Mining Area C / South Flank

OHP3 C50K Biomax

Works Approval Supporting Documentation (Including Information relating to Attachments 1 to 10)

October 2019 Mining Area C / South Flank OHP3 C50K Biomax

Contents 1. Introduction ...... 1 2. Project Description ...... 3 3. Existing Environment ...... 6 4. Environmental Management ...... 8 5. Environmental Impact Assessment and Associated Management Strategies ...... 9 6. References ...... 13

List of Tables Table 1: Expected Water Quality for the Biomax package WWTP under standard testing conditions...... 3 Table 2: Summary of Monitoring Requirements for Irrigation of Treated Wastewater ...... 4 Table 3: Project Characteristics and Commitments ...... 5 Table 4: C50K Biomax and Irrigation Field – Construction ...... 10 Table 5: C50K Biomax and Irrigation Field – Commissioning ...... 11 Table 6: C50K Biomax and Irrigation Field – Operation ...... 12 Table 7: Licence Fee Calculation

List of Figures Figure 1: Mining Area C / South Flank OHP3 C50K Biomax (MAC_004WA_001_RevA_0) Figure 2: Design Drawing 45203-SK-550-G-0007

Appendices Attachment 1A: Proof of occupier status Attachment 1B: ASIC company extracts Attachment 1C: Authorisation to act as representative of the occupier Attachment 2A: Figure 1: Mining Area C / South Flank OHP3 C50K Biomax (MAC_004WA_001_RevA_0) Attachment 2B: Figure 2: Design Drawing 45203-SK-550-G-0007 Attachment 2C: Prescribed Premises Map Coordinates L7851/2002/6 Attachment 3A: Proposed Activities Attachment 3B: Map of Area Proposed to be cleared Attachment 3C: Additional information for clearing assessment Attachment 4: Biodiversity Surveys Attachment 5A: Other Approvals: Ministerial Statement 1072 (Mining Area C / Southern Flank) Attachment 5B: Other Approvals: Environmental Licence L7851/2002/6 Attachment 6A: Emissions and discharges Attachment 6B: Waste acceptance Attachment 7: Siting and location Attachment 8: Supporting document Attachment 9: Fees Attachment 10: Submission of application

i Mining Area C / South Flank OHP3 C50K Biomax

1. Introduction

1.1. Background BHP Pty Ltd (BHP) currently operates a number of Iron Ore mines and associated rail and port infrastructure within the region of Western (WA). Current mining operations include the: · Newman Operations consisting of the: o Whaleback hub located approximately two kilometres (km) west of Newman Township and consists of Mount Whaleback, and Orebodies 29, 30 and 35 (Attachment 2A); and o Eastern Ridge hub located approximately 5 km east of Newman Township and consists of Orebodies 23, 24, 25 and 32; · Mining Area C / Southern Flank located approximately 90 km north west of Newman Township; · Jimblebar Operations consisting of Wheelarra Hill (Jimblebar) Mine, Orebody 18 and Orebody 31 are located approximately 35 km east of Newman Township; · located approximately 100 km north west of Newman Township. Ore from the Newman Operations, Mining Area C, Jimblebar Operations and Yandi mining operations is transported to Port Hedland via the BHP Newman to Port Hedland Mainline (and associated spur lines). Ore is then shipped out through Port Hedland at the BHP facilities at Nelson Point and Finucane Island. 1.2. Purpose of this Document BHP is proposing to construct a package wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) (a Biomax C50K) and irrigation system for the Ore Handling Plant (OHP) 3 Shutdown facilities (the Project) (Attachment 2A and 2B). This supporting document has been prepared to provide supplementary information to the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (DWER) “Application Form: Works Approval / Licence / Renewal Amendment / Registration” for the proposed project as required under Section 59 of the Environmental Protection Act 1986 (EP Act).

1.3. Premises 1.3.1. Location The Project is located approximately 90 km north west of Newman in the Pilbara Region of (Attachment 2A). 1.3.2. Tenement Details The Project is situated within Mineral Lease 281SA and is operated in accordance with the Iron Ore (Mount Goldsworthy) Agreement Act 1964. 1.3.3. Local Government The Project is located within the Shire of East Pilbara.

1.4. Proponent This licence amendment application has been submitted by BHP as the manager for the Mount Goldsworthy Mining Associates Joint Venture, who owns MAC Hub. The split between the partners of the Joint Venture is as follows: · BHP Billiton Minerals Pty Ltd 85% · Itochu Minerals and Energy Australia Pty Ltd 8% · Mitsui Iron Ore Corporation Pty Ltd 7% The key contact for this proposal is: Chris Hopkins Principal Environment A&I BHP Billiton Iron Ore Phone: 0417 093 070 Email: Level 41, 125 WA 6000 Australia PO Box 7642 Cloisters Square Perth WA 6850 Australia

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1.5. Existing Approvals The Project Area lies within the boundary of the MAC / Southern Flank Ministerial Statement 1072 (MS 1072) (Attachment 5A) and Environmental Licence L7851/2002/6 (Attachment 5B). Any other approvals will be sourced as required.

Page | 2 Mining Area C / South Flank OHP3 C50K Biomax 2. Project Description BHP is seeking to construct a new C50k Biomax and associated irrigation field inside the MAC Rail Loop adjacent to OHP3 (the Project) (Attachment 2A and 2B). Usage of the facility will be intermittent as it will be used to support additional workforce required during shut downs for OHP3.

2.1. Wastewater Treatment Plant Construction The project is proposed to seat 780 persons and the sewage and grey water discharge from the proposed ablutions block is therefore estimated as 35.4 kilolitres per day (kL/day). This discharge is proposed to be directed to a Biomax Model C50K package WWTP, which has a maximum capacity of 50 KL/day (50 m³ per day) and, therefore triggers a prescribed premises classification under Schedule 1 of the Environmental Protection Regulations 1987. The Biomax Model C50k package WWTP is designed to reduce Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD), Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Total Nitrogen (TN) and Total Phosphorous (TP) to acceptable levels, as required by Water Quality Protection Note 22 – Irrigation with Nutrient-Rich Wastewater (Department of Water, 2008). The package WWTP will be selected and installed to produce treated effluent of the following quality under standard testing conditions (Table 1). The design effluent quality values of the package WWTP will meet or exceed the standards in the Guidelines for Australian Guidelines for Sewage Systems – Effluent Management (ANZECC, 1997). Table 1: Expected Water Quality for the Biomax package WWTP under standard testing conditions

Parameter Expected Water Quality1 Guideline Water Quality2 Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD5) 3.2 to 10.1 mg/L 20 to 30 mg/L Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 14.3 to 20.9 mg/L 25 to 40 mg/L (Total Thermotolerant Coliforms (TTCs) < 10 org/100mL 105 to 106 org/100mL Total Nitrogen (TN) 0 to 10 mg/L 20 to 50 mg/L Total Phosphorus (TP) 4.5 mg/L 6 to 12 mg/L In accordance with the Guidelines for Sewerage Systems – Use of Reclaimed Water (ARMCANZ, ANZECC and NHMRC, 2000) the treated wastewater from the package WWTP, which is to be used for irrigation of a garden (replanted area), is subject to a minimum of secondary level treatment and a guideline value for TSS of 0 to 175 mg/L. The package WWTP will have an average design effluent quality of 17.6 mg/L for TSS, and will therefore meet the guideline.

The proposed C50k Biomax package WWTP will utilise an anaerobic and aerobic process to break down the sewage, and the residual water will be treated with a small dose of chlorine prior to discharge. This will result in clear and odourless water, which will be disposed of through an irrigation system to a proposed replanted area nearby. The package WWTP will consist of the following components: 2.1.1. Anaerobic Chamber Raw wastewater will initially be received into the anaerobic chamber, where approximately 30 – 50% of the suspended solids will settle out and undergo anaerobic digestion. 2.1.2. Aerobic Chamber The partially treated wastewater will flow from the anaerobic to the aerobic chamber where air is introduced to the liquid by means of a compressor and diffusers, maintaining aerobic conditions. The oxygen enriched effluent will flow about packs of submerged media having a large surface area on which bacteria and other microorganisms thrive, forming a biological film. The multiple compartment design of the aerobic chamber will ensure that no short-circuiting can occur, preventing the possibility of partially treated wastewater passing to the clarification chamber. Basically, the reaction in the aerobic chamber will convert the dissolved and non-settleable (colloidal) solids into carbon dioxide and sludge, which, under quiescent conditions, will settle. 2.1.3. Clarification Chamber Following aeration, effluent will flow into a circular hopper bottomed clarification chamber, where the sludge will settle under quiescent conditions. Settled sludge from the bottom of the chamber and floating material will be returned to the anaerobic chamber. From the clarification chamber, the effluent will be drawn off below surface level and flow through the chlorinator to the disinfection chamber. This continuous return of sludge to the anaerobic chamber will ensure continuous fluid movement in the plant even with zero inflow and will keep the system "live" during periods of extended vacancy.

1 Based on 5 person (900 L/day) and 13 person (2,400 L/day) usage 2 Based on minimum secondary treatment level (ANZECC, 1997) Page | 3 Mining Area C / South Flank OHP3 C50K Biomax

2.1.4. Disinfection Chamber The discharge from the clarification chamber will pass through an automatic gravity chlorinator. The chlorinator will be calibrated for above normal water usage. Chlorine stocks will be provided to cover maximum usage with built-in safety factors to cover all foreseeable circumstances between the service periods. The disinfection chamber is designed to provide a minimum of 30 minutes contact time between the effluent and chlorine to ensure achievement of bacterial die-off. 2.1.5. Pumpout Chamber After disinfection, the treated effluent will enter the pumpout chamber. The discharge pump will be automatically controlled by a level switch to operate and shut down as the level of the effluent rises and falls. 2.1.6. Alarms The C50k Biomax package WWTP will have two mechanical components: an air compressor and a discharge pump. An alarm will be provided to warn of failure of these units. The discharge pump will be controlled by a level switch. In the event that the pump fails, the plant has an in- built emergency storage of approximately two days to ensure that any problem can be rectified before overflow occurs. 2.1.7. Irrigation Area A treated wastewater piping system will be installed from the package WWTP to an irrigation area to the east of the Biomax. The reticulation system will consist of a sub-surface dripper irrigation system laid out in nominal 0.6 m spacing between parallel runs as per supplier specifications. In accordance with Water Quality Protection Note 22 - Irrigation with Nutrient-rich Wastewater (Department of Water, 2008), the soil in the vicinity of the Project area is classified as Category ‘D’ (i.e. fine grained soils with a low vulnerability to eutrophication of downstream surface waters). This category is assigned due to the porous loamy soils of Mining Area C (Woodman Environmental Consulting, 2008), and the absence of surrounding land users contributing nutrients to surface water bodies. In order to comply with the nutrient application rates outlined in Water Quality Protection Note 22 - Irrigation with Nutrient-rich Wastewater (Department of Water, 2008) for soil type D (i.e. 480 kg/hectare/year for N and 120 kg/hectare/year for P) based on the average wastewater quality and maximum volume from the C50K Biomax the irrigation area will need to be a minimum 5,887.1 m2. As the maximum expected discharge (35.4 kL/day) is less than the WWTPs maximum capacity (50kL/day) a smaller irrigation field has been proposed. The irrigation area has been sized at 5,120 m2. This will accommodate the expected usage of 35.4 kL/day plus a 20% buffer and thereby ensuring the requirements of Water Quality Protection Note 22are met. 2.1.8. Compliance Report A Compliance Report will be submitted following the completion of construction of the Project and prior to environmental commissioning commencing.

2.2. Commissioning Commissioning will commence following the submission of the Compliance Report BHP is proposing to undertake a three month environmental commissioning period for the Project. Commissioning will involve the Biomax being filled with sewage from the adjacent shut down facility. The facility will be tested and dosed as required to achieve the desired waste water quality. Given the size of the facility is likely that the facility will not commence discharging during the commissioning period as the Biomax tanks would not have reached capacity. Monitoring of irrigated waste water (Table 2) during commissioning will commence once the Biomax begins discharging to the facility. In the event that discharge ceases monitoring will be suspended until discharge recommences. A Commissioning Report will be submitted following the completion of commissioning of the Project. Table 2: Summary of Monitoring Requirements for Irrigation of Treated Wastewater

Parameter Monitoring Frequency during Monitoring Frequency during Commissioning Operation and Time Limited Operation Biological oxygen demand Monthly Quarterly Total suspended solids Monthly Quarterly pH Monthly Quarterly Total nitrogen Monthly Quarterly Total phosphorus Monthly Quarterly E. coli Monthly Quarterly

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2.3. Time Limited Operations / Operation Following submission of the Commissioning Report BHP will: · Commence Time Limited Operations of the Project; and · Submit a licence amendment application to add the facility to Environmental Licence L7851/2002/6. Monitoring of irrigated waste water (Table 2) during Time Limited Operations will be under taken once in every quarter when the facility is discharging to the irrigation field.

2.4. Project Commitments BHP commits to undertake the Project in accordance with the details set out in Table 3. Table 3: Project Characteristics and Commitments Infrastructure Characteristics Authorising Agency: DWER Category: Category 54 Facility maximum 50 m3/day (based on the capacity of the Biomax system) capacity Maximum production / 43.48 m3/day (This is based on the maximum capacity of the irrigation field) design capacity: Purpose of the permit Construction, commissioning and operation of a C50K Biomax and associated irrigation field. Location of all The Project is located adjacent within the MAC rail loop, approximately 90 km north of infrastructure Newman in the Pilbara Region of Western Australia. associated with the Map References: Licence Amendment · MAC_004LA_001_RevA_1; and · Design Drawing 45203-SK-550-G-0007 BHP Billiton Iron Ore 1 Doc Reference: http://io1doc/webtop/drl/objectId/0b03c41a8387e3f7 Commissioning period 3 months Time Limited 6 months post commissioning Operations Tenure The Project is located on the following tenement: · Mineral Lease 281SA Relevant The following environmental factors associated with the Project are considered to require Environmental Factors specific management measures as detailed below: 1. Discharges to land; and 2. Odour emissions. 3. Dust and noise emissions. Application Commitments Section Construction Dust emissions will be managed via the use of water carts and minimising disturbance to the Table 4 smallest area practicable A Compliance Report will be submitted following the completion of construction of the Project and 2.1.8 prior to environmental commissioning commencing. Commissioning Prior to environmental commissioning, the WWTP and delivery pipework will receive running raw Table 5 water to detect leaks. A tank high level alarm will be installed and tested for activation efficiency during commissioning Table 5 The irrigation field surrounded by a low bund (10cm) to prevent run off into the broader area. Table 5 The quality of the water discharged to the irrigation field will be tested monthly (Table 2) against the Table 5 expected water quality (Table 1). Time Limited Operation / Operation Monitoring and recording of system flow rates will be undertaken using an automatic flow meter and Table 6 quarterly water samples (Tables 1 and 2) to confirm water quality. The facility will be fitted with a tank high level alarm to enable the system to be managed to prevent Table 6 the facility overtopping. The irrigation field surrounded by a low bund (10cm) to prevent run off into the broader area. Table 6

Page | 5 Mining Area C / South Flank OHP3 C50K Biomax 3. Existing Environment

3.1. Climate Newman Aero meteorological site (007176) is the closest Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) station to the Project Area. Average annual rainfall at Newman Aero is 329.5 mm (BOM, 2019a). This is mainly derived from tropical storms and cyclones during summer, producing sporadic, heavy rains over the area. Mean monthly rainfall varies from 3.8 mm in September to 70.4 mm in February (BoM, 2019a). Daily rainfall is highly variable; the highest maximum daily rainfall ranges from 34.8 mm in October, to 305.6 mm in February (BoM, 2019a). The mean maximum temperature in summer months (October to March) is 35.2°C to 39.2°C, and mean maximum temperature in winter (April to September) is between 23°C and 32.1°C (BoM, 2019a). Wittenoom meteorological site (005026) is the closest station to the Project Area that records daily evaporation. Wittenoom is located approximately 110 km south south west of the Project Area. Mean daily evaporation at Wittenoom throughout the year is 8.6 mm/day (BoM, 2019b), which equates to 3.1 metres per year. Evaporation greatly exceeds rainfall in the region throughout the year and on a month-by-month basis (BoM, 2019b).

3.2. Nearby Land Uses and Sensitive Receptors The land use of the surrounding area is mining operations. The closest BHP sensitive receptors to the Project Area is BHP’s Packsaddle Village (10 km) which is located within the Prescribed Premises. The Prescribed Premises is situated in a remote location, approximately 90 km north west of Newman. The closest potentially sensitive non-BHP owned receptors in the vicinity is the Hope Downs accommodation camp located 14 km south the Project Area.

3.3. Soils and Landform The Prescribed Premises is located within the Boolgeeda Land system as mapped by van Vreeswyk et al. (2004): “Stony lower slopes, level stony plains and narrow sub-parallel drainage floors, relief up to 20 m. A common system in shallow valleys below hill systems such as Newman and Rocklea.” Soils of the Pilbara region have been defined and mapped at a scale of 1:2,000,000 by Bettenay et al. (1967). One soil unit (Fa13) occur within the Prescribed Premises: “Ranges of banded jaspilite and chert along with shales, dolomites, and iron ore formations; some areas of ferruginous duricrust as well as occasional narrow winding valley plains and steeply dissected pediments. This unit is largely associated with the Hamersley and Ophthalmia Ranges. The soils are frequently stony and shallow and there are extensive areas without soil cover: chief soils are shallow stony earthy loams (Um5.51) along with some (Uc5.11) soils on the steeper slopes. Associated are (Dr2.33, Dr2.32) soils on the limited areas of dissected pediments, while (Um5.52) and (Uf6.71) soils occur on the valley plains.”

3.4. Groundwater The Project Area is located in the Pilbara Groundwater Area, proclaimed under the RIWI Act (DoW, 2009a). The Prescribed Premises lies within the following regional aquifer: 1. Hamersley – Fractured Rock Aquifer: The Precambrian rocks of the Hamersley Basin are principally volcanics, shales and iron formations. Groundwater is contained within fractures within these rocks. The groundwater level may be deep below the surface, and is generally fresh. The main use of this aquifer is for mining and mine dewatering from iron ore mines. Bores have also been drilled for road and railway construction. There will be increasing dewatering from the fractured rocks around iron ore mines as the pits become deeper (DoW, 2015). There are no public drinking water source areas within or adjacent to the Project Area. Depth to groundwater is approximately 70m.

3.5. Surface Water The Project Area is located in the Pilbara Surface Water Area, proclaimed under the RIWI Act (DoW, 2009b). There are no watercourses or wetlands within or adjacent to the Project Area.

3.6. Flora and Vegetation No significant flora species listed under the Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Protection Act 1999 (EPBC Act) or the Biodiversity Conservation Act, 2016 (BC Act) or listed by the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions (DBCA) have been identified within the Project Area. The Project is located in area which has already been cleared. Should any further vegetation clearing be required it will be undertaken in accordance with MS1072.

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3.7. Vertebrate Fauna No significant fauna species or habitat have been identified within or adjacent to the Project Area. The Project is located in area which has already been cleared. Should any further vegetation clearing be required it will be undertaken in accordance with MS1072.

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4.1. Corporate Level Plans and Procedures The management of the environmental aspects of BHP’s MAC operations are managed under the company’s AS/NZS ISO 14001:2016 certified Environmental Management System (EMS). The EMS describes the organisational structure, responsibilities, practices, processes and resources for implementing and maintaining environmental objectives at all BHP sites. Additionally, operational controls for environmental management for the Project are guided by BHP’s Charter values. The Charter Values outline a commitment to develop, implement and maintain management systems for sustainable development that drive continual improvement and set and achieve targets that promote efficient use of resources. In order to give effect to the Charter Values, a series of “Our Requirements” documents have been developed. BHP has also developed a Sustainable Development Policy for its Iron Ore operations. The Sustainable Development Policy outlines a commitment to setting objective and targets to achieve sustainable outcomes and to continually improve our performance. To support these documents BHP has an internal Project Environmental and Aboriginal Heritage Review (PEAHR) system. The purpose of the system is to manage implementation of environmental, Aboriginal heritage, land tenure and legal commitments prior to and during land disturbance. All ground disturbance activities will meet the requirements of the PEAHR system.

4.2. Premises Level Plans and Procedures At MAC all environmental management is currently governed by MS 1072 and Environmental Licence L7851/2002/6. All personnel carrying out works associated with the Project are required to comply with the Sustainable Development Policy, MS 1072, the Central Pilbara Water Resource Management Plan, Environmental Licence L7851/2002/6, the PEAHR system and any other relevant legislative and licensing requirements.

Page | 8 Mining Area C / South Flank OHP3 C50K Biomax 5. Environmental Impact Assessment and Associated Management Strategies BHP has assessed the potential emissions and discharges associated with the Project. It has been determined that the following potential impacts are relevant to this Works Approval application: · Discharges to land; and · Odour emissions. Other potential environmental impacts include: · Dust and noise emissions. Tables 4 to 6 outline a description of each potential discharge/emission, the potential impacts, sensitive receptors, management measures, and residual risk ranking for each project phase (Construction, Commissioning and Operation). The risk rating determination has been undertaken in accordance with Guidance Statement: Risk Assessments (DER, 2017).

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Table 4: C50K Biomax and Irrigation Field – Construction

Risk Event Management Measures Residual Risk Ranking Sources / Activities Potential Potential Potential Potential (Consequence / emissions receptors pathway adverse Likelihood) impacts Category New C50K Dust Hope Downs Air / wind Impact on The closest dust receptor to the Project will be the inhabitants of Low (Slight, Rare) 543 Biomax Accommodation dispersion amenity BHP’s Packsaddle Village and ’s Hope Downs The proposed new facility Sewage (50m3/day Camp - closest accommodation camp located more than 10 km and 14 km will be installed on previously Facility non-BHP respectively from the closest area of land disturbance associated cleared land. Minor sensitive with the Project. earthworks may be required residential No impacts on sensitive receptors are expected due to the nature to level the Project area. receptor is more of construction of the proposed facility and the distance to these These will be short term than 14 km from receptors. activities and are unlikely to the Project Site preparation works including earthworks and vehicle result in dust emissions Area. movement will generate a minor amount of dust emissions in the reaching the sensitive Packsaddle local area. Dust emissions will be managed via the use of water receptors. Village - closest carts and minimising disturbance to the smallest area practicable. BHP sensitive Noise residential The closest noise receptor to the Project will be the inhabitants of Low (Slight, Rare) receptor is more BHP’s Packsaddle Village and Rio Tinto’s Hope Downs The proposed new facility than 10 km from accommodation camp located more than 10 km and 14 km will be installed on previously the Project respectively from the closest area of land disturbance associated cleared land within an active Area. with the Project. mining operation. Minor Site preparation works including earthworks and vehicle earthworks may be required movement, and construction of the Project facilities will generate a to level the Project area. minor amount of noise in the local area. Construction activities will be The Project Area is within an active mining operation and no short term and are unlikely to impacts on sensitive receptors are expected due to the minor result in noise emissions noise levels associated with the construction of the proposed reaching the sensitive facility and the distance to these receptors. receptors.

3 Note that while the facility only triggers Category 85, Category 54 has been listed in the assessment as the existing site capacity for Environmental Licence L7851/2002/6 is 1,110m3/day.

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Table 5: C50K Biomax and Irrigation Field – Commissioning

Risk Event Management Measures Residual Risk Ranking Sources / Activities Potential Potential receptors Potential Potential (Consequence / Likelihood) emissions pathway adverse impacts Category New C50K Overtopping of Soil and Native Direct Nutrient load and Prior to commissioning, the WWTP and Low (Slight, Unlikely) 544 Biomax tanks Vegetation discharge impacts to native delivery pipework will receive running raw The facility will be tested for leaks prior to Sewage (50m3/day discharging and vegetation health, water to detect leaks. A tank high level environmental commissioning by running Facility untreated overland reduction in soil alarm will be installed and tested for raw water through the system. Impacts to sewage flows quality resulting in activation efficiency during commissioning. vegetation are unlikely as the surrounding (nutrient rich plants death The areas surrounding the Biomax have environment has been cleared and the effluent) to been cleared and the irrigation field irrigation field surrounded by a low bund land during surrounded by a low bund (10cm) to (10cm) to prevent run off into the broader commissioning prevent run off into the broader area and area. will therefore will not result in impacts to vegetation health. Treated Prior to commissioning, the WWTP and Low (Slight, Unlikely) sewage delivery pipework will receive running raw The facility will be tested for leaks prior to (nutrient rich water to detect leaks. environmental commissioning by running effluent) to The areas surrounding the irrigation field raw water through the system. Impacts to land (irrigation have been cleared and therefore will not vegetation are unlikely as the surrounding area) during result in impacts to vegetation health. The environment has been cleared and the commissioning quality of the water discharged to the irrigation field surrounded by a low bund irrigation field will be tested monthly (10cm) to prevent run off into the broader (Table 2) against the expected water area. Water quality will be tested on a quality (Table 1) monthly basis. Human Hope Downs Wind/air Impact to human No specific management measures are Low (Slight, Rare) exposure to Accommodation Camp dispersion health proposed as the separation distance No specific management measures are contaminants - closest non-BHP Physical between the source and potential receptors proposed as the separation distance sensitive residential contact is sufficient to prevent impacts. between the source and potential receptors receptor is more than with is sufficient to prevent impacts. 14 km from the Project exposed Odour Amenity impacts Low (Slight, Rare) Area. wastewater emissions Packsaddle Village - No specific management measures are closest BHP sensitive proposed as the separation distance residential receptor is between the source and potential receptors more than 10 km from is sufficient to prevent impacts. the Project Area.

4 Note that while the facility only triggers Category 85, Category 54 has been listed in the assessment as the existing site capacity for Environmental Licence L7851/2002/6 is 1,110m3/day.

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Table 6: C50K Biomax and Irrigation Field – Operation

Risk Event Management Measures Residual Risk Ranking Sources / Activities Potential Potential receptors Potential Potential (Consequence / Likelihood) emissions pathway adverse impacts Category New C50K Treated Soil and Native Direct Nutrient load and The WWTP is designed and will be Low (Slight, Possible) 545 Biomax sewage Vegetation discharge impacts to native operated to ensure plant achieves Impacts to vegetation are unlikely as the Sewage (50m3/day (nutrient rich and vegetation health, expected treatment quality. surrounding environment has been cleared Facility effluent) to overland reduction in soil Monitoring and recording of system flow and the irrigation field surrounded by a low land (irrigation flows quality resulting in rates will be undertaken using a flow meter bund (10cm) to prevent run off into the area) plants death and quarterly water samples (Tables 1 broader area. Water quality will be tested on a quarterly basis. and 2) to confirm water quality. Odour Hope Downs Wind/air Amenity No specific management measures are Low (Slight, Rare) Accommodation dispersion proposed as the separation distance No specific management measures are Camp - closest non- between the source and potential receptors proposed as the separation distance BHP sensitive is sufficient to prevent impacts. between the source and potential receptors residential receptor is is sufficient to prevent impacts. more than 14 km from the Project Area. Packsaddle Village - closest BHP sensitive residential receptor is more than 10 km from the Project Area. Overtopping of Soil and Native Direct Nutrient load and The facility will be fitted with a tank high Low (Slight, Possible) tanks or a Vegetation discharge impacts to native level alarm to enable the system to be Impacts to vegetation are unlikely as the ruptured pipe and vegetation health, managed to prevent the facility surrounding environment has been cleared discharging overland reduction in soil overtopping. and the irrigation field surrounded by a low untreated flows quality resulting in The areas surrounding the Biomax have bund (10cm) to prevent run off into the sewage plants death been cleared and the irrigation field broader area. (nutrient rich surrounded by a low bund (10cm) to The WWTP will be fitted with a high level effluent) to alarm and will be regularly inspected to land during prevent run off into the broader area and will therefore will not result in impacts to identify any leaks / overflows from the operation facility. vegetation health.

5 Note that while the facility only triggers Category 85, Category 54 has been listed in the assessment as the existing site capacity for Environmental Licence L7851/2002/6 is 1,110m3/day.

