Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives BY Farmers’ House, Plot 6/8, Parliamentary Avenue AMELIA KYAMBADDE (MP) P.O. Box 7103, , Uganda MINISTER OF TRADE, INDUSTRY AND COOPERATIVES Tel: +256 414-314000, +256 414230916 Fax: +256 414-347286 Email: [email protected], [email protected] Website: Printed by Millenium Image Masters June 2014 THE REPUBLIC OF UGANDA



VOTES 015, 110 AND 154




JUNE 2014 Contact Information

Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Farmers House, 3rd – 6th Floor Plot 6/8, Parliament Avenue P.O. Box 7103, Kampala, Uganda Tel: (+256) 414-314000, (+256) 414-231104 Fax: (+256) 414-341247 Email: [email protected], [email protected] Website:

Uganda Development Corporation Soliz House, 5th Floor Plot 23, Lumumba Avenue P.O. Box 7042, Kampala, Uganda Tel: (+256) 414-258204 Fax: (+256) Email: [email protected] Website:

Uganda Industrial Research Institute Plot 42A, Mukabya Road, Industrial Area P.O. Box 7086, Kampala, Uganda Tel: (+256) 414-286245 Fax: (+256) 414-286695 Email: [email protected] Website:

Uganda National Bureau of Standards Plot M217, Nakawa Industrial Area P.O. Box 6329, Kampala, Uganda Tel: (+256) 414-505995, (+256) 414-222369, TOLL FREE LINE: 0800133133 Fax: (+256) 414-286123 Email: [email protected] Website:

Uganda Export Promotion Board Conrad Plaza, 5th Floor, Plot 22, Entebbe Road P.O. Box 5045, Kampala, Uganda Tel: (+256) 414-230250, (+256) 414-230233 Fax: (+256) 414-259 779 Email: [email protected], [email protected] Website: Management Training and Advisory Centre Plot 175M , Jinja Road, Nakawa P.O. Box 4655, Kampala, Uganda Tel: (+256) 414-22 10 11/2/3 Fax: (+256) 414-223853 Email: [email protected] Website:

Uganda Commodity Exchange Ltd Farmers House, Floor 5, Plot 6/8, Parliamentary Avenue P. O. Box 35998, Kampala, Uganda Tel: (+256) 312-262922 Fax: (+256) 312-262951 Email: [email protected] Website:

Uganda Cleaner Production Centre Plot 42A Mukabya Road P.O. Box 34644, Kampala, Uganda Tel: (+256) 414-287938/958 Fax: (+256) 414 -287940/286 767 Website:

Textile Development Agency Plot 9/11/13 Corporation Rise, P.O. Box 6346, Kampala, Uganda Tel: (+256) 414-505958 Mob: (+256) 713-438732 Email: [email protected] Website:

© Copyright 2014. All Rights reserved. This publication is property of the Government of the Republic of Uganda. Any quotes or phrases from this document in another shall be made in reference to it. Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

MPS: Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

Table of Contents

PRELIMINARY Foreword ii Abbreviations and Acronyms iii Structure of Report v Executive Summary vi Organisational Structure, Strategic Statements and Functions xi

Vote: 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Staff Establishment Structure 1 V1: Vote Overview 10 V2: Vote Performance for FY 2013/14 and Planned Outputs for FY 2014/15 11 V3: Detailed Planned Outputs for FY 2014/15 32 V4: Proposed Budget Allocations for FY 2014/15 and the Medium Term 145 V5: Vote Crosscutting Issues 148

Vote: 110 Uganda Industrial Research Institute Staff Establishment Structure 152 V1: Vote Overview 167 V2: Vote Performance for FY 2013/14 and Planned Outputs for FY 2014/15 168 V3: Detailed Planned Outputs for FY 2014/15 183 V4: Proposed Budget Allocations for FY 2014/15 and the Medium Term 248 V5: Vote Crosscutting Issues 250

Vote: 154 Uganda National Bureau of Standards Staff Establishment Structure 252 V1: Vote Overview 266 V2: Vote Performance for FY 2013/14 and Planned Outputs for FY 2014/15 267 V3: Detailed Planned Outputs for FY 2014/15 269 V4: Proposed Budget Allocations for FY 2014/15 and the Medium Term 280 V5: Vote Crosscutting Issues 282

ANNEXES Annex 1: Recommendations from Parliament on FY 2013/14 and Institutional Responses 284 Annex 2: Raw Materials undergoing Product Development at UIRI’s Food Laboratory 285


i Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

MPS: Trade, Industry and Cooperatives


Madam Speaker and Honorable Members of Parliament, in accordance with Section 6 (1) of the Budget Act (2001), I wish to present to you the Policy Statement for the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives. This Policy Statement provides a full account of the major achievements registered by the Ministry and its affiliate Agencies in the Financial Year 2013/14 as well as the programmes and policy interventions that have been planned for the coming Financial Year 2014/15.

This Ministry will continue to contribute to the realization of long-term aspirations and objectives of the Uganda Vision 2040 of “A Transformed Ugandan Society from a Peasant to a Modern and Prosperous Country within 30 years” through the planned programmes for the next Fiscal Year.

The focus for the Ministry’s interventions will be; the promotion of value addition, ensuring the trade of quality and safe products on the domestic market, supporting the Regional Integration Agenda, promoting Science, Technology and Innovations to enhance the competitiveness of goods and services produced in Uganda as well as development of human capital to achieve Private Sector-led growth and to create employment opportunities.

Madam Speaker, and Honorable Members, I wish to propose the following financial outlay for your consideration and approval.

Uganda Shillings Billions Entity Wage Non GoU Donor NTR Arre- Taxes Total Wage Devt Devt ars Ministry of Trade, Industry 2.141 6.898 6.530 3.147 0.000 0.054 0.636 19.406 and Cooperatives Uganda Industrial Research 4.069 1.520 8.323 0.000 0.100 0.000 1.200 15.212 Institute (UIRI) Uganda National Bureau of 5.765 3.484 3.280 0.000 5.551 0.000 0.000 18.080 Standards (UNBS) LG Grant - District Trade 0.000 0.108 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.108 and Commercial Services Total 11.975 12.010 18.133 3.147 5.651 0.054 1.836 52.806

I beg to move.

For God and My Country,


ii Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

MPS: Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Abbreviations and Acronyms AGM Annual Business Meeting AGOA African Growth Opportunities Act AMCOST African Ministerial Council on Science and Technology BOQ Bills of Quantities CET Common External Tarrif CICS Competitiveness Investment Climate Strategy CODAS Cooperative Database System COMESA Common Markets for Eastern and Southern Africa CS Cooperative Society CU Cooperative Union DCO District Commercial Officer DICOSS District Commercial Services Support Programme DTIS Diagnostic Trade Integration Study EAC East African Community EPA Economic Partnership Agreement EPATAPSS Economic Partnership Agreement Related Trade and Private Sector Support ERB Engineers Registration Board FTA Free Trade Area ICC International Criminal Court IGAD Inter-Governmental Authority on Development IITC Inter-Institutional Trade Committee ILO International Labour Organisation ISO International Organisation for Standardisation LDCs Least Developed Countries LG Local Government MAAIF Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries MDAs Ministries, Departments and Agencies MEMD Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development MoFPED Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development MoPS Ministry of Public Service MoTIC Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives MoTWH Ministry of Tourism, Wildlife and Heritage MTAC Management Training and Advisory Centre MTEF Medium Term Expenditure Framework MTIC Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives MTWA Ministry of Tourism, Wildlife and Antiquities NDP National Development Plan NEPAD New Partnerships for Africa's Development NES National Export Strategy NPA National Planning Authority NTBs Non Tarrif Barriers NTNT National Trade Negotiating Team Preliminary

iii Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

MPS: Trade, Industry and Cooperatives OPM Office of the Prime Minister OVIC One Village Industrial Cluster OVOP One Village One Product PEAP Poverty Eradication Action Plan PIRT Presidential Investors Round Table PM Project Manager PNSD Plan for National Statistical Development PPPs Private Public Partnerships QUISP Quality Infrastructure and Standards Programme SACCO Savings and Credit Cooperative Society SADC Southern African Development Community SBWE Small Business Week Exhibition and Conference SIP Sector Investment Plan SPS Sanitary and Phyto-Sanitary TEXDA Textile Development Agency TIFA Trade and Investment Framework Agreement TRACE Trade Capacity Enhancement Programme UACCIA Uganda Allied Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture UBOS Uganda Bureau of Statistics UCE Uganda Commodity Exchange UCPC Uganda Cleaner Production Centre UDC Uganda Development Cooperation UEPB Uganda Export Promotion Board UIPE Uganda Institution of Professional Engineers UIRI Uganda Industrial Research Institute UNBS Uganda National Bureau of Standards UNCCI Uganda National Chamber of Commerce and Industry UNCST Uganda National Council of Science and Technology UNIDO United Nations Industrial Development Organisation WMCU West Mengo Cooperative Union WRS Warehouse Receipt System WTO World Trade Organisation


iv Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

MPS: Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Structure of the Ministerial Policy Statement “Each Minister shall cause to be prepared and submitted to Parliament a Policy Statement of the relevant Ministry on the preliminary [budget] estimates .... by the 30th day of June in each year”. Budget Act 2001, Section 6 (1)

Vote Functions Since the FY2011/12 budget cycle, the preparation of sector BFPs, Ministerial Policy Statements and Budget Estimates centre around the notion of Vote Functions. A Vote Function is a set of programmes, projects, and Local Government Grants, defining the roles and responsibilities of a vote/institution, and contributing towards the attainment of vote and overall sector objectives.

As such, a Vote Function provides detailed information on centralised services, by capturing allocations to Central Ministries and Stand Alone Votes, and decentralised services funded via grants to Local Governments Structure The Ministerial Policy Statement is structured by Vote, as follows: • Staff Establishment Structure Provides details of approved staff structure for each programme and project (including names of staff and vacant posts). This is clearly demonstrated in the form of an organogram.

• Vote Overview This section sets out past performance and future plans for Central and Local Government Votes in more detail. It is structured as follows for each Vote: A Vote Overview sets out key details of the vote, including past performance, future plans and key performance issues to be addressed including costing implications. • Vote Annexes Annex Recommendations from parliament and institutional responses


v Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

MPS: Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

Executive Summary

Introduction 1. Madam Speaker, in line with theme of the State of the Nation Address and the policy pronouncements in the Budget Speech FY 2014/15, the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives in consultation with various key stakeholders has prepared this Ministerial Policy Statement for the consideration and approval of Budget Estimates by Parliament.

2. In this Statement, emphasis has been placed on key interventions such as the promotion of industrialization including value addition to agricultural produce, and support to the development of MSMEs, growth of the services sectors, and the enhancement of market access for Uganda’s products and services regionally and internationally.

Overview of the Sector Budget 3. Last Financial Year 2013/14, the total budget for Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Sector was UShs. 49.690 billion (Inclusive of Taxes, NTR and Arrears), out of which only UShs. 35.138 billion was received and utilized.

4. In this Fiscal Year 2014/15, the Sector has been allocated additional resources as follows: UShs. 900 million towards Ministry Headquarters operations, UShs. 818 million for wage enhancement and establishment of the MSMEs Directorate in the Ministry, UShs. 910 million to boost UNBS operations, UShs. 500 million for Warehouse Receipt System regulation and management and UShs. 341 million for the AGOA Secretariat. The total Budget provision for FY 2014/15 for the Sector now stands at UShs. 52.806 billion (inclusive of arrears and taxes) which represents only 0.41 percent of the total National Budget (UShs. 12.205 trillion). While this Ministry is appreciative of the additional resources, there are still critical interventions which have remained unfunded as illustrated within the document.

5. Out of the total budget provision, approximately 34% (UShs. 14.39 billion) is to cater for salaries and wages, 25% (UShs. 10.73 billion) is for Capital Development, 18% (UShs. 7.5 billion) is for administrative and operational overhead costs, 13% (UShs. 5.7 billion) for Human Capital Development, 6% (UShs. 2.66 billion) is for Regulatory Best Practices1, and 2% (UShs. 0.87 billion) is provided for Promotions and Market Access among other expenditure categories within the Sector.

1 Government has adopted international best practices in policy and law making to minimize the procedural and regulatory bottlenecks associated to doing business in Uganda in order to attract more investment, create wealth and ensure faster growth of the economy.


vi Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

MPS: Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

Executive Summary

6. Additional budgetary resources are urgently required for Sector Infrastructure development (or, Fixed Capital Formation) as detailed in this document. Once resources are provided, they will target the establishment of Common Industrial facilities for Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), Business Incubation Centers, Warehouse facilities for food storage and value addition, Border Markets and Quality Assurance infrastructure among others. In the above context, this socio- economic infrastructure will guarantee food security for the country, Sustainable growth in Value Addition, Services Sector, Youth Employment and raising Household Incomes for the Rural Communities.

Overview of the Sector Performance 7. Madam Speaker, Uganda’s export receipts reduced by 12.2 percent from US$ 2.8 billion in 2012 to US$ 2.5 billion in 2013. The import bill reduced by 4.6 percent from US$ 6.1 billion in 2012 to US$ 5.8 billion in 2013. The trade deficit therefore increased by 1.8 percent from US$ 3.3 billion in 2012 to US$ 3.4 billion in 2013.

8. The index of production for Manufacturing stood at 199.5 in the year 2013, up by 3.2 percent from the year 2012. The industry group ‘Food Processing’ registered the highest positive growth of 10.5 percent, followed by ‘Saw Milling’ (8.4 percent) and ‘Other industry groups combined’ recorded a positive rise of 5.7 percent.

Policy and Legal Framework 9. For regulatory frameworks to facilitate Trade and Industrial Development, Government is fast tracking the development of: the Competition and Consumer Protection Policy and Bill, the Grains and Cereals Policy, the Buy Uganda Build Uganda Policy, the Accreditation Policy, the Leather Policy, the New Sugar Bill, the Industrial Metrology Bill, the Cooperatives Act Amendment, the Anti-Counterfeit Goods Bill, the Domestication of WTO Implementation Bill, the Domestication of COMESA Treaty Bill, the Accreditation Bill and the Uganda Development Corporation (UDC) Bill. These instruments will support investment in the Private Sector, develop the local content, protect consumers from unfair trade practices, and institute the industrial and economic investment arm of Government.

Value Addition and Local Economic Development 10. In a bid to strengthen the Warehouse Receipt System (WRS), Government plans to refurbish two more warehouses; the Pakanyi United Cooperative Society warehouse in Kiryandongo and the Kakumiro Cooperative Union warehouse. This will add 10,000MT to the existing 552,000 MT in order to address the poor post-harvest handling and promote value addition.


vii Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

MPS: Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

Executive Summary

11. Government through the Uganda Development Corporation (UDC) has finalized setting up the key requisite support infrastructure; water, electricity and access roads; for the Fruit Factory. The construction of the processing facility will start in July 2014, using a Grant-Aid by the Korean International Cooperation Agency (KOICA).

12. Through a PPP arrangement with Kalangala Infrastructure Services Co. Ltd, several infrastructure components have been developed on Bugala island, Kalangala district. The pilot water supply projects were completed and commissioned, and the MV Pearl is operational. The ferry operates a minimum of 10 trips daily from Monday to Friday, 8 trips on Saturdays and 6 trips on Sundays commencing at 7:00am from Bukakata. The rehabilitation, expansion and upgrade of the 66km Main Island Road to a class B gravel road begun in May 2013. The development of a power generation plant, and construction of a distribution network throughout the Bugala island is underway. The second ferry, named the MV Ssese, is under construction using high tensile steel plates.

13. Through the Uganda Industrial Research Institute (UIRI), a range of competitive Ugandan products have been developed from the abundant raw materials. These raw materials include bananas, millet, maize, sorghum, fruits (mangoes, passion fruits, papaya, water melon, oranges), eggs, meat, chicken, fish, ginger, vegetables (french beans, carrots, lettuce), mushrooms, tubers (sweet potato, cassava), cran berry, grapes, pumpkin, beans, hibiscus, moringa, stinging nettle and beet root, peanuts, irish potatoes, soya, honey, tomatoes and bamboo shoots. The fruit processing facility was also commissioned. In Fiscal Year 2014/15, the Institute will continue to build capacity in specific targeted skills needed for industrial development and value addition and also undertake to establish a Regional hub for scientific innovations in support of industrialization.

14. In this Financial Year, through the One Village One Product (OVOP) programme, with a budget of UShs. 245 million, the Ministry has assisted 26 enterprises from 21 districts with value addition equipment as well as skills development in 11 product ranges, including shear nut, rice, maize, pineapple, coffee, groundnuts, cassava, sweet potatoes, poultry, apiary and handicrafts. Next Financial Year, Government shall extend this support to twelve more cooperative enterprises from 12 other districts across the country. However, these funds are far too low to cause the desired and expected impact to the concerned communities.


viii Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

MPS: Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

Executive Summary

15. In order to promote Local Economic Development, the Ministry with support from the Enhanced Integrated Framework (EIF) through the District Commercial Services Support project (DICOSS) has provided motorcycles, computer equipment, and set up trade information centres in addition to human resource capacity building to improve delivery of commercial services in 25 selected districts across the country. There is need for Government to increase support for the District Commercial Offices throughout all the Local Governments.

16. The Ministry developed the Cooperative Data Analysis System (CODAS) to capture details of cooperatives registered across the country for increased supervision and regulation. This system has so far captured a total of 14,507 registered cooperative societies, and will facilitate the selection of cooperative societies that Government can offer support across the country.

17. The Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives will start issuing licenses for Travelling Wholesalers and businesses engaged in Hire Purchase, and arbitrate cases resulting from this form of business transactions. These licenses are expected to raise UShs. 575 million in Non-Tax Revenue. This revenue shall support the Ministry to expand its operations towards the capacity development of qualifying indigenous MSMEs, and the delivery of commercial services at the Local Governments.

Human Capital Development 18. In a bid to improve access to management training and advisory services for businesses, the Management Training and Advisory Centre (MTAC) has established 10 new outreach centres in Lira, , , Bwera, Ntungamo, Rukungiri, Luweero, , Mpigi, and in addition to the three which are already in existence. In partnership with the International Labour Organisation and the Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development, the Centre has intensified its Entrepreneurship and Job Creation Awareness programme where over 5,000 participants, mainly youth and women, across the country were sensitized on mindset change towards job creation and were equipped with skills in soap, body jelly and fruit juice making among others. Over 1,502 participants have been trained in improving management performance and career development through regular courses. In Fiscal Year 2014/15, the Centre plans to open additional outreach centres in Soroti, Busia, , Arua, Masindi, Moroto and Kaboong, in order to take services closer to the people.


ix Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

MPS: Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

Executive Summary

Elimination of Non-Tariff Barriers 19. With support from TradeMark East Africa Ltd, Government has continued to eliminate Non-Tariff Barriers to facilitate the smooth flow of trade. Cash bonds on Uganda-destined, goods mainly on high value products like cars, electrical product and sugar by the Republic of Kenya, were removed. Uganda and Kenya harmonized Axle Load control measures on weighbridges by implementing a Gross Vehicle Mass (GVM) of up to 52 tonnes depending on vehicle configuration. Kenya now weighs transit trucks twice while Uganda weighs them twice as well at its border points.

20. The Kenyan Government removed requirements for physical inspection, transit permits, payment of transit fees, and possession of import permits from countries of destination by Ugandan exporters of Hides and Skins. This was previously affecting about 8 Ugandan companies exporting Hides and Skins to Europe through the Kenya Port. The 16% VAT on services (Port Charges) for all goods cleared for transit into Uganda has been removed since there was no mechanism for claiming the VAT by Ugandan-registered clearing firms.

21. Uganda and Rwanda signed a bilateral Agreement on the Removal of NTBs and constituted a committee as part of the National Monitoring Committee of NTBs for monitoring the removal of NTBs between Rwanda and Uganda. Terms of Reference, a Work Plan and Rules of Procedure for the Joint Committee were developed. The Committee identifies and reports NTBs on the routes from Kampala to Kigali and holds bi-annual meetings in which identified NTBs are resolved.

22. An Electronic Cargo Tracking System was delivered and installed. The system is aimed at eliminating delays and costs of escorting transit cargo to the borders and avoiding short landing of cargo, and is currently being piloted by the Uganda Revenue Authority.

Standards and Quality Assurance 23. Government has increased operational support to the Uganda National Bureau of Standards to heighten market surveillance of the domestic market and curb trade in unsafe and substandard goods. In collaboration with the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and TradeMark East Africa, Government has strengthened the capacity of the Bureau’s laboratories with testing and calibration equipment worth US $ 1 million. Three laboratories are currently being supported to attain internationally recognized accreditation. The Bureau has also been supported with its first ever film van to raise awareness on standards and quality


x Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

MPS: Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

Executive Summary

issues. With this assistance, 30 MSMEs were facilitated to have their products certified for the domestic and export market.

24. In addition, Government rolled out the Pre-shipment Verification of Conformity (PVoC) programme on 1st June 2013, in order to minimize the risk of unsafe and substandard goods entering Ugandan and protect consumers against dangerous, shoddy and substandard imported products. This programme currently covers 7 product categories, including food and food products, electrical and electronics including solar equipment, automotive products and inputs, chemical products including cosmetics, mechanical materials and gas appliances, toys and mosquito nets, and will be expanded to cover 3 more categories starting 1st July 2014.

Regional Integration and International Trade Partnerships 25. With the deepened East African Community integration, the full roll out of the Electronic Single Window that was launched in Nairobi 2nd May 2014 will make business more efficient, hence lowering the cost of doing business within the region. The use of the Electronic Single Window System is geared at centralizing trade services such as tracking of goods, custom clearance, and electronic payment, including through mobile money. The system will also integrate with the Uganda Revenue Authority and is expected to make clearance at Kenyan ports faster and easier.

26. Uganda handed over the Chairmanship of the EAC and COMESA in November 2013 and February 2014 respectively. During its Chairmanship, Uganda hosted a High Level Conference on mobilization of resources for infrastructure development, mobilized funding through the PTA Bank for projects worth US$6.6 billion, and developed a COMESA Regional MSMEs Strategy which led to the creation of a US $5 million SME Seed fund to be piloted in 5 member states.

27. Uganda is also committed to join the COMESA FTA with effect from 1st July 2014. As a result, Government has secured funding worth 3.2 million Euros for three years from the COMESA Adjustment Facility to implement Regional Integration programmes. This funding will facilitate among others, the establishment of two border markets, two trade information offices at Mutukula and Lwakhakha, and implementation of regional commitments on; Standards, Competition Policy, the Common Investment agreement and transport facilitation tools such as the regional third party insurance scheme commonly known as the Yellow Card.


xi Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

MPS: Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

Executive Summary

28. Government is engaged in negotiations for the EAC-COMESA-SADC Tripartite Free Trade Area to remove some of the inconsistencies and costs in regional integration brought about by overlapping memberships2. The Tripartite FTA accounts for half (27) of the Membership of the African Union with a Gross Domestic Product of US $1.3 trillion, a population of 565 million and a combined landmass of 17 million square kilometers. When the negotiations are completed, the Tripartite strategy will involve designing and implementing the Tripartite FTA, the preparation of a Trade and Transport Facilitation Programme elaboration of a regional industrial development programme, the design and implementation of trade and transport infrastructure projects along corridors and free movement of business persons across the RECs.

29. Lastly, in executing its mandate, the Ministry will continue to supervise its 8 Agencies namely; the Uganda Development Corporation (UDC), the Uganda Industrial Research Institute (UIRI), the Uganda National Bureau of Standards (UNBS), the Uganda Export Promotion Board (UEPB), the Uganda Commodity Exchange (UCE) and the Management Training and Advisory Centre (MTAC), Uganda Cleaner Production Centre (UCPC) and Textile Development Agency (TEXDA).

Conclusion 30. The Ministry seeks the support of all Arms of Government and all the Development Partners, Stakeholders, and the Private Sector to enable it contribute its best to the growth of the three sectors of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives as it enters into the new Financial Year 2014/15. Together, we can develop and promote a competitive and export-led private sector through accelerating industrial development, trade and sustainable member-centered cooperatives for wealth creation and economic growth.

2 All the four member states in the EAC are members of COMESA. Among these, Tanzania is also a member of SADC.


xii Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

MPS: Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

Organisational Structure, Strategic Statements and Functions

Organisational Structure of the Ministry

Minister of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

Minister of State for Trade Minister of State for and Cooperatives Industry and Technology

Permanent Secretary

Director; Trade, Industry Undersecretary, Finance and Cooperatives and Administration

Commissioner, Commissioner, Commissioner, Commissioner, Internal Trade External Trade Cooperatives Dev’t Industry & Technology

Executive Executive Executive Director, UEPB Director, UCE Director, UIRI

Chairperson, Executive AGOA Secretariat Director, UNBS

Executive Director, UDC

Executive Director, MTAC

Executive Director, UCPC

Executive Director, TEXDA

Policy and Human Resource & Internal Procurement & Resource Accounts Planning Security Registry Audit Disposal Unit Centre and ICT Unit


xiii Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

MPS: Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

Organisational Structure, Strategic Statements and Functions

Vision 1. The vision of the Ministry is: “Sustainable cooperatives, competitive trade and world class industrial products and services” Mission 2. The mission of the Ministry is: “To develop and promote a competitive and export-led Private Sector through accelerating industrial development for economic growth.” Mandate 3. The mandate of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives (MoTIC) as derived from the Constitution of the Republic of Uganda (1995 – Article 189, Sixth Schedule Sections 11, 12, 13, 20, 23, 25 and 29) is: “To formulate, review and support policies, strategies, plans and programs that promote and ensure expansion and diversification of trade, cooperatives, environmentally sustainable industrialization, appropriate technology development and transfer to generate wealth for poverty eradication and benefit the country socially and economically.” Key Functions 4. The key functions of the Ministry, as derived from the mandate are to: i) Formulate and review, where necessary appropriate policies, legislation, regulations and standards for sustainable development of trade, industrialization and technology development, cooperatives movement and other tradable national products for increased wealth creation and benefit to the country; ii) Initiate, coordinate, support, oversee and where applicable, facilitate implementation of strategies and programmes aimed at enhancing the development and promotion of trade, the cooperatives, industry and technology, and ensure their maximum benefit to the country; iii) Inspect, monitor and evaluate the performance, progress, standards, state and efficiency of the various sectors, under its mandate for quality assurance, policy direction and guidance; iv) Conduct studies and evaluate the impact of the sectoral, fiscal and other policies on the advancement of the diversified sectors and their effect on the poverty eradication program so as to advise authorities appropriately; v) Promote and coordinate research activities and initiatives of the sector with a view to ensure that results are efficiently and effectively utilized and are beneficial to the country and all stakeholders; vi) Assess the need and where necessary, mobilize resources to support balanced industrial, cooperatives, and entrepreneurial development for eradication of poverty in the country; and, vii) Collect, process, analyze, store and disseminate national and international information on the sectors and provide an input for rational decision-making;

Strategic Objectives of the Ministry 5. The objectives listed below are derived from the National Development Plan (2010/11 – 2014/15) and the Sector Investment Plan (SIP), and their strategies are incorporated into the NRM Manifesto (2011-16).

Trade: a) Improve the doing business environment. b) Nurture the private sector with a view to improve its competitiveness in the domestic, regional and other international markets


xiv Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

MPS: Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

Organisational Structure, Strategic Statements and Functions

c) Increase market access for Uganda’s products and services in regional and international markets. d) Improve the stock and quality of trade infrastructure e) Promote trade development f) Promote policy synergies between the production and trade sectors g) Provide equal opportunity to Women and other disadvantaged groups to participate in and benefit from trade h) Promote the use of standards and quality infrastructure to improve the competitiveness and safety of Ugandan products, processes and service delivery systems in domestic, regional and international markets

Industry and Technology: a) Oversee development of Micro, Small and Medium scale Enterprises (MSMEs) b) Promote the development of value added industries especially the agro-industries c) Increase competitiveness of local industries d) Enhance the development and productivity of the informal manufacturing sub-sector e) Enhance applied research and technology development

Cooperatives: a) Promote good governance of the cooperative movement b) Enhance the capacity of the cooperatives to compete in domestic, regional and international markets c) Diversify the type and range of enterprises undertaken by cooperatives


xv Vote 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives FY 2014/15 Vote Function 0601: Industrial and Technological Development Program : Industry and Technology CostCentre: Ministry of Trade, Industry and Co District : Kampala

File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance Appointing Authority Authority PP4825 Florence Nalwanda U8 176,169 2,114,028 U8 202,521 2,430,252 316,224 PP 5479 Herbert Atuhairwe U8 193,488 2,321,856 U8 251,133 3,013,596 691,740 P/N. 313 Stephen B. Ssebigwo U8 200,906 2,410,872 U8 251,133 3,013,596 602,724 P/S.144 Kassim Semanda U4 SC 978,181 11,738,172 U4 SC 1,196,843 14,362,116 2,623,944 P/B.280 Prime Blessed Fom U4 SC 1,001,741 12,020,892 U4 SC 1,108,817 13,305,804 1,284,912 P/K.472 David Amooti Kiiza U4 SC 964,189 11,570,268 U4 SC 1,163,937 13,967,244 2,396,976 P/K.493 Diana Kakwera U4 SC 964,189 11,570,268 U4 SC 1,152,002 13,824,024 2,253,756 P/K.494 Emmanuel Kamugasha U4 SC 964,189 11,570,268 U4 SC 1,152,002 13,824,024 2,253,756 P/N.316 Berna Kiwanuka Nakazzi U4 SC 1,001,741 12,020,892 U4 SC 1,108,817 13,305,804 1,284,912 P/A.223 Denis Ainebyona U3 SC 1,094,807 13,137,684 U3 SC 1,323,360 15,880,320 2,742,636 P/O.481 Peter Odong U3 SC 1,094,807 13,137,684 U3 SC 1,287,587 15,451,044 2,313,360 P/B.258 Deo Atwooki Byaruhanga U3 SC 1,094,807 13,137,684 U3 SC 1,287,587 15,451,044 2,313,360 P/B.257 Julius Bataringaya U3 SC 1,094,807 13,137,684 U3 SC 1,372,556 16,470,672 3,332,988 P/K.488 Suudi Kizito U3 SC 1,094,807 13,137,684 U3 SC 1,323,360 15,880,320 2,742,636 P/M.420 Richard Musafiri U3 SC 1,094,807 13,137,684 U3 SC 1,323,360 15,880,320 2,742,636 P/O.479 Francis Gimoro Odong U2 SC 1,571,079 18,852,948 U2 SC 1,843,220 22,118,640 3,265,692 PP.5454 Patrick Masuba Nakoko U2 SC 1,638,721 19,664,652 U2 SC 2,085,103 25,021,236 5,356,584 P/E.94 Stephen Emuria U1E SC 2,047,648 24,571,776 U1E SC 2,354,796 28,257,552 3,685,776 PP.5453 Joshua Mutambi U1E SC 1,517,837 18,214,044 U1E SC 2,384,638 28,615,656 10,401,612

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1 Vote 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives FY 2014/15 Vote Function 0601: Industrial and Technological Development Program : Industry and Technology Total Annual Salary (Ushs) for Program : Industry and Technology 237,467,040 290,073,264 52,606,224 Vote Function 0602: Cooperative Development Program : Cooperatives Development CostCentre: Ministry of Trade, Industry and Co District : Kampala

File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance Appointing Authority Authority P/S 142 Joseph Sekikubo U8 200,906 2,410,872 U8 251,133 3,013,596 602,724 P/L.99 Joseph Lutalo U8 176,169 2,114,028 U8 202,521 2,430,252 316,224 P/A.239 Ronald C. Arwata U7 268,129 3,217,548 U7 301,289 3,615,468 397,920 P/K.502 Trevor Bernard Kunya U6 374,830 4,497,960 U6 428,982 5,147,784 649,824 P/N.305 Connie Namutebi U4 551,383 6,616,596 U4 684,700 8,216,400 1,599,804 P/M.448 Moses Magumba U4 532,160 6,385,920 U4 611,984 7,343,808 957,888 P/K495 Eddie Samuel Kumakech U4 532,160 6,385,920 U4 684,700 8,216,400 1,830,480 P/O.503 Joseph Paul Ocatum U4 551,383 6,616,596 U4 684,700 8,216,400 1,599,804 P/B.281 Lucy Babirye U4 532,160 6,385,920 U4 611,984 7,343,808 957,888 P/A.233 Ritah Elizabeth Auma U4 532,160 6,385,920 U4 684,700 8,216,400 1,830,480 P/H.9 Miria Hamega U4 551,383 6,616,596 U4 611,984 7,343,808 727,212 P/K.470 Leonard Kavundira U3 858,173 10,298,076 U3 1,035,615 12,427,380 2,129,304 P/M.410 Mary Evelyn Musoke U3 820,556 9,846,672 U3 954,261 11,451,132 1,604,460 P/A215 Johnson Abitekaniza U3 858,173 10,298,076 U3 1,035,615 12,427,380 2,129,304 P/A.210 Gordon Byakatonda Asiimwe U3 820,556 9,846,672 U3 954,261 11,451,132 1,604,460 P/A.209 Fred Ahimbisibwe U3 890,731 10,688,772 U3 1,035,615 12,427,380 1,738,608

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2 Vote 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives FY 2014/15 Vote Function 0602: Cooperative Development Program : Cooperatives Development CostCentre: Ministry of Trade, Industry and Co District : Kampala

File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance Appointing Authority Authority P/E.91 Patrick Egos Amunyo Opolot U2 1,174,436 14,093,232 U2 1,350,602 16,207,224 2,113,992 P/B.267 Robert Wilson Barigye Bariyo U2 1,092,443 13,109,316 U2 1,316,314 15,795,768 2,686,452 PP3819 Joseph Kitandwe U1E 1,537,073 18,444,876 U1E 1,767,634 21,211,608 2,766,732 Total Annual Salary (Ushs) for Program : Cooperatives Development 154,259,568 182,503,128 28,243,560 Vote Function 0604: Trade Development Program : External Trade CostCentre: Ministry of Trade, Industry and Co District : Kampala

File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance Appointing Authority Authority PP.4825 Gladys Babirye U8 200,906 2,410,872 U8 226,517 2,718,204 307,332 P/W.131 Muhammed Wasswa Lubega U8 200,906 2,410,872 U8 251,133 3,013,596 602,724 P/W.133 Godfrey Walakira U3 820,556 9,846,672 U3 965,011 11,580,132 1,733,460 P/W.128 Siragi Wakaabu U3 820,556 9,846,672 U3 954,261 11,451,132 1,604,460 P/K.483 Stephen K. Kabugunda U3 890,731 10,688,772 U3 1,035,615 12,427,380 1,738,608 PP5083 Lauren Bategana Butubira U3 890,731 10,688,772 U3 1,035,615 12,427,380 1,738,608 P/N.295 Cleopas Ndolerere Kachetero U2 1,092,443 13,109,316 U2 1,267,740 15,212,880 2,103,564

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3 Vote 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives FY 2014/15 Vote Function 0604: Trade Development Program : External Trade CostCentre: Ministry of Trade, Industry and Co District : Kampala

File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance Appointing Authority Authority P/K.482 Francis Koluo U2 1,102,382 13,228,584 U2 1,267,740 15,212,880 1,984,296 PP5559 Emmanuel Mutahunga U2 1,092,443 13,109,316 U2 1,267,740 15,212,880 2,103,564 P/O.489 Richard Okot Okello U2 1,102,382 13,228,584 U2 1,267,740 15,212,880 1,984,296 PP5281 Patrick Okilangole U1E 1,477,213 17,726,556 U1E 1,767,634 21,211,608 3,485,052 PP5434 Cyprian Batala U1E 1,537,073 18,444,876 U1E 1,767,634 21,211,608 2,766,732 PP5301 Silver Ojakol U1SE 1,690,410 20,284,920 U1SE 1,943,971 23,327,652 3,042,732 Total Annual Salary (Ushs) for Program : External Trade 155,024,784 180,220,212 25,195,428 Program : Internal Trade CostCentre: Ministry of Trade, Industry and Co District : Kampala

File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance Appointing Authority Authority P/E.89 Emma H. Emoru U8 176,169 2,114,028 U8 251,133 3,013,596 899,568 P/S.151 Stephene Ssekandi U8 182,900 2,194,800 U8 228,517 2,742,204 547,404 P/O504 Paul Okech U4 532,160 6,385,920 U4 684,700 8,216,400 1,830,480 P/A.214 Emmanuel Atwiine U4 532,160 6,385,920 U4 758,050 9,096,600 2,710,680 P/N 293 Georgina Nampeera U3 820,556 9,846,672 U3 965,011 11,580,132 1,733,460 P/O484 Norman Ojamuge U3 900,535 10,806,420 U3 1,035,615 12,427,380 1,620,960

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4 Vote 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives FY 2014/15 Vote Function 0604: Trade Development Program : Internal Trade CostCentre: Ministry of Trade, Industry and Co District : Kampala

File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance Appointing Authority Authority P/R.45 Rueben Rwekuuta U3 820,556 9,846,672 U3 965,011 11,580,132 1,733,460 PP555 David Epyanu Oule U3 900,535 10,806,420 U3 1,035,615 12,427,380 1,620,960 P/K 484 Zackey Kalega U3 820,556 9,846,672 U3 1,024,341 12,292,092 2,445,420 P/T.112 Elizabeth Tamale U1E 1,477,213 17,726,556 U1E 1,698,795 20,385,540 2,658,984 PP5255 Raymond Agaba U1SE 1,690,410 20,284,920 U1SE 1,943,971 23,327,652 3,042,732 Total Annual Salary (Ushs) for Program : Internal Trade 106,245,000 127,089,108 20,844,108 Program : Directorate of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives CostCentre: Ministry of Trade, Industry and Co District : Kampala

File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance Appointing Authority Authority PP.5502 John Baptist Makumbi U8 193,488 2,321,856 U8 251,133 3,013,596 691,740 P/F.4 Simon Famine U8 176,169 2,114,028 U8 202,521 2,430,252 316,224 P/S. 140 Samuel Ssenkungu U1SE 1,974,417 23,693,004 U1SE 2,270,580 27,246,960 3,553,956 Total Annual Salary (Ushs) for Program : Directorate of Trade, Industr 28,128,888 32,690,808 4,561,920 Vote Function 0649: Policy, Planning and Support Services Program : HQs and Administration

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5 Vote 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives FY 2014/15 Vote Function 0649: Policy, Planning and Support Services Program : HQs and Administration CostCentre: Ministry of Trade, Industry and Co District : Kampala

File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance Appointing Authority Authority P/B.277 Jane Buwule U8 176,169 2,114,028 U8 202,521 2,430,252 316,224 P/N.301 Agnes Nakafeero U8 176,169 2,114,028 U8 202,521 2,430,252 316,224 P/M.439 Asumani Musoke U8 200,906 2,410,872 U8 251,133 3,013,596 602,724 P/M.414 Eunice Mirembe U8 176,169 2,114,028 U8 218,197 2,618,364 504,336 P/O .478 Philbert Orone Craig U8 176,169 2,114,028 U8 226,517 2,718,204 604,176 P/K.457 Hakim Kisekka U8 193,488 2,321,856 U8 251,133 3,013,596 691,740 P/O.499 Emmanuel Otin U8 176,169 2,114,028 U8 202,521 2,430,252 316,224 P/B.278 James Bekunda U8 200,906 2,410,872 U8 251,133 3,013,596 602,724 P/T126 Scovia Tusubira U8 176,169 2,114,028 U8 202,521 2,430,252 316,224 PP/5519 Peter Lule U8 200,906 2,410,872 U8 251,133 3,013,596 602,724 PP5562 Michael Orwothwun U8 176,169 2,114,028 U8 226,517 2,718,204 604,176 P/A.221 Robert Abigaba U8 176,169 2,114,028 U8 241,860 2,902,320 788,292 PP.5548 Daniel Waiswa U8 200,906 2,410,872 U8 226,517 2,718,204 307,332 P/W. 501 Jeffrey Onencan U8 197,167 2,366,004 U8 226,517 2,718,204 352,200 PP5550 Navvuga Harriet U8 200,906 2,410,872 U8 251,133 3,013,596 602,724 PP4093 Aidah Bamutya U8 200,906 2,410,872 U8 226,517 2,718,204 307,332 P/N.280 Ruth Namukwaya U7 227,240 2,726,880 U7 306,527 3,678,324 951,444 P/H.08 Ibrahim Hamba U7 313,067 3,756,804 U7 396,990 4,763,880 1,007,076 PP5549 Miriam Nabanji U7 268,129 3,217,548 U7 306,527 3,678,324 460,776

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6 Vote 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives FY 2014/15 Vote Function 0649: Policy, Planning and Support Services Program : HQs and Administration CostCentre: Ministry of Trade, Industry and Co District : Kampala

File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance Appointing Authority Authority P/N.307 Kate Nakandha U6 335,982 4,031,784 U6 437,221 5,246,652 1,214,868 P/A.198 Isabella Asiimwe U6 335,982 4,031,784 U6 437,221 5,246,652 1,214,868 P/W.135 Ricard Wambi Wangota U6 374,830 4,497,960 U6 454,830 5,457,960 960,000 P/N.315 Donart Nakiwendo Ndagire U6 268,129 3,217,548 U6 396,990 4,763,880 1,546,332 P/O.502 Donas Obonyo U5 529,931 6,359,172 U5 614,854 7,378,248 1,019,076 P/N.312 Noeline Ndago U5 383,760 4,605,120 U5 461,673 5,540,076 934,956 P/A.225 Harriet Ajiambo U5 383,760 4,605,120 U5 483,762 5,805,144 1,200,024 P/N317 Hadija Nakakande U4 532,160 6,385,920 U4 625,319 7,503,828 1,117,908 P/S.152 Noel Singabadda U4 511,692 6,140,304 U4 611,984 7,343,808 1,203,504 P/N.274 Sarah Musoke Nabitalo U4 640,591 7,687,092 U4 812,668 9,752,016 2,064,924 P/K.462 Johnson Kwesiga Enock U4 804,640 9,655,680 U4 957,010 11,484,120 1,828,440 P/A.248 Leticia Asiimire U4 706,668 8,480,016 U4 611,984 7,343,808 -1,136,208 P/N.317 Jackson Nabongho U4 532,160 6,385,920 U4 611,984 7,343,808 957,888 P/K.505 Barbara Iridah Kalinge U4 706,785 8,481,420 U4 849,737 10,196,844 1,715,424 P/A. 251 Grace Achan U4 659,174 7,910,088 U4 812,668 9,752,016 1,841,928 PP5159 Abdallah K. Kamwada U4 595,391 7,144,692 U4 758,050 9,096,600 1,951,908 P/N. 319 Margaret Nnattembo U4 532,160 6,385,920 U4 611,984 7,343,808 957,888 P/O.494 David Omunyo U4 595,391 7,144,692 U4 758,050 9,096,600 1,951,908 P/A.217 Mary Amumpaire U4 SC 968,370 11,620,440 U4 SC 1,196,439 14,357,268 2,736,828

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7 Vote 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives FY 2014/15 Vote Function 0649: Policy, Planning and Support Services Program : HQs and Administration CostCentre: Ministry of Trade, Industry and Co District : Kampala

File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance Appointing Authority Authority P/C.11 Flavia Chandiru U4 SC 964,189 11,570,268 U4 SC 1,108,817 13,305,804 1,735,536 P/A.201 Jacinta Atim U3 820,556 9,846,672 U3 975,891 11,710,692 1,864,020 P/151 Patrick Ibembe U3 900,535 10,806,420 U3 1,035,615 12,427,380 1,620,960 P/N.310 George Latim Nyeko U3 820,556 9,846,672 U3 975,981 11,711,772 1,865,100 P/T.114 James Tukahirwa Byenjeru U3 900,535 10,806,420 U3 1,035,615 12,427,380 1,620,960 P/E.93 Stephen Emitu Naigo U3 973,183 11,678,196 U3 1,134,574 13,614,888 1,936,692 P/K.503 David Karuma Bob U3 900,535 10,806,420 U3 1,049,879 12,598,548 1,792,128 P/R.46 Herbert Rukikaire U3 900,535 10,806,420 U3 1,035,615 12,427,380 1,620,960 P/B.253 John Barisigara U3 SC 900,535 10,806,420 U3 SC 1,035,615 12,427,380 1,620,960 P/503 Nicholas Olwor Sunday U2 1,123,501 13,482,012 U2 1,292,026 15,504,312 2,022,300 P/M449 Davis Ndanyi Malowa U2 1,174,437 14,093,244 U2 1,350,602 16,207,224 2,113,980 PP5535 Florence Bageyana U2 1,174,437 14,093,244 U2 1,350,602 16,207,224 2,113,980 P/M.447 Didas Mbonigaba Mulekezi U2 1,388,401 16,660,812 U2 1,596,661 19,159,932 2,499,120 P/M.437 Josephine Muwonge U1E 1,537,073 18,444,876 U1E 1,767,634 21,211,608 2,766,732 P/O.506 Julius Baker Onen U1SE 2,512,557 30,150,684 U1SE 3,768,835 45,226,020 15,075,336 P/O.507 Fred Mugabo Ogene U1SE 1,690,410 20,284,920 U1SE 1,943,971 23,327,652 3,042,732 Total Annual Salary (Ushs) for Program : HQs and Administration 394,720,920 475,569,552 80,848,632 Program : Internal Audit CostCentre: Ministry of Trade, Industry and Co

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8 Vote 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives FY 2014/15 Vote Function 0649: Policy, Planning and Support Services Program : Internal Audit CostCentre: Ministry of Trade, Industry and Co District : Kampala

File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance Appointing Authority Authority P/M. 440 Musimami Paul U4 706,785 8,481,420 U4 908,371 10,900,452 2,419,032 P/S. 150 Ssenyonga Bashir U3 973,183 11,678,196 U3 1,118,161 13,417,932 1,739,736 Total Annual Salary (Ushs) for Program : Internal Audit 20,159,616 24,318,384 4,158,768 Program : Policy and Planning CostCentre: Ministry of Trade, Industry and Co District : Kampala

File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance Appointing Authority Authority P/T16 Tukwasibwe Nicholas U8 176,169 2,114,028 U8 237,358 2,848,296 734,268 P/A.232 Aneno Karyn Sandra U4 706,785 8,481,420 U4 849,737 10,196,844 1,715,424 P/G.29 Golooba Lwanga Kezekia U4 706,785 8,481,420 U4 822,438 9,869,256 1,387,836 PP5519 Twinomujuni Collins U3 900,535 10,806,420 U3 1,182,627 14,191,524 3,385,104 P/S.153 Sserunjogi George Mukiibi U2 1,373,412 16,480,944 U2 1,596,661 19,159,932 2,678,988 P/W137 Wamibu Micheal U1E 1,517,837 18,214,044 U1E 1,806,553 21,678,636 3,464,592 Total Annual Salary (Ushs) for Program : Policy and Planning 64,578,276 77,944,488 13,366,212 Total Annual Salary (Ushs) for : Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperat 1,160,584,092 1,390,408,944 229,824,852

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9 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives V1: Vote Overview (i) Vote Mission Statement “To develop and promote a competitive and export-led Private Sector through accelerating industrial and trade development for economic growth.” (ii) Summary of Past Performance and Medium Term Budget Allocations Table V1.1: Overview of Vote Expenditures (UShs Billion)

2013/14 MTEF Budget Projections 2012/13 Approved Rel. by (i) Excluding Arrears, Taxes Outturn Budget End Mar 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 Wage 0.938 1.323 0.617 2.141 2.291 2.669 Recurrent Non Wage 9.430 4.838 6.303 6.923 7.061 7.379 GoU 22.249 6.850 7.070 6.530 6.609 6.939 Development Donor 0.000 2.949 0.000 3.147 7.406 0.000 GoU Total 32.517 13.011 13.990 15.594 15.961 16.987 Total GoU+Donor (MTEF) 32.517 15.960 13.990 18.741 23.367 16.987

Arrears 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.054 N/A N/A (ii) Arrears and Taxes Taxes** 0.100 1.241 0.600 0.636 N/A N/A Total Budget 32.617 17.201 14.590 19.431 N/A N/A

(iii) Non Tax Revenue 0.000 0.108 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000

Grand Total 32.617 17.309 14.590 19.431 N/A N/A Excluding Taxes, Arrears 32.517 16.068 13.990 18.741 23.367 16.987

The chart below shows total funding allocations to the Vote by Vote Function over the medium term: Chart V1.1: Medium Term Budget Projections by Vote Function (Excluding Taxes, Arrears)






Ushs Ushs Billion 4


0 Export Trade Advisory Promotion Enterprise Services Training and Cooperative Development Development Industrial and Development and Support Technological Policy, Planning

2013/14 Approved Budget Estimates 2014/15 Budget Projections 2015/16 Budget Projections

Vote Overview

10 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

(iii) Vote Outcomes and Outcome Indicators The table below sets out the vote outcomes and outcome indicators Table V1.3: Vote Outcomes and Outcome Indicators Outcome Statement Outcome Indicators Baseline Base year Target FY2014/15 An enabling Policy and Legal Ease of doing Business Rank 123 2011 122 enviroment supporting Institutional Number of districts mainstreaming 15 2011 56 framework and Infrastructure for Trade in their District Development doing business Plans

An Enabling Business Enviroment Contribution of manufacturing as a 7.9 2010 8.0 and Infrastructure for rapid industrial percentage of GDP growth Percentage of working population 6.0 2009/201 6.1 engaged in the Manufacturing sector 0

V2: Vote Performance for FY 2013/14 and Planned Outputs for FY 2014/15 This section describes past vote performance and planned Outputs, in terms of key vote outputs (i) Past Vote Outputs Preliminary 2013/14 Performance The preliminary Vote 015 Performance highlights for the Financial Year 2013/14 are as follows:

(A) INDUSTRIAL AND TECHNOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT A zero draft of the Sugar Bill has been developed and is due to stakeholder consultations. Zero drafts for the Steel Policy, Grain Policy, Leather Policy and Bottled Water Policy were also developed and stakeholder consultations conducted. Two hundred (200) copies of the National Sugar Policy were printed and disseminated. A National Accreditation Policy was submitted to Cabinet. Materials on the proposed National Quality Management System were developed to guide implementation at the National Focal Point office housed at MTAC. . Field visits were made to Atiak Sugar Project, Kamuli & Luzinga sugar sites (site coordinates captured). The report produced will inform the development of an effective implementation plan for the National Sugar Policy. A mapping exercise to inform the development of a National MSMEs Strategy was conducted. A web portal for the National Industrial Database was developed and training for staff in the Department of Industry and Technology was conducted. . Compliance monitoring missions/environmental audits were conducted to Graphics Systems Ltd, Sadolin paints as well as several water and plastics industries in Kampala. The Departments of Industry and Internal Trade carried out an environmental audit to inform the process of decommissioning the British American Tobacco Uganda (BATU) in the districts of kanungu and hoima. A verification report on the stocks of tobacco was subsequently compiled. Technical guidance visits were made to Kaliro Sugar Works, Roofings (U) Ltd, Kakira sugar works, Jambo Tannery in Busia, Pride Agro Limited in Tororo, Nakaseke tomato processing plant and Gayaza electrical works. Performance assessment missions were also made to the phosphates project at Sukulu, Busitema University, Tororo Cement and Ngabo Sugar Mill Project in Butambala and reports produced to inform the development of a Cabinet Information paper on the sector‟s proposals for the sustainable development of phosphates in Uganda. . The Ministry received potential investors looking to invest in spices, milk, poultry and poultry products, renewable energy production, and infrastructure. Together with the Uganda Investment Authority (UIA), the Ministry sponsored the participation of 60 Ugandan artisans in the 14th EAC regional Jua Kali Expo that was held in Nairobi, Kenya. .

Vote Overview

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Under the Uganda Development Corporation (UDC), due diligence investigations were conducted for Uganda Wildlife safaris and Kiira Motors Corporation. Findings indicate that the two enterprises are potentially viable public investment projects. Due diligence was also done on proposed projects such as Teso Foods project and the National Silos project. Promotional materials for various UDC projects were designed, produced and disseminated. The UDC Ltd also secured the services of 2 new Senior Staff (Senior Projects Officer and a Senior Engineer). . Physical assessments of the value addition requirements of 38 model enterprises in , Moyo, Yumbe, Moroto,Kotido, Kaabong, Adjumani, Zombo, Arua, Masaka, , Rukungiri, Ntungamo, Hoima and Buliisa districts were conducted and reports produced. . Under the One Village One Product (OVOP) programme, value addition equipment was commissioned in Mpigi, and Bududa district after installation at the sites of the beneficiary enterprises. The programme procured, delivered and installed a honey extractor and 20 Langstrouth bee hives for Alemifal group in Adjumani district; a maize mill and huller for Tukolewamu Cooperative Society in Mpigi Town Council, Mpigi district; a maize huller for Labor Progressive Farmer‟s Cooperative Society in Serere District; a coffee hauler for an association in Kilingente Sub County; a pineapple juice extractor for Kiwenda Horticulture Association; a maize mill and huller for a group in Mpigi district; a shea nut crusher for another group in Kitgum district and a poultry feeds mixer for yet another group in Mbale district. . Under the OVOP programme, training of equipment operators was also conducted. Monitoring visits to OVOP supported enterprises in Western, Northern, Central and Eastern Uganda were also conducted and reports produced. 18 members of the Nyero Rock Women‟s Group were trained in business management skills. . (B) INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT AND ECONOMIC INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT . Under the Soroti Fruit factory project, the valuation report for the way leaves for the extension of water and electricity to the project site was finalized by the Chief Government valuer and handed over to UDC. A land title for the project site was secured. Road works for the access roads to the factory site are now at base level with the contractor stock piling stone chippings, cement, and lime for the 1st layer, stone pitching and head/wing wall construction is also ongoing. An evaluation report for the installation of a 250m3 water tank at the project site was produced. Bids were secured from potential service providers for the construction of the perimeter wall fence for factory. An advert inviting bidders for the procurement of a van to support project activities was designed and published. Technical designs, BOQs and technical specifications for another water tank (640m3) were prepared. 1,279 Fruit farmers were mobilized & trained on fruit farming best practices and cooperatives by a team from NARO and the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives in the teso sub region. Publicity and awareness about the Soroti fruit factory was also created. . Under the Luwero Value Addition project, an agreement was reached with Luwero District Local Government to provide land for setting up of the fruit factory. . Under the Kalangala Infrastructure Services Project, the Government of Uganda through UDC acquired all its allocated ordinary shares (worth UGX 16.87Bn) in Kalangala infrastructure Services Ltd. Road works covering 27km out of the target 66km was handed over to the contractor and 65% of the works has been completed. The second ferry hull construction is at 60%. These works are being done at Songoro marine transportation company limited. Power transmission lines along the main island roads are now complete while extensions to other areas of the island are expected to be complete by June 2014. Hybrid power plant array foundation, control rooms and substation layout plans are now complete. Rehabilitation of Kalangala Town Council's water supply systems commenced and is expected to be complete by November 2014. Project promotional materials were also produced and published. . (C) COOPERATIVES DEVELOPMENT A technical team composed of staff from the First Parliamentary Council and the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives facilitated the drafting of the Cooperative Societies Act Amendment Bill. The Vote Overview

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Principles of the Bill were approved by Cabinet. . The Government of Uganda, through the Ministry, facilitated the holding of a special Annual General Meeting (AGM) for the Bugisu Cooperative Union. During the AGM, Government handed over control of the Union's Management back to the members and all stakeholders resolved to resume normal operations as soon as possible. The Registrar of Cooperatives also presided over the successful installation of a functional board and management to coordinate the Union's operations. . Supervision missions were made to 10 Cooperative Societies & Unions including Buteba SACCO Ltd. The Department also provided technical guidance to Cooperators at the special Annual General Meeting of Sebei Elgon Cooperative Union Ltd. 2 investigative audits were conducted for Victoria Basin Savings & Microfinance Cooperative Trust as well as Kahungye SACCO Ltd. 9 inspections were conducted for Societies and Unions in the different regions of the country including Kigezi Dairy Cooperative Society, Ntungamo Dairy Farmers Cooperative Union, Alutkot SACCO and Oyam South SACCO, Luwero Teachers SACCO, Okoro Cooperative Union, Buyunze SACCO, Ankole Diary farmers Cooperative Union and Buteba SACCO. Inspections of warehouses were conducted to Agroways Ltd, Soroti Grain Millers Ltd, Masindi Seed and Grain Growers Ltd, Kapchorwa Commercial Farmers Association, Coronet Group in Gulu, Elshaday General Trading Company Ltd and Nyakatonzi Growers Cooperative Union Ltd. . Cooperatives leadership training was conducted for Kiringente SACCO Ltd's members. The Department also held a sensitization and technical guidance meeting with tea growers in Mityana. . Uganda celebrated 100 years since the Cooperatives Movement began in 1913 and the Centenary celebrations also coincided with the 19th UN/90th ICA International Day of Cooperatives. The celebrations were successfully held at Boma Grounds in Masindi on the 27th September 2013 . (D) WAREHOUSE RECEIPT SYSTEM INFRASTRUCTURE . Under the Warehouse Receipt System project, 209 participants attended sensitization workshops on WRS & UCE operations, cooperatives governance and management, value addition/agro-processing, as well as agro-enterprises development and promotion. The project conducted sensitization workshops for 300 members of Teso Cooperative Union with emphasis on toll ginning under the Warehouse Receipt System at Arapai Ginnery, Soroti district. . Verification missions to 30 (thirty) Cooperative Societies‟ Stores/Warehouses as well as pieces of land that were offered for construction and/or refurbishment of stores/warehouses were made to Kamuli, Bugiri, Namutumba, Palisa, Manafwa, Bududa, Bukwo, Bukedea, , Lira, Oyam, Amuru, Adjuman, Yumbe, Zombo, Kiryandongo, Masindi, Kibale, Kiboga, Ibanda, Mitooma, Isingiro, Ntungamo, Rukungiri, Kanungu, Kisoro, Mubende, Kyegegwa, Kabarole, Bundibugyo, and Kalungu. These visits were made by a team comprising of staff from the Ministry, SWRS Project staff, District Commercial Officers and Staff of selected cooperative societies. A final report was produced and submitted to the Top management of the Ministry. . The MoU between Kakumiro Growers Union and the Government of Uganda (through MTIC) for the refurbishment of the Union's 2 warehouses was renewed after negotiations. Under this PPP framework, Kakumiro Growers Union will be licensed to operate a public warehouse. . The Ministry, through the project, continued lobbying with prospective investors in Uganda‟s Warehouse Receipt System. The project facilitated the participation of key stakeholders in the 19th UN/90th ICA International Day of Cooperatives Centenary Celebrations held in Masindi. The Project also facilitated the conducting of cooperatives sensitization/awareness drives for residents of Isingiro district particularly the Millennium Village and the Area Cooperative Marketing Enterprises (ACEs) in the district. .

(E) TRADE DEVELOPMENT Uganda signed an MoU Thailand on duty free quota free market access. Vote Overview

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. A zero draft of the Trade Fairs and Exhibition Policy was developed. The principles of the Competition Bill were submitted to Cabinet for consideration. A request for a Certificate of financial implications for the Competition and Consumer protection Policy and Bill was submitted to MoFPED. The Free Zones Act was passed into law in 2014. Cabinet information papers on the COMESA Summit hosted by Uganda, implementation of the COMESA FTA as well as negotiations under the COMESA-EAC-SADC tripartite were prepared and submitted to Cabinet. The Trade Licensing Amendment Bill went through the first reading and was forwarded to the Parliamentary Sessional Committee on Tourism, Trade and Industry. Technical Officers from the Ministry facilitated at the Parliamentary Committee meetings discussing the Trade Licensing Amendment Bill. Regulations for the Hire Purchases Act were finalized. Designs for the Hire Purchases application forms and licenses were also finalized. Two (2) meetings of the National Services Taskforce were held to identify appropriate strategies for the proposed Trade-in-Services Policy and Master Plan. Zero drafts were prepared demonstrating the relevance of a National Services Taskforce, a National Trade-in-Services Policy and Master Plan. The Ministry collaborated with the URA, MoLG and LGFC to harmonise GoU‟s position on utilization of the Trade Licensing Act to enforce Presumptive Tax. . The Director of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Development led technical guidance missions to eight (8) processing enterprises in Luwero, Kiryadongo, Masindi & Hoima, and a report was produced to inform the Ministry‟s strategic policy intervention. . Uganda's Country report for the COMESA Policy Organs Meetings in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo was compiled and disseminated. Uganda's progress report on implementation of COMESA programmes was also compiled and disseminated at the COMESA Policy Organs Meetings. The Ministry contributed to the development of the COMESA Council of Ministers report with relevant decisions and recommendations to guide implementation of COMESA Programmes. The implementation Agreement for the Regional Integration Implementation Programme (RIIP) under COMESA was signed and implementation of the project commenced. The Ministry participated in the preparation of the COMESA monitoring & evaluation framework policy. The Ministry, with support from the COMESA Secretariat, organized a successful COMESA High Level Infrastructure Conference in October 2013 where priority regional infrastructure projects were identified. . The Department of External Trade prepared for and participated in the 9th COMESA- EAC - SADC Tripartite Trade Negotiations Forum (TTNF) in Walvis Bay, Namibia where: . • Negotiations on the Technical Working Group for the SPS/TBT/NTB Annex to the Free Trade Area Agreement were concluded • Progress was made in the negotiations on the Tariff Liberalization and Custom Cooperation Annex to the FTA Agreement • Progress was made in the negotiations on the Rules of Origin Annex to the FTA Agreement . Uganda participated in the development of the EAC Competition Policy with support from the EAC Secretariat. The Department also represented the People of Uganda at the EAC - EU Economic Partnership Agreement negotiations were it was agreed by all parties that a new formulation of the Article on Most Favoured Nation (MFN) be adopted. The Ministry mobilized stakeholders and convened a stakeholder‟s consultative meeting on the EAC - US Trade and Investment Partnership (TIP) Negotiations were stakeholder input into the EAC - US TIP draft texts i.e. Investment Treaty, Trade Facilitation agreement, SPS and TBT agreement as well as the text on continued capacity building was captured. . The Department represented the Country at the World Trade Organization (WTO) meeting in Davos, Switzerland where Uganda's interests in the International Trading System were articulated and her input considered to inform WTO policy. One (1) Commercial Officer was seconded to the World Trade Organization for Internship under the efforts on capacity building for staff in multilateral trade negotiations issues. A National position for the Tripartite Trade Negotiations Forum (TTNF) was developed through stakeholder consultations. National positions/ interests were taken care of in the Tripartite Trade Negotiations Forum (TTNF) meetings with support from Trade Mark Southern Africa. COMESA Trade Liberalization Programme reviewed through consultation with services regulators. COMESA National Vote Overview

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Consultations Questionnaire on COMESA Trade in Services Liberalization Program completed. Development of National positions through stakeholder consultations to guide Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) Negotiations was not undertaken among other planned activities. . A Commercial Officer was dispatched to Uganda's Mission in Geneva to operationalize Uganda's Coordination of the LDC group at the World Trade Organization (WTO). One staff was trained in Trade and Negotiations Policy in Australia with Support from the Australian Government. One staff was trained in on Rules of Origin in Nairobi with Support from the WTO. One staff trained in Trade Policy and Dispute Settlement with Support from the Trade Policy Centre in Africa (TRAPCA). The Ministry also participated in the training of the COMESA Online M&E System with Support from COMESA Secretariat. . The Ministry continued participating in the Tripartite Negotiations to demonstrate, represent and lobby for Uganda's interests. It participated in relevant committee meetings with South Sudan on Trade issues, participated in World Trade Organisation (WTO) Ministerial Conference in Bali in December 2013 and hosted the Tripartite Trade Negotiating (TTNA) Forum in Entebbe in November 2013. . The Ministry represented the country at the review of the EAC Rules of Origin. Consultations to prepare Uganda for the implementation of the COMESA Free Trade Area were made and consensus was reached with MoFPED on how best to effect implementation of the COMESA FTA through the Public Finance Act starting FY 2014/15. The Department participated in the sensitization meetings on the EAC Single Customs Territory (SCT) which are designed to generate stakeholder consensus and to disseminate information on the SCT. The Department also organized a National workshop to sensitize stakeholders on the set up of the National Electronic Single Window. A National Steering Committee Meeting for the National e-Single Window was also organized and held. Recommendations on the Lead MDA, roles of different stakeholders and implementation roadmap were discussed. An Inter-Ministerial High Level Task Force Meeting to discuss the National e - Single Window was held and it endorsed the recommendations on the Lead Agency, Model and implementation roadmap for the e- Single Window. The Ministry also organized a post- Bali workshop on the Services waiver agreed upon at the Bali WTO Ministerial Conference to disseminate the agreed position and to consult stakeholders on how best Uganda can benefit from this Services waiver. The Ministry developed National positions for the conference through stakeholder consultations. National Consultations with stakeholders to identify Uganda‟s, interests in the Regional Infrastructure Projects. The Ministry also participated in the Joint Meeting for COMESA Committees on Trade, Finance and Infrastructure and the Joint Ministerial Meeting for COMESA Ministers Responsible for Trade, Finance and Infrastructure (supported by COMESA Secretariat). The Ministry sensitized small farm holders associations on the progress and current status of the EAC-EU-EPA Negotiations Status. . The Ministry commenced with the issuance of Hire Purchase and Travelling Wholesaler's Licenses. A press release regarding the same was designed and disseminated to the public through the press. Trade Licensing Guidelines for foreign traders were developed and disseminated. A half page press release on the new Trade Licensing Guidelines for Foreign Traders was published in the Newspaper. 1,000 Trade Licensing Certificates for foreign traders and 2 registers were printed. A preliminary report on the foreign traders licensed in 2013 was compiled and disseminated. . The Department of Internal Trade undertook awareness exercises on the Prosperity For All programme in District Commercial Offices. The department also conducted supervision of implementation of the National Trade Policy in 6 districts of Eastern Uganda. The Supermarkets‟ Survey Report was compiled. It offers insights on the shelf space for locally produced goods - Identifying challenges and solutions. . A draft of the Diagnostic Trade Integration Study II was developed and a study on Uganda‟s coffee value chain was also conducted under the framework of the National Export Strategy. . Under the TRACE II programme, awareness meetings on the Simplified Trade Regime were held in Lwakakha and Busia. The programme also facilitated cross border trade monitoring visits to Mutukula. The TRACE II programme management performed supervisory and oversight functions over the tier II project, District Commercial Services Support Project (DICOSS). The programme facilitated institutional capacity building of the National Enhanced Integrated Framework (EIF) Secretariat, National Implementing Unit Vote Overview

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(NIU) and the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives. The programme disseminated trade information to support trade mainstreaming into overall government economic policy. . Under the DICOSS project, 25 District Commercial Offices (DCO) were refurbished, equipped and retooled. 53 LG Officials from the DCO of the 25 DICOSS beneficiary districts were trained in skills and techniques to improve their delivery of Commercial Extension Services for 3 weeks. Funds to facilitate the effective delivery of commercial extension services were disbursed to 25 Local Governments. Networking Conferences for Local Government Officials in the production and Marketing sectors were organized and successfully held. The establishment and operationalization of trade information centers in 25 districts was facilitated. . (F) Export Promotion The Uganda Export Promotion disseminated relevant material at the 21st Uganda International Trade Fair (UMA Trade Show) and facilitated the participation of a Ugandan delegation at the International Trade Fair – Trade Fair of OIC member states from October 28th to November 1st 2013 in Tehran, Iran. . UEPB received and organized relevant engagements for an importer from Ireland who is interested in Uganda‟s hides and skins. It also facilitated a coffee farm visit by International Women‟s Coffee Alliance (IWCA) officials to promote women‟s involvement in the international coffee trade. . A delegation of UEPB, ITC and CBI Officials met with various key stakeholders on a one on one basis to allow effective exploration of the stakeholder needs for sustainable development of exporter competitiveness in selected potential sectors. . 1,805 preferential certificates were issued to Ugandan exporters. UEPB facilitated the continuous access of Uganda‟s businesses to preferential tariff treatment through assistance to comply with the Rules of Origin. Information on export dynamics was disseminated to various stakeholders through the Export Handbook for SMEs. 46,721 Uganda exports online website hits were recorded in the month of December 2013; visitors were most interested in the Exporters Directory and the National Export Strategy. Implementation of the Coffee export strategy was monitored.

Under the AGOA Secretariat, Uganda's position at the Quality Seminar 2013 in Italy was shared with the International community. Staff from the Secretariat also participated in the EAC - US Trade and Investment Partnership (TIP) Negotiations in Bujumbura, Burundi where Uganda's input into the EAC - US TIP draft texts i.e. Investment Treaty, Trade Facilitation agreement, SPS and TBT agreement was submitted. AGOA secretariat engaged investors in the former Tri Star Apparels (Fine Spinners U Ltd) to jointly identify solutions to the challenges inherited from LAP and Tri Star. . The Secretariat visited farmers growing cotton in Kasese to discover their challenges and jointly identify strategies to increase output. Monitoring and Evaluation visits were made to Mango Tree (U) Ltd and TEXDA. Monitoring of Presidential Initiatives on AGOA in Karamoja Region. . (G) SECTOR COORDINATION AND MANAGEMENT . The Ministry participated in the Local Governments Conditional Grant Negotiations organized by the Local Government Finance Commission in preparation for the FY 2014/15. Government positions concerning the delivery of devolved public services to the LG were harmonized at this forum. It was also agreed at the negotiations that the Ministry submits to MoLG the sector's contribution to the National LG Service Delivery Assessment Tool on Minimum Service Delivery Standards in line with GoU‟s policy to mainstream trade into overall government policy and this was promptly done. . The Ministry also prepared and participated in the Local Government Budget Consultative Process where feedback from the Local Governments was captured and National guidelines and standards of service delivery were disseminated to the LGs. . The Ministry organized and successfully held the 4th Annual Joint Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Sector Vote Overview

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Review Conference at the , Kampala on the 26th November 2013 under the theme "Harnessing Benefits of Regional Integration through Infrastructure Development for Trade and Industrialization". . The Honourable Minister of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives commissioned a power project in Kayunga district on the 5th October 2013. She presided over the opening of the 21st Uganda International Trade Fair (UMA Trade Show) on the 8th October 2013 and the MTAC Graduation Ceremony on 25th October 2013. Presided over the launch of the MTN Elite Programme at Serena Hotel on 31st October 2013; Presided over a meeting on Bugisu Cooperative Union at Mbale Resort on 22nd November 2013; Represented and lobbied for Uganda‟s interests at the Bali WTO Ministerial Conference in Indonesia in December; Represented and lobbied for Uganda‟s interests at a COMESA meeting held in Nairobi from 16th to 17th December 2013; Represented and lobbied for Uganda‟s interests in the Ministerial EAC Council meetings in Arusha; Presided over the Cooperatives Day Celebrations in Masindi together with H.E. the President on 27th September 2013; . Foreign Trade Ministerial Delegations and Special Envoys received and hosted for bilateral deliberations of mutual interests and signing of MoUs. Egypt; . The Ministry organized engagements with the Chinese Business Community and the Indian Association at the UIRI Conference Hall in Nakawa, Kampala on 10th October 2013 and the 14th October 2013 respectively to discuss and address their trade and investment concerns. . Ministerial Press Conferences, TV Talk Shows and Radio Talk Shows on RECs (COMESA & EAC), Ministry and Sector Programmes facilitated; Consumer Sensitization on PVoC by Political Leadership and engagements with Service Providers; . Table V2.1: Past and 2014/15 Planned Key Vote Outputs 2013/14 2014/15 Vote, Vote Function Key Output Planned outputs Achievements by End March Planned Outputs Vote: 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Vote Function: 0601 Industrial and Technological Development Output: 060101 Industrial Policies, Strategies and monitoring services Description of Outputs: Develop and revise Draft Steel 200 copies of the National Sugar Act presented to sub-sector Policy, Sugar Policy were printed for Parliament; Sector specific Implementation Plan for the dissemination; strategies and plans developed; National Sugar Policy, . Draft Iron and Steel Policy Principles for the Amendment 2 (two) stakeholders‟ presented to Cabinet; Industrial to the Industrial Licensing Act, consultative meetings for the Licensing Act Amendment Sugar Act; Sugar Act were held … a draft presented to Parliament; Draft Sugar Act is now ready; MSMEs Policy presented to Annual Industrial Sector . Cabinet; and, 60 technical Review Conference Report; Collection of data for concept guidance field visits conducted. Enhanced implementaion of note and one stakeholders‟ industrial development consultative meeting held for initiatives and reduced National Grains and Cereals environmental pollution; Policy; Regional Accreditation Plan of . Action; Held a second consultative meeting on the Grain Policy and Raise awareness of the role of minutes were produced; industries in socio-economic . transformation; 2 Drafting Committee Meetings on the Industrial Licensing Act International and Regional were held; Industrial cooperation strategies . identified and implemented; Stakeholders consultative OVOP Needs Assessment meetings to discuss the Report for 48 cooperatives from Principles for the Amendment 16 districts of Western, to the Industrial Licensing Act Northern, Central and Eastern was scheduled but not held as Vote Overview

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2013/14 2014/15 Vote, Vote Function Key Output Planned outputs Achievements by End March Planned Outputs Uganda; funding was not available; . Draft Leather Policy developed; . Resolutions from a stakeholders meeting to discuss proposals for the draft Leather Policy; . Zero draft of the Steel subsector Policy developed; . 2 (Two) stakeholder consultative meetings held to discuss the Bottled Water Policy; . Resolutions from a stakeholders‟ meeting to discuss proposals for the Bottled Water Policy; . The draft of the National Accreditation Policy submitted to Cabinet Secretariat. Queries raised are being responded to; . Report for field visits to Atiak Sugar Project, Kamuli & Luzinga sugar sites (site coordinates captured).This report will inform the development of an Implementation plan for the National Sugar Policy; . Draft Cabinet Paper prepared on Quality Chemicals; . A mapping exercise to inform the development of a National MSMEs Strategy was planned but has been scheduled for early May 2014. This exercise will involve visits to selected MSMEs in priority sectors; . The Hon. Minister of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives conducted monitoring progress of two enterprises; Labor Progress Farmers Cooperative Socieity and Abuket Sweet Potato Growers and Processors Association; . Physical assessment of 38 OVOP potential model enterprises in Adjumani, Zombo, Arua, Masaka, Mbarara, Rukungiri, Ntungamo, Hoima, Buliisa, Nebbi, Moyo, Yumbe, Moroto,Kotido and Kaabong and reports produced; . Monitoring visits to OVOP Vote Overview

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2013/14 2014/15 Vote, Vote Function Key Output Planned outputs Achievements by End March Planned Outputs supported enterprises in Western, Northern, Central and Eastern Uganda were conducted and reports produced; . 2 compliance monitoring missions/environmental audits were conducted at Graphics Systems Ltd, Sadolin paints as well as several Water and Plastics industries in Kampala; . Technical guidance and inspection visits to industries in Western region conducted & reports produced; . Carried out an environmental audit report review for decommissioning British American Tobacco Uganda (BATU); . Monitoring Visits were made to Kaliro Sugar Works, Roofings (U) Ltd and Kakira sugar works; . Technical Guidance visits were made to Jambo Tannery in Busia District, Pride Agro Limited in Tororo, Nakaseke tomato processing plant and Gayaza electrical works; . Phoenix Logistics Ltd was transferred under UDC on a Cabinet directive. A Liaison officer was appointed by the ministry. . The Ministry is now working on constituting the new Board as well as sourcing for possible investors to partner with to rescue Phoenix; . The Ministry through the Department continued with monitoring of Pheonix Logistics Ltd which was recently returned to UDC; Output: 060102 Capacity Building for Jua Kali and Private Sector Description of Outputs: Action Plan to 14th EAC Jua Skills development through Products from 70 Ugandan Jua Kali Exhibition 2013; Jua Kali training on Appiary Kali enterprises exhibited at the Apex body established; Management, Honey Processing 15th EAC Jua Kali Exhibition New technologies disseminated Equipment Operation and 2014 in Kigali, Rwanda; and market expansion for Jua Quality Control for Arua, Nebbi Industrial Development support Kali products; and Moyo Bee Keepers given to the Private Sector; 240 Association members was participants trained in 12 programmed and is scheduled to sessions on Skills development run from the 23rd to 25th April through training on value 2014; addition, business management . and marketing; and, Uganda's The Ministry working with UIA Programme Approach and

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2013/14 2014/15 Vote, Vote Function Key Output Planned outputs Achievements by End March Planned Outputs sponsored the participation of interventions benchmarked with 60 Ugandan artisans in the 14th practices in Ethiopia. EAC regional Jua Kali Expo held in Nairobi, Kenya; . A National Organizing Committee for the 14th EAC Jua-Kali Exhibition 2013 was set up. NOC currently soliciting for sponsorship; . Training of 18 members of Nyero Rock Women‟s Group in Business Management Skills under OVOP; . Constitution for the Jua Kali Apex body formulated; Output: 060103 Industrial Information Services Description of Outputs: An up-to-date industrial Field visits to assess the 3 technical officers supported to database; performance of the Phosphates participate in the Annual Engineering society ethics project at Sukulu, Busitema Engineers Conference; instilled; University, Tororo Cement in Industrial information provided Tororo District and Ngabo as and when required; Products Sugar Mill Project in Butambala from 26 OVOP Model were conducted and a report Cooperatives/groups exhibited; produced to inform the and, OVOP Interventions development of a Cabinet published in Newspaper media. Information paper on Proposals for strategic Phosphates development in Uganda; . Data for the National Industrial database collected and the customized web portal developed; . Training for Department of Industry and Technology staff on the structure and operations of the database were conducted; . Engineers and Professional staff's Annual subscription & membership fees to UIPE and ERB paid; Output: 060104 Promotion of Value Addition and Cluster Development Description of Outputs: New and indigenous The Department organized for a Directorate of Micro, Small and appropriate technologies for stakeholders meeting to discuss Medium Enterprises established cluster development promoted; the development of strategic and interventions made towards Value Addition Equipment for clusters and disseminate the development of MSMEs in the 10 Cooperatives handed relevant reports on the sector. Uganda; over; This meeting is scheduled for Product Packaging, 28th April 2014; 40 Potential Certification and Market . Cooperatives/Groups assessed Linkages for four Model Held a Cluster initiative for support (Ten stakeholders‟ consultative cooperatives/groups from each meeting; of the four region); 8 Products . supported for Certification by 2 (two) steering committee UNBS; and, 4 Business plans meetings held on Cluster developed. development; . Relevant documents to the Vote Overview

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2013/14 2014/15 Vote, Vote Function Key Output Planned outputs Achievements by End March Planned Outputs successful implementation of the Quality Management System at the National Focal Point office housed at MTAC were produced; . The Hon. Minister officially handed over a coffee hauler to an Association in Kilingente Sub County; . The OVOP project delivered a pineapple juice extractor to Kiwenda Horticulture Association in September 2013; . OVOP procured, delivered and installed a Honey Extractor and 20 Langstrouth Bee Hives for Alemifal group in Adjuman district; . OVOP procured, delivered and installed a Maize Mill and Huller for Tukolewamu Cooperative Society in Mpigi Town Council; . OVOP procured a Maize Mill and Huller for a group in Mpigi District; a Shea Nut Crusher in Kitgum district & a Poultry Feeds Mixer in Mbale district and training of Equipment operators. Installation will be done as soon as the Equipment is delivered and housing structures are completed; . OVOP procured and delivered a Maize Huller for Labor Progressive Farmers Cooperative Society in Serere District; Output: 060151 Management Training and Advisory Services (MTAC) Description of Outputs: Wage subvention to MTAC; MTAC trained 523 participants 800 participants in Skills and Training of Students and in Entrepreneurship Skills Performance Improvement Entreprenuers in Entreprise and development through the Short-term Courses trained; Management skills; Entrepreneurship Training Programme in collaboration 2,500 participants in Business with UIA in the districts of and ICT Diploma, Certificate Mubende, Mbarara, Kampala, Courses trained; Sironko and Mpigi; 2,000 participants in MTAC undertook 4 Entrepreneurship and Job sensitization campaigns for Creation Awareness trained; business startups, incubation and enterprise development 100 participants trained in " have been held in the districts of Generate Your Business Idea", Bududa, Mbale, Mpigi, and "Start Your Business" and " Mbarara; Improve Your Business" trained in collaboration with the MTAC has 1,204 students International Labour enrolled for Certificate and Organisation;

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2013/14 2014/15 Vote, Vote Function Key Output Planned outputs Achievements by End March Planned Outputs Diploma programmes in Human Resource Management, 100 youth in "Employ Me", Entrepreneurship and Business Engage Me" and "Enterprise Management, Finance and Me" trained in collaboration Accounting, Information with MUSA Body Foundation; Systems, Computer Engineering, Clearing, 100 Batwa youth trained in Forwarding and Shipping multi-disciplinary skills trained Management, as well as in collaboration with the United Computer and Information Organisation for Batwa; System; 15 MTAC outreach centres in MTAC trained 150 persons with 15 districts operational; disabilities in ICT business skills; Vote Function: 0602 Cooperative Development Output: 060201 Cooperative policies, strategies and monitoring services Description of Outputs: Amended Cooperative Societies A technical team composed of Co-operative Societies Act Act; Amended Cooperative staff from the First gazetted upon approval by Regulations; Parliamentary Council and the Parliament; and, the revised Co- Ministry of Trade, Industry and operative Societies Regulations Cooperatives facilitated the and Bylaws presented to drafting of the Cooperative Parliament for approval. Societies Act Amendment Bill; . Supervision missions to 10 Cooperative Societies & Unions was undertaken. For example Buteba SACCO Ltd while the Department also provided technical guidance to Cooperators at the special Annual General Meeting of Sebei Elgon Cooperative Union Ltd; Output: 060202 Cooperatives Establishment and Management Description of Outputs: 224 Cooperative Societies 2 Investigative Audits were The Department intended to supervised; conducted for Victoria Basin have 1,000 Cooperative 12 audits; Savings & Microfinance Societies supervised to ensure 12 inspections; Cooperative Trust as well as compliance to Cooperative Law; 4 investigations undertaken; Kahungye SACCO Ltd; 5 Cooperatives audited to Keep a functional and updated . ensure proper financial ability Cooperative Data 9 inspections were conducted and reporting; 24 Cooperatives Analysis System (CODAS); for Societies and Unions in the inspected to ensure proper different regions of the country; management and governance by Kigezi Dairy Cooperative the leaders; and, 10 Society, Ntungamo Dairy investigations undertaken; Farmers Cooperative Union, Alutkot SACCO and Oyam South SACCO, Luwero Teachers SACCO, Okoro Cooperative Union, Buyunze SACCO, Ankole Diary farmers Cooperative Union and Buteba SACCO; Output: 060203 Cooperatives Skill Development and Awareness Creation Description of Outputs: Strengthened Public Awareness Leadership training was The Department intends to have on benefits of joining conducted for Kiringente 180 farmers mobilized to form Cooperatives; Training of SACCO Ltd's members; horticulture cooperatives in warehouse keepers and other . Central, Eastern and South technical people in WRS The Cooperative Development West Uganda for export management; 500 Members of Department held a sensitization purposes; The 20th UN/91st Co-operatives sensitised about and technical guidance meeting ICA International Day of Vote Overview

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2013/14 2014/15 Vote, Vote Function Key Output Planned outputs Achievements by End March Planned Outputs the National Cooperative Policy; with tea growers in Mityana; Cooperatives by commemorated 1,600 stakeholders sensitised on . by end of June 2015; Youth the WRS, Co-op Business Uganda celebrated 100 years from 2 prominent Universities Management and since the Cooperatives sensitized and mobilized to Entrepreneurship skills; Movement began in 1913 and form investment cooperatives; the Centenary celebrations also coincided with the 19th For SWRS Project, 250 UN/90th ICA International Day stakeholders sensitised on of Cooperatives; WRS, co-op business . management and The celebrations were entrepreneurship; successfully held at Boma Grounds in Masindi on the 27th September 2013; . The SWRS Project facilitated the conducting of a sensitization exercise in Isingiro district with focus on the Millennium Village and the Area Cooperative Marketing Enterprises (ACEs) in the district; . The 209 participants who attended the Isingiro workshops were sensitized on WRS & UCE operations, Cooperatives governance and management, Value addition/agro-processing, as well as Agro-Enterprises development and promotion; . Conducted sensitization workshop for 300 members of Teso Cooperative Union with emphasis on toll-ginning under the Warehouse Receipt System in Arapai Ginnery, Soroti; Output: 060281 Cooperatives Infrastructure Development Description of Outputs: 30 land offers from cooperatives Verification missions to 30 For SWRS Project, there shall for the construction of (thirty) Cooperative Societies‟ be Refurbishment of Warehouses surveyed & Stores/Warehouses as well as Kiryandongo warehouse; verified; pieces of land that were offered Refurbishment of Kakumiro 5 co-operatives Feeder stores for construction and/or warehouse; Inspection of Sites refurbished; refurbishment of for Construction and stores/warehouses were made to Refurbishment of warehouses to Kamuli, Bugiri, Namutumba, assess their suitability and proof Palisa, Manafwa, Bududa, of ownership; Standard Bukwo, Bukedea, Katakwi, Architectural Design Plans and Lira, Oyam, Amuru, Adjuman, BOQs developed for 20,000MT Yumbe, Zombo, Kiryandongo, Silos; and, Standard Masindi, Kibale, Kiboga, Architectural Design Plans and Ibanda, Mitooma, Isingiro, BOQs developed for 5,000MT Ntungamo, Rukungiri, Warehouses. Kanungu, Kisoro, Mubende, Kyegegwa, Kabarole, Bundibugyo, and Kalungu; . The MoU between Kakumiro Growers Union and the Government of Uganda (through MTIC) for the refurbishment of the Union's 2

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2013/14 2014/15 Vote, Vote Function Key Output Planned outputs Achievements by End March Planned Outputs warehouses was renewed after negotiations; . Under this PPP framework, Kakumiro Growers Union will be licensed to operate a public warehouse; Vote Function: 0604 Trade Development Output: 060401 Trade Policies, Strategies and Monitoring Services Description of Outputs: Develop the Sale of Goods and The Trade Licensing Finalisation of the Competition Services Bill, Trade Licensing Amendment Bill at Bill; Enacting of a Bill to Bill, the Competition and Parliamentary Sessional Domesticate the COMESA Consumer Protection Policy & Committee stage; Treaty; Enacting of a Bill to Act, Intellectual Property Rights . Domestic the WTO Bill; Policy, Technical Officers from the Finalisation of Intellectual Ministry met with the Property Rights Policy; Trade Hire Purchases Regulations, Parliamentary Committee to Fair and Exhibition Policy Hire Purchases application discuss the Trade Licensing Presented to Cabinet; Engage in forms and licenses, Travelling Ammendment Bill with support Negotiation for the US-EAC Wholesalers and Hawkers from the EIF funded TRACE II Trade and Investment Treaty; Application forms and licenses; programme; and, Development of Trade in . Services Policy. Undertake Performance M&E; Collaborated with URA, MoLG Secure buy-in of Stakeholders and LGFC to prepare a Draft Sale of Goods and Supply on the Competition harmonised position on utilising of Services Bill submitted to Commisssion/Authority; the Trade Licensing Act to Cabinet; Competition and enforce Presumptive Tax. As Consumer Protection Policy COMESA FTA Integration part of the initial phase, a draft submitted to Cabinet; Trade Response Strategy; program for teams from URA, Licensing Amendment Bill URSB and KCCA to move to submitted to Parliament for City for identification of clients debate and technical support for TIN and Business Name offered; Buy Uganda Build registration was prepared; Uganda Policy submitted to . Cabinet for discussion and Trade Licensing Guidelines for technical support offered; 1000 foreign traders developed and Travelling Wholesalers and disseminated to LGs and the Hawkers Application forms and general public in the Daily licenses printed and issued; 500 Monitor Newspaper; Hire Purchase Application . forms and licences printed and 2,000 Certificates of approval issued; 50 members of the for the acquisition of Trade Business Community and other Licenses by foreign traders were stakeholders sensitised on the issued; Hire Purchases Law and . Regulations; 20 District Local Press release on the issuance of Governments monitored and Hire purchase and Travelling supervised on the Wholesalers Licenses designed implementation and and disseminated in the press; enforcement of Commercial . Laws Policies, Plans and Regulations for the Hire programs; and, 15 District Local Purchases Act were finalized Governments monitored and and Cabinet directed the evaluated on utilisation of the Ministry to start issuing the District Trade and Commercial relevant licenses; Services Conditional Grants. . Designs for the Hire Purchases For NRSE-NTB Project, a application forms and licenses Prioritization matrix for the were finalised; EAC Time Bound programme . prepared; 4 Policy papers Hire Purchases application developed and disseminated; 6 forms and licenses finalised and reports from MoTIC bilateral printed; and regional negotiations for . elimination of priority NTBs Vote Overview

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2013/14 2014/15 Vote, Vote Function Key Output Planned outputs Achievements by End March Planned Outputs Competition and Consumer produced and disseminated; Protection Policy and Bill and, 4 regional reports on EAC awaiting a Certificate of legally binding mechanisms and Financial Implications from dispute settlement produced and Ministry of Finance, Planning disseminated. and Econ. Devt; . For TRACE II Project, Trade The Ministry compiled and policies and strategies submitted to MoLG the sector's mainstreamed into the National contribution to the National LG Planning Framework (NDP); Service Delivery Assessment Trade policies and strategies Tool on Minimum Service mainstreamed into Government Delivery Standards; Economic policy as well as the . programmes of Development The Ministry participated in the Partners; and, Project Local Governments programmes and Tier 2 projects Negotiations Meeting in Monitored and performance preparation for FY 2014/15 evaluated. organised by Local Government Finance Commission to represent Sector views for District Commercial Offices in Local Governments; . Prepared a Concept/Background Note on the relevance of a National Services Taskforce, a National Trade-in-Services Policy and Master Plan; . 2 meetings of the National Services Taskforce were held to identify appropriate strategies for the Trade-in-Services Policy and Master Plan Zero drafts; . Performance Monitoring and supervision of implementation of the National Trade Policy in 6 districts in Eastern Uganda; . Undertook verification of stocks of tobacco in Kanungu and Hoima Districts; . Prepared Supermarket Survey Report on the assessment of shelf space for locally produced goods - Identifying challenges and solutions; . A Draft Trade Fairs and Exhibition Policy was developed; . Uganda's Country report for the COMESA Policy Organs Meetings in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo was developed and disseminated; . Uganda's progress report on implementation of COMESA programmes was prepared and Vote Overview

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2013/14 2014/15 Vote, Vote Function Key Output Planned outputs Achievements by End March Planned Outputs disseminated at the COMESA Policy Organs Meetings; . The Ministry contributed to the development of the COMESA Council of Ministers report with relevant decisions and recommendations to guide implementation of COMESA Programmes; . Uganda participated in the development of the EAC Competition Policy with support from the EAC Secretariat; . Uganda Competition Bill forwarded to Cabinet for consideration; . The draft Free Zones Bill Reviewed; . Signed Implementation Agreement for the Regional Integration Implementation Programme (RIIP) under COMESA, and currently awaiting disbursement of funds. Recruitment of personnel, account opening, MoU signed, and disbursement requests were made; . Participated in the preparation of the COMESA Monitoring & Evaluation Framework Policy in Addis Ababa, and the National contribution to it; . Drafted and submitted to MoFPED a request for a Financial Implications Certificate for the Competition Policy and Bill; . Prepared Cabinet Memos for COMESA Summit, COMESA FTA and Tripartite, and submitted them to Cabinet; Output: 060402 Trade Negotiation Description of Outputs: Capacity built within the Developed National positions Capacity of the National Trade National Trade Negotiation paper for the Tripartite Trade Negotiation Team (NTNT) built Team (NTNT); Consensus on Negotiations Forum (TTNF) in Rules of Origin, Trade Trade negotiating positions through stakeholder Facilitation and tariff achieved; Consultations; liberalisation modalities; EAC- Uganda position taken care of at . COMESA-SADC Tripartite the regional and international Hosted the Tripartite Trade Free Trade Area Agreement meetings; Increase market Negotiating Forum (TTNF) concluded; Uganda's Services access for Ugandan goods and Forum in Entebbe together with Waiver request for LDCs services through product Tripartite in November 2013; submitted to the World Trade value chain; . Organisation (WTO); and, The Department of External COMESA Programmes and

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2013/14 2014/15 Vote, Vote Function Key Output Planned outputs Achievements by End March Planned Outputs Trade prepared for and Activities coordinated, and participated in the 9th Country Report prepared. COMESA- EAC - SADC Tripartite Trade Negotiations Forum (TTNF) in Walvis Bay, Namibia; . National positions/ interests taken care of in the Tripartite Trade Negotiations Forum (TTNF) meetings with support from Trade Mark Southern Africa; At this 9th Tripartite Trade Negotiations Forum; . (1) Negotiations on the Technical Working Group for the SPS/TBT/NTB Annex to the Free Trade Area Agreement were concluded . (2) Progress was made in the negotiations on the Tariff Liberalization and Custom Cooperation Annex to the FTA Agreement . (3) Progress was made in the negotiations on the Rules of Origin Annex to the FTA Agreement . Development of National positions through stakeholder consultations to guide Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) Negotiations was undertaken among other planned activities; . The Department also represented the People of Uganda at the EAC - EU Economic Partnership Agreement negotiations were it was agreed by all parties that a new formulation of the Article on Most Favored Nation (MFN) be adopted; . The Ministry mobilized stakeholders and convened a stakeholders consultative meeting on the EAC - US Trade and Investment Partnership (TIP) Negotiations were stakeholder input into the EAC - US TIP draft texts i.e. Investment Treaty, Trade Facilitation agreement, SPS and TBT agreement as well as the text on continued capacity building was captured; . Vote Overview

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2013/14 2014/15 Vote, Vote Function Key Output Planned outputs Achievements by End March Planned Outputs Participated in World Trade Organization (WTO) Ministerial Conference in Bali in December 2013; . The Department represented the Country at the World Trade Organization (WTO) meeting in Davos, Switzerland were Uganda's interests in the International Trading System were articulated and her input considered to inform WTO policy; . COMESA Trade liberalization programme reviewed through consultation with services regulators; . COMESA National Consultations Questionnaire on COMESA Trade in Services Liberalization program completed; . Organized and held a COMESA Infrastructure Conference in October 2013; . Participated in the review of the EAC Rules of Origin; . Sensitized members of the business community on the EAC Single Customs Territory; . Participated in relevant committee meetings with South Sudan on Trade issues; Output: 060403 Capacity building for Trade Facilitating Institutions Description of Outputs: Enhanced capacity for Private One Commercial Officer was For NRSE-NTB Project, 100 Sector and other MDAS; Skills seconded to the World Trade members of the NMC and competencies of Trade Organization for Internship institutions trained on IEF Depts staff enhanced; Training under the efforts on capacity reporting mechanism; 500 of SMEs in Trade promotion building for staff in multilateral members of the Private sector activities undertaken trade negotiations issues; and stakeholders sensitized and . trained on utilisation of IEF; One staff trained in Trade and and, 200 members of the Private Negotiations Policy in Australia sector associations and with Support from the members sensitized and trained Australian Government; on the EAC and Tripartite NTB . reporting mechanisms. One staff trained in on Rules of Origin in Nairobi with Support For TRACE II Project, from the WTO; Institutional capacity built at the . National Enhanced Integrated One staff trained in Trade Framework (EIF) Secretariat; Policy and Dispute Settlement Institutional capacity built at the with Support from the Trade National Implementing Unit Policy Centre in Africa (NIU); and, Institutional (TRAPCA); capacity built at Public . Institutions providing trade- Trained 53 DCOs from the 25 related services.

