
The Penteoosta.l November 11, 1962 TEN CENTS

No r O Y "" GHT. 1'-011 BY P OWC" OUT DY .... Y !,;P1RIt. $ AJTH Ttl!:: LOR:> • "

tlkS T MU-'8Ly • 0' 000 Day by Day in Your Bible THE WORD OF POWER T he .\merican Bible Society again this year is promot ­ Til E ~I."T E R KEY ing W orldwide Bible Reading from Thanksgiving to It i.., God 's \\'on!. Tlot our commcnt on God's \Von\. C hri ~ lma s. )'Ii ll i o n ~ of Christians in many lands cus­ wh ich saves souls. The Woro of God is that hy which tomarily joi n in this annual program by reading t he ~el ec t e d daily passages. sill is slain a nd gr:l.CC is horn in the heart. Tho.e who are reading the entire Bible through in \Ve have seen 111(: 11 :-. hut up as in the devi]'s own '62 wi11 wi.h to continue doing '0. The reading. for the dungeon. and we havc tried to get them free. \Vc have coming week are in t he Book of Act. (beginning c hap­ .. hakcn the bars of iron, hu t we could not lear them out. ter I on Sunday, NDvember 11, and fini.hing chapter 2 • But the Word of the Lord is a great breaker of bolts o n Satur day, November 17), Others who do no l pla n ' 0 "read it through in '62" ma y wish to eli]) the follow ­ and ha rs. Xo cell or cellar in Doubting Castle 'Can hold ing li st of Bible readings suggested by the Bible Society. a SOl d ill bondage when the Word of God. which is the master key, is once put to its true usc, a nd made to NOVEMBER 8 •...... •...... Luke 15:11 ·32 2Z Thanksgiving P$

mllles the si ze of the pearl we will produce for Him. THE PEAR L I N YOUR LIFE Small troubles, small pearls ; big troubles, big pearls. If, therefore, the rock in your life seems big, it is T he making of pearls I;; an industry thaI is peculiarly because God is expecting yOIl to produce a large lovely Japan's own. The Japan Sea gently splashes against the pearl for Him. - Bon PIERCE, in World Vision rocks and at the base of the rocks oysters cluster. Fish­ ennen bring these oysters to the surface, then specialists carefully open each oyster and place a tiny smooth rock in it. The oyster is returned to its bed, and months AIR FROM THE WORLD ABOVE later is brought to the surface again. By this time the oyster has covered the tiny rock with lll ster and made There is a curiOIlS lillie spider in South America that it a pearl. has a home under water. It forms a bubble abollt itself l~ hi s lIlay not be new to you. You may have heard in which, like a diving hell, it sinks to the hottom and th is illustration applied to troubles in the Christian life. it will remain there for homs, living below, yet breath­ But J want to add one more bit of information to this ing the air from the world above. \Vhen it returns to picture-the sizes of the rocks vary. Some are smaller the surface it is found to be perfectly dry, not the than others. The man who puts the rock into the oyster !> lightest moisture having penetrated the atmosphere in decides what size pearl he wants and selects a rock which it lived. :lccordingly. Even so we may live in the world breathing the air So, too, with the Christian. God expects us, through of heaven (Colossians J: 1. 2) and keeping our garments faith, to produce pearls. The size of the trouble deter- undefiled ( Reyelation 3:4) . - Choice GINlllillgS

We believe Ihe Bible to lw: the in . l'ired ~nd only inl~!Iiblc pr~ ciou " blood 01 Ch risl. WE BELIEVE Ihal regeneralion hy the Uoly and authoriuti'·e Word 01 Goo. W~: BELIEVE lh~ 1 there i. One God, Sl'irit i. ab..,luldy essenlial lor ""nonal salvation. WE IlELlEVE Ihal ~ternally exiuent in three per..,,,s: God the Father, God. lhe Son, ~ nd God lhe redcmptive work of Chri Sl on lhe cross provides healing of the human lhe 1101y Gho. l. WE nE IA EV~: in the deity of our Lord Jesu s Christ. in body in an. wu to believing I'ray~r . WE liEU EVE that the baptism of IIi, virgin birth, in II .. s inless tile. in Uis rniracles. in Hi . vi carious and the Holy Spirit. according to Acts 2:4. i . given 10 h<:1icvu. who ask lor it. "toning death, in IIi. hodily n surrection, in !Ii. ascension 10 Ih e righl WE BELIEVE in llle sanctilying power Df Ihe lIoly Spirit by ... hose in· hand of thc F ~ther, and in Hi s I'cr.onal luture return to this earlh in dwelling Ihe Christian i. ~n a blt d to li,·e a hol y lile. WE BELIEVE in Ihe po .... er and glor y to rule o,·er the nation s. WE IlELIEVE thal the only resurr",,"on of 0011, the sa,·ed and tht lost, the ont to e,'crlasting Iile and ,nun, of being clca" . ~d from "Ill i. through repentance and I~ilh in Ihe Ihe Olher 10 e'·(flu tin&" damn3lion.


EDITORIAL COMMENT ] - ...... "',. . -.• P'Uel." MtO CONTINUOUSLY " NCt 11113 God Is OUf Refuge NOVEMBER 11 , 1962 NUMBER 2531

BERT \\·EDB. EUnlli:·r iJirrt'/,.r \\'/1(:11 I1;Hi{)ll~ 1111h:r alld mu', .. hean .. grn\\ f.tlllt will it·ar. ho\\ ROBEHT C. (C~~IXGIIA\!, Elillor hlt ... .;{'(\ i( i.; to IlIrn tn lilt' !' ... alm.; and read ahollt our mant'imb Rduge. "God i ... om refugt' and :o.trl'Ilg'lh. a \l'ry pn' .. cnt hdp in Lloyd Chti~t i amen, Fdilorial As.ri.,tiUlt Irollblt'. Therdort' ",til lint \\'t' fear. Ihou~h Ill(' {'anh h(' rl'1l10n'fl, Lc,lie \\'. Smith, I II.\" mt r ,if,'r and though the I1IOlIlIl:1in .. b(' l'arried mtn the micbt oj the "l'a '\orman I'l,.,r"dl, .·/rl (' 'lisl/ll,ml (P .. allll 46). Carl G_ COllll.:r, Cif(u/al i,m Mau,,-'!er Boldly we may declare. with the P .. almist. "Tilt.' I.unl h 1lI\ rock. and my fortress. and 111\' deli\'erer. Illy (;od. my .. trtng:th, E D!TOIU .\L rOLI CY 130An n in whom 1 will trl1 .. t ... (1)..;all11 1~1. "Ill thc till1(' of trouhle ;J : e: \\"~ "i:> (Chairman). n J. ilerallrom. F: \\" Delhany, he shall hide nll' in hi" pavilion ." (Psalm 27) G. R. CHbon. N. Jj, llll\·id !on, 1>. II. ~lcL3ughhn. " e""';' R.neau. It. II, Wud. ,-\.. A. Willon, "The I.ord i:i Oil Illy .. ide: [ \\ill not fear: II-hat can Illall do Ullto me?" (Psalm II~). "Our hclp is in the na11le oi the l.ord, who made h{,b)' Bluek 25 praycr. Pa ~tor~ did not Icarn of it in time to make the Ill"C('..; .. ary an­ A Ccrtain Samaritan · Irma IIryri 32 nouncement:. during Sunday service,., and so there was not a \ t'fy wiele ohservancc: ncvert 11elcss thc I )re~ident·.s raIl SCell 1C(1 pnn-ilit-llt iall~ timcd. lIe issued the proclamation pur .. uant to an ac t of (ongrc,.. .. in 1952 fequiring the chief executive to sct aside SOlllC day ollwr feature. than a Sunday as a national day of prayer ('ach year, This Present World - editors 10 " Let us pray fo r our nation and fo r other nations of th l.' 1I"0rld," Your Questions· E, S. /l'il/iams II the P resident said, ". that this generation may experience the Foreign Mi ssions' R. T. nrork, Edilor 12 fruits of peace and may know the real meaning of hrntllerhood uudl'r Reviva1til11c New~ . ,... II'. Col/mug", Edil or 16 God." Ie reminded Americans that "fai th ill almighty \\'a~ HOllie r-U ssions . Nutl, LY(lII, Edilor 18 J Cod Healing Testimonies 20 a dominant powcr in the li ves of our Founding Fathcrs" who "ex· Sunday's Lesson· 1. B. BishoP Z~ pressed this faith in prayer. and in this posture lllembef1> of tht· E \'angelism Brcakthfl)ugh • nurloll If· !'i('f(,' 26 Comincntal Congrcs.s lllt1wally pledged their 1i\·cs. their iOrtlll1l'.-', and their sacred honor." Furthermore, he said that "each Succ('cding generation has shared that fai th." T herefofe. " lei us all pr:tr, each following the practices of his 011'11 faith," the l're:.idcllt said, EXECUTIVE PRESBYTERS OF THE G E ~ER_-\'L COI.iS-:JL OF TilE :\SSDIBLIES OF GOD God is our greatest Ally and we onl)' ohlaill Ilis help through rnol. F. Z,mmerman (Gen. Supt.). Bcrt Webb. Gayl: F. Le .... is, C. \\'. II. Seon, If, S. flush, J. P. !fOlran. prayer, \\'e need to realize that our chief enl.'Tl1Y is nO I flc~h ami Bartl:tt Peter..,n, M. B. Xend. It. J. 13 cre .. rom, E. W. Belhan ),. G. n. Carlton. K. D. I)J,·idson, blood, but a spiritual army ied hy S atan. Great en~nts of histor~· D. II, M.L3Ui'hlin. Kerm;, R en:~", I!. II, \\":ad. .-\.. A. Wibon. always haye spiritual causes behind them. The prescnt world situa­ tion i.s no c~ct'JJti(Jn. Behind the bitter fighting 111 the Indo·Ciuna THE P£NT£C05TAL EVANCEL i. Ih oWd.1 .ok. of tbe ..'-.",bl;u 01 God ;11 Ih. v .S.A. Publi,hd ..· •• k l, b!," tb. harder areas, the Cuhan crisis, and the Berlin situation, is Satan Co'p'1 PllbU.b;n. House <1, o. llorr.n, Grn,,"1 )lIn . ... ). I44S Boon.i!!e A •• nue.. Sp.in"ield. )'Ii ..ouri . U.S.A, AcIdr... o.ea him:-.elf who i.., hent on taking peace frOIll the earth. \\'e need nOt _ a. U.s...... U.:I. po.... """.: S,n.le . ub..:";p.;"n 12.50 • ,n.; '-'.75 1_ yu .. ; V.oo Ih.n y.... , Special ;",.o

NO .... EMBER 11 . 1 gf52 3 By INEZ STURGEON

woooell bcnches. The light was dim, for the windows were few and small. The. air. heavy with the aroma of the farmyard, told the occupation of most of the roughly dressed people. There was no organ, but the unaccompanied song sling from redeemed souls brought the Lord \'ery near as we , in our turn, moved forward with six or eight others to kneel in the tillY space to part.ke of the 1.:11lblems of the Lord's Supper. The common CllP was a silver goblet and the wille tasted metallic from its ('xcessive tarnish. The bread was heavy black bread, but all of this mattered 1I0t as we partook of this declara­ lion of the covenant promtse of our crucified and risen Lord. • • • "He was nailed 10 the cross for me, On the cross crucifiC

Sister Sturgco!1 Ill,likd Ihi, article September 10 from \'ell­ Cluela where she and her husband F. A. Sturgeon, have been t'ngaged in evangelistic campaigns. '

4 THE PENTECOSTAL EVANGEL imagination could he \·i\·id t:JUlUgh to ('\TII hegin to picturt· the tt'rrilllt, fin· ... of per .... t'CtltioTl through which "'lInK of lht~e p('opk had pa"'~NI. llt're \\"a" a mall whn hac\ ~l't'n IO.OX) of a Chri~tial1 comnlllnil~· liquid·· (Ca1:nian" 3:2io\). tears, as my mimi promptcd, "Thosc arc from East Herlin !" I knew that uppermost ill thei r thoughts wa,; tIlt' d read that something might come to cut thcm oir frolll this ha\"en where they could worship th e I.onl partaking of His "'broken hody and shcd blood." I turncd to Illy husband. and illV \·oice quavered and broke. ·'1 womkr if wc will he ~hlc to ha\·c these precio\l~ ones frOIll E ast Berlin with us for "Ilothcr comlllunion servicc ?, IN T WO W EEKS TilE \\·,\[.L WE;-\T !;l' ! They arc CIII off today ! * • , .. He was wounded ior uur tram;).(r~",i01I:i . Thi, He came to the world to do.. " The melody was changcd so that it h"c\ a definitc Q riC1!f o/ rhythm , hut as the words were sung by till' thousands gathered in the shadow of the gigantic, SilO\\"­ capped Himaiay"s on the vcry border of I~ed China and Burma. the Lord met every he:u·t. This communion service was the climax of a great con\"ention. :\Tore than 3,500 were in a ttendance and therc hart heen olle C:I lit[, r1 .\ i\ .\IEE K:\ E.' S DEF IN ED of the most powerful outpourings of the Holy Spirit '·The fruit of the ~p i rit i~ ... 1I11'l'bu'ss"· It i ... cxq\!i~ilt· that had ever come to this pari of the world. \Iany of ttl re!11cmht'f thnt when the:: Iioly Spirit callie to c;1rth. the people had walked bardoot fo r eight or nine days, lIe call1l· not as an eagle- tllurh Ic::ss a.~ a \u1ture-but somc for thirteen (l:"\ys. to attend this tnne of worship :h a gcntlc (]o\·c. and it wa~ ;IS a dove that 1-1(' possessed and fellowship. Among them werc " g reat !lumher of Chri-;I Ili!lhelf. .. . \ !)Ieck all \I!Hkr-r:lIi!1g uf our own Ing. powers :uld all imm('lhl' l'~timate of God's! LOO king down in to their fa ces one realizt'd that no -D. :\\. !'.. \ ;-\TO;-\

NOV EM BER 11 . 1962 5 Sodoltl!

