
Help SaveAmerica?s EndantJered Wdd crs

Hummingbirds are the primary pollinators of LiNum bolanderi, which is just one of the spectacular native featured in the American Horticultural Society's 1987 Endangered Wildflowers Calendar. Many of America's most treasured wildflowers are threatened with extinction. In fact, experts estimate that 10 percent of the and varieties native to the United States are in jeopardy. Over 50 taxa have already disappeared. Help save our endangered wildflowers by purchasing the American Horticultural Society's 1987 Endangered Wildflowers Calendar. Funds raised from sales win be used to support conservation projects. To order your calendar, turn to page 37. VOLUME 65 NUMBER 12

Editorial: New Projects by Cha rl es A. Huckins 2

The Design Page: Ground Covers by Margaret H ensel 4

The Indoor : A Most Unusual by Anthony DeB lasi 6

Seasonable Reminders: from Plants by Eileen K. Schofield 10

Vireya Rhododendrons Text and Photography by Tovah Martin 14

Morikami: A Japanese in South by Ruby Weinberg 18

Careers in : Second of a Three-Part Series by Ri cha rd M _ Adams, II 25

Strange Relatives: The Torchwood Family by Jane Steffey 32

Sources 34

Pronunciation Guide 36

Classifieds 38

Book Reviews by Ba rba ra W_ Ellis 42

1986 Index 44

On the Cover: The brilliant blossoms of dwarf poinciana are just one of the attractions of a fasci nating featured in this issue of American Horticulturist. This lovely ga rden is located in subtropical Florida, a surprising- and horticulturally chall enging-location for an authentic Japanese garden. To lea rn more about it, turn to " Morikami : A Japanese James E. Cross left a position as an investment Garden in th e Subtropics," on page 18. Ph otograph by Dan Nelson. advisor with a Street investment firm to pursue a ca reer in horticulture. Today, he is the owner of a highly successful container pl ant nurse ry on Long Island. To learn more about Cross' mid-life career change, and how other men and women pursue careers in horticulture, turn to "Careers in Horticulture," on page 25. Photograph by Richard M. Adams_

EDITOR, PUBLI CATIONS DIRECTOR: Barbara W. Ellis. ART DIRECTOR: Rebecca K. McClimans. ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Lynn M. Lynch, A. Brooke Russell, Brian C. Little. HORTICULTURAL CONSULTANTS: Gi lbert S. Daniels, Jane Steffey. ASS ISTANT TO THE ED ITOR: Martha Palermo. PRO DUCTION ASS ISTANT: Lynn M. Lynch. BUSINESS MANAGER: May Lin Roscoe. MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR: Sa llie Hutcheson. COLOR SEPARATI ONS: John Si mmons, Chromagraphics Inc. ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVE: C. W. Advertising, P.O. Box 138, Mount Vernon, VA 22121, (703) 360-6666.

Repl acement issues of AMERICAN HORTICULTURIST are avail able at a cost of $2.50 per copy. The opinions expressed in the articles that appear in AMERI CAN HORTICULTURIST are th ose of the authors and are not necessarily those of the Society. Manuscripts, art work and photograp hs se nt for possible publication will be returned if they are accompani ed by a self­ addressed, stamped envelope. We cannot guarantee the safe return of unsolicited materi al.

AMERICAN HORTICULTURIST, ISSN 0096-441 7, is the official publication of the Am erican Horticultural Society, 793 1 East Boulevard Drive, , Virginia 22308, (703) 768-5700, and is issued monthly. Membership in the Society includes a subsc ription to AMERICAN HO RTI CULTURIST. Membership dues start ao $25.00 a yea r, $12.00 of which is designated for AMERICAN HORTICULTURIST. Copyri ght © 1986 by the American Horticultural Society. Second-class postage paid at Al exandria, Virgini a and at additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Pl ease se nd Form 3579 to AM ER ICAN HORTICULTURIST, Mount Vernon, Virginia 22121.

American Horticulturist EDITORIAL AMERICAN HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY New Projects omCERS 1986-1987 Mr. Everitt L. Miller Kennett Square, Pennsviv3n ia President Mrs. Carolyn Marsh Lindsay Rochester, New Yo rk inter, the time for thinking about see the November issue of American Hor­ First Vice President and planning projects, is upon ticulturist News Edition, or write to "Liv­ Mrs. John M. Maury us. Two exciting new projects ing Legacy Project," Commission on the WashinglOn, DC W Second Vice Presidel1l that were developed this year may provide Bicentennial of the United States Consti­ Mrs. Charles W. Allen, Jr. our reamers with the raw materials for some tution, 734 Jackson Plac€, NW, Washing­ Glenview, KemuckY tmergetic pondering. We at AHS are very ton, D.C. 20503. SecretalY excited about both of these projects and The USDA has embarked on an ambi­ Mr. Richard J. Hutton West Grove, Pennsvlvania we would like to encourage Society mem­ tious program to update the USDA Har­ Treasurer' bers not only to ponder but to participate diness Zone Map, first published in 1952. Mr. Edward N. Dane actively in them. Although the USDA zone map has been Boston, Massachusetts The Commission on the Bicentennial of widely accepted, have been aware Immediate Past President the United States COl'lstitution has launched of its limitations since the time it was BOARD OF DIRECTORS a project entitled "Plant a Living Legacy," adopted. The updated and expanded ver­ Mrs. Charles W. Allen, Jr. in which citizens all over the United States sion of the hardiness map-to be kl'lown Glenview, Kenruckv will be encouraged to commemorate the as the Plant Performance Guide-will in­ Mr. Richard C. Angino Harrisburg, Pennsvlvania signing of the U.S. Constitution by plant­ clude detailed information usdul to gar­ Gerald S. Barad, M.D. ing a new garden, restoring an existing d(Jners, landscapers and nurserymen. The Fl emington, New Jersel' ga rden or , or planting trees and flow­ guide will take a vaFiety of cultural factors Mrs. Benjamin P. Bole, Jr. ers along public streets and roadways. into consideration, as well as changes in Cleveland, Ohio The " Living Legacy" project was de­ and landscaping methods. The Mr. J. Judson Brooks Sewicklev, Pennsvlvania veloped by a special committee, composed new map will encompass the entire region Dr. Henry M. Cathey of such groups as the American Associa­ from Panama to the North Pole. Was hington, DC tion of Nurserymen, the American Society The USDA is analyzing weather records, Mr. Russell Clark for Architects, the American and will make this information available Boston, Massachusetts Forestry Association, the National Coun­ as part of the guide. In addition, a list of Mrs. Erastus Corning, II Alban\', New York cil for Rehabilitation and Therapy through approximately 2,000 species and cultivars Mr. RichardJ. Hutton Horticulture and the American Horticul­ has been entered into the Germplasm Re­ West Grove, Pennsl'ivan ia tural Society. AHS viewpoints have been sources Information Network (GRIN), a Mr. Stephen F. Keating well represented, thanks to the efforts of computerized seed/plant catalogue housed Minneapolis, MinnesOta Mrs. Carolyn Marsh Lindsay two staff members of your Society: Sharon within the Agricultural Research Service Rochester, New York Barnes, Public Relations Director, and of the USDA. Society members, as well as Mrs. John M. Maury Barbara Ellis, Publications Director. members of other horticultural orgal'liza­ Wash ington, DC To be recogl'lized as "Living Legacies," tiOIils, have b€en asked to help compile data Mr. Everitt L. Miller Kennett Square, Pennsvivania projects must be planned with a commit­ on these plants for the final guide. This Mrs. Daniel Pierce ment to long-term maintenance, and they enormous undertaking is being coordi­ Dedham, Massachusetts must be on publicly-owned land or on nated by Society Board Member and for­ Mrs. Frances J. Poetker property that may be opened to the public. mer President Dr. Henry M. Cathey, Di­ CinCinnati, Ohio Each local project developed in the next rector of the U.S. National Arbor€turn. Mrs. Edward King Poor, III Winnetka, Illinois year will be dedicated on September 17, For more information about this proj­ Dr. Julia W. Rappaport 1987, the 200th anniversary of the signing ect, see the November 1986 issue of Amer­ 5ama Ana , Californ ia of the Constitution in Philadelphia. ican Horticulturist News Edition, and write Mrs. Philip Temple The "Plant a Living Legacy Project" or call Plant Performance Guide, U.S. Na­ Little ComplOn , Rhode Island tional , 3501 New York Av€• Mr. Roy G. Thomas provides a challenging opportunity for Woodstock, Yermom gardeners to g(Jt invol¥ed in the celebration nue, NE, Washington, D.C. 20002, (202) Mrs. Harry J. Van de Kamp of nhe Bicentennial of the Constitution. It 475-4829. Pasadena, Ca lifornia is hoped that " Living Legacy" plantings Mr. John H. Whitworth, Jr. New York, New York across the country will serve to remind Mrs. Jean Verity Woodhull future generations of Americans of the im­ Da\10n, Ohio portance of the living document that is our Dr. John A. Wort Constitution. Seattle, Washington For more information 0n how you might -Charles A. Huckins become involved in this exciting project, Executive Director

2 December 1986 o Please send me advance information on the 42nd Annual Meeting of the AHS , to be held in New York City .

___----1.7ip : ____

MAIL TO: Elizabeth Smith , AHS, P.O. Box 0105 , Mount Vernon , Virginia 22121 . DESIGN PAGE Ground Covers

Hostas, Alchemilla mollis and Brunnera macrophylla make striking ground covers along a grass path.

ne of the best small I know this geometry, the rear half of the garden of which are variegated. Sizable clumps of is in the center of a tiny Cotswold is a winding woodland, so densely planted Bergenia cordifolia make corners more Ovillage in southwestern . with shrubs, small trees and ground covers emphatic with their cabbage-like leaves. Less than an acre in size, the garden seems that the house and neighboring back yards Along the edges of the narrow paths, more much larger, in part because of the con­ are completely hidden. specimens of Nepeta mussinii crowd Pul­ trasting styles of its various areas. Nearest In this "woodland," Brunnera macro­ monaria saccharata and various hardy ge­ the house, the character is almost formal, phylla, Alchemilla mollis and Nepeta mus­ raniums, including Geranium endressii and with a square , a geometric and sinii are planted in long sweeps, punc­ G. endressii 'Wargrave's Pink'. Even com­ , straight gravel walks and a tuated with clumps of various species and mon garden rhubarb plays its part in pro­ rectangular conservatory. In contrast to all cultivars of Epimedium and Hosta, some viding foliage contrast.

4 December 1986 Park Seed I In England, none of these ground covers of Aquilegia, all with the same blooming are uncommon; a British garden without time; and a large number o f three-foot-tall Big I Alchemilla mollis or some form of Nepeta pink-and-white Anemone x hybrida, which New. is not only incomplete but virtually non­ bl ooms from late August well into Sep­ existent. Yet the combinations of these tember and sports handsome lobed leaves ground covers, which provide background all summer. All of these plants grow in I 19871 texture and spl ashes of perennial colo r, either full sun o r partial shade. I Catalog I ra ise the Cotswold garden above the Without wreaking too much havoc, we I. Gardening is • commonplace. cl eared a foot-wide wandering drift through , more fun with. Here in the United States, it is surprising sections of ground cover so th at the effect • Park High how limited our repertoire o f ground cov­ of winter bareness would be minima l. We Performer® varieties - vegetables with. • better taste and higher yield, flowers more. ers is. There are some individual gardeners th en enriched the soil and put in herba­ • beautiful and easy to grow. Plus over who have broken away from the o rdina ry ceous pl ants. In the partia ll y shaded Vinca 2,100 exciting varieti es, all fully guaran- • • teed. Our bi g, 132 page catalog has color . and planted hardy geraniums and sed urns beds, which are in bloom from Apri l into so lusciouslv real vou can almost taste the as ground covers, but by and large, the May, we poked in hundreds of specimens • vegetables illld smell the flowers! • same ground covers are used over and over of Tulipa turkestanica, an eight-in ch-ta ll • "Home Garden Seed Specialists Since 1868" • again. I was recently told at a ho rticultural species with about half a dozen white, star­ • D Send full gathering that the two most popular pl ants shaped flowers per stem. We also planted CD r r, . •• Color Catalog .J: J.\,..J:JL. • in the United States are Vinca minor and T. tarda, a six- in ch plant that bears clusters ABB • Pachysandra. Hedera helix (a nd its culti­ o f bright ye ll ow fl owers edged with white. • Name ;;--:______• vars) could probably be added to the li st. A bed of Pachysandra wa planted with Plea se Print There is much to be said for our popular Tulipa praestans 'Fusi li er', whose clu sters • Addr ess • threesome. For one thing, all are evergreen. of eight-inch flowers are brilliant red in • Apt _ . Both Vinca and Hedera can grow in con­ Apri l. For May bl oom, we p la nted T. I City I ditions ranging from full sun to full shade. batalinii, which bea rs six-in ch yell ow And though Pa chysandra thrives in partial fl owers, as well as the graceful T. marjo­ • State ZIP • Park Seed Co. • to deep shade, like the others, it will even­ lettii, with 20-inch, ivo ry to white fl owers. • P. O. Box 46, Greenwood, S. C. 29648-0046 tually form a reasonably dense, weed­ Pl anting technique was simple, if some­ 1 •••••••••••• 1 resistant cover. Vinca minor 'Bowles' has what arduous, for the bulbs numbered in deeper blue flowers than the species, spreads the thousands. We poked the ground with UN\O~~ERGY-SA"'NG RCH'" outward from the crown rather than root­ a stick, then pl aced a pinch of bone meal ing along the stem, and continues to bloom in each small hole. We pl anted the tulips SUM-!2,USE COMBO! sporadicall y throughout the growing in broad sweeps, strewn by the handful so /SC INSULATED season. that they would appear as if nature had WINTER SUN SPACE CAN CONVERT In many American -partic­ arranged them all. The only trick was not TO A SUMMER SCREEN ROOM! ularly around o lder, more traditiona l to lose track of those that had slipped be­ I homes-these three ground covers are neath the foli age. common themes. Predictably, one or all In the dappled shade, another formal unite the landscape or lawn with the house, area of Pachysandra entered a woodland. foundation shrubs and any subsidiary Aga in, w e rem oved narrow sweeps of buildings, such as a garage or guest house. ground covers. This time, we pl anted var­ As part of a recent project, I was asked ious fern s, as well as Tiarella cordifolia to give a bit of life to just such a planting. (whose small white spires appear in irreg­ To tear out hundreds of square feet of ular patches along the edges in spring), establi ground covers was out of the Polygonatum odoratum ' Vari egatum', question. Not only would such an under­ Trollius (for splashes of yellow and gold taking be costly in terms of labor and new in May and June) and Helleborus orien­ plants, but the evergreen cover was as much talis, along with a small selection of species NEW! MULTI·PURPOSE ROOM a part of the garden's character as were tulips. The foliage of each of these new ADDS LIGHT, HEAT & SPACE. the centuries-old sugar maples. "ground covers" (Trollius excluded) is now D Bronze aluminum D Shatter-resista nt glazing Inspired by the Cotswold garden, I de­ an attractive feature throughout most of D No foundations required D Easy do-it-yourself cided to use the existing ground covers as the growing season. At the same time, the assembly D Screen package optional D Ideal spa/hot tub room , foyer/entry way. a foliage background for seasonal displays establi shed ground cover serves as a con­ Introductory Sale Includes of spring bulbs-not the usual sorts of stant background for a changing sequence Cottage and Darwin tulips or ' King Alfred' of bloom, while sti ll retaining its unifying ROOF VENT & STORM/SCREEN DOOR Keeps Your Sun-Porch ,. Coolin Summer daffodils, but a succession of species tulips. role in the landscape. n Send $2 for Color Catalogues, Prices, Also included would be plants with hand­ -Margaret Hensel SENT FIRST CLASS MAIL. some, long-lasting foliage, such as Anem­ Dealer Inquiries Welcome one sylvestris, an 18-inch plant with white Margaret Hensel is a landscape des igner and VEG ETABLE FACTORY, INC. P.O. Box 2235, Dept AH-86 flowers in May and June; a few specimens writer li ving in western Massachusetts. L.:::.:"':"':":=~ New York, NY 10163

American Horticulturist 5 mE INDOOR GARDENER Plant

hat is the world's most unusual plant? Among the candidates Wfor such a title are plants that look like stones, or that smell like carrion, or that wait a century to bloom. Of course, there is no consensus, but I would say that the parade of strange plants is led by those that behave like animals. An appetite for the bizarre is not part of every horticultural personality, but for those with a yen to grow something out­ rageous, purely for the fun of it, there are several routes to take. One is to study a good-sized catalogue, staying clear of the front pages and concentrating on offerings not illustrated. Another is to visit a green­ house, preferably a rambling conserva­ tory. Yet another is to read an article like this one. It was on an isolated, unglamorous page of a seed catalogue some years ago that I came across the description of a plant whose leaves move in warm weather, when the temperature is above 700 F. "How strange!" I thought. "A plant that fidgets?" The telegraph plant (Desmodium mo­ unusual plant, torium) is a nervous green thing that per­ Desmodium haps should have been an animal instead motorium (also of a plant. Other acrobats of the vegetable listed as D. gyrans) kingdom, such as the popular sensitive plant would certainly be a candidate. (Mimosa pudica) or the less-well-known ABOVE: The small, carambola (Averrhoa carambola), must be paired leaflets, touched or prodded in some way to get borne on the leaf them to bend, fold, droop or whatever. stalk just below the Not so in the case of the telegraph plant. leaf, move when the plants are exposed As long as temperatures remain mild (the to temperatures sun need not be shining), it performs its above 70°F. act without the sli ghtest cue. BELOW: These And what an act! The telegraph plant delicate looking, attractive plants se nds "flag signals" all day with a pair of make excellent leaves that wave from the base of a larger, house plants. stationary leaf. The animated leaflets twist and twirl in orbits, pivoting on coiling stems th at resemble tiny muscles. The motions are irregular and unpredictable. At night ing wild in our country is D. canadense, By contrast, the seeds of D. motorium, all the leaves droop, making the plant look the tick trefoil, whose purple spikes pro­ a native of , are smooth and look as wilted. These weird semaphore "mes­ duce lenticular seeds coated with a Velcro­ if they have been dipped in varnish. Their sages" have never been decoded. Incred­ like fuzz that clings to clothing, hair or resemblance to tiny kidney beans reveals ulous visitors have asked me why the plants almost anything, just like ticks. Once chil­ their tie to the pea family (Leguminosae). act in such a strange manner. My stock dren discover this quality, they are quick You are not likely to get more than about answer is, "They think they're animals." to play practical jokes with these "vege­ eight of them in a packet. The only species of Desmodium grow- table ticks." With such rare and exotic seeds as D.

6 December 1986 Probably The Best Seed Catalog in the world. • •

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certainly the largest ...

even in 1977, the 'Guiness Book of World Suppliers of seeds to the Royal Records' confirmed T&M having the largest range Families of virtually every country in Europe. T&M seeds have been of seeds, with customers in 150 countries of the chosen by .. . world . . . and it has grown since then . New York Botanical Gardens. Year by year new varieties are introduced Strawberry Fields. following the policy established by William . Pennsylvania . Thompson, founder in 1855, who received new Huntingdon Botanical Gardens. and rare seeds from Charles Darwin. Royal Victoria Gardens. By adhering to his example of bringing the very Washington National Arboreta . latest seed discoveries to his customers, makes The Rothchilds. this , the 132nd consecutive annual edition of Amsterdam University Bot. Gardens. flower and vegetable seeds, a must for all Moscow Botanical Gardens. gardeners. Chosen also to establish the garden made famous by the painter Monet and it's FREE! and many more.

Thompson and Morgan Inc. Dept. 6 Jackson. N.J. 08527 I I Name I Thompson & Morgan Address ... .. I THE SEEDSMEN EST. 1855 City . . . . ~ I ~~ ~~~ 1302 SElectric Steinmax mE INDOOR GARDENER Chipper Shredder • 14 Day Free Trial motorium, I recommend using the foll ow­ begin to form at the juncture of th e main • Cente r blade shred s co rn in g "fail-safe" sowing method. First, spread leaf and the leaf stalk. It is these small er, stalks, prunin gs, old plants, newspap ers, leave s and vines a one-inch layer of potting soil or seed­ paired leaves that " fidget." • Unique cle an cutting action starter mix on the bottom of a fiber flat. If the fl edglings are slow to swing into • Chipper does l 1f4" branches • Powerful 1.8 hp motor Then add a one-in ch layer of milled sphag­ acti on, don't get discou raged. When I grew num moss. (Yo u co uld use a ll milled my first batch of telegraph plants, I almost sphagnum moss, but using just a top layer threw them out, suspecting their alleged PLUS of this relati ve ly expensive medium makes power of moti on to be a hoax. But the Bulk Leaf it spread further.) The milled sphagnum wi spy seedlings were graceful a nd re­ Shredding moss should be moistened. To do this, put minded me of little bamboos, so I kept Accessory some in a pl asti c bag, add water and squeeze them. When they rewarded me with their Wide-mouth hopper the bag, keeping the top cl osed. Pat the first wi ggles, 1 grinned from ear to ear and & special blade seed-starting medium down gently. Lay the said , " I see it, but I don't beli eve it! " Spe ci al 12-edg e blade shreds leave s extra fine, seeds on the surface, where you want them A bi-weekl y feeding will keep the pl ants wet or dry. Large feeding to sprout. (I usuall y put one about an inch hole handles great twitching and stretching; by summer's end, quantities. Atta ches quickly. fro m each corn er and one in the center, the lanky stems will have grown several No other electric shredder does th is good a job. then use up the re maining spaces sy m­ feet. M y favorite pl ant food is fi sh emul­ metrica ll y.) With a blunt sti ck or the eraser­ sion. I ignore the label instructi ons and mix Huge 21 cu_ ft. capacity end of a pencil , push each seed one-quarter it so that the water looks like weak tea­ Bin inch down into the moss and cover up the roughl y two squirts of emulsion per half­ hole by pushing the surrounding moss over gall on of water. Whatever fertilize r you it. Label the fl at and give it a good sprin­ use, be sure to dilute it. Too generous a klin g. Then set it on a heating cabl e, in a supply of food or too large a pot can kill bright, warm pl ace, but out of direct sun. D. motorium. I have never had to keep a Seeds of the telegraph plant may be sown telegraph pl ant in a pot larger than six any time of the year. I prefer spring, with inches. An especially vi go rous two-year­ its lengtheni ng days and warming weather. old pl ant mi ght benefit from an eight-inch The seeds take eight to 21 days to ger­ cl ay or wood pot if the soil is extra-porous Continuo us process bins from England turn ga rde n and minate, occasio nall y longer. During the and well drained. kitchen wastes into rich compost in weeks. Scientific design accelerates decomposition . reta ins warmth and mOisture. sprout-watch, sprinkle the surface when it A greenhouse is not necessary to house tnternal temperatu res rise to 160"F in a few hours. Add materi als anytime. Slide up pane ls at either end to remove begins to appear dry. Although inserting these creatures through the winter. They mature compost at ground leve l. Largest model hold s a seed fl at into a pl asti c bag can help to will be happy in a south or wes t window ';' ton of mature compost. Rugged ra ccoon-proof construc ­ tion . Attractive green finish. 3 other sizes to choose from preserve moisture, I have fo und that this of your house as long as the temperature Greenhouse Quality method shocks the tender seedlings by sud­ does not dip below 50° F. However, the denl y exposing them to "outside air," thus pl ants may get so tall you will have to COld Frame increasing the danger of damping off. Al­ either cut o ff their tops or cut a hole in Solid aluminum th ough yo u must keep a cl ose watch and your ceiling. structure and double wall keep the pl ants moist if the seed fl at is Telegraph pl ants are tender perennials; polycarbonate left uncovered, the seedlings will have give n suitable summer and winter quar­ glazing make JUWEL cold a healthier start in life. And, I beli eve, ters, with as much care as you would give frames the best. Extend your Fall you will acquire a greener thumb in the Co leus, they will li ve fo r several years and Season by 6 weeks, process. may even show their purple spiked bl ooms plant 6 weeks earlier in WARM soil next Spring Expandable with When three leaves have appeared, trans­ fo r you. In their second spring, you will add -on units. Optional automatic openers. pl ant the " baby telegrapher" to a three­ pro bably want to cut them back. Tip-cut­ Imported from England in ch fib er o r clay pot filled with a well­ tings about fi ve in ches long will root. Sink drained potting soil. Then put it in a bright, the cuttings halfway in a moist sterile me­ Watering airy, humid pl ace, in temperatures be­ dium, and pl ace them in a warm, shaded tween 5 8° and 80° F. Indoors, a " humid pl ace. Mist several times dail y, or keep Cans pl ace" is either where lots of other pl ants under an umbrell a o f cl ear or translu ce nt Regular & are growing, or where the air receives added pl asti c. Pot the cuttings as soon as they Long Reach moisture- fo r example, from misting, pans resume growth. Models full of water, o r regul ar clouds of vapo r A young telegraph pl ant, presented with Th is rang e of 7 from steaming bathrooms or kitchens. In a brief set of instructi ons, is an ideal gift can s handles every watering • ' . job in the greenhouse. garden or home. . warm weather, keep telegraph pl ants out­ fo r anyone with mo re than a passing in­ Good looking , strong green plastiC and built doors with other potted pets that enj oy teres t in pl ants. Who could pass up a grace­ to last Brass- faced rose attachments provide gentle rain for seed bed s and delicate se edlings. several hours of sunlight each day. ful , easy-to-grow plant that behaves like Don't expect to see any "acti on" until an animal? 0 - Anthony DeBlasi Call or write for FREE INFORMATION PACKAGE about the sixth true leaf has formed, which The Kinsman Company takes at least 36 days from th e time of Antho ny DeBl asi is a free-l ance w riter a nd River Ro ad (Dept. Bll) Point Pl eas ant , PA 18950 photographer li vi ng in West Newfield, Main e. (215) 297-561 3 sowing. Only then do the motile lea fl ets