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2013/14 2014/15 Vote, Vote Function Key Output Planned outputs Achievements by End March Planned Outputs DICOSS beneficiary districts for 3 weeks in several technical trade issues to empower them to effectively deliver Commercial extension services; . Participated in the official commissioning of 6 of the refurbished District Commercial Offices (Masaka, Sembabule, Iganga, Tororo, Serere and Soroti) by the Hon. Ministers; . Participated in the validation exercise of the work plans for the 25 DICOSS beneficiary DCOs before they were cleared for funding; Output: 060404 Trade Information and Product Market Research Description of Outputs: Sensitised members of the Data collection exercise for Trade Licensing data collected Private Sector on Trade policy foreign traders applying for from 20 municipalities for issues; Authentic National trading licenses continued; development of an Authentic Business National Business Register. Register; A preliminary report on the data Study on preferences offered by collection exercise conducted in For NRSE-NTB Project, four the People's Republic of China; 2013 for foreign traders was Quarterly communication A Research report on 3 Non- produced; strategy monitoring reports Traditional products for produced; 100 members of the domestic consumption and Analysis of preliminary findings Media Fraternity trained on export; for the data collected in 2013 critical NTB monitoring issues Increased awareness and from foreign traders was from the Communication promotion of Local products in conducted; Strategy; and, 2 Research the domestic, regional and Studies on NTB category international markets; A draft of the Diagnostic Trade specific areas conducted. Integration Study II was developed;

Study on Uganda‟s coffee value chain conducted under the framework of the National Export Strategy; Output: 060405 Economic Intergration and Market Access (Bilateral, Regional and Multilateral) Description of Outputs: Implementation of the EAC Consultations to prepare For NRSE-NTB Project, Non- Common Market; Promotion of Uganda for the implementation Tariff Barriers to Trade Private Sector Competitiveness; of the COMESA Free Trade identified, monitored and Trade Policy implemented at Area were made and consesus verified for redress at 6 border District through Commercial was reached with MoFPED to posts on a Quarterly basis; and, Inspectorate Services; Products effect implementation of the Uganda's position presented to and services promoted for the COMESA FTA through the the EAC Technical, Sectoral regional and international Public Finance Act starting FY and Summit meetings. markets; Increased benefits for 2014/15; the Ugandan Private Sector For RIIP Project, National Inter- from the EAC Integration The Department participated in Ministerial Committees (IITC) arrangement; the sensitization meetings on officially constituted and Increased benefits for the the EAC Single Customs operational; Elimination of Ugandan Private Sector from Territory (SCT) which are Tariffs and Issuance of Legal the COMESA FTA; designed to generate Instruments; Training officers stakeholder consesus and to and Undertaking Public disseminate information on the awareness workshops on SCT; implementation of the COMESA FTA; Harnessing The Department also organised Regional Market Opportunities- a National workshop to Development of BMPs; sensitize stakeholders on the set Enhancing Value Addition and Vote Overview

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2013/14 2014/15 Vote, Vote Function Key Output Planned outputs Achievements by End March Planned Outputs up of the National Electronic value chain; Engaging the Single Window; trading Partners with a view to eliminating NTBs/SPS related A National Steering Committee barriers; Domesticating the Meeting for the National e- COMESA and EAC Single Window was also harmonized standards; organised and held. Improving private sector Recommendations on the Lead compliance to market access MDA, roles of different requirements; Ensuring stakeholders and Uganda‟s interests are an implementation roadmap were integral part of the arrangements discussed; under Single Customs Territory; Positioning the private sector to An Inter-Ministerial High Level effectively compete under a Task Force Meeting to discuss single customs territory; the National e - Single Window Development of Request was held and it endorsed the position Paper; National recommendations on the Lead consultations and studies on Agency, Model and requests; Domesticating the implementation roadmap for the EAC and COMESA e- Single Window; Competition Regulations; Awareness on Uganda‟s A Commercial Officer was Competition laws and dispatched to Uganda's Mission regulations; and, COMESA in Geneva to operationalise Common Investment Area Uganda's Coordination of the Agreement is signed and ratified. LDC group at the World Trade Organization (WTO); For TRACE II Project, Coordinated delivery of Aid for The Ministry also organised a Trade and TRTA; and, post-Bali workshop on the Diagnostic Trade Integration Services waiver agreed upon at Study (DTIS) Action Matrix the Bali WTO Ministerial implemented. Conference to disseminate the agreed position and to consult stakeholders on how best Uganda can benefit from this Services waiver;

Developed National interests/positions for the conference through stakeholder consultations;

National Consultations with stakeholders to identify Uganda‟s, interests in the Regional Infrastructure Projects;

Participated in the Joint Meeting for COMESA Committees on Trade, Finance and Infrastructure and the Joint Ministerial Meeting for COMESA Ministers Responsible for Trade, Finance and Infrastructure (supported by COMESA Secretariat);

Identified Regional Infrastructure Projects through a COMESA High Level Infrastructure Conference (supported by COMESA Secretariat); Vote Overview

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Sensitized small farm holders associations on the progress and current status of the EAC-EU- EPA Negotiations Status;

Participated in the training of the COMESA Online M&E System with Support from COMESA Secretariat;

Signed MOU between Uganda and Thailand on duty free quota free market access; Output: 060451 Access to Market (UEPB) Description of Outputs: Uganda Export Promotion Uganda Export PromotionBoard Uganda Export Promotion Board (UEPB): (UEPB): Board (UEPB): Wages paid to UEPB staff; Office rent paid; 1. Provision of Trade Promotion 5 local trade fairs will be held to 5 Local Trade fairs held; Services: promote and solicit products An enhanced and nationally - UEPB‟s participation at 21st and producers to link to export accessible SMS Export and Uganda International Trade Fair markets; Strategic Market Local market price information (UGITF) 2013; Linkages in priority markets service (Export market - International Trade Fair – will be done through outward information services); Trade Fair of OIC member missions. The President's 5 printed market information states October 28th to Export Award (PEA) will be tools availed at the Business November 1st in Tehran Iran; organized. Community Reference Centre; - Export Push Platform (EPP) partnership with Equity Bank Trade Promotion materials & Uganda Ltd; Publications will be - Inward Missions disseminated to Uganda‟s - China-Africa Local Missions abroad; Uganda will Government Cooperation be represented in EAC and Dialogue; COMESA Region and - Inward Mission – Perdue International Trade Fairs; Seven Foods and dgm Holdings from hundred (700) informal traders USA – chicken processing for will be integrated into the export; formal cross border trade sector; - Shandong Sub Council – The National Export Strategy China Council for the will be revised and aligned to promotion of International the National Development Plan, Trade (CCPIT); and monitored on performance; - TPO Network Awards training; Eight (8) companies will be - Women Entrepreneurship supported to access the Asian Exhibition; markets; 10 - Africa Regional Workshop – universities/colleges will be Fostering the participation of supported to market their women vendors in procurement services in 1 destination in the markets; EAC region. Health care and - Networking with Importer research services will be from Ireland on export of Hides marketed in the region; and, and Skins from Uganda; Twenty five (25) DCOs in each - Trade Promotion Organisation of the 5 regions will be trained Network Awards Training – in Market Analysis and Africa Region 9 countries Trade/Business Advisory. participated and shared best practices to sustain export Five (5) technical officers will growth and development; be trained in Market Analysis - Africa Regional Workshop – and Trade Intelligence; Twenty Fostering the participation of four (24) Ugandan companies Women Vendors in producing value added products procurement markets; will be supported to access the representatives from 20 regional markets of DR Congo countries participated. and South Sudan through the

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2013/14 2014/15 Vote, Vote Function Key Output Planned outputs Achievements by End March Planned Outputs Interaction with Government market linked program; and Private Sector business Producers of commercial people timely and strategic; handicrafts will be organized for - Women Involvement in Coffee product development and Trade – Coffee farm visit by market access; Government International Women‟s Coffee contribution will be lobbied for Alliance (IWCA) official; six market access Donor projects; Twelve (12) SMEs 2. Promoting Development of coached through the Enterprise Export: development for export model; - UEPB Client Relationship 150 SMEs will be trained in management; product specific packaging; - Preparations for MarketLinked Well-maintained institutional 2013 Sales Mission in Kisumu, web promotional and Kenya for product and market communication tools; Export diversification from 10th – 13th market information material for November 2013; visitors at various annual trade - To build SMEs capacities to fairs and events; 25 export- export; ready MSMEs assisted in - Intervention to create developing online marketing sustainable exporter and promotional tools; 15 competitiveness in selected business opportunities identified potential sectors; a delegation and disseminated to SMEs per formed of UEPB, ITC and CBI quarter; and, an enhanced and spent five working days meeting nationally accessible SMS with different stakeholders‟ Export and Local market price offices one on one basis as information service (Export opposed to market information services). workshop/conferences; this was to enable ample time to explore Update online regional market needs per stakeholder/sector; information portal - RISE (Export market information 3. Provision of Customer services); 5 (five) printed Advisory Services: market information tools - Trade/Market Information availed at the Business Services; Community Reference Centre; - Continuous access of different 4(four) export awareness clinics companies to preferential tariff focusing on EAC Common treatment with assistance to Market entry conducted; comply with the Rules of Origin; Institutional ICT infrastructure - Dissemination of information strengthened to enable better to various stakeholders and cost-effective service especially SMEs; delivery; 300 SME trained in - Trade Promotion and tailored export readiness and Institutional Publicity Support; dynamics; and, up to 15 - Meetings and Workshops; producer groups and rural - Project Related activities; MSMEs trained on export - 12 client walk-in clients were quality, labelling and packaging registered in the Business requirements. Community Reference Centre; - 15 exporters registered or renewed their registration with UEPB; - 46,721 website hits recorded in the month of December – visitors mostly looking at the directory and National Export Strategy document; - 1,805 preferential certificates issued and endorsed for exporters;

4. Finance and Administration: - Audit of FY 2012/13 Financial Statements by the AG; Vote Overview

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2013/14 2014/15 Vote, Vote Function Key Output Planned outputs Achievements by End March Planned Outputs

UEPB Administrative Overheads attended to; Vote Function: 0611 Export Promotion Vote Function: 0612 Enterprise Training and Advisory Vote Function: 0649 Policy, Planning and Support Services

V3: Detailed Planned Outputs for FY 2014/15 2014/15 Planned Outputs The following are highlights of the planned outputs of the Ministry for the Financial Year 2014/15:

(A) Policy and Legal Framework: The Ministry will complete work on the National Trade in Services Policy, the Buy Uganda Build Uganda (BUBU) Policy, the National Trade Fairs and Exhibitions Policy, the Intellectual Property Rights Policy, the Competition and Consumer Protection Policy, the National Leather Policy, the National Grains and Cereals Policy, the Bottled Water Policy, the Iron and Steel Policy, the Sanitary and Phyto Sanitary (SPS) Policy, the Accreditation Policy,

The Ministry will also finalise the Uganda Development Corporation Act, the Competition Bill, the Anti- Counterfeit Goods Bill, the Sale of Goods and Services Bill, the Trade Licensing Bill, the Competition and Consumer Protection Act, the EAC Accreditation Bill, the Cooperative Act Amendment Bill, the Amendment of the Cooperative Regulations, and review of the Sugar Act of 1938.

The Ministry will also embark on review of the Tourism, Trade and Industry Sector Strategic Investment Plan, Sector Strategic Plan for Statistics, the Trade in Services Master Plan, the Micro Small and Medium Enterprise Development Strategy, the Innovation and Industrialisation Fund Cabinet Paper, Cooperative Revival Programme Cabinet Paper, and implementation plans for the developed Policies.

(B) Industrial and Technological Development: 1. A draft of the Sugar Act will be prepared based on a review of the old one and the current Sugar Policy; 2. Sub-sector specific strategies and interventions will be identified; 3. Industrial development policies in still in the pipe-line will be pursued to completion; 4. The Ministry shall ensure compliance to industrial regulations and provision of policy oversight; 5. A Regional Accreditation Promotion Strategy will be prepared; 6. National Policies and strategies will be harmonised with Regional Policies and strategies; 7. Awareness will be created on the role of industries in the economy; 8. Competence in assessment and system documentation will be developed; 9. An Annual Review of the Industrial Subsector will be undertaken; 10. Implementation of industrial development initiatives and reduced environmental pollution will be enhanced; 11. Minutes of periodic sectoral meetings detailing sector strategies and key interventions will be identified; 12. International and Regional Industrial cooperation strategies will be identified and implemented; 13. 15th EAC Jua Kali Exhibition Guidelines developed. List of suitable products selected for Jua Kali Exhibition. New technologies for Jua Kali's developed. Participate in the 15th EAC Jua Kali Exhibition 2014. Review report on 14th EAC Jua Kali Expo. Work Plan for 15th EAC Jua Kali Expo; 14. Engineering Society professional ethics will continue to be instilled in the Ministry's Industrial Officers and Engineers by association to the Uganda Institute of Professional Engineers (UIPE) and Engineers Registration Board (ERB); 15. The National Industrial Database will be kept up to date with information from field monitoring exercises and key stakeholders; 16. New and indigenous appropriate technologies for cluster development promoted; 17. Project interventions of the Uganda Development Corporation will be monitored; Vote Overview

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18. In the One Village One Product (OVOP) project, 15 Model Processing Facilities established by June 2015. Product Packaging, Certification and Establishing of Market Linkages will be undertaken for Eight (8) Model Cooperatives. Skills development through training on value addition, business management and marketing will be undertaken. A Needs Assessment Report will be prepared for 48 cooperatives from 16 districts of Western, Northern, Central and Eastern Uganda. The supported OVOP beneficiaries will be monitored on progress in value addition. 19. Full operationalisation of the MSMEs Directorate in the Ministry.

(C) Enterprise Training and Advisory Services: Students, Jua-Kali and Entrepreneurs will be trained at the Management Training and Advisory Centre Headquarters and branches across the country.

(D) Industrial and Economic Development: 1. At the Uganda Development Corporation, there will be business reviews and due diligence reports produced, viable commercial investment projects identified, monitoring reports for projects, staff capacity built and enhanced. 2. In the Soroti Fruit Factory Project, actual construction of the turn-key factory by KOICA (under grant) will begin in July 2014. Fruit farmers will be mobilized and trained as productive units of the value chain, a final EIA report will be produced for the waste disposal site, an EIA certificate will be secured for the waste disposal site, A parameter wall will be erected for the project site, Plant personnel will be recruited, Ground breaking for the project will be undertaken, A tank for underground water procured and installed, Designs and BOQs for ICT infrastructure will be developed and infrastructure set up, Designs and BOQs for the facility parking yard will be produced, Furniture and office equipment for the factory procured and installed, Vehicles will be procured for collecting fruits from the collection centres and distribution of products, Soroti fruit factory will be publicized, Security services will be provided at the project site by Uganda Police. 3. As per the Fruit Factory project in Luwero, land will be procured for the fruit factory, a consultant will be procured to undertake an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for the project, and designs for the facility will be prepared.

(E) Cooperatives Development: 1. The amendment of the Cooperative Societies Act and Cooperative Regulations will be finalised; 2. The National Cooperative Development Forum will be operationalised and strengthened to enhance coordination and growth within the Cooperative movement; 3. One thousand (1000) Cooperative societies will be supervised, 200 cooperative audits, inspections, and will be undertaken at both the Ministry Headquarters and at the District Commercial Offices; 4. The Cooperative Data Analysis System (CODAS) will be kept functional and up to date with information on all cooperatives across the country; 5. Public awareness on sustainable Cooperatives revitalisation, performance of Cooperatives movement of the years and Vision for Cooperatives created through celebrations of the 20th UN/91st ICA International Day of Cooperatives; 6. Five hundred (500) Members of Co-operatives sensitised about the National Co-operative Policy; 7. One thousand six hundred (1,600) stakeholders sensitised on the WRS, Co-op Business Management and Entrepreneurship skills; 8. The Uganda Commodity Exchange (UCE) will supervise and inspect twenty (20) Warehouses and train 70 warehouse personnel on the WRS handling; 9. Two (2) warehouses will be refurbished in Kakumiro and Kigumba. Drying facilities will be installed at the Kakumiro warehouse;

(F) Trade Development: 1. Stakeholders buy-in on the Competition Commission/Authority will be secured; 2. COMESA FTA Integration Response Strategy will be prepared; 3. The draft Sale of Goods and Supply of Services Bill will be submitted to Parliament; 4. The Competition and Consumer Protection Policy will be submitted to Cabinet; 5. The draft Intellectual Property Policy will be submitted to Cabinet; 6. The draft Trade Licensing Amendment Bill submitted to Parliament; Vote Overview

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7. Travelling Wholesalers and Hawkers Application forms and licenses developed; 8. The Hire Purchase Application forms and licences will be issued; 9. The Districts will be sensitized on the new Trade Licensing Statutory Instruments; 8. The National Trade in Services Policy and Master Plan will be developed; 9. Monitoring and supervision reports on implementation and enforcement of commercial laws policies, plans and programmes will be prepared; 10. Performance Monitoring and Evaluation reports on utilisation of the District Commercial Services Conditional Grant; 11. Enhanced Public Private Partnerships to promote Private Sector Competitiveness through the Inter- Institutional Trade Committee (IITC). Bi-annual IITC plenary meeting of 60 participants organised; 12. Enhanced Public Private Partnerships to promote Private Sector Competitiveness; 15. Consensus on National Trade Negotiating positions to strategically increase market access for Ugandan goods and services in foreign markets (Effective positioning of Uganda's products); 16. Increased benefits for the Ugandan Private Sector from the EAC Integration arrangement; 17. Increased benefits for the Ugandan Private Sector from the COMESA FTA; 18. 5 printed market information tools availed at the Business Community Reference Centre; 19. Authentic National Business Register maintained with data from 112 districts; 20. Study on preferences offered by the People's Republic of China will be conducted; 21. A Research report on 3 Non-Traditional products for domestic consumption and export; 22. Increased awareness and promotion of Local products in the domestic, regional and international markets; 23. Implementation of the EAC Common Market Protocol; 24. Disadvantaged groups (particularly women) empowered with a view to enabling them participate in trade; 25. In the EPATAPSS project, funds for operationalisation of the Tourism, Trade and Industry Sector Working Group will be sought from the residue funds of the concluded project from the Delegation to the EU; 26. In the Quality Infrastructure and Standards Programme (QUISP), work on the SPS Policy will commence and implementation of the NSQP implementation plan, sensitization on quality assurance issues, MSME support in quality and standards, procurement of laboratory equipment for UNBS, operationalize the National Accreditation Unit, product studies undertaken to enhance Quality interventions, a coordination office for Standards to be established, and UNBS Testing and Metrology abilities to be enhanced. 27. In the Second Trade Capacity Enhancement Programme (TRACE II), Trade policies and strategies will be mainstreamed into the National Planning Framework (NDP). Trade policies and strategies will be mainstreamed into Government Economic policy as well as the programmes of Development Partners. Project programmes and Tier 2 projects Monitored and performance will be evaluated. Institutional capacity built at the National Enhanced Integrated Framework (EIF) Secretariat, at the National Implementing Unit (NIU) and at Public Institutions providing trade-related services. 28. In the District Commercial Services Support Programme (DICOSS), 25 district Commercial Office workplans will be supported, networking conferences and events will be held, study tours and other capacity building interventions will be undertaken for the 25 select offices. 28. The Regional Integration Implementation Programme (RIIP) will continue operations to support the country‟s capacity to integrate and harness regional economic opportunities presented by the COMESA, EAC and the COMESA-EAC-SADC Tripartite arrangements. The RIIP project is necessary to support Uganda in addressing challenges resulting from the country‟s participation in the integration process. The immediate challenges include; loss of import revenues, ensuring effective adjustments and compliance to FTA obligations and positioning the country to compete in the new trade arrangement. 29. Construction of 3 border markets will commence starting with the one at Bibia with support from the RIIP intervention.

(G) Export Promotion 1. At the Uganda Export Promotion Board (UEPB), 5 local trade fairs will be held to promote and solicit products and producers to link to export markets. 2. Strategic Market Linkages in priority markets will be done through outward missions. The President's Export Award (PEA) will be organized. Vote Overview

35 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

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3. Trade Promotion materials & Publications will be disseminated to Uganda‟s Missions abroad. Uganda will be represented in EAC and COMESA Region and International Trade Fairs. 4. Seven hundred (700) informal traders will be integrated into the formal cross border trade sector. 5. The National Export Strategy will be revised and aligned to the National Development Plan, and monitored on performance. 6. Eight (8) companies will be supported to access the Asian markets. 10 universities/colleges will be supported to market their services in 1 destination in the EAC region. Health care and research services will be marketed in the region. 7. Twenty five (25) DCOs in each of the 5 regions will be trained in Market Analysis and Trade/Business Advisory. 8. Five (5) technical officers will be trained in Market Analysis and Trade Intelligence. 9. Twenty four (24) Ugandan companies producing value added products will be supported to access the regional markets of DR Congo and South Sudan through the market linked program. 10. Producers of commercial handicrafts will be organized for product development and market access. 11. Government contribution will be lobbied for six market access Donor projects. 12. Twelve (12) SMEs coached through the Enterprise development for export model. 150 SMEs will be trained in product specific packaging. 13. Well maintained institutional web promotional and communication tools; 14. Export market information material for visitors at various annual trade fairs and events; 15. Twenty five (25) export-ready MSMEs will be assisted in developing an online marketing and promotional tools; 16. Fifteen (15) business opportunities will be identified and disseminated to SMEs per quarter; 17. An enhanced and nationally accessible SMS Export and Local market price information service (Export market information services); 18. Update online regional market information portal - RISE (Export market information services); 19. Five (5) printed market information tools availed at the Business Community Reference Centre; 20. Four (4) export awareness clinics focusing on EAC Common Market entry conducted; 21. Institutional ICT infrastructure strengthened to enable better and cost-effective service delivery; 22. Three hundred (300) SMEs trained in tailored export readiness and dynamics; 23. Up to 15 producer groups and rural MSMEs trained on export quality, labelling and packaging requirements;

(H) Policy Planning and Support Services: 1. Local Government Budget Consultative Process (LGBCP) Preparation; 2. Sector Budget Framework Paper submitted by 15th February 2015; 3. Ministerial Policy Statement prepared and submitted to Parliament by 10th June 2015; 4. Four Quarterly Progress Reports prepared and submitted to MoFPED and OPM; 5. Annual Joint Sector Review organised and report prepared; 6. Four Quarterly Monitoring and Evaluation Reports; 7. Four Sector Working Group Reviews meetings and Strategic Reports; 8. MoTIC Sector Statistical Abstract 2015 developed, published and disseminated; 9. Staff sensitised on HIV/AIDS and other health issues; 10. Conducive working environment and well coordinated workforce; 11. Team spirit built and harnessed amongst staff; 12. Training of Staff; 13. Ministers Offices facilitated to undertake their mandated responsibilities . Table V3.1: Vote Function Profiles, Programme/Project Profiles and Workplan Outputs Vote Function: 06 01 Industrial and Technological Development Vote Function Profile

Responsible Officer: Commissioner - Industry and Technology Services: The Vote Function is responsible for policy formulation, planning and coordination; and promoting the expansion, diversification and competitiveness of Vote Overview

36 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

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Vote Function: 06 01 Industrial and Technological Development the industrial and technological sector. • Initiate and formulate policies, legislation and strategies for industrial and technological development; • Promote industrial research, science and innovation; • Acquire, develop, advance and promote appropriate technologies; • Collect, analyse and disseminate information on industry sector for policy guidance and decision making; • Support the development and transformation of the informal sector (Jua-kali) and indigenous technologies; • Support development of Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) and industries with a major focus on backward and forward linkages; • Develop and promote standardization, quality assurance, laboratory testing, metrology and accreditation to enhance competitiveness of local industries, ensure consumer protection, and enforce compliance with technical regulations; • Develop specialized skills to support industrial and technological development; • Encourage the establishment of backward and forward linkage industries with special emphasis to agro-processing and other aspects of the country's competitive advantage; • Coordinate, promote and support establishment of linkages and partnerships with other Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) and Private Sector to enhance values and benefits from the sector; and • Oversee statutory, trust and other special programme institutions under the sector. .

Vote Function Projects and Programmes: Project or Programme Name Responsible Officer Recurrent Programmes 12 Industry and Technology Commissioner – Industry and Technology Development Projects 1111 Soroti Fruit Factory Executive Director - Uganda Development Corporation 1128 Value Addition-Luwero Executive Director - Uganda Development Corporation 1164 One Village One Product Programme Commissioner – Industry and Technology Programme 12 Industry and Technology Programme Profile

Responsible Officer: Commissioner – Industry and Technology

Objectives: This Department is responsible for policy formulation, planning and coordination; and promoting the expansion, diversification and competitiveness of the industrial and technological sector. The functions of the department are to: • Initiate and formulate policies, legislation and strategies for industrial and technological development; • Promote industrial research, science and innovation; • Acquire, develop, advance and promote appropriate technologies; • Collect, analyze and disseminate information on industry sector for policy guidance and decision making; • Support the development and transformation of the informal sector (Jua-kali) and indigenous technologies; • Support development of Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) and industries with a major focus on backward and forward linkages; • Develop and promote standardization, quality assurance, laboratory testing, metrology and accreditation to enhance competitiveness of local industries, ensure consumer protection, and enforce compliance with technical regulations;

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Vote Function: 06 01 Industrial and Technological Development Programme 12 Industry and Technology • Develop specialized skills to support industrial and technological development; • Encourage the establishment of backward and forward linkage industries with special emphasis to agro-processing and other aspects of the country's competitive advantage; • Coordinate, promote and support establishment of linkages and partnerships with other Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) and Private Sector to enhance values and benefits from the sector; • Oversee the operations of the Uganda Industrial Research Institute (UIRI); • Oversee the operations of the Uganda National Bureau of Standards (UNBS); • Oversee the operations of the Management Training and Advisory Centre (MTAC); • Oversee the operations of the Uganda Development Corporation Ltd (UDC); . Outputs: • Formulate Laws, Policies, Strategies and Plans that foster accelerated Industrial and Technological growth in the Country for economic growth and development. • Monitor and Supervise the implementation of Policies, Laws and Strategies for sustainable industrial and technological growth in the country. • Build capacity of Public Institutions and the Private Sector (including MSMEs) for industrial and technological growth in the country. • Promote Value Addition for Industrial and Technological growth. • Provide and facilitate supporting infrastructure for Industrial and Technological growth. .

Workplan Outputs for 2013/14 and 2014/15 Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15 Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and UShs Thousand Location) (Quantity and Location) Location) 06 01 01Industrial Policies, Draft Steel sub-sector Policy; Held a consultative meeting on Sugar Act presented to Strategies and monitoring the Grain Policy and minutes Parliament; services Implementation Plan for the were produced; National Sugar Policy; Sector specific strategies and The Department organised for a plans developed; Annual Industrial Sector stakeholders meeting to discuss Review Conference Report; the draft Bottled Water Policy Draft Iron and Steel Policy and it has beed scheduled for presented to Cabinet; Enhanced implementaion of 6th May 2014; industrial development Industrial Licensing Act initiatives and reduced 2 Dragfting Committee Amendment presented to environmental pollution; Meetings on the Industrial Parliament; Licensing Act were held; Minutes of periodic sectoral Draft MSMEs Policy presented meetings detailing sector Compliance monitoring to Cabinet; strategies and key interventions missions/environmental audits identified; were conducted at Graphics 60 technical guidance field Systems Ltd, Sadolin paints as visits conducted; International and Regional well as several Water and Industrial cooperation strategies Plastics industries in Kampala; identified and implemented; A mapping exercise to inform Action Plan to 14th EAC Jua the development of a National Kali Exhibition 2013; MSMEs Strategy was planned but has been scheduled for early Regional Accreditation Plan of May 2014; This exercise will Action; involve visits to selected MSMEs in priority sectors; Raise awareness of the role of industries in socio-economic The Ministry through the transformation; Department continued with monitoring of Pheonix Logistics Principles for the Amendment Ltd which was recently returned to the Industrial Licensing Act to UDC; developed; Report for field visits to Atiak Sugar Act; Sugar Project, Kamuli & Luzinga sugar sites (site (Comment: Outputs Pending coordinates captured); This more resource allocation from report will inform the the envelope) development of an Vote Overview

38 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

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Vote Function: 06 01 Industrial and Technological Development Programme 12 Industry and Technology Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15 Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and UShs Thousand Location) (Quantity and Location) Location) Implementation plan for the National Sugar Policy;

Resolutions from a stakeholders meeting to discuss proposals for the Bottled Water Policy;

Resolutions from a stakeholders meeting to discuss proposals for the Leather Policy;

Technical guidance and inspection visits to industries in Western region conducted & reports produced;

Zero draft of the Steel subsector Policy developed;

Collection of data for concept note and one stakeholders‟ consultative meeting held for National Grains and Cereals Policy;

Two stakeholder consultative meetings held for Bottled Water Policy. Zero draft is read;

Draft Leather Policy developed, and a wider national consultative meeting scheduled;

Phoenix Logistics Ltd was transferred under UDC on a Cabinet directive. Liaison officer appointed by the ministry. Working on composition of the new Board. Sourcing for possible investors to partner with to rescue Phoenix;

200 copies of the National Sugar Policy were printed for disemmination;

Draft Cabinet Paper prepared on Quality Chemicals;

Met with potential investors looking to invest in; Spices and milk, Poultry and poultry products, Renewable energy, Energy production, Infrastructure, business opportunities in Uganda;

Carried out an environmental audit report review for decommissioning British American Tobacco Uganda (BATU);

A National Organising Committee for the 14th EAC Jua-Kali Exhibition 2013 was set up. The date for the Exhibition has been confirmed for December 1-8, 2013. NOC currently soliciting for sponsorship;

The draft of the National Accreditation Policy submitted to Cabinet Secretariat. Queries raised are being responded to; Vote Overview

39 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

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Vote Function: 06 01 Industrial and Technological Development Programme 12 Industry and Technology Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15 Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and UShs Thousand Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)

Stakeholders consultative meetings scheduled for Principles for the Amendment to the Industrial Licensing Act, but not held as funding was not availed;

Two stakeholders‟ consultative meetings for the Sugar Act held, and draft Sugar Act is ready;

Monitoring Visits were made to Kaliro Sugar Works, Roofings (U) Ltd and Kakira sugar works;

Technical Guidance visits were made to Jambo Tannery in Busia District, Pride Agro Limited in Tororo, Nakaseke tomato processing plant and Gayaza electrical works;

Total 251,306 96,351 342,702 Wage Recurrent 104,571 30,840 195,428 Non Wage Recurrent 146,735 65,511 147,274

06 01 02Capacity Building for Jua Jua Kali Apex body established; The Ministry working with Products from 70 Ugandan Jua Kali and Private Sector UIA, sponsored the Kali enterprises exhibited at the New technologies disseminated participation of 60 Ugandan 15th EAC Jua Kali Exhibition and market expansion for Jua artisans in the 14th EAC 2014 in Kigali, Rwanda; Kali products; regional Jua Kali Expo held in Nairobi, Kenya; Industrial Development support given to the Private Sector; (Comment: Outputs Pending A National Organising more resource allocation from Committee for the 14th EAC the envelope) Jua-Kali Exhibition 2013 was set up. NOC currently soliciting for sponsorship;

Constitution for the Jua Kali Apex body formulated; Total 98,033 34,716 200,539 Wage Recurrent 38,629 11,393 110,629 Non Wage Recurrent 59,404 23,324 89,910

06 01 03Industrial Information An up-to-date industrial Field visits to assess the 3 technical officers supported to Services database; performance of the Phosphates participate in the Annual project at Sukulu, Busitema Engineers Conference; Engineering society ethics University, Tororo Cement in instilled; Tororo District and Ngabo Industrial information provided Sugar Mill Project in Butambala as and when required; (Comment: Outputs Pending were conducted and a report more resource allocation from produced to inform the the envelope) development of a Cabinet Information paper on Proposals for strategic Phosphates development in Uganda;

Field Visits were planned to Steel Rolling Mill in Jinja, Muko iron ore deposit in Western Uganda, Nile Breweries and BMK Steel in Mbarara to collect data to inform the drafting of the Iron & Steel Policy;

Field visits were also planned to industries in , Nakaseke, Luwero and Wakiso to collect data on industrial production of rural based Vote Overview

40 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

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Vote Function: 06 01 Industrial and Technological Development Programme 12 Industry and Technology Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15 Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and UShs Thousand Location) (Quantity and Location) Location) establishments;

Annual subscription & membership fees to UIPE and ERB paid;

Data collected, web portal developed, and training for Department of Industry and Technology members on the structure and operations of the database conducted; Total 97,286 28,199 63,091 Wage Recurrent 72,000 21,234 30,391 Non Wage Recurrent 25,286 6,965 32,700

06 01 04Promotion of Value New and indigenous The Department organised for a Directorate of Micro, Small and Addition and Cluster appropriate technologies for stakeholders meeting to discuss Medium Enterprises established Development cluster development promoted; the development of strategic and interventions made towards clusters and disseminate the development of MSMEs in (Comment: Outputs Pending relevant reports on the sector; Uganda; more resource allocation from This meeting is scheduled for the envelope) 28th April 2014;

Held a Cluster initiative stakeholders‟ consultative meeting;

Two steering committee meetings held on Cluster development;

Draft Quality Management System documents for use in accreditation implementation at the National Focal Point office, MTAC produced; Total 40,599 13,468 432,894 Wage Recurrent 30,391 8,963 432,894 Non Wage Recurrent 10,207 4,505 0

06 01 51Management Training and 1. Training of Students, Jua- Wage subvention made to 800 participants in Skills and Advisory Services (MTAC) Kali and Entreprenuers; MTAC; Performance Improvement Short-term Courses trained; 2. Wage subvention to MTAC; Training of Students, Jua-Kali and Entreprenuers; 2,500 participants in Business and ICT Diploma, Certificate Courses trained;

2,000 participants in Entrepreneurship and Job Creation Awareness trained;

100 participants trained in " Generate Your Business Idea", "Start Your Business" and " Improve Your Business" trained in collaboration with the International Labour Organisation;

100 youth in "Employ Me", Engage Me" and "Enterprise Me" trained in collaboration with MUSA Body Foundation;

100 Batwa youth trained in multi-disciplinary skills trained in collaboration with the United Organisation for Batwa;

15 MTAC outreach centres in 15 districts operational;

Vote Overview

41 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

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Vote Function: 06 01 Industrial and Technological Development Programme 12 Industry and Technology Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15 Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and UShs Thousand Location) (Quantity and Location) Location) Total 58,219 29,653 58,219 Wage Recurrent 0 0 0 Non Wage Recurrent 58,219 29,653 58,219

06 01 52Commercial and Subvention to Uganda Subvention to Uganda Uganda Development Economic Infrastructure Development Corporation Development Corporation Corporation: Development (UDC) (UDC): (UDC) was made: Business Reviews and due Staff salaries, NSSF, Gratuity, Due diligency investigations diligence reports produced; allowances and benefits paid; were done on Uganda Wildlife safaris and Kiira Motors Viable Projects Identified; Business Reviews and due Corporation and reoprts diligence reports; produced identifying the two Monitoring reports for unfunded enterprises as potential viable projects; Profiles on viable Projects; investment projects; Quarterly and Annual Financial Monitoring reports for unfunded Monitoring visits were made to Reports; projects; Lake Salt project assets and Q1, Q2 and Q3 monitoring Staff salaries, allowances and Quarterly & Annual Financial reports produced; benefits paid; Reports; Quarterly finanical reports were Staff capacity built and Staff capacity built & enhanced; produced; enhanced;

Public Relations Enhanced; Recruited 2 Senior staff (a Public Relations Enhanced; Senior Projects Officer and a Operations Support (rent, Senior Engineer); Operations Support (rent, utilities, security, equipment utilities, security, equipment maintenance, welfare, fuel & Staff salaries, NSSF, Gratuity, maintenance etc) and lubricants, vehicle maintenance allowances and benefits were administrative services(welfare, etc); paid for the months of January, fuel and lubricants, vehicle February and March 2014; maintenance etc); Furniture & Fixtures; Promotional materials for UDC ICT services subscriptions; projects designed, produced and published; Filing cabinets and furniture procured; Operation support services provided to technical staff;

UDC website maintained;

Due diligence undertaken on potential projects to be undertaken by UDC such as Teso Foods project, silos;

Potential projects identified e.g. establishment of silos in various parts of Uganda;

UDC participated in the road show for domestic investors;

One legal officer underwent training abroad;

ICT service subscription was remitted to the service provider;

UDC web site designed & hosted;

Furniture & filling cabinets for UDC registry procured;

Total 1,178,953 940,384 1,178,953 Wage Recurrent 0 0 0 Non Wage Recurrent 1,178,953 940,384 1,178,953

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Vote Function: 06 01 Industrial and Technological Development Programme 12 Industry and Technology GRAND TOTAL 1,724,395 1,142,772 2,276,399 Wage Recurrent 245,592 72,430 769,343 Non Wage Recurrent 1,478,803 1,070,343 1,507,056

Annual Workplan for 2014/15 - Outputs, Activities, Inputs and their Cost Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost (Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand Output: 06 0101 Industrial Policies, Strategies and monitoring services

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost Sugar Act presented to Parliament; Permanent Staff (Person Years) 8.0 195,428 Africa Industrialisation Day 2014 (Value/Event) 1.0 3,150 Sector specific strategies and plans developed; Industrial Licensing Act Validation (Value/Exercise) 1.0 1,900 Iron and Steel Policy Validation (Value/Exercise) 1.0 2,100 Draft Iron and Steel Policy presented to Cabinet; MSMEs Policy Stakeholder Validation 1.0 2,400 (Value/Exercise) Industrial Licensing Act Amendment presented to Parliament; Annual Industrial Sector Review Conference 1.0 2,800 (Value/Meeting) Draft MSMEs Policy presented to Cabinet; Sugar Act Devt Taskforce meeting (9 members) 1.0 820 (Value/Meeting) 60 technical guidance field visits conducted; Sugar Act Stakeholder validation meeting 1.0 2,050 Activities to Deliver Outputs: (Value/Meeting) Develop the Sugar Act and subject to stakeholder validation; Assorted Office Stationery (Value/Month) 12.0 2,400 Computer Accessories (Disks, toner, flash etc) 12.0 1,200 Taskforce meetings to develop Sugar Act; (Value/Month) Fuel, Lubricants and Oils (2 MVs) (Value/Month) 12.0 12,000 Organise and host the Annual Industrial Sector Review Conference; Office Telephone Airtime (4 Headsets) 12.0 4,800 (Value/Month) Commemorating the Africa Industrialisation Day 2014; Vehicle Maintenance (2 MVs) (Value/Month) 12.0 7,200 Staff Welfare (Value/Officer) 22.0 9,504 Organise periodic sectoral meetings in the Ministry covering sugar, Consolidated Allowances (Standing Orders Sect E- 4.0 20,100 leather, bottled water, dairy, etc; a) (Value/Quarter) Periodic Sectoral Meetings (Value/Quarter) 4.0 750 Organise stakeholder validation workshop on the draft Iron and Steel Tech Guidance, Inspections & Compliance 4.0 74,100 Policy; monitoring (Value/Quarter)

Organise stakeholder validation workshop on the Industrial Licensing Act Total 342,702 Amendment; Wage Recurrent 195,428 Non Wage Recurrent 147,274 Output: 06 0102 Capacity Building for Jua Kali and Private Sector

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost Products from 70 Ugandan Jua Kali enterprises exhibited at the 15th EAC Permanent Staff (Person Years) 12.0 110,629 Jua Kali Exhibition 2014 in Kigali, Rwanda; JuaKali Country Organising Committee mtgs 2.0 480 (Value/Meeting) Industrial Development support given to the Private Sector; Consolidated Allowances (Standing Orders Sect E- 8.0 82,580 a) (Value/Quarter) Activities to Deliver Outputs: Requirements & Materials for Participation Exhibit 1.0 6,850 Hold Jua Kali 2014 Country Organising Committee meetings and Country (Value/Set) Launch of Exhibition;

Participate in 15th EAC Jua Kali Exhibition in Kigali, Rwanda (tentative host based on rotational basis);

Industrial Development support given to the Private Sector; Total 200,539 Wage Recurrent 110,629 Non Wage Recurrent 89,910 Output: 06 0103 Industrial Information Services

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost 3 technical officers supported to participate in the Annual Engineers Annual subscription to UIPE (Fee/Officer) 7.0 1,400 Conference; Participation Fees (Fee/Officer) 3.0 600 Subscription to Engineers' Registration Board 3.0 600 Industrial information provided as and when required; (Fee/Officer)

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Vote Function: 06 01 Industrial and Technological Development Programme 12 Industry and Technology Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost (Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand Activities to Deliver Outputs: Permanent Staff (Person Years) 2.0 30,391 Participate in Engineering association (UIPE and ERB) capacity building Consolidated Allowances (Standing Orders Sect E- 4.0 30,100 seminars and study tours; a) (Value/Quarter) Total 63,091 Provide information on industries in the Country as and when required; Wage Recurrent 30,391 Non Wage Recurrent 32,700 Output: 06 0104 Promotion of Value Addition and Cluster Development

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost Directorate of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises established and Permanent Staff (Person Years) 45.0 432,894 interventions made towards the development of MSMEs in Uganda; Activities to Deliver Outputs: Directorate of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises established and interventions made towards the development of MSMEs in Uganda; Total 432,894 Wage Recurrent 432,894 Non Wage Recurrent 0 Output: 06 0151 Management Training and Advisory Services (MTAC)

Planned Outputs: Grant or Transfer Cost 800 participants in Skills and Performance Improvement Short-term Wage subvention to Management Training and 58,219 Courses trained; Advisory Centre (MTAC)

2,500 participants in Business and ICT Diploma, Certificate Courses trained;

2,000 participants in Entrepreneurship and Job Creation Awareness trained;

100 participants trained in " Generate Your Business Idea", "Start Your Business" and " Improve Your Business" trained in collaboration with the International Labour Organisation;

100 youth in "Employ Me", Engage Me" and "Enterprise Me" trained in collaboration with MUSA Body Foundation;

100 Batwa youth trained in multi-disciplinary skills trained in collaboration with the United Organisation for Batwa;

15 MTAC outreach centres in 15 districts operational; Activities to Deliver Outputs: 800 participants in Skills and Performance Improvement Short-term Courses trained;

2,500 participants in Business and ICT Diploma, Certificate Courses trained;

2,000 participants in Entrepreneurship and Job Creation Awareness trained;

100 participants trained in " Generate Your Business Idea", "Start Your Business" and " Improve Your Business" trained in collaboration with the International Labour Organisation;

100 youth in "Employ Me", Engage Me" and "Enterprise Me" trained in collaboration with MUSA Body Foundation;

100 Batwa youth trained in multi-disciplinary skills trained in collaboration with the United Organisation for Batwa;

15 MTAC outreach centres in 15 districts operational; Total 58,219 Wage Recurrent 0 Vote Overview

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Vote Function: 06 01 Industrial and Technological Development Programme 12 Industry and Technology Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost (Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand Non Wage Recurrent 58,219 Output: 06 0152 Commercial and Economic Infrastructure Development (UDC)

Planned Outputs: Grant or Transfer Cost Uganda Development Corporation: Wage subvention to Uganda Development 923,845 Corporation (UDC) Business Reviews and due diligence reports produced; UDC for operations, utilities and planned activities 255,108

Viable Projects Identified;

Monitoring reports for unfunded projects;

Quarterly and Annual Financial Reports;

Staff salaries, allowances and benefits paid;

Staff capacity built and enhanced;

Public Relations Enhanced;

Operations Support (rent, utilities, security, equipment maintenance etc) and administrative services(welfare, fuel and lubricants, vehicle maintenance etc);

ICT services subscriptions;

Filing cabinets and furniture procured; Activities to Deliver Outputs: Undertake business reviews and due diligence on potential projects;

Identify viable projects for implementation;

Monitor the implementation of unfunded projects;

Prepare and produce quarterly and annual financial reports;

Payment of staff salaries, allowances and benefits;

Enhance staff capacity;

Enhance public relations of the corporation;

Operations Support (rent, utilities, security, equipment maintenance etc) & administrative services(welfare, fuel & lubricants, vehicle maintenance etc);

Pay for subscriptions (internet, antivirus renewal, domain hosting and renewal etc);

Procure filing cabinets and furniture; Total 1,178,953 Wage Recurrent 0 Non Wage Recurrent 1,178,953 GRAND TOTAL 2,276,399 Wage Recurrent 769,343 Non Wage Recurrent 1,507,056

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45 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

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Vote Function: 06 01 Industrial and Technological Development Project 1111 Soroti Fruit Factory Project Profile

Responsible Officer: Executive Director - Uganda Development Corporation

Objectives: The objectives of the fruit processing facility are as follows: • to increase the incomes of the fruit farmers in the Teso region by providing a readily accessible and fairly priced market for their produce; • to promote value addition and agro-processing of agricultural produce; • to reduce current post harvest losses of produce; • Produce fruit juice, concentrates and pulp that exceed the local, regional and international market standards. Outputs: The expected outputs/results of the project are as follows: • Aligned and harmonized interests of all stakeholders in the Teso region; • Teso Tropical Fruit Growers‟ Cooperative Society registered; • Acquisition of project site in the proposed Soroti Industrial Park; • Soroti Fruits Limited (SOFTE) registered as a limited liability Company; • Procurement of consultants to undertake the feasibility and EIA studies for the project; • Feasibility and EIA reports produced for the project; • Designs and BOQs for all the project related civil works produced; • Project site serviced with Water, electricity, road network and ICT infrastructure; • Monitoring report produced for the fruit project‟s implementation; • A fruit processing facility constructed in the Teso region; • Procured and installed Machinery and Equipment for the fruit facility; • Plant personnel recruited; • Land for dumping waste acquired; • Fruit Processing Facility launched; • Operation of the Fruit Processing Facility commenced; • Fresh Juice, concentrates, pulp, and by products produced; . Start Date: 1/7/2009 Projected End Date: 12/31/2018

Workplan Outputs for 2013/14 and 2014/15 Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15 Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and UShs Thousand Location) (Quantity and Location) Location) 06 01 80Construction of Common Consultant procured to prepare The valuation report for the way Fruit farmers mobilized and Industrial Facilities technical ddesigns, BOQs & leaves for the extension of trained as productive units of technical specifications for the water and electricty to the the value chain; water storage tank; project site was finalised by the Chief Government Valuer and Ground breaking of the factory Water and electricty supply handed over to UDC; undertaken; commissioned at the project site; Land title for the project site Orange & mango Juice analysis Technical desigsn, BOQs and was secured; report produced by UIRI and technical specifications University; prepared for the water storage Road works for the access tank; roads to the project site are now Customers taste & preference at base level with the contractor analysis report produced for the Contractor procured to provide stock piling stone chippings, sampled juices; and install a 640m3 water cement, and lime for the 1st storage tank at the project site; layer, stone pitching and Consultant secured to develop head/wing wall construction is technical designs & BOQs for 640M3 water stoarge tank also ongoing underground water tank; procured and installed at the project site; Street lighting mobilisation is Technical designs & BOQs also on going; produced for the underground Fruit farmers of Teso region water tank; mobilized and trained as Evaluation report for the productive units of the value installation of a 250m3 water Land for waste disposal secured; chain; tank at the project site was produced; EIA consultant for the waste Vote Overview

46 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

Vote Function: 06 01 Industrial and Technological Development Project 1111 Soroti Fruit Factory Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15 Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and UShs Thousand Location) (Quantity and Location) Location) Land for solid waste disposal disposal site secured; acquired in Soroti ; Bids secured from potential service providers for the Final EIA report produced for solid Waste disposal site fenced; construction of the perimeter the waste disposal site; wall fence for factory; Consultant to undertake an Soroti fruit factory publicized; Environmental Impact An advert inviting bidders for Assessment (EIA) for the solid the procurement of a van to Security services provided at waste disposal site procured; support project activities was the project site; designed and published; EIA report produced for the EIA certificate secured for solid waste disposal site; Q1, Q2 and Q3 Project waste disposal site; Taskforce meetings were held Plant personnel and full time and minutes produced; Consultant secured to develop technical personnel for the the ICT infrastructure; project recruited; Q1, Q2 and Q3 Project progress reports were compiled; Contractor secured for the Security services provided at construction & installation of an the project site by Uganda Furniture and filling cabinets for underground water tank; Police; the project implementation team were acquired; Solid waste disposal site fenced; Ground breaking for the project undertaken; Construction works for Access Technical designs & BOQs roads to Project site is on-going; produced for the ICT Consultant procured to produce infrastructure; designs and BOQs for the Temporary structure for the parking yard and ICT security guards constructed at Underground water tank infrastructure; the project site; constructed;

Designs & BOQs prepared for Technical designs, BOQs and Capacity for the project the parking yard and ICT technical specifications for implementation team enhanced; infrastructure; 640m3 water tank prepared; Leveled waste disposal site & Parking yard constructed and 1,279 Fruit farmers mobilised & other facilities constructed; ICT infrastrcture installed; trained in Soroti; Plant personnel recruited; Project Taskforce meetings held; 4 Research Assistants recruited as full time Project Technical Potential customers for the pulp Project progress reports Personnel; & concentrates identified; produced (both MoTIC and UDC); 3 technical officers trained in Contractor procured to install Korea; the ICT infrastructure;

Publicity and awareness about Factory vehicles (trucks) the project created; procured;

Computers, laptops, projector, Project Taskforce meetings held; project screen, printer, monitor, UPS, camera & camcorder Project progress reports acquired; produced;

Projects Unit up to date with the latest agro-industry technical regulations and their impact on competitiveness of agro- processing enterprises

Project Administrative expenses met;

Total 4,760,812 4,930,894 4,846,906 GoU Development 4,760,812 4,930,894 4,846,906 External Financing 0 0 0

GRAND TOTAL 4,760,812 4,930,894 4,846,906 GoU Development 4,760,812 4,930,894 4,846,906 External Financing 0 0 0

Vote Overview

47 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

Vote Function: 06 01 Industrial and Technological Development Project 1111 Soroti Fruit Factory Annual Workplan for 2014/15 - Outputs, Activities, Inputs and their Cost Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost (Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand Output: 06 0180 Construction of Common Industrial Facilities

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost Fruit farmers mobilized and trained as productive units of the value chain; 6 vehicles for collecting fruits and distribution () 6.0 1,020,000 ICT infrastructure, parkyard, and related expenses 3.0 1,989,287 Ground breaking of the factory undertaken; (Value/Batch) EIA for the project disposal site (Value/Quarter) 2.0 73,500 Orange & mango Juice analysis report produced by UIRI and Makerere Mobilizing Fruit farmers (Value/Quarter) 4.0 800,000 University; Office and Factory Furniture & Fittings 2.0 300,000 (Value/Quarter) Customers taste & preference analysis report produced for the sampled Project Administrative Expenses (Value/Quarter) 4.0 300,000 juices;

Consultant secured to develop technical designs & BOQs for underground water tank;

Technical designs & BOQs produced for the underground water tank;

Land for waste disposal secured;

EIA consultant for the waste disposal site secured;

Final EIA report produced for the waste disposal site;

Soroti fruit factory publicized;

Security services provided at the project site;

EIA certificate secured for waste disposal site;

Consultant secured to develop the ICT infrastructure;

Contractor secured for the construction & installation of an underground water tank;

Solid waste disposal site fenced;

Technical designs & BOQs produced for the ICT infrastructure;

Underground water tank constructed;

Capacity for the project implementation team enhanced;

Leveled waste disposal site & other facilities constructed;

Plant personnel recruited;

Potential customers for the pulp & concentrates identified;

Contractor procured to install the ICT infrastructure;

Factory vehicles (trucks) procured;

Project Taskforce meetings held;

Project progress reports produced;

Projects Unit up to date with the latest agro-industry technical regulations and their impact on competitiveness of agro-processing enterprises

Project Administrative expenses met;

Activities to Deliver Outputs: Mobilize and train fruit farmers as productive units of the value chain;

Undertake ground breaking for the factory; Vote Overview

48 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

Vote Function: 06 01 Industrial and Technological Development Project 1111 Soroti Fruit Factory Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost (Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand

Collect orange & mango samples & carry out an analysis on the juices produced;

carry out free juice tasting in diffeent locations to ascertain customers' taste & preference on the orange *mango juice;

procure a consultant to develop technical designs & BOQsfor the underground water tank;

Develop technical designs & BOQs for underground water tank;

secure a waste disposal site for the fruit factory;

procure a consultant fto carry out an EIA for the waste disposal site;

Underatke an EIA for the waste disposal site;

Carry out publicity activities for the project;

Provide site security services (Uganda Police facilitation);

Secure an EIA certificate from NEMA for the waste disposal site;

procure a consultant to prepare designs and BOQs for the ICT infarstructure;

Procure a contractor for the construction of an underground water tank;

Fence the solid waste disposal site;

Prepare technical designs & BOQs for the ICT infrastructure;

Construct and install a tank for underground water ;

Enhance the capacity of the project implemetation team;

landscaping, leveling & construction of the other facilities on the disposal site;

Recruit plant personnel;

Market the fruit products in fruit processing factories& outlets EAC, and outlets;

Procure a contractor to install the ICT infrastrcture;

Procure vehicles (trucks) for the distribution of products;

Hold Taskforce meetings;

Monitor the implementation of the project activites;

Participate in local and regional symposiums on the latest agro-processing technical regulations and standards and their related impact on the trade competitiveness of agro-processing entities;

project administrative expenses; Total 4,846,906 GoU Development 4,846,906 External Financing 0 GRAND TOTAL 4,846,906 GoU Development 4,846,906 External Financing 0

Vote Overview

49 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

Vote Function: 06 01 Industrial and Technological Development Project 1128 Value Addition-Luwero Project Profile

Responsible Officer: Executive Director - Uganda Development Corporation

Objectives: The objectives of the fruit processing facility are as follows: • to promote value addition and agro- processing of agriculture produce; • to increase the incomes of the fruit farmers in the Luwero Triangle by providing a readily accessible and fairly priced market for their produce; • to reduce current post harvest losses of fruits; • Produce fruit juice, concentrates and pulp that exceed the local, regional and international market standards; . Outputs: The expected outputs for this project include: • Harmonization of all stakeholders in the greater Luwero Region through extensive consultative and mobilization meetings; • Farmers‟ Cooperative Societies registered; • Training and educating farmers on the most appropriate select fruit varieties that have to be produced for the proposed fruit processing facility; • Establishment and registration of Luwero Fruits Company Limited or its equivalent as the SPV for this project; • Acquisition and registration of project site in the names of the SPV in which UDC will be a majority shareholder; • Fruit farmers and farmer cooperatives sensitized on the shareholding in, and establishment of Luwero Fruits Company Ltd or its equivalent as the Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) for the implementation of this project • Feasibility and EIA reports produced for the facility; • Designs and BOQs produced for project civil works and support infrastructure development; • Monitoring report for the Implementation of the fruit project produced; • Identify a Managing partner / Investor for the project; • Procure civil works contractor; • Construct fruit processing facility; • Procure and install Machinery and Equipment for the facility; • Operation of the Fruit Processing Facility commences; • Fresh Juice, concentrates, pulp, dried fruits and by products produced;

Expected Outcomes: • Increase in the incomes of the fruit farmers in Luwero Triangle; • Creation of employment opportunities at the processing facility and farm levels; • Infrastructure development will emerge in the Luwero Triangle such as roads, power, Education and health facilities and other social amenities; • Reduction in post harvest losses will lead to increased fruit production and productivity; • Reduction in the poverty rates in Luwero Triangle as a result of an increase in household incomes; . Start Date: 7/1/2008 Projected End Date: 6/30/2015

Workplan Outputs for 2013/14 and 2014/15 Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15 Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and UShs Thousand Location) (Quantity and Location) Location) 06 01 02Capacity Building for Jua Fruit farmers trained on good Kali and Private Sector agronomic practices and cooperative movement Vote Overview

50 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

Vote Function: 06 01 Industrial and Technological Development Project 1128 Value Addition-Luwero Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15 Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and UShs Thousand Location) (Quantity and Location) Location) principles among others; Total 0 0 32,000 GoU Development 0 0 32,000 External Financing 0 0 0

06 01 80Construction of Common Final feasibility report for the An agreement was reached with A consultant procured to Industrial Facilities project; Luwero District Local undertake an Environmental Government to provide land for Impact Assessment (EIA) for Land procured for setting up a setting up of the fruit factory; the project site; fruit factory; Advert inviting bids for the An EIA Report produced for Consultant procured to provision of land on which the project; undertake an EIA for the fruit factory could be set up was run; project; An EIA Certificate secured Final feasibility Report from the National Environment EIA report for the project site; submitted to UDC by the Management Agency (NEMA); consultant; Monitoring reports; Project progress and monitoring reports produced;

(Comment: Outputs Pending more resource allocation from the envelope) Total 181,579 211,690 111,579 GoU Development 181,579 211,690 111,579 External Financing 0 0 0

GRAND TOTAL 181,579 211,690 143,579 GoU Development 181,579 211,690 143,579 External Financing 0 0 0

Annual Workplan for 2014/15 - Outputs, Activities, Inputs and their Cost Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost (Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand Output: 06 0102 Capacity Building for Jua Kali and Private Sector

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost Fruit farmers trained on good agronomic practices and cooperative Training of Fruit Farmers (Value/Quarter) 4.0 32,000 movement principles among others; Activities to Deliver Outputs: Train fruit farmers on good agronomic practices and cooperative movement principles among others; Total 32,000 GoU Development 32,000 External Financing 0 Output: 06 0180 Construction of Common Industrial Facilities

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost A consultant procured to undertake an Environmental Impact Assessment Consultancy Fees for EIA Study (Value/Activity) 1.0 75,000 (EIA) for the project site; EIA Certificate from NEMA (Value/Activity) 1.0 18,079 Procurement Process for Consultant - EIA 1.0 3,500 An EIA Report produced for the project; (Value/Activity) Monitoring of Project Implementation 4.0 15,000 An EIA Certificate secured from the National Environment Management (Value/Quarter) Agency (NEMA);

Project progress and monitoring reports produced; Activities to Deliver Outputs: Procure consultant to undertake an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for the project;

Secure an EIA certificate for the project; Vote Overview

51 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

Vote Function: 06 01 Industrial and Technological Development Project 1128 Value Addition-Luwero Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost (Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand

Monitor the implementation of the project; Total 111,579 GoU Development 111,579 External Financing 0 GRAND TOTAL 143,579 GoU Development 143,579 External Financing 0

Vote Overview

52 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

Vote Function: 06 01 Industrial and Technological Development Project 1164 One Village One Product Programme Project Profile

Responsible Officer: Commissioner – Industry and Technology

Objectives: The over all objective of the programme is to promote the production, processing and marketing of local products for wealth creation. The specific objectives are to:

1. Promote establishment of production networks/clusters within the country. 2. Promote value addition to local materials and products of comparative advantage at community level for social economic transformation 3. Reduce post harvest losses from the current 40% to less than 10% by 2014 4. Develop human capital and entrepreneurial capacities amongst the participating communities. 5. Strengthen partnerships and linkages between Government, private sector and the donor community 6. Create and strengthen market clusters for OVOP products . Outputs: The expected outputs from OVOP include: • Increased production networks/clusters; • Increased volume of local production; • Increased number and volume of locally processed products; • Reduced post harvest losses; • Community human capital and entrepreneurial capacities developed; • Market for OVOP products created and/or strengthened through clusters; . Start Date: 7/1/2009 Projected End Date: 6/30/2016

Workplan Outputs for 2013/14 and 2014/15 Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15 Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and UShs Thousand Location) (Quantity and Location) Location) 06 01 01Industrial Policies, Needs Assessment Report for Monitoring visits to OVOP 4 Quarterly Steering Committee Strategies and monitoring 48 cooperatives from 16 supported enterprises in Meetings organised and services districts of Western, Northern, Western, Northern, Central and equipment for the Secretariat Central and Eastern Uganda; Eastern Uganda were conducted procured; and reports produced; Monitoring Report on progress The Progress of OVOP of supported OVOP Physical assessments of 19 Monitored through 4 Quarterly beneficiaries; model Enterprises in Nebbi, M&E Visits; Moyo, Yumbe, Moroto,Kotido Effective and Efficient and Kaabong Districts were Implementation of OVOP; conducted and a report produced; Minutes with resolutions of the Steering Committee Meetings; Office equipment for the OVOP Secretariat were procured and 2 vehicles serviced;

Physical assessment of 14 model enterprises in Adjumani, Zombo, Arua, Masaka, Mbarara, Rukungiri and Ntungamo;

Assessment of 5 model enterprises in Hoima and Buliisa;

Hon. Minister conducted monitoring progress of two enterprises; Labor Progress Farmers Cooperative Socieity and Abuket Sweet Potato Vote Overview

53 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

Vote Function: 06 01 Industrial and Technological Development Project 1164 One Village One Product Programme Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15 Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and UShs Thousand Location) (Quantity and Location) Location) Growers and Processors Association; Total 65,000 47,382 24,593 GoU Development 65,000 47,382 24,593 External Financing 0 0 0

06 01 02Capacity Building for Jua 1. Support to MSMEs Trained 18 members of Nyero 240 participants trained in 12 Kali and Private Sector establishment and growth to Rock Womens Group in sessions on Skills development enable them take the leading Business Management Skills; through training on value role of value addition for addition, business management Industrial Development and marketing

Uganda's Programme Approach (Comment: Output Pending and interventions benchmarked more resource allocation from with practices in Ethiopia; the envelope) Total 16 0 27,053 GoU Development 16 0 27,053 External Financing 0 0 0

06 01 03Industrial Information Products from 26 OVOP Model Services Cooperatives/groups exhibited;

OVOP Interventions published in Newspaper media;

Total 0 0 60,000 GoU Development 0 0 60,000 External Financing 0 0 0

06 01 04Promotion of Value Value Addition Equipment for The Honourable Ministers 40 Potential Addition and Cluster the 10 Cooperatives handed commissioned value addition Cooperatives/Groups assesed Development over; equipment in Mpigi, Mbale and for support (Ten Bududa district after installation cooperatives/groups from each Product Packaging, at the sites of the beneficiary of the four region); Certification and Market enterprises; Linkages for four Model 8 Products supported for Cooperatives supported; Skills development through Certification by UNBS; training on Appiary Management, Honey Processing 4 Business plans developed; (Comment: Outputs pending Equipment Operation and more resource allocation from Quality Control for Arua, Nebbi the envelope) and Moyo Bee Keepers Association members was programmed and is scheduled to run from the 23rd to 25th April 2014;

Procured, delivered and installed a Honey Extractor and 20 Langstrouth Bee Hives for Alemifal group in Adjumani district;

Procured, delivered and installed a Maize Mill and Huller for Tukolewamu Cooperative Society in Mpigi Town Council, Mpigi district;

Procurement still ongoing for 2 sets of Carpentry & Joinery tools and 2500 Honey Jars for Bwindi Bee Keepers Cooperative Society and Kisoro Community Associated Bee Keepers Ltd in Kabale and Kisoro Districts;

Procurement still ongoing for 2 sets of Carpentry & Joinery

Vote Overview

54 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

Vote Function: 06 01 Industrial and Technological Development Project 1164 One Village One Product Programme Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15 Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and UShs Thousand Location) (Quantity and Location) Location) tools to Kyamuhunga Bee Keepers Cooperative Society and Kamwenge Bee Keepers Savings and Credit Cooperative Society in Bushenyi and Kamwenge Districts;

Procured a Maize Mill and Huller for group in Mpigi District; a Shea Nut Crusher in Kitgum district & a Poultry Feeds Mixer in Mbale district and training of Equipment operators. Installation will be done as soon as the Equipment is delivered and housing structures are completed;

Procured and delivered a Maize Huller for Labor Progressive Farmers Cooperative Society in Serere District;

Hon. Minister officially handed over a coffee hauler to an association in Kilingente Subcounty;

Delivered a Pineapple Juice Extractor to Kiwenda Horticulture Association in September 2013;

Total 22,199 12,128 26,220 GoU Development 22,199 12,128 26,220 External Financing 0 0 0

06 01 80Construction of Common 1. Common industrial facilities None 12 Model Cooperatives/Groups Industrial Facilities for MSMEs and cooperative supported with Vallue Addition enterprises set up; Equipment;

Launch and publicity of the (Comment: Output pending Value Addition Equipment for more resource allocation from the 12 Model Cooperatives; the envelope) Total 8 0 239,587 GoU Development 8 0 239,587 External Financing 0 0 0

GRAND TOTAL 87,223 59,510 377,453 GoU Development 87,223 59,510 377,453 External Financing 0 0 0

Annual Workplan for 2014/15 - Outputs, Activities, Inputs and their Cost Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost (Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand Output: 06 0101 Industrial Policies, Strategies and monitoring services

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost 4 Quarterly Steering Committee Meetings organised and equipment for Printer Toner (Value/Catridge) 8.0 760 the Secretariat procured; Assorted Office Stationery (Value/Quarter) 4.0 232 Fuel, Lubricants and Oils (Project Office) 4.0 2,800 The Progress of OVOP Monitored through 4 Quarterly M&E Visits; (Value/Quarter) Activities to Deliver Outputs: Project M&E Field Visits (Value/Quarter) 4.0 12,260 Facilitate OVOP Project Steering Committee Meetings; Project Steering Committee Meetings 4.0 4,541 (Value/Quarter)

Vote Overview

55 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

Vote Function: 06 01 Industrial and Technological Development Project 1164 One Village One Product Programme Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost (Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand Conduct M&E Field Exercises of the OVOP Project on a Quarterly basis Project Vehicle Maintenance (Value/Quarter) 4.0 4,000 to take stock of progress made;

Facilitate Project Administrative Expenses; Total 24,593 GoU Development 24,593 External Financing 0 Output: 06 0102 Capacity Building for Jua Kali and Private Sector

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost 240 participants trained in 12 sessions on Skills development through Skill Development training sessions (Value/Session) 12.0 23,160 training on value addition, business management and marketing Airticket, Visa & Transit_Benchmarking in 1.0 3,893 Ethiopia (Value/Trip) Uganda's Programme Approach and interventions benchmarked with practices in Ethiopia; Activities to Deliver Outputs: Conduct 12 sessions training on value addition, business management and marketing for 240 participants;

Uganda's Programme Approach and interventions benchmarked with practices in Ethiopia; Total 27,053 GoU Development 27,053 External Financing 0 Output: 06 0103 Industrial Information Services

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost Products from 26 OVOP Model Cooperatives/groups exhibited; Products exhibition in Trade Fair, Regional Centre 26.0 52,000 (Cost/Enterprise) OVOP Interventions published in Newspaper media; OVOP Article in Newspapers (Value/Article) 2.0 8,000 Activities to Deliver Outputs: Organising an Annual Exhibition for 26 OVOP Model enterprises;

Publish article in Newspaper media on OVOP interventions; Total 60,000 GoU Development 60,000 External Financing 0 Output: 06 0104 Promotion of Value Addition and Cluster Development

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost 40 Potential Cooperatives/Groups assesed for support (Ten Facilitation for Business Plan Development 4.0 10,000 cooperatives/groups from each of the four region); (Cost/Plan) Facilitation for Certification of 8 Products, UNBS 8.0 8,800 8 Products supported for Certification by UNBS; (Value/Product) Needs Assessment Exercise in Four Regions 4.0 7,420 4 Business plans developed; (Value/Region) Activities to Deliver Outputs: Needs assessment for 40 cooperatives/groups from 16 districts of Western, Northern, Central and Eastern regions;

Facilitate the Certification process for 8 Products by UNBS;

Facilitate the Business plan development for 4 model coopertaives/groups;

Total 26,220 GoU Development 26,220 External Financing 0 Output: 06 0180 Construction of Common Industrial Facilities

Vote Overview

56 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

Vote Function: 06 01 Industrial and Technological Development Project 1164 One Village One Product Programme Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost (Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost 12 Model Cooperatives/Groups supported with Vallue Addition Launch of Value Addition Equipment, 12 12.0 24,780 Equipment; Cooperative (Value/Launch) Procurement and Delivery of Equipment (Value/Set) 12.0 182,040 Launch and publicity of the Value Addition Equipment for the 12 Model Cooperatives; Activities to Deliver Outputs: Procurement and delivery of value addition equipment for 12 Model Cooperative/Groups;

Launching of the Value Addition Equipment for the 12 Model Cooperatives; Total 239,587 GoU Development 239,587 External Financing 0 GRAND TOTAL 377,453 GoU Development 377,453 External Financing 0 Project 1240 Kalangala Infrastructure Services Project Project Profile

Responsible Officer: Executive Director - Uganda Development Corporation

Objectives: The aim of the Kalangala Infrastructure Project is to provide infrastructure and public services and utilities to the residents of Bugala Island, Kalangala district in a manner that is economically and commercially viable. In other words, it seeks to invest private capital into the provision of public goods and services for an under served region but in a manner that ensures a reasonable rate of return on investment and equity. . Outputs: The expected outputs from this project include: • Upgrade 66 kilometers of road on Bugala Island to Class B gravel road; • Commissioning of two (2) modern roll-on roll-off ferries; • Ferry service between Bukakata (mainland) and Bugoma (Bugala Island); • 1.6 MW electric power generating plant; • Potable solar powered water supply system; • Refurbishment and re-design of the piers at both Bukakata and Bugoma; • Airfield on Bugala Island (Long term expected output); . Start Date: 7/1/2012 Projected End Date: 6/30/2016

Vote Overview

57 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

Vote Function: 06 02 Cooperative Development Vote Function Profile

Responsible Officer: Commissioner - Cooperatives Development Services: This Vote Function is responsible for policy formulation, planning and coordination of cooperatives development. Its main functions are to: • Initiate and formulate policies, legislation and strategies for cooperatives development; • Supervise and monitor cooperatives to ensure they operate within the established cooperative laws and set objectives for the benefit of members; • Register and deregister cooperatives societies; • Promote formation of cooperative societies; • Provide and administer the technical services required for the formation, organization, registration and operation for the cooperative societies; • Facilitate the establishment of marketing infrastructure (Warehouse Receipt System, Rural Information System) to improve marketing of goods by cooperatives; • Support commodity exchange and other distribution mechanisms; • Manage the Cooperative Management Information System (CMIS); • Building capacity for the Cooperative members; • Develop and promote standards for sound cooperative business management; and • Coordinate, promote and support establishment of linkages and partnerships with other Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) and Private Sector to enhance values and benefits from the sector. .

Vote Function Projects and Programmes: Project or Programme Name Responsible Officer Recurrent Programmes 13 Cooperatives Development Commissioner – Cooperatives Development Development Projects 1203 Support to Warehouse Receipt System Commissioner - Cooperatives Development Programme 13 Cooperatives Development Programme Profile

Responsible Officer: Commissioner – Cooperatives Development

Objectives: This Department is responsible for policy formulation, planning and coordination of cooperatives development. Its main functions are to: • Initiate and formulate policies, legislation and strategies for cooperatives development; • Supervise and monitor cooperatives to ensure they operate within the established cooperative laws and set objectives for the benefit of members; • Register and deregister cooperatives societies; • Promote formation of cooperative societies; • Provide and administer the technical services required for the formation, organization, registration and operation for the cooperative societies; • Facilitate the establishment of marketing infrastructure (Warehouse Receipt System, Rural Information System) to improve marketing of goods by cooperatives; • Support Uganda‟s Commodity Exchange and other distribution mechanisms; • Manage the Cooperative Management Information System (CMIS); • Building capacity for the Cooperative members; • Develop and promote standards for sound cooperative business management; and • Coordinate, promote and support establishment of linkages and partnerships with other Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) and Private Sector to enhance values and benefits from the sector. • Oversee the operations of the Uganda Warehouse Receipt System Authority (UWRSA); Vote Overview

58 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

Vote Function: 06 02 Cooperative Development Programme 13 Cooperatives Development . Outputs: • Formulate Laws, Policies, Strategies and Plans that promote the revival and growth of the Cooperatives movement in the Country. • Monitor and Supervise the implementation of Policies, Laws and Strategies for sustainable cooperatives growth in the country. • Support to cooperatives establishment and management for sustainable cooperatives growth. • Develop skills of Public Institutions and the Private Sector as well as create awareness for cooperatives growth in the country. • Promote collective commodity marketing for cooperatives growth. • Provide and facilitate supporting infrastructure for cooperatives growth. .