By Ruth Copeland

\VIIY SIIOl"l.I) YO\' 11.1 \jt\IIHII; SOIXDI'" Of" \\ HAT {'O:">­ oiL J .11:-1. he~tiality, :md selfishncs~ which afe inherent cern arc the peoplr of that al](,"i('11I city to you:- 111 the ul1colln:rtcd hC:lrt thri\'c where the noisy rllsh Ilow can any cOlllmon bond exist between you- and of the city drowns the \'oice of God and conscience. people who lived :Uld J;wghed. worked and played, suf­ Crime flourishes: traffic in souls multiplies; penal ill­ f("rcd and wept forty ceuturics ago? Mitutions. insane asylums. and ho;;pilals hulge with the A relati oTl~hip dol'S exist hetweell you and them. 1t wreckage of human lives. concerns your pro,;!>ects before the judgment bar of God. Scxlom was no exception. The men of Sodam "were Jeslls compared yOll and the people of Sodom (:\Iatthew wicked and ~inncrs before the l...ord exceedingly" (Gelle­ 10 :15, II :2·1: ~I"rk G:II; Luke 10:12, 17:29). sis 13 :13). Its mme is associated with one of the most I Ie compared your opportunities. lIe compared the dcb.1 sing vices to which men sac rifice themselves. Sod­ way you arc lIsing your opportunities. lIe compared the om's defiance of God was total; the angels of God who hasis upon which you will be judged. visited the city to look for ,\braham's ten righteous per­ sons were mobbed and outraged by "both young and old. A GREAT CITY frOIll e"cry quarter of the city" (Genesis 19:4), 50do111 was set like a splendid jewel in the center of a rich farming area- verdant, well walered, and fruitful. A Doom:!) CITY \Vith her twin city Gomorrha and numerous suburbs God unleashed II is holy wrath upon Sodom and made she teemed with a great population. 1 fer merchants dis­ her an example to "those thaI after should live ungodly" played the luxury goods of the day. Her people enjoyed (2 Peter 2:6), Through a di\'ine concession to the in ­ a material prosperity commeflsurate with what you en­ tcrces~ion of Abraham, God would have spared the city joy today. had ten righteous persons been found, I n the still dark A W'CKED CIT" of the night the angels ushered just four people out of Large cities usually arc wicked cities. The "icc from th e city, Then judgment fell. The met! of So<\om likely which one recoils in the small community-where ev­ were aroused first by :l gentle patter of sl:k1.rks on the eryone knows everyone else-is committed without shamc roof tops. They probably turned themselves over lazily in the anonymity of the crowd. Inhibitions are thrown in their beds and drifted back into delicious sleep. Theil,

II the men of Sodom, who relatively had 80 little light, perished in the fiery anger that Ila.hed from the throne of Cod, do you imagine that you will escape-­ you who have sinned again.t light as Sodom never did?

6 with a ru:.h, the torrent of fire de"cended. Too_w's 5t" C1oud~ of sulfurous fum6 ,;wept into their hou"es and Because God cloes not punish sin uumedialc1y, !lIt'u chuked Ihem. Strcets and yards became grcat heaps of may imagine that lit: does not notice it. But he does. fiery coals. Burning embers hissed in the pretty foun· "(;od is Gllyry •• -illl the 1.,jd'('11 e,'('ry rlas" (Psalm 7: tains of water and turned tlwm into clouds of stcam. A 11). Ill' s('('.~ the drunk ell ness and debauchery, the fraud mighty draft roared through thousands of hOnles and and crime. the broken homes, and the ruin anel sl;ltIghter carried the flames upward. of men's Ii yes, He hear,., the hlasphemous and filthy Sodom became a hlazing inferno. ller people were talk. He hears tht' cry of the poor who have heen burned, cooked, roa:.terl ali\'e in their homes. Early in wronged,-the young who havc heen ensian:'d, and the the morning. at hi~ place of prayer, .\braham looked little children \\'ho ha\'t' ix.'en orphaned ,l11d made home· toward the rising sun and "10. the smoke of the COllntry le~~. He takes nOte of the pridc and rehellion in the went up as the smoke of a furnace" (Genesis 19:28). hearts of men a~ th<,y neglect lIi" honse. J lis \\'01'(1. and God annihilated 50dom. J Ie sterilized the very earth it as they make IIi,., day a day of ~ensllOllS pleasure rather had polluted with il!> sin. than one of worship. The accoullt,-, of nations and in­ dh'ic!uals in the hooks of Almighty God grow longer and A J t:1X;EJ) CIT\' longcr, and will one day he hrought Out into the open. In the end of time the men of Sodom will appear Guilt will he pr()yed and pllni"hment will be Ill:lde hefore the judgment bar of God. You, too, will he (Re\,el:ltion 20:12-15). ~ ull1moned to the judgment of God-as will all 1mcon· TOD.\Y·~ OI'I'ORTl':o.;TlY verted sinners, "The hour is coming. in the which all that arc in the gra\'eS shall hear his \'oicc, and shall Ii the men of :::'odom. who n'lativeh hall ~() little come forth: they that ha\'e done good. unto t11(: resur­ light. peri~hcd in \he fiery :lnger that fla"lwd Out from rection of life: and they that have done e\'il. unto the the throne of God. do yon imagine that yOIl will esc:lpe resurrection of damn

NOVEMBER 11. 196 2 7 "Abraham obcycd my , oic(', and k £' pt my charge. my . . .

. . . commandments. my statutes, and my laws" (Genesis 26:5)

By 110\\' A R 0 S. B L·SI!. Frrr!lli1'r I)irrrl"r, .If f11'S Frllm\'slup nrparlmr!!1

THERE IS NO SVnSTlTL'TI-' !'OR" \'ITAL OllEY HIS \'OICE ways remember that "his command­ experience with God. " man with eX­ The '<'oicc of Go

8 THE PENTECOSTAL. E VANGEL all nations may be blessed through hi:-; posterity, The commandments, statl/trs, and laws show how scrupulously Abraham regulated his life--<:arefully ahstaining from idolatrous worship and immoral· ity to walk with God. r.aws of all kinds are written primarily to restrain and govern our excesses. There is guidance and protection in the law, Old Testament citizens were ohliged to keep these laws-the Old Testa· ment Scriptures, \\'e who are iiying under the New Testament ha\"e the responsibility of sharing wit h others the truth as it is found in Chri st Je· sus, "For the law was gi\'en by :-.roses, but grace and truth came by JCSllS Q1rist" (John 1:17) . We are called to he \\,itncsses to Ch ri st both by our li\'es and by our words. Paul wrote, "For whosoeyer shall call upon the name of the Lord shall bc saved. H ow th en shall they call on him in whom they ha\'c not be· licved? and how shall they believe in him of whom they ha\'e not heard: and how shall thcy hear without a preacher:" ( Romans 10:13, 14 ) Un· less you and T tell them of Christ. hO\v can men be sayed? In Paul's day evcryone heard the gaspe\. Christians were witnesses ! They were soul winners. They lis· tcned to the \'Olce of God for a guidance in soul winning- the Lord directed them to needy inC\idduals, ~-'"ANY WAY YOU SLICE IT and gave them the message to speak. !\ot all yielded to obcy the gospel, but ,. ff/tJI i.I' 11t,/l.'·· :-'Iodnn machin e~ ha\c lIot mack it It' ...... II. the message was given to that genera­ tion for their decision. They have not halli.l!u'd it to ~pa(c. They 11;1\(' ~ill1ply ('llill/gt'd it to inc/I/{/(: space. And ih t'nlargc1llent l11al..('\ it lOll( II all OUI :'Iay God give us men who will dedicate their lives and talents. men lives. Your ~Oll~ and daug'httTS. lhc boy in YOUI Sunday ~(hoo! who wi ll intensify the burden of their dass-across the ai';]c in church, or n cx t door ;It home- may ally' hearts to win other men to the Lord lilllC be ~\\'Cpl fr0111 qllit't 11 or1l1 ;1iil), i1110 a P;ltl CI 11 01 alli\ilY Jesus Christ, men who will unite in and associ;lllllll ("/)111plctely ~trangc ;lnd o\c1"\\lIclming. It i .. prayer with other men in a great con­ the pllrpose of our 'I:n i(emen\ n i\ i~ion to milli~t Cl din:dly to certed week of prayer bcginning J an­ these people. and to ;lId Olll" (h:lpbill" ill Iheir llli n i~try, \\'ktt nary 6, 1963. ((/11 be (l(Tolllpli:-.hcd i~ limitcd only by the rund .. 'I\ailable. This week of prayer launches the Ilave YOll neglected ,hi., \ ital a rea ill YOlll \1(' \\a1(I~lllp ? I;j{'nd 1963 ACTIO!\" l\f"!\"DATORY campaign :1Il offering today 10 for all men eyerywhere- in e\'ery As­ semblies of God church. For three months an all-out effort will be made by all men to " win men at work, at SERVICEMEN'S play, at home." \VjJl ),011 join with your pastor and other l\IF laymen in this crLlsadc for souls? The urgcncy DIVISION **** of the hour demands it. Like Abra· C. A. DEPARTMENT ham, may al\ our men hear the voice 1445 BOONVILLE AVENUE of God, keep His charge, obey His SPRINGFIELD, MISSOURI commandments, follow His statutes. and observe His laws. ~~


For (>x;ullpll', ('\ang'f'ht-al .. ill Spain \'t' Elot unequally yoked together with PmYCIO ha\'c heen fnrhidd('n to puhlish a book uubelien'rs, for what fellowship hath entitled Proofs oj God's n.rist('t/rr, righteousnes" with unrighteou ... ness" Week of Prayer Proclaimed by ,\11(1 what comnlll11ion hath light with Assemblie. of God Leaders by Samuel \'ila. \ ci('Cision on wheth­ er the printing would be permitted darkness:-") he d(.'Clared that " the les­ The fun w('('k of 1963 (ht'gin­ fir~t was held up for more than a year ~Oll of Ollr fort\, vears of anti-COIllM lIinK Sunday. Jallllaf) 6) has heen IllUnist "truggle is ihat any individual. Finally. according to EF.\lA .HiJSi(m· proclaimed hy Ihl' F;.:ecllliv(' Pr<:~by­ group. race or nation wishing to he ar)' ,vC7l',f S('r1,ic(', the authoritic!; de­ Icry of the A<;st.'mhlie" of rood to lit' a ','oked togt,ther' and to co·exist peace­ nied the rCflUe!;t. Catholic clergymen \Veek of Prayer. fulJv with Communist regimes will hc ha\'e said that )Olr, Vila's hook again ... 1 It is the hope of the eX('ctl\;\"C hr('lh­ devoured hv the de"il" atheism i,; very good ami that tlH'Y n'll that during this \\"c('k of Prayer Ohsi.'r\'ing. that the suffering alld could approve it except for one thing ~acrifice of the Chinese people on tilt' there will be a spc

