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SFC 6 is sponsored by the U.S. Air Force Phillips Laboratory andand ProSpace.. BuBuzz AlAldridrin rrn ececalalls ApApolollo 111 ee1 veventnts aas t SSt FC 6.6. ApApolollo 1212's PePete CoConrnrad spspeaeakiking at SFSFC 66C ..

Space Frontier Conference 6, Space: Open for Business, was held at the Los Angeles Sheraton Gateway Hotel on November 7, 8 and 9, 1997. The Conference Manager was David Anderman, and the Conference Sponsors were the U.S. Air Force Phillips Laboratory and ProSpace. Speakers included Apollo Astronauts Buzz Aldrin and Pete Conrad, Rotary Rocket's Gary Hudson, 's Robert Zubrin, Space Frontier Foundation President Rick Tumlinson, space experts Dr. John Lewis, Dr. Alan Binder, Henry Vanderbilt, Jess Sponable, Hank Murdock, Patrick Collins, Mitchell Burnside Clapp, George Friedman and Andrea Seastrand, space entrepreneurs Mike Kelley,

The High Frontier Chan Tysor, Jim Dunstan and Jim Benson, and Foundation Advocates, Charles Miller, is Gerard K. Margo Deckard, Mike Heney, Dave Brody, Jeff Krukin, Ben Muniz and Brook E. O'Neill's Mantia. masterpiece. This new 3rd Edition Includes an During the Awards Banquet, Celestis Corporation received the Vision to Reality introduction by Award, IMAX Corporation's L-5 City in Space was given the Vision of the Future Freeman Dyson. Click above to Award, and Tom Rodgers received the Space Frontier Foundation's Founders' Award. order The High ProSpace President Charles Miller presented the ProSpace Award to Foundation Frontier from Advocate Mike Heney.. Check out photos from Space Frontier Conference 6: || SFC 6 Photos Page 1 | | SFC 6 Photos Page 2 | |

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SFC 6 Agenda Friday, November 7, 1997 Government Space Plane Concepts and Programs: - Lt. Col. Jess Sponable, USAF Phillips Laboratories, Military - Steve Stoyanof, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, Future X - Craig Johnson, Lockheed Martin Skunkworks, Military Spaceplanes - Paul Klevatt, Boeing/Huntington Beach, Military Spaceplanes SFC 6 is sponsored by the U.S. Air Force Phillips Laboratory Luncheon: Jerry Rising, Lockheed Martin Corporation and ProSpace. Commercial Space Plane Concepts and Projects: - Michael Kelly, Kelly Space and Technology, Towed RLV - Dr. Buzz Aldrin, Starcraft Boosters Inc., Starbooster flyback launcher - Gary Hudson, Rotary Rocket Company, SSTO - Mitchell Burnside-Clapp, Pioneer Rocketplane, Air Launch RLV - Dr. Adam Sienbenhaar, Aerojet Gencorp RBCC, Strutjet engines

FINDS Reception: $250,000 Space Rocket Prize Announcement

The High Frontier is Gerard K. Saturday, November 8, 1997 O'Neill's masterpiece. This new 3rd Edition Includes an introduction by Freeman Dyson. Click above to order The High Frontier from

1of3 6/15/141:00PM Space Frontier Foundation - Space Frontier Conference 6 Agenda

Opening Session: Cities in Space – Alpha Town to O'Neill: - Rick Tumlinson, Space Frontier Foundation

Opening the Space Station to Business: - Dennis Stone, NASA Johnson Space Center - Chuck Lauer, Orbital Properties Inc. - John Muratore, X-38 Program Manager, NASA Johnson Space Center - Dr. Tom Rogers, Sophron Foundation

Luncheon: Dr. Harrison Schmitt, Lunar He3

Cheap Access to Space Update Panel: - Charles "Pete" Conrad, Universal Space Lines, Introduction - Bob Werb, Space Frontier Foundation, Moderator - Leaders of the RLV Industry, Speakers

Workshop: New Rocketeers, the Cheap Access to Space Prize

Space - Open for Business: - Charles Chafer, Celestis Corp., Space Burials - Dr. Harrison Schmitt, University of Wisconsin, Lunar He3 - Dr. William "Red" Whittaker, Carnegie Mellon University, Tele-Robotics - Dr. George Friedman, Space Studies Institute, USC microrover demo

Awards Banquet: Annual Awards/ Ufaux band

Sunday, November 9, 1997 Spaceports, Space Liners and Space Hotels: - Andrea Seastrand, CSTA, Spaceports - Richard Hora, Eclipse Spacelines, Space Lines - Patrick Collins, - Jay Penn and Charles Lindley, Aerospace Corp., Space Tourism

Workshop: Financing the Future – SBIRs, Venture Capital and Space Investment

Luncheon: Dr. John Lewis, University of Arizona

Scouting the Horizon: - Dr. Robert Zubrin, Pioneer Astronautics, Non-Gov't Mars Exploration - Dr. Alan Binder, Lunar Prospector Mission, - Jim Benson, Space Development Corp., Asteroid Mining - Dr. John Lewis, University of Arizona, Asteroid Mining - David Gump, Lunacorp, Return to the Moon - John Mankins, NASA HQ, Space Solar Power

Check out photos from Space Frontier Conference 6: | SFC 6 Photos Page 1 | SFC 6 Photos Page 2 |

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