Workplan Outputs for 2013/14 and 2014/15 Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15 Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and UShs Thousand Location) (Quantity and Location) Location) 06 02 01Cooperative policies, Amended Cooperative Societies A technical team composed of Co-operative Societies Act strategies and monitoring Act; staff from the First gazetted upon approval by services Parliamentary Council and the Parliament; Amended Cooperative Ministry of Trade, Industry and Regulations; Cooperatives facilitated the The revised Co-operative drafting of the Cooperative Societies Regulations and Societies Act Amendment Bill; Bylaws presented to Parliament for approval; Total 166,487 53,227 170,036 Wage Recurrent 124,565 36,736 95,605 Non Wage Recurrent 41,922 16,490 74,431

06 02 02Cooperatives 224 Cooperative Societies Supervision missions to 10 1,000 Cooperative Societies Establishment and supervised; Cooperative Societies & Unions supervised to ensure Management was undertaken. For example compliance to Cooperative 12 audits; Buteba SACCO Ltd while the Law; Department also provided 12 inspections; technical guidance to 5 Cooperatives audited to Cooperators at the special ensure proper financial ability 4 investigations undertaken; Annual General Meeting of and reporting; Sebei Elgon Cooperative Union A functional Cooperative Data Ltd; 24 Cooperatives inspected to Analysis System (CODAS); ensure proper management and 2 Investigative Audits were governance by the leaders; (Comment: Outputs Pending conducted for Victoria Basin more resource allocation from Savings & Microfinance 10 investigations undertaken; the envelope) Cooperative Trust as well as Kahungye SACCO Ltd;

9 inspections were conducted for Societies and Unions in the different regions of the country; Kigezi Dairy Cooperative Society, Ntungamo Dairy Farmers Cooperative Union, Alutkot SACCO and Oyam South SACCO, Luwero Teachers SACCO, Okoro Cooperative Union, Buyunze SACCO, Ankole Diary farmers Cooperative Union and Buteba SACCO;

Total 116,105 48,460 210,705 Wage Recurrent 55,000 16,221 55,000 Non Wage Recurrent 61,105 32,239 155,705

06 02 03Cooperatives Skill Strengthened Public Awareness Leadership training was 180 farmers mobilized to form Development and on Cause for Cooperatives; conducted for Kiringente horticulture cooperatives in Awareness Creation SACCO Ltd's members; Central, Eastern and South (Comment: Output Pending West Uganda for export more resource allocation from The Cooperative Development purposes; Vote Overview

59 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

Vote Function: 06 02 Cooperative Development Programme 13 Cooperatives Development Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15 Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and UShs Thousand Location) (Quantity and Location) Location) the envelope) Department held a sensititsation and technical guidance meeting The 20th UN/91st ICA with tea growers in Mityana; International Day of Cooperatives by commemorated Uganda celebrated 100 years by end of June 2015; since the Cooperatives Movement began in 1913 and Youth from 2 prominent the Centenary celebrations also Universities sensitized and coincided with the 19th mobilized to form investment UN/90th ICA International Day cooperatives; of Cooperatives;

The celebrations were successfully held at Boma Grounds in Masindi on the 27th September 2013;

Total 101,231 33,831 116,847 Wage Recurrent 63,227 18,647 63,227 Non Wage Recurrent 38,004 15,184 53,620

06 02 51Regulation of Warehouse Warehouse Receipt System Receipt System (UCE) Authority (WRSA), and the Uganda Commodity Exchange (UCE):

A. Regulation and promotion of the Warehouse Receipt System:

a) 12 warehouses inspected 4 times a year each, and technical backstopping done;

b) 25 staff trained in Warehouse operations (warehouse keepers, eWRS Administrators, Samplers, Weighers and Graders) in 5 warehouses;

c) WRS Training materials developed;

d) 2000 sensitised on Quality Standards (EAS) for Maize and beans. 2. at least 7 0% of warehouse utilised;

e) 10 prospective warehouses evaluated;

f) Electronic Warehouse Receipt System hosted and customised;

B. Operational Trading Floor: a) Warehouse receipts traded on the Floor;

b) Trading Floor accessible for spot trading;

C. Capacity of WRSA and UCE Built: a) Staffing gaps reduced;

b) Operational support given;

c) Arbitration function supported;

D. Visibility: Increase uptake of WRS and UCE services through publicity;

Vote Overview

60 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

Vote Function: 06 02 Cooperative Development Programme 13 Cooperatives Development Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15 Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and UShs Thousand Location) (Quantity and Location) Location) Total 0 0 228,555 Wage Recurrent 0 0 0 Non Wage Recurrent 0 0 228,555

GRAND TOTAL 383,822 135,518 726,143 Wage Recurrent 242,792 71,604 213,832 Non Wage Recurrent 141,031 63,914 512,311

Annual Workplan for 2014/15 - Outputs, Activities, Inputs and their Cost Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost (Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand Output: 06 0201 Cooperative policies, strategies and monitoring services

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost Co-operative Societies Act gazetted upon approval by Parliament; Printed Copies of Amended Cooperative Act 500.0 2,000 (Copies) The revised Co-operative Societies Regulations and Bylaws presented to Permanent Staff (Person Years) 11.0 95,605 Parliament for approval; Review Committee meetings for regulations, 1.0 4,875 bylaws (Value/Meeting) Activities to Deliver Outputs: Assorted Office Stationery (Value/Month) 12.0 2,400 Print out the Amended Cooperative Societies Act; Computer Accessories (Disks, toner, flash etc) 12.0 1,200 (Value/Month) Organize meetings to review the Cooperative societies regulations (1992), Fuels, Lubricants and Oils (2 MVs) (Value/Month) 12.0 12,000 to Amend the model Bylaws, and to draft the new Regulations for printing; Office Telephone Airtime (Value/Month) 12.0 4,800 Vehicle Maintenance (2 MVs) (Value/Month) 12.0 7,200 Staff Welfare (Value/Officer) 23.0 9,936 Consolidated Allowances (Standing Orders Sect E- 4.0 30,020 a) (Value/Quarter) Total 170,036 Wage Recurrent 95,605 Non Wage Recurrent 74,431 Output: 06 0202 Cooperatives Establishment and Management

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost 1,000 Cooperative Societies supervised to ensure compliance to Permanent Staff (Person Years) 5.0 55,000 Cooperative Law; Consolidated Allowances (Standing Orders Sect E- 8.0 86,180 a) (Value/Quarter) 5 Cooperatives audited to ensure proper financial ability and reporting; Cooperative Audits (Value/Quarter) 4.0 12,275 Cooperative Inspections (Value/Quarter) 4.0 47,040 24 Cooperatives inspected to ensure proper management and governance Cooperative Investigations (Value/Quarter) 4.0 10,210 by the leaders;

10 investigations undertaken; Activities to Deliver Outputs: Supervise 1,000 Cooperative Societies to ensure compliance to Cooperative Law;

Audit 5 Cooperatives to ensure proper financial ability and reporting;

Inspect 24 Cooperatives to ensure proper management and governance by the leaders;

Undertake 10 investigations; Total 210,705 Wage Recurrent 55,000 Non Wage Recurrent 155,705 Output: 06 0203 Cooperatives Skill Development and Awareness Creation

Vote Overview

61 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

Vote Function: 06 02 Cooperative Development Programme 13 Cooperatives Development Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost (Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost 180 farmers mobilized to form horticulture cooperatives in Central, Permanent Staff (Person Years) 5.0 63,227 Eastern and South West Uganda for export purposes; International Cooperative Day Celebrations 1.0 7,280 (Value/Event) The 20th UN/91st ICA International Day of Cooperatives by Cooperative Promotional Campaigns 2.0 3,070 commemorated by end of June 2015; (Value/Outreach) Regional Sensitization Meetings (Value/Outreach) 1.0 13,250 Youth from 2 prominent Universities sensitized and mobilized to form Consolidated Allowances (Standing Orders Sect E- 4.0 30,020 investment cooperatives; a) (Value/Quarter) Activities to Deliver Outputs: Organise and hold 2 regional sensitization meetings with farmers from Central, Eastern and South Western Uganda on the formation and benefits of export oriented horticultural cooperatives (30 cooperatives-3 people) held;

Organise and celebrate the 20th UN/91st ICA International Day of Cooperatives by end of June;

Organise promotional campaigns on Investment Cooperatives to 2 prominent Universities; Total 116,847 Wage Recurrent 63,227 Non Wage Recurrent 53,620 Output: 06 0251 Regulation of Warehouse Receipt System (UCE)

Planned Outputs: Grant or Transfer Cost Warehouse Receipt System Authority (WRSA), and the Uganda Subvention to Warehouse Receipt System Authority 228,555 Commodity Exchange (UCE): (including the Commodity Exchange) for Operations and Activities A. Regulation and promotion of the Warehouse Receipt System:

a) 12 warehouses inspected 4 times a year each, and technical backstopping done;

b) 25 staff trained in Warehouse operations (warehouse keepers, eWRS Administrators, Samplers, Weighers and Graders) in 5 warehouses;

c) WRS Training materials developed;

d) 2000 sensitised on Quality Standards (EAS) for Maize and beans. 2. at least 7 0% of warehouse utilised;

e) 10 prospective warehouses evaluated;

f) Electronic Warehouse Receipt System hosted and customised;

B. Operational Trading Floor: a) Warehouse receipts traded on the Floor;

b) Trading Floor accessible for spot trading;

C. Capacity of WRSA and UCE Built: a) Staffing gaps reduced;

b) Operational support given;

c) Arbitration function supported;

D. Visibility: Increase uptake of WRS and UCE services through publicity; Activities to Deliver Outputs: Warehouse Receipt System Authority (WRSA), and the Uganda Commodity Exchange (UCE):

Undertake spot inspections of warehouses; Vote Overview

62 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

Vote Function: 06 02 Cooperative Development Programme 13 Cooperatives Development Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost (Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand

Train 25 professional staff from 5 warehouses in warehouse operations (warehouse keepers, eWRS administrators, samplers, weighers and graders);

Hire a Consultancy to compile and print WRS Training materials;

Disseminate current EAS standards to depositors & sensitise depositors in the hinterlands of warehouses and other high producing areas;

Visit prospective warehouses, prepare report and recommend way forward;

Pay monthly hosting fee to current provider of eWRS;

Develop trading rules and regulations for the WRS Trading Floor;

Train WRS Trading Floor brokers;

Sensitize traders;

Set up settlement process for the Trading Floor;

Set up Trading Floor procedures and develop manual;

Hire and Recruit relevant staff;

Meet office requirements and administrative costs;

Set up Arbitration Committee and develop guidelines for arbitration;

Publicise WRSA and UCE Services through brochures, radio adverts and End of Year Awards;

Total 228,555 Wage Recurrent 0 Non Wage Recurrent 228,555 GRAND TOTAL 726,143 Wage Recurrent 213,832 Non Wage Recurrent 512,311

Vote Overview

63 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

Vote Function: 06 02 Cooperative Development Project 1203 Support to Warehouse Receipt System Project Profile

Responsible Officer: Commissioner - Cooperatives Development

Objectives: The specific objectives of the project include: • Improve and increase storage capacity of agricultural commodities across the country. • Improve the quality and standards of agricultural commodities. • Provide security of sustainable supply of agricultural commodities. • Improve access to commodity financing (structured commodity financing). • Promote the trading of standardized and value added agricultural commodities in Uganda. • Stabilise agro-commodities prices. . Outputs: Project Outputs upon completion will include; • 10 Warehouses constructed; • 180 New unions registered to facilitate collective marketing; • 60 Cooperative Stores refurbished; • 22,000 Cooperative members trained in WRS, entrepreneurship skills, cooperative business management and governance, and collective marketing; • The quantity of commodities stored by producers increased; • A transparent commodity price discovery mechanism; • Easy access to Commodity financing; • Standardized agricultural commodities on the market; . Start Date: 7/1/2011 Projected End Date: 6/30/2015

Workplan Outputs for 2013/14 and 2014/15 Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15 Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and UShs Thousand Location) (Quantity and Location) Location) 06 02 01Cooperative policies, Effective Project Management strategies and monitoring & administration; services Project Staff skills enhanced;

Improved welfare at the Secretariat for better service delivery; Total 0 0 106,900 GoU Development 0 0 106,900 External Financing 0 0 0

06 02 03Cooperatives Skill 500 Members of Co-operatives The Project facilitated the 250 stakeholders sensitised on Development and sensitised about the National conducting of a sensitization WRS, co-op business Awareness Creation Co-operative Policy; exercise in Isingiro district with management and focus on the Millennium Village entrepreneurship; 1,600 stakeholders sensitised on and the Area Cooperative the WRS, Co-op Business Marketing Enterprises (ACEs) Management and in the district; Entrepreneurship skills; The 209 participants who attended the workshops were sensitised on WRS & UCE operations, Cooperatives governance and management, Value addition/agro-processing, as well as Agro-Enterprises development and promotion;

Co-operatives sensitised about the National Co-operative Policy and WRS System

Conducted sensitization Vote Overview

64 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

Vote Function: 06 02 Cooperative Development Project 1203 Support to Warehouse Receipt System Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15 Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and UShs Thousand Location) (Quantity and Location) Location) workshop for 300 members of Teso Cooperative Union with emphasis on toll-ginning under the Warehouse Receipt System in Arapai Ginnery, Soroti;

Total 219,800 178,229 50,000 GoU Development 219,800 178,229 50,000 External Financing 0 0 0

06 02 51Regulation of Warehouse Inspected warehouses of Warehouse Receipt System Receipt System (UCE) Agroways Ltd, Soroti Grain Authority (WRSA), and the Millers Ltd, Masindi Seed and Uganda Commodity Exchange Grain Growers Ltd, Kapchorwa (UCE): Commercial Farmers Association, Coronet Group in A. Regulation and promotion of Gulu, Elshaday General Trading the Warehouse Receipt System: Company Ltd and Nyakatonzi Growers Cooperative Union a) 12 warehouses inspected and Ltd. technical backstopping done;

b) 25 staff trained in Warehouse operations (warehouse keepers, eWRS Administrators, Samplers, Weighers and Graders) in 5 warehouses;

c) WRS Training materials developed;

d) 2000 sensitised on Quality Standards (EAS) for Maize and beans. 2. at least 7 0% of warehouse utilised;

e) 10 prospective warehouses evaluated;

f) Electronic Warehouse Receipt System hosted and customised;

B. Operational Trading Floor: a) Warehouse receipts traded on the Floor;

b) Trading Floor accessible for spot trading;

C. Capacity of WRSA and UCE Built: a) Staffing gaps reduced;

b) Operational support given;

c) Arbitration function supported;

D. Visibility: Increase uptake of WRS and UCE services through publicity;

Total 177,599 148,918 271,445 GoU Development 177,599 148,918 271,445 External Financing 0 0 0

06 02 81 Cooperatives 30 land offers from co- Verification missions to 30 Refurbishment of Kiryandongo Infrastructure operatives for the construction (thirty) Cooperative Societies‟ warehouse; Development of Warehouses surveyed & Stores/Warehouses as well as verified; pieces of land that were offered Refurbishment of Kakumiro Vote Overview

65 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

Vote Function: 06 02 Cooperative Development Project 1203 Support to Warehouse Receipt System Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15 Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and UShs Thousand Location) (Quantity and Location) Location) for construction and/or warehouse; 5 co-operatives Feeder stores refurbishment of refurbished; stores/warehouses were made Inspection of Sites for to Kamuli, Bugiri, Namutumba, Construction and Refurbishment Palisa, Manafwa, Bududa, of warehouses to assess their Bukwo, Bukedea, Katakwi, suitability and proof of Lira, Oyam, Amuru, Adjuman, ownership; Yumbe, Zombo, Kiryandongo, Masindi, Kibale, Kiboga, Standard Architectural Design Ibanda, Mitooma, Isingiro, Plans and BOQs developed for Ntungamo, Rukungiri, 20,000MT Silos; Kanungu, Kisoro, Mubende, Kyegegwa, Kabarole, Standard Architectural Design Bundibugyo, and Kalungu; Plans and BOQs developed for 5,000MT Warehouses; These visits were made by a team comprising of Staff from (Comment: Pending matching the Ministry, SWRS Project resource allocation from staff, District Commercial MoFPED) Officers and Staff of selected Cooperative Societies;

A final report on this exercise is scheduled to be submitted to the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry responsible for Cooperatives in April 2014;

The MoU between Kakumiro Growers Union and the Government of Uganda (through MTIC) for the refurbishment of the Union's 2 warehoueses was renewed after negotiations;

Under this PPP framework, Kakumiro Growers Union will be licensed to operate a public warehouse;

Continued lobbying with prospective PPP investors in the warehouse construction;

External financing lobbied from the Chinese and other Private Financiers for construction of the warehouses under PPP arrangement because of budget inadequacies; BOQs under preparation;

Total 167,800 124,556 276,450 GoU Development 167,800 124,556 276,450 External Financing 0 0 0

GRAND TOTAL 565,199 451,703 704,795 GoU Development 565,199 451,703 704,795 External Financing 0 0 0

Annual Workplan for 2014/15 - Outputs, Activities, Inputs and their Cost Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost (Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand Output: 06 0201 Cooperative policies, strategies and monitoring services

Vote Overview

66 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

Vote Function: 06 02 Cooperative Development Project 1203 Support to Warehouse Receipt System Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost (Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost Effective Project Management & administration; Contract staff (Person Years) 2.0 72,000 Assorted Office Stationery (Value/Month) 12.0 1,800 Project Staff skills enhanced; Computer Accessories (Disks, toner, flash etc) 12.0 2,400 (Value/Month) Improved welfare at the Secretariat for better service delivery; Fuel, Lubricants and Oils (Value/Month) 12.0 3,600 Activities to Deliver Outputs: Project Coordination meetings (Value/Quarter) 4.0 7,100 Facilitate the project Secretariat to coordinate, monitor and supervise Project Travel Inland (Value/Quarter) 4.0 20,000 project activities; Total 106,900 GoU Development 106,900 External Financing 0 Output: 06 0203 Cooperatives Skill Development and Awareness Creation

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost 250 stakeholders sensitised on WRS, co-op business management and Stakeholder Sensitization workshops 2.0 50,000 entrepreneurship; (Value/Workshop) Activities to Deliver Outputs: Mobilise stakeholders and create awareness (Sensitisaton meetings for Cooperators, Farmers and Traders); Total 50,000 GoU Development 50,000 External Financing 0 Output: 06 0251 Regulation of Warehouse Receipt System (UCE)

Planned Outputs: Grant or Transfer Cost Warehouse Receipt System Authority (WRSA), and the Uganda Subvention to the Uganda Commodity 271,445 Commodity Exchange (UCE): Exchange/Warehouse Receipt System Authority for operations and activities A. Regulation and promotion of the Warehouse Receipt System: 0

a) 12 warehouses inspected and technical backstopping done;

b) 25 staff trained in Warehouse operations (warehouse keepers, eWRS Administrators, Samplers, Weighers and Graders) in 5 warehouses;

c) WRS Training materials developed;

d) 2000 sensitised on Quality Standards (EAS) for Maize and beans. 2. at least 7 0% of warehouse utilised;

e) 10 prospective warehouses evaluated;

f) Electronic Warehouse Receipt System hosted and customised;

B. Operational Trading Floor: a) Warehouse receipts traded on the Floor;

b) Trading Floor accessible for spot trading;

C. Capacity of WRSA and UCE Built: a) Staffing gaps reduced;

b) Operational support given;

c) Arbitration function supported;

D. Visibility: Increase uptake of WRS and UCE services through publicity; Activities to Deliver Outputs: Warehouse Receipt System Authority (WRSA), and the Uganda Commodity Exchange (UCE): Vote Overview

67 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

Vote Function: 06 02 Cooperative Development Project 1203 Support to Warehouse Receipt System Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost (Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand

A. Regulation and promotion of the Warehouse Receipt System:

a) 12 warehouses inspected and technical backstopping done;

b) 25 staff trained in Warehouse operations (warehouse keepers, eWRS Administrators, Samplers, Weighers and Graders) in 5 warehouses;

c) WRS Training materials developed;

d) 2000 sensitised on Quality Standards (EAS) for Maize and beans. 2. at least 7 0% of warehouse utilised;

e) 10 prospective warehouses evaluated;

f) Electronic Warehouse Receipt System hosted and customised;

B. Operational Trading Floor: a) Warehouse receipts traded on the Floor;

b) Trading Floor accessible for spot trading;

C. Capacity of WRSA and UCE Built: a) Staffing gaps reduced;

b) Operational support given;

c) Arbitration function supported;

D. Visibility: Increase uptake of WRS and UCE services through publicity; Total 271,445 GoU Development 271,445 External Financing 0 Output: 06 0281 Cooperatives Infrastructure Development

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost Refurbishment of Kiryandongo warehouse; Designs & BoQs for 20,000MT Silos (Cost) 1.0 15,000 Designs & BoQs for 5,000MT Warehouses (Cost) 1.0 10,000 Refurbishment of Kakumiro warehouse; Site Inspections for Construction & Refurbishment 4.0 65,600 (Cost/Quarter) Inspection of Sites for Construction and Refurbishment of warehouses to Refurbishment of Kakumiro warehouse 1.0 100,000 assess their suitability and proof of ownership; (Value/Phase) Refurbishment of Kiryandongo warehouse 1.0 57,500 Standard Architectural Design Plans and BOQs developed for 20,000MT (Value/Phase) Silos;

Standard Architectural Design Plans and BOQs developed for 5,000MT Warehouses;

(Comment: Pending matching resource allocation from MoFPED) Activities to Deliver Outputs: Pay for Capital works in refurbishment of the warehouse;

Pay for Actual works on refurbishment of the warehouse in respect to the BOQs received;

Contract an Architectural and Engineering Firm to develop the Designs and BoQs for 20,000MT Silos;

Contract an Architectural and Engineering Firm to develop the Designs and BoQs for 5,000MT Warehouses; Total 276,450 GoU Development 276,450

Vote Overview

68 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

Vote Function: 06 02 Cooperative Development Project 1203 Support to Warehouse Receipt System Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost (Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand External Financing 0 GRAND TOTAL 704,795 GoU Development 704,795 External Financing 0

Vote Overview

69 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

Vote Function: 06 04 Trade Development Vote Function Profile

Responsible Officer: Commissioners - Internal Trade and External Trade Services: This Vote Function is responsible for developing, coordinating, regulating, promoting and facilitating domestic and external trade with particular emphasis on export promotion and access to regional and international markets. Its main functions are to; • Initiate and formulate policies, legislation and strategies for domestic and external trade development; • Coordinate the design of policy interventions that promote the competitiveness of Ugandan products and services domestically and internationally; • Collaborate with other Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs), Development Partners, the Private Sector, Civil Society and Academia in the design and implementation of programmes and interventions to promote domestic, regional and international trade; • Facilitate export trade diversification and promotion of non-traditional exports; • Facilitate smooth flow of trade through provision of trade and market information; • Support capacity building, and participate in trade negotiations to secure and expand markets for Ugandan products and services; • Manage and coordinate multilateral (WTO), bilateral and regional trade and integration within COMESA, EAC and other regional economic communities; • Undertake and evaluate trade research, manage and disseminate trade information that promotes domestic and external trade; • Facilitate trade diversification and smooth flow of trade; • Initiate and negotiate bilateral/multilateral trade agreements arrangements in order to secure favorable terms for Uganda’s external trade; • Monitor trade practices and policies; evaluate trade research; and • Collaborate with Private Sector associations and Government Institutions in regulating trade. .

Vote Function Projects and Programmes: Project or Programme Name Responsible Officer Recurrent Programmes 07 External Trade Commissioner - External Trade 08 Internal Trade Commissioner – Internal Trade 16 Directorate of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Director - Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Development Projects 1162 Quality Infrastructure and Standards Programme Programme Manager - QUISP 1202 Enhancement of Market Access and Promotion of Value-Add Commissioner - External Trade 1245 Second Trade Capacity Enhancement Project Programme Manager - TRACE II 1246 District Commercial Services Support Project Project Manager - DICOSS 1291 Regional Integration Implementation Programme [RIIP] Supp Programme Manager - RIIP 1306 National Response Strategy on Elimination of Non Tariff Barr Commissioner - Internal Trade Programme 07 External Trade Programme Profile

Responsible Officer: Commissioner - External Trade

Objectives: This Department is responsible for developing, coordinating, regulating, promoting and facilitating external trade with particular emphasis on export promotion and access to international markets. Its main functions are to; • Initiate and formulate policies, legislation and strategies for external trade development;

Vote Overview

70 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

Vote Function: 06 04 Trade Development Programme 07 External Trade • Coordinate the design of policy interventions that promote the competitiveness of Ugandan products and services internationally; • Collaborate with other Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs), Development Partners, the Private Sector, Civil Society and Academia in the design and implementation of programmes and interventions to promote external trade; • Facilitate export trade diversification and promotion of non-traditional exports; • Facilitate smooth flow of trade through provision of trade and market information; • Manage and coordinate multilateral (WTO), bilateral and regional trade and integration within COMESA, EAC and other regional economic communities; • Undertake and evaluate trade research, manage and disseminate trade information that promotes external trade; • Initiate and negotiate bilateral/multilateral trade agreements and arrangements in order to secure favorable terms for Uganda‟s external trade; • Monitor trade practices and implementation of sectoral policies; and • Oversee the operations of the Uganda Export Promotion Board (UEPB) • Oversee the operations of the AGOA Unit in Uganda . Outputs: • Formulate Laws, Policies, Strategies and Plans that promote external trade for economic growth and development of the Country. • Monitor and Supervise the implementation of Policies, Laws and Strategies for sustainable external trade growth in the country. • Prudent trade negotiations for improved Terms of Trade for the Country. • Build capacity of Public Institutions and the Private Sector for external trade growth in the country. • Promote Economic integration and increased market access for external trade growth. • Provide and facilitate supporting infrastructure for external trade growth. .

Workplan Outputs for 2013/14 and 2014/15 Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15 Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and UShs Thousand Location) (Quantity and Location) Location) 06 04 01Trade Policies, Strategies Secure buy-in of Stakeholders A Draft Trade Fairs and Finalisation of the Competition and Monitoring Services on the Competition Exhibition Policy was Bill; Commisssion/Authority; developed; Enacting of a Bill to COMESA FTA Integration Uganda's Country report for the Domesticate the COMESA Response Strategy; COMESA Policy Organs Treaty; Meetings in Kinshasa, Improved Office welfare for Democratic Republic of Congo Enacting of a Bill to Domestic better service delivery; was developed and the WTO Bill; disseminated; Finalisation of Intellectual Uganda's progress report on Property Rights Policy; implementation of COMESA programmes was prepared and Trade Fair and Exhibition disseminated at the COMESA Policy Presented to Cabinet; Policy Organs Meetings; Engage in Negotiation for the The Ministry contributed to the US-EAC Trade and Investment development of the COMESA Treaty; Council of Ministers report with relevant decisions and Development of Trade in recommendations to guide Services Policy; implementation of COMESA Programmes;

Uganda participated in the development of the EAC Competition Policy with support from the EAC Secretariat; Vote Overview

71 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

Vote Function: 06 04 Trade Development Programme 07 External Trade Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15 Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and UShs Thousand Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)

Uganda Competition Bill forwarded to Cabinet for consideration;

The draft Free Zones Bill Reviewed;

Signed Implementation Agreement for the Regional Integration Implementation Programme (RIIP) under COMESA, and currently awaiting disbursement of funds. Recruitment of personnel, account opening, MoU signed, and disbursement requests were made;

Participated in the preparation of the COMESA Monitoring & Evaluation Framework Policy in Addis Ababa, and the National contribution to it;

Drafted and submitted to MoFPED a request for a Financial Implications Certificate for the Competition Policy and Bill;

Prepared Cabinet Memos for COMESA Summit, COMESA FTA and Tripartite, and submitted them to Cabinet;

Total 137,855 51,555 283,728 Wage Recurrent 90,000 26,543 150,264 Non Wage Recurrent 47,855 25,012 133,464

06 04 02Trade Negotiation Consensus on National Trade The Department of External Capacity of the National Trade Negotiating positions to Trade prepared for and Negotiation Team (NTNT) built strategically increase market participated in the 9th in Rules of Origin, Trade access for Ugandan goods and COMESA- EAC - SADC Facilitation and tariff services in foreign markets Tripartite Trade Negotiations liberalisation modalities; (Effective positioning of Forum (TTNF) in Walvis Bay, Uganda's products); Namibia; EAC-COMESA-SADC Tripartite Free Trade Area At this 9th Tripartite Trade Agreement concluded; Negotiations Forum; (1) Negotiations on the Uganda's Services Waiver Technical Working Group for request for LDCs submitted to the SPS/TBT/NTB Annex to the the World Trade Organisation Free Trade Area Agreement (WTO); were concluded COMESA Programmes and (2) Progress was made in the Activities coordinated, and negotiations on the Tariff Country Report prepared; Liberalization and Custom Cooperation Annex to the FTA Agreement

(3) Progress was made in the negotiations on the Rules of Origin Annex to the FTA Agreement

The Department also represented the People of Uganda at the EAC - EU Economic Partnership Agreement negotiations were it was agreed by all parties that a new formulation of the Article Vote Overview

72 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

Vote Function: 06 04 Trade Development Programme 07 External Trade Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15 Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and UShs Thousand Location) (Quantity and Location) Location) on Most Favoured Nation (MFN) be adopted;

The Ministry mobilised stakeholders and convened a stakeholders consultative meeting on the EAC - US Trade and Investment Partnership (TIP) Negotiations were stakeholder input into the EAC - US TIP draft texts i.e. Investment Treaty, Trade Facilitation agreement, SPS and TBT agreement as well as the text on continued capacity building was captured;

The Department represented the Country at the World Trade Organization (WTO) meeting in Davos, Switzerland were Uganda's interests in the International Trading System were articulated and her input considered to inform WTO policy;

1 (one) Commercial Officer was seconded to the World Trade Organization for Internship under the efforts on capacity building for staff in multilateral trade negotiations issues;

Developed National positions for Tripartite Trade Negotiations Forum (TTNF) through stakeholder Consultations;

National positions/ interests taken care of in the Tripartite Trade Negotiations Forum (TTNF) meetings with support from Trade Mark Southern Africa;

COMESA Trade Liberalisation Programme reviewed through consultation with services regulators;

COMESA National Consultations Questionnaire on COMESA Trade in Services Liberalization Program completed;

One staff trained in Trade and Negotiations Policy in Australia with Support from the Australian Government;

One staff trained in on Rules of Origin in Nairobi with Support from the WTO;

One staff trained in Trade Policy and Dispute Settlement with Support from the Trade Policy Centre in Africa (TRAPCA);

Development of National positions through stakeholder consultations to guide Economic Partnership Vote Overview

73 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

Vote Function: 06 04 Trade Development Programme 07 External Trade Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15 Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and UShs Thousand Location) (Quantity and Location) Location) Agreements (EPAs) Negotiations was not undertaken among other planned activities;

Continued participation in the Tripartite Negotiations to demonstrate, represent and lobby for Uganda's interests;

Participated in relevant committee meetings with South Sudan on Trade issues;

Participated in World Trade Organisation (WTO) Ministerial Conference in Bali in December 2013;

Hosted the Tripartite Trade Negotiating Fora (TTNA) Forum in Entebbe together with Tripartite in November 2013;

Organised and held a COMESA Infrastructure Conference in October 2013;

Participated in the review of the EAC Rules of Origin;

Total 131,041 48,182 206,266 Wage Recurrent 90,000 26,543 90,000 Non Wage Recurrent 41,041 21,640 116,266

06 04 51Access to Market (UEPB) Uganda Export Promotion Subvention made to Uganda Uganda Export Promotion Board (UEPB): Export Promotion Board Board (UEPB): (UEPB); Wages paid to UEPB staff; 5 local trade fairs will be held to 1. Provision of Trade Promotion promote and solicit products Office rent paid; Services: and producers to link to export • UEPB‟s participation at 21st markets; 5 Local Trade fairs held; Uganda International Trade Fair (UGITF) 2013; Strategic Market Linkages in An enhanced and nationally • International Trade Fair – priority markets will be done accessible SMS Export and Trade Fair of OIC member through outward missions. The Local market price information states October 28th to President's Export Award service (Export market November 1st in Tehran Iran; (PEA) will be organized. information services); • Export Push Platform (EPP) partnership with Equity Bank Trade Promotion materials & 5 printed market information Uganda Ltd; Publications will be tools availed at the Business • Inward Missions disseminated to Uganda‟s Community Reference Centre; • China-Africa Local Missions abroad; Government Cooperation Dialogue; Uganda will be represented in (Comment: Outputs pending • Inward Mission – Perdue EAC and COMESA Region and more resource allocation from Foods and dgm Holdings from International Trade Fairs; the resource envelope) USA – chicken processing for export; Seven hundred (700) informal • Shandong Sub Council – China traders will be integrated into Council for the promotion of the formal cross border trade International Trade (CCPIT); sector; • TPO Network Awards training; • Women Entrepreneurship The National Export Strategy Exhibition; will be revised and aligned to • Africa Regional Workshop – the National Development Plan, Fostering the participation of and monitored on performance; women vendors in procurement markets; Eight (8) companies will be • Networking with Importer supported to access the Asian from Ireland on export of Hides markets; and Skins from Uganda; • Trade Promotion Organisation 10 universities/colleges will be Network Awards Training – supported to market their Africa Region 9 countries services in 1 destination in the Vote Overview

74 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

Vote Function: 06 04 Trade Development Programme 07 External Trade Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15 Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and UShs Thousand Location) (Quantity and Location) Location) participated and shared best EAC region. Health care and practices to sustain export research services will be growth and development; marketed in the region; • Africa Regional Workshop – Fostering the participation of Twenty five (25) DCOs in each Women Vendors in of the 5 regions will be trained procurement markets; in Market Analysis and representatives from 20 Trade/Business Advisory; countries participated. Interaction with Government Five (5) technical officers will and Private Sector business be trained in Market Analysis people timely and strategic; and Trade Intelligence; • Women Involvement in Coffee Trade – Coffee farm visit by Twenty four (24) Ugandan International Women‟s Coffee companies producing value Alliance (IWCA) official; added products will be supported to access the regional 2. Promoting Development of markets of DR Congo and Export: South Sudan through the market • UEPB Client Relationship linked program; management; • Preparations for MarketLinked Producers of commercial 2013 Sales Mission in Kisumu, handicrafts will be organized Kenya for product and market for product development and diversification from 10th – 13th market access; November 2013; • To build SMEs capacities to Government contribution will export; be lobbied for six market access • Intervention to create Donor projects; sustainable exporter competitiveness in selected Twelve (12) SMEs coached potential sectors; a delegation through the Enterprise formed of UEPB, ITC and CBI development for export model; spent five working days meeting with different stakeholders‟ 150 SMEs will be trained in offices one on one basis as product specific packaging; opposed to workshop/conferences; this was Well maintained institutional to enable ample time to explore web promotional and needs per stakeholder/sector; communication tools;

3. Provision of Customer Export market information Advisory Services: material for visitors at various • Trade/Market Information annual trade fairs and events; Services; • Continuous access of different 25 export-ready MSMEs companies to preferential tariff assisted in developing online treatment with assistance to marketing and promotional comply with the Rules of Origin; tools; • Dissemination of information to various stakeholders 15 business opportunities especially SMEs; identified and disseminated to • Trade Promotion and SMEs per quarter; Institutional Publicity Support; • Meetings and Workshops; An enhanced and nationally • Project Related activities; accessible SMS Export and • 12 client walk-in clients were Local market price information registered in the Business service (Export market Community Reference Centre; information services); • 15 exporters registered or renewed their registration with Update online regional market UEPB; information portal - RISE • 46,721 website hits recorded in (Export market information the month of December – services); visitors mostly looking at the directory and National Export 5(five) printed market Strategy document; information tools availed at the • 1,805 preferential certificates Business Community Reference issued and endorsed for Centre; exporters; 4(four) export awareness clinics 4. Finance and Administration: focusing on EAC Common • Audit of FY 2012/13 Financial Market entry conducted; Statements by the AG; Institutional ICT infrastructure UEPB Administrative strengthened to enable better Overheads attended to; and cost-effective service Vote Overview

75 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

Vote Function: 06 04 Trade Development Programme 07 External Trade Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15 Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and UShs Thousand Location) (Quantity and Location) Location) delivery; Subvention to Uganda Export Promotion Board: 300 SME trained in tailored export readiness and dynamics; Provision of Trade Promotion Services: Upto 15 producer groups and Trade Promotion activities- rural MSMEs trained on export strategy for quality, labelling and packaging stakeholder/exporters dialogue; requirements; International trade fairs facilitation; Inward trade Wages paid to UEPB staff; missions; Outward trade missions; Market Information Office rent paid; Symposium. (Comment: Many of the outputs Promoting Development of awaiting increased financial Export: allocation from MoFPED) UEPB Client relationship management; monitoring of the implementation of the Coffee export strategy; MarketLinked Sales Mission for Western Kenya for product and market diversification; Built SMEs capacities to export.

Provision of Customer Advisory Services: Continuous access of different companies to preferential tariff treatment with assistance to comply with the Rules of Origin; Inspection of New export companies and products; Dissemination of information to various stakeholders especially SMEs.

Total 1,325,825 971,390 1,217,825 Wage Recurrent 0 0 0 Non Wage Recurrent 1,217,825 971,390 1,217,825 NTR 108,000 0 0 06 04 52Support to AGOA Subvention to AGOA Secretariat Subvention made to AGOA Guidance to local manufacturers Secretariat Secretariat; on how best to benefit from AGOA provided; AGOA staff represented Uganda's interests at the Quality Public Awareness created; seminar in Italy; Knowledge and skills of Participated in the EAC - US relevant technical officers Trade and Investment enhanced; Partnership (TIP) Negotiations in Bujumbura, Burundi where Conducive environment for staff Uganda's input into the EAC - maintained; US TIP draft texts i.e. Investment Treaty, Trade Facilitation agreement, SPS and TBT agreement;

AGOA secretariat organised a meeting with the new investors in the former Tri Star Apparels (Fine Spinners U Ltd) to jointly identify solutions to the challenges inherited from LAP and Tri Star;

Visited farmers growing cotton in Kasese to discover their challenges and jointy identify strategies to increase ouput;

Monitoring and Evaluation visits were made ot Mango Tree

Vote Overview

76 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

Vote Function: 06 04 Trade Development Programme 07 External Trade Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15 Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and UShs Thousand Location) (Quantity and Location) Location) (U) Ltd and TEXDA;

Monitoring of Presidential Initiatives on AGOA in Karamoja Region; Total 401,562 280,203 741,562 Wage Recurrent 0 0 0 Non Wage Recurrent 401,562 280,203 741,562

GRAND TOTAL 1,996,283 1,351,330 2,449,381 Wage Recurrent 180,000 53,085 240,264 Non Wage Recurrent 1,708,283 1,298,245 2,209,117 108,000 0 0 Annual Workplan for 2014/15 - Outputs, Activities, Inputs and their Cost Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost (Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand Output: 06 0401 Trade Policies, Strategies and Monitoring Services

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost Finalisation of the Competition Bill; Permanent Staff (Person Years) 5.0 150,264 Public Awareness Dialogue on Competition Bill 1.0 7,050 Enacting of a Bill to Domesticate the COMESA Treaty; (Value/Consultn) Stakeholder Consultn_Competition Bill 1.0 4,425 Enacting of a Bill to Domestic the WTO Bill; (Value/Consultn) Stakeholder Consultn_Trade Fair&Exhibitions 1.0 4,425 Finalisation of Intellectual Property Rights Policy; Policy (Value/Consultn) Stakeholder Consultn_US-EAC Trade&Investmt 1.0 4,175 Trade Fair and Exhibition Policy Presented to Cabinet; Treaty (Value/Consultn) Stakeholder Consultn_WTO Domestn Bill & IPR 1.0 4,425 Engage in Negotiation for the US-EAC Trade and Investment Treaty; Policy (Value/Consultn) TWG Prep of COMESA Implementation Bill 1.0 3,450 Development of Trade in Services Policy; (Value/Consultn) Activities to Deliver Outputs: Assorted Office Stationery (Value/Month) 12.0 2,400 Computer Accessories (Disks, toner, flash etc) 12.0 1,200 Stakeholder Sensitisation and consultations on the Competition Bill; (Value/Month) Fuels, Lubricants and Oils (2 MVs) (Value/Month) 12.0 12,000 Public Dialogue to create awareness of the General Public on Commpetion Bill; Office Telephone Airtime (4 Sets) (Value/Month) 12.0 4,800 Vehicle Maintenance (2 MVs) (Value/Month) 12.0 7,200 Preparation of the COMESA Implementation Bill by the TWG; Staff Welfare (Value/Officer) 20.0 8,640 Consolidated Allowances (Standing Orders Sect E- 8.0 52,370 Consultations withstakeholders on the WTO Domestication Bill and a) (Value/Quarter) Intellectual Property Rights Policy; Printing of the WTO Domestication Bill 3.0 9,000 (Value/Quarter) Printing of the WTO Domestication Bill; T.A-Tickets & Perdiem 4 days (Washington DC) 1.0 7,904 (Value/Trip) Stakeholder consultations to fine tune the Trade Fairs and Exhibition Total 283,728 Policy; Wage Recurrent 150,264 Stakeholder Consultations to Develop National Positions; Non Wage Recurrent 133,464 Output: 06 0402 Trade Negotiation

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost Capacity of the National Trade Negotiation Team (NTNT) built in Rules Permanent Staff (Person Years) 5.0 90,000 of Origin, Trade Facilitation and tariff liberalisation modalities; Stakeholder Consultn_COMESA Country Report 1.0 4,175 (Value/Consultn) EAC-COMESA-SADC Tripartite Free Trade Area Agreement concluded; Stakeholder Consultn_Services waiver & TIS 1.0 4,175 Policy (Value/Consultn) Uganda's Services Waiver request for LDCs submitted to the World Consolidated Allowances (Standing Orders Sect E- 4.0 41,120 Trade Organisation (WTO); a) (Value/Month) Consolidated Allowances (Standing Orders Sect E- 4.0 20,000 COMESA Programmes and Activities coordinated, and Country Report a) (Value/Quarter) prepared; Training of the NTNT (Value/Training) 1.0 9,800 Vote Overview

77 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

Vote Function: 06 04 Trade Development Programme 07 External Trade Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost (Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand Activities to Deliver Outputs: COMESA Policy Organs Meetings (Value/Trip) 1.0 24,516 Training of the NTNT in Rules of Origin, Trade Facilitation and tariff T.A - Perdiem_Tripartite FTA Agreemt Annexes 1.0 9,360 (Value/Trip) liberalisation modalities; T.A - Perdiem_Tripartite FTA Agreemt Framework 1.0 3,120 (Value/Trip) Negotiations of the EAC-COMESA-SADC Tripartite Free Trade Area Agreement Framework;

Negotiations of the Annexes to the EAC-COMESA-SADC Tripartite Free Trade Area Agreement (Rules of Origin, Trade remedies and Dispute Resolution, Customs Cooperation and Tariff Liberalisation);

Stakeholder Consultations with service suppliers to identify priority areas for waiver in the World Trade Organisation (WTO);

Stakeholder Consultations and sensitisation on the Trade in Services Policy;

Stakeholder consultations to prepare Country Report;

Participation in the COMESA Policy Organs Meetings; Total 206,266 Wage Recurrent 90,000 Non Wage Recurrent 116,266 Output: 06 0451 Access to Market (UEPB)

Planned Outputs: Grant or Transfer Cost Uganda Export Promotion Board (UEPB): UEPB funds for operations, utilities and planned 230,825 activites 5 local trade fairs will be held to promote and solicit products and Wage subvention to Uganda Export Promotion 987,000 producers to link to export markets; Board (UEPB)

Strategic Market Linkages in priority markets will be done through outward missions. The President's Export Award (PEA) will be organized.

Trade Promotion materials & Publications will be disseminated to Uganda‟s Missions abroad;

Uganda will be represented in EAC and COMESA Region and International Trade Fairs;

Seven hundred (700) informal traders will be integrated into the formal cross border trade sector;

The National Export Strategy will be revised and aligned to the National Development Plan, and monitored on performance;

Eight (8) companies will be supported to access the Asian markets;

10 universities/colleges will be supported to market their services in 1 destination in the EAC region. Health care and research services will be marketed in the region;

Twenty five (25) DCOs in each of the 5 regions will be trained in Market Analysis and Trade/Business Advisory;

Five (5) technical officers will be trained in Market Analysis and Trade Intelligence;

Twenty four (24) Ugandan companies producing value added products will be supported to access the regional markets of DR Congo and South Sudan through the market linked program;

Producers of commercial handicrafts will be organized for product development and market access;

Government contribution will be lobbied for six market access Donor projects; Vote Overview

78 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

Vote Function: 06 04 Trade Development Programme 07 External Trade Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost (Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand

Twelve (12) SMEs coached through the Enterprise development for export model;

150 SMEs will be trained in product specific packaging;

Well maintained institutional web promotional and communication tools;

Export market information material for visitors at various annual trade fairs and events;

25 export-ready MSMEs assisted in developing online marketing and promotional tools;

15 business opportunities identified and disseminated to SMEs per quarter;

An enhanced and nationally accessible SMS Export and Local market price information service (Export market information services);

Update online regional market information portal - RISE (Export market information services);

5(five) printed market information tools availed at the Business Community Reference Centre;

4(four) export awareness clinics focusing on EAC Common Market entry conducted;

Institutional ICT infrastructure strengthened to enable better and cost- effective service delivery;

300 SME trained in tailored export readiness and dynamics;

Upto 15 producer groups and rural MSMEs trained on export quality, labelling and packaging requirements;

Wages paid to UEPB staff;

Office rent paid;

(Comment: Many of the outputs awaiting increased financial allocation from MoFPED) Activities to Deliver Outputs: 5 local trade fairs will be held to promote and solicit products and producers to link to export markets;

Strategic Market Linkages in priority markets will be done through outward missions. The President's Export Award (PEA) will be organized.

Trade Promotion materials & Publications will be disseminated to Uganda‟s Missions abroad;

Uganda will be represented in EAC and COMESA Region and International Trade Fairs;

Seven hundred (700) informal traders will be integrated into the formal cross border trade sector;

The National Export Strategy will be revised and aligned to the National Development Plan, and monitored on performance;

Eight (8) companies will be supported to access the Asian markets;

10 universities/colleges will be supported to market their services in 1 destination in the EAC region. Health care and research services will be marketed in the region;

Twenty five (25) DCOs in each of the 5 regions will be trained in Market

Vote Overview

79 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

Vote Function: 06 04 Trade Development Programme 07 External Trade Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost (Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand Analysis and Trade/Business Advisory;

Five (5) technical officers will be trained in Market Analysis and Trade Intelligence;

Twenty four (24) Ugandan companies producing value added products will be supported to access the regional markets of DR Congo and South Sudan through the market linked program;

Producers of commercial handicrafts will be organized for product development and market access;

Government contribution will be lobbied for six market access Donor projects;

Twelve (12) SMEs coached through the Enterprise development for export model;

150 SMEs will be trained in product specific packaging;

Well maintained institutional web promotional and communication tools;

Export market information material for visitors at various annual trade fairs and events;

25 export-ready MSMEs assisted in developing online marketing and promotional tools;

15 business opportunities identified and disseminated to SMEs per quarter;

An enhanced and nationally accessible SMS Export and Local market price information service (Export market information services);

Update online regional market information portal - RISE (Export market information services);

5(five) printed market information tools availed at the Business Community Reference Centre;

4(four) export awareness clinics focusing on EAC Common Market entry conducted;

Institutional ICT infrastructure strengthened to enable better and cost- effective service delivery;

300 SME trained in tailored export readiness and dynamics;

Upto 15 producer groups and rural MSMEs trained on export quality, labelling and packaging requirements;

Wages paid to UEPB staff;

Office rent paid;

Provide Administrative support services; Total 1,217,825 Wage Recurrent 0 Non Wage Recurrent 1,217,825 Output: 06 0452 Support to AGOA Secretariat

Planned Outputs: Grant or Transfer Cost Guidance to local manufacturers on how best to benefit from AGOA AGOA Secretariat funds for operations, utilities and 741,562 provided; workplans

Public Awareness created;

Vote Overview

80 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

Vote Function: 06 04 Trade Development Programme 07 External Trade Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost (Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand Knowledge and skills of relevant technical officers enhanced;

Conducive environment for staff maintained; Activities to Deliver Outputs: Provide Subvention to AGOA Secretariat;

Conduct 10 monitoring visits to factories and companies exporting to the US Market in the 5 regions of the country;

Conduct sensitisation meetings for stakeholders in both the Private and Public sectors on the opportunities AGOA offers;

Publish AGOA Newsletter

Publish Newspaper supplements on AGOA and Market trends;

Maitain AGOA Country website;

held radio talk shows on various local FM Radio Stations;

Attend th annual AGOA forum in the USA;

Participate in EAC consultations;

Conduct study tours/fact finding missions for 5 technical officers to Kenya, Nigeria, Tanzania, and Ethiopia;

Maintain office premises and conducive working environment; Total 741,562 Wage Recurrent 0 Non Wage Recurrent 741,562 GRAND TOTAL 2,449,381 Wage Recurrent 240,264 Non Wage Recurrent 2,209,117

Vote Overview

81 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

Vote Function: 06 04 Trade Development Programme 08 Internal Trade Programme Profile

Responsible Officer: Commissioner – Internal Trade

Objectives: This Department is responsible for developing, coordinating, regulating, promoting and facilitating domestic trade. Its main functions are to; • Initiate and formulate policies, legislation and strategies for domestic trade development; • Coordinate the design of policy interventions that promote the competitiveness of Ugandan products and services domestically and internationally; • Collaborate with other Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs), Development Partners, the Private Sector, Civil Society and Academia in the design and implementation of programmes and interventions to promote domestic trade; • Facilitate smooth flow of trade through provision of trade and market information; • Support capacity building, and participate in trade negotiations to secure and expand markets for Ugandan products and services; • Manage and coordinate integration within COMESA, EAC and other regional economic communities; • Undertake and evaluate trade research, manage and disseminate trade information that promotes domestic trade; • Facilitate trade diversification and smooth flow of trade; • Monitor trade practices and policies; evaluate trade research; and • Collaborate with Private Sector associations and Government Institutions in regulating trade. . Outputs: • Formulate Laws, Policies, Strategies and Plans that promote a competitive private sector for economic growth and development of the Country. • Monitor and Supervise the implementation of Policies, Laws and Strategies for sustainable growth of domestic trade in the country. • Build capacity of Public Institutions and the Private Sector for domestic trade growth in the country. • Support market research and provision of trade information. • Promote Economic integration and increased market access for domestic trade growth. • Provide and facilitate supporting infrastructure for domestic trade growth. .

Workplan Outputs for 2013/14 and 2014/15 Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15 Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and UShs Thousand Location) (Quantity and Location) Location) 06 04 01Trade Policies, Strategies Draft Sale of Goods and Supply 2,000 Certificates of approval Draft Sale of Goods and Supply and Monitoring Services of Services Bill submitted to for the acquisition of Trade of Services Bill submitted to Parliament; Licences by foreign traders Cabinet; were printed; Competition and Consumer Competition and Consumer Protection Policy submitted to Hire Purchase forms and Protection Policy submitted to Cabinet; Licenses printed; Cabinet;

Draft Intellectual Property Travelling Wholesaler's Trade Licensing Amendment Policy submitted to Cabinet; application forms and Licences Bill submitted to Parliament for printed; debate and technical support Draft Trade Licensing offered; Amendment Bill submitted to Press release on the issuance of Parliament; Hire purchase and Travelling Buy Uganda Build Uganda Wholesalers Licenses designed Policy submitted to Cabinet for Travelling Wholesalers and and disseminated in the press; discussion and technical support Hawkers Application forms and offered; licenses developed; A verification report on stocks of tobacco was compiled; 1000 Travelling Wholesalers Districts sensitized on the new and Hawkers Application forms Trade Licensing Statutory The Trade Licensing and licenses printed and issued;

Vote Overview

82 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

Vote Function: 06 04 Trade Development Programme 08 Internal Trade Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15 Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and UShs Thousand Location) (Quantity and Location) Location) Instruments; Amendment Bill at Parliamentary Sessional 500 Hire Purchase Application Draft Hire Purchases Committee; forms and licences printed and Regulations; issued; Technical Officers from the Hire Purchases application Ministry met with the 50 members of the Business forms and licenses; Parliamentary Committee to Community and other discuss the Trade Licensing stakeholders sensitised on the Monitoring and supervision Ammendment Bill with support Hire Purchases Law and reports on implementation and from the EIF funded TRACE II Regulations; enforcement of commercial programme; laws policies, plans and 20 District Local Governments programmes; Competition and Consumer monitored and supervised on Protection Policy and Bill the implementation and Performance Monitoring and awaiting a Certificate of enforcement of Commercial Evaluation reports on utilisation Financial Implications from Laws Policies, Plans and of the District Commercial Ministry of Finance, Planning programs; Services Conditional Grant; and Econ. Devt; 15 District Local Governments (Comment: Outputs Pending Regulations for the Hire monitored and evaluated on more resource allocation from Purchases Act were finalised utilisation of the District Trade the envelope) and Cabinet directed the and Commercial Services Ministry to start issuing the Conditional Grants; relevant licenses;

Designs for the Hire Purchases application forms and licenses were finalised;

The Ministry compiled and submitted to MoLG the sector's contribution to the National LG Service Delivery Assessment Tool on Minimum Service Delivery Standards;

The Ministry participated in the Local Governments Negotiations Meeting in preparation for FY 2014/15 organised by Local Government Finance Commission to represent Sector views for District Commercial Offices in Local Governments;

1,000 Trade Licensing Certificates for foreign traders and 2 registers printed;

Trade Licensing Guidelines for foreign traders developed and disseminated;

A Half page Press Release on the new Trade Licensing Guidelines for Foreign Traders published in the Daily Monitor Newspaper;

Undertook awareness exercise on Prosperity For All to District Commercial Officers;

2 meetings of the National Services Taskforce were held to identify appropriate strategies for the Trade-in-Services Policy and Master Plan Zero drafts;

Prepared a Concept/Background Note on the relevance of a National Services Taskforce, a National Trade-in-Services Policy and Master Plan;

Vote Overview

83 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

Vote Function: 06 04 Trade Development Programme 08 Internal Trade Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15 Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and UShs Thousand Location) (Quantity and Location) Location) Collaborated with URA, MoLG and LGFC to prepare a harmonised position on utilising the Trade Licensing Act to enforce Presumptive Tax. As part of the initial phase, a draft program for teams from URA, URSB and KCCA to move to City for identification of clients for TIN and Business Name registration was prepared;

Hire Purchases application forms and licenses finalised and printed;

Performance Monitoring and supervision of implementation of the National Trade Policy in 6 districts in Eastern Uganda;

Undertook verification of stocks of tobacco in Kanungu and Hoima Districts;

Prepared Supermarket Survey Report on the assessment of shelf space for locally produced goods - Identifying challenges and solutions;

A Half page Press Release on the new Trade Licensing Guidelines for Foreign Traders published in the Daily Monitor Newspaper;

Total 105,393 52,035 240,356 Wage Recurrent 42,087 12,412 93,551 Non Wage Recurrent 63,306 39,623 146,805

06 04 04Trade Information and Authentic National Business Data collection exercise for Trade Licensing data collected Product Market Research Register; foreign traders applying for from 20 municipalities for trading licenses continued; development of an Authentic Study on preferences offered by National Business Register; the People's Republic of China; A preliminary report on the data collection exercise conducted in A Research report on 3 Non- 2013 for foreign traders was Traditional products for produced; domestic consumption and export; Analysis of preliminary findings for the data collected in 2013 Increased awareness and from foreign traders was promotion of Local products in conducted; the domestic, regional and international markets; A draft of the Diagnostic Trade Integration Study II was developed; (Comment: Outputs Pending more resource allocation from Study on Uganda‟s coffee value the envelope) chain conducted under the framework of the National Export Strategy; Total 47,520 16,613 90,055 Wage Recurrent 30,000 8,848 40,000 Non Wage Recurrent 17,520 7,765 50,055

06 04 05Economic Intergration Implementation of the EAC Internal consultative meetings Non-Tariff Barriers to Trade and Market Access Common Market; with traders and associations on identified, monitored and (Bilateral, Regional and upcoming developments in the verified for redress at 6 border Multilateral) implementation of the EAC posts on a Quarterly basis; (Comment: Outputs Pending Common Market Protocol; more resource allocation from Uganda's position presented to Vote Overview

84 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

Vote Function: 06 04 Trade Development Programme 08 Internal Trade Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15 Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and UShs Thousand Location) (Quantity and Location) Location) the envelope) the EAC Technical, Sectoral and Summit meetings; Total 88,145 30,109 100,870 Wage Recurrent 60,000 17,695 60,000 Non Wage Recurrent 28,146 12,413 40,870

GRAND TOTAL 241,058 98,757 431,281 Wage Recurrent 132,087 38,955 193,551 Non Wage Recurrent 108,971 59,802 237,730

Annual Workplan for 2014/15 - Outputs, Activities, Inputs and their Cost Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost (Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand Output: 06 0401 Trade Policies, Strategies and Monitoring Services

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost Draft Sale of Goods and Supply of Services Bill submitted to Cabinet; Embossing Machine (Cost/Piece) 2.0 1,000 Design & Devt_Travelling Wholesalers 4.0 400 Competition and Consumer Protection Policy submitted to Cabinet; Appns&License (Cost/Set) Stamps_Travelling Wholesaler & Hire Purchase 4.0 80 Trade Licensing Amendment Bill submitted to Parliament for debate and (Cost/Stamp) technical support offered; Sensitization Workshop_Hire Purchase Law & 1.0 5,870 Regultn (Cost/Workshop) Buy Uganda Build Uganda Policy submitted to Cabinet for discussion and Permanent Staff (Person Years) 8.0 93,551 technical support offered; Stakeholder Constn_Sale of Gds & Consumer 3.0 12,600 Protectn (Value/Consultn) 1000 Travelling Wholesalers and Hawkers Application forms and licenses Hire Purchase_Application Forms (Value/Copy) 500.0 2,500 printed and issued; Hire Purchase_Licenses (Value/Copy) 500.0 2,500 Printing Copies_Buy Uganda Build Uganda Policy 1,000.0 3,000 500 Hire Purchase Application forms and licences printed and issued; (Value/Copy) Printing Copies_Sale of Gds & Consumer 200.0 1,000 50 members of the Business Community and other stakeholders sensitised Protection (Value/Copy) on the Hire Purchases Law and Regulations; Printing Copies_Trade Licensing Act Amendment 1,000.0 3,000 (Value/Copy) 20 District Local Governments monitored and supervised on the Travelling Wholesalers_Application Forms 1,000.0 2,000 implementation and enforcement of Commercial Laws Policies, Plans and (Value/Copy) programs; Travelling Wholesalers_Licenses (Value/Copy) 1,000.0 5,000 Assorted Stationery (Value/Month) 12.0 2,400 15 District Local Governments monitored and evaluated on utilisation of the District Trade and Commercial Services Conditional Grants; Computer Accessories (Disks, toner, flash etc) 12.0 1,200 (Value/Month) Activities to Deliver Outputs: Fuels Lubricants and Oils (1 MV) (Value/Month) 12.0 6,000 Organise and hold 3 consultative meetings for 30 key participants on Office Telephone Airtime (4 Sets) (Value/Month) 12.0 4,800 Consumer Protection, Sale of Goods and Supply of Services for each Vehicle Maintenance (1 MV) (Value/Month) 12.0 3,600 meeting; Staff Welfare (Value/Officer) 20.0 8,640 Printing of draft copies of Sale of Goods and Supply of Services Bill and Consolidated Allowances (Standing Orders Sect E- 4.0 40,000 a) (Value/Quarter) Competition and Consumer Protection Policy; Hire Purchase Dispute Management Board 4.0 6,120 Meetings (Value/Quarter) Printing and gazetting the Trade Licensing Amendment Bill; M&E Field Visits on Commercial Regulatory 4.0 8,675 Practice (Value/Quarter) Printing and gazetting the Buy Uganda Build Uganda Policy; M&E Field Visits on Conditional Grant Utilization 4.0 18,800 (Value/Quarter) Develop, Type-set and Print the Travelling Wholesalers Application Forms and Licenses; Receipt Books for Applications and Issuances 2.0 1,500 (Value/Quarter) Facilitate Office Administrative costs for Implementing the Travelling Travelling Wholesalers License Appeals Board 4.0 6,120 mtgs (Value/Quarter) Wholesalers Licenses;

Facilitate Appeals Board meetings for the Travelling Wholesalers Licenses;

Develop, Type-set and Print the Hire Purchase Application Forms and Licenses;

Vote Overview

85 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

Vote Function: 06 04 Trade Development Programme 08 Internal Trade Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost (Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand Facilitate Office Administrative costs for Implementing the Hire Purchase Licenses;

Facilitate Dispute Settlement Board meetings for the Hire Purchase Licenses;

Organise and Hold a 1 day sensitization workshop on Hire Purchases Law and Regulations;

Undertake Quarterly M&E Field Exercises to 20 District Local Governments on the implementation and enforcement of Commercial Laws Policies, Plans and programs;

Undertake Quarterly M&E Field Exercises to 15 District Local Governments on utilisation of the District Trade and Commercial Services Conditional Grants; Total 240,356 Wage Recurrent 93,551 Non Wage Recurrent 146,805 Output: 06 0404 Trade Information and Product Market Research

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost Trade Licensing data collected from 20 municipalities for development of Permanent Staff (Person Years) 2.0 40,000 an Authentic National Business Register; Consolidated Allowances (Standing Orders Sect E- 4.0 40,000 a) (Value/Quarter) Activities to Deliver Outputs: Data Collection Exercise on Trade Licensing 4.0 10,055 Collect data from 20 municipalities to develop an Authentic National (Value/Quarter) Business Register; Total 90,055 Wage Recurrent 40,000 Non Wage Recurrent 50,055 Output: 06 0405 Economic Intergration and Market Access (Bilateral, Regional and Multilateral)

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost Non-Tariff Barriers to Trade identified, monitored and verified for redress T.A-Representation of Uganda Trade Issues at 4.0 5,000 at 6 border posts on a Quarterly basis; EAC (Allocation/Qtr) Permanent Staff (Person Years) 2.0 60,000 Uganda's position presented to the EAC Technical, Sectoral and Summit Consolidated Allowances (Standing Orders Sect E- 4.0 31,090 meetings; a) (Value/Quarter) Activities to Deliver Outputs: NTB Verification Exercises (Value/Quarter) 4.0 4,780 Conduct 4 Quarterly Non-Tariff Barrier verification visits at 6 border posts;

Participate in the EAC Technical, sector Council, Council and Summit meetings; Total 100,870 Wage Recurrent 60,000 Non Wage Recurrent 40,870 GRAND TOTAL 431,281 Wage Recurrent 193,551 Non Wage Recurrent 237,730

Vote Overview

86 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

Vote Function: 06 04 Trade Development Programme 16 Directorate of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Programme Profile

Responsible Officer: Director - Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

Objectives: The Directorate is responsible for formulation and implementation of trade, cooperatives and industry policies and plans. It is also responsible for coordinating, supervising and facilitating activities that promote these policies and plans. The main functions of the Directorate are to: • Coordinate formulation, implementation and evaluation of policies and plans for sustainable development and growth of the Trade, Cooperatives and Industry sectors; • Coordinate establishment and enforcement of regulations and standards for quality assurance for service programmes of the Trade, Industry and Cooperatives; • Coordinate review and updating of policies and plans for Trade, Industry and Cooperatives sectors; • Evaluate sector information holdings available on Trade, Industry and Cooperatives sectors for publication and dissemination; • Coordinate, promote and support establishment of linkages and partnerships with the private sector and other MDAs to enhance values and benefits from Trade, Industry and Cooperatives activities; • Coordinate and support Uganda‟s trade missions abroad; • Manage resource planning and utilization as well as optimization of synergies across the directorate; and • Oversee ratification and implementation of international conventions, treaties and agreements on Trade, Industry and Cooperatives that are of interest to the Country. . Outputs: • Coordinate Laws, Policies, Strategies and Plans formulation for the sector to promote Trade, Cooperatives as well as Industrial and Technological growth. • Monitor and Supervise the implementation of these Policies, Laws and Strategies for sustainable Trade, Cooperatives, Industrial and Technological growth in the Country. .

Workplan Outputs for 2013/14 and 2014/15 Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15 Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and UShs Thousand Location) (Quantity and Location) Location) 06 04 01Trade Policies, Strategies 1. Coordinated policies, Leadership & guidance in the 1. Coordinated formulation, and Monitoring Services workplans, strategies coordination of policy and implementation and monitoring workplan implementation for of Government Policies, the Departments of Internal and Programmes and Strategies External Trade, Industry and according to Sector Workplans; Technology provided; 2. Performance management of Technical guidance/monitoring Technical Departments of visits were made to 8 Internal Trade, External Trade, processing enterprises in Cooperatives Development and Luwero, Kiryadongo, Masindi Industry and Technology, along & Hoima and a report was with their affiliated Agencies, produced to inform strategic including UEPB, UNBS, UDC, policy intervention; UIRI, MTAC, WRSA/UCE, the AGOA Secretariat and UIA; The Director led these missions which had Technical Staff from the Ministry and the corresponding District Commercial Officers;

Total 58,474 20,905 122,062 Wage Recurrent 26,295 7,755 38,054 Non Wage Recurrent 32,180 13,150 84,008

Vote Overview

87 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

Vote Function: 06 04 Trade Development Programme 16 Directorate of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives GRAND TOTAL 58,474 20,905 122,062 Wage Recurrent 26,295 7,755 38,054 Non Wage Recurrent 32,180 13,150 84,008

Annual Workplan for 2014/15 - Outputs, Activities, Inputs and their Cost Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost (Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand Output: 06 0401 Trade Policies, Strategies and Monitoring Services

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost 1. Coordinated formulation, implementation and monitoring of Welfare and Entertainment (Annual Cost) 2.0 864 Government Policies, Programmes and Strategies according to Sector Assorted Stationery (Monthly Cost) 12.0 2,400 Workplans; Computer Consumables (Disks, toner, flash etc) 12.0 1,200 (Months) 2. Performance management of Technical Departments of Internal Trade, Consolidated Allowances (Standing Orders Sect E- 12.0 25,080 External Trade, Cooperatives Development and Industry and Technology, a) (Months) along with their affiliated Agencies, including UEPB, UNBS, UDC, UIRI, Permanent Staff (Person Years) 4.0 38,054 MTAC, WRSA/UCE, the AGOA Secretariat and UIA; Directorate Meetings (Qtrs) 4.0 10,000 Telephone Airtime (Value/Month) 12.0 2,400 Activities to Deliver Outputs: Vehicle Maintenance and Repairs (Value/Month) 12.0 3,600 1. Coordinated formulation, implementation and monitoring of Airtickets and Allowances (Value/Quarter) 4.0 22,464 Government Policies, Programmes and Strategies according to Sector Fuels, Lubricants and Oils (Value/Quarter) 4.0 6,000 Workplans; Perdiem for Staff (Value/Quarter) 4.0 10,000

2. Performance management of Technical Departments of Internal Trade, Total 122,062 External Trade, Cooperatives Development and Industry and Technology, Wage Recurrent 38,054 along with their affiliated Agencies, including UEPB, UNBS, UDC, UIRI, Non Wage Recurrent 84,008 GRAND TOTAL 122,062 Wage Recurrent 38,054 Non Wage Recurrent 84,008

Vote Overview

88 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

Vote Function: 06 04 Trade Development Project 1162 Quality Infrastructure and Standards Programme Project Profile

Responsible Officer: Programme Manager - QUISP

Objectives: The overall programme objective is “to promote the use of Quality Infrastructure and Standards so as to improve the competitiveness of Uganda‟s products, processes and service delivery systems in domestic, regional and international markets.” . The Specific Objectives to achieve this include: • To develop a policy for Standardization and review strategies for effective policy implementation; • To develop a comprehensive and effective legal framework for the implementation and enforcement of standards and quality control measures; • To establish an effective coordination mechanism with clearly defined mandates and responsibilities for the different actors in the Standards and Quality area; • To rationalize the institutional set up of service providers for standards development, conformity assessment and measurement services; • To enhance public awareness on standards, quality products and best practices; . Outputs: This programme is structured in five components (C1 – C5) and is based on priorities set by stakeholders from the private, public and development partners through a consultative process which was held in December 2008. . To achieve the programme objective the following programme outputs are expected: • A National Standards and Quality Policy (C1); • A National Standards and Quality Strategy (C1); • A National SPS Policy (C1); • Relevant legislation enacted (C2); • Sector wide coordination modalities and rationalized, delineated mandates (C3); • A National Standards and Quality Forum (C3); • Inventories of standards and Quality service providers in Uganda (C4); • A coherent resource plan (C4); • A standards and quality Communication strategy (C5); • Education Curricula and training materials at various education levels (C5); . Start Date: 1/1/2010 Projected End Date: 12/31/2014 Donor Funding for Project:

MTEF Projections 2012/13 2013/14 Projected Donor Allocations (UShs) Budget Budget 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 543 Sweden 2.950 0.333 0.000 0.000 0.000 Total Donor Funding for Project 2.950 0.333 0.000 0.000 0.000 Workplan Outputs for 2013/14 and 2014/15 Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15 Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and UShs Thousand Location) (Quantity and Location) Location) 06 04 01Trade Policies, Strategies 1. SPS Policy and Standards Component 1: Development of 1. SPS Policy approved by and Monitoring Services Policy approved by Cabinet; the National Standards and Cabinet; Quality and Review of the draft 2. National Standards and Standards Strategy and Other 2. National Standards and Quality Infrastructure and SPS Related Policies: Quality Infrastructure and SPS policies disseminated to a) Advanced revised National policies disseminated to stakeholders; Standards and Quality Policy stakeholders; Implementation Plan (NSQPIP) Vote Overview

89 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

Vote Function: 06 04 Trade Development Project 1162 Quality Infrastructure and Standards Programme Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15 Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and UShs Thousand Location) (Quantity and Location) Location) 3. A comprehensively up to date have been finalized awaiting the 3. A comprehensively up to date legal and regulatory framework TA input to develop information legal and regulatory framework on SMCA infrastructure paper for submission to cabinet on SMCA infrastructure developed; by the end of January 2014. developed; This therefore implies that the comprehensive implementation of the approved NSQP will be fully embarked on once the NSQPIP has been approved by cabinet. b) Terms of references calling for the provision of printing and distribution of the NSQPIP to relevant stakeholders will be forwarded to the MTIC procurement team for further management by the end of January 2014. c) A five day taskforce retreat aimed at finalizing the drafting of the SPS Policy and its implementation plan is scheduled to take place in Entebbe between 27th - 31st January 2014. A concept note has been shared inputs given and the preparations are underway.

Component 2: Legal and Regulatory Framework Review. a) A taskforce retreat composed of officers from Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs, the Uganda Law Reform Commission, the Uganda National Bureau of Standards and MTIC was held from 2nd -6th December, 2013 to: Review stakeholders‟ comments on the draft Accreditation Bill and integrate them in the final draft; Prepare Cabinet Information Papers to forward the Principles and Objectives of the above bills to Cabinet Secretariat; Prepare for stakeholder consultations on the draft Industrial and Legal Metrology Bills. b) A consultative meeting with Members of Parliament and other stakeholders aimed at gathering review inputs on the draft principles for the accreditation and metrology bills is scheduled to take place on the 18th February 2014.

Total 327,624 41,819 64,579 GoU Development 45,373 41,819 64,579 External Financing 282,251 0 0

06 04 03Capacity building for 1. Twenty (20) service Component 3: Coordination of 1. Service providers Trade Facilitating providers strengthened; Standardisation Stakeholders. strengthened; Institutions a) Preparations by MTIC in 2. Forty (40) standards for most liaison with the Office of the 2. Standards for most traded in traded in products within EAC Prime Minister and MoFPED to products within EAC market Vote Overview

90 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

Vote Function: 06 04 Trade Development Project 1162 Quality Infrastructure and Standards Programme Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15 Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and UShs Thousand Location) (Quantity and Location) Location) market harmonised; submit a cabinet paper that will harmonised; among other issues propose on 3. GLOBAL GAP standards the format that will be used to 3. GLOBAL GAP standards implemented; institutionalize the SMCA implemented; coordination forum among 4. Operational National different stakeholders are in 4. Operational National Accreditation Unit; advanced stages. However a Accreditation Unit; preliminary consultative 5. Road map leading to meeting is scheduled to take 5. Road map leading to establishment of a National place on the 23/01/2014 in the establishment of a National Accreditation Body developed; MTIC boardroom . Accreditation Body developed; b) The programme actively 6. UNBS technical labaratory participated in the launch of (Comment: Funds insufficient) abilities enhanced; standards in the sectors of coffee i.e. Uganda Standard (Comment: Funds insufficient) 1536;2013 code of practice for prevention and reduction of ochratoxin A contamination in coffee, and Uganda Standard 923:2013 code of practice for the horticulture industry. Development of the two standards had been accomplished by support from the ABi Trust and was launched on the 13th December 2013. c) The guidelines and procedures were circulated that prospective institutions and individuals wishing to attend and represent Uganda‟s SMCA interests and positions in international meetings must adhere to when applying for QUISP sponsorship. Based on the same guidelines, the programme will continue to facilitate (on a “first come, first serve basis”). The deadline for submission is 31st December 2013. d) A boardroom meeting between management personnel of MTIC, OPM, MoFPED, PSFU and UCC to discuss and review the TA draft paper on the restructuring of the National SMCA framework is scheduled to take place on the 21st January 2014. The objective of this meeting will aim at laying strategies on how best to undertake the restructuring of the Ugandan SMCA framework to ensure that its operations are harmonized to the prevailing international best practices. e) In collaboration with UNBS, preparations are underway to organize SMCA benchmarking study tours for the technical management teams of the relevant MDAS. This activity is scheduled to take place in the last quarter of the financial year 2013/2014 (commencing in late April 2014).

Component 4: Capacity Development of Service Providers from the Standards and Quality Infrastructure Area. a) A stakeholder reviewed study report detailing findings on the capacity and inventory of testing and calibration Vote Overview

91 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

Vote Function: 06 04 Trade Development Project 1162 Quality Infrastructure and Standards Programme Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15 Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and UShs Thousand Location) (Quantity and Location) Location) laboratories was conducted in October 2013 . The findings of the study were as illustrated as; Majority of the laboratories (over 88%) are publicly owned with the majority of them (72%) being for research purposes with the remainder handling conformity assessment checks; 40% of potential clients lack awareness of the services that can be accessed through local laboratories and ignorantly opt for the more expensive foreign laboratory services; Very few laboratories are actually accredited to standards such as ISO17025 that is concerned with verifying the competence of testing and calibration laboratories. b) MTIC in liaison with UNBS has drawn up a schedule that will be used in the monitoring and evaluation selected Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) throughout the whole country. The objective of these audit visits to determine the effect of the MSME capacity enhancement trainings that were conducted during the 2010/2011 and 2011/2012 financial years. As regards 2013/2014, the first of such exercises is scheduled to take place from 09/01/2014 to 11/01/2014 in Western Uganda (similar audit visits to other regions of the country are scheduled to take place in the third and fourth quarters of the 2013/2014 financial year). c) Procurement of analytical equipment for UNBS laboratories is in advanced stages with the first batch have already arrived in the country and currently undergoing customs clearance procedures at Entebbe International Airport (see annex 1 for the list of equipment expected to be received). It is envisaged that the procured equipment once installed will enhance the capacity and efficiency of UNBS to perform its‟ SMCA regulatory and monitoring roles, functions and mandates. d) A staff capacity enhancement schedule was drawn up in collaboration with UNBS and with assistance for the international Technical Assistance Expert. The PMU has received a related requisition and is currently organizing for the implementation of additional training of staff from relevant MDAS and key private sector in the latest developments in the areas of SMCA at the international level. These trainings will include among others benchmarking Vote Overview

92 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

Vote Function: 06 04 Trade Development Project 1162 Quality Infrastructure and Standards Programme Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15 Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and UShs Thousand Location) (Quantity and Location) Location) placements, classroom lessons etc and are scheduled to commence in the third and fourth quarters of the 2013/2014 financial year. Relevant staff training will increase the capacity and efficiency of SMCA monitoring and regulatory services that will be offered by the respective mandated MDAS. This will consequently increase on the compliance of Ugandan products and services to internationally set standards resulting in an increased competitiveness of the Ugandan economy. e) Strategic interventions aimed at building the Capacity of the National Accreditation System are expected to commence in January 2014.

Total 49,950 43,500 70,000 GoU Development 49,950 43,500 70,000 External Financing 0 0 0

GRAND TOTAL 377,574 85,318 134,579 GoU Development 95,323 85,318 134,579 External Financing 282,251 0 0

Annual Workplan for 2014/15 - Outputs, Activities, Inputs and their Cost Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost (Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand Output: 06 0401 Trade Policies, Strategies and Monitoring Services

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost 1. SPS Policy approved by Cabinet; Advertising and PR (Value/Quarter) 4.0 1 Allowances (Value/Quarter) 4.0 20,577 2. National Standards and Quality Infrastructure and SPS policies Assorted Office Stationery (Value/Quarter) 4.0 2,000 disseminated to stakeholders; Consultancy Services - Short Term (Value/Quarter) 4.0 1 Field Work (Value/Quarter) 4.0 10,000 3. A comprehensively up to date legal and regulatory framework on Fuel, Lubricants and Oils (Value/Quarter) 4.0 10,000 SMCA infrastructure developed; Telephone Airtime (Value/Quarter) 4.0 1,000 Activities to Deliver Outputs: Travel Abroad (Value/Quarter) 4.0 1,000 1. SPS Policy approved by Cabinet; Workshops and Seminars (Value/Quarter) 4.0 20,000

2. National Standards and Quality Infrastructure and SPS policies disseminated to stakeholders;

3. A comprehensively up to date legal and regulatory framework on SMCA infrastructure developed; Total 64,579 GoU Development 64,579 External Financing 0 Output: 06 0403 Capacity building for Trade Facilitating Institutions

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost 1. Service providers strengthened; Capacity Building Workshops and Seminars 4.0 70,000 (Value/Quarter) 2. Standards for most traded in products within EAC market harmonised;

Vote Overview

93 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

Vote Function: 06 04 Trade Development Project 1162 Quality Infrastructure and Standards Programme Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost (Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand 3. GLOBAL GAP standards implemented;

4. Operational National Accreditation Unit;

5. Road map leading to establishment of a National Accreditation Body developed;

(Comment: Funds insufficient) Activities to Deliver Outputs: 1. Service providers strengthened;

2.Standards for most traded in products within EAC market harmonised;

3. GLOBAL GAP standards implemented;

4. Operational National Accreditation Unit;

5. Road map leading to establishment of a National Accreditation Body developed; Total 70,000 GoU Development 70,000 External Financing 0 GRAND TOTAL 134,579 GoU Development 134,579 External Financing 0

Vote Overview

94 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

Vote Function: 06 04 Trade Development Project 1202 Enhancement of Market Access and Promotion of Value-Added Exports Project Profile

Responsible Officer: Commissioner - External Trade

Objectives: The overall objective of the project is to position Uganda to fully exploit the market opportunities created by regional integration, promote value addition and wealth creation. . The specific objectives of the project are; • To increase Uganda‟s competitiveness in, and penetration of regional markets; • To develop and enhance the capacity of MSMEs to take advantage of the existing and potential regional markets; • To enhance value addition and promotion of high value exports to the regional markets; . Outputs: The expected outputs of this project include: • Annual increase of Uganda‟s exports to regional markets of at least 35%; • Four cross border markets established at the Uganda-Sudan (Nimule), Uganda-Kenya (Malaba), Uganda-DRC (Mpondwe), and Uganda-Rwanda (Katuna) borders; • Employment creation, mainly for the youths and women; • Increased exportation of value added products; • Approximately 5,000 MSMEs developed over four years, and increased transformation of the informal sector/enterprises to the formal sector/enterprises; • Expanded/widened tax base as a result of the expanded entrepreneurial activity; • Informed investment and production decision making to promote export – led wealth creation; . Start Date: 7/1/2011 Projected End Date: 6/30/2015

Workplan Outputs for 2013/14 and 2014/15 Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15 Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and UShs Thousand Location) (Quantity and Location) Location) 06 04 01Trade Policies, Strategies 1. Effectively coordinated Project coordination undertaken; 1. Effectively coordinated and Monitoring Services Project Activities and regular Project Activities and regular Preparatory Meetings held; Resource Preparatory Meetings held; mobilisation/fundraising and political mobilisation meetings for resources to construct 8 border markets was undertakens;

Total 81,194 85,948 80,000 GoU Development 81,194 85,948 80,000 External Financing 0 0 0

06 04 81Trade Infrastructure 1. Situational assesment reports Simplified trade regime Supervision of Capital works of Development to inform the construction of awareness meetings held in Ultra modern border market at border markets at 8 sites Lwakaka and Busia; Amuru-Bibia commences; (priority given to Amuru-Pibia) disseminated to stakeholders; Border visits at Mutukula to (Comment: Outputs pending monitor cross border trade were more resource allocation from done; the National resource envelope) (Comment: Outputs pending more resource allocation from the envelope)

Total 151,152 100,399 152,346 GoU Development 151,152 100,399 152,346 External Financing 0 0 0

Vote Overview

95 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

Vote Function: 06 04 Trade Development Project 1202 Enhancement of Market Access and Promotion of Value-Added Exports GRAND TOTAL 232,346 186,347 232,346 GoU Development 232,346 186,347 232,346 External Financing 0 0 0

Annual Workplan for 2014/15 - Outputs, Activities, Inputs and their Cost Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost (Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand Output: 06 0401 Trade Policies, Strategies and Monitoring Services

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost 1. Effectively coordinated Project Activities and regular Preparatory Advertising and PR () 1.0 20,000 Meetings held; Allowances () 1.0 6,000 Activities to Deliver Outputs: Computer supplies () 1.0 5,000 Conduct regular supervision/monitoring missions; Fuels () 1.0 15,000 Hire of venue () 1.0 1,000 Invite the private sector to commence construction of the Ultra modern Printing and Stationery () 1.0 8,000 market through a PPP arrangement; Small office equipment () 1.0 2,000 Telecommunications () 1.0 8,000 Travel inland () 1.0 15,000 Total 80,000 GoU Development 80,000 External Financing 0 Output: 06 0481 Trade Infrastructure Development

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost Supervision of Capital works of Ultra modern border market at Amuru- Border Market Infrastructure (Value/Quarter) 4.0 152,346 Bibia commences;

(Comment: Outputs pending more resource allocation from the National resource envelope) Activities to Deliver Outputs: Facilitate the openining of roads to the designated site of the Ultra modern market;

Facilitate the provision of utilities to the site; Total 152,346 GoU Development 152,346 External Financing 0 GRAND TOTAL 232,346 GoU Development 232,346 External Financing 0

Vote Overview

96 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

Vote Function: 06 04 Trade Development Project 1245 Second Trade Capacity Enhancement Project Project Profile

Responsible Officer: Programme Manager - TRACE II

Objectives: The overall objective of the Second Trade Capacity Enhancement Project (TRACE II) is to build the capacity of MTIC and to support and oversee wider in-country capacity and ownership of the EIF core functions. The underlying purpose will be to contribute to the realisation of the EIF objectives in Uganda which are: to mainstream trade into (Uganda‟s) national development planning process and strategies; to ensure a coordinated delivery of AfT and to get Uganda to integrate into the global economy.

The specific objectives of phase two of TRACE II are: 1. To consolidate the institutional capacity built in the national EIF secretariat, NIU and MTIC through the provision of operational support including funds for training activities, local running costs and for some equipment 2. To consolidate the gains of trade mainstreaming across the economy; 3. To improve the coordination of the delivery of AfT 4. To coordinate, monitor and ensure effective implementation of the DTIS Action Matrix (including as revised) by the various ministries, departments and institutions through national initiatives and strategies. . Outputs: The following are the key results/outcomes of TRACE II: 1. Institutional capacity built in the National IF Secretariat, the NIU and MTIC consolidated 2. Trade more mainstreamed in the National Development Plan, other plans of government at all levels and in the programmes of development partners 3. Coordinated delivery of AfT to Uganda improved. 4. DTIS Action Matrixes priority areas implemented . Start Date: 10/20/2009 Projected End Date: 9/20/2016 Donor Funding for Project:

MTEF Projections 2012/13 2013/14 Projected Donor Allocations (UShs) Budget Budget 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 429 World Trade Organisation 0.652 0.750 0.750 0.750 0.000 Total Donor Funding for Project 0.652 0.750 0.750 0.750 0.000 Workplan Outputs for 2013/14 and 2014/15 Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15 Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and UShs Thousand Location) (Quantity and Location) Location) 06 04 01Trade Policies, Strategies 1. Trade mainstreamed into Facilitated one consultative Trade policies and strategies and Monitoring Services NDP, other plans and strategies workshop on Trade Licensing mainstreamed into the National of Government and in Amendment Bill 2012; Planning Framework (NDP); Development Partners programmes; Supervision and oversight over Trade policies and strategies the District Commercial mainstreamed into Government 2. Improved Coordination of Services Support Project Economic policy as well as the delivery of Aid for Trade (AfT) (DICOSS); programmes of Development and Trade Related Technical Partners; Assistance (TRTA); Project programmes and Tier 2 projects Monitored and performance Evaluated;

Total 128,880 0 450,000 GoU Development 0 0 0 External Financing 128,880 0 450,000 Vote Overview

97 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

Vote Function: 06 04 Trade Development Project 1245 Second Trade Capacity Enhancement Project Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15 Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and UShs Thousand Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)

06 04 03Capacity building for 1. Institutional Capacity Built in Institutional Capacity Built in Institutional capacity built at the Trade Facilitating National Enhanced Integrated National Enhanced Integrated National Enhanced Integrated Institutions Framework (EIF) Secretariat, Framework (EIF) Secretariat, Framework (EIF) Secretariat; National Implementing Unit National Implementing Unit (NIU) and MoTIC consolidated; (NIU) and MoTIC consolidated; Institutional capacity built at the National Implementing Unit (NIU);

Institutional capacity built at Public Institutions providing trade-related services;

Total 227,142 0 200,000 GoU Development 0 0 0 External Financing 227,142 0 200,000

06 04 05Economic Intergration 1. Implementation of Diagnostic Implementation of Diagnostic Coordinated delivery of Aid for and Market Access Trade Integration Study (DTIS) Trade Integration Study (DTIS) Trade and TRTA; (Bilateral, Regional and Action Matrix priorities Action Matrix priorities; Multilateral) Diagnostic Trade Integration Study (DTIS) Action Matrix implemented; Total 100,000 0 100,000 GoU Development 0 0 0 External Financing 100,000 0 100,000

GRAND TOTAL 456,022 0 750,000 GoU Development 0 0 0 External Financing 456,022 0 750,000

Annual Workplan for 2014/15 - Outputs, Activities, Inputs and their Cost Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost (Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand Output: 06 0401 Trade Policies, Strategies and Monitoring Services

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost Trade policies and strategies mainstreamed into the National Planning Travel abroad () 4.0 40,000 Framework (NDP); Advertising and PR (Value/Quarter) 4.0 50,000 Consultancy services (Value/Quarter) 4.0 100,000 Trade policies and strategies mainstreamed into Government Economic Fuels (Value/Quarter) 4.0 20,000 policy as well as the programmes of Development Partners; Maintenance vehicles (Value/Quarter) 4.0 10,000 Postage and courier (Value/Quarter) 4.0 10,000 Project programmes and Tier 2 projects Monitored and performance Evaluated; Printing and stationery (Value/Quarter) 4.0 20,000 Telecommunications (Value/Quarter) 4.0 20,000 Activities to Deliver Outputs: Travel inland (Value/Quarter) 4.0 20,000 Conduct stakeholder consultations on how to mainstreaming trade issues Welfare and entertainment (Value/Quarter) 4.0 10,000 in National Economic policy and Programmes; Workshops and seminars (Value/Quarter) 4.0 150,000 Conduct stakeholder consultations on how to enhance the competitiveness of Uganda's products and services;

Conduct stakeholder consultations on how best to implement the DTIS through Tier 2 projects;

Draw up and implement a monitoring plan for the DTIS Action Matrix;

Facilitate studies in the areas of trade mainstreaming and enhancing local business competitiveness;

Facilitate the revision of existing Business laws and regulations to improve the Doing Business Environment;

Implement a communication, awareness and publicity programme on EIF, TRACE & trade related issues;

Vote Overview

98 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

Vote Function: 06 04 Trade Development Project 1245 Second Trade Capacity Enhancement Project Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost (Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand Conduct NSC Meetings;

Conduct MC meetings;

Conduct the Annual Audit of programme implementation;

Prepare the Annual report for submission to TFM & ES; Total 450,000 GoU Development 0 External Financing 450,000 Output: 06 0403 Capacity building for Trade Facilitating Institutions

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost Institutional capacity built at the National Enhanced Integrated Advertising and PR (Value/Quarter) 4.0 5,000 Framework (EIF) Secretariat; Computer supplies (Value/Quarter) 4.0 45,000 Staff training (Value/Quarter) 4.0 50,000 Institutional capacity built at the National Implementing Unit (NIU); Workshops and Seminars (Value/Quarter) 4.0 100,000

Institutional capacity built at Public Institutions providing trade-related services; Activities to Deliver Outputs: Procure Office equipment for relevant Trade facilitating institutions;

Conduct workshops and seminars for capacity building & awareness; Total 200,000 GoU Development 0 External Financing 200,000 Output: 06 0405 Economic Intergration and Market Access (Bilateral, Regional and Multilateral)

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost Coordinated delivery of Aid for Trade and TRTA; Workshops and Seminars () 4.0 40,000 Fuels (Value/Quarter) 4.0 25,000 Diagnostic Trade Integration Study (DTIS) Action Matrix implemented; Printing and stationery (Value/Quarter) 4.0 5,000 Activities to Deliver Outputs: Travel inland (Value/Quarter) 4.0 30,000 Update the database for ongoing AfT and TRTA;

Draft a program for consultations/ meeting with the DF/PSDG, Aid coordination officials, MoFPED and other stakeholders under the AfT and TRTA; Total 100,000 GoU Development 0 External Financing 100,000 GRAND TOTAL 750,000 GoU Development 0 External Financing 750,000

Vote Overview

99 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

Vote Function: 06 04 Trade Development Project 1246 District Commercial Services Support Project Project Profile

Responsible Officer: Project Manager - DICOSS

Objectives: The overall goal of this project is to contribute to increasing the incomes of SME entrepreneurs, of their employees and of people generally in the target districts. The objective is to enhance the capacity of targeted DCOs to deliver commercial and business services more efficiently so as to improve MoTIC‟s effectiveness in fulfilling its mandate at grassroots level.

The specific objectives are: 1) To equip and retool targeted DCOs; 2) To facilitate DCOs deliver commercial and business services in their districts; 3) To facilitate the building of networks between DCOs and other stakeholders. . Outputs: The key results of the project for the three-year period are:

1) Targeted DCOs equipped and retooled: targeted DCOs will receive 2 motorcycles each to ease movement within the district. In addition, office space will be refurbished and basic office equipment will be procured. The DCO personnel will be provided with training that is relevant to delivering the MTI mandate in their respective districts. A consultant or consultants will be hired to assess the precise needs and design the training programme and recommend the most efficient delivery mechanisms for the training.

2) DCOs facilitated to deliver commercial and business services: DCOs will be provided with support to meet some aspects of their recurrent expenditures and to prepare and implement work plans in their districts. Each DCO will have to prepare a credible and implementable work plan which the project will fund and whose implementation it will monitor. Each annual work plan will be funded to a maximum of $10,000. All work plans will be designed with the mandate of MTI in view. MTI will vet all DCO work plans to ensure this before approval is granted and funding released. In particular work plans will demonstrate how dialogue with the private sector (especially SMEs) will be carried out and enhanced. In addition, as information gathering and dissemination is a key function of the DCO, the project will facilitate the establishment of an information centre at each DCO. The centres will have two computer terminals, and internet connection using the most cost-effective technologies. MTI will also be facilitated to carry out regular inspections of the participating DCOs.

3) Building of networks between DCOs and other stakeholders facilitated: two types of interaction will be facilitated under this activity. First quarterly meetings of participating DCOs will be facilitated so that they can learn from one another and influence future operations under the project and thereafter. The internet facility to be provided by the information centre will further augment this network among DCOs. Then on a half yearly basis, participating DCOs will be facilitated to hold meetings with MTI and other key stakeholders. This will serve to strengthen the link between MTI and the DCO as well as expose DCOs to the wider business community who they collectively serve. (DCOs as part of their own work plans will be expected to conduct meetings in the district with local stakeholders. These may include inter alia: meetings with colleagues in complementary disciplines, departments etc., and meetings with district chambers of commerce and other business associations based in the district). . Start Date: 1/2/2012 Projected End Date: 12/31/2014 Donor Funding for Project: Vote Overview

100 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

Vote Function: 06 04 Trade Development DonorProject Funding 1246 Districtfor Project: Commercial Services Support Project

MTEF Projections 2012/13 2013/14 Projected Donor Allocations (UShs) Budget Budget 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 429 World Trade Organisation 0.397 1.917 1.565 1.517 0.000 Total Donor Funding for Project 0.397 1.917 1.565 1.517 0.000 Workplan Outputs for 2013/14 and 2014/15 Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15 Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and UShs Thousand Location) (Quantity and Location) Location) 06 04 01Trade Policies, Strategies Project administration; Funds to implement approved Project Steering Committee and Monitoring Services DCO Work Plans disbursed to meetings facilitated for effective Mid-term Evaluation Report; all 25 DCOs supported under and efficient project the project; management support; Routine Monitoring Reports; Project administration done; Project Administration and Staff facilitated to deliver; Routine Monitoring Reports done; Mid-term Evaluation Report;

The 25 selected Local Governments monitored on the effective utilization of workplan funds disbursed to them for the extension of Commercial Support Services; Total 210,050 12 210,000 GoU Development 50 12 0 External Financing 210,000 0 210,000

06 04 03Capacity building for Targeted DCOs equipped and Trained 53 DCOs from the 25 The District Commercial Trade Facilitating retooled; selected districts for 3 weeks in Offices tooled and equipped to Institutions several areas of technical deliver Commercial Extension DCOs facilitated to deliver competence to empower them Services; commercial services; to deliver commercial services; The District Commercial Networks between DCOs and The Honourable Ministers Offices networked to key other stakeholders built; Officially Commissioned 6 of stakeholders for the coordinated the refurbished District implementation of Government Commercial Offices in Masaka, Policies and Programmes; Sembabule, Iganga, Tororo, Serere and Soroti; Operationalise Trade Information Centres at the The Project facilitated the selected Local Governments; Ministry to undertake a validation exercise of the DCO proposed workplans for funding;

Installation and commissioning of equipment (photocopiers, printers, scanners, computers) in all the 25 DICOSS supported districts was done; Targeted DCOs equipped and retooled;

DCOs facilitated to deliver commercial services;

Skills and Networks between DCOs and other stakeholders built through Capacity Building seminars;

Total 1,406,726 0 730,000 GoU Development 0 0 0 External Financing 1,406,726 0 730,000

06 04 51Access to Market (UEPB) The District Commercial Offices at the Local Governments provided with funds to undertake workplan

Vote Overview

101 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

Vote Function: 06 04 Trade Development Project 1246 District Commercial Services Support Project Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15 Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and UShs Thousand Location) (Quantity and Location) Location) activities according to the MoUs signed with the Districts supported for the promotion of Commercial Extension Services;

The Local Governments supported include: Moyo, Pader, Kotido, Lira, Moroto, Soroti, Apac, Serere, Pallisa, Kaliro, Kapchorwa, Tororo, Iganga, Mukono, Nakasongola, Hoima, Kyenjojo, Mubende, Sembabule, Masaka, Isingiro, Ntungamo, Kabale and Kampala Capital City Authority.