10 THE PENTECOSTAL EVANGEL sch"es conscientiously: Can bclic\·crs and nonbelievcrs work under the same Answered by Ernest S_ Williams yokc? Is it possiblc for J eSll~ to be in concord with l3elial? Do we want to serve sin and safeguard our physi­ cal li\·cs? Or will we refuse to be­ cOllle morihund servants and gain sal­ \·adon unto eternal life? These arc alternatives 011 which every Christian ~~~ YOUR QUESTIONS and every church must make \\"i~e de- C]SIOIlS.. " Docs 1I0t JeSIiS COJldCJ/l1I filMic Then God will ~('t lli:; h:tTld again, Olinese Christial1S in Taiwan (i1l­ o dm1ing all faiths) 1lI1111her close to praYII!.II, il! .\[ullhr..' ()ll? Ihc second time. to reco\·er the rcm­ 500,{)(X). The numher is growing every Je:-'II~ condeTllncd hY]I(){"rlt]cal nant of lIi~ pt'ople (bai:lh 11.11). year. praycr,; whidl :tre offefl'd jll"t to 1M..· Chri~t. by IIi:. IK'r"onal Jlre~(,Tll·e. will se('1l of men. not eanH'"t puhlic pr:l\eh 1)(' accepted by I~rae]"~ renll1:tn\ \\·hcn Amazon " Harvest" After (\Iatthc\\ 6;:;). The di.~dplc:; were I Ie cOllies to reig-n. ~{'e Z{'("hariah Twenty-six Years pra,"i1lg In puhlic \lhel1 thcy tarried 12-10: 13:1. The Christian world was stirred in (waited) to he tilled with the Spirit (.\Cb 1:14). ()n another ()cca"i(ln, <> II·ClS IIII' ,.'OlJum "l.vllo 'l·,I."!(J tft" June, 1936, when the martyrdom of wilh mam· Jlrc~ellt, they lifted up their /,'1'1 of Jesus a SIIlIlt"r (/.u~·c 7 :44- the "Three Freds·· in the Amazon \·oice~ in united pranT ( . \ch .t :2-1-.1 I ). 4~) ? basin was made knowu. Fred Dawson, :-iht' har! heeTl a ~illller and \\;\ ... ¢ l/"hat is mCallt by ··that Ihey Tlliyllt Fred l{oberts, and Fred Wright gave COlbickrt'11' 7,('1"1' perlnillcd. (!/ 0111' of Ihelr liie, but God can makc exceptions. after twenty-six years. fJalhcrillYs. 10 slIbstitult' silly, fri,,:ol­ 1 Ie did this in thc case of Enoch, OIlS ,.'oniJ" ill sarred Chrislmas carols" th:tt godly llIall of long ago who ';\\"as Miscellany (Jllyhl Ihey 1101 10 be tauyhl Ihal this translated that he should 1I0t sec is ,,·roIlY.' death" (Hebrews 11;5). He will do Post Office to Issue SOll]uil1lcS \"ouths get into a spirit New Christmas Stamp it for the godly Chri~t ian belie\'crs of Ic\·itv at social gatherings and par­ who arc Jiving on the carlh when Postmaster General Edward Day ticipate in lightness for the moment. J. Jesus cOllies to catch away His Church. has announced that in Illicl-:\"on~!llber which docs uot rdlect the general Those belie\'ers who ha\"e died prior the U.S. Post Office will issuc a spe­ tellor of their li\"es. I believe. how­ to Christ's coming will be raised to cial Christmas stamp appropriate for e\"er, it would ha\"e been right to ~top life and caught up to. the clouds to mailing grecting cards. Thc stamp will their Illlllilation of sacred songs and meet the Lord; those belic\'ers who have a holly-wreath dcsig-n ( instead to instruct them against doing this. of a religious one. as fo rmerly con­ hal'e not died \\'ill be changed and IX' !\nd. while wriung 011 this subjcct, templated ). Thc Post Office hopes e\·­ caught up to. met:{ the Lord without I \\'ould like to say that changing the eryone will send Christmas cards by dying. Ho\\"cye r, the miracle of tempo of :t sacred song lIlay be jllst first-class mail using the new Christ­ "change" must occur in all, making mas stamp. as objectionable as changing the words, fo r it affects the meaning that is at­ them heavenly bcings. This is the evcnt Over a Third of Servicemen tached to the si nging. Those who muti­ Paul the apostle had in mind whcn he wrOle: ;'\\'c ~Il:tll not all sleep Untouched by Church late the tempo of beautiful Christian jdieJ, bllt \\·c shall all be changcd, in a \lajor Gencral Frank A Tohey, songs, thinking that doing this is musi­ chief of Army chaplains, recently re­ cal art, ought to he corrected. moment, in the t\\'inkling of an eye, ported that a stlney of the men com­ at the last trump" .. " (I Corinthians ing into the Army today reveals that <> 1I0~,! do yOIl illt('l"pr('1 111(' ,crs(', 15:51. 52). Thus the living shall thirty-eight per cent have never had "Blil/duess ill part is happelle(l 10 Is­ ascend to meet the Lord withoul pa.'j~ ­ any contact with any miniHer. priest, racl, IIlItil Ihe flllllcss of the Gellti!!'s mg through death. or rabbi. It appears that both churches be come ill" (Romal/s II :25 )? and the armed forces h;:we a big job Israel as a nation (not individual Ij .1'01< JUI.'e (I spi,-iI1la/ proiJJ.'1H or all.l' of evangelization on their hands. I sraelites) will continue in spiritual The Army got a new chief of chap­ qucsliot! aIJ()IJ/ III" Ui&/r. ,\'ot, or(" im11"d to lains on ).Jovember I when Chaplain blindness--<:ollcerning Olrist as its ;.·,.ill" 10 "}'our QlIi's/iOlIs."· Thl" Pcu/;,("o.filll b"HlYcI. 1·1-15 Boom:illc .·la· .. Spriuujidd. (Colonel) Charles E. Brown, Jr., a }[essiah- uTltil fnlness of opportunity JIll. Brother lI'illi'l!/!s '1"il/ 1III.I"1('l"r ;,illll'r PI Methodist, succceded ChaplaiTI Tobcy. for the Gentiles is completed; at that this rdumll or by (I persoll(l/ /("I/r,. (if .\"/)1' time the Church will be caught a\\'ay. an American l3aptist. scml II SIC/Illped sdJ·mldrcsscd cn'Prlopl').

NOVE MBER 11 . 1962 11 the ~t1:o lld ~en·ice. The people watched us from around adobe corners and from second-story windows. The only missionary they had ever seen besides Verlin and us had been Oscar Smith. Several years ago Oscar was shot in the b..1.ck for preaching in the :'>.1 ira­ flo res valley. Vole weot to the home of one of the city jailers, where we had been invited to have the service. There were thirty-three people in the small room Right in the middle of our service they came- more than 1SO school children led by the main priest of 1[irafiores. They recited the Rosary and chanted all the time 1\ orm was preaching. Even as the priest raised hi s voice out on the cobblestone street. five people in the room bowed their heads and accepted Christ for th e first time. Norm accompanied the closing hYllln Blessings and Bloodshed with his saxaphone while r kept watch • at the window. That was when the In Colombia priest dismissed the children and started for the door of the house. I lJy l)a\'id Womack. Missionary 10 Colombia rLl shed to the doorway to meet him. but he was already inside. He shoved \V1TII1N TilE i.AST YEAR, NOR'\IAN crossed the Andes in OUf Speed-the­ me against the adobe wall, then jerked Caml?bell and r have heen arrested Light pickllP. We went to visit 1Jira­ the saxaphone out of Norm's mouth. for preaching the gospel, Verlin and flores, a town on the inner side of "Just a moment!" he shouted at the Pauline Stewart have been stolled, and the Andes where th e mOllntains drop local people who had dared attend an the Colombian Christians have been away toward the hot lowlands. VerI in evangelical service . "As the principal stabbed, stollcd, imprisoned, and spied Steward. the superintendent of Colom­ priest of ~liraflores I command every tlpon hecause of their testimony for bia, and his wife were there two weeks Roman Catholic to leave !" Jesus Christ. As I write this article. before us. For some two years there \Ve waited, wondering how a two­ I have before me fOUf pieces of broken had been an Assemblies of God work week-old church would react to such glass from the windows of one of OUf in the country on the other side of pressure. \Ve wondered what those churches. They are stained wilh the the valley. Verlin held the first meet­ would do who only moments before hlood of one of your Colombian ing in the towo. had accepted Christ as their Saviour. brothers. \Vednesday afternoon Norm and I The priest repeated his command. Norman Camphell ami r recently went into the town of i\1 irafJores for AO olle moved. The," woul d lose

Windo .... ' .... u e broken and the puto. and a layman were Verlin Stewart, Bonifacio Daze, end the pastor hold pie<:e • .... hen Roman Catholic. auacked the Assembly in Barrio, Boyaca. beer bottle. and bricks which .... ere thrown through t he windo......

'2 T HE PENTE COSTAL EVA NGE L their job!): thcy would 1)(' ridicull'cI: It I"" Brotht.'r 1 lata ':-. hlnll<\ that maybe they would die for their de­ SPECIAL NOTICE "ta1l1'" the brok/..'Il gla ...... 011 my de~k. cision. hut 1"('')' did nol mOi'(', \~ I look at It, I hl'ar ,h(' h100<1 (If .. \ ("ilk ir.. ul F/o::r It h,,~ illf. martyr, thnmghol1t tilt' rt·lIt11ri("~. try· The prieM angrily repeated the com­ u_ that :\1 r_. j<'"nllic Hel't"n. ,,-I< mand. I answered him, "You an.' til(: to Lillian Tra,hcr, al\(\ ill:r (om illg Ollt to you ami 111t" tn .. acrifin: only Roman Catholic here, ~o yOIl i,anion in F,,"I't illr more tha11 iifly Illnrl'. should leave." \{'ar~. ha, 1';1,,(,"(\ away ~hc \\;'\­ You cannot kwm ::thout Colomhia bUril'd 111 \"ir)t!l. F:gypt He turned and stampcd (lUI of the

13 N OVEM B ER 1 t . 1962 gratification over this obedient son. One wonders why Cain and Abel turned Qut so differently. Did the par­ ents fail in their responsibility toward Cain? \Ve do not know; the Bible is silent on this point. \\'c do know, however, that God has promised suc­ cess to parents who bring up their children "in the nurture and admoni­ tion of the Lord" (Ephesians 6:4). A high incidence of juvenile de­ linquency in the end-time was proph­ esied in the Scriptures (2 Timothy 3 :2). Present-day proofs of the ac­ curacy of this Biblical prediction are everywhere abundant. "Children of Cain" arc running wild all over the universe. \Ve thank God fo r the vision of those who have raised up teen-age evangelism centers in New York and Chicago, but these centers-and we say this courteously-will salvage only a small portion of the children who have gone "after the way of Ca ill. " How TO RAISE (,\1 N The police department of H ouston, Tex., recently issued a leaflet called, "Twelve Rules for Raising Delinquent Children." ( 1) Begin in infancy to gi\'c the child everything he wants. In this way he will gro\v up to believe the world owes him a living. (2) \Vhen he picks up bad words, laugh at him. This will make him How to Raise think he's cute. Tt will also encourage him to pick up "cuter" phrascs that will blow off the top of your head later. Cain-and Abel (3) Never give him any spiritual training. \Vait until he is twenty-one There are specific reasons why some children and then let him "decide for himself." (4) Avoid lise of the word become incorrigibles while others deuelop "wrong"; it may develop a guilt com­ into upstanding and useful citizens. An plex . This will condition him to be­ Abel is no accident. lieve later, when he is arrested for stealing a car, that socicty is against him and he is being persecuted. By LLOYD CHRIST IANSEN (5) Pick lip everything he leaves lying around-books, shoes, and cloth­ Pastor, Pirst Assembly of God, (,"110'('11/1(', IV)' om iug es. Do everything for him so that he will be experienced in thrO\ving all responsibility on others.

TilE N<\:\I£ "CAIN" BHINGS TO :\111>;0 offer a sacrifice to God that was COIl­ (6) Let him read any printed mat­ the heinous crime of murder and the trary to God's orders. tcr he can get his hands all. Be care­ folly of good works as a substitute The name "Abel" calls forth the ful that the si lverware and drinking for God's directives. As you know, recollection of a young man who glasses are sterilized, but let his mind Cain was the first child bortl of the scrupulously obeyed God, presenting feast on garbage. first parents on carth, and he is re­ a sacrifice which pleased God and (7) Quarrel frequently in the pres­ membered (1) as the slayer of his honored His desires. Abel was dutiful ence of your children. In this way brother Abet and (2) as the pre­ to the Lord in the minutest details. they will not be too shocked when sumptuous young man who dared to Adam and Eve had just cause for the home is broken up later.