8 December 1986 Country Casual

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lthough pest control is considered a modern and sophisticated sci­ Plant-Derived Pesticides A ence, its history dates back to the beginnings of . Ever since hu­ Common Name Scientific Name Family Origin Source mans first started to cultivate plants, they (of plant and/or (of plant) (of active have had to do battle with insects, diseases ) principle) and weeds. Classical writings on agriculture allude Insecticides to various methods of pest control, many Affinint Heliopsis longipes Compositae New World roots of which were based on superstition. For Anacyclint pyrethrum Compositae Old World roots instance, burying a toad near millet was Custard apple Annona sp. Annonaceae New World seeds supposed to protect the plant from di sease. Echinacein t Echinacea angustijolia & E. pallida Compositae New World roots However, other, more practical uses of plant and animal products were also outlined, Gossypol Gossypium species Malvaceae New World seeds and many of these persisted in Europe­ Heliopsint Heliopsis helianthoides s. scafJra Compositae New World roots largely unchanged-until the mid-1600's. False Hellehore Veratru.m album Liliaceae Old World rhizomes Only then did researchers begin experi­ Herculint & Zanthoxylum clava-herculis Rutaceae New World bark mental work to test techniques for con­ Neoherculin t trolling pests and diseases of and Marney Mammea americana Guttiferae New World fruits & seeds ornamentals. Mexican Haplophyton cimicidum Apocynaceae New World leaves Colonists brought these established cockroach plant practices with them to America, where they Nicotine' Nicotiana tabacum Solanaceae New World leaves learned new methods from the native In­ Pellitorinet Anacyclus pyrethrum Compositae Old World roots dians. Throughout the colonial period, plants served as an important source of Pyrethrin' Chrysanthemum cinerariijolium Compositae Old World flowers pesticides. Extracts of tobacco were sprayed Quassia Quassia amara Simaroubaceae Old World wood & bark or dusted on crops, and liquid extracted Rotenone' Derris & Lonchocarpus spp. Leguminosae Old & New roots from hell ebores was applied to corn seeds World to make them unpalatable to insects and Ryania Ryania speciosa Flacourtiaceae New World roots, leaves birds. Tobacco itself was protected from & stems insects with a solution of sassafras. Sabadilla Schoenocaulon ojjicinale Liliaceae New World seeds While advanced societies have relied more Sanshoolt Zanthoxylum piperitum Rutaceae Old World fruits & bark and more on artificial chemicals, primitive Scabrint Heliopsis helianthoides s. scabra Compositae New World roots societies-especially in the tropics-have continued to use plant-derived pesticides. Spilantholt Spilanthes oleracea Compositae Old World flowers Exploration of these primitive areas has Thundergod Vine Tripterygium wilfordii Celastraceae Old World bark of roots led to the discovery of many new plant Yam Bean Pachyrhizus erosus Leguminosae New World seeds products and to an increased interest in biological control as a safer form of ag­ Insect Repellents ricultural management. Scientists are once Azadirachtin' Azadirachta indica Meliaceae Old World seeds again focusing their attention on finding (Neem tree) plants that are suitable as a source of pes­ Bay Laurel Laurus nobilis Lauraceae Old World leaves ticides. However, this area of research still Citronella' Cymbopogon nardus Gramineae Old World leaves lags behind others. In a 1983 survey of 54 Cucumber Cucumis sativus Cucurbitaceae Old World fruits Agricultural Experiment stations in the Zanthophylline Zanthoxylum monophyllum Rutaceae New World branches & United States and Puerto Rico, only 14 stems reported involvement in active research on plant-derived pesticides. A recently compiled list of plants that Juglone' Juglans nigra Juglandaceae New World roots & are reported to be used in various parts of (and related species) husks the world in the control of household and 'pesticide at or near stage of commercial production agricultural pests includes six species of tpesticide belonging to the chemical group unsarurated isobutylamides

10 December 1986 Our Free 1987 algae, fungi and lichens; seven species of traction are now used in the tobacco in ­ Seed Catalog ferns and fern alli es; 11 species of gy m­ dustry. Finally, ni cotine is toxic not onl y nosperms; and 659 species of fl owering to insects, but also to humans and other Will Help Your plants. This li st indicates that altho ugh mammals. many different kinds of plants have been Among the daisy fam il y (Compositae) used to control pests, by far the most com­ members that have been used to kill in sects Garden Grow. mon source of pl ant-derived pesti cides are is Chrysanthemum cinerariifolium, co m­ the angiosperms, or fl owering plants. monl y ca ll ed pyrethrum. A powder made Of the 120 families of fl owering plants from the fl owers se rved as an insecticide containing species reported to control pests, in th e Middle and Near East in ancient five are notable: the Leguminosae, or pea times. T his species was introduced to Eu­ family (78 species); the Compositae, or rope in the earl y 1800's, and later to the daisy family (65 species); the Euphorbi­ United States, and other countries. aceae, or spurge famil y (39 species); the By the 1900's, ]apan had become the lead­ , . Labiatae, or mint family (33 species); and ing producer o f pyrethrin, the flower ex­ -)'\ ~, ~-" , the Solanaceae, o r nightshade family (23 tract used as an insecticide. However, after ". species). Since mem bers of these families Wo rld War 1I , production shifted to Kenya are known to contain numerous poisonous and Ec uador. and a ro matic chemicals, their pesti cide Pyrethrin is concentrated in th e di sk J o hnnv 's Catalog In cludes properties are not surprising. florets and achenes. The processing is ve ry over 400 hardv seed va neties that Much pesticide research has focused on labor-intensive, since fl ower heads must be produl e beautiful. fresh-tas ting the five families. (Three insecticide prod­ pi cked by hand, dried and ground up be­ vegetable.; . even dunng sho rr ucts of commercial importance have al­ fo re the p yrethrin ca n be extracted. This g rowing seasons with challenging ready been isolated from this group. ) In slow process has pro mpted scientists to weathe r lO nditions. Fo r over a studying the pesticide-related properties of isolate and synthesize this chemical. decade . we have been committed plants from these and other families, re­ Pyrethrin is often combined with a sy n­ to deve lo ping the m ost dependa­ searchers have categorized each plant's ergist to enhance its effectiveness. It acts ble. productive seeds. for vour " control" potential-that is, as an insec­ quickl y to pa ralyze o r kill in sects such as lO mplete satisfaction . Every seed ticide, an insect repellent or a . housefli es, mosquitoes, roaches and bee­ va fl et\· we se ll must meet our ex­ tl es. The sp ray form is used primarily as actI ng standards for fla vo r. ap­ Insecticides a contact insecticide on pl ants in the house pearance . disease reS istance and and elsewhere. For long-term use, pyre­ high germinatio n . That's whv As early as the 1600's, an extract of to­ thrin can be mi xed with a powder medium gardeners across the country have bacco was used in Europe as a spray to and spread in dark storage areas; any in­ come to relv o n us for bo untiful protect other plants from insects. Both the sects that come in contact with the powder harves ts of superio r qualitv. reo liquid extract and a dust form remained will be kill ed, while others will be repell ed. gardless of regional conditio ns. popular throughout the 19th century. To­ Since pyrethrin is broken down by sun­ O ur new Catalog offers bacco fumigants were also used to kill in­ li ght, it does not accumulate in the envi­ hundreds of vegetable. herb and sects in . In the 1900's, nico­ ronment. It shows no significant toxicity fl ower seeds . plus rools . accesso­ tine sulfate was isolated and marketed as in mammals, and is therefore one of the fles. books. even reCipe.; A com­ an insecticide. safest insecti cides avail able. plete gardener's manual. It Nicotine is synthesized in the roots of Several plants of the pea family, or Leg­ contains a vast amount of Infor· Nicotiana, a member of the Solanaceae. It uminosae, have been used for centuries as matio n that wi ll help vour garden is then transported to other parts of the fish poisons. They have been found to be g row better. whether vo u are a plant, including the leaves. It is most con­ effective in killing insects as well. Derris, beginner. o r m o re advanced Mail centrated in N . tabacum, the source of Lonchocarpus and several related genera the coupo n fo r vour Free Catalog smoking tobacco, but also occurs in many all produce a group of compounds called rodav . other species. Nicotine kills a variety of rotenones. Rotenol'le is found mainly in insects quickly by acting as a stomach poi­ the roots, which can be ground up and SEND FOR YOUR son. Some insects are obviously immune, applied as dust. FREE CATALOG TODAY. since they can feed on tobacco plams. Usu­ The first recorded use of rotenone (once all y, nicotine does not harm the plants on referred to as " derris dust") as an insec­ Johnny's Selected Seeds which it is spray~d. ticide was for the control of caterpill ars in 100 Foss Hill Road The popularity of nicotine-derived in­ the late 1800's. In this century, rotenone Albion. Maine 04910 '-' secticides has waned in recent years for quickly became the most popular " natu­ Send my FREE 1987 Catalog several reasons. For one thing, it is expen­ ral" insecticide, and pesticide users began Name ______sive to produce and has been replaced by to consume millions of pounds of roots. synthetics that are less costly. Also, the Sciel'ltists eventually synthesized the com­ Address ______parts of Nicotiana plants that were once pound, thereby ma king production less Town ______considered useful only for insecticide ex- expensive. State ______Zip ___

American Horticulturist 11 SEASONABLE REMINDERS

Rotenone acts in a somewhat compli­ at one time to keep insects away fro m books in conjuncti on with predato ry insects in cated manner, by inhi biting th e mi tochon­ and clothing. an integrated pest management program. dria l electron transport chain in th e cell s Although all parts of the neem tree repel Unfo rtunately, the supply of azadirachtin of insects. This inhi biti on ca uses lowered insects, this property is concentrated in the is small ; onl y minute amounts of the chem­ oxygen consumption, paralys is and even­ seeds. In 1975, tine primary active ingre­ ica l can be extracted fro m seeds. Scientists tu all y, death. Rotenone spray is commonl y dient, azadirachtin, was isolated and its are wo rking to synthesize the compo und appl ied to house plants and garden o r­ chemi cal structure determined. This com­ so that it can be used more widely. If they namentals to control such pes ts as aphids po und repels abo ut 60 different insect spe­ succeed, this natural repellent will be of and red spiders. Although it is effecti ve cies, including houseflies, va ri ous beetl es, great valu e as a pesti cide. against a number of insects as well as fi sh, aphids, mealybugs and several pests. Oil of citronell a, derived from the leaves it is virtuall y harmless to mammals, and Azadirachtin acts as a feeding deterrent of the Old Wo rld grass, Cymbopogon nar­ ranks with pyrethrin as a safe insecti cide. by dis rup ting the insect's no rma l re­ dus, was the most widely used mosquito Like pyrethrin, rotenone is degraded by sponses. It is thought that proteins in the repell ent in the earl y 1900's. It is still avail­ light and leaves no toxic residue. insect respond to chemicals in food by sig­ abl e in the fo rm of ca ndles, which can be nalin g the insect to eat. If an anti-feedant, burned in outdoor areas near the home. Insect Repellents such as the one th at is present in the neem It, too, may have a place in integrated pes t tree, is applied to insects, this reacti on is ma nagement as an effective, tempo rary O f the many pl ants reputed to repel in ­ apparently bl ocked, and the insect does control for mosquitoes. sects, there is one th at has been prove n to not recogni ze the pl ant as edible. Azadir­ According to old wi ves' tales, cucum­ contain a potent chemical repell ent: Aza­ achtin can be applied to the soil , where it bers (Cucumis sa tivus) a nd bay leaves dirachta indica, the neem tree. Altho ugh enters the roots and travels th roughout the (Laurus nobilis) are effective as insect re­ native to India, this member of th e M eli­ pl ant, or it can be applied directl y on pl ants pell ents. Recent resea rch has shown that aceae is grown in many tropi cal areas as or other surfaces. It is effecti ve at low con­ there may be some truth to the ta les. a shade tree. Throughout the centuries, centrations and persists for a long time. Chemicals isolated from these two species neem trees have provided oil for lubrica­ Azadirachtin does not harm the plants do indeed repel cockroaches. When further ti on and soap-making, as well as wood to which it is applied, nor is it toxic to refin ed, they may be useful as safe rep el­ (which is resistant to termites) for stoves mammals and birds. It seems to affect onl y lents in controlling these unwelcome pests and construction. The leaves were also used pl ant-eating insects, so it can be used safely in the home.

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12 December 1986 Herbicides Recentl y, scientists have di scovered th at scree n pl a nts for pesticide activity. Al­ ju glone interrupts the norma l respiratory though most o f these pl ants grow in the Unwanted weeds can be just as trouble­ processes in certain pl ants. Unabl e to pro­ tropics, scientists are also studying plants some as insect pests and pl ant diseases. So duce chemi ca l energy , the pl ants di e. Ap­ in the temperate regions. far, onl y one important herbi cide has been parently, the resistant pl ants undergo a dif­ To characteri ze the pesti cide potential isolated fro m pl ants: juglone. Juglone is ferent respiratory process. Screening fo r o f a pl ant, resea rchers must tes t all of its present in walnut trees Uuglans spp.) and respirato ry type may prov ide a quick way parts against a va ri ety of insects. Much o f other members o f the Juglandaceae, o r to se pa rate the sensiti ve fro m the res istant t he current research is focused o n the walnut famil y. Centuries ago, the Greeks pl ants, and thus may be the key to iden­ chemi cal structure o f natural pes ti cides, and Romans used walnuts to kill fun gi. In tifying weeds, as well as crops, that are which scientists hope eventua ll y to syn­ other areas, fresh walnut husks were thrown susceptible to the chemi cal's toxic effects. th es ize . This approach will all ow pes ti cide into ri vers to stun fi sh and fo rce them to Juglone has potenti al va lu e, then, as a users to take advantage of th e pl ants' unique ri se to the surface, where they could be selecti ve natura l herbi cide. M odern re­ chemi cal properties without causin g over­ coll ected easil y. Farmers probabl y noti ced sea rch has a lso confirmed th at juglone has coll ecti on of wild popul ati ons. the all elopathic effect of walnut trees long a sedati ve effect on some fish and sma ll Human life has always been cl osely linked before it was mentioned in print in th e late mammals, and can be effecti ve in killing to the world of plants. Eve n in this age of 1800's. Scientific experiments in the 1920's fungi, bacteri a and yeasts. computers, plants have much to offer demonstrated the toxicity o f walnut ex­ in the way o f new foods, new medicin es and tracts to tomatoes and alfalfa pl ants. Outlook - thanks to continuing research-safer The primary active ingredient, juglone, pes ti cides. n is most abundant in the roots and husks The plant-deri ved pes ti cides di scussed above -Eileen K. Schofield of the trees; there is none in the edible are examples of the few that have reached-· Eil een K. Schofield has a master's degree in kernels. This chemical is tox ic in ve ry sma ll or are approaching-the stage of produc­ a nd has published numero us technical amounts to a number of impo rtant eco­ ti on and practi cal applicati o n. There are a nd popul a r a rticles. She is also autho r o f nomic plants, including alfalfa, tomatoes, many more that need further chemi ca l in­ Plants of the Galapagos Islands, a fi eld guide potatoes, apples, blueberries and azaleas. ves ti gati on, and still oth ers that have not fo r to urist . C urrently, she is a n Associate Edito r a t th e Agri cultural Experiment Stati o n, It d oes no t a ffect other pla nts such as been studied at all. In many parts o f the Ka nsas State Un iversity, in M a nhattan, grasses, which live beneath walnut trees. world, projects have been establi shed to Ka nsas.

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y first encounter with trop­ treacherous climate, prevalent diseases and repair. By the end of World War II, vireya ical rhododendrons took inhospitable native inhabitants slowed the rhododendrons had virtually vanished from 7J1 place accidentally about discovery and collection of vireyas, which cultivation. seven years ago. Dr. L. C. Case, a rho­ were late to arrive on the European bo­ Vireyas fell prey not only to economic dodendron and magnolia connoisseur of tanical scene. The first vireya described, pressures but also to competition from other international renown, was standing beside Rhododendron malayanum, was discov­ plants. Early 20th-century gardeners were me in our greenhouses. At one point he ered in 1823 by Dr. William Jack of the inundated with novelties, and the once­ uttered approvingly, " I see that your vireya East India Company. However, specimens popular tender Malaysian rhododendrons rhododendron is in bloom." I was taken were not collected until 1843, when the were soon completely overshadowed by aback. "Rhododendron?" I replied, dum­ famous British nursety firm of James Veitch the hardier Asian rhododendrons, newly founded. It was midwinter and barren out­ & Sons sent Thomas Lobb on a botanical introduced from and the Himala­ side. Surely he was mistaken! mission to Malaysia. Among the botanical yas. Vireyas were virtually forgotten until His finger was pointed in the direction specimens Lobb collected on the mission the 1950's, when the National Arboretum of a shrubby plant with long, brittle leaves were seven species and varieties of Rho­ in Washington, D.C., expressed an interest and an asymmetrical form. For many years, dodendron: R. malayanum, R. javanicum, in acquiring a collection from a few ardent it had refused to produce flowers. Lacking R. jasminiflorum, R. brookeanum, R. mul­ British plantsmen who had retained stock. proper identification and bereft of any ob­ ticolor, R. javanicum var. teysmanii and (Thanks to the efforts of these collectors, vious physical endowments, the plant had R. lobbii (later named R. longiflorum). a dozen of Veitch's original 200 hybrids been pushed to the side of a bench. Now, The collection was an immediate success remain in cultivation today.) The turning a sizable umbel of sulfur-yellow trumpets in England, and Veitch lost no time before point came in 1961, however, when Dr. could be seen emerging from a rosette of embarking on a massive hybridizing cam­ Hermann Sleumer of the National Her­ leaves. Dr. Case and I admired the im­ paign. By 1897, he had created no fewer barium of the Netherlands undertook an pressive flower truss, then probed the plant'S than 200 hybrids. expedition to New Guinea sponsored by branches for a label. We found a worn tag During the Victorian Age, vireyas were the American Rhododendron Society. The with the barely legible words " R. laetum often grown in ornate, plant-filled rooms vireya specimens collected during the ex­ X" scratched in faded pencil. Suddenly, known as conservatories, where they thrived pedition received an enthusiastic welcome the cryptic abbreviation took on meaning, in the chilly environment. (Greenhouse when they arrived on American soil. and I could see the familial resemblance. heating systems had yet to be perfected.) Southern growers were espe­ The blossoms of a tropical or vireya Conservatories were typically designed to cially eager to test vireyas as landscape (pronounced vih-RA Y-ah) rhododendron imitate an outdoor garden, complete with subjects. vaguely resemble those of a hardy rho­ tastefully arranged statuary, and The plants were rapidly propagated and dodendron, but their beauty is more del­ paths lined with displays of tropical plants. distributed to arboreta throughout the icate than that of their rough-and-tumble Vireyas balanced the park-like scenes with country. Strybing Arboretum in San Fran­ Asian relatives. The floral form is also more their shrubby foliage topped with color. cisco was particularly intrigued by the primitive; the umbel is loose, and each Although their popularity increased tropical rhododendrons, and began a mas­ flower dangles precariously from a rather steadily during the 19th century, vireyas sive distribution program among members lengthy stem. Vireyas are obviously rho­ continued to be grown solely as green­ of the American Rhododendron Society to dodendrons, but each specimen exhibits a house plants by members of the upper class. test the plants in different environments kind of tropical beauty. Best of all, vireya Unfortunately, their restricted cultivation on the West Coast. By 1969, vireyas were rhododendrons blossom in both winter and eventually led to their downfall. In the early in the hands of many private gardeners. summer. 20th century, the economic instability re­ The blossoms of the tropical vireya rhodo­ Most vireya rhododendrons hail from sulting from World War I caused many dendrons resemble those of their hardy north­ the Malaysian Peninsula and its adjacent large estates, along with their beautifully ern cousins. 'Calavas' is just one of the many islands. A combination of the area's designed conservatories, to fall into dis- attractive vireya cultivars available.