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6. References ANZECC, 1997. Australian and New Zealand Environment and Conservation Council Australian Guidelines for Australian Guidelines for Sewage Systems – Effluent Management. ARMCANZ, ANZECC and NHMRC, 2000. Guidelines for Sewage Treatment Systems - Use of Reclaimed Water. Bettenay, E., Churchward, H.M. and McArthur, W.M. (1967) Atlas of Australian Soils, Sheet 6, Meekatharra- Hamersley Range area, CSIRO. BoM (Bureau of Meteorology) (2018a) Climate statistics for Australian locations – Newman Aero. Website: Accessed: 06 March 2018. BoM (Bureau of Meteorology) (2018b) Climate statistics for Australian locations – Wittenoom. Website: Accessed: 06 March 2018. Department of Environment Regulation (2017) Guidance Statement: Risk Assessments. Department of Water, 2008. Water Quality Protection Note 22 Irrigation with nutrient-rich wastewater. Government of Western Australia. Department of Water (2009a) Groundwater Proclamation Areas 2009. Website: Accessed 05 September 2017 Department of Water (2009b) Surface Water Proclamation Areas 2009. Website: Accessed 05 September 2017 Department of Water (2015) Hydrogeological Atlas: Hamersley – Fractured Rock. 62,-23.570724506092837,119.38272319999999,- 21.29263989390716&k=NONE&w=1034&h=757&z=1003199.8498259148&x=118.62436478220502&y=- 23.254741832011604&i=782&j=652 Accessed 12 January 15. van Vreeswyk, A.M.E., Payne, A.L., Leighton, K.A. and Hennig, P. (2004) An Inventory and Condition Survey of the Pilbara Region, Western Australia. Technical Bulletin No. 92, Department of Agriculture, Perth.

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Attachment 1A: Proof of occupier status MINING TENEMENT SUMMARY REPORT DISCLAIMER: This is not the official Register referred to in Reg. 84C of the Mining Regulations 1981. MINERAL LEASE S.A. 70/281 Status: Live


Area: 56,335.00000 HA Death Reason : Mark Out : N/A Death Date : Received : 05/04/2002 00:00:00 Commence : 26/04/2002 Term Granted : Expiry : 04/08/2028




Locality: MOUNT GOLDSWORTHY Datum: Commencement point at the most north eastern corner being ID Point (1) on the Tengraph Object description dated 28th March 2002 annexed hereto: Boundary: Thence boundaries as described on pages 2 to 4 inclusive on the Tengraph object. Description dated 28th March 2002 previously referred to in (h) above (excluding the holes within the main ploygon area the subject of Description 2, 3 & 4) MINING AREA "C" - IRON ORE (MOUNT GOLDSWORTHY) AGREEMENT ACT 1964 PURPOSE: IRON ORE NOTES: 1. Application under Clause 12 (4) of the Iron Ore (Mount Goldsworthy) Agreement Act 1964 (as amended) 2. Rent calculated under Clause 9 (2) (1) based on 139,190 acres (Rental paid at 30 cents per acre) AREA: 56 324.0833 HECTARES SHIRE: Ashburton 10 138.3333 hectares SHIRE: East Pilbara 46 185.7500 hectares ...... FEES: Application: N/A Rent: $41 754.00 Receipt No: 47324 NOTE:Refer to description on file and register in reference to ID Point (1) on the Tengraph Object description dated 28th March 2002 NOTE: RELATED MINERAL LEASE SPECIAL ACTS: AML 235 File no: 9369/89 AML 249 File no: 1903/73 NOTE:AML 235 MINING AREA "A"- Clause 12 10 236 ACRES (4142.5094 Hectares) Rental paid at 20 cents per acre AML 249 - By First Variation Agreement of Clause 12

Created 29/08/2017 15:04:31 Requested By: BREE KEITH/Page 1 of 2 Mining Tenement Summary Report MINERAL LEASE S.A. 70/281 - Live Area: 42 5555 acres Rental Paid at 20 cents per acre SUPPORTING MINES FILES 9536/02 9369/89 1903/73 see Folio 94 of Mines File 3006/71 see Folio 30 of Mines File 1027/72 and plans at Folios 1, 2, 3 and 4 of Mines File 1027/72 RENTAL PAID at CENTS in the ACRE AML 235 paid at 35 cents per acre and the reduced and PAID at 20 cents per acre AML 249 PAID at 20 cents per acre AML 281 PAID at 30 cents per acre FURTHER NOTE AS AN EXPLANATION This Special Act lease is Mining Area "C" (being part of TR 3156H) of the Iron Ore (Mount Goldsworthy) Agreement Act 1964 and is lodged as a SPECIAL ACT MINERAL LEASE as per 1964 and therefore the use of the symbol AML (ML), and not that of a SPECIAL ACT MINING LEASE with the use of the symbol AM (M). Area : Type Dealing No Start Date Area Surveyed 30/10/2002 56,335.00000 HA Applied For 05/04/2002 56,324.08330 HA


Shire Shire No Start End Area ASHBURTON SHIRE 250 05/04/2002 10,438.87000 HA EAST PILBARA SHIRE 3220 05/04/2002 45,896.13000 HA


Due For Year End : Due For Year End :


Expended Year End : NO EXPENDITURE REQUIRED Current Year Commitment :

Created 29/08/2017 15:04:31 Requested By: BREE KEITH/Page 2 of 2 Mining Area C / South Flank OHP3 C50K Biomax

Attachment 1B: ASIC company extracts Current Company Extract


Date/Time: 07 September 2017 AEST 08:31:08 AM

This extract contains information derived from the Australian Securities and Investments Commission's (ASIC) database under section 1274A of the Corporations Act 2001.

Please advise ASIC of any error or omission which you may identify. Current Company Extract BHP BILLITON MINERALS PTY LTD ACN 008 694 782

Organisation Details Document Number

Current Organisation Details Name: BHP BILLITON MINERALS PTY LTD 017398762 ACN: 008 694 782 ABN: 93008694782 Registered in: Western Australia Registration date: 22/04/1965 Next review date: 01/07/2018 Name start date: 12/10/2001 Previous state number: C0650130X Status: Registered Company type: Australian Proprietary Company Class: Limited By Shares Subclass: Proprietary Company

Address Details Document Number

Current Registered address: '' Level 37, 125 St Georges Terrace, 7E6349372 PERTH WA 6000 Start date: 15/09/2014

Principal Place Of 'Brookfield Place' Level 37, 125 St Georges Terrace, 7E6349372 Business address: PERTH WA 6000 Start date: 25/08/2014

Contact Address Section 146A of the Corporations Act 2001 states 'A contact address is the address to which communications and notices are sent from ASIC to the company'. Address: Level 14, 480 Queen Street, BRISBANE QLD 4000

Start date: 24/02/2017

Officeholders and Other Roles Document Number Director


07 September 2017 AEST 08:31:08 AM 1 Current Company Extract BHP BILLITON MINERALS PTY LTD ACN 008 694 782


Share Information

Share Structure

Class Description Number Total amount Total amount Document issued paid unpaid number

ORD ORDINARY 3271645 5799999959.46 0.00 7E3137789 18

PREF PREFERENCE 73200 146400.00 0.00 0E8543006


Note: For each class of shares issued by a proprietary company, ASIC records the details of the top twenty members of the class (based on shareholdings). The details of any other members holding the same number of shares as the twentieth ranked member will also be recorded by ASIC on the database. Where available, historical records show that a member has ceased to be ranked amongst the top twenty members. This may, but does not necessarily mean, that they have ceased to be a member of the company.

Name: BHP BILLITON LIMITED ACN: 004 028 077 Address: Level 18, 171 Collins Street, MELBOURNE VIC 3000

Class Number held Beneficially held Paid Document number

ORD 327164518 yes FULLY 7E7755111

Name: BHP COAL PTY LTD ACN: 010 595 721 Address: 'Waterfront Place' Level 20, 1 Eagle Street, BRISBANE QLD 4000

07 September 2017 AEST 08:31:08 AM 2 Current Company Extract BHP BILLITON MINERALS PTY LTD ACN 008 694 782

Class Number held Beneficially held Paid Document number

PREF 73200 yes FULLY 7E2654766

Financial Reports

Balance Report due AGM due Extended AGM held Outstanding Document date date date AGM due date number

31/05/1996 no 011317417

31/05/1997 no 008619715

31/05/1998 30/09/1998 01/09/1998 no 012581715

31/05/1999 30/09/1999 no 015641738

30/06/2000 31/10/2000 no 016676757

30/06/2000 31/10/2000 no 016654622

30/06/2001 31/10/2001 no 017686163

30/06/2002 31/10/2002 no 019119577

30/06/2003 31/10/2003 no 019768965

30/06/2004 31/10/2004 no 020831747

30/06/2005 31/10/2005 no 022426698

30/06/2006 30/11/2006 no 023665718

30/06/2007 31/10/2007 no 024326019

30/06/2008 31/10/2008 no 024945397

30/06/2009 31/10/2009 no 026147489

30/06/2010 31/10/2010 no 7E3265197

30/06/2011 31/10/2011 no 7E4057136

30/06/2012 31/10/2012 no 7E4816440

30/06/2013 31/10/2013 no 7E5613263

30/06/2014 31/10/2014 no 7E6488872

30/06/2015 31/10/2015 no 7E7427517

30/06/2016 31/10/2016 no 7E8482745


Note: Where no Date Processed is shown, the document in question has not been processed. In these instances care should be taken in using information that may be updated by the document when it is processed. Where the Date Processed is shown but there is a zero under No Pages, the document has been processed but a copy is not yet available.

07 September 2017 AEST 08:31:08 AM 3 Current Company Extract BHP BILLITON MINERALS PTY LTD ACN 008 694 782

Date received Form type Date Number of Effective Document processed pages date number

08/09/2014 484E Change To Company 08/09/2014 2 22/08/2014 2E0974586 Details Appointment Or Cessation Of A Company Officeholder

08/09/2014 484 Change To Company 08/09/2014 2 08/09/2014 7E6349372 Details 484B Change Of Registered Address 484C Change Of Principal Place Of Business (Address)

31/10/2014 388H (FR 2014) Financial 31/10/2014 37 30/06/2014 7E6488872 Report Financial Report - Large Proprietary Company That Is Not A Disclosing Entity

10/04/2015 484E Change To Company 10/04/2015 2 10/04/2015 7E6865006 Details Appointment Or Cessation Of A Company Officeholder

08/05/2015 484E Change To Company 08/05/2015 2 07/05/2015 2E1809006 Details Appointment Or Cessation Of A Company Officeholder

11/08/2015 484E Change To Company 11/08/2015 2 11/08/2015 2E2266826 Details Appointment Or Cessation Of A Company Officeholder

30/09/2015 484E Change To Company 30/09/2015 2 30/09/2015 2E2506625 Details Appointment Or Cessation Of A Company Officeholder

29/10/2015 388H (FR 2015) Financial 29/10/2015 33 30/06/2015 7E7427517 Report Financial Report - Large Proprietary Company That Is Not A Disclosing Entity

04/11/2015 488N Application To Change 09/11/2015 8 04/11/2015 028818891 Review Date Of A Company Or Scheme Synchronise Review Date By Office Holder - No Fee

03/03/2016 484A2 Change To Company 03/03/2016 2 03/03/2016 7E7755111 Details Change Member Name Or Address

08/03/2016 484E Change To Company 08/03/2016 2 08/03/2016 7E7767971 Details Appointment Or Cessation Of A Company Officeholder

07 September 2017 AEST 08:31:08 AM 4 Current Company Extract BHP BILLITON MINERALS PTY LTD ACN 008 694 782

21/07/2016 484E Change To Company 25/07/2016 2 21/07/2016 7E8179268 Details Appointment Or Cessation Of A Company Officeholder

22/07/2016 492 Request For Correction 25/07/2016 4 22/07/2016 7E8180920

29/07/2016 484A1 Change To Company 29/07/2016 2 29/07/2016 7E8201837 Details Change Officeholder Name Or Address

27/09/2016 484E Change To Company 27/09/2016 2 27/09/2016 7E8385166 Details Appointment Or Cessation Of A Company Officeholder

31/10/2016 388H (FR 2016) Financial 31/10/2016 33 30/06/2016 7E8482745 Report Financial Report - Large Proprietary Company That Is Not A Disclosing Entity

08/03/2017 484E Change To Company 08/03/2017 2 08/03/2017 7E8840780 Details Appointment Or Cessation Of A Company Officeholder

03/05/2017 484E Change To Company 03/05/2017 2 03/05/2017 7E9018449 Details Appointment Or Cessation Of A Company Officeholder

29/06/2017 352 Assumption Deed 03/07/2017 12 29/06/2017 030043809 Relating To Class Order

***End of Extract of 5 Pages***

07 September 2017 AEST 08:31:08 AM 5 Current Company Extract


Date/Time: 07 September 2017 AEST 08:31:07 AM

This extract contains information derived from the Australian Securities and Investments Commission's (ASIC) database under section 1274A of the Corporations Act 2001.

Please advise ASIC of any error or omission which you may identify. Current Company Extract ITOCHU MINERALS & ENERGY OF AUSTRALIA PTY LTD ACN 009 256 259

Organisation Details Document Number

Current Organisation Details Name: ITOCHU MINERALS & ENERGY OF AUSTRALIA 020193914 PTY LTD ACN: 009 256 259 ABN: 44009256259 Registered in: Western Australia Registration date: 30/06/1987 Next review date: 30/06/2018 Name start date: 01/04/2004 Previous state number: C0824353U Status: Registered Company type: Australian Proprietary Company Class: Limited By Shares Subclass: Proprietary Company

Address Details Document Number

Current Registered address: 'Forrest Centre' Level 22, 221 St Georges Terrace, 7E1438661 PERTH WA 6000 Start date: 23/01/2008

Principal Place Of 'Grosvenor Place' Level 31, 225 George Street, 7E5077974 Business address: SYDNEY NSW 2000 Start date: 25/03/2013

Officeholders and Other Roles Document Number Director

07 September 2017 AEST 08:31:07 AM 1 Current Company Extract ITOCHU MINERALS & ENERGY OF AUSTRALIA PTY LTD ACN 009 256 259


Secretary Name:

Share Information

Share Structure

Class Description Number Total amount Total amount Document issued paid unpaid number

ORD ORDINARY SHARES 2887384 164174518.00 0.00 025545750 6

REDP REDEEMABLE 2547692 112790308.00 0.00 025545750 PREFERENCE 3

Members 07 September 2017 AEST 08:31:07 AM 2 Current Company Extract ITOCHU MINERALS & ENERGY OF AUSTRALIA PTY LTD ACN 009 256 259

Note: For each class of shares issued by a proprietary company, ASIC records the details of the top twenty members of the class (based on shareholdings). The details of any other members holding the same number of shares as the twentieth ranked member will also be recorded by ASIC on the database. Where available, historical records show that a member has ceased to be ranked amongst the top twenty members. This may, but does not necessarily mean, that they have ceased to be a member of the company.

Name: ITOCHU CORPORATION ARBN: Address: 5-1 Kita-aoyama 2-chome Minato-ku Tokyo, Japan

Class Number held Beneficially held Paid Document number

ORD 27805897 yes FULLY 021090268

Name: ITOCHU AUSTRALIA LTD. ACN: 000 192 790 Address: 'Grosvenor Place' Level 31, 225 George Street, SYDNEY NSW 2000

Class Number held Beneficially held Paid Document number

ORD 1067949 yes FULLY 7E5323451

Name: ITOCHU CORPORATION ARBN: 010 144 895 Address: 5-1 Kita-aoyama 2-chome Minato-ku Tokyo, Japan

Class Number held Beneficially held Paid Document number

REDP 24534615 yes FULLY 021090268

Name: ITOCHU AUSTRALIA LTD. ACN: 000 192 790 Address: 'Grosvenor Place' Level 31, 225 George Street, SYDNEY NSW 2000

Class Number held Beneficially held Paid Document number

REDP 942308 yes FULLY 7E5323451

Financial Reports

07 September 2017 AEST 08:31:07 AM 3 Current Company Extract ITOCHU MINERALS & ENERGY OF AUSTRALIA PTY LTD ACN 009 256 259

Balance Report due AGM due Extended AGM held Outstanding Document date date date AGM due date number

31/03/1998 31/07/1998 03/07/1998 no 014651538

31/03/1999 31/07/1999 07/07/1999 no 015588128

31/03/2000 31/07/2000 no 016553986

31/03/2001 31/07/2001 11/07/2001 no 017240374

31/03/2002 31/07/2002 no 018422280

31/03/2003 31/07/2003 no 019460441

31/03/2004 31/07/2004 no 020694011

31/03/2005 31/07/2005 14/12/2005 no 022692806

31/03/2006 31/08/2006 no 023408301

31/03/2007 31/07/2007 no 024338010

31/03/2008 31/07/2008 no 7E1952629

31/03/2009 31/07/2009 no 7E2661210

31/03/2010 31/07/2010 no 7E3422077

31/03/2011 31/07/2011 no 7E4070343

31/03/2012 31/07/2012 no 7E4824057

31/03/2013 31/07/2013 no 7E5617744

31/03/2014 31/07/2014 no 7E6476591

31/03/2015 31/07/2015 no 7E7412192

31/03/2016 31/07/2016 no 7E8571941


Note: Where no Date Processed is shown, the document in question has not been processed. In these instances care should be taken in using information that may be updated by the document when it is processed. Where the Date Processed is shown but there is a zero under No Pages, the document has been processed but a copy is not yet available.

Date received Form type Date Number of Effective Document processed pages date number

02/10/2014 484A1 Change To Company 02/10/2014 2 02/10/2014 7E6414857 Details Change Officeholder Name Or Address

28/10/2014 388H (FR 2014) Financial 28/10/2014 62 31/03/2014 7E6476591 Report Financial Report - Large Proprietary Company That Is Not A Disclosing Entity

16/04/2015 484E Change To Company 16/04/2015 3 16/04/2015 7E6879228 Details Appointment Or Cessation Of A Company Officeholder

07 September 2017 AEST 08:31:07 AM 4 Current Company Extract ITOCHU MINERALS & ENERGY OF AUSTRALIA PTY LTD ACN 009 256 259

12/06/2015 484A1 Change To Company 12/06/2015 2 12/06/2015 7E7031878 Details Change Officeholder Name Or Address

24/06/2015 484A1 Change To Company 24/06/2015 2 24/06/2015 7E7068171 Details Change Officeholder Name Or Address

17/07/2015 484A1 Change To Company 17/07/2015 2 17/07/2015 7E7140480 Details Change Officeholder Name Or Address

14/08/2015 484A1 Change To Company 14/08/2015 2 14/08/2015 7E7215606 Details Change Officeholder Name Or Address

26/10/2015 388H (FR 2015) Financial 26/10/2015 62 31/03/2015 7E7412192 Report Financial Report - Large Proprietary Company That Is Not A Disclosing Entity

04/04/2016 484E Change To Company 04/04/2016 2 04/04/2016 7E7843078 Details Appointment Or Cessation Of A Company Officeholder

04/04/2016 484E Change To Company 04/04/2016 2 04/04/2016 7E7843093 Details Appointment Or Cessation Of A Company Officeholder

04/04/2016 484A1 Change To Company 04/04/2016 2 04/04/2016 7E7843105 Details Change Officeholder Name Or Address

02/05/2016 484A1 Change To Company 02/05/2016 2 02/05/2016 7E7922026 Details Change Officeholder Name Or Address

02/05/2016 484E Change To Company 02/05/2016 2 02/05/2016 7E7922035 Details Appointment Or Cessation Of A Company Officeholder

10/05/2016 484E Change To Company 10/05/2016 2 10/05/2016 7E7944415 Details Appointment Or Cessation Of A Company Officeholder

29/11/2016 388H (FR 2016) Financial 29/11/2016 65 31/03/2016 7E8571941 Report Financial Report - Large Proprietary Company That Is Not A Disclosing Entity

08/12/2016 484A1 Change To Company 08/12/2016 2 08/12/2016 7E8600142 Details Change Officeholder Name Or Address

08/12/2016 484A1 Change To Company 08/12/2016 2 08/12/2016 7E8600192 Details Change Officeholder Name Or Address

08/12/2016 484A1 Change To Company 08/12/2016 2 08/12/2016 7E8600216

07 September 2017 AEST 08:31:07 AM 5 Current Company Extract ITOCHU MINERALS & ENERGY OF AUSTRALIA PTY LTD ACN 009 256 259

Details Change Officeholder Name Or Address

10/02/2017 484E Change To Company 10/02/2017 2 10/02/2017 7E8758217 Details Appointment Or Cessation Of A Company Officeholder

10/02/2017 484E Change To Company 10/02/2017 2 10/02/2017 7E8758362 Details Appointment Or Cessation Of A Company Officeholder

10/02/2017 484A1 Change To Company 10/02/2017 2 10/02/2017 7E8758501 Details Change Officeholder Name Or Address

10/02/2017 484E Change To Company 10/02/2017 2 10/02/2017 7E8758855 Details Appointment Or Cessation Of A Company Officeholder

27/02/2017 484A1 Change To Company 27/02/2017 2 27/02/2017 7E8807868 Details Change Officeholder Name Or Address

22/03/2017 484A1 Change To Company 22/03/2017 2 22/03/2017 7E8896895 Details Change Officeholder Name Or Address

11/04/2017 484E Change To Company 11/04/2017 3 11/04/2017 7E8961057 Details Appointment Or Cessation Of A Company Officeholder

11/04/2017 484A1 Change To Company 11/04/2017 2 11/04/2017 7E8961101 Details Change Officeholder Name Or Address

12/04/2017 484A1 Change To Company 12/04/2017 2 12/04/2017 7E8963477 Details Change Officeholder Name Or Address

08/05/2017 484A1 Change To Company 08/05/2017 2 08/05/2017 7E9031376 Details Change Officeholder Name Or Address

***End of Extract of 6 Pages***

07 September 2017 AEST 08:31:07 AM 6 Current Company Extract


Date/Time: 07 September 2017 AEST 08:31:05 AM

This extract contains information derived from the Australian Securities and Investments Commission's (ASIC) database under section 1274A of the Corporations Act 2001.

Please advise ASIC of any error or omission which you may identify. Current Company Extract MITSUI IRON ORE CORPORATION PTY. LTD. ACN 050 157 456

Organisation Details Document Number

Current Organisation Details Name: MITSUI IRON ORE CORPORATION PTY. LTD. 002682319 ACN:

Address Details Document Number

Current Registered address: 'Exchange Tower' Level 25, 2 The Esplanade, PERTH 7E6807982 WA 6000 Start date: 25/03/2015

Principal Place Of 'Exchange Tower' Level 25, 2 The Esplanade, PERTH 7E6807982 Business address: WA 6000 Start date: 01/03/2015

Officeholders and Other Roles Document Number Director

07 September 2017 AEST 08:31:05 AM 1 Current Company Extract MITSUI IRON ORE CORPORATION PTY. LTD. ACN 050 157 456

Name: SHINSUKE SATO 7E8991741 Address: Unit 54, 98 Terrace Road, EAST PERTH WA 6004 Born: 29/06/1980, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, UNITED STATES Appointment date: 01/04/2015 Name: SHU TANAKA 7E9110684 Address: 4-2-16 Shin-ishikawa Aobaku, Yokohama City, Kanagawa 225-0003, Japan Born: 11/06/1965, TOTTORI, JAPAN Appointment date: 22/05/2017 Secretary Name: GAVIN PETER PATTERSON 020677802 Address: 30 Sandgate Street, SOUTH PERTH WA 6151 Born: 31/10/1966, SUBIACO, WA Appointment date: 29/10/2004 Appointed Auditor Name: DELOITTE TOUCHE TOHMATSU 7E8158202 Address: 'Brookfield Place Tower 2' 123 St Georges Terrace PERTH WA 6000 Start date: 01/04/1995

Name: DELOITTE TOUCHE TOHMATSU 7E8158202 Address: 'Brookfield Place Tower 2' 123 St Georges Terrace PERTH WA 6000 Start date: 24/10/1995 Ultimate Holding Company

Share Information

Share Structure

Class Description Number Total amount Total amount Document issued paid unpaid number

ORD ORDINARY SHARES 8000000 8000000.00 0.00 002682319


Note: For each class of shares issued by a proprietary company, ASIC records the details of the top twenty members of the class (based on shareholdings). The details of any other members holding the same number of shares as the twentieth ranked member will also be recorded by ASIC on the database. Where available, historical records show that a member has ceased to be ranked amongst the top twenty members. This may, but does not necessarily mean, that they have ceased to be a member of the company.


07 September 2017 AEST 08:31:05 AM 2 Current Company Extract MITSUI IRON ORE CORPORATION PTY. LTD. ACN 050 157 456

Class Number held Beneficially held Paid Document number

ORD 6400000 yes FULLY 7E6808451

Name: MITSUI & CO. (AUSTRALIA) LTD. ACN: 004 349 795 Address: Level 15, 120 Collins Street, MELBOURNE VIC 3000

Class Number held Beneficially held Paid Document number

ORD 1600000 yes FULLY 7E7203416

Financial Reports

Balance Report due AGM due Extended AGM held Outstanding Document date date date AGM due date number

31/03/1997 no 012109072

31/03/1998 31/07/1998 no 013897314

31/03/1999 31/07/1999 29/06/1999 no 012110722

31/03/2000 31/07/2000 07/07/2000 no 016646288

31/03/2001 31/07/2001 05/07/2001 no 017122473

31/03/2002 31/07/2002 no 018381095

31/03/2003 31/07/2003 no 019799258

31/03/2004 31/07/2004 13/12/2004 no 020855966

31/03/2005 31/07/2005 14/11/2005 no 022449627

31/03/2006 31/08/2006 no 023501204

31/03/2007 31/07/2007 no 024137309

31/03/2008 31/07/2008 no 7E1821124

31/03/2009 31/07/2009 no 7E2723431

31/03/2010 31/07/2010 no 7E3155001

31/03/2011 31/07/2011 no 7E3925653

31/03/2012 31/07/2012 no 7E4690038

31/03/2013 31/07/2013 no 7E5513387

31/03/2014 31/07/2014 no 7E6384461

31/03/2015 31/07/2015 no 7E7288468

31/03/2016 31/07/2016 no 7E8158202

31/03/2017 31/07/2017 no 7E9245398

07 September 2017 AEST 08:31:05 AM 3 Current Company Extract MITSUI IRON ORE CORPORATION PTY. LTD. ACN 050 157 456


Note: Where no Date Processed is shown, the document in question has not been processed. In these instances care should be taken in using information that may be updated by the document when it is processed. Where the Date Processed is shown but there is a zero under No Pages, the document has been processed but a copy is not yet available.