'4 THE PENTECOSTAL. E VANGEL. child, hut the rod !Ii currcctioll shall (1 2 ) Explain to them that charac.:tl'r drh"e it far from him" (rrMerhs 22' really counts. Hone,.,ty i ... one of the Opportunity 15) , facets of noble charaCter. "Provide (3) Be an example of Chri ... tiall li,·­ things honest in the "ight of all men" by Lynn Copetond ing lX'fo re your ehildn:n Tht·\ dis­ (H.oman~ 12:17). dain a profession of "faith without \ nohle off::.pring IS 110 ;lceidel1t. It Each block of marble cold a1ld bare works," The rea~oll Timothy could Ix­ rd\t.'('t:; the concern, effort, and appli· Contams a Grecion goddess fair, cOlllmended for his "unfeigned faith" cation of earne"t parents. Father. moth­ That we may bring mto our (,jtW, \\"a~ that it ;'d\\"eh fir:.t in Ihi:.1 grand­ er. are you rai"ing Cain· -or .\bel ~ If we remOL't the rtsldl4t. mother Lois, and Ihi ... j mother Eun­ l{cgarding your performance as a par t'nt will it:slh sa\" to vou, ,,\,'ell dom', Each tray of OIls o"d lube oj ponlts ice" ( 2 Timothy I 5) thull g(\(~1 and i;ithit;1 wr\,ant":' ~~ Conlaim a portrait of Ihe samts: (..J.) Encourage your ho.,,> ;llld girl~ A masterpIece. a w(mdrous sight, to read the Bihle en'ry day This will .. I f we apply Ihe CO/01S righl. --,._-_._----_ _-, 1"k1.y you and them \'aluahle "cli"i­ FOR THE JUNIOR R£A,OER Each dictionDry filled with words, ,1 I I I I J -HI I I I (7) Teach your children to gin' "' (9) Satisfy hi:. C\'l.'fy na\'ing for priority to spiritual things. ;'For hodil)' ~ _"W, ~ _,aul I I I I I I food, drink. and comfort. Sec that e,'­ exercise profitetll little: but godlillcs~ ery sensual desire is gratificd. Dcnial is profitable 111110 all things, ha\'ing - .a 0] may lead to harmful intstration. pr01l1i~e of the lifc that now is. and _ ww-t _ N-t ~1I)l" pr'~:1- HE (10) Take his part :lg"ains t neigh­ of that \\'hich i!'. 10 corne" (1 Tim­ 4-- V bo rs. teachers. policemen. They arc othy 4:8). m ' B- 0.1 I I I I I I I I I I I I all prejudiced against your child. (8) l11si~t on :In atlitud<: of respect ( 11 ) \Vhcn he gets into rcal trOll­ to\\'ard older people. ,. Likewise, }"<: .-uITIJ -CO 0 bit. apologize for yonr~df hy snying. younger, submit yourselves untO tl1<: "I ne,'cr could do anything \\'ith him," elder .. ,'. (1 Peter 5:5). God honor ... 0) '4--... 1I III­ this principle in all area., of life. ( 12 ) Prepare for a life of grief. YOII I I I I I (9) H old up the idcal o f puri!\' will he likely to ha,'e 11. before your children. "Keep thy'>t'lf G ',...,_W' pure" ( I Timothy 5:22 ), H ow TO RAISE AIIEL (10) Emphasize the inlportance of , 0 _w,,1 11 I I I I I I II So much for raising Cains. Follow­ ing is a twelve-point formula for rai::.­ regular ch\1reh attendance to your hoyS' ';a -,ITIJ <$7-.0] - ing Abrls--(:hildren who hecome good and girls. "::\ot fors.1.k ing tht: a~.,em ­ citizens and noble followers of Jesus bling of yoursd\"es IOgether, as tht' 3-REITIJ 0. _BH ~G-t o Christ. manner o f some is: hilt exhorting om.' another: and :'0 much Ih<: more, as '8 - fR WrnlllJ ( I ) Give your child information and ye sec the day approaching" ( 11 e­ direction on how to live the 01ristian brews 10:25). Parents nllht be t'x­ <" -'00] ,-" ITIJ life. Boys and girls don't ha\'e built­ amples in thi~. in "compasses." "Train up a child in ( 11) Teach your children to have '-""oct -·1 I I I I I I the way he should go: and when he respect for the law of the land. Chris­ is old, he wi ll not depart from it" l¥( _.m" ~ _A" I I I I I I tians ought to exemplify the best kind ( Proverbs 22:6). of citizenship. "Let evcry soul be sub­ \:-1-NO] lLJLl _T< 'i:r _0.. (2) Chast ise your children as oc­ ject unto the higher powcrs, for there 'i"\' L\ WRA casion demands. \\,ith many. the cor­ is no power but of God: the pO\\'l'r~ · __ I I I I I I I I I I I poral kind is very effective. "Fool­ that be are ordained of God" (Ro­ O, luk. 12 :15 ishness is hound in the heart of a mans 13:1 ). _·'_·'_._.___ __. ___ .._ ,_._.N

NOVEMBER 11. t 962 15 Debts hinder couple's preparation for the gospel ministry until GOD ANSWERS REVIVALTIME PRAYERMEETING REQUESTS

"SHORTLY IJEFOIH: T IIASKS(;IVI:-:(; 1959 to pray. ~ledi cal authorities had in­ a new clll1rch in Hamburg, t'I:, Y. I was listening to i?t"l,liw/timc and formed her thaI she would die within But Da\-id and his wife Lucie were heard aoout the Thank-.giving Prayer­ three months if she did not ha\-e an "till faced with mountains of hills and meeting. T wrote and asked Rr'1!i,'al· operation to remove a growth on her any plans for entering the ministry lill/("s prayer groups to pray that God neck. seemed futile. ":'Iy income began to would help me to pay Illy hills and "She prayed that the Lord would increase with my health, but still the make a way for me to enter the min­ heal her ill such a way as to bring' istry. I want you to know lIe has conviction to my soul," Da\·id relate;;. clone this for me," "Her pastor and some of the people " This is the tc~timollY of Oavid from her church came and prayed for • Turnhull, now a student at Elim Bi­ her. That night she \·olllited lip the - hie In~litlltc, T.ima. :':ew York For growth. Illally years he was I\Tls:l.\'cd and so "Unable to refutc sO great a lC:.­ ill that he was unable to work steadily. timony, I yielded to their imitation Through the witness of a Christian to attend their church, the As!>emhly • neighbor. he was saved and Cod ga\,(' of God in Angol;)., X. Y. r found him health again. Christ as Illy Sa,-iour there on Sep­ "The doctors said J h:ul a Ilen'ous tcmber 15, 1955. • stomach and they could not gh'c l}lC "From that moment on, I felt the much help. Encnttlal1y. my nerves call to preach the gospe\." In an ef­ hroke--lh('11 J hegan 10 pr:lY," David fort to do ;).;; much for the Lord ;).;; wrote. he could, D;\\·id hegan to teach ;). Dav;d and Lucie Turnbull are follow;ng God'. call after their prayer reque.h .ent to the ~hool A Christian neighbor lady, feeling Sunday class and later hec;)'llle Rev;vallirne Prayerrneeling WeTe on.were

to pray for the salvation of Susan's parents ;).nd sent a prayer request to FAMILY SALVATION /?r'i,j'(.'altimr's 1961 Thanksgi,'ing l'rayermceting for this purpose, Sus­ BEFORE :'IRS. F. R. FOSTER OF WETAS­ quest prayer for the :.alvation of her an's eight-year-old brother accepted kiwin, Alberta, Canada, finished her son and da\lghter and their families Christ ill Sunday school. letter to Rl'1imitim{', telling of her at last year's praycrmccting. rn the early part of 1962, ~lrs. son's salvation in answer to a prayer "The children were hrought up in Foster's son and his wife were attend­ request sent to last year's Thanksgiv­ the Pentecostal church,'· :\frs. FOSler ing the Cah'ary Church in \\'oodstock, ing \\'orld I'rayermeeting, she recei,'e<1 writes. "\Vhell th ey were about eight Ontario, on a Sunday. Conviction word that her daughter was also years old, they both were sa\'ed and gripped their hearts and when the al­ saved. thcy lived for the Lord until they tar call was gi\'en, they went forward The constant concern of ~I r, and drifted away in their early teens." and made their public confession for Mrs, Foster, who had heen saved in The SOil married a fine girl of the 01rist. A short time later, Susan and a full-gospel ~hllrch prior to the birth Anglic.:m faith and three children were her parents were baptized in water. of their twins- a boy and a girl, was born to them-a girl and two boys. Not satisfied with salvation aloll(', the salvation of their children. There­ The daughter also married and has Susan went a step further this sum­ fore, they claimed the promise of Acts four children. mer and received the baptism in the 16:31: "Believe on tbe Lord Jesus About four years ago the son's Holy Spirit during a Christ's Ambas­ Christ, and thou shalt he sa\·ed, allll daughter, Susan, accepted Christ as sadors service. The last night of camp lily /tOIISt'." her Saviour at a children's meeting. meeting this summer at Braeside, her This concern led t>.lrs. Foster to re- Then she and her grandmother agreed father, too, received his Baptism.

16 THE PENTECOSTA~ EVANGEL hills persisted. I can te .. tify to the way, <;cellIs to wam of the potential blessing of tithing became ('\'en Telstar holds for thc world. This warn­ through those days God returued more Ing- underscores the que.o.;tion, "H' iff It than I ner ga\·e." d,'al i'l lifl' or dratld" I n addition, David enrollt.'d m th .., @NTHE AIR( ] But Tclstar talk .. to the church, tOO' Berean School of the Bible :1.I1d com­ It pre .. ages a new concept ill world­ WITH D.V. HURST wick' emnnlllllication... Jt has been plcted a corrc<;pomlence COllr ... e 011 o Penteco::.lal truth. ;;It took Ille IWO SECRETARY ralkd the great('~t single .. tep in com· years to finish the course. hut it es­ !llunicatiolls .. incl.' Alexander Graham OF RADIO n,,'ll fir~t ... poke into his telephone in tablishcd me fore\'cr on a rent('('o~tal , .. foundation." 1~7h \!ld what ... tride~ have heen tak­ TEI5T.\R T.\I.K" ~ tn III jl1~t eightY·"lx y('ar." Thcn, shan I" after David rC

"They arc still so happy in the Goo is so good: I am really reJolclIlg New Stations Lord. E\'en the Iittlc four-year-old today." Th., iollO\.. ing 'taliol1~ Ita\'(': 1H.,tn adell" \ loyes to pray," ;-'frs. FO.!>tcr relatcs. Before the request could again he tu tht' Rt'1.·ir·"ttim,· radiu lo~ But Mrs. Foster was still not s.,tis­ placed before 1?l'1'iraltilll(,'S Thanks­ BRE\\,TOX, .\LAR.\i\!'\ (\\'FA) I fi ed. If one child could be sa\·ed. why giving Prayermeeting, God had all­ 1240 kc.-l50 \\",Ith not the other ? So, when she heard swered her prayer. Truly, "I3efore they Sunday. 7 :30 a.m. about RC1/ivallimc's 1962 T hanksgiv­ call, I will answer; awl while they IIOT SPRINGS, ARKANSAS (KA\I\) ing World Prayermeeting. she wrote are yet speaking, I will hear" (Isaiah 1340 kc.-500 watt, Sumla),. 8 :30 :I.m. requesting prayer for her daughter'S 65 ,2-1 ) . salvation. If you ha\'e needs such as r..1 rs. \i\IERICCS, GEORCIA (\\'ISKj 3000 wath Foster-or those of ;-'[r. and :\Irs. "Please pray that my daughter will Suuday. 3 :()IJ II III come back to the Lord and that her Turnbull-send your request to Rc­ (;I.E:\])I\·E, i\fOXT.\X.\ (K(.r.EI husband will be sayed. Two of their ~'ivalti/ll('. Concerted prayer will he Sunday. 8 :110 a,rn. fou r children are also unsaved," ;-'[rs. offered for these needs on :\ovemher (~RI·:EX\\'OO]). S. C. (\\'G~\\) Foster wrote. 18 at the annual Thanksgi\'ing World USO k(.-IOOO watt, But before she mailed the leiter, Prayermeeting. ~Iail your reqllc sts~ to Sunday. 2:30 p.m. REV I V A I, T I ~\'I E, BOX 70, M rs. Foster heard from her daughter \·ERS.·\L, L'TA I-i ( KVEI ) and so added this post script : "Since SPRINGFIELD, ~IISSOURI. and 1250 h.-SOOO wath writing this letter my daughter has an attractive prayer reminder will he Sunday, 730 a.m, been saved and also a neighbor of sent yOll. Also. you r gifts and offerings C HILLIWACK. B.C.,CAKAU.\ fU'\'KI hers. Now, please pray for my son­ arc needed now to meet this month's 1240 kc. in-law and the neighbor's hushand. airtime expense. tiff Sunday, I :00 p.m.

