Shoes^/^Pvfeet a Man As Round As Camera Was Been Known to Run Off Moving Pic- Big and As Gallant As Camera Was Tures of That Levinsky Fight, Pathetic
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1940 ¦Friday? July 12, THE SOUTHERN JEWISH WEEKLY Page Seven JEWS IN Street Scene in Lublin SPORTS hy Morris Weiner in as obstacles to the throne room MAX BAER but if Baer beat Galento, it’s our I We were there but we still don’t impression he can take care of a Believe it. We asked the guy next flock of Pastors, Godoys et al. ¦V us whether that madcap clown Mind you, we once said Baer K the resined arena had actually would beat Louis but that was Keaten Two-Ton Tony Galento and years ago when we thought Baer’s guy on our left nodded. It was punch would outmaneuver his buf- ¦eyonil belief —the Livermore Lar- foonery, but we’ve eaten our Eper knocking the wind out of words ten times ever since. e man who floored Joe Louis The first time we saw Maxie ¦..,,1 going on to win the fight. But Baer in the ring in New York K, jt has always been with the City ended in tragedy for the man Kuckish Max. 'She big Baer from he fought. So lethal were the Cal- California has never followed the ifornian’s blows that Maxie’s op- Korni sheets and his win over Tony ponent landed in the hospital and ¦Galento was merely just one of died as a result of the terrific ¦those peculiar things which only pummellings he had received at w . ¦Maxie Adelbert Baer can accom- the hands of the Livermore fight- ¦plish. er. It was also the first time that ¦ With all his shenanigans, grim- New York was treated to the ¦aces and gibes, Maxie was serious sight of a Mogen Dovid emblaz- K one respect —his punching. The oned on the trunks of a heavy- ¦years have been many since weight fighter. we The Lublin Reservation where Hitler wants to concentrate Central European Jewry. Bast saw the goofy guy from the From then on it was all hay. ¦Coast display such pyrotechnics The press gave him a build-up or- Bn the ring. True, Maxie’s killer dinarily reserved for the Dutch ¦moments were few but he made Schultz mob, Babe Ruth, and Red OUR FILM FOLKS For Sales and Service ¦those count. In this matter Maxie Grange. The fans gave him their ¦was absolutely serious and be- undivided allegiance, for even quipped, “The beauty of that re- you me, when Maxie is seri- G. M. C. Trucks Bieve then Maxie was a fighter—the on- HELEN SIGMUND mark is that Lois will be biting * Bous about anything it’s an item ly real one on a horizon darkened long after Cantor can’t!” Phone or Visit ¦for the books. What is most im- by the shadow of champion Pri- ....Hollywood—Passing of Maurice GENERAL Bortant, he really fought a battle mo Camera—gargantuan fugitive Moscovitch is a loss to both screen TRUCK CO. was His last work will ¦even though he still the irre- from an Italian circus. and stage. 820 Forest St. Phone 5-3908 Bpressible clown. He fought a win- Maxie gave them everything. He probably never be seen—a leading Abe Diamond Bing fight. Fight? Pier Six Brawl! modeled himself after another role in “The Great Command- Life, Accident, and Health the buffoon ment.” The picture, made by an I Now of the prize Maxie —an even goofier guy INSURANCE Bing is headed for the By known as Slapsie independent company, was bought block. Maxie Rosen- 1216 Graham Bldg. Ph 5-7676 Blipping Galento’s sails and tap- bloom—and made the Broadway by a major—and shelved. Inten- Bing the Orangeman’s kep, he has night clubs his training camp as tion was to use the story for a INSTALL A PACKAGE ¦earned for himself another shot well as his leisure activity. superproduction, with Moscovitch OF FLUORESCENT ¦at the crown Joe Louis sports so Os course, Maxie appeared in in the same part. but it hadn’t LIGHTING ¦jauntily and defends so often and the newsreels yet got under way. punching a heavy ATTWOOD’S Through ¦so successfully. Perhaps the mog- sand bag and skipping rope, but His theatrical career began For . STANLEY M. JOSEPH ¦uls willslip one or two other boys that was for local consumption in when he was 14. at the National Exceptional . real with the family papers. His managers Theatre of Odessa. used his Prescription took care of two things—that name then —Maaskoff. After com- Service MYRTLE AVENUE the Also Complete Line of larruper from the Coast didn’t for- ing to America he was associated Toilet Requisites and Colonial Neon LUMBER CO. get how to hit or lose his punch. with Adler, Kessler and Tomash- Lumber and Building' Unfortunately, Maxie hit the big evsky on the Yiddish stage. His Drag Sundries 