Date received Form type Date Number of Effective Document processed pages date number

22/09/2014 388H (FR 2014) Financial 22/09/2014 39 31/03/2014 7E6384461 Report Financial Report - Large Proprietary Company That Is Not A Disclosing Entity

17/12/2014 484E Change To Company 17/12/2014 3 17/12/2014 7E6605548 Details Appointment Or Cessation Of A Company Officeholder

08/01/2015 484E Change To Company 08/01/2015 2 08/01/2015 7E6638406 Details Appointment Or Cessation Of A Company Officeholder

18/03/2015 484 Change To Company 18/03/2015 2 18/03/2015 7E6807982 Details 484B Change Of Registered Address 484C Change Of Principal Place Of Business (Address)

18/03/2015 484A2 Change To Company 18/03/2015 2 18/03/2015 7E6808267 Details Change Member Name Or Address

18/03/2015 484A2 Change To Company 18/03/2015 2 18/03/2015 7E6808451 Details Change Member Name Or Address

16/04/2015 484E Change To Company 16/04/2015 2 16/04/2015 7E6879781 Details Appointment Or Cessation Of A Company Officeholder

16/04/2015 484A1 Change To Company 16/04/2015 2 16/04/2015 7E6881069 Details Change Officeholder Name Or Address

16/04/2015 484E Change To Company 17/04/2015 2 16/04/2015 7E6881319 Details Appointment Or Cessation Of A Company Officeholder

16/04/2015 484E Change To Company 16/04/2015 2 16/04/2015 7E6881329 Details Appointment Or Cessation Of A Company Officeholder

16/04/2015 484E Change To Company 16/04/2015 3 16/04/2015 7E6881337 Details Appointment Or

07 September 2017 AEST 08:31:05 AM 4 Current Company Extract MITSUI IRON ORE CORPORATION PTY. LTD. ACN 050 157 456

Cessation Of A Company Officeholder

29/04/2015 484A1 Change To Company 29/04/2015 2 29/04/2015 7E6912212 Details Change Officeholder Name Or Address

10/08/2015 484A2 Change To Company 10/08/2015 2 10/08/2015 7E7203416 Details Change Member Name Or Address

09/09/2015 388H (FR 2015) Financial 09/09/2015 37 31/03/2015 7E7288468 Report Financial Report - Large Proprietary Company That Is Not A Disclosing Entity

23/12/2015 484E Change To Company 23/12/2015 2 23/12/2015 7E7584379 Details Appointment Or Cessation Of A Company Officeholder

04/01/2016 484E Change To Company 04/01/2016 2 04/01/2016 7E7592407 Details Appointment Or Cessation Of A Company Officeholder

05/04/2016 484E Change To Company 05/04/2016 3 05/04/2016 7E7844715 Details Appointment Or Cessation Of A Company Officeholder

14/07/2016 388H (FR 2016) Financial 14/07/2016 36 31/03/2016 7E8158202 Report Financial Report - Large Proprietary Company That Is Not A Disclosing Entity

22/09/2016 484A1 Change To Company 22/09/2016 2 22/09/2016 7E8371043 Details Change Officeholder Name Or Address

24/04/2017 484E Change To Company 24/04/2017 2 24/04/2017 7E8991507 Details Appointment Or Cessation Of A Company Officeholder

24/04/2017 484A1 Change To Company 24/04/2017 2 24/04/2017 7E8991741 Details Change Officeholder Name Or Address

01/06/2017 484E Change To Company 01/06/2017 3 01/06/2017 7E9110684 Details Appointment Or Cessation Of A Company Officeholder

11/07/2017 388H (FR 2017) Financial 11/07/2017 36 31/03/2017 7E9245398 Report Financial Report - Large Proprietary Company That Is Not A Disclosing Entity

***End of Extract of 5 Pages*** 07 September 2017 AEST 08:31:05 AM 5 Mining Area C / South Flank OHP3 C50K Biomax

Attachment 1C: Authorisation to act as representative of the occupier Not Required. Mining Area C / South Flank OHP3 C50K Biomax

Attachment 2A: Figure 1: Mining Area C / South Flank OHP3 C50K Biomax (MAC_004WA_001_RevA_0) 676000 680000 684000 688000 692000 696000 700000 704000 708000 712000


0 0 2.5 5 7.5 10 0 0 0 6 6 7 7 4 4

7 Kilometers 7

Legend MAC / SF Licence Boundary Facility 0 0 0 0 0 0

2 C50K Biomax 2 7 7 4 4 7 Dripper Field 7 Pipeline

Great Northern Highway 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 8 6 6 4 4

7 Packsaddle 7 Camp 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 4

6 Coondewanna 6 4 4 7 Airport 7

MAC - Yandi Rail Spur

0 Project Area 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 6 4 4 7 7

Mulla Mulla Camp 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 6 5 5 4 4 7 ENVIRONMENT A&I 7


0 ± 0 0 0

0 SCALE (A3): 1:100,000 DATUM: GDA94/MGA 50 0 2 2 5 5

4 FIGURE 1 4

7 Prepared: Chris Hopkins Revision: FINAL 7

Centre: Perth Date: 10 October 2019 Dwg: MAC_004WA_001_RevA_1

676000 680000 684000 688000 692000 696000 700000 704000 708000 712000 Mining Area C / South Flank OHP3 C50K Biomax

Attachment 2B: Figure 2: Design Drawing 45203-SK-550-G-0007 N






N 163800
















0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 45203-SK-550-G-0007.dgn 23/09/2019 4:12:55 PM Mining Area C / South Flank OHP3 C50K Biomax

Attachment 2C: Prescribed Premises Map Coordinates L7851/2002/6 Coordinates are in GDA 1994 MGA Zone 50.

Easting Northing 712590.75 7462459.17 712508.77 7456687.54 710277.01 7456486.03 710266.38 7455758.41 710266.85 7455758.31 710233.5 7453369.93 710131.29 7453371.36 709606.48 7453378.7 708981.44 7453387.44 708845.48 7453389.34 707633.79 7453406.28 707633.68 7453406.28 707627.14 7452936.3 706810.11 7452947.55 706793.6 7451750.11 706787.56 7451311.81 706695.85 7451312.18 706661.53 7451314.13 705967.68 7451358.75 705926.52 7451361.51 705912.81 7451362.54 705779.31 7451377.49 705772.06 7451378.8 703027.69 7451416.05 702358.68 7451425.13 699432.63 7451464.85 699188.67 7451468.16 697194.25 7451495.23 697051.47 7451497.17 697051.49 7451498.75 697059.42 7452132.49 696747.51 7452217.17 696775.04 7452363.13 696686.95 7452476.88 696686.55 7452477.33 696686.11 7452477.73 696685.63 7452478.08 696563.9 7452554.6 696549.47 7452563.67 696365.32 7452679.43 696364.7 7452679.76 696364.03 7452680.01 696363.34 7452680.16 696362.63 7452680.21 695962.41 7452682.11 695778 7452567.98 695766.91 7452561.12 695758.02 7452555.62 Mining Area C / South Flank OHP3 C50K Biomax

Easting Northing 695730.83 7452538.79 695710.59 7452546.66 695708.91 7452547.35 695708.16 7452547.6 695707.39 7452547.72 695706.6 7452547.73 695705.83 7452547.61 695705.08 7452547.38 695704.37 7452547.03 695704.36 7452547.03 695700.71 7452544.86 695700.01 7452544.36 695699.4 7452543.74 695698.9 7452543.03 695698.53 7452542.25 695698.3 7452541.42 695698.21 7452540.55 695698.27 7452539.69 695698.48 7452538.85 695698.82 7452538.06 695700.08 7452535.72 695700.47 7452535.11 695700.93 7452534.56 695701.47 7452534.09 695702.07 7452533.69 695702.72 7452533.38 695705.62 7452532.26 695590.8 7452531.2 694742.89 7452761.4 694624.43 7452812.15 694624.1 7452812.28 694623.6 7452812.41 694424.69 7452847.79 693884.84 7452994.36 693490.56 7452994.36 693468.82 7453012.39 693468.1 7453012.89 693462.82 7453013.73 693308.07 7453022.24 693307.23 7453022.22 693306.41 7453022.06 693305.62 7453021.76 693247.16 7452994.36 692389.27 7452994.36 692389.16 7452994.36 692051.79 7452994.36 691678.6 7452994.36 691678.49 7452994.36 689141.18 7452553.09 687873.63 7451752.53 Mining Area C / South Flank OHP3 C50K Biomax

Easting Northing 687886.3 7451953.19 687973.24 7452284.16 688060.18 7452615.14 688147.12 7452946.11 688171.97 7453224.82 688196.82 7453503.54 688139.32 7453752.82 688081.82 7454002.09 687934.07 7454244.89 687786.31 7454487.68 687592.86 7454652.41 687399.4 7454817.13 687041.72 7455065.43 686684.03 7455313.73 686326.34 7455562.03 685994.09 7455841.7 685711.5 7456159.77 685428.91 7456477.84 685146.32 7456795.91 684863.73 7457113.98 684678.33 7457516.87 684492.93 7457919.76 684547.1 7458245.75 684564.94 7458353.1 684636.94 7458786.45 681700.48 7458410.64 681703.32 7457531.9 680959.64 7456484.47 680029.15 7457832.15 679290.33 7461373.59 679925.47 7462328.07 683543.16 7462844.76 686786.67 7463107.01 686730.83 7463492.26 686674.99 7463877.51 686201.76 7464834.08 686617.78 7464879.93 687766.85 7465005.95 696589.23 7465975.99 699036.86 7466238.26 703440.24 7466719.9 703578.71 7466735.04 711429.57 7467594.83 712664.28 7467728.85 712661.83 7467553.17 712632.05 7465417.6 712617.15 7464350.4 712605.83 7463539.25 712590.75 7462459.17 Mining Area C / South Flank OHP3 C50K Biomax

Attachment 3A: Proposed Activities See Sections 1 to 6 and Attachment 2B. Mining Area C / South Flank OHP3 C50K Biomax

Attachment 3B: Map of Area Proposed to be cleared Not required Mining Area C / South Flank OHP3 C50K Biomax

Attachment 3C: Additional information for clearing assessment Not required Mining Area C / South Flank OHP3 C50K Biomax

Attachment 4: Biodiversity Surveys Not required Mining Area C / South Flank OHP3 C50K Biomax

Attachment 5A: Other Approvals: Ministerial Statement 1072 (Mining Area C / Southern Flank)

Mining Area C / South Flank OHP3 C50K Biomax

Attachment 5B: Other Approvals: Environmental Licence L7851/2002/6

Amendment Notice 2

Licence Number L7851/2002/6

Licence Holder BHP Billiton Iron Ore Pty Ltd

ACN 008 700 981

File Number DER2013/000925

Premises Mining Area C

Mining Tenement ML281SA and ML249SA NEWMAN WA 6753

Date of Amendment 16/10/2018

Amendment The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (DWER) has amended the above Licence in accordance with section 59 of the Environmental Protection Act 1986 (EP Act) as set out in this Amendment Notice. This Amendment Notice constitutes written notice of the amendment in accordance with section 59B(9) of the EP Act.

Alana Kidd Manager, Resource Industries an officer delegated under section 20 of the Environmental Protection Act 1986 (WA)

Licence: L7851/2002/6 IR-T08 Amendment Notice (Major) template v2.0 (July 2017) 1

Definitions and interpretation

Definitions In this Amendment Notice, the terms in Table 1 have the meanings defined. Table 1: Definitions

Term Definition

AACR Annual Audit Compliance Report

ACN Australian Company Number

AER Annual Environment Report

Category/ Categories/ categories of Prescribed Premises as set out in Schedule 1 of the Cat. EP Regulations

CEO means Chief Executive Officer. CEO for the purposes of notification means: Director General Department Administering the Environmental Protection Act 1986 Locked Bag 33 Cloisters Square PERTH WA 6850 [email protected]

Delegated Officer an officer under section 20 of the EP Act

Department means the department established under section 35 of the Public Sector Management Act 1994 and designated as responsible for the administration of Part V, Division 3 of the EP Act.

DWER Department of Water and Environmental Regulation

EPA Environmental Protection Authority

EP Act Environmental Protection Act 1986 (WA)

EP Regulations Environmental Protection Regulations 1987 (WA)

Existing Licence The Licence issued under Part V, Division 3 of the EP Act and in force prior to the commencement of and during this Review

GL/a gigalitre per annum

ha hectare

kL/year kilolitres per year

km kilometre

Licence: L7851/2002/6 IR-T08 Amendment Notice (Major) template v2.0 (July 2017) 2

Licence Holder BHP Billiton Iron Ore Pty Ltd Licensee

LV Light vehicle

mᶟ cubic metres

MAC Mining Area C

MAR Managed Aquifer Recharge

ML/day Megalitres per day

MS Ministerial Statement

mtpa million tonnes per annum

Noise Regulations Environmental Protection (Noise) Regulations 1997 (WA)

Occupier has the same meaning given to that term under the EP Act.

Prescribed Premises has the same meaning given to that term under the EP Act.

Premises refers to the premises to which this Decision Report applies, as specified at the front of this Decision Report.

Risk Event as described in Guidance Statement: Risk Assessment

TRH Total Recoverable Hydrocarbons

UDR Environmental Protection (Unauthorised Discharges) Regulations 2004 (WA)

µg/m3 micrograms per cubic metre

µS/cm micro Siemens per centimetre

WWTP Waste Water Treatment Plant

Licence: L7851/2002/6 IR-T08 Amendment Notice (Major) template v2.0 (July 2017) 3

Amendment Notice This amendment is made pursuant to section 59 of the Environmental Protection Act 1986 (EP Act) to amend the Licence issued under the EP Act for a prescribed premises as set out below. This notice of amendment is given under section 59B(9) of the EP Act. This notice is limited only to an amendment for Category 5, 6, 12, 54, 63, 73 and 89. The following guidance statements have informed the decision made on this amendment:  Guidance Statement: Regulatory Principles (July 2015)  Guidance Statement: Setting Conditions (October 2015)  Guidance Statement: Land Use Planning (February 2017)  Guidance Statement: Licence Duration (August 2016)  Guidance Statement: Decision Making (February 2017)  Guidance Statement: Risk Assessment (February 2017)  Guidance Statement: Environmental Siting (November 2016) Amendment description An amendment application was received on 31 January 2018 and updated information for the same application received from BHP on 13 February, 2 March 2018, 20 March 2018 and 19 July 2018. The amendments are:  Update to the Premises legal description to include new (approved) tenure.  Expansion of the approved L7851/2002/6 prescribed premises boundary to include the area subject to the future South Flank development.  Installation of a second screening plant to increase the capacity of the existing relocatable (ore) crushers.  An increase to Category 5 processing rate of 6Mtpa (from 65 Mtpa to 71 Mtpa).  Inclusion of the Juna Downs Managed Aquifer Recharge bores on the relevant Figure (Map) and updates to bore names.  Addition of two new discharge locations to the Central Sediment Basin D, to allow for the western infiltration zone of the Central Sediment Basin to dry out so that construction works can commence on the MAC rail loop duplication.  Addition of two new discharge locations the Western Sediment Basin, and increase the volume of mine dewater discharged to the Western Sediment Basin from 2,081,000 tpa to 10,950,000 tpa.  Addition of a new Premises Category (12) to allow for the operation of two 1 million tonne per annum capacity mobile crushing screening units to undertake South Flank early works. Operation of these plants is anticipated to commence in November 2018 and operate for a period between 18 months and three years, as required for the South Flank construction works.  A separate crushing and screening plant will also be operated under Category 12 to produce up to 130,000 tonnes per annum of stemming material used for blasting activities. A maximum of 2 Mtpa of material will be processed by the three mobile plants under Category 12.  Increase Category 63 inert waste disposal volume by 5,000tpa (from 9,000 tonnes to 14,000 tonnes) to account for an increase in inert waste resulting from the construction

Licence: L7851/2002/6 IR-T08 Amendment Notice (Major) template v2.0 (July 2017) 4

of the Southern Flank mining hub.  Increase in Category 73 fuel storage volume by 2,500m3 (3,500 m3 to 6,000 m3) to allow for the installation of additional 15 fuel bullets within the revised Premise boundary.  Construction and operation of a new Category 89 putrescible landfill, and increase Category 89 putrescible waste volume by 2,000tpa (from 3,000 tpa to 5,000 tpa) to account for an increase in putrescible waste resulting from the expansion of Mulla Mulla Village. A subsequent new licence amendment application was received on 2 May 2018 to add the following scope to the licence amendment assessment:  Incorporate construction requirements for the Mulla Mulla Village WWTP (W6092/2017/1) into L7851/2002/6.  Increase Category 54 approved throughput from 480 m3/day to 1,110 m3/day (increase of 630 m3/day) to include the throughput associated with the expanded Mulla Mulla Village WWTP throughput.  Addition of new effluent emission (reference points) for the two spray field locations associated with the Mulla Mulla Village WWTP.  Updates to Figures 1 and 3 for the inclusion of the Mulla Mulla Village WWTP location and effluent emission location (reference points). On 18 September 2018, BHP submitted compliance documentation for construction of the Mulla Mulla Village WWTP and irrigation areas, as required under Works Approval W6092/2017/1. According to the information provided, compliance with the construction requirements has been achieved. Noting that the Mulla Mulla Village WWTP and irrigation fields have been constructed, construction requirements are not required to be addressed under the Licence. However, conditions relating to the commissioning of the plant and operation at the cessation of commissioning will be included. Table 2 outlines the proposed changes to the Licence.

Licence: L7851/2002/6 IR-T08 Amendment Notice (Major) template v2.0 (July 2017) 5

Table 2: Proposed design or throughput capacity changes requested in amendment

Category Current Design Capacity Proposed Design Description of proposed Capacity amendment 65,000,000 tonnes per annual 71,000,000 tonnes per 5 period annual period Increase in ore processing

34,931,000 tonnes per annual 6 period - Maximum permissible discharge to Western Sediment Basin increased, however there is no change to the current overall design capacity.

12 - 2,000,000 tonnes per New category added to allow annum for the operation of two mobile crushing screening units for South Flank construction and one mobile plant for the production of stemming material.

54 480 m3/day 1,110 m3/day Increase of +630 m3/day throughout to allow for the operation of the Mulla Mulla Village WWTP under this licence

63 9,000 tonnes per annual 14,000 tonnes per annual To account for an increase in period period inert waste resulting from the construction of the Southern Flank mining hub

73 3,500 cubic metres in 6,000 cubic metres in To allow for the installation of aggregate aggregate an additional 15 fuel bullets within the revised Premise boundary

89 3,000 tonnes per annual 5,000 tonnes per annual To account for an increase in period period putrescible waste resulting from the expansion of Mulla Mulla Village

Licence: L7851/2002/6 IR-T08 Amendment Notice (Major) template v2.0 (July 2017) 6

Other approvals The Licence Holder has provided the following information relating to other approvals as outlined in Table 3. Table 3: Relevant approvals Legislation Approval and Reference Number Aspects Iron Ore (Mount ML281SA and ML249SA Tenure (State Agreement) Goldsworthy) Agreement Act 1964 State Agreement Project Proposals Detailed Proposals describing the proposed - in preparation at the time of this infrastructure and mining operations. assessment. Environment Strategic Environmental Matters of National Significance: Protection and Assessment Approval Notice Biodiversity dated 19 June 2017  Northern Quoll (Dasyrurus hallucatus); Conservation  Greater Bilby (Macrotis lagotis); Act 1999 (Cth)  Pilbara Leaf-nosed Bat (Rhinoicteris aurantia);  Pilbara Olive Python (Liasis olivaceus barroni); and  Ghost Bat (Macroderma gigas). Part IV of the Ministerial Statement - MS1072 Approval to implement revised proposal to mine the EP Act (WA) dated 20 February 2018 Mining Area C Northern Flank and Southern Flank orebodies.

Replaces former MS 491 which was for ‘Multiple Iron Ore Mine Development, Mining Area C – Northern Flank, 100 km north-west of Newman (Note: ‘Water usage and dewatering requirements’ was removed as a Part IV Key Characteristic in March 2014 as ‘conservation values are managed under the Life of Mine Environmental Management Plan; dewatering and discharge can be managed under other legislation’).’ Port. Rights in Water Groundwater Licence (GWL) Mining Area C- Up to 15,330,000 kilolitres per annum and Irrigation 110044(10) (kL/a) from Pilbara, Hamersley Fractured Rock aquifer Act 1914 (RIWI GWL178477(2) Juna Downs Borefield allocation of 750,000kL/a from Act) Wittenoom Aquifer GWL174613(1) Mulla Mulla Camp Borefield 50,000kL/a from Pilbara, Hamersley Fractured Rock aquifer

GWL166477(5) Up to 1,500,000 kL/a from Pilbara, Hamersley Fractured Rock aquifer GWL166389(1) Up to 1,500,000 kL/a from the Pilbara, Wittenoon – Wittenoom aquifer Dangerous Dangerous Goods Licence Facilities added to the manifest as required. Goods Safety DGS017237 Act 2004 Health Act 1914 Permit to install apparatus for the To construct a waste water treatment plant (WWTP). treatment of sewage to be submitted, in preparation as determined by schedule/site requirements. Permit to install apparatus for the treatment of sewage – Mulla Mulla Village WWTP – under assessment submitted 12 February 2018 Permit to operate apparatus for the To operate a WWTP. treatment of sewage – submission following construction, as required.

Licence: L7851/2002/6 IR-T08 Amendment Notice (Major) template v2.0 (July 2017) 7

Amendment history Table 4 provides the amendment history for L7851/2002/6. Table 4: Licence amendments

Instrument Issued Amendment

L7851/2002/6 17/11/2014 Licence reissue and amendment to new format template

L7851/2002/6 22/01/2014 Minor amendment

L7851/2002/6 7/04/2016 Licence amendment to update to template version 2.9

L7851/2002/6 29/09/2016 Licence amendment initiated by Licensee to increase Category 6 production capacity, approve construction of the Packsaddle Infiltration Ponds and MAC WTP, include Category 85B and include the Western and Central Sediment Basins as emission points to land

L7851/2002/6 5/10/2017 Amendment Notice 1 Licence amendment initiated by Licensee to increase Category 6 and Category 63 production capacity, approve construction of the Juna Downs MAR Scheme, approve construction and operation of a new WWTP spray field for the Mulla Mulla Camp and include associated monitoring conditions, include the light vehicle washdown bay as emission point to land along with associated monitoring conditions and expand the premises boundary

L7851/2002/6 16/10/2018 Amendment Notice 2 (this notice) Licence amendment initiated by Licensee to update to the Premises legal description to include new (approved) tenure, expand the approved L7851/2002/6 boundary, install a second screening plant to increase the capacity of the existing relocatable (ore) crushers, increase to Category 5 processing rate of 6Mtpa, amend reinjection bore nomenclature and amend associated figures, add four new dewatering discharge locations, add a new Premises Category (12) to allow for the operation of two 1 million tonne capacity mobile crushing screening units, increase Category 54 throughput from 480 m3/day to 1,110 m3/day (increase of +630 m3/day) in line with the Mulla Mulla Village WWTP throughput, incorporate construction requirements for the Mulla Mulla Village WWTP (W6092/2017/1) into L7851/2002/6, add new effluent emission (reference) points for the two spray field locations associated with the Mulla Mulla Village WWTP, increase Category 63 inert waste disposal volume by 5,000tpa to account for an increase in inert waste resulting from the construction of the Southern Flank mining hub, increase Category 73 fuel storage volume by 2,500m3 to allow for the installation of an additional 15 fuel bullets within the revised Premise boundary, increase Category 89 putrescible waste volume by 2,000tpa to account for an increase in putrescible waste resulting from the expansion of Mulla Mulla Village, approve the construction and operation of a new putrescible landfill, assess the increased discharge of mine dewater to the western sediment basin and increased the maximum discharge volume accordingly.

Location and receptors The Premise boundary of MAC (including the Southern Flank area) is located approximately 100 kilometres (km) north-west of the town of Newman in the Pilbara region of Western Australia. Tables 5 and 6 list the relevant sensitive land uses and specified ecosystems/environmental receptors in the vicinity of the Prescribed Premises which may be receptors relevant to the proposed amendment. This is in accordance with DWER’s Guidance Statement: Environmental Siting.

Licence: L7851/2002/6 IR-T08 Amendment Notice (Major) template v2.0 (July 2017) 8

Table 5: Receptors and distance from prescribed premises Sensitive Land Uses Approximate distance from the Approximate distance from the prescribed premises boundary nearest Category 5, Category 12, Category 54, Category 73 or Category 89 activities Great Northern Highway 100 m 5.5. km

Rio Tinto Iron Ore’s Hope Downs 1.5 km 6.5 km One Mining Operation and village Juna Downs Pastoral Station 28 km 42 km Homestead Marillana Pastoral Station 44 km 53 km

Town of Newman 100km 85 km

Figure 1: Indicative Category 12 mobile screening plant operating locations.

Licence: L7851/2002/6 IR-T08 Amendment Notice (Major) template v2.0 (July 2017) 9

Table 6: Specified ecosystems Specified ecosystems Distance from the proposed Approximate distance from the Premises boundary closest proposed Category 5, Category 12, Category 54, Category 73 or Category 89 activities PEC - Priority 3: Coondewanna 200 m Flats ((Coondewanna Flats and 5.5 km Wanna Munna Flats)* - Priority 3(i)) PEC - Priority 1: Weeli Wolli Spring 9 km Community 19 km PEC – Priority 1: West Angelas 11 km Cracking-Clays 17 km Threatened flora No species listed under the EPBC Act or the Wildlife Conservation Act 1950 are within the prescribed premises. Twelve flora species listed as priority flora by the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions occur within the premises boundary:  Acacia bromilowiana (Priority 4)  Aristida jerichoensis supsp. spinulifera (Priority 3).  Aristida lazaridis (Priority 2).  Eremophila magnifica subsp. magnifica (Priority 4).  Goodenia nuda: Priority 4.  Grevillea saxicola (Priority 3).  Nicotiana umbratica (Priority 3).  Rhagodia sp. Hamersley (M. Trudgen 17794) (Priority 3).  Rostellularia adscendens var. latifolia (Priority 3).  Sida sp. Barlee Range (S. van Leeuwen 1642) (Priority 3).  Themeda sp. Hamersley Station (M.E. Trudgen 11431): Priority 3.  Triodia sp. Mt Ella (M.E. Trudgen 12739) (Priority 3). Threatened fauna The development envelope contains large areas of suitable habitat for four species listed as vulnerable or endangered under both the Wildlife Conservation Act 1950 and the EPBC Act. These species are the Dasyurus hallucatus (Northern quoll), the Liasis olivaceus barroni (Pilbara olive python), the Rhinonicterus aurantia (Pilbara leafnosed bat), and the Macroderma gigas (Ghost Bat). The following significant fauna species have also been identified within the proposed prescribed premises boundary:  Anilios ganei, (Pilbara Flat-headed Blind-snake): DPaW Priority 1;  Apus pacificus (Fork-tailed Swift):EPBC Act Migratory, WC Act Schedule 5;  Falco hypoleucos (Grey Falcon): Schedule 3;  Falco peregrinus (Peregrine Falcon): WC Act Schedule 7;  Merops ornatus (Rainbow Bee-eater): EPBC Act Migratory, WC Act Schedule 5;  Pseudomys chapmani (Western Pebble-mound Mouse): DPaW Priority 4; and  Underwoodisaurus seorsus (Pilbara Barking Gecko): DPaW Priority 2. Nine major fauna habitats occur within the proposed prescribed premises. In addition to the major fauna habitats, significant habitat features, such as caves and waterholes have been recorded. Parks and Wildlife (now Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and The Juna Downs MAR scheme is located on Unallocated Crown Land Attractions) tenure (excluded from the Juna Downs Pastoral Lease in July 2015) and proposed to be added to the conservation reserve system, due to the occurrence of the Coondewanna Flats (Priority 3(i)) and Lake Robinson (Priority 1) Priority Ecological Communities (PEC) (Parks and Wildlife, 2017).

Other values

The majority of vegetation within the premises is considered to be good or better condition. Vegetation in areas

Licence: L7851/2002/6 IR-T08 Amendment Notice (Major) template v2.0 (July 2017) 10

of higher relief with restricted access to stock ranged from Excellent to Pristine. Vegetation on drainage lines and flood plains and areas where exploration activities have occurred or impacted by stock declines to very good to good.

Licence: L7851/2002/6 IR-T08 Amendment Notice (Major) template v2.0 (July 2017) 11

Risk assessment Tables 7 and 8 below describe the Risk Events associated with the amendment consistent with the Guidance Statement: Risk Assessments. Both tables identify whether the emissions present a material risk to public health or the environment, requiring regulatory controls. Table 7: Risk assessment for proposed amendments during construction and commissioning Risk Event Consequence Likelihood Potential Risk Reasoning Potential Potential Potential rating rating Source/Activities adverse emissions receptors pathway impacts

The nearest potential receptor is Hope Downs Village (mining camp), located approximately 6.5 km from the Category 5 and 12 prescribed activities.

The Licence Holder has committed to the watering of roads and cleared areas during site Category 5- Construction, preparation works for the installation of the Processing or mobilization and crushers, to minimize dust. Dust equipment will beneficiation positioning of be maintained in efficient operating condition, of metallic or additional Hope Downs routine maintenance and housekeeping will be non-metallic Dust Slight Unlikely Low screening plant Ore Mining Health and undertaken to avoid accumulation of waste ore for relocatable Operation and Air/wind Amenity materials that could lead to dust generation and

crusher; and village dispersion impacts employees and contractors will continue to be Category 12- three mobile inducted regarding importance of minimizing Screening, crushing and dust levels. etc. of screening plants material The Delegated Officer considers that the

separation distance between the source and

potential receptor is sufficient and adequate controls will be implemented to minimize dust emissions during construction.

The Delegated Officer considers that the separation distance between the source and Noise Slight Rare Low potential receptor is sufficient, the risk of noise impacts is low.