14 December 1986

The vireya at Strybing were wintered tographs that accompanied the articles temperatures. They can reportedly with­ indoors until 1972, when the arboretum captured the audience's attention. Sud­ stand temperatures as low as 30° F, pro­ decided to plant the bulk of its vireya stock denly, everyone was interested in obtain­ vided they are given overhead protection. outdoors. Because of the ri sk involved, the ing vireyas as house plants. (Plants should not be exposed to frost.) plants were carefully si ted on a frost-free Nuccio's Nursery in Altadena, Califor­ Vireyas are especially suitable for un­ hillside. Unfortunately, in December of that ni a, known for its unparalleled collection heated porches and sun rooms. In the win­ year, San Francisco suffered a bout of un­ of camellias, was the first American mail­ ter, optimal nighttime temperatures range usually cold weather. Temperatures plum­ order firm to offer vireyas through its cat­ from 40° to 55° F, although vireyas will meted to 23° F and remained below freez­ alogue. A handful of innovative rhodo­ tolerate warmer conditions. During the ing for days. The stock that had been left dendron specialists followed suit, adding spring and summer, the plants benefit from outdoors was completely decimated. a few vireyas to their lists. Eventually, large a sojourn outdoors. West Coast gardeners Interest in growing vireyas at Strybing rosters of species and hybrid vireyas ap­ have learned that vireyas grow better in was still strong, and the collection was peared, often accompanied by photos fea­ raised beds than in pots sunk in the ground. eagerly rebuilt by reobtaining the speci­ turing close-ups of the huge flowers in de­ Like many species of orchids, most vi­ mens that had been distributed privately. licious colors. reyas are epiphytic, although some can be All went well until 1976, when the vireya As vireyas have become more widely found growing in the loose humus of the collection was again lost, this time because available to the public, they have also ex­ jungle floor. The plants lend themselves of a drought and a strike of city employees, cited the interest of large public gardens. naturally to pot culture. A container-grown among other unfortunate events. Those vi­ For example, Longwood Gardens has ex­ vireya will usually out-perform its field­ reyas that survived the disasters were lost pressed an interest in collecting and testing cultivated counterpart in the production in a theft. Finally, Strybing Arboretum sur­ vireyas for eventual use in its display gar­ of blossoms. In fact, restricting the root rendered to fate. There was little interest dens. Arnold Arboretum of Harvard Uni­ system of a vireya in a tight container seems in attempting another trial with vireyas. versity is beginning to amass a collection to encourage flowers. Some growers pot Although vireyas had failed as landscape for an indoor display. And the Hunnewell vireyas loosely in a medium of pure, long­ plants, they kindled the interest of indoor Pinetum, a famous private estate in Welles­ fibered sphagnum moss, while others rec­ growers. The first task for commercial ley, Massachusetts, has built up an ex­ ommend a mix of equal parts sphagnum, growers was to modernize the tarnished tremely impressive collection for exhibi­ peat and sand. An orchid-type mix con­ conservatory image connected with the tion In its traditional Victorian sisting of 40 percent leaf mold, 40 percent plants. Soon, magazines carried articles conservatory. redwood bark chips and 20 percent sandy about vireya rhododendrons, which were The recent popularity of vireyas in the loam may also be used. portrayed as winter-blooming house plants United States is due, in part, to the fact Vireya rhododendrons have rather spe­ that would produce umbels of bright blos­ that the thermostat in the average home cific nutrient requirements. Their leaves soms in an east or west window, or under is now kept on the cool side. Like cym­ can endure the drought, heat and sun of fluorescent lights. The tempting color pho- bidiums and camellias, vireyas prefer cool summer without any burning, bleaching or shriveling. However, the foliage rapidly registers the effects of mineral deficiencies. According to Carl A. Deul, an avid vireya specialist and director of Rancho Pacifica Gardens in Northridge, California, vireyas prefer a constant low injection of fertilizer (with a nitrogen content of less than 80 parts per million) to less frequent, heavier doses of food. However, they will tolerate normal fertilization in summer. Vireya Specialists, a mail-order supplier in Los Angeles, recommends using ('14 or 1/2 strength) when fertilizing. To combat chlorosis, a frequent problem with tropical rhododendrons, plants should be bolstered regularly with chelated micronutrients. Most members of the Ericaceae, includ­ ing vireya rhododendrons, prefer an acid soil. Evidence of vireyas' pH preferences can be quite striking, as in the case of the vireyas at the Hunnewell Estate. Appar­ ently, the gardeners there were beginning to notice yellowing in the foliage of their plants. An agent at the Agricultural Ex­ periment Station recommended experi­ menting with a more acidic potting me­ dium. The results were astonishing: within ABOVE LEFT: The lush blooms of vireya rhododendron 'Shasta' would make an attracti ve addition to a ny indoor garden. ABOVE RIGHT: Rhododendron tayiori is Just one of the spe­ a fortnight, the foliage began to turn green cies of tropical rhododendron th at are ava il able. and lush.

J 6 December J 986 Vireyas' tolerance of extremely dry con­ peri mentati on with di ffe rent methods of not shocking, but cheerfully bright. They ditions makes them especiall y suitabl e as cultiva ting vireyas. Growers have yet to tend toward the pastels- ye ll ows, o ranges, house pl ants. (Vireyas have been known fo rmulate a foolp roof system fo r coolin g salm ons, pinks and muted reds, with many to thrive and bl ossom during the scorch­ and watering the pl ants to stimulate max­ shades in between. Fragrance is a char­ ing, arid summer of the Australi an desert. ) imum bud fo rmati on. Furthermore, they acteri sti c of many vireya hybrids; the aroma In the home, they can be grown in a bright do no t a lways agree o n growin g tech­ is reminiscent of ca rn ati ons. east or south window. In addition, many niques. However, their findings are facin­ Many vireya hybrids are the result of vireya speciali sts recommend growing the ating and provide a balanced view of complex breeding. Whil e hybridists con­ M alays ian rhododendrons under flu ores­ the current sta te o f the a rt o f vireya tinue to seek the " perfect" vireya, others, cent lights. The more compact prostrate cultivati on. such as Ha rold G reer, fee l th at the vireyas' selections are generall y suitabl e fo r light Vireyas are susceptible to the same in­ future still li es in the M alaysian jungles: gardening. Prostrate vireyas also make ex­ sect infes tati ons that pl ague other mem­ "As more expl orati on is do ne in the wild, cell ent hanging bas ket pl ants. The foliage bers of the rhododendron famil y. Garden­ better fo rms of the species may be found will never dangle limply over the edges of ers should watch for aphids, thrips, red that are more vigoro us, fr ee-flowering and the pots, and the stems form a rather grace­ spider mites and mealybugs. H owever, co mpact in habit. I doubt that they will ful , low arch. A few recommended species caution should be used when combating ever become common house pl ants, but I and cultivars for basket culture include in sect infes tati ons with chemi cals. For in­ would say they eventuall y will be widely Rhododendron ravum, R. macgregoriae, stance, Cygon repo rtedl y causes fo liar grown by connoisseurs." R. 'Valentine' (R. lochae x R. gracilen­ damage. Vireyas will probabl y never be as om­ tum), R. lo chae, R. 'Pink Deli ght', R. jas­ The ranks of vi reya rhododendrons have nipresent as spider pl a nts in th e win­ miniflorum and R. 'Red Prince' X R.lochae. increased steadily since Dr. Sleumer made dowsill s of the nati on. However, the exotic Vireya rhododendrons require pinching his expedition in 1961. There are at least fl ower umbels of the tender vireya rho­ to encourage branching. H arold Greer of 300 species and hybrids in cultivati on to­ dodendrons are a lovely sight to behold G reer Gardens in Eugene, Oregon, rec­ day. The key to the vireyas' future seems on a windowsill. Somehow, those few loose ommends early - " pinching out to be in hybridizin g, and growers are pro­ trusses are infinitely mo re pleasing in mid­ any sing le apical buds as they begin to ducing hybrids with amazing speed. winter than all of the rh ododendron blooms elongate." Pinching is crucial if the plants Some catalogues li st an awesome array of summer put together. And that, I sup­ are grown under flu orescent li ghts or in of hybrids, all of which bear huge umbels pose, is what house pl ants are all about. 6 hanging baskets. If not disciplined, a vireya of delicate tubular flowers. Some of the can eventually beco me unattractive and Tovah M artin is a freq uent contributor to bl ossoms are large, and their " trumpets" American Horticulturist. She is the begoni a gangly. wide open; other, more dainty blossoms speciali st at Logee's Greenhouses in Currently, there is a great deal of ex- are dangly and bell-shaped. The colors are Dani elson, Connecticut.

American Horticulturist 17 AJapanese Garden in South Florida


Japanese garden in the subtropics? ductiolil of a ]apalilese landscape desigN. Absurd! At l€ast, that was my first The Morikami Gardens, along with The reaction when I heard about The Morikami Museum, are located in a semi­ Morikami Gardens, located on the south­ rural area about five miles from the At­ east coast of Florida in Delray Beach. lantic, on the northwest side of alSO-acre Many traditional Japanese landscape preserve called Morikami Park. The re­ designs have been created in places far from gion, now devoted to plant nurs€ries, was the mother country. But the climate and once farmland. Eighty years ago, the geography of southeast Florida are so dif­ swampy scrubland was cleared by a groHp ferent from those of most of the Japanese of 100 Japanese immigrants who called archipelago that I wondered mow such a theV1selves the Yarnato Colony and as­ scheme could possibly be successful. pired to transform the land into farms suit­ Most of the year, Delray Beach is hot able for the production of vegetables and and humid; it has a true subtropical cli­ pineapples. Unfortunately, blight and ty­ mate. Only subtle differences mark a change phoid took their toll, and the colony even­ in season. Rainfall is heavy in spring and tually dispersed. One of the few immi­ summer, a bit scanty in fall and winter. grants who remained was George Sukeji (Within the last 10 years, southeast Florida Morikami. He continued to farm on land has had occasional frost and even a snow­ that eventually became extremely valuable fall, but this kind of weather is extremely as real estate prices soared in south Flor­ rare.) Because 0f the 12-rnontn growing ida. By the end of his life, Morikami's season, plants grow rapidly and are often holdings were worth more tha,n a million lush a(;\d flamboyant. dollars. On the other hand, the climate of To­ Before his death, Morikami deeded 150 kyo, Japan, is sim::lar to that of Norfolk, acres of his property to Palm Beach County. Virginia, which has its share of frost and The entire acreage was set aside as Mor­ light snow in the winter. Thus seasonal ikami Park. The deed specified the con­ contrast is an essential element in Japanese struction of a museum that would com­ landscape design. In addition, Japanese muniG:ate Japanese cultural traditions to landscapes are meticulously manicured and th€ people of George Morikami's adopted controlled, and slow-growing and natu­ country. Before the farmer's death, in 1976, rally compact plants are preferred. The Morikami Museum had already be­ As for geography, southeast Florida is come a reality. The Morikami Gardens, as flat as a board, whi'le 70 percent of located within Morikami Park, were open€d Japan is mountainous. Many Japanese to the public in June of 1977. gardens are small-scale simulations of mountain scenes, and water is often in­ Waterlilies and the reflections of clouds dot corporated into the design. the surface of the pond that surrounds The Remarkably, Morikami's planne~s Morikami Gardens. Zig-zag , like the learned to cope with these differences. In one on the right, are typical of traditional fact, the designers who planned and planted Japanese gardens, but Morikami is far from typical; because it is located in South Florida, The Morikami (pronounced more-ih­ this Japanese garden is planted with a wide: KAHM-ee) Gardens have created a sur­ variety of plants adapted to a subtropical prisingly charming and authentic repro- dimate.

To th e Japanese, the qualities of a par­ " moat" was dropped, and the waterway carefully pruned to varying heights so they ticular building are greatl y enhanced by became known as "The Pond." appear to be seedlings that have developed culti va ting the land around it and creating The combination of the dentate shore­ naturally. a kind of indoor-outdoor continuum. With line and the position of the building em­ The path leads to the front entrance of this idea in mind, the Palm Beach County bodies an important Japanese concept the museum, a one-story building with white Pa rks and Recreation Department planted known as miegakure (hide-and-seek). To­ stuccoed and a wood-shingled roof th e gardens of Morikami while the mu­ mioka designed The Morikami Gardens so curving upward at the corners. Like many seum was being built. that the visitor would be able to see only Japanese homes, it is surrounded entirely Tokyo-born Seishiro Tomioka was hired one segment of the placid pond waters and by a verandah, and the architecture adds to plan the museum site and to design the only one section of the museum's exterior, to the house-and-garden feeling. gardens. Tomioka was well qualified to do the plantings, and the distant lawn and Before entering the museum, the visitor the job. In Japan, he had mastered Japa­ woodland at one time. Such a design serves must don paper slippers to protect the del­ nese garden principles, and in the United to entice the observer to seek the myste­ icate floor. (Traditional mats of rice straw States, he had studied the growing con­ rious unknown beyond each crook and would be short-lived in Florida's humid ditions of south Florida as County Super­ bend of the path. climate, so mats of sturdier materials have intendent of Park Planting and Design. Visinors enter Morikami Park from Carter been substituted.) Inside are tiny rooms In creating The Morikami Gardens, his Road. On the walk from the main parking filled with Japanese furniture and artifacts, basic problem was how to transform the lot to the entrance of the island garden, a as well as a library. In the center of the swampy scrubland into a place of peaceful white pebbled path bordered by a sweep­ building lies a courtyard garden con­ contemplation. ing lawn of sturdy Saint Augustine grass structed of stone, raked gravel and a min­ Tomioka decided to use water-often a leads visitors along a waterway, where imum of plants. focal point in Japanese gardens-to sep­ miegakure is already at work. Visible across The public is invited to participate in a arate the existing brush and woodland of the pond is the roof line of a Japanese variety of special programs throughout the the park from the museum and ga~den area. building (the museum), but the whole scene year at the museum, including bonsai dem­ Luckily, southeast Florida has a hi gh water is partially concealed by the shrubbery of onstrations, art shows and Japanese fes­ table and abundant rainfall. Using an idea the garden itself. tivals. At the time of my first visit, a tree somewhat reminiscent of ancient Japanese At last, the path reaches the entrance was festooned with small white papers­ castles and their fortifications, Tomioka . In Japanese gardens, bridges are fortunes that had been distributed, read, had a or moat dug around the area ornamental as well as practical. This par­ then placed on the tree like Christmas to be developed. Soil removed from the ticular bridge spans the garden-island with ornaments. canal was used to build a slightly elevated a graceful arch, its sides banked with As­ Near the bottom of the verandah steps island, which became the site of the gar­ paragus densiflorus 'Sprengeri' (asparagus is a distinctive arrangement: a large boul­ dens and museum. The museum building fern). It is called "" and is der planted with Cycas revoluta (sago was then situated in the approximate cen­ similar to the kind of semi-circular bridges palm), Jasminum multiflorum (fragrant ter of the garden. In the meantime, the often used in Japan. Once across Moon jasmine) and Encephalartos, a young cy­ canal was given an irregwlar jagged shape, Bridge, visitors follow a steppingstone path. cad with spiny gray leaves. The grouping and many peninsulas were formed on the On the right side of the path, forming a is especially beautiful in autumn, when the garden side. This unusual waterway was canopy, are five specimens of Bucida bu­ jasmine is a starry mass of white flowers. cl everly planned so that only a small por­ ceras (black olive), shade trees from the The textural contrast of rock and plants tion of the water is vi sible from anyone Caribbean. Although all the trees were suggests a still-life composed of part of the garden. The name "canal" or planted at the same time, they have been diverse yet complementary parts. Originating from the main path of the garden are smaller paths made of step­ pingstones, some of which lead to garden benches. Visitors can also stroll on the grass. On the east lawn near the pond, nine hor­ izontal boulders are arranged like the swell of ocean waves. After a shower, rainwater collects in their surface cavities, and small birds can often be seen taking a refreshing bath in the water. Following the path clockwise around the museum, visitors come upon a planting of

FAR LEFT: Clumps of striking bird-of-para­ dise, Strelitzia reginae add a colorful, tropical flavor to the garden. LEFT: Outside the bon­ sai exhibit, Carissa and Nandina frame a tra­ ditional Japanese water basin. RIGHT: In the center of the museum is a small, traditional courtyard gaFden with raked gravel (used to represent water), rocks and a minimum of plants.

20 December 1986 red and white azaleas. (When I visited in wash their hands and rinse their mouths M arch, the azaleas were in fu ll bloom ; before entering a house o r tearoom.) Si nce The combination of the during my October visit, the same plants the basin is only a foot high, one must dentate shoreline and still had a few fl owers.) It is diffic ult to stoop to use the water. Such a demon­ grow azaleas in south Flo rida, however. stration of hu mili ty is characteristi c of Jap­ the position of the Mo rikami 's horticulturist, Dan Nelson, anese cu lture. hopes to locate azaleas a nd rhododen­ Bonsa i is the art of dwarfing trees and building embodies an drons that would adapt well to south Flo r­ shrubs by growing them in containers. In id a's growing conditions. In particul ar, he Japan, bonsai specimens are often proudly important Japanese would like to find selecti ons that would displayed in bo th home and ga rden. Mor­ concept known as bloom onl y in the spring and thus would ika mi 's co ll ection consists of both culti­ perpetuate the seasonal aspect of Japanese va ted and endemi c Flo ridi a n p lants, in­ miegakure (hide-and­ garden culture. cluding the native Conocarpus erectus Framing the museum along its north and (buttonwood), a tree from the Flo rida Keys seek), ... Such adesign east sides are specimens of Murraya pan­ and the Everglades that was once used fo r iculata (formerl y M. exotica), wax myrtle. maki ng charcoal by earl y Flo ri dians. Mor­ serves to entice the These pl ants are pruned constantly to head ikami 's buttonwood specimen is es tim ated observer to seek the height. In south Florida, wax myrtl e is usu­ to be 50 to 75 years old . However, it was all y grown as a tall . Its small white coll ected from the w il d, and has not been mysterious unknown fl owers bl oom most of the year. in cultivati on long. The largest bonsai in Further along the path is the Bonsai Me­ the coll ecti on is a pl anting of seedling Cas ­ beyond each crook and mori al Garden, which fe atures a coll ecti on uarina, or Australi an pines . Named aft er bend of the path. of masterful miniatures of many species of the cassowary bi rd of Australi a because of trees, some of which are on loan. They are its long, feathery branches, this introduced exhibited in a bamboo structure that is species has run rampant in Florida. Trained open in the center. At the entrance is a and bedded on a coral base, M ori kami 's bamboo gate and a clipped holl y hedge pl anting has the cl assical windswept ap­ with bamboo plants in the background. pearance of pines on a mountainside. An­ Here, a tsukubai (water basin ) is set in a other bonsai specimen in the coll ecti on, pebbled area. A bamboo flume pipes water Taxodium distichum (bald cypress), loses into the basin. (The Japanese tradi tionall y its leaves graduall y in the fa ll.

American Horticulturist 21 To the Japanese, the qualities of a par­ " moat" was dropped, and the waterway carefully pruned to varying heights so they ticular building are greatly enhanced by became known as "The Pond." appear to be seedlings that have developed cultivating the land around it and creating The combination of the dentate shore­ naturally. a kind of indoor-outdoor continuum. With line and the position of the building em­ The path leads to the from entrance of this idea in mind, the Palm Beach County bodies an important Japanese concept the museum, a one-story building with white and Recreation Department planted known as miegakure (hide-and-seek). To­ stuccoed walls and a wood-shingled roof the gardens of Morikami while the mu­ mioka designed The Morikami Gardens so curving upward at the corners. Like many seum was being built. that the visitor would be able to see only Japanese homes, it is surrounded entirely Tokyo-born Seishiro Tomioka was hired one segment of the placid pond waters and by a verandah, and the architecture adds to plan the museum site and to design the only one section of the museum's exterior, to the house-and-garden feeling. gardens. Tomioka was well qualified to do the plantings, and the distant lawn and Before entering the museum, the visitor the job. In Japan, he had mastered Japa­ woodland at one rime. Such a design serves must don paper slippers to protect the del­ nese garden principles, and in the United to entice the observer to seek the myste­ icate floor. (Traditional mats of rice straw States, he had studied the growing con­ rious unknown beyond each crook and would be short-lived in Florida's humid ditions of south Florida as County Super­ bend of the path. climate, so mats of sturdier materials have intendent of Park Planting and Design. Visitors enter Morikami Park from Carter been substituted.) Inside are tiny rooms In creating The Morikami Gardens, his Road. On the walk from the main parking filled with Japanese fumiture and artifacts, basi<;; problem was how to transform the lot to the entrance of the island ga~den, a as well as a library. In the center of the swampy scrubland into a place of peaceful white pebbled path bordered by a sweep­ building lies a courtyard garden con­ contemplation. ing lawn of stlHdy Saint Augustine grass structed of stone, raked gravel and a min­ Tomioka decided to use water-often a leads visitors along a waterway, where imum of plants. focal point in Japanese gardens-to sep­ miegakure is already at work. Visible across The public is invited to partiGipate in a arate the existing brush and woodland of the pond is the roof line of a Japanese variety of special programs throughout the the park from the museum and garden area. building (the museum), but the whole scene year at the museum, including bonsai dem­ Luckily, southeast Florida has a high water is partially concealed by the shrubbery of onstrations, art shows and Japanese fes­ table and abundant rainfall. Using an idea the garden itself. tivals. At the time of my first visit, a tree somewhat reminiscent of ancient Japanese At last, the path reaches the entrance was festooned with small white papers­ castles and their fortifications, Tomioka bridge. In Japanese gardens, bridges are fortunes that had been distributed, read, had a canal or moat dug around the area ornamental as well as practical. This par­ then placed on the tree like Christmas to be developed. Soil removed from the ticl!llar bridge spans the garden-island with ornaments. canal was used to build a slightly elevated a graceful arch, its sides banked with As­ Near the bottom of the verandah steps island, which became the site of the gar­ paragus densi{lorus 'Sprengeri' (asparagus is a distinctive arrangement: a large boul­ dens and museum. The museum buildil'lg fern). It is called "Moon Bridge" and is der planted with Cycas revoluta (sago was then situated in the approximate cen­ similar to the kind of semi-circular bridges palm), Jasminum multiflorum (fragrant ter of the garden. In the meantime, the often used in Japan. Once across Moon jasmine) and Encephalartos, a young cy­ canal was given an irregular jagged shape, Bridge, visitors follow a steppingstone path. cad with spiny gray leaves. The grouping and many peninsulas were formed on the On the right side of the path, forming a is especially beautiful in autumn, when the garden side. This unusual waterway was canopy, are five specimens of Bucida bu­ jasmine is a starry mass of white flowers. cleverly planned so that only a small por­ ceras (black olive), shade trees from the The textural contrast of rock and plants tion of the water is visible from anyone Caribbean. Although all the trees were suggests a still-life painting composed of part of the garden. The name " canal" or plal'lted at the same time, they have been diverse yet complementary parts. Originating from the main path of the garden are smaller paths made of step­ pingstones, some of which lead to garden benches. Visitors can also stroll on the grass. On the east lawn near the pond, nine hor­ izontal boulders are arranged like the swell of ocean waves. After a shower, rainwater collects in their surface cavities, and small birds can often be seen taking a refreshing bath in rhe water. Following the path clockwise around the museum, visitors come upon a planting of

FAR LEFT: Clumps of striking bird-of-para­ dise, Strelitzia reginae add a colorful, tropical flavor to the garden. LEFT: Outside the bon­ sai exhibit, Carissa and Nandina frame a tra­ ditional Japanese water basin. RIGHT: In the center of the museum is a small, traditional courtyard garden with raked gravel (used to represent water), rocks and a minimum of plants.