Total 0 0 625,000 GoU Development 0 0 0 External Financing 0 0 625,000

GRAND TOTAL 1,616,776 12 1,565,000 GoU Development 50 12 0 External Financing 1,616,726 0 1,565,000

Annual Workplan for 2014/15 - Outputs, Activities, Inputs and their Cost Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost (Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand Output: 06 0401 Trade Policies, Strategies and Monitoring Services

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost Project Steering Committee meetings facilitated for effective and efficient Assorted Office Stationery (Cost/Quarter) 4.0 20,000 project management support; Fuel, Lubricants and Oils (Cost/Quarter) 4.0 58,000 Telephone Airtime (Cost/Quarter) 4.0 2,000 Project Administration and Staff facilitated to deliver; Travel Inland (Cost/Quarter) 4.0 80,000 Capacity Building Workshops and seminars 4.0 50,000 Mid-term Evaluation Report; (Value/Quarter)

The 25 selected Local Governments monitored on the effective utilization of workplan funds disbursed to them for the extension of Commercial Support Services; Activities to Deliver Outputs: Facilitate Project Steering Committee meetings;

Facilitate Project Administrative expenses and costs;

Conduct Quarterly M&E Field visits to the Local Governments supported by DICOSS to assess utilitzation of funds disbursed; Total 210,000 GoU Development 0 External Financing 210,000 Output: 06 0403 Capacity building for Trade Facilitating Institutions

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost The District Commercial Offices tooled and equipped to deliver Duty Allowances (Cost/Quarter) 4.0 70,000 Commercial Extension Services; Assorted Office Stationery (Value/Quarter) 4.0 70,000 Computer Services and Equipment (Value/Quarter) 4.0 50,000 The District Commercial Offices networked to key stakeholders for the Consultative Meetings, Workshops and Seminars 4.0 120,000 coordinated implementation of Government Policies and Programmes; (Value/Quarter) Fuel, Lubricants and Oils (Value/Quarter) 4.0 90,000 Operationalise Trade Information Centres at the selected Local Telecommunications (Value/Quarter) 4.0 50,000 Governments; Vote Overview

102 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

Vote Function: 06 04 Trade Development Project 1246 District Commercial Services Support Project Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost (Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand Activities to Deliver Outputs: Training of Local Government Officials 4.0 180,000 (Value/Quarter) The District Commercial Offices tooled and equipped to deliver Commercial Extension Services; Travel inland (Value/Quarter) 4.0 100,000 Total 730,000 The District Commercial Offices networked to key stakeholders for the GoU Development 0 coordinated implementation of Government Policies and Programmes; External Financing 730,000 Output: 06 0451 Access to Market (UEPB)

Planned Outputs: Grant or Transfer Cost The District Commercial Offices at the Local Governments provided with Conditional Grants to 25 selected District 625,000 funds to undertake workplan activities according to the MoUs signed with Commercial Offices at LGs for Commercial the Districts supported for the promotion of Commercial Extension Extension Services Services;

The Local Governments supported include: Moyo, Pader, Kotido, Lira, Moroto, Soroti, Apac, Serere, Pallisa, Kaliro, Kapchorwa, Tororo, Iganga, Mukono, Nakasongola, Hoima, Kyenjojo, Mubende, Sembabule, Masaka, Isingiro, Ntungamo, Kabale and Kampala Capital City Authority.

Activities to Deliver Outputs: Workplan support funds worth Ushs. 25 million disbursed to the District Commercial Offices at the Local Governments to undertake workplan activities according to the MoUs signed with the Districts supported for the promotion of Commercial Extension Services;

The Local Governments supported include: Moyo, Pader, Kotido, Lira, Moroto, Soroti, Apac, Serere, Pallisa, Kaliro, Kapchorwa, Tororo, Iganga, Mukono, Nakasongola, Hoima, Kyenjojo, Mubende, Sembabule, Masaka, Isingiro, Ntungamo, Kabale and Kampala Capital City Authority.

Total 625,000 GoU Development 0 External Financing 625,000 GRAND TOTAL 1,565,000 GoU Development 0 External Financing 1,565,000

Vote Overview

103 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

Vote Function: 06 04 Trade Development Project 1291 Regional Integration Implementation Programme [RIIP] Support for Uganda Project Profile

Responsible Officer: Programme Manager - RIIP

Objectives: The Overall project objective is to ensure effective integration of Uganda into the COMESA FTA and promote the Country‟s competitiveness with a view to increase her share of regional trade and investments. . The specific objectives of the project include: • Promote effective integration of Uganda into the COMESA FTA • Improve Uganda‟s competitiveness in the domestic and regional markets • Improve the „doing business‟ environment • Increase market access for Uganda‟s products and services in the regional and international markets . Outputs: • A fully constituted and operational IITC Regional Sub Committee • COMESA FTA implemented • At least 30% of the COMESA and EAC harmonized Standards domesticated • Capacity of Uganda‟s private sector built to benefit from the `COMESA FTA • A National position on Uganda‟s services liberalization commitments under COMESA developed through a consultative process • A Trade in Services Policy developed • Harmonized EAC and COMESA Competition Regulations domesticated • A National position on domestication of the CCIA and COMESA carrier license developed through a consultative process • At least 2 border markets constructed and their respective value chains enhanced • Cross border traders mobilized into Associations • Operational trade information centers established at 3 border posts • Capacity of key stakeholders built to implement the Transport facilitation instruments . Start Date: Projected End Date: Donor Funding for Project:

MTEF Projections 2012/13 2013/14 Projected Donor Allocations (UShs) Budget Budget 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 406 European Union (EU) 0.000 0.000 0.702 5.140 0.000 Total Donor Funding for Project 0.000 0.000 0.702 5.140 0.000 Workplan Outputs for 2013/14 and 2014/15 Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15 Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and UShs Thousand Location) (Quantity and Location) Location) 06 04 05Economic Intergration National Inter-Ministerial and Market Access Committees (IITC) officially (Bilateral, Regional and constituted and operational; Multilateral) Elimination of Tariffs and Issuance of Legal Instruments;

Training officers and Undertaking Public awareness workshops on implementation of the COMESA FTA;

Harnessing Regional Market Opportunities-Development of Vote Overview

104 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

Vote Function: 06 04 Trade Development Project 1291 Regional Integration Implementation Programme [RIIP] Support for Uganda Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15 Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and UShs Thousand Location) (Quantity and Location) Location) BMPs;

Enhancing Value Addition and value chain;

Engaging the trading Partners with a view to eliminating NTBs/SPS related barriers;

Domesticating the COMESA and EAC harmonized standards;

Improving private sector compliance to market access requirements;

Ensuring Uganda‟s interests are an integral part of the arrangements under Single Customs Territory;

Positioning the private sector to effectively compete under a single customs territory;

Development of Request position Paper;

National consultations and studies on requests;

Domesticating the EAC and COMESA Competition Regulations;

Awareness on Uganda‟s Competition laws and regulations;

COMESA Common Investment Area Agreement is signed and ratified;

(Comment: Note that this is a new project funded by COMESA with support from the EU);

Total 0 0 701,726 GoU Development 0 0 0 External Financing 0 0 701,726

GRAND TOTAL 0 0 701,726 GoU Development 0 0 0 External Financing 0 0 701,726

Annual Workplan for 2014/15 - Outputs, Activities, Inputs and their Cost Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost (Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand Output: 06 0405 Economic Intergration and Market Access (Bilateral, Regional and Multilateral)

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost National Inter-Ministerial Committees (IITC) officially constituted and Consultancy services (Cost/Quarter) 4.0 51,726 operational; Training of Officers (Cost/Quarter) 4.0 80,000 Assorted Office Stationery (Value/Quarter) 4.0 30,000 Elimination of Tariffs Computers & Accessories (Disks, toner, flash etc) 4.0 50,000 and Issuance of (Value/Quarter) Legal Instruments; Duty Allowances (Value/Quarter) 4.0 90,000 Fuel, Lubricants and Oils (Value/Quarter) 4.0 80,000 Training officers and Undertaking Public awareness workshops on Vote Overview

105 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

Vote Function: 06 04 Trade Development Project 1291 Regional Integration Implementation Programme [RIIP] Support for Uganda Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost (Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand implementation of the COMESA FTA; ICT Services and Maintenance (Value/Quarter) 4.0 20,000 Meetings, Sensitization Workshops & Training 4.0 120,000 Harnessing Regional Market Opportunities-Development of BMPs; Semrs (Value/Quarter) Travel Abroad - Airtickets & Perdiems 4.0 120,000 Enhancing Value Addition and value chain; (Value/Quarter) Travel Inland (Value/Quarter) 4.0 60,000 Engaging the trading Partners with a view to eliminating NTBs/SPS related barriers;

Domesticating the COMESA and EAC harmonized standards;

Improving private sector compliance to market access requirements;

Ensuring Uganda‟s interests are an integral part of the arrangements under Single Customs Territory;

Positioning the private sector to effectively compete under a single customs territory;

Development of Request position Paper;

National consultations and studies on requests;

Domesticating the EAC and COMESA Competition Regulations;

Awareness on Uganda‟s Competition laws and regulations;

COMESA Common Investment Area Agreement is signed and ratified;

(Comment: Note that this is a new project funded by COMESA with support from the EU); Activities to Deliver Outputs: Experts meeting to compile TORs of both the NIMC, Review the TORs of the NIMC against those of the IITC Regional Subcommittee;

One IITC Regional Subcommittee meeting to adopt the TORs and reconstitute itself;

Quarterly IITC Meeting;

One training of the members of the IITC Regional subcommittee on trade negotiation skills;

2 studies to inform preparation of integration position papers the evaluation of the integration process;

One stakeholder meeting to align customs management procedures and process;

Development of the revised tariff book and aligning the systems to zero tariffs on COMESA originated Imports and including them in a Gazette;

2 day training workshop of Customs and Border Officials on FTA operations;

2 Regional Public Awareness Workshops on COMESA FTA and printing of FTA brochures;

Meeting for Constituting the Task Force and Developing TORs for the development of the Master Plans;

Two Border Meetings to develop MOUs between MTIC and Local Governments on Operationalization and Management of the BMP;

2 Mobilization meetings of the Border and District officials for two targeted borders;

2 Mobilization meetings of the Cross Border traders to interest them in the BMP and seek their inputs, one at each border;

Vote Overview

106 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

Vote Function: 06 04 Trade Development Project 1291 Regional Integration Implementation Programme [RIIP] Support for Uganda Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost (Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand

BMP National Task Force Meeting harmonize stakeholder comments and provide overall guideline on program operations;

Meeting of the Border Management Committee to launch oversight operations of BMP at the border;

Consultancy services to develop the BMP Master Plans for two borders;

Construction of 3 of the border markets;

Provision of utilities at border markets;

Undertake national consultations in developing requests on the list and responding to Member State‟s requests paper;

A study to identify issues to address and inform the development of the services policy and the response request papers; Total 701,726 GoU Development 0 External Financing 701,726 GRAND TOTAL 701,726 GoU Development 0 External Financing 701,726

Vote Overview

107 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

Vote Function: 06 04 Trade Development Project 1306 National Response Strategy on Elimination of Non Tariff Barriers (NRSE- NTB's) Project Profile

Responsible Officer: Commissioner - Internal Trade

Objectives: Specifically, NTB Removal is concerned with: 1) Enhancing awareness, knowledge and influencing attitudes of the private and public sector stakeholders about the NTB elimination mechanism and processes 2) Ensuring efficient utilization of the online NTB Information Exchange Facility by reporting occurrence of NTBs and tracking removal decision and actions. This will involve installation of satellite regional Information Exchange Facilities to facilitate site specific resolution. 3) Conducting research in alternative revenue sources for DLGs and training DLG officers, political leaders, and local government support programme officers in design and implementation of alternative revenue generation options to reduce the incentive for them to levy fees and enforce compliance through road block on major trade corridor routes. 4) Reforming policy and legal instruments and regimes to align them with Uganda‟s commitment under the different regional integration protocols. 5) Support District Local Governments to develop robust infrastructure around gazetted customs areas to enhance their respective revenue generation options and revamp the Uganda‟s border entry points with modern trade promotion facilities. 6) Improve and sustain effectiveness of the NMC and enhance the participation of MTIC officials in various NTB regional forums for resolution and evolution of regional policy and regulatory instruments for NTB removal. . Outputs: Annually, the Unit is expected to produce the following outputs. • One IEC Annual Report. • 4 quarterly Information Exchange Facility NTB Resolution Reports. • One Study Report recommending alternative revenue sources for DLGs along major corridor routes • 60 officials from DLGs trained in alternative revenue options design and implementation. • 4 NTB Monitoring Reports prepared • Three research studies to address strategic options for trade policy adjustments • Four quarterly NMC reports and one Annual NTB EAC Regional Monitoring report . Start Date: 7/1/2014 Projected End Date: 6/30/2019 Donor Funding for Project:

MTEF Projections 2012/13 2013/14 Projected Donor Allocations (UShs) Budget Budget 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 650 OTHER FOREIGN SOURCES OF FUNDS 0.000 0.000 0.130 0.000 0.000 Total Donor Funding for Project 0.000 0.000 0.130 0.000 0.000 Workplan Outputs for 2013/14 and 2014/15 Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15 Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and UShs Thousand Location) (Quantity and Location) Location) 06 04 01Trade Policies, Strategies A Prioritization matrix for the and Monitoring Services EAC Time Bound programme prepared;

4 Policy papers developed and disseminated;

6 reports from MoTIC bilateral and regional negotiations for Vote Overview

108 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

Vote Function: 06 04 Trade Development Project 1306 National Response Strategy on Elimination of Non Tariff Barriers (NRSE- NTB's) Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15 Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and UShs Thousand Location) (Quantity and Location) Location) elimination of priority NTBs produced and disseminated;

4 regional reports on EAC legally binding mechanisms and dispute settlement produced and disseminated; Total 0 0 30,000 GoU Development 0 0 0 External Financing 0 0 30,000

06 04 03Capacity building for 100 members of the NMC Trade Facilitating institutions trained on IEF Institutions reporting mechanism;

500 members of the Private sector and stakeholders sensitized and trained on utilisation of IEF;

200 members of the Private sector associations and members sensitized and trained on the EAC and Tripartite NTB reporting mechanisms;

Total 0 0 30,000 GoU Development 0 0 0 External Financing 0 0 30,000

06 04 04Trade Information and Four Quarterly communication Product Market Research strategy monitoring reports produced;

100 members of the Media Fraternity trained on critical NTB monitoring issues from the Communication Strategy;

2 Research Studies on NTB category specific areas conducted; Total 0 0 29,951 GoU Development 0 0 0 External Financing 0 0 29,951

06 04 81Trade Infrastructure Trade information Development offices/centres set up at Kyanika, Malaba, Busia and Elegu border posts to enhance access to information by cross border traders;

Computer and network equipment procured and installed in 7 key institutions to facilitate information exchange for monitoring, reporting and coordinating the elimination of NTBs; Total 0 0 40,000 GoU Development 0 0 0 External Financing 0 0 40,000

GRAND TOTAL 0 0 129,951 GoU Development 0 0 0 External Financing 0 0 129,951

Vote Overview

109 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

Vote Function: 06 04 Trade Development Project 1306 National Response Strategy on Elimination of Non Tariff Barriers (NRSE- NTB's) Annual Workplan for 2014/15 - Outputs, Activities, Inputs and their Cost Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost (Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand Output: 06 0401 Trade Policies, Strategies and Monitoring Services

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost A Prioritization matrix for the EAC Time Bound programme prepared; Assorted Office Stationery (Value/Quarter) 4.0 5,000 Computer Accessories (Disks, toner, flash etc) 4.0 1,000 4 Policy papers developed and disseminated; (Value/Quarter) Consultancy Services- Short term (Value/Quarter) 4.0 5,000 6 reports from MoTIC bilateral and regional negotiations for elimination Duty Allowances (Value/Quarter) 4.0 5,000 of priority NTBs produced and disseminated; Fuel, Lubricants and Oils (Value/Quarter) 4.0 1,000 Maintenance - Vehicles (Value/Quarter) 4.0 1,000 4 regional reports on EAC legally binding mechanisms and dispute Travel abroad (Value/Quarter) 4.0 1,000 settlement produced and disseminated; Travel inland (Value/Quarter) 4.0 5,000 Activities to Deliver Outputs: Welfare and Entertainment (Value/Quarter) 4.0 1,000 A Prioritization matrix for the EAC Time Bound programme prepared; Workshops and Seminars (Value/Quarter) 4.0 5,000

4 Policy papers developed and disseminated;

6 reports from MoTIC bilateral and regional negotiations for elimination of priority NTBs produced and disseminated;

4 regional reports on EAC legally binding mechanisms and dispute settlement produced and disseminated; Total 30,000 GoU Development 0 External Financing 30,000 Output: 06 0403 Capacity building for Trade Facilitating Institutions

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost 100 members of the NMC institutions trained on IEF reporting Allowances (Value/Quarter) 4.0 5,000 mechanism; Consultancy Services- Short term (Value/Quarter) 4.0 2,000 Fuel, Lubricants and Oils (Value/Quarter) 4.0 5,000 500 members of the Private sector and stakeholders sensitized and trained Printing, Stationery, Photocopying and Binding 4.0 1,000 on utilisation of IEF; (Value/Quarter) Staff Training (Value/Quarter) 4.0 1,000 200 members of the Private sector associations and members sensitized Travel abroad (Value/Quarter) 4.0 5,000 and trained on the EAC and Tripartite NTB reporting mechanisms; Travel inland (Value/Quarter) 4.0 5,000 Activities to Deliver Outputs: Welfare and Entertainment (Value/Quarter) 4.0 1,000 100 members of the NMC institutions trained on IEF reporting Workshops and Seminars (Value/Quarter) 4.0 5,000 mechanism;

500 members of the Private sector and stakeholders sensitized and trained on utilisation of IEF;

200 members of the Private sector associations and members sensitized and trained on the EAC and Tripartite NTB reporting mechanisms; Total 30,000 GoU Development 0 External Financing 30,000 Output: 06 0404 Trade Information and Product Market Research

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost Four Quarterly communication strategy monitoring reports produced; Allowances (Value/Quarter) 4.0 5,000 Consultancy Services- Short term (Value/Quarter) 4.0 5,000 100 members of the Media Fraternity trained on critical NTB monitoring Fuel, Lubricants and Oils (Value/Quarter) 4.0 5,000 issues from the Communication Strategy; Printing, Stationery, Photocopying and Binding 4.0 4,951 (Value/Quarter) 2 Research Studies on NTB category specific areas conducted; Travel inland (Value/Quarter) 4.0 5,000 Activities to Deliver Outputs: Workshops and Seminars (Value/Quarter) 4.0 5,000 Four Quarterly communication strategy monitoring reports produced; Vote Overview

110 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

Vote Function: 06 04 Trade Development Project 1306 National Response Strategy on Elimination of Non Tariff Barriers (NRSE- NTB's) Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost (Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand

100 members of the Media Fraternity trained on critical NTB monitoring issues from the Communication Strategy;

2 Research Studies on NTB category specific areas conducted; Total 29,951 GoU Development 0 External Financing 29,951 Output: 06 0481 Trade Infrastructure Development

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost Trade information offices/centres set up at Kyanika, Malaba, Busia and Feasibility Studies for Capital Works 4.0 5,000 Elegu border posts to enhance access to information by cross border (Value/Quarter) traders; Monitoring, Supervision & Appraisal 4.0 10,000 (Value/Quarter) Computer and network equipment procured and installed in 7 key Structures (Value/Quarter) 4.0 3,000 institutions to facilitate information exchange for monitoring, reporting and coordinating the elimination of NTBs; Activities to Deliver Outputs: Trade information offices/centres set up at Kyanika, Malaba, Busia and Elegu border posts to enhance access to information by cross border traders;

Computer and network equipment procured and installed in 7 key institutions to facilitate information exchange for monitoring, reporting and coordinating the elimination of NTBs; Total 40,000 GoU Development 0 External Financing 40,000 GRAND TOTAL 129,951 GoU Development 0 External Financing 129,951

Vote Overview

111 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

Vote Function: 06 11 Export Promotion Vote Function Profile

Responsible Officer: Executive Director - Uganda Export Promotion Board Services: Vote Function Projects and Programmes:

Vote Overview

112 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

Vote Function: 06 12 Enterprise Training and Advisory Vote Function Profile

Responsible Officer: ED - Management Training and Advisory Centre Services: Vote Function Projects and Programmes:

Vote Overview

113 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

Vote Function: 06 49 Policy, Planning and Support Services Vote Function Profile

Responsible Officer: Under Secretary – Finance and Administration Services: The mandate of this Vote Function is to provide essential administrative, auxiliary facilities and financial related services to the Ministry. Its functions are to; • Facilitate other departments with the necessary resources to deliver the Ministry’s mandate; • Initiate, coordinate, support, oversee and where applicable, facilitate implementation of strategies and programmes aimed at enhancing the development and promotion of Trade, Cooperatives, Industry and Technology; • Promote and coordinate the research activities and initiatives of the Sector, with a view to ensure that results are utilized and are beneficial to the country and all stakeholders; • Inspect, monitor and evaluate the progress, standards, and efficiency of the various departments, under its mandate for quality assurance, policy direction and guidance; • Collect, process, analyze, and disseminate National and International information on the respective sectors hence providing vital input necessary to improve rational decision-making; • Manage the Ministry’s public relations. .

Vote Function Projects and Programmes: Project or Programme Name Responsible Officer Recurrent Programmes 01 HQs and Administration Undersecretary - Finance and Administration 15 Internal Audit Senior Internal Auditor 17 Policy and Planning Asst. Commissioner - Policy and Planning Development Projects 0248 Government Purchases and Taxes Undersecretary - Finance and Administration Programme 01 HQs and Administration Programme Profile

Responsible Officer: Undersecretary - Finance and Administration

Objectives: The mandate of this Programme is to provide essential administrative, auxiliary facilities and financial related services to the Ministry. It's specific objective is to provide policy guidance and strategic leadership to the Ministry, effectively and efficiently manage the Ministry's physical, human and financial resources.

This Programmes' functions are to; • Facilitate other departments with the necessary resources to deliver the Ministry‟s mandate; • Initiate, coordinate, support, oversee and where applicable, facilitate implementation of strategies and programmes aimed at enhancing the development and promotion of Trade, Cooperatives, Industry and Technology; • Promote and coordinate the research activities and initiatives of the Sector, with a view to ensure that results are utilized and are beneficial to the country and all stakeholders; • Inspect, monitor and evaluate the progress, standards, and efficiency of the various departments, under its mandate for quality assurance, policy direction and guidance; • Collect, process, analyze, and disseminate National and International information on the respective sectors hence providing vital input necessary to improve rational decision-making; • Manage the Ministry‟s public relations. .

Vote Overview

114 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

Vote Function: 06 49 Policy, Planning and Support Services Programme 01 HQs and Administration Outputs: • Provide the required administrative and logistical support for efficient and effective service delivery and a conducive working environment; • Facilitate Ministerial policy formulation; • Coordinate planning and policy implementation in the sector; • Monitor, evaluate and supervise Projects, Subventions and Agencies affiliated to and Supported by the Ministry; • Manage the Physical, Financial and Human resources of the Ministry; • Ensure efficient utilization and accountability of resources; • Coordinate recruitment, induction, deployment and related staffing matters for efficient Staff establishment control; • Develop and implement training plans, coordinate staff development and skills enhancement; • Provide routine management support activities; • Facilitate and review performance appraisal system; • Support the implementation of Prosperity for All Government programme; • Support international conferences and facilitate international obligations; .

Workplan Outputs for 2013/14 and 2014/15 Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15 Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and UShs Thousand Location) (Quantity and Location) Location) 06 49 01Policy, consultation, 1. Local Government Budget Sector Budget Framework Office of the PS: planning and monitoring Consultative Process (LGBCP) Paper FY 2014-15 submitted; services Preparation; 1. Strategic Policy Guidance Q2 progress report prepared provided to the Ministry and 2. Sector Budget Framework and submitted to MoFPED and Sector Institutions; Paper submitted by 15th OPM; February 2014; 2. As Leader of Government's Responses made to querries Trade Negotiating Team; 3. Ministerial Policy Statement raised in the Government Uganda's trade and prepared and submitted to Annual Performance Report FY industrialisation interests Parliament by 10th June 2014; 2012-13 which was discussed at represented at International and the Cabinet Retreat; inland meetings organised under 4. Four Quarterly Progress various forums, including WTO, Reports prepared and submitted Sector Working Group COMESA, EAC and Tripartite; to MoFPED and OPM; meetings held and Strategic Reports produced; 3. Development of trade, 5. Annual Joint Sector Review industry and cooperatives Organised and report prepared; Local Government Budget sectors facilitated with strong Consultative Process prepared growth potential and 6. Four Quarterly Monitoring for and participated in; fundamentals; and Evaluation Reports; Quarterly Progress Reports 4. Uganda's international trade 7. Four Sector Working Group prepared and submitted to interests protected, in particular, Reviews meetings and Strategic MoFPED and OPM; with a view to enhance access Reports; to global markets for our goods, 4th Annual Joint Trade, services and investments; Industry and Cooperatives Sector Review Conference held 5. A good understanding of the at Imperial Royale Hotel current state of and outlook Kampala on the 26th November provided for the Ugandan 2013 under the theme economy for policy formulation "Harnessing Benefits of and refinement; Regional Integration through Infrastructure Development for 6. Statutory, Trust and other Trade and Industrialization"; special program institutions under the sector overseen and Budget preparatory and TTI supervised; Sector Working Group meetings organised and held;

TTI Sector Budget Framework Paper prepared and submitted to MoFPED;

Field monitoring reports on Sector Activities undertaken

Vote Overview

115 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

Vote Function: 06 49 Policy, Planning and Support Services Programme 01 HQs and Administration Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15 Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and UShs Thousand Location) (Quantity and Location) Location) and prepared; Total 340,655 299,430 407,108 Wage Recurrent 143,769 183,732 211,316 Non Wage Recurrent 196,885 115,698 195,792

06 49 02Sector Coordination and 1. Facilitated workforce; 1. Facilitated workforce; A) Administrative Administrative Services Secretaries+Office Supervision: 2. Competent staff deployed to 2. Competent staff deployed to 1. Administrative support deliver services; deliver services; provided to the Ministry and logistical management; 3. Well maintained physical 3. Well maintained physical 2. Fleet register maintained; assets; assets; 3. Ministry fleet maintained with 95% of fleet in good 4. Availed efficient information 4. Availed efficient information working condition; communication technology; communication technology; 4. Ministry events organised; 5. Public Relations ensured; 5. Conducive working 5. Conducive working environment; environment; B) Accounts Section: 1. Financial Statements (Comment: Outputs pending prepared and submitted to more resource allocation from Accountant General; the envelope) 2. Audit queries responded to; 3. Records and books of accounts maintained; 4. Advances accounted for; 5. Compliance with PFAA and Financial Regulations ensured; 6. Payments made and Funds disbursed; 7. IFMS Recurrent Costs;

C) Procurement and Disposal Unit: 1. All Procurement and Disposal activities of the Ministry managed excluding adjudication and the award of contracts; 2. Functioning of the Contracts Committee supported; 3. Decisions of the Procurement Committee implemented; 4. Liaison with PPDA on matters within its jurisdiction; 5. Secretariat to the Contracts Committee maintained; 6. Procurement and Disposal Activities of the Ministry planned and coordinated; 7. Procurement and Disposal procedures recommended; 8. Statements of Requirements checked and prepared; 9. Bid documents prepared; 10. Advertisements of Bid opportunities prepared; 11. Bidding documents issued; 12. A Providers list maintained; 13. Contract documents prepared; 14. Approved Contract documents issued; 15. Records of the procurement and disposal process maintained and archived; 16. Monthly reports for the Contracts Committee prepared;

D) ICT and Resource Centre: 1. Use of Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) developed, managed and Vote Overview

116 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

Vote Function: 06 49 Policy, Planning and Support Services Programme 01 HQs and Administration Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15 Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and UShs Thousand Location) (Quantity and Location) Location) promoted in all Sections of the Ministry; 2. Document Depository maintained; 3. Public Relations of the Ministry managed; 4. Information sharing within the Ministry promoted and information disseminated to the Public;

E) Ministry's Common Costs: 1. Water; 2. Electricity; 3. Cleaning Services provided; 4. Small Office Repairs and Maintenance; 5. Flower bouquets maintained for Ministers' Offices and Boardroom; 6. Newspapers for all Ministry Staff (+Monitor); 7. Security at Premises provided;

Total 490,695 237,094 942,920 Wage Recurrent 122,401 37,824 165,137 Non Wage Recurrent 368,294 199,270 777,783

06 49 03Ministerial Support 1. Strategic policy guidance Quarter Three: 1. Strategic policy guidance Services provided; provided; Strategic policy guidance 2. Inland and provided; 2. Inland and international meetings attended; international meetings attended; Inland and 3. Ministry events hosted; international meetings attended; 3. Ministry events hosted;

4. Emoluments provided for Ministry events hosted; 4. Emoluments provided for Ministers; Ministers; Emoluments provided for Ministers;

Quarter Two:

Paid a Courtesy Call on the Italian Ambassador at their Embassy in Kampala on 4th October 2013 to discuss Government programmes regarding Trade, Industry and Cooperative development;

Commissioned Power Project in Kayunga district on 5th October 2013;

Presided over the opening of the UMA Trade Show on 8th October 2013;

Attended the State House Entebbe Banquet in honour of the visiting President of Mozambique on 8th October 2013;

Represented the Ministry at the Independence Day Celebrations held in Rukungiri on 9th October 2013;

Met the Chinese Business Community at UIRI Conference Vote Overview

117 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

Vote Function: 06 49 Policy, Planning and Support Services Programme 01 HQs and Administration Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15 Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and UShs Thousand Location) (Quantity and Location) Location) Hall in Nakawa Kampala on 10th October 2013 to discuss trade and investment concerns;

Attended the Rwanda-Uganda Business Forum held in Kigali from 10th to 11th October 2013;

Met with the Indian Association at the UIRI Conference Hall in Nakawa Kampala on 14th October 2013 to discuss trade and investment concerns;

Met with the Czech Republic Foreign Affairs Minister at the Ministry Headquarters on 16th October 2013 to discuss bilateral trade and investment interests;

Met with Turkish Investors at the Ministry Headquarters on 24th October 2013 to discuss trade and investment interests;

Presided over the MTAC Graduation Ceremony on 25th October 2013;

Presided over the opening of the Nakumatt Muganzi Rwazza Mall in Katwe in October 2013;

Presided over the Buy Uganda Build Uganda (BUBU) Dinner at UMA Lugogo Grounds in October 2013;

Presided over the opening of the Local Government Budget Consultative workshop in Masaka on 30th October 2013;

Met with Beverage Manufacturers at the Ministry Headquarters on 31st October 2013 to discuss emerging and pressing issues in the industry;

Presided over the launch of the MTN Elite Programme at Serena Hotel on 31st October 2013;

Represented Sector interests at the Presidential Economic Committee meeting at State House Entebbe on 4th November 2013;

Met with prospective investors from Dubai at the Ministry Headquarters on 5th November 2013;

Presided over an ISO workshop organized by UNBS at Speke Resort on 7th November 2013;

Attended the Agriculture Symposium of EAC Partner States at Serena Hotel on 8th November 2013;

Presided over a workshop on Vote Overview

118 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

Vote Function: 06 49 Policy, Planning and Support Services Programme 01 HQs and Administration Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15 Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and UShs Thousand Location) (Quantity and Location) Location) the Warehouse Receipt System in Jinja on 11th November 2013;

Visited the Kakira Sugar Factory on 11th November 2013;

Met with the Egyptian Ambassador at the Ministry Headquarters on 12th November 2013 to discuss trade and investment interests; Attended a Breakfast meeting organized by PSFU on 19th November 2013;

Presided over a meeting on Bugisu Cooperative Union at Mbale Resort on 22nd November 2013;

Presided over the 4th Annual Joint TIC Sector Review Conference on 26th November 2013;

Presided over the Techno Serve Graduation held under the theme “Women mean Business” at the UMA Lugogo Grounds on 28th November 2013;

Represented and lobbied for Uganda‟s interests at the Bali WTO Ministerial Conference in Indonesia in December;

Presided over the launch of the National Standards awareness campaign at Wandegya market Kampala on 12th December 2013;

Met with UMA on issues of Wheat Processors in Uganda at the Ministry Headquarters on 12th December 2013;

Represented and lobbied for Uganda‟s interests at a COMESA meeting held in Nairobi from 16th to 17th December 2013;

Ministerial Press Conferences, TV Talk Shows and Radio Talk Shows on RECs (COMESA & EAC), Ministry and Sector Programmes facilitated;

Monthly Top Management Meetings facilitated;

Ministers' Emoluments and entitlements paid;

Quarter One:

Ministerial Press Conferences, TV Talk Shows and Radio Talk Shows on RECs (COMESA & EAC), Ministry and Sector Programmes facilitated;

Consumer Sensitization on PVoC by Political Leadership Vote Overview

119 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

Vote Function: 06 49 Policy, Planning and Support Services Programme 01 HQs and Administration Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15 Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and UShs Thousand Location) (Quantity and Location) Location) and engagements with Service Providers;

Presidential Economic Committee (PEC) meetings and Presidential Investors Round Table (PIRT) meetings attended;

Foreign Trade Ministerial Delegations and Special Envoys received and hosted for bilateral deliberations of mutual interests and signing of MoUs. Egypt, ;

Parliament and its Sessional Committees engaged with on the Sector‟s emerging and pressing issues, and Ministerial Policy Statement;

Ministry politically represented at meetings and events organized;

Represented and lobbied for Uganda‟s interests in the Ministerial EAC Council meetings in Arusha;

Attended Dedicated Ministers‟ Brief on EPA-EU Negotiations in Arusha;

Presided over the opening of Port Bellh on 26th August 2013 in Mombasa;

Presided over the official opening of Ham Towers in Makerere, Kampala on 20th September 2013;

Presided over the opening and closure of COMESA Bureau Summit at Imperial Royale from 12th to 14th September 2013;

Presided over the Agricultural Market Information Symposium organized at Royal Springs on 12th September 2013;

Presided over the ISO Standards Workshop at Hotel Africana on 12th September 2013;

Presided over the Cooperatives Day Celebrations in Masindi together with H.E. the President on 27th September 2013;

Total 231,950 104,339 577,411 Wage Recurrent 71,747 21,159 71,747 Non Wage Recurrent 160,203 83,180 505,664

06 49 07Human Resource 1. Staff sensitised on HIV/AIDS Conducive working Human Resource and Registry: Management Services and other health issues; environment and well coordinated workforce; 1. Staff sensitised on HIV/AIDS 2. Conducive working and other health issues; Vote Overview

120 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

Vote Function: 06 49 Policy, Planning and Support Services Programme 01 HQs and Administration Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15 Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and UShs Thousand Location) (Quantity and Location) Location) environment and well Team spirit built and harnessed coordinated workforce; amongst staff; 2. Conducive working environment, well facilitated 3. Team spirit built and Staff availed with up to date staff and well coordinated harnessed amongst staff; identity cards; workforce;

4. Training of Staff; Staff records regulary kept up to 3. Team spirit built and date; harnessed amongst staff; 5. Staff availed with up to date identity cards; 4. Training of Staff;

6. Payment of Medical expenses 5. Staff availed with up to date for employess; identity cards;

7. Provision for Incapacity, 6. Payment of Medical expenses Death Benefits & Funeral for employess; expenses for employees and close relatives; 7. Provision for Incapacity, Death Benefits & Funeral 8. Staff records regulary kept up expenses for employees and to date; close relatives;

8. Staff records regulary kept up to date;

9. Payroll management improved;

10. Gender issues mainstreamed;

11. Staff sponsorships for several Master's Programmes and short courses organised;

12. Support supervision for staff deployed by the Ministry across various Sector Institutions;

13. Ministry Registry and Archives maintained;

14. Staff Result-oriented Performance management system maintained;

Total 127,047 47,924 250,009 Wage Recurrent 30,000 8,848 91,593 Non Wage Recurrent 97,047 39,076 158,416

06 49 51Contributions and 1. Contributions to International Uganda's annual contribution to Uganda's Membership Memberships to Organisations (WTO, COMESA was remitted; subscriptions and Contributions International COMESA, UNIDO, IBE and made to International Organisations others); Organisations such as the World Trade Organisation (WTO), the Common Market (Comment: Outputs pending for Eastern and Southern Africa more resource allocation from (COMESA), the United Nations the envelope) Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO), the International Bureau of Exhibitions (IBE) and others;

(Comment: Outputs require a total resource allocation of UShs. 2,791,259,076 only, of which UShs. 2,223,280,400 is the mandatory annual contribution and the rest is the accumulated arrears in contributions. This output therefore requires separate and additional funding otherwise risks distorting the general Vote Overview

121 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

Vote Function: 06 49 Policy, Planning and Support Services Programme 01 HQs and Administration Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15 Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and UShs Thousand Location) (Quantity and Location) Location) budget implementation through supplementaries) Total 405,001 3,031,134 400,001 Wage Recurrent 0 0 0 Non Wage Recurrent 405,001 3,031,134 400,001

06 49 99Arrears

Total 0 0 54,287 Wage Recurrent 0 0 0 Non Wage Recurrent 0 0 54,287

GRAND TOTAL 1,595,347 3,719,922 2,631,736 Wage Recurrent 367,917 251,563 539,793 Non Wage Recurrent 1,227,430 3,468,359 2,091,943

Annual Workplan for 2014/15 - Outputs, Activities, Inputs and their Cost Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost (Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand Output: 06 4901 Policy, consultation, planning and monitoring services

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost Office of the PS: Permanent Staff (Person Years) 10.0 211,316 Assorted Office Stationery (Value/Month) 12.0 2,400 1. Strategic Policy Guidance provided to the Ministry and Sector Computer Accessories (Disks, toner, flash etc) 12.0 1,200 Institutions; (Value/Month) Fuel, Lubricants and Oils (Value/Month) 12.0 14,400 2. As Leader of Government's Trade Negotiating Team; Uganda's trade Office and Staff Welfare (Value/Month) 12.0 3,600 and industrialisation interests represented at International and inland Office Telephone Airtime (3 Sets) (Value/Month) 12.0 3,600 meetings organised under various forums, including WTO, COMESA, Responsibility Allowances (PS) (Value/Month) 12.0 6,000 EAC and Tripartite; Security (Body Guard) Services (Value/Month) 12.0 1,200 3. Development of trade, industry and cooperatives sectors facilitated with T.A - Airtickets (avg. 2 times per month) 12.0 62,400 strong growth potential and fundamentals; (Value/Month) T.A - Per Diems (avg. 2 times & 3days/month) 12.0 67,392 4. Uganda's international trade interests protected, in particular, with a (Value/Month) view to enhance access to global markets for our goods, services and Travel Inland (Value/Month) 12.0 30,000 investments; Vehicle Maintenance (Value/Month) 12.0 3,600

5. A good understanding of the current state of and outlook provided for the Ugandan economy for policy formulation and refinement;

6. Statutory, Trust and other special program institutions under the sector overseen and supervised; Activities to Deliver Outputs: Office of the PS:

1. Strategic Policy Guidance provided to the Ministry and Sector Institutions;

2. As Leader of Government's Trade Negotiating Team; Uganda's trade and industrialisation interests represented at International and inland meetings organised under various forums, including WTO, COMESA, EAC and Tripartite;

3. Development of trade, industry and cooperatives sectors facilitated with strong growth potential and fundamentals;

4. Uganda's international trade interests protected, in particular, with a view to enhance access to global markets for our goods, services and investments;

5. A good understanding of the current state of and outlook provided for Vote Overview

122 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

Vote Function: 06 49 Policy, Planning and Support Services Programme 01 HQs and Administration Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost (Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand the Ugandan economy for policy formulation and refinement;

6. Statutory, Trust and other special program institutions under the sector overseen and supervised; Total 407,108 Wage Recurrent 211,316 Non Wage Recurrent 195,792 Output: 06 4902 Sector Coordination and Administrative Services

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost A) Administrative Secretaries+Office Supervision: Contracts Committee Sittings (Cost/Sitting) 40.0 20,000 1. Administrative support provided to the Ministry and logistical Permanent Staff (Person Years) 18.0 165,137 management; Assorted Office Stationery (Value/Month) 12.0 16,800 2. Fleet register maintained; Computer Accessories (Disks, toner, flash etc) 12.0 8,400 3. Ministry fleet maintained with 95% of fleet in good working condition; (Value/Month) 4. Ministry events organised; Fuels, Lubricants and Oils (Value/Month) 12.0 18,000 5. Public Relations ensured; Newspapers (Vision+Monitor) (Value/Month) 12.0 48,000 Office Telephone Airtime (10 Sets) (Value/Month) 12.0 12,000 B) Accounts Section: Security at Office Premises (Value/Month) 12.0 12,000 1. Financial Statements prepared and submitted to Accountant General; Small Office Repairs (Value/Month) 12.0 24,000 2. Audit queries responded to; Vehicle Maintenance (5 MVs) (Value/Month) 12.0 18,000 3. Records and books of accounts maintained; Staff Welfare (Value/Officer) 37.0 15,984 4. Advances accounted for; Accounts_Work (Value/Quarter) 4.0 29,999 5. Compliance with PFAA and Financial Regulations ensured; Administrative Secretaries+Office 4.0 20,000 6. Payments made and Funds disbursed; Supervision_Work (Value/Quarter) 7. IFMS Recurrent Costs; Anti-Virus and Computer Security Services 4.0 20,000 (Value/Quarter) Cleaning and Sanitation (Value/Quarter) 4.0 56,000 C) Procurement and Disposal Unit: Consolidated Allowances (Standing Orders Sect E- 8.0 273,400 1. All Procurement and Disposal activities of the Ministry managed a) (Value/Quarter) excluding adjudication and the award of contracts; Electricity (Prepaid Meter Arrangement) 4.0 100,000 2. Functioning of the Contracts Committee supported; (Value/Quarter) 3. Decisions of the Procurement Committee implemented; Flowers (Boardroom + Ministers Offices) 4.0 7,200 4. Liaison with PPDA on matters within its jurisdiction; (Value/Quarter) 5. Secretariat to the Contracts Committee maintained; ICT+Resource Centre_Work (Value/Quarter) 4.0 20,000 6. Procurement and Disposal Activities of the Ministry planned and IFMS Recurrent costs (Value/Quarter) 4.0 10,000 coordinated; 7. Procurement and Disposal procedures recommended; Internet Services from NITA-U (Value/Quarter) 4.0 12,000 8. Statements of Requirements checked and prepared; Procurement&Disposal Unit_Work (Value/Quarter) 4.0 20,000 9. Bid documents prepared; Water (Value/Quarter) 4.0 16,000 10. Advertisements of Bid opportunities prepared; 11. Bidding documents issued; 12. A Providers list maintained; 13. Contract documents prepared; 14. Approved Contract documents issued; 15. Records of the procurement and disposal process maintained and archived; 16. Monthly reports for the Contracts Committee prepared;

D) ICT and Resource Centre: 1. Use of Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) developed, managed and promoted in all Sections of the Ministry; 2. Document Depository maintained; 3. Public Relations of the Ministry managed; 4. Information sharing within the Ministry promoted and information disseminated to the Public;

E) Ministry's Common Costs: 1. Water; 2. Electricity; 3. Cleaning Services provided; 4. Small Office Repairs and Maintenance; 5. Flower bouquets maintained for Ministers' Offices and Boardroom; 6. Newspapers for all Ministry Staff (New Vision+Monitor); Vote Overview

123 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

Vote Function: 06 49 Policy, Planning and Support Services Programme 01 HQs and Administration Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost (Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand 7. Security at Premises provided; Activities to Deliver Outputs: A) Administrative Secretaries+Office Supervision: 1. Provide Administrative support to the Ministry and logistics management; 2. Maintain Fleet register; 3. Maintain Ministry Fleet with 95% of the fleet in good working condition; 4. Organise Ministry events; 5. Ensure Public Relations;

B) Accounts Section: 1. Prepare and submit Financial Statements to Accountant General; 2. Respond to Audit queries; 3. Maintain Records and Books of Accounts; 4. Account for Advances; 5. Ensure Compliance with PFAA and Financial Regulations; 6. Make Payments and disburse Funds; 7. Pay IFMS Recurrent Costs;

C) Procurement and Disposal Unit: 1. Manage all Procurement and Disposal activities of the Ministry excluding adjudication and the award of contracts; 2. Support the functioning of the Contracts committee; 3. Implement decisions of the Procurement Committee; 4. Liase directly with PPDA on matters within its jurisdication; 5. Act as a Secretariat to the Contracts Committee; 6. Plan and coordinate the Procurement and Disposal activities of the Ministry; 7. Recommend procurement and disposal procedures; 8. Check and prepare statements of requirements; 9. Prepare Bid documents; 10. Prepare advertisements of bid opportunities; 11. Issue bidding documents; 12. Maintain a providers list; 13. Prepare Contract documents; 14. Issue approved contract documents; 15. Maintain and archive records of the procurement and disposal process; 16. Prepare monthly reports for the contracts committee;

D) ICT and Resource Centre: 1. Develop, manage and promote use of Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) in all Sectors of the Ministry; 2. Act as a Document Depository; 3. Manage Public Relations of the Ministry; 4. Promote information sharing within the Ministry and disemmination of information to the Public;

E) Ministry's Common Costs: 1. Water; 2. Electricity; 3. Cleaning Services provided; 4. Small Office Repairs and Maintenance; 5. Flower bouquets maintained for Ministers' Offices and Boardroom; 6. Newspapers for all Ministry Staff (New Vision+Monitor); 7. Security at Premises provided;

Total 942,920 Wage Recurrent 165,137 Non Wage Recurrent 777,783 Output: 06 4903 Ministerial Support Services

Vote Overview

124 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

Vote Function: 06 49 Policy, Planning and Support Services Programme 01 HQs and Administration Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost (Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost 1. Strategic policy guidance 3 Ministers' T.A - Per Diems, Avg. 2 days/Month 72.0 96,064 provided; (Day's Per diem) Permanent Staff (Person Years) 6.0 71,747 2. Inland and 3 Ministers' T.A - Airtickets (Value/Airticket) 72.0 187,200 international meetings attended; Assorted Office Stationery (Value/Month) 12.0 4,800 Computer Accessories (Disks, toner, flash etc) 12.0 2,400 3. Ministry events hosted; (Value/Month) Fuels, Lubricants and Oils (3 MVs) (Value/Month) 12.0 86,400 4. Emoluments provided for Ministers; Security (Body Guards) for 3 Ministers, 4 each 12.0 14,400 Activities to Deliver Outputs: (Value/Month) 1. Strategic policy guidance Travel Inland, Office Staff (Value/Month) 12.0 60,600 provided; Vehicle Maintenance (3 MVs) (Value/Month) 12.0 10,800 Responsibility Allowances, 3 Min (Standing 4.0 34,000 2. Inland and Orders) (Value/Quarter) international meetings attended; 3 Political Assistants' Wages (Wage/Officer) 36.0 9,000 Total 577,411 3. Ministry events hosted; Wage Recurrent 71,747 4. Emoluments provided for Ministers; Non Wage Recurrent 505,664 Output: 06 4907 Human Resource Management Services

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost Human Resource and Registry: Permanent Staff (Person Years) 5.0 91,593 Assorted Office Stationery (Value/Month) 12.0 2,400 1. Staff sensitised on HIV/AIDS and other health issues; Computer Accessories (Disks, toner, flash etc) 12.0 1,200 (Value/Month) 2. Conducive working Consolidated Allowances(HR+Registry)_Standg 12.0 57,960 environment, well facilitated staff and well coordinated workforce; Orders (Value/Month) Fuels, Lubricants and Oils (Value/Month) 12.0 6,000 3. Team spirit built and harnessed amongst staff; Telephone Airtime (2 Sets) (Value/Month) 12.0 2,400 Staff Welfare (Value/Officer) 8.0 3,456 4. Training of Staff; Human Resource meetings (Value/Quarter) 4.0 5,000 5. Staff availed with up to date identity cards; Incapacity, death and funeral expenses 4.0 20,000 (Value/Quarter) 6. Payment of Medical expenses for employess; IPPS Recurrent Costs (Value/Quarter) 4.0 25,000 Medical Expenses to entitled Employees 4.0 20,000 7. Provision for Incapacity, Death Benefits & Funeral expenses for (Value/Quarter) employees and close relatives; Payroll Management (Value/Quarter) 4.0 5,000 Training Programmes (Value/Quarter) 4.0 10,000 8. Staff records regulary kept up to date;

9. Payroll management improved;

10. Gender issues mainstreamed;

11. Staff sponsorships for several Master's Programmes and short courses organised;

12. Support supervision for staff deployed by the Ministry across various Sector Institutions;

13. Ministry Registry and Archives maintained;

14. Staff Result-oriented Performance management system maintained; Activities to Deliver Outputs: Human Resource and Registry:

1. Staff sensitised on HIV/AIDS and other health issues;

2. Conducive working environment, well facilitated staff (duty allowances) and well coordinated workforce;

3. Team spirit built and harnessed amongst staff;

Vote Overview

125 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

Vote Function: 06 49 Policy, Planning and Support Services Programme 01 HQs and Administration Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost (Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand 4. Training of Staff;

5. Staff availed with up to date identity cards;

6. Payment of Medical expenses for employess;

7. Provision for Incapacity, Death Benefits & Funeral expenses for employees and close relatives;

8. Staff records regulary kept up to date;

9. Print monthly payroll and staff payslips;

10. Distribute all staff pay slips to respective staff every month;

11. Display pay roll at designated notice board;

12. Gender mainstreaming issues mainstreamed;

13. Staff sponsorships for several Master's Programmes and short courses organised;

14. Support supervision for staff deployed by the Ministry across various Sector Institutions;

15. Ministry Registry and Archives maintained;

16. Staff Result-oriented Performance management system maintained; Total 250,009 Wage Recurrent 91,593 Non Wage Recurrent 158,416 Output: 06 4951 Contributions and Memberships to International Organisations

Planned Outputs: Grant or Transfer Cost Uganda's Membership subscriptions and Contributions made to Subscription to COMESA, UNIDO & IBE 1 International Organisations such as the World Trade Organisation (WTO), Subscription to World Trade Organisation (WTO) 400,000 the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA), the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO), the International Bureau of Exhibitions (IBE) and others;

(Comment: Outputs require a total resource allocation of UShs. 2,791,259,076 only, of which UShs. 2,223,280,400 is the mandatory annual contribution and the rest is the accumulated arrears in contributions. This output therefore requires separate and additional funding otherwise risks distorting the general budget implementation through supplementaries) Activities to Deliver Outputs: Pay Contributions to International Organisations such as the World Trade Organisation (WTO), the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA), the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO), the International Bureau of Exhibitions (IBE) and others Total 400,001 Wage Recurrent 0 Non Wage Recurrent 400,001 Output: 06 4999 Arrears

Planned Outputs:

Activities to Deliver Outputs:

Total 54,287

Vote Overview

126 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

Vote Function: 06 49 Policy, Planning and Support Services Programme 01 HQs and Administration Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost (Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand Wage Recurrent 0 Non Wage Recurrent 54,287 GRAND TOTAL 2,631,736 Wage Recurrent 539,793 Non Wage Recurrent 2,091,943

Vote Overview

127 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

Vote Function: 06 49 Policy, Planning and Support Services Programme 15 Internal Audit Programme Profile

Responsible Officer: Senior Internal Auditor

Objectives: In order to execute internal financial control systems, quality control and risk management in the Ministry as defined by the Public Finance and Accountability Act 2003, the objectives of the Internal Audit programme are to; • Review and report on the system of generating financial information and data and on the reliability and integrity of financial statements and other related accounting and financial information. • Conduct systems audit to ascertain whether or not internal controls are appropriate to the entity and whether or not are operating effectively and efficiently. • Conduct value for money audits on key activities of the public sector entity. • Conduct risk management audits to ascertain whether or not management has set procedures for risk identification, management of fraud and money laundering. • Conduct environmental audits to ascertain whether or not management has put in place procedures for identifying environmental risks in its activities and to ensure that these risks are monitored and managed appropriately. • Conduct periodic reviews to confirm whether or not Government policies, legislations, regulations and specific applicable instructions are followed. • Review management arrangements to ensure that objectives and values of the entity are achieved. • Conduct reviews on various projects implemented by the entity and report on project management, implementation and post implementation reviews. • Review resource acquisition, deployment, utilization and disposal and ascertain whether there are appropriate and adequate arrangements for safe custody of Government Assets. • Conduct special audits and investigations as it may be requested by a competent authority. Outputs: During the Financial Year 2014/15, Internal Audit function intends to undertake the following activities; • Follow up issues raised in the previous Financial Year audit reports and ensure that recommendations have been implemented. • Review the Ministry‟s operational systems; evaluating and identifying exposure areas to risk and policy issues • Review advances, records keeping and payment procedures to ensure adherence and compliance to the respective Treasury accounting instructions. • Conduct audit of Institutions affiliated to the Ministry with regard to internal controls and operational procedures to ensure compliance with the different Treasury Accounting Instructions and the respective Acts, standing orders and laws in place. • Conduct payroll and human resource management audit to ensure that right personnel is employed, no ghost employees and right salary scales are payout and documentation. • Review Assets and utilities management to ensure proper records keeping and maintenance. • Verify accumulated domestic arrears to ensure that they were properly computed and documented. • Conduct IFMS audit to ensure that the respective responsibilities have been adhered to and reports generated as per the regulations. • Review the operations of the different donor supported projects operated under the Ministry. • Conduct any other assignments delegated by Accounting officer and head of Internal Audit and Inspectorate

The above activities are to be carried out using the risk based audit approach by assessing the vulnerability, impact and probability of such risks occurrence.

The systems audit approach will also be used to assess the effectiveness and efficiency of the Vote Overview

128 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

Vote Function: 06 49 Policy, Planning and Support Services Programme 15 Internal Audit Ministry‟s internal control systems and evaluating the extent to which the systems may be relied upon to ensure that the intended objectives are met. The two approaches will be complemented with other techniques like performance auditing and quality assurance so as to achieve the objectives set above. 7/1/2014 6/30/2017

Workplan Outputs for 2013/14 and 2014/15 Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15 Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and UShs Thousand Location) (Quantity and Location) Location) 06 49 01Policy, consultation, Risk Profile report; Periodic reports on Domestic Risk Profile report; planning and monitoring Arrears Verification; services Management letters on: Management letters on: 1. The Accounting systems and Management letters on: 1. The Accounting systems and preparation of Financial 1. The Accounting systems and preparation of Financial statements; preparation of Financial statements; 2. The financial and operational statements; 2. The financial and operational procedures and the 2. The financial and operational procedures and the effectiveness of internal procedures and the effectiveness of internal controls; effectiveness of controls; 3. Procurement procedures; 3. Procurement procedures; 4. Review of donor aided 4. Review of donor aided projects; projects; 5. IFMS Audit; and 5. IFMS Audit; and 6. The operational controls 6. The operational controls within the Ministry‟s Agencies within the Ministry‟s Agencies and affiliated institutions in and affiliated institutions in regard to internal controls, regard to internal controls, policy issues and overall policy issues and overall operational procedures; operational procedures;

Payroll Audit Report; Payroll Audit Report;

Assets Management Report; Assets Management Report;

Periodic reports on Domestic Periodic reports on Domestic Arrears Verification; Arrears Verification;

Total 29,726 13,148 63,622 Wage Recurrent 10,225 3,016 24,318 Non Wage Recurrent 19,501 10,132 39,304

GRAND TOTAL 29,726 13,148 63,622 Wage Recurrent 10,225 3,016 24,318 Non Wage Recurrent 19,501 10,132 39,304

Annual Workplan for 2014/15 - Outputs, Activities, Inputs and their Cost Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost (Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand Output: 06 4901 Policy, consultation, planning and monitoring services

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost Risk Profile report; Permanent Staff (Person Years) 2.0 24,318 Assorted Stationery (Value/Month) 12.0 2,400 Management letters on: Computer Accessories (Disks, toner, flash etc) 12.0 600 1. The Accounting systems and preparation of Financial statements; (Value/Month) 2. The financial and operational procedures and the effectiveness of Consolidated Allowances (Standing Orders Sect E- 12.0 14,640 internal controls; a) (Value/Month) 3. Procurement procedures; Fuels, Lubricants and Oils (1 MV) (Value/Month) 12.0 6,000 4. Review of donor aided projects; Office Telephone Airtime (1 Set) (Value/Month) 12.0 1,200 5. IFMS Audit; and Vehicle Maintenance (1 MV) (Value/Month) 12.0 3,600 6. The operational controls within the Ministry‟s Agencies and affiliated Staff Welfare (Value/Officer) 2.0 864 institutions in regard to internal controls, policy issues and overall operational procedures; Audit Field Inspections (Value/Quarter) 4.0 8,000 Audit Meetings (Value/Quarter) 4.0 2,000 Payroll Audit Report;

Vote Overview

129 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

Vote Function: 06 49 Policy, Planning and Support Services Programme 15 Internal Audit Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost (Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand Assets Management Report;

Periodic reports on Domestic Arrears Verification; Activities to Deliver Outputs: Risk Profile report;

Management letters on: 1. The Accounting systems and preparation of Financial statements; 2. The financial and operational procedures and the effectiveness of internal controls; 3. Procurement procedures; 4. Review of donor aided projects; 5. IFMS Audit; and 6. The operational controls within the Ministry‟s Agencies and affiliated institutions in regard to internal controls, policy issues and overall operational procedures;

Payroll Audit Report;

Assets Management Report;

Periodic reports on Domestic Arrears Verification; Total 63,622 Wage Recurrent 24,318 Non Wage Recurrent 39,304 GRAND TOTAL 63,622 Wage Recurrent 24,318 Non Wage Recurrent 39,304

Vote Overview

130 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

Vote Function: 06 49 Policy, Planning and Support Services Programme 17 Policy and Planning Programme Profile

Responsible Officer: Asst. Commissioner - Policy and Planning

Objectives: Mandate: The Unit is responsible for policy research and analysis, planning, monitoring and evaluation of strategies and programmes across the Ministry and its Agencies.

Vision: "A well coordinated result-oriented implementation of Sector Policies and Strategies."

Mission: "To advise on the formulation of sound Sector Policies and Strategies, maximize institutional mobilization of funds, ensure efficient allocation and financial accountability so as to achieve rapid and sustainable Sector growth and development." Outputs: Functions of the Policy and Planning Unit ======1. Assist Ministry departments in formulating fundable projects a) Circulating format for the projects b) Organizing a workshop to review the projects c) Fine tuning fundable projects

2. Assist in the Ministry departments in the preparation of the budget framework paper a) Circulating a budget call circular to departments b) Circulating a work plan template c) Reviewing individual departmental draft work pans d) Organizing a workshop to review all draft work plans e) Entering all the work plans, item budgets and half year reports into the OBT f) Producing a budget framework paper

3. Assist the Ministry departments in drawing annual and quarterly work plans a. Preparing annual work plans b. Preparing quarterly work plans

4. Preparing Ministerial Policy Statements; a) Updating reports up to third quarter of every financial year b) Updating annual work plans and item budgets in the OBT c) Organize a meeting by heads of departments and institutions to review the draft MPS

5. Prepare quarterly, biannual and annual report for submission to Office of the Prime Minister and MFPED a) Circulating reporting formats to departments b) Preparing quarterly reports c) Preparing biannual reports d) Preparing annual report

6. Coordinating, monitoring and evaluating the sectoral economic plans and programmes a) Analyzing national budget frameworks, drafting and disseminating short reports on the economic performance of the sector.

7. Review strategies, projects and programmes and ensure their implementation a) Analyzing both project and programs of the Ministry in terms of objectives and activities b) Analyzing the levels of implementations for projects and programs Vote Overview

131 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

Vote Function: 06 49 Policy, Planning and Support Services Programme 17 Policy and Planning c) Bring to the attention of the accounting officer the performance levels of project

8. Enhancing awareness of Governments‟ economic development policies and programmes through continued engagement with stakeholders a) Disseminating policy briefs in relation to the sector to relevant stakeholders through workshops b) Undertaking policy awareness

9. Collecting, processing, managing and analyzing sector related data and disseminating information to stakeholders and the general public a) Describing data collection procedures and including the description with the outline of the data gathering instrument(s) b) Pretesting the questionnaire in an actual field situation c) Organizing the Data d) Coding the Data e) Analyzing the data f) Offering Interpretations g) Writing the Report h) Disseminating information

10. Formulating methods and developing appropriate data collection procedures, designing questionnaires, field manuals and data collection manuals

11. Compiling statistical data and reports on survey findings a) Collecting secondary data from recent censuses, vital statistics and surveys

12. Development and management of statistical databases relevant to Ministry. A) Developing departmental specific databases b) Securing security for the databases

13. Undertaking Policy Research on issues identified by the productive sectors, analyze them and make recommendations;

14. Support policy formulation at the Ministry by providing the policy research and analysis that is an essential component for evidence-based.

15. Design and conduct both short and long-term research programs as requested.

16. Analyzing the impact of economic policies on ministry programmes a) Identifying and disseminating the lessons learned from experience and by framing recommendations drawn from evaluation findings.

17. Advising the Permanent Secretary on the desirable Policy changes;

18. Monitoring Results Oriented Management (ROM) policy performance in the Ministry;

19. Liaising with all Ministry stakeholders to ensure the attainment of the Ministry‟s objectives.

Workplan Outputs for 2013/14 and 2014/15

Vote Overview

132 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

Vote Function: 06 49 Policy, Planning and Support Services Programme 17 Policy and Planning Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15 Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and UShs Thousand Location) (Quantity and Location) Location) 06 49 01Policy, consultation, Sector Budget Framework planning and monitoring Paper submitted by 15th services November 2014;

Ministerial Policy Statement prepared and submitted to Parliament by 10th June 2015;

Annual Joint Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Sector Review organised and conference report prepared;

Four Quarterly Progress Reports prepared and submitted to MoFPED and OPM;

Four Quarterly Monitoring and Evaluation Reports produced to inform submissions to MoFPED and OPM;

Four Sector Working Group Review meetings and Strategic Reports;

Effective participation in the Local Government Budget Consultative Process (LGBCP) facilitated;

Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Sector Monitoring and Evaluation Framework organised and Coordinated;

Policy and Legal Support and Guidance offered to the Ministry and the Sector at large;

Sector Strategic Development Plan updated and reviewed;

Total 0 0 398,911 Wage Recurrent 0 0 121,616 Non Wage Recurrent 0 0 277,295

06 49 08Research, Information and MoTIC Statistical Abstract Statistical Services 2014;

Guidelines on compilation of Business profiles at the Local Governments;

Sector Strategic Plan for Statistics (2013 - 2018);

Coordinated Sector Statistical Development activities;

(Comment: Funds inadequate to facilitate full mandated responsibilities. Awaiting more resource allocation or solicitation of off-budget support) Total 0 0 18,480 Wage Recurrent 0 0 0 Non Wage Recurrent 0 0 18,480

Vote Overview

133 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

Vote Function: 06 49 Policy, Planning and Support Services Programme 17 Policy and Planning GRAND TOTAL 0 0 417,391 Wage Recurrent 0 0 121,616 Non Wage Recurrent 0 0 295,775

Annual Workplan for 2014/15 - Outputs, Activities, Inputs and their Cost Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost (Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand Output: 06 4901 Policy, consultation, planning and monitoring services

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost Sector Budget Framework Paper submitted by 15th November 2014; Sector Strategic Development Plan Review () 1.0 1 Permanent Staff (Person Years) 11.0 121,616 Ministerial Policy Statement prepared and submitted to Parliament by MPS Stakeholder Consultations and Retreats 1.0 20,000 10th June 2015; (Value/Activity) Sector BFP Stakeholder Consultations and Retreat 1.0 20,000 Annual Joint Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Sector Review organised (Value/Activity) and conference report prepared; Annual TIC Joint Sector Review Conference 1.0 50,000 (Value/Conferenc) Four Quarterly Progress Reports prepared and submitted to MoFPED and MoTIC Ministerial Policy Statement Publication 500.0 13,500 OPM; (Value/Copy) TIC Sector Budget Framework Paper Publication 100.0 2,700 Four Quarterly Monitoring and Evaluation Reports produced to inform (Value/Copy) submissions to MoFPED and OPM; Assorted Office Stationery (Value/Month) 12.0 3,600 Computer Accessories (Disks, toner, flash etc) 12.0 3,600 Four Sector Working Group Review meetings and Strategic Reports; (Value/Month) Consolidated Allowances (Standing Orders Sect E- 12.0 75,000 Effective participation in the a) (Value/Month) Local Government Budget Consultative Process (LGBCP) facilitated; Fuels, Lubricants and Oils (2 MVs) (Value/Month) 12.0 28,800 Office Telephone Airtime (3 Sets) (Value/Month) 12.0 3,600 Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Sector Monitoring and Evaluation Vehicle Maintenance (2 MVs) (Value/Month) 12.0 7,200 Framework organised and Coordinated; Staff Welfare (Value/Officer) 12.0 5,184 Policy and Legal Support and Guidance offered to the Ministry and the Airtickets and Allowances (Value/Quarter) 4.0 3,490 Sector at large; Sector Monitoring and Evaluation Activities 4.0 26,100 (Value/Quarter) Sector Strategic Development Plan updated and reviewed; Travel Inland (Mileage) (Value/Quarter) 4.0 14,520 Activities to Deliver Outputs: Organise Sector Budget Framework Paper stakeholder consultations and Preparatory Retreat;

Print Sector Budget Framework Paper submission;

Hold Ministerial Policy Statement Stakeholder Consultations and Preparatory Retreat(s);

Print Ministerial Policy Statement submission;

Hold 5th Annual Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Sector Review Conference;

Compile and verify Quarterly Performance Reports to OPM and MoFPED;

Print Quarterly Reports to OPM and MoFPED;

Conduct Quarterly monitoring visits to inform Quarterly Performance Reports to OPM and MoFPED;

Coordinate the Sector Working Group through regular TTI (TIC) SWG meetings;

Participate in the Annual Budget Consultative Meetings for Local Governments; Total 398,911 Wage Recurrent 121,616 Non Wage Recurrent 277,295 Output: 06 4908 Research, Information and Statistical Services

Vote Overview

134 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

Vote Function: 06 49 Policy, Planning and Support Services Programme 17 Policy and Planning Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost (Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost MoTIC Statistical Abstract 2014; Sector Statistical Committee meetings & activities 4.0 18,480 (Value/Quarter) Guidelines on compilation of Business profiles at the Local Governments;

Sector Strategic Plan for Statistics (2013 - 2018);

Coordinated Sector Statistical Development activities;

(Comment: Funds inadequate to facilitate full mandated responsibilities. Awaiting more resource allocation or solicitation of off-budget support)

Activities to Deliver Outputs: Hold Sector Statistical Committee meetings;

Print and Publish the MoTIC Statistical Abstract 2014;

Hold dissemination workshop for MTIC Statistical Abstract 2014;

Hold consultative meetings to inform the development of Guidelines for District Business Profiles compilation;

Conduct field visits to LGs to evaluate capacity to compile Business Profiles;

Publish the Sector Strategic Plan for Statistics;

Hold dissemination workshop for Sector Strategic Plan for Statistics;

Purchase 2 external harddrives;

Purchase 5 licenses for STATA 13 and eViews 8; Total 18,480 Wage Recurrent 0 Non Wage Recurrent 18,480 GRAND TOTAL 417,391 Wage Recurrent 121,616 Non Wage Recurrent 295,775

Vote Overview

135 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

Vote Function: 06 49 Policy, Planning and Support Services Project 0248 Government Purchases and Taxes Project Profile

Responsible Officer: Undersecretary - Finance and Administration

Objectives: The specific objectives of this project include; • Strengthening capacity for implementing reforms in planning and budgeting targeting output orientation; • Facilitate the operations of statutory organizations under the Ministry through payment of taxes where Government has agreements with donor institutions; • Retooling and maintenance of buildings and equipment of the Ministry; • Equip the Ministry with the required transport equipment; • Availability of permanent working sites; • Skills in appropriate technologies and business management; • Support the production of Quality products which are competitive in the local and international markets; • Support mechanisms to create sufficient awareness by the local population about the products available; . Outputs: The expected outputs of the project include: • Procure Office Furniture and Fittings; • Procure ICT services, equipment and software; • Procure transport equipment; . Start Date: 7/1/2007 Projected End Date: 6/30/2021

Workplan Outputs for 2013/14 and 2014/15 Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15 Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and UShs Thousand Location) (Quantity and Location) Location) 06 49 02Sector Coordination and 1. Administrative functions of 1. Administrative functions of The Ministry's Office premises Administrative Services the Ministry supported; the Ministry supported; and other physical assets maintained; 2. Procurement of Ministry's 2. Procurement of Ministry's Official Outfits; Official Outfits;

3. Ministry Public Relations 3. Ministry Public Relations facilitated; facilitated;

(Comment: Outputs pending more resource allocation from the envelope) Total 157,594 120,000 27,594 GoU Development 157,594 120,000 27,594 External Financing 0 0 0

06 49 72Government Buildings and Canteen area for Ministry staff Administrative established at the 4th Floor Infrastructure (Annex) of Farmers House, Parliamentary Avenue; Total 0 0 35,400 GoU Development 0 0 35,400 External Financing 0 0 0

06 49 75Purchase of Motor 2 Station wagons and 2 Pick up None 3 Motor Vehicles procured to Vehicles and Other trucks procured to facilitate facilitate transport for the Transport Equipment transport for the Ministers and Ministers; Ministry operations;

(Comment: More motor (Comment: Outputs pending vehicles are required to boost Vote Overview

136 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

Vote Function: 06 49 Policy, Planning and Support Services Project 0248 Government Purchases and Taxes Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15 Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and UShs Thousand Location) (Quantity and Location) Location) more resource allocation from Ministry operations because it the envelope) is a newly created Ministry) Total 1 0 619,500 GoU Development 1 0 619,500 External Financing 0 0 0

06 49 76Purchase of Office and 1 Projector, 2 Network ICT hardware repaired, Internet Power Backups (Service Free ICT Equipment, Photocopiers, 60 photocopier services procured, Antivirus Batteries, 6pcs) Procured; including Software catridges, Antivirus, Internet procured, photocopier catridges services for 12 months, 5 procured Desktop Computers Procured; Desktop computers, 5 laptops, 10 UPSes procured;

ICT hardware repaired;

Biometric System for Personel Mgt & Security; Total 438,000 143,671 20,363 GoU Development 438,000 143,671 20,363 External Financing 0 0 0

06 49 78Purchase of Office and Furniture and Fittings procured Furniture and Fittings procured Furniture and Fittings procured Residential Furniture and for Offices; for Offices; for new staff and their offices; Fittings Curtains and fittings for 10 Curtains and fittings for 10 offices; offices;

20 Desks;

20 Desk Chairs;

10 Visitors Chairs;

8 Executive Chairs; Total 243,400 81,702 23,600 GoU Development 243,400 81,702 23,600 External Financing 0 0 0

GRAND TOTAL 838,995 345,374 726,457 GoU Development 838,995 345,374 726,457 External Financing 0 0 0

Annual Workplan for 2014/15 - Outputs, Activities, Inputs and their Cost Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost (Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand Output: 06 4902 Sector Coordination and Administrative Services

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost The Ministry's Office premises and other physical assets maintained; Maintenance of Office Premises (Value/Quarter) 4.0 27,594 Activities to Deliver Outputs: Maintain the Ministry's Office premises and other physical assets; Total 27,594 GoU Development 27,594 External Financing 0 Output: 06 4972 Government Buildings and Administrative Infrastructure

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost Canteen area for Ministry staff established at the 4th Floor (Annex) of Temporary structures for canteen at 4th flr annex () 1.0 30,000 Farmers House, Parliamentary Avenue; Activities to Deliver Outputs: Set up a temporary structure on the 4th Floor (Annex) of Farmer's House, Parliamentary Avenue; Vote Overview

137 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

Vote Function: 06 49 Policy, Planning and Support Services Project 0248 Government Purchases and Taxes Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost (Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand Total 35,400 GoU Development 35,400 External Financing 0 Output: 06 4975 Purchase of Motor Vehicles and Other Transport Equipment

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost 3 Motor Vehicles procured to facilitate transport for the Ministers; Motor Vehicles for the Ministers (Value/Vehicle) 3.0 420,000

(Comment: More motor vehicles are required to boost Ministry operations because it is a newly created Ministry) Activities to Deliver Outputs: 3 Motor vehicles procured to facilitate transport for the Ministers and Ministry operations; Total 619,500 GoU Development 619,500 External Financing 0 Output: 06 4976 Purchase of Office and ICT Equipment, including Software

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost Power Backups (Service Free Batteries, 6pcs) Procured; Power Backups and Desktop computers (Cost) 1.0 18,401

Desktop Computers Procured; Activities to Deliver Outputs: Procure Power Backups (Service Free Batteries, 6pcs);

Procure Desktop Computers; Total 20,363 GoU Development 20,363 External Financing 0 Output: 06 4978 Purchase of Office and Residential Furniture and Fittings

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost Furniture and Fittings procured for new staff and their offices; Office Furniture and Fittings for new recruits (Cost) 1.0 20,000 Activities to Deliver Outputs: Procure Furniture and Fittings for new staff and their offices; Total 23,600 GoU Development 23,600 External Financing 0 GRAND TOTAL 726,457 GoU Development 726,457 External Financing 0

Table V3.2: Past and Medum Term Key Vote Output Indicators* 2013/14 MTEF Projections Vote Function Key Output 2012/13 Approved Releases Indicators and Costs: Outturn Plan Prel. Actual 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 Vote: 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Vote Function:0601 Industrial and Technological Development Stage of UDC Act formulation N/A N/A No info Bill presented to Cabinet Stage of Sugar Act formulation N/A N/A No info Bill presented to Parliament Stage of Iron and Steel policy N/A N/A No info Policy formulation Presneted to Vote Overview

138 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

2013/14 MTEF Projections Vote Function Key Output 2012/13 Approved Releases Indicators and Costs: Outturn Plan Prel. Actual 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 Cabinet No. of participants trained in value N/A N/A No info 240 addition, business management & marketing Vote Function Cost (UShs bn) 21.228 7.015 6.801 7.247 5.934 6.097 VF Cost Excluding Ext. Fin 21.228 7.015 6.801 Vote Function:0602 Cooperative Development Stage of Cooperatives Societies N/A N/A No info Cooperatives Amendment Act formulation Societies Ammendment Act submitted to Parliament No. of cooperatives Societies N/A N/A No info 10 audited Vote Function Cost (UShs bn) 0.830 0.993 0.804 1.403 3.108 2.828 VF Cost Excluding Ext. Fin 0.830 0.993 0.804 Vote Function:0604 Trade Development Stage of Competition and Consumer N/A N/A No info Submitted to Protection Policy formulation Cabinet Uganda's Services Waiver request N/A N/A No info Yes submitted to WTO after stakeholder consultation No. of Non-Tariff Barriers addressed N/A N/A No info 10 12 10 No. of companies/firms supported N/A N/A No info 15 15 15 to participate in Trade fairs and exhibitions Vote Function Cost (UShs bn) 8.634 5.809 2.023 6.516 12.187 5.031 VF Cost Excluding Ext. Fin 8.634 2.860 2.023 3.370 N/A N/A Vote Function:0611 Export Promotion Vote Function Cost (UShs bn) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 VF Cost Excluding Ext. Fin 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 N/A N/A Vote Function:0612 Enterprise Training and Advisory Vote Function Cost (UShs bn) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 VF Cost Excluding Ext. Fin 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 N/A N/A Vote Function:0649 Policy, Planning and Support Services Vote Function Cost (UShs bn) 1.825 2.251 4.362 3.574 2.137 3.030 VF Cost Excluding Ext. Fin 1.825 2.251 4.362 Cost of Vote Services (UShs Bn) 32.517 16.068 13.990 18.741 23.367 16.987 Vote Cost Excluding Ext Fin. 32.517 13.119 13.990 18.741 N/A N/A * Excluding Taxes and Arrears Medium Term Plans According to the National Development Plan 2010/11-2014/15, the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives, along with its Agencies, have the following strategies to implement in the Medium Term.

Industrial Sector 1) Enhance value addition to primary products 2) Build capacity in specific targeted skills needed for value addition 3) Promote and strengthen industrial development 4) Promote Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) industrial development 5) Develop skills of non-formal manufacturing sector (Jua Kali artisans) to enhance their competitiveness 6) Strengthen research and technology developments in industrial application. 7) Develop and maintain institutional capacity for development, analysis, implementation and dissemination of laws, regulations and standards in line with demonstrated priorities and anticipated needs in standardization.

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Cooperatives Sector 8) Strengthen the policy and legal framework of co-operative Societies 9) Increase Productive capacity and Productivity of the Members of the Cooperative Movement 10) Promote cooperative education and training 11) Promote Value Addition and Collective Marketing 12) Improve access to financial services for the co-operative Institutions. 13) Strengthen the capacity of Co-operative institutions 14) Promote Partnerships and linkages 15) Establish and strengthen co-operative information systems 16) Expand the scope and range of co-operative enterprises

Trade Sector 17) Strengthen the policy, legal and regulatory frameworks. 18) Implement measures to reduce the time and cost of starting a business. 19) Develop and implement a national trade information system 20) Develop human resource in trade related issues 21) Increase awareness on the available financing options and standards 22) Negotiate better market access for Ugandan goods and services 23) Penetrate high value markets in high income countries such as the European Union, the United States, and Canada. 24) Develop trade infrastructure 25) Establish relevant institutions and structures for enhancing infrastructure delivery and standards 26) Enhance branding of products and services 27) Promote effective positioning of Uganda's products and services in international markets 28) Strengthen coordination of trade institutions 29) Promote equal opportunities to women, youth and disadvantaged groups

Quality Assurance and Standards 30) Strengthen Uganda‟s standards development and quality infrastructure and processes to guarantee industry competitiveness (especially SMEs). 31) Adopt the use of standards in public policy and legislation to foster business competitiveness and protection of public health, safety and the environment. 32) Set up a national conformity assessment regime that provides confidence in national capacity and competences in line with market requirements 33) Develop and maintain institutional capacity for development, analysis, implementation and dissemination of laws, regulations and standards in line with demonstrated priorities and anticipated needs in standardization. 34) Increase awareness on standardization among public and private sector decision makers to enhance competitiveness and improve consumer protection. 35) Establish a National co-ordination framework to enhance cooperation and coherence within the National standardization system including public private partnerships. 36) Promote the application and use of standards in industry to enhance quality and competitiveness. 37) Evolve innovative and sustainable funding business models to attract increased funding. . (i) Measures to improve Efficiency The Ministry is dedicated to efficiency in Budget allocation and execution to ensure that in all its plans, activities and outputs, there is Value for Money. This is carried out through providing adequate capacity for staff to enable them carry out their duties and responsibilities in a professional manner and in accordance with the law. In addition to professionalization of the different cadres in the Ministry, proper staffing tools are availed to foster accuracy, effectiveness and service delivery in a timely manner.

Under all the Ministry Vote Functions, the Ministry shall, in FY 2013/14 and in the medium term continue to ensure efficiency in resource allocation and utilisation in order to achieve value for money to ensure promotion of economic growth, job creation and improved service delivery.

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The Policy, Planning and Support Services Function shall continue to ensure that funds are allocated in accordance to work plans which are linked to the attainment of the NDP short-term and long-term goals. This shall eliminate unnecessary allocations and reallocation of resources which are not in line with the agreed upon outputs, work plans and procurement plans. The Ministry‟s Policy and Planning Unit is mandated to carryout annual and quarterly Budget monitoring and produce periodic reports and Policy briefs which facilitate identification of inefficiency in allocation and use of the public funds.

The Ministry shall ensure effecting of the Electronic Funds Transfer systems to enable transparency and adherence to, laws, standards, guidelines, policies and procedures and other financial management regulations. The Ministry shall also carry out performance audits, IT and Forensic audits in addition to conducting quality assurance reviews to further ensure compliance to the law which shall lead to the attainment of Value for Money and efficiency in service delivery. . Table V3.3: Key Unit Costs of Services Provided and Services Funded (Shs '000)

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(ii) Vote Investment Plans The Ministry views infrastructure development within the sector as a key issue for improving the performance of the sector and its contributions to the GDP of the country. To this effect, regardless of the meager budget the Ministry suffers, commitments have been made towards infrastructure development.

All attempts to develop this infrastructure in the sector are guided by key policy framework documents such as; 1. The National Development Plan (2010/11 – 2014/15); 2. The Sector‟s Investment Plan (2009/10 – 2013/14); 3. The NRM Presidential Manifesto (2011-16); 4. The Trade Development Plan; 5. The National Export Strategy; and 6. The Industrial Development Plan.

Therefore, the Ministry appreciates, and welcomes, any assistance that may be offered by its Development Partners towards improving the state and availability of socio-economic infrastructure to grow this sector into a robust one for wealth creation and poverty alleviation. . Table V3.4: Allocations by Class of Output over the Medium Term (i) Allocation (Shs Bn) (ii) % Vote Budget Billion Uganda Shillings 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 Consumption Expendture(Outputs Provided) 6.7 8.3 10.1 5.6 41.8% 44.2% 43.1% 33.1% Grants and Subsidies (Outputs Funded) 3.5 4.7 2.8 2.8 22.1% 25.2% 11.8% 16.3% Investment (Capital Purchases) 5.8 5.7 10.5 8.6 36.1% 30.6% 45.0% 50.6% Grand Total 16.1 18.7 23.4 17.0 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% Table V3.5: Major Capital Investments (Outputs of class Capital Purchases over 0.5Billion) Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15 Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditures and Outputs by Proposed Budget, Planned Outputs (Quantity and Location) End March Outputs (Quantity and Location) UShs Thousand (Quantity and Location) Vote Function: 06 01 Industrial and Technological Development Project 1111 Soroti Fruit Factory 060180 Construction of Consultant procured to prepare The valuation report for the way Fruit farmers mobilized and Common Industrial technical ddesigns, BOQs & leaves for the extension of trained as productive units of Facilities technical specifications for the water and electricty to the the value chain; water storage tank; project site was finalised by the Chief Government Valuer and Ground breaking of the factory Water and electricty supply handed over to UDC; undertaken; commissioned at the project site; Land title for the project site Orange & mango Juice analysis Technical desigsn, BOQs and was secured; report produced by UIRI and technical specifications ; prepared for the water storage Road works for the access roads tank; to the project site are now at Customers taste & preference base level with the contractor analysis report produced for the Contractor procured to provide stock piling stone chippings, sampled juices; and install a 640m3 water cement, and lime for the 1st storage tank at the project site; layer, stone pitching and Consultant secured to develop head/wing wall construction is technical designs & BOQs for 640M3 water stoarge tank also ongoing underground water tank; procured and installed at the project site; Street lighting mobilisation is Technical designs & BOQs also on going; produced for the underground Fruit farmers of Teso region water tank; mobilized and trained as Evaluation report for the productive units of the value installation of a 250m3 water Land for waste disposal secured; chain; tank at the project site was produced; EIA consultant for the waste Land for solid waste disposal disposal site secured; acquired in Soroti ; Bids secured from potential service providers for the Final EIA report produced for solid Waste disposal site fenced; construction of the perimeter the waste disposal site; wall fence for factory; Consultant to undertake an Soroti fruit factory publicized; Environmental Impact An advert inviting bidders for Vote Overview

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Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15 Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditures and Outputs by Proposed Budget, Planned Outputs (Quantity and Location) End March Outputs (Quantity and Location) UShs Thousand (Quantity and Location) Assessment (EIA) for the solid the procurement of a van to Security services provided at the waste disposal site procured; support project activities was project site; designed and published; EIA report produced for the EIA certificate secured for solid waste disposal site; Q1, Q2 and Q3 Project waste disposal site; Taskforce meetings were held Plant personnel and full time and minutes produced; Consultant secured to develop technical personnel for the the ICT infrastructure; project recruited; Q1, Q2 and Q3 Project progress reports were compiled; Contractor secured for the Security services provided at the construction & installation of an project site by Uganda Police; Furniture and filling cabinets underground water tank; for the project implementation Ground breaking for the project team were acquired; Solid waste disposal site fenced; undertaken; Construction works for Access Technical designs & BOQs Consultant procured to produce roads to Project site is on-going; produced for the ICT designs and BOQs for the infrastructure; parking yard and ICT Temporary structure for the infrastructure; security guards constructed at Underground water tank the project site; constructed; Designs & BOQs prepared for the parking yard and ICT Technical designs, BOQs and Capacity for the project infrastructure; technical specifications for implementation team enhanced; 640m3 water tank prepared; Parking yard constructed and Leveled waste disposal site & ICT infrastrcture installed; 1,279 Fruit farmers mobilised & other facilities constructed; trained in Soroti; Project Taskforce meetings held; Plant personnel recruited; 4 Research Assistants recruited Project progress reports as full time Project Technical Potential customers for the pulp produced (both MoTIC and Personnel; & concentrates identified; UDC); 3 technical officers trained in Contractor procured to install Korea; the ICT infrastructure;

Publicity and awareness about Factory vehicles (trucks) the project created; procured;

Computers, laptops, projector, Project Taskforce meetings held; project screen, printer, monitor, UPS, camera & camcorder Project progress reports acquired; produced;

Projects Unit up to date with the latest agro-industry technical regulations and their impact on competitiveness of agro- processing enterprises

Project Administrative expenses met;

Total 4,760,812 4,930,894 4,846,906 GoU Development 4,760,812 4,930,894 4,846,906 External Financingt 0 0 0

(iii) Priority Vote Actions to Improve Sector Performance The Tourism, Trade and Industry Sector Working Group will be intensively operationalised; Several attempts are being made to improve the performance of this Ministry and its sector but most of them have been frustrated by the inadequacy of funds. . Table V3.6: Vote Actions to Improve Sector Performance 2013/14 Planned Actions: 2013/14 Actual Actions: 2014/15 Planned Actions: MT Strategy: Sector Outcome 1: A Competitive and Export-oriented Industrial Sector Vote Overview

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2013/14 Planned Actions: 2013/14 Actual Actions: 2014/15 Planned Actions: MT Strategy: Vote Function: 06 01 Industrial and Technological Development VF Performance Issue: Inadequate Requisite Technical Skills for Industrial Development Continue to build capacities Facilitate the Private Sector to Continue to build capacities of Capacity development for staff of the Private Sector, participate in trade shows and both the Private and Public & private entrepreneurs facilitate the Private Sector to exhibitions Sectors; Facilitate the Private Facilitate Jua-kali exhibitions; participate in trade shows and Sector to participate in Support skills devt exhibitions international trade shows and institutions; Collaborative exhibitions; capacity building thru training of staff and linkages to academia; Advocacy for Vocational Institutions establishment VF Performance Issue: Low Industrial Support Infrastructure (Juakali common facilities, produce warehouses and processing facilities) Establish and Operationalise Support the development of an MSMEs Directorate in the Industrial support Ministry to handle and infrastructure; coordinate all the MSMEs issues, promote value addition and technology transfer, promotion of quality and use of standards VF Performance Issue: Weak Institutional Linkages Incorporate the Annual Incorporate the Annual Sector Operationalise the Tourism, A fully operational Tourism, Sector Review Review recommendations, Trade and Industry Sector Trade and Industry Sector recommendations, promote promote the use of standards Working Group; Working Group; the use of standards through through the implementation of Fully operationalise the Harmonize policies that the implementation of the the Accreditation Policy and Industrial Consultative support industrial Accreditation Policy and the the Sanitary and Phyto- Committee to boost development; Sanitary and Phyto-Sanitary Sanitary Policy coordination in the industrial Enhance the capacity to Policy sector; develop bankable projects; Sector Outcome 3: Improved Competitiveness and Market Access of Uganda's Goods and Services Vote Function: 06 02 Cooperative Development VF Performance Issue: A weak cooperative movement to galvanise the production, processing and marketing of the various produce and natural resources Prioritise the revival of the Mobilise and support the Prioritise the revival of the Prioritise the revival of the dormant cooperatives, formation other specialised dormant cooperatives, dormant cooperatives, strengthen the weak ones, and types of cooperatives; Promote strengthen the weak ones, and strengthen the weak ones, and mobilise and support the good governance in mobilise and support the mobilise and support the formation other specialised Cooperative societies and formation other specialised formation other specialised types of cooperatives; Unions; types of cooperatives; Promote types of cooperatives; Promote Promote good governance in good governance in good governance in Cooperative societies and Cooperative Societies and Cooperative societies and Unions; Unions; Promote produce Unions; Promote bulking and bulking & process processing VF Performance Issue: Weak Governance of the Cooperatives Sensitize the cooperatives Sensitize the cooperatives Intesify Construct 10 Regional members on how to be in members on how to be in supervision/monitoring/inspect warehouses; Refurbish 180 charge of their Cooperative charge of their Cooperative ion missions to Cooperative warehouses; Develop Societies; Cooperatives to Societies; Cooperatives to Societies all over the Country; standards on education and diversify, promote value diversify, promote value Continue with sensitisation of training, and best practices in addition among the producer addition among the producer cooperative members; operations of Cooperatives; cooperatives and diversify cooperatives and diversify into Training cooperative members into the formation of energy the formation of energy and on Governance issues. and housing cooperatives housing cooperatives VF Performance Issue: Weak Supply Chains and Marketing Infrastructure Sensitise the Cooperative Sensitise the Cooperative Sensitise the Cooperative Carrying out market research, Societies to integrate input Societies to integrate input Societies to integrate input refurbishing produce stores; supply credit and savings, supply credit and savings, supply credit and savings, Networking with development value addition, marketing and value addition, marketing and value addition, marketing and partners to establish more distribution for consumption distribution for consumption distribution for consumption Rural Information Centres; Vote Function: 06 04 Trade Development VF Performance Issue: Existence of Non-Tariff Barriers (NTBs) to Trade both in the Regional and International Markets Vote Overview

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2013/14 Planned Actions: 2013/14 Actual Actions: 2014/15 Planned Actions: MT Strategy: Extend operations of the NTB Implement the NTB Extend operations of the NTB Continuous engagement of the monitoring mechanisim, and monitoring mechanisim monitoring mechanisim, and relevant authorities in reduce or partially eliminate project; reduce or partially eliminate removing NTBs; Continuous NTBs through Bilateral NTBs through Bilateral negotiations at Bilateral, Negotiations Negotiations and constant Regional and International monitoring; levels; Continuous sensitization of importers, exporters and other stakeholders VF Performance Issue: Inadequate Legal and Institutional Frameworks Fast-track the formulation Facilitate the formulation and Fast-track the formulation and Develop necessary policies and review of Commercial review of Commercial Laws review of Commercial Laws and laws to facilitate trade; Laws such as the Competition such as the Competition and such as the Competition and Harmonize Regional and Consumer Protection Consumer Protection Policy, Consumer Protection Policy, integration frameworks and Policy, Anti-Counterfeit Anti-Counterfeit Goods Bill, Anti-Counterfeit Goods Bill, policies; Goods Bill, Trade Licensing Trade Licensing Ammendment Trade Licensing Regulations, Regulations, SPS Policy etc Act, SPS Policy etc SPS Policy etc; VF Performance Issue: Weak Coordination among Stakeholders in the Public and Private Trade Sector Participation in Trade Comercial Attaches posted to Operationalise the Tourism, Enhancing the capacity of Missions, Comm. Attaches, Uganda's mission in Geneva; Trade and Industry Sector trade staff, Private Sector and Regular Meetings of the Non Working Group; DCOs to handle trade related Tariff Barrier Monitoring Constitute and operationalise a issues; MSMEs strategy in Committee (NMC), Trade Commissioners Forum place; Operationalise the Strengthen and facilitate IITC with participation from all key NTNT; Launching Regional meetings, Strengthened Commissioners and and District IITCs; Strengthen Market opportunities and Department Heads across the interlinkages in the trade trade relations with our major Government whose sector trade partners contributions facilitate Trade; Vote Function: 06 11 Export Promotion VF Performance Issue: Inadequate facilitation of Export Product Development and Promotion Initiatives Lobby for support towards Lobby for support towards Export Product Development Export Product Development and promotional intiatives; and promotional intiatives; Develop bankable projects to Develop bankable projects to support export promotion support export promotion Vote Function: 06 49 Policy, Planning and Support Services VF Performance Issue: Inadequate resources available to facilitate the Sector Regulatory and Coordination Functions Operationalise the Tourism, Secure transport facilities for Trade and Industry Sector improved movement of staff; Working Group; Continue to Strengthen TTI Sector engage the Ministry of Working Group; Finance, Planning and Economic Development to increase resource allocation to sector's MTEF; VF Performance Issue: Inadequate Staffing Levels and Facilitation of Staff Recruitment of more staff in Fill all the vacant posts in the the Ministry within the Wage Ministry's Approved Staff Provision as was given Establishment Structure; clearance in FY 2012/13; Provide Staff with adequate Lobby for more funding to tools and equipment to fully support the Approved facilitate their duties; Provide Staff Establishment Structure, a condusive environment and including the Directorate of welfare to support and MSMEs; Facilitate and motivate Staff; motivate Staff VF Performance Issue: Weak coordination mechanisms for Government programmes implementation in the sector Operationalise TTI Sector Operationalise TTI Sector Working Group; Strengthen Working Group; Strengthen Sector Monitoring and Sector Monitoring and Coordination Coordination

V4: Proposed Budget Allocations for 2014/15 and the Medium Term Vote Overview

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This section sets out the proposed vote budget allocations for 2014/15 and the medium term, including major areas of expenditures and any notable changes in allocations. Table V4.1: Past Outturns and Medium Term Projections by Vote Function* 2013/14 MTEF Budget Projections * Excluding Taxes and Arrears 2012/13 Appr. Releases Outturn Budget End Mar 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17

Vote: 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

0601 Industrial and Technological Development 21.228 7.015 6.801 7.247 5.934 6.097 0602 Cooperative Development 0.830 0.993 0.804 1.403 3.108 2.828 0604 Trade Development 8.634 5.809 2.023 6.516 12.187 5.031 0611 Export Promotion 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0612 Enterprise Training and Advisory 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0649 Policy, Planning and Support Services 1.825 2.251 4.362 3.574 2.137 3.030 Total for Vote: 32.517 16.068 13.990 18.741 23.367 16.987

(i) The Total Budget over the Medium Term The total budget for Vote 015 will be allocated as in the table below in the medium term. (ii) The major expenditure allocations in the Vote for 2014/15 At the Vote Function level, the Ministry‟s major expenditure areas for FY 2014/15 shall include Industrial and Technological Development (UShs. 6.703bn), Trade Development (UShs. 6.206bn) followed by Policy, Planning & Support Services (UShs. 1.894bn) in descending order.

