No. 121.



TUESDAY, 26 APRIL, 1932. 1. The House met pursuant to adjournment. The President took the Ohair. Members present:- The HOll_Qrable, /3ir,John Beverley Peden, R.C.M.G., X.C., President. The Honorable William ,Ainsworth, The Honorable Edward Crawford Magrath, 'The Honorable Carl Adrian . .A.khurat, F.I.I.S., The Honorable Robert Mahony, • The H,onorable G_eprge-Stacher Arehar,_ '.rhe Honorable Daniel Malone, A.M.I.lI. 'The Honorable George' Black, - (Aust.), The Honorable ·Sir Henry Yule BraddoD, The Honorable John Bertie Martin, . K.B.E., The Honorable Joseph Michael Martin, The Honorable William Brennan, The Honorable Patrick Michael McGirr, The Honorable Charles Brill Bridges, The Honorable Hugh Donald McIntosh, The Honorable William Brooks, The Honorable Alan William McNamara, 'The Honorable Joseph Alexander Browne, The Honorable James Mark Minahan, LL,B., K.C., The Honorable George MullinS, The Honorable Francis Henry Bryant, The Honorable Sir James Anderson Murdoch, The Honorable George Patrick Buckley, R.B.E., C.M.G., The Honorable Nicholas .James Buzacott, The Honorable Thomas George Murray, "The Honorable Sir Joseph Hector Carruthers, The Honorable George Nesbitt, R.C.M.G., M.A., LL.D., The Honorable Broughton Barnabas O'Conor, 'The Honorable Joseph Farrar Coates, LL.B., The Honorable James Matthew Concannon, The Honorable' Jolin Francis O'Regan, The Honorable John William Cowbum, The Honorable John CUlbert,' ".', The Honorable John Francis O'Rei.lJ1", The Honorable John J oBeph O'Reilly, Th.e Honorable ..Tohn Michael.Davoxen, The Honorable John Whiteheac;l Pereival, 'The Honorapl!3, GeQr~e; Ale~nder . Dewar, The Honorable Robert ~illans" . The Honorable William 'l'homas Pick, B.A., Lieutenant-Colonel the 'Honorable Tholll8l 'The "Honorable W~am E.dward Dickson, Alfred John Playfair, D.S.O., O.B.E., Tl~:e Honorable Thomas PatricK D"oyle, . 'The Honorable George Frederick Earp, C.B.E., V.D., The Honorable Thomas. Falkingham, The ,Hono!able Frank P

2. TRADE Dl\'ERTED TO VICTORlA:-Mr. Alam asked the Vice-President of the Executive Council,- (1.) Does· the Honorable J. Baddeley, Secretary for Mines and Minister for Labour and Industry, know that since the passing of the ~actories and Shoplil Act, 1931, making branding compulsory, trade, to an alarmIng extent, has been diverted to Victoria? (2.) H the above contention can be prqved conclusively, will the Minister amend the Act before the position becomes more acute? (3). Does he know that proofs can be given to the Minister of the increased public demand for Victorian manufactured goods since the passing of above Act! Mr. Concannon replied,- (1.) My information does not confirm this statement. (2) anci (3.) See answer to No. (1).