20 December 1986 red and white azaleas. (When I visited in wash their hands and rinse their mouths March, the azaleas were in full bloom; before entering a house or tearoom.) Si nce The combination of the during my October visit, the sa me plants the basin is only a foot high, one must dentate shoreline and still had a few flowers.) It is difficul t to stoop to use the water. Such a demon­ grow azaleas in south Fl orida, however. strati on of humi li ty is cha racteristic of Jap­ the position of the Morikami 's ho rticultu ri st, Dan Nelson, anese cu ltu re. ho pes to locate azaleas and rhododen­ Bonsai is the art of dwarfing trees and building embodies an dro ns that would adapt well to south Flo r­ shrubs by growing them in contain ers. In id a's growing conditions. In particul ar, he Japan, bonsa i specim ens are often proudly important Japanese would like to find selecti ons that woul d di splayed in both home and ga rden. Mor­ concept known as bloom onl y in the spring and thus would ikami 's coll ection consists of both culti­ perpetuate the seasonal aspect of Japanese vated and endemic Flo ri dian plants, in ­ miegakure (hide-and­ garden culture. cluding the nati ve Conocarpus erectus Frami ng the museum along its no rth and (buttonwood), a tree from the Florida Keys seek), ... Such adesign east sides are specimens of Murraya pan­ and the Everglades that was once used for iculata (fo rmerl y M. exotica), wax myrtle. making charcoal by earl y Floridians. Mor­ serves to entice the These plants are pruned constantl y to head ikami 's buttonwood specimen is estim ated observer to seek the height. In south Florida, wax myrtl e is usu­ to be 50 to 75 years old . However, it was all y grown as a tall hedge. Its small white coll ected from the wild, and has not been mysterious unknown fl owers bloom most of the year. in cultiva ti on long. T he largest bonsai in Further along the path is the Bonsai M e­ the collecti on is a pl anting of seedling Cas ­ beyond each crook and mori al Garden, whi ch features a coll ection uarina, or Australia n pines. Named after bend of the path. of masterful miniatures of many species of the cassowary bird of Australi a because of trees, some of which are on loan. They are its long, feathery branches, this introduced exhibited in a bamboo structure that is species has run rampant in Fl orida. Trained open in the center. At the entrance is a and bedded on a coral base, M orikami 's bamboo gate and a clipped holl y hedge pl anting has the cl assical windswept ap­ with bamboo pl ants in the background. pearance of pines on a mo untainside. An­ Here, a tsukubai (water basin ) is set in a other bonsai specimen in the co ll ecti on, pebbled area. A bamboo flume pipes water Taxodium distichum (bald cypress), loses into the basin . (The Japanese traditionally its leaves graduall y in the fall.

American Horticulturist 2 1 Departi ng from the bonsai exhibit, vis­ streams rushing down a hill into the pond bringing dying fi sh to the surface. Fo rtu­ itors are treated to another lovely view below. Unfo rtunately, the many o rn amen­ nately, the trees at Mori ka mi neve r seem from a pebbled beach that juts out like a tals pl anted on the hill cannot be appre­ to bear seed pods. peninsul a in to the pond. The beach a ffords ciated because o f the distance. However, Beyond tl;e zigzag bridge, between the a superb wide-a ngled view o f the water. the torrent can be enj oyed fo r its music path and the water, are several bea uti ful Specimens of Typha latifo lia (co mmo n and motio n. trees, in cluding another poonga-oil. This cattail ) dance above the surface, while pink­ Continuing along the walk, the visito r wid e-spreading and dense-leaved speci­ and blu e-fl owered water lili es open in the arrives at a stream that is crossed by a men is pruned to three trunks, and the bark sunshine. Cyperus papyrus (papyrus), the zigzag bridge, a small , refined version o f gli stens wi th beige-and-white lenticels. In ancient Egyptian pl ant used for making the common makeshift bridge made of eight the background are coral boulders marked paper, stands in the shall ows on reedy stems. wooden planks. In Japanese design, a zig­ with fossil imprints. In other wet spots grow tall wands of Cor­ zag bridge is said to " discourage pursuit Near this area is a four-foot-tall speci­ ta deria selloana (pampas grass) and strap­ o f demons who can onl y travel in straight men of Lonchocarpus punctatus, com­ leaved Acarus (s weet fl ag), whi ch has a lines." In M arch, the purple blooms o f mo nl y call ed lance po d o r pride-of­ lemo ny fr agra nce. In early spring, the Japanese iris can be seen refl ected in the Berm l!l d a . The lo ng racemes of ma uve fl owers o f bamboo make their appearance. water. Ko i, J apanese colored carp, swim fl owers rese mble those o f a lil ac and are None o f these species are hardy in Japan, in the stream. Whiskered catfish compete exceedingly fr agrant. This ra re shrub is although less frost-tender fo rms of bam­ for the food thrown in fo r the koi. (Flor­ tropi cal rather than subtropi cal, and fl ow­ boo a re w idely gro wn thro ugho ut th e ida's catfi sh, which are uninvited guests, ers have been des troyed by cold snaps. Orient. have the amazing ability to enter any lake Back near the front of the museum stands Near the path, on the west side o f the or pond by walking overl and fro m the a tall stone antique lantern call ed Ishi Doro. museum, is a garden bench fl anked by a neares t canaL) This temple lamp from Tokyo dates back bed o f Strelitzia reginae (bird-of-p aradi se) . Shading the iris is Pongamia pinnata to 1681. O n its 300th anni ve rsary, Ishi When I visited The Morikami Gardens in (poonga-oil tree), pruned J apanese-style; Do ro was presented to The M o rika mi the fall , the bird-of-p aradise was in full onl y a few branches are left hanging over Gardens. O ri gi nall y, ga rden lanterns were bloom. According to Dan N elson, the pl ants the water. Like most o f the pl ants in the used fo r li ghting ca ndles, but now they are are not hardy in Japan, but the Japanese garden, the poonga-o il tree is not used in mostl y decorati ve ga rden features. admire the exquisite o range-a nd-blue Japan. It is subtropi cal and thrives onl y in At this point, the visitor has completely fl owers and sometimes grow them, fo r cut­ hot, humid climates. In M alaysia, the pl ant's encircled the muse um. Actuall y, the paths ting, in greenhouses. nati ve home, f. ishermen crush the fl at, o il y th at encircle the museum building coul d At this point in the walk, visito rs are seeds of the pl ant and cast them into the be traversed in fi ve or 10 minutes-if the treated to a w a terfall , fo rmed b y two water to deplete the oxygen supply, thereby visitor does not a ll ow himself to be de- tained. But a full appreciati on of the ga r­ dens and museum requires ample time and an unhurried frame of mind. My first visit occupied fully an hour and a half. In an alcove nea r the front door of th e museum is ye t another interes ting arrange­ ment: a small lantern and boulder backed by a close-spaced colony of Juniperus ch i­ nensis var. chine/1Sis 'Torulosa' (tortured or Holl ywood juniper). The junipers are pruned hi gh, like pines in a forest reaching for sunlight. Throughout the ga rdens, thoughtful groupings such as this one re­ fl ect the Japanese desire to emulate nature. In Japan, pines are favored over other trees because they symbolize longevity and happin ess. In Morikami Park, Pinus e/­ Iiottii (southern slash pine) grows every­ where. The pine forest provides a splendid backdrop fo r the mo re intimate garden pl antings. Southern slash pines can be seen at a di stance from many places on th e is­ land ga rden. In the ga rdens themselves are pl a ntings o f the slower- growing Pinus thunbergiana Uapanese bl ack pine). These trees were fruiting heavily. However, I was into rypical Japanese shapes. For example, rugged conifers g row into irregular, surpri sed by the absence of chrysanthe­ Carissa grandi{lora (natal plum) has been weather-beaten configurations. mums, an ancient Japanese sy mbol fo r au­ trimmed into a mo und called tamazukuri Unfortunately, midwinter in south Fl o r­ tumn. Unfortunately, in south Florida, (round- or ball-shaped) and is particularly ida is not cold eno ugh for traditional Jap­ chrysanthemums must be grown in air­ effectiv e when displayed against a boulder. anese cherry bl ossoms. However, garden­ conditio ned greenhouses in the summer. Some of the trees are also pruned to ac­ ers at Morikami have made good use of a Subtropical flora fill s the gap ni cely, how­ centuate their skeletal forms. M orikami's few Japanese indigenous plants that do not ever, sin ce it undergoes seasonal changes. speci men of Cocc%ba uvifera (sea grape), require a cold dormant period, such as [n the fall, Hedychium coronarium (white the common bushy tree that crowds trop­ black pine, nandina, bamboo and podo­ gin ger) and bird-of-paradise are both in ical American shorelines, has been shaped carpus. In addition, they have used many full and spl endid bl oom. Although many to emphasize its round leaves and clusters different deciduous trees and shrubs to plants provide a smattering of blossoms of fruit. provide seasonal contrast. Clumps of Acer all year, Camellia japonica is prominent in Unfortunately, none of the ornamental rubrum (red maple), a south Florida na­ winter; trumpet trees (Tabebuia argentea plants in the gardens are labeled, except ti ve, are planted in a grove o n the far side and T. pallidal usher in earl y spring; Lag­ in the bonsai enclosure. However, visitors of the pond. The trees' red autumn leaves erstroemia speciosa (Queen's crape myr­ can purchase a booklet in the museum that and winter branch structure add a di s­ tl e) begins to bloom in mid-spring; and a can help in locating and identifying indi­ tinctive seasonal touch. Taxodium disti­ few perennials, such as daylili es, are sum­ vidual plants. chum (bald cypress) heralds the coming of mer focal points. As Morikami's budget grows, many winter. By mid-November, its bony white Morikami's designers have avoided the changes and additions are expected to be silhouette stands out in stark contrast to most common Floridian pl ants, such as the made. Possibilities for the future include a the broad-leaved evergreens around it. coconut palm, bougainvillea and hibiscus. larger museum as well as a Japanese res­ Fruit also enlivens the winter scene. Instead, the emphasis is on those plants taurant. No doubt the gardens themselves Songbirds are attracted to several fruit­ with distinctive shapes, textures, seed pods will be expanded. bearing species found at Morikami, in­ or flowers. As Dan N elson notes, the gar­ A visit to The Morikami Gardens is an cluding Ilex cassine (dahoon holly), with dens are "an attempt to adapt Florida inspiration for anyone who would like to its profuse bunches of small red berries. landscape material to a Japanese design. " develop a Japanese garden in an unlikely Blue herons, mallards, ospreys and other Existing pl ants are continually re-evalu­ setting. After three visits, I left the gardens transient water birds enjoy the pond's fish ated for their suitability in a Japanese de­ not only with renewed admiration for Jap­ and vegetation. sign. For example, in less than a decade, anese landscapes, but also with a high re­ During my autumn visits, many of the all overly exuberant acacias have been re­ gard for Morikami's designers and horti­ moved. Given the lush growth conditions culturists, who created the seemingly LEFT: Palms and other tropical species sur­ of south Florida, a tree like Grevillea ro­ impossible in south Florida. Without a round a waterfall located across the pond. busta, commonly called silk oak, would doubt, George Morikami himself would ABOVE RIGHT: A bonsai planting of Cas­ become coarse and unmanageable if not have been very pleased. 0 urina cunninghamiana (commonly called Australian pine), trained on a coral base, has regularly pruned. the windswept look of plants on a mountain­ Fortunately, many of the plants at Mor­ Ruby Weinberg is a gardener and writer side. ikami are amenable to being tightly trimmed living in Califon, New Jersey.

American Horticulturist 23 24 December 1986 IN LRJRE


n Part I of his three-part series on James E. Cross eastern Long Island. He bought land in careers in horticulture (see American 1966 and started Environmentals the next I Horticulturist, October 1986), Rich­ Owner, Env;ronmentals, Cutchogue, Long year. The firm now emplo ys seven people ard M. Adams introduced us to several Island, New York. (including Cross) and supplies markets people who shaped their careers around A thoughtful look at his interests led this principally in New York City and West­ an intense interest in plants. For all of the man to a mid-life career change-from a chester County, and on Long Island. Many people portrayed in those profiles, an over­ Wall Street investment advisor to the customers from other states visit the nurs­ riding determination to perfect their own owner of a highly successful container-plant ery to purchase stock. horticultural skill s-whether as a profes­ nursery. Entering the driveway of Environmen­ sional or hobbyist-was apparent. Getting a new nursery business off the tals, the visitor is greeted by gracefull y In Part II of the series, Adams presents ground is difficult. One nursery that has landscaped demonstration gardens of dwarf profiles of professionals with a wide range done well sin ce its relatively recent start conifers and other dainty trees and shrubs. of backgrounds and interests. Through in 1967 is Jim Cross's Environmentals, a The production area looks like a military stories ranging from that of an indepen­ wholesale container-plant nursery on Long barracks, with rows of Quonset-style, pol­ dent freelance writer to that of a horti­ Island. ye thylene greenhouses, each sheltering cultural therapist who uses plants to touch Environmentals was started as the result dozens of containers of beautifully grown, the lives of the physically and mentally of an unusual career change. Owner Jim weed-free, pest-free stock. handicapped, Adams shows that this wide Cross attended Ohio University and Stan­ Cross insists th at the main ingredient for range of backgrounds and interests has been ford on the G.!. Bill, where he studied busi­ success is common sense, and that the pro­ reflected in some very interesting careers. ness and finance. After graduating, he took spective entrepreneur shouldn't be intim­ All of these careers seem to be productive, a position as an investment advisor with idated by the "buzz words" of business. both for the person working on a partic­ a Wall Street firm. Several years later, Cross It's obvious, though, that Cross has a sound ular aspect of horticulture, and for the public began to feel dissatisfied with his work. understanding of business concepts. To that reaps the benefits of this work. About that time, some younger men left begin with, he has a well-defined market. In the third part of the series (American their firms to set up their own investment "We grow plants for the impulse sale at Horticulturist, February 1987), Adams will company, and Cross joined them the next retail garden centers," he explains. "Pro­ explain various options that are open to year as a partner. However, the excitement duction time is what costs the most, so we an individual who is considering obtaining of the new firm still didn't satisfy him com­ grow our specimens just large enough to an education in horticulture. Adams will pletely. While the other partners enjoyed catch the eye." Still, about a third of En­ cover everything from formal to informal following the stock market and making vironmentals' material is sold to landscap­ education in the field, and will explain un­ money for their clients, Cross found the ers who cannot find more rare species in dergraduate and graduate degree pro­ work laborious. the size, quality and quantity they need. grams. He will wrap up the series with Cross began doing some serious intro­ According to Cross, the initial invest­ some interesting descriptions of a few hor­ spection, making a list of other careers he ment in land and the long start-up time ticultural courses he attended while pre­ might enjoy. While working in the invest­ are the biggest obstacles to starting a nurs­ paring this article. ment field, he had gotten involved in land­ ery, but help is sometimes available from scaping his yard with unusual rhododen­ the Farm Credit Association. "With so many drons, heathers and other shrubs. farms coming close to bankruptcy, this co­ Gradually, he had begun to encroach upon operative looks favorably on nurseries they = LEFT: James E. Cross made a mid-life career his neighbors' yards on either side. As he think will be profitable," he notes. change from investment counselor to nursery­ looked seriously at possible careers, "nurs­ Many businesses never get off the ground man. Today, as owner of Environmentals on ery business" kept getting higher on the because of a lack of cash (what financiers Long Island, New York, he has seven em­ ployees and produces a wide variety of trees list. call "working capital"). " You should es­ and shrubs, which he sells primarily to retail Cross begam researching soil maps and timate how much working capital you'll garden centers. looking with real estate agents at farms on need in the first three to four years it takes

American Horticulturist 25 to become profitable, then double that about 80,000 color slides stored in metal work; editors and other clients find out amount to be safe," advises Cross. Once boxes in two broom-closet-sized cabinets. about your work largely by word of mouth established, some businesses go under from The slides of plants include pictures of spe­ and exposure. "People write to me who "overmanagement." According to Cross, cies and cultivars of trees, shrubs, peren­ have just graduated with a degree in hor­ "The owners lose touch with the business nials, annuals arid bulbs. There are also ticulture and journalism, and ask, 'How because they get too enamored with the views showing how plants look in their can I do what you do?' I write back that trappings of management." To avoid this natural settings or in gardens. In addition, I can't tell them how to proceed; I can only pitfall-and, more importantly, because the collection includes slides of fountains, say how it's been for me. It's different he enjoys the work-Cross spends more walkways and other garden features, along for everyone. I usually advise them, now time planting cuttings or driving a tractor with scenic views of famous botanical gar­ that they have their education, to get some than he does sitting at a desk. "I believe dens and estates. experience, because that's what you write in 'unspecialization' of personnel, includ­ Mrs. Harper sells photographs to mag­ from. A degree is Flat needed for free­ ing myself," he says. " Everyone here can azine and book publishers, gives lectures lance work, Flor will it help sell your do everything." and teaches courses at botanical gardens, work. It will help you to get a regular paid Although much of the production work and writes illustrated articles for maga­ job, afld that is probably the best route for at Environmentals could be monotonous, zines. "Sometimes I feel like a one-man the new graduate as a means of earning a Cross and his staff don't perform one par­ band," she says. Her first book, The Story living, in the meantime testing your own ticular task for more than a few hours. of a Garden, was published in 1972. Her potential by writing as a hobby. That is Thousands of cuttings must be taken each second, Perennials-How to Select, Grow how I began." year, for example, but Cross says, "We and Enjoy (co-authored with Frederick " If you write well, know your subject, only take cuttings in the fall, and then only McGourty), was published in 1985 and are persistent and are prepared to work for the first hour and a half of the day. includes over 240 color photos. Mrs. Har­ fourteen hours a day, seven days a week," We plant the cuttings only until lunchtime, per also works as a book manuscript con­ Mrs. Harper says, " you may have a future then in the afternoon we do something sultant, and furnishes garden clubs and as a freelance writer." else." other groups with slide shows accom­ Environmentals grows a large variety of panied by descriptive narratives for their Barry R. Yinger plants, including a number of heather and own use. heath species. Many garden centers would It's easy to tell which house on the block Curator of Asian Collections, United States find it difficult to inventory and order this belongs to the Harpers; it's the one that National Arboretum, Washington, D.C. many plants properly. "We w0rk on a semi­ looks like a . Two densely Like many advanced amateur horticultur­ consignment basis with these plants," says planted acres of shrubs and perennials ac­ ists, this botanic garden curator travels Cross. "The garden center gives us the space, count for some of the writer's gardening abroad, collects exotic plant species, and and we keep it stocked with an appropriate experience, which is what gives her writing plants them in his own section of the Ar­ selection." This method allows him to so much authority. The garden also pro­ boretum. However, as a professional, he is "transplant" some of his firm's expertise vides subjects for photographs and serves paid for his eHorts. along with the plants. as a test bed for plant selection and cultural Many students are lucky if they know Because of Jim Cross's common-sense techniques. what they want to major in midway through approach to business and his plant fan­ Mrs. Harper comes from a long line of college. Barry Yinger knew even before he cier's appreciation for choice plants, En­ gardeners in England and has been iflter­ enrolled that he wanted to study orna­ vironmentals has become a successful and ested in plants since she was a toddler. mental horticulture and Oriental lan­ respected nursery business. Before she and her husband, an engineer, guages, a joint major available through the carne to the United States in 1968, she University of Maryland's multidisciplinary Pamela Harper owned a small nursery specializiflg in hardy program. Today, Barry is Curator of Asian heathers. Collections at the U.S. National Arbore­ Freelance Writer and Photographer, Seaford, Mrs. Harper's first gardening article in tum, and his knowledge of Korean, Jap­ Virginia. the United States appeared in Flower and anese, and Mandarin Chinese comes in Independent-mindedness and a desire to Garden magazine. When she submitted handy on plant-collecting trips to the Ori­ combine career and family led this accom­ another article years later, the editor said, ent. Even his business card is in English plished gardener to a successful freelanc­ "It's fine, but we fleed photographs, too." on one side and Korean 01'1 the other. ing career. That response got her started in horticul­ Growing up on a farm, Barry got infer­ Freelancing allows you to set your own tural photography. Since then, she has had ested in plants when he was just a toddler schedule, work independently and operate articles and photos published in well over and would trek in from the fields clutching out of your home. However, only about a hundred different books and magazines plants he had picked. He had his first gar­ half a dozen garden writers in the United in the United States and England. den at age eight. In high school, he was States are able to earn a living solely from One reason Mrs. Harper has done well good at debating and was advised to pur­ their freelance work, or so estimates Pam­ in freelance work is that she likes to work sue a pre-law program in college. How­ ela Harper, who is one of those few. independently. "I am not a good man­ ever, he found the legal field boring, and From one room of her suburban Vir­ ager," she admits, "because I always think eventually dropped out of the program. ginia home, Mrs. Harper runs the Harper I can do the job better myself." Becoming While working odd jobs in landscaping Horticultural Slide Library, a collection of a freelancer, she cautioms, takes years of and at garden centers, Barry became in-

26 December 1986 terested in As ian plants, and decided to go After determining what th e client wants, back to coll ege to study horticulture and Mrs. Poor tries to capture in her own mind Oriental languages. While in coll ege, he wh at the fini shed product will look like. spent a semester in Japan. Later, after Then she presents her ideas orall y to the graduating, he made several collecting tri ps cl ient. If the cli ent likes her ideas, she com­ to the Orient. mits them to paper, sketching different views Barry decided to pursue his interest in of the des ign. When the cl ient approves pl ant-coll ecting th rough participati on in th e sketches, she develops a formal site the respected Longwood Program in O r­ pl an blueprint and a budget. namental Ho rticulture at th e Unive rsity of M rs. Poor works either as a consu ltant Delaware, a two-year fell owship program or as a general contracto r. As a consultant, leading to a master's degree in botani cal she suppli es a blu eprint of th e design; the garden management. After graduating fro m cl ient then fin ds and install s the pl ants. As the Longwood Program, he spent two yea rs a general contracto r, she provides the de­ in Korea helping to develop the Chollipo = sign, th e plants, and the pl anting crew, as Arboretum. " The site-in a seacoast fi sh- E well as masons and other workmen who ing vill age-was beauti ful," he says, " but ~ are required. the goals of the garden were neve r well ~ Accord in g to M rs. Poor, one of the ad­ defined, whi ch created some headaches." 1 va ntages of being a one-woman firm is Since 1983, Barry has been Curato r of a: bei ng her own boss. In a sense, tho ugh, Asian Coll ecti ons at the U.S. N ati onal Ar­ In his ho rticul tural career, Ba rry Yi nger com­ each client is a boss. "Some cli ents take bo retum, where he has had almost com­ bined an interes t in plants with a fascin ation longer to make up their minds than others," plete freedo m in developing the" As ian fo r O riental languages. she says. "To enjoy being a landscape de­ Valley," a 30-acre coll ecti o n of O ri ental and design attractive landscapes. signer, you have to be willing to give, to trees and shrubs. He travels to the O ri ent " I always loved gardening and the out­ be of se rvice, without worrying about the about once a year to coll ect seeds, cuttings doors," says M rs. Poor, who is ma rried clock and how many hours you put in. " and plants, which he then grows in a green­ and the mother of two grown child ren. A Not all jobs run smoothly, either. Soil house at the Arbo retum. When the spec­ fo rmer teacher, she began taking pl ant ma­ conditi ons va ry and may not be favo rable imens are ready to be planted outside, Barry teri als and des ign courses at the Morton to ce rtai n pl ants (rh ododendrons, fo r ex­ decides where they will go and then plants Arbo retum in nearby Lisle, Illi nois. She ample, don't do well in poorl y drained them with the help of his part-time assis­ took additio nal courses at th e Uni ve rsity so il ), so M rs. Poor has to be able to suggest tant. "There is nothing I'd rather be doing," of Illinois and the Un ive rsi ty of W isconsin. sui table substitutes. "Most landscape de­ he refl ects. Before completing the courses, M rs. Poor signers guarantee their in stall ati ons fo r a As he approaches the age of 40, Barry began designing gardens fo r frie nds, and yea r, so if something dies, I have to expl ain is beginning to think more about his long­ her work brought more and mo re referrals. why and re pl ace it," she says. term fin ancial security. "Curatori al skills Cli ents were impressed with the unusual M a ny landscape a rchitects today em­ do not command a high salary," he admits, pl ants she used, how good they looked ph asize the impo rta n ce o f intuitive " and any student considering a career in together, and how well th ey grew. Today, thought-specifi ca ll y, the ability to com­ horticulture should be willing to work fo r Mrs. Poor has clients who are willing to bine colo rs, textures and fo rms in a pl eas­ the love of plants rather than the love of wait three years for her to design their ing design. M rs. Poor pl aces equal va lue money." In the meantime, though, Barry gardens. on pragmati sm-fo r instance, a knowl­ has what many people want the most: a Mrs. Poor begins a landscaping jo b by edge of plants and the conditions they re­ highly satisfy ing career. consulting with her clients and asking about quire. "There are a lot of talented designers their lifestyle and goals. Do they want to out there who don't know much about Janet M. Poor design their entire ya rd, refurbish a garden pl ants, and a lot of horticulturists who or create a new garden ? What functi ons don't emphasize the design," she notes. Owner/Manager, Janet Meakin Poor Landscape will the design serve? Do the clients want In addition to practicing landscape de­ Design, Winnetka, Illinois. a pl ace to have cookouts, play voll eyball sign, Mrs. Poor is working to unite de­ Combining an interest in unusual plants with or entertain grandchildren ? Do they want signers, horticulturists and botanists in an a talent for landscape design has given this a vegetable garden or an o rchard ? Do they effort to introduce more unusual, worth­ landscape designer a three-year backlog of prefer perennials, annuals or woody plants? while species into cultivati on. As edi tor of clients. Do they want a formal or an informal look? the Garden Club of Ameri ca book, Plants Landscape design became a second ca­ Are they avid gardeners, o r do they want that Merit Attention, she describes differ­ reer fo r Janet Poo r 16 years ago. Today, a low-maintenance garden? Do they want ent woody plants th at could be used more she is a sought-after landscape designer, terraces, decks, fountains, a pool? How often in the landscape. " Educating gar­ the edito r of a book, and a board member much do they want to invest in the design ? deners helps create a demand fo r new and of both the Am eri can Horticultural Society This initial discussion may take anywhere unusual pl ants," says Mrs. Poor. "For ex­ and the Chicago Horticultural Society. Her from a couple of hours to several months, ample, a client may see a pi cture of a de­ success comes, in part, from being able to depending on the job's size and the cli ent's ciduous larch (Larix decidua), a feath ery do two things well : choose mlU sual plants, decisiveness. conifer that's easy to grow but no t o ften

American Horticulturist 27 seen. The client asks th e landscape archi­ tect to pl ant Larix decidua. The as ks the nurseryman for Larix decidua. The nurseryman asks the horti­ culturist how to propagate and grow Larix decidua. And the horticulturist asks the bo tani st where to find Larix decidua. Eve ryone works together, and all benefit. Our book will hopefully stimulate more of this kind of cooperation."