N OVEM BER It . 19 62 17 prison walls, rhrt(· hundred Bibles of booklets yon ha\'c hnt i .. ments have heen sent to pri .. olls in due to the superiority of your cor­ the past month. respondence work. I recently cnmptetec1 a four-month "To the men who do their duties Our Prison tour of thint·ell .. Ialt·..;, where I visited rather quickly. thus having' quitc a "Iatc pris()n~ and interviewed hundreds few hours of free time. this mille of inll1ates; I also spoke in many of slmly work has been very hencficial; Literature Ministry (Jur churches in the interest of our and they are ohtaining much good from i,risc)Il ministry. your lessons. It shol\ld he recognized III Septem!x·r I attended a prison that your COrTc'>l>ondencc work is hv Is Expanding chaplains cOTln~ntion in Philadelphia. far the best cour..;e we have hcen ahl~ Pa. JJere prison chaplains and war­ to make availahle to our Illen. \\' e Uy ARVID OIIH~I'I.L dens, membcrs of the ,American Prot­ certainly apprcciate your continued in­ .\'aliml(ll Prism! I: "Al­ each year by inmates themselves as me: "There has been a decided in­ though T am incarcerated, the work­ ..... ell as by prison chaplains. Leuers crease of interest in your correspond­ ings of God haye been many. I Ie ha~ of appreciation and reports from mally ence school program. This, of COllfse, answered numerous prayers, and as a state and federal prison chaplains in­ you have noticed from the number result I ha'·e made a promise to serve dicme these courses have proved a Him always. Thank you fo r the op­ great help to prisoners desiring to portunity to Jearn mOTC of God study the Word of God. through these courses. T hey, in ad­ Courses sent out from the Prison dition to my daily meditations, have Division during july, Angust. and raised me above my situation and I September numbered -\337. Completed know God IIOW !" courses during th e same pcriod of • • • time nUlllbered 1,368. f-.iore than 17,­ Editor·s Xote : The expanding ministry ()(X) students have completed study of the Assemblies of God Prison Divi· courses since the program was begun sion is dependent on the continued fi­ in 195 1. nancial support of interested c1nlrches and individuals. These cour ses cost many A new Dible study course entitled hundreds of dollars each year. Your of­ "The Book of Acts" ha s just been fering is urgently needed and will he printed, which makes a total of eight greatly appreciated. It may be se nt direct primary Bible study courses now avail­ -- 7 to the Prison Division of the H ome ~I is· ATv id --Ohrnell-. like. • perron• • in ter.1t in the s i on~ Department, 1445 Boonville :\\'e., able free of charge to those behind prironer, .nd often Irade. their leliOnl . Springfield, ~Io .

,. THE PENTECOSTAL EVANGEL Here is proof that prison ministry is a double bfessing (hat brings joy not only to prisoners but also (0 the church whose workers minister to them. Prison Ministry Presents a Challenge

P(utor oj t"lIi~'('rslty Asscmbf}' oj Cod, Waxahachie. T,'.r<1S

"ARE JAIL SERVICES WORTH THE for a sc.";sion of prayer and rehearsal. relief to he fOtlnd hy la~'ing OIlC'~ hnr­ time?" is a question often asked hy peo­ Then the workers, aiter dividing into dens at the feet of om Lord," ple who ha\'e never engaged in such three groups. proceed to the three jails, Another man. also III prison for nmr­ ministry. The story of University As­ Thc 1'\ational Prison Department has der, says in his lalest lclter to Brother sembly's prison ministry answers af­ pro\'ided corrcspondence courses aud Stone: to 14.500 by cei\·ed permission to ministcr at the through the jail ministry of C"ni\'crsity 1905! Tile cilallenge of prison mil1i~­ county farm. Some time latcr they Assembly. try is great for i\,.scmhlies of GQ{I began conducting services at the city 0ne man sclllenced to prison for churches who \\'i~h to do their part jail, by permission of the chid of life for the murder of three persons to fulfill the Great COl11mis:.ion by police. says, " T aim to pass on to others taking Chri ... t to ';cvery creaturc'"-ill­ Every Sunday afternoon the jail the help that you and your group c,luding tho~c unfortunate people be­ squad meets at University Assembly hrought to me-that is, the wonderful hind the har.";. ~~

Lloyd O. Stone it director of the priton University Assembly's jail squad sings gospel John Farino. 0 member of the jail tquad. at Univeroity A ..embly. songs at t he county jail. speaks 0\ the county fnm tet~;c •.



N OVEM B ER 1 1. 1962 '9 bone was removed to graft into her back, one would never know she had heen sick. TESTIMONIES As a result of this healing, many in Barcelona have become interested OF in the Pentecostal message. During the past year and a half that we have ministered in our small assembly here, HEALING many ha\'e received the infilling with the HOly Spirit, including Ines and her husband.- (Kellneth and Martha jcsus Christ I{,(' sallll' Yl'sfl'n/IIY. (/Ild today, (llId for ('('('/" (I!('/!rr<.vs 13 :~). Mclnlyre, Assemblies of God mission­ aries, Barcelona, Spai".) distress and pain, and returned home Spaniard Ileal cd of discouraged and disillusioned. Doubts Vanish Whcn Spinal Curvature It was not until the beginning of God Heals Him 1958 that Ines and her husband had YEARS T SH,\LL NE\'ER BE .'\ DOL'IITER ,\(;A(:-':! AFTER EIGHT LONG OF SUF­ the privilege of hearing the true gos­ fering, resulting from curvature of the pel. They both accepted Christ as their No, not after what the Lord did for spine, fnes :\1arques of Barcelona, personal Saviour. At that time the me a few months ago. Spain, was miraculously healed. Now, \Vhile attending services at the San four years later, her healing remains l fcrc'cJ d:l.Y alld night. either a dead kidney or my ulcers had l\ l rs. :'ITarqucs then wellt to a bone returned. ( I had had three-fourths of specialist. An X ray showed the sep­ my stomach removed because of ul­ aration and deviation of three lumbar cers.) He told mc to get X-rayed 011 vertebrae. She was operated on im· the following Monday. mediately in November, 1952. Part of nut in the meantime my condition the right shinbone was transplanted to grcw worse. On Saturday night the the deviated side of the spine, after pain was so severe that aspirin and which she spent three months lying other pain-killers had no effect. on a hard bed. On Sunday morning I called a fine During the next nine months she Inn Marquel dilcarded thele .uppon~ and Christian lady in the church, and asked felt quite well. However, she continual­ ele vated ~ h <>e after God healed her. her to request prayer for me. She ly had to wear an iron orthopedic truth of di\·ine healing was unknown did, and the church offered special hrace and an eJe\'ated shoe, The severe to them. Ines' physical suffering con­ prayer. Although I was not present, pain then returned, and she was con­ tinued. For a time she had to take all pain and soreness vanished ill!­ fined to a hard bed for an additional morphiine to obtain relief, and a new ",edw/ely. There has not been a trace two months- without relief. She was orthopedic brace was purchased to re­ of pain or soreness since, and the given more medicines, injections, place the old one she had worn for X rays showed no trouble. Praise the X ray and oth er treatments. yet her fi ve years. Lord !- Harold M. Donohoe, San condition remained the same. That same year some of her Chris· Rafael, Calif. After an additional five years of tian friends attended a Pentecostal (Endorsed by Pastor Harold E. suffering, she underwent the second meeting. They hronght to her the Rhodes, Assembly of God, S o.n Ra­ operati on. This consisted of trans­ message that Jestls Christ has power fael, Cahf·) planting a piece of the left shinbone to heal today, quoting Isaiah 53 :5, to the separated vertebrae. She then "and with his stripes we are healed." Healed of Hearl spent four months in a plaster cast, Together they prayed, believing the without any improvement. The doc· promise. Ines threw away all her medi· Trouble and Anemia tors now had done all they could for cine and took off her brace. She was AFFLICTED WITII A !lAD HEART co!\'­ her. miraculously and completely healed! dition and anemia, 1 was taking vita­ I n her suffering and desperation she We have known lnes, her husband, mill B-12 shots hvice a week. I was wellt to Lourdes, France, in October, and their twelve·year-old daughter unable to attend any service.'> of my 1957, to seek relief at the world· sillce March, 1961. nle healing re­ church for I was confined to my home famou s Catholic shrine. She saw no mains complete and lasting. If it were and bed. one healed. found no release from her not for the scars on her legs where During Evangelist J immie Snow's

20 THE PENTECOSTAL EVANGEL , campaign at our ch\ln~h (Julie 1%11 1 felt impressed of the Spiri t that ii I could get to the service:; God would heal l11e. ~Jy family was afraid for me to go, hut I insisted. I was unahle to sit through the iorcpan of the se n 'icc, ,,0 my pastor came for me just before the message and took me to the church. It was difficult for me, but J kill';:,' that I would be healed. The moment T was anointed I was "slain" (prostrated) by the power of God. When I arose I was healed. From that day until now I ha\'c ncycr had any medication. r was able to attend the rest of the meetings and never missed a service. Xow 1 am superintendent of the Extension Department of OUf Sunday school and busy in my work with the sh ut-ins. Praise the dear Lord for having done so much for me.-'\f rs. Erman ] liggins, 402 Second A venue \ Vcst. Oskaloosa. Iowa. (Endorsed by Pas lor .\lax iolmsO )I , Assembly oj God, 051..'0100so. /o'<;.m ) ,,, THIS WEEK'S COVER


Moson City, 10 .... 0 Too often the Christ ian shares the common sentim ent The First Assembly of God recently that once the Jawbreaker is caught, convicted, and im­ dedicated its new edifice with \Vest prisoned, we can all breathe a sigh of relief. A 1).'l.rticuJar Central District Superintendent T. E. kind of sinner is now removed from Ollr sighl. lie is no Gannon present as speaker. The new longer a threat to ollr property or our lives. l ie is safe J .-shaped church has a redwood and behind bars.' stolle exterior and will seat abotlt 400, with an overflow area in the adminis­ tiUI t hanks to the vi~i(J1l of some Chri:,tians who sec (Ill trative wing which will accommodate sinners as o bjects of God's grace, many m en in o ur peni­ another 200. tentiaries are actually saved fJehi"d vm's! YOli ca n have The sanctuary bas arched cciling a vital pan in th is neglected ministry which Christ specifi­ beams of laminated wood. the roof call y commissioned us to do. Your offering will SUppC)1[ deck is of Douglas fir, and pews and our national prison ministry, which includes free Bible pulpit are light oak. A baptistry of courses for prisoners and Bible and literature distribution. white Georgia marble is bch!nd the pulpit. John G. Walkcr is tbe pastor. Memphis, Tennenee NATIONAL A beautiful newall-brick sa nctuary was dedicated a few months ago by the congregation of Rugby Park As­ PRISON SUNDAY sembly of God. The church is located at 3000 N. Watkins in J\lemphis. Dis­ trict Superintendent Earl E. Blythe NOVEMBER 11 was the guest speaker for the occasion. The new buildillg which seats 350 is air conditioned throughout. Pastor Cecil Wiggins, who has been with tbe church for some three years, di rected NATIONAL HOME MISSIONS DEPARTMENT the construct iOIl. 1445 BOONVILLE AVE ., SPRINGFIELD, MI SSOURI

NOVEMB ER 11 . 1962 21 We werc thrilled when the fJapti~t minister told liS about the coed :tt Baylor. He said she wore no makeup; Baptist Minister her hair was long: and Ihe vcry light of Jeslls seemed to shine from her eyes. She seemed "set apart'· from Receives Baptism the other students. he said, though :.he was ,·ery sweet and friendly and highly for Which esteemed by them all. Onc day when he chanced to be alone with her she said to him, "YOll He Hungered need the baptism of thc Holy Spirit." The minister said he never had for­ gotten her words. \\'hen onc of his Thirteen Years members came to him with a wondcr­ ful testimony of how hc had received by the Baptism, this Baptist pastor was ready and willing to come to our home :\U,C'\. W.\RE CROSBY to rcceive the experience because the THEY GAVE All innuence of thc Baylor coed thirtcen years ago had never left him. THE TEST I MO~Y OF A S\\,EET YOL:NG His baptism was most glorious, \\·e FOR YOU AND ME cocd :tt IJaylor Univcrsity thirtecn explained to him that it was just a years ago hare frllit for the Lord re· gift that Jcsus was so wanting to give "CrC;llcr love hath no milll I hall cently whcn a Raptist minister camc him, and tlmt it would bring power (hi .. , that a Illall lay dowl1 hi~ lite to our home and received :t wonder­ into his lifc to work for God. He lor hi" friend,." fill haptism of the H oly Spirit. opened his hcart :tnd rccci\·cd almost Thi" "( ripwfc refers 10 J l'Sll~ J gave thanks for he r testimony immediatcly, He was undcr the power Ilirmclf. hut it io; also a pi( lure of again several weeks later when Ire­ of God for quite some lime :tlld Ihe 110\\' ag<..-d mini"tcrs and mi~· cch'ed a long-distance caU from this preached at length in other tongues, Afterwards he wept and said, was ,ionarics of the A~"('mhlics of Cod. minister who is pastor of a large "I nH.'Y were not ah,'ays old- only Baptist church in another city. preaching to my own peoplc ill my own church," "hOI r y('ars ago they wcre full of Hc said, "1'o:1 rs. Crosby, I havc a T he Lord be praiscd for the \\'ay (he vim 01 lift:. Now their lives arc fricnd here who nccds the Baptism. He is filling hungry hearts in all de­ (lImo,,! over-laid down o n the altar H e is a contractor, He belongs to an Assemblies of God church but he has nominations with Flis precious Holy ( ll' ~a(ri f icc in exchange for the 1Iot yct been filled with the Holy Spirit these days, Let liS all be faithful privi lege of winning <;oll is for the Spirit. I would like to bring him over to witness to others about this blesscd K ing-d(JIl] of God. to your place so that we may pray." experience: tl,I'C re may be a hidden Those of LIS who fou nd the true Of course, ] invited them to come, hunger where we least expect it. way o f saiv