3. ASSENT TO BILLS :-The President reported the .following Messages .from His Excellency the Governor:- (1.) Ministry of Transport Bill:- PHILIP GAME, Message. Governor. A Bill, intituled "An Act to constitute a Department of 'Transport,; to provide for the constitution O'f a Board of Oommissioners, and f01" the exercise by that Board of the powe1'S and functions of the Railway Oommissioners fo~ New South TYales, the Metropolitan Transport Trust, the Newcastle and District Tmnspvrt T1'ust, the Oorn-missioner of Road Transport, the J.lfanagement Board, the ]Iain Roads Boa,'d of , and the State Transport (00- (j'rdination) Board; to amend the Government Railways Act, 1912-1931, and certain othe-1' Acts; and for purposes conne'Cied therewith:'-as finally passed by the Legislative Oouncil and Assembly, having been presented to the Governor for the Royal Assent, His Excellency has, in 'the name o.f His Majesty, assented to the said Bm, and now transmits it to the Legislative Oouncil, to be numbered and forwardC'cl to the proper Officer for enrolment, in the manner required by law. Government II o'use, , 22nd March, 1932. (2.) Gas and Electricity Bill:- PHILIP GAME, Message, Governor, .A Bill, illtituled "An Act to 1'cgulate the supply, ccnsumption, and use of gas and electricity; to prescribe the standards of heating power, purity, and pJ'eS8U1'e of gas/ to provide for the regulation of companies, corporations, firms, and persons supplying gas and electricity, and particula1'ly with rega'rd to dividends, rese1'ves, funds-J accounts, and the issue ,of shares-J' to repeal the Gas Act, 1912, as amended by subsequent Acts, and the Electric Lighting and Gas Emergency Act, 1917; to amend an Act passed·in the eighth year of the reign of His late Majesty King William the Fourth, intituled 'An Act for lighting with Gas th@Town of Sydney in the Oolony of New South Wales, and to enable ce1.tain persons associated under the name, style, and firm of


(4.) Sancta Sophia Oollege Incorporation (Amendment) Bill:­ PHILIP GAME, Jfessage. Got'ernor. A Bill, intituled "An Act to amend the Sancia Sophia Oollege Incorpora­ tion Act, 1929,"-a5 finally passed by the Legislative Oouncil and Assembly, having been presented to the Governor for the Royal Assent, His Excellency has, in the name of His Majesty, assented to the said Bill, and· now transmits it to the Legislative Oouncil, to be numbered and forwarded to the proper Officer for enrolment, in the manner required by law. Government House, Sydney, 30th March. 1932. (5.) Farm Produce Agents (Amendment) Bill:-

PHILIP GAME, Messag~ Governor. A Bill, intituled "An Act to make furthe1' prOV~8wn for the regulation and control of farm produce agents and the sale of fa1'm produc(3,; to amend the Farm Produce Agents Act 1926~' and for purposes connected therewith,IJ-as finally passed by the Legislative Oouncil and Assembly, having been presented to the Governor for the I{oyal Assent, His Excellency has, in the name of !Jis Majesty, assented to the said Bill, and now transmits it to the Legislative Oouncil, to be numbered and forwarded to the propel' Officer for enrolment, in the manner required by law. Govermnent H ouse~ Sydney, 30th Match, 1932.

4. LEAVE OF ABSENCE TO MKi'lIBER :~The President reported the receipt of a communi~ cation from His Excellency the Governor, dated 4th April, 1932, intimating that leave of absence had been granted to the Honorable George Nesbitt, for a period of twelve months from 27th April, instant .

.5. 'DEATH OF THE HONORABLE SIR ALFRED MEEKS, R.B.E.:-The President reported the receipt of a communication from Lady Meeks, thanking tha House, on behalf of herself and daughter, for its resolution of sympathy on the death of the Honorable Sir Alfred Meeks, K.B.E.