Rena J. Huber, R.N., H. T.R. Horticultural Therapist, Chicago Botanic Garden, Glencoe, Illinois. This horticultural therapist uses plants to light up the lives of the physically and men­ tally handicapped. Horticultural therapist Rena Huber is one of the few people at the Chicago Bo­ tanic Garden who use plants as a means rather than an end. She is concerned not so much with growing quality plants or designing attractive landscapes as she is with using plants to provide hospital pa­ tients and senior citizens with the physical and mental benefits of plant care activities. As a horticultural therapist, Rena Huber uses the benefits of working with plants as a medium The Chicago Botanic Garden provides for helping the physically and mentally handicapped. several hospitals and patient-care facilities in the area with horticultural therapy ser­ duct another hour-long session in which Positions in horticultural therapy are vices and training. Rena and the two hor­ senior citizens help day-care children grow difficult to find today, and salaries are ticultural therapy interns at the Ga'rden vegetables. This session, like the last, is comparatively low. However, jobs ar~ oversee a model therapy garden called the critiqued for the benefit of the staff and available nationwide if a person is willing Learning Garden for the Disabled. They the interns. to relocate. Like other health-related also conduct horticultural therapy sessions Rena Huber's qualifications for her job professionals, horticultural therapists are in the field so they can reach even more include a degree in horticulture and a Reg­ often overworked, and burnout is com­ people. istered Nurse's (R.N.) certificate. She is mon. Still, the rewards of providing stim­ On a typical day, Rena and the interns also a Registered Horticultural Therapist ulating activities for up to 50 people a travel to Children's Memorial Hospital in (H .T.R.) with the National Council for week keep the highly qualified and enthu­ Chicago to conduct a one-hour program Therapy and Rehabilitation through Hor­ siastic horticultural therapists like Rena in an on-site garden they helped design. ticulture (NCTRH). Huber going. After briefing the hospital staff on the day's The NCTRH has three levels of regis­ activities, they help tape plastic bags over tration, based on points earned through Gregory Wuthnow the arms of those children with intrave­ various combinations of study and work nous units, to protect them from the soil experience: 1) Horticultural Therapist Grounds Superintendent, Mt. Cuba Center, and water. Then the eight to 10 children Technician-two points, based on a bach­ Greenville, Delaware. in the program choose from a posted list elor's degree in a related field or an as­ A promotion from gardener to superin­ of " things to do," such as watering, cul­ sociate's degree in horticultural therapy, tendent forced this horticulturist to change tivating, checking for insects with a hand for example; 2) Horticultural Therapist his priorities from growing plants to cul­ lens, cutting back or removing spent Registered-four points, based, for ex­ tivating the talents of his staff. blossoms. A " curiosity corner" is set up ample, on a B.S . in horticultural therapy, A big step on the horticultural career with interesting plants for the children to or a combination of a degree in a related ladder is to go from planting, pruning and touch, smell or dissect. After each session field, plus a 900- to 1,000-hour internship, other gardening tasks to supervising other is evaluated, plans are made for the fol­ plus one year of paid employment; 3) Mas­ people who do this work. Gregory Wuth­ lowing week's program, which is taught ter Horticultural Therapist-six points, now recently took just this step. by the hospital staff Rena has trained in based on a master's degree in horticultural Before his promotion, Greg was one of horticultural therapy. therapy or a related field , four years of about a dozen gardeners at Mt. Cuba, a After lunch, Rena and the interns drive work experience, plus workshops, contin­ large estate in Greenville, Delaware. Among to Chicago's Malcolm X College, where­ uing education courses, published articles the estate's 80 cultivated acres is a series on a rooftop -they con- or seminars presented. of gardens ranging in style from natural-

28 December 1986 istic to formal. These include a pond gar­ Greg to have a good sense of priorities . He prom, which was held in the East Room. den, a woodland path, a hilltop meadow, is no longer able to become so deeply in­ After President Carter came to the White a , a cutting ga rden and an volved in a single project (as he co uld be House, Mrs. Temple was called on even extensive arboretum. Formerly, as one of when he was a secti on head) that he forgets more often to do the floral designing for four gardeners who took ca re of specific about other projects or th e people that are dinners, receptions and holiday entertain­ areas, Greg was in charge of the five-acre doing them. ing. In 1981, after President Reagan was pond garden. Its four manmade ponds are Since th e estate is so large, Greg often elected, Nancy Reagan asked her to take linked by streamlets of recirculated water drives around in a stati on wagon to check over as head of the White House Flower and surrounded by and naturalistic on the progress of the work teams. As a Shop and its staff of f04r. plantings. A path around the ponds fea­ peopl e-ori ented manager, he tries to build Mrs. Temple recalls that as Chief Floral tures native shrubs such as rh ododen­ a sense of responsibility among th e em­ Director, she received many letters of thanks drons, leucothoes and fothergillas inter­ pl oyees by giving them posi tive feedback from foreign heads of state, compliment­ planted with native perennials, including as well as pointing out things he thinks ing her on her floral designs. One of her lilies, lady's-slipper orchids and ferns. could be done differentl y. favorite White House stories concerns As the pond gardener, Greg typically As a member of the staff, Greg beli eves Prince Charles's first visit to the Reagan spent the day mowing the lawns and trim­ the grea test sa ti sfaction comes not onl y White House: " Prince Charles was due for ming their edges, pruning shrubs, remov­ from creating picturesque gardens, but also a morning visit to the Oval Office. His ing dead branches and other debris from from hav ing responsibility, taking pride in limousine entered the wrong gate and was the flower beds, planting new shrubs, and hi s work and developing a sense of loyalty approaching the South Portico, which had doing whatever was necessary to keep the to the es tate's owners. As Superintendent, been stripped of all plants, to be replaced garden picturesque. During the busy sum­ he tries to instill these same feelings in his later in preparation for his visit to a gala mer growing season, two assistants were staff. The gardening crew's excepti onal tea m that evening. The social secretary ran to hired to help him. effort won the es tate the Professiona l me in horror. We grabbed a flat of pink Greg's interest in horticulture bega n when Grounds Maintenance award in 1985. geraniums and rushed to the entrance, and he was a child. After earning an associate's Although his new assignment as Super­ both got down on our hands and knees­ degree in horticulture at the University of intendent takes him away from the hor­ she on one side of the walk, and I on the Delaware, he found it difficult to find a ti cultural work he loves, Greg still keeps other-and proceeded to 'plant' the ge­ job because he lacked practical experience. in touch by working along with his staff raniums. Needless to say, we never fin­ He heard about the Mt. Cuba job through whenever possible. He knows full well that ished on time. As the Prince stepped out a local gardeners' club, and was hired in it is hi s yea rs of practical experi ence, cou­ of his car, there we were, in our gray flan­ 1973. When the Superintendent retired, pl ed with his associate's degree, that help nel suits and high heels, planting gerani­ Greg was selected as a replacement. make him a good all-around manager. ums. I often wonder what he thought.!" As the estate manager, Greg not only As Chief Floral Director to the White oversees the "section gardeners" but also Dorothy Temple House, Mrs. Temple did what she enjoys a regular crew of seven who specialize in most-planning and executing floral dis­ pruning, spraying, plaflting and some Former Chief Floral Director, The White plays. But it wasn't always that way for landscape designing. Some of the crew's House, Washington, D. C. her as a commercial florist. "Some of the work, such as mowing the extensive lawns The sweet smell of flowers and the satis­ daily activities can be humdrum and bor­ or maintaining the gardening equipment faction of seeing her plans take shape have ing, like telephone answering, cleaning, ac­ and machinery, is scheduled in advance. been part of this florist's life, as have the counting, flower buying and so on. But Other work, like snow removal or repair­ tedium of answering the telephone, waiting then the fun part takes over: sketching and ing storm-damaged plants and structures, on customers and standing up all day. planning for major events and holidays, comes unexpectedly. As a child, Dottie Temple used to collect and-the best part of all-seeing those plans The landscaping of the estate is an on­ old carnation flowers from a nearby grower, take shape," she says. going process, and Greg meets frequently take them home and arrange them into " To run your own florist's business," with the estate's owner to discuss design bouquets. The talent she developed in flo­ Mrs. Temple continues, " it's important projects. Once, for example, it was decided ral design eventually led her to the White to have experience in all parts of the busi­ that new rhododendrons would be planted. House, where she served Presidents Nixon, ness: buying, markup, hiring help, serving About 50 large specimens-many taller than Ford, Carter and Reagan. customers. Good fin ancial backing is also the burliest of the gardeners-arrived on Mrs. Temple's first invitation to the White important. " a tractor-trailer and had to be unloaded House came when, as Chairman of the In the current job market, Mrs. Temple in the parking lot. It took the crew two American Academy of Florists, she was feels that "there is always room for good weeks to prepare the planting sites, move asked to do nhe floral designing for Pres­ designers." Education is more important the specimens and get them planted with ident Nixon's second inauguration. Later, as a means for developing and expressing a back hoe-all the while, keeping hlp with she was asked to design for Christmas and design talent than it is as a formal job the estate's daily chores. Managing the on­ for state dinners. When President Ford took requirement. Thus, a high school diploma, going tasks (lawn mowing, for instance), office, M rs. Temple was invited back fre­ a vocational certificate in floral design, an emergencies (such as fallen trees and quently to decorate for lunches and din­ associate's degree in , or a branches) and periodic projects (rhodo­ ners for Mrs. Ford and her social staff. She bachelor of fine arts degree might be ap­ dendron plantiflgs, for example) requires even decorated for Susan Ford's high school propriate for different people.

American Horticulturist 29 Although professional floral design is hard work, the professional florist also reaps certain rewards that are less accessible to the amateur designer, such as the oppor­ tunity to meet interesting people in related fields, including art, architecture, interior design, fashion and party planning. In ad­ dition, as recognized authorities in their field, professional florists like Mrs. Temple are invited to speak, judge, consult, lead tours abroad and serve as board members of various organizations. (Mrs. Temple is currently serving on the board of the American Horticultural Society.) In spite of all the hard work, Mrs. Tem­ ple says, "I still can't think of anything I'd Theodore W. Stamen is the Advisor for the Cooperative Extension Service rather do-giving me the opportunity to in Riverside County, California. use a product of nature to enhance our home surroundings and to bring comfort, what's wrong with their plants. "With sion Agents decide how best to serve in­ pleasure and happiness to so many people 1/5,000 people in the county, one urban dustry and the public. every day." horticulture advisor can't be accessible to Ted also writes magazine articles for the everyone," explains Ted, "but we now have nursery and landscape industries about tree Theodore W. Stamen eighty-five active Master Gardeners who care, tree maintenance, correct planting greatly increase our interface with the pub­ techniques and other topics. In addition, Cooperative Extension Urban Horticulture lic." (The Master Gardener Program is he speaks to about 25 trade groups a year. Advisor, Riverside County, California. available through local Extension offices Ted not only organizes, conducts re­ This horticulturist makes use of several across the co.untry.) search, speaks and writes, he also receives different kinds of organizational, leader­ The Extension Service also sponsors a lot of mail and telephone calls. He stresses ship and communication skills in his work programs for professional horticulturists. that "to be successful in Cooperative Ex­ as a Cooperative Extension Agent. Recently, Ted organized a seminar on trees, tension, you need to want to help others While many horticulturists wear khakis for example. A prominent tree pathologist and have good organizational skills, lead­ or jea/ils to work, a jacket and tie is the discussed pests and diseases, and an at­ ership ability and communication skills, uniform of Ted Stamen, Urban Horticul­ torney talked about the legal implications and a good academic plant science back­ ture Advisor for the Riverside County, of faulty tree maintenance, such as who is ground." (Ted holds a bachelor's degree California, Cooperative Extension Service. at fault if a branch falls on a passer-by. in ornamental horticulture from the Uni­ As much an executive as he is a gardener, "We booked an auditorium for five hundred versity of Florida at Gainesville and a mas­ Ted seldom has a chance to get dirt under people, but over a thousand wanted to ter's in the same subject from the Univer­ his fingernails, since he works more with attend," says Ted of the program. sity of Massachusetts.) "One can have a people than with plants. One reason for the success of both pro­ good academic background but may not County Cooperative Extension Agents grams in Riverside County may be the new be able to communicate effectively with il'lterpret and disseminate the research policy of charging participants a modest others," he notes. findings of land grant universities such as fee, something which Ted was convinced An energetic individual who, at age 51, the University of California. One of Ted's would ensure programs of high quality. says he has found what he likes to do best, primary activities is to organize seminars "With the state budget continually being Ted is good at organizing his time and and educational programs for amateur cut back, the fee allows us to offer a first­ managing people. In this case, he is not gardeners and professional nurserymen. class program, which is what people want actually in charge of the people he man­ For example, Ted hdped pioneer the Mas­ the most," he explains. ages. "In California, Extension Agents are ter Gardener Program in California. Each In addition to disseminating informa­ academic employees of the University; our year, about 30 volunteers, selected from tion, Ted is involved in applied research pay scale is good, and we get six months' all over Riverside County, attend evening at the University of California Agricultural sabbatical leave every seven years," he says. classes in all phases of gardening, from Experiment Station. He received a research "You also have the opportunity to work botany to vegetable gardening to pesticide grant from the International Society of Ar­ with and assist an industry of very fine application. In return for the 50 hours of boriculture to study vertical mulching (us­ people."8 instruction they receive, the volunteers agree ing columns of porous material in the soil) to donate 50 hours of their time to Ex­ to relieve soil compaction. He is also con­ Richard M. Adams, II has a Ph.D. in tension programs each year. Some of them ducting a computerized marketing survey horticulture from Cornell Unive~sity. The first volunteer at the University's botanical gar­ of the gardening pub\.ic to help identify part of this series on horticultural careers appeared in the October 1986 issue of den, while others set up educational booths who gardens, what gardeners' needs are American Horticulturist. Adams will complete at shopping centers or answer telephone and where they get their technical gardern­ the series in the February 1987 issue with an inquiries from people wanting to know ing information. Such studies help Exten- article on educational opportunities.

30 December 1986 I ~~~~ I The American Horticultural Society

Ba;9 Area GarDens of california March 26-April 4, 1987 A Tour Designed in Collaboration with Serendipity Tours Early spring invites us to explore California's landscape and with emphasis on the work of three distinguished designers of the San Francisco Bay Area, Thomas Church, Dan Kiley, and . During our ten day visit we will stay at the charming Julianna Hotel in the heart of the city. From here we will radiate north and south to visit celebrated public gardens and parks, private estates, the famous redwoods, , a small specialty vegetable and flower farm , and a landscaped horse breeding farm . The leaders for this trip will be Eleanor M. McPeck, , landscape historian and co-author of 's American Landscape: Gardens and Campus and Sue Hossfeld , Bay area resident, world traveler, and knowledgeable horticulturalist.

Spain in Private SplenDor April 12-26, 1987 A land of great beauty and history, the very name provokes one's imagination. Our visit will encompass the four corners of this magical country-Barcelona, Galicia, Grenada, Sevilla and, of course, time in Madrid. Since many of the country's most interesting gardens are privately owned, we have enlisted two of Spain's leading horticulturalists to help design this exceptional tour. Private is the best word to describe what we are offering: from Arab castles, ducal palaces and monasteries to bullfights, country houses and city gardens, so much of what we will see will be opened to us exclusively. This trip will delight all those interested in such a fine blending of culture and horticulture.

Capabilif0J BrOlVn S EnglanD May 18-June I, 1987 The name is synonymous with the magnificent open parks and woodlands of England. His influence is also felt in some of the great houses and surrounding gardens which he was responsible for architecturally and aesthetically. Our two weeks which will include Press Day at the Chelsea Flower Show, will include visits to some of these Treasure Houses, with private tours conducted by the owners or head gardeners, as well as tours of some smaller and more private estates, little known to the general public.

EmeralD GarDens of IrelanD June 4-18, 1987 A Tour Designed in Collaboration with Serendipity Tours The Emerald Isle is not as well known for gardens as her English neighbor, but Irish gardens have a wild and wonderful glory all their own. This trip is a romantic journey to some of the lost domains of Irish landscape as well as to the flourishing estates of today. The changing mood and character of the landscape will surprise us as much as our discovery of the variety and richness of the gardens we plan to visit. We begin in the Southwest with its dramatic views of sea and mountain. The second half of our trip finds us visiting gardens in Dublin and County Wicklow, "The Garden of Ireland".

These trips are sponsored by the American Horticultural Society.

PASSAGESFor further informationUNLIMITED please contact: ~~rKDiIA~iiiiii~ii'~!!!!;;'~ 10 Lakeside Office Park, Wakefield, Massachusetts 01880 UNLIMITED, INC. 617-246-3575 STRANGE RELA TIVES The 1brchwood Family

ccording to the beautifu l story cel­ miphora. An agreeably aromati c gum IS ebrated in the Christmas tradition, obtained from C. myrrh a and C. abyssin­ A gold, frankincense and myrrh were ica. The flu id exuded from resin ducts when brought by three O ri ental kings to Jesus the bark is cut hardens into glo bules call ed Christ in the manger at Bethlehem. Such " tears" when it is exposed to the air. Myrrh were the gifts considered fit for a Ki ng. tastes bitter, and its name in Arabic reflects Franki ncense has always been a rare and that characteri sti c. treasured substance. Used in earl y times True myrrh, C. abyssinica, is produced by the Egypti ans in reli gious ri tes, it also in small quantities in Somaliland. It is used consti tuted part of the Jewish in cense of chi efl y as an ingredi ent in dentifrices, per­ the sanctuary and is frequently mentioned fumes and stimulating tonics, and as a pro­ in the Pe ntateuch. The first-century hi s­ tecti ve agent in pharmaceuticals. It is also torian Pliny " the Elder" mentions frank­ included in official recipes of in cense used incense as an antidote for heml ock poi­ in Hebrew tabernacles. The "balm of Gil­ soning. In China and elsewhere in the Far ead" of Arabia is the gum from C. opo­ East, it was used as both an internal and balsamum. It is still used in some Moham­ external medi cine. M yrrh was highl y es­ medan households in the preparati on of a tee med by ancient Eastern and Mediter­ fragrant unguent known as the " balm of ranean societi es as an ingredient in costl y Mecca." in ce nse, perfumes and cosmeti cs. It was Also incl uded in the torchwood fa mily also used in medi cines and in embalming. are pl ants that yield edible nuts or that Burning of incense was a common p rac­ serve as a source of timber fo r construc­ ti ce in many ancient rituals. It is beli eved ti on. Among these are species in the genus that the use of myrrh at the Festi va l of Canarium. T hese large trees of the tropi cs Ado ni s (the Greek god of vegetati on and are common fro m M alaysia to the Phil­ rebirth) may have given ri se to the fab le Marjorie Stodgell ippines, and are also found growing in Af­ regarding his birth. (Accordi ng to legend, and pistillate fl owers are borne on separate ri ca and northern Australia. They attain Adonis was born from a myrrh tree when pl ants, and are small and creamy or green­ great heights and exhibit an unusual struc­ the bark split, o r when the tree was go red ish. The fruit from whi ch the nut is o b­ ture; plank-like buttresses support the lower by a boaL) tained is usuall y a drupe- a stone fruit part of the trunk, fro m whi ch aeri al roots Both fra nkincense and myrrh are de­ with the seed enclosed in a stony cover often hang. ri ved from plants of the torch wood or in­ that is, in turn, encl osed in a fl es hy layer Canarium species are important because cense-tree fa mil y, Burseraceae. This fa mil y (as in a peach, almo nd o r oli ve). The de­ they produce large quantities of edible fruits of trees and shrubs is most commo n in ciduous leaves of Burse raceae members are and nuts. They are also valued as a source tropical and subtropi cal Afri ca and Ma­ pinnately di vided, that is, composed of of fragrant resins and of lumber. The onl y laysia, as well as in tropical Ameri ca. Plants lea fl ets arranged on each side of a stalk. Canarium fruits to reach world markets can be fo und growing in vast savanna areas, T he leaves are spirall y arranged, and are are the pili nut (c. ovatum) and the Chinese along coastal belts, in rain fo res ts and in usuall y crowded at the tips of twigs . oli ves (c. album and C. pinela) . hot, dry bush veldt. Frankin cense can be coll ected from any Canarium ovatum, commonl y known as All pl ants of the torch wood family have of several pl ants of the genus Boswellia, pili nut or Philippine nut, and C. luzoni­ many res in ducts, especiall y in the bark. especiall y B. carterii, a tree nati ve to So­ cum, also commonl y call ed pili nut or Java If bruised, the bark releases tear- shaped mali a and the Hadramawt region of the almond, are among the most important drops of aromati c gum. This gum has been southern Arabi an peninsul a. When inci­ nut-bearing trees of the 75 kinds in the used fo r many centuries in the producti on sions are made in the trunk of the tree, torchwood fa mily. The kernels of their seeds of treasured fragrances . franki ncense exudes a mil k-li ke juice that are large enough to extract and eat as nuts. Although resin ducts are omnipresent in becomes hardened when exposed to the They are a prime source of fats and pro­ th e Burseraceae, the fl ower, fruit and fo ­ air; heat causes the bark to release a bal­ teins in the diet of residents of the Far li age characteri sti cs serve as the basis fo r sami c odor. Today, frankincense is used Pacific. Many people claim that the deli ­ classify in g the va ri ous species of the fa m­ in the preparati on of incense and fumi­ cious fl avor of the nuts is superior to that il y. T he flowers are produced in compl ex gants, and as a fixati ve in perfumes. of almonds. branching clusters call ed panicles, which M yrrh is the product of va ri o us small , The Chinese white oli ve is another in­ are crowded at the twig ends. Staminate thorny, fl owering trees of the genus Com- teresting member of the torchwood fa mil y.