22 THE PENTE COSTAL EVAN GEL 1I10re than gi\'ing of mone)'. Chri"tian <"\cwa rdship i~ giying of self Classified Ads The theme is den:'1op<:d through tht' Tlu c<>lu",,, ,. <>Ifn~d a, a Irt,·in u. OVr sllcces"i\'e chapters of thl' !")ok Chap. rn.d~n ..\11 ad. arc cnt/ully ...:n(n<'1l. t>c,lore ae· Stewardship Book ccpl~nec d~. nca:u~riI1 hut pul>lic3li<>n 01 ad, nnl ter one explore,> the Hihlical foumb­ ""IIC\l1lt .."do" .. m .. ,,1 of the adnrhHra_

lions for the tcaching' of Christian R \TF.~ .1:.c I , ...... d minimum ,hara-t $~OO. H~ · (bnk ,',M ... ,,· .\d'·Uli"nr .'Lan Utr. T in:. !'E:>;TJ:.:CQSTAL EVASGEL. 14" that stcwardship has hoth Old Tl'~­ Boor,yill.. Annu ... :Oprinrl,.. ld. :\IOIoou," tament and Xc\\' T6taTll<:tlt roots. During Workers Chapter two dc\·e!ops a 111ristian BIBLES REBOUND philosophy of _~tewanbhip. Tht au­ tXTFR!"'ATlONALLY KNOWN SPF.CIALlST<; Wrtle I<>r ,llu,l.al .. d pflce lill N"rri. B",,~ thor cncouragc~ correct lIlotives and L,nd .. ,., G .... n ... ood. M,ui,.ippi ofiers practical guidance in dtterml11- Training Month SPECIAL OFFER in~ ho\\' I11uch to gi\'(> and how much to retain for the n{'{"cssilit'_~ of life. ClIRIsnlAS GIFT SL'I1~( RII'Tto:>;S 10 Th~ I'~UI.\V'tal _t-:,·angrl at 'I'«ial .al.,. F"it 0". Chapter three teaches that steward­ l-.U ,U"OC"\.",,n $! q); tach a,Mit,,,na! on .. ·~~~t Ill' DO:\,\LD F. JOI\:\S ,uh"""pll"n $1.2.5, ""en .1ollhlly '"/i:hrr on j", .. i,l" :-hip is concerned with more than motl­ a,ldronu_ .... Itrac"'·~ R'ft. card and m".chin~ """rIOp<:' lor .... ~h ;Ell ... "h sucd. A preliminary surycy of this horn" study cuur~ .. _ Diploma Rranl ... 1. W"le ,\lnn year's statistics indicates that ov('r 58.- portunities. ,can s':hool 01 TuninR. Gilro)'. Callforn;a 000 certificates will he awarded. The opporil1nitics for ~tc\\'ard"hip SL·ccrSSFL·LLY STl·f}Y TilE UIIiLE .... ;th arc explored in chapter fi\·e. En:ry­ ('rusader" I"ci".u'nu ",.Ihod In\ormdt,on fret January will be \VorkCfs Training \\'rile ('Rl'S.\J)ERS llIilU: STl"\)J~S, 4.'\.1.11 :\Ionth and mally churches arc now one can do something. This chapter S W Tenth. Oll3homa lily. Oklahoma CO Ufse. will encourage the rcader to find his charting plans for the The text _~--=BOOK FOR SALE hook chosen for 196.1 is This Is Str,.'­ placc in Chrbtian service. \\'IIES TilE WORLD GOES BOO:'.I SI:onli"K ar(/s/tip, by George Brazell. Chapter six focu:>l's on thc nced of End tim.. p"'l'htde. dplained_ Ead, lAc T .. " fnr utlC d"l1ar ~:".l"l(rh~t \\',lh~II' ('.lldwdl. George Brazell is \-icc-prcsidcnt of teaching church llH'tllhcrs the larger Uox 1501, . Oklahoma Southwestern Assemblies of God Col­ ~oncept of ~ t e\\'a r d"hip. Practical :-ug:­ STILL AVAILABLE lege. Waxahachie. Texas. His varied gesti ons are included. practical experience as pastor. ('yan­ Is ti thing ~y1l0Ilyt1'O\lS with ste\\·­ Ol'TRE.\CII ISS!;E 01 'fI,.. 1'enlecostal Evan. J;lel. s~c,,,lly prep.lrW lor u.i ... , gelist, and Christian educator pro­ ;tnbhip? T his question i" answered ill Only S!.SO, per h~'''hed colI;n. po'lpaid any chapter sC\·CI1. Tithing is a part. but ,,·htre '" I ,S ..\"nllnulu ordu 100 ~"l"u. T~'IlI' \"ided part of the rich background up­ c~,h, O.der fro", The l'tlllter 2521_ Brother Brazell holds the Bachelor of Thc role of the f:l!l1ily is discth~ed Arts and ~faster of Arts degrees. in chapter eight. .\11 mcmhcrs of the MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS O,ristian family a rc involved in Chris­ The hook, TIllS Is Sle't"(/l'dship. had $10;0 ELECTJ.t1(; STRAJ),\\'OX A('('ORI)Jt)l" it s origin in lectures on stewardship tian gi\'ing. 11I0Ih",,, finer),. hke u . .... "a~rihc. $.150. E'lh~, Jones. R 4. "'''lton. Florid~ Ch~ptl'r l1ine wi(il'ns thl' concept to given by the author at a recellt Ad­ AlCOJ.tDlO:-;S: IIl'Y !)lRE('T FRO.\I <.:J1J.tIS, \'anced Christian T raining School. includc communil), responsibilitit'". TIA:-l" J.~!I'ORTt::R. S"'t 10 '5~, Life",ue IrU~' '''''ee. ~. ee a~~ordi"" rou.,e. S~e a",1 play hal,.', Brother Brazell was asked to pllt hi s Thi.., will make the rcadt:r c01l!;ciou~ linesl 19W ",wei accordionl HI your h"me I>don that he does not live ill a cloister and louy",,,. I'need .I.om $5000, lIiRh traM-in al material in book form so that 01ris­ I',wane. Sen~,,"<>n"l pa)",c.,1 1'1,,", Jlu .... n p;o.r that his responsihilities eXlend out­ melll a. 'ow U f,"e d"I1."" Frte 1.'J;le col", lian workers throllghollt the nation calalOIl \\'rI\e direc! 10 CRO\\,:-; BlI'ORTERS. could benefit from it. Seventy thou­ si de the four walls of his local church. lIox 715E. SIOUX City 2. I""" C0111- sand copies of the hook arc heing The last chapter is a call for AC('DRDlO:-;St WORI.O·S LAJ.tGt::S'T Dt, mitment. The author is a\\'are that an PORTER offers Christian lam iii., new 1962 lamou. printed. make. " I .,.,,;nll' up 10 75% Fa.. home 1",,1 T he theme of the book i .~ clear: understanding of slcwardship is not E .uy 1(,m5. Tud,,·'''o a«.pled. Free IUlOn,' Lilellmt lIuarantee. nig canlolli Irc( ,\CCOR men should "Christ ianize" all the enotlgh. Christian understanding must iliON CORI'OJ.t,\TION OF A\lFII.IL\, n .. part processes of daily li\·ing. Author Bra­ he accompanied by Christian action. ",enl I'V, 2(X)J \\'UI Chicaro ,\"e"u•• Ch,ca. " 22, l1I illO',;, .-C--::--::---,-o"'-C-",--- zell says· ;'Stewardship is the slim Study the hook. ~rak c it s teach­ GUlT"'RSI BIG mscot::ns 10 C hri . han ,~ total of man's attitude and reaction ings yours. Application of these prin­ Famou, m"ktl. Standard or electric . Five·day h"n'e ttiaL EHY term •. Trade·in, _ F.e.. uulo/( toward the Di\'ine Creator and llis ciples will help the il1didduaI. h{'ndil \'· nle GUITAR WORLD. Depul",enl P\'. z003 We'l Chicago Avenue, Chicaa-" 22, Illinoi., creation. God is the Owner of all crea­ the SUTHI;I\· school. bring honor to the tion, and man is the respon~ible serv­ Lord. ant entrtlsted with and commissioned This Is Slc'<'ul'dship, lIy Ceoryc HAVE YOU HAD DAILY !'b-ZS to rightly handle for God His pro­ Br(l:;c/l, IS a'1I1Idab/e frolll tlze Gospl'l FAMILY ALTAR THIS WEEK? ';»;?,""j' ':A! ~ : gram on earth." The hook quickly es­ Publisiliny !fOrtSI': ol'd/'I' numb{' r: tabli shes Christian stewardship as 2 £1· i45: pric{' S1.25. USE GOD' S WORD FOR TODAY'" - •. '-!

N OV EM BER' 1. 1962 23 J\\,PQ(RITI(,\1. .\'>:GF.R (n', 5, G) Ilere we han.' a rC\'clallon of Ihe pcrn'rsity and de­ ceitfulness of the human heart t Oftell Christians may be founei expre..,..,ing ..,o-called "righteOtls indignation" over the sins of others. ~lany times thesc inconsistencics arc less in the sight of God than those present ill their own hearts! Paul said, "\\'herein thOll judgest another, thou PENITEf\ CE AND PARDON condemnest thyself; for thou that judges! doest the samc things" (Romans 2:1), Sunday Srllool /','SS()II for Xo!'clllbcr 18, 1962 Sl'ODEX EXI'OSI'RE (n', 7-12) 2 SAMI'EI. 12'1-'>, 12, 13; 1 JOII:-; 1 :9, 10 Xatllan said to Da\'ld, "ThOll art the man," Thus, through the prophet, came the com-Ictlng \'oiee of God This lesson centers around the SI" of David and IS a sorry chapter in l)a\';(\'5 otherwise splendid life. It to Da\'id, It took courage for ::\athan to do as he did. carries a solemn warning to all of us, for transgressions But how thankful D;wid could be! such as Ibis have caused morc sorrow and suffering Are we prepared to admit the state of our OWI1 li\"es~ \\'e may denoullce sin in the li\'es of otbers, decry the than all the waTS of human hi story. And no saint of God-howcn:-f far-ac\yanccd spiritllally--can claim to he low state of the church, ami deplore the progress of beyond the possibility of failure in living a life of moral communism-but arc wc ready to iace oursekes and to purity. hear God say to us. "Thou art the man"? ,\rc we ready to confess our owu complicity in the unhappy UNCO:';TROLLED PASSION (v\'. ]-4) affairs of the church and th e world? In his parahle to David, Nathan said, "Thefe came a traveler unto the rich man," Thus he described the CO\!!'!,ETE CO'>:FESS!OX (\'. 13) way in which David had opened his mind to ail impuTe Though David's sin was grievous, he was quick to thought and ullcontrolled desire! I I ow low the king':,; admit his guilt: "I ha\'c sinncd against the I~ord." Ilis spiritual resistance was! sense of Sill was not superficial-it and his repentance For one thing, David at this time was idle, While his were deep and gcnuine. Abo\"e alL he recognized that men were at the battlefront, he was resting on the he had sinned against the Lord who lo\'ed him and who laurels he had WOn ill hattIe, ;"Iany years earlier, had called and blessed him. David had also sown the seed of his sin when, in dis­ Indeed, this is the chief heinou:.nes:. of sin. Xot only obedience to the divine decree concerning kings, he had docs it blight and ruin the li\'es of others, hut it breaks hegun to marry many \\'I\'es! (See 2 Samuel 5: 13, and the hcart of God, (Sec Psalm 51 :1-17. ) campa re Deuteronomy 17 : 17,) GRACIOCS FORGlvE:-:Ess (v, 13) THE THIEF THAT "The Lord also hath put away thy sin: thou :.halt not die." llow melodious these words musl ha\'c been to " 1 NOW PRONOUNCE the sin-sick soul of King Da\'id. ( "Amazing grace, how YOU MAN AND WIFE" swect the sound !") Romans 5 :20 declares : "\\'here sin abounded, grace did much morc ahound." Though sin is a shocking, te rrible, and dreadful thl1£, let it ne\'cr be forgotten that !-Ic "is able also to sa\'e them to the ultermost that C0111e unto God hy him'" ( H cbrews 7 :25 ) . There IS 110 sin so great that it cannot be forgiven! I RRE'\! EDlAlILE CO:"'SEQUE:-:CES (I Samuel 12: 14) ]),wid's sin and its forgiveness should offer hope to the hopeless, but it was ne\'er intcnded to promote prc­ ~l!mption or light "iews concerning sm. David had: I, "Despised the COIIIIIIG/ldmcnt of the Lord." 2, "Killed Uriah th(' llillitr." 3. "Coll1l11iltrd Adultery 'with Batlzsl1{'ba." These terrible deeds could not be undone. i\[oreover, );athan reminded him, "By this deed thou hast given great occasion for the ellcmies of the Lord to blaspheme," From that day until this, the enemies of the Lord have pointed the finger of scorn and ridicule- not only at David but, bC("(Iuse of him, at the whole ca use of Chris­ I -rHOU ". HAS'f jAl


