Example shown at 50% size\

MOD brand guidelines v.1.1 Section title

Font Font: Montserrat Font-weight: Regular Font-size: 25px Colour: white

Background colour: R:80, G:96, B:112

Section title

MOD brand guidelines v.1.1 Text overlay above screenshots

Font: Montserrat Font-weight: Bold Font-size: 30px Colour: White

Background: 75% Black

Overlay text above product

MOD brand guidelines v.1.1 Callouts

Font Font: Montserrat Font-weight: Bold Font-size: 24px Colour: White Align: left

Shape This is a callout text sample Background: R60, G75, B85 Stroke: 10px, R60, G75, B85

MOD brand guidelines v.1.1 Media library and assets

The ‘Training-video-pack’ includes: Sample video Media library zip file Guidelines PDF

You can start a new project by simply opening the sample video and ‘saving as...’ Or create a new project and import the ‘MDO library.libzip’ file.

To import the library zip file: Go to ‘File’ > Library > Import Zipped Library

The pack includes our logo in EPS format and the Montserrat typeface. Please add the font to you font manager prior to starting a project.

You can also download the font from Google fonts.

Please note: We will keep all source files in a single place. Please make sure to download the latest version of our libraries and source file.

MOD brand guidelines v.1.1 Ending title slide

Background colour: R:215, G:220, B:220 Font Font: Montserrat Font-weight: Regular Font-size: 30px Colour: white

Logo size: 300px 127px

Transition: 10 FPS in

MOD brand guidelines v.1.1