Licence: L7851/2002/6 IR-T08 Amendment Notice (Major) template v2.0 (July 2017) 12

Construction, mobilization and positioning of Dust Slight Rare Low the Mulla Mulla The Delegated Officer considers that the Hope Downs WWTP and separation distance between the source and Ore Mining Amenity construction of Air/wind potential receptor is sufficient. Construction Operation and impacts irrigation dispersion timeframes will be relatively short and any village 6.5 km sprayfields for emissions localized to the surrounding area. from premises disposal of Noise Slight Rare Low The risk of noise and dust impacts is low. treated wastewater

Prior to commissioning, the WWTP and delivery pipework will receive running raw water to detect leaks. An earthern bund will be constructed around the plant to contain any potential discharges during commissioning. Overtopping of Nutrient load Pipelines outside of WWTP will run tanks and impacts aboveground. Overflow piping will be installed discharging to native Category 54- on tanks, and connected to a common overflow untreated Soil, direct vegetation Sewage Soil and native drain pipe, which is directed to the overflow Commissioning sewage discharge and health, Slight Unlikely Low facility vegetation pond. A tank high level alarm will be installed of WWTP; (nutrient rich overland flows reduction is and tested for activation efficiency during untreated effluent) to soil quality commissioning. sewage land during resulting in

transferred via commissioning plants death These controls are adequate to manage the pipeline from risks associated with overtopping tanks Camp to WWTP discharging untreated sewage to ground, for treatment. impacting soil and vegetation. Treated waste

discharged to irrigation area. Wind/air dispersion Hope Downs The Delegated Officer considers that the

Human Ore Mining Impact to separation distance between the source and Physical exposure to Operation and human Slight Rare Low potential receptor is sufficient to prevent contact with contaminants village 6.5 km health impacts, the risk has been determined as low. exposed from premises wastewater

Treated Soil, direct Nutrient load The WWTP is designed and will be operated to Soil and native sewage discharge and and impacts Slight Unlikely Low ensure plant achieves expected treatment vegetation (nutrient rich overland flows to native quality. Monitoring and recording of system

Licence: L7851/2002/6 IR-T08 Amendment Notice (Major) template v2.0 (July 2017) 13

effluent) to vegetation flow rates using an automatic flow meter. land (irrigation health, Monthly water samples to confirm water quality. areas) during reduction in Pipelines from the WWTP to the irrigation area commissioning soil quality will run above ground to detect leaks/blockages resulting in and Mag/flow meter will be used to measure plants death volumes discharged to each irrigation area.

Wind/air Hope Downs dispersion The Delegated Officer considers that the Ore Mining separation distance between the source and Amenity Odour Operation and Physical Slight Rare Low potential receptor is sufficient to prevent odour impacts village 6.5 km contact with impacts occurring. from premises exposed wastewater Construction, The Delegated Officer considers that the mobilization and Hope Downs separation distance between the source and Category 73- positioning of 15 Ore Mining Amenity potential receptor is sufficient to prevent dust Bulk storage Air/wind fuel bullets with Dust Operation and impacts Slight Rare Low impacts occurring. of chemicals, dispersion combined village 6.5 km etc storage capacity from premises of 2,500m3 The Delegated Officer considers that the Construction of Hope Downs separation distance between the source and Category 89- a new 5,000 tpa Ore Mining Amenity potential receptor is sufficient to prevent dust Air/wind Putrescible putrescible Dust Operation and impacts Slight Rare Low impacts occurring. Clearing will be minimized dispersion landfill site landfill to replace village 6.5 km and water carts will be used to minimize dust as existing facility from premises appropriate.

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Table 8: Risk assessment for proposed amendments during operation Risk Event Consequence Likelihood Potential Risk Reasoning Potential Potential Potential rating rating Source/Activities adverse emissions receptors pathway impacts Category 5 premises production capacity increased to 71 Mtpa and the new Category 12 premises production capacity of 2 Mtpa – dust emissions from the premises may increase.

The Delegated Officer notes the Department’s Guidance Statement, Risk Assessments (DWER, 2016a) stipulates that in identifying potential receptors, the Department will exclude employees, visitors, or contractors of the Licence Holder, as protection of these parties often Category 5- involves different exposure risks and Processing Hope Downs prevention strategies, and is provided for or Operation of Ore Mining under other State legislation. The Dust, beneficiation additional Operation Delegated Officer has identified Hope predominantly of metallic or screening plant and village Amenity and Downs Village and the Great Northern particulates non-metallic for relocatable 6.5 km Air/wind health Highway road users as sensitive receptors PM10 and TSP Slight Unlikely Low ore crusher; and dispersion impacts most at risk of being impacted by associated with three mobile Great operational dust emissions from the ore additional ore Category 12- crushing and Northern processing (Category 5) and crushing and handling Screening, screening plants Highway screening (Category 12). etc. of road users material The proposed Category 12 screening plants will operate from within five indicative locations (Figure 1) on the Premises, although if operated outside of these areas will remain at least 1 km of the premises boundary at all times. Figure 1 indicates there is approximately 5.5 km between the closest screening plant location and the Great Northern Highway. The separation distance between the Category 5 and 12 activities and Hope Downs Village is approximately 6.5 km.

On 13 July 2018 Works Approval

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W6142/2018/1 for the Mining Area C – Southern Flank project was approved by DWER. Construction of Southern Flank will increase the Category 5 production capacity at MAC to 150 Mtpa. As part of the application for Southern Flank and increase to 150 Mtpa, BHP Billiton commissioned Pacific Environment Limited (PEL) to conduct air quality modelling to determine potential impacts to Hope Downs village and users of the Great Northern Highway from dust at the increased rate of production.

The study included the assessment of dust particles as particulate matter smaller than 10 microns (µm) in diameter (PM10) and Total Suspended Particles (TSP). The modelling was conducted for a number of scenarios to assess the ground-level impact of the emissions from existing MAC operations and South Flank. The modelled scenarios utilized the year of mining with the highest movement of tonnes of ore and waste in the closest proximity to the sensitive receptors, as a worst case scenario.

The model predicted (PEL, 2016) that a 15 km section of the Great Northern Highway is at high risk of reduced visibility (visibility up to 1 km) for up to 12 % of the time. Vehicle closing speeds are 220 km per hour.

With respect to Hope Downs village, the model predicted a highest PM10 (24-hour) concentration at Hope Downs village of 77 µg/m3, with two exceedances over 50 µg/m3 for the year.

The standard and goal for particles as PM10 as outlined in Schedule 1 of the National Environment Protection (Ambient

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Air Quality) Measure (NEPM) is 50 µg/m3 averaged over 1 day, with no exceedances.

The Delegated Officer notes that NEPM provides a national framework for all Australian jurisdictions to monitor and publicly report on common ambient air pollutants.

The NEPM guidance publications including the Explanatory Statement clearly outline the application of the NEPM and identify that the imposition of NEPM ambient air quality standards as boundary or compliance limits is not consistent with the aims and intent of the NEPM. The NEPM sets national air quality standards and goals for six common ambient air pollutants, including PM10. They are based on health evidence of the impacts of air pollutants available at the time the standards are set; and are designed to provide protection to people from the pollutants’ adverse human health effects. The standards are also designed to be realistically achievable in the different Australian jurisdictions with a focus on large urban areas, where the majority of Australia’s population resides.

The NEPM aims to guide policy formulation that allows for the adequate protection of human health and wellbeing. It does not compel or direct pollution control measures, or set penalties for non- compliance. (Department of Environment and Energy, 2018). DWER supports the implementation of the NEPM in Western Australia by maintaining an air quality monitoring network and providing air quality data and reporting. Where appropriate, DWER uses NEPM

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goals to assess risks to public health and set emission limits. The NEPM requires participating jurisdictions to undertake nationally consistent monitoring and reporting activities that support the formulation of air quality management policies. NEPM monitoring protocols provide guidance to jurisdictions on monitoring population exposure to air pollution.

NEPM standards are health based. The standards in the NEPM are not intended to be applied as an environmental standard by jurisdictional environmental regulators without consideration of regulatory impacts. Section 7 of the National Environment Protection Council Act 1994 allow jurisdictions to implement the NEPM by such laws and other arrangements as are necessary. The implementation of the NEPM does not preclude jurisdictions from adopting tighter or complementary standards or goals for their own policy or regulatory purposes. In doing this, jurisdictions may utilise a risk-based approach in determining environmental standards appropriate for their own circumstances or conditions, along with improvement strategies for regulated and non-regulated sources and exposure reduction strategies.

The NEPM provides for DWER; the responsibility to manage, and where appropriate to regulate, air quality to achieve protection of human health. It does not obligate DWER to ensure that PM10 emissions do not at any time or in any location, exceed the criteria intended to protect population health.

NEPM implementation guidance is

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understood and implemented by experts in air quality management within DWER. This guidance provides for regulation of individual premises in order to meet the measure in populated areas but specifically states that the measure is not suitable for use as a boundary or compliance limit in regard to those individual premises.

The Delegated Officer notes that the dust modelling for South Flank has predicted an exceedance of the NEPM for PM10. It is acknowledged however, that the dust modelling for South Flank was undertaken for a significantly higher production rate (150 mtpa) than what is being assessed via this Licence amendment (6 Mtpa increase).

The Delegated Officer considers that the increase in production from 65 Mtpa to 71 Mtpa, and the addition of the two 1 Mtpa mobile crushing and screening plants approved under this Licence amendment, is unlikely to result in a significant increase in dust experienced at Hope Downs Village, or result in a reduction of visibility for the users of the Great Northern Highway.

The Licence Holder will also be implementing dust controls to minimize emissions. Licence Holder controls on the relocatable crusher include the use of water sprays on the feed hopper, conveyor transfers and stackers; and use of water sprays at stockpile reclamation and train load out operations.

Dust equipment will be maintained in efficient operating condition, routine maintenance and housekeeping will be undertaken to avoid accumulation of waste

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materials that could lead to dust generation and employees and contractors will be inducted regarding importance of minimizing dust levels.

The two mobile category 12 crushing plants will be fitted with spray nozzles to control dust emissions and water carts will be used to control dust from mobile plant movements and stockpile handling.

The separation distances of the Category 5 and 12 activities from the sensitive receptors, in addition to the proposed controls are deemed sufficient to manage the risk from dust.

Consequence: There will be minimal impacts to amenity at a local scale and minimal on-site environmental impact. The consequence of dust has been determined to be slight.

Likelihood: The risk will probably not occur in most circumstances. The likelihood of the consequence has been determined as unlikely.

Overall risk rating: Comparison of the consequence and likelihood ratings described above with the Risk Rating Matrix (Guidance Statement, Risk Assessments 2017) determines the overall rating of risk of health and amenity impacts to be low.

The Delegated Officer considers that the separation distance between the source and potential receptor is sufficient to Noise Slight Unlikely Low prevent noise impacts occurring.

The Licence Holder will install silenced crushing equipment and power packs,

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where possible and maintain exhaust silencers on stationary and mobile equipment.

The separation discharge, in addition to the proposed controls are deemed sufficient to manage the risk from noise.

Consequence: Given the distance to the nearest sensitive receptor, there will be minimal impacts to amenity. The consequence has been determined as slight.

Likelihood: The risk will probably not occur in most circumstances. The likelihood of the consequence has been determined as unlikely.

Overall risk rating: Comparison of the consequence and likelihood ratings described above with the Risk Rating Matrix (Guidance Statement, Risk Assessments 2017) determines the overall rating of risk of health and amenity impacts to be low. Increase in mine Direct Native Direct Inundation of Slight Unlikely Low Western Sediment Basin dewater discharge of vegetation discharge of vegetation, Trials carried out indicate that discharged discharge to the mine dewater mine impacts to water is infiltrating through the surface Western via designated dewater plant health sediments downstream of the F Deposit Sediment Basin emission points Discharge Point, and within a few days, and operation of making its way to the water table two additional approximately 60 mbgl. These trials also discharge points demonstrated that the wetting footprint will Category 6- to the same. not extend beyond the Western Sediment Mine Basin, thereby minimizing impacts to dewatering Two additional vegetation in the area. Based on the mine dewater outcome of these trials, detrimental discharge points impacts to vegetation are unlikely to be to the Central observed. Sediment Basin D. Central Sediment Basin Areas within the discharge locations have been cleared, and new discharge points

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will be within an existing drainage line/sediment basin. The volume of water discharged to the area will not increase.

It is unlikely that the discharge of mine dewater to these locations will impact on vegetation health. In the case of the Western Sediment Basin, the wetting footprint will be maintained within the basin area. The Central Sediment Basin area has been cleared, and discharge will occur within an existing drainage line.

Consequence: Onsite impacts to native vegetation at a local scale will be minimal, therefore the consequence has been determined as slight.

Likelihood: The risk of vegetation being effected by dewatering discharge, particularly by increasing discharge to the Western Sediment Basin, could occur at some time. The likelihood has been determined as possible.

Overall risk rating: Comparison of the consequence and likelihood ratings described above with the Risk Rating Matrix (Guidance Statement, Risk Assessments 2017) determines the overall rating of risk of environmental impacts to be low.

Groundwater Infiltration Alteration of Minor Possible Medium As described above, the trials for increased into groundwater discharge to the Western Sediment Basin groundwater quality and indicate that discharge water rapidly groundwater infiltrates, reaching groundwater within a levels, few days. It is conducted away from the potentially discharge area within the regional aquifer impacting system. Groundwater quality is vegetation reasonable, with total dissolved solids concentration of 500-1,000mg/L. Mine

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dewater will be infiltrating back into the regional aquifer system from which it was sourced and contamination of mine dewater following abstraction is unlikely. The Licence Holder will monitor groundwater levels in the area, and have alternative mine dewater disposal options (reinjection, infiltration ponds etc) which can be used if required. Based on the anticipated water quality and mine dewater management at MAC, risks to groundwater from increased discharge to the Western Sediment Basin can be sufficiently managed.

Consequence: Low level onsite impacts to groundwater are expected as a result of the increase of mine dewater discharge to the Western Sediment Basin, and additional discharge points to the Central Sediment Basin. The consequence is determined to be minor.

Likelihood: The risk of groundwater being effected by dewatering discharge, particularly by increasing discharge to the Western Sediment Basin, could occur at some time. The likelihood has been determined as possible.

Overall risk rating: Comparison of the consequence and likelihood ratings described above with the Risk Rating Matrix (Guidance Statement, Risk Assessments 2017) determines the overall rating of risk of environmental impacts to be medium.

Pipeline failure Native Direct Inundation of Slight Possible Low Leaks are detected by reconciling mass vegetation discharge of vegetation, balance between input and outputs. mine impacts to Flowmeters are located on input and dewater plant health output locations and used to identify depending potential losses from the system. The

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on quality of Delegated Officer notes the pipelines will water and be conveying excess mine dewater with an volume anticipated total dissolved solid discharged. concentration of 500-1,000 mg/L. Based on the anticipated water quality and operator controls, the risks from unplanned discharges are sufficiently managed.

Consequence: Minimal onsite impacts to vegetation could occur. The consequence is therefore determined to be slight.

Likelihood: The risk of vegetation being effected by an unplanned release of mine dewater will probably not occur in most circumstances. The likelihood has been determined as unlikely.

Overall risk rating: Comparison of the consequence and likelihood ratings described above with the Risk Rating Matrix (Guidance Statement, Risk Assessments 2017) determines the overall rating of risk of environmental impacts to be low.

Discharge to Treated Soil and Direct Nutrient load Slight Possible Low The WWTP is designed and will be land: treated sewage native discharge to and impacts operated to ensure plant achieves sewage applied (nutrient rich vegetation land and on native expected treatment quality. Monitoring to native effluent) to land overland vegetation and recording of system flow rates using an vegetation using flows health, automatic flow meter. Monthly water reticulated reduction in samples to confirm water quality. Pipelines Category 54- sprinklers soil quality from the WWTP to the irrigation area will Sewage resulting in run above ground to detect facility plant death leaks/blockages and Mag/flow meter will be used to measure volumes discharged to each irrigation area.

Consequence: Minimal onsite impacts to vegetation are likely to occur. The consequence is determined to be slight.

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Likelihood: Vegetation and soil health effects could occur at some time. The likelihood has been determined as possible.

Overall risk rating: Comparison of the consequence and likelihood ratings described above with the Risk Rating Matrix (Guidance Statement, Risk Assessments 2017) determines the overall rating of risk of environmental impacts to be low. Odour Hope Downs Air/wind Amenity Slight Rare Low The Delegated Officer considers that the Ore Mining dispersion separation distance between the source Operation and potential receptor is sufficient to and village prevent odour impacts occurring. 6.5 km Infrastructure and Nutrient rich Soil and Direct Contaminatio Slight Unlikely Low The WWTP tanks are equipped with Top of influent pipework: influent native discharge to n of soil and Water and Below Water Levels vegetation land impact on transducers and sensors, alarms and WWTP vegetation forward pumps to transfer water from one (containing health and tank to another should there be a risk of untreated growth overflow. Also, the proposed new WWTP influent) tanks resulting in will be installed on an earthen pad and will overtopping/overf plant death. be surrounded by an earthen bund to low from tanks contain potential overflows from the and rupture or WWTP tanks. failure on pipeline route Consequence: Minimal onsite impacts to soil and native vegetation would occur as a result of an unplanned release of effluent. The consequence is determined to be slight.

Likelihood: The risk is considered that it will not occur in most circumstances. The likelihood has been determined as unlikely

Overall risk rating: Comparison of the consequence and likelihood ratings described above with the Risk Rating Matrix (Guidance Statement,

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Risk Assessments 2017) determines the overall rating of risk of environmental impacts to be low.

Chemical Chemicals Soil and Direct Contaminatio Slight Rare Low Chemicals used for treatment are in small storage: chlorine, discharged to native discharge to n of soil and volumes and will be stored in fully enclosed phosphorus land vegetation land soil microbes internally bunded steel enclosures with precipitant agent and impact restricted access and lockable doors, and polymers on located within the WWTP compound. vegetation health and General provisions of the Act and growth Environmental Protection (Unauthorised resulting in Discharges) Regulations 2004 are plant death applicable.

Consequence: Minimal onsite impacts would occur as a result of a chemical spill at the WWTP due to small volumes stored and containment. The consequence is determined to be slight.

Likelihood: The risk is considered that it would only occur in exceptional circumstances. The likelihood has been determined as rare.

Overall risk rating: Comparison of the consequence and likelihood ratings described above with the Risk Rating Matrix (Guidance Statement, Risk Assessments 2017) determines the overall rating of risk of environmental impacts to be low.

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Vehicle Dust Hope Downs Air/wind Amenity Slight Rare Low The Delegated Officer considers that the movements on Ore Mining dispersion impacts separation distance between the source unsealed roads Operation and potential receptor is sufficient to and village prevent dust impacts occurring. 6.5 km Intermittent use of the landfill reduces the Category 63- likelihood of dust emissions impacting Class I inert receptor. landfill site Increase in inert Windblown Terrestrial Direct Visual Slight Rare Low Existing licence condition required wind- waste disposal waste entering environment, discharge to amenity, blown waste to be contained within the the including land impacts to boundary of the premises, and for wind- environment fauna habitat flora and blown waste to be returned to the tipping fauna area on at least a monthly basis.

Operation of 12 Contaminated Slight Possible Low The Licence Holder is required to store new fuel bullets, stormwater hydrocarbons in accordance with increasing total runoff Australian Standard 1940-2004 The combined Hydrocarbon Contaminatio Slight Possible Low storage and handling of flammable and premises storage spills to ground n of soil and combustible liquids. Category 73- capacity to Soil and surface Direct Bulk storage 6,000m3 minor water The Licence Holder is responsible for discharge to of chemicals, watercourse drainage ensuring compliance with the land etc s with abovementioned standard, which includes hydrocarbon provisions for ensuring spills are attended s to immediately. The provisions of the Environmental Protection (Unauthorised Discharges) Regulations 2004 also apply.

Operation of Leachate Soil and Infiltration of Contaminatio Slight Rare Low Depth to groundwater at the proposed putrescible groundwater leachate n of soil and landfill site is approximately 40m and the landfill with an through soil groundwater nearest drainage line is approximately 250 increased design profile and from m away. Depth to groundwater and capacity of into elevated distance to surface water drainage is 5,000tpa groundwater nutrients and adequate to prevent impacts to ground Category 89- other water and surface water. Putrescible contaminant landfill site s. Licence L7851/2002/6 requires at least 2m between the base of landfill and the highest groundwater level, and for putrescible waste to be covered as soon as practicable, but not longer than a week after waste is deposited. These licence

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controls are considered adequate to prevent impacts to groundwater and surface water.

Odour Hope Downs Air/wind Amenity Slight Rare Low The Delegated Officer considers that the Ore Mining dispersion impacts separation distance between the source Operation and potential receptor is sufficient to and village prevent odour impacts occurring. 6.5 km

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Decision Condition 1.2.2 has been amended to increase the waste acceptance quantity limits for inert waste, putrescible waste and sewage. Condition 1.2.10, which specifies the premises production or design capacity limits, and the prescribed premises category table (page 1 of Licence) have been amended as follows:  The approved premises production capacity for Category 5 has been increased from 65 Mtpa to 71 Mtpa to allow for the operation of the additional screen on the existing 6 Mtpa crusher, once installed.  Category 12 has been included as a prescribed activity with a design capacity of 2 Mtpa to allow for the operation of three mobile crushing and screening units to produce coarse aggregate during site upgrade works and stemming material for blasting activities.  The approved premises design capacity for Category 54 has been increased from 480 m3/day to 1,110 m3/day (increase of 630 m3/day) to include the throughput associated with the Mulla Mulla Village WWTP, once constructed.  The approved premises design capacity for Category 63 inert waste disposal volume from 9,000 tpa to 14,000 tpa to account for an increase in inert waste resulting from the construction of the Southern Flank mining hub.  The approved premises design capacity for Category 73 has been increased from 3,500 m3 to 6,000 m3 to allow for the operation of fifteen additional fuel bullets across the site, once installed.  The approved premises design capacity for Category 89 has been increased from 3,000 tpa to 5,000 tpa to allow for the operation of the new putrescible landfill once constructed, which will receive increased waste from the operation of the expanded Mulla Mulla camp. Condition 1.2.13 has been amended to include infrastructure specification requirements for the new Metso TS5.2 screen on the existing 6 Mtpa crusher, two new relocatable crushing and screening plants, the new putrescible landfill, the four additional mine dewater discharge points (Central and Western Sediment Basins), and to update the Juna Downs reinjection bore names. Conditions 1.2.17, 1.2.18, 1.2.19. 1.2.20 and 1.2.21 have been included in the Licence to allow for the operation of the new screening plant, the new discharge points to the Central and Western Sediment Basins, putrescible landfill and three mobile crushing and screening plants, following the submission of compliance documentation required under Condition 4.3.1. Condition 1.2.22 and 1.2.23 have been included in the Licence to require a three month commissioning period for the Mulla Mulla Camp WWTP and specify the process monitoring requirements during the commissioning period. Conditions 2.2.1, 2.2.2, 2.2.3 and 3.2.1 have been amended to reflect changes to the Juna Downs MAR reinjection bore names. Condition 2.3.1 has been amended to include the additional discharge points to the Central and Western Sediment Basin, and to make updates to emission points L4 and L5 to allow for discharge of treated wastewater from overflow of evaporation ponds, outside of extreme rainfall events. Condition 3.3.1 has been amended to include the Central and Western Sediment Basin

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emission points as monitoring locations under this condition. Condition 4.2.1 has been amended to require the reporting of monitoring results from the Central and Western Sediment Basins in the Annual Environmental Report. Condition 4.2.3 has been amended to require the submission of the commissioning report for the Mulla Mulla Camp WWTP. Consistent with the requirements of Works Approval W6092/2017/1, the commissioning report shall be submitted within 30 days of the completion of commissioning. Requirements for the commissioning report have been included in amended Table 4.3.2 of the Licence. Condition 4.3.1 has been amended to require the submission of a compliance document for each of the proposed new works (screening plant, three mobile crushing and screening plants, mine dewater discharge points and putrescible landfill). Licence Holder’s comments The Licence Holder was provided with the draft Amendment Notice on 21 September 2018. Comments received from the Licence Holder have been considered by the Delegated Officer as shown in Appendix 2.


1. The prescribed premises category table on Page 1 of the Licence is amended by the deletion of the text shown in strikethrough below and the insertion of the bold text shown in underline below:

Category Approved Premises Category Category description production or production or number design capacity design capacity 5 Processing or beneficiation of metallic or non- 50,000 tonnes or 65,000,000 metallic ore: premises on which – more per year 71,000,000 tonnes (a) Metallic or non-metallic ore is per Annual Period crushed, ground, milled or otherwise processed; (b) Tailings from metallic or non-metallic ore are reprocessed; or Tailings or residue from metallic or non-metallic ore are discharged into a containment cell or dam. 6 Mine dewatering: premises on which water is 50,000 tonnes or 34,931,000 tonnes extracted and discharged into the environment more per year per Annual Period to allow mining of ore. 12 Screening, etc. of material: premises (other 50,000 tonnes 2,000,000 tonnes than premises within category 5 or 8) on or more per per Annual Period which material extracted from the ground is year screened, washed, crushed, ground, milled, sized or separated 54 Sewage facility: premises – 100 m3 or more 480 1,110 m3 per day (a) on which sewage is treated (excluding per day septic tanks); or (b) From which treated sewage is discharged onto land or into waters. 63 Class I inert landfill site: premises on which 500 tonnes or 9,000 14,000 tonnes waste (as determined by reference to the more per year per Annual Period waste type set out in the document entitled “Landfill Waste Classification and Waste Definitions 1996” published by the Chief Executive Officer and as amended from time to time) is accepted for burial. 73 Bulk storage of chemicals etc.: premises on 1 000 m3 in 3 500 6,000 m3 in which acids, alkalis or chemicals that – aggregate aggregate

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(a) contain at least one carbon to carbon bond; and (b) Are liquid at STP (standard temperature and pressure), are stored. 85B Water desalinisation plant: premises at which 0.50 gigalitres or 0.9125 gigalitres per salt is extracted from water if waste water is more per year Annual Period discharged onto land or into waters (other than marine waters) 89 Putrescible landfill site: premises on which More than 20 but 3 000 5,000 tonnes waste (as determined by reference to the less than 5 000 per Annual Period waste type set out in the document entitled tonnes per year “Landfill Waste Classification and Waste Definitions 1996” published by the Chief Executive Officer, as amended from time to time) is accepted for burial.

2. Condition 1.2.2 of the Licence is amended by the deletion of the text shown in strikethrough below and the insertion of the bold text shown in underline below:

The Licensee shall only accept waste onto the inert landfill, putrescible landfills, Rubber/Tyre Dump and sewage treatment plants, shown on the maps in Schedule 1, if: (a) it is of a type listed in Table 1.2.1; (b) the quantity accepted is below any quantity limit listed in Table 1.2.1; and (c) it meets any specification listed in Table 1.2.1.

Table 1.2.1: Waste acceptance Waste type Quantity limit Specification 1 Inert Waste Type 1 9 000 14,000 None specified Inert Waste Type 2 tonnes/year Tyres, rubber and plastic only Putrescible Waste 3 000 5,000 None specified Clean Fill tonnes/year None specified Accepted through sewer inflow(s) only.

Packsaddle WWTP Pond System, flow Sewage 480 1,110 m3/day recorded as inflow

All Biomax WWTPs, flow recorded at outflow Note 1: Additional requirements for the acceptance of controlled waste (including asbestos and tyres) are set out in the Environmental Protection (Controlled Waste) Regulations 2004.

3. Condition 1.2.10 of the Licence is amended by the deletion of the text shown in strikethrough below and the insertion of the bold text shown in underline below:

The Licensee shall ensure the limits specified in Table 1.2.4 are not exceeded.

Table 1.2.4 Production or design capacity limits Category1 Category description1 Premises production or design capacity limit Processing or beneficiation of 65,000,000 71,000,000 tonnes of ore 5 metallic or non-metallic ore per annual period 34,931,000 tonnes per Annual Period total, being: 6 Mine dewatering  5,840,000 tonnes per Annual Period reinjection – Deposit A

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 2,081,000 10,950,000 tonnes per Annual Period (discharged to the Western Sediment Basin)  8,760,000 tonnes per Annual Period (discharged to the Central Sediment Basin)  10,950,000 tonnes per Annual Period (discharged to the Packsaddle Infiltration Ponds)  7,300,000 tonnes per Annual Period (reinjection – Juna Downs) 2,000,000 tonnes per Annual 12 Screening, etc. of material Period

3,500 6,000 cubic metres in 73 Bulk storage of chemicals, etc aggregate

85B Water desalinisation plant 0.9125 gigalitres per Annual Period

Note 1: Environmental Protection Regulations 1987, Schedule 1.