6. P.APERS :-Mr. Ooncannon laid upon the Table the undermentioned Papers:- (1.) Report of the Oommissioner of Road Transport and of the Metropolitan Transport Trust and the Newcastle and District Transport Trust for the year ended 30th June, 1931. (2.) Public Service List, 1931-List of Officers permanently employed on 31st DecemQer, 1931, by the Government of New South Wales, under the provisions of the Public ,service Act, 1902, excluding teachers employed in High, Inter­ mediate High, and Primary Schools. Ordered to be printed. (3.) Gas and Electricity Act, 1932-Regulations under. (4.) Banks and Bank Holidays Act, 1912-Abstracts of Liabilities and Assets of Banks for the quarter ended 31st December, 1931. (5.) Police Regulation Act, lS99, and the Police Regulation (Superannuation) Act, 1906-Amended Rules under. . (6.) Oareless Use of Fire Act, 1912-Amended Regulations under. (7.) Meat Industry Act, 1915-Additional By-laws under. (S.) Fisheries Act, 1902-Amended Regulations undel·. (9.) Pure Food Act, 1905-Amended Regulations under. (10.) Public Works Act, 1912-Notifications of resumption or appropriation of land under, for .the following purposes:- (a) Oottage Oreek Stormwater Ohannel, Tooke-street, Branch. (b) Oottage Oreek Stol'mwater Ohannel, National Park Branch. (c) Powell's Oreek Stormwater Ohannel. (d) Mudgee Sewerage. (e) (5). (11.) Local Government Act, 1919-Notifications of resumption or appropriation of land under, £01' the following Oouncils :-Coolamon, Sutherland, Weddin. (12.) Water Act, 1912·1930-By-laws under. (13.) Orown Lands Oonsolidation Act, 1913- (a) Copies of Gazette Notices setting forth the mode in which it is proposed to deal with the dedication of certain lands under. (b) Regulation No. 222B and amendments to Regulations Nos. 162, 196F, 1960, 222, and 324 under. (c) Abstract of Orown Lands intended to be dedicated to public purposes under. 508 MINUTES OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE LEGISLATIVE COUNUlL. (26 April, 1932.)

(14.) Western Lands Act, 1901- "(a)' 'Surrender and subdivision of Western Lands Leases under .. (b), ,Notification. of ,particulars of. Special Leases issued under~ (-15.) Gover~ment Railways (Amendment) Act, 1930-Report of Oontracts ,quoted. for Railway-Conveyance during the month of March, 1932. , (-16.) Sydney Oorporation (Amendment) Act, 1905-By-law No. 24 under. (17.)_ ,Sydney Oorporation Act, 1902, and Public Health Act (as amended)­ By-law No. 40 under. (18.) Local Government Act, 1919-Amendments of Ordinances under. (19.) Public Works Act, 1912- (a) Notification of appropriation and resumption of easements I'equired for the purpose of constructing a High-tension Electricity Transmission Line between Lawson and Orange. ,t- (b) Notification of appropriation and resumption of land required for the purpose of maintaining" the' traffic on the existing" line of Hailway from Sydney to·· Bourke by the provision- of Water Supply to the Lithgow .power ,Station' 'and, Railway ·Ooal Mine. {20.) 'Miri·ing Act,'190~Prochimatlon -under~ . (21.) Su.'prerhe Court Rules-Amendment of Rules re~ating to Solicitors- Rules Nos. 17n and 27D. ,- - .. , (22.) Deserted Wives and Ohildren Aet, 1901-1931-Rules made by Supreme ·Oourt Judges under. {23.) Public -Service Act, 1902- (a) Oopy of Minute by the Public Service Board recommending the appoint­ ment of ,Mr. Albert Kennedy Beveridge as 'Oonveyancing Olerk, PubliQ " 'Trust Offic'e: . '. - .. ,l.~ (b) Oop~ of Minute by the PublicServiee Board recommendirig the appoint­ ment, on probation,' of Mr. Edgar Lawson Button as Teacher of Fitting and Machining, Technical Education' Branch, Department of Education. (c) QOllY of Minute by the Public Service Board recommenQj.ng the appoint~ ment, on probation,' of Mr. Oharles Lewis as Teacher of Fi~tirig and 'Machining, Technical Education Branch" Department of Educa"tion., - (24.) Plant Diseases Act, 1924-NewRegulationsNos. '19 and 20 under. (25.) Marketing of Primary Products Act, 1927-1931-Repeal of Form 4 an4 .the making· of~new·Form'4 under, for ,the Rice :Marketing ~oard. :"!.':; (26.,- Water -Act, 1912'1930-By-laws made by the Trustees of the Terrigal Bore 'Water 'Trust.' I ,.. '.1 ' i,;" ,L' ,i: • (27.) Irrigation Act, 1912-1931-Regulation fixing charges foj,"the- Septic Tank 'Sew'erage 'System at Leeton, made by the 'Vater Oonservation and Irrigation rGonnuission. (2'8.) Stocli' Diseases Act, 1923- (a) Amended Regulation No. 130 and new Regula~fons Nos. 133" 134", .135, 136, and 137. (b) Repeal of Regulation' No. 52 under, and the making of new Regulation . No. 52 in lieu thereof. ' (29.) Forestry Act, 1916-Amended Regulation No. 107, and new RegCllation No. 108 under. - (30.) ,Small Debts Recovery Act, 1912-Amended Rule No.8 under. (31.) Harbour and Tonnage Rates Act, 1920-Regulation No. 69 under. (32.) Transport Act, 1930-Regulations under., ) (33.) Sydney Harbour Bridg·e (Administration) Act, 1932-Regulation. under. (34.') !StateLotteries- Act, 1930-Regulation No.5 under. (35.) Public Inst,·uction Act, IS80-Amended Regulation No. 57 under. r '_!!,' , ',' , • '7. ADJouRN)LENT':---":'The Presiden't· stated that he h~Cl rec~ived f~om the Honorable Member, Mr. Ooates, a Notice, under the 13th iSttmding Order, that he desired to move the adjournment of the House to discuss 'a defiiiite 'matter: 01 urgent public importance, viz. :-"1'he action of' the" Ohief 'Se'cretal'Y in' pej:mitting illegal' g'a'nihlirig devices known as fruit machines to he used in hotel bars and othel:']:l'ublic"places;"-'-- - , , . And no objection being made as to the urgency of the subject, Mr. Coates moved, That this House d9 now adjourn. Dehate' ensued. Motion, by leave) withdrawn. -'. " ' ,,' . ·8. COAL INDl:s'fRY BILl. :-Mr. Concannon moved, That this Bill be now I'ead a second time." '." Motion made (Mr. Fan'a1'), and Question,-That the Debate of this Question he adjourned until next Sitting DUY,-llut and passed. ·509 MINUTES OF THE PROOEEDINGS OF THE LEGISLATIVE OOUNlJII,. (26 April, 1932.)

