Enea Vico's 'Accurate Representation of the Genealogies of the First
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Enea Vico’s ‘Accurate Representation of the Genealogies of the First Twelve Roman Caesars’: PR !"R#! $ CAE%%. GE'EA("G AR#!, STE!!AT#!, C"'%A'GV ' TATV!, AFF ' TATV!*+VE, VERA DE( 'EAT " (Staatliche Graphische Sammlung, Munich) Edited, with an introductory essay by Margaret Daly Davis F"'TE% 91 [6.04.20#$% &'() urn:nbn:de)bs*)16-artdok-72649 &'/) http)00archiv.ub.uni+heidelberg.de0artdok0volltexte0#!#$0-#64 D23) https)00doi.org0$! $$4550artdok !!!!7264 Table of Contents $ Enea Vico7s ‘9ccurate Representation of the Genealogies of the first Twelve Roman <aesars7 or, Numismatics in the service of historical truth by Margaret Daly Davis 3 # >acsimile of the ?Primorum XII Caess. genealogiarum, stemmatum, consanguinatum, affinitatumque vera delineatio@ (6enice 1555; ed.pr. 1553) "= = ;ranscription of the Dedication of the stemma to <osimo de7 Medici (COSMO MEDICI FLO E!"I!O #M D#CI II. OPTI. P I!CIPI P.P. AE!EAS VIC#S P$ M.) "" " ;ranscription of the /etter to the Reader (?$E!EAS VIC#S P$ ME!SIS C$!DIDO LEC"O I@) "4 4 >acsimiles of Dedication and /etter to the Reader 46 Domitia, in) Enea 6ico, Primorum XII Caess. genealogiarum, stemmatum, consanguinatum, affinitatumque vera delineatio, 6enice $444 (ed pr $44=) # /& Enea Vico’s ‘Accurate Representation of the Genealogies of the first Twelve Roman Caesars’ or, Numismatics in the service of historical truth by Margaret Daly Davis Enea Vico7s accurate representation (?vera delineatio@) of the genealogies of the first twelve Roman Caesars – the Suetonian emperors – will have been a welcome research tool :or numismatists, antiquarians and historians of the mid sixteenth century. Entitled Primorum XII Caess. genealogiarum, stemmatum, consanguinitatum, affinitatumque vera delineatio, the 8genealogical tree7, or stemma, was issued in its first printing in late 1553 and dedicated by 6ico to Cosimo de7 Medici, Second Duke o: Florence $ The dedication to Cosimo is printed $ Enea 6ico7s, D'3M2'&M E33 <9ESS GE(E9/2G39'&M, S;EMM9;&M, <2(S9(G63(3;9;6M, 9>>3(3;9;&MF[6E% 6E'9 DE/3(E9;32 (ed pr ), 6enice $44=, a true representation o: the genealogies, stemmata, ,inships and relationships by marriage o: the :irst twelve <aesars, ca 4! 1 5! cm, was printed :rom two engraved copper plates on two sheets, then united ;he genealogical tree, or stemma, treated in the present wor,, is the third state, 6enice $444, preserved today in the Staatliche Graphische Sammlung in Munich 3n its published reproductions up until now the stemma is, with respect to the te1ts, mostly illegibile ;he scanned image o: the sheet ($444), presented in its publication here in >2(;ES, should provide access to all o: 6ico7s engraved illustrations, te1ts and notations and :acilitate a more thorough understanding o: his wor, Ge are grate:ul to the Staatliche Graphische Sammlung (Munich), in particular to Hurt Ieitler und Sabine GJl:el, :or :urnishing >2(;ES with a scan o: high resolution to be presented here >or the stemma in the conte1t o: 6ico7s numismatic studies and the wide+ranging antiCuarian culture o: the <inCuecento, see Giulio Kodon, Enea #ico, fra memoria e miraggio della classicit%, 'oma) ?