4. Condition 1.2.13 of the Licence is amended by the deletion of the text shown in strikethrough below and the insertion of the bold text shown in underline below:

The Licensee must not depart from the specifications in Column 1 and 2 for the infrastructure in each row of Table 1.2.7 except: a) where such departure is minor in nature and does not materially change or affect the infrastructure; or b) where such departure improves the functionality of the infrastructure and does not increase risks to public health, public amenity or the environment; and is in accordance with all other conditions of this Licence.

Table 1.2.7: Infrastructure to be constructed Infrastructure Specifications (design and construction)

Packsaddle Infiltration Ponds 1) Pond construction  Three infiltration ponds, 80 metres wide, 500 metres long, 0.5 metres in depth, each pond comprising of four basins  High level alarms installed on each pond  Stock proof fencing erected around perimeter of each pond 2) Water conveyance Polyethylene pipeline approximately 7 kilometres in length from the E Deposit Turkey’s Nest to convey excess mine dewater to the infiltration ponds, using diesel pumps 3) Groundwater Installation of groundwater monitoring bore MB1 monitoring Mining Area C Water Treatment Plant 1) Water treatment plant Installation of a nano-filtration water treatment plant, in two stages:  Stage1: Construction of a 0.584 gigalitre per annum water treatment plant; and  Stage 2: Expansion of the Stage 1 facility to a 0.9125 gigalitre per annum water treatment plant.

Water treatment plant to comprise of:  Two raw water tanks, Tank A and Tank B;  Two Waste tanks, TK1000A and TK10000B;  Two chlorination buildings;

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 Five nano-filtration trains;  Multimedia filters;  Building to contain sulphuric acid, antiscalant, sodium metasulphate, ferric chloride and sodium hydroxide;  One chlorine contact tank, CCT100000;  Two product water tanks, TK10005A and TK10005B;  Control room and laboratory. 2) Irrigation area  Construction of a 7.4 hectare irrigation area, comprising of Wobbler xcel 4.76 millimetres sprays.  Stock proof fencing erected around perimeter of irrigation area  Juna Downs MAR scheme  Reinjection bores  Construction of injection bores with flow meters installed; HGSL0005, HGSL0006, HGSL0014 and HGSL0015 as per location on Attachment 1 of this Amendment Notice 1;  Construction of two additional bores named HGSL0016 and HGSL0017 (including flowmeters) located within the green area demarcated ‘Indicative Area for New Bore’ as per Attachment 1 of this Amendment Notice 1

 Water conveyance Approximately 22 km of polyethylene pipe

 Mulla Mulla Camp WWTP sprayfield  Spray irrigation heads: 24 sprinklers at ~34m spacing  Perimeter fencing for an area of 3.047ha  110dia HDPE, PE100 PN12.5 pipework, protected and buried in a trench with sand bedding with a depth of cover of 900mm in areas subject to vehicular traffic and 750mm in areas not subject to vehicular traffic.  New screening plant to expand the 6 million tonne per annum relocatable crusher  Installation of one additional Metso TS5.2 screen at the 6 million tonnes per annum crusher to increase its capacity to 12 million tonnes per annum, with the following dust control infrastructure to be installed and maintained:  Dust hoods on bins;  Sprays on all transfer points and conveyors; and  Sprinkler system on plant infrastructure. Central Sediment Basin Construction of two new discharge points (L16 & L17) for the Central New discharge points Sediment Basin Western Sediment Basin Construction of two new discharge points (L15 & L19) for the Western New discharge points Sediment Basin  Putrescible landfill  Construction of four (4) landfill trenches measuring 200 metres in length, 25 metres in width and 2.5 metres in depth;  Windrows constructed along the southern and eastern boundary of the landfill facility to direct stormwater away from the trenches; and  Perimeter fencing erected and maintained around active landfill trenches.

Two mobile crushing and  Construction, mobilization and installation of two, one million screening plants for tonne per annum capacity mobile crushing and screening South Flank construction plants;  Fitted with spray nozzles to minimize dust emissions at the head drum, discharge point of the main conveyor and at the feed point;  Stormwater infrastructure (earthen bunds) constructed as required to prevent stormwater ingress into the mobile crushing and screening plants operational areas;  Located at least 50 metres from drainage lines. 

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One mobile crushing and  Construction, mobilization and installation of one mobile screening plant for crushing and screening plant with a maximum annual stemming material throughput of 130,000 tonnes; production  Fitted with dust sprays and dust covers at the head drum and discharge point of the main conveyor and at the feed point;  Stormwater infrastructure (earthen bunds) constructed as required to prevent stormwater ingress into the mobile crushing and screening plants operational areas; and  Located at least 50 metres from drainage lines.

5. The Licence is amended by the insertion of the following Condition 1.2.17:

The Licensee shall operate the new screening plant and associated relocatable crusher at the new 12 million tonne per annum capacity in accordance with the conditions of this Licence, following submission of the compliance document required under Condition 4.3.1.

6. The Licence is amended by the insertion of the following Condition 1.2.18:

The Licensee shall operate the two new discharge points (L16 and L17) for the Central Sediment Basin in accordance with the conditions of this Licence, following submission of the compliance document required under Condition 4.3.1.

7. The Licence is amended by the insertion of the following Condition 1.2.19:

The Licensee shall operate the two new discharge points (L15 and L19) for the Western Sediment Basin in accordance with the conditions of this Licence, following submission of the compliance document required under Condition 4.3.1.

8. The Licence is amended by the insertion of the following Condition 1.2.20:

The Licensee shall operate the new putrescible landfill in accordance with the conditions of this Licence, following submission of the compliance document required under Condition 4.3.1.

9. The Licence is amended by the insertion of the following Condition 1.2.21:

The Licensee shall operate the three new mobile crushing and screening plants no closer than one (1) kilometer to the edge of the prescribed premises boundary as shown in the figure showing the prescribed premises in Schedule 2 of this Licence, in accordance with the conditions of this Licence, following submission of the compliance document required under Condition 4.3.1.

10. The Licence is amended by the insertion of the following Condition 1.2.22:

The Licensee shall commission the Mulla Mulla Camp WWTP for a period of three months but not exceed a period of 12 months.

11. The Licence is amended by the insertion of the following Condition 1.2.23:

The Licensee must undertake process monitoring during Commissioning of the Mulla Mulla Camp WWTP to the following requirements: (a) at the locations specified in Column 1;

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(b) for the parameters specified in Column 2; (c) at the frequency specified in Column 4; (d) meet the limits specified in Column 5; and (e) using the methods specified in Column 7.

Table 1.2.23 Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 Column 6 Column 7 Emission Parameter Units Frequency Limit Averaging Method point period reference Irrigation Volume kL/day Continuous <630 Cumulative Mag-flow meter areas L13 daily and L14 Final Biochemical mg/L Weekly <20 Spot AS/NZS 5667:10 effluent Oxygen sample tank Demand sampling Total mg/L Weekly <30 tap prior to Suspended discharge Solids to Total Cfu/100mL Weekly <10 irrigation Thermo- areas L13 tolerant and L14 Coliforms Total mg/L Weekly <15 Nitrogen Total mg/L Weekly <8 Phosphorus pH* pH units Weekly >6.5 and <8.5 *insitu sampling and recording permitted

12. Condition 2.2.1 of the Licence is amended by the deletion of the text shown in strikethrough below and the insertion of the bold text shown in underline below:

The Licensee shall ensure that where waste is emitted to groundwater from the emission points in Table 2.2.1 and identified on the map of emission points in Schedule 1 it is done so in accordance with the conditions of this Licence.

Table 2.2.1: Emission points to groundwater Emission point reference and Description Source including abatement location on Map of emission points HGA0001P Direct injection below Water from dewatering associated HGA0002P ground with the Managed Aquifer Recharge HGA0040P Trial HGA0041P HGSL0005 Direct injection below Water from surplus mine dewatering HGSL0006 ground HGSL0014 HGSL0015 HGSL0031 HGSL0032 Bores HGSL0016 and HGSL00171

13. Condition 2.2.2 of the Licence is amended by the deletion of the text shown in

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strikethrough below and the insertion of the bold text shown in underline below:

The Licensee shall not cause or allow point source emissions to exceed the limits listed in Table 2.2.2.

Table 2.2.2: Point source emission limits to groundwater Emission point Parameter Limit Averaging period reference (including units) HGA0001P HGA0002P Not less than 10m HGA0040P below ground surface HGA0041P HGSL0005 HGSL0006 HGSL0014 Depth to groundwater Spot sample HGSL0015 HGSL0031 Not less than 7m HGSL0032 below ground surface Bores HGSL0016 and HGSL00171

14. Condition 2.2.3 of the Licence is amended by the deletion of the text shown in strikethrough below and the insertion of the bold text shown in underline below:

The Licensee shall take the specified management action in the case of an event in Table 2.2.3.

Table 2.2.3: Management actions Emission Event/ Event Management action point action reference reference HGA0001P EA1 Any time the The Licensee shall cease direct injection HGA0002P monitoring data at the emission point listed in Table 2.2.1 HGA0040P indicates an where the limit exceedance occurred HGA0041P exceedance of the limit specified in HGSL0005 condition 2.2.2 HGSL0006 HGSL0014 HGSL0015 HGSL0031 HGSL0032 Bores HGSL0016 and HGSL00171

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15. Condition 2.3.1 of the Licence is amended by the deletion of the text shown in strikethrough below and the insertion of the bold text shown in underline below:

The Licensee shall ensure that where waste is emitted to land from the emission points in Table 2.3.1 and identified on the map of emission points in Schedule 1 it is done so in accordance with the conditions of this Licence.

Table 2.3.1: Emissions to land Emission point Description Source including abatement reference L1 Discharge of treated wastewater Treated wastewater from Packsaddle from Packsaddle Village C150K Village C150K WWTP WWTP to designated unlined evaporation/infiltration pond

L2 Discharge of treated wastewater Treated wastewater from Packsaddle from Packsaddle Village WWTP Village WWTP ponds to unlined evaporation/infiltration pond L3 Discharge of treated wastewater Treated wastewater pipeline from from Mulla Mulla Camp C300K Mulla Mulla Camp C300K WWTP WWTP to designated irrigation area L4 Discharge of treated wastewater from overflow of evaporation Treated wastewater from heavy vehicle washdown bays, workshop L5 ponds during extreme rainfall events oily water separators and untreated wastewater from the light vehicle L6 Discharge of treated wastewater washdown bay to undertake scheduled maintenance of ponds L7 Discharge of reject water from the Reject water from the Mining Area C Mining Area C Water Treatment Water Treatment Plant Plant to designated irrigation area L8

Discharge of excess mine L9 dewater to the Packsaddle Mine dewater Infiltration ponds L10

L11 Discharge of excess mine dewater to the Western Sediment Mine dewater Basin L12 Discharge of excess mine dewater to the Central Sediment Mine dewater Basin L13 Discharge of treated L14 wastewater from the Mulla Treated wastewater pipeline from Mulla Camp WWTP to Mulla Mulla Camp WWTP designated irrigation area L15 Discharge of excess mine dewater to the Western Mine dewater Sediment Basin L16 Discharge of excess mine Mine dewater L17 dewater to the Central L18 Sediment Basin Mine dewater L19 Discharge of excess mine dewater to the Western Mine dewater Sediment Basin

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16. Condition 3.2.1 of the Licence is amended by the deletion of the text shown in strikethrough below and the insertion of the bold text shown in underline below:

The Licensee shall undertake the monitoring in Table 3.2.1 according to the specifications in that table.

Table 3.2.1: Monitoring of point source emissions to groundwater Emission point Parameter Units Averaging Frequency reference1 period Cumulative Volume m3/day Electrical Conductivity2 µS/cm Spot Sample Monthly pH2 pH Units Groundwater level mbgl Aluminium Arsenic Barium HGA0001P Boron HGA0002P Calcium Carbonate HGA0040P Cadmium HGA0041P Calcium HGSL0005 Chloride HGSL0006 Chromium HGSL0014 Copper HGSL0015 Fluoride HGSL0031 Iron HGSL0032 Lead mg/L Spot sample Quarterly Magnesium Bores HGSL0016 Manganese 3 and HGSL0017 Mercury Molybdenum

Nickel Nitrate Potassium Selenium Sodium Sulfate Total Dissolved Solids Zinc Note 1: pH, electrical conductivity and hydrochemistry samples are only required to be taken from one emission point during each quarterly monitoring event and only emission points that are active in the monitoring period are required to be sampled. Note 2: In-field non-NATA accredited analysis permitted.

17. Condition 3.3.1 of the Licence is amended by the deletion of the text shown in strikethrough below and the insertion of the bold text shown in underline below:

The Licensee shall undertake the monitoring in Table 3.3.1 according to the specifications in that table.

Table 3.3.1: Monitoring of emissions to land Emission Monitoring point Parameter Units Averaging Frequency point location Period reference Flow meter to irrigation Volumetric flow rate L1 – L3, area or evaporation / m3/day Monthly Continuous (cumulative) L13 and infiltration pond L14 1 Final storage tank - prior pH pH units Spot Quarterly

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to discharge to emission 5-Day Biochemical sample points Oxygen Demand Total Suspended mg/L Solids Total Nitrogen Total Phosphorus E.coli cfu/100 mL L4 Discharge overflow point from evaporation pond Quarterly

Total Recoverable Spot mg/L HV washdown discharge Hydrocarbons sample

overflow point L5 Quarterly Secondary HV washdown L6 discharge overflow point Volumetric flow rate m3/day Quarterly Continuous Flow meter to irrigation (cumulative) area L7 Final storage tank – prior Total Dissolved mg/L Spot Quarterly to discharge emission Solids sample point Volumetric flow rate Quarterly Continuous (cumulative) m3/day

pH1 Electrical µS/cm Conductivity1 Aluminium mg/L Arsenic mg/L Barium mg/L Boron mg/L L8 to L12 Calcium Carbonate mg/L Cadmium mg/L L8 Calcium mg/L L9 Chloride mg/L At the trunk line prior to L10 the infiltration/sediment Chromium mg/L L11 basin Copper mg/L L12 Fluoride mg/L Spot L15 Quarterly Iron mg/L sample L16 Lead mg/L L17 Magnesium mg/L L18 Manganese mg/L L19 Mercury mg/L Molybdenum mg/L Nickel mg/L Nitrate mg/L Potassium mg/L Selenium mg/L Sodium mg/L Sulfate mg/L Total Dissolved mg/L Solids Zinc mg/L Note 1: In-field non-NATA accredited analysis permitted.

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18. Condition 4.2.1 of the Licence is amended by the deletion of the text shown in strikethrough below and the insertion of the bold text shown in underline below:

The Licensee shall submit to the CEO an Annual Environmental Report by the 1 October each year. The report shall contain the information listed in Table 4.2.1 in the format or form specified in that table.

Table 4.2.1: Annual Environmental Report Condition or table Parameter Format or form1 (if relevant) - Summary of any failure or malfunction of any pollution None specified control equipment and any environmental incidents that have occurred during the annual period and any action taken - Summary of design capacity and throughputs for each None specified prescribed activity on the premises Tables 3.5.2 Groundwater level exceedances None specified Tables 1.2.1, 1.2.4, Limit exceedances None specified 2.2.2, 2.3.2, 3.5.1 3.2.1 Cumulative volume, standing water level, pH, electrical None specified conductivity, physicochemical parameters as listed in Table 3.2.1 and a comparison of results against established trigger values. Details of investigations conducted, including outcomes, environmental impacts and remedial actions, in relation to trigger exceedances and a discussion of any trends identified 3.3.1 L1-L3, L13 and L14 – Monitoring results and comparison None specified against the National Water Quality Management Strategy Australian Guidelines for Sewerage Systems – Effluent Management (Agriculture and Resource Management Council of Australia and New Zealand, Australian and New Zealand Environment and Conservation Council, 1997)

L4-L7 – Monitoring results L8-L12 and L15-L19 – Monitoring results and comparison of results against established trigger values and previous monitoring results. Details of investigations conducted, including outcomes, environmental impacts and remedial actions, in relation to trigger exceedances and a discussion of any trends identified. 3.4.1 Inputs and outputs of waste on the premises None specified 3.5.2 Ambient groundwater monitoring results and a None specified comparison of results against established trigger values. Details of investigations conducted, including outcomes, environmental impacts and remedial actions, in relation to trigger exceedances and a discussion of any trends identified 4.1.2 Compliance None specified 4.1.3 Complaints summary None specified Note 1: Forms are in Schedule 2

19. Condition 4.2.3 of the Licence is amended by the deletion of the text shown in strikethrough below and the insertion of the bold text shown in underline below:

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The Licensee shall submit the information in Table 4.2.2 to the CEO according to the specifications in that table.

Table 4.2.2: Non-annual reporting requirements Condition Parameter Reporting Reporting date Format or form or table period (after end of (if the reporting relevant) period) - Copies of Not Within 14 days As received by the Licensee from original Applicable of the CEOs third parties monitoring request reports submitted to the Licensee by third parties 1.2.12 Commissioning Not Within one The report shall include: report for the applicable month of the (a) a summary of monitoring Mining Area C completion of results; Water Treatment commissioning (b) a list of any original Plant monitoring reports submitted to the Licensee from third parties for the commissioning period; (c) a summary of the environmental performance of the Mining Area C Water Treatment Plant as installed, against the design specification set out in the application; and (d) where they have not been met, measures proposed to meet the design specification and/or Licence conditions, together with timescales for implementing the proposed measures. 1.2.21 Commissioning Not Within one The report shall include: report for the applicable month of the (a) a summary of Mulla Mulla completion of monitoring results Camp WWTP commissioning recorded under Condition 7; (b) a list of any original monitoring reports submitted to the Works Approval Holder from third parties for the Commissioning Period; (c) a summary of the environmental performance of the WWTP as installed, against the design specification set out in Table 1.2.7; (d) a review of performance against the Works Approval Conditions; and (e) where they have not

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been meet, proposed measures to meet the design specification and/or Works Approval Conditions, together with timescales for implementing the proposed measures. 3.5.3 Monitoring Not Within one None specified results following Applicable month of the groundwater completion of level the vegetation exceedance, monitoring including a specified in discussion of Table 3.5.3 results, environmental impacts and remedial actions

20. Condition 4.3.1 of the Licence is amended by the deletion of the text shown in strikethrough below and the insertion of the bold text shown in underline below:

The Licensee shall ensure that the parameters listed in Table 4.3.1 are notified to the CEO in accordance with the notification requirements of the table.

Table 4.3.1: Notification requirements Condition Parameter Notification Format or table requirement1 or form2 (if relevant) 1.2.12 The Licensee shall, prior to commencing Four weeks prior to the None commissioning of the Mining Area C Water commencement of specified Treatment Plant, submit a commissioning commissioning. plan to the CEO. The commissioning plan shall include details relating to: (a) the commissioning stages and expected timescales for commissioning; (b) expected emissions and discharges during commissioning and the environmental implications of the emissions; (c) how emissions and discharges will be managed during commissioning; (d) the monitoring that will be undertaken during the commissioning period; (e) how accidents or malfunctions will be managed; (f) start up and shut down procedures; and (g) reporting proposals including accidents, malfunctions and reporting against the commissioning plan.

Commissioning shall be carried out in accordance with the commissioning plan.

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1.2.12 The Licensee shall submit a compliance Within 7 days of the None 1.2.13 document to the CEO, following completion of construction specified 1.2.14 construction of each of the Packsaddle 1.2.16 Infiltration Ponds, Mining Area C Water 1.2.17 Treatment Plant and the Juna Downs MAR 1.2.18 scheme, additional screening plant for 1.2.19 the relocatable crusher, two new Central 1.2.20 Sediment Basin discharge points, two new Western Sediment Basin discharge points, new putrescible landfill and three mobile crushing and screening plants, and prior to commissioning of the same.

The Licensee must ensure compliance documentation: a) is certified by a suitably qualified professional engineer or builder stating that each item of infrastructure specified in Table 1.2.7 has been constructed in accordance with the conditions of the Licence with no material defects; and b) be signed by a person authorised to represent the Licensee and contain the printed name and position of that person within the company 1.2.12 The Licensee shall submit to the CEO, as Within 7 days of the None 1.2.13 part of the compliance document for the 2 completion of construction specified 1.2.16 new Juna Downs MAR scheme bores HGSL0016 and HGSL0017: a) written GPS locations of the 2 bores confirming the bores are within the area specified in Attachment 1.

1.2.13 If condition 1.2.13 applies, then the Within 7 days of the None Licensee must provide the CEO with a list completion of construction specified of departures which are certified as complying with condition 1.2.12

Tables 1.2.1, Breach of any limit specified in the Licence Part A: As soon as N1 1.2.4, 2.2.2, practicable but no later 2.3.2, 3.5.1 than 5pm of the next usual working day.

Part B: As soon as practicable

3.5.2 Depth to groundwater level exceedance

3.1.4 Calibration report As soon as practicable. None specified Note 1: Notification requirements in the Licence shall not negate the requirement to comply with s72 of the Act Note 2: Forms are in Schedule 2

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21. The Licence is amended by the deletion of the maps indicated below from Schedule 1 Maps of the Licence.

Deleted Maps

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22. The Licence is amended by the insertion of the maps and figures below into Schedule 1 Maps of the Licence.

Prescribed premises boundary, emission points to land and monitoring locations Maps showing prescribed premises boundary, indicative general arrangement, Category 12 indicative operating locations, waste disposal locations defined in Table 1.2.2, location of containment infrastructure defined in Table 1.2.5, emission points defined in Tables 2.2.1 (emissions to groundwater), 2.3.1 (emissions to land) and the monitoring points defined in Tables 2.3.1 (groundwater monitoring), 3.3.1 (monitoring of emissions to land) 3.5.1 (ambient groundwater limits), 3.5.2 (ambient groundwater quality) and 3.5.3 (following groundwater level exceedance) are shown in the maps below.

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Location of Mulla Mulla Camp WWTP and Emission Points (Irrigation fields)

Mulla Mulla Camp WWTP general arrangement

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Appendix 1: Key documents

Document title In text ref Availability 1 DER, July 2015. Guidance Statement: accessed at Regulatory principles. Department of DWER, 2015a Environment Regulation, Perth. 2 DER, October 2015. Guidance Statement: Setting conditions. DWER, 2015b Department of Environment Regulation, Perth. 3 DER, November 2016. Guidance Statement: Risk Assessments. DWER, 2016a Department of Environment Regulation, Perth. 4 DER, November 2016. Guidance Statement: Decision Making. DWER, 2016b Department of Environment Regulation, Perth. 5 Landfill Waste Classification and Landfill accessed at Waste Definitions 1996 (As amended Waste December 2009), Department of Classification Environment and Conservation and Waste Definitions 1996 6 Licence L7851/2002/6 – Mining Area accessed at L7851/2002/6 C Project 7 Priority Ecological Communities for accessed at Western Australia Version 24, Parks and Species and Communities Branch, Wildlife, 2016 Department of Parks and Wildlife, 24 June 2016 8 Pacific Environment Limited, 22 DER records (A1655778) August 2016. Memorandum – PEL, 2016 Updated Air Quality Modelling for South Flank Proposal 9 Understanding-salinity – Salinity accessed at status classifications, by total salt DoW, Salinity status concentration table, Department of topics/water-quality/managing- classification Water water-quality/understanding-salinity 10 Works Approval W6142/2018/1 – accessed at W6142/2018/1 Mining Area C – South Flank

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Appendix 2: Summary of Licence Holder comments The Licence Holder was provided with the draft Amendment Notice on 21 September 2018 and 12 October 2018 for review and comment. The Licence Holder responded on 1 October 2018 and 15 October 2018, respectively. The following comments were received on the draft Amendment Notice. Condition Summary of Licence Holder comment DWER response Comments received 1 October 2018 - Confirmation that the Category 12 crushing plants would Noted. commence operation in November 2018. - Advised that two new Groundwater Licences had been Noted, and Table 3 updated with details of issued issued. groundwater licences. - Dust control during landfill construction – standard dust Risk Assessment Table updated with relevant control will be utilised, includes minimising clearing and the information. use of water carts as appropriate. Page 1 of Licence – Category 12 is missing from the prescribed premises The prescribed premises category table (Page 1 prescribed premises category table. of the Licence) has been updated to include category table Category 12. Condition 1.2.13 and Advised of dust control and stormwater management for Risk Assessment Table updated with relevant Risk Assessment Table mobile screening plants – water sprays and dust covers information. of Amendment Notice will be fitted to mobile crushing and screening plants to control dust. The exact locations will depend on the models used, however generally sprays are located at the head drum and discharge point of the main conveyor and at the feed point. Additional dust control may be installed as required. Mobile crushers will be situated to prevent storm water run-off from the crusher location (e.g. within an internally draining borrow pit). Where necessary earthen bunds will also be used. Condition 1.2.21 This condition requires mobile screening plants to only be Condition 1.2.21 has been updated to allow the used in the indicative locations. This will be quite two mobile crushing and screening plants to restrictive. BHP would prefer this is updated to: operate no closer than 1 km to the edge of the prescribed premises boundary. DWER has not “The Licensee shall operate the two new mobile updated the condition to refer to the stemming crushing and screening plants and new stemming

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Condition Summary of Licence Holder comment DWER response Comments received 1 October 2018 plant no closer than 1 km to the edge of the plant as this will need to be subject to a separate prescribed premises boundary as shown in the Licence amendment application. relevant figure in Schedule 2 of this Licence. These mobile crushing facilities will be operated in accordance with the conditions of this Licence, following submission of the compliance document required under Condition 4.3.1.”

Schedule 1 - Maps The Mulla Mulla Village WWTP and emission points map Map updated. in Schedule 2 needs to be replaced with the updated figure showing the revised location of the irrigation area. Comments received 15 October 2018 Table 6 The species of priority flora are listed as points under the Table 6 updated. fauna section.

Licence: L7851/2002/6 IR-T08 Amendment Notice (Major) template v2.0 (July 2017) 53 Your ref: L7851/2002/6 ~ Government of Western A ustralia Our ref: DER2013/000925 ~ Department of Water and Environmental Regulation Enquiries: Katrina Buri

Mr Chris Hopkins Principal - Environment A&I HSE - Minerals Australia Level39 125 St George's T ce Perth WA 6000

Via email: Chris. S. Hopkins@bhpbilliton. com

Dear Mr Hopkins


I refer to your application for amendment to Mining Area C licence (L7851/2002/6) received on 29 November 2016 for the approval to construct the Juna Downs Managed Aquifer Recharge Project and the construction and operation of a new spray field for the Mulla Mulla Camp WWTP as received on 8 August 2017.

As set out in our letter to you dated 26 September 2017, the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation considered your application in detail, including undertaking a detailed risk assessment, and provided a preliminary recommendation that I grant the licence amendment sought under section 59 of the Environmental Protection Act 1986 (EP Act). After considering the representations you provided on 3 October 2017, received 4 October 2017, I have decided to grant the licence amendment subject to the conditions in the attached instrument. The attached Amendment Notice sets out the reasons for my decision.

In accordance with section 102(2) of the EP Act, if you are aggrieved by my decision to amend the licence you may lodge an appeal with the Minister for Environment in writing, setting out the grounds of that appeal, within 21 days of this notification. Should you wish to lodge an appeal, please contact the Office of the Appeals Convenor on 6567 5190 or by email at [email protected].

If you have any queries regarding the above information, please contact Katrina Burke, Licensing Officer as listed above.


Alana Kidd Manager Licensing - Resource Industries Regulatory Services - Environment Officer delegated under Section 20 of the Environmental Protection Act 1986

5 October 2017

Att: L7851/2002/6 Amendment Notice 1, October 2017

168 St Georges Terrace Western Australia 6000 Locked Bag 33 Cloisters Square Perth WA 6850 Telephone: 08 6364 7000 Facsimile: 08 6364 7001 IR-L25 v2.0 Licensee BHP Billiton Iron Ore Pty Ltd

ACN 008 700 981

Licence Number L7851/2002/6

File Number DER2013/000925

Premises Mining Area C Mining Tenement ML281SA NEWMAN WA 6753

Date of amendment 5 October 2017

Amendment The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (DWER) has amended the above Licence in accordance with section 59 of the Environmental Protection Act 1986 as set out in this Amendment Notice. This Amendment Notice constitutes written notice of the amendment in accordance with section 598(9) of the EP Act.