9. ADJOURNMENT :-Mr. Ooncannon moved, That this House do now adjourn. Debate ensued. Question put and passed.

The House adjourned accordingly, at Twelve minutes before Six o'clock, p.m., until To-morrow at Four o'clock, p.m. W. L. S. OOOPER, Olerk of the Parliaments.




1'. Mr. J. RYAN to ask THE VICE-PRESIDENT OF I'HE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL:- Will the Minister kindly supply answers to the following questions regardill8' operations of the New South Wales State Lottery:- (1) What were the receipts from the commencement of operations up to 31st December last! (2.) What proportion of this sum was paid in prizes? (3.) ""nat was the total cost of administration for the same period 1 (4.) What was tbe 'amount of the balance paid into Oonsolidated Revenue, and of this sum what proportion was subsequently given to the hospitals'

GOVERNMENT BUSINESS-ORDERS OF THE DAY:- 1. Coal Industry Bill; resumption of the adjourned Debate of the Question, on motion of Mr. Concannon, "That this Bill be now read a second time." 2. Ooal Mines Regulation (Amendment) Bill; second reading. 3. Companies Amendment (Preference Shareholders) Bill; second reading. 4. Greater Sydney Bill; further consideration in Committee of the Legislatiye Assembly's Message in reference to. t;. Insurance Companies Deposits Bill; consideration in Oommittee of Leaislative Assembly's Message in reference to. 6. Boiler Inspection and Engine-drivers Bill; consideration in Oommittee of Legia.. lative Assembly's Message in reference to.