C. album of In dochina produces a fl es hy, ONE OF EACH WOULD BE GREAT BUT TAKES ROOM - egg-shaped fruit that is eaten li ke an oli ve. YET YOU WANT A LONG SEASON OF BLOOM! The kernel of this fru it contains an ed ibl e DIAL US UP ONCE OR TWICE oil , but the hard stone makes crushi ng FOR SOME FRIENDLY ADVICE impractical. AND SUGGESTIONS ABOUT WHO BLOOMS WITH WHOM. C. vulgare and C. indicum are com­ America's largest mailorder selection monly ca ll ed Java almonds. The nuts are 14 5 of superhardy, landscape size azaleas; eaten raw or baked, and are also used as O1R .. Questions? Call (914) 763-5958. a tasty addition ro cassava puddings. Local ~ON 2-year Catalog Subscription $2.00 (deductible with order) demand absorbs the supply. In eastern Box 305-AH Malaysia, where the coconut is scarce, fresh G4RDENSOf VFDSt S South Salem , NY 10590 oil from these nuts is used for cooking. Oil used as an illuminant is expressed from the nuts of C. javanicum. Commonly call ed the Ceylon almond, this species is native to the island from which it takes its name (now known as Sri Lanka). In Africa, the chief food-producing spe­ cies of Canarium is C. schweinfurthii. The sli ghtly greenish outer pulp of the fruit is edible, whil e the nut is cooked with other foods. The wood is used in the construc­ tion of bui ldings and for carpentry. The valuable resins that have been har­ vested regularly from Canarium species are chiefly Malabar elemi and Manila elemi, extracted from C. strictum (black dam mar tree) and C. luzonicum (pili nut), respec­ tively. The word "elemi" refers ro a gum that is useful in medicine and in maki ng varnish. The species Boswellia serrata, Indian Lilypons Water Gardens olabanum, is closely related ro frankin­ cense. It is culti vated in central India for !BE:Jin !JOU! waU~ 'Jauiw todG.!J with a 1!if!Jpon~ l2ataio'JUE its timber as well as for its fragrant resin. fwtuzin:J Pa;]E aftE~ pa:JE of Gwutiful wau! titiE~J totu~J Go'J T he wood is used for constructing build­ ings and for making paper, and the flowers ptant~J ~iliJ ~tatUa'1'!JJ and thE E~~Wtiai~ fo~ ku_pin:J it ait wo~kin'J and seed nuts are edible. to:JEthE~ . In Central America and Mexico, an­ other species, Bursera gummifera (gom­ Jl/o poot? aoo~ a ~GE~'JtaH o~ QJ

American Horticulturist 33 Sources HOLLY WREATHS

Vireya Rhododendrons Vireya rhododendrons are available from .1.:1 following mail-order companies. The perfect gift, delivered fresh from Oregon anywhere in the U.S. The Bovees Nursery, Dept. AH, 1737 S.W. Coronado, Portland, OR 97219, cata­ 14"Wreaths Cut Holly Gift Boxes logue $2.00. A I. Green leaf with red berries ...... $25 Shipped at 2 Ibs. (approximately 30 12 "pieces). A2 . Gift Gi ver SpeciaL ...... $llO BI. Green leaf with red berries ...... $17 Greer Gardens, Dept. AH, 1280 Good­ (5 wreaths, green leaf with red berries) B2 . Variegated leaf with red berries ...... $18 pasture Island Road, Eugene, OR 97401, A3 . Variegated leaf with red berries .. $27 B3 . Mi xed green, variegated , yellow berries .. $20 catalogue $2.00. A4 . Green leaf with yello w berries . ... $30 B4 . Same as B3 plus fr esh Cedar greens ..... $25 EI. Evergreen ...... $25 H I. Total Home Decorating Package ...... $75 Vireya Specialties Nursery, Dept. AH, 2701 (Noble fir with juniper & pine cones) (i ncludes all 3 types of Holly plus fresh Cedar green & Malcolm , Los Angeles, CA Mistletoe; shi pped at 20 Ibs. ). GI. Grapevine ...... $15 90064, catalogue free . ..(ready to decorate) H2 . Complete Home Decorating Package .. $150 .JII/J.Ifr (same as H I with choke of 6' fr esh cut fi r tree , SI . Holly Tree cuttings ...... $30 ~ ready to decorate: 0 Grand 0 Noble 0 Douglas) A Most Unusual Plant J/IIiIf" (Paired male and female, 4" cuttings. We stan ~ and ship when rooted. The plants discussed in this article are o Se nd me the complete Pleasant Hill Farm catalog avail able from the following mail-order ($1 enclosed). PLEASANT 20454 S. Springwater Rd . companies. Please call regarding customi zed home decorating Hill FARM Estacada, OR 97023 needs. The Banana Tree, Dept. AH, 715 North­ Two day delivery by Priority Air Mail (Alaska and Hawaii 4, (503) 631-2918 residents add $5 . Order now by phone or mai l. Please hampton Street, Easton, PA 18042, send print clearly: your address, recipient 's address , VISA or HELENE & TOM MasterCard number & expi ration date. To insure deli very FEDEWA 50¢ or stamps for catalogue. by Christmas yo ur mail orders must be received by Decem­ J o hn Brudy Exoti cs, D ept . AH, 3 411 ber 12 or your phone order by December 17. Westfield Drive, Brandon, FL 33511, catalogue $1.00 (refundable). Pesticides from Plants For more information on safe pesticides that are derived from plants, write to the following companies. Natural Pest Control, Dept. AH, 8864 Lit­ tl e Creek Drive, Orangevale, CA 95662, send lega l-s ized SASE o r $1.00 for catalogue. Necessary Trading Company, Dept. AH, 649 Main Street, New Castle, VA 24127, catalogue free. Organic Control, Inc., Dept. AH, 5132 Venice Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90010, catalogue free. Reuter Labo ratori es, Dept. AH, 8450 Nat­ ural Way, Manassas Park, VA 22111, catalogue free. Safer, Inc., Dept. AH, 60 William Street, Well esley, MA 02181, catalogue free.

K",tAr", you think about Morikami trees, wreaths and greens there's worrying about shedding. The gardens at Morikami are open to the one thing you should have IllI' A. Ask for Wilt -Pruf at your public from 10:00 a. m. to5:00 p.m., Tues­ on hand: Wilt -Pruf®. .v nursery or garden supply day through Sunday. They are cl osed on Wilt-Pruf gives ever- center. It will help eliminate Easter, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New PRUf® Year's Day. Guided tours are avail able on weens ~d plants a pr


A: Well , the Wonderlite is compl etely unique because it Q: That's some compari son! But tell me, what 's reall y so is the onl y plant light that has two important features important about a "balanced spectrum?" together in the same bulb. It has a wide and balanced A: What we see as visible li ght is only a very small part spectrum that extends from the blues (380 nanometers­ of th e vast electromagneti c spectrum from radio waves nm) to the far-reds (730nm) whi ch actua ll y has been to gamma rays. Radi ati ons in the visible light spectrum proven to make plant s grow and fl ower. T hi s occurs are measured in wavelength s call ed nanometers(nm). because the Wonderlite uses two sources of li ght; one All biological acti vity for li fe depend upon these strong in blues and the other in reds, plu s a special wavelength s. Pl ant s use different wavelengths of this phosphor. Secondly, Wond erlite can be screwed into spectrum in many ways. For exampl e: photosynthesis, existing sockets (no in stall ati on costs) and because of the conversion of li ght energy to chemi cal energy takes this versatility you can use it on yo ur large ex pensive place between 440-490nm (blue) and also between 650- plants or an entire coll ecti on of small er ones, and you 680nm (red). Flowering may be tri ggered in the photo­ can have plants virtuall y anywhere you want them. chro me molecul e through wavelength s of 660-730nm. Q: Yes, but how does this make Wond erlite so di ffere nt Pl ants have many ph otoresponses whi ch we hope you from other plant lights or flu orescents? will in vestigate, but these examples illustrate the neces­ sit y of a balanced spectrum to sati sfy all th e needs of A: Other screw-in bulbs use one source of li ght and are a health y pl ant. deficient in either th e blue or red porti on of the spec­ trum. For example, most of the bul bs labeled as "plant Q: How much does a Wo nderli te cost? lights" are reall y incandescent lights which are strong A: $39.50. In compari son, a flu orescent set up of four 40 onl y in the yell ow-red (560-650nm) area of the spectrum watt tu bes (to match one Wonderlite of 160 watts) and and have a sprayed-on blue coating inside the glass of a fi xture is about $70.00 . A normal mercury vapor bulb, the bulb. This coating actuall y cuts down the bri ghtness ball ast and fi xture li sts at about $89.00 plus in stall ati on or intensity of the light, and onl y im proves the spec­ costs. Both have consid erabl e drawbacks as we men­ trum to a minimal degree. Mercury vapor lamps peak tio ned before. When you think about it , Wonderlite is in the violet-blue range of the spectrum and are weak reall y fa irl y priced . There is no other plant light that in the red wavelengths, so they too do not have a full provides so much. spectrum. They also require an electrician to in stall It can be screwed into existing sockets such as track and are very expensive. It is true that some flu orescent li ghts, clip-ons or any free-standing fi xture, and re­ tubes do have a balanced spectrum but they require a quires no in stall ation costs; it has a proven full spec­ means of putting the tubes right over the plant as they trum fo r both growth and bl oom; it is unconditionall y are not completely effecti ve at di stances greater than guarant eed fo r one year and when used properl y (at 21/2-3 feet. This makes them in suffi cient fo r large pl ants. least 8 hours between switch-offs) is rated well over Besides, flu orescent fi xtures are ugly and decoratively 10,000 hours. unsuitable for most places. Other lights used commer­ cially by nurseries such as high or low pressure sodium Q: You mi ght say it's th e answer to a pl ant lover's prayers. vapor or metal halide also need external ball asts and How can I get a Wonderlite? have install ation expenses. The brightness and color A: Just fill out th e coupon below or call the operator on of light emitted from these bulbs are very di spleasing our toll free order number 800-221-4392. You can mail making them decoratively unacceptabl e too. Did I men­ us a check ($39.50 + $2. 50 postage per Wonderlite) or tion before, that Wonderlite makes plants look beautiful charge it to Mastercharge or Vi sa. We will promptly and is compatible with natural light as well as most send you your order plus instructions and helpful hints other indoor lighting? on how to use the Wonderlite. Wonderlite®------

Wonderlite Department o Please send me Wonderlite(s) at $39.50 ($2.50 postage & handling) each Public Service Lamp Corp. Please include Clamp Fixture(s) at $14.95 each Dept.C o 410 West 16th Street O N.Y. State Residents add appropriate sales tax New York, NY 10011 Total Enclosed ______o Check o Visa o Master Charge Card No. ______Expires ______

Signature ______

Name ______Address ______

City ______State ______Zip ______F~ HERBS culinary Pronunciation medicinal insect repelling dye plants fragrance plants Guide everlastings scented geraniums Choices: Fox Hill's selection of 350 varieties of carefully Acer rubrum A Y-ser REW-brum Conium maculatum propogated container grown herb and scented Aoorus ah-CORE-rus CONE-ee-um mack-yew-LA Y-tum geranium plants includes: 18 different basils, Conocarpus erectus about 30 thymes, 10 rosemaries, 16 mints, 9 Alchemilla mollis lavenders, 8 oreganos, 9 sages, 12 artemisias, etc. al-keh-MILL-ah MOLL-iss cone-oh-CARP-us ee-RECK-tus Common and uncommon plant material. Anacyclus pyrethrum Cortaderia sel/oana Information: an-ah-SICK-Ius pie-REE-thrum core-tah-DARE-ee-ah sell-oh-A Y-n ah Our comprehensive catalog, Anemone X hybrida Cucumis sativus "All You Need to Know ah-NEM-oh-nee HIGH-brid-ah KEW-kew-mis sah-TEE-vus About Herbs" ...... $1.00 A. sylvestris a. sill-VESS-triss Cycas revoluta SY-kus rev-oh-LUTE-ah " What You Need to Know Annona ah-NO-nah Cymbopogon nardus About Scented Geraniums" ...... $1.00 Aquilegia ak-qui-LEE-jee-ab sim-bow-POE-gun NARD-us " What You Need to Know Asparagus densifl orus Cyperus papyrus sy-PAIR-us pah-PIE-ms to Preserve Herbs" ...... $4.00 as-PAIR-ah-gus den-sih-FLOOR-us Derris DARE-iss The Basil Book ...... $8.00 Averrhoa carambola Desmodium canadense Shopping list: av-er-ROW-ah kar-am·BOWL-ah dez-MOW-dee-um can-ah-DEN-see The plant price list is free for the asking. Azadirachta indica D . motorium d. mow-TORE-ee-um ay-za h-der-OCK-tah IN-dih-kah Echinacea angustifolia 440 W. Ave., Dept AH8, Box 9 Bergenia co rd/folia eck-in-A Y-see-ah an-gus-tih-FOE-Iee-ah Parma, MI 49269 • (517) 531-3179 ber- GIN-ee-ah co re-dih-FOE-I ee-ah E. pal/ida e. PAL-ih-dah B oswellia carterii Encephalartos boz-WELL-ee-ah car-TEAR-ee-eye en-sef-ah-LAR-toes B. serrata b. ser-A Y -tah Epimedium ep-ih-MEE·dee-um Bru,nnera macrophylla Geranium endressii BRUN-er-ah mack-row-FILL-ah jer-A Y-nee-um en-DRESS-ee-eye Bucida buceras bew-SID-ah bew-SIR-iss Gossypium goss-IP-ee-um Bursera gummifera bur-SER-ah Grevillea robusta gum-IF-er- ah greh-VIL-ee-ah row-BUS-tah B. microphylla b. my-crow-FILL-ah Haplophyton hap-I ow-FIE-ton B. simaruba b. sim-ah-REW-bah Hedera helix HEAD-er- ah HE-licks Camellia japonica Hedychium coronarium kah-MEAL·ya h jah-PON-ih-kah hed-I CK-ee-um core-oh-NAIR-ee-um The ONLY specialty liquid plant I Canarium album Heliopsis helianthoides subsp. sea bra foods in the industry. Made for I cah-N AIR-ee-um AL-bum heel-ee-OP-sis heel-ee-an-tho-EYE-deez safety, accuracy and results. C. indicum c. IN-dih-kum SCA Y-brah JUNGLE JUICE (2·5·4) for fantastic I C. javanicum c. jah-VAN-ih-kum H. longipes h. LA WN-jip-eez foliage growth and super green. I C. luzonicum c. loo-ZONE-ih-kum H elleborus orientalis GRANNY'S BLOOMERS (0·6·5) I C. ovatum c. oh-VA Y-tum hell-eh-BORE-us or-ee-en-TA Y-liss ZERO nitrogen and special trace C. pinela c. pi e-NELL- ah Hosta HOSS-tah for abundant african violet I C. schweinfurthii c. schw in e-FlRTH-ee-eye Jlex cassine EYE-Iecks kah-SEEN blooms, you won't believe your I C. strictum c. STRICK-tum Jasminum multiflorum eyes . C. vulgare c. vul-GAIR-ee jazz-MY·num mul-tih-FLOOR·um CACTUS JUICE (1·7·6) For I Carissa grandiflora Juglans nigra JUG-Ianz N Y-grah outstanding specimens and helps I care-ISS-ah grand-ib-FLOOR-ah Junip erus chinensis var. chinensis promote flowering . Casuarina caz-oo-ah-RINE-ah jew-NIP-er-us chih-NEN-sis chih-NEN-sis FLOWER CRACKER (1·6·5) For I Chrysanthemum cinerariifolium Lagerstroemia speciosa Impatiens, Orchids, Bromeliads, I kris-AN-thah-mum lag-er-STROME-ee-ah spee-see-OH-sah Geraniums, all flowering plants. I sin-er-are-ee-eye-FOAL-ee-um Larix decidua LAIR-icks deh-SID-you-ah 6 oz. bottle makes 12 gals. capful I Coccoloba uvifera koe-KOE-Iow-bah Laurus nobilis LA W·ms NO-bil-iss measure. $3.85 ppd. yew-VIF-er-ah Lonchocarpus pUl1ctatus Any 4·6 oz. btls. $11.85 ppd. Free I Co leus KOE-Iee-us lawn-koh- CAR-pus punk·TAY-tus catalog. Commiphora abyssinica Mammea americana come-IF-or-ah ab-ih-SIN-ih-cah MAM-ee-ah ah-mer·ih-KA Y-nah Dept. AH n Clarel C. myrrha c. MIR-ra l1l Mimosa pudica Deerfield, IL 60015 '" Laboratories Inc. C. opobalsamum c. oh·poh-BALL-sah-mum mih-MOW-sah PEW-dih-kah

36 December 1986 PLANTS NEED MINERALS NOT MIRACLES ... Order Toll Free: Its for Murraya exotica 800·841·1105 ~rmaft mur-EYE-yah eggs-OT-ih-kah In NY & Alaska: 415-362-0660 the Very Finest in M. panicu.lata m. pan-ick-yew-LA Y-tah Miniature Roses Nepeta mussinii eThat' s why we formulated Multi­ NEE-peh-tah mew-S IN-ee-eye mineral GREEN CROSS Wintercare (2-20- 10), an exclusive granular nutritional formula N icotiana tabacul11 specifically d esigned to harde n stem s, 7fJforY6r:J! ,·~c. We carry the best nih-koh-tee-A Y-nah tah-BACK-um strengthen roots, reduce winter, wind, dieback, . ,,\alll(e R Pachyrhizus erosus acid rain and dro ught injury. Loaded with 1"\' selection, featur- CALCIUM, MAGNESIUM, IRON ... ALL pack-ih-R YE-ZlIs eh-ROW-sus MINERALS-NO FILLERS. GREEN ing the very best Pachysandra pak-ih-SAN-drah CROSS Wintercare fortifies and protects roses, Pinus elliottii PIE-nus el-ee-OUGHT-ee-eye camellias, rhododendron, azaleas, trees, shrubs, of the older and P. thunbergiana p. thun-berj-ee-A Y-nah perennials .. . all plants. Results are cumulative the very newest Polygonatum odoratu111 with continued use. Patent Pending. poe-lig-oh-NA Y-tum o h-door-A Y-tUIll ------varieties. 1.5Ibs.-$7.95 [Treats 6 Plants) II Pongal11ia pin nata 5.0 Ibs.-$14.95 [Treats 20 Plants) ", pon-GAME-ee-ah pin-A Y-tah 25Ibs.-$32.99 [Treats 100 Plants) * SPEaAI.. 10% OFF ORDERS OF 100 IBS. OR MORE Pulmonaria saccharata Pri ces Postpaid in USA. Canada. AK, HI , PR pull-mon-AIR-ee-ah sack-ar-A Y-tah add 25% . Ord ers shipped UPS. :--D---~-~~~--~;--;~::--~-~-;~~----- Quassia amara KWAH-see-ah AM-ah-rah Send check to: Green Cross Wintercare Inc . 260 Bay. Suite 207. AH San Francisco. CA 94133. Rhododendron brookeanum Name: ______row-doe-DEN-dron brook-ee-A Y-num i Catalog Today! Address: ______R. gracilentum r. grass-ih-LENT-um R. jasl11inif/orum r. jazz-min-ih-FLOOR-um City: ______State: _____ Zip: ____ Name R. javanicum var. teysmanii PIhone: ______r. jah-VAN-ih-kum tace-MAN-ee-eye Address _____ Please RUSH a FREE Brochure. R. laetum r. LEE-tum Also available through: Smith & Hawken. Van City , R. lobbii r. LOB-ee-eye Bourgondien, Brookstone (Plantifreeze) Garden­ , R. lo chae r. LOCK-ee er's Eden, McFayden Seed (Canada), Gardener's State Zip i Supply Co. catalogs and the finest horticultural R. longif/orum r. la w n-jih-FLOOR-um nurseries. Miniature Roses, Inc. DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED for~t i R. macgregoriae r. mac-greg-GORE-ee-eye 58 Hammond Street, Dept. AH i R. malayanum r. Ill a h-I ay-A Y-num L ~~~~~~~=~_

