CURRICULUM VITAE: CLAUS RASMUSSEN KEYWORDS: Biodiversity and Species Inventories, Ecology of Insect-Plant Interactions, Evolutionary Systematics and Biogeography, Entomology, Global South and Amazonian Conditions and Relations. BIOSKETCH: I am an Assistant Professor at Aarhus University, Denmark. My main research interest is to explain what determines and sustain biological diversity by studying insects at a global scale. I am particularly interested in documenting and relating species, distribution, and ecology with their interactions, evolutionary history, functional traits, and conservation planning. I use a multi-disciplinary approach, collaborating widely in order to take advantage of the recent developments in different fields of science and technology. I also supervise students and teach, manage research projects, take responsibility in committees, and review papers for scientific journals. PERSONAL DATA: • Born in Odense, Denmark (1972) • Danish nationality • Have been living in USA (5 years) and Peru (5 years) • Married, two children (born 2004 and 2007) PROFESSIONAL CONTACT INFORMATION: Aquatic Biology, Bioscience Aarhus University Ole Worms Allé 1 8000 Aarhus C Denmark Mobile: +45 2259 7679 E-mail:
[email protected] CURRENT POSITION: • Assistant Professor. Department of Bioscience, Aarhus University, Denmark (2017-). PREVIOUS POSITIONS: • Postdoctoral Research Fellow. Department of Bioscience, Aarhus University, Denmark/H Brix. Herbivory in Phragmites australis (6 months, 2016). • Postdoctoral Research Fellow. Department of Bioscience, Aarhus University, Denmark/JM Olesen. Native Danish bees: Distribution, status and Danish names (6 months, 2015-2016). • Teaching assistant. Department of Bioscience, Aarhus University, Denmark/JM Olesen. Population Ecology (1 month, 2015). • Research consultant. Conservation International, Peru/U Hellimo. Study of the pollinators in Alto Mayo, San Martín, Peru (3 months, 2015).