In Vote Function 0601 Industrial and Technological Development, Project 1111 Soroti Fruit Factory carries the largest expenditure allocation coming to UShs. 4.9bn (GoU Devt).

In Vote Function 0604 Trade Development, Project 1162 Quality Infrastructure and Standards Programme (QUISP) carries the largest expenditure allocation at UShs. 3bn (GoU+Donor) and is followed by Programme 07 External Trade with UShs. 1.65bn (GoU Recurrent) of which UShs. 1.218bn is a subvention to the Uganda Export Promotion Board.

In Vote Function 0649 Policy, Planning and Support Services, Programme 01 HQs and Administration carries the largest expenditure allocation at UShs. 1.58bn (Recurrent) of which UShs. 0.39bn is for Wage Recurrent, and is followed by Programme 0248 Government Purchases and Taxes with UShs. 0.747bn. . (iii) The major planned changes in resource allocations within the Vote for 2014/15 Several changes have been made to the resource allocation within the Sector and the Ministry itself following strategic policy decisions and transfer of funds belonging to one of the Ministry‟s Agencies. This is properly illustrated in the table below. . Table V4.2: Key Changes in Vote Resource Allocation Changes in Budget Allocations and Outputs Justification for proposed Changes in 2014/15 from 2013/14 Planned Levels: in Expenditure and Outputs Vote Function:0601 Trade Development Output: 0604 01 Trade Policies, Strategies and Monitoring Services UShs Bn: 0.431 The increase in allocation towards Trade Policies, Strategies and Reinstatement of funding for Quality Infrastructure and Monitoring will aid in the expediting of some policies like Standards Programme (QUISP) after suspension of donor Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) Policy and Trade in Services last FY 2014/15. Renewal of Phase II of the Second Trade Policy among other, the Trade Licensing Amendment Bill, which Capacity Enhancement Project (TRACE II) are fundamental to achieving the Sectoral objectives as per the National Development Plan. Monitoring of domestic trade interventions and impact of the regional integration programmes is also key among the Sector objectives of Trade as per the NDP, and will go a long way in streamlining and improving performance of the Sector and its outputs for better service delivery.

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Changes in Budget Allocations and Outputs Justification for proposed Changes in 2014/15 from 2013/14 Planned Levels: in Expenditure and Outputs Output: 0604 03 Capacity building for Trade Facilitating Institutions UShs Bn: -0.670 Capacity building of trade faciltitating institutions for Standards Reinstatement of funding for Quality Infrastructure and development and quality assurance is features among the NDP Standards Programme (QUISP) after suspension of donor objectives and strategies for the Sector and will go a long way in last FY 2014/15. Renewal of Phase II of the Second Trade improving service delivery. Capacity Enhancement Project (TRACE II) Output: 0604 05 Economic Intergration and Market Access (Bilateral, Regional and Multilateral) UShs Bn: 0.419 The Regional Integration Implementation Programme (RIIP) New project "Regional Integration Implementation funded by the COMESA Fund has joined the Sector. The project is Programme" (RIIP) joins the Sector with funding from the implemented under the auspices of the COMESA Regional COMESA Fund; Integration Support Mechanism which is mainly supported by the European Union. The overall objective of the RIIP program is to ensure effective integration of Uganda into the COMESA and promote the country’s competitiveness with a view to increasing her regional trade and investments. Output: 0604 51 Access to Market (UEPB) UShs Bn: 0.517 End of EPATAPSS Project funding as per Project profiles, and reduction in QUISP Donor funding allocation. Vote Function:0675 Policy, Planning and Support Services Output: 0649 75 Purchase of Motor Vehicles and Other Transport Equipment UShs Bn: 0.420

Table V4.3: 2013/14 and 2014/15 Budget Allocations by Item 2013/14 Approved Budget 2014/15 Draft Estimates Million Uganda Shillings GoU Ext. Fin AIA Total GoU Ext. Fin AIA Total Output Class: Outputs Provided 3,867.8 2,849.0 0.0 6,716.8 5,807.6 2,481.7 0.0 8,289.2 211101 General Staff Salaries 1,303.2 0.0 0.0 1,303.2 2,140.8 0.0 0.0 2,140.8 211102 Contract Staff Salaries (Incl. Casuals, Temp 19.6 210.0 0.0 229.6 72.0 0.0 0.0 72.0 211103 Allowances 347.6 200.0 0.0 547.6 711.9 175.0 0.0 886.9 213001 Medical expenses (To employees) 18.0 0.0 0.0 18.0 20.0 0.0 0.0 20.0 213002 Incapacity, death benefits and funeral expen 18.0 0.0 0.0 18.0 20.0 0.0 0.0 20.0 221001 Advertising and Public Relations 42.9 30.0 0.0 72.9 28.0 55.0 0.0 83.0 221002 Workshops and Seminars 267.5 512.6 0.0 780.1 579.7 595.0 0.0 1,174.7 221003 Staff Training 129.8 15.0 0.0 144.8 10.6 311.0 0.0 321.6 221004 Recruitment Expenses 4.8 0.0 0.0 4.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 221005 Hire of Venue (chairs, projector, etc) 58.5 31.0 0.0 89.5 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 221007 Books, Periodicals & Newspapers 19.3 0.0 0.0 19.3 48.0 0.0 0.0 48.0 221008 Computer supplies and Information Technol 9.0 32.0 0.0 41.0 31.6 96.0 0.0 127.6 221009 Welfare and Entertainment 87.0 7.0 0.0 94.0 66.7 12.0 0.0 78.7 221010 Special Meals and Drinks 2.4 0.0 0.0 2.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 221011 Printing, Stationery, Photocopying and Bind 188.3 49.4 0.0 237.7 83.6 156.0 0.0 239.6 221012 Small Office Equipment 9.8 12.0 0.0 21.8 11.8 0.0 0.0 11.8 221016 IFMS Recurrent costs 10.0 0.0 0.0 10.0 10.0 0.0 0.0 10.0 221017 Subscriptions 2.6 0.0 0.0 2.6 2.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 221020 IPPS Recurrent Costs 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 25.0 0.0 0.0 25.0 222001 Telecommunications 79.6 18.5 0.0 98.1 53.4 72.0 0.0 125.4 222002 Postage and Courier 24.6 12.0 0.0 36.6 0.0 10.0 0.0 10.0 222003 Information and communications technolog 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 32.0 70.0 0.0 102.0 223001 Property Expenses 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 223002 Rates 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 223003 Rent – (Produced Assets) to private entities 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 223004 Guard and Security services 90.0 0.0 0.0 90.0 27.6 0.0 0.0 27.6 223005 Electricity 36.0 0.0 0.0 36.0 100.0 0.0 0.0 100.0 223006 Water 18.0 0.0 0.0 18.0 16.0 0.0 0.0 16.0 223007 Other Utilities- (fuel, gas, firewood, charcoa 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 223901 Rent – (Produced Assets) to other govt. unit 10.0 0.0 0.0 10.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 224002 General Supply of Goods and Services 10.8 424.4 0.0 435.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

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147 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

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2013/14 Approved Budget 2014/15 Draft Estimates Million Uganda Shillings GoU Ext. Fin AIA Total GoU Ext. Fin AIA Total 224004 Cleaning and Sanitation 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 56.0 0.0 0.0 56.0 225001 Consultancy Services- Short term 0.0 50.0 0.0 50.0 332.1 163.7 0.0 495.8 226001 Insurances 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 226002 Licenses 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 227001 Travel inland 336.1 243.0 0.0 579.1 467.4 305.0 0.0 772.4 227002 Travel abroad 209.8 233.1 0.0 442.9 493.8 166.0 0.0 659.8 227003 Carriage, Haulage, Freight and transport hir 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 227004 Fuel, Lubricants and Oils 339.1 132.0 0.0 471.1 239.0 284.0 0.0 523.0 228001 Maintenance - Civil 10.4 0.0 0.0 10.4 27.6 0.0 0.0 27.6 228002 Maintenance - Vehicles 140.1 12.0 0.0 152.1 76.0 1.0 0.0 77.0 228003 Maintenance – Machinery, Equipment & Fu 25.0 0.0 0.0 25.0 24.0 10.0 0.0 34.0 228004 Maintenance – Other 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 273102 Incapacity, death benefits and funeral expen 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 282103 Scholarships and related costs 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 321401 District Unconditional grants 0.0 625.0 0.0 625.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 321423 Conditional transfers to feeder roads mainte 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Output Class: Outputs Funded 3,439.2 0.0 108.0 3,547.2 4,096.6 625.0 0.0 4,721.6 262201 Contributions to International Organisations 405.0 0.0 0.0 405.0 400.0 0.0 0.0 400.0 264101 Contributions to Autonomous Institutions 1,129.5 0.0 108.0 1,237.5 1,727.5 0.0 0.0 1,727.5 264102 Contributions to Autonomous Institutions ( 1,904.7 0.0 0.0 1,904.7 1,969.1 0.0 0.0 1,969.1 321448 Conditional Transfers for Production and m 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 625.0 0.0 625.0 Output Class: Capital Purchases 6,945.2 100.0 0.0 7,045.2 6,325.7 40.0 0.0 6,365.7 231001 Non Residential buildings (Depreciation) 105.0 0.0 0.0 105.0 157.5 2.0 0.0 159.5 231003 Roads and bridges (Depreciation) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 231004 Transport equipment 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1,440.0 10.0 0.0 1,450.0 231005 Machinery and equipment 295.5 100.0 0.0 395.5 200.4 10.0 0.0 210.4 231006 Furniture and fittings (Depreciation) 43.4 0.0 0.0 43.4 320.0 0.0 0.0 320.0 231007 Other Fixed Assets (Depreciation) 3,560.0 0.0 0.0 3,560.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 281501 Environment Impact Assessment for Capital 115.0 0.0 0.0 115.0 170.1 0.0 0.0 170.1 281502 Feasibility Studies for Capital Works 143.6 0.0 0.0 143.6 0.0 5.0 0.0 5.0 281503 Engineering and Design Studies & Plans for 186.1 0.0 0.0 186.1 25.0 0.0 0.0 25.0 281504 Monitoring, Supervision & Appraisal of cap 827.9 0.0 0.0 827.9 1,205.4 10.0 0.0 1,215.4 311101 Land 120.0 0.0 0.0 120.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 312104 Other Structures 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2,171.6 3.0 0.0 2,174.6 312105 Taxes on Buildings & Structures 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 39.3 0.0 0.0 39.3 312204 Taxes on Machinery, Furniture & Vehicles 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 596.4 0.0 0.0 596.4 312206 Gross Tax 1,241.1 0.0 0.0 1,241.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 312302 Intangible Fixed Assets 307.6 0.0 0.0 307.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Output Class: Arrears 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 54.3 0.0 0.0 54.3 321614 Electricity arrears (Budgeting) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 54.3 0.0 0.0 54.3 Grand Total: 14,252.2 2,949.0 108.0 17,309.2 16,284.1 3,146.7 0.0 19,430.8 Total Excluding Taxes, Arrears and AIA 13,011.1 2,949.0 0.0 15,960.1 15,594.1 3,146.7 0.0 18,740.8 ***where AIA is Appropriation in Aid V5: Vote Cross-Cutting Policy and Other Budgetary Issues This section discusses how the vote's plans will address and respond to the cross-cutting policy, issues of gender and equity; HIV/AIDS; and the Environment, and other budgetary issues such as Arrears and NTR..

(i) Cross-cutting Policy Issues (a) Gender and Equity Objective: To ensure Gender mainstreaming and a conducive working environment for both men and women Issue of Concern :There is need to create a working environment at the Ministry that is conducive for all staff no matter their Gender.

Vote Overview

148 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

Proposed Intervensions In Financial Year 2014/15, the Ministry is to carry out the following activities:

1. Collection and dissemination of information on Gender issues and best practices 2. Counseling and guidance on Gender sensitivity and enhancing Gender inclusive work ethic. 3. Gender disaggregated data collection in all Directorates of the Ministry 4. Analysis of Ministry Policies and Plans to ensure integration of Gender issues Budget Allocations UGX billion 0.005 Performance Indicators • Percentage of Ministry budget allocated to Gender related activities (b) HIV/AIDS Objective: To create a stigma free and conducive working environment for both the affected and infected staff of the Ministry Issue of Concern :There is need to create a stigma free and conducive working environment for both the affected and infected staff of the Ministry.

Proposed Intervensions The Ministry shall continue to provide members of staff who declare their status with support, care and treatment. Budget Allocations UGX billion 0.02 Performance Indicators • Number of infected staff provided with counseling and medical support

(c) Environment Objective: The Ministry engages with Industries to undertake Environment Impact Assessments Issue of Concern :

Proposed Intervensions

Budget Allocations UGX billion Performance Indicators

(ii) Verrified Outstanding Arrears for the Vote Payee Payment Due Date Amount (UShs Bn) Fok General Enterprises 2 5/22/2007 0.00 HENLEY PUBLISHING 6/19/2006 0.03 E.A Business 6/19/2006 0.00 E.A Procurement 6/19/2006 0.00 E.kasozi Enginering 6/19/2006 0.00 Elite enterprises 6/19/2006 0.00 Enhanced IT Solutions 6/19/2006 0.00 Difan & Sons Ltd 6 6/19/2006 0.00 Fok General Enterprises 1 7/4/2005 0.00 Difan & Sons Ltd 5 4/21/2006 0.00 Gilfilian Ltd 5/19/2007 0.00 Glorina Agencies 1 6/19/2006 0.00 Glorina Agencies 2 6/19/2006 0.00 Hana 1 6/19/2006 0.00 Hana 2 6/19/2006 0.00 Alpha Gen Suppliers 6/30/2006 0.00 F.X General Enterprises 7/10/2005 0.00 Vote Overview

149 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

Crane Engravers 6/20/2006 0.00 Arrow Centre (U) Ltd 5/8/2007 0.00 Auto Mend 6/30/2006 0.00 B.K Hardware & Wood works 6/19/2005 0.00 Babcon (U) Ltd 0.15 Bhoomi Supply Ltd 3/3/2005 0.00 Bira Agencies 7/20/2005 0.00 Drillmech services 6/19/2006 0.00 Chalm Enterprises Ltd 6/19/2006 0.00 Impact process 6/19/2006 0.00 Crystal Travel Service 6/19/2006 0.00 Dea Sherpherd 6/19/2006 0.00 Difan & Sons Ltd 1 6/19/2006 0.01 Difan & Sons Ltd 2 4/5/2006 0.00 Difan & Sons Ltd 3 5/15/2006 0.00 Difan & Sons Ltd 4 4/5/2006 0.00 Business Week 8/29/2005 0.00 Skilled Suppliers Ltd 5 9/7/2005 0.00 Hemina Enterprises 9/20/2005 0.00 Rim General Agencies 4 7/19/2005 0.00 Scom Enterprises 6/30/2006 0.00 Skilled Suppliers Ltd 1 11/22/2005 0.01 Skilled Suppliers Ltd 10 6/19/2006 0.00 Skilled Suppliers Ltd 2 1/3/2006 0.00 Rim General Agencies 2 3/1/2005 0.00 Skilled Suppliers Ltd 4 7/22/2005 0.00 Rim General Agencies 1 2/10/2005 0.00 Skilled Suppliers Ltd 6 10/22/2005 0.00 Skilled Suppliers Ltd 7 11/22/2005 0.00 Skilled Suppliers Ltd 8 6/19/2006 0.00 Skilled Suppliers Ltd 9 4/6/2006 0.00 Star Commercial Enterprises 6/19/2006 0.00 Vista Great Lakes 2/14/2005 0.00 Skilled Suppliers Ltd 3 1/9/2006 0.00 MFI Office Solutions (U) Ltd 4/1/2005 0.00 J.M Electrical 6/19/2006 0.00 Joma Construction 7/19/2006 0.00 Kagezi Enterprises 6/19/2006 0.00 Kareu General Suppliers 5/11/2006 0.00 Kesington Publications 6/19/2006 0.02 Kjaer & Kjaer 6/19/2006 0.00 Rim General Agencies 3 6/2/2005 0.00 Mak'jo 6/19/2006 0.00 Xerodoc (U) Ltd 7/25/2005 0.00 Muhekamu Enterprises Ltd 1 3/14/2006 0.00 Muhekamu Enterprises Ltd 2 6/19/2006 0.01 NiS Uganda 6/19/2006 0.00 Pearl Computer Services Ltd 6/19/2006 0.00 Posta Uganda 6/19/2006 0.00 Prime Impex 0.01 M/S Henry Kizito 6/19/2006 0.00 Total: 0.307 These arrears have been due for payment since the year 2009 as they were not yet verified. Since then, the Ministry has kept arrears on the low despite the budget constraints it faces. . (iii) Non Tax Revenue Collections

Vote Overview

150 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 015 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

The Ministry and its Agencies have a limited scope of procurements, most of which are common user items for which service and contract agreements are prepared, hence few bid documents are sold out to interested parties.

The Ministry‟s obsolete equipment like furniture and vehicles that are due for disposal are usually depreciated attracting low values. .

Vote Overview

151 Vote 110 Uganda Industrial Research Institute FY 2014/15 Vote Function 0651: Industrial Research Program : Headquarters CostCentre: Communications and Marketing District : Kampala

File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance Appointing Authority Authority UIRI/PF/090 Denis George Dokoria UIRI SC 3 3,598,000 43,176,000 UIRI SC 3 3,598,000 43,176,000 0 UIRI/PF/144 Gloria Kyampeire Muriisa UIRI SC 4 1,760,000 21,120,000 UIRI SC 4 1,760,000 21,120,000 0 UIRI/PF/204 Kabuye Fred UIRI SC 4 1,260,000 15,120,000 UIRI SC 4 1,260,000 15,120,000 0 UIRI/PF/268 Rutaruuka Gonzaga-Goza UIRI SC 4 1,125,000 13,500,000 UIRI SC 4 1,125,000 13,500,000 0 UIRI/PF/274 Asiimwe Peter Derrick UIRI SC 4 1,125,000 13,500,000 UIRI SC 4 1,125,000 13,500,000 0 UIRI/PF/046 Nakabugo Juliet Kirya UIRI SC 4 1,505,000 18,060,000 UIRI SC 4 1,505,000 18,060,000 0 CostCentre: Executive Director’s Office District : Kampala

File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance Appointing Authority Authority UIRI/PF/001 Prof. Charles Kwesiga UIRI SC 1 23,800,000 285,600,000 UIRI SC 1 23,800,000 285,600,000 0 UIRI/PF/042 Amuge Omoojo Beatrice UIRI SC 4 2,205,000 26,460,000 UIRI SC 4 2,205,000 26,460,000 0 UIRI/PF/026 Kainembabazi Carolyn UIRI SC 6 900,000 10,800,000 UIRI SC 6 900,000 10,800,000 0 CostCentre: Finance and Administration

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152 Vote 110 Uganda Industrial Research Institute FY 2014/15 Vote Function 0651: Industrial Research Program : Headquarters CostCentre: Finance and Administration District : Kabale

File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance Appointing Authority Authority UIRI/PF/064 Rwakira Boneventure UIRI SC 7 900,000 10,800,000 UIRI SC 7 900,000 10,800,000 0 District : Kampala

File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance Appointing Authority Authority UIRI/PF/005 Nimanya Abas UIRI SC 2 5,265,000 63,180,000 UIRI SC 2 5,265,000 63,180,000 0 UIRI/PF/104 Julian Mwesigye Kajuma UIRI SC 2 5,265,000 63,180,000 UIRI SC 2 5,265,000 63,180,000 0 UIRI/PF/007 Aheebwa Moses UIRI SC 2 5,265,000 63,180,000 UIRI SC 2 5,265,000 63,180,000 0 UIRI/PF/183 Esther Grace Kukundakwe UIRI SC 3 2,520,000 30,240,000 UIRI SC 3 2,520,000 30,240,000 0 UIRI/PF/182 Mutayoba Hudson UIRI SC 3 2,520,000 30,240,000 UIRI SC 3 2,520,000 30,240,000 0 UIRI/PF/177 Nabukera Rachael UIRI SC 4 1,260,000 15,120,000 UIRI SC 4 1,260,000 15,120,000 0 UIRI/PF/157 Chaka Mary UIRI SC 4 1,260,000 15,120,000 UIRI SC 4 1,260,000 15,120,000 0 UIRI/PF/147 Tinkabazaire Cris Tinka UIRI SC 4 1,760,000 21,120,000 UIRI SC 4 1,760,000 21,120,000 0 UIRI/PF/214 Mwesigwa Mutanga UIRI SC 4 1,260,000 15,120,000 UIRI SC 4 1,260,000 15,120,000 0 UIRI/PF/113 Nakinyingi Susan UIRI SC 4 1,260,000 15,120,000 UIRI SC 4 1,260,000 15,120,000 0 UIRI/PF/022 Tibaijuka Sunday UIRI SC 4 1,760,000 21,120,000 UIRI SC 4 1,760,000 21,120,000 0 UIRI/PF/048 Bigabwa Flavia Businge UIRI SC 4 2,080,000 24,960,000 UIRI SC 4 2,080,000 24,960,000 0 UIRI/PF/039 Kavuma Robert UIRI SC 4 1,442,000 17,304,000 UIRI SC 4 1,442,000 17,304,000 0 UIRI/PF/075 Yolamu Mugenzi Rugobya UIRI SC 4 1,442,000 17,304,000 UIRI SC 4 1,442,000 17,304,000 0

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153 Vote 110 Uganda Industrial Research Institute FY 2014/15 Vote Function 0651: Industrial Research Program : Headquarters CostCentre: Finance and Administration District : Kampala

File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance Appointing Authority Authority UIRI/PF/031 Kabateera Alex UIRI SC 4 1,760,000 21,120,000 UIRI SC 4 1,760,000 21,120,000 0 UIRI/PF/034 Tushabe Willy K. UIRI SC 5 1,058,400 12,700,800 UIRI SC 5 1,058,400 12,700,800 0 UIRI/PF/028 Birungi Jennifer M. UIRI SC 6 900,000 10,800,000 UIRI SC 6 900,000 10,800,000 0 UIRI/PF/188 Tumwine Rodgers UIRI SC 7 900,000 10,800,000 UIRI SC 7 900,000 10,800,000 0 UIRI/PF/195 Twesigye Nazarius UIRI SC 7 900,000 10,800,000 UIRI SC 7 900,000 10,800,000 0 UIRI/PF/196 Ojok Dauglas UIRI SC 7 680,000 8,160,000 UIRI SC 7 680,000 8,160,000 0 UIRI/PF/283 Bagale Rogers UIRI SC 7 700,000 8,400,000 UIRI SC 7 700,000 8,400,000 0 UIRI/PF/284 Murera Gracious UIRI SC 7 700,000 8,400,000 UIRI SC 7 700,000 8,400,000 0 UIRI/PF/223 Niwagaba Rollen UIRI SC 7 900,000 10,800,000 UIRI SC 7 900,000 10,800,000 0 UIRI/PF/233 Olupot Lawrence UIRI SC 7 525,000 6,300,000 UIRI SC 7 525,000 6,300,000 0 UIRI/PF/234 Busingye Frank UIRI SC 7 525,000 6,300,000 UIRI SC 7 525,000 6,300,000 0 UIRI/PF/134 Otim Lawerence UIRI SC 7 680,000 8,160,000 UIRI SC 7 680,000 8,160,000 0 UIRI/PF/240 Atukunda Marrion UIRI SC 7 520,625 6,247,500 UIRI SC 7 520,625 6,247,500 0 UIRI/PF/208 Ziriganira Robert UIRI SC 7 680,000 8,160,000 UIRI SC 7 680,000 8,160,000 0 UIRI/PF/187 Idd Ramadhan UIRI SC 7 900,000 10,800,000 UIRI SC 7 900,000 10,800,000 0 UIRI/PF/309 Ekomu Tom UIRI SC 7 525,000 6,300,000 UIRI SC 7 525,000 6,300,000 0 UIRI/PF/310 Atuheire Caleb UIRI SC 7 525,000 6,300,000 UIRI SC 7 525,000 6,300,000 0 UIRI/PF/148 Kiiza Isaac UIRI SC 7 680,000 8,160,000 UIRI SC 7 680,000 8,160,000 0 UIRI/PF/292 Walulele Michael UIRI SC 7 700,000 8,400,000 UIRI SC 7 700,000 8,400,000 0

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154 Vote 110 Uganda Industrial Research Institute FY 2014/15 Vote Function 0651: Industrial Research Program : Headquarters CostCentre: Finance and Administration District : Kampala

File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance Appointing Authority Authority UIRI/PF/135 Ochaya Godfrey UIRI SC 7 900,000 10,800,000 UIRI SC 7 900,000 10,800,000 0 UIRI/PF/171 Twinamatsiko Percy UIRI SC 7 900,000 10,800,000 UIRI SC 7 900,000 10,800,000 0 UIRI/PF/057 Byarugaba Micheal UIRI SC 7 900,000 10,800,000 UIRI SC 7 900,000 10,800,000 0 UIRI/PF/037 Ogwang Emmanuel UIRI SC 7 900,000 10,800,000 UIRI SC 7 900,000 10,800,000 0 UIRI/PF/180 Unity Beatice UIRI SC 8 595,000 7,140,000 UIRI SC 8 595,000 7,140,000 0 UIRI/PF/110 Ziiwa Henry UIRI SC 8 595,000 7,140,000 UIRI SC 8 595,000 7,140,000 0 UIRI/PF/092 Rukundo Pamellah UIRI SC 8 595,000 7,140,000 UIRI SC 8 595,000 7,140,000 0 UIRI/PF/252 Mukonyeri Edwin UIRI SC 8 437,500 5,250,000 UIRI SC 8 437,500 5,250,000 0 UIRI/PF/273 Katoohe Mary UIRI SC 8 425,000 5,100,000 UIRI SC 8 425,000 5,100,000 0 UIRI/PF/119 Davava Michael UIRI SC 8 595,000 7,140,000 UIRI SC 8 595,000 7,140,000 0 District : Lira

File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance Appointing Authority Authority UIRI/PF/164 Odongo Sypiriano UIRI SC 7 595,000 7,140,000 UIRI SC 7 595,000 7,140,000 0

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155 Vote 110 Uganda Industrial Research Institute FY 2014/15 Vote Function 0651: Industrial Research Program : Headquarters CostCentre: Finance and Administration District : Mpigi

File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance Appointing Authority Authority UIRI/PF/165 Natukunda Evaristo UIRI SC 7 680,000 8,160,000 UIRI SC 7 680,000 8,160,000 0 CostCentre: Product Development District : Kabale

File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance Appointing Authority Authority UIRI/PF/298 Rubegyemera Ahaabwe Wellen UIRI SC 4 1,125,000 13,500,000 UIRI SC 4 1,125,000 13,500,000 0 UIRI/PF/207 Kwehangana Anthony UIRI SC 4 1,760,000 21,120,000 UIRI SC 4 1,760,000 21,120,000 0 UIRI/PF/206 Atwakyire Moses UIRI SC 5 910,000 10,920,000 UIRI SC 5 910,000 10,920,000 0 UIRI/PF/150 Wasswa Bright UIRI SC 7 595,000 7,140,000 UIRI SC 7 595,000 7,140,000 0 UIRI/PF/098 Rurebera Hannington UIRI SC 8 595,000 7,140,000 UIRI SC 8 595,000 7,140,000 0 UIRI/PF/288 Busingye Pamera UIRI SC 8 425,000 5,100,000 UIRI SC 8 425,000 5,100,000 0 UIRI/PF/287 Nomugisha Loyce UIRI SC 8 425,000 5,100,000 UIRI SC 8 425,000 5,100,000 0 UIRI/PF/289 Atuheire Janet UIRI SC 8 425,000 5,100,000 UIRI SC 8 425,000 5,100,000 0 UIRI/PF/290 Nyakato Oliva UIRI SC 8 425,000 5,100,000 UIRI SC 8 425,000 5,100,000 0

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156 Vote 110 Uganda Industrial Research Institute FY 2014/15 Vote Function 0651: Industrial Research Program : Headquarters CostCentre: Product Development District : Kampala

File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance Appointing Authority Authority UIRI/PF/159 Dr. V. Nantulya UIRI SC 1 14,000,000 168,000,000 UIRI SC 1 14,000,000 168,000,000 0 UIRI/PF/169 Dr. Mukiibi Mka George UIRI SC 1 8,400,000 100,800,000 UIRI SC 1 8,400,000 100,800,000 0 UIRI/PF/062 Brian Bigirwa UIRI SC 2 4,162,523 49,950,276 UIRI SC 2 4,162,523 49,950,276 0 UIRI/PF/003 Wendiro Deborah UIRI SC 2 5,670,000 68,040,000 UIRI SC 2 5,670,000 68,040,000 0 UIRI/PF/305 Carol N. Kutesa UIRI SC 3 2,500,000 30,000,000 UIRI SC 3 2,500,000 30,000,000 0 UIRI/PF/259 Katuramu Albert Nyakahuma UIRI SC 3 3,125,000 37,500,000 UIRI SC 3 3,125,000 37,500,000 0 UIRI/PF/140 Kigala Paul UIRI SC 3 2,250,000 27,000,000 UIRI SC 3 2,250,000 27,000,000 0 UIRI/PF/014 Ratibu Asuman UIRI SC 3 2,625,000 31,500,000 UIRI SC 3 2,625,000 31,500,000 0 UIRI/PF/251 Emma Kikundwa Mbabazi UIRI SC 3 2,750,000 33,000,000 UIRI SC 3 2,750,000 33,000,000 0 UIRI/PF/173 Abaasa Susan UIRI SC 4 1,875,000 22,500,000 UIRI SC 4 1,875,000 22,500,000 0 UIRI/PF/226 Sseviiri John Henry UIRI SC 4 1,125,000 13,500,000 UIRI SC 4 1,125,000 13,500,000 0 UIRI/PF/198 Mugisha Patrick Joram UIRI SC 4 2,080,000 24,960,000 UIRI SC 4 2,080,000 24,960,000 0 UIRI/PF/174 Semwanga Herbert Kivumbi UIRI SC 4 1,875,000 22,500,000 UIRI SC 4 1,875,000 22,500,000 0 UIRI/PF/176 Judith Chemos Bera UIRI SC 4 1,260,000 15,120,000 UIRI SC 4 1,260,000 15,120,000 0 UIRI/PF/178 Namirembe Rose Jackie UIRI SC 4 1,625,000 19,500,000 UIRI SC 4 1,625,000 19,500,000 0 UIRI/PF/185 Naiga Leontina UIRI SC 4 2,080,000 24,960,000 UIRI SC 4 2,080,000 24,960,000 0 UIRI/PF/199 Atukunda Susan Pearl UIRI SC 4 1,260,000 15,120,000 UIRI SC 4 1,260,000 15,120,000 0 UIRI/PF/200 Arishaba Percy UIRI SC 4 1,680,000 20,160,000 UIRI SC 4 1,680,000 20,160,000 0 UIRI/PF/216 Atukwatse Audrine UIRI SC 4 1,260,000 15,120,000 UIRI SC 4 1,260,000 15,120,000 0

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157 Vote 110 Uganda Industrial Research Institute FY 2014/15 Vote Function 0651: Industrial Research Program : Headquarters CostCentre: Product Development District : Kampala

File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance Appointing Authority Authority UIRI/PF/133 Muhereza Ivan UIRI SC 4 1,360,800 16,329,600 UIRI SC 4 1,360,800 16,329,600 0 UIRI/PF/235 Arinaitwe David UIRI SC 4 1,125,000 13,500,000 UIRI SC 4 1,125,000 13,500,000 0 UIRI/PF/236 Bozera Bushara Stanely UIRI SC 4 1,125,000 13,500,000 UIRI SC 4 1,125,000 13,500,000 0 UIRI/PF/255 Mijumbi Lydia UIRI SC 4 1,125,000 13,500,000 UIRI SC 4 1,125,000 13,500,000 0 UIRI/PF/263 Magezi Gad UIRI SC 4 1,125,000 13,500,000 UIRI SC 4 1,125,000 13,500,000 0 UIRI/PF/264 Mugabe Robert UIRI SC 4 1,125,000 13,500,000 UIRI SC 4 1,125,000 13,500,000 0 UIRI/PF/201 Tumuheire Amos UIRI SC 4 1,260,000 15,120,000 UIRI SC 4 1,260,000 15,120,000 0 UIRI/PF/081 Kukunda Loyce UIRI SC 4 1,712,550 20,550,600 UIRI SC 4 1,712,550 20,550,600 0 UIRI/PF/021 Nampala Jane M. UIRI SC 4 1,712,550 20,550,600 UIRI SC 4 1,712,550 20,550,600 0 UIRI/PF/035 Jean Rubakuba UIRI SC 4 1,905,120 22,861,440 UIRI SC 4 1,905,120 22,861,440 0 UIRI/PF/050 Kalega Ivan UIRI SC 4 1,712,550 20,550,600 UIRI SC 4 1,712,550 20,550,600 0 UIRI/PF/054 Akatukunda Roselyne UIRI SC 4 1,500,000 18,000,000 UIRI SC 4 1,500,000 18,000,000 0 UIRI/PF/059 Nakazibwe Ruth UIRI SC 4 1,500,000 18,000,000 UIRI SC 4 1,500,000 18,000,000 0 UIRI/PF/061 Atuhaire Godfrey UIRI SC 4 2,080,000 24,960,000 UIRI SC 4 2,080,000 24,960,000 0 UIRI/PF/070 Nabaggala Ritah UIRI SC 4 1,500,000 18,000,000 UIRI SC 4 1,500,000 18,000,000 0 UIRI/PF/074 Dickie Bikwasizehi UIRI SC 4 1,712,550 20,550,600 UIRI SC 4 1,712,550 20,550,600 0 UIRI/PF/156 Orishaba Joanita UIRI SC 4 2,080,000 24,960,000 UIRI SC 4 2,080,000 24,960,000 0 UIRI/PF/077 Masiko Mark UIRI SC 4 1,905,120 22,861,440 UIRI SC 4 1,905,120 22,861,440 0 UIRI/PF/267 Kirabo Angela UIRI SC 4 1,125,000 13,500,000 UIRI SC 4 1,125,000 13,500,000 0

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158 Vote 110 Uganda Industrial Research Institute FY 2014/15 Vote Function 0651: Industrial Research Program : Headquarters CostCentre: Product Development District : Kampala

File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance Appointing Authority Authority UIRI/PF/082 Nitusiima Doreen UIRI SC 4 1,442,000 17,304,000 UIRI SC 4 1,442,000 17,304,000 0 UIRI/PF/085 Nviiri Irene Sikibi UIRI SC 4 1,500,000 18,000,000 UIRI SC 4 1,500,000 18,000,000 0 UIRI/PF/103 Kembubi Lynn UIRI SC 4 2,080,000 24,960,000 UIRI SC 4 2,080,000 24,960,000 0 UIRI/PF/105 Mwebya Moses UIRI SC 4 1,360,800 16,329,600 UIRI SC 4 1,360,800 16,329,600 0 UIRI/PF/106 Dhabangi Margaret UIRI SC 4 2,080,000 24,960,000 UIRI SC 4 2,080,000 24,960,000 0 UIRI/PF/115 Nalwoga Catheline UIRI SC 4 1,260,000 15,120,000 UIRI SC 4 1,260,000 15,120,000 0 UIRI/PF/128 Mutesi Kevin UIRI SC 4 1,260,000 15,120,000 UIRI SC 4 1,260,000 15,120,000 0 UIRI/PF/130 Nyonyintono Angela UIRI SC 4 1,500,000 18,000,000 UIRI SC 4 1,500,000 18,000,000 0 UIRI/PF/153 Lutaya Anthony UIRI SC 4 1,500,000 18,000,000 UIRI SC 4 1,500,000 18,000,000 0 UIRI/PF/076 Christine Kamusime UIRI SC 4 1,712,550 20,550,600 UIRI SC 4 1,712,550 20,550,600 0 UIRI/PF/302 Kongai Grace UIRI SC 4 1,125,000 13,500,000 UIRI SC 4 1,125,000 13,500,000 0 UIRI/PF/282 Kusiima Joshua UIRI SC 5 900,000 10,800,000 UIRI SC 5 900,000 10,800,000 0 UIRI/PF/281 Pariyo Harold UIRI SC 5 900,000 10,800,000 UIRI SC 5 900,000 10,800,000 0 UIRI/PF/304 Kityo Paul UIRI SC 5 900,000 10,800,000 UIRI SC 5 900,000 10,800,000 0 UIRI/PF/029 John Robert Okiror UIRI SC 6 844,188 10,130,256 UIRI SC 6 844,188 10,130,256 0 UIRI/PF/186 Mbabazi Christabel UIRI SC 6 900,000 10,800,000 UIRI SC 6 900,000 10,800,000 0 UIRI/PF/116 Twesigeomuhangi D UIRI SC 8 595,000 7,140,000 UIRI SC 8 595,000 7,140,000 0 UIRI/PF/311 Gabiya Fred UIRI SC 8 520,625 6,247,500 UIRI SC 8 520,625 6,247,500 0

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159 Vote 110 Uganda Industrial Research Institute FY 2014/15 Vote Function 0651: Industrial Research Program : Headquarters CostCentre: Product Development District : Lira

File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance Appointing Authority Authority UIRI/PF/011 Nabbengo Christine UIRI SC 3 3,598,000 43,176,000 UIRI SC 3 3,598,000 43,176,000 0 UIRI/PF/299 Sengendo Andrew UIRI SC 4 1,125,000 13,500,000 UIRI SC 4 1,125,000 13,500,000 0 UIRI/PF/210 Omech James Chris UIRI SC 7 595,000 7,140,000 UIRI SC 7 595,000 7,140,000 0 UIRI/PF/294 Muwanika Mathiaus UIRI SC 8 425,000 5,100,000 UIRI SC 8 425,000 5,100,000 0 District : Mpigi

File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance Appointing Authority Authority UIRI/PF/225 Namugenyi Irene UIRI SC 3 1,500,000 18,000,000 UIRI SC 3 1,500,000 18,000,000 0 UIRI/PF/228 Ahimbisibwe Innocent UIRI SC 7 562,500 6,750,000 UIRI SC 7 562,500 6,750,000 0 CostCentre: Production Systems District : Kampala

File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance Appointing Authority Authority UIRI/PF/315 Bako Sherry 525,000 6,300,000 525,000 6,300,000 0 UIRI/PF/316 Kironde Abubaker 520,625 6,247,500 520,625 6,247,500 0 UIRI/PF/267 Aogon Julius Collins UIRI SC 3 2,500,000 30,000,000 UIRI SC 3 2,500,000 30,000,000 0

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160 Vote 110 Uganda Industrial Research Institute FY 2014/15 Vote Function 0651: Industrial Research Program : Headquarters CostCentre: Production Systems District : Kampala

File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance Appointing Authority Authority UIRI/PF/008 Salim Peter UIRI SC 3 2,625,000 31,500,000 UIRI SC 3 2,625,000 31,500,000 0 UIRI/PF/310 Atuhaire James Caleb UIRI SC 3 2,500,000 30,000,000 UIRI SC 3 2,500,000 30,000,000 0 UIRI/PF/319 Nasamu Brenda UIRI SC 4 1,125,000 13,500,000 UIRI SC 4 1,125,000 13,500,000 0 UIRI/PF/311 Gabiya Fred UIRI SC 4 1,125,000 13,500,000 UIRI SC 4 1,125,000 13,500,000 0 UIRI/PF/184 Meeme Hadijah UIRI SC 4 1,260,000 15,120,000 UIRI SC 4 1,260,000 15,120,000 0 UIRI/PF/318 Suubi Joseph UIRI SC 4 1,125,000 13,500,000 UIRI SC 4 1,125,000 13,500,000 0 UIRI/PF/108 Turyamwijuka Julius UIRI SC 4 1,360,800 16,329,600 UIRI SC 4 1,360,800 16,329,600 0 UIRI/PF/025 Mubende Bethuel N. UIRI SC 4 1,349,460 16,193,520 UIRI SC 4 1,349,460 16,193,520 0 UIRI/PF/313 Nsimbe Mathias UIRI SC 4 1,125,000 13,500,000 UIRI SC 4 1,125,000 13,500,000 0 UIRI/PF/051 Lincoln Patrick R. UIRI SC 4 1,442,000 17,304,000 UIRI SC 4 1,442,000 17,304,000 0 UIRI/PF/016 Mukakanya Samuel UIRI SC 4 1,905,120 22,861,440 UIRI SC 4 1,905,120 22,861,440 0 UIRI/PF/317 Agatha Turyagenda UIRI SC 4 1,125,000 13,500,000 UIRI SC 4 1,125,000 13,500,000 0 UIRI/PF/312 Nabasa Arnest UIRI SC 5 900,000 10,800,000 UIRI SC 5 900,000 10,800,000 0 UIRI/PF/314 Agumisriza Peter UIRI SC 5 525,000 6,300,000 UIRI SC 5 525,000 6,300,000 0 UIRI/PF/306 Guti Macros UIRI SC 5 900,000 10,800,000 UIRI SC 5 900,000 10,800,000 0 UIRI/PF/309 Ekomu Tom UIRI SC 5 900,000 10,800,000 UIRI SC 5 900,000 10,800,000 0 UIRI/PF/027 Chebet Martin UIRI SC 6 844,188 10,130,256 UIRI SC 6 844,188 10,130,256 0 UIRI/PF/071 Munyambabazi Alex UIRI SC 6 844,188 10,130,256 UIRI SC 6 844,188 10,130,256 0 UIRI/PF/129 Odudi Partick UIRI SC 7 900,000 10,800,000 UIRI SC 7 900,000 10,800,000 0

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161 Vote 110 Uganda Industrial Research Institute FY 2014/15 Vote Function 0651: Industrial Research Program : Headquarters CostCentre: Production Systems District : Kampala

File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance Appointing Authority Authority UIRI/PF/300 Magumba Musa UIRI SC 8 425,000 5,100,000 UIRI SC 8 425,000 5,100,000 0 UIRI/PF/258 Agaba Sam UIRI SC 8 562,500 6,750,000 UIRI SC 8 562,500 6,750,000 0 UIRI/PF/248 Aginada Farida Ayebazibwe UIRI SC 8 520,625 6,247,500 UIRI SC 8 520,625 6,247,500 0 UIRI/PF/142 Sekirevu Malik UIRI SC 8 425,000 5,100,000 UIRI SC 8 425,000 5,100,000 0 UIRI/PF/099 Alungat Miria UIRI SC 8 595,000 7,140,000 UIRI SC 8 595,000 7,140,000 0 UIRI/PF/143 Nansubuga Hajara UIRI SC 8 425,000 5,100,000 UIRI SC 8 425,000 5,100,000 0 CostCentre: Special Projects District : Kampala

File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance Appointing Authority Authority UIRI/PF/211 Beijuka Swithin UIRI SC 4 1,260,000 15,120,000 UIRI SC 4 1,260,000 15,120,000 0 UIRI/PF/160 Joyce Nagago UIRI SC 4 1,500,000 18,000,000 UIRI SC 4 1,500,000 18,000,000 0 UIRI/PF/131 Alleluya Apophia UIRI SC 4 1,260,000 15,120,000 UIRI SC 4 1,260,000 15,120,000 0 UIRI/PF/260 Karobwa Apophia UIRI SC 4 1,125,000 13,500,000 UIRI SC 4 1,125,000 13,500,000 0 UIRI/PF/095 Gimbo Joice UIRI SC 4 1,260,000 15,120,000 UIRI SC 4 1,260,000 15,120,000 0 UIRI/PF/094 Mirembe Sheila UIRI SC 4 1,260,000 15,120,000 UIRI SC 4 1,260,000 15,120,000 0 UIRI/PF/078 Atuhurire K Annet UIRI SC 4 1,905,120 22,861,440 UIRI SC 4 1,905,120 22,861,440 0 CostCentre: Technology Development Center

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162 Vote 110 Uganda Industrial Research Institute FY 2014/15 Vote Function 0651: Industrial Research Program : Headquarters CostCentre: Technology Development Center District : Kabale

File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance Appointing Authority Authority UIRI/PF/282 Arinda Sam UIRI SC 5 1,125,000 13,500,000 UIRI SC 5 1,125,000 13,500,000 0 UIRI/PF/126 Mbaraushimana Francis UIRI SC 7 595,000 7,140,000 UIRI SC 7 595,000 7,140,000 0 District : Kampala

File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance Appointing Authority Authority UIRI/PF/047 Dr. Dick Kamugasha UIRI SC 1 12,350,000 148,200,000 UIRI SC 1 12,350,000 148,200,000 0 UIRI/PF/217 Markus Laugner UIRI SC 2 5,875,000 70,500,000 UIRI SC 2 5,875,000 70,500,000 0 UIRI/PF/009 Katwesigye Christopher UIRI SC 2 5,265,000 63,180,000 UIRI SC 2 5,265,000 63,180,000 0 UIRI/PF/013 Illukol David UIRI SC 3 2,368,575 28,422,900 UIRI SC 3 2,368,575 28,422,900 0 UIRI/PF/015 Namara Florence UIRI SC 3 2,456,300 29,475,600 UIRI SC 3 2,456,300 29,475,600 0 UIRI/PF/246 Muhumuza Ronald Muhwezi UIRI SC 4 1,500,000 18,000,000 UIRI SC 4 1,500,000 18,000,000 0 UIRI/PF/158 Kabali Stephen UIRI SC 4 1,760,000 21,120,000 UIRI SC 4 1,760,000 21,120,000 0 UIRI/PF/162 Oguma Boaz Origumisiriza UIRI SC 4 3,750,000 45,000,000 UIRI SC 4 3,750,000 45,000,000 0 UIRI/PF/166 Kyeyune Ronald UIRI SC 4 1,260,000 15,120,000 UIRI SC 4 1,260,000 15,120,000 0 UIRI/PF/168 Nahabwe Stella UIRI SC 4 1,260,000 15,120,000 UIRI SC 4 1,260,000 15,120,000 0 UIRI/PF/190 Birungi Justine UIRI SC 4 1,260,000 15,120,000 UIRI SC 4 1,260,000 15,120,000 0 UIRI/PF/205 Sekimpi Emmanuel UIRI SC 4 1,260,000 15,120,000 UIRI SC 4 1,260,000 15,120,000 0 UIRI/PF/215 Nabimanya Praise UIRI SC 4 1,260,000 15,120,000 UIRI SC 4 1,260,000 15,120,000 0

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163 Vote 110 Uganda Industrial Research Institute FY 2014/15 Vote Function 0651: Industrial Research Program : Headquarters CostCentre: Technology Development Center District : Kampala

File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance Appointing Authority Authority UIRI/PF/308 Bamanya Benjamin UIRI SC 4 1,125,000 13,500,000 UIRI SC 4 1,125,000 13,500,000 0 UIRI/PF/152 Bamuleseyo Charles UIRI SC 4 1,260,000 15,120,000 UIRI SC 4 1,260,000 15,120,000 0 UIRI/PF/243 Niyitanga Paul UIRI SC 4 1,125,000 13,500,000 UIRI SC 4 1,125,000 13,500,000 0 UIRI/PF/203 Kalule Ivan UIRI SC 4 1,260,000 15,120,000 UIRI SC 4 1,260,000 15,120,000 0 UIRI/PF/247 Wegoye Miriam UIRI SC 4 1,500,000 18,000,000 UIRI SC 4 1,500,000 18,000,000 0 UIRI/PF/249 Komakech Patrick UIRI SC 4 1,500,000 18,000,000 UIRI SC 4 1,500,000 18,000,000 0 UIRI/PF/262 Ocheng Matthew UIRI SC 4 1,125,000 13,500,000 UIRI SC 4 1,125,000 13,500,000 0 UIRI/PF/265 Namukasa Rose UIRI SC 4 1,125,000 13,500,000 UIRI SC 4 1,125,000 13,500,000 0 UIRI/PF/270 Kabareebe Hilda UIRI SC 4 1,125,000 13,500,000 UIRI SC 4 1,125,000 13,500,000 0 UIRI/PF/272 Laker Irene Kitara UIRI SC 4 1,500,000 18,000,000 UIRI SC 4 1,500,000 18,000,000 0 UIRI/PF/040 Otema Julius UIRI SC 4 1,505,000 18,060,000 UIRI SC 4 1,505,000 18,060,000 0 UIRI/PF/293 Ssekitoleko Simon Peter UIRI SC 4 1,500,000 18,000,000 UIRI SC 4 1,500,000 18,000,000 0 UIRI/PF/301 Nuwabaasa Jerome UIRI SC 4 1,125,000 13,500,000 UIRI SC 4 1,125,000 13,500,000 0 UIRI/PF/219 Philippa Ngaju UIRI SC 4 3,750,000 45,000,000 UIRI SC 4 3,750,000 45,000,000 0 UIRI/PF/079 Nakanjako Brenda UIRI SC 4 1,712,550 20,550,600 UIRI SC 4 1,712,550 20,550,600 0 UIRI/PF/019 Otto Paul UIRI SC 4 1,505,000 18,060,000 UIRI SC 4 1,505,000 18,060,000 0 UIRI/PF/058 Namagembe Flavia UIRI SC 4 1,500,000 18,000,000 UIRI SC 4 1,500,000 18,000,000 0 UIRI/PF/023 Okumu Fred UIRI SC 4 1,712,550 20,550,600 UIRI SC 4 1,712,550 20,550,600 0 UIRI/PF/055 Bisamunyu Sarah M. UIRI SC 4 1,712,550 20,550,600 UIRI SC 4 1,712,550 20,550,600 0

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164 Vote 110 Uganda Industrial Research Institute FY 2014/15 Vote Function 0651: Industrial Research Program : Headquarters CostCentre: Technology Development Center District : Kampala

File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance Appointing Authority Authority UIRI/PF/017 Alioni Bosco UIRI SC 4 1,442,000 17,304,000 UIRI SC 4 1,442,000 17,304,000 0 UIRI/PF/020 Isanga Steven UIRI SC 4 1,712,550 20,550,600 UIRI SC 4 1,712,550 20,550,600 0 UIRI/PF/018 Owach-giu Raymond UIRI SC 4 1,760,000 21,120,000 UIRI SC 4 1,760,000 21,120,000 0 UIRI/PF/073 Mwanja Christine UIRI SC 4 1,712,550 20,550,600 UIRI SC 4 1,712,550 20,550,600 0 UIRI/PF/101 Joseph Lubega UIRI SC 4 1,442,000 17,304,000 UIRI SC 4 1,442,000 17,304,000 0 UIRI/PF/102 Joseph Kitagenda UIRI SC 4 1,905,120 22,861,440 UIRI SC 4 1,905,120 22,861,440 0 UIRI/PF/107 Nyesige Damazo UIRI SC 4 1,505,000 18,060,000 UIRI SC 4 1,505,000 18,060,000 0 UIRI/PF/110 Florence Mukaminega Mugaaju UIRI SC 4 1,125,000 13,500,000 UIRI SC 4 1,125,000 13,500,000 0 UIRI/PF/120 Kalirebwani Alex UIRI SC 4 1,360,800 16,329,600 UIRI SC 4 1,360,800 16,329,600 0 UIRI/PF/049 Mugoda Charles UIRI SC 4 1,442,000 17,304,000 UIRI SC 4 1,442,000 17,304,000 0 UIRI/PF/121 Atete Annet UIRI SC 4 1,260,000 15,120,000 UIRI SC 4 1,260,000 15,120,000 0 UIRI/PF/225 Magode Vicent UIRI SC 5 910,000 10,920,000 UIRI SC 5 910,000 10,920,000 0 UIRI/PF/297 Eyalama Emmanuel UIRI SC 5 900,000 10,800,000 UIRI SC 5 900,000 10,800,000 0 UIRI/PF/072 Wilson Shiondo UIRI SC 5 900,000 10,800,000 UIRI SC 5 900,000 10,800,000 0 UIRI/PF/093 Onyong Dickens UIRI SC 5 900,000 10,800,000 UIRI SC 5 900,000 10,800,000 0 UIRI/PF/212 Omoding Charles UIRI SC 6 812,500 9,750,000 UIRI SC 6 812,500 9,750,000 0 UIRI/PF/276 Nsingwa Abel UIRI SC 6 812,500 9,750,000 UIRI SC 6 812,500 9,750,000 0 UIRI/PF/275 Ssenyondo Ali UIRI SC 6 812,500 9,750,000 UIRI SC 6 812,500 9,750,000 0 UIRI/PF/278 Sunday Onen UIRI SC 6 900,000 10,800,000 UIRI SC 6 900,000 10,800,000 0

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165 Vote 110 Uganda Industrial Research Institute FY 2014/15 Vote Function 0651: Industrial Research Program : Headquarters CostCentre: Technology Development Center District : Kampala

File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance Appointing Authority Authority UIRI/PF/060 Okwang Alex UIRI SC 6 844,188 10,130,256 UIRI SC 6 844,188 10,130,256 0 UIRI/PF/291 Akullo Vena UIRI SC 6 900,000 10,800,000 UIRI SC 6 900,000 10,800,000 0 UIRI/PF/277 Kisaakye Tabitha UIRI SC 6 812,500 9,750,000 UIRI SC 6 812,500 9,750,000 0 UIRI/PF/254 Awenu Mahuruba Jellie UIRI SC 6 875,000 10,500,000 UIRI SC 6 875,000 10,500,000 0 UIRI/PF/269 Okwalinga David Bruno UIRI SC 6 812,500 9,750,000 UIRI SC 6 812,500 9,750,000 0 UIRI/PF/241 Akora Joseph UIRI SC 6 812,500 9,750,000 UIRI SC 6 812,500 9,750,000 0 UIRI/PF/307 Ssemanda Trust Ronald UIRI SC 6 900,000 10,800,000 UIRI SC 6 900,000 10,800,000 0 UIRI/PF/124 Logi William UIRI SC 7 595,000 7,140,000 UIRI SC 7 595,000 7,140,000 0 UIRI/PF/125 Wandeba Sudi UIRI SC 7 595,000 7,140,000 UIRI SC 7 595,000 7,140,000 0 UIRI/PF/123 Wokorach Felix UIRI SC 7 595,000 7,140,000 UIRI SC 7 595,000 7,140,000 0 UIRI/PF/181 Nganda Micheal UIRI SC 7 595,000 7,140,000 UIRI SC 7 595,000 7,140,000 0 UIRI/PF/213 Okumu John UIRI SC 7 680,000 8,160,000 UIRI SC 7 680,000 8,160,000 0 UIRI/PF/127 Ombala Sunday UIRI SC 7 595,000 7,140,000 UIRI SC 7 595,000 7,140,000 0 UIRI/PF/231 Akampikaho Garasius UIRI SC 7 595,000 7,140,000 UIRI SC 7 595,000 7,140,000 0 UIRI/PF/266 Byamugisha Emmanuel UIRI SC 7 595,000 7,140,000 UIRI SC 7 595,000 7,140,000 0 UIRI/PF/194 Amutuhaire Sunny UIRI SC 8 595,000 7,140,000 UIRI SC 8 595,000 7,140,000 0 UIRI/PF/237 Muwanguzi Yowasi UIRI SC 8 562,500 6,750,000 UIRI SC 8 562,500 6,750,000 0 Total Annual Salary (Ushs) for Program : Headquarters 4,441,365,720 4,441,365,720 0 Total Annual Salary (Ushs) for : Uganda Industrial Research Institute 4,441,365,720 4,441,365,720 0

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166 Uganda Industrial Research Institute Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 110 Uganda Industrial Research Institute V1: Vote Overview (i) Vote Mission Statement To catalyze the social economic transformation of Uganda and the region, through enhanced technology use. To carry out applied research and develop or source appropriate technology in order to create a strong, effective and competitive industrial Sector for the rapid industrialisation of Uganda. Hence catalyse the socio-economic transformation of Uganda and the region through enhanced technology use. (ii) Summary of Past Performance and Medium Term Budget Allocations Table V1.1: Overview of Vote Expenditures (UShs Billion)

2013/14 MTEF Budget Projections 2012/13 Approved Rel. by (i) Excluding Arrears, Taxes Outturn Budget End Mar 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 Wage 0.000 4.069 3.052 4.398 4.706 5.482 Recurrent Non Wage 5.317 1.520 1.140 1.520 1.550 1.620 GoU 6.226 8.323 6.784 8.323 8.422 8.844 Development Donor 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 GoU Total 10.843 13.912 10.976 14.240 14.678 15.946 Total GoU+Donor (MTEF) 10.843 13.912 10.976 14.240 14.678 15.946

Arrears 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 N/A N/A (ii) Arrears and Taxes Taxes** 0.700 1.200 0.100 0.000 N/A N/A Total Budget 11.543 15.112 11.076 14.240 N/A N/A

(iii) Non Tax Revenue 0.000 0.100 0.000 0.100 0.000 0.000

Grand Total 11.543 15.212 11.076 14.340 N/A N/A Excluding Taxes, Arrears 10.843 14.012 10.976 14.340 14.678 15.946

The chart below shows total funding allocations to the Vote by Vote Function over the medium term: Chart V1.1: Medium Term Budget Projections by Vote Function (Excluding Taxes, Arrears)





14 Ushs Ushs Billion 13.8


13.4 Research Industrial

2013/14 Approved Budget Estimates 2014/15 Budget Projections 2015/16 Budget Projections Vote Overview

167 Uganda Industrial Research Institute Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 110 Uganda Industrial Research Institute

(iii) Vote Outcomes and Outcome Indicators The table below sets out the vote outcomes and outcome indicators Table V1.3: Vote Outcomes and Outcome Indicators Outcome Statement Outcome Indicators Baseline Base year Target FY2014/15

Enhance applied Research and % growth in number of products Technology development developed % of value added products that are locally produced Promote the development of value % growth of agro-industries added industries especially the agro- % rate of operationalization of value industries addition facilities

V2: Vote Performance for FY 2013/14 and Planned Outputs for FY 2014/15 This section describes past vote performance and planned Outputs, in terms of key vote outputs (i) Past Vote Outputs Preliminary 2013/14 Performance During FY 2012/2013 Uganda Industrial Research Institute (UIRI), has performed admirably in delivering on its mandate and is well on the way to becoming a world class R&D facility. With government support UIRI has become a regional centre of excellence in value addition, business incubation, product and process design, technology transfer, as well as applied Research and Development that is relevant to Uganda’s strategies for socio-economic transformation, job creation and poverty reduction. As a Lead Agency at the forefront of the country’s industrialization process, the Institute is now fully equipped to provide value addition related technical expertise and services to the public. These include Industrial Training, technology development and transfer, applied Research & Development (R&D) services towards developing new products, design of industrial processes, and business incubation to mention but a few. These activities are carried out at the Institute as well as other satellite project sites countrywide. UIRI has made giant strides in meeting its mandate and to perform beyond expectations. To this end; • UIRI has been designated East African Community (EAC) Centre of Excellence status in Industrial Research and Applied Science during 2012. This recognition is a vote of confidence in UIRI’s progress and technical contribution to the development and use of technology as a tool for socio-economic transformation of the region. • Prof. Charles Kwesiga the Executive Director of UIRI was elected (unopposed), 1st Vice President of the Prestigious World Association Industrial and Technological Research Organization on 9th November 2012 during the Biennial Congress AND General Assembly in New Delhi, India. • In yet another spectacular achievement, KATI FARMS LTD an incubatee producing fish sausages at UIRI won a best incubation project award at the European Market Research Centre (EMRC) Agribusiness Forum in Dakar, Senegal, on 27th November 2012. • Another notable achievement is UIRI’s collaboration with the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) of South Africa. The institute has embarked on a project on Essential Oils production for commercial application. Essential oils are extracts from aromatic plants that can be used in the manufacture of perfumes, fragrances, cosmetics and aromatherapy products, with an estimated demand of 600 tons per annum on the European market alone. • In furtherance of this collaboration, the Engineering Division at UIRI has successfully fabricated a mobile essential oil extraction technology. • In regard to business incubation UIRI’s approach relies on offering a cocktail of services to various entrepreneurs. The Institute’s incubatees have been afforded the opportunity to develop and commercialize well-packaged quality products such as Justjoy Juice, Mega Fresh Milk, Nile Coffee, Nzori Juice Vote Overview

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Concentrate, Amagara Skin Care cosmetic products, to mention but a few. The Mushroom Training and Resource Center (MTRC) in Kabaleis now also certified to export mushrooms to the United Kingdom market. • In a related development, UIRI researchers have also successfully mastered the rearing of the White Button Mushroom (Agaricus species), the first of its kind in Uganda. The speciesenjoys the highest preference on the international market, due toits unique attributes in terms of nutritional value, which far outweighs the oyster mushroom currently prevalent on the Uganda market. The next phase of the project will involve scale-up for commercial production. • Several satellite value addition projects have also been operationalized in various parts of the country. These include a Peanut Processing Plant in Lira that acquired UNBS Quality Marks for its GRANDYS CRUNCHY and GRANDYS CREAMY Peanut butter brands.AFruit Juice Processing facility • The Arua fruit Juice facility will soon be commissioned, starting with production of Mango Juice • The Fruit Juice plant at Nabusankeis already in test production of a product branded “Splendid”. • The facilities also act as centres for the promotion of rural industrialization by promoting best manufacturing practices, providing immediate markets for farmers’ produce and providing employment for local youth and graduates. • UIRI has established a multifaceted Instrumentation Division to facilitate electronic product development as well as capability for local maintenance and repair of electronic equipment. The new age techniques being applied relies on use of embedded system circuit designs that use microcontrollers for development of sensors, controls, monitoring and automated technologies in order to overcome technological constraints such as lack of automation in industry as well as agriculture, health, security and telecommunications sectors. • Submission of Vaccine Product Dossier to NDA for marketing approval was cleared with a No- Objection obtained from Ministry of Agriculture to deploy vaccine on the market. Table V2.1: Past and 2014/15 Planned Key Vote Outputs 2013/14 2014/15 Vote, Vote Function Key Output Planned outputs Achievements by End March Planned Outputs Vote: 110 Uganda Industrial Research Institute Vote Function: 0651 Industrial Research Output: 065101 Administation and Support Services Description of Outputs: Recruit 30 high caliber 5 technical staff were recruited Recruit 50 high caliber scientists and engineers, pay with one staff leaving scientists and engineers, pay salaries & other staff benefits to salaries & other staff benefits to 260 employees; Pay asset All monthly staff salaries were 260 employees; Pay asset insurances, utility & property paid off for Q1 insurances, utility & property expenses, Clear communication expenses, Clear communication and general supplies All NSSF, PAYE, Local and general supplies expenditures, Pay maintenance service tax and other statutory expenditures, Pay maintenance and professional services obligatory payments were and professional services expenses remited accordingly. expenses

Medical insurance premium for staff and their dependants for the quarter was paid for.

7 Staff were facilitated for training and skills development in the areas of

Property expenses were paid off.

Security guarding and safety of the Institute property was paid for.

Insurance premium for the Institutes assets which include buildings vehicles, machinery and equipment have been paid for. Vote Overview

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2013/14 2014/15 Vote, Vote Function Key Output Planned outputs Achievements by End March Planned Outputs

Institute monthly utilities bills like telephone, water and electricity were paid for

Institute vehicles were maintained in good working mechanical condition Output: 065102 Research and Development Description of Outputs: Develop new value added 1. Product development Develop new value added products. Provide chemical, Current product development products. Provide chemical, material and microbial and valued addition involve material and microbial analytical services for UIRI product design, formulation, analytical services for UIRI internal and external clients. trails, processing, analytical internal and external clients. Design and fabricate prototypes tests, piloting, production and Design and fabricate prototypes of affordable and appropriate market trails for process of affordable and appropriate technologies for dissemination. adjustment of Hibiscus Wine, technologies for dissemination. Initiate new project research Pineapple Wine, Grape Wine, Initiate new project research agendas. Undertake research Production of Natural Fruit agendas. Undertake research projects juice and jams from Carrot, projects for targeted value added Passion and Mango. Pre-cooked for targeted value added products to reduce post harvest maize flour. Bottled and Canned products to reduce post harvest loss and house hold incomes. Fermented sorghum/millet loss and house hold incomes. Launch and commercialize beverage –Bushera. Bean Launch and commercialize already developed products. processing, Value addition to already developed products. Commercialization and pumpkin, meat, fish and poultry Commercialization and marketing of Newcastle vaccine. processing. Handmade and marketing of Newcastle vaccine. Operationalise established ceramic products. Systems Operationalise established valued addition centers. development. valued addition centers. 2. Provision of testing services • 116 samples were tested for microbiological quality in water, dry beverages (Black tealeaves), fruit Juice, cosmetics (body cream), dairy products (Yoghurt), fresh vegetables and wine. The samples were analyzed for total plate count, yeasts and molds, total coliforms, E. coli, Staphylococcus aurous and Salmonella spp. • 49 laboratory samples were tested for chemical analysis; ranging from food, alcoholic beverages, cosmetics to plants. • 10 samples were analyzed for minerals in fortified foods on the Ugandan Market. 3. UIRI paid subscription for East African Community Proficiency Tests for salt, cooking oil & flour to Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS), Tanzania Bureau of Standards (TBS) and to Uganda National Bureau of Standards (UNBS). The laboratory participated in analysis of the PTS samples submitted to the lab as required by ISO 17025 standards for testing Laboratories. 4. Under technology development, UIRI Fabricated

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2013/14 2014/15 Vote, Vote Function Key Output Planned outputs Achievements by End March Planned Outputs and assembled a solar dryer prototype, wooden soap slicing machine, developed briquettes from the ground nut and Shear nut residue. Designed and constructed a biomass gasify prototype and a banana fiber extractor. 5. UIRI was engaged in improvement and standardization of products, some of UIRI incubatees have been certified with the q-mark. 6. A range of innovations have been developed and are ready for commercialization. These include but not limited to (biochar fertilizer, carrot juice and mango bars, green tea, pasteurized liquid eggs, sim-sim paste, jams, juices, ginger oil and Jams) 7. In biomedical technology UIRI is undertaking a Neonatal and Maternal Healthcare collaborative project. The partners involved include: College of Health Sciences, Makerere University and Oxford BioHorizons Ltd. Assessments for the development of in-house Biomedical engineering projects- MUTIMA project (this is a Biomedical Monitoring Device) and Mother's Baby Home thermometer to ascertain available medical equipment at hospital and beyond for neonatal and maternal health and possibly publishing papers on the status/ has been undertaken with the assistance of UIRI partners.

Development of the two projects have reached preliminary sensor module testing phase. Preliminary prototyping is underway as electronic components have been received/ Guidelines are being drafted on preparing papers on the status of medical equipment together with our partners. Writing of research papers is ongoing.

8. The Instrumentation Division participated in a curriculum review hosted by Mbarara University of Science and Technology for their Computer Engineering Program. Suggestions were made on Vote Overview

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2013/14 2014/15 Vote, Vote Function Key Output Planned outputs Achievements by End March Planned Outputs relevant technical electives, enrichment of content for existing courses; applied hands on skills and grading guidelines were successfully completed. This is an Institute Collaboration for Resource and knowledge sharing activities with the Institute of Computer Science of Mbarara University of Science and Technology (MUST) was undertaken. The collaboration is focused on implementation of identified activities which include, applied electronic skills development, manufacturing skills development, consultancy, and Technology transfer.

9. Research and Development for Agriculture based projects – Design and Development of a Smart Drip Irrigation System is under way. Instrumentation Division is currently designing and developing a Smart Drip Irrigation System. Project Brainstorming sessions are held weekly on Thursday's. The project is currently at block diagram and flow chart development stages, overall project requirements have been concluded and a market study of potential clients has been carried out. Partner engagement with NECTEC at NSTDA at a later stage is being discussed.

10. UIRI automation projects include Automatic indoor/outdoor Lighting System, Solar Fruit Dryer, Keypad based door lock system, Solar Powered Egg incubator, Weighing Scale, Automatic Voltage Regulator, Multi- purpose Temperature control monitoring, Fingerprint and pin code based security access control system. The development of these projects include design, simulate, development of firmware, integration of software and hardware, testing and verifying, prototyping and carrying out real time testing of each of these projects, documentation and paper publications. Hardware design and analysis, Firmware design, simulation Vote Overview

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2013/14 2014/15 Vote, Vote Function Key Output Planned outputs Achievements by End March Planned Outputs and prototyping is ongoing for these team oriented projects, electronic components have been received, however, they will need to be replenished as prototyping, hardware and software integration continues. Team members are working on firmware and Hardware testing is ongoing. 11. Purchase of equipment for setting up a model Shea Butter processing center in Northern Uganda is underway 12. 4 schemes have been registered in participation of proficiency testing scheme 13. A proposal has been submitted to EDES project and QUISP project Action to solicit support for Accreditation of the Laboratory. A QUISP consultant and representative from the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives visited the laboratory for evaluation of ongoing activities. UIRI awaits response from the QUISP project. 14. Annual Facility Inspection of the Vaccine Production Laboratory - The Vaccine Production Laboratory was inspected by for compliance with cGMP to renew the facilities manufacturing license. 15. The Vaccine Production Unit has expanded production to production of Lyophilisation. A high Capacity Lyophilliser was received and Installed and commissioned. The new unit increases batch capacity from 500,000 doses per batch to 2,500,000 doses per batch. 16. Television show on mycotoxins and health aspects are being planned 17. Natural product exhibition is being planned and scheduled for UMA show ground exhibition 18. Submission of manuscripts to African Journal of pure and applied chemistry has been done. 19. UIRI provided technical training, product development services and product testing services to Watoto Church Organization in developing tablet, bar soap, liquid detergent and hand wash soap. Technical support in identification, sourcing and writing of Vote Overview

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2013/14 2014/15 Vote, Vote Function Key Output Planned outputs Achievements by End March Planned Outputs production equipment specifications is in process. 20. Writing of a Quality Manual, policies and procedures are being formalized in consultation with laboratory staff for establishing Conditions for implementation of the ISO 17025 QMS in preparation for Accreditation of the Laboratory under the ISO 17025 QMS 21. Completed fabrication of soap stamp and first aid boxes, UIRI Campus 22. Chemistry Research projects under research are. • Antimicrobial activity of banana flowers extract against bacteria. • Application of zeolites in removal of heavy metals in wastewater. • Antimicrobial and anti-oxidant studies of essential oils from exotic plants • Commercialization of flavored clay pot water Output: 065103 Industrial and technological Incubation Description of Outputs: Expand the UIRI Industrial and UIRI continues to support its Expand the UIRI Industrial and Technological Business Business incubation program Technological Business Incubation portfolio. Extend with technical services in Incubation portfolio. Extend support to business incubation various ways support to business incubation and MSME. Promote and create and MSME. Promote and create awareness of new products by 1. Applied Microbial awareness of new products by SME's, Develop business Tekinologies (AMiTek) Ltd is SME's, Develop business management skills through ICT being assisted in the management skills through ICT applications. Train MSMS in development of Industrial applications. Train MSMS in product formulation, skills Biocatalysts (Proteases). product formulation, skills development and capacity Procurement of chemicals, development and capacity building. reagents and equipment was building. completed. Items were received and installed. Product development will commence in fourth quarter. 2. Kess Biotechnology Inc undertaking development of Actinomycin D (Antibiotic for cancer therapy) is ongoing. Procurement process for the required items still underway 3. Aloesha Organics is a (Virtual Incubatee). Project aims to support client in standardization and prepare them for certification of products. Aloesha Organics is developing Vitamin and Mineral Food supplements. UIRI is providing technical support in standardization of the development of production protocols for the products (Includes several industrial visits to the facility for technical

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2013/14 2014/15 Vote, Vote Function Key Output Planned outputs Achievements by End March Planned Outputs guidance) for Technical support to prepare client towards product certification by UNBS and in identification and sourcing of production equipment. UIRI also Provided technical support to recruit 3 technical staff for Aloesha Organics 4. Newk Nutritional Consultancy (U) Ltd looking to produce NEWK Tea was supported in writing a business proposal which was submitted to the President in Nakaseke 5. BRENTEC Investments issued call for expression of interest in distribution. Advert was in all major newspapers and UIRI is awaiting feedback and responses. 6. BRENTEC Investments’ Market Survey of Newcastle Vaccine (KUKUSTAR) in Western Kenya is ongoing. Distributors were identified but registration in Uganda is first required before Authorization to export to Kenya is received. 7. Distribution of Newcastle Vaccine in Eastern Uganda is On-going, currently BRENTEC Investments is operating 8 shop outlets and supplying to one drug shop in 6 districts. Budaka, Mbale, Bukedea, Kibuku, Pallisa and Manafwa. 8. Preparations and procurements for Essential Oil Pilot Project for Phase III are underway. Phase III is anticipated to commence in Q4 9. The bakery section is now operating at commercial level 10. Electronic Technology (E- Tech) is involved in development of Smart Battery Charger, Battery Load Tester, Power Surge Protectors, Electronics Science Teaching Modules, Moisture Meters, Signal Generators, Power Supplies and offering Technical Support for Training The Instrumentation Division is currently prototyping and undertaking hardware and software integration at testing stages. Output: 065104 Model Value Addition Centre Establishment Description of Outputs: Establish and equip value UIRI continues to carry out Establish and equip value additional centers in regions of routine servicing and additional centers in regions of target raw material. maintenance of machinery and target raw material. Operatonalise value addition equipment of On-site pilot Operatonalise value addition

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2013/14 2014/15 Vote, Vote Function Key Output Planned outputs Achievements by End March Planned Outputs centers to stimulate farmer raw plants, Off-site pilot plants, centers to stimulate farmer raw material as the centers would analytical laboratories, material as the centers would provide ready market for their engineering workshops, provide ready market for their produce. carpentry shop, textile shop, produce. welding & fabrication shop, machining shop, electrical shop. Facility repair and maintenance activities for Q3 include • Calibration, repair and servicing of equipment • Maintenance of the pilot plants • Civil works repairs • Repair and service Institutes’ machinery and equipment • Maintain the Engineering shops equipment and tools in good working conditions 1. Calibrated analytical, pH meter, drying ovens and water bath by Uganda National Bureau of Standards 2. Procurement of services for framework contracts of maintenance and repair of microbiology and biotechnology laboratories is ongoing 3. Annual Service of Vaccine Equipment. All Equipment, Instruments and Gauges were serviced and calibrated by mainlabs SA and Uganda National Bureau of Standards as per cGMP 4. UIRI is building capacity for Repair and maintenance of its electrical and electronic equipment on the UIRI campus. Based on client demand, the Instrumentation team continuously works on several electrical and electronic faults in equipment around the UIRI campus, all this work is documented in an equipment fault log and a detailed report is available every quarter. Most faults were successfully repaired, those that weren’t usually require specific parts that take time to procure 5. Remodeling Kabale Staff House at Potato and Bamboo Plant. The Staff housing is at 90% complete pending finishes. Toilet facilities are currently being constructed. 6. Extra works at Essential oils Luweero - Bills of Quantities for extra works to allow for variation of additional scope to include office premises and wet areas have been prepared and tendered. LPO issued and work soon to commence 7. Internal Painting of selected Vote Overview

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2013/14 2014/15 Vote, Vote Function Key Output Planned outputs Achievements by End March Planned Outputs Buildings at UIRI - Design and BOQ’s and implementation supervision have been planned. Internal painting of the plants are meant to improve the sanitary conditions of the facilities to enable them attain UNBS inspection standards. External painting is to improve the aesthetics and general outlook of the UIRI campus. The next phase of painting will include: Dairy shade painting, Refurbishment of ICT Rooms, Painting works at Ceramics, Refurbishment of Engineering Blocks. 8. Completion of Northern Boundary wall works - Six columns that were pending casting were completed. Block work completed entirely. Finishing works on the columns are currently being carried out. Coping works yet to be done 9. Installation of Electric Fencing for the Northern Boundary wall -Installation of all Electric fencing works and security lighting system for the Northern Boundary wall have been completed 10. Completed Electrical installation at Mbale Meat Plant 11. Completed Servicing of the generator at Kabale Potato Plant 12. Installation of power and 20kVA standby generator at Kabeihura Dairy processing On- going 13. Completed installation of drier at Kabale Bamboo plant 14. Fabrication and installation of a water tank at Blue Swan Products Ltd Hygiene Products was Completed. 15. The following repairs were complete at UIRI Juice plant •Installation of lights • Repair of the bowl cutter • Installation of manhole covers • Repair of underground water pipe leakages •Repair of broken drain pipe •Repair of steam line •Pasteurizer •First Aid Box •Heat exchanger • Broken door •A/C & lights •Installation of sensor operated taps • Repair of washrooms •Soap screw stamp • Servicing of generators •Motor repairs •Pineapple screw press repair Output: 065105 Facility Repair and Maintenance

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2013/14 2014/15 Vote, Vote Function Key Output Planned outputs Achievements by End March Planned Outputs Description of Outputs: Continued preventative / routine Continued preventative / routine Continued preventative / routine maintenance, upgrades of maintenance, upgrades of maintenance, upgrades of system and servicing of system and servicing of technologies, system and unplanned break downs. These unplanned break downs. These servicing of unplanned break include machinery equipment, include machinery equipment, downs. These include of electricial system, water and of electricial system, water and machinery equipment, of drianage,cold rooms, air drianage,cold rooms, air electricial system, water and conditioners. Replacements and conditioners. Replacements and drianage,cold rooms, air refabrication of parts. refabrication of parts are conditioners. Replacements and ongoing. Facility repair and refabrication of parts. maintenance activities for Q3 include • Calibration, repair and servicing of equipment • Maintenance of the pilot plants • Civil works repairs • Repair and service Institutes’ machinery and equipment • Maintain the Engineering shops equipment and tools in good working conditions 1. Calibrated analytical, Ph meter, drying ovens and water bath by Uganda National Bureau of Standards 2. Procurement of services for framework contracts of maintenance and repair of microbiology and biotechnology laboratories is ongoing 3. Annual Service of Vaccine Equipment. All Equipment, Instruments and Gauges were serviced and calibrated by mainlabs SA and Uganda National Bureau of Standards as per Cgmp 4. UIRI is building capacity for Repair and maintenance of its electrical and electronic equipment on the UIRI campus. Based on client demand, the Instrumentation team continuously works on several electrical and electronic faults in equipment around the UIRI campus, all this work is documented in an equipment fault log and a detailed report is available every quarter. Most faults were successfully repaired, those that weren’t usually require specific parts that take time to procure 5. Remodeling Kabale Staff House at Potato and Bamboo Plant. The Staff housing is at 90% complete pending finishes. Toilet facilities are currently being constructed. 6. Extra works at Essential oils Luweero - Bills of Quantities for extra works to allow for variation of additional scope to include office premises and wet Vote Overview

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2013/14 2014/15 Vote, Vote Function Key Output Planned outputs Achievements by End March Planned Outputs areas have been prepared and tendered. LPO issued and work soon to commence 7. Internal Painting of selected Buildings at UIRI - Design and BOQ’s and implementation supervision have been planned. Internal painting of the plants are meant to improve the sanitary conditions of the facilities to enable them attain UNBS inspection standards. External painting is to improve the aesthetics and general outlook of the UIRI campus. The next phase of painting will include: Dairy shade painting, Refurbishment of ICT Rooms, Painting works at Ceramics, Refurbishment of Engineering Blocks. 8. Completion of Northern Boundary wall works - Six columns that were pending casting were completed. Block work completed entirely. Finishing works on the columns are currently being carried out. Coping works yet to be done 9. Installation of Electric Fencing for the Northern Boundary wall -Installation of all Electric fencing works and security lighting system for the Northern Boundary wall have been completed 10. Completed Electrical installation at Mbale Meat Plant 11. Completed Servicing of the generator at Kabale Potato Plant 12. Installation of power and 20kVA standby generator at Kabeihura Dairy processing On- going 13. Completed installation of drier at Kabale Bamboo plant 14. Fabrication and installation of a water tank at Blue Swan Products Ltd Hygiene Products was Completed. 15. The following repairs were complete at UIRI Juice plant •Installation of lights • Repair of the bowl cutter • Installation of manhole covers • Repair of underground water pipe leakages •Repair of broken drain pipe •Repair of steam line •Pasteurizer •First Aid Box •Heat exchanger • Broken door •A/C & lights •Installation of sensor operated taps • Repair of washrooms •Soap screw stamp • Servicing of generators •Motor repairs •Pineapple screw press Vote Overview

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2013/14 2014/15 Vote, Vote Function Key Output Planned outputs Achievements by End March Planned Outputs repair Output: 065106 Industrial Skills Development and Capacity Building Description of Outputs: The Institute’s Business To bridge the gap between The Institutes Industrial Skills Development Centre (BDC) academia and private sector and Capacity development aims at training more than UIRI offers industrial training includes internship programs, 1,200 people on use of ICT for to university continuing industrial training for university business development. Clients students. UIRI also undertakes continuing students, staff have included SMEs, UIRI trainings for different M&SME trainings for skills upgrading incubatees, staffs from other in food processing, engineering and enhancement of new institutions and members of the and analytical procedures. The evolving technologies. It also public. institute continues to upgrade includes production trainings in and enhance its employee’s various food processing fields knowledge and skills through and engineering technics for different capacity building potential entrepreneurs platforms and forums • 58 people were trained in cosmetics production, soap making, toiletries processing skills and business development. These include proposal writing skills; technical support in identification and sourcing of production equipment; standardization of production protocol; factory visits to virtual incubatees. 1. 53 Biotechnology Students under the collaboration with Makerere University School of Natural Resources where trained in Biotechnology skills 2. Two Instrumentation Staff have been training students on a Radar course from the Uganda Military Engineering College (Ministry of Defense) in Lugazi for a period of three months. 3. The Instrumentation Division continues to train students on electronics and embedded systems design. The Instrumentation Division is currently selecting students for the 2014 Industrial Training Program; preference will be given to students from collaborating institutes such as Mbarara University of Science and Technology and Makerere University Biomedical Engineering Program. 4. The Instrumentation Division carries out In-house trainings. Team training in Software Application was done. One of the Instrumentation Staff trained the team on LABVIEW software. Seven module tutorials and practical assignments were conducted and successfully completed. 5. 80 MSMEs were trained at UIRI in good manufacturing

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2013/14 2014/15 Vote, Vote Function Key Output Planned outputs Achievements by End March Planned Outputs practices and good hygiene practices. The training was jointly undertaken by UIRI and UNBS with emphasis of embedding standards during product design, formulation and development. The activity was successfully held and has yielded the desired outcome. The training raised awareness with the following consequences: • Demand for certification which has spawned a series of activities that are leading to implementation of quality management systems • One enterprise has already been evaluated and got the quality mark for seven (7) products • One company has retained our technical people to support them in recruiting skilled employees and recruited three (3) graduate scientists • Over five (5) entrepreneurs have picked forms to kick start the process of getting the quality mark for their products • The cosmetics processors established a cooperative which is near registration with the Ministry of Trade Industry and Cooperatives. 6. Modalities of training program for Shea Butter processors in Northern and Eastern Uganda is underway. Preparations for survey for Quality Improvement of Shea Butter into Grade A are ongoing. 7. Product development trainings for Q3 included i. Kamoga Ruben trained in Hibiscus wine and pineapple wine. The wine is at fermentation stage ii. BASA Investment trained in processing of Grape wine and pineapple wine. The wine is at aging/ maturation stage iii. Young Entrepreneur’s trained in processing of Carrot and Passion fruit juice. iv. A group women completed training in Mango and pineapple juice processing v. Achan Rose Martha trained in processing pre-cooked maize flour. The developed product is in the chemistry laboratory for analysis vi. Nabagirinya Catherine Vote Overview

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2013/14 2014/15 Vote, Vote Function Key Output Planned outputs Achievements by End March Planned Outputs trained in processing Bottled Fermented sorghum/millet beverage -Bushera is under shelf life studies vii. Rwanyekiro Arthur trained in processing Canned Fermented sorghum/millet beverage - Bushera is under shelf life studies viii. Kirunga Derrick trained in processing Bottled Fermented sorghum/millet beverage - Bushera is under shelf life studies ix. Josmark Innovation trained in Pumpkin value addition. Product formulations have been made x. Bonnie Kayondo trained in Pumpkin value addition. Product formulations have been made xi. Biva Food Industry Ltd, trained in production of natural fruit jam and juice. Shelf life studies for the products is on going xii. Royal Group trained in bean processing, production and marketing

UIRI staff trainigns, capacity building and knowledge sharing platforms included 1. 31st December 2013 – 4th January 2014 one staff attended the African Network for the Economics of Learning, Innovation, and Competence Building Systems (AfricaLics) first research partnerships building workshop in Mozambique 2. Two staff attended Advanced Research Methodology in Scientific Writing for publication on 25th – 27th March 2014 in South African 3. One staff attended the AWARD Science Skills training between 2nd – 6th February 2014 for the Uganda Proposal writing for funding and scientific writing skills 4. One staff attended the report launch on tobacco prevention on 21st March 2014. A campaign for tobacco free Kids 5. One staff who is a Member of Local Organizing Committee for the tenth African Meeting of academies of Science (AMASA 10) an Event which is to be held in November 2014 here in Vote Overview

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2013/14 2014/15 Vote, Vote Function Key Output Planned outputs Achievements by End March Planned Outputs Uganda attended that organizing meeting on 18th March 2014 6. One staff attended Vaccine Production Techniques at MCI Sante Animale between the 2nd of March 2014 to 14th March 2014 in Morocco. The training was on New Tecniques in vaccine production to enhance batch yields and process efficiency and on how to manufacture other vaccine lines that Uganda is not currently producing. 7. One staff attended Vaccine Quality Assurance Techniques at MCI Sante Animale between the 2nd of March 2014 to 14th March 2014 in Morocco. The training focused on how to streamline quality control of vaccine lines and new testing applications for quality parameters in production of NCD 8. Three staff participated at the Gulfood expo 23rd -27th February, 2014, Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The members were Exposed to new food processing technologies and service providers for machinery 9. Training in Integrated Food Management: Farm to Fork 19th March to 3rd April, 2014, Haryana, India majorly in Post- harvest technologies and drying technologies of agricultural produce. 10. One staff is undertaking MSC chemistry studies at Makerere University 11. Two staff attended ISO: 9001:2008 Implementation of Quality Management System (February -April) in India 12. One staff attended a Food safety training course from 7th to 16th March 2014 at Hotel African sponsored by EDES World Bank program 13. Two staff attended FTIR Hands-on training in the laboratory premise by Pulse Healthcare Ltd Engineers in Kampala. 14. One staff trained for two months in 3Dmax animation course certificate at CDAC Mohali India

V3: Detailed Planned Outputs for FY 2014/15 2014/15 Planned Outputs Vote Overview

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1. Establishment of a Regional Hub for Science, Technology, and Innovations (STI) in East and Central Africa in support of industrialization of EAC states.