American Horticulturist 37 CIassifieds

Classified Ad Rates: PURCHASED FOR CASH: Horticultural, Bo­ tural books included. Catalog $1.00. AN­ tanical Book Collections, Any Size. Pickup Ar­ THONY J. SKITTONE, 2271 AH 31st Avenue, 85 ¢ per word; $17.00 minimum per inser­ ranged. Please Phone (519) 621-8897. PO­ San Francisco, CA 94116. tion. 10% discount for three consecuti ve MONA BOOKS, Rockton, Ontario, CaAada CACTI & SUCCULENTS insertions using same copy. Copy must be LOR 1XO. received two months prior to publication "CATALOG OF UNUSUAL SUCCULENTS" date. Send orders to the attention of Cindy DRIFJD BOUQUETS SO REAL THEY LOOK Discover the largest selection of weird and wn­ FRESH! Show-and-Tell books: Step-By-Step Weakland, American Horticultural Society, usual succulents-picture book catalog of suc­ BOOK OF DRIED BOUQUETS, over 285 Pho­ culent crests, variegates, living stones, and odd­ Box 0105, Mount Vernon, Virginia 22121. tos: Williamsburg, Modern, Country, Victo­ balls. Send $1.00 today. "CATALOG OF Or call (703) 768-5700. rian, Gifts. ($9.95 ppd.) . Step-By-Step BOOK UNUSUAL SUCCULENTS," Dept. A-12, 553 OF PRESERVED FLOWERS, professional se­ Buena Creek RoaA, San Marcos, CA 92069. AFRICAN VIOLETS crets for preserving 100 flowers, includes Mi­ FANTASTIC 1987 TROPlCAL CACTUS America's Finest-156 Best Violets and Ges­ crowave, ($3.95 ppd.) BOTH BOOKS $12.90 CATALOG NOW AVAILABLE! 100+ color neriads. Color Catalog and Growing Tips 50¢. ppd. FREE NEWSLETTER, send stamp. RO­ photos of Orchid Cactus, Christmas/Easter FISCHER GREENHOUSES, Oak Avenue, Lin­ BERTA MOFFITT, PO Box 3597, Wilmington, Cactus, Rhipsalis, Sansevierias, other tropical woody N] 08221. DE 19807. Cactus. 40 pages, includes Booksl1lop Catalogue ALPINE & ROCK GARDEN PLANTS NEW AND SCARCE, OUT-OF-PRINT featuring 225 +. Cactus books, Bromeliad, BOOKS on ornamental horticulture. Special­ Greenhouse books. Both catalogs only $1.00 ADVENTURE IN COLD CLIMATE GAR­ izing in plant monographs and western floras, (refundable). Includes special winter bargains DENING Alpine-Perennial plants for begin­ with emphasis on subjects for mild winter cli­ plus $3.00 winter discount. Hurry! RAINBOW ner and discriminating coll ector. Descriptive mates. FREE catalog BROOKS BOOKS-Dept. GARDENS, BOX 721-AH126, La Habra, CA catalog $1.50. SOLAR GREEN, LTD., RR 1, ' A, PO Box 21473, Concord, CA 94521. 90633-0721. Box 115A, Moore, ID 83255. THE HERB GARDENER'S RESOURCE CARNIVOROUS PLANTS THE A V ANT GARDENER GUIDE, Second edition. A comprehensive ref­ Carnivorous, woodland terrarium plants and DIFFERENT, EXCITING, GREAT FUN TO erence offering 500 sources of plants, products, supplies. Book, The World of Carnivorous Plants, READ-for the gardener who wants to get more services, information! $7.95 from NORTH­ $8.95 postpaid. Catalog FREE. PETER PAULS out of gardening! Subscribe to THE AVANT WIND FARM, Rte. 2, Box 246(A), Shevlin, NURSERIES, CanandaiguaJ NY 14424. GARDENER, the most useful, most quoted of MN 56676. all gardening publications. Every month this DAYLILIES GARDEN DESIGN & HISTORY; PLANT SE­ unique news service brings you the newest aAd DA YLILIES GALORE! Beautiful named hy­ LECTION & GARDEN PRACTICE; GAR­ most practical on-going information-new brids. Quantity discounts. Send now for FREE DEN ART & ARCHITECTURE. New and out­ plants, products, uechniques, with sour€es, plus informative catalog. CEE BRISTOL NURS­ of-print BOOKS. Search service. Catalog5$1.50. feature articles, spClcia l issues. 18th year. Awarded ERY, Box SA, Gaylordsville, CT 06755. Garden Club of America and Massachusetts WARREN BRODERICK, PO Box 124A, Lan­ DWARF CONIFERS Horticultural Society Medals for outstanding singburgh, NY 12182. cOAtributions to horticulture. Curiol!ls) Sample 1985 Edition EXOTICA 4, with 16,300 photos, Over 180 types of dwarf conifers, small leaf copy $1 . Serious? $10 full year (reg. $15). THE 405 in color, 2,600 pages in 2 volumes, with rhodies, andromeda & hollies. Many suitable AVANT GARDENER, Box 489M, New York, Addenda of 1,000 Updates, by Dr. A. B. Graf, for bonsai. Described by size, shape, color and NY 10028. $187. TROPICA 3, revised 1986, 7,000 color texture. 50-page catalog'$2.00 (refundable). photos, now 1,156 pages, $125. Exotic Plant WASRINGTON EVERGREEN NURSERY, AZALEAS & RHODODENDRONS Manual, 5th Ed., 4,200 photos, $37.50. Exotic Box 388AH, Leicester, NC 28748. FRAGRANT AZALEAS for your fragrant gar­ House Plants, 1,200 photos, $8.95. Circulars EDUCATION den-Extensive Selection! Two Year Catalog gladly sent. ROEHRS, Box 125, E. Rutherford, Subscription: $2.00 (deductible). CARLSON'S N] 07073. THE NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN SCHOOL OF HORTICULTURE. A Twenty­ GARDENS, Box 305-AHA1286, South Salem, Bulbous Plant Journal. HERBERTIA and Quar­ NY 10590 (9 14) 763-5958. one-month program designed to train profes­ terly Newsletter. Color-fi ll ed articles on bulbs, sional horticulturists through a combination of BANANA PLANTS corms & tubers of Amaryllidaceae and related academic work and practical field experience. 35 varieti€s, plus pinea~ples, acerolas, brome­ families. $12/Year. APLS-AH, PO Box 150, Curriculum includes botany, horticulture and Iiads, cacti, aloes, xanthosomas, etc. Catalog La]olla, CA 92038. landscape design. Work experience is offered at $1.00. GARDEN WORLD, Dept. 32, 2503 the 250-acre Botanical Garden and at other sites. BULB CATALOG-FREE Garfield, Laredo, TX 78043. Licensed by the New York State Education De­ Remember the popular Crinum variety "Cecil BONSAI partment. For catalogue write: School of Hor­ Houdyshell?" What about T ritonia, Babiana or ticulture, Education Building, THE NEW YORK BONSAI TREES, books, pots, tools, supplies, Tigridia? We offer these wonderful bulbs and BOTANICAL GARDEN, Bronx, NY 10458- gifts. 1987 illustrated CATALOG $2.50 ($5 many more to plant next spring. Write today 5126. Or Call: (212) 220-8739. credit towards purchase). We ship anywhere. for a free copy of our catalog: McCLURE & BONSAl CREATIONS, Dept. AH, 2700 N . 29th ZIMMERMAN, QUALITY FLOWERBULB FRAGRANCE Ave. #204, Hollywood, FL 33020. (305) 962- BROKERS, ]422 W. Thomdale, Dept. AH-12, SEEDS FOR FRAGRANCE, herbs, and the 6960. Chicago, IL 60660. (312) 989-0557. English . Catalogue $1.00. THE FRAGRANT PATH, Box 328A, Fort Calhoun, BOOKS BULBS NE 68023. HORTICULTURAL BOOKS-Scarce, out-of­ BULBS GALORE! UNIQUE AND UNUSUAL print. Free Catalogue available. Book Search. BULBS for the coll ector and the specialist. Great FROM THE VALLEY OF FLOWERS CAROL BARNETT, 3128 SE Alder Ct., Port­ selection of unusual flower bulbs. Seed li st of WILD FLOWER COLLECTION, African Daisy, land, OR 97214. Australian, South African plants and horticul- ChrysaAthemum-Painted Daisy, Golden Lupin,

38 December 1986 _AIlS Phaceli a-Bright Blue Bells, Sil ene Armeria- Bril- VIREY A RHODODENDRONS, from moun- Iiant Pink. SPECIALTY SEEDS, PO Box 842, tain s of Borneo, in door culture o r warm c1 i- Lompoc, CA 93436. $5.00 Prepaid , Check or mates . Catalog $1. BOVEES NURSER Y, 1737- Money Order, Shipping Included. AH SW Coronado, Portl and, OR 97219. Travel GARDEN BOXES ORCHIDS, GESNERIADS, BEGONIAS, CACTI & SUCCULENTS. Vi sitors welcome. 1986-87 Teak Garden Boxes designed by Mrs. Mc- catalog $1.75. LAURAY OF SA LISBURY, Rt. Gregor. Wholesale/Retail. Write or ca ll for bro- Program 41 (Undermountain Rd .), Sa li sbury, CT 06068 chure, Mrs. McGregor's Garden Shop, 4801 (203) 435-2263. First St. N., Arlington, VA 22203, (703) 528- 8773. INDOOR-OUTDOOR GARDENING Bay Gardens of California (March 26- GARDEN ORNAMENTS SUPPLIES April 4). Explore outstanding examples of Bronze, Lead, and Stone including . 400 "FREE CATALOG" ... " LOWEST PRI CES" landscape and garden design in California, page catalog available $8.00. Hard bound li - .. . "TOP QUALITY" . .. Pl astic pots, hanging with emphasis on the work of three distin­ brary edition over 2,000 illustrations showin g baskets, etc . ... 2 Stamps . . . Postage .. . PLANT guished deSigners of the San Francisco Bay bird baths, benches, bronzes including tablets, COLLECTIBLES , 103E Kenvi ew, Buffalo, NY area: l1lomas Church, Dan Kiley and Law­ cisterns, compasses, cupids, curbing, dolphins, 14217. rence Halprin. We will visit celebrated pub- eagles, elephants, finial s, frogs, fo xes, fruit bas- INDOOR-OUTDOOR GROWING SUPPLIE S lic gardens and parks, private estates, the kets, gates and gate posts, Japanese lanterns, FREE G RO WING SU PPLIES CATALOG. famous redwoods, vineyards and a specialty lead figures, li ons and li on masks, mermaids, Wholesale Prices! Fast Se rvice ! Pots, fl ats, la- vegetable and fl ower farm. Leaders: Eleanor planters, St. Francis, weatherva nes. KENNETH bels, fertilizer, tool5,'Piant stands. FP I-H, 2242 LYNCH & SONS, 78 Danbury Road, Wi lton, M. McPeck, garden deSigner, landscape Palm er, Schaumburg, IL 60] 73. CT 06897. historian and co-author of Beatrix Far­ JASMlNE rand's American Landscape: Gardens and GARDENING GLOVES Sambac, 'Grand Duke', Jasmine polya nthum, Campus; and Sue Hossfeld, Bay Area resi­ GOATSKIN GLOVES. Tough, li ghtweight Poet's J asmine. Fou r for $ 7 .50. List 30¢ . dent and knowledgeable horticulturist goatskin stretches and becomes form-fitting, SPRING HEAD GA RDENS, Edna Welsh, Rte. giv ing wearer ultimate in fit, grip, dex teri ty. Spain in Private Splendor (April 12-26). 3, Box 1700, Madison, FL 32324. Natural lanolin in lea ther keeps hands soft . Sizes A land of great beauty and history, the very 7-10 or send outline of hand. $8.50 postpaid. LANDSCAPING name "Spain" provokes one's imagination. PUTNAM'S, Box 295C, Wilton, NH 03086. Learn Landscaping and the growing of pl ants Our visit will encompass the four comers GRAPEVINES at home. Start busin ess or hobby. FREE book- of this magical country-Barcelona, Galicia, GRAPEVINES Newest European and Am eri ca n let. LIFETIME CAREER SCHOOLS, Dept. A- Grenada and Sevilla- and, of course, will seedless, wine and table. Easy to Grow. Best 216,2251 Barry Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90064. include time in Madrid. Private is the best selection. Free Cata log. SQUARE ROOT MIST CONTROLLERS word to describe what we are offering: from Arab castles, ducal palaces and monaster­ NURSERY, " The G rape People," 4764 Deuel YOU CAN GET FANTASTI C PROPAGA- Rd., Dept. AM-7, Canandaigua, NY 14424. TION RESULTS! Bigger profits at less cost! ies to bullfights, country houses and city GREENHOUSE BOOKS Guaranteed best on the market! AQUAMON- gardens, much of what we will see will be GREENHOUSE MANAGEMENT -SEC- ITOR fo ll ows cl osel y the mist requirements of opened to us exclUSively. Leader: Sofia Bar­ OND EDITION by Robert W. Langhans, Cor- alm ost any unrooted cutting, compensating au- roso, Ph.D ., an art historian specializing in nell University professor. Information on heat- tomatically for changes in sun , temperature, hu- the history of garden design. ing, cooling, watering, li ghting and pest control. midity, wind, etc. AQUAMONITOR pays for Post·Annual Meeting Tour (May 17-20). 270 pages, 209 illustrations. Send $21.00 post- itself quickly! Send for free brochure giving ex- Annual Meeting participants are invited to paid to HALCYON PRESS OF ITHACA, 111 ci ting facts. AQUAMONITOR, Dept. 4, Box join in on tllis optional tour of some of the Halcyon Hill Road, Ithaca, NY 14850. 327, Huntington, NY 11 743. Telephone: (5 16) 427-5664. spectacular public and private gardens in GREENHOUSE EQUIPMENT the New York area. We will leave the hustle FREE CATALOG-Save on equipment, pots, NEW PERENNIAL POPPIES and bustle of New York City far behind as flats, baskets, soi ls, fertilizers. Send 22¢ stamp Superior to standard Oriental Poppies. Color we head for the hills and dales of the Hud­ for postage. GROW-N-ENERGY, PO Box 508A, catalog of Minicaps® hybrid poppies $1.00. son River valley and upstate New York. A Baldwin Place, NY 10505. MOHNS, INC., Box 23 01, Atascadero, CA Side-trip to the lovely Berkshire Mountains HEATHS & HEATHERS 93423. in Massachusetts is also on the agenda. HARDY HEATHERS FOR ALL-YEAR GAR- NURSERY STOCK Tour leader: Robert Lindsay. DEN COLOR! Send SASE for descriptive mail- MILLIONS OF SEEDLINGS; High Quality, .. _...... order li st. Fast Service! HEATHER GROW- Reasonable Prices. Over 100 Se lections for -_ --_ -_ -_ ERS, Box 850, Elma, WA 98541. Christmas Trees, Ornamenta ls, Windbreaks, YES! Please send me more information Timber, Soil Conserv ation, Wildlife Cover. Free HOUSE PLANTS on the tours I have checked below. Catalog. CARINO NURSERIES, Box 538, Dept. MINI ROSES FOR HOLIDAY GIVING! Give J., Indiana, PA 15701. o Bay Gardens of California a brilliantly-colored rose in full bloom to the Over 80 vari eties of apples on dwarf and semi- o Spain in Private Splendor one you love. Or, choose an unusual/colorful dwarf rootstocks. BLUEBIRD o Post-Annual Meeting Tour houseplant-Epicias, Chiritas, Streptocarpus, etc. FREE Catalog. SUNSHINE ORCHIDS, AND NURSERY, 304 Church St., Coopers- Name ______vi lle, MI 49404. Fruitland Rd., Barre, MA 01005. (6 17) 355- 2089. ORCHIDS Address ______ANNOUNCING! Our new 1986-88 mail order ORCHIDS! ORCHIDS! ORCHIDS! Brome- catalog of Tropicals. Largest selection of choice li ads, Staghorn Ferns, Books, Peters Fertilizer, City ______State __ Zip __ Begonias, .Geraniums, Jasmine, , Herbs, Potting Mixes, Supplies for indoor and green- Phalaenopsis Orchids and more. Color catalog house culture. REQUEST CATALOG. FOX MAIL TO : Elizabeth Sm ith , American Horticultural $3.00. LOGEE'S GREENHOUSES, Dept. AH, ORCHIDS, INC., 6615 West Markham, Little SOCiety, PO Box 0105, Mount Vernon, VA 22121. 55 North Street Daniels on, CT 06239. Rock, AR 72205.

American Horticulturist 39 CLASSIFIEDS

PERENNIALS RARE NATIVE PLANTS AMERICAN GARDEN DESIGNS now offers proven performance in small quantities at nom­ We offer a good selection of sturdy plants. Send Rhododendron chapmannii, R. austrinum, R. inal prices. The seeds we sell are only award $1.00 for Plant List (refundable). CAMELOT speciosum, R. serralatum, R. prunifolia, Mag­ wiI'lning or professionally selected varieties in NORTH, R2, Pequot Lakes, MN 56472. nolia ashei (Weatherby), Magnolia pyramidata, Stewartia malacrod'o ndron. Grown from native usable quantities for the home gardener. Free PLANTS seed or cuttings. Write for prices and shipping catalogue: PO Box 28, Melrose Park, IL 60160. Send for FREE li st of hard-to-find trees and dates. SALTER TREE FARM, Rt. 2, Box 1332, Primula auricula, a much improved strain of shrubs, including many natives. BEAVER Madison, FL 32340. garden auricula. A complete palette of w lors. CREEK NURSERY, PO Box 18243, Knoxville, RARE PLANTS Some separate co lors available. S.A.S.E. for list. TN 37928. CHEHALIS RARE PLANT NURSERY, 2568 RARE AND UNUSUAL PLANTS-onherwise PLANTS-RARE BUT AFFORDABLE Jackson Hwy., Chehalis, WA 98532. commercially unavailable-fo~ botanic collec­ THE WORLD'S LARGEST and most famous Extensive selection: ,. American Natives ,. Out­ tions, landscaping, home, office- 130 Bamboo, seed catalog. Over 200 pages, 4,000 varieties, standing Ornamentals ,. Uncommon Conifers" including giant, medium-sized, dwarf, green and Perennials ':. Hardiest Eucalyptus" Wildlife Plants. variegated, 90 cycams, 180 palms. 1,000 plant 1,000 color pictures. A major book of reference. ,. Affordable containerized starter-plants. Inform­ and gardening books. Three seasonal catalogs The Encyclopedia of how and what to grow from seed. The Bible of seed catalogs to gar­ ative catalog-$2.00. FORESTFARM, 990 Teth­ $5. ENDANGERED SPECIES, PO Box 1830, defolers in over 100 countries. Vegetables, pot erah, Willia~ OR 97544. Tustin~ CA 92681-1830. plants, exotics, perennials, alpines, rockery, lat­ PLANTS-SCARCE AND UNUSUAL RHODODENDRONS est and best annuals, trees, shrubs, bulbs from Distinctive plants for your garden and land­ RHODODENDRONS FOR THE WOOD­ seed with rare items unobtainable elsewhere. scape. Scarce, unusual and many old favorites. LAND, LANDSCAPE, AND ROCK GAR­ Write for FREE copy, allowing three weeks or Well established in pots ready for you to grow DEN. FREE descriptive listing, growing tips. enclose $2.00 for First Class mail: THOMP­ on. FREE catalogue. APPALACHIAN GAR­ CARDINAL NURSERY, Rte. 1, Box 316M, SON & MORGAN, INC., Dept. AHC, PO Box DENS, Box 82, Waynesboro, PA 17268. State Road, NC 28676. (919) 874-2027. 13~ Jackson, NJ 08527. PLUMERIA! GINGERS! HIBISCUS! Rhododendrons and Azaleas, Hybrid and Spe­ SEEDS & PLANTS BOUGAINVILLEAS! cies. Dwarf and Standard. We Ship. Ca~alog Seeds of choice woody and herbaceous plafolts AI..,SO DA YLILIES, TROPICAL BULBS, $1.50. SONOMA HORTICULTURAL NURS­ & vines. Clematis, Fothergilla, Primulas, many BOOKS. A COLLECTOR'S DREAM CATA­ ER Y, 3970 Azalea Ave., Sebastopol, CA 95472. Maples, Viburnums. Plants for fall color, special LOG OF EASY-TO-GROW EXOTIC VIREYA RHODODENDRONS: Adapted to ba~k & berries. Spores of rare Mexican Ferns. PLANTS-$1.00. HANDBOOK OF PLU­ warmer climates. Showy flowers, ricF. fra­ Generous packets $1.50 Postpaid. Send large MERIA CULTURE-$4.95. RELIABLE SERV­ grances, year-round bloom. Outdoor, green­ SASE for informational list and Free Packet of ICE, GROWING INSTRUCTIONS, SPE­ house, houseplant culture. Mail order only. Free Seeds. MAPLETHORPE, 11296 Sunnyview NE, CIAL TY FERTILIZERS. PLUMERIA PEOPLE, Fall 1986 catalog. VIREYA SPECIALTIES Salem, OR 97301. PO Box 820014, Houston, TX 77282-0014. NURSERY, Dept. A, 2701 Malcolm Ave., Los TREES AND SHURBS POSITION WANTED Angeles, CA 90064. UNUSUAL EVERGREEN and DECIDUOUS RHODODENDRONS & AZALEAS M.S. Horticulture Candidate seeks position in­ SHRUBS AND TREES. Direct introductions volving Floriculture, Fruit Crop and/or Land­ SPECIALIZING IN THE UNUSUAL. Dwad from China and Japan, over 200 species and scape Design. Fluent in French. Write or Call: Rhododendrons, Evergreen & Deciduous Azal­ varieties offered. Many new this year. Catalog. LESLIE DAVIS, 3650 Nicholson Dr., Apt. 2201, eas, Dwarf Conifers, Companion Plants. Cat­ 44¢ postage. CAMELLIA FOREST NURSERY, Eaton Rouge, LA 70802. (504) 387-6694. alog $1.00, refundable. THE CUMMINS GAR­ 125 Carolina Forest, Cha~l Hill, NC 27514. DEN, 22 Robertsville Rd., Marlboro, NJ 07746. (201) 536-2591. UNUSUAL PLANTS SUPERIOR QUALITY, HARDY RARE VA­ EUPHORBIAS, CAUDICIFORMS, RARE The Best 14¢ You Ever Spent RIETIES, Catalog $2. BOVEES NURSERY, SUCCULENTS, SANSEVIERIAS, LOW LIGHT 1737-AH SW Coronado, Portland, OR 97219. PLANTS AND OTHER EXOTICS. Catalog and Send ,\ pll ... tL.ud t\lr (lur Irl'I.' 12U ~.\~ . 1YX? l ..'\(11,lglll ' \1 1 (Vireyas-see "Hol!lse Plants"). periodic newsletters, $1.50 deduetible from first Iwnw h,lrdl.'n 'ii/I.' P,l(kt't .:; p I n'gl,t"hll', lwrl" ,Ind 11\1\\ l'r order. SINGERS', 17806 Plummer St., A.H., .... l'eLl ... : ,, 1,, \) bulb ... . blInk .... , hIll] ..... Inti g.ld)!'l'''- - " II .1\ \ "l'f\' Largest selection of Rhododendrons and Azal­ Northridge, CA 91325. rl'.,";\lt1dbll' ~)ricl'''' . eas in the east with many new exciting hardy i~\ pjnet~ee Ga~den Seeds varieties. Mail order catalog $2.00-ROSL YN VIDEOTAPES ''0) New Gloucester, ME 04260 (207) 926-3400 NURSERY, Dept. AH, Box 69, Roslyn, NY INCREASE YOUR GARDENING KNOWL­ H576. EDGE. Thirty outstanding gardening video­ ROSES tapes. Startifolg at $12.50. Great gift ideas. Free Catalog 1-800-824-7888 Op. 463, 24 homs. HARD TO FIND ROSES, old and new varieties Write: The Original Gardeners Video Catalog, inclHding HT Maid of Honour. List Free on PO Box 410777, San Francisco, CA 94141. request. HORTICO INC., R.R. #1, Water­ down, Ontario, Canada LOR 2HO. Telephone: WILDFLOWERS (416) 689-6984. SOUTHEASTERN WILDFLOWERS FOR THE SEEDS GARDEN AND NATURALIZING. All top quality nursery propagated plants. Catalogue Rare and uncommon seeds and bulbs. Mostly $1.00, refundable. NICHE GARDENS, Rte. 1, tropical: Heliconia, Banana, Cashew, Mafolgo­ Box 290-A, Chapel Hill, NC 27514. steen, Carambola, numerous palms and pro~e a. We ship WORLD WIDE. For €atalog send 50¢ WOOD LANDERS or stamps. THE BANANA TREE, 715 North­ RAREr. Y OFFERED SOUTHEASTERN NA­ ampton St., Easton, PA 18042 . . TIVES, woody, herbaceous, nursery-growfol. FREE 96 page €atalog with over 300 different MafolY harmy folorthward. Also newly introduced varieties of vegetables and flowers. Send for yours exotics selected for Southern gardens. Send 39¢ tomay. D. V. BURRELL SEED GROWERS postage for extensive mailorder list. WOOD­ COMPANY, PO Box 150-AH, Rocky Ford, CO LANDERS AH, 1128 Colleton Ave., Aiken, SC 81067. 29801.