Goo WROt.:GlIT A :,>IIRACI.E \\"II~. N' HE TRAN'S~·OR:'>IEI.I :'>1£ forty miles an hour and T rail at it as fa,.,t as I could. from a wild, hell·bound teelHl.ger to a new creature in Just hefore I hit the car, it swen'cd and missed me' Christ Jesus. As 1 stood on the street corner, 1 put my face in my For 1,460 days I was on dope, drunk, or sick. After hands and began to sob, "Oh, God ~ Oh, God!" And a close brush with suicide 1 stumbled down the street just as real as can be, God spoke to Illy heart. It wa:. and into an Assemblies of God chuTch where T found not an audible voice. rt was an impression. The thought the help I needed. of church flashed through my mind. Something urged But Jet me go back to the beginning. me, "Go to ChUiCh:' T was one of a family of ten which lived in a poor I walked down the street intending to go into the fir:.1 section of Oakland, Calif. \\Fe were allowed to run loose church r saw. It happened to be an Assemblies of God around town and, consequently, I soon learned things church. I walked up the steps and tried the door, bllt that were not good for a small boy. I was brought it was locked. As T turned and walked away r heard lip in a home that did not belie"e in God, and Thad a voice call "Son, come here!" I looked b..lck and there never been to church in my whole life. Never once standing in the door was an elderly man with a gleam ill had I heard the story of how Jeslls died on the Cross his eye and a shine on his face. I Ie was so different from for sinners like me. the people I knew. 1 Ie put his arm around me and we At the age of thirteen I was like many other teen­ walked into the church together. agers. I had a big mop of hair, smoked cigarettes, and \Ve sat down in a pew and he said, "Son, would could swear just as much as the next fellow. you like to tel! me what your problem is?" I was shaky, depressed, sick, and began to cry. I The real trouble started when I was fifteen. Two said, ":\[ister, I'm hooked. I'm a dope addict. I'm a big school friends persuaded me to have some "kicks." They sinner- I need help." He got a Bible and read Revela· gave me some pills and told me if I took them T would tion 3:20 to me. He asked. "You want to be saved, get "high." T took the pills. After forty minutes they don't you?" r looked at him and with a broken heart "hit" me and evcry nerve and muscle in my body was sa id, "Mister, I don't know what you mcan, but I sure stimulated by this dope. lt may have felt good at tbe time, do need help." but the next day 1 was miserable. I felt nauseated, as ';All right," he said, "let's go to our knees together." though I had the flu; and even worse than the physical i\Iy knees hit that floor, and when they did something pain was the mental depression, I said to myself, "Never again!" but I was coaxed to take the pills again and inside me broke. I wept and sobbed like a baby, I repented; I was sorry for my sins. never cried so yielded. Before long I was "hooked." After four months J I was beginning to live in a little world all my own. much before, and it never before felt so good! I felt the power, the love. the reality of God come all over At the end of six months I was lIsing thirty pills me. For ten minutes I hegged God to forgive me. a day. My parents put me in a juvenile hall. But the Then just as real as anything could be , I felt the people at this institution were unable to help me, and Lord Jesus say to my heart, "SOil, I forgive you." He as soon as I got out I went right back on dope. By cleanSed me. 1 arose from the altar with my burdens the time I was seventeen I was getting $300 shipments lifted. I felt wonderful-like a new person. It was as of marijuana from Mexico e"ery two months and smok­ the Bible says, "If any man be in Christ, he is a new ing the "weed." At eighteen I was also a habitual al­ creature; old things are passed away: behold, all things coholic. Sometimes when ] could not get dope T turned are become new." to akohol to numb my brain and relax me. :Many times Yes, I found peace, lo\'e , joy. I hegan to live for r remember drinking a balf quart of wine for breakfast. God, read my Bible, and go to church. I have been At nineteen I had been using dope for four years and serving God now for four years, and I wouldn't trade was sick of it. J did Ilot want to be a dope addict. this love and peace 1 possess for anything this world , tried many times to quit-but couldn't. has to offer. I don't use dope any more. I don't get I decided to begin boxing. I thought that if I could drunk any more. build lip my body I might be able to "kick the habit." \ Vhen Christ COmes in, He transforms )'ou-regener­ But I was unable to. V\' hell Illy big chance came to ales you. lIe takes away those old habits and old de­ fight in the Golden Gloves tournament, the judges stopped sires, and gives you new desires and a new purpose. the bout in the third round because T was doped up. Now T am preaching and testifying and telling young After this I decided to commit suicide; what was left people across the nation that I ha\'e found peace and to Ji ve for? I saw a car coming down the street about a wonderful life in Jeslls. "


\11·JKU<, \10. "1Iw·n- .. ~ ~'J,\0-\1", k t ~'lIlfo{ \ "pirit of rn'i"al con· n· ... i ... al rttrntly lid!! ;11 thl' \11 re. I tl1lU<' in liI(' church. \,~cmbly of (Iud hen: .... ilh h'om· .II/rrll lIumhri.k. 1"lIt

26 THE PENTECOSTAL EVANGEL attendance was the highest in eight years. Many \'isitors attended the revival and some of them now come to the regular services. STATF' CITY \SSnIBLY f),\TE EVA:-.'GELlS"]' PASTOR --Carl E. Rl'YIIQ!ds. Sr .. Pl1s/()r Ala, Brantley A e "01" 11.2) C. 1'. '" Rita Simms Cc:I rd on \lonison • • ":illht \lile Victory -':01' II·H B R "lmton \\. \\' Vaulhan \\'. B Johnson MONTGO~rERY, ALA.-Cal- Enterprise Ilollow-ay Tab "ov 11·2; Robert Rogers Ariz. San C:ulos "p~che ~ov IS·Z; F Will. Olson O. B Treece vary Assembly reports one of its Arl< EI Dorado First "":01,,1'1-30 EddIe raton FrhnlSalCc!id most spiritual revivals in the IlaS­ Forrest City First ....:01" 12·2; he!; '" \ITS, Kmnd J S )'!c\ bhan tor's four years oi mini~lr}' here. Fort Smith Fil)t "":01', 1'1·25 Charles T. CT1Ibtree B ChIen Oslm Little Roek .\ C :\o\" i- FreddIe Rieh~rdsou Paul CI'1II'C'$ There were many l'isilOrs during Little Rock CCllt!31 '\'01' Ii­ II ,Keener B II Campbell these meetings with Evangelist Cahf ,\Iodcsto Central O~t, 3G- Doug PJ .. ne Donald' Boglle Robert Rogers. Two individual, I'ittshurg Templo Cmtiano '\'0'" 11·25 D. Bazan, Sr Francisco Ril'cl'1I were saved, four were redaimed, St,l lelena A'G '\'0\' 6-11 Doug I'arne F. T. Allord Santa Clara '-:cighborhood Ch two were baptized in the Holy '\'01". 11·18 ChTlst,an Hlid I'd Gamel Tulare First '·ov.6- Bobbl' Black Paul J Smith Spirit, four were refiIJed, and five Vaenille I\'G '\'01 Ill8 \/a"'ln Schmidt Wm, L. Shellc) joined the church, The life story \\'ilmington Bou1c ..-ard '\01' 18- Doug I'a .. 'ne leonard Nlpper Baker Sllady GrOI'e of the evangelist was olle of the "1~, "0'" Ii­ \lich~cl '" I'em Lord .\Ibert C. Vleken e,. Smyrna First '\'ov, \2·IS Itobert C.l\!c.'\cv. T C Hartv./r high lights of the revival. Idaho Rupert First i\01" 13·25 Gospel EI"lngcl·~lre~ Vernon R. Vance - Po L IY,:roll, Pastor III Cottage I !JIb First '.""o\'.I3.H G A. '" \hs. Sna .. ,c1~ \laurice BurQ:und • Zion Christian 1':ov, 11-25 Wilham Caldwell Thos R Bruhal

N OVEMBER 11. 1962 27 ment census recorded .?(),367 Penh~­ c()~tab-about 4!.4 ~r cent of the r :\ cv. foundlan'\ population. There ,ITl' n"w IllQre than 100 Pente­ ,,(I'tal ;1~>elTlblies in the province. In 19S~ the Newfoundland ~"HrnHltnt reeognin'd the de­ Ilvlllinalion officially for educa­ li"nal purpmes. The PentecoSlal E Ulene Va tero A. S. Bur...,y Boar" oi Education now operale~ 51 day schools in ~e ...... foundland P entecostal Leader in an,1 Labrador, employing 150 Newfoundland Retires tea('her. with a pupil cnrollme11l of about ~.OOO. h'\\")<;J'OkTF. :\FUI.-,\t the gen­ Brolher Valers. now iLonorarr eral conference uf the "enteC\J~tal lJre,idellt, also aCI., a~ di rector of A~\cmhlie~ of :-';~'\\fl)U1ulland held tlw Religious Book and Biblt· here I:I-t JUfl<'. EUkene \';lttrs re­ Iiolhe in St, John's and as editor tired from hi~ offict of I'rhi<.knt of (;ood Tidmgs. .md ~eneral ~uJl('rinttutin. CIMe R i.ley, W ,L1iam Nell foundland ha~ enjoyed a re­ Frank alro ser\"e~ in an official Jones. A. M . Lonl. W illiam E llulake. lind Bro ther Jia rril. markahle gro\lth. In 19J5 there cap.1l'ily, hal·illg beell elected a~~i>­ we re 3,721 PeTlteeo.ta1 IJe()ple in tant J::('neral supcrintcndelll at the ASSEMBLIES ED ITORS The COl1ll1lill('e has been \lr~­ Newfoundland. In 1961 the govern- ,ame gem'ral confcrenee la~t June. HELP PRODUCE OUTLINES paring ullifonn Sunday school k·.­ FOR NSSA UN IFORM ~on outlines since 1946. Over thrl'C SER IES million people ~tudy 1e~~tJ1lS pre· pared from t he~c outlines. Brother CH ICAGO. I LL.-~lid-Se]lICl11he T Harris cUTrently ~erves a~ chair­ hrought anOlher lIleeting of the man of the XSS,\ Curriculum :\ational Sunday School .-\~~ocia­ Committee. lion's Curriculuill Committee XSS ..\ recenlly began the de­ .... hich wa~ held al the hea(\(IUar­ \"elopmelll of a seven-year perma­ t~rs of the a"ocialioll. The XSSA. nent le,son cycle that is creating an affiliate of the National As­ considerable interesl in ('vange li ­ ~ocia\ioll of E..·angelical s, provides cal ci rcles. the Sunday school lesson outlines Other committee member, l)ft~­ for the uniform series mtd by e11l for the curriculum meeting the Go~pcl Publishing H ou~e and were Lewis J. Willi., Church of other evangelical puhl i,hep,. God; Clyne Buxton. Church of Two A~selllblies of God repre· God; John Schaal. ChriSlian Re­ ,cntatil'cs were pre&ell\ for the fon:letl Church: Elmo \\'arkelltin, >o::s. ions. T h ~y we rc Ralph \\'. Church {Jf ~ I el\ non i le Bre thren; Ilarris, editor-in-chief of SUl\day Ciale Ri,ley, executive scero:: tary sc hool literature for the Assem­ of :\SSA: \\'illiam JOlles, Ameri­ blies of God, and William Ea"­ can Sunday School Cnion; and lake, associale editor w110 has .. \. ~1. LOllg, Pentecostal lIo1ine,~ charge of {IUan erly materiab. Church.