/7Erma@ di Kretschneider, $..-, <hapter 333, ?/o studio del mondo antico nell7attivitL letteraria vichiana@, in particular, pp $!5+$$! See also) <ecilia <avalca, ?Dalle vite degli imperatori ai commentari di Giulio <esareA l7immagine cesarea nelle incisioni e nelle parole di Enea 6ico@, in) $rc&ivio storico 'er le 'rovince 'armensi, "6, $..4, pp 4"-+46=, in particular, pp 44"+444A &lri,e DeterA Kirte 'ubach, ?Die Genealogie der ersten *wJl: rJmischen Haiser in einem gross:ormatigen Hup:erstich von Enea 6ico@, in) Pegasus, (erliner (eitr)ge *um !ac&le+en der $nti,e,$=, #!$$, pp --+$$.A &lri,e DeterA Kirte 'ubach, ?MMn*en als historische Fuelle) Enea 6icos Haisergenealogie von $44= B eine neue visuelle Gissensordnung@, in) Das $ltertum, 6$, #!$6, pp $..+#!"A Margaret Daly Davis, Enea #ico on ancient coin reverses as &istorical documents- verso il .secondo li+ro so'ra le medaglie degli antic&i/, Neidelberg #!$= (>2(;ES --), http)0archiv ub uni+heidelberg de0artdo,0vollte1te0#!$=0#$5$ >or 6ico and his numismatic studies see) Edith /emburg+'uppelt, Enea #ico, Ein 01nstler2$ntiquar des 34. 5a&r&underts. Die (edeutung seines 6er,s für die !umismati, als &istorisc&e 7ilfs8issensc&aft, Dissertation, Kerlin $.55 (available in Micro:orm)A E /emburg+'uppelt, ?6era Nistoria) (umismati, um $44!@, in) $,ten, XII. Internationaler !umismatisc&er 0ongress (erlin 39::, ed Kernd Hluge and Kernhard Geisser, # vol , Kerlin #!!!, vol $, pp $$"+$#= and E /emburg+ 'uppelt, ?Der systematische 9usbau der (umismati, im Ger, Enea 6icos ($4#=+6-)@, in) 6issensc&aftsgesc&ic&te der !umismati,, (eitr)ge *um 3:. Deutsc&en !umismati,ertag, ;.2<. M)r* 399< in 7annover, ed 'ainer 9lbert and 'einer <un*, Speyer $..4, pp ".+-! 3n neither wor,, however, does /emburg+'uppelt treat 6ico7s stemma ;he :ollowing wor,s by >ederica Missere >ontana are most essential :or they combine vast archival research with a pro:ound ,nowledge o: 6ico7s boo,s and manuscripts and the aims and methods o: his investigations) >ederica Missere >ontana, ?'accolte numismatiche e scambi antiCuari del <inCuecento Gli Stati estensi@, in) $tti e memorie, $ccademia na*ionale di scien*e, lettere e arti, Modena, $$, $..=+.", pp #$=+#46A Eadem, ?'accolte numismatiche e scambi antiCuari del secolo E63 Enea 6ico a 6ene*ia@, in) =uaderni ticinesi di numismatica e antic&it% classic&e, #=, $..", pp ="=+=5=A Eadem, ?/a controversia 8monete o medaglie7) nuovi documenti su Enea 6ico e Sebastiano Eri**o@, in) $tti. Istituto veneto di scien*e, lettere ed arti, $4=, $, $.."+$..4, pp 6$+$!= A Eadem, ?3 progetti di studio di un antiCuario del <inCuecento) Enea 6ico tra 6ene*ia e >errara@, in) =uaderni ticinesi di numismatica e = at the lower le:t of the sheetA a notice to the reader (?Candido lectori@) appears at the lower right # Both of these te1ts are signi:icant :or Vico clari:ies, with remarkable succinctness, the origins of the stemma and his aims in publishing the work. At the same time the te1ts reveal a path to discerning the interrelatedness of Vico’s treatises and the evolution of his scholarship in the years between 1548 and 1557.= Enea 6ico, P IMO >M XII C$ESS. ?E!E$LO?I$ >M, S"EMM$">M, CO!S$!?#I!I"$"#M, $FFI!I"$">M=@#EA #E $ DELI!E$"IO, $44=, Kerlin, Hup:erstich,abinett antic&it% classic&e, #", $..4, pp =-.