Alana Kidd Manager Licensing - Resource Industries an officer delegated under section 20 of the Environmental Protection Act 1986 (WA)

Licence: L7851/2002/6 IR-TOB Amendment Notice (Major) template v2.0 (July 2017) Definitions and interpretation

Definitions In this Amendment Notice, the terms in Table 1 have the meanings defined. Table 1: Definitions

Term Definition

AACR Annual Audit Compliance Report

ACN Australian Company Number

AER Annual Environment Report

Category/ Categories/ categories of Prescribed Premises as set out in Schedule 1 of the Cat. EP Regulations

CEO means Chief Executive Officer. CEO for the purposes of notification means: Director General Department Administering the Environmental Protection Act 1986 Locked Bag 33 Cloisters Square PERTH WA 6850 [email protected]

Delegated Officer an officer under section 20 of the EP Act

Department means the department established under section 35 of the Public Sector Management Act 1994 and designated as responsible for the administration of Part V, Division 3 of the EP Act.

DWER Department of Water and Environmental Regulation

EPA Environmental Protection Authority

EPAct Environmental Protection Act 1986 (WA)

EP Regulations Environmental Protection Regulations 1987 (WA)

Existing Licence The Licence issued under Part V, Division 3 of the EP Act and in force prior to the commencement of and during this Review

GL/a gigalitre per annum

ha hectare

kl/year kilolitres per year

km kilometre

Licence: L785 1/2002/6 IR-TOB Amendment Notice (Major) template v2.0 (July 2017) 2 Licence Holder BHP Billiton Iron Ore Pty Ltd

LV Light vehicle

ma cubic metres

MAC Mining Area C

MAR Managed Aquifer Recharge

ML/day Megalitres per day

MS Ministerial Statement

mtpa million tonnes per annum

Noise Regulations Environmental Protection (Noise) Regulations 1997 0JVA)

Occupier has the same meaning given to that term under the EP Act.

Prescribed Premises has the same meaning given to that term under the EP Act.

Premises refers to the premises to which this Decision Report applies, as specified at the front of this Decision Report.

Risk Event as described in Guidance Statement: Risk Assessment

TRH Total Recoverable Hydrocarbons

UDR Environmental Protection (Unauthorised Discharges) Regulations 2004 0JVA)

µg/m3 micrograms per cubic metre

µSiem micro Siemens per centimetre

WWTP Waste Water Treatment Plant

Licence: L7851/2002/6 IR-T08 Amendment Notice (Major) template v2.0 (July 2017) 3 Amendment Notice This amendment is made pursuant to section 59 of the Environmental Protection Act 1986 (EP Act) to amend the licence issued under the EP Act for a prescribed premises as set out below. This notice of amendment is given under section 598(9) of the EP Act. This notice is limited only to an amendment for Category 6 and 63. No changes to the aspects of the original licence relating to Category 5, 54, 73, 858 and 89 activities have been requested by the Licensee. The following DER Guidance Statements have informed the decision made on this amendment: • Guidance Statement: Regulatory Principles (July 2015); • Guidance Statement: Setting Conditions (October 2015); • Guidance Statement: Decision Making (February 2017); • Guidance Statement: Risk Assessment (February 2017); and • Guidance Statement: Environmental Siting (November 2016).

Amendment Description On 29 November 2016, BHP Billiton Iron Ore Pty Ltd (Licensee) submitted an application to DER for an amendment to the Mining Area C (MAC) Project licence (L7851/2002/6). On 8 August 2017, BHP requested for inclusion in this amendment, the ability to construct and operate a new spray field to replace the existing Mulla Mulla Camp spray field. The new spray field will be located to the north east of the Mulla Mulla Camp, within the premise boundary. Additional amendment information on the new spray field was provided by BHP on 4 September 2017 to facilitate the inclusion of further information into this Amendment Notice. This Notice is the result of the Licensee applying for an amendment under section 598 of the EP Act. The Licensee has applied to make the following changes: 1. Include construction and operation of a new Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) scheme at Juna Downs and increase the capacity of Category 6 to include the 7.3 gigalitre per annum (GL/a) as shown in Table 1; 2. Increase the Category 63 capacity for the inert landfill to 9,000 tonnes per annual period as shown in Table 1; 3. Include a reference to the light vehicle washdown bay and associated monitoring points; 4. Increase the premises boundary to include the Juna Downs MAR scheme; and 5. Include construction of a new 3.047 ha spray field and -2 km of pipeline to service the existing Mulla Mulla Camp WWTP.

Licence: L7851/2002/6 IR-TOB Amendment Notice (Major) template v2.0 (July 2017) 4 Table 2: Proposed design or throughput capacity changes requested in amendment

Category Current Design Capacity Proposed Design Capacity Description of proposed amendment

6 27,541 ,000 tonnes per annual 34,931 ,000 tonnes per Increase in capacity due to period annual period construction and operation of the Juna Downs MAR scheme and update of amount approved for disposal to the Central Sedimentation Basin

63 5,000 tonnes per annual 9,000 tonnes per annual Increase in capacity due to two period period once off disposals for the kitchen upgrade and site clean-up

Juna Downs MAR scheme Current mine dewatering not used in ore processing and dust suppression is disposed of via infiltration basins and MAR bores. Dewatering volumes at MAC are projected to increase significantly from 2017 - 2021 with peak volumes estimated to reach up to 32 megalitres per day (ML/day) in 2017 and more than 70 ML/day in 2021. Site water demand over the same period is projected to remain relatively constant at around 10 to 14 ML/day, which will result in estimated surplus water volumes of 22 ML/day in 2017, increasing to 60 ML/day during 2021. At present the following dewatering disposal options are approved: • 27,541 ,000 tonnes per annual period, being: 5,840,000 tonnes per annual period reinjected (at A Deposit); 2,081,000 tonnes per annual period (average of 1 ML/day) discharged to the Western Sediment Basin; 8,670,000 tonnes per annual period (average of 24 ML/day) discharged to the Central Sediment Basin. During this amendment the Licensee has stated that "there is an error in the addition of the current licence volume" (BHP, 2016). The average of 24 ML/day equates to 8,760,000 tonnes per annual period rather than 8,670,000 tonnes per annual period ; and 10,950,000 tonnes per annual period (average of 30 ML/day) discharged to the Packsaddle Infiltration Ponds. Over the next 12 months as mining progresses to A Deposit, it will become necessary to cease reinjection of groundwater at A Deposit, and the Juna Downs MAR scheme will then manage the surplus mine dewatering. The Juna Downs MAR scheme will consist of: • six reinjection bores (four are currently drilled and two are yet to be determined); • 4 monitoring bores; • 22 km of pipeline; and • Pump with a 20 ML/day capacity. The existing A and E deposit lined transfer ponds will be used for the transfer of mine dewater to the Juna Downs MAR scheme reinjection bores. Reinjection is the preferred method of disposing of mine dewater at MAC, however the Licensee also has the option of disposing excess mine dewater to three infiltration ponds which are specified emission points on Licence L7851/2002/6. Multiple disposal options provides the Licensee with flexibility in surplus water management and enables a range of

Licence: L7851 /2002/6 IR-T08 Amendment Notice (Major) template v2.0 (July 2017) 5 contingencies to be employed should one system be unavailable. In the short to medium term, the Licensee has advised the infiltration options will be sufficient to manage surplus water at MAC should injection not be possible. The Licensee is also investigating additional MAR options at Camp Hill, which if progressed, would be subject to a separate application under Part V of the EP Act. The Licensee has requested that Condition 1.2.10 be updated for Category 6 to increase the design capacity limit from 27,541,000 tonnes per annual period to 34,931,000 tonnes per annual period. This includes reference to 7,300,000 tonnes per annual period being reinjected for the Juna Downs MAR scheme and the 90,000 tonnes per annual period difference for disposal at the Central Sediment Basin. Two additional bores; HGSL0016 and HGSL0017 have not been installed at the time of this assessment. These bores will be installed within the area demarcated 'Indicative Area for New Bores' within Schedule 1 (Premises map).

Increase in Category 63 capacity The Licensee has requested that Condition 1.2.2 be updated for Category 63 to increase the design capacity limit from 5,000 tonnes per annual period to 9,000 tonnes per annual period. There are currently two projects at MAC which require disposal to the Class I inert landfill: • Kitchen upgrade project at Packsaddle Camp, which has generated a once-off 1,000 tonnes of Inert Waste Type 1; and • Site clean-up, which is expected to generate a once-off 3,000 tonnes of Inert Waste Type 2 (rubber I tyres).

Include the light vehicle washdown bay and associated monitoring points The Licensee has requested that reference be made to the light vehicle washdown bay for emissions to land in Condition 2.3.1. The Licensee has advised that the light vehicle (LV) washdown bay is located adjacent to the workshops and the heavy vehicle washdown bay. Untreated washdown water from the LV area discharges directly to the Treated Oily Water Ponds (Condition 1.2.11 ).

Expansion of the premises boundary The Licensee has requested that the premises boundary be increased to include the Juna Downs MAR scheme.

Construction of a new 3.047ha spray field and -2km of pipeline The Licensee has requested that a new spray field be approved for construction and operation to service the existing Mulla Mulla camp WWTP. The removal of the existing spray field is required to accommodate the expansion of the existing camp. The existing spray field will be decommissioned when the new spray field has been commissioned and is in operation. There will be no changes to the existing camp WWTP. As part of the proposed (future) camp expansion BHP Billiton will be installing an additional WWTP. The new WWTP will be the subject of a separate works approval application and is not related to the current spray field relocation. The spray field is to be located approximately 1.5 km northeast of the WWTP on rocky ground containing sparse vegetation and little visible topsoil. The pipeline route to the spray field will be 2 km in length. This is to circumvent the Camp and to follow existing cleared corridors where practicable.

Licence: L7851/2002/6 IR-T08 Amendment Notice (Major) template v2 .0 (July 2017) 6 The pipework will be 11 Odia HOPE, PE100 PN12.5 and will be protected and buried in a trench with sand bedding with a depth of cover of 900mm in areas subject to vehicular traffic and 750mm in areas not subject to vehicular traffic. No automated leak detection mechanisms will be installed within the treated effluent pipeline conveying the effluent to the spray field. The spray field will be fenced using 4-strand fencing to prevent large fauna (e.g. livestock) entry.

Other approvals The Licensee has provided the following information relating to other approvals as outlined in Table 2. Table 3: Relevant approvals

Legislation Number Approval

Part IV of the EP Act 0/'/A) Ministerial Statement (MS) Number Multiple Iron Ore Mine 491 Development, Mining Area C - Northern Flank, 100 km north-west of Newman (Note: 'Water usage and dewatering requirements' was removed as a Part IV Key Characteristic in March 2014 as 'conservation values are managed under the Life of Mine EMP; dewatering and discharge can be managed under other legislation').

Life of Project Environmental Mining Area C Life of Project Management Plan Revision 6 Environmental Management Plan , (EMP, Rev 6) BHP Billiton Iron Ore Ply Ltd, Revision 6, 31 January 2016

Iron Ore (Mount Goldsworthy) 7 February 2014 State Agreement Agreement Act 1964

Rights in Water and Irrigation Act Groundwater Licence (GWL) Juna Downs Borefield with an 1914 178477(2) allocation of 750,000 kUyear from the Wittenoom Aquifer

Clearing The clearing of native vegetation is not approved under this Licence. BHP, 2016 states that the project will require the clearing of approximately 20 hectares (ha) of native vegetation for the construction of the Juna Downs MAR scheme pipelines and reinjection bores. All clearing for the Juna Downs MAR scheme will be undertaken in accordance with the approved Native Vegetation Clearing Permit (NVCP) CPS 7139/1 (or subsequent revisions). Any clearing required for the construction of a new 3.047 ha spray field and associated pipeline will be undertaken in accordance with Ministerial Statement 491 .

Consultation A letter of referral was sent to the Department of Water (DoW) and Department of Parks and Wildlife (Parks and Wildlife) on 28 December 2016. DER (now DWER) received the following comments from DoW on 16 January 2017:

Licence: L7851 /2002/6 IR-T08 Amendment Notice (Major) template v2.0 (July 2017) 7 • "DoW has recently reviewed the Juna Downs MAR Groundwater Modelling Report; and Juna Downs MAR Scheme Ecohydrological Monitoring Framework during the assessment of the EMP Rev 6, and provided feedback to the proponent - however the proponent will need to apply for an amendment to their current groundwater licence ". "The licence will need to be consistent with the Part V approval, DoW will ensure that the MAR is included as a licensed activity". • DoW "considers the proposed amendment to increase the total Facility design capacity to 34.9312 GUa by adding 7.3 GUa to the Juna Downs MAR scheme, is acceptable, provided the proponent ensures compliance with Condition 5 of MS 491. This will ensure groundwater dependent ecology is minimally impacted by the operations. The monitoring and management measures detailed in Table 5 are acceptable triggers and thresholds for this purpose". DER (now DWER) received the following comments from Parks and Wildlife on 18 January 2017: • "It is noted that the Mine has approval under Part IV of the EP Act 1986, MS 491, which includes conditions and proponent commitments for the protection of the surrounding environment. It appears that BHP has considered their requirements under Part IV of the EP Act 1986. Parks and Wildlife 's Pilbara Region has reviewed the licence amendment with the assumption that any environmental impacts do not differ from those detailed and managed under the Office of the Environmental Protection Authority's approved Environmental Management Plan (Revision 6, 31 January 2016) for Mining Area C operations". • "A portion of Juna Downs Station, where the proposed MAR project is located, was excluded from pastoral lease in July 2015. The land is currently Unallocated Crown Land (UCL), proposed to be added to the conservation reserve system. The area has been proposed for addition to the conservation reserve system due the occurrence of the Coondewanna flats [priority 3(i)] and Lake Robinson (priority 1) Priority Ecological Communities (PEG) which are not currently represented within the reserve system". • "Parks and Wildlife has requested that BHP Billiton provides further information to Parks and Wildlife primarily on the reasoning behind the proposed location of the managed aquifer recharge scheme, and the likely maximum extent of the activities, and potential impacts, specifically in relation to any potential implications for departmental management (i.e. fire, weeds, access etc.) for the former Juna Downs pastoral lease ". Provided that BHP Billiton is willing to work with the Department on these issues, this should not prevent DER from progressing the assessment of the current licence amendment. • "Monitoring proposed by BHP Billiton appears to be acceptable in detecting potential impacts of the MAR project on the Coondewanna flats. Parks and Wildlife is unable to verify the validity, or robustness of the hydrological modelling and its ability to predict impacts, given the Departments limited expertise in this area ". • ''Although impacts to priority flora species should be avoided where possible, it is unclear if CPS 7139/1 is able to manage potential impacts to these species".

Location, environmental siting and potential receptors MAC is located approximately 90 kilometres (km) north-west of the town of Newman in the Pi Ibara region of Western Australia. The Mulla Mulla Camp is located more than 2.5 km to the east of the Juna Downs MAR scheme area. As this Camp is operated by the Licensee, it is not considered a sensitive land use or receptor by DER for the purposes of assessing the risks associated with the emissions and discharges from the proposed scheme.

Licence: L7851 /2002/6 IR-T08 Amendment Notice (Major) template v2. 0 (July 2017) 8 Tables 3 and 4 list the relevant sensitive land uses and specified ecosystems in accordance with DER's Guidance Statement: Environmental Siting. Table 4: Receptors and distance from prescribed premises

Residential and sensitive premises Distance from Prescribed Premises

Rio Tinto Iron Ore's Hope Downs One Mining 10 km east. Operation

Table 5: Specified ecosystems

Specified ecosystems Distance from Prescribed Premises

Parks and Wildlife (now Department of The Juna Downs MAR scheme is located on Unallocated Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions) Crown Land (excluded from the Juna Downs Pastoral Lease tenure in July 2015) and proposed to be added to the conservation reserve system, due to the occurrence of the Coondewanna Flats (Priority 3(i)) and Lake Robinson (Priority 1) Priority Ecological Communities (PEG) (Parks and Wildlife, 2017).

Threatened Ecological Communities and Priority There are no Threatened Ecological Communities and PECs Ecological Communities within the Premises. PEC: Coolibah (Eucalyptus victrix) woodlands over lignum (Duma florulenta) over swamp wandiree (Lake Robinson)* - Priority 1 is located approximately 1.3 km from the proposed premises boundary. PEG : Coolibah (Eucalyptus victrix) and mulga (Acacia aneura) woodland over lignum and tussock grasses on clay plains (Coondewanna Flats and Wanna Munna Flats)* - Priority 3(i) is located approximately 1 km from the proposed premises boundary. 1 PEC: Weeli Wolli Spring community - Priority 1 is located approximately 20 km east of the premises boundary.

Declared Rare Flora There is no Declared Rare Flora within the Premises. Lepidium catapycnon (previously a Declared Rare Flora, now a Priority 4 Flora) is located within the Premises.

Note 1: Parks and Wildlife, 2016

The distances to groundwater and water sources are shown in Table 5. Table 5: Groundwater and water sources

Groundwater and Distance from Premises Environmental Value water sources

Regional BHP, 2016 states that the Juna The Wittenoom aquifer is distinguished as a groundwater Downs MAR scheme area lies within separate aquifer system because the Wittenoom the Hamersley - Fractured Rock Dolomite is distinct from the other fractured rock Aquifer; and Hamersley - Wittenoom aquifers in the Hamersley Basin, having karst Aquifer development (solution cavities) and being overlain by a thick sequence of valley filled Reinjection activities will occur in the sediments consisting of pisolite, calcrete and Hamersley - Wittenoom Aquifer alluvium. The Wittenoom Dolomite is the most Prior to the commencement of mining, important aquifer in the province and underlies groundwater at MAC was the main valleys in the Hamersley Range; it is aooroximately 75 m below Qround highly transmissive and high yielding where there

Licence: L7851/2002/6 IR-TOB Amendment Notice (Major) template v2.0 (July 2017) 9 Groundwater and Distance from Premises Environmental Value water sources level (mbgl). is karst development. Groundwater salinity (Total Dissolved Solids) is 500 - 1,000 mg/L, which is considered marginal (Department of Water, Salinity status classifications)

Coondewanna Flats Coondewanna Flats is located south­ The hydrostratigraphy of Coondewanna Flats west of the Premises and is the includes low to moderate permeability Tertiary terminus of an internally draining detritals overlying an unconfined aquifer catchment, which extends to the west comprising calcrete and dolomite. The calcrete and has an overall catchment area of layer is extensive at a depth of about 16 to 20 approximately 86,000 ha mbgl. This is underlain by low to high permeability basement of the Wittenoom Formation. The northern border of the Coondewanna Flats PEC is located Groundwater level gradients across the Flats are more than 200 m from the project low, however aquifer connectivity across the area, with the closest bore surface water catchment divide enables (HGSL0014) more than 900 m from groundwater outflow into the Northern Flank the PEC (MAC) and Southern Flank valleys to the east Approximately 2,990 ha of Coondewanna Flats contains the listed PEC - Coolibah-lignum flats. The deep sediments of Coondewanna Flats are of key importance to this PEC as they provide significant inter-annual plant available water storage for the major tree species Eucalyptus victrix which adopts a drought avoidance strategy, by maintaining access to relatively moist soil throughout the year.

Rights in Water and The Premises is located within the N/A Irrigation Act 1914 Proclaimed Pilbara Groundwater Area and Proclaimed Pilbara Surface Water Area

Watercourses A number of unnamed perennial Creek systems in the area are ephemeral, flowing watercourses flow across the Juna after rainfall events Downs MAR scheme area

Risk assessment Tables 6 and 7 below describe the Risk Events associated with the construction and operation of the Juna Downs MAR Scheme consistent with the Guidance Statement: Risk Assessments. Both tables identify whether the emissions present a material risk to human health or the environment, requiring regulatory controls.

Licence: L7851/2002/6 IR-TOB Amendment Notice (Major) template v2.0 (July 2017) 10 Table 6: Risk assessment for proposed amendments during construction

Risk Event Potential Consequence Likelihood Potential Potential Potential Risk Reasoning Source/Activities Adverse rating rating Emissions Receptors Pathway Impacts As there are no receptors present, the Air: Delegated Officer considers that Transport impacts on human health will be No sensitive through air Human health impacts - slight and would occur only in rare receptors then transfer respiratory Slight Rare Low circumstances. within 10 km through illness respiratory The risk rating for dust impacts on system human health from construction Dust: activities is therefore low. associated The Delegated Officer considers the with natural dust tolerance of vegetation earthworks Smothering species and short-term nature of the Construction, and vehicle and the construction activities should prevent potential to be mobilization and movement Terrestrial Air: vegetation impacts. There are also no deposited on positioning of vegetation Transport Declared Rare or PECs within the Category 6 infrastructure near through air vegetation Premises. which may Slight Unlikely Low Mine associated with construction then prevent dewatering the Juna Downs area disposition The Delegated Officers considers the MAR reinjection photosynthesis impacts on vegetation will be slight bores and and plant and unlikely to occur. The risk rating pipework respiration for dust impact to vegetation is therefore low.

As there are no receptors present, the Delegated Officer considers that Noise: impacts on human health and amenity associated Air or other will be slight and would occur only in with No sensitive physical Human health rare circumstances. earthworks receptors medium: and amenity Slight Rare Low within 10 km and vehicle Vibration of impacts The risk rating for noise impacts on movement particles human health and amenity from construction activities is therefore low.

Licence: L7851/2002/6 IR-T08 Amendment Notice (Major) template v2.0 (July 2017) 11 The Delegated Officer considers the natural dust tolerance of vegetation Construction, Smothering species and short-term nature of the mobilization, and the Dust: construction activities should prevent positioning and potential to be associated Terrestrial Air: vegetation impacts. There are also no commissioning of deposited on Category54 with the laying vegetation in Transport Declared Rare or PECs within the irrigation vegetation Se.wage of pipework, and near through air Slight Rare Low Premises. infrastructure which may facility trenching and construction then associated with prevent vehicle area disposition The Delegated Officers considers the the disposal of photosynthesis movement impacts on vegetation will be slight treated effluent to and plant and rare to occur. The risk rating for the spray field respiration dust impact to vegetation is therefore low. As there are no receptors present, the Delegated Officer considers that impacts on human health and amenity Human health will be slight and would occur only in No sensitive impacts­ rare circumstances. receptors Land ingestion or Slight Rare Low within 10 km respiratory The risk rating for impacts of any illness spills on human health and amenity Treated from commissioning activities is wastewater: therefore low. associated 1------+------, with The Delegated Officer considers that commissioning due to the sparsity of the vegetation of the installed along the proposed pipeline corridor pipework Waterlogged and spray field, in addition to the between the soils, impacts output volumes through the VVWTP at VVWTP and Vegetation to vegetation the time of commissioning that the the spray field adjacent to health impacts to vegetation will be slight pipelines in Land depending on Slight Rare Low and would occur only in rare and near quality of circumstances. construction water and area volume The risk rating for impacts of any discharged spills on nearby vegetation from commissioning activities is therefore low.

Licence: L7851/2002/6 IR-T08 Amendment Notice (Major) template v2.0 (July 2017) 12 The Delegated Officer considers that because the pipe will be protected and buried in a trench with sand bedding, the likelihood of overland flow from the pipeline significantly dispersing in the creek line is rare. The volume of treated effluent form Surface water Nutrient the I/WI/TP during commissioning is (Drainage line Over land to enrichment of also anticipated to be low and not crossed by the surface waterways or Slight Rare Low significant enough to cause pipeline water creek line noticeable nutrient enrichment of the corridor) vegetation creek line vegetation. The consequence, should the spill occur is anticipated to be slight. Therefore, the risk rating for impacts of any spills on nearby vegetation from commissioning activities is therefore low.

Licence: L7851/2002/6 IR-T08 Amendment Notice (Major) template v2.0 (July 2017) 13 Table 7: Risk assessment for proposed amendments during operation Risk Event L------r------Consequence Likelihood Risk 1 1 -----:--r~otemtial-l Reasoning Potential Potential Potential rating rating Source/Activities Potential Adverse Emissions Receptors Pathway lmoacts BHP 2016 states that the injection of g(oundwater into the Wittenoom aquifer system at Juna Downs will lead to an increase in groundwater levels and development of a groundwater mound.

The Licensee has undertaken detailed studies of tree water use at Coondewanna Flats. Modelling of Increase in the impact of fluctuating groundwater groundwater levels at levels and Coondewanna Flats caused by the development Juna Downs MAR scheme of a concluded that: groundwater Surplus • Implementation of the Juna mound, water: Vegetation Downs MAR scheme is Category 6 Reinjection degradation of Reinjection reinjected into and predicted to progressively Mine to receiving Moderate Possible Medium the Hamersley subterranean increase groundwater levels bores groundwater aquifer dewatering fauna underlying stands of Eucalyptus -Wittenoom groundwater Aquifer victrix trees at Coondewanna quality Flats. impacting on Based on the predicted beneficial uses • maximum extent of of the aquifer, groundwater mounding, the vegetation lower portion of the root death systems of some mature Eucalyptus victrix trees could become exposed to groundwater for a period of time. In such cases tree water status (as measured by leaf water potential) may increase relative to unaffected trees, particularly during prolonged drv conditions. Where trees

Licence: L7851/2002/6 IR-T08 Amendment Notice (Major) template v2.0 (July 2017) 14 Risk Event Consequence Likelihood Potential Potential Potential Potential Risk Reasoning Source/Activities Adverse rating rating Emissions Receptors Pathway Impacts have sustained access to groundwater leaf area, tree water use and growth rates may increase. • The majority of Eucalyptus victrix root systems will remain unaffected; however pruning of deeper roots may occur if they are exposed to frequently saturated soils. The trees may reconfigure their root systems to some extent to exploit the groundwater resource. • At the conclusion of the operational phase of the Juna Downs MAR scheme (nominally after 18 years) groundwater levels will progressively decline. • Trees with root systems that were brought into connection with the groundwater system will become disconnected from groundwater. In such cases tree water status may decline during prolonged dry conditions; potentially associated with decreases in leaf area, tree water use and growth rates. More extreme adjustments including canopy die back are unlikely but possible, however the trees will gradually re-adjust to the surface driven hydrological regime. • Acacia aptaneura trees and understorey species will not be affected by the predicted chanQes in _groundwater levels

Licence: L7851/2002/6 IR-T08 Amendment Notice (Major) template v2.0 (July 2017) 15 Risk Event 1------,------~------,------.-P- o_t_e_n_t-ia- -- Consequence Likelihood 1 Risk Reasoning Source/Activities Potential Potential Potential Adverse rating rating Emissions Receptors Pathway Impacts associated with the Juna Downs MAR scheme.

An increase in groundwater levels as a result of reinjection may result in a loss of troglofauna habitat. The Licensee has stated that no restricted troglofauna species have been identified within the modelling zone.

BHP, 2016 states that one restricted stygofauna species has been recorded within the modelled mounding zone, however it is unlikely that the reinjection of the surplus water will impact on this species as the surplus water to be reinjected at Juna Downs is of a similar quality to that of the receiving aquifer.

The Delegated Officer has considered the location of the Juna Downs MAR scheme to the Coondewanna Flats, potential for increases in groundwater levels and the development of a groundwater mound from reinjection and determined that there will be low level off-site impacts on a local scale. Therefore, the Delegated Officer considers the consequence to be moderate.

The 6 reinjection bores (including the 2 yet to be installed and named) form the Juna Downs MAR scheme. As the Juna Downs MAR

Licence: L7851/2002/6 IR-T08 Amendment Notice (Major) template v2.0 (July 2017) 16 Risk Event Consequence Likelihood Potential Potential Potential Potential Risk Reasoning Source/Activities Adverse rating rating Emissions Receptors Pathway Impacts scheme will also be reinjecting groundwater into the Wittenoom aquifer, this will subsequently result in an increase in groundwater levels. The Delegated Officer has determined that the likelihood of an environmental impact on the Coondewanna Flats, in particular Eucalyptus victrix, may occur at some time. Therefore, the Delegated Officer considers the consequence to be possible.

The Delegated Officer has determined that the overall rating for risk from the operation of the Juna Downs MAR scheme (reinjection of surplus water) to be medium. Groundwater salinity (total dissolved solids) is 500 - 1,000 mg/L, which is considered marginal (Department of Water, Salinity status classifications). Waterlogged soils, impacts The Licensee will detect leaks in Mine dewater: to vegetation pipelines by reconciling mass Category 6 discharged balance between input and outputs. Dewatering Vegetation Direct health Mine through Flowmeters are located on input pipelines adjacent to discharge to depending on Slight Unlikely Low de watering pipeline leaks pipelines land quality of and output locations and used to or ruptures water and identify potential losses from the volume system. The Licensee does not discharged consider the dewater pipelines to be high risk and will not be incorporating pressure sensors. The Delegated Officer notes that the pipelines will be conveying excess mine dewater with an anticioated total dissolved solid

Licence: L7851/2002/6 IR-T08 Amendment Notice (Major) template v2.0 (July 2017) 17 Risk Event Consequence Likelihood Potential Risk Reasoning Potential Potent ial Potential rating rating Source/Activities Adverse Emissions Receptors Pathway Impacts concentration of 500 - 1,000 mg/L.