month "heat Ihe summ('r ~I u mp" hilildillR of the Assemblies of God . attendance drive. and gath{'rcd infor11lalion tl tal ~l e11lbers of the party were T om lIould he helpiul to them and their Beal, Sunday school sU \JC rintcnd­ church. They SIJCn t four days as e11l; Ruth A. Karr. primary de­ gue~ts of the :\aliol1al Sunday partmenta l superintendent: Cora School Department. Samnocn. junior teacher; and The Sunday school ~ t afi of Glad Charles ~ess, Sunday school mem­ Tidillj.;> i, already making p 1a n~ ber. lor a special summer attendance The fou r wi n ne .. lire tr"''''ted and welcomed to heodqullrter. by They re po rted thaI the special effort in 1903. T he camp,aign II il l Charlet Denton, nllt;onlll ncretllry of the SundllY So::hool Depart. attell dancc drive had good resul b. be part of a year-long progr:Ull ment. and Ca rl Conne r. public rellltiOni dirK lor of the A,,"'mbtieo During J Ulie, July. and August to celebrate the Vancoul'er a~s<:m­ of God. Left to ritht are C. W. Denton. Ruth A. Karr. Cha ri"" some 6iO visitors attended the bl y's twenty-fifth ann i\'(.'r~:lry. Nell. Cora Samnoen. T om A. ~ a t. end Carl Conner. Sunday school, many of whom later joined. :\1 least two persons Sunday School Workers Visit Springfield were savcd as a direct result of BLESS ING R E PORT E D AT Ihe effort. T he Ihree-month aver­ MARYLAND CAMP S PRINGFIELD, MO.- The Na- Tidings Assembly, Vancouver, had age allcndance was a healthy 414 ME ETING tiOllal Sunday School DelJ:lrtmcnt informed the national Sunday comlJ.1red to the previous sum · wa5 honored in SelJtcmber when sc hool secretary, C. \V. Dentoll. mer's 355. LON:\ CO~ I~ G . ~1D.- F l)r Ih ... a carload of Sunday school It.ork- of Ihe fact thaI his church had W hi le in Springlield the four Ihird cOIl ,ccUl i,"e year the Gcorll<:'~ u s from VancoU\·er. \\'ash., paid awankd this trip to the workers visiled Central Bible I n5l il11 le. Creek camp meeting \\ a ~ COlI­ a four-day I'isit to SIJringfield. in recogniti on of their outstand- Evangel College, local churches, dueled \11lder a large gospel tl'nl Pastor Wayne Adams of Glad illg achievement during a Ihree- toured Ihe lIe w administration 111 Lonaconing. The three-week

28 THE PENTECOSTA ~ EVANGE~ meeting, spon!>ored by First .\~. open "appeab·· arc gi\'cn. m,lIIY sembly of God, wa~ supported and are being saved. attended by ~ple of many de­ The Faroese have had the Bible nominations. It ended September 9. 111 their own language for only GOO made the camp a IIlorioll,; 15 years and there is little hu~ra­ lime this year, ~Iany were ~\"ed, ture to help them. but many young healtd. and blessed. The ~~aker people have a great hungC'r for was E\'angeiist Char1e~ Crank of ~lJiritual truths. ThC're now are Orlando. Fla_ (who is now an 21J e\"ilngelical centers scaltC'rC(1 ordained minister with the Indiana o\·er the~e islands. District Council). Brotill'r Crank Victor G. Grei~en, Foreign ~IL~- sang and preached \\ilh a mighty .. ions field sC'cretary of the Assem­ anointing.-Chos. E. FII..Isd/, PIlS­ blies of God, conducted ~el'"\·ices tor. on the Faroe islands in Decem­ ber. 1958. He reported attendance in the Pentecostal church in Thor.;­ VBS HELD DURING havn at approximately 250. and, CHR ISTMAS HOLIDAYS said that God was blessing the :\IARTINEZ. CALlF.-The be~t Pentecostal witness throughout the time for ves is dllring the sum­ islands. Iller but if that is not possible the The Faroe Islands (22 in num ­ next best thin!; is to scheduie it ber) are situated in the North Se:. for some other vacation period. midway between Iceland and Nor­ That is what haplx:ned at the way. A Danish possession, they Assembly of God in Martinez. have a population of 35,000 and The VBS wa s held during the have only two large towns, Klak­ Christmas holidays (Decemlx:r ksvik and Thorshavn. 18-22, 1961), and dimaxed with a special program on ChristTlla~ Sunday morning, December 24, led WITH CHRIST by the pastor's wife, ~Ir s. w. Sal1dlin. RICl--fARO E. TAYLOR, 82, Total enrollment was 56 and the of Gracevillc, Fla., went to be with average dai ly attendance was 48. the Lord liay 16, 1962. He wa~ The children mel from 9 to 12 a.m. ordained in 1915 and served a ~ each day, Monday through Frid."lY. pastor and evangelist in Alabam."l The teachers Ilresented a course of and Florida. H e is sUI'"\·ived by hi~ sludy prepared by women in the wife, Golda. church. A special thrill to the II lfRS. RILDA M. HOPKI:-JS, workers and ·teachers was to see 76, went to her eternal reward on the attendance in the young peo­ August ZO, 1962, after a long ple's class grow each day.-Lilldll illness. She was a licensed min­ Spiva, Chairmall, Biblc sc hool i,ter in the Oklahoma District of committec. the Asscmblies of God. Sister ---- Ilopkins served as an evangelist. She is survived by hcr husband, LARGE CANADIAN llenry L. Hopkins of Baxter CHURCH DEDICATED Springs, Kans., who is an or­ A $600,000 edi fic e, one of thc dained mini ster (now superan­ largest evangelical churches in all nuated), aile daughter, and two Canada, has been dedicated at sons. Mimico (suburban Torolllo), Ont .. by the Pentecostal Assemblies of L. R. LYNCH, 56, oi Tulsa. Canada. Speaker at the dedication Okla, left his home on earth for service which attractcd some 2,200 his eternal mansion on September people was Prime Minister E. C. 10, 1962. His death following five Manning, an evangelical lay months of illness was attributed to preacher who h head of the gov­ cancer. A t the time of his Home­ ernment in the westenl Canadian going Brother Lynch was pastor province of Alberta. The pastor, of the Philadelphia Assembly in A. W. Ness, ilt-gan the church Tulsa, a church which he founded nine ycars ago in an unused build­ in 1951. He began preaching in ing with $3,000 which he bor­ Arkansas in 1922 at the age of rowed. sixteen. He affiliated with the Assemblies of God in 1936 and served as pastor, evangelist, and REVIVAL IN THE Bible college instructor. Durin!:, FAROE ISLANDS his forty years of gospel ministry TUQitSIIA\'N-There has been all he pastored in Missouri. lJIinois, unusual move of the Holy Spirit and OkJilhoma. From 1936 to in the Faroe Islands. AI a recent 1942 he served as an instructor evangelical convention in Thors­ at Central Bible Institute. Brother havn, the capital ci ty, it became Lynch was widely known in Tulsa. necessary to use the local fi sh l1aving been lIast presidcnt of the market since no othcr building Tulsa ~Iinisterial Alliance anC could accommodate the crowds. having served as it s treasurer for According to Tire Flamt', meet­ five years. He is survived by his ings are marked by simplicity and wife Ethel. two sons, one daughter, o ft cn last three hours. Though no and eleven grandchildren.


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30 THE PENTECOSTAL EVANGEL BIBLE TIT-TAT-TOE \ gamt.' ha .. ed on the agt··old p:htllne oi "tit ~ tat-toc" (somclimn tie·tac·tot·), adapted for It:.C ;b a :-.timulating- Bihll' qui~ game- -for all age ... m'rr 8 YC:lr ... --in family. party. or church groups. Each game cumi ... h of a Tit-Tat·Toc board with nlU\'ahh,' catq.rury slide and lIin(' • playing slluarc .. anc! cards cuntaining' 1,000 • quc"tiolls (with :llhwt'r ... ) takt'll from the Bible, .\n excellent and cnjoyahle mean .. of improving Bible kno\\,]t·(\ge. 20 EV 8060 $3.98 Bi~k G~mtl~ FOR ALL AGES

BIBLE CHECKERS-"Fruit or the Spir­ BIBLE GAME C H EST it" Game. This captivilting game chest contains 111'0 Those who enjo), the familiar ga111('" of BI BLE TREASURE HUNT eomplctc Old and N"cw Testament gamc~, checkers will doubly enjo)' Ihi> gartH;' \ brand-new game for Chrhlian~. F\ "Travel to the Promised Land" and o f Bible Checken. It lIlay be I)layed hy ('client for Junior-age and up. De,iRllt'd 'Travel wilh Jesus." Printed in 4 color~, all ages, the same as regular checker •. 10 increase knowlcd~e of the Bible. (;ame these progressive type games for children The object of the game is to move all tht' consi~ts of 60 card~ of '1uc~tion~, 4]11 ages 6 through 14, make an exciting and checkers into the "fruits of the Spirit·· aillhabet lellcrs, and 71 cardboard di~c, appreciated gift. One game is 1Il0unted in squares at the opposite end of the board ("talents'·). Players an~wer Bible qut',­ Ihe lid, and one in the base. The game It includes 18 wooden checkers; red and tions on cards by SpCtlill({ wonk Instruc­ ensemble contains two spinners and two black. The game is printed in 2 color-. tions and rules of the game are printed ,cIS of plaslic movers. Size 9;¥.l" x 13y,j x Box wrap is in " colors. on the lid of container. A wonderflll io:ift ~ inches. ZO EV 8081 $1.00 ZO EV 8078 $1.00 item. ZO E V 8076 $I.9S

GOING TO JERUSALEM For 2, 3, 4 or more players. Going To Jerusalem i:; endorsed by church lenders because Bihle quotnt ions nre so e


31 NOVEMBER 11 . 19 6 2 By IRMA HEGEL

IT WAS A DARK WISTI-: R NIGHT A YEAR AGO. MY ll l·S· would clamp us in jail and pin this job on us in nothin' h.'md. an insurance salesman , had been c.'·tlled to the fl at. You gotta get him to a doctor. ~Ii s t e r , and lea\'e Cherry lIiIl section of the city to visit the holder of a us strictly out 0' this." lapsed policy. But the man was hurt too badly to be moved . In Cherry HiI! is a slum area of giant warehouses and spite of violent protests from the two unkempt indi­ clingy shacks clustered closely together. 1t was not the viduals we notified the police and they ca!!ed an am­ most inviting place to visit after dark, so when George lmlance. insisted that he had to make the call that night, T in­ A patrolman a !> ked a lot of questions. "What about sisted on accompanying him. these fellows?" he queried, jerking his head in the di­ Our dr was turning into a narrow alley of the dis­ rection of the victim's "pals." trict when two rough-lookillg individuals suddenly "They're the men who stopped us and directed us emerged from the shadows and stepped directly into OUT here," George replied. 'T!! vouch for both of them." path. They waved for us to stop. We had to brake the The ambulance and patrol car drove off. leaving us car or nm over them. there with the two. The taller one stretched Ollt a grimy My mouth felt dry and my heart pounded as I re­ hand. "Thanks, ~I i s ter. We knowed ole 13ill Shipley from alized the danger of OllT situation. Had I been at the 'way back. Comin' across him like we did tonight, we wheel I probably would have thrown the car into re· couldn't let him down. 1t was Pete here who got the ve rse and cleared out of there at top speed. But George idea of stoppin' the first car we seed." is bra\'er than I. H e rolled down th e window and asked, A grin lit the other's grimy face. ' ;1'111 glad we hit "\Vhat do you want?" a good Samaritan," he said. The taller of the two men slouched forward until his "Oh, then you know Jesus' parable ?" I asked. unshaven face stared directly into the face of my hus· "Yes, ma'am. \Vhen I was a kid. I had that kind of bancl. "We got a pal back of the Tipkins warehouse," a home. Just bunk, that's what I thought it was. After he said. "He's hurt and bleedin' bad." a fellow hits the skids nobody 'cares. I wanted- jest J nearly panicked. ';OOI1't go," J whispered. 1 felt sure once-to see somebody care. You two did." And the it was a trap. But George was not thinking of us so men moved back into the shadows from which they had much as of the injured man- if there was such a man. come. lie was moved with Christian compassion. Two days later we visited the hospital. We found Bill lie opened the car door and as he did so he turned Shipley patched up, clean, doing fine. "Gus and Pete :Iud looked at me. ';Coming?" he asked. And in an un· tOld me what you did. folk s. Thanks." dertone he added, "But a certain Samaritan ...." Bill squirmed uneasily on his pillows. "I was drunk. r knew the parable. 1 had talked gli bly about it as got rolled. ?>.lebbe 1 deserved it. But I ain't thank in' I worked in mission and charity drives but suddenly you jest for me. It's them- Pete and Gus. They come that night the story took on a new meaning. over last night shaved and all slicked up. Said they got I n a vacant spot behind a big warehouse we came theirselves jobs. Told me they'd get me a job when T upon the form of a man prone upon the ground. He was come out 0' here. S'pose a man c..'11l change that much ? , poorly clad, perhaps in his early forties. His eyes were "\Ve know One with Wh0111 all changes are possible," shut ; blood caked his face and head; black and hlue George declared. marks told the violent heating he had received. r was glad my husband did not ;'pass on the other George looked at the two men. "Why didn't you re· side," like the priest and Levite in the story recorded port this to the police ?" in Luke 10. It's so easy to go our own way; but the "Wid our record?" the tall aile retorted. "The cops way of "a certain Samaritan" is a happier way of life.