+"$#A Eadem, "estimoni 'arlanti- le monete antic&e a oma tra Cinquecento e Seicento, 'oma) Ed Fuasar, #!!.A Eadem, ?Enea 6icos (umismata antiCua) Der <ode1 /atinus ".6 der Kiblioteca Estense+&niversitaria *u Modena@, in) Das $ltertum, 6$, #!$6, pp #!.+### 3 am grate:ul to Eli*abeth McGrath :or her reading o: my manuscript, :or her help and suggestions # ;he dedication is entitled) ?<2SM2 MED3<3 >/2'E(;3(2'6M D6<3 33 2D;3 D'3(<3D3 D D 9E(E9S 63<6S D9'M @ ;he letter to the reader is entitled) ?9E(E9S 63<6S D9'ME(S3S <9(D3D2 /E<;2'3@ ;he $444 :olio in Munich is damaged at the :oot o: the inscription <avalca $..4 (note $, above, pp 444) and Kodon $..- (note $, pp $!5+$!.) :urnish partial transcriptions o: both te1tsA Deters and 'ubach #!$$ (note $, above, pp .5+$!!), :urnish German translations o: the /atin te1t o: the dedication and the notice to the reader ;he /atin te1ts have not as yet been transcribed and published in their entirety See below :or my transcriptions o: these = >or 6ico7s numismatical publications during these years, see) 9ntonio Iantani and Enea 6ico, Le imagini con tutti i riversi trovati et le vite de gli im'eratori tratte dalle medaglie et dalle &istorie de gli antic&i, /ibro primo, [6ene*ia% Enea 6ico Darm > /7anno $4"5A 9ntonio Iantani and Enea 6ico, Omnium Caesarum verissimae imagines eB antiquis numismatis desum'tae. $ddita 'er +revi cuiusque vitae descri'tione- ac diligenti eorum, quae re'eriri 'otuerunt numismatum, aversae 'artis delineatione, /ibri primi, Editio altera, 9eneas 6icus Darm > , $44=A Enea 6ico, Discorsi di M. Enea #ico Parmigiano, so'ra le medaglie de gli antic&i divisi in due li+ri. Ove si dimostrano nota+ili errori di scrittori antic&i, e moderni, intorno alle &istorie omane <on due tavole, l7una de7 capitoliA l7altra delle cose piu notabili 9l magnanimo et invittiss Signore, il S <osimo De7 Medici, Duca 33 di >ioren*a 2 D D D , 3n 6inegia) 9ppresso Gabriel Giolito De >errari, et >ratelli, $444 (second, revised ed $445A see below note $.)A Enea 6ico, Le imagini delle donne auguste intagliate in istam'a di rame- con le vite et is'ositioni di Enea #ico, so'ra i riversi delle loro medaglie antic&e, Li+ro 'rimo, 3n 6inegia) 9ppresso Enea 6ico Darmigiano, et 6incen*o 6algrisio, 9ll7insegna d7Erasmo, $44- " Enea 6ico, P IMO >M XII C$ESS. ?E!E$LO?I$ >M, S"EMM$">M, CO!S$!?#I!I"$"#M, $FFI!I"$">M=@#EA #E $ DELI!E$"IO ;he third state o: $444, MMnchen, Staatliche Graphische Sammlung ;he genealogical tree is closely related to Vico’s :irst numismatic work, published together with Antonio Zantani in 1548: Le imagini con tutti i riversi trovati et le vite de gli im'eratori tratte dalle medaglie et dalle historie de gli antichi, Libro primo " 3ndeed, the stemma might be considered an of:shoot of his research :or the Imagini. Vico and Iantani, in this earliest of scholarly numismatic treatises, provide images of imperial coin obverses with the e::igy of each emperor, a brie: note in the form of an inscription below the coin image, and a short vita drawn to a large e1tent from Sueton. The vite (by Iantani) are followed by meticulous engravings (by 6ico) of all of the coin reverses of the emperors that they had :ound.