The Delegated Officer has considered the anticipated quality of mine dewater reinjected at the Jun a Downs MAR scheme and proposed leak detection system, and determined that there will be minimal on-site impacts to vegetation as a result of a pipeline leak/rupture. Therefore, the Delegated Officer considers the consequence to be slight.

The Delegated Officer has determined that the likelihood of an environmental impact as a result of a pipeline rupture/leak wi ll probably not occur in most circumstances. Therefore, the Delegated Officer considers the consequence to be unlikely.

The Delegated Officer has determined that the overall rating for risk from the operation of the Juna Downs MAR scheme pipelines to be low. Waterlogged The Delegated Officer considers soils, impacts that due to the sparsity of the to vegetation vegetation along the proposed Operation of the health pipeline corridor and spray field, Category54 WWTP spray Vegetation Direct depending on that the impacts to vegetation will Treated adjacent to discharge to quality of Slight Rare Low be slight and would occur only in Sewage field and wastewater facility associated pipe pipelines land water and rare circumstances. lines volume discharged, The risk rating for impacts of any weeds spills on nearby vegetation from operational activities is therefore

Licence: L7851/2002/6 IR-T08 Amendment Notice (Major) template v2.0 (July 2017) 18 Risk Event Consequence Likelihood Potential Potential Risk Reasoning Source/Activities Potential Potential rating rating Emissions Receptors Pathway Adverse Impacts low.

The Delegated Officer considers that because the pipe work crossing the drainage line will be protected and buried in a trench with sand bedding, the likelihood of Surface water Nutrient overland flow from the pipeline (Drainage line Direct enrichment of significantly dispersing in the creek crossed by the discharge to waterways or Slight Rare Low line is rare. The consequence, pipeline water creek line should the spill occur is anticipated corridor) vegetation to be slight. Therefore, the risk rating for impacts of any spills on nearby vegetation from commissioning activities is therefore low.

The Delegated Officer considers that due to the effective operation of the existing landfill, the waste being inert only, and the existing conditions within the licence that Category 63 Inert waste, Visual any discharge should be rare. Increase in inert Adjacent Direct Inert waste windblown discharge to amenity, Further impacts from additional waste disposal vegetation Slight Rare Low disposal waste land impacts to waste deposited leaving the landfill flora and fauna would be slight due to the inert nature and management measures in the existing licence. The Delegated Officer therefore considers the subsequent risk ratinQ to be low.

Licence: L7851/2002/6 IR-T08 Amendment Notice (Major) template v2.0 (July 2017) 19 Decision

Juna Downs MAR Scheme The Licensee has current obligations under Part IV of the EP Act (MS 491 and EMP, Rev 6) . Condition 5 of MS 491 provides an outcome based condition that requires abstraction activities to be managed to ensure there are minimal adverse impacts on groundwater dependent ecology at Weeli Wolli Springs and Coondewanna Flats. EMP, Rev 6 is required in accordance with Condition 7 and Licensee commitments 1, 2 and 3 of MS 491. In March 2014, water usage and dewatering requirements were removed from MS 491 as conservation values are managed under the EMP, Rev 6; "dewatering and discharge can be managed under other legislation". Based on the application supporting documentation, the Delegated Officer has determined that the construction and operation of the Juna Downs MAR scheme will not result in emissions which are unacceptable to public health or the environment. Existing licence Condition 1.2.10 has been updated for Category 6 to include the Jun a Downs MAR scheme. The Licensee has committed to constructing the Juna Downs MAR scheme to the specifications provided in BHP, 2016. Conditions 1.2.12 and 1.2.13 have been amended to include the specific design and construction specifications for the Juna Downs MAR scheme and to allow for minor derivations from the design and construction specifications where appropriate. Condition 4.3.1 has been updated to ensure any departures from Conditions 1.2.12 and 1.2.13 are notified to the CEO of DWER. The inclusion of Condition 1.2.16 allows for the operation of the Juna Downs MAR scheme following submission of the compliance documentation. The requirement to submit compliance documentation to the CEO of DWER following construction of the Juna Downs MAR scheme has been implemented via Condition 4.3.1 . The Juna Downs MAR scheme will utilise four injection bores (HGSL0005, HGSL0006, HGSL0014, HGSL0015), which have already been drilled and two additional injection bores (HGSL0016 and HGSL0017) which will require specific compliance reporting prior to operation. This Amendment Notice allows the construction of injection head works for these four bores HGSL0005, HGSL0006, HGSL0014 and HGSL0015 (Condition 1.2.13). Condition 2.2.1 has also been updated to include HGSL0005, HGSL0006, HGSL0014 and HGSL0015 as emission points to groundwater. Conditions 2.2.2 and 2.2.3 have been updated to include bores HGSL0005, HGSL0006, HGSL0014 and HGSL0015. Condition 2.2.2 now includes a depth to groundwater level limit of "not less than 7 m below ground surface" for HGSL0005, HGSL0006, HGSL0014 and HGSL0015. This limit is based on studies of tree water use at Coondewanna Flats undertaken by the Licensee, which suggests that at Coondewanna Flats, the roots systems of mature Eucalyptus victrix trees may extend up to approximately 15 m below the surface, whilst those of Acacia aptaneura and Duma f/orulenta are confined to the upper 5 m of the profile. The Delegated Officer considers that this limit will ensure groundwater at the injection borefield does not interact with the roots of Acacia species within Coondewanna Flats. Condition 3.2.1 has been updated to include bores HGSL0005, HGSL0006, HGSL0014 and HGSL0015 for the monitoring of point source emissions to groundwater. This condition has existing monitoring requirements for the Deposit A MAR. As the Juna Downs MAR scheme will be reinjecting into the same aquifer as the Deposit A MAR (Wittenoom aquifer) the Delegated Officer considers that the same parameters are considered appropriate. The Licensee has developed an adaptive management approach to manage the potential

Licence: L7851/2002/6 IR-T08 Amendment Notice (Major) template v2 .0 (July 2017) 20 impacts from the operation of the Juna Downs MAR scheme on the Coondewanna Flat PEC as shown in Table 8. Table 8: Proposed Adaptive Management Response (BHP, 2016)

Monitoring and Management Values

Receptor Aspect Investigate Action Mitigate (early warning (trigger) (threshold) trigger)

Coondewanna Groundwater Groundwater level Groundwater level Groundwater level rises to 7 Flats Level rises to 17 mbgl at rises to 15 mbgl at any mbgl (or other level to be monitoring bore of the following determined during Action Stage) GWB0039M monitoring bores: at any of the following monitoring bores: • GWB0039M • GWB0039M • HCF0032M • HCF0032M • HCF0044M • HCF0044M • HCF0045M • HCF0045M

Vegetation N/A N/A Sustained canopy decline Health (defined as Crown Condition Score below baseline for 3 or more consecutive measurement events, or as determined during Action Stage) or death of any monitored tree

Conditions 3.5.1 and 3.5.2 for ambient groundwater limits and groundwater quality have been updated to include monitoring points GWB0039M, HCF0032M, HCF0044M and HCF0045M, which are the four monitoring bores associated with the Juna Downs MAR scheme. Condition 3.5.1 has an existing groundwater limit for TDS of not less than 750 mg/L. This limit has been applied to GWB0039M, HCF0032M, HCF0044M and HCF0045M. A depth to groundwater level limit of "not less than 7 mbgl" for GWB0039M, HCF0032M, HCF0044M and HCF0045M has also been applied to Condition 3.5.1 as per Table 8 (mitigate - threshold). Condition 3.5.2 has been updated to include GWB0039M, HCF0032M, HCF0044M and HCF0045M and a depth to groundwater level trigger of "not less than 15 mbgl" (as per Table 8) . This trigger level corresponds to the point at which groundwater levels could interact with the roots of Eucalyptus victrix. Condition 3.5.3 has been updated to ensure that the measuring of groundwater level is undertaken daily for GWB0039M, HCF0032M, HCF0044M and HCF0045M. If the groundwater trigger level stipulated in Condition 3.5.2 is exceeded the Licensee is required to undertake six monthly measurements of Leaf Water Potential at monitoring sites 12, 15 and 20 (in addition to ongoing Crown Condition Score and Diameter at Breast Height) to determine response of tree water use to elevated groundwater levels. The Delegated Officer considers this acceptable as the Licensee has stated that the first three years of the Leaf Water Potential data will then be used to establish new Ecological Rehydration Index baseline. If the subsequent Ecological Rehydration Index data shows increasing plant available water, investigate potential factors to determine the cause and if the change is attributable to the reinjection activities, the Licensee's measures will be instigated to limit potential negative impacts on tree health based on conceptual model of ecosystem response.

Licence: L7851/2002/6 IR-T08 Amendment Notice (Major) template v2.0 (July 2017) 21 Increase in Category 63 capacity The Delegated Officer considers that the increase in capacity for Category 63 to allow additional Inert Waste Type 1 and Inert Waste Type 2 in accordance with the Landfill Waste Classification and Waste Definitions 1996 to be acceptable and disposal at the existing inert landfill presents a low risk to human health and the environment. Condition 1.2.2 of the Licence has been amended by this Notice. The Delegated Officer notes that Inert Waste Type 1 and Inert Waste Type 2 will be processed and covered as per Conditions 1.2.4 and 1.2.6 of the existing Licence.

Include the light vehicle washdown bay and associated monitoring points The Delegated Officer notes that existing Condition 2.3.1 (L4 to L6) for treated wastewater from heavy vehicle washdown bays and workshop oily water separators, allows for the discharge of treated wastewater from overflow of the evaporation ponds during extreme rainfall events and during scheduled maintenance. Condition 3.3.1 currently requires a quarterly sample to be taken from the discharge overflow point of the evaporation pond and L5/L6 sample point and have analysed for total recoverable hydrocarbons (TRH). The Delegated Officer considers the change to include the light vehicle washdown bay in Condition 2.3.1 presents a low risk to the environment. The Delegated Officer also notes that an emission limit of 15 mg/L for TRH (L4 to L6) is on the existing licence (Condition 2.3.2). Conditions 1.2.11 (containment infrastructure) and 2.3.1 have been amended via this Notice to include the light vehicle washdown bay.

Expansion of the premises boundary The Delegated Officer considers the update to the premises boundary to be required to ensure the licence is enforceable. The Premises map and Map of emission points and monitoring locations have been amended via this Notice.

Construction of a new 3.047ha spray field and -2km of pipeline As there will be no changes to the existing Mulla Mulla Camp WWTP or treated effluent sampling location, with the exception of some new tie-in pipelines and no surrounding environmental or public receptors present, the Delegated Officer considers the construction and proposed operation of the new spray field to present a low risk to human health and the environment. No additional regulatory controls have been added to the licence for the construction and operation of the new spray field and pipelines.

Licence: L7851/2002/6 IR-T08 Amendment Notice (Major) template v2.0 (July 2017) 22 Other amendments DWER is also implementing changes to update the Licence in accordance with recent administrative changes. During this amendment definitions for 'Anniversary Date', 'MAR' and 'six monthly' have been added and updates have been made to the definition of 'Annual Audit Compliance Report', 'Annual Period' and 'Department'. The following conditions have also been updated during this amendment: • Condition 3.1.2 to stipulate that six monthly monitoring should be undertaken at least 5 months apart. This is based on the inclusion in Table 3.5.3 - Monitoring following groundwater level exceedance; and • Condition 4.1 .2 updated to indicate when the Annual Audit Compliance Report is required to be submitted.

Amendment History Table 9 provides the amendment history for L7851/2002/6. Table 9: Licence amendments

Instrument Issued Amendment

L7851/2002/6 17/1 1/2014 Licence re issue and amendment to new format template

L7851/2002/6 22/01/2014 Minor amendment

L7851/2002/6 7/04/2016 Licence amendment to update to template version 2.9

L7851/2002/6 29/09/2016 Licence amendment initiated by Licensee to increase Category 6 production capacity, approve construction of the Packsaddle Infiltration Ponds and MAC WTP, include Category 858 and include the Western and Central Sediment Basins as emission points to land

L7851/2002/6 5/10/2017 Amendment Notice 1 (this Notice) Licence amendment initiated by Licensee to increase Category 6 and Category 63 production capacity, approve construction of the Juna Downs MAR Scheme, approve construction and operation of a new WWTP spray field for the Mulla Mulla Camp and include associated monitoring conditions, include the light vehicle washdown bay as emission point to land along with associated monitoring conditions and expand the premises boundary

Licensee's Comments The Licensee was provided with an updated draft Amendment Notice on 26 September 2017. Comments received from the Licensee have been considered by the Delegated Officer as shown in Appendix 2.

Licence: L7851/2002/6 IR-T08 Amendment Notice (Major) template v2 .0 (July 2017) 23 Amendment 1. Page 1 of the licence is amended by the deletion of the text shown in strikethrough and insertion of the bold text shown in underline below: Category Approved Premises Category Category description production or production or design number design capacity capacity 5 Processing or beneficiation of metallic or non- 50,000 tonnes or 65,000,000 tonnes per metallic ore: premises on which - more per year !J.annual EfJeriod (a) Metallic or non-metallic ore is crushed, ground, milled or otherwise processed; (b) Tailings from metallic or non-metallic ore are reprocessed; or Tailings or residue from metallic or non-metallic ore are discharged into a containment cell or dam. 6 Mine dewatering: premises on which water is 50,000 tonnes or 21-, a41, GGG 34,931,000 extracted and discharged into the environment to more per year tonnes per !J.annual allow mining of ore. PBeriod 54 Sewage facility: premises - 100 m" or more 480 m" per day (a) on which sewage is treated (excluding per day septic tanks); or (b) From which treated sewage is discharged onto land or into waters. 63 Class I inert landfill site: premises on which 500 tonnes or MOO 9,000 tonnes per waste (as determined by reference to the waste more per year !J.annual EfJeriod type set out in the document entitled "Landfill Waste Classification and Waste Definitions 1996" published by the Chief Executive Officer and as amended from time to time) is accepted for burial. 73 Bulk storage of chemicals etc.: premises on 1 000 m" in 3 500 m" in aggregate which acids, alkalis or chemicals that - aggregate (a) contain at least one carbon to carbon bond; and (b) Are liquid at STP (standard temperature and pressure}, are stored. 858 Water desalinisation plant: premises at which 0.50 gigalitres or 0.9125 gigalitres per salt is extracted from water if waste water is more per year !J.annual EfJeriod discharged onto land or into waters (other than marine waters) 89 Putrescible landfill site: premises on which waste More than 20 but 3 000 tonnes per !J.annual (as determined by reference to the waste type less than 5 000 EfJeriod set out in the document entitled "Landfill Waste tonnes per year Classification and Waste Definitions 1996" published by the Chief Executive Officer, as amended from time to time) is accepted for burial.

2. The licence is amended by the deletion of the text shown in strikethrough and the insertion of the bold text shown in underline below for section 1.1.2: 'Anniversary Date' means 1 July of each year; 'Compliance Report Annual Audit Compliance Report' means a report in a format approved by the CEO as presented by the Licensee or as specified by the CEO from time to time and published on the Department's website; 'Aannual [!period' means a 12 month the inc!usive period commencing from 1 July until 30 June in the following year; 'Department' means the department established under section 35 of the Public Sector Management Act 1994 and designated as responsible for the administration of Division

Licence: L7851/2002/6 IR-T08 Amendment Notice (Major) template v2.0 (July 2017) 24 3 Part V of the Environmental Protection Act 1986; 'MAR' means Managed Aquifer Recharge; 'six monthly' means the 2 inclusive periods from 1 July to 31 December and 1 January to 30 June in the following year; 3. Condition 1.2.2 of the licence is amended by the deletion of the text shown in strikethrough and the insertion of the bold text shown in underline below: 1. 2. 2 The Licensee shall only accept waste onto the inert landfill, putrescible landfills, Rubber/Tyre Dump and sewage treatment plants, shown on the maps in Schedule 1, if' (a) it is of a type listed in Table 1.2.1; (b) the quantity accepted is below any quantity limit listed in Table 1.2.1; and (c) it meets any specification listed in Table 1.2.1.

Table 1.2.1: Waste acceptance t e type Quan, tt y I ,m, t Spee, f.tea t ton Inert Waste Type 1 .fH)()() 9 000 None specified Inert Waste Type 2 tonnes/year Tyres, rubber and plastic only Putrescible Waste None specified 3 000 tonnes/year Clean Fill None specified Accepted through sewer inflow(s) only.

Sewage 480 m3/day Packsaddle WWTP Pond System, flow recorded as inflow

All Biomax WWTPs, flow recorded at outflow Note 1: Additional requirements for the acceptance of controlled waste (including asbestos and tyres) are set out in the Environmental Protection (Controlled Waste) Regulations 2004. 4. Condition 1.2.10 of the licence is amended by the deletion of the text shown in strikethrough and the insertion of the bold text shown in underline below: 1.2.10 The Licensee shall ensure the limits specified in Table 1.2.4 are not exceeded. Table 1.2.4 Production or design capacity limits Ca t egory Ca t egory d escnp tton p remtses prod uc t ion or d estgn capact t:y I,m, t Processing or beneficiation of 5 65,000,000 tonnes of ore per annual period metallic or non-metallic ore 27,541,000 34,931,000 tonnes per Annual Period 8flfWFA total, being: • 5,840,000 tonnes per !!annual {!period {reinjectionefi - Deposit A) • 2,081,000 tonnes per !!annual {!period {discharged to the Western Sediment Basinl 6 Mine dewatering • 8,670,000 8,760,000 tonnes per !!annual [!period {discharged to the Central Sediment Basinl • 10,950,000 tonnes per !!annual {!period {discharged to the Packsaddle Infiltration Pondsl • 7,300,000 tonnes per Annual Period (reinfection - Juna Downs)

73 Bulk storage of chemicals, etc 3,500 cubic metres in aggregate

858 Water desalinisation plant 0. 9125 gigalitres per !!annual {!period

Licence: L7851 /2002/6 IR-T08 Amendment Notice (Major) template v2.0 (July 2017) 25 Note 1: Environmental Protection Regulations 1987, Schedule 1.

5. Condition 1.2.11 of the licence is amended by the deletion of the text shown in strikethrough and the insertion of the bold text shown in underline below: 1.2. 11 The Licensee shall ensure that waste material is only stored and/or treated within vessels or compounds listed in Table 1.2.5 and identified in Schedule 1 in accordance with the requirements specified within Table 1.2.5. Table 1.2.5: Containment Infrastructure Storage vessel or Material Requirements compound Packsaddle 250 m'!day of effluent from • minimum vertical freeboard of 300 evaporation/infiltration ponds the Packsaddle Village mm except during a 72 hour (L 1 and L2) Closed pond system (L 1) duration, ten year annual recurrence interval storm event 80 m3/day of effluent from the Packsaddle Biomax (L2)

Qil.y. v-1/ate," £9-f)ar:ate," +:,r:eatefi Treated wastewater from • 1.5 mm HOPE lined evaporation 111,'flstev,rater Ponds Treated heavy vehicle ./=Al pond to achieve a permeability of Oil'f.. Water Ponds washdown baysL workshop <10-9 mis oily water separators and untreated water from the lig_ht vehicle wash down bav Western Sediment Basin Mine dewater • minimum vertical freeboard of 300 mm except during a 72 hour duration, ten year annual recurrence interval storm event

Packsaddle Infiltration Ponds Mine dewater • minimum vertical freeboard of 300 (L8-L 10) mm except during a 72 hour duration, ten year annual recurrence interval storm event • high water level alarm installed and maintained on each pond

6. Condition 1.2.13 of the licence is amended by the insertion of the bold text shown in underline below: 1.2.13 The Licensee must not depart from the specifications in Column 1 and 2 for the infrastructure in each row of Table 1. 2. 7 except: a) where such departure is minor in nature and does not materially change or affect the infrastructure; or b) where such departure improves the functionality of the infrastructure and does not increase risks to public health, public amenity or the environment; and is in accordance with all other conditions of this Licence.

Infrastructure Specifications (design and construction)

Packsaddle Infiltration Ponds 1) Pond • Three infiltration ponds, 80 metres wide, 500 metres long, 0.5 metres in construction depth, each pond comprising of four basins • High level alarms installed on each ond

Licence: L7851/2002/6 IR-T08 Amendment Notice (Major) template v2.0 (July 2017) 26 • Stock proof fencing erected around perimeter of each pond 2) Water Polyethylene pipeline approximately 7 kilometres in length from the E Deposit conveyance Turkey's Nest to convey excess mine dewater to the infiltration ponds, using diesel pumps 3) Groundwater Installation of groundwater monitoring bore MB1 monitoring Mining Area C Water Treatment Plant 1) Water treatment Installation of a nano-filtration water treatment plant, in two stages: plant • Stage1.· Construction of a 0.584 gigalitre per annum water treatment plant; and • Stage 2: Expansion of the Stage 1 facility to a 0. 9125 gigalitre per annum water treatment plant.

Water treatment plant to comprise of' • Two raw water tanks, Tank A and Tank B; • Two Waste tanks, TK1000A and TK100008; • Two chlorination buildings; • Five nano-filtration trains; • Multimedia filters; • Building to contain sulphuric acid, antiscalant, sodium metasulphate, ferric chloride and sodium hydroxide; • One chlorine contact tank, CCT100000; • Two product water tanks, TK10005A and TK100058; • Control room and laboratorv. 2) Irrigation area • Construction of a 7. 4 hectare irrigation area, comprising of Wobbler xcel 4. 76 millimetres sprays. • Stock proof fencing erected around perimeter of irrigation area Juna Downs MAR scheme 1) Reinfection • Construction of injection bores with flow meters installed; bores HGSL0005, HGSL0006, HGSL0014 and HGSL0015 as location on Attachment 1 of this Amendment Notice; • Construction of two additional bores named HGSL0016 and HGSL0017 (including_ f/owmetersl located within the g_reen area demarcated 'Indicative Area for New Bore' as Attachment 1 of this Amendment Notice

Water Ae.e.roximatel'I.. 22 km of e.olY..ethY..lene conve'l..ance

Mui/a Mui/a Camo WWTP soravfield 1) Sorav irriaation heads: 24 sorinklers at -34m soacinct 2) Perimeter fencina for an area of 3.047ha 3) 110dia HDPE, PE100 PN12.5, e.rotected and buried in a trench with sand bedding_ with a of cover of 900mm in areas subject to vehicular traffic and 750mm in areas not subject to vehicular traffic. 8. The licence is amended by the inclusion of Condition 1.2.16 shown in bold text with underline below. 1.2.16 The Licensee shall operate the Juna Downs MAR scheme in accordance with the conditions of this Licence, following submission of the compliance document required under condition 4.3.1.

9. Condition 2.2.1 of the licence is amended by the insertion of the bold text shown in underline below:

Licence: L7851/2002/6 IR-TOB Amendment Notice (Major) template v2 .0 (July 2017) 27 2.2.1 The Licensee shall ensure that where waste is emitted to groundwater from the emission points in Table 2.2.1 and identified on the map of emission points in Schedule 1 it is done so in accordance with the conditions of this Licence. Table 2.2.1: Emission points to groundwater Emission point reference and Description Source including abatement location on Map of emission points HGA0001P Direct injection below Water from dewatering associated HGA0002P ground with the Managed Aquifer HGA0040P Recharge Trial HGA0041P

HGSL0005 Direct in[ection below Water from surg}us mine HGSL0006 ground dewatering HGSL0014 HGSL0015 Bores HGSL0016 and HGSL0017'

Note 1: Following compliance provided as per condition 4. 3. 1

10. Condition 2.2.2 of the licence is amended by the insertion of the bold text shown in underline below: 2.2.2 The Licensee shall not cause or allow point source emissions to exceed the limits listed in Table 2.2.2. Table 2.2.2: Point source emission limits to groundwater Emission point reference Parameter Limit Averaging period (including units) HGA0001P HGA0002P Not Jess than 1Om HGA0040P below ground HGA0041P surface

HGSL0005 Depth to Spot sample HGSL0006 groundwater HGSL0014 Not less than 7m HGSL0015 below ground Bores HGSL0016 and surface HGSL0017'

Note 1: Following compliance provided as per condition 4.3.1 11. Condition 2.2.3 of the licence is amended by the insertion of the bold text shown in underline below: 2.2.3 The Licensee shall take the specified management action in the case of an event in Table 2.2.3.

Licence: L7851/2002/6 IR-T08 Amendment Notice (Major) template v2.0 (July 2017) 28 Table 2.2.3: Management actions Emission Event! Event Management action point action reference reference HGA0001P EA1 Any time the The Licensee shall cease direct injection HGA0002P monitoring data at the emission point listed in Table HGA0040P indicates an 2.2.1 where the limit exceedance HGA0041P exceedance of occurred HGSL0005 the limit specified HGSL0006 in condition 2.2.2 HGSL0014 HGSL0015 Bores HGSL0016 and HGSL00171

Note 1: Following compliance provided as per condition 4.3.1 12. Condition 2.3.1 of the licence is amended by the deletion of the text shown in strikethrough and the insertion of the bold text shown in underline below: 2. 3. 1 The Licensee shall ensure that where waste is emitted to land from the emission points in Table 2.3.1 and identified on the map of emission points in Schedule 1 it is done so in accordance with the conditions of this Licence. Table 2.3.1: Emissions to land Emission point Description Source including abatement reference L1 Discharge of treated wastewater from Treated wastewater from Packsaddle Packsaddle Village C150K WWTP to Village C150K WWTP designated unlined evaporation/infiltration pond

L2 Discharge of treated wastewater from Treated wastewater from Packsaddle Packsaddle Village WWTP to unlined Village WWTP ponds evaporation/infiltration pond QisGRalf}e et t.ceatetl L3 Discharge of treated wastewater from Treated wastewater pipeline from Mui/a Mui/a Mui/a Camp C300K WWTP to Mui/a Camp C300K WWTP designated irrigation area L4 Discharge of treated wastewater from overflow of evaporation ponds during Treated wastewater from heavv vehicle L5 extreme rainfall events #JI' washdown bays, aRfi workshop oily water separators and untreated L6 Discharge of treated wastewater to wastewater from the light vehicle undertake scheduled maintenance of washdown bav ponds L7 Discharge of reject water from the Reject water from the Mining Area C Mining Area C Water Treatment Water Treatment Plant Plant to designated irrigation area LB L9 Discharge of excess mine dewater to Mine dewater the Packsaddle Infiltration ponds L10

L11 Discharge of excess mine dewater to Mine dewater the Western Sediment Basin L12 Discharge of excess mine dewater to Mine dewater the Central Sediment Basin

Licence: L7851/2002/6 IR-T08 Amendment Notice (Major) template v2.0 (July 2017) 29 13. Condition 3.1.2 of the licence is amended by the deletion of the text shown in strikethrough and the insertion of the bold text shown in underline below: 3. 1. 2 The Licensee shall ensure that: (a) monthly monitoring is undertaken at least 15 days apart;-a-Rfi (b) quarterly monitoring is undertaken at least 45 days apart; and (c) six monthly monitoring is undertaken at least 5 months apart.

14. Condition of the licence is amended by the insertion of the bold text shown in underline below: 3.2.1 The Licensee shall undertake the monitoring in Table 3.2.1 according to the specifications in that table.