40 December 1986 Ado""'" a Piece of Histo It cost George Washington $2,885 in 1760. The First President reaped an excellent II return on his investment, harvesting an abundance of wheat, rye and corn from his River Farm. Now, as the proud custodians of this historic property, AHS members can make a beautiful harvest possible through the River Farm Adopt-A-Plant Program. When you make a contribution to this Program, we'll send you a hand-lettered "adoption certificate" as our way of com­ memorating your gift. Or you may choose to make a gift adoption-by making a contribution in support of a plant or gar­ / den for a special gardener in your life. We'll be happy to send a certificate an­ River Farm map drawn by George .Washington in 1793. nouncing your gift. With the holidays FOR $50: coming up, why not consider adopting a Heavenl y Bamboo (Nandina domestica) Tropi cal Water Lily (Nymphaea cvs.) Christmas fern, a Japanese snowball or Climbing Hydrangea (Hydrangea anomala subsp. petioiaris) Vi rgi n's Bower (Clematis cv .J that early harbinger of spring, a snow­ Japanese Snowball (Viburnum plicatum forma plicatum) Japanese Anemone (A nemone hybrida 'Alba') drop? Japanese Wisteri a (Wisteria f loribunda) Flowering Dogwood (Comus florida) Butterfly Bush (Buddleia davidii) Trifo li ate Orange (Poncirus trifo/iata) Select your favorite plant from the fol­ Fig (Ficus carica) lowing list, and send the corresponding FOR $100: "adoption" contribution today with your Beautybush (Kolkwitzia amabilis) Golden-Rain Tree (Koelreuteria paniculata) instructions to Sallie Hutcheson, AHS, PO Japanese Pagoda Tree (Sophora japonica) Lily-of-the- Vall ey Bush (Pieris japonica) Box 0105, Mount Vernon, VA 22121. Help Tamarisk (Tamarix parviflora) Chaste Tree (Vitex agnus-castus) us keep Mr. Washington's heritage grow­ Tree Box (Buxus sempervirens 'Arborescens') ing. Adopt a plant or garden at historic Bridal- Wreath Spirea (Spiraea prunifolia) Tree Peony (Paeonia suffruticosa cvs.) River Farm. Black Walnut (Juglans nigra) Tulip Tree (Lirodendron tulipifera) FOR $10: Southern Magnoli a (Magnolia grandiflora) Snowdrop (Galanthus nivalis) Copper Beech (Fagus sylvatica ' Atropunicea') Oriental Poppy (Papaver orientale) Fringe Tree (Chionanthus virginicus) Magic Lily (Lycoris squamigera) Columbine (Aquilegia canadensis) FOR $200: Money Plant (Lunaria annual Herb Garden Children's Garden Rose (Rosa cvs.) Rose Garden Wildflower Meadow Chrysanthemum Garden Woodl and Walk FOR $25: Daffo dil Garden Dwarf Fruit Tree Collecti on Forget-Me-Not (Myosotis alpestris) Dahlia Garden Hybrid Camellia Collection Miniature Rose (Rosa cvs.) Lily Garden Aquatic Pl ant Collection Viginia Bluebell (Mertensia virginica) Daylily Garden Rhododendron Coll ection Lily-of-the-Valley (Convallaria majalis) Hosta Garden Bleeding-heart (Dicentra spectabilis) Crown-imperi al (Fritillaria imperialis) FOR $250: Christmas Fern (Polystichum acrostichoides) Collection of IOO-year-old Engli sh Boxwood ~ DISCOVER ~ COSTA RICA Book Reviews Be a g ue st at a luxu ri o us private vi lla overlooking the Pa c ifi c . deep in the tropical rain forest. See many of the over 250 species of b ird s. watc h the The Pleasure of Herbs: A Month-by­ howler a nd c apuc hin monkeys. Month Guide to Growing, Using, and ago utis . coatis and other mammals. Enjoying Herbs. Walk the jungle trails and see the famed morpho butterflies and the Phyllis V Shaudys. Storey Communications. hundreds of species of trees and Pownal, Vermont 1986 275 pages; sOftcover, plants. Join excursions to nearby $12.95. AHS member price, $10.35. beaches and birding sp ots or relax b y the modern immaculate p ool . This is a book that contains suggestions Dine each evening with your host at for using and enjoying herbs the year round. the c aptain's table of gourmet food The author has combined information from and fine wines . Guest li st limited to her previous book, entitled Gourmet Gar­ 14. dening, with related articles, recipes, crafts and tips frorn her quarterly newsletter, For information on a wilderness e x­ Potpourri from Herbal Acres, as well as perience in comfort. write or phone new material into an idea-filled book that our North American Office: will appeal to advanced and beginning gar­ LAS VENTANAS DE OSA WILDLIFE deners alike. REFUGE - COSTA RICA AH Box 1089 The Pleasure of Herbs contains garden­ Lake Helen. Florida 32744-1089, ing tips on the cultivation of various herbs dens. Although m0st treatments of this U.SA as well as recipes for potpourris and a mul­ subject merely divide English gardens into (904) 228-3356 titude of gourmet dishes from "Oregano either a formal or informal style, author Cheddar Bread" to " Chicken Simon & Tom Turner has analyzed the roles Eur­ Garfunkel," which is prepared with what opean garden movements have played in The Charm of Old Roses else but parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme! the development of the English garden. In for Your Garden Numerous charts provide a wealth of in­ this book, he describes 11 styles of gardens formation, including cultural require­ found in England. The book contains dis­ ments of speoific species of herbs, the char­ cussions of the various European garden­ acteristics and uses of specific types of herbs ing movements and their English counter­ in cultivation (the various mints, for ex­ parts, as well as brief explanations of the ample), and the care and handling of herbs historical events that fueled the develop­ for harvest. Directions for making herbal ment of garden styles in England. The 11 wreaths, herb jellies, and a number of other English garden styles discussed are En­ projects are also included. closed, French, Dutch, Forest, Serpentine, As its title suggests, the book is organ­ Irregular, Transition, Italian, Mixed, Arts ized into 12 chapters-one for each month and Crafts and Abstract. A wealth of line of the year-and the projects and recipes drawings, landscape plans and illustra­ are organized on a seasonal basis. The April tions, as well as black-and-white and color chapter, for example, includes tips on spring photographs, illustrate the text. care of herbs, a discussion of propagation methods, recipes for her bed or spiced beef, Rocky Mountain Alpines: Choice Rock basic recipes for potpourri and a chart ex­ Garden Plants of the Rocky Mountains plaining potpourri fixatives. The appendix in the Wild and in the Garden. includes an encyclopedia of herbs, a sec­ Alpines '86 Publications Committee. Timber Press. tion on growing herbs for profit, sources, Portland, Oregon 1986 333 pages; hardcover, Rare and unusual roses . . . over reading lists and an index. 535. 00. AHS member price, 529.75. 230 varieties. Our 80 page descriptive catalog is full of English Garden Design: History and This book is a " must" for any dedicated history and detailed gardening Styles Since 1650. rock gardener. Sponsored by the American information. Send only $2.00. Tom Turner. Antique Collectors' Club. Woodbridge, Rock Garden Society and its Rocky Moun­ Suffolk, England 1986 238 pages; hardcover, tain Chapter as well as the Denver Botan­ ROSES or ~&'1DMY $39.50. AHS member price, 532.60. ical Garden, it is a collection of articles on Rocky Mountain alpines by some of the 802-4 Brown's Valley Road This book presents an interesting new look world's foremost experts. Watsonville, CA 95076 at the design and history of English gar- The book is divided into three parts, the

42 December 1986 r------,Send me first of which is devoted to articl es on the The text of Houses of Glass is extensive, I Burpee's free 1987 I geography and clim ate of the Rocky but also technical, so this is not a book to Mountains, the geologic history of the re­ select for pleasure reading. (U nfortun ately , I garden catalog! I gion, the hi story of botanical discoveries, the readability of the text has been greatl y I It's packed with over 400 vegetables and I and rock ga rdening in the region. A second reduced because of the unusuall y small 600 flowers-including new varieties I and Burpee exclusives! Plus fruits, part is entitled "Wild Rock Gardens of th e typeface th at was selected.) However, this I shrubs, garden aids, and more! Send for Rockies," and includes articl es on natural is an excell ent book on the architecture I yours now! I areas in the northern, middle and so uthern and history of "houses of glass," and con­ Rockies, as well as the Colorado Plateau tains a wealth of information for the in­ and western dry lands, th at are famous for dividual with more th at a casual interest I th eir fl ora. Articles in this secti on include in these stru ctures. " Pikes Peak: America's Mountain," "The I Yellowstone Region: Endemics and Other Pruning Simplified. I Interesting Pl ants," " A Rock Scrambler's Lewis HilL Storey Communications. Powna4 Flora: Special Plants of the Colo rado Vermont 1986 208 pages; softcover, 512.95 AHS I Rockies" and "Alpines of the Canadian member price, $]0.35 Rockies." I Part Three of Rocky Mountain Alpines Just as its title suggests, this book is a be­ Clip and mall today! is devoted to Rocky Mountain pl ants in gi nner-level look at how to prune a variety I cultivation. This section features several of woody plants. First published by Rho­ W Atlee Burpee Company I 20370 Burpee Building articles on propagation and growing tech­ dale Press in 1979, Pruning Simplified is Warminster, PA 18974 niques, as well as discussions of how to illustrated with si mple lin e drawings, and I Name grow these lovely plants in the Northeast, includes general information on pruning (Please print) Midwest, Northwest and abroad. methods, tools and eq uipment, as well as I Address ______In addition to black-and-white photo­ an explanati on of some of the reasons for Cily graphs and line drawings, this book con­ pruning, including pruning during trans­ I Slale _____ Zip ______tains numerous color plates th at illustrate planting, pruning to control size or shape, If you ordered from Burpee in 1986, your new catalog J will be sent to you automatically in January.) Rocky Mountain plants growing both in pruning for rejuvenati on, or pruning for L; ____€) W. Atlee Bu rpeeCo.1986 their native habitats and in gardens. An pl ant vigor. Chapters on pruning , index and bibliography are also provided. evergreens, ornamental trees and shrubs, fruit and nut trees, small fruits, vines and Houses of Glass: A Nineteenth-Century ground covers are also included. Book Order Fonn Building Type. Please send me the following books at the Georg Kohlmaier and Barna von Sartory. The Mrr Bromeliads: Beautiful, Impressive, and special AHS prices. Easy to Grow. Press. Cambridge, Massachusetts. 1986 641 pages; o The Pleasure of Herbs ...... $10.35 hardcover, 565.00. AHS member price, $52.00. Victoria Padilla. Crown Publishers. New York, New GARDE 05090 o English Garden Design ...... $32.60 York. 1973. 134 pages; sOftcover, $12.95 AHS ANTIQ 05080 This is a scholarly treatise on the archi­ member price, 59.70. o Rocky Mountain Alpines ...... $29.75 tecture and history of greenhouses, con­ ISBS 05 100 servatories, palm houses, and Bromeliad fanciers will be pleased to know o Houses of Glass ...... $52.00 winter gardens, written in German by two th at Victoria Padilla's informative book on MITPR 05120 residents of Berlin-Georg Kohlmaier, an these fascinating plants is now available in o Vruning Simplified ...... $10.35 GARDE 05110 architect, and Barna von Sartory, a sculp­ paperback. An introductory chapter pro­ o Bromeliads ...... $ 9.70 tor-and translated into English. The au­ vides general characteristics of the plants CROWN 05130 thors discuss both the history of the green­ and a brief history of their cultivati on as I would like to order books. house and the greenhouse as a building well as nomenclature and general cultural Please add $1.75 per book for postage type, and also have included detailed de­ information, while the majority of the book and handling. Virginia residents, also add scriptions of construction and design is devoted to descriptiONS of the various 4% sales tax. Please allow six weeks for methods. The majoriry of the book, how­ species in cultivation. The plants are or­ delivery. ever, is devoted to an extensive catalog of ganized by genus, and the author has pro­ Enclosed is my check for $, ______over 100 greenhouses from Europe and vided botanical names (with pronuncia­ North America. The history of each struc­ tiONS and synonyms under which the plant Ship to: ______~_ ture is included, as are technical descrip­ is sold), and descriptions of the plant and Stree': ______tions and dimensions. The catalogue sec­ its natural habitat. tion is followed by over 200 pages of Bromeliads is illustrated with black-and­ Ci'y: ______remarkable photographs and engravings white photographs and eight pages of color of "houses of glass." A multitude of black­ plates." -Barbara W. Ellis S,a,e: ______Z ip: ______and-white illustrations-line drawings, Barbara W. Ellis is Publications Director for Mail to: Robin Williams, AHS, P.O. Box photographs, etchings and site plans-are the American Horticultural Society and 0105, Mount Vernon, VA 22121. provided throughout the book. Editor of American Horticulturist.

American Horticulturist 43 1986 Index

n annual index to articles appear­ Elusive Blues, The. Oct., 5. ing in American Horticulturist Employment in Horticulture. Careers in magazine is printed in each De­ Horticulture, Part I. Oct., 23 ; Part II. Dec., A 25 . cember issue. A separate cumulative index Endangered Wildflowers. Native Plants and has also been published for the years 1922- the Nursery Trade. Jun., 27. 1971 and is available in paperback for $10. Garden Hints: From Wood and Meadow. Address inquiries to Robin Williams in care Jun., 10. of the Society. Although no index for the . An Art Gallery Garden. years 1972-86 has yet been published, these Aug., 20; Garden Ornament. Feb., 10; back issues have been catalogued by the Sundials. Aug., 10. editorial staff. Back issues (if available) are Garden ·Plans. Aug., 7. $2.50 each and may be obtained by writing Gardening Indoors. . Feb., 30. to Norma Westwood in care of the Society. Gardening in History. Plant Shipment. Feb., 6. Gardens. An Art Gallery Garden. Aug., 20; A AUTHOR Country Garden. Apr., 23 ; EI Refugio: Adams, Richard M., II. Careers in Garden in the Cloud Forest. Apr., 16; The Horticulture, Part I. Oct., 23; Careers in Gardens at Moggy Hollow. Oct., 16; Herb Horticulture, Part II. Dec., 25. Gardens at the Washington Cathedral. Bonta, Marcia. EI Refugio: Garden in the Aug., 17; Li ve Oak Gardens. Oct., 29; Cloud Forest. Apr., 16. Morikami: A Japanese Garden in South Cannon, Mrs. Ralph. Astilbes. Aug., 4. Florida. Dec., 18; Sierran In spiration. Jun., Davis, Steven. Plants of the Water's Edge. Steffey, Jane. The Ginger Famil y. Apr., 6; 22; Tryon Palace Restoration. Feb., 15. Feb., 18. The Pink Family. Jun., 4; The Torchwood Gardens and Insects. Oct., II. DeBlasi, Anthony. A Most Unusual Plant. Family. Dec., 32. Gardens at Moggy Hollow, The. Oct., 16. Dec., 6. Trimble, Michael B. Garden Hints: From Gardens, Japanese. Morikami: A Japanese Dobbs, Rosalyne. Live Oak Gardens. Oct., Wood and Meadow. Jun., 10; Gardens and Garden in South Florida. Dec., 18. 29. Insects. Oct., II. Gardens, Peru. EI Refugio: Garden in the Gallup, Barbara S. and Deborah A. Reich. Weinberg, Ruby. A Country Garden. Apr., Cloud Forest. Apr., 16. Portable Topiary. Apr., 28. 23; The Gardens at Moggy Hollow. Oct., Ginger Family, The. Apr., 6. Grissell, Eric. Kitchen Garden. Feb., 30. 16; Morikami: A Japanese Garden in South Ground Covers. Dec., 4. Harper, Pamela. An Art Gallery Garden. Florida. Dec., 18. Herb Gardens at the Washington Cathedral. Aug., 20; Sierran Inspiration. Jun., 22; Aug., 17. Tryon Palace Restoration. Feb., 15. SUBJECTITITLE Herbs. Herb Gardens at the Washington Hensel, Margaret. Border Textures. Jun., 44; Arisaema. Jack-in-the-Pulpit. Apr., 20. Cathedral. Aug., 17; Ruminations on Garden Pl ans. Aug., 7; Ground Covers. Art Gallery Garden, An. Aug., 20. Kitchen Herbs. Aug., 24. Dec., 4; Paving Patterns. Apr., 4; Perennial Astilbes. Aug., 4. Historic Gardens. Tryon Palace Restoration. Experiments. Oct., 44; Seasonal Highlights. Blue-flowered Plants. The Elusive Blues. Oct., Feb., 15. Feb., 4. 5. . Plant Shipment. Feb., Hillstrom, Judith. Jack-in-the-Pulpit. Apr., 20. Bog Gardening. Pl ants of the Water's Edge. 6. Lewis, Charles A. People and Plants: Feb ., 18. Horticultural Careers. Careers in Blessings and Curses. Jun., 16. Border Textures. Jun., 44. Horticulture, Part I. Oct. , 23; Part II. Dec., Loewer, Peter. Garden Ornament. Feb., 10; Burseraceae. The Torchwood Family. Dec., 25. Sundials. Aug., 10. 32. Horticultural Therapy. People and Plants: Martin, Tovah. The Elusive Blues. Oct., 5; Canarium. A Most Unusual Pl ant. Dec., 6. Blessi ngs and Curses. Jun., 16. Plant Shipment. Feb., 6; Ugh! Fetid Careers in Horticulture, Part I. Oct., 23; Part Indoor Gardener, The. A Most Unusual Flowers. Apr., 10; Vireya Rhododendrons. II. Dec., 25. Pl ant. Dec., 6. Dec., 14. Caryophyllaceae. The Pink Family. Jun., 4. Indoor Gardening. Kitchen Garden. Feb. , 30. McGourty, Frederick. Ruminations on Catalogue Review, A. Garden Ornament. Insects. Gardens and Insects. Oct., II. Kitchen Herbs. Aug., 24. Feb., 10. Integrated Pest Management. Gardens and Reich, Deborah A. and Barbara S. Gallup. Country Garden, A. Apr., 23. Insects. Oct., 11; Pesticides from Plants. Portable Topiary. Apr., 28. Design Page, The. Border Textures. Jun., 44; Dec., 10. Schofield, Eileen K. Pesticides from Plants. Garden Pl ans. Aug., 7; Ground Covers. Jack-in-the-Pulpit. Apr., 20. Dec., 10. Dec., 4 ; Paving Patterns. Apr., 4; Perennial Japanese Gardens. Morikami: A Japanese Scott, Jane. Native Plants and the Nursery Experiments. Oct., 44; Seasonal Highlights. Garden in South Florida. Dec., 18. Trade. Jun., 27. Feb., 4. Kitchen Garden. Feb ., 30. Shojaat, Jeanne. Herb Gardens at the Desmodium. A Most Unusual Plant. Dec., 6. Kitchen Herbs. Ruminations on Kitchen Washington Cathedral. Aug. , 17. EI Refugio: Garden in the Cloud Forest. Apr., Herbs. Al!lg., 24. Staff, AHS. New Plants for 1986. Feb., 23. 16. Live Oak Gardens. Oct., 29.

44 December 1986 NOW ... BY MAIL! Unusual, Hard­ To-Find Rower Delicious Morikami: A Japanese Garden in South Arranging Rose & Wildflower Florida. Dec., 18. Honey Most Unusual Plant, A. Dec., 6. Supplies: Native Plants and the Nursery Trade. Jun., Tool, Techniques, 27. Tricks of the Trade In a 13 oz. wire-bailed jar Natural Pest Control. Gardens and Insects. nestled in a gift box with Oct., 11; Pesticides from Pl ants. Dec., 10. SPECIAL OFFER­ an 8 oz. handcrafted pottery New Plants for 1986. Feb., 23. MAKES A GREAT Honey Jar with Swizzlestick Nursery Trade in Plants. Native Plants and GIFT: the Nursery Trade. Jun., 27. Paving Patterns. Apr., 4. The plus $2.50 People and Plants: Blessings and Curses. Jun., $15.00 shipping and handling. 16. Original Perennial Experiments. Oct. , 44. Perennials. Perennial Experiments. Oct., 44. Stem Peruvian Gardens. EI Refugio: Garden in the Cloud Forest. Apr., 16. Stripper Pesticides from Plants. Dec., 10. A unique tool for removing RoseQInC. Pink Family, The. Jun., 4. thorns and leaves from 3423 Royal Court S. Plans, Garden. Garden Pl ans. Aug., 7. stems. nd , Florida 33803 J 3-646-0984 Plant Collection. Native Plants and the 95 including Nursery Trade. Jun., 27. onI y $9ea postage [, handling Plant Shipment. Feb., 6. Plants for the Landscape. Astilbes. Aug. , 4; New Catalog . .. The Elusive Blues. Oct., 5. $1.00 Refundable with Plants of the Water's Edge. Feb., 18. FIRST ORDER Portable Topiary. Apr., 28. The Keth Company Rhododendrons. Vireya Rhododendrons. PO. Box 645 Send For Our Free Brochure Dec., 14. Corona del Mar, Ruminations on Kitchen Herbs. Aug., 24. California 92625 Sculpture. An Art Gallery Garden. Au g., 20; Garden Ornament. Feb. , 10. Seasonable Reminders. Gardens and Insects. Oct., 11; Kitchen Garden. Feb., 30; Pesticides From Pl ants. Dec. , 10; Ugh! Fetid Flowers. Apr., 10. INTRODUCING. • • Seasonal Highlights. Feb ., 4. Sierran Inspiration. Jun., 22. South American Gardens. EI Refugio: Garden in the Cloud Forest. Apr., 16. Strange Relatives. The Ginger Family. Apr., 6; The Pink Family. Jun., 4; The Torchwood Family. Dec., 32. Sundials. Garden Ornament. Feb. , 10; Sundials. Aug. , 10. Telegraph Plant, The. A Most Unusual Pl ant. Dec., 6. Texture. Border Textures. Jun., 44. Topiary. Portable Topiary. Apr., 28. Torchwood Family, The. Dec., 32. Tropical Gardens. EI Refugio: Garden in the Cloud Forest. Apr., 16; Morikami: A Japanese Garden in South Florida. Dec., 18. Tryon Palace Restoration. Feb., 15. Ugh! Fetid Flowers. Apr., 10. Vireya Rhododendrons. Dec., 14. Wardian Case. Plant Shipment. Feb., 6. Washington Cathedral. Herb Gardens at the Washington Cathedral. Aug., 17. Teak garden boxes for indoor or outdoor use. Water Gardening. Plants of the Water's Edge. Feb., 18. Call or write for details. Ask for our "Gifts for Gardeners" catalog. Wildflowers. Garden Hints: From Wood and Meadow. Jun., 10; Native Plants and the 4801 First St. N., Dept. A, Arlington, VA 22203 Nursery Trade. Jun., 27. 703-528-8773 Zingiberaceae. Ginger Family, The. Apr., 6.

American Horticulturist 45 "THE photograph of the family group that appears at the left was taken in 1914 by my . father, Hans Heistad, at the Weatherend estate in Rockport, Maine. (I am the little girl behind the dogl). My father worked as the landscape architect at Weatherend over a period of several years, designing and building its extensive gard€ns, and then creating lawn furniture to fit within his Circular, stone·wall 'sitting rooms.' " He was a man who had an unusual under· standing of combining natural elem ents - wood and stone - in his work, and that's probably why so many examples of his designs have survived so gracefully to the present day. You can see his craft at the Camden Hills State Park and the Bok Amphitheatre in Camden .. "As 1 sat there today, on a reproduction of the same furnitu ~e that 1 was seated on in 1914. 1 felt surrounded by the beauty that m y father had created - and I thought, too, of how proud he would have been to know that he had inspired a young Maine craftsman to continue making such fine furniture. I know he would have been thrilled to see two of his great·grandchildren sitting on Weatherend furniture at the Statue of Liberty celebration on July 4, 1986 - as an emigrant, he was forever grateful to The Ladyl What a tribute to m y father - and a big Congratulations to Weatherendl" Gudrun Heistad Kononen OR a one-year subscription to our portfolio F and quarterly newslett er, please send $10 to Weatherend Estate Furniture, P.O. Box 648·M2, Rockland, ME 04841. Call 207·596-6483 for more information.