Following the award of UIRI as Center of Excellence in R&D for the East African Region on 30th November 2013. The Institute will in FY 2014/15 undertake feasibility plans and activities aimed at establishing a Regional Hub for Science, Technology, and Innovations (STI) in East and Central Africa in support of industrialization of EAC states. The project will majorly focus on Research and Technological Organizations (RTOs) and Industrial Research Institutes and other agencies involved in technological aspects of Industrialization. The objectives of establishing a Regional Hub for Science, Technology, and Innovations (STI) will be to harness, coordinate, and harmonize the collective efforts of regional governments and their respective agencies involved in the industrialization process. To complement the efforts and resources committed by the EAC secretariat in advancing industrialization of the sub-region. To share UIRI’s experiences with research institutes on how to build a viable and respectable R&D institution.

The rational is that at Uganda’s Independence Jubilee last year, His Excellency Yoweri K Museveni identified ten strategic bottlenecks that have been cause and consequences of Uganda’s slow pace towards modernity. Included in the list is “Lack of industrialization.” Indeed robust industrialization is the catch-all for solving most of our development ills. In turn, industrial research institutes and RTOs are the fuel that fires the engines of socio-economic transformation.

The proposed project is aimed at the following: the regional RTOs to the industrialization process. and application.

The scope requires individual countries within EAC and their neighbors all subscribe to the same rhetoric regarding development, socio-economic transformation, et al. But their funding priorities tend to belie these sentiments. For example their commitments to invest in R&D have not been fulfilled. 1% of GDP for each member should be allocated to R&D.

Individual countries have made attempts to establish RTOs, e.g. UIRI; KIRDI, TIRDO. However, unlike their agricultural research counter parts; these RTOs are limping because of traditionally inadequate facilitation. There is palpable ambivalence about funding of RTOs in our region.

The proposed project will, among other things, strive to provide a forum for exchange of ideas, sharing of experiences, and mutual mapping of strategies for R&D activities, especially those related to industrialization.

Participating Institutions; with UIRI taking the coordinating lead, sister organizations in the region will form the core of the envisaged hub. These include: KIRDI; TIRDO; TEMDO; etc UIRI stands ready to assist the member states of EAC which don’t yet have similar RTOs, to establish them. UIRI is already active with peer organizations globally. Our association with the likes of SIRIM, FARA, and CSIR will help to assure the success of this project.

UIRI remains committed to fulfill its mandate and objectives during FY 2014/2015. The Institute's competence shall be availed to undertake the following projects/activities;

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2. Establishment of Model Agro- Processing facilities as per National agricultural zoning of resource abundant areas. These will act as • Hubs for knowledge and skills transfer. • Envisaged significant reduction in post-harvest loss of agricultural produce. • The agro processing facilities will stimulate increased agricultural raw material and farm production for primary industry • Work with Agricultural research institutions in developing and promoting crop varieties and animal breeds suitable for high value products and promoting crop varieties and animal breeds suitable for high value products. • Demonstration of the benefits of value addition and hence widen awareness and interest in the public. • Establish platforms for value addition and product development

3. Commercialization of essential oil UIRI and under the technical guidance of Council for Scientific and Industrial Research - Enterprise Creation for Development (ECD) of South Africa has established an essential oil pilot project in Uganda consisting of five suitably selected essential oil varieties. The project will provide information on crop yields as well as the quality and marketability of the essential oils that are steam distilled from the harvested plants. The information is required for future decisions on the economic viability of cultivating and processing essential oil plant species for commercial purposes in Uganda. Design Phase (Phase I) and the Establishment Phase (Phase II) have already been completed. The Pilot Operation Phase (Phase III) is underway. Full Operation (Phase IV) and Close Out (Phase V) shall be undertaken in FY 2014/15. The major objective of the project is to inform the processes and procedures to the development of Essential Oil Sector in Uganda.

4. Establishment of a foundry The Institute urgently needs to establish a foundry for “total technology development” capability, for competence reverse engineering of basic technologies for industrial application and production of spare parts. Currently limited fabrications of basic machine parts. Others more complex parts (gears, blocks, motor casting) can only be done by foundry casting our limited ability in reverse engineering the Bamboo line is a good example. With a foundry we can replicate the entire line

5. Cosmetics formulation and training This is a research, development, and popularization project for soaps and cosmetic products with an organic foot print. Under this project entrepreneurs are trained in cosmetics production techniques, and technically supported to formulate and develop different products for commercial purposes. In addition to supporting different entrepreneurs, the project aims to develop and standardize two products in the next financial year (2014-2015): • A Shea butter /Bentonate based anti-Acne cream, and • An antimicrobial soap Shea nut or moo yaa grows naturally in Sahel region of North Eastern Uganda, and bentonite is a mineral that occurs in Kasese and Mbale regions of Uganda. These two have very beneficial quality attributes for skin which enhance product acceptability

6. Research & development of Spirulina This project aims at development and production of Spirulina, edible high protein blue - green algae. 7. Research & Development of Actinomycin D (Anti-cancer chemotherapeutic drug) This project undertaken by Kess Biotechnology & UIRI, aims to develop cheap and readily available anti- cancer drug (Actinomycin D). The strains producing the drug have already been isolated and are being in the biotechnology center of excellence. 8. Development and application of a bacterial system for the production of industrial biocatalysts. This project is being undertaken by AMiTek (Applied Microbial Tekinologies) in collaboration with UIRI for the production of industrial biocatalysts (Enzymes); initially proteases to be used in cleaning agents and as food additives. The strains of bacteria have already been isolated

9. Research & development of an antibacterial herbal remedy Under this project, selected herbal remedies have been scientifically tested and verified to be efficacious. In Vote Overview

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Vote: 110 Uganda Industrial Research Institute the next financial year, it is planned to design and develop a production process for herbal ear-drops thereby establishing a model value addition centre to commercialize our natural herbs in Kamuli district of Uganda. 10. Research and development of a biosensor for afflatoxin testing The project to develop the technology resulted from the demand for a hand-held tool for demonstrating safety from aflatoxin B1 in agricultural products specifically fermented cassava products that are traded within the East African Region in Arua, Tororo and Busia Districts of Uganda. The scientific principle and electronics have been developed and are being validated by comparison with existing standard techniques. During the next year we envisage to prototype; assemble the biosensor; study environmental stability; and do performance testing in the field. When complete this tool will enhance regional trade 11. Establishment of Ugandan Shea processing Platform The project is aimed at strategic development of shea butter and oil processing to enhancing market access. Although the product is high value, market access has been impeded due to poor quality products. A model value addition center will be established and processors shall be trained in good manufacturing practices for development of competitive shea butter products in the region.

12. Minerals and material engineering section The section aims to undertake physical and chemical analysis of different mineral ores used for development and production of • Cups, Plates and saucers • R&D in Bentonite and Allied • R&D in Artificial Ceramic Corals in fish breeding • R&D in Gemstone cutting technology • R&D in Water filtration • Concrete tiles and Pavers • Production of oxides • Manufacture of adhesives 13. Food product development The food laboratory shall engage in research and development of different food formulations and product development of products including but not limited to • Development of breakfast cereals, instant porridges, noodles from local foods like cassava and sweet potato • Package foods including meats, fruits, vegetables, baked products using modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) as a preservation procedure that doesn't use chemicals • Producing pectin from fruit wastes, extraction of plant and animal materials that can be used as ingredients during product development. • Undertake activities for laboratory accreditation

14. Research and Development of Agriculture based projects: • Smart Drip Irrigation System Uganda is said to be the food basket of the Africa and that her economy relies heavily on Agriculture. However, we see that this is being threatened by the continual unpredictable weather patterns among other factors. This thus merits that irrigation is adopted as a means to supplement the unreliable rains. It’s from is background that the Instrumentation team has embarked upon designing a Smart Drip Irrigation System to mitigate this challenge. The irrigation system under design will not only reduce wastage of water but will also provide for soil moisture and Ph monitoring, fertilization, and a crop database.

15. Neonatal and Maternal Healthcare projects: • Automated Intravenous Fluid Delivery Regulator Intravenous Fluid delivery is a medical procedure which is carried out to either quickly replenish fluids in the body or/and administer drugs through a tube known as a catheter inserted into the body. This life saving procedure can become very dangerous and possibly fatal if the fluid flow is not correctly regulated especially for infants and young children. High volumes of a fluid administered in a very short time results into drug overdose and heart overload which escalates into heart failure. Furthermore, high flow rates of a fluid damages blood vessels at the point of insertion. It’s from this background that the Instrumentation Division embarked on design of an Automated Intravenous Fluid Delivery Regulator which will render fluid flow rate control a function of volume to be Vote Overview

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Vote: 110 Uganda Industrial Research Institute administered for a particular time period. The device will also provide for occlusion detection, fluid run- away and near-empty detection with an alert/ alarm system.

16. MUTIMA project (Heart rate and Blood oxygen saturation monitoring) According to the Uganda demographic and health survey 2011, low levels of haemoglobin in blood decreases the amount of oxygen reaching the tissues and organs of the body and reduces their capacity to function normally. This is associated with impaired cognitive and motor development in children. This condition can be avoided if early detection is made. Other medical conditions such as hypoxemia and sickle cell also result into low blood oxygen. Also, heart rate measurement and monitoring is a vital tool in diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular related diseases, heart attacks, stroke and heart failures. These, once foreign diseases are now on the increase in Africa. Early detection of such conditions is thus vital for life to be sustained. The development of the Mutima project is therefore to facilitate monitoring of blood oxygen saturation and heart rate through the use of non-invasive methods. 17. Mother’s baby thermometer project The Mother’s baby thermometer project is set out to design and develop a non-invasive miniature thermometer for mothers at home to monitor the temperature of their babies at critical stages of growth so as to allow them make urgent and informed decisions about their baby’s state of health especially Fever onsets in Rural Uganda. The onset of fevers (high body temperatures) in most cases is a common indicator of infection in neonates. Since an infant’s immune system is not fully developed, they are vulnerable to infections thus this will go a long way to enable mothers monitor the health of their baby. 18. Energy Efficiency projects : Temperature Measurement and Control device Manufacturing Industries and Production plants often have critical processes in which proper temperature regulation/ control is a prerequisite for a quality product to be produced. As such, this device is designed to be retrofitted on an existing system or customized to solve a specific temperature control and/or monitoring problem. This system can be used to control and monitor room temperature, incubator temperature, electrical oven temperature, water heater temperature, dryer temperature, kilns and furnace temperature among other things. 19. Solar Powered Chicken Eggs Incubator This Incubator is designed to allow farmers to hatch chicken eggs using a method that requires minimal energy and is self-regulating. Uganda receives plenty of solar energy which can be harnessed to reduce reliance on hydro and thermal electricity. For farmers who have hens that are not ready to net or/and for large chicken raising facilities, and for researchers/students, this method provides green-energy and cost effective solutions. 20. Control System projects – Interactive Traffic Light Control System Project In Uganda, the sequence in which a set of traffic lights at a junction is turned on has a fixed delay period regardless of the volume of traffic at the intersections thus underutilization of the roads and unnecessary increased delays. The interactive traffic light control system under development takes this into consideration and provides a platform through which the delay periods for each set of lights at the intersection can be varied.

21. Security applications Fingerprint and Pin code Based Security Access Control System Access control systems have over time become more sophisticated and several security measures have been employed to combat the menace of insecurity of lives and property. This can be done by preventing unauthorized entrance into buildings using conventional and electromagnetic security door locks, discrete access codes, and biometric methods such as finger prints, the eye and facial recognition. Security systems having realized the value of biometrics to verify or identify users, it has become the most secure and convenient authentication tool used today. This is because it cannot easily be borrowed, stolen, or forgotten and forged. This project deals with identification, authentication, discrete access code and setup of a security system 22. Measurement applications Digital Weighing Scale design (Reverse engineering ) Weighing scales have found numerous applications in the field of Medicine, Agriculture, Production, Trade, and Education among others. In some of these, precision is an important factor and the line between Vote Overview

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Vote: 110 Uganda Industrial Research Institute good quality and poor quality may be a small change is weigh measurement. The cost of these scales is also very high and as such is not affordable. Basing on these factors, the design of this device will mitigate some of these problems. 23. Instrumentation, Control and Automation projects Automation of weaving machines (Bomboo section UIRI) Weaving is one of the income earners for many women in Uganda and yet, most of these methods and tools used are rudimentary as such, the turnover is very low and labour intensive. Therefore, as a means to maximize profits, reduce on the labour demands, and increase throughput, the Instrumentation Division is set out to automate the weaving machine at UIRI as case study. 24. Moisture meter for wood. The measurement of moisture contain has proved to be a big challenge for dealers in wood and the end- users i.e. the carpenters. As such, wood decay, infection by pests and poor quality products have resulted into huge loss of money and market for wood products since these persons cannot measure the moisture contain in their wood. In addition the price of a wood moisture is too high and unaffordable by many. It is from this background that the device will be developed to mitigate these challenges. 25. Design and development of a Sterilizer Sterilizers are instruments that are used to disinfect a number of tools and raw materials in the medical sector, and food technology sector among others. Failure to sterilize may result into fatal contamination, infections and erroneous experimental results. Even though this procedure is mandatory many health facilities and food labs are inadequately stocked hence posing treat to lives. The design and development of this instrument will fill this gap.

26. Industrial And Technological Incubation UIRI operates an Industrial and Technological Incubator program. The incubator program has grown into a vibrant, robust and competent platform that sets up and hand holds enterprises to self-sustainability. Its portfolio continues to grow from strength to strength. The Institute supports both in-house incubates and virtual incubates at different levels of operation. All innovations and value added products developed at the Institute are positioned for incubation by the private sector. Functions of the UIRI Incubator program include: • Nurturing and growing start-up agribusiness enterprises, • Training in application of best practices, international standards of management and enhanced work ethic for indigenous enterprises, • Mentoring and cultivating other professional business management practices. • Practical trainings in business managerial competence, book keeping and business discipline. • Trainings in principles of technology acquisition, deployment and diffusion. 27. Upgrading of technologies, procurement of new technologies, machinery and equipment for the following areas Technology development center • Machinery and equipment for the Foundry • Technologies for the foundry Vaccine production unit • Incubator for the Vaccine Production Unit Bakery • Four Deck Baking Oven i.e. used for baking especially cakes • Dough Mixer (75kg dough capacity) to be used for mixing dough of up to 75kg • Extruder to be used for making instant breakfast cereals e.g. cornflakes and pet foods • Other small equipment/tools needed for Chocolate Making Project Essential oil project • Agri-weave technology • 500kg Essential Oil distillation unit • Irrigation Systems • Purchase nursery inputs • Renew organic certification services for essential oil project Chemistry laboratory • Soxtec system (Fat content), Fiber Tec system(fiber content) & Kjel-tec system (protein) • Procurement of Laboratory Analytical Balance Vote Overview

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• Procurement of Gas Chromatography/ Mass spectrometer (GC-MS) equipment • 10 Analytical Chemistry & Laboratory text books Instrumentation division • 3D rapid prototyping printer • Light Intensity meter • Air Flow rate meter(Anenometer) • Pressure meter/Manometer • Hygro-Thermometer • Power supply with variable negative range • Reflow ovens • Drilling machine(handheld) • Drilling machine(bench machine) • Printer/Scanner/Copier, Computer (to be handled by ICT) • Logic Analyzer • Moisture meter • Clamp meter • Multi-meter • Documenting Process Calibrator Food laboratory • Lines of various food processing equipment • MAP packaging technology • Extrusion technology • Separation technology Bakery • Deluxe Professional Airbrush Cake Decorating System • Infrared Thermometer • Countertop Microwave Oven • Polycarbonate Chocolate Moulds • Silicone Scoop Shovel Scrapper Rabbler Multipurpose Spreader (pack of 3) • Spoon Shaped Silicone Spatula Scrapper • Fondant modeling Set • Table Top Tempera • Bench Scraper(large) • Bench Scraper (Medium) • Offset Spatula • Pastry Scraper • Multi-purpose Bowl Scraper • Chocolate Shaver • Chocolate Decorating Comb and Smoother (4"x6") • Ladle (½ oz) • Chocolate Dipping Tool Set • Chocolate Dipping Tool Basket • Mixing Bowl (4 quart) • Double Boiler Insert 8 Cup Capacity • Non-Stick Chocolate Bark Mold & Baker’s Quarter Sheet • Silicone Non-stick Baking Sheets • White Marble Superfine Grain Slab • Hot Air Gun • Aluminum Chocolate Wrapping foil Meat technology • Ice Flake Machine 500 Kgs/ 24 Hrs • Sausage Filler 30 Lt • Blast Freezer 4m X 4m Min Temp -18 Degrees • Band Saw Free Standing • Brine Injector Dairy technology Vote Overview

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• Aluminum Milk Cans (50 Litre Capacity) - 50 Pieces • Manual Cup Sealers - 3 Pieces • Heavy Duty Plastic Crates - 200 pieces • Positive Displacement Pump - 1 unit On- Line milk filter - 1 unit Automatic Vertical Form, fill & Seal Packaging Machine Small Scale Dairy Processing Equipment Lira Peanut and Research Center • Peanut grinder for grinding ground nuts into peanut butter. This will enable us meet the demand because we roast a lot but the current grinder has a low capacity compared to the roasted capacity • Generator is need especially when there is load shedding there is no other way to push ground nuts out of the roaster or cooler. All the big losses we have had are attributed to this. • Compressor to deliver compressed air to filling machine for automatic filling • Sachet packing machine for filling Peanut butter into sachets • Welding machine for joining/welding processing machinery together especially during maintenance • Laboratory Centrifuge • Moisture analyzer • Analytical balance • Laboratory Oven • Laboratory Blender

28. Maintenance of UIRI technologies, machinery and equipment Maintenance of pilot plant equipment for efficiency and productivity Bakery and cereal processing plant require Lubricants and grease, wear spare parts. The (Ceramics) mineral and material laboratory require complete overhaul. Meat production and training, Fruits and vegetables production plant, Dairy technology section (Fresh Milk, Yoghurt and Ice Cream) require Cold room maintenance and preventative /routine serving consumables like oils, lubricants, wear spares, Food, Chemical, microbiology and biotechnology analytical labs require fridges services, electrical fittings and gas filling. Maintenance of engineering shops requires acquisition of spares, tools, consumables, components and controls, service and maintains the plants Maintenance of satellite projects (Arua fruit Juice, Mbale meat processing facility, Lira Peanut Processing and Research Centre, Nabusanke fruit Juice, and Kabale potato and bamboo plants) require acquisition of spares, tools, consumables, components and controls, for service and maintenance Refurbishment and remodelling of existing infrastructure at UIRI to include Applying Epoxy floor finish to TDC workshop floors Repair of UIRI pilot plants roofs Modify roof free of leakages steel trusses, new iron sheets, roof drainage Replacement of internal water distribution systems Waste water treatment Maintenance materials Periodic maintenance of UIRI buildings. These include painting works, minor repairs and roof cleaning Repairing of High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC), Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer ( AAS) Repair of Microwave Digester (Multi-wave 3000), Repair of Laboratory Refrigerator (EkoFrigoLab 1500) and Freeze Dryer (Telstar LyoAlfa 6) Preventive maintenance for HPLC (2), AAS, CHN, and Uv/visible Spectrometer Preventive Maintenance/service & labour, Air ticket(Experts from Egypt) Remodelling of the chemistry laboratory Calibration of Analytical balance, 2 ovens, 2 muffle furnace, water bath & Ph meter General servicing and repairs of bakery pilot plant equipment. Spare parts for repair of dough mixer, rotary oven, bun divider, cake mixer, digital weighing scales & dough sheeter Routine servicing, maintenance and repair of meat technology equipment’s Preventive Maintenance, Break down repairs Engineering machinery and equipment Routine servicing, maintenance and repair of bamboo technology equipment’s Plant preventive maintenance for both Bamboo plants Vote Overview

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Hygienic maintenance of all food pilot plants, estates& Bamboo pilot plant Maintenance of UIRI Servers Table V3.1: Vote Function Profiles, Programme/Project Profiles and Workplan Outputs Vote Function: 06 51 Industrial Research Vote Function Profile

Responsible Officer: Executive Director Services: Uganda Industrial Research Institute is the country’s main vehicle for implementing strategies and measures aimed at transforming industry in Uganda. As the lead agency of government for Uganda’s industrial development strategies, UIRI offers the following key services, i. Develop scientific innovations aimed at job creation and comptitive products ii.Establishment of platforms for value addition. Iii. Technology Transfer and Technology Development. Iv. Product development and design of industrial processes. V. Enhanced provision of analytical laboratory services. Vi. Prototyping of products and processes. Vii. Business incubation. Viii. Industrial services ix. Technical skills development and industrial internship among others The Institute is highly engaged in the planning and implementation of a series of activities, programs and special projects that involve procuring of machinery, equipment and consumables for carrying out different scientific investigations, product development and process design for plant and animal foods, feeds, metal, wood, herbal plants, ceramics, building materials, livestock, minerals, vaccines and other materials of potential economic value. Application of new technologies at commercial and pilot plant production that act as models for replication of similar initiatives elsewhere. These are complimented by the establishment of a well equipped engineering workshop that is engaged in the design of locally suited contraptions, spares etc using latest innovative tools in order to build capacity for primary industries. The above core activities are complimented by the use of ICT, Business incubation and capacity building for a strong skilled workforce as strategic tools for an agency charged with leading industrialization efforts in the country. Henceforth Uganda Industrial Research Institute aims at: i) Increasing opportunities for job creation through new value addition enterprises. Ii) Supporting the increase of agricultural output by creating new markets for farm produce. Iii) Mitigation of economic losses incurred by farmers as a result of post harvest losses especially for perishables produce. Iv) To create efficiency in exploitation of natural resources. V) To support nationwide efforts for improved product competitiveness in terms of export quality, quantity and high manufacturing standards.

Vote Function Projects and Programmes: Project or Programme Name Responsible Officer Recurrent Programmes 01 Headquarters Executive Director Development Projects 0430 Uganda Industrial Research Institute Executive Director Programme 01 Headquarters Programme Profile

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Vote Function: 06 51 Industrial Research Programme 01 Headquarters Responsible Officer: Executive Director

Objectives: -To undertake applied research for the development of products and optimal production processes for Uganda's nascent industry. -To develop and/or acquire appropriate technology in order to create a strong, effective and competitive industrial sector -Act Outputs: UIRI's programme outputs and activities can be described in the broader terms of promoting the development of value added industries especially the agro-industries, enhancement of Applied Research and Technology for development, nurturing of business startups.

Workplan Outputs for 2013/14 and 2014/15 Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15 Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and UShs Thousand Location) (Quantity and Location) Location) 06 51 01Administation and - Recruit 30 New Employees 5 technical staff were recruited - Recruit 50 New Employees Support Services with one staff leaving - Establish and staff the - Establish and staff the Resource Mobilisation Unit All monthly staff salaries of 232 Resource Mobilisation Unit employees were paid off for Q3 -Staff training and skills -Staff training and skills development All NSSF, PAYE, Local development service tax and other statutory - Pay off current staff salaries obligatory payments were - Pay off current staff salaries and benefits remited accordingly. and benefits

- Insure Institute Assets Medical insurance premium for - Insure Institute Assets Equipment, Vehicles, IT staff and their dependants for Equipment, Vehicles, IT Servers and IT Equipment the quarter was paid for. Servers and IT Equipment

7 Staff were facilitated for training and skills development in the areas of

Property expenses were paid off.

Security guarding and safety of the Institute property was paid for.

Insurance premium for the Institutes assets which include buildings vehicles, machinery and equipment have been paid for.

Institute monthly utilities bills like telephone, water and electricity were paid for

Institute vehicles were maintained in good working mechanical condition

Total 5,689,016 3,913,358 6,017,602 Wage Recurrent 4,069,482 2,833,131 4,398,068 Non Wage Recurrent 1,519,534 1,080,227 1,519,534 NTR 100,000 0 100,000 GRAND TOTAL 5,689,016 3,913,358 6,017,602 Wage Recurrent 4,069,482 2,833,131 4,398,068 Non Wage Recurrent 1,519,534 1,080,227 1,519,534 NTR 100,000 0 100,000 Annual Workplan for 2014/15 - Outputs, Activities, Inputs and their Cost Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost (Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand Output: 06 5101 Administation and Support Services

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Vote Function: 06 51 Industrial Research Programme 01 Headquarters Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost (Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost - Recruit 50 New Employees Advertising and Public Relations () 20.0 29,200 Allowances for coordinating & monitoring progress 100.0 32,000 - Establish and staff the Resource Mobilisation Unit () Books, Periodicals, Newspapers () 15.0 3,120 -Staff training and skills development Carriage, Haulage, Freight and transport hire () 10.0 10,000 Contract staff () 0.0 0 - Pay off current staff salaries and benefits Electricity () 4.4 174,542 Fuel, Lubricants and Oils () 12.2 70,495 - Insure Institute Assets Equipment, Vehicles, IT Servers and IT Equipment Guard and Security services () 12.1 58,000 Information and communications technology (ICT) 11.7 35,000 Activities to Deliver Outputs: () - Recruit 30 New Employees Insurances () 11.7 35,000 Maintenance - Vehicles () 11.1 67,848 - Establish and staff the Resource Mobilisation Unit Medical Insurance for Employees () 625.0 200,000 Postage and Courier () 10.0 2,000 -Staff training and skills development Printing, Stationery, Photocopying and Binding () 12.0 6,300 - Pay off current staff salaries and benefits Property Expenses () 11.9 74,000 Recruitment Expenses () 1.0 1,000 - Insure Institute Assets Equipment, Vehicles, IT Servers and IT Small Office Equipment () 12.2 28,000 Equipment Social Security Contributions () 230.0 406,952 Staff training and capacity development () 5.0 50,000 Subscriptions () 6.0 3,000 Telecommunications () 11.5 69,000 Travel abroad () 6.5 98,133 Travel Inland () 11.9 11,944 Water () 6.7 80,000 Welfare and Entertainment () 11.7 70,000 Workshop and knowledge awareness seminars () 40.0 4,000 Contract staff (Person Years) 230.0 4,398,068 Permanent Staff (Person Years) 0.0 0 Total 6,017,602 Wage Recurrent 4,398,068 Non Wage Recurrent 1,519,534 NTR 100,000 GRAND TOTAL 6,017,602 Wage Recurrent 4,398,068 Non Wage Recurrent 1,519,534 NTR 100,000

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Vote Function: 06 51 Industrial Research Project 0430 Uganda Industrial Research Institute Project Profile

Responsible Officer: Executive Director

Objectives: UIRI’s primary objectives are: i. To carry out applied research for the development of products and provide platforms for innovation, application of science and technology. ii. To develop/acquire appropriate technologies in order to create a strong, effective and competitive industrial sector. iii. To promote value addition activities so as to transform local raw materials into competitive marketable products. iv. To bridge the gap between academia, government, and the private sector and to enhance commercialization of R&D. v. Take affordable technology to the people to enhance primary processing that will result into, secondary processing and transform into industry. The UIRI Center of Excellence primary objectives are; • To foster targeted skills capacity development for applied R&D for industrialization in the EAC region. • To carry out applied research for the development of products and provide platforms for innovation, application of science and technology in the EAC region. • To develop/acquire appropriate technologies in order to create a strong, effective and competitive industrial sector in the EAC region. • To promote value addition activities so as to transform raw materials available in the EAC region into competitive marketable products. • To bridge the gap between academia, research institutions, and the private sector in order to enhance commercialization of R&D outputs in the EAC region. Outputs: i. Research and Development ii. Agro-processing iii. Food processing iv. Analytical laboratory services v. Technological business incubation vi. Technology Transfer and Development vii. Vaccine production viii. Electronic product development and Instrumentation ix. Technical and Advisory services x. Industrial training xi. Community based value addition xii. Business Development Services xiii. Industry Information Services Start Date: 7/1/2010 Projected End Date: 6/30/2025

Workplan Outputs for 2013/14 and 2014/15 Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15 Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and UShs Thousand Location) (Quantity and Location) Location) 06 51 02Research and Development • Major activities under R&D 1. Product development • Following control of are categorized in five (5) areas, Current product development Newcastle disease in poultry i.e. food formulations, and valued addition involve through vaccination with handmade paper development, product design, formulation, KUKUSTAR, there will be ceramics formulation, chemical trails, processing, analytical increased flock sizes in rural and microbial analysis of tests, piloting, production and areas. Case studies have shown products. The project involves market trails for process that there will be an increase in developing new products, adjustment of Hibiscus Wine, occurrences of other viral verification of industry Pineapple Wine, Grape Wine, poultry diseases like FOWL Vote Overview

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Vote Function: 06 51 Industrial Research Project 0430 Uganda Industrial Research Institute Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15 Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and UShs Thousand Location) (Quantity and Location) Location) products, pilot testing, capacity Production of Natural Fruit POX and GUMBORO. To building and process design juice and jams from Carrot, combat this, the Vaccine Unit • Continue research and Passion and Mango. Pre-cooked needs to conduct research to development studies on the maize flour. Bottled and Canned develop a viable conjugate current essential oil pilot plant Fermented sorghum/millet vaccine suitable for in Luweero beverage –Bushera. Bean administration to rural • To engage in processing, Value addition to households that are already commercialization of Essential pumpkin, meat, fish and poultry accessing KUKUSTAR. Initial Oils projects as shall be processing. Handmade and work will focus on dependent on the current pilot ceramic products. Systems Identification of vaccine strains. study. development. • • To develop Wet Coffee 2. Provision of testing services • UIRI will undertake further processing technology. The • 116 samples were tested for scientific cosmetics research technology aims at efficient microbiological quality in and development aimed at means of drying coffee by water, dry beverages (Black producing, creams, butters, removing the coat from the tealeaves), fruit Juice, cosmetics lotions, shampoos, hand wash, harvested (body cream), dairy products shower gels, lip stick, lip gloss, • To carry out organic inspection (Yoghurt), fresh vegetables and eye shadow, eye liner, Liquid of essential oil process wine. The samples were detergents, Herbal Jelly, • Carry out chemical and analyzed for total plate count, Laundry and tablet soaps, nail microbial analyze of samples of yeasts and molds, total polish, conditioner, and hair food, water, beverages etc coliforms, E. coli, color, moisturizers, cleansers, • Carry out material analysis for Staphylococcus aurous and toners, anti-aging/anti-wrinkle internal and external clients Salmonella spp. products. The products shall be • Carry out review and • 49 laboratory samples were in Solid form (lipsticks), Semi- preparation of product concepts tested for chemical analysis; solid (ointments, emulsions, • Adaptation and production of ranging from food, alcoholic creams/lotions) and Gaseous pure Agaricus bitoquis (button beverages, cosmetics to plants. form (aerosols). Bentonite mushroom) • 10 samples were analyzed for based cream research and • Undertake establishment of minerals in fortified foods on development shall also be research units for high value the Ugandan Market. undertaken foods 3. UIRI paid subscription for • Research and development of • Expand product profiles of the East African Community biosensor for detection of current established model value Proficiency Tests for salt, Aflatoxin b1 in cassava flour. addition centers and support cooking oil & flour to Kenya Aflatoxins are secondary facilities (laboratories) Bureau of Standards (KEBS), metabolites produced by • develop formulation of products Tanzania Bureau of Standards Aspergillus falvus and A. • Adaptation and production of (TBS) and to Uganda National parasiticus. They are produced pure Agaricus bitoquis (button Bureau of Standards (UNBS). in agricultural food stuff like: mushroom) The laboratory participated in peanuts, tubers, maize, cereals • Pilot production of food and analysis of the PTS samples and feeds. The developed other related products whose submitted to the lab as required biosensor shall is aimed to product development has been by ISO 17025 standards for beemand driven, Very sensitive, completed. testing Laboratories. Robust, Portable, Reduce cost • Develop two technologies for 4. Under technology of analysis, Can be used at fish processing development, UIRI Fabricated point of need, Can be used to • Develop improved timber and assembled a solar dryer improve trade and exportation seasoning technology prototype, wooden soap slicing of food • Design and fabricate functional machine, developed briquettes • Laboratory accreditation to two machines for fertilizer from the ground nut and Shear ISO/IEC 17025. The ISO/IEC applicators nut residue. Designed and 17025 grantees working in • Textile and weaving 5 machines constructed a biomass gasify accordance to global standards developed prototype and a banana fiber is especially important for • Design and fabricate functional extractor. laboratories to ensure validity distillation units for essential oil 5. UIRI was engaged in and global comparability of test • Design and fabricate functional improvement and and calibration results. It can be tea processing technology standardization of products, used as a standard to develop • Design and fabricate functional some of UIRI incubatees have and establish a quality system processing lines for spices and been certified with the q-mark. for a laboratory. ISO/IEC herbs 6. A range of innovations have 17025 provides a basis for • Engage direct and indirect been developed and are ready assessment by laboratory clients professionals, casuals and for commercialization. These or third parties. It is also a farmers in the value chains of include but not limited to criterion for laboratory the model value addition centers (biochar fertilizer, carrot juice accreditation. This will result • Produce fruits processing and mango bars, green tea, into access to more contracts technology pasteurized liquid eggs, sim-sim for testing as some public and • Produce poultry hatching paste, jams, juices, ginger oil private organizations only give technology and Jams) contracts to accredited • Produce rice processing 7. In biomedical technology laboratories. It will also result • Develop Ice production UIRI is undertaking a Neonatal into improved national and technology and Maternal Healthcare global reputation and image of • Fabricate basic machinery and collaborative project. The the laboratory. As the equipments for industry partners involved include: laboratories will have • Expand product profiles and College of Health Sciences, established a basis for most capacities of the current Makerere University and other quality systems related to established model value Oxford BioHorizons Ltd. laboratories, such as Good addition centers and support Assessments for the Manufacturing Practices and Vote Overview

195 Uganda Industrial Research Institute Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 110 Uganda Industrial Research Institute

Vote Function: 06 51 Industrial Research Project 0430 Uganda Industrial Research Institute Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15 Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and UShs Thousand Location) (Quantity and Location) Location) facilities (laboratories) development of in-house Good Laboratory Practices. It • Pilot production of food and Biomedical engineering also gives the laboratories a other related products projects- MUTIMA project platform for continued (this is a Biomedical Monitoring improvement in data quality, Device) and Mother's Baby accuracy and laboratory Home thermometer to ascertain effectiveness. available medical equipment at • A participatory study was done Mulago hospital and beyond for in 2009 to identify modalities neonatal and maternal health for strengthening linkages and possibly publishing papers between traditional and modern on the status/ has been knowledge systems for social undertaken with the assistance inclusion. The objective was to of UIRI partners. find out innovations in the traditional innovation system Development of the two and how they could be projects have reached promoted within the innovation preliminary sensor module system. To obtain information testing phase. Preliminary on the traditional innovation prototyping is underway as systems or knowledge systems. electronic components have To obtain information on been received/ Guidelines are traditional mechanisms of being drafted on preparing innovation and technology papers on the status of medical transfer. To determine equipment together with our innovation trends and the partners. Writing of research factors influencing them. To papers is ongoing. develop modalities for institutionalizing traditional 8. The Instrumentation Division innovation systems in the participated in a curriculum context of a Modern Incubator review hosted by Mbarara Research and Development University of Science and Agency (UIRI) the following Technology for their Computer projects are under way as a Engineering Program. result of the study Suggestions were made on relevant technical electives, efficacy of selected herbal enrichment of content for remedies existing courses; applied hands on skills and grading guidelines mushrooms (Agaricus species) were successfully completed. This is an Institute characterization of the bark of Collaboration for Resource and the ficus tree knowledge sharing activities with the Institute of Computer • UIRI's Chemistry Laboratory is Science of Mbarara University one of the best laboratory of Science and Technology providing testing facilities to (MUST) was undertaken. The food scientists, researchers, collaboration is focused on exporters, manufacturers, implementation of identified pharmacists and the general activities which include, applied public. The core value of electronic skills development, chemistry laboratory is to manufacturing skills identify the physical and development, consultancy, and chemical composition of Technology transfer. different sample matrices(foods, beverages, water, soils) 9. Research and Development Determination of nutritional for Agriculture based projects – composition, Assessing Level of Design and Development of a contaminants in products, Smart Drip Irrigation System is Storage conditions, under way. Determination of expiry dates, Instrumentation Division is quality control and assurance, currently designing and provides technical advice on developing a Smart Drip Product formulations, Quality Irrigation System. Project improvement, Process Brainstorming sessions are held optimization, Storage and usage weekly on Thursday's. The . project is currently at block • Isolation of curcuminoids from diagram and flow chart turmeric plant development stages, overall • Application of zeolites in project requirements have been removal of heavy metals in concluded and a market study waste water of potential clients has been • Characterization of fertilizers carried out. Partner engagement from animal urine with NECTEC at NSTDA at a • Commercialization of flavored later stage is being discussed. clay pot water 1. Cosmetics formulation and 10. UIRI automation projects training include Automatic This is a research, development, Vote Overview

196 Uganda Industrial Research Institute Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 110 Uganda Industrial Research Institute

Vote Function: 06 51 Industrial Research Project 0430 Uganda Industrial Research Institute Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15 Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and UShs Thousand Location) (Quantity and Location) Location) indoor/outdoor Lighting and popularization project for System, Solar Fruit Dryer, soaps and cosmetic products Keypad based door lock with an organic foot print. system, Solar Powered Egg Under this project entrepreneurs incubator, Weighing Scale, are trained in cosmetics Automatic Voltage Regulator, production techniques, and Multi-purpose Temperature technically supported to control monitoring, Fingerprint formulate and develop different and pin code based security products for commercial access control system. purposes. In addition to The development of these supporting different projects include design, entrepreneurs, the project aims simulate, development of to develop and standardize two firmware, integration of products in the next financial software and hardware, testing year (2014-2015): and verifying, prototyping and • A Shea butter /Bentonate based carrying out real time testing of anti-Acne cream, and each of these projects, • An antimicrobial soap documentation and paper Shea nut or moo yaa grows publications. naturally in Sahel region of Hardware design and analysis, North Eastern Uganda, and Firmware design, simulation bentonite is a mineral that and prototyping is ongoing for occurs in Kasese and Mbale these team oriented projects, regions of Uganda. These two electronic components have have very beneficial quality been received, however, they attributes for skin which will need to be replenished as enhance product acceptability prototyping, hardware and 2. Research & development of software integration continues. Spirulina Team members are working on This project aims at firmware and Hardware testing development and production of is ongoing. Spirulina, edible high protein 11. Purchase of equipment for blue - green algae. setting up a model Shea Butter 3. Research & Development of processing center in Northern Actinomycin D (Anti-cancer Uganda is underway chemotherapeutic drug) 12. 4 schemes have been This project undertaken by Kess registered in participation of Biotechnology & UIRI, aims to proficiency testing scheme develop cheap and readily 13. A proposal has been available anti-cancer drug submitted to EDES project and (Actinomycin D). The strains QUISP project Action to solicit producing the drug have already support for Accreditation of the been isolated and are being in Laboratory. A QUISP the biotechnology centre of consultant and representative excellence. from the Ministry of Trade, 4. Development and application Industry and Cooperatives of a bacterial system for the visited the laboratory for production of industrial evaluation of ongoing activities. biocatalysts. UIRI awaits response from the This project is being undertaken QUISP project. by AMiTek (Applied Microbial 14. Annual Facility Inspection of Tekinologies) in collaboration the Vaccine Production with UIRI for the production of Laboratory - The Vaccine industrial biocatalysts Production Laboratory was (Enzymes); initially proteases to inspected by National Drug be used in cleaning agents and Authority for compliance with as food additives. The strains of cGMP to renew the facilities bacteria have already been manufacturing license. isolated 15. The Vaccine Production Unit has expanded production 5. Research & development of to production of Lyophilisation. an antibacterial herbal remedy A high Capacity Lyophilliser Under this project, selected was received and Installed and herbal remedies have been commissioned. The new unit scientifically tested and verified increases batch capacity from to be efficacious. In the next 500,000 doses per batch to financial year, it is planned to 2,500,000 doses per batch. design and develop a 16. Television show on production process for herbal mycotoxins and health aspects ear-drops thereby establishing a are being planned model value addition centre to 17. Natural product exhibition is commercialize our natural herbs being planned and scheduled for in Kamuli district of Uganda. UMA show ground exhibition 6. Research and development of 18. Submission of manuscripts a biosensor for afflatoxin testing to African Journal of pure and The project to develop the applied chemistry has been technology resulted from the Vote Overview

197 Uganda Industrial Research Institute Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 110 Uganda Industrial Research Institute

Vote Function: 06 51 Industrial Research Project 0430 Uganda Industrial Research Institute Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15 Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and UShs Thousand Location) (Quantity and Location) Location) done. demand for a hand-held tool for 19. UIRI provided technical demonstrating safety from training, product development aflatoxin B1 in agricultural services and product testing products specifically fermented services to Watoto Church cassava products that are traded Organization in developing within the East African Region tablet, bar soap, liquid detergent in Arua, Tororo and Busia and hand wash soap. Technical Districts of Uganda. The support in identification, scientific principle and sourcing and writing of electronics have been developed production equipment and are being validated by specifications is in process. comparison with existing 20. Writing of a Quality Manual, standard techniques. During the policies and procedures are next year we envisage to being formalized in consultation prototype; assemble the with laboratory staff for biosensor; study environmental establishing Conditions for stability; and do performance implementation of the ISO testing in the field. When 17025 QMS in preparation for complete this tool will enhance Accreditation of the Laboratory regional trade under the ISO 17025 QMS 7. Ugandan Shea processing 21. Completed fabrication of Platform soap stamp and first aid boxes, The project is aimed at strategic UIRI Campus development of shea butter and 22. Chemistry Research projects oil processing to enhancing under research are. market access. Although the • Antimicrobial activity of product is high value, market banana flowers extract against access has been impeded due to bacteria. poor quality products. A model • Application of zeolites in value addition centre will removal of heavy metals in established and processors wastewater. trained in good manufacturing • Antimicrobial and anti-oxidant practices studies of essential oils from exotic plants • Commercialization of flavored Minerals and material clay pot water engineering section Physical and chemical analysis of different mineral ores used in the section • Cups, Plates and saucers • R&D in Bentonite and Allied • R&D in Artificial Ceramic Corals in fish breeding • R&D in Gemstone cutting technology • R&D in Water filtration • Concrete tiles and Pavers • Production of oxides • Manufacture of adhesives The food laboratory • Develop breakfast cereals, instant porridges, noodles from local foods like cassava and sweet potato • Package foods including meats, fruits, vegetables, baked products using modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) as a preservation procedure that doesn't use chemicals • Producing pectin from fruit wastes, extraction of plant and animal materials that can be used as ingredients during product development.

I. Research and Development of Agriculture based projects: • Smart Drip Irrigation System

Uganda is said to be the food basket of the Africa and that her economy relies heavily on Agriculture. However, we see that this is being threatened by the continual unpredictable Vote Overview

198 Uganda Industrial Research Institute Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 110 Uganda Industrial Research Institute

Vote Function: 06 51 Industrial Research Project 0430 Uganda Industrial Research Institute Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15 Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and UShs Thousand Location) (Quantity and Location) Location) weather patterns among other factors. This thus merits that irrigation is adopted as a means to supplement the unreliable rains. It’s from is background that the Instrumentation team has embarked upon designing a Smart Drip Irrigation System to mitigate this challenge. The irrigation system under design will not only reduce wastage of water but will also provide for soil moisture and pH monitoring, fertilization, and a crop database.

II. Neonatal and Maternal Healthcare projects: • Automated Intravenous Fluid Delivery Regulator Intravenous Fluid delivery is a medical procedure which is carried out to either quickly replenish fluids in the body or/and administer drugs through a tube known as a catheter inserted into the body. This life saving procedure can become very dangerous and possibly fatal if the fluid flow is not correctly regulated especially for infants and young children. High volumes of a fluid administered in a very short time results into drug overdose and heart overload which escalates into heart failure. Furthermore, high flow rates of a fluid damages blood vessels at the point of insertion. It’s from this background that the Instrumentation Division embarked on design of an Automated Intravenous Fluid Delivery Regulator which will render fluid flow rate control a function of volume to be administered for a particular time period. The device will also provide for occlusion detection, fluid run-away and near-empty detection with an alert/ alarm system.

• MUTIMA project (Heart rate and Blood oxygen saturation monitoring) According to the Uganda demographic and health survey 2011, low levels of haemoglobin in blood decreases the amount of oxygen reaching the tissues and organs of the body and reduces their capacity to function normally. This is associated with impaired cognitive and motor development in children. This condition can be avoided if early detection is made. Other medical conditions such as hypoxemia and sickle cell also result into low blood oxygen. Also, heart rate measurement and monitoring is a vital tool in diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular related diseases, Vote Overview

199 Uganda Industrial Research Institute Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 110 Uganda Industrial Research Institute

Vote Function: 06 51 Industrial Research Project 0430 Uganda Industrial Research Institute Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15 Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and UShs Thousand Location) (Quantity and Location) Location) heart attacks, stroke and heart failures. These, once foreign diseases are now on the increase in Africa. Early detection of such conditions is thus vital for life to be sustained. The development of the Mutima project is therefore to facilitate monitoring of blood oxygen saturation and heart rate through the use of non-invasive methods. • Mother’s baby thermometer project The Mother’s baby thermometer project is set out to design and develop a non- invasive miniature thermometer for mothers at home to monitor the temperature of their babies at critical stages of growth so as to allow them make urgent and informed decisions about their baby’s state of health especially Fever onsets in Rural Uganda. The onset of fevers (high body temperatures) in most cases is a common indicator of infection in neonates. Since an infant’s immune system is not fully developed, they are vulnerable to infections thus this will go a long way to enable mothers monitor the health of their baby. III. Energy Efficiency projects : • Temperature Measurement and Control device Manufacturing Industries and Production plants often have critical processes in which proper temperature regulation/ control is a prerequisite for a quality product to be produced. As such, this device is designed to be retrofitted on an existing system or customized to solve a specific temperature control and/or monitoring problem. This system can be used to control and monitor room temperature, incubator temperature, electrical oven temperature, water heater temperature, dryer temperature, kilns and furnace temperature among other things. • Solar Powered Chicken Eggs Incubator This Incubator is designed to allow farmers to hatch chicken eggs using a method that requires minimal energy and is self-regulating. Uganda receives plenty of solar energy which can be harnessed to reduce reliance on hydro and thermal electricity. For farmers who have hens that are not ready to net or/and for large chicken raising facilities, and for researchers/students, this method provides green-energy and cost effective solutions. IV. Control System projects – Interactive Traffic Light Control System Project • Interactive Traffic Light Vote Overview

200 Uganda Industrial Research Institute Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 110 Uganda Industrial Research Institute

Vote Function: 06 51 Industrial Research Project 0430 Uganda Industrial Research Institute Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15 Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and UShs Thousand Location) (Quantity and Location) Location) Control System Project In Uganda, the sequence in which a set of traffic lights at a junction is turned on has a fixed delay period regardless of the volume of traffic at the intersections thus underutilization of the roads and unnecessary increased delays. The interactive traffic light control system under development takes this into consideration and provides a platform through which the delay periods for each set of lights at the intersection can be varied. V. Security applications • Fingerprint and Pin code Based Security Access Control System Access control systems have over time become more sophisticated and several security measures have been employed to combat the menace of insecurity of lives and property. This can be done by preventing unauthorized entrance into buildings using conventional and electromagnetic security door locks, discrete access codes, and biometric methods such as finger prints, the eye and facial recognition. Security systems having realized the value of biometrics to verify or identify users, it has become the most secure and convenient authentication tool used today. This is because it cannot easily be borrowed, stolen, or forgotten and forged. This project deals with identification, authentication, discrete access code and setup of a security system VI. Measurement applications • Digital Weighing Scale design (Reverse engineering ) Weighing scales have found numerous applications in the field of Medicine, Agriculture, Production, Trade, and Education among others. In some of these, precision is an important factor and the line between good quality and poor quality may be a small change is weigh measurement. The cost of these scales is also very high and as such is not affordable. Basing on these factors, the design of this device will mitigate some of these problems. VII. Instrumentation, Control and Automation projects • Automation of weaving machines (Bomboo section UIRI) Weaving is one of the income earners for many women in Uganda and yet, most of these methods and tools used are rudimentary as such, the turnover is very low and labour Vote Overview

201 Uganda Industrial Research Institute Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 110 Uganda Industrial Research Institute

Vote Function: 06 51 Industrial Research Project 0430 Uganda Industrial Research Institute Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15 Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and UShs Thousand Location) (Quantity and Location) Location) intensive. Therefore, as a means to maximize profits, reduce on the labour demands, and increase throughput, the Instrumentation Division is set out to automate the weaving machine at UIRI as case study. • Moisture meter for wood. The measurement of moisture contain has proved to be a big challenge for dealers in wood and the end-users i.e. the carpenters. As such, wood decay, infection by pests and poor quality products have resulted into huge loss of money and market for wood products since these persons cannot measure the moisture contain in their wood. In addition the price of a wood moisture is too high and unaffordable by many. It is from this background that the device will be developed to mitigate these challenges. • Design and development of a Sterilizer Sterilizers are instruments that are used to disinfect a number of tools and raw materials in the medical sector, and food technology sector among others. Failure to sterilize may result into fatal contamination, infections and erroneous experimental results. Even though this procedure is mandatory many health facilities and food labs are inadequately stocked hence posing treat to lives. The design and development of this instrument will fill this gap.

Total 1,871,698 1,278,257 1,563,300 GoU Development 1,871,698 1,278,257 1,563,300 External Financing 0 0 0

06 51 03Industrial and Products from the research and UIRI continues to support its UIRI operates an Industrial and technological Incubation development projects are pilot Business incubation program Technological Incubator commercial tested in with technical services in program. The incubator partnership with the private various ways program has grown into a sector under the PPP vibrant, robust and competent arrangement. These 1. Applied Microbial platform that sets up and hand entrepreneurs are supported to Tekinologies (AMiTek) Ltd is holds enterprises to self- commercialize these products being assisted in the sustainability. Its portfolio through the industrial incubation development of Industrial continues to grow from strength program Biocatalysts (Proteases). to strength. The Institute • To establish Essential Oil Pilot Procurement of chemicals, supports both in-house Projects. reagents and equipment was incubates and virtual incubates • Support essential oil incubates completed. Items were received at different levels of operation. • To support start up value and installed. Product All innovations and value added addition projects and extension development will commence in products developed at the of technical services to fourth quarter. Institute are positioned for industrial enterprises. 2. Kess Biotechnology Inc incubation by the private sector. Commercialization of the UIRI undertaking development of Functions of the UIRI Incubator bakery unit Actinomycin D (Antibiotic for program include: • CEDARS (U) Ltd cancer therapy) is ongoing. • Nurturing and growing start-up • To support Edu Creations Procurement process for the agribusiness enterprises, • Support to Mugo Power required items still underway • Training in application of best Limited 3. Aloesha Organics is a (Virtual practices, international • Support all business incubatees Incubatee). Project aims to standards of management and Vote Overview

202 Uganda Industrial Research Institute Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 110 Uganda Industrial Research Institute

Vote Function: 06 51 Industrial Research Project 0430 Uganda Industrial Research Institute Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15 Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and UShs Thousand Location) (Quantity and Location) Location) under UIRI portfolio support client in standardization enhanced work ethic for and prepare them for indigenous enterprises, To support start up value certification of products. • Mentoring and cultivating other addition projects and extention Aloesha Organics is developing professional business of technical services to Vitamin and Mineral Food management practices. industrial enterprises. supplements. UIRI is providing • Practical trainings in business Commercialization of the UIRI technical support in managerial competence, book bakery unit standardization of the keeping and business discipline. CEDARS (U) Ltd development of production • Trainings in principles of To support Edu Creations protocols for the products technology acquisition, (Includes several industrial deployment and diffusion. visits to the facility for technical FY 2014/15 UIRI shall continue guidance) for Technical support to support the business to prepare client towards incubation portfolio especially product certification by UNBS • Support Two (2) incubatees in and in identification and the bakery section sourcing of production • UIRI shall continue to support equipment. UIRI also Provided Derekorp, in production of technical support to recruit 3 ready to drink juices, Bakonzo technical staff for Aloesha Mixed Farmers Limited, pulp Organics and cordials, FLONA 4. Newk Nutritional Commodities pulp for export Consultancy (U) Ltd looking to Produces, J & S Bottling produce NEWK Tea was Co. "To produce Makula RTD supported in writing a business juice. Reimbursement proposal which was submitted • Training on how to produce to the President in Nakaseke RTD juice -Still standardizing 5. BRENTEC Investments the mango juice that has been issued call for expression of developed during the training. - interest in distribution. Advert Procurement process for was in all major newspapers materials to upgrade the J & S and UIRI is awaiting feedback production facility is ongoing and responses. • Support 8 incubatees in dairy 6. BRENTEC Investments’ processing and production. Market Survey of Newcastle Three dairy technologies will be Vaccine (KUKUSTAR) in disseminated on Western Kenya is ongoing. i. Probiotic technology & Distributors were identified but ii. Honey sweetened yoghurt registration in Uganda is first iii. Natural fruit yoghurt required before Authorization to The incubatees in food export to Kenya is received. processing shall train in food 7. Distribution of Newcastle analysis, product development Vaccine in Eastern Uganda is and quality management and On-going, currently BRENTEC marketing. Investments is operating 8 shop • UIRI shall facilitate 8 outlets and supplying to one incubatees under the meat drug shop in 6 districts. technology Budaka, Mbale, Bukedea, • Under the research Kibuku, Pallisa and Manafwa. collaboration between UIRI and 8. Preparations and CSIR (Council for Scientific procurements for Essential Oil and Industrial Research)UIRI Pilot Project for Phase III are shall support 2 commercial underway. Phase III is farmer incubatees in cultivation anticipated to commence in Q4 rose generium and lemon balm 9. The bakery section is now to produce essential oils. operating at commercial level • Support E-TECH Company in 10. Electronic Technology (E- acquisition of electronic Tech) is involved in components and consumables to development of Smart Battery design and produce, Charger, Battery Load Tester, Agricultural solution modules, Power Surge Protectors, Science teaching modules and Electronics Science Teaching equipment and Industrial Modules, Moisture Meters, modules. Signal Generators, Power • 2 incubatees in Biotechnology Supplies and offering Technical section shall be facilitated in Support for Training The Research & Development of Instrumentation Division is Actinomycin D (Anti-cancer currently prototyping and chemotherapeutic drug) undertaking hardware and • 2 Incubatees in Biotechnology software integration at testing section shall be facilitated in stages. Research and Development of (1) Application of zeolites in removal of heavy metals in wastewater. (2)Commercialization of flavored clay pot water • UIRI will Pamoja clean Tech Vote Overview

203 Uganda Industrial Research Institute Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 110 Uganda Industrial Research Institute

Vote Function: 06 51 Industrial Research Project 0430 Uganda Industrial Research Institute Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15 Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and UShs Thousand Location) (Quantity and Location) Location) and Mugo power • Technical support technology incubation for CEDARS (U) Ltd • Support technology incubation for Byooma Technology • Support technology incubation for Hallmark and partners limited with assorted workshop machinery • Support and facilitate incubatees in the Textile and weaving section with the aim of building capacity and empowerment for a cottage industry in particular handmade textile

Total 1,563,099 1,033,879 1,576,957 GoU Development 1,563,099 1,033,879 1,576,957 External Financing 0 0 0

06 51 04Model Value Addition • Model processing facilities and Lira Peanut Processing Facility • Model processing facilities and Centre Establishment plants are established to upscale plants are established to upscale products from the R&D with Laboratory items like; products from the R&D projects and also used to Laboratory oven, distillation projects and also used to undertake pilot unit and some glass ware. undertake pilot commercialization. Existing Moisture content determination commercialization. Existing facilities are also modified or for raw materials is now done at facilities are also modified or renovated to suit purposes of the center. There is still need for renovated to suit purposes of intended use and ensure procurement of additional intended use and ensure maintenance respectively. equipment and procurement of maintenance respectively. • Upgrading of storm water stand by generator required for • Upgrading of storm water channel along the northern aflatoxin kits storage and full channel along the northern boundary time controlled and regulated boundary • Construction of Northern temperature. • Construction of Northern Boundary wall Boundary wall • The Institute plans expansion peanut butter (crunchy & • The Institute plans expansion of product profiles and creamy) from 1.8tons of Peanut of product profiles and capacities of the current butter was processed. This has capacities of the current established model value stimulated increased farm established model value addition centers and support production and improved addition centers and support facilities (laboratory) income to farmers facilities (laboratory) • Functionalize operations of the • Functionalize operations of the already existing value addition another 150 farmers were already existing value addition centers to full capacity and trained in Good Agricultural centers to full capacity and optimum Practices and Good Post optimum Harvest Practices. Preparations of more trainings of farmers group in Lango sub-region are underway. The trainings aim to create sustainability of steady supply of raw material Kabale Potato Processing Facility

440 (12x150g) cartons equivalent to 5,280 packs (five thousand two hundred and eighty packs). January had the highest production outputs of 325 cartons, followed by February with 115cartons. Power cuts, blanch unit break down, affected quarterly outputs as no production was noted in March.

Facility has stimulated the establishment of a Potato Value Chain System and an Irish Potato Innovation Platform. The Potato Value Chain Stakeholders held a meeting on 24th January 2014 aimed at Vote Overview

204 Uganda Industrial Research Institute Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 110 Uganda Industrial Research Institute

Vote Function: 06 51 Industrial Research Project 0430 Uganda Industrial Research Institute Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15 Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and UShs Thousand Location) (Quantity and Location) Location) reviewing the performance and strategizes for developing the Potato Sector for Kashambya Sub County. During the meeting participants, shared, discussed and recommended several actions including; influencing government for potato enterprise prioritization and need for stakeholders to engage massively in sensitization workshops aimed at potato sector development through the innovation platforms.

Luweero Essential Oil Pilot Project During the quarter administrative and logistical preparations have been formalized to start the pilot operation phase of the essential oil pilot project. During this phase, information will be gathered on oil yields, quality, and marketability of the extracted oils on semi- commercial plots Routine maintenance of established aromatic crops of 5 mother garden plots and 15 trial plots was maintained Commencement of procurements for materials required to setting up nursery infrastructure. The water pump and generator serviced Prepare exhibition materials of the essential oil project for the upcoming agricultural show Arua Savoury Classic Meat Processing Plant. The Construction site for Arua Savoury Classic Meat Processing Plant was handed over to the Contractor. Mobilization is being done by the Contractor and works scheduled to begin on in fourth quarter. Kigezi Diocese Poultry House. Construction of the substructure was completed. Walling is currently underway. The project aims to support modern poultry rearing Luwero Kika Farm Juice Plant The construction site for Luwero Kika Juice Processing Plant was handed over to the contractor and Construction works have commenced. Maziba Winery Project, Kabale Construction of the substructure and walling works has been completed. Roofing works are to commence in fourth quarter. Proposed Model Diary Farm in Ntungamo Detailed Designs and BOQs for a model farm requiring constructing of Dairy shade, Feeding shade, Chaff Cutter shade, Milk collection have been completed and tendering should ensue. Vote Overview

205 Uganda Industrial Research Institute Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 110 Uganda Industrial Research Institute

Vote Function: 06 51 Industrial Research Project 0430 Uganda Industrial Research Institute Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15 Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and UShs Thousand Location) (Quantity and Location) Location) Blueswan Tissue production plant; Namugongo Civil works, equipment installation and testing of a step down transformer were completed. Total 480,000 334,584 519,496 GoU Development 480,000 334,584 519,496 External Financing 0 0 0

06 51 05Facility Repair and • Routine maintenance of UIRI continues to carry out Maintenance of pilot plant Maintenance machinery and equipment of On- routine servicing and equipment for efficiency and site pilot plants, Off-site pilot maintenance of machinery and productivity plants, analytical laboratories, equipment of On-site pilot Bakery and cereal processing engineering workshops, plants, Off-site pilot plants, plant require Lubricants and carpentry shop, foundry shop, analytical laboratories, grease, wear spare parts, and textile shop, welding & engineering workshops, overhaul The (Ceramics) fabrication shop, machining carpentry shop, textile shop, mineral and material shop, electrical shop. welding & fabrication shop, laboratory, Meat production and • Repair and servicing of machining shop, electrical shop. training, Fruits and vegetables equipment Facility repair and maintenance production plant, Dairy • Maintenance of the pilot plants activities for Q3 include technology section (Fresh Milk, • Repair and service Institutes’ • Calibration, repair and Yoghurt and Ice Cream) require machinery and equipment servicing of equipment Cold room maintenance and • Maintain the Engineering • Maintenance of the pilot plants preventative /routine serving shops equipments and tools in • Civil works repairs consumables like oils, good working conditions • Repair and service Institutes’ lubricants, wear spares, • Routine maintenance of machinery and equipment Food, Chemical, microbiology machinery and equipment of On- • Maintain the Engineering and biotechnology analytical site pilot plants, Off-site pilot shops equipment and tools in labs require fridges services, plants, analytical laboratories, good working conditions electrical fittings and gas engineering workshops, 1. Calibrated analytical, pH Maintenance of engineering carpentry shop, foundry shop, meter, drying ovens and water shops requires acquisition of textile shop, welding & bath by Uganda National spares, tools, consumables, fabrication shop, machining Bureau of Standards components and controls, shop, electrical shop. 2. Procurement of services for service and maintains the plants framework contracts of Maintenance of satellite maintenance and repair of projects (Arua fruit Juice, microbiology and biotechnology Mbale meat processing facility, laboratories is ongoing Lira Peanut Processing and 3. Annual Service of Vaccine Research Centre, Nabusanke Equipment. All Equipment, fruit Juice, and Kabale potato Instruments and Gauges were and bamboo plants) require serviced and calibrated by acquisition of spares, tools, mainlabs SA and Uganda consumables, components and National Bureau of Standards as controls, for service and per cGMP maintenance 4. UIRI is building capacity for Refurbishment and remodelling Repair and maintenance of its of existing infrastructure at electrical and electronic UIRI to include equipment on the UIRI Applying Epoxy floor finish to campus. Based on client TDC workshop floors demand, the Instrumentation Repair of UIRI pilot plants team continuously works on roofs Q2 several electrical and electronic Modify roof free of leakages faults in equipment around the steel trusses, new iron sheets, UIRI campus, all this work is roof drainage documented in an equipment Replacement of internal water fault log and a detailed report is distribution systems available every quarter. Most Waste water treatment faults were successfully Maintenance materials repaired, those that weren’t Periodic maintenance of UIRI usually require specific parts buildings. These include that take time to procure painting works, minor repairs 5. Remodeling Kabale Staff and roof cleaning House at Potato and Bamboo Repairing High Performance Plant. The Staff housing is at Liquid Chromatography 90% complete pending finishes. (HPLC), Atomic Absorption Toilet facilities are currently Spectrophotometer ( AAS) being constructed. Repair of Microwave Digester 6. Extra works at Essential oils (Multi-wave 3000), Luweero - Bills of Quantities Repair of Laboratory for extra works to allow for Refrigerator (EkoFrigoLab variation of additional scope to 1500) and Freeze Dryer (Telstar include office premises and wet LyoAlfa 6) Vote Overview

206 Uganda Industrial Research Institute Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 110 Uganda Industrial Research Institute

Vote Function: 06 51 Industrial Research Project 0430 Uganda Industrial Research Institute Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15 Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and UShs Thousand Location) (Quantity and Location) Location) areas have been prepared and Preventive maintenance for tendered. LPO issued and work HPLC (2), AAS, CHN, and soon to commence Uv/visible Spectrometer 7. Internal Painting of selected Preventive Maintenance/service Buildings at UIRI - Design and & labour, Air ticket(Experts BOQ’s and implementation from Egypt) supervision have been planned. Remodelling of the chemistry Internal painting of the plants laboratory are meant to improve the Calibration of Analytical sanitary conditions of the balance, 2 ovens, 2 muffle facilities to enable them attain furnace, water bath & pH meter UNBS inspection standards. Six(6) bakery equipment External painting is to improve repaired and serviced at the the aesthetics and general bakery pilot plant Purchase of outlook of the UIRI campus. the necessary spare The next phase of painting will parts. include: Dairy shade painting, General servicing and repairs of Refurbishment of ICT Rooms, bakery pilot plant equipment. Painting works at Ceramics, Spare parts for repair of dough Refurbishment of Engineering mixer, rotary oven, bun divider, Blocks. cake mixer, digital weighing 8. Completion of Northern scales & dough sheeter Boundary wall works - Six Routine servicing, maintenance columns that were pending and repair of meat technology casting were completed. Block equipment’s work completed entirely. Preventive Maintenance, Break Finishing works on the columns down repairs Engineering are currently being carried out. machinery and equipment Coping works yet to be done Routine servicing, maintenance 9. Installation of Electric and repair of bamboo Fencing for the Northern technology equipment’s plant Boundary wall -Installation of preventive maintenance for both all Electric fencing works and Bamboo plants security lighting system for the Hygienic maintenance of all Northern Boundary wall have food pilot plants, estates& been completed Bamboo pilot plant 10. Completed Electrical Maintenance of UIRI Servers installation at Mbale Meat Plant 11. Completed Servicing of the generator at Kabale Potato Plant 12. Installation of power and 20kVA standby generator at Kabeihura Dairy processing On- going 13. Completed installation of drier at Kabale Bamboo plant 14. Fabrication and installation of a water tank at Blue Swan Products Ltd Hygiene Products was Completed. 15. The following repairs were complete at UIRI Juice plant •Installation of lights • Repair of the bowl cutter • Installation of manhole covers • Repair of underground water pipe leakages •Repair of broken drain pipe •Repair of steam line •Pasteurizer •First Aid Box •Heat exchanger • Broken door •A/C & lights •Installation of sensor operated taps • Repair of washrooms •Soap screw stamp • Servicing of generators •Motor repairs •Pineapple screw press repair

Total 492,000 386,995 600,398 GoU Development 492,000 386,995 600,398 External Financing 0 0 0

Vote Overview

207 Uganda Industrial Research Institute Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 110 Uganda Industrial Research Institute

Vote Function: 06 51 Industrial Research Project 0430 Uganda Industrial Research Institute Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15 Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and UShs Thousand Location) (Quantity and Location) Location) 06 51 06Industrial Skills • Train different M&SME in To bridge the gap between As a lead agency in Development and food processing, engineering academia and private sector Industrialization of Uganda, Capacity Building and analytical procedures UIRI offers industrial training to Uganda Industrial Research • Provide Industrial training and university continuing students. Institute aims to expose Internship for university students UIRI also undertakes trainings university continuing students to • Provide training for Textile and for different M&SME in food a practical working environment weaving processing, engineering and by according opportunity to • Provide training in analytical procedures. The intending industrial trainees to Instrumentation skills institute continues to upgrade hands on experience which development and enhance its employee’s significantly allows them to knowledge and skills through relate the theoretical knowledge different capacity building acquired in class this will enable platforms and forums bridge the gap between • 58 people were trained in academia and the private sector cosmetics production, soap with respect to making, toiletries processing commercialization of skills and business innovations and research development. These include outputs. proposal writing skills; To this end UIRI will provide technical support in trainings to different M&SME identification and sourcing of in food processing, engineering production equipment; and analytical procedures, offer standardization of production Industrial training and protocol; factory visits to virtual Internship for university incubatees. students as detailed below: 1. 53 Biotechnology Students under the collaboration with provide technical capacity Makerere University School of building and consultancy to Natural Resources where Industrial Trainees, UPIK trained in Biotechnology skills students, Mbarara University of 2. Two Instrumentation Staff Science and Technology have been training students on a (MUST) staff and Biomedical Radar course from the Uganda Engineering students. The Military Engineering College trainings shall be in the area of; (Ministry of Defense) in Lugazi • Systems Design and for a period of three months. Engineering 3. The Instrumentation Division • Biomedical Engineering continues to train students on techniques electronics and embedded • System Verification and systems design. The testing techniques Instrumentation Division is • Intellectual Property (IP) currently selecting students for formulation the 2014 Industrial Training • Standardization and Program; preference will be certification given to students from collaborating institutes such as Chemistry shall be trained in Mbarara University of Science Good Laboratory Practice and Technology and Makerere (GLP) and chemical analysis. University Biomedical These will include students Engineering Program. from Makerere University, 4. The Instrumentation Division University, carries out In-house trainings. Busitema University, Islamic Team training in Software University of Mbale, Ndeje Application was done. One of University, Mulago Paramedics, the Instrumentation Staff trained and Uganda Petroleum Institute the team on LABVIEW Kigumba (UPIK) and from software. Seven module other higher institutions of tutorials and practical learning. assignments were conducted and successfully completed. attachments shall be offered in 5. 80 MSMEs were trained at the bakery pilot plant for UIRI in good manufacturing planning for theoretical and practices and good hygiene practical bakery training. practices. The training was jointly undertaken by UIRI and attachments shall be offered in UNBS with emphasis of the dairy pilot plant to training embedding standards during on different dairy product product design, formulation and processes, standardization development. The activity was procedures and recipe successfully held and has refinement. yielded the desired outcome. The training raised awareness shall be offered in the with the following microbiology and consequences: Biotechnology Laboratory to • Demand for certification which train in cosmetics formulation has spawned a series of and training activities that are leading to Molecular Biology& Vote Overview

208 Uganda Industrial Research Institute Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 110 Uganda Industrial Research Institute

Vote Function: 06 51 Industrial Research Project 0430 Uganda Industrial Research Institute Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15 Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and UShs Thousand Location) (Quantity and Location) Location) implementation of quality Biotechnology and Microbial management systems analysis • One enterprise has already been evaluated and got the offered in the Bamboo plants quality mark for seven (7) Hands on training in bamboo products processing skills • One company has retained our technical people to support offered in the Instrumentation them in recruiting skilled Division. To training in Applied employees and recruited three Analogue and Digital (3) graduate scientists electronics, Embedded System • Over five (5) entrepreneurs design and Printed Circuit have picked forms to kick start Board production the process of getting the quality mark for their products training mechanical, civil, • The cosmetics processors electrical system established a cooperative which is near registration with the considered for training in the Ministry of Trade Industry and bakery pilot plant planning for Cooperatives. theoretical and practical training 6. Modalities of training of the bakery applications. program for Shea Butter processors in Northern and students and entrepreneurs Eastern Uganda is underway. shall be considered for training Preparations for survey for in meat processing skills and Quality Improvement of Shea production technics Butter into Grade A are ongoing. both students and entrepreneurs 7. Product development trainings shall be considered for training for Q3 included in dairy processing, Practical i. Kamoga Ruben trained in Skills training for potential dairy Hibiscus wine and pineapple entrepreneurs with emphasis on wine. The wine is at strict adherence to Good fermentation stage Hygiene Practices, quality ii. BASA Investment trained in management, production processing of Grape wine and systems & Good Manufacturing pineapple wine. The wine is at Practices and upgrading for aging/ maturation stage MSMEs in dairy processing iii. Young Entrepreneur’s trained in processing of Carrot and SMEs in the field of engineering Passion fruit juice. shall be offered to students and iv. A group women completed entrepreneurs training in Mango and pineapple juice processing trainees taken on in the v. Achan Rose Martha trained in Microbiology and processing pre-cooked maize Biotechnology Training in flour. The developed product is cosmetics formulation, in the chemistry laboratory for biotechnology and microbial analysis analysis vi. Nabagirinya Catherine trained in processing Bottled attachments shall be offered to Fermented sorghum/millet the Essential Oil Project. To beverage -Bushera is under undertake research on the study shelf life studies of essential oil development in vii. Rwanyekiro Arthur trained in Uganda under different processing Canned Fermented conditions. sorghum/millet beverage - Bushera is under shelf life attachments shall offered at studies Nabusanke fruit Juice viii. Kirunga Derrick trained in processing facility processing Bottled Fermented sorghum/millet beverage - attachments shall offered at Lira Bushera is under shelf life Peanut processing and Research studies Center ix. Josmark Innovation trained in Pumpkin value addition. attachments shall offered at Product formulations have been Kabale potato processing facility made x. Bonnie Kayondo trained in training attachments shall Pumpkin value addition. offered at in the Finance and Product formulations have been Administration department, made Communications and marketing xi. Biva Food Industry Ltd, and Special Projects respectively trained in production of natural fruit jam and juice. Shelf life training attachments shall be studies for the products is on offered in the Bamboo plants going Vote Overview

209 Uganda Industrial Research Institute Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 110 Uganda Industrial Research Institute

Vote Function: 06 51 Industrial Research Project 0430 Uganda Industrial Research Institute Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15 Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and UShs Thousand Location) (Quantity and Location) Location) xii. Royal Group trained in bean attachments shall be offered in processing, production and the Energy Systems in all our marketing activities, focusing on design of energy efficient technologies. UIRI staff trainigns, capacity building and knowledge sharing platforms included 1. 31st December 2013 – 4th January 2014 one staff attended the African Network for the Economics of Learning, Innovation, and Competence Building Systems (AfricaLics) first research partnerships building workshop in Mozambique 2. Two staff attended Advanced Research Methodology in Scientific Writing for publication on 25th – 27th March 2014 in South African 3. One staff attended the AWARD Science Skills training between 2nd – 6th February 2014 for the Uganda Proposal writing for funding and scientific writing skills 4. One staff attended the report launch on tobacco prevention on 21st March 2014. A campaign for tobacco free Kids 5. One staff who is a Member of Local Organizing Committee for the tenth African Meeting of academies of Science (AMASA 10) an Event which is to be held in November 2014 here in Uganda attended that organizing meeting on 18th March 2014 6. One staff attended Vaccine Production Techniques at MCI Sante Animale between the 2nd of March 2014 to 14th March 2014 in Morocco. The training was on New Tecniques in vaccine production to enhance batch yields and process efficiency and on how to manufacture other vaccine lines that Uganda is not currently producing. 7. One staff attended Vaccine Quality Assurance Techniques at MCI Sante Animale between the 2nd of March 2014 to 14th March 2014 in Morocco. The training focused on how to streamline quality control of vaccine lines and new testing applications for quality parameters in production of NCD 8. Three staff participated at the Gulfood expo 23rd -27th February, 2014, Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The members were Exposed to new food processing technologies and service providers for machinery 9. Training in Integrated Food Management: Farm to Fork 19th March to 3rd April, 2014, Haryana, India majorly in Post- harvest technologies and drying technologies of agricultural produce. Vote Overview

210 Uganda Industrial Research Institute Ministerial Policy Statement

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Vote Function: 06 51 Industrial Research Project 0430 Uganda Industrial Research Institute Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15 Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and UShs Thousand Location) (Quantity and Location) Location) 10. One staff is undertaking MSC chemistry studies at Makerere University 11. Two staff attended ISO: 9001:2008 Implementation of Quality Management System (February -April) in India 12. One staff attended a Food safety training course from 7th to 16th March 2014 at Hotel African sponsored by EDES World Bank program 13. Two staff attended FTIR Hands-on training in the laboratory premise by Pulse Healthcare Ltd Engineers in Kampala. 14. One staff trained for two months in 3Dmax animation course certificate at CDAC Mohali India Total 120,940 79,732 120,940 GoU Development 120,940 79,732 120,940 External Financing 0 0 0

06 51 08Popularization of research and technologies technical area and probability of benchmarking - UIRI/Adhoc Workshops

brand and services Exhibitions Local • Exhibitions International • UIRI expo

knowledge awareness seminars and workshops on probiotic technology for dissemination of project research findings

Mbarara & Kampala, bamboo products developed, Instrumentation developments, vaccine products, engineering technologies

products developed

exhibition Participate in the African Dairy conference & Exhibition (from 24th- - 26th September, 2014)

Agricultural Show

processing in Uganda

bamboo processing in Uganda

Developed Products



publishing of draft, editing, publishing final copy

performance Annual Report

products and services by bid Vote Overview

211 Uganda Industrial Research Institute Ministerial Policy Statement

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Vote Function: 06 51 Industrial Research Project 0430 Uganda Industrial Research Institute Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15 Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and UShs Thousand Location) (Quantity and Location) Location) Adverts


training Videos

media buying

website redesign and upgrading


Media house visits

and feedback for improvement

acquisition Membership/Network ing events

Public Address system

Total 0 0 20,000 GoU Development 0 0 20,000 External Financing 0 0 0

06 51 72Government Buildings and - Construct the northern 1. Completion of Northern - Upgrading of access road to Administrative Boundary wall Boundary wall works - Six the Eastern gate as it is Laying Infrastructure - Upgrade the storm water columns that were pending of stabilized gravel channel along the northern casting were completed. Block - Proposed Incubation center at boundary work completed entirely. Namanve - A model facility - Upgrade the access road to the Finishing works on the columns - Chemistry lab refurbishment A Eastern gate are currently being carried out. model facility - Finish architectural Plans for Coping works yet to be done - Proposed water bottling plant the construction of Namanve 2. Installation of Electric in Bushenyi multi-purpose incubation facility Fencing for the Northern - Proposed Kigezi Diocese Boundary wall -Installation of Poultry House all Electric fencing works and - Proposed Maziba Winery security lighting system for the Project, Kabale Northern Boundary wall have - Proposed Kika Farm Juice been completed processing facility in Luweroo 3. Internal Painting of selected - Proposed MAFFACO Buildings at UIRI - Design and (Masindi fruits farmer's BOQ’s and implementation Company) Mango Juice supervision have been planned. Processing Plant. Internal painting of the plants - Proposed Ikirah Soap are meant to improve the Processing Factory Lyatonde, sanitary conditions of the Mitooma facilities to enable them attain - Proposed Model Diary Farm UNBS inspection standards. in Ntungamo A model farm External painting is to improve - Proposed Itojo Juice the aesthetics and general processing plant. Ntungamo outlook of the UIRI campus. District The next phase of painting will - Proposed G.nut processing include: Dairy shade painting, plant in Agago. A model facility Refurbishment of ICT Rooms, - Extra works at Essential oils Painting works at Ceramics, Luweero Variation to additional Refurbishment of Engineering scope to include office premises Blocks. and wet areas - Proposed Water bottling plant for J & S in Kawempe A model facility - Arua Savoury Classic meat processing Plant

Total 542,500 387,979 542,500 GoU Development 542,500 387,979 542,500 External Financing 0 0 0

06 51 76Purchase of Office and • Acquire ICT training & • Preparations for acquiring ICT • Procure Certifications to for ICT Equipment, certification training & certification is Networking, Programming, and including Software • Procurement of ICT ongoing hardware maintenance Equipments and Backup system. • Procurement of ICT • Procure 5 Printers and toner Vote Overview

212 Uganda Industrial Research Institute Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 110 Uganda Industrial Research Institute

Vote Function: 06 51 Industrial Research Project 0430 Uganda Industrial Research Institute Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15 Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and UShs Thousand Location) (Quantity and Location) Location) • Procure ICT hardware and Equipments and Backup system cartridges for UIRI printers software is ongoing. • Procure specified Desktop • Ensure ICT Hardware and • Procurement of ICT hardware computers and workstation for Software maintenance and software is underway Institute operations • Provide Internet hosting • Routine ICT Hardware and • Purchase specified Laptops for services Software maintenance, servicing UIRI critical staff. and repairs was carried • Pay for Internet bandwidth and • UIRI is currently providing Internet bandwidth subscription Internet hosting services • Procure annual subscription for centralized antivirus software • Procure New software licenses for obsolete windows XP and Office 2003, 2007 • Repeater Access points Installation of wireless access points to increase signal strength on the compound • Design for Mobile Applications Development and equip individuals with skills • Design for SMS Messaging Development and equip individuals with skills • Upgrade Server Administration and equip individuals with skills • Carry out Website Development (UIRI, UPIK, UDC). This involves assessment of your needs, Proposed Site Structure, Design Concepts, Coding the templates and testing, Site structure and content population, Go Live

Total 80,785 62,613 91,058 GoU Development 80,785 62,613 91,058 External Financing 0 0 0

06 51 77Purchase of Specialised Processing equipment and The following equipment, Vaccine production unit Machinery & Equipment laboratory instruments are machinery and technologies - Incubator for the Vaccine obtained to facilitate scientific were procured and delivered in Production Unit innovations and value addition Q3 other equipment’s, Bakery through research and small- technologies and machinery are - Four Deck Baking Oven i.e. scale enterprise support and still under procurement used for baking especially cakes development processes - Dough Mixer (75kg dough UIRI shall procure the 1. One Freeze Dryer for Vaccine capacity) to be used for mixing following specialized Laboratory supplied. dough of up to 75kg Machinery and equipment 2. A LabFreeze was procured - Extruder to be used for - Polyethylene Agri weave 3. Lyophiliser with Hydraulic making instant breakfast cereals weed mat Stoppering Mechanism - Model e.g. cornflakes and pet foods - Interactive Traffic Light DF50 Supplied with Vitrac - Other small equipment/tools System Vacuum Pump displacement to needed for Chocolate Making - Automatic indoor/outdoor 10PA (the capacity Lyophilliser Project lighting system was received and Installed and Essential oil project - Keypad based door lock commissioned. The new unit - Agri-weave technology system increases batch capacity from - 500kg Essential Oil distillation - Mother’s baby thermometer 500,000 doses per batch to unit - Biomedical Monitoring 2,500,000 doses per batch) - Irrigation Systems System (Heart rate and blood 4. Procured 2 Hot - Purchase nursery inputs oxygen saturation measurement) plate/Magnetic Stirrer and 2 - Renew organic certification - Intrusion Detection System heating services for essential oil project - Solar Powered Egg incubator mantles. Chemistry laboratory - Weighing Scale - Soxtec system (Fat content), - Automated Intravenous Fluid 5. Procured FTIR laboratory Fiber Tec system(fiber content) delivery regulator system equipment which was installed & Kjel-tec system (protein) - Automatic Voltage Regulator and tested - Procurement of Laboratory - Field vehicle for Director 6. Procurement of equipment Analytical Balance TDC and consumables for the - Procurement of Gas - Temperature Monitoring laboratory experiments of Chromatography/ Mass Control Spirilina Project (Spirulina spectrometer (GC-MS) Vote Overview

213 Uganda Industrial Research Institute Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 110 Uganda Industrial Research Institute

Vote Function: 06 51 Industrial Research Project 0430 Uganda Industrial Research Institute Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15 Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and UShs Thousand Location) (Quantity and Location) Location) - Fingerprint and pin code based platens) was conducted and equipment security access control system Request for Quotation sent out; - 10 Analytical Chemistry & - Motion detection with only one bid submitted. Laboratory text books - bowl cutter, The Bid was non –responsive. Instrumentation division - pasteurizer, The procurement process was - 3D rapid prototyping printer - Form fill seal machine cancelled and re-started due to - Light Intensity meter - Distillation equipments for Lack of competent and willing - Air Flow rate essential oil extraction suppliers for the materials meter(Anenometer) - Laboratory equipment for required; especially the pure - Pressure meter/Manometer analyze of oil quality Spirulina platensis culture. - Hygro-Thermometer - Compressors for the Ceramic Direct procurement from - Power supply with variable Unit international providers has been negative range suggested - Reflow ovens - Drilling machine(handheld) - Drilling machine(bench machine) - Printer/Scanner/Copier, Computer (to be handled by ICT) - Logic Analyzer - Moisture meter - Clamp meter - Multi-meter - Documenting Process Calibrator Food laboratory - Extruder - Develop breakfast cereals, instant porridges, nooddles from local foods like cassava and sweet potato (Q2) - Desktop pasteurizer - Enable physical preservation of fluid foods at lab level before packaging (Q3) - Electrical dryer - Fast and efficient drying of food products during product development (Q3) - cooker - Acquire an effective heat source in the laboratory (Q1) - Industrial blender - Acquire an equipment that can blend and mix (Q2) - Gas cylinders with regulators (C02, N2, O2) - Accessories the MAP equipment already procured with a gas supply (Q3) - MAP packaging technology - Extrusion technology - Separation technology - Bakery - Deluxe Professional Airbrush Cake Decorating System - Infrared Thermometer - Countertop Microwave Oven - Polycarbonate Chocolate Moulds - Silicone Scoop Shovel Scrapper Rabbler Multipurpose Spreader (pack of 3) - Spoon Shaped Silicone Spatula Scrapper - Fondant modeling Set - Table Top Tempera - Bench Scraper(large) - Bench Scraper (Medium) - Offset Spatula - Pastry Scraper - Multi-purpose Bowl Scraper - Chocolate Shaver - Chocolate Decorating Comb and Smoother (4"x6") - Ladle (½ oz) - Chocolate Dipping Tool Set - Chocolate Dipping Tool Vote Overview

214 Uganda Industrial Research Institute Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 110 Uganda Industrial Research Institute

Vote Function: 06 51 Industrial Research Project 0430 Uganda Industrial Research Institute Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15 Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and UShs Thousand Location) (Quantity and Location) Location) Basket - Mixing Bowl (4 quart) - Double Boiler Insert 8 Cup Capacity - Non-Stick Chocolate Bark Mold & Baker’s Quarter Sheet - Silicone Non-stick Baking Sheets - White Marble Superfine Grain Slab - Hot Air Gun - Aluminum Chocolate Wrapping foil - Meat technology - Ice Flake Machine 500 Kgs/ 24 Hrs - Sausage Filler 30 Lt - Blast Freezer 4m X 4m Min Temp -18 Degrees - Band Saw Free Standing - Brine Injector - Dairy technology - Aluminum Milk Cans (50 Litre Capacity) - 50 Pieces - Manual Cup Sealers - 3 Pieces - Heavy Duty Plastic Crates - 200 pieces - Positive Displacement Pump - 1 unit - On- Line milk filter - 1 unit - Automatic Vertical Form, fill & Seal Packaging Machine - Small Scale Dairy Processing Equipment - Lira Peanut and Research Center - Peanut grinder for grinding ground nuts into peanut butter. This will enable us meet the demand because we roast a lot but the current grinder has a low capacity compared to the roasted capacity - Generator is need especially when there is load shedding there is no other way to push ground nuts out of the roaster or cooler. All the big losses we have had are attributed to this. - Compressor to deliver compressed air to filling machine for automatic filling - Sachet packing machine for filling Peanut butter into sachets - Welding machine for joining/welding processing machinery together especially during maintenance - Laboratory Centrifuge - Moisture analyzer - Analytical balance - Laboratory Oven - Laboratory Blender

Total 4,371,598 3,061,767 3,287,971 GoU Development 4,371,598 3,061,767 3,287,971 External Financing 0 0 0

Vote Overview

215 Uganda Industrial Research Institute Ministerial Policy Statement

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Vote Function: 06 51 Industrial Research Project 0430 Uganda Industrial Research Institute GRAND TOTAL 9,522,620 6,625,805 8,322,620 GoU Development 9,522,620 6,625,805 8,322,620 External Financing 0 0 0

Annual Workplan for 2014/15 - Outputs, Activities, Inputs and their Cost Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost (Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand Output: 06 5102 Research and Development

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost • Following control of Newcastle disease in poultry through vaccination Agricultural Supplies () 6.7 43,115 with KUKUSTAR, there will be increased flock sizes in rural areas. Case Cleaning and Sanitation () 7.1 25,000 studies have shown that there will be an increase in occurrences of other Electricity () 5.2 206,500 viral poultry diseases like FOWL POX and GUMBORO. To combat this, Fuel, Lubricants and Oils () 5.3 30,510 the Vaccine Unit needs to conduct research to develop a viable conjugate Library Text Books for reference and consultations 9.7 3,740 vaccine suitable for administration to rural households that are already () accessing KUKUSTAR. Initial work will focus on Identification of Medical and Agricultural supplies () 12.4 52,143 vaccine strains. Other Utilities- (fuel, gas, firewood, charcoal) () 8.4 29,452 • • UIRI will undertake further scientific cosmetics research and Periodicals & Newspapers () 47.0 3,760 development aimed at producing, creams, butters, lotions, shampoos, Social Security Contributions for project staff () 16.4 122,255 hand wash, shower gels, lip stick, lip gloss, eye shadow, eye liner, Liquid Staff Training () 4.6 45,500 detergents, Herbal Jelly, Laundry and tablet soaps, nail polish, Subscriptions () 14.4 7,224 conditioner, and hair color, moisturizers, cleansers, toners, anti-aging/anti- Uniforms, Beddings and Protective Gear () 12.7 44,516 wrinkle products. The products shall be in Solid form (lipsticks), Semi- Water () 1.7 20,584 solid (ointments, emulsions, creams/lotions) and Gaseous form (aerosols). Rates (12) 8.8 35,000 Bentonite based cream research and development shall also be undertaken Contract staff (Person Years) 40.0 894,000 • Research and development of biosensor for detection of Aflatoxin b1 in cassava flour. Aflatoxins are secondary metabolites produced by Aspergillus falvus and A. parasiticus. They are produced in agricultural food stuff like: peanuts, tubers, maize, cereals and feeds. The developed biosensor shall is aimed to beemand driven, Very sensitive, Robust, Portable, Reduce cost of analysis, Can be used at point of need, Can be used to improve trade and exportation of food • Laboratory accreditation to ISO/IEC 17025. The ISO/IEC 17025 grantees working in accordance to global standards is especially important for laboratories to ensure validity and global comparability of test and calibration results. It can be used as a standard to develop and establish a quality system for a laboratory. ISO/IEC 17025 provides a basis for assessment by laboratory clients or third parties. It is also a criterion for laboratory accreditation. This will result into access to more contracts for testing as some public and private organizations only give contracts to accredited laboratories. It will also result into improved national and global reputation and image of the laboratory. As the laboratories will have established a basis for most other quality systems related to laboratories, such as Good Manufacturing Practices and Good Laboratory Practices. It also gives the laboratories a platform for continued improvement in data quality, accuracy and laboratory effectiveness. • A participatory study was done in 2009 to identify modalities for strengthening linkages between traditional and modern knowledge systems for social inclusion. The objective was to find out innovations in the traditional innovation system and how they could be promoted within the innovation system. To obtain information on the traditional innovation systems or knowledge systems. To obtain information on traditional mechanisms of innovation and technology transfer. To determine innovation trends and the factors influencing them. To develop modalities for institutionalizing traditional innovation systems in the context of a Modern Incubator Research and Development Agency (UIRI) the following projects are under way as a result of the study

• UIRI's Chemistry Laboratory is one of the best laboratory providing testing facilities to food scientists, researchers, exporters, manufacturers, pharmacists and the general public. The core value of chemistry laboratory is to identify the physical and chemical composition of different sample matrices(foods, beverages, water, soils) Determination of nutritional composition, Assessing Level of contaminants in products, Storage conditions, Determination of expiry dates, quality control and Vote Overview

216 Uganda Industrial Research Institute Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 110 Uganda Industrial Research Institute

Vote Function: 06 51 Industrial Research Project 0430 Uganda Industrial Research Institute Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost (Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand assurance, provides technical advice on Product formulations, Quality improvement, Process optimization, Storage and usage . • Isolation of curcuminoids from turmeric plant • Application of zeolites in removal of heavy metals in waste water • Characterization of fertilizers from animal urine • Commercialization of flavored clay pot water 1. Cosmetics formulation and training This is a research, development, and popularization project for soaps and cosmetic products with an organic foot print. Under this project entrepreneurs are trained in cosmetics production techniques, and technically supported to formulate and develop different products for commercial purposes. In addition to supporting different entrepreneurs, the project aims to develop and standardize two products in the next financial year (2014-2015): • A Shea butter /Bentonate based anti-Acne cream, and • An antimicrobial soap Shea nut or moo yaa grows naturally in Sahel region of North Eastern Uganda, and bentonite is a mineral that occurs in Kasese and Mbale regions of Uganda. These two have very beneficial quality attributes for skin which enhance product acceptability 2. Research & development of Spirulina This project aims at development and production of Spirulina, edible high protein blue - green algae. 3. Research & Development of Actinomycin D (Anti-cancer chemotherapeutic drug) This project undertaken by Kess Biotechnology & UIRI, aims to develop cheap and readily available anti-cancer drug (Actinomycin D). The strains producing the drug have already been isolated and are being in the biotechnology centre of excellence. 4. Development and application of a bacterial system for the production of industrial biocatalysts. This project is being undertaken by AMiTek (Applied Microbial Tekinologies) in collaboration with UIRI for the production of industrial biocatalysts (Enzymes); initially proteases to be used in cleaning agents and as food additives. The strains of bacteria have already been isolated

5. Research & development of an antibacterial herbal remedy Under this project, selected herbal remedies have been scientifically tested and verified to be efficacious. In the next financial year, it is planned to design and develop a production process for herbal ear-drops thereby establishing a model value addition centre to commercialize our natural herbs in Kamuli district of Uganda. 6. Research and development of a biosensor for afflatoxin testing The project to develop the technology resulted from the demand for a hand-held tool for demonstrating safety from aflatoxin B1 in agricultural products specifically fermented cassava products that are traded within the East African Region in Arua, Tororo and Busia Districts of Uganda. The scientific principle and electronics have been developed and are being validated by comparison with existing standard techniques. During the next year we envisage to prototype; assemble the biosensor; study environmental stability; and do performance testing in the field. When complete this tool will enhance regional trade 7. Ugandan Shea processing Platform The project is aimed at strategic development of shea butter and oil processing to enhancing market access. Although the product is high value, market access has been impeded due to poor quality products. A model value addition centre will established and processors trained in good manufacturing practices

Minerals and material engineering section Physical and chemical analysis of different mineral ores used in the section • Cups, Plates and saucers • R&D in Bentonite and Allied • R&D in Artificial Ceramic Corals in fish breeding • R&D in Gemstone cutting technology • R&D in Water filtration • Concrete tiles and Pavers • Production of oxides • Manufacture of adhesives Vote Overview

217 Uganda Industrial Research Institute Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 110 Uganda Industrial Research Institute

Vote Function: 06 51 Industrial Research Project 0430 Uganda Industrial Research Institute Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost (Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand The food laboratory • Develop breakfast cereals, instant porridges, noodles from local foods like cassava and sweet potato • Package foods including meats, fruits, vegetables, baked products using modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) as a preservation procedure that doesn't use chemicals • Producing pectin from fruit wastes, extraction of plant and animal materials that can be used as ingredients during product development.