1024 Parte St. Phone Sign Co. Supplies town when a bunch of mobsters last eleven years, spent in Holly- 7-21*3 Myrtle Ave. at Elm St. had taken over control of the Pri- wood, were devoted almost en- Free Motor Delivery 905 Mailt St. 5-1108 Phone 5-4260 mo Camera interests and so Max- tirely to films. ie had to wait for a chance at the Leon Belaseo’s father—Dr. Bir- physician heavyweight tide until the mob- latsky—is a practicing Name Your Station We Serve the Nation sters had milked Camera clean. in China. He had emigrated to BONO To refresh your memory, this was that country some years ago from CLEANERS and DYERS . in the days of Kingfish Russia. and remained. , WE Levinsky CALL AND DELIVER (ah! there was a lallapalooka!) Eddie Cantor’s banter that “Jes- til Garments Fully Protected wife was teething” was re- By Jack Sharkey, Max Schmeling, sel’s Insurance turned pronto by Georgie, who Phone 8-9254 1005 Forest St. Walter Neusel and Tommy Lough- ran were still around. Joe Louis . was still Joe Barrow in the ma- GREYHOUND BUS DEPOT, INC. 23 HOGAN ST. Seminole Hotel 5-6171 chine shops of Henry Ford. And in the country. The biggest com- Phone then the Jewish madcap (he came pliment you could pay the big fel- SANDWICH INN to town eight years ago bragging MAIN low from the Coast was not to AT 27TH he was Jewish and hasn’t changed PARK AT GILMORE teil him he was a grand fighter Announcing the Opening of Two Summer Camps by his tune since despite MIAMI ROAD IN rumors but to pat him on the back for Rabbi S. Wrubel, Director—for 1940 Season was that his faith born in the box . SO. JACKSONVILLE being a prince of good fellows. office) got his crack at the title. While he had the title Max would CAMP DELLWOOD CAMP FRENCH BROAD He was signed to meet Camera put in an eighteen-hour day trying for Jewish Girls for Jewish Boys for the lushest prize in the sport- to think up new and impractical Waynesville, N. C. Brevard, N. C. Bide Safety With Safety ing arena the heavyweight gags that would give some of the FROM JUNE 23 TO AUGUST 25 championship of the world. newspaper reporters things to tell cabs, Inc. Descriptive PhoneSafet? -¦ Madison Square Garden Bowl the world about the madcap lar- For Booklet and Further Information, Write 5-7800 X IOC was a sell-out the night Baer ruper from Livermore. played the big bad wolf to the RABBI S. WRUBEL Authorized sad Bended When Baer met Kingfish Levin- huge, quivering hulk that was sky the funniest scenes in the res- Brevard, North Carolina _ BAGGAGE transfer Primo Camera and literally tore ined arena were recorded and the crown from the head of this when Baer met Louis on his first . — ¦'"CB=ggg=g=SC gigantic Italian behemoth. and comeback trail—the most pathetic Crippled Cripple almost six years to the day, Maxie were filmed. In the first, Baer was makes another bid for fame and the growling, grimacing clown. In fortune by trouncing an Italian the second he was the grovelling, once again—only this time it was scared zany and Max, who has For Speed, Dependability and Shoes^/^pvFeet a man as round as Camera was been known to run off moving pic- big and as gallant as Camera was tures of that Levinsky fight, pathetic. (If memory serves us would give a cool ten thousand to Economy well, Two Ton Tony was in the get the films of his two-minute second preliminary fight the night capitulation to Louis off the rec- Baer lost to Braddock. .) ords. use Max made a fortune from the But now the goof has earned title and a movie as well. He friz- himself another crack at the ti- zled his dough away along the tle held by Joe Louis. In the three Main Streets of every big town years that have gone by, Louis has added a score of kayos to his l{ pays to Icecp the families' tally sheet and still remains the GAS unruffled, me- in SHOP and SAVE AT same, unperturbed, shoes good condition. thodical puncher. Baer has put on Let older. If us take care of them for Setter's weight and has grown The Perfect Fuel Von# They won't look repaired! he has regained his youthful cour- STORES age he has an excellent fighting for LOUIS SHOE SHOP because the night he top- *023 Pearl St. Phone 5-2086 chance pled Tony Galento he proved once again that he still has his punch. ringside Cooking Refrigeration We Appreciate your Patronage P. S. Talk around the had it that Galento lost not be- POWELL’S LITTLE FOLKS FURNITURE of Maxie Baer, but rather “BABYFIRST" cause Water Heating House Heating because Joe Jacobs, the inimitable 527 LAURA STREET Yussel, was not in Two Ton To- WE FEATURE THE LAY-AWAY PLAN ny’s corner..