May 23, 2018 Please address all communications to: ORDINARY MONTHLY MEETING The General Manager 240 Blende Street TO BE HELD PO Box 448 Broken Hill NSW 2880 WEDNESDAY, MAY 30, 2018 Phone 08 8080 3300 Fax 08 8080 3424
[email protected] Dear Sir/Madam, Your attendance is requested at the Ordinary Meeting of the Council of the ABN 84 873 116 132 City of Broken Hill to be held in the Council Chamber, Sulphide Street, Broken Hill on Wednesday, May 30, 2018 commencing at 6:30pm to consider the following business: 1) Apologies 2) Prayer 3) Acknowledgement of Country 4) Public Forum 5) Minutes for Confirmation 6) Disclosure of Interest 7) Mayoral Minute 8) Notice of Motion 9) Notices of Rescission 10) Reports from Delegates 11) Reports 12) Committee Reports 13) Questions Taken on Notice from Previous Council Meeting 14) Questions for Next Meeting Arising from Items on this Agenda 15) Confidential Matters JAMES RONCON GENERAL MANAGER LIVE STREAMING OF COUNCIL MEETINGS PLEASE NOTE: This Council meeting is being streamed live, recorded, and broadcast online via Facebook. To those present in the gallery today, by attending or participating in this public meeting you are consenting to your image, voice and comments being recorded and published. The Mayor and/or General Manager have the authority to pause or terminate the stream if comments or debate are considered defamatory or otherwise inappropriate for publishing. Attendees are advised that they may be subject to legal action if they engage in unlawful behaviour or commentary. A U S T R A L I A ' S F I R S T H E R I T A G E L I S T E D C I T Y ORDINARY MEETING OF THE COUNCIL 30 MAY 2018 MINUTES FOR CONFIRMATION Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Council of the City of Broken Hill held Thursday, April 26, 2018.