I. Research and Development of Agriculture based projects: • Smart Drip Irrigation System

Uganda is said to be the food basket of the Africa and that her economy relies heavily on Agriculture. However, we see that this is being threatened by the continual unpredictable weather patterns among other factors. This thus merits that irrigation is adopted as a means to supplement the unreliable rains. It’s from is background that the Instrumentation team has embarked upon designing a Smart Drip Irrigation System to mitigate this challenge. The irrigation system under design will not only reduce wastage of water but will also provide for soil moisture and pH monitoring, fertilization, and a crop database.

II. Neonatal and Maternal Healthcare projects: • Automated Intravenous Fluid Delivery Regulator Intravenous Fluid delivery is a medical procedure which is carried out to either quickly replenish fluids in the body or/and administer drugs through a tube known as a catheter inserted into the body. This life saving procedure can become very dangerous and possibly fatal if the fluid flow is not correctly regulated especially for infants and young children. High volumes of a fluid administered in a very short time results into drug overdose and heart overload which escalates into heart failure. Furthermore, high flow rates of a fluid damages blood vessels at the point of insertion. It’s from this background that the Instrumentation Division embarked on design of an Automated Intravenous Fluid Delivery Regulator which will render fluid flow rate control a function of volume to be administered for a particular time period. The device will also provide for occlusion detection, fluid run-away and near-empty detection with an alert/ alarm system.

• MUTIMA project (Heart rate and Blood oxygen saturation monitoring) According to the Uganda demographic and health survey 2011, low levels of haemoglobin in blood decreases the amount of oxygen reaching the tissues and organs of the body and reduces their capacity to function normally. This is associated with impaired cognitive and motor development in children. This condition can be avoided if early detection is made. Other medical conditions such as hypoxemia and sickle cell also result into low blood oxygen. Also, heart rate measurement and monitoring is a vital tool in diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular related diseases, heart attacks, stroke and heart failures. These, once foreign diseases are now on the increase in Africa. Early detection of such conditions is thus vital for life to be sustained. The development of the Mutima project is therefore to facilitate monitoring of blood oxygen saturation and heart rate through the use of non-invasive methods. • Mother’s baby thermometer project The Mother’s baby thermometer project is set out to design and develop a non-invasive miniature thermometer for mothers at home to monitor the temperature of their babies at critical stages of growth so as to allow them make urgent and informed decisions about their baby’s state of health especially Fever onsets in Rural Uganda. The onset of fevers (high body temperatures) in most cases is a common indicator of infection in neonates. Since an infant’s immune system is not fully developed, they are vulnerable to infections thus this will go a long way to enable mothers monitor the health of their baby. III. Energy Efficiency projects : • Temperature Measurement and Control device Manufacturing Industries and Production plants often have critical processes in which proper temperature regulation/ control is a prerequisite for a quality product to be produced. As such, this device is designed to be retrofitted on an existing system or customized to solve a specific Vote Overview

218 Uganda Industrial Research Institute Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 110 Uganda Industrial Research Institute

Vote Function: 06 51 Industrial Research Project 0430 Uganda Industrial Research Institute Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost (Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand temperature control and/or monitoring problem. This system can be used to control and monitor room temperature, incubator temperature, electrical oven temperature, water heater temperature, dryer temperature, kilns and furnace temperature among other things. • Solar Powered Chicken Eggs Incubator This Incubator is designed to allow farmers to hatch chicken eggs using a method that requires minimal energy and is self-regulating. Uganda receives plenty of solar energy which can be harnessed to reduce reliance on hydro and thermal electricity. For farmers who have hens that are not ready to net or/and for large chicken raising facilities, and for researchers/students, this method provides green-energy and cost effective solutions. IV. Control System projects – Interactive Traffic Light Control System Project • Interactive Traffic Light Control System Project In Uganda, the sequence in which a set of traffic lights at a junction is turned on has a fixed delay period regardless of the volume of traffic at the intersections thus underutilization of the roads and unnecessary increased delays. The interactive traffic light control system under development takes this into consideration and provides a platform through which the delay periods for each set of lights at the intersection can be varied. V. Security applications • Fingerprint and Pin code Based Security Access Control System Access control systems have over time become more sophisticated and several security measures have been employed to combat the menace of insecurity of lives and property. This can be done by preventing unauthorized entrance into buildings using conventional and electromagnetic security door locks, discrete access codes, and biometric methods such as finger prints, the eye and facial recognition. Security systems having realized the value of biometrics to verify or identify users, it has become the most secure and convenient authentication tool used today. This is because it cannot easily be borrowed, stolen, or forgotten and forged. This project deals with identification, authentication, discrete access code and setup of a security system VI. Measurement applications • Digital Weighing Scale design (Reverse engineering ) Weighing scales have found numerous applications in the field of Medicine, Agriculture, Production, Trade, and Education among others. In some of these, precision is an important factor and the line between good quality and poor quality may be a small change is weigh measurement. The cost of these scales is also very high and as such is not affordable. Basing on these factors, the design of this device will mitigate some of these problems. VII. Instrumentation, Control and Automation projects • Automation of weaving machines (Bomboo section UIRI) Weaving is one of the income earners for many women in Uganda and yet, most of these methods and tools used are rudimentary as such, the turnover is very low and labour intensive. Therefore, as a means to maximize profits, reduce on the labour demands, and increase throughput, the Instrumentation Division is set out to automate the weaving machine at UIRI as case study. • Moisture meter for wood. The measurement of moisture contain has proved to be a big challenge for dealers in wood and the end-users i.e. the carpenters. As such, wood decay, infection by pests and poor quality products have resulted into huge loss of money and market for wood products since these persons cannot measure the moisture contain in their wood. In addition the price of a wood moisture is too high and unaffordable by many. It is from this background that the device will be developed to mitigate these challenges. • Design and development of a Sterilizer Sterilizers are instruments that are used to disinfect a number of tools and raw materials in the medical sector, and food technology sector among others. Failure to sterilize may result into fatal contamination, infections and erroneous experimental results. Even though this procedure is mandatory many health facilities and food labs are inadequately stocked hence posing treat to lives. The design and development of this instrument will fill this gap.

Vote Overview

219 Uganda Industrial Research Institute Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 110 Uganda Industrial Research Institute

Vote Function: 06 51 Industrial Research Project 0430 Uganda Industrial Research Institute Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost (Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand Activities to Deliver Outputs: 1. Establishment of a Regional Hub for Science, Technology, and Innovations (STI) in East and Central Africa in support of industrialization of EAC states.

Following the award of UIRI as Center of Excellence in R&D for the East African Region on 30th November 2013. The Institute will in FY 2014/15 undertake feasibility plans and activities aimed at establishing a Regional Hub for Science, Technology, and Innovations (STI) in East and Central Africa in support of industrialization of EAC states. The project will majorly focus on Research and Technological Organizations (RTOs) and Industrial Research Institutes and other agencies involved in technological aspects of Industrialization. The objectives of establishing a Regional Hub for Science, Technology, and Innovations (STI) will be to harness, coordinate, and harmonize the collective efforts of regional governments and their respective agencies involved in the industrialization process. To complement the efforts and resources committed by the EAC secretariat in advancing industrialization of the sub-region. To share UIRI’s experiences with research institutes on how to build a viable and respectable R&D institution.

The rational is that at Uganda’s Independence Jubilee last year, His Excellency Yoweri K Museveni identified ten strategic bottlenecks that have been cause and consequences of Uganda’s slow pace towards modernity. Included in the list is “Lack of industrialization.” Indeed robust industrialization is the catch-all for solving most of our development ills. In turn, industrial research institutes and RTOs are the fuel that fires the engines of socio-economic transformation.

The proposed project is aimed at the following:

effective delivery of services by the regional RTOs to the industrialization process.

platforms for their implementation and application.

technology use in value addition. The scope requires individual countries within EAC and their neighbors all subscribe to the same rhetoric regarding development, socio-economic transformation, et al. But their funding priorities tend to belie these sentiments. For example their commitments to invest in R&D have not been fulfilled. 1% of GDP for each member should be allocated to R&D.

Individual countries have made attempts to establish RTOs, e.g. UIRI; KIRDI, TIRDO. However, unlike their agricultural research counter parts; these RTOs are limping because of traditionally inadequate facilitation. There is palpable ambivalence about funding of RTOs in our region.

The proposed project will, among other things, strive to provide a forum for exchange of ideas, sharing of experiences, and mutual mapping of strategies for R&D activities, especially those related to industrialization.

Participating Institutions; with UIRI taking the coordinating lead, sister organizations in the region will form the core of the envisaged hub. These include: KIRDI; TIRDO; TEMDO; etc UIRI stands ready to assist the member states of EAC which don’t yet have similar RTOs, to establish them. UIRI is already active with peer organizations globally. Our association with the likes of SIRIM, FARA, and CSIR will help to assure the success of this project.

UIRI remains committed to fulfill its mandate and objectives during FY 2014/2015. The Institute's competence shall be availed to undertake the following projects/activities;

Vote Overview

220 Uganda Industrial Research Institute Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 110 Uganda Industrial Research Institute

Vote Function: 06 51 Industrial Research Project 0430 Uganda Industrial Research Institute Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost (Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand

2. Establishment of Model Agro- Processing facilities as per National agricultural zoning of resource abundant areas. These will act as • Hubs for knowledge and skills transfer. • Envisaged significant reduction in post-harvest loss of agricultural produce. • The agro processing facilities will stimulate increased agricultural raw material and farm production for primary industry • Work with Agricultural research institutions in developing and promoting crop varieties and animal breeds suitable for high value products and promoting crop varieties and animal breeds suitable for high value products. • Demonstration of the benefits of value addition and hence widen awareness and interest in the public. • Establish platforms for value addition and product development

3. Commercialization of essential oil UIRI and under the technical guidance of Council for Scientific and Industrial Research - Enterprise Creation for Development (ECD) of South Africa has established an essential oil pilot project in Uganda consisting of five suitably selected essential oil varieties. The project will provide information on crop yields as well as the quality and marketability of the essential oils that are steam distilled from the harvested plants. The information is required for future decisions on the economic viability of cultivating and processing essential oil plant species for commercial purposes in Uganda. Design Phase (Phase I) and the Establishment Phase (Phase II) have already been completed. The Pilot Operation Phase (Phase III) is underway. Full Operation (Phase IV) and Close Out (Phase V) shall be undertaken in FY 2014/15. The major objective of the project is to inform the processes and procedures to the development of Essential Oil Sector in Uganda.

4. Establishment of a foundry The Institute urgently needs to establish a foundry for “total technology development” capability, for competence reverse engineering of basic technologies for industrial application and production of spare parts. Currently limited fabrications of basic machine parts. Others more complex parts (gears, blocks, motor casting) can only be done by foundry casting our limited ability in reverse engineering the Bamboo line is a good example. With a foundry we can replicate the entire line

5. Cosmetics formulation and training This is a research, development, and popularization project for soaps and cosmetic products with an organic foot print. Under this project entrepreneurs are trained in cosmetics production techniques, and technically supported to formulate and develop different products for commercial purposes. In addition to supporting different entrepreneurs, the project aims to develop and standardize two products in the next financial year (2014-2015): • A Shea butter /Bentonate based anti-Acne cream, and • An antimicrobial soap Shea nut or moo yaa grows naturally in Sahel region of North Eastern Uganda, and bentonite is a mineral that occurs in Kasese and Mbale regions of Uganda. These two have very beneficial quality attributes for skin which enhance product acceptability

6. Research & development of Spirulina This project aims at development and production of Spirulina, edible high protein blue - green algae. 7. Research & Development of Actinomycin D (Anti-cancer chemotherapeutic drug) This project undertaken by Kess Biotechnology & UIRI, aims to develop cheap and readily available anti-cancer drug (Actinomycin D). The strains producing the drug have already been isolated and are being in the biotechnology center of excellence. 8. Development and application of a bacterial system for the production of industrial biocatalysts. This project is being undertaken by AMiTek (Applied Microbial Tekinologies) in collaboration with UIRI for the production of industrial biocatalysts (Enzymes); initially proteases to be used in cleaning agents Vote Overview

221 Uganda Industrial Research Institute Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 110 Uganda Industrial Research Institute

Vote Function: 06 51 Industrial Research Project 0430 Uganda Industrial Research Institute Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost (Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand and as food additives. The strains of bacteria have already been isolated

9. Research & development of an antibacterial herbal remedy Under this project, selected herbal remedies have been scientifically tested and verified to be efficacious. In the next financial year, it is planned to design and develop a production process for herbal ear-drops thereby establishing a model value addition centre to commercialize our natural herbs in Kamuli district of Uganda. 10. Research and development of a biosensor for afflatoxin testing The project to develop the technology resulted from the demand for a hand-held tool for demonstrating safety from aflatoxin B1 in agricultural products specifically fermented cassava products that are traded within the East African Region in Arua, Tororo and Busia Districts of Uganda. The scientific principle and electronics have been developed and are being validated by comparison with existing standard techniques. During the next year we envisage to prototype; assemble the biosensor; study environmental stability; and do performance testing in the field. When complete this tool will enhance regional trade 11. Establishment of Ugandan Shea processing Platform The project is aimed at strategic development of shea butter and oil processing to enhancing market access. Although the product is high value, market access has been impeded due to poor quality products. A model value addition center will be established and processors shall be trained in good manufacturing practices for development of competitive shea butter products in the region.

12. Minerals and material engineering section The section aims to undertake physical and chemical analysis of different mineral ores used for development and production of • Cups, Plates and saucers • R&D in Bentonite and Allied • R&D in Artificial Ceramic Corals in fish breeding • R&D in Gemstone cutting technology • R&D in Water filtration • Concrete tiles and Pavers • Production of oxides • Manufacture of adhesives 13. Food product development The food laboratory shall engage in research and development of different food formulations and product development of products including but not limited to • Development of breakfast cereals, instant porridges, noodles from local foods like cassava and sweet potato • Package foods including meats, fruits, vegetables, baked products using modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) as a preservation procedure that doesn't use chemicals • Producing pectin from fruit wastes, extraction of plant and animal materials that can be used as ingredients during product development. • Undertake activities for laboratory accreditation

14. Research and Development of Agriculture based projects: • Smart Drip Irrigation System Uganda is said to be the food basket of the Africa and that her economy relies heavily on Agriculture. However, we see that this is being threatened by the continual unpredictable weather patterns among other factors. This thus merits that irrigation is adopted as a means to supplement the unreliable rains. It’s from is background that the Instrumentation team has embarked upon designing a Smart Drip Irrigation System to mitigate this challenge. The irrigation system under design will not only reduce wastage of water but will also provide for soil moisture and pH monitoring, fertilization, and a crop database.

15. Neonatal and Maternal Healthcare projects: • Automated Intravenous Fluid Delivery Regulator Intravenous Fluid delivery is a medical procedure which is carried out to either quickly replenish fluids in the body or/and administer drugs through a tube known as a catheter inserted into the body. This life saving procedure can become very dangerous and possibly fatal if the fluid flow is not correctly regulated especially for infants and young children. High volumes of a fluid administered in a very short time results into drug Vote Overview

222 Uganda Industrial Research Institute Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 110 Uganda Industrial Research Institute

Vote Function: 06 51 Industrial Research Project 0430 Uganda Industrial Research Institute Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost (Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand overdose and heart overload which escalates into heart failure. Furthermore, high flow rates of a fluid damages blood vessels at the point of insertion. It’s from this background that the Instrumentation Division embarked on design of an Automated Intravenous Fluid Delivery Regulator which will render fluid flow rate control a function of volume to be administered for a particular time period. The device will also provide for occlusion detection, fluid run-away and near-empty detection with an alert/ alarm system.

16. MUTIMA project (Heart rate and Blood oxygen saturation monitoring) According to the Uganda demographic and health survey 2011, low levels of haemoglobin in blood decreases the amount of oxygen reaching the tissues and organs of the body and reduces their capacity to function normally. This is associated with impaired cognitive and motor development in children. This condition can be avoided if early detection is made. Other medical conditions such as hypoxemia and sickle cell also result into low blood oxygen. Also, heart rate measurement and monitoring is a vital tool in diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular related diseases, heart attacks, stroke and heart failures. These, once foreign diseases are now on the increase in Africa. Early detection of such conditions is thus vital for life to be sustained. The development of the Mutima project is therefore to facilitate monitoring of blood oxygen saturation and heart rate through the use of non-invasive methods. 17. Mother’s baby thermometer project The Mother’s baby thermometer project is set out to design and develop a non-invasive miniature thermometer for mothers at home to monitor the temperature of their babies at critical stages of growth so as to allow them make urgent and informed decisions about their baby’s state of health especially Fever onsets in Rural Uganda. The onset of fevers (high body temperatures) in most cases is a common indicator of infection in neonates. Since an infant’s immune system is not fully developed, they are vulnerable to infections thus this will go a long way to enable mothers monitor the health of their baby. 18. Energy Efficiency projects : Temperature Measurement and Control device Manufacturing Industries and Production plants often have critical processes in which proper temperature regulation/ control is a prerequisite for a quality product to be produced. As such, this device is designed to be retrofitted on an existing system or customized to solve a specific temperature control and/or monitoring problem. This system can be used to control and monitor room temperature, incubator temperature, electrical oven temperature, water heater temperature, dryer temperature, kilns and furnace temperature among other things. 19. Solar Powered Chicken Eggs Incubator This Incubator is designed to allow farmers to hatch chicken eggs using a method that requires minimal energy and is self-regulating. Uganda receives plenty of solar energy which can be harnessed to reduce reliance on hydro and thermal electricity. For farmers who have hens that are not ready to net or/and for large chicken raising facilities, and for researchers/students, this method provides green-energy and cost effective solutions. 20. Control System projects – Interactive Traffic Light Control System Project In Uganda, the sequence in which a set of traffic lights at a junction is turned on has a fixed delay period regardless of the volume of traffic at the intersections thus underutilization of the roads and unnecessary increased delays. The interactive traffic light control system under development takes this into consideration and provides a platform through which the delay periods for each set of lights at the intersection can be varied.

21. Security applications Fingerprint and Pin code Based Security Access Control System Access control systems have over time become more sophisticated and several security measures have been employed to combat the menace of insecurity of lives and property. This can be done by preventing unauthorized entrance into buildings using conventional and electromagnetic security door locks, discrete access codes, and biometric Vote Overview

223 Uganda Industrial Research Institute Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 110 Uganda Industrial Research Institute

Vote Function: 06 51 Industrial Research Project 0430 Uganda Industrial Research Institute Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost (Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand methods such as finger prints, the eye and facial recognition. Security systems having realized the value of biometrics to verify or identify users, it has become the most secure and convenient authentication tool used today. This is because it cannot easily be borrowed, stolen, or forgotten and forged. This project deals with identification, authentication, discrete access code and setup of a security system 22. Measurement applications Digital Weighing Scale design (Reverse engineering ) Weighing scales have found numerous applications in the field of Medicine, Agriculture, Production, Trade, and Education among others. In some of these, precision is an important factor and the line between good quality and poor quality may be a small change is weigh measurement. The cost of these scales is also very high and as such is not affordable. Basing on these factors, the design of this device will mitigate some of these problems. 23. Instrumentation, Control and Automation projects Automation of weaving machines (Bomboo section UIRI) Weaving is one of the income earners for many women in Uganda and yet, most of these methods and tools used are rudimentary as such, the turnover is very low and labour intensive. Therefore, as a means to maximize profits, reduce on the labour demands, and increase throughput, the Instrumentation Division is set out to automate the weaving machine at UIRI as case study. 24. Moisture meter for wood. The measurement of moisture contain has proved to be a big challenge for dealers in wood and the end-users i.e. the carpenters. As such, wood decay, infection by pests and poor quality products have resulted into huge loss of money and market for wood products since these persons cannot measure the moisture contain in their wood. In addition the price of a wood moisture is too high and unaffordable by many. It is from this background that the device will be developed to mitigate these challenges. 25. Design and development of a Sterilizer Sterilizers are instruments that are used to disinfect a number of tools and raw materials in the medical sector, and food technology sector among others. Failure to sterilize may result into fatal contamination, infections and erroneous experimental results. Even though this procedure is mandatory many health facilities and food labs are inadequately stocked hence posing treat to lives. The design and development of this instrument will fill this gap.

26. Industrial And Technological Incubation UIRI operates an Industrial and Technological Incubator program. The incubator program has grown into a vibrant, robust and competent platform that sets up and hand holds enterprises to self-sustainability. Its portfolio continues to grow from strength to strength. The Institute supports both in-house incubates and virtual incubates at different levels of operation. All innovations and value added products developed at the Institute are positioned for incubation by the private sector. Functions of the UIRI Incubator program include: • Nurturing and growing start-up agribusiness enterprises, • Training in application of best practices, international standards of management and enhanced work ethic for indigenous enterprises, • Mentoring and cultivating other professional business management practices. • Practical trainings in business managerial competence, book keeping and business discipline. • Trainings in principles of technology acquisition, deployment and diffusion. 27. Upgrading of technologies, procurement of new technologies, machinery and equipment for the following areas Technology development center • Machinery and equipment for the Foundry • Technologies for the foundry Vaccine production unit • Incubator for the Vaccine Production Unit Bakery • Four Deck Baking Oven i.e. used for baking especially cakes • Dough Mixer (75kg dough capacity) to be used for mixing dough of up Vote Overview

224 Uganda Industrial Research Institute Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 110 Uganda Industrial Research Institute

Vote Function: 06 51 Industrial Research Project 0430 Uganda Industrial Research Institute Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost (Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand to 75kg • Extruder to be used for making instant breakfast cereals e.g. cornflakes and pet foods • Other small equipment/tools needed for Chocolate Making Project Essential oil project • Agri-weave technology • 500kg Essential Oil distillation unit • Irrigation Systems • Purchase nursery inputs • Renew organic certification services for essential oil project Chemistry laboratory • Soxtec system (Fat content), Fiber Tec system(fiber content) & Kjel-tec system (protein) • Procurement of Laboratory Analytical Balance • Procurement of Gas Chromatography/ Mass spectrometer (GC-MS) equipment • 10 Analytical Chemistry & Laboratory text books Instrumentation division • 3D rapid prototyping printer • Light Intensity meter • Air Flow rate meter(Anenometer) • Pressure meter/Manometer • Hygro-Thermometer • Power supply with variable negative range • Reflow ovens • Drilling machine(handheld) • Drilling machine(bench machine) • Printer/Scanner/Copier, Computer (to be handled by ICT) • Logic Analyzer • Moisture meter • Clamp meter • Multi-meter • Documenting Process Calibrator Food laboratory • Lines of various food processing equipment • MAP packaging technology • Extrusion technology • Separation technology Bakery • Deluxe Professional Airbrush Cake Decorating System • Infrared Thermometer • Countertop Microwave Oven • Polycarbonate Chocolate Moulds • Silicone Scoop Shovel Scrapper Rabbler Multipurpose Spreader (pack of 3) • Spoon Shaped Silicone Spatula Scrapper • Fondant modeling Set • Table Top Tempera • Bench Scraper(large) • Bench Scraper (Medium) • Offset Spatula • Pastry Scraper • Multi-purpose Bowl Scraper • Chocolate Shaver • Chocolate Decorating Comb and Smoother (4"x6") • Ladle (½ oz) • Chocolate Dipping Tool Set • Chocolate Dipping Tool Basket • Mixing Bowl (4 quart) • Double Boiler Insert 8 Cup Capacity • Non-Stick Chocolate Bark Mold & Baker’s Quarter Sheet • Silicone Non-stick Baking Sheets • White Marble Superfine Grain Slab • Hot Air Gun • Aluminum Chocolate Wrapping foil Meat technology • Ice Flake Machine 500 Kgs/ 24 Hrs • Sausage Filler 30 Lt • Blast Freezer 4m X 4m Min Temp -18 Degrees • Band Saw Free Standing Vote Overview

225 Uganda Industrial Research Institute Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 110 Uganda Industrial Research Institute

Vote Function: 06 51 Industrial Research Project 0430 Uganda Industrial Research Institute Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost (Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand • Brine Injector Dairy technology • Aluminum Milk Cans (50 Litre Capacity) - 50 Pieces • Manual Cup Sealers - 3 Pieces • Heavy Duty Plastic Crates - 200 pieces • Positive Displacement Pump - 1 unit On- Line milk filter - 1 unit Automatic Vertical Form, fill & Seal Packaging Machine Small Scale Dairy Processing Equipment Lira Peanut and Research Center • Peanut grinder for grinding ground nuts into peanut butter. This will enable us meet the demand because we roast a lot but the current grinder has a low capacity compared to the roasted capacity • Generator is need especially when there is load shedding there is no other way to push ground nuts out of the roaster or cooler. All the big losses we have had are attributed to this. • Compressor to deliver compressed air to filling machine for automatic filling • Sachet packing machine for filling Peanut butter into sachets • Welding machine for joining/welding processing machinery together especially during maintenance • Laboratory Centrifuge • Moisture analyzer • Analytical balance • Laboratory Oven • Laboratory Blender

28. Maintenance of UIRI technologies, machinery and equipment Maintenance of pilot plant equipment for efficiency and productivity Bakery and cereal processing plant require Lubricants and grease, wear spare parts. The (Ceramics) mineral and material laboratory require complete overhaul. Meat production and training, Fruits and vegetables production plant, Dairy technology section (Fresh Milk, Yoghurt and Ice Cream) require Cold room maintenance and preventative /routine serving consumables like oils, lubricants, wear spares, Food, Chemical, microbiology and biotechnology analytical labs require fridges services, electrical fittings and gas filling. Maintenance of engineering shops requires acquisition of spares, tools, consumables, components and controls, service and maintains the plants Maintenance of satellite projects (Arua fruit Juice, Mbale meat processing facility, Lira Peanut Processing and Research Centre, Nabusanke fruit Juice, and Kabale potato and bamboo plants) require acquisition of spares, tools, consumables, components and controls, for service and maintenance Refurbishment and remodelling of existing infrastructure at UIRI to include Applying Epoxy floor finish to TDC workshop floors Repair of UIRI pilot plants roofs Modify roof free of leakages steel trusses, new iron sheets, roof drainage Replacement of internal water distribution systems Waste water treatment Maintenance materials Periodic maintenance of UIRI buildings. These include painting works, minor repairs and roof cleaning Repairing of High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC), Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer ( AAS) Repair of Microwave Digester (Multi-wave 3000), Repair of Laboratory Refrigerator (EkoFrigoLab 1500) and Freeze Dryer (Telstar LyoAlfa 6) Preventive maintenance for HPLC (2), AAS, CHN, and Uv/visible Spectrometer Preventive Maintenance/service & labour, Air ticket(Experts from Egypt) Remodelling of the chemistry laboratory Calibration of Analytical balance, 2 ovens, 2 muffle furnace, water bath & pH meter General servicing and repairs of bakery pilot plant equipment. Spare parts for repair of dough mixer, rotary oven, bun divider, cake mixer, digital weighing scales & dough sheeter Routine servicing, maintenance and repair of meat technology equipment’s Preventive Maintenance, Break down repairs Engineering machinery and equipment Vote Overview

226 Uganda Industrial Research Institute Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 110 Uganda Industrial Research Institute

Vote Function: 06 51 Industrial Research Project 0430 Uganda Industrial Research Institute Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost (Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand Routine servicing, maintenance and repair of bamboo technology equipment’s Plant preventive maintenance for both Bamboo plants Hygienic maintenance of all food pilot plants, estates& Bamboo pilot plant Maintenance of UIRI Servers

• Support Two (2) incubatees in the bakery section • UIRI shall continue to support Derekorp, in production of ready to drink juices, Bakonzo Mixed Farmers Limited, pulp and cordials, FLONA Commodities pulp for export Produces, J & S Bottling Co. "To produce Makula RTD juice. Reimbursement • Training on how to produce RTD juice -Still standardizing the mango juice that has been developed during the training. -Procurement process for materials to upgrade the J & S production facility is ongoing • Support 8 incubatees in dairy processing and production. Three dairy technologies will be disseminated on i. Probiotic technology & ii. Honey sweetened yoghurt iii. Natural fruit yoghurt The incubatees in food processing shall train in food analysis, product development and quality management and marketing. • UIRI shall facilitate 8 incubatees under the meat technology • Under the research collaboration between UIRI and CSIR (Council for Scientific and Industrial Research)UIRI shall support 2 commercial farmer incubatees in cultivation rose generium and lemon balm to produce essential oils. • Support E-TECH Company in acquisition of electronic components and consumables to design and produce, Agricultural solution modules, Science teaching modules and equipment and Industrial modules. • 2 incubatees in Biotechnology section shall be facilitated in Research & Development of Actinomycin D (Anti-cancer chemotherapeutic drug) • 2 Incubatees in Biotechnology section shall be facilitated in Research and Development • Training on how to produce RTD juice -Still standardizing the mango juice that has been developed during the training. -Procurement process for materials to upgrade the J & S production facility is ongoing • Support 8 incubatees in dairy processing and production. Three dairy technologies will be disseminated on iv. Probiotic technology v. Honey sweetened yoghurt vi. Natural fruit yoghurt The incubatees in food processing shall train in food analysis, product development and quality management and marketing. • UIRI shall facilitate 8 incubatees under the meat technology • Under the research collaboration between UIRI and CSIR (Council for Scientific and Industrial Research)UIRI shall support 2 commercial farmer incubatees in cultivation rose generium and lemon balm to produce essential oils. • Support E-TECH Company in acquisition of electronic components and consumables to design and produce, Agricultural solution modules, Science teaching modules and equipment and Industrial modules. • 2 incubatees in Biotechnology section shall be facilitated in Research & Development of Actinomycin D (Anti-cancer chemotherapeutic drug) • 2 Incubatees in Biotechnology section shall be facilitated in Research and Development • Deliver National Skills Program through construction and development of four regional incubation centers. • Implementation of essential oil project for commercial application • Continued enhancement of the application of Research and Technology for developments by supporting science innovations in the universities and research institutions is at the fore front of UIRI’s set programs. • Besides the aforesaid projects UIRI's current strategic plan stipulates a complementary short term agenda which broadly includes; Further Vote Overview

227 Uganda Industrial Research Institute Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 110 Uganda Industrial Research Institute

Vote Function: 06 51 Industrial Research Project 0430 Uganda Industrial Research Institute Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost (Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand expansion of business incubation portfolio. • Technology diffusion, particularly to rural and peri-urban communities. • Introduction of alternative energy systems. • Enhance value addition that will lead to the creation of primary industries and in the long term a manufacturing economy. • Roll out of a wide range of commercial ceramic processing’s and recycled/handmade paper based packaging technology, commercialization of the vaccine produced against Newcastle disease in poultry. • UIRI strives to contribute to government’s National Development Plan government to build multi-purpose value addition centers. • UIRI remains to address and participate in the President's flagship projects in especially creating sustainable packaging centre of excellence in collaboration with renowned developers of packaging technology in the world. • Support the Petroleum Institute Kigumba in the development of skills and petroleum industry is another project that UIRI spearheads and remains committed to implement.

Total 1,563,300 GoU Development 1,563,300 External Financing 0 Output: 06 5103 Industrial and technological Incubation

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost UIRI operates an Industrial and Technological Incubator program. The Agricultural Supplies () 29.9 193,000 incubator program has grown into a vibrant, robust and competent Allowances () 70.4 66,500 platform that sets up and hand holds enterprises to self-sustainability. Its Cleaning and Sanitation () 10.1 35,200 portfolio continues to grow from strength to strength. The Institute Electricity () 5.0 200,800 supports both in-house incubates and virtual incubates at different levels Fuel, Lubricants and Oils () 18.2 105,770 of operation. Guard and Security services () 11.5 55,000 All innovations and value added products developed at the Institute are positioned for incubation by the private sector. Functions of the UIRI Hands on training of entrepreneurs and Incubatees () 12.0 60,000 Incubator program include: Maintenance - Civil () 7.1 50,000 • Nurturing and growing start-up agribusiness enterprises, Maintenance -Vehicles - Routine servicing & repair 27.2 166,138 • Training in application of best practices, international standards of () management and enhanced work ethic for indigenous enterprises, Medical and Agricultural supplies () 35.1 147,363 • Mentoring and cultivating other professional business management Other Utilities- (fuel, gas, firewood, charcoal) () 10.0 35,000 practices. Participate in competitive product dev &innovation 5.9 89,002 • Practical trainings in business managerial competence, book keeping and () business discipline. Printing, Stationery, Photocopying and Binding () 14.3 7,500 • Trainings in principles of technology acquisition, deployment and Property Expenses () 12.5 25,000 diffusion. Telecommunications () 6.0 3,000 FY 2014/15 UIRI shall continue to support the business incubation Uniforms, Beddings and Protective Gear () 3.6 12,584 portfolio especially • Support Two (2) incubatees in the bakery section Upgrade machinery, equipment and technologies () 10.0 295,100 • UIRI shall continue to support Derekorp, in production of ready to drink Water () 2.5 30,000 juices, Bakonzo Mixed Farmers Limited, pulp and cordials, FLONA Commodities pulp for export Produces, J & S Bottling Co. "To produce Makula RTD juice. Reimbursement • Training on how to produce RTD juice -Still standardizing the mango juice that has been developed during the training. -Procurement process for materials to upgrade the J & S production facility is ongoing • Support 8 incubatees in dairy processing and production. Three dairy technologies will be disseminated on i. Probiotic technology & ii. Honey sweetened yoghurt iii. Natural fruit yoghurt The incubatees in food processing shall train in food analysis, product development and quality management and marketing. • UIRI shall facilitate 8 incubatees under the meat technology • Under the research collaboration between UIRI and CSIR (Council for Scientific and Industrial Research)UIRI shall support 2 commercial farmer incubatees in cultivation rose generium and lemon balm to produce essential oils. • Support E-TECH Company in acquisition of electronic components and consumables to design and produce, Agricultural solution modules, Science teaching modules and equipment and Industrial modules. Vote Overview

228 Uganda Industrial Research Institute Ministerial Policy Statement

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Vote Function: 06 51 Industrial Research Project 0430 Uganda Industrial Research Institute Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost (Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand • 2 incubatees in Biotechnology section shall be facilitated in Research & Development of Actinomycin D (Anti-cancer chemotherapeutic drug) • 2 Incubatees in Biotechnology section shall be facilitated in Research and Development of (1) Application of zeolites in removal of heavy metals in wastewater. (2)Commercialization of flavored clay pot water • UIRI will Pamoja clean Tech and Mugo power • Technical support technology incubation for CEDARS (U) Ltd • Support technology incubation for Byooma Technology • Support technology incubation for Hallmark and partners limited with assorted workshop machinery • Support and facilitate incubatees in the Textile and weaving section with the aim of building capacity and empowerment for a cottage industry in particular handmade textile Activities to Deliver Outputs: UIRI operates an Industrial and Technological Incubator program. The incubator program has grown into a vibrant, robust and competent platform that sets up and hand holds enterprises to self-sustainability. Its portfolio continues to grow from strength to strength. The Institute supports both in-house incubates and virtual incubates at different levels of operation. All innovations and value added products developed at the Institute are positioned for incubation by the private sector. Functions of the UIRI Incubator program include: • Nurturing and growing start-up agribusiness enterprises, • Training in application of best practices, international standards of management and enhanced work ethic for indigenous enterprises, • Mentoring and cultivating other professional business management practices. • Practical trainings in business managerial competence, book keeping and business discipline. • Trainings in principles of technology acquisition, deployment and diffusion. FY 2014/15 UIRI shall continue to support the business incubation portfolio especially • Support Two (2) incubatees in the bakery section • UIRI shall continue to support Derekorp, in production of ready to drink juices, Bakonzo Mixed Farmers Limited, pulp and cordials, FLONA Commodities pulp for export Produces, J & S Bottling Co. "To produce Makula RTD juice. Reimbursement • Training on how to produce RTD juice -Still standardizing the mango juice that has been developed during the training. -Procurement process for materials to upgrade the J & S production facility is ongoing • Support 8 incubatees in dairy processing and production. Three dairy technologies will be disseminated on i. Probiotic technology & ii. Honey sweetened yoghurt iii. Natural fruit yoghurt The incubatees in food processing shall train in food analysis, product development and quality management and marketing. • UIRI shall facilitate 8 incubatees under the meat technology • Under the research collaboration between UIRI and CSIR (Council for Scientific and Industrial Research)UIRI shall support 2 commercial farmer incubatees in cultivation rose generium and lemon balm to produce essential oils. • Support E-TECH Company in acquisition of electronic components and consumables to design and produce, Agricultural solution modules, Science teaching modules and equipment and Industrial modules. • 2 incubatees in Biotechnology section shall be facilitated in Research & Development of Actinomycin D (Anti-cancer chemotherapeutic drug) • 2 Incubatees in Biotechnology section shall be facilitated in Research and Development of (1) Application of zeolites in removal of heavy metals in wastewater. (2)Commercialization of flavored clay pot water • UIRI will Pamoja clean Tech and Mugo power • Technical support technology incubation for CEDARS (U) Ltd • Support technology incubation for Byooma Technology • Support technology incubation for Hallmark and partners limited with assorted workshop machinery

Vote Overview

229 Uganda Industrial Research Institute Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 110 Uganda Industrial Research Institute

Vote Function: 06 51 Industrial Research Project 0430 Uganda Industrial Research Institute Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost (Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand • Support and facilitate incubatees in the Textile and weaving section with the aim of building capacity and empowerment for a cottage industry in particular handmade textile Total 1,576,957 GoU Development 1,576,957 External Financing 0 Output: 06 5104 Model Value Addition Centre Establishment

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost • Model processing facilities and plants are established to upscale products Agricultural Supplies () 33.0 212,539 from the R&D projects and also used to undertake pilot Cleaning and Sanitation () 5.9 20,505 commercialization. Existing facilities are also modified or renovated to Electricity () 4.2 42,000 suit purposes of intended use and ensure maintenance respectively. Fuel, Lubricants and Oils () 5.4 31,500 • Upgrading of storm water channel along the northern boundary Guard and Security services () 5.3 25,650 • Construction of Northern Boundary wall Maintenance – Machinery, Equipment & Furniture 16.4 52,455 • The Institute plans expansion of product profiles and capacities of the () current established model value addition centers and support facilities Maintenance - Vehicles Servicing and repair () 1.8 3,854 (laboratory) • Functionalize operations of the already existing value addition centers to Medical and Agricultural supplies () 11.6 48,692 full capacity and optimum Other Utilities- (fuel, gas, firewood, charcoal) () 3.3 11,520 Rates () 12.1 18,750 Activities to Deliver Outputs: Uniforms, Beddings and Protective Gear () 4.7 16,520 • Model processing facilities and plants are established to upscale products Water () 3.9 23,510 from the R&D projects and also used to undertake pilot commercialization. Existing facilities are also modified or renovated to Welfare and Entertainment () 2.1 12,000 suit purposes of intended use and ensure maintenance respectively. Total 519,496 • Upgrading of storm water channel along the northern boundary GoU Development 519,496 • Construction of Northern Boundary wall • The Institute plans expansion of product profiles and capacities of the External Financing 0 Output: 06 5105 Facility Repair and Maintenance

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost Maintenance of pilot plant equipment for efficiency and productivity Servicing and repair consumables () 28.3 180,898 Bakery and cereal processing plant require Lubricants and grease, wear Spare parts () 27.0 324,000 spare parts, and overhaul The (Ceramics) mineral and material laboratory, Cleaning and Sanitation (20) 15.0 45,000 Meat production and training, Fruits and vegetables production plant, Other Utilities- (fuel, gas, firewood, charcoal) (80) 12.6 50,500 Dairy technology section (Fresh Milk, Yoghurt and Ice Cream) require Cold room maintenance and preventative /routine serving consumables like oils, lubricants, wear spares, Food, Chemical, microbiology and biotechnology analytical labs require fridges services, electrical fittings and gas Maintenance of engineering shops requires acquisition of spares, tools, consumables, components and controls, service and maintains the plants Maintenance of satellite projects (Arua fruit Juice, Mbale meat processing facility, Lira Peanut Processing and Research Centre, Nabusanke fruit Juice, and Kabale potato and bamboo plants) require acquisition of spares, tools, consumables, components and controls, for service and maintenance Refurbishment and remodelling of existing infrastructure at UIRI to include Applying Epoxy floor finish to TDC workshop floors Repair of UIRI pilot plants roofs Q2 Modify roof free of leakages steel trusses, new iron sheets, roof drainage Replacement of internal water distribution systems Waste water treatment Maintenance materials Periodic maintenance of UIRI buildings. These include painting works, minor repairs and roof cleaning Repairing High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC), Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer ( AAS) Repair of Microwave Digester (Multi-wave 3000), Repair of Laboratory Refrigerator (EkoFrigoLab 1500) and Freeze Dryer (Telstar LyoAlfa 6) Preventive maintenance for HPLC (2), AAS, CHN, and Uv/visible Spectrometer Preventive Maintenance/service & labour, Air ticket(Experts from Egypt) Remodelling of the chemistry laboratory Calibration of Analytical balance, 2 ovens, 2 muffle furnace, water bath & pH meter Vote Overview

230 Uganda Industrial Research Institute Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 110 Uganda Industrial Research Institute

Vote Function: 06 51 Industrial Research Project 0430 Uganda Industrial Research Institute Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost (Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand Six(6) bakery equipment repaired and serviced at the bakery pilot plant Purchase of the necessary spare parts. General servicing and repairs of bakery pilot plant equipment. Spare parts for repair of dough mixer, rotary oven, bun divider, cake mixer, digital weighing scales & dough sheeter Routine servicing, maintenance and repair of meat technology equipment’s Preventive Maintenance, Break down repairs Engineering machinery and equipment Routine servicing, maintenance and repair of bamboo technology equipment’s plant preventive maintenance for both Bamboo plants Hygienic maintenance of all food pilot plants, estates& Bamboo pilot plant Maintenance of UIRI Servers

Activities to Deliver Outputs: Maintenance of pilot plant equipment for efficiency and productivity Bakery and cereal processing plant require Lubricants and grease, wear spare parts, and overhaul The (Ceramics) mineral and material laboratory, Meat production and training, Fruits and vegetables production plant, Dairy technology section (Fresh Milk, Yoghurt and Ice Cream) require Cold room maintenance and preventative /routine serving consumables like oils, lubricants, wear spares, Food, Chemical, microbiology and biotechnology analytical labs require fridges services, electrical fittings and gas Maintenance of engineering shops requires acquisition of spares, tools, consumables, components and controls, service and maintains the plants Maintenance of satellite projects (Arua fruit Juice, Mbale meat processing facility, Lira Peanut Processing and Research Centre, Nabusanke fruit Juice, and Kabale potato and bamboo plants) require acquisition of spares, tools, consumables, components and controls, for service and maintenance Refurbishment and remodelling of existing infrastructure at UIRI to include Applying Epoxy floor finish to TDC workshop floors Repair of UIRI pilot plants roofs Q2 Modify roof free of leakages steel trusses, new iron sheets, roof drainage Replacement of internal water distribution systems Waste water treatment Maintenance materials Periodic maintenance of UIRI buildings. These include painting works, minor repairs and roof cleaning Repairing High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC), Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer ( AAS) Repair of Microwave Digester (Multi-wave 3000), Repair of Laboratory Refrigerator (EkoFrigoLab 1500) and Freeze Dryer (Telstar LyoAlfa 6) Preventive maintenance for HPLC (2), AAS, CHN, and Uv/visible Spectrometer Preventive Maintenance/service & labour, Air ticket(Experts from Egypt) Remodelling of the chemistry laboratory Calibration of Analytical balance, 2 ovens, 2 muffle furnace, water bath & pH meter Six(6) bakery equipment repaired and serviced at the bakery pilot plant Purchase of the necessary spare parts. General servicing and repairs of bakery pilot plant equipment. Spare parts for repair of dough mixer, rotary oven, bun divider, cake mixer, digital weighing scales & dough sheeter Routine servicing, maintenance and repair of meat technology equipment’s Preventive Maintenance, Break down repairs Engineering machinery and equipment Routine servicing, maintenance and repair of bamboo technology equipment’s plant preventive maintenance for both Bamboo plants Hygienic maintenance of all food pilot plants, estates& Bamboo pilot plant Maintenance of UIRI Servers

Total 600,398 GoU Development 600,398 External Financing 0 Vote Overview

231 Uganda Industrial Research Institute Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 110 Uganda Industrial Research Institute

Vote Function: 06 51 Industrial Research Project 0430 Uganda Industrial Research Institute Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost (Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand Output: 06 5106 Industrial Skills Development and Capacity Building

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost As a lead agency in Industrialization of Uganda, Uganda Industrial Agricultural Supplies () 15.8 101,980 Research Institute aims to expose university continuing students to a Cleaning and Sanitation () 3.6 12,450 practical working environment by according opportunity to intending Uniforms, Beddings and Protective Gear () 1.9 6,510 industrial trainees to hands on experience which significantly allows them to relate the theoretical knowledge acquired in class this will enable bridge the gap between academia and the private sector with respect to commercialization of innovations and research outputs. To this end UIRI will provide trainings to different M&SME in food processing, engineering and analytical procedures, offer Industrial training and Internship for university students as detailed below:

consultancy to Industrial Trainees, UPIK students, Mbarara University of Science and Technology (MUST) staff and Biomedical Engineering students. The trainings shall be in the area of; • Systems Design and Engineering • Biomedical Engineering techniques • System Verification and testing techniques • Intellectual Property (IP) formulation • Standardization and certification

Laboratory Practice (GLP) and chemical analysis. These will include students from Makerere University, , Busitema University, Islamic University of Mbale, Ndeje University, Mulago Paramedics, and Uganda Petroleum Institute Kigumba (UPIK) and from other higher institutions of learning.

for planning for theoretical and practical bakery training.

to training on different dairy product processes, standardization procedures and recipe refinement.

Biotechnology Laboratory to train in cosmetics formulation and training Molecular Biology& Biotechnology and Microbial analysis

training in bamboo processing skills

To training in Applied Analogue and Digital electronics, Embedded System design and Printed Circuit Board production

plant planning for theoretical and practical training of the bakery applications.

for training in meat processing skills and production technics

considered for training in dairy processing, Practical Skills training for potential dairy entrepreneurs with emphasis on strict adherence to Good Hygiene Practices, quality management, production systems & Good Manufacturing Practices and upgrading for MSMEs in dairy processing

offered to students and entrepreneurs

Biotechnology Training in cosmetics formulation, biotechnology and microbial analysis

Oil Project. To undertake research on the study of essential oil development in Uganda under different conditions.

Juice processing facility

processing and Research Center

processing facility

Finance and Administration department, Communications and marketing and Special Projects respectively Vote Overview

232 Uganda Industrial Research Institute Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 110 Uganda Industrial Research Institute

Vote Function: 06 51 Industrial Research Project 0430 Uganda Industrial Research Institute Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost (Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand

Bamboo plants

Systems in all our activities, focusing on design of energy efficient technologies. Activities to Deliver Outputs: Provide trainings to different M&SME in food processing, engineering and analytical procedures, offer Industrial training and Internship for university students as detailed below:

consultancy to Industrial Trainees, UPIK students, Mbarara University of Science and Technology (MUST) staff and Biomedical Engineering students. The trainings shall be in the area of; • Systems Design and Engineering • Biomedical Engineering techniques • System Verification and testing techniques • Intellectual Property (IP) formulation • Standardization and certification

Laboratory Practice (GLP) and chemical analysis. These will include students from Makerere University, Kyambogo University, Busitema University, Islamic University of Mbale, Ndeje University, Mulago Paramedics, and Uganda Petroleum Institute Kigumba (UPIK) and from other higher institutions of learning.

for planning for theoretical and practical bakery training.

to training on different dairy product processes, standardization procedures and recipe refinement.

Biotechnology Laboratory to train in cosmetics formulation and training Molecular Biology& Biotechnology and Microbial analysis

training in bamboo processing skills

To training in Applied Analogue and Digital electronics, Embedded System design and Printed Circuit Board production

plant planning for theoretical and practical training of the bakery applications.

for training in meat processing skills and production technics

considered for training in dairy processing, Practical Skills training for potential dairy entrepreneurs with emphasis on strict adherence to Good Hygiene Practices, quality management, production systems & Good Manufacturing Practices and upgrading for MSMEs in dairy processing

offered to students and entrepreneurs

Biotechnology Training in cosmetics formulation, biotechnology and microbial analysis

Oil Project. To undertake research on the study of essential oil development in Uganda under different conditions.

Juice processing facility

processing and Research Center

processing facility

Finance and Administration department, Communications and marketing and Special Projects respectively

Bamboo plants

Systems in all our activities, focusing on design of energy efficient

Vote Overview

233 Uganda Industrial Research Institute Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 110 Uganda Industrial Research Institute

Vote Function: 06 51 Industrial Research Project 0430 Uganda Industrial Research Institute Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost (Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand technologies. Total 120,940 GoU Development 120,940 External Financing 0 Output: 06 5108 Popularization of research and technologies

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost Exhibitions and Information dissemination () -9.4 -108,000 benchmarking - UIRI/Adhoc Workshops Scientific Publications and Abridged biannual repo 16.0 128,000 () • Exhibitions International • UIRI expo

on probiotic technology for dissemination of project research findings

developed, Instrumentation developments, vaccine products, engineering technologies

conference & Exhibition (from 24th- - 26th September, 2014)


Activities to Deliver Outputs:

benchmarking - UIRI/Adhoc Workshops

• Exhibitions International • UIRI expo

on probiotic technology for dissemination of project research findings

developed, Instrumentation developments, vaccine products, engineering technologies

conference & Exhibition (from 24th- - 26th September, 2014)

copy Vote Overview

234 Uganda Industrial Research Institute Ministerial Policy Statement

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Vote Function: 06 51 Industrial Research Project 0430 Uganda Industrial Research Institute Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost (Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand

Total 20,000 GoU Development 20,000 External Financing 0 Output: 06 5172 Government Buildings and Administrative Infrastructure

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost - Upgrading of access road to the Eastern gate as it is Laying of stabilized Civil works contracts () 1.5 542,500 gravel - Proposed Incubation center at Namanve - A model facility - Chemistry lab refurbishment A model facility - Proposed water bottling plant in Bushenyi - Proposed Kigezi Diocese Poultry House - Proposed Maziba Winery Project, Kabale - Proposed Kika Farm Juice processing facility in Luweroo - Proposed MAFFACO (Masindi fruits farmer's Company) Mango Juice Processing Plant. - Proposed Ikirah Soap Processing Factory Lyatonde, Mitooma - Proposed Model Diary Farm in Ntungamo A model farm - Proposed Itojo Juice processing plant. Ntungamo District - Proposed G.nut processing plant in Agago. A model facility - Extra works at Essential oils Luweero Variation to additional scope to include office premises and wet areas - Proposed Water bottling plant for J & S in Kawempe A model facility - Arua Savoury Classic meat processing Plant Activities to Deliver Outputs: - Upgrading of access road to the Eastern gate as it is Laying of stabilized gravel - Feasibility ofor Proposed Incubation center at Namanve - A model facility - Chemistry lab refurbishment A model facility - Proposed water bottling plant in Bushenyi - Proposed Kigezi Diocese Poultry House - Proposed Maziba Winery Project, Kabale - Proposed Kika Farm Juice processing facility in Luweroo - Proposed MAFFACO (Masindi fruits farmer's Company) Mango Juice Processing Plant. - Proposed Ikirah Soap Processing Factory Lyatonde, Mitooma - Proposed Model Diary Farm in Ntungamo a model farm - Proposed Itojo Juice processing plant. Ntungamo District - Proposed G.nut processing plant in Agago a model facility - Extra works at Essential oils Luweero Variation to additional scope to include office premises and wet areas - Proposed Water bottling plant for J & S in Kawempe a model facility - Arua Savoury Classic meat processing Plant Total 542,500 GoU Development 542,500 External Financing 0 Output: 06 5176 Purchase of Office and ICT Equipment, including Software

Vote Overview

235 Uganda Industrial Research Institute Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 110 Uganda Industrial Research Institute

Vote Function: 06 51 Industrial Research Project 0430 Uganda Industrial Research Institute Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost (Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost • Procure Certifications to for Networking, Programming, and hardware ICT Consumables, tonners, Batteries etc () 7.6 19,058 maintenance ICT Hardware () 4.0 32,000 • Procure 5 Printers and toner cartridges for UIRI printers ICT Software () 4.0 40,000 • Procure specified Desktop computers and workstation for Institute operations • Purchase specified Laptops for UIRI critical staff. • Pay for Internet bandwidth and Internet bandwidth subscription • Procure annual subscription for centralized antivirus software • Procure New software licenses for obsolete windows XP and Office 2003, 2007 • Repeater Access points Installation of wireless access points to increase signal strength on the compound • Design for Mobile Applications Development and equip individuals with skills • Design for SMS Messaging Development and equip individuals with skills • Upgrade Server Administration and equip individuals with skills • Carry out Website Development (UIRI, UPIK, UDC). This involves assessment of your needs, Proposed Site Structure, Design Concepts, Coding the templates and testing, Site structure and content population, Go Live Activities to Deliver Outputs: • Procure Certifications to for Networking, Programming, and hardware maintenance • Procure 5 Printers and toner cartridges for UIRI printers • Procure specified Desktop computers and workstation for Institute operations • Purchase specified Laptops for UIRI critical staff. • Pay for Internet bandwidth and Internet bandwidth subscription • Procure annual subscription for centralized antivirus software • Procure New software licenses for obsolete windows XP and Office 2003, 2007 • Repeater Access points Installation of wireless access points to increase signal strength on the compound • Design for Mobile Applications Development and equip individuals with skills • Design for SMS Messaging Development and equip individuals with skills • Upgrade Server Administration and equip individuals with skills • Carry out Website Development (UIRI, UPIK, UDC). This involves assessment of your needs, Proposed Site Structure, Design Concepts, Coding the templates and testing, Site structure and content population, Go Live Total 91,058 GoU Development 91,058 External Financing 0 Output: 06 5177 Purchase of Specialised Machinery & Equipment

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost Vaccine production unit Chemistry Laboratory () 30.0 300,000 - Incubator for the Vaccine Production Unit Essential Oil Equipment and Technologies () 5.0 325,000 Bakery Food Laboratory Equipment and Technologies () 8.0 80,000 - Four Deck Baking Oven i.e. used for baking especially cakes Instrumentation division Equipments () 5.0 325,000 - Dough Mixer (75kg dough capacity) to be used for mixing dough of up Microbiology Laboratory () 10.0 300,000 to 75kg Model Value Addition Production Equipments () 13.7 410,000 - Extruder to be used for making instant breakfast cereals e.g. cornflakes and pet foods Product Development, Meat, Dairy, Bakery, Juice, 10.0 400,000 () - Other small equipment/tools needed for Chocolate Making Project Essential oil project Technology Development Equipments - Foundry () 4.4 528,000 - Agri-weave technology Vaccine Production Unit Equipments () 5.0 100,000 - 500kg Essential Oil distillation unit Foundry Phase I (0) 10.4 519,971 - Irrigation Systems - Purchase nursery inputs - Renew organic certification services for essential oil project Chemistry laboratory

Vote Overview

236 Uganda Industrial Research Institute Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 110 Uganda Industrial Research Institute

Vote Function: 06 51 Industrial Research Project 0430 Uganda Industrial Research Institute Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost (Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand - Soxtec system (Fat content), Fiber Tec system(fiber content) & Kjel-tec system (protein) - Procurement of Laboratory Analytical Balance - Procurement of Gas Chromatography/ Mass spectrometer (GC-MS) equipment - 10 Analytical Chemistry & Laboratory text books Instrumentation division - 3D rapid prototyping printer - Light Intensity meter - Air Flow rate meter(Anenometer) - Pressure meter/Manometer - Hygro-Thermometer - Power supply with variable negative range - Reflow ovens - Drilling machine(handheld) - Drilling machine(bench machine) - Printer/Scanner/Copier, Computer (to be handled by ICT) - Logic Analyzer - Moisture meter - Clamp meter - Multi-meter - Documenting Process Calibrator Food laboratory - Extruder - Develop breakfast cereals, instant porridges, nooddles from local foods like cassava and sweet potato (Q2) - Desktop pasteurizer - Enable physical preservation of fluid foods at lab level before packaging (Q3) - Electrical dryer - Fast and efficient drying of food products during product development (Q3) - cooker - Acquire an effective heat source in the laboratory (Q1) - Industrial blender - Acquire an equipment that can blend and mix (Q2) - Gas cylinders with regulators (C02, N2, O2) - Accessories the MAP equipment already procured with a gas supply (Q3) - MAP packaging technology - Extrusion technology - Separation technology - Bakery - Deluxe Professional Airbrush Cake Decorating System - Infrared Thermometer - Countertop Microwave Oven - Polycarbonate Chocolate Moulds - Silicone Scoop Shovel Scrapper Rabbler Multipurpose Spreader (pack of 3) - Spoon Shaped Silicone Spatula Scrapper - Fondant modeling Set - Table Top Tempera - Bench Scraper(large) - Bench Scraper (Medium) - Offset Spatula - Pastry Scraper - Multi-purpose Bowl Scraper - Chocolate Shaver - Chocolate Decorating Comb and Smoother (4"x6") - Ladle (½ oz) - Chocolate Dipping Tool Set - Chocolate Dipping Tool Basket - Mixing Bowl (4 quart) - Double Boiler Insert 8 Cup Capacity - Non-Stick Chocolate Bark Mold & Baker’s Quarter Sheet - Silicone Non-stick Baking Sheets - White Marble Superfine Grain Slab - Hot Air Gun - Aluminum Chocolate Wrapping foil - Meat technology - Ice Flake Machine 500 Kgs/ 24 Hrs - Sausage Filler 30 Lt - Blast Freezer 4m X 4m Min Temp -18 Degrees - Band Saw Free Standing - Brine Injector Vote Overview

237 Uganda Industrial Research Institute Ministerial Policy Statement

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Vote Function: 06 51 Industrial Research Project 0430 Uganda Industrial Research Institute Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost (Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand - Dairy technology - Aluminum Milk Cans (50 Litre Capacity) - 50 Pieces - Manual Cup Sealers - 3 Pieces - Heavy Duty Plastic Crates - 200 pieces - Positive Displacement Pump - 1 unit - On- Line milk filter - 1 unit - Automatic Vertical Form, fill & Seal Packaging Machine - Small Scale Dairy Processing Equipment - Lira Peanut and Research Center - Peanut grinder for grinding ground nuts into peanut butter. This will enable us meet the demand because we roast a lot but the current grinder has a low capacity compared to the roasted capacity - Generator is need especially when there is load shedding there is no other way to push ground nuts out of the roaster or cooler. All the big losses we have had are attributed to this. - Compressor to deliver compressed air to filling machine for automatic filling - Sachet packing machine for filling Peanut butter into sachets - Welding machine for joining/welding processing machinery together especially during maintenance - Laboratory Centrifuge - Moisture analyzer - Analytical balance - Laboratory Oven - Laboratory Blender Activities to Deliver Outputs: Procurement of • Incubator for the Vaccine Production Unit Bakery • Four Deck Baking Oven i.e. used for baking especially cakes • Dough Mixer (75kg dough capacity) to be used for mixing dough of up to 75kg • Extruder to be used for making instant breakfast cereals e.g. cornflakes and pet foods • Other small equipment/tools needed for Chocolate Making Project Essential oil project • Agri-weave technology • 500kg Essential Oil distillation unit • Irrigation Systems • Purchase nursery inputs • Renew organic certification services for essential oil project Chemistry laboratory • Soxtec system (Fat content), Fiber Tec system(fiber content) & Kjel-tec system (protein) • Procurement of Laboratory Analytical Balance • Procurement of Gas Chromatography/ Mass spectrometer (GC-MS) equipment • 10 Analytical Chemistry & Laboratory text books Instrumentation division • 3D rapid prototyping printer • Light Intensity meter • Air Flow rate meter(Anenometer) • Pressure meter/Manometer • Hygro-Thermometer • Power supply with variable negative range • Reflow ovens • Drilling machine(handheld) • Drilling machine(bench machine) • Printer/Scanner/Copier, Computer (to be handled by ICT) • Logic Analyzer • Moisture meter • Clamp meter • Multi-meter • Documenting Process Calibrator Food laboratory • Extruder - Develop breakfast cereals, instant porridges, nooddles from local foods like cassava and sweet potato (Q2) • Desktop pasteurizer - Enable physical preservation of fluid foods at lab level before packaging (Q3)

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Vote Function: 06 51 Industrial Research Project 0430 Uganda Industrial Research Institute Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost (Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand • Electrical dryer - Fast and efficient drying of food products during product development (Q3) • cooker - Acquire an effective heat source in the laboratory (Q1) • Industrial blender - Acquire an equipment that can blend and mix (Q2) • Gas cylinders with regulators (C02, N2, O2) - Accessories the MAP equipment already procured with a gas supply (Q3) • MAP packaging technology • Extrusion technology • Separation technology Bakery • Deluxe Professional Airbrush Cake Decorating System • Infrared Thermometer • Countertop Microwave Oven • Polycarbonate Chocolate Moulds • Silicone Scoop Shovel Scrapper Rabbler Multipurpose Spreader (pack of 3) • Spoon Shaped Silicone Spatula Scrapper • Fondant modeling Set • Table Top Tempera • Bench Scraper(large) • Bench Scraper (Medium) • Offset Spatula • Pastry Scraper • Multi-purpose Bowl Scraper • Chocolate Shaver • Chocolate Decorating Comb and Smoother (4"x6") • Ladle (½ oz) • Chocolate Dipping Tool Set • Chocolate Dipping Tool Basket • Mixing Bowl (4 quart) • Double Boiler Insert 8 Cup Capacity • Non-Stick Chocolate Bark Mold & Baker’s Quarter Sheet • Silicone Non-stick Baking Sheets • White Marble Superfine Grain Slab • Hot Air Gun • Aluminum Chocolate Wrapping foil Meat technology • Ice Flake Machine 500 Kgs/ 24 Hrs • Sausage Filler 30 Lt • Blast Freezer 4m X 4m Min Temp -18 Degrees • Band Saw Free Standing • Brine Injector Dairy technology • Aluminum Milk Cans (50 Litre Capacity) - 50 Pieces • Manual Cup Sealers - 3 Pieces • Heavy Duty Plastic Crates - 200 pieces • Positive Displacement Pump - 1 unit On- Line milk filter - 1 unit Automatic Vertical Form, fill & Seal Packaging Machine Small Scale Dairy Processing Equipment Lira Peanut and Research Center • Peanut grinder for grinding ground nuts into peanut butter. This will enable us meet the demand because we roast a lot but the current grinder has a low capacity compared to the roasted capacity • Generator is need especially when there is load shedding there is no other way to push ground nuts out of the roaster or cooler. All the big losses we have had are attributed to this. • Compressor to deliver compressed air to filling machine for automatic filling • Sachet packing machine for filling Peanut butter into sachets • Welding machine for joining/welding processing machinery together especially during maintenance • Laboratory Centrifuge • Moisture analyzer • Analytical balance • Laboratory Oven • Laboratory Blender Total 3,287,971 GoU Development 3,287,971 Vote Overview

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Vote Function: 06 51 Industrial Research Project 0430 Uganda Industrial Research Institute Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost (Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand External Financing 0 GRAND TOTAL 8,322,620 GoU Development 8,322,620 External Financing 0

Table V3.2: Past and Medum Term Key Vote Output Indicators* 2013/14 MTEF Projections Vote Function Key Output 2012/13 Approved Releases Indicators and Costs: Outturn Plan Prel. Actual 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 Vote: 110 Uganda Industrial Research Institute Vote Function:0651 Industrial Research No. of value added products N/A N/A No info 50 40 45 developed for industralisation to reduce post harvest losses. No. of SME's incubates taken on N/A N/A No info 25 50 35 Vote Function Cost (UShs bn) 10.843 14.012 10.976 14.340 14.678 15.946 VF Cost Excluding Ext. Fin 10.843 14.012 10.976 Cost of Vote Services (UShs Bn) 10.843 14.012 10.976 14.340 14.678 15.946 10.843 14.012 10.976 * Excluding Taxes and Arrears Medium Term Plans Bearing in mind that, just like any other Institution, UIRI is not immune to the challenges of inadequate financing which continue to impede the Institute's efforts in pursing technology transfer, value addition, and meaningful contribution towards industrialization. UIRI’s medium term strategy is to; • Establishment of a Regional Hub for Science, Technology, and Innovations (STI) in East and Central Africa in support of industrialization of EAC states. • Establish platforms for value addition and product development • Take technology to the people through the establishment of Model Agro- Processing facilities upcountry as per National agricultural zoning of resource abundant areas. • Technology based business incubation • Engaging in prudent technology transfer, technology development and fabrication of machinery • Develop electronic and electric components

• Establishment of Model Agro- Processing facilities as per National agricultural zoning of resource abundant areas

• Skills development through training of entrepreneur and community based groups • Develop the Essential oil sector in Uganda • Support to manufacturers and scientists through provision of analytical laboratory services • Establish Uganda Shea Butter processing Platform • Establish a strong and vibrate business incubation center • Establish adequate industrial infrastructure to stimulate industrialization • Kick start small business enterprises for government revenue generation through taxes • Develop skills capacity for meaning R&D • Strengthen collaboration relations with sister institutions • Embark on transfer of cost effective technologies and processes • Deploy processing facilities as per the national agro zone regions and availability of raw materials for startup of primary industry.

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• Creation of metallurgical center of excellence. (i) Measures to improve Efficiency UIRI’s key policy and process to be carried out and planned to address vote performance issues include but not limited to: • Enhanced training and skills capacity building as included in the training budget item. Continuous training for technical personnel keeps them updated with evolving technologies and information that propels them to perform more effectively and efficiently. • Collaboration with other agencies, WAITRO, CSIR, provide knowledge and experience sharing platforms that benefit and improve on methodology of best practices • Facilitating dialogue and workshops for necessary exposure from those ahead of us For Value for money assurance UIRI shall continue to engage in: • Prudent and informed choices of technology sure by deploying competent of staff and best strategies for technology transfer • Establishment of model agro processing that will stimulate raw material production for primary processing and subsequent secondary processing that will result into industrial manufacturing • Taking technology to the people will encourage local participation at different levels of industrialization • Extended services to incubatees and private sector Table V3.3: Key Unit Costs of Services Provided and Services Funded (Shs '000)

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(ii) Vote Investment Plans The funding in the medium term is still very inadequate to achieve an industrialized and manufacturing economy yet industrialization is a key strategy in the National Development Plan to addressing the high levels of unemployment. It is mainly through support to value addition that primary industries will develop and hence fed into a manufacturing lead economy.UIRI shall undertake procurement process of the following UIRI required Machinery, Equipment and Technologies Technology Development Center • Machinery and equipment for establishment of a Foundry Vaccine production unit • Incubator for the Vaccine Production Unit Bakery • Four Deck Baking Oven i.e. used for baking especially cakes • Dough Mixer (75kg dough capacity) to be used for mixing dough of up to 75kg • Extruder to be used for making instant breakfast cereals e.g. cornflakes and pet foods • Other small equipment/tools needed for Chocolate Making Project Essential oil project • Agri-weave technology • 500kg Essential Oil distillation unit • Irrigation Systems • Purchase nursery inputs • Renew organic certification services for essential oil project Chemistry laboratory • Soxtec system (Fat content), Fiber Tec system(fiber content) & Kjel-tec system (protein) • Procurement of Laboratory Analytical Balance • Procurement of Gas Chromatography/ Mass spectrometer (GC-MS) equipment • 10 Analytical Chemistry & Laboratory text books Instrumentation division • 3D rapid prototyping printer • Light Intensity meter • Air Flow rate meter(Anenometer) • Pressure meter/Manometer • Hygro-Thermometer • Power supply with variable negative range • Reflow ovens • Drilling machine(handheld) • Drilling machine(bench machine) • Printer/Scanner/Copier, Computer (to be handled by ICT) • Logic Analyzer • Moisture meter • Clamp meter • Multi-meter • Documenting Process Calibrator Food laboratory • MAP packaging technology • Extrusion technology • Separation technology Bakery • Deluxe Professional Airbrush Cake Decorating System • Infrared Thermometer • Countertop Microwave Oven • Polycarbonate Chocolate Moulds • Silicone Scoop Shovel Scrapper Rabbler Multipurpose Spreader (pack of 3) • Spoon Shaped Silicone Spatula Scrapper • Fondant modeling Set • Table Top Tempera • Bench Scraper(large) • Bench Scraper (Medium) Vote Overview

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• Offset Spatula • Pastry Scraper • Multi-purpose Bowl Scraper • Chocolate Shaver • Chocolate Decorating Comb and Smoother (4"x6") • Ladle (½ oz) • Chocolate Dipping Tool Set • Chocolate Dipping Tool Basket • Mixing Bowl (4 quart) • Double Boiler Insert 8 Cup Capacity • Non-Stick Chocolate Bark Mold & Baker’s Quarter Sheet • Silicone Non-stick Baking Sheets • White Marble Superfine Grain Slab • Hot Air Gun • Aluminum Chocolate Wrapping foil Meat technology • Ice Flake Machine 500 Kgs/ 24 Hrs • Sausage Filler 30 Lt • Blast Freezer 4m X 4m Min Temp -18 Degrees • Band Saw Free Standing • Brine Injector Dairy technology • Aluminum Milk Cans (50 Litre Capacity) - 50 Pieces • Manual Cup Sealers - 3 Pieces • Heavy Duty Plastic Crates - 200 pieces • Positive Displacement Pump - 1 unit On- Line milk filter - 1 unit Automatic Vertical Form, fill & Seal Packaging Machine Small Scale Dairy Processing Equipment Lira Peanut and Research Center • Peanut grinder for grinding ground nuts into peanut butter. This will enable us meet the demand because we roast a lot but the current grinder has a low capacity compared to the roasted capacity • Generator is need especially when there is load shedding there is no other way to push ground nuts out of the roaster or cooler. All the big losses we have had are attributed to this. • Compressor to deliver compressed air to filling machine for automatic filling • Sachet packing machine for filling Peanut butter into sachets • Welding machine for joining/welding processing machinery together especially during maintenance • Laboratory Centrifuge • Moisture analyzer • Analytical balance • Laboratory Oven • Laboratory Blender Table V3.4: Allocations by Class of Output over the Medium Term (i) Allocation (Shs Bn) (ii) % Vote Budget Billion Uganda Shillings 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 Consumption Expendture(Outputs Provided) 10.2 10.4 10.6 11.9 72.9% 72.7% 72.4% 74.4% Investment (Capital Purchases) 3.8 3.9 4.0 4.1 27.1% 27.3% 27.6% 25.6% Grand Total 14.0 14.3 14.7 15.9 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% Table V3.5: Major Capital Investments (Outputs of class Capital Purchases over 0.5Billion) Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15 Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditures and Outputs by Proposed Budget, Planned Outputs (Quantity and Location) End March Outputs (Quantity and Location) UShs Thousand (Quantity and Location) Vote Function: 06 51 Industrial Research Project 0430 Uganda Industrial Research Institute

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Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15 Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditures and Outputs by Proposed Budget, Planned Outputs (Quantity and Location) End March Outputs (Quantity and Location) UShs Thousand (Quantity and Location) 065172 Government - Construct the northern 1. Completion of Northern - Upgrading of access road to Buildings and Boundary wall Boundary wall works - Six the Eastern gate as it is Laying Administrative - Upgrade the storm water columns that were pending of stabilized gravel Infrastructure channel along the northern casting were completed. Block - Proposed Incubation center at boundary work completed entirely. Namanve - A model facility - Upgrade the access road to the Finishing works on the columns - Chemistry lab refurbishment A Eastern gate are currently being carried out. model facility - Finish architectural Plans for Coping works yet to be done - Proposed water bottling plant the construction of Namanve 2. Installation of Electric in Bushenyi multi-purpose incubation facility Fencing for the Northern - Proposed Kigezi Diocese Boundary wall -Installation of Poultry House all Electric fencing works and - Proposed Maziba Winery security lighting system for the Project, Kabale Northern Boundary wall have - Proposed Kika Farm Juice been completed processing facility in Luweroo 3. Internal Painting of selected - Proposed MAFFACO Buildings at UIRI - Design and (Masindi fruits farmer's BOQ’s and implementation Company) Mango Juice supervision have been planned. Processing Plant. Internal painting of the plants - Proposed Ikirah Soap are meant to improve the Processing Factory Lyatonde, sanitary conditions of the Mitooma facilities to enable them attain - Proposed Model Diary Farm in UNBS inspection standards. Ntungamo A model farm External painting is to improve - Proposed Itojo Juice the aesthetics and general processing plant. Ntungamo outlook of the UIRI campus. District The next phase of painting will - Proposed G.nut processing include: Dairy shade painting, plant in Agago. A model facility Refurbishment of ICT Rooms, - Extra works at Essential oils Painting works at Ceramics, Luweero Variation to additional Refurbishment of Engineering scope to include office premises Blocks. and wet areas - Proposed Water bottling plant for J & S in Kawempe A model facility - Arua Savoury Classic meat processing Plant

Total 542,500 387,979 542,500 GoU Development 542,500 387,979 542,500 External Financingt 0 0 0

065177 Purchase of Processing equipment and The following equipment, Vaccine production unit Specialised laboratory instruments are machinery and technologies - Incubator for the Vaccine Machinery & obtained to facilitate scientific were procured and delivered in Production Unit Equipment innovations and value addition Q3 other equipment’s, Bakery through research and small- technologies and machinery are - Four Deck Baking Oven i.e. scale enterprise support and still under procurement used for baking especially cakes development processes - Dough Mixer (75kg dough UIRI shall procure the following 1. One Freeze Dryer for Vaccine capacity) to be used for mixing specialized Machinery and Laboratory supplied. dough of up to 75kg equipment 2. A LabFreeze was procured - Extruder to be used for - Polyethylene Agri weave weed 3. Lyophiliser with Hydraulic making instant breakfast cereals mat Stoppering Mechanism - Model e.g. cornflakes and pet foods - Interactive Traffic Light DF50 Supplied with Vitrac - Other small equipment/tools System Vacuum Pump displacement to needed for Chocolate Making - Automatic indoor/outdoor 10PA (the capacity Lyophilliser Project lighting system was received and Installed and Essential oil project - Keypad based door lock system commissioned. The new unit - Agri-weave technology - Mother’s baby thermometer increases batch capacity from - 500kg Essential Oil distillation - Biomedical Monitoring 500,000 doses per batch to unit System (Heart rate and blood 2,500,000 doses per batch) - Irrigation Systems oxygen saturation measurement) 4. Procured 2 Hot - Purchase nursery inputs - Intrusion Detection System plate/Magnetic Stirrer and 2 - Renew organic certification - Solar Powered Egg incubator heating services for essential oil project - Weighing Scale mantles. Chemistry laboratory - Automated Intravenous Fluid - Soxtec system (Fat content), delivery regulator system 5. Procured FTIR laboratory Fiber Tec system(fiber content) - Automatic Voltage Regulator equipment which was installed & Kjel-tec system (protein) - Field vehicle for Director TDC and tested - Procurement of Laboratory Vote Overview

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Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15 Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditures and Outputs by Proposed Budget, Planned Outputs (Quantity and Location) End March Outputs (Quantity and Location) UShs Thousand (Quantity and Location) - Temperature Monitoring 6. Procurement of equipment Analytical Balance Control and consumables for the - Procurement of Gas - Fingerprint and pin code based laboratory experiments of Chromatography/ Mass security access control system Spirilina Project (Spirulina spectrometer (GC-MS) - Motion detection platens) was conducted and equipment - bowl cutter, Request for Quotation sent out; - 10 Analytical Chemistry & - pasteurizer, with only one bid submitted. Laboratory text books - Form fill seal machine The Bid was non –responsive. Instrumentation division - Distillation equipments for The procurement process was - 3D rapid prototyping printer essential oil extraction cancelled and re-started due to - Light Intensity meter - Laboratory equipment for Lack of competent and willing - Air Flow rate analyze of oil quality suppliers for the materials meter(Anenometer) - Compressors for the Ceramic required; especially the pure - Pressure meter/Manometer Unit Spirulina platensis culture. - Hygro-Thermometer Direct procurement from - Power supply with variable international providers has been negative range suggested - Reflow ovens - Drilling machine(handheld) - Drilling machine(bench machine) - Printer/Scanner/Copier, Computer (to be handled by ICT) - Logic Analyzer - Moisture meter - Clamp meter - Multi-meter - Documenting Process Calibrator Food laboratory - Extruder - Develop breakfast cereals, instant porridges, nooddles from local foods like cassava and sweet potato (Q2) - Desktop pasteurizer - Enable physical preservation of fluid foods at lab level before packaging (Q3) - Electrical dryer - Fast and efficient drying of food products during product development (Q3) - cooker - Acquire an effective heat source in the laboratory (Q1) - Industrial blender - Acquire an equipment that can blend and mix (Q2) - Gas cylinders with regulators (C02, N2, O2) - Accessories the MAP equipment already procured with a gas supply (Q3) - MAP packaging technology - Extrusion technology - Separation technology - Bakery - Deluxe Professional Airbrush Cake Decorating System - Infrared Thermometer - Countertop Microwave Oven - Polycarbonate Chocolate Moulds - Silicone Scoop Shovel Scrapper Rabbler Multipurpose Spreader (pack of 3) - Spoon Shaped Silicone Spatula Scrapper - Fondant modeling Set - Table Top Tempera - Bench Scraper(large) - Bench Scraper (Medium) Vote Overview

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Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15 Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditures and Outputs by Proposed Budget, Planned Outputs (Quantity and Location) End March Outputs (Quantity and Location) UShs Thousand (Quantity and Location) - Offset Spatula - Pastry Scraper - Multi-purpose Bowl Scraper - Chocolate Shaver - Chocolate Decorating Comb and Smoother (4"x6") - Ladle (½ oz) - Chocolate Dipping Tool Set - Chocolate Dipping Tool Basket - Mixing Bowl (4 quart) - Double Boiler Insert 8 Cup Capacity - Non-Stick Chocolate Bark Mold & Baker’s Quarter Sheet - Silicone Non-stick Baking Sheets - White Marble Superfine Grain Slab - Hot Air Gun - Aluminum Chocolate Wrapping foil - Meat technology - Ice Flake Machine 500 Kgs/ 24 Hrs - Sausage Filler 30 Lt - Blast Freezer 4m X 4m Min Temp -18 Degrees - Band Saw Free Standing - Brine Injector - Dairy technology - Aluminum Milk Cans (50 Litre Capacity) - 50 Pieces - Manual Cup Sealers - 3 Pieces - Heavy Duty Plastic Crates - 200 pieces - Positive Displacement Pump - 1 unit - On- Line milk filter - 1 unit - Automatic Vertical Form, fill & Seal Packaging Machine - Small Scale Dairy Processing Equipment - Lira Peanut and Research Center - Peanut grinder for grinding ground nuts into peanut butter. This will enable us meet the demand because we roast a lot but the current grinder has a low capacity compared to the roasted capacity - Generator is need especially when there is load shedding there is no other way to push ground nuts out of the roaster or cooler. All the big losses we have had are attributed to this. - Compressor to deliver compressed air to filling machine for automatic filling - Sachet packing machine for filling Peanut butter into sachets - Welding machine for joining/welding processing machinery together especially during maintenance - Laboratory Centrifuge - Moisture analyzer - Analytical balance - Laboratory Oven - Laboratory Blender

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Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15 Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditures and Outputs by Proposed Budget, Planned Outputs (Quantity and Location) End March Outputs (Quantity and Location) UShs Thousand (Quantity and Location) Total 4,371,598 3,061,767 3,287,971 GoU Development 4,371,598 3,061,767 3,287,971 External Financingt 0 0 0

(iii) Priority Vote Actions to Improve Sector Performance UIRI’s key policy and process to be carried out and planned to address vote performance issues include but not limited to: • Enhanced training and skills capacity building as included in the training budget item. Staff to Continuous training for technical personnel keeps them updated with evolving technologies and information that propels them to perform more effectively and efficiently. • Collaboration with other agencies, WAITRO, CSIR, provide knowledge and experience sharing platforms that benefit and improve on methodology of best practices • Facilitating dialogue and workshops for necessary exposure from those ahead of us For Value for money assurance UIRI shall continue to engage in: • Prudent and informed choices of technology sure by deploying competent of staff and best strategies for technology transfer • Establishment of model agro processing that will stimulate raw material production for primary processing and subsequent secondary processing that will result into industrial manufacturing • Taking technology to the people will encourage local participation at different levels of industrialization • Extended services to incubatees and private sector The above intuitive will aim at addressing the following challenges

socio- economic transformation Table V3.6: Vote Actions to Improve Sector Performance 2013/14 Planned Actions: 2013/14 Actual Actions: 2014/15 Planned Actions: MT Strategy: Sector Outcome 1: A Competitive and Export-oriented Industrial Sector Vote Function: 06 51 Industrial Research VF Performance Issue: Inadequate application of scientific research and technology for development Development of human The Institute has established Upgrade staff skills to measure Development of human resourse skills needed for platforms for value addition up to the ever evolving resource capacity to undertake comprehensive handling of through product development, technologies to be able to applied research; Establish new and already existing process definition, technology design and develop project pilot center in two technologies, market and acquisition, and pilot competititve products and municipalities; Development product research to match processing services of industrial projects and appropriate and cost effective UIRI is also engaged in technologies for technologies, management of Technology Transfer, commercializatio academia and industry Technology Diffusion, technology transfer. Technology Development, and fabrication of machinery. Both Vote Overview

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2013/14 Planned Actions: 2013/14 Actual Actions: 2014/15 Planned Actions: MT Strategy: approaches have been found as practical means of application of scientific research and technology for development. VF Performance Issue: Un-competitiveness of local industries In partnership with capable UIRI is providing state-of-the- Enhance the Business Set up a technology depository private partners through art laboratory analytical incubation portfolio. Take at UIRI; Establish regional business incubation will services (i.e. microbiology, technology to the people business incubation centers in develop and commercialize a chemistry, and biotechnology) industrial parks; Install a range of value added and Spearheading impartation foundry and mineral products. Work with of pertinent technical skills to beneficiation testing lab at Agricultural institutes in ensure that developed UIRI. developing crop varieties and products are certified. This has animal breeds suitable for resulted into production of high value products. high quality and competitive Ugandan products and consequent establishment of competitive local industries. Sector Outcome 3: Improved Competitiveness and Market Access of Uganda's Goods and Services Vote Function: 06 51 Industrial Research VF Performance Issue: The need to functionalize set up value addition projects Operationalise model value Establishment of value Establish the Regional Establishment of five multi- additional centers that have addition centersa and Scientific and Innovation hub function value addition centers been set up for demonstration management of an elaborate as Center of Excellence. across at regional level; of the benefits of value Business Incubator has Developed value added addition and hence widen stimulated increased local industries especially agro awareness and interest in the production of raw materials, industries as per the National public. These will act as hubs local manual labour and hence agro zone centers. for knowledge and skills functioning of set up value transfer. addition centers.

V4: Proposed Budget Allocations for 2014/15 and the Medium Term This section sets out the proposed vote budget allocations for 2014/15 and the medium term, including major areas of expenditures and any notable changes in allocations. Table V4.1: Past Outturns and Medium Term Projections by Vote Function* 2013/14 MTEF Budget Projections * Excluding Taxes and Arrears 2012/13 Appr. Releases Outturn Budget End Mar 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17

Vote: 110 Uganda Industrial Research Institute

0651 Industrial Research 10.843 14.012 10.976 14.340 14.678 15.946 Total for Vote: 10.843 14.012 10.976 14.340 14.678 15.946

(i) The Total Budget over the Medium Term (ii) The major expenditure allocations in the Vote for 2014/15 UIRI's major expenditure is on purchase of specialized machinery and equipment. The focal point in industrializing Uganda is to establish primary industries that would feed into manufacturing industry. The machinery and equipment purchased are for establishment of model or primary industries that would stimulate increased production of raw materials, increased processed volumes necessary for industrial production. (iii) The major planned changes in resource allocations within the Vote for 2014/15 • Inadequate investment in R&D which had been proposed to be at least 1% of GDP but is still lower than 0.04% • Societal mindset in respect to quality, especially quality products, continues to hamper creation of competitive enterprises • Society’s inclination towards retail business also doesn’t encourage investment in production facilities • Other drawbacks include lack of entrepreneur skills within private sector low availability of affordable Vote Overview

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Vote: 110 Uganda Industrial Research Institute financing, low level of technology use and lack of requisite technical skills • Institutions of higher learning are not adequately preparing graduates to take participation in industrial activities Table V4.2: Key Changes in Vote Resource Allocation Changes in Budget Allocations and Outputs Justification for proposed Changes in 2014/15 from 2013/14 Planned Levels: in Expenditure and Outputs Vote Function:0601 Industrial Research Output: 0651 01 Administation and Support Services UShs Bn: 0.329

Output: 0651 02 Research and Development UShs Bn: -0.308 This output will be measured against number of regional pilot processing plants set up. Number of value added products produced Number of SMEs Output: 0651 05 Facility Repair and Maintenance UShs Bn: 0.108 The out put will be measured by operation condition or status of the repaired machinery and equipment and physical facilities Output: 0651 08 Popularization of research and technologies UShs Bn: 0.020

Output: 0651 76 Purchase of Office and ICT Equipment, including Software UShs Bn: 0.010

Table V4.3: 2013/14 and 2014/15 Budget Allocations by Item 2013/14 Approved Budget 2014/15 Draft Estimates Million Uganda Shillings GoU Ext. Fin AIA Total GoU Ext. Fin AIA Total Output Class: Outputs Provided 10,116.8 0.0 100.0 10,216.8 10,318.7 0.0 100.0 10,418.7 211102 Contract Staff Salaries (Incl. Casuals, Temp 4,728.7 0.0 0.0 4,728.7 5,292.1 0.0 0.0 5,292.1 211103 Allowances 107.1 0.0 0.0 107.1 98.5 0.0 0.0 98.5 212101 Social Security Contributions 472.9 0.0 0.0 472.9 529.2 0.0 0.0 529.2 213001 Medical expenses (To employees) 200.0 0.0 0.0 200.0 200.0 0.0 0.0 200.0 221001 Advertising and Public Relations 29.2 0.0 0.0 29.2 29.2 0.0 0.0 29.2 221002 Workshops and Seminars 4.0 0.0 0.0 4.0 4.0 0.0 0.0 4.0 221003 Staff Training 110.0 0.0 0.0 110.0 155.5 0.0 0.0 155.5 221004 Recruitment Expenses 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 221007 Books, Periodicals & Newspapers 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.6 0.0 0.0 30.6 221009 Welfare and Entertainment 79.2 0.0 0.0 79.2 82.0 0.0 0.0 82.0 221011 Printing, Stationery, Photocopying and Bind 6.3 0.0 0.0 6.3 13.8 0.0 0.0 13.8 221012 Small Office Equipment 28.0 0.0 0.0 28.0 28.0 0.0 0.0 28.0 221017 Subscriptions 3.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 10.2 0.0 0.0 10.2 222001 Telecommunications 69.0 0.0 0.0 69.0 72.0 0.0 0.0 72.0 222002 Postage and Courier 2.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 222003 Information and communications technolog 133.0 0.0 0.0 133.0 35.0 0.0 0.0 35.0 223001 Property Expenses 93.0 0.0 0.0 93.0 99.0 0.0 0.0 99.0 223002 Rates 45.0 0.0 0.0 45.0 53.8 0.0 0.0 53.8 223004 Guard and Security services 104.0 0.0 0.0 104.0 138.7 0.0 0.0 138.7 223005 Electricity 543.8 0.0 80.0 623.8 543.8 0.0 80.0 623.8 223006 Water 120.0 0.0 20.0 140.0 134.1 0.0 20.0 154.1 223007 Other Utilities- (fuel, gas, firewood, charcoa 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 126.5 0.0 0.0 126.5 224001 Medical and Agricultural supplies 198.0 0.0 0.0 198.0 248.2 0.0 0.0 248.2 224002 General Supply of Goods and Services 1,491.2 0.0 0.0 1,491.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 224004 Cleaning and Sanitation 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 138.2 0.0 0.0 138.2 224005 Uniforms, Beddings and Protective Gear 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 80.1 0.0 0.0 80.1 224006 Agricultural Supplies 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 550.6 0.0 0.0 550.6 226001 Insurances 80.0 0.0 0.0 80.0 35.0 0.0 0.0 35.0

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249 Uganda Industrial Research Institute Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 110 Uganda Industrial Research Institute

2013/14 Approved Budget 2014/15 Draft Estimates Million Uganda Shillings GoU Ext. Fin AIA Total GoU Ext. Fin AIA Total 227001 Travel inland 11.9 0.0 0.0 11.9 11.9 0.0 0.0 11.9 227002 Travel abroad 187.1 0.0 0.0 187.1 187.1 0.0 0.0 187.1 227003 Carriage, Haulage, Freight and transport hir 10.0 0.0 0.0 10.0 10.0 0.0 0.0 10.0 227004 Fuel, Lubricants and Oils 238.8 0.0 0.0 238.8 238.3 0.0 0.0 238.3 228001 Maintenance - Civil 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 50.0 0.0 0.0 50.0 228002 Maintenance - Vehicles 238.4 0.0 0.0 238.4 237.8 0.0 0.0 237.8 228003 Maintenance – Machinery, Equipment & Fu 782.0 0.0 0.0 782.0 852.5 0.0 0.0 852.5 Output Class: Capital Purchases 4,994.9 0.0 0.0 4,994.9 3,921.5 0.0 0.0 3,921.5 231001 Non Residential buildings (Depreciation) 542.5 0.0 0.0 542.5 542.5 0.0 0.0 542.5 231005 Machinery and equipment 3,252.4 0.0 0.0 3,252.4 3,379.0 0.0 0.0 3,379.0 312206 Gross Tax 1,200.0 0.0 0.0 1,200.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Grand Total: 15,111.6 0.0 100.0 15,211.6 14,240.2 0.0 100.0 14,340.2 Total Excluding Taxes, Arrears and AIA 13,911.6 0.0 0.0 13,911.6 14,240.2 0.0 0.0 14,240.2 ***where AIA is Appropriation in Aid V5: Vote Cross-Cutting Policy and Other Budgetary Issues This section discusses how the vote's plans will address and respond to the cross-cutting policy, issues of gender and equity; HIV/AIDS; and the Environment, and other budgetary issues such as Arrears and NTR..

(i) Cross-cutting Policy Issues (a) Gender and Equity Objective: Under recruitment and staffing Issue of Concern :

Proposed Intervensions

Budget Allocations UGX billion Performance Indicators

(b) HIV/AIDS Objective: under the medical budget item Issue of Concern :

Proposed Intervensions

Budget Allocations UGX billion Performance Indicators

(c) Environment Objective: under research and development Issue of Concern :

Proposed Intervensions

Budget Allocations UGX billion Performance Indicators

Vote Overview

250 Uganda Industrial Research Institute Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 110 Uganda Industrial Research Institute

(ii) Verrified Outstanding Arrears for the Vote

N/A (iii) Non Tax Revenue Collections 2013/14 2012/13 2013/14 Prel 2014/15 Source of NTR UShs Bn Actual Budget Actual Projected Rent & rates – produced assets – from private entities 0.000 0.100 Total: 0.000 0.100 Contributions by UNBS

Vote Overview

251 Vote 154 Uganda National Bureau of Standards FY 2014/15 Vote Function 0652: Quality Assurance and Standards Development Program : Headquarters CostCentre: Uganda National Bureau of Standa District : Busia

File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance Appointing Authority Authority 233 Ngarombo John Peter UNBS 7 1,307,722 15,692,664 UNBS 7 1,307,722 15,692,664 0 254 Behakanira David UNBS 7 1,307,722 15,692,664 UNBS 7 1,307,722 15,692,664 0 220 Baliraine Willy UNBS 7 1,307,722 15,692,664 UNBS 7 1,307,722 15,692,664 0 District : Jinja

File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance Appointing Authority Authority 67 Kapere Boniface UNBS 6 2,029,171 24,350,052 UNBS 6 2,029,171 24,350,052 0 91 Namayemba Irene UNBS 7 1,333,529 16,002,348 UNBS 7 1,333,529 16,002,348 0 218 Mulindwa Peter UNBS 7 1,307,722 15,692,664 UNBS 7 1,307,722 15,692,664 0 106 Meya Daniel UNBS 7 1,307,722 15,692,664 UNBS 7 1,307,722 15,692,664 0 175 Emojong Denis Kidamba UNBS 7 1,307,722 15,692,664 UNBS 7 1,307,722 15,692,664 0 182 Wandera Samuel UNBS 7 1,307,722 15,692,664 UNBS 7 1,307,722 15,692,664 0 47 Kitenda Damiano UNBS 8 815,883 9,790,596 UNBS 8 815,883 9,790,596 0 394 Tigatola Farouk UNBS 9 547,042 6,564,504 UNBS 9 547,042 6,564,504 0

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252 Vote 154 Uganda National Bureau of Standards FY 2014/15 Vote Function 0652: Quality Assurance and Standards Development Program : Headquarters CostCentre: Uganda National Bureau of Standa District : Kampala

File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance Appointing Authority Authority 4 Manyindo Ben UNBS 1 20,000,000 240,000,000 UNBS 1 20,000,000 240,000,000 0 323 Ebiru David Livingstone UNBS 2 8,000,000 96,000,000 UNBS 2 8,000,000 96,000,000 0 25 Bageine Patricia Ejalu UNBS 2 8,000,000 96,000,000 UNBS 2 8,000,000 96,000,000 0 60 Mubangizi Jackson UNBS 3 5,011,095 60,133,140 UNBS 3 5,011,095 60,133,140 0 15 Lemeriga Yasin UNBS 3 5,011,095 60,133,140 UNBS 3 5,011,095 60,133,140 0 59 Musimami John UNBS 3 5,011,095 60,133,140 UNBS 3 5,011,095 60,133,140 0 138 Ampwera Davis UNBS 3 5,070,487 60,845,844 UNBS 3 5,070,487 60,845,844 0 17 Eboku David UNBS 3 5,070,487 60,845,844 UNBS 3 5,070,487 60,845,844 0 327 Nangalama Daniel UNBS 3 5,070,487 60,845,844 UNBS 3 5,070,487 60,845,844 0 216 Wenene Hellen Mary UNBS 3 4,951,703 59,420,436 UNBS 3 4,951,703 59,420,436 0 92 Imalingat Martin UNBS 3 5,070,487 60,845,844 UNBS 3 5,070,487 60,845,844 0 278 Akantunga Susan UNBS 3 5,070,487 60,845,844 UNBS 3 5,070,487 60,845,844 0 63 Mubangizi Duesdedit UNBS 3 5,427,630 65,131,560 UNBS 3 5,427,630 65,131,560 0 328 Othieno Andrew UNBS 3 5,070,487 60,845,844 UNBS 3 5,070,487 60,845,844 0 66 Okumu John UNBS 4 3,490,867 41,890,404 UNBS 4 3,490,867 41,890,404 0 26 Ndifuna Abdul UNBS 4 4,470,570 53,646,840 UNBS 4 4,470,570 53,646,840 0 140 Nalule Prosscovia UNBS 4 3,270,569 39,246,828 UNBS 4 3,270,569 39,246,828 0 107 Kwesiga Jacqueline Kyokunda UNBS 4 3,627,712 43,532,544 UNBS 4 3,627,712 43,532,544 0 13 Mukwaya Bernard UNBS 4 3,490,867 41,890,404 UNBS 4 3,490,867 41,890,404 0

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253 Vote 154 Uganda National Bureau of Standards FY 2014/15 Vote Function 0652: Quality Assurance and Standards Development Program : Headquarters CostCentre: Uganda National Bureau of Standa District : Kampala

File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance Appointing Authority Authority 192 Kitimbo Peter UNBS 4 3,627,713 43,532,556 UNBS 4 3,627,713 43,532,556 0 28 Ochwo Vincent Olie UNBS 4 3,224,954 38,699,448 UNBS 4 3,224,954 38,699,448 0 6 Kayongo Mark UNBS 4 4,870,570 58,446,840 UNBS 4 4,870,570 58,446,840 0 57 Namuga Safina UNBS 4 3,224,954 38,699,448 UNBS 4 3,224,954 38,699,448 0 148 Kimera Azziz Mukota UNBS 4 3,582,097 42,985,164 UNBS 4 3,582,097 42,985,164 0 297 Nahamya Moses Bamuyaaga UNBS 4 3,071,628 36,859,536 UNBS 4 3,071,628 36,859,536 0 43 Opiyo George UNBS 4 3,133,724 37,604,688 UNBS 4 3,133,724 37,604,688 0 58 Kiwanuka John UNBS 4 3,224,954 38,699,448 UNBS 4 3,224,954 38,699,448 0 54 Apolot Stella UNBS 4 3,133,724 37,604,688 UNBS 4 3,133,724 37,604,688 0 115 Kagoda Eric UNBS 4 3,224,954 38,699,448 UNBS 4 3,224,954 38,699,448 0 342 Bagonza Chris Ian UNBS 5 2,498,787 29,985,444 UNBS 5 2,498,787 29,985,444 0 100 Rwashana Simon UNBS 5 2,542,180 30,506,160 UNBS 5 2,542,180 30,506,160 0 244 Nabbengo Annette UNBS 5 2,542,181 30,506,172 UNBS 5 2,542,181 30,506,172 0 303 Nabankema Justine UNBS 5 2,489,404 29,872,848 UNBS 5 2,489,404 29,872,848 0 306 Uzamukunda Sherinah UNBS 5 2,489,404 29,872,848 UNBS 5 2,489,404 29,872,848 0 29 Kitimbo Lawrence UNBS 5 2,643,374 31,720,488 UNBS 5 2,643,374 31,720,488 0 110 Atugonza Winifred UNBS 5 2,609,643 31,315,716 UNBS 5 2,609,643 31,315,716 0 117 Kayhul David UNBS 5 2,609,643 31,315,716 UNBS 5 2,609,643 31,315,716 0 119 Kyazze John UNBS 5 2,575,912 30,910,944 UNBS 5 2,575,912 30,910,944 0

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254 Vote 154 Uganda National Bureau of Standards FY 2014/15 Vote Function 0652: Quality Assurance and Standards Development Program : Headquarters CostCentre: Uganda National Bureau of Standa District : Kampala

File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance Appointing Authority Authority 155 Kizito Rebecca UNBS 5 2,542,180 30,506,160 UNBS 5 2,542,180 30,506,160 0 64 Ebong Richard UNBS 5 3,133,724 37,604,688 UNBS 5 3,133,724 37,604,688 0 53 Nsimbi Dorothy Magunga UNBS 5 2,643,374 31,720,488 UNBS 5 2,643,374 31,720,488 0 134 Atugonza Daniel UNBS 5 2,575,912 30,910,944 UNBS 5 2,575,912 30,910,944 0 262 Ojok Gilbert Oryema UNBS 5 2,542,181 30,506,172 UNBS 5 2,542,181 30,506,172 0 14 Kaviiri Dentons P.H UNBS 5 3,200,517 38,406,204 UNBS 5 3,200,517 38,406,204 0 259 Oryang Joel UNBS 6 1,956,363 23,476,356 UNBS 6 1,956,363 23,476,356 0 272 Mufumbiro Hakim Baligeya UNBS 6 1,956,363 23,476,356 UNBS 6 1,956,363 23,476,356 0 271 Enaru Francis UNBS 6 2,029,171 24,350,052 UNBS 6 2,029,171 24,350,052 0 257 Ssewanyana Jameson UNBS 6 1,956,363 23,476,356 UNBS 6 1,956,363 23,476,356 0 239 Iberet Joseph UNBS 6 2,313,506 27,762,072 UNBS 6 2,313,506 27,762,072 0 240 Tabula Arthur UNBS 6 2,313,506 27,762,072 UNBS 6 2,313,506 27,762,072 0 241 Namutebi Eva UNBS 6 2,313,506 27,762,072 UNBS 6 2,313,506 27,762,072 0 265 Nalwoga Mariam UNBS 6 1,956,363 23,476,356 UNBS 6 1,956,363 23,476,356 0 270 Ssubi Allan Johnson UNBS 6 2,029,171 24,350,052 UNBS 6 2,029,171 24,350,052 0 264 Shaka Vitalis UNBS 6 1,956,363 23,476,356 UNBS 6 1,956,363 23,476,356 0 269 Were Moreen UNBS 6 1,956,363 23,476,356 UNBS 6 1,956,363 23,476,356 0 263 Kironde Gaston Ssebalamu UNBS 6 1,956,363 23,476,356 UNBS 6 1,956,363 23,476,356 0 245 Kayiwa Simeo UNBS 6 2,313,506 27,762,072 UNBS 6 2,313,506 27,762,072 0

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255 Vote 154 Uganda National Bureau of Standards FY 2014/15 Vote Function 0652: Quality Assurance and Standards Development Program : Headquarters CostCentre: Uganda National Bureau of Standa District : Kampala

File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance Appointing Authority Authority 248 Wanzala Hellen E. UNBS 6 1,956,363 23,476,356 UNBS 6 1,956,363 23,476,356 0 243 Seguya Charles UNBS 6 1,956,363 23,476,356 UNBS 6 1,956,363 23,476,356 0 160 Bakulumpagi Daniel Nsimbi UNBS 6 1,956,363 23,476,356 UNBS 6 1,956,363 23,476,356 0 101 Twubahe Laura UNBS 6 1,980,632 23,767,584 UNBS 6 1,980,632 23,767,584 0 102 Nakibuuka Mary UNBS 6 2,337,775 28,053,300 UNBS 6 2,337,775 28,053,300 0 104 Wafula Charles UNBS 6 2,004,902 24,058,824 UNBS 6 2,004,902 24,058,824 0 112 Kaleebi Mathias UNBS 6 2,337,775 28,053,300 UNBS 6 2,337,775 28,053,300 0 118 Tondo Zainah UNBS 6 2,004,902 24,058,824 UNBS 6 2,004,902 24,058,824 0 120 Namara Innocent UNBS 6 2,004,902 24,058,824 UNBS 6 2,004,902 24,058,824 0 127 Lugoloobi Joseph Mugobasonga UNBS 6 1,980,632 23,767,584 UNBS 6 1,980,632 23,767,584 0 130 Mpuga Charles UNBS 6 1,956,363 23,476,356 UNBS 6 1,956,363 23,476,356 0 136 Walyendo Nicholas UNBS 6 1,956,363 23,476,356 UNBS 6 1,956,363 23,476,356 0 139 Kizito Patrick UNBS 6 2,036,363 24,436,356 UNBS 6 2,036,363 24,436,356 0 144 Namara Rodgers UNBS 6 1,956,363 23,476,356 UNBS 6 1,956,363 23,476,356 0 169 Kamusiime Barbra UNBS 6 3,156,363 37,876,356 UNBS 6 3,156,363 37,876,356 0 159 Ageta Emmanuel UNBS 6 1,956,363 23,476,356 UNBS 6 1,956,363 23,476,356 0 222 Kobere Betty Nayah UNBS 6 1,956,363 23,476,356 UNBS 6 1,956,363 23,476,356 0 161 Kobere Linda UNBS 6 1,956,363 23,476,356 UNBS 6 1,956,363 23,476,356 0 165 Bahati Immaculate UNBS 6 2,313,506 27,762,072 UNBS 6 2,313,506 27,762,072 0

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256 Vote 154 Uganda National Bureau of Standards FY 2014/15 Vote Function 0652: Quality Assurance and Standards Development Program : Headquarters CostCentre: Uganda National Bureau of Standa District : Kampala

File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance Appointing Authority Authority 172 Kabuye Geofrey UNBS 6 1,956,363 23,476,356 UNBS 6 1,956,363 23,476,356 0 179 Naiga Zaitun UNBS 6 1,980,632 23,767,584 UNBS 6 1,980,632 23,767,584 0 183 Mwesige Gerald UNBS 6 2,313,506 27,762,072 UNBS 6 2,313,506 27,762,072 0 193 Nakyeyune Josephine UNBS 6 1,956,363 23,476,356 UNBS 6 1,956,363 23,476,356 0 198 Mutebi Thomas UNBS 6 2,029,171 24,350,052 UNBS 6 2,029,171 24,350,052 0 202 Mutabazi Centson Derek UNBS 6 1,956,363 23,476,356 UNBS 6 1,956,363 23,476,356 0 210 Baire Richard UNBS 6 1,956,363 23,476,356 UNBS 6 1,956,363 23,476,356 0 214 Nabaggala Prossy UNBS 6 1,956,363 23,476,356 UNBS 6 1,956,363 23,476,356 0 215 Nakagya Irene UNBS 6 1,956,363 23,476,356 UNBS 6 1,956,363 23,476,356 0 217 Musuga Maurice UNBS 6 1,980,632 23,767,584 UNBS 6 1,980,632 23,767,584 0 147 Lutaaya Joseph UNBS 6 2,029,171 24,350,052 UNBS 6 2,029,171 24,350,052 0 313 Ahimbisibwe Ronald UNBS 6 1,863,203 22,358,436 UNBS 6 1,863,203 22,358,436 0 341 Wafula Collins UNBS 6 1,863,203 22,358,436 UNBS 6 1,863,203 22,358,436 0 302 Mulumia Patrick Oundo UNBS 6 2,609,643 31,315,716 UNBS 6 2,609,643 31,315,716 0 324 Akwap Pamela UNBS 6 1,863,203 22,358,436 UNBS 6 1,863,203 22,358,436 0 339 Kibisi Steven UNBS 6 1,863,203 22,358,436 UNBS 6 1,863,203 22,358,436 0 305 Mbidde John UNBS 6 1,863,203 22,358,436 UNBS 6 1,863,203 22,358,436 0 338 Nduhura Paul UNBS 6 1,863,203 22,358,436 UNBS 6 1,863,203 22,358,436 0 337 Kauma Joan Brenda UNBS 6 1,863,203 22,358,436 UNBS 6 1,863,203 22,358,436 0

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257 Vote 154 Uganda National Bureau of Standards FY 2014/15 Vote Function 0652: Quality Assurance and Standards Development Program : Headquarters CostCentre: Uganda National Bureau of Standa District : Kampala

File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance Appointing Authority Authority 336 Nantongo Irene UNBS 6 1,863,203 22,358,436 UNBS 6 1,863,203 22,358,436 0 301 Gashishiri Ritah UNBS 6 1,863,203 22,358,436 UNBS 6 1,863,203 22,358,436 0 335 Mucunguzi Frankline UNBS 6 1,863,203 22,358,436 UNBS 6 1,863,203 22,358,436 0 340 Rubahamya Baron UNBS 6 1,863,203 22,358,436 UNBS 6 1,863,203 22,358,436 0 334 Nyakaisiki Elizabeth UNBS 6 1,863,203 22,358,436 UNBS 6 1,863,203 22,358,436 0 333 Matovu Moses UNBS 6 1,863,203 22,358,436 UNBS 6 1,863,203 22,358,436 0 331 Wadia Alfred UNBS 6 1,863,203 22,358,436 UNBS 6 1,863,203 22,358,436 0 255 Kahuma Philip UNBS 6 1,956,363 23,476,356 UNBS 6 1,956,363 23,476,356 0 279 Agonzibwa Caroline UNBS 6 1,956,363 23,476,356 UNBS 6 1,956,363 23,476,356 0 322 Otaryebwa Mike UNBS 6 1,863,203 22,358,436 UNBS 6 1,863,203 22,358,436 0 315 Kasule Lydia Nabikolo UNBS 6 1,863,203 22,358,436 UNBS 6 1,863,203 22,358,436 0 321 Bamwenda Maurice UNBS 6 1,863,203 22,358,436 UNBS 6 1,863,203 22,358,436 0 318 Mutabazi Daniel UNBS 6 1,863,203 22,358,436 UNBS 6 1,863,203 22,358,436 0 312 Opio Emmanuel Ecelu UNBS 6 1,863,203 22,358,436 UNBS 6 1,863,203 22,358,436 0 65 Mukisa Jackson UNBS 6 2,029,171 24,350,052 UNBS 6 2,029,171 24,350,052 0 97 Walakira Paul UNBS 6 3,071,628 36,859,536 UNBS 6 3,071,628 36,859,536 0 C24 Byansi Bashir UNBS 6 1,863,203 22,358,436 UNBS 6 1,863,203 22,358,436 0 68 Nvirimbi Charles Kalule UNBS 6 2,362,045 28,344,540 UNBS 6 2,362,045 28,344,540 0 285 Kalema Ali UNBS 6 1,956,363 23,476,356 UNBS 6 1,956,363 23,476,356 0

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258 Vote 154 Uganda National Bureau of Standards FY 2014/15 Vote Function 0652: Quality Assurance and Standards Development Program : Headquarters CostCentre: Uganda National Bureau of Standa District : Kampala

File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance Appointing Authority Authority 289 Kamukama Fionah UNBS 6 1,956,363 23,476,356 UNBS 6 1,956,363 23,476,356 0 282 Tashobya Dean UNBS 6 2,313,506 27,762,072 UNBS 6 2,313,506 27,762,072 0 93 Mulongo Grace UNBS 6 1,956,363 23,476,356 UNBS 6 1,956,363 23,476,356 0 62 Khaukha James UNBS 6 2,029,171 24,350,052 UNBS 6 2,029,171 24,350,052 0 300 Kirabo Sylvia UNBS 6 1,863,203 22,358,436 UNBS 6 1,863,203 22,358,436 0 36 Onekalit James UNBS 6 2,004,902 24,058,824 UNBS 6 2,004,902 24,058,824 0 281 Nakitto Maximilia UNBS 6 1,956,363 23,476,356 UNBS 6 1,956,363 23,476,356 0 C28 Mayanja Peter UNBS 7 1,307,722 15,692,664 UNBS 7 1,307,722 15,692,664 0 211 Senkaayi Francis UNBS 7 1,307,722 15,692,664 UNBS 7 1,307,722 15,692,664 0 197 Muzani Keith Rogers UNBS 7 1,307,722 15,692,664 UNBS 7 1,307,722 15,692,664 0 98 Ssanyu John UNBS 7 1,690,672 20,288,064 UNBS 7 1,690,672 20,288,064 0 208 Nyonda Robert UNBS 7 1,307,722 15,692,664 UNBS 7 1,307,722 15,692,664 0 94 Senkubuge Stephen UNBS 7 1,333,529 16,002,348 UNBS 7 1,333,529 16,002,348 0 162 Rwanyekiro Arthur UNBS 7 1,690,672 20,288,064 UNBS 7 1,690,672 20,288,064 0 176 Tebandeke David Sixtus UNBS 7 1,307,722 15,692,664 UNBS 7 1,307,722 15,692,664 0 158 Akello Juliet UNBS 7 1,307,722 15,692,664 UNBS 7 1,307,722 15,692,664 0 70 Nabagereka Grace UNBS 7 1,359,338 16,312,056 UNBS 7 1,359,338 16,312,056 0 173 Atukunda Agatha UNBS 7 1,307,722 15,692,664 UNBS 7 1,307,722 15,692,664 0 126 Nantongo Sarah UNBS 7 1,359,338 16,312,056 UNBS 7 1,359,338 16,312,056 0

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259 Vote 154 Uganda National Bureau of Standards FY 2014/15 Vote Function 0652: Quality Assurance and Standards Development Program : Headquarters CostCentre: Uganda National Bureau of Standa District : Kampala

File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance Appointing Authority Authority 170 Namulondo Ruth UNBS 7 1,307,722 15,692,664 UNBS 7 1,307,722 15,692,664 0 128 Odur Denis UNBS 7 1,333,529 16,002,348 UNBS 7 1,333,529 16,002,348 0 320 Namirembe Lillian UNBS 7 1,664,865 19,978,380 UNBS 7 1,664,865 19,978,380 0 39 Bwoye James UNBS 7 1,664,865 19,978,380 UNBS 7 1,664,865 19,978,380 0 145 Lutaaya Misaeri Sebyoto UNBS 7 1,307,722 15,692,664 UNBS 7 1,307,722 15,692,664 0 177 Tumwebaze Yosam UNBS 7 1,333,529 16,002,348 UNBS 7 1,333,529 16,002,348 0 253 Mbigo Ronald UNBS 7 1,307,722 15,692,664 UNBS 7 1,307,722 15,692,664 0 237 Kiyaka Tonny UNBS 7 1,307,722 15,692,664 UNBS 7 1,307,722 15,692,664 0 235 Musabi Diana UNBS 7 1,307,722 15,692,664 UNBS 7 1,307,722 15,692,664 0 232 Ateti Emmanuel UNBS 7 1,307,722 15,692,664 UNBS 7 1,307,722 15,692,664 0 231 Muwanguzi Emmanuel UNBS 7 1,307,722 15,692,664 UNBS 7 1,307,722 15,692,664 0 304 Swaleh Haruna UNBS 7 1,245,450 14,945,400 UNBS 7 1,245,450 14,945,400 0 319 Namakajjo Richard Jonathan UNBS 7 1,664,865 19,978,380 UNBS 7 1,664,865 19,978,380 0 250 Tagaba Herbert UNBS 7 1,664,865 19,978,380 UNBS 7 1,664,865 19,978,380 0 242 Semakalu Antonio UNBS 7 1,664,865 19,978,380 UNBS 7 1,664,865 19,978,380 0 252 Onyuthi Dominiqu Emons UNBS 7 1,307,722 15,692,664 UNBS 7 1,307,722 15,692,664 0 249 Awori Evelyn Osuna UNBS 7 1,307,722 15,692,664 UNBS 7 1,307,722 15,692,664 0 219 Kamuzizi Elex UNBS 7 1,307,722 15,692,664 UNBS 7 1,307,722 15,692,664 0 287 Waiswa James UNBS 7 1,307,722 15,692,664 UNBS 7 1,307,722 15,692,664 0

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260 Vote 154 Uganda National Bureau of Standards FY 2014/15 Vote Function 0652: Quality Assurance and Standards Development Program : Headquarters CostCentre: Uganda National Bureau of Standa District : Kampala

File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance Appointing Authority Authority 288 Mujabi Isaac UNBS 7 1,664,865 19,978,380 UNBS 7 1,664,865 19,978,380 0 C332 Kandwanaho Jonan UNBS 7 1,307,722 15,692,664 UNBS 7 1,307,722 15,692,664 0 307 Mugumya Ivan UNBS 8 766,540 9,198,480 UNBS 8 766,540 9,198,480 0 274 Mayengo Timothy UNBS 8 804,867 9,658,404 UNBS 8 804,867 9,658,404 0 290 Ebulu Michael UNBS 8 766,540 9,198,480 UNBS 8 766,540 9,198,480 0 87 Twinomujuni Wilson UNBS 8 815,883 9,790,596 UNBS 8 815,883 9,790,596 0 83 Bongole Richard UNBS 8 815,883 9,790,596 UNBS 8 815,883 9,790,596 0 343 Walyaula Joseph Joel UNBS 8 766,540 9,198,480 UNBS 8 766,540 9,198,480 0 348 Nkugwa Andrew UNBS 8 766,540 9,198,480 UNBS 8 766,540 9,198,480 0 150 Batamuliza Patience UNBS 8 804,891 9,658,692 UNBS 8 804,891 9,658,692 0 345 Akol Daniel UNBS 8 766,540 9,198,480 UNBS 8 766,540 9,198,480 0 346 Eriga Koma Fred UNBS 8 766,540 9,198,480 UNBS 8 766,540 9,198,480 0 347 Matovu Rameck Kikayira UNBS 8 766,540 9,198,480 UNBS 8 766,540 9,198,480 0 73 Wagongoba Edward UNBS 8 1,173,026 14,076,312 UNBS 8 1,173,026 14,076,312 0 260 Friday Geofrey UNBS 8 804,867 9,658,404 UNBS 8 804,867 9,658,404 0 122 Ndamagye George UNBS 8 815,883 9,790,596 UNBS 8 815,883 9,790,596 0 135 Kiggundu Yahaya UNBS 8 815,883 9,790,596 UNBS 8 815,883 9,790,596 0 50 Obore Nathan UNBS 8 815,883 9,790,596 UNBS 8 815,883 9,790,596 0 299 Oketcho Stephen UNBS 8 766,540 9,198,480 UNBS 8 766,540 9,198,480 0

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261 Vote 154 Uganda National Bureau of Standards FY 2014/15 Vote Function 0652: Quality Assurance and Standards Development Program : Headquarters CostCentre: Uganda National Bureau of Standa District : Kampala

File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance Appointing Authority Authority 344 Mugumya N. Ivan UNBS 8 766,540 9,198,480 UNBS 8 766,540 9,198,480 0 190 Alinaitwe Fred Sonford UNBS 8 804,867 9,658,404 UNBS 8 804,867 9,658,404 0 308 Mwine Armstrong UNBS 8 766,540 9,198,480 UNBS 8 766,540 9,198,480 0 207 Baguma Ronald UNBS 8 1,139,977 13,679,724 UNBS 8 1,139,977 13,679,724 0 325 Kayemba Ronald UNBS 8 766,540 9,198,480 UNBS 8 766,540 9,198,480 0 191 Kamugisha Edward UNBS 8 815,883 9,790,596 UNBS 8 815,883 9,790,596 0 189 Kasiira Dauda UNBS 8 815,883 9,790,596 UNBS 8 815,883 9,790,596 0 209 Olweny Awa Francis UNBS 8 1,139,977 13,679,724 UNBS 8 1,139,977 13,679,724 0 181 Namara Lydia Mugalula UNBS 8 782,834 9,394,008 UNBS 8 782,834 9,394,008 0 311 Okedi Salim UNBS 8 766,540 9,198,480 UNBS 8 766,540 9,198,480 0 329 Lwasa David UNBS 8 766,540 9,198,480 UNBS 8 766,540 9,198,480 0 196 Ssenabulya Rogers UNBS 9 782,834 9,394,008 UNBS 9 782,834 9,394,008 0 314 Namwanje Irene UNBS 9 547,042 6,564,504 UNBS 9 547,042 6,564,504 0 52 Keijagye Ladi UNBS 9 574,394 6,892,728 UNBS 9 574,394 6,892,728 0 203 Namugona Fred UNBS 9 558,676 6,704,112 UNBS 9 558,676 6,704,112 0 292 Ayeet Agnes UNBS 9 547,042 6,564,504 UNBS 9 547,042 6,564,504 0 317 Senvuma Rashid UNBS 9 547,042 6,564,504 UNBS 9 547,042 6,564,504 0 21 Kwoyo Susan UNBS 9 782,965 9,395,580 UNBS 9 782,965 9,395,580 0 213 Kyarikunda Judith UNBS 9 558,676 6,704,112 UNBS 9 558,676 6,704,112 0

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262 Vote 154 Uganda National Bureau of Standards FY 2014/15 Vote Function 0652: Quality Assurance and Standards Development Program : Headquarters CostCentre: Uganda National Bureau of Standa District : Kampala

File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance Appointing Authority Authority 74 Alenyo Rose UNBS 9 569,155 6,829,860 UNBS 9 569,155 6,829,860 0 27 Awor Beatrice UNBS 9 574,394 6,892,728 UNBS 9 574,394 6,892,728 0 180 Nakintu Sarah UNBS 9 558,676 6,704,112 UNBS 9 558,676 6,704,112 0 154 Muyomba Muhamad UNBS 9 1,245,450 14,945,400 UNBS 9 1,245,450 14,945,400 0 212 Komubigo Caroline UNBS 9 558,676 6,704,112 UNBS 9 558,676 6,704,112 0 District : Lira

File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance Appointing Authority Authority 201 Sekabembe Daniel UNBS 6 1,956,363 23,476,356 UNBS 6 1,956,363 23,476,356 0 246 Tumwebaze Ignatius UNBS 6 1,956,363 23,476,356 UNBS 6 1,956,363 23,476,356 0 295 Nakyanzi Sarah UNBS 8 766,540 9,198,480 UNBS 8 766,540 9,198,480 0 District : Malaba

File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance Appointing Authority Authority 163 Munyegera Moses G UNBS 6 1,956,363 23,476,356 UNBS 6 1,956,363 23,476,356 0 223 Lakony Francis UNBS 7 1,307,722 15,692,664 UNBS 7 1,307,722 15,692,664 0

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263 Vote 154 Uganda National Bureau of Standards FY 2014/15 Vote Function 0652: Quality Assurance and Standards Development Program : Headquarters CostCentre: Uganda National Bureau of Standa District : Malaba

File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance Appointing Authority Authority 228 Odur David UNBS 7 1,307,722 15,692,664 UNBS 7 1,307,722 15,692,664 0 District : Mbale

File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance Appointing Authority Authority 349 Nnusu James Winston UNBS 6 1,863,203 22,358,436 UNBS 6 1,863,203 22,358,436 0 226 Musana Raphael UNBS 6 1,956,363 23,476,356 UNBS 6 1,956,363 23,476,356 0 221 Ariko Stephen UNBS 7 1,307,722 15,692,664 UNBS 7 1,307,722 15,692,664 0 225 Lubega Edward UNBS 7 1,664,865 19,978,380 UNBS 7 1,664,865 19,978,380 0 251 Asiimwe Expedito UNBS 7 1,307,722 15,692,664 UNBS 7 1,307,722 15,692,664 0 205 Kongai Harriet UNBS 8 782,834 9,394,008 UNBS 8 782,834 9,394,008 0 316 Banadda Hamuza UNBS 8 766,540 9,198,480 UNBS 8 766,540 9,198,480 0 35 Mbayo Joshua UNBS 8 815,883 9,790,596 UNBS 8 815,883 9,790,596 0 293 Eyuu Angelo UNBS 9 547,042 6,564,504 UNBS 9 547,042 6,564,504 0 District : Mbarara

File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance Appointing Authority Authority

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264 Vote 154 Uganda National Bureau of Standards FY 2014/15 Vote Function 0652: Quality Assurance and Standards Development Program : Headquarters CostCentre: Uganda National Bureau of Standa District : Mbarara

File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance Appointing Authority Authority 247 Murugayo Ronald UNBS 7 1,307,722 15,692,664 UNBS 7 1,307,722 15,692,664 0 195 Kizito Godfrey UNBS 7 1,307,722 15,692,664 UNBS 7 1,307,722 15,692,664 0 291 Sserugo Charles UNBS 8 766,540 9,198,480 UNBS 8 766,540 9,198,480 0 37 Musinguzi John K UNBS 8 815,883 9,790,596 UNBS 8 815,883 9,790,596 0 157 Mujuni Charles Benon UNBS 9 558,676 6,704,112 UNBS 9 558,676 6,704,112 0 District : Mutukula

File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance Appointing Authority Authority 143 Achieng Juliet UNBS 7 1,307,722 15,692,664 UNBS 7 1,307,722 15,692,664 0 229 Luyima Bosco UNBS 7 1,307,722 15,692,664 UNBS 7 1,307,722 15,692,664 0 Total Annual Salary (Ushs) for Program : Headquarters 5,514,071,316 5,514,071,316 0 Total Annual Salary (Ushs) for : Uganda National Bureau of Standards 5,514,071,316 5,514,071,316 0

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265 Uganda National Bureau of Standards Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 154 Uganda National Bureau of Standards V1: Vote Overview (i) Vote Mission Statement To provide Standards,Measurements and Conformity Assessment Services for Improved Quality of Life. (ii) Summary of Past Performance and Medium Term Budget Allocations Table V1.1: Overview of Vote Expenditures (UShs Billion)

2013/14 MTEF Budget Projections 2012/13 Approved Rel. by (i) Excluding Arrears, Taxes Outturn Budget End Mar 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 Wage 0.000 5.765 4.324 5.765 6.168 7.186 Recurrent Non Wage 7.727 2.574 1.869 3.484 3.553 3.713 GoU 2.119 3.280 3.280 3.280 3.319 3.485 Development Donor 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 GoU Total 9.847 11.618 9.472 12.528 13.041 14.384 Total GoU+Donor (MTEF) 9.847 11.618 9.472 12.528 13.041 14.384 Arrears 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 N/A N/A (ii) Arrears and Taxes Taxes** 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 N/A N/A Total Budget 9.847 11.618 9.472 12.528 N/A N/A

(iii) Non Tax Revenue 0.000 5.551 0.000 6.015 6.822 7.137

Grand Total 9.847 17.169 9.472 18.543 N/A N/A Excluding Taxes, Arrears 9.847 17.169 9.472 18.543 19.863 21.521

The chart below shows total funding allocations to the Vote by Vote Function over the medium term: Chart V1.1: Medium Term Budget Projections by Vote Function (Excluding Taxes, Arrears)





11.5 Ushs Ushs Billion


10.5 Quality Standards Development Assurance and

2013/14 Approved Budget Estimates 2014/15 Budget Projections 2015/16 Budget Projections

Vote Overview

266 Uganda National Bureau of Standards Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 154 Uganda National Bureau of Standards

(iii) Vote Outcomes and Outcome Indicators The table below sets out the vote outcomes and outcome indicators Table V1.3: Vote Outcomes and Outcome Indicators Outcome Statement Outcome Indicators Baseline Base year Target FY2014/15 Enhanced Consumer Protection Proportion of existing domestic products on market meeting national standards Proportion of new domestic products on market meeting national standards

V2: Vote Performance for FY 2013/14 and Planned Outputs for FY 2014/15 This section describes past vote performance and planned Outputs, in terms of key vote outputs (i) Past Vote Outputs Preliminary 2013/14 Performance UNBS continued to pay salaries and other benefits to 240 staff. 78 national standards were developed and adopted.129 products certififed. 10 companies systems certified.172 market inspections conducted.10,313 imports inspected. 4,348 product samples tested in the laboratories. 238 equipments calibrated.187,542 instruments of weight and measures verified. Construction of Phase 1B of UNBS commenced. Table V2.1: Past and 2014/15 Planned Key Vote Outputs 2013/14 2014/15 Vote, Vote Function Key Output Planned outputs Achievements by End March Planned Outputs Vote: 154 Uganda National Bureau of Standards Vote Function: 0652 Quality Assurance and Standards Development Output: 065202 Development of Standards Description of Outputs: 165 standards developed by 114 standards developed by 120 standards developed, UNBS Standards department UNBS Standards department at harmonized and adopted. which is located in Kanjokya- Kampala Head Office. Kamwokya. 87 standards Harmonised by 75 standards Harmonised by UNBS standards department at UNBS standards department Kampala Head Office. which is located in Kanjokya ,Kamwokya. Promoted 132 standards

Promote atleast 10 standards Output: 065203 Quality Assurance of goods & Lab Testing Description of Outputs: Under Quality Assurance Under Quality Assurance Under Quality Assurance department key outputs are as department key outputs are as department key outputs are as below below below

500 Product certification 260 Product certification (Q 329 Product certification with Q Permits issued Mark) permits issued to Large Mark permits issued companies 20 Systems permits issued 62 Product certification with S 40 Product certification (Q Mark permits issued 1,000 market inspections Mark) permits issued to SMEs conducted 20 System certification permits 120 Product certification (S issued Under Quality Import Mark) permits issued Inspections department key 1 Regional harmonisation of outputs are as below 40 System certification permits QA activities meetings issued 50,000 import consignments 581 Consumer product safety inspected. 40 Surveillance audits for market inspections undertaken compliance Under Testing department key Under Quality Import outputs are as below Vote Overview

267 Uganda National Bureau of Standards Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 154 Uganda National Bureau of Standards

2013/14 2014/15 Vote, Vote Function Key Output Planned outputs Achievements by End March Planned Outputs 8 Sector specific Inspections department key seminars/workshops/meetings outputs are as below 7,200 samples tested by UNBS (swm) Testing department in nakawa 32,944 import consignments head office 4 Regional harmonisation of inspected. QA activities meetings Maintain accreditation of 2 laboratories 750 Consumer product safety 256 Samples of imported goods (market) inspections drawn for routine testing

Under Quality Import 25 Consignments of imports Inspections department key verified and cleared under Pre- outputs are as below Export Verification of Conformity (PVOC) 50,000 import consignments inspected. 8 Sensitization Seminars on PVOC 800 Samples of imported goods 1 Meetings on Regional 500 Consignments of imports harmonisation of import verified and cleared under Pre- inspection regulations Export Verification of Conformity (PVOC) Under Testing:

10 Sensitization Seminars on 5,461 Samples tested. PVOC Materials laboratory prepared 8 Meetings on Regional for internal audit and SANAs harmonisation of import audits done for Chemistry and inspection regulations Microbiology labs.

Under Testing department key 13 Proficiency Testing samples outputs are as below tested.

6000 samples tested by UNBS Testing department in nakawa head office

10 Proficiency tests by testing dept

1 more laboratory accredited

Under Testing:

6,000 Samples to be tested.

Materials and Electrical laboratories to be pre-audited.

24 Proficiency Testing samples tested.

Provision of Proficiency Testing services for 2 products. Output: 065204 Calibration and verification of equipment Description of Outputs: Under Legal Metrology: 505,075 instruments for weights Under Legal Metrology: and measures verified by Legal 537,517 instruments for weights Metrology dept of UNBS. 540,000 instruments of weights and measures verified by Legal Country wide verification tours and measures verified Metrology dept of UNBS. and inspections of equipment Country wide verification tours used in trade. Under National Metrology: and inspections of equipment used in trade. 2,328 Inspections of pre- Calibration of 1,800 equipment

Vote Overview

268 Uganda National Bureau of Standards Ministerial Policy Statement

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2013/14 2014/15 Vote, Vote Function Key Output Planned outputs Achievements by End March Planned Outputs packaged goods 3,360 Inspections of pre- packaged goods 1 Cases investigated & prosecutions done 20 Cases investigated & prosecutions done 1 Meetings on Regional harmonisation of Legal 6 Meetings on Regional Metrology activities harmonisation of Legal Metrology activities Under National Metrology:

Under National Metrology: Calibration of 698 equipment

Calibration of 1,790 equipment 1 Measurement Inter- comparison 10 Measurement Inter- comparisons 3 Meetings on Industrial Metrology activities 8 Meetings on Industrial Metrology activities

V3: Detailed Planned Outputs for FY 2014/15 2014/15 Planned Outputs Planned outputs for FY 2013/14 include the following; Provision of salaries and other benefits to 240 staff. Development and harmonization of 120 national standards. Certification of 500 products. Certification of 20 quality management systems. 1,000 Market inspections conducted. 50,0000 imports inspected for quality. 7200 product samples tested in the Laboratories. Accreditation of 3 Laboratories maintained. 1,800 equipments calibrated. 540,000 instruments of wieghts and measures verified. Table V3.1: Vote Function Profiles, Programme/Project Profiles and Workplan Outputs Vote Function: 06 52 Quality Assurance and Standards Development Vote Function Profile

Responsible Officer: Executive Director Services: Standardization and quality assurance of imported and locally manufactured products through application of standards to protect consumers against fake and dangerous products and also the local manufacturering industry against unfair competition from fake substandard goods.

Vote Function Projects and Programmes:

Vote Overview

269 Uganda National Bureau of Standards Ministerial Policy Statement

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Vote FunctionFunction: Projects06 and52 Programmes:Quality Assurance and Standards Development Project or Programme Name Responsible Officer Recurrent Programmes 01 Headquarters Executive Director Development Projects 0253 Support to UNBS Executive Director Programme 01 Headquarters Programme Profile

Responsible Officer: Executive Director

Objectives: Standardization and quality assurance of the imported and locally manufactured products through application of standards not only to protect consumers against fake and dangerous products but also the local manufacturing industry against unfair competition Outputs: UNBS is mandated to develop and promote standardization, quality assurance, laboratory testing and metrology. The role of UNBS includes Formulation and promotion of the use of standards; Enforcing standards in protection of the public health and safety and the environment against dangerous, counterfeit and substandard products; Ensuring fairness in trade and precision in industry through reliable measurement systems; Strengthening Uganda 's economy by enhancing competitiveness of local industries and promotion of quality exports through standardization, quality assurance, testing and metrology.

Workplan Outputs for 2013/14 and 2014/15 Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15 Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and UShs Thousand Location) (Quantity and Location) Location) 06 52 01Administration Payment of Salaries,rent,utilities All staff have been paid salaries Payment of Salaries to 240 staff. todate. Carry out Human Resource Payment of Rent & Utilities Audit 7 staff recruited. Implementation of Human Review and implement the Resource Audit findings. upgraded PASTEL system Terminal benefits paid for those that left. Medical Insurance to 240 staff Conduct 40 trainings internally, & their dependants. abroad, group training and Medical insurance paid. individual training; Payment of terminal & death Reviewed and implemented the benefits where applicable. upgraded PASTEL system Medical Insurance; Shifting some departments to Terminal & Death benefits; for 6 trainings conducted, 3 locally UNBS new home at 238 staff and where appropriate and 3 internationally Bweyogerere. their dependants. Payment of gratuity to contract Shift to the Bweyogerere staff. "Home" Capacity building and Payment of Salaries; professional development of UNBS staff. Pay gratuity to 6 staff members Providing staff welfare and Implement the mobile money office supplies. system Office and equipment Capacity building and maintenance. professional development of UNBS.

Implement the revenue enhancement plan

Total 10,574,432 5,779,278 12,074,336 Wage Recurrent 5,764,699 4,319,307 5,764,699 Non Wage Recurrent 2,048,376 1,459,971 2,513,637 NTR 2,761,357 0 3,796,000 Vote Overview

270 Uganda National Bureau of Standards Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 154 Uganda National Bureau of Standards

Vote Function: 06 52 Quality Assurance and Standards Development Programme 01 Headquarters Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15 Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and UShs Thousand Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)

06 52 02Development of Standards 165 standards developed by 114 standards developed by 120 standards developed, UNBS Standards department. UNBS Standards department at harmonized and adopted Kampala Head Office. 30 EAC Standards Harmonised by UNBS. 87 standards Harmonised by UNBS standards department at Promote atleast 160 developed Kampala Head Office. standards Promoted 132 standards Total 256,610 50,101 254,000 Wage Recurrent 0 0 0 Non Wage Recurrent 96,460 50,101 162,000 NTR 160,150 0 92,000 06 52 03Quality Assurance of Under Quality Assurance Under Quality Assurance Under Quality Assurance goods & Lab Testing department key outputs are as department key outputs are as department key outputs are as below below below

500 Product certification 300 Product certification (Q 329 Product certification with Q Permits issued Mark) permits issued Mark permits issued 20 Systems permits issued 120 Product certification (S 62 Product certification with S Mark) permits issued Mark permits issued 1,000 market inspections conducted 40 Systems Certification 20 System certification permits Permits issued issued Under Quality Import Inspections department key 750 Consumer product safety 1 Regional harmonisation of outputs are as below (market) inspections QA activities meetings 50,000 import consignments 120 MSMEs with capacity to 581 Consumer product safety inspected. implement standards and quality market inspections undertaken Under Testing department key Under Quality Import Under Quality Import outputs are as below Inspections department key Inspections department key outputs are as below outputs are as below 7,200 samples tested by UNBS Testing department in Nakawa 40,000 import consignments 32,944 import consignments Head Office inspected. inspected. Maintain accreditation of 2 700 Samples of imported goods Laboratories 256 Samples of imported goods drawn for routine testing Under Testing department key outputs are as below 25 Consignments of imports verified and cleared under Pre- 6000 samples tested by UNBS Export Verification of Testing department in nakawa Conformity (PVOC) head office 8 Sensitization Seminars on 24 Proficiency tests samples PVOC

2 Products for Proficiency 1 Meetings on Regional testing services harmonisation of import inspection regulations 2 laboratories accredited Under Testing:

5,461 Samples tested.

Materials laboratory prepared for internal audit and SANAs audits done for Chemistry and Microbiology labs.

13 Proficiency Testing samples tested.

Total 1,026,873 185,824 1,159,400 Wage Recurrent 0 0 0 Non Wage Recurrent 240,000 185,824 516,400 NTR 786,873 0 643,000 Vote Overview

271 Uganda National Bureau of Standards Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 154 Uganda National Bureau of Standards

Vote Function: 06 52 Quality Assurance and Standards Development Programme 01 Headquarters Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15 Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and UShs Thousand Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)

06 52 04Calibration and Under Legal Metrology: 505,075 instruments for weights Under Legal Metrology: verification of equipment and measures verified by Legal 537,517 instruments for weights Metrology dept of UNBS. 540,000 instruments of weights and measures verified by Legal Country wide verification tours and measures verified Metrology dept of UNBS. and inspections of equipment used in trade. Under National Metrology: 3,360 Prepackage Inspections of consumer goods 2,328 Inspections of pre- Calibration of 1,800 equipment packaged goods

1 Cases investigated & Under National Metrology: prosecutions done

Calibration of 1,790 equipment 1 Meetings on Regional harmonisation of Legal 10 Measurement Inter- Metrology activities comparisons Under National Metrology: 8 reference standards calibrated Calibration of 698 equipment

1 Measurement Inter- comparison

3 Meetings on Industrial Metrology activities

Total 777,230 0 888,400 Wage Recurrent 0 0 0 Non Wage Recurrent 30,000 0 74,400 NTR 747,230 814,000 06 52 05Stakeholder engagements 48 Radio Talk shows 38 Radio Talk shows 12 Meetings, seminars, public to create awareness on dialogues and promotions held Quality & Standards 36 News Items 73 News Items on issues of quality and standards. 56 Radio spots, announcements 25 Radio spots, announcements and jingles and jingles 20 Media appearances on issues 4 News paper articles 46 News paper articles of quality and standards serialisation serialisation

4 News paper supplements 6 News paper supplements

4 News letters 4 News letters

32 Press Releases/ 20 Press Releases/ Advertisements Advertisements

60 Television Adverts and Spot 53 Television Adverts and Spot Messages Messages

5 Sensitisation seminars and 2 Sensitisation seminars and workshops of local government workshops of local government leaders leaders

3 Schools for school outreach 3 Schools for school outreach programmes programmes

4 Other stakeholder 16 Other stakeholder engagements, dialogue and engagements, dialogue and lobbying lobbying

No Press Conferences

2,000 Brochures and information leaflets.

8 Banners i.e pull ups and pop ups. Total 171,301 43,583 187,310 Wage Recurrent 0 0 0 Non Wage Recurrent 58,911 43,583 67,310 NTR 112,390 0 120,000 Vote Overview

272 Uganda National Bureau of Standards Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 154 Uganda National Bureau of Standards

Vote Function: 06 52 Quality Assurance and Standards Development Programme 01 Headquarters Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15 Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and UShs Thousand Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)

06 52 51Membership to Membership to International Membership to International Membership to International International bodies such as CODEX, ISO, bodies such as CODEX & SPS. Organisations such as ISO, Organisations(ISO, OIML & SPS. ARSO, OIML, IEC and ARSO, OIML, Regional membership. SADCMET SADCMET) Regional membership. Membership to all international organaizations maintained.

Participated in all regional harmonization meetings

Total 100,000 75,000 200,000 Wage Recurrent 0 0 0 Non Wage Recurrent 100,000 75,000 150,000

GRAND TOTAL 12,906,446 6,133,786 14,763,446 Wage Recurrent 5,764,699 4,319,307 5,764,699 Non Wage Recurrent 2,573,747 1,814,479 3,483,747 NTR 4,568,000 0 5,515,000 Annual Workplan for 2014/15 - Outputs, Activities, Inputs and their Cost Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost (Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand Output: 06 5201 Administration

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost Payment of Salaries to 240 staff. Contract staff () 240.0 1,652,310 Fees, consultancy, travel costs during training () 36.8 230,000 Payment of Rent & Utilities Fees, consultancy, travel costs during recruitment () 3.2 20,000 Leave allowance () 235.0 51,739 Implementation of Human Resource Audit findings. Social Security Contributions (NSSF) () 294.5 741,259 Airport taxes and taxi fares (Amount) 40.0 6,000 Medical Insurance to 240 staff & their dependants. Airtime Executive Director (Amount) 24.0 8,400 Payment of terminal & death benefits where applicable. Airtime for managers (Amount) 528.0 39,600 Airtime for office land lines (Amount) 43.3 52,000 Shifting some departments to UNBS new home at Bweyogerere. Assorted stationery (Amount) 3.4 150,000 Bank charges (Amount) 2.2 5,000 Payment of gratuity to contract staff. Couriers,Envelops, stamps, postage fees (Amount) 1,500.0 30,000 Fees (Amount) 2.0 80,000 Capacity building and professional development of UNBS staff. Flights (Amount) 14.7 22,000 Providing staff welfare and office supplies. Gratuity expenses (Amount) 4.7 354,000 Insurance cover (Amount) 20.0 60,000 Office and equipment maintenance. Medical Insurance (Amount) 225.8 263,900 Activities to Deliver Outputs: Motor vehicle repairs and tyres (Amount) 11.7 138,061 Perdiem for warm clothings inclusive (Amount) 38.0 57,000 Pay employee salaries,and all approved benefits in order to ensure employee welfare. Repair of buildings (Amount) 4.2 50,000 Repairs of equipment and furniture (Amount) 10.0 100,000 Pay rent, utilities, laboratory consumables and maintain office premises, Risk allowances (Amount) 480.0 120,000 vehicles and laboratories. Salaries to security guards at RegionalHead office 1,000.0 100,000 (Amount) Carry out staff training. Terminal benefits to retiring or dead staff (Amount) 6.8 506,319 Water, Detergents & Labour (Amount) 22.9 80,000 Implement findings of Human resource audit. Workman compensation (Amount) 0.0 0 Shortlisting during recruitment (Days) 2,248.8 224,881 Procure fuel for facilitating of official work. Fuel (Litres) 40,000.0 140,000 Facilitation of official travels abroad and locally within Uganda. Water (Litres) 27,748.6 51,335 Allowances to board members (Meetings) 122.0 36,600 Procure consultants. Contracts committee allowances for 24 meetings 240.0 22,080 (Meetings) Manage risks inluding insuring high risk equipment or property. Evaluation committee allowances (Meetings) 1,920.0 57,600 Interview panel allowances (Meetings) 30.0 2,100 Vote Overview

273 Uganda National Bureau of Standards Ministerial Policy Statement

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Vote Function: 06 52 Quality Assurance and Standards Development Programme 01 Headquarters Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost (Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand Review the finance quality manuals and procedures regularly Additional border entry points (Month) 191.0 38,199 Border entry point offices (Month) 12.0 3,600 Jinja Office (Month) 12.0 10,800 Lira office (Month) 12.0 6,600 Mbale office (Month) 12.0 9,600 Mbarara Office (Month) 12.0 6,600 Rent for Katwe regional offices (Month) 12.0 40,061 Rent kanjokya flat office (Month) 40.9 308,113 Electricity (Monthly) 8.9 56,890 Per diem (Nights) 900.0 63,000 Contract staff (Person Years) 235.0 5,764,699 UIRI Rent (Rate) 12.0 36,000 Safari day (Trips) 850.0 17,000 Drinking water and disposal cups (Unit) 574.3 218,240 Office tea (Units) 47,174.4 47,174 Total 12,074,336 Wage Recurrent 5,764,699 Non Wage Recurrent 2,513,637 NTR 3,796,000 Output: 06 5202 Development of Standards

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost 120 standards developed, harmonized and adopted Standards () 650.0 65,000 Activities to Deliver Outputs: Airticket (Amount) 8.0 28,643 Perdiem (Amount) 3.2 11,357 Technical Committee Meetings Printing, publishing and Gazetting costs (Amount) 7.1 25,000 Regional and international meetings Fuel (Litres) 3,428.6 12,000 Allowances for meetings (Meetings) 333.3 100,000 Drinking water and disposal cups (Unit) 20.0 7,600 Office tea (Unit) 4,400.0 4,400 Total 254,000 Wage Recurrent 0 Non Wage Recurrent 162,000 NTR 92,000 Output: 06 5203 Quality Assurance of goods & Lab Testing

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost Under Quality Assurance department key outputs are as below Repairs of equipment and furniture () 9.0 90,000 Airticket QA and imports perdiem QA foreign trips 15.7 55,000 500 Product certification (Amount) Permits issued Assorted laboratory consumables (Amount) 8.2 370,000 Assorted stationery (Amount) 23.2 116,000 20 Systems permits issued Fees (Amount) 3.0 60,000 Travel abroad testing dept (Amount) 8.6 30,000 1,000 market inspections conducted Fuel (Litres) 24,685.7 86,400 Under Quality Import Inspections department key outputs are as below Perdiem for surveillance and night inspections 3,014.3 211,000 (Nights) 50,000 import consignments inspected. Perdiem for testing dept (Nights) 300.0 21,000 Drinking water and disposal cups (Unit) 20.0 7,600 Under Testing department key outputs are as below Office tea (Unit) 112,400.0 112,400

7,200 samples tested by UNBS Testing department in Nakawa Head Office

Maintain accreditation of 2 Laboratories Activities to Deliver Outputs: Quality Assurance department: - Product certfication document review, site visits and audits. - Inspection of super markets, shops and factories

Import Inspections: Vote Overview

274 Uganda National Bureau of Standards Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 154 Uganda National Bureau of Standards

Vote Function: 06 52 Quality Assurance and Standards Development Programme 01 Headquarters Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost (Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand - Verification and sampling of imports

Testing Labs: - Product testing in microbiology, chemistry, electrical and materials laboratories: Total 1,159,400 Wage Recurrent 0 Non Wage Recurrent 516,400 NTR 643,000 Output: 06 5204 Calibration and verification of equipment

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost Under Legal Metrology: Airticket (Amount) 20.0 70,000 Assorted laboratory consumables (Amount) 1.0 10,000 540,000 instruments of weights and measures verified National metrology trips (Amount) 12.0 30,000 Subscriptions (Amount) 1.0 20,000 Under National Metrology: Fuel (Litres) 12,685.7 44,400 Verification safaries Legal metrology and National 9,514.3 666,000 Calibration of 1,800 equipment (Nights) Activities to Deliver Outputs: Drinking water and disposal cups (Unit) 20.0 7,600 Under Legal Metrology: Office tea (Unit) 40,400.0 40,400 - Field visits for equipment verification and stamping. Total 888,400 Under National Metrology: Wage Recurrent 0 - In-house and on-site calibration of equipment in various sectors Non Wage Recurrent 74,400 NTR 814,000 Output: 06 5205 Stakeholder engagements to create awareness on Quality & Standards

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost 12 Meetings, seminars, public dialogues and promotions held on issues of Fees, consultancy, travel costs during training () 6.4 41,997 quality and standards. Promotional materials and newspaper coverage 96.9 145,313 (Amount)

20 Media appearances on issues of quality and standards Activities to Deliver Outputs: Identifying target audience

Hiring meeting venues

Providing related logistical support

Identify the suitable media outlet

Contributing articles

Participating in talkshows

Organising press briefings Total 187,310 Wage Recurrent 0 Non Wage Recurrent 67,310 NTR 120,000 Output: 06 5251 Membership to International Organisations(ISO, ARSO, OIML, SADCMET)

Planned Outputs: Grant or Transfer Cost Membership to International Organisations such as ISO, ARSO, OIML, Subscriptions to International orgns 200,000 IEC and SADCMET Activities to Deliver Outputs: Payment of annual subscriptions to International organisations. Vote Overview

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Vote Function: 06 52 Quality Assurance and Standards Development Programme 01 Headquarters Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost (Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand

Attendance of regional and international meetings. Total 200,000 Wage Recurrent 0 Non Wage Recurrent 150,000 NTR 50,000 GRAND TOTAL 14,763,446 Wage Recurrent 5,764,699 Non Wage Recurrent 3,483,747 NTR 5,515,000

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Vote Function: 06 52 Quality Assurance and Standards Development Project 0253 Support to UNBS Project Profile

Responsible Officer: Executive Director

Objectives: To acquire a Permanent Home for UNBS’ offices and laboratories; Procure modern laboratory and ICT equipment; this would help widen scope of parameters tested Procure motor vehicles to facilitate field quality-assurance activities Outputs: - Modern laboratory and office premises that are well equiped to handle in a timely manner all needs of the manufacturing sector; availability of adequate and appropriate transport vehicles to facilitate field quality assurance activities; Start Date: 7/1/2010 Projected End Date: 6/30/2015

Workplan Outputs for 2013/14 and 2014/15 Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15 Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and UShs Thousand Location) (Quantity and Location) Location) 06 52 72Government Buildings and Completion of Phase 1B of 50 % of works for Phase 1B Construction of Phase 1C of Administrative UNBS home in Bweyogerere completed. UNBS Office Block at Plot Infrastructure 2-12 ByPass Link Bweyogerere Construction of Phase 1B on Industrial Park. track and expected to be complete by June 2014 Total 3,320,000 1,984,257 2,930,000 GoU Development 2,720,000 1,984,257 2,680,000 External Financing 0 0 0 NTR 600,000 0 250,000 06 52 75Purchase of Motor Procure 1 (one) executive motor The authority from Prime Purchase of 2 Field Vehicles Vehicles and Other vehicle for the Executive Minister's Office was obtained (Pickups) Transport Equipment Director for the purchase of the vehicle and the bids have been sent.

Bids evaluated pending award to the best evaluated bidder and clearance of contract by Solicitor General.

Vehicle under customs clearance prior to delivery.

Total 160,000 0 160,000 GoU Development 160,000 0 160,000 External Financing 0 0 0

06 52 76Purchase of Office and ICT equipment including Payment was done for previous Procurement and upgrade of ICT Equipment, laptops, desktops, printers. deliveries. ICT equipment including Software Additional procurements made Installation & management of during the period Antivirus Software Total 129,748 127,787 209,748 GoU Development 129,748 127,787 209,748 External Financing 0 0 0

06 52 77Purchase of Specialised Procure an assorted equipment Additional equipment purchased Procurement of specialized Machinery & Equipment for import inspection. and calibrated equipment.

20 Traceable reference standards and equipment calibrated for National metrology

Total 573,000 102,544 400,000 GoU Development 190,000 102,544 150,000

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Vote Function: 06 52 Quality Assurance and Standards Development Project 0253 Support to UNBS Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15 Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and UShs Thousand Location) (Quantity and Location) Location) External Financing 0 0 0 NTR 383,000 0 250,000 06 52 78Purchase of Office and Furniture and fittings Additional Furniture procured Replacement of old furniture Residential Furniture and during the period and fittings Fittings Total 80,000 67,073 80,000 GoU Development 80,000 67,073 80,000 External Financing 0 0 0

GRAND TOTAL 4,262,748 2,281,661 3,779,748 GoU Development 3,279,748 2,281,661 3,279,748 External Financing 0 0 0 NTR 983,000 0 500,000 Annual Workplan for 2014/15 - Outputs, Activities, Inputs and their Cost Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost (Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand Output: 06 5272 Government Buildings and Administrative Infrastructure

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost Construction of Phase 1C of UNBS Office Block at Plot Design and build office premises (Amount) 5,860.0 2,930,000 2-12 ByPass Link Bweyogerere Industrial Park. Activities to Deliver Outputs: Procurement of works.

Contract payments

Supervision of the works.

Installation of utilities. Total 2,930,000 GoU Development 2,680,000 External Financing 0 NTR 250,000 Output: 06 5275 Purchase of Motor Vehicles and Other Transport Equipment

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost Purchase of 2 Field Vehicles (Pickups) Motor vehicle purchase (Unit) 2.3 160,000 Activities to Deliver Outputs: Procurement and payment of suppliers Total 160,000 GoU Development 160,000 External Financing 0 Output: 06 5276 Purchase of Office and ICT Equipment, including Software

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost Procurement and upgrade of ICT equipment Computers or laptops & accessories (Amount) 21.0 209,748

Installation & management of Antivirus Software Activities to Deliver Outputs: Procurement of Computer hardware and software Total 209,748 GoU Development 209,748 External Financing 0 Output: 06 5277 Purchase of Specialised Machinery & Equipment Vote Overview

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Vote Function: 06 52 Quality Assurance and Standards Development Project 0253 Support to UNBS Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost (Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost Procurement of specialized equipment. Assorted UNBS lab equipment (Amount) 8.0 400,000 Activities to Deliver Outputs: Procurement and payment of suppliers Total 400,000 GoU Development 150,000 External Financing 0 NTR 250,000 Output: 06 5278 Purchase of Office and Residential Furniture and Fittings

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost Replacement of old furniture and fittings Assorted UNBS furniture (Amount) 4.0 80,000 Activities to Deliver Outputs: Procurement and payment of suppliers. Total 80,000 GoU Development 80,000 External Financing 0 GRAND TOTAL 3,779,748 GoU Development 3,279,748 External Financing 0 NTR 500,000

Table V3.2: Past and Medum Term Key Vote Output Indicators* 2013/14 MTEF Projections Vote Function Key Output 2012/13 Approved Releases Indicators and Costs: Outturn Plan Prel. Actual 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 Vote: 154 Uganda National Bureau of Standards Vote Function:0652 Quality Assurance and Standards Development Vote Function Cost (UShs bn) 9.847 17.169 9.472 18.543 19.863 21.521 VF Cost Excluding Ext. Fin 9.847 17.169 9.472 Cost of Vote Services (UShs Bn) 9.847 17.169 9.472 18.543 19.863 21.521 9.847 17.169 9.472 * Excluding Taxes and Arrears Medium Term Plans UNBS will continue with the constrution of its new home at Bweyogerere as it seeks addtional resources for the construction of modern laboratory infrastructure. It will aslo intensify countrywide public awareness compaign on issues of quality and use of standards. (i) Measures to improve Efficiency UNBS is satisfied with the level of efficiency and value for money so far and will maintain or improve where necessary. UNBS is committed to follow PPDA regulations for all procurements and ensure effective contract management. Table V3.3: Key Unit Costs of Services Provided and Services Funded (Shs '000) Unit Cost Actual Planned Actual Proposed Costing Assumptions and Reasons for Description 2012/13 2013/14 2013/14 2014/15 any Changes and Variations from Plan

Vote Function:0652 Quality Assurance and Standards Development Administration

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(ii) Vote Investment Plans UNBS is concerned that at the present levels of funding (i.e. shs2.5 bllion per year), it may take almost 20 years to complete the construction. Government is urged to review the ceiling to at least shs5.0 billion per year to quicken the project completion. Table V3.4: Allocations by Class of Output over the Medium Term (i) Allocation (Shs Bn) (ii) % Vote Budget Billion Uganda Shillings 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 Consumption Expendture(Outputs Provided) 12.8 14.6 15.2 16.0 74.6% 78.5% 76.7% 74.4% Grants and Subsidies (Outputs Funded) 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.6% 1.1% 0.2% 0.2% Investment (Capital Purchases) 4.3 3.8 4.6 5.5 24.8% 20.4% 23.0% 25.4% Grand Total 17.2 18.5 19.9 21.5 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% Table V3.5: Major Capital Investments (Outputs of class Capital Purchases over 0.5Billion) Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15 Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditures and Outputs by Proposed Budget, Planned Outputs (Quantity and Location) End March Outputs (Quantity and Location) UShs Thousand (Quantity and Location) Vote Function: 06 52 Quality Assurance and Standards Development Project 0253 Support to UNBS 065272 Government Completion of Phase 1B of 50 % of works for Phase 1B Construction of Phase 1C of Buildings and UNBS home in Bweyogerere completed. UNBS Office Block at Plot Administrative 2-12 ByPass Link Bweyogerere Infrastructure Construction of Phase 1B on Industrial Park. track and expected to be complete by June 2014 Total 3,320,000 1,984,257 2,930,000 GoU Development 2,720,000 1,984,257 2,680,000 External Financingt 0 0 0 NTR 600,000 0 250,000 (iii) Priority Vote Actions to Improve Sector Performance UNBS Act was amended during FY2013/14 and this will strengthen the Bureau's mandate of standards development , promotion and enforcement. Table V3.6: Vote Actions to Improve Sector Performance 2013/14 Planned Actions: 2013/14 Actual Actions: 2014/15 Planned Actions: MT Strategy: Sector Outcome 3: Improved Competitiveness and Market Access of Uganda's Goods and Services Vote Function: 06 52 Quality Assurance and Standards Development VF Performance Issue:

V4: Proposed Budget Allocations for 2014/15 and the Medium Term This section sets out the proposed vote budget allocations for 2014/15 and the medium term, including major areas of expenditures and any notable changes in allocations. Table V4.1: Past Outturns and Medium Term Projections by Vote Function* 2013/14 MTEF Budget Projections * Excluding Taxes and Arrears 2012/13 Appr. Releases Outturn Budget End Mar 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17

Vote: 154 Uganda National Bureau of Standards

0652 Quality Assurance and Standards Development 9.847 17.169 9.472 18.543 19.863 21.521 Total for Vote: 9.847 17.169 9.472 18.543 19.863 21.521

(i) The Total Budget over the Medium Term Details provided in the Estimates (ii) The major expenditure allocations in the Vote for 2014/15 This expenditure item underlines UNBS resolve to effectively control the inflow of substandard goods onto the local market. UNBS will continue with construction of its new home, quality monitoring activities and increased public awareness on quality and use of standards. Vote Overview

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(iii) The major planned changes in resource allocations within the Vote for 2014/15 There is a provison for modest salary increment under NTR to motivate staff whose salaries have been stagnant for a long time. Table V4.2: Key Changes in Vote Resource Allocation Changes in Budget Allocations and Outputs Justification for proposed Changes in 2014/15 from 2013/14 Planned Levels: in Expenditure and Outputs Vote Function:0601 Quality Assurance and Standards Development Output: 0652 01 Administration UShs Bn: -1.014

Output: 0652 03 Quality Assurance of goods & Lab Testing UShs Bn: 0.133

Output: 0652 72 Government Buildings and Administrative Infrastructure UShs Bn: -0.390

Output: 0652 76 Purchase of Office and ICT Equipment, including Software UShs Bn: 0.080

Output: 0652 77 Purchase of Specialised Machinery & Equipment UShs Bn: -0.173

Table V4.3: 2013/14 and 2014/15 Budget Allocations by Item 2013/14 Approved Budget 2014/15 Draft Estimates Million Uganda Shillings GoU Ext. Fin AIA Total GoU Ext. Fin AIA Total Output Class: Outputs Provided 8,238.4 0.0 4,568.0 12,806.4 9,098.4 0.0 5,465.0 14,563.4 211102 Contract Staff Salaries (Incl. Casuals, Temp 5,764.7 0.0 124.0 5,888.7 5,764.7 0.0 1,647.9 7,412.6 211103 Allowances 0.0 0.0 287.0 287.0 85.0 0.0 530.0 615.0 212101 Social Security Contributions 576.5 0.0 0.0 576.5 576.5 0.0 164.8 741.3 213001 Medical expenses (To employees) 267.7 0.0 120.0 387.7 263.9 0.0 0.0 263.9 213002 Incapacity, death benefits and funeral expen 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 120.0 0.0 40.0 160.0 213003 Retrenchment costs 150.0 0.0 0.0 150.0 316.3 0.0 30.0 346.3 213004 Gratuity Expenses 100.0 0.0 186.0 286.0 254.0 0.0 100.0 354.0 221001 Advertising and Public Relations 25.3 0.0 0.0 25.3 25.3 0.0 120.0 145.3 221002 Workshops and Seminars 33.6 0.0 135.1 168.7 33.6 0.0 50.0 83.6 221003 Staff Training 0.0 0.0 289.8 289.8 188.4 0.0 0.0 188.4 221004 Recruitment Expenses 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 20.0 20.0 221007 Books, Periodicals & Newspapers 0.0 0.0 70.9 70.9 65.0 0.0 0.0 65.0 221009 Welfare and Entertainment 0.0 0.0 156.2 156.2 0.0 0.0 445.4 445.4 221011 Printing, Stationery, Photocopying and Bind 0.0 0.0 331.7 331.7 0.0 0.0 291.0 291.0 221014 Bank Charges and other Bank related costs 0.0 0.0 27.3 27.3 0.0 0.0 5.0 5.0 221017 Subscriptions 0.0 0.0 169.0 169.0 0.0 0.0 20.0 20.0 222001 Telecommunications 0.0 0.0 38.4 38.4 60.0 0.0 40.0 100.0 222002 Postage and Courier 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 30.0 222003 Information and communications technolog 0.0 0.0 25.0 25.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 223001 Property Expenses 0.0 0.0 22.3 22.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 223003 Rent – (Produced Assets) to private entities 373.9 0.0 102.8 476.6 373.9 0.0 49.7 423.6 223004 Guard and Security services 0.0 0.0 109.2 109.2 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 223005 Electricity 46.5 0.0 30.0 76.5 46.5 0.0 10.4 56.9 223006 Water 21.3 0.0 15.0 36.3 51.3 0.0 0.0 51.3 223901 Rent – (Produced Assets) to other govt. unit 36.0 0.0 0.0 36.0 36.0 0.0 0.0 36.0 224001 Medical and Agricultural supplies 0.0 0.0 165.6 165.6 340.0 0.0 40.0 380.0 224004 Cleaning and Sanitation 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 80.0 80.0 225001 Consultancy Services- Short term 0.0 0.0 175.0 175.0 0.0 0.0 60.0 60.0 225002 Consultancy Services- Long-term 0.0 0.0 34.0 34.0 0.0 0.0 80.0 80.0 226001 Insurances 0.0 0.0 57.6 57.6 0.0 0.0 60.0 60.0 227001 Travel inland 0.0 0.0 343.1 343.1 0.0 0.0 1,008.0 1,008.0 227002 Travel abroad 31.9 0.0 281.2 313.0 30.0 0.0 250.0 280.0 227004 Fuel, Lubricants and Oils 112.0 0.0 553.5 665.5 228.0 0.0 54.8 282.8 Vote Overview

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2013/14 Approved Budget 2014/15 Draft Estimates Million Uganda Shillings GoU Ext. Fin AIA Total GoU Ext. Fin AIA Total 228001 Maintenance - Civil 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 12.0 0.0 38.0 50.0 228002 Maintenance - Vehicles 288.0 0.0 439.0 727.0 138.1 0.0 0.0 138.1 228003 Maintenance – Machinery, Equipment & Fu 411.1 0.0 279.4 690.5 90.0 0.0 100.0 190.0 Output Class: Outputs Funded 100.0 0.0 0.0 100.0 150.0 0.0 50.0 200.0 262101 Contributions to International Organisations 100.0 0.0 0.0 100.0 150.0 0.0 50.0 200.0 Output Class: Capital Purchases 3,279.7 0.0 983.0 4,262.7 3,279.7 0.0 500.0 3,779.7 231001 Non Residential buildings (Depreciation) 2,720.0 0.0 600.0 3,320.0 2,680.0 0.0 250.0 2,930.0 231004 Transport equipment 160.0 0.0 0.0 160.0 160.0 0.0 0.0 160.0 231005 Machinery and equipment 319.7 0.0 383.0 702.7 359.7 0.0 250.0 609.7 231006 Furniture and fittings (Depreciation) 80.0 0.0 0.0 80.0 80.0 0.0 0.0 80.0 Grand Total: 11,618.2 0.0 5,551.0 17,169.2 12,528.2 0.0 6,015.0 18,543.2 Total Excluding Taxes, Arrears and AIA 11,618.2 0.0 0.0 11,618.2 12,528.2 0.0 0.0 12,528.2 ***where AIA is Appropriation in Aid V5: Vote Cross-Cutting Policy and Other Budgetary Issues This section discusses how the vote's plans will address and respond to the cross-cutting policy, issues of gender and equity; HIV/AIDS; and the Environment, and other budgetary issues such as Arrears and NTR..

(i) Cross-cutting Policy Issues (a) Gender and Equity Objective: Recognise and implement all gender related laws/policies including maternity leave Prohit all forms of sexual harassment Issue of Concern :This is to avoid situation of brewing discontent, and being the Bureau to be seen as not being gender sensitive

Proposed Intervensions - All ladies/women of UNBS who have problem pregnances or report delivery are entitled to maternity leave days - 65 working days - all men/officers of UNBS that report their spouses to have delivered, are entitled to 5 working days to help their spouses during those days when the mothers are in need of help Budget Allocations UGX billion Performance Indicators -Number of women that have reported delivery and number of women who have taken their maternity leave days - Number of staff/women that have taken all their maternity leave days - number of men that have taken their paternity leaver days -reported cases of sexual harrassment Objective: Representation in Senior Management Issue of Concern :This is to avoid situations where some gender is denied opportunity to serve in specific functional areas or sections of the Bureau. This would also deny the Bureau some high quality staff/human resource

Proposed Intervensions This has been highlighted in the HR Manual. The Bureau has also tried to ensure that jobs/functions are allocated on the basis of capability and not gender Budget Allocations UGX billion Performance Indicators - Number of staff recruited per gender - - Number of committee/special tasks and number of staff/officers per gender

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(b) HIV/AIDS Objective: Prohit any form of discrimination at workplace against HIV infected staff Issue of Concern :This is to avoid situation that would promote

Proposed Intervensions -UNBS medical scheme to provide for delivery of HIV support services - Budget Allocations UGX billion Performance Indicators

(c) Environment

(ii) Verrified Outstanding Arrears for the Vote

Arrears accumulated due to the budget cuts and delayed release of cash especially during the time UNBS was a subvention. This also affected NTR generation that UNBS relied on to cover most of the operational activities. Since UNBS became a Vote, we now budget for and remit PAYE directly from Treasury (BOU). (iii) Non Tax Revenue Collections 2013/14 2012/13 2013/14 Prel 2014/15 Source of NTR UShs Bn Actual Budget Actual Projected Inspection Fees 0.160 0.000 3.695 Miscellaneous receipts/income 0.120 0.000 2.270 Sale of publications 0.025 0.000 0.050 Total: 0.305 0.000 6.015 The projected NTR depends heavily on the timely release the approved budget. UNBS plans to diversify sources of NTR which is mostly used for funding recurrent expenditure and supplement on staff costs which are largely funded under government budgetary support.

Vote Overview

283 Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

MPS: Trade, Industry and Cooperatives


Annex 2: Raw Materials undergoing Product Development at UIRI’s Food Laboratory

LOCAL RAW MATERIAL PRODUCTS DEVELOPED 1 Bananas Banana juice Banana crisps Banana wine

2 Millet Composite porridge(millet/amaranth) Millet based Baby porridges Bushera (fermented millet malt)

3 Maize Precooked maize flour Maize based baby porridge

4 Sorghum Enturire (fermented sorghum malt) Sorghum based porridges

5 Fruits (mangoes, passion fruits, paw Freeze dried fruit juices paw, water melon, orange Fruit juices Fruit jams Fruit concentrates Fruit wines

6 Eggs Mayonnaise Pasteurised eggs

7 Meat, chicken , fish Fish sausages Hum burgers Modified Atmosphere Packaged meats and meat products

8 Ginger Ginger infused juice Ginger infused oil Ginger jam

9 Vegetables (French beans, carrots, Modified Atmosphere Packaged lettuce) French beans, carrots and lettuce. Carrot jam


284 Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

MPS: Trade, Industry and Cooperatives



10 Mushrooms Canned mushrooms Brined mushrooms Dried mushrooms Mushroom soups Powdered mushrooms

11 Tubers (sweet potato, cassava) Sweet potato based cookies, cakes Sweet potato starch and its products Cassava based cookies, cakes Cassava starch and its products

12 Crane berry Cran berry wine Cran berry jam Cran berry juice

13 Grapes Grape wine

14 Pumpkin Pumpkin cookies Pumpkin flour

15 Beans Pre-cooked beans Beans flour

16 Hibiscus Hibiscus wine Hibiscus juice

17 Moringa Moringa powder Moringa beverage

18 Stinging nettle and beet root Stinging nettle powder Beet root powder Beet root juice

19 Peanuts Peanut butter Roasted flavored peanuts


285 Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Ministerial Policy Statement

MPS: Trade, Industry and Cooperatives


LOCAL RAW MATERIAL PRODUCTS DEVELOPED 20 Irish potatoes Flavored potato crisps Frozen chips

21 Soya Soya sprouts Soya milk Baby porridge with soya

22 Honey Processed, filtered honey Honey sweetened beverages

23 Tomatoes Tomato paste Tomato juice Tomato sauce Canned tomatoes

24 Bamboo shoots Processed vacuum packaged bamboo shoots