Table 3.2. 1: Monitoring of point source emissions to groundwater Emission point Parameter Units Averaging Frequency reference period Cumulative Volume m,lday Electrical Conductivity µSiem Spot Sample Monthly pH.c pH Units Groundwater level mbgl Aluminium Arsenic Barium Boron HGA0001P Calcium Carbonate HGA0002P Cadmium HGA0040P Calcium HGA0041P Chloride HGSL0005 Chromium HGSL0006 Coooer HGSL0014 Fluoride HGSL0015 Iron Bores HGSL0016 Lead mg!L Spot sample Quarterly and HGSL001i1 Magnesium Manganese Mercury Molybdenum Nickel Nitrate Potassium Selenium Sodium Sulfate Total Dissolved Solids Zinc Note 1: pH, electn·cal conductivity and hydrochemistry samples are only required to be taken from one emission point during each quarterly monitoring event and only emission points that are active in the monitoring period are required to be sampled. Note 2: In-field non-NA TA accredited analysis permitted. Note 3: Following compliance provided as per condition 4.3.1 15. Condition 3.3.1 of the licence is amended by the deletion of the strikethrough and insertion of the bold text shown in underline below:

Licence: L7851 /2002/6 IR-T08 Amendment Notice (Major) template v2.0 (July 2017) 30 3. 3. 1 The Licensee shall undertake the monitoring in Table 3. 3. 1 according to the specifications in that table. Table 3.3.1: Monitoring of emissions to land Emission Monitoring point Parameter Units Averaging Frequency point location Period reference Flow meter to irrigation area or Volumetric flow rate m3/day Monthly Continuous evaporation I (cumulative) infiltration pond pH' pH units L1 - L3 5-Day Biochemical Final storage tank - Oxygen Demand Spot prior to discharge to Total Suspended Quarterly mg/L sample emission points Solids Total Nitrogen Total Phosphorus E.coli cfu/100mL Quarterly Discharge overflow while L4 point from EJiSGAal'f}iflfj evaporation pond

L5/L6 sample poiAt Total Recoverable Spot HVwashdown mg/L L5 ttRfl-..l=6 Hydrocarbons sample discharge overflow Quarterly point Secondary HV washdown L6 discharge overflow point

Flow meter to Volumetric flow rate m3/day Quarterly Continuous irrigation area (cumulative) L7 Final storage tank - Total Dissolved Spot prior to discharge mg/L Quarterly Solids sample emission point

Volumetric flow rate m3/day Quarterly Continuous (cumulative) pH1 Electrical µSiem Conductivity1 Aluminium mg/L Arsenic mg!L At the trunk line prior Barium mg!L to the LB to L 12 Boron mg!L infiltration/sediment Calcium Carbonate mg!L Spot basin Quarterly Cadmium mg!L sample Calcium mg!L Chloride mg/L Chromium mg!L Copper mg!L Fluoride mg/L Iron mg/L Lead mg/L

Licence: L7851/2002/6 IR-T08 Amendment Notice (Major) template v2.0 (July 2017) 31 Table 3.3.1: Monitoring of emissions to land Magnesium mg!L Manganese mg!L Mercury mg!L Molybdenum mg!L Nickel mg!L Nitrate mg!L Potassium mg!L Selenium mg!L Sodium mg!L Sulfate mg!L Total Dissolved mg!L Solids Zinc mg!L Note 1: In-field non-NATA accredited analysis permitted.

Licence: L7851/2002/6 IR-T08 Amendment Notice (Major) template v2.0 (July 2017) 32 16. Condition 3.5.1 of the licence is amended by the deletion of the text shown in strikethrough and the insertion of the bold text shown in underline below: 3. 5. 1 The Licensee shall not cause or allow exceedance of the ambient groundwater limits listed in Table 3.5.1. Table 3.5.1: Ambient groundwater limits Monitoring point Parameter Limit Averaging Frequency reference & location period GAOB07RM Total Dissolved 5150mg/L Spot Quarterly GWB0025M Solids Sample HGA0003P HGA0066M

(Mine dewater reinjection)

GWB0039M HCF0032M HCF0044M HCF0045M HPSA1633 (Packsaddle Standing water ::; Bmbgl metFe8 Spot Monthly Infiltration Ponds) level below ground sample le-vel GWB0039M Depth to :5 7mbgl HCF0032M groundwater HCF0044M HCF0045M 17. Condition 3.5.2 of the licence is amended by insertion of the bold text shown in underline below: 3.5.2 The Licensee shall undertake the monitoring in Table 3.5.2 according to the specifications in that Table. Table 3.5.2: Monitoring of ambient groundwater quality Monitoring Parameter Trigger Units Averaging Frequency point reference period GAOB05RM Spot Sample Monthly Groundwater Level ::; 12 mbgl HGA0038M GAOB07RM GWB0025M HGA0003P $12 HGA0066M Depth to Groundwater GWB0039M mbgl Spot Sample Monthly HCF0032M Level :5 15 HCF0044M HCF0045M HPSA1633 ::; 13 Electrical Conductivity1 - µSiem pH' - pH Units Spot Sample Quarterly GAOB07RM GWB0025M Aluminium - HGA0003P Arsenic - HGA0066M Barium - HPSA1633 mg!L Spot sample Quarterly Boron - Calcium Carbonate - Cadmium -

Licence: L7851/2002/6 IR-TOB Amendment Notice (Major) template v2.0 (July 2017) 33 Table 3.5.2: Monitoring of ambient groundwater quality Calcium - Chlorine - Chromium - Copper - Fluoride - Iron - Lead - Magnesium - Manganese - Mercury - Molvbdenum - Nickel - Nitrate - Potassium - Selenium - Sodium - Sulfate - Total Dissolved Solids - Zinc - Note 1: In-field non-NA TA accredited analysis permitted. 18. Condition 3.5.3 of the licence is amended by the insertion of the bold text shown in underline below: 3.5.3 The Licensee shall implement ambient environmental quality monitoring detailed in Table 3.5.3 if the depth to groundwater level specified in Table 3.5.2 in the relevant monitoring bores specified in Table 3. 5. 2 is exceeded. Table 3.5.3: Monitoring following groundwater level exceedance Emission point Parameter Units Frequency reference GWB0025M HGA0003P GAOB07RM HGA0066M Groundwater level mbgl Daily GWB0039M HCF0032M HCF0044M HCF0045M Visual assessment of surrounding - vegetation (GWB0025M, HGA0003P, GAOB07RM, HGA0066M) Vegetation Vegetation monitoring in the vicinity of the GWB0025M monitoring will event comprising 5 to 10 trees of a variety HGA0003P continue for two of species to be photographed and an GAOB07RM weeks after water assessment of each consisting of HGA0066M levels have receded 0 Tree moisture; to below target level 0 Foliage cover; 0 New growth; and 0 Flowering status. Measurement of Leaf Water Potential at GWB0039M monitoring_ sites 12, 15 and 20 (!n HCF0032M addition to ong_oing_ Crown Condition Six monthly HCF0044M Score and Diameter at Breast Heig_htl - HCF0045M to determine the rese.onse of tree water use to elevated aroundwater levels Note 1: IR fie!d non NATA aGG..-ed!ted analysis perm!tted. 19. Condition 4.1.2 of the licence is amended by the deletion of the text shown in

Licence: L7851/2002/6 IR-T08 Amendment Notice (Major) template v2.0 (July 2017) 34 strikethrough and the insertion of the bold text shown in underline below: 5.1.2 The Licensee must submit a to the CEO within 90 days a"fter the Anniversary Date, an Annual Audit Compliance Report indicating the extent to which the Licensee has complied with the conditions in this Licence for the Annual Period. 20. Condition 4.3.1 of the licence is amended by the deletion of the text shown in strikethrough and the insertion of the bold text shown in underline below: 4.3.1 The Licensee shall ensure that the parameters listed in Table 4.3.1 are notified to the CEO in accordance with the notification requirements of the table. Table 4.3.1: Notification requirements Condition Parameter Notification Format or or table requirement1 form2 (if relevant) 1.2.12 The Licensee shall, prior to commencing Four weeks prior to the None commissioning of the Mining Area C Water commencement of specified Treatment Plant, submit a commissioning commissioning. plan to the CEO. The commissioning plan shall include details relating to: (a) the commissioning stages and expected timescales for commissioning; (b) expected emissions and discharges during commissioning and the environmental implications of the emissions; (c) how emissions and discharges will be managed during commissioning; (d) the monitoring that will be undertaken during the commissioning period; (e) how accidents or malfunctions will be managed; (f) start up and shut down procedures; and (g) reporting proposals including accidents, ma/functions and reporting against the commissioning plan.

Commissioning shall be carried out in accordance with the commissioning plan. 1.2.12 The Licensee shall submit compliance Within 7 days of the None 1.2.13 documentation to the CEO, following completion of construction specified 1.2.14 construction of each of the Packsaddle

1.2.16 Infiltration Ponds1 a-Rt/ Mining Area C Water Treatment Plant and the Juna Downs MAR scheme, and prior to commissioning of the same.

The Licensee must ensure come.Jiance documentation r.tie G9fR-f)liaAGe eeGl:JmeAt shall: a) is certified.y b~ a suitabl~ gua/ified e_rofessional engineer or builder stating_ that each item of infrastructure soecified in Table

Licence: L7851/2002/6 IR-TOB Amendment Notice (Major) template v2.0 (July 2017) 35 Table 4.3.1: Notification requirements 1.2.7 has been constructed in accordance with the conditions of the Licence with no material defects that the works 111ere G9RS~t:JJGteEI iR aGG9HiaRGe with the OOG/JfReRts f!AiRiRf} Area G '= 7-tJe 1!2QQ2le '=iGeRGe AmeRElmeRt &i:J-Pf)9Ffi-Rf} f)gr;ymeRtatieR f[Jl=IP Bi!liteR, April 2Q16); and b) be signed by a person authorised to represent the Licensee and contain the printed name and position of that person within the company 1.2.12 The Licensee shall submit to the CEO, Within 7 days of the None 1.2.13 as part of the compliance document for completion of specified 1.2.16 the 2 new Juna Downs MAR scheme construction bores HGSL0016 and HGSL0017: a) written GPS locations of the 2 bores confirming the bores are within the area specified in Attachment 1.

1.2.13 If condition 1.2.13 ae.e.Jies1 then the Within 7 day_s of the None Licensee must e_rovide the CEO with a come_letion of se_ecified list of dee_artures which are certified as construction come_ly_ing_ with condition 1.2.12

Tables Breach of any limit specified in the Licence Part A: As soon as N1 1.2.1, 1.2.4, practicable but no later 2.2.2, 2.3.2, than 5pm of the next 3.5.1 usual working day.

Part B: As soon as practicable

3.5.2 Depth to groundwater level exceedance

3. 1.4 Calibration report As soon as practicable. None specified .. Note 1: Not1flcatton reqwrements m the Licence shall not negate the reqwrement to comply with s72 of the Act Note 2: Fonns are in Schedule 2 21. The Premises map in Schedule 1 is deleted and replaced with the map in Attachment 1 of this Amendment Notice. 22. The Map of emission points and monitoring locations in Schedule 1 are deleted and replaced with the maps in Attachment 2 of this Amendment Notice.

Licence: L 7851 /2002/6 IR-TOS Amendment Notice (Major) template v2.0 (July 2017) 36 Attachment 1

Premises map. The Premises is shown in the map below. The purple line depicts the Premises boundary. 680.000 68S000 690 ODO 695000 700.000 705000 710 ODO 715000 S g ~-

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Licence: L7851 /2002/6 IR-T08 Amendment Notice (Major) template v2.0 (July 2017) 37 Map of emission points and monitoring locations The locations of the emission points (waste processing locations) defined in Table 1.2.2 are shown below.

S8 000 685000 690 000 E9SOOO 700000 71)5 coo 710000

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Licence: L7851/2002/6 IR-T08 Amendment Notice (Major} template v2.0 (July 2017} 38 The locations of the emission points defined in Table 2.2.1 and the monitoring points defined in Tables 3.2.1, 3.5.1 , 3.5.2 and 3.5.3 are shown below.

680000 685000 690000 695000 700 000 705000 710000 715 000

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HCF 0044M . . ~L---,.~ --.-~ -r-~-r-~..-~-.--~-.--~.--~ .----,,----,,-----.-=""1'~--.-~--.-~-.-~-,-~ -.--~-.--~..-~.--~ .----,.-----.~--,.~--.-~--.-~ -r-~-r-~..-~..--~ ..--~.--~.----,,----,~ -,-J ~ 680.000 685.000 690.000 695.000 700.000 705.000 710.000 715000 H•:alth, s:ar.b' :and Environm•n1 LEGEND .,, BHP BILLITON IRON ORE c:l1ndicative Prescribed Premises Area MINING AREA C N X Tree Health Monitoring Site Manager Aquifer Recharge Trial Monitoring Program Regional Monitoring Sites Licence Amendment L785112002/6 A • Monitoring Bore • Production Bore 0 3

Licence: L7851/2002/6 IR-T08 Amendment Notice (Major) template v2.0 (July 2017) 39 The location of the containment infrastructure defined in Table 1.2.5, emission points defined in Table 2.3.1 and the monitoring points defined in Table 3.3.1 are shown below.

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H ...ltft.. $,afety and £.m,lr'Oft.mlfnt LEGEND ,...... , 8 HJ> Btu.ffO N tR.ON ORE bhp__b.ilti ton c:::IIndicative Pr esaibed Prem ises Are.a Uc,ensecl Monitor ing L oc•tJons • F Depos it Disch arge Point MINING AREA C N t lnfiltratMln Basin Emissions to ~ and Pr~ Monitoring t Oily Water Separator Licence Amendment L 785112002/6 A 0 Sewage Trea tme nt Plant NXD:.aie 1.... -P. OO,,, l~iraNo:;>=>SE Rn-0 t Water Treatment Plan t S prayfield Oatt:.&.O S:01: I OrO.r-:1: J.. ~:o(!C I • Trea~ed Oily Water 0 2 3 .. I 3 ~~5'"-'-' ~-· ~ C. Mo:1-& -

Licence: L7851/2002/6 IR-T08 Amendment Notice (Major) template v2.0 (July 2017) 40 Appendix 1: Key Documents

Document Title In text ref Availability 1 DER, July 2015. Guidance Statement: accessed at Regulatory principles. Department of httQ:// Environment Regulation, Perth. 2 DER, October 2015. Guidance Statement: Setting conditions. Department of Environment Regulation, Perth. 3 DER, November 2016. Guidance Statement: Risk Assessments. Department of Environment Regulation, Perth. 4 DER, November 2016. Guidance Statement: Decision Making. Department of Environment Regulation, Perth. 5 Email "L7851 - Juna Downs MAR DER records (A 1377349) Updated Information", received from - Chris Hopkins (BHP Billiton Iron Ore Pty Ltd), 14 February 2017 6 Email "RE: Revised Boundary for the DER records (A1381912) MAC Prescribed Premises", received - from Chris Hopkins (BHP Billiton Iron Ore Ptv Ltd), 22 February 2017 7 Landfill Waste Classification and Landfill Waste accessed at Waste Definitions 1996 (As amended Classification httQ:// December 2009), Department of and Waste Environment and Conservation Definitions 1996 8 Licence L7851/2002/6 - Mining Area accessed at L 7851 /2002/6 C Project httQ:// 9 Mining Area C L7854/2002/6 Licence DER records (A 1333071) Amendment Supporting Documentation - Juna Downs MAR (Including information relating to BHP, 2016 Attachments 2, 3A, 6, 9 and 10), BHP Billiton Iron Ore Pty Ltd, November 2016 10 Ministerial Statement 491 accessed at MS 491 httQ:// 11 Priority Ecological Communities for accessed at Western Australia Version 24, Parks and httQ:// Species and Communities Branch, Wildlife, 2016 Department of Parks and Wildlife, 24 June 2016 12 RE: Application for a Licence DER records (A 1360328) Amendment under the Environmental Parks and Protection Act 1986 - Mining Area C Wildlife, 2017 Licence L785112002/6, Department of Parks and Wildlife, 18 January 2017

Licence: L7851/2002/6 IR-TOB Amendment Notice (Major) template v2.0 (July 2017) 41 13 Request for comments on Licence DER records (A 1360146) Amendment under the Environmental Protection Act 1986- Mining Area C - DoW, 2017 Juna Downs MAR L7851/2002/6, Department of Water, 16 January 2017 14 Understanding-salinity - Salinity accessed at status classifications, by total salt DoW, Salinity htt12:// status concentration table, Department of to12ics/water-quality/managing- Water classification water-quality/understanding-salinity 15 Email: "RE: Additional request for DER records (A 1517849) information re: L7851 BHP MAC Juna Downs MAR Amendment Notice 1" . - From BHP regarding 2 additional re- injection bores. Email dated 1 August 2017 16 Email: "Updated Spray Field Location DER records (A 1501494) for Mui/a Mui/a Camp". From BHP regarding detail on the change in - spray field location. Email dated 8 August 2017 17 Email: "RE: APPLICANT DER records (A 1516834) NOT/FICA TION - L7851/2002/6 - APPL/CATION FOR AN AMENDMENT REQUEST FOR FURTHER INFORMATION ". From - BHP regarding the movement of the Mulla Mulla Camp spray field to new location on Premises. Email dated 4 September 2017 18 Email: "Comments on Draft Licence DER records (A 1534445) Amendment Notice for L7851 - Mining Area C 4 Oct 17". From BHP with - feedback on second AN#1 draft review. Email dated 3 October 2017, received 4 October 2017

Licence: L785 1/2002/6 IR-T08 Amendment Notice (Major) template v2.0 (July 2017) 42 Appendix 2: Summary of Licensee comments The Licensee was provided with the draft Amendment Notice on 30 June 2017 for review and comment. The Licensee responded on 18 July 2017. The following comments were received on the draft Amendment Notice.

Comments received DER consideration of risk

Draft review 1 - July 2017 response

Amendment of text within Table 1.2.5 to clarify the Material DWER considers the risk associated with the entering the 'Treated Oily Water Ponds' and to remove the proposed re-wording of Material entering the requirement for the Light Vehicle wash down water to be treated Treated Oily Water Ponds, to remove the Light prior to reaching the lined waste water pond. Vehicle washdown water, is nil. The previous licence only provided for 'Material': 'Treated The Licensee advised that the light vehicle wash down bay was wastewater from HV Washdown bays and sampled for TRH and that testing of water from the light vehicle Workshops oily water separators' and the risk wash down bay has shown results of -1 mg/L TRH. of these facilities had been previously assessed. No changes to the licence are proposed as a result of adding untreated LV wash down water to the Treated Oily Water Ponds. The discharge overflow point from the Treated Oily Water Ponds will remain to be sampled quarterly while discharging. Given this monitoring measure, DWER considers the risk of untreated LV wash down water entering the lined containment infrastructure, is nil. It is noted that the TRH sampling conducted specifically at the light vehicle wash down bay is not currently required under L7851/2002/6, but is conducted by the Licensee (at the light vehicle wash down bay) for internal monitoring purposes.

The Licensee requested two unnamed bores to be added to DWER considers the addition of the two bores Table 1.2.7 for the purpose of construction under this Licence to the Licence as low risk to the environment amendment, to enable timely construction of the additional two and public health. bores within the MAR scheme. A notification period (top DWER) of one-month prior to construction was nominated by the Licensee. The Licensee also proposed that these two additional bores only be operational subsequent to a future licence amendment.

The Licensee requested update of Emission Point Reference DWER considers the update of the names of L4, L5 and L6 in Table 3.3.1 and amend the frequency of L4 the emission point references and amendment emission point sampling to be Quarterly. of L4 sampling frequency to be a low risk to the environment and public health.

Draft review 2 - October 2017 response

The Licensee requested a wording change to Table 2.3.1: DWER considers the update of the wording for 'Emissions to land: L4, L5 and L6 - Source including abatement' points L4, L5 and L6 within Table 2.3.1 to To reflect that the untreated LV water also contributing to the constitute a low risk to the environment and overflow: 'Treated wastewater from heavy vehicle washdown public health. bays, workshop oily water separators and untreated wastewater from the light vehicle washdown bay.'

Licence: L7851/2002/6 IR-TOB Amendment Notice (Major) template v2.0 (July 2017) 43


Environmental Protection Act 1986, Part V

Licensee: BHP Billiton Iron Ore Pty Ltd

Licence: L7851/2002/6

Registered office: Level 1, City Square Brookfield Place 125 -137 St Georges Terrace PERTH WA 6000

ACN: 008 700 981

Premises address: Mining Area C Project Mining Tenement ML281SA NEWMAN WA 6753 As depicted in Schedule 1

Issue date: Thursday, 13 November 2014

Commencement date: Monday, 17 November 2014

Expiry date: Tuesday, 16 November 2027

Prescribed premises category Schedule 1 of the Environmental Protection Regulations 1987

Category Approved Premises Category Category description production or production or design number design capacity capacity 5 Processing or beneficiation of metallic or non- 50,000 tonnes or 65,000,000 tonnes per metallic ore: premises on which – more per year annual period (a) Metallic or non-metallic ore is crushed, ground, milled or otherwise processed; (b) Tailings from metallic or non-metallic ore are reprocessed; or Tailings or residue from metallic or non-metallic ore are discharged into a containment cell or dam. 6 Mine dewatering: premises on which water is 50,000 tonnes or 27,541,000 tonnes extracted and discharged into the environment to more per year per annual period allow mining of ore. 54 Sewage facility: premises – 100 m3 or more 480 m3 per day (a) on which sewage is treated (excluding per day septic tanks); or (b) From which treated sewage is discharged onto land or into waters. 63 Class I inert landfill site: premises on which 500 tonnes or 5,000 tonnes per waste (as determined by reference to the waste more per year annual period type set out in the document entitled “Landfill Waste Classification and Waste Definitions 1996” published by the Chief Executive Officer and as amended from time to time) is accepted for burial.

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73 Bulk storage of chemicals etc.: premises on 1 000 m3 in 3 500 m3 in aggregate which acids, alkalis or chemicals that – aggregate (a) contain at least one carbon to carbon bond; and (b) Are liquid at STP (standard temperature and pressure), are stored. 85B Water desalinisation plant: premises at which 0.50 gigalitres or 0.9125 gigalitres per salt is extracted from water if waste water is more per year annual period discharged onto land or into waters (other than marine waters) 89 Putrescible landfill site: premises on which waste More than 20 but 3 000 tonnes per (as determined by reference to the waste type less than 5 000 annual period set out in the document entitled “Landfill Waste tonnes per year Classification and Waste Definitions 1996” published by the Chief Executive Officer, as amended from time to time) is accepted for burial.

Conditions This Licence is subject to the conditions set out in the attached pages.

Date signed: 29 September 2016 ...... Alana Kidd Manager Licensing – Resource Industries Officer delegated under section 20 of the Environmental Protection Act 1986

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Licence 1 Contents 3 Introduction 3 Licence conditions 6 1 General 6 2 Emissions 12 3 Monitoring 14 4 Information 18 Schedule 1: Maps 22 Schedule 2: Reporting & notification forms 26


This Introduction is not part of the Licence conditions.

DER’s industry licensing role The Department of Environment Regulation (DER) is a government department for the state of Western Australia in the portfolio of the Minister for Environment. DER’s purpose is to advise on and implement strategies for a healthy environment for the benefit of all current and future Western Australians.

DER has responsibilities under Part V of the Environmental Protection Act 1986 (the Act) for the licensing of prescribed premises. Through this process DER regulates to prevent, control and abate pollution and environmental harm to conserve and protect the environment. DER also monitors and audits compliance with works approvals and licence conditions, takes enforcement action as appropriate and develops and implements licensing and industry regulation policy.

Licence requirements This Licence is issued under Part V of the Act. Conditions contained within the Licence relate to the prevention, reduction or control of emissions and discharges to the environment and to the monitoring and reporting of them.

Where other statutory instruments impose obligations on the Premises/Licensee the intention is not to replicate them in the licence conditions. You should therefore ensure that you are aware of all your statutory obligations under the Act and any other statutory instrument. Legislation can be accessed through the State Law Publisher website using the following link:

For your Premises relevant statutory instruments include but are not limited to obligations under the:

 Environmental Protection (Unauthorised Discharges) Regulations 2004 – these Regulations make it an offence to discharge certain materials such as contaminated stormwater into the environment other than in the circumstances set out in the Regulations.

 Environmental Protection (Controlled Waste) Regulations 2004 - these Regulations place obligations on you if you produce, accept, transport or dispose of controlled waste.

 Environmental Protection (Noise) Regulations 1997 – these Regulations require noise emissions from the Premises to comply with the assigned noise levels set out in the Regulations.

You must comply with your licence. Non-compliance with your licence is an offence and strict penalties exist for those who do not comply.

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Licence holders are also reminded of the requirements of section 53 of the Act which places restrictions on making certain changes to prescribed premises unless the changes are in accordance with a works approval, licence, closure notice or environmental protection notice.

Licence fees If you have a licence that is issued for more than one year, you are required to pay an annual licence fee prior to the anniversary date of issue of your licence. Non payment of annual licence fees will result in your licence ceasing to have effect meaning that it will no longer be valid and you will need to apply for a new licence for your Premises.

Ministerial conditions If your Premises has been assessed under Part IV of the Act you may have had conditions imposed by the Minister for Environment. You are required to comply with any conditions imposed by the Minister.

Premises description and Licence summary BHP Billiton Iron Ore Pty Ltd (BHPBIO) operates Mining Area C (MAC) to produce iron ore for export via Port Hedland. MAC is located in the Pilbara region of Western Australia, within mining tenement ML281SA. The nearest township is Newman, which is approximately 120 kilometres (km) south-west of MAC. Rio Tinto Iron Ore’s Hope Downs operation, Weeli Wolli Springs and the Coondewanna Flats are located 10km east, 20km east and 20km south-west respectively of the MAC operation.

Conventional open cut mining methods are used at MAC to extract ore for processing through a two stage crushing and screening system to produce lump and fines products. Following blending into stockpiles, the ore is loaded onto trains and railed to Port Hedland for export.

MAC began dewatering operations in April 2010 to allow continued mining of the ore body, with all water abstracted being re-used on site for dust control. The MAC operation has now moved into a surplus mine water balance situation and BHPBIO are in the process of conducting a Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) trial to enable an assessment of the overall feasibility and long term sustainability of a MAR operation at MAC. This trial has been approved by the Office of the Environmental Protection Agency (OEPA), was approved under works approval W5079/2011/1 and is licensed under L7851/2002/6.

The objectives of the trial are to investigate the hydraulic properties of the receiving aquifer and intervening formations between the Paraburdoo Dolomite and the Marra Mamba ore body, at a local and regional scale. BHPBIO have completed Stage 1 of the MAR trial and are ready to commence stage 3 (stage 2 will no longer be completed). Over the course of the trial the total injection rate is not expected to exceed the current approved design capacity of 5.84GL/year.

This Licence is the result of an amendment sought by BHPBIO to:  Approve the construction and operation of the Packsaddle Infiltration Ponds to dispose of up to 10.95 GL/year of mine dewater;  Approve the construction and operation of the MAC Water Treatment Plant (WTP) and associated spray field required for disposal of reject water. The WTP will have a design capacity of 0.9125 GL/year;  Increase the Category 6 premises production limit from 5.84 GL/year to 27.541 GL/year, to account for the discharge of surplus mine dewater to the proposed Packsaddle Infiltration Ponds and the existing Western and Central Sediment Basins;  Include Category 85B on the Licence to allow for the operation of the proposed WTP; and  Specify the Western and Central Sediment Basins as emission points to land and update monitoring requirements as required.

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The licences and works approvals issued for the Premises since 19/08/2002 are:

Instrument log Instrument Issued Description W3663/2002/1 19/08/2002 New works approval application for construction of prescribed premises W3687/2002/1 10/12/2002 Works approval application to construct category 54 sewage facility and category 63 and 64 landfills L7851/2002/1 05/05/2003 New licence application to allow ore processing operations to commence L7851/2002/2 05/05/2004 Licence re-issue L7851/2002/3 07/11/2004 Licence re-issue W4105/2002/1 05/09/2005 Works approval application to increase capacity of category 5 ore processing infrastructure W4162/2002/1 21/10/2005 Works approval application to construct category 54 sewage facility L7851/2002/4 07/11/2006 Licence re-issue L7851/2002/5 17/11/2009 Licence re-issue W4665/2010/1 31/05/2010 Works approval application to construct category 89 putrescible landfill W4939/2011/1 11/07/2011 Works approval application to increase capacity of category 5 ore processing infrastructure W5079/2011/1 05/03/2012 Works approval application relating to Managed Aquifer Recharge trial W5244/2012/1 10/09/2012 Works approval application – Category 5 additional crushing and screening plant (5mtpa). L7851/2002/6 17/11/2014 Licence re-issue and amendment to REFIRE format L7851/2002/6 22/01/2014 Minor amendment L7851/2002/6 07/04/2016 Amendment and update to template version 2.9. L7851/2002/6 29/09/2016 Amendment to increase Category 6 production capacity, approve construction of the Packsaddle Infiltration Ponds and MAC WTP, include Category 85B and include the Western and Central Sediment Basins as emission points to land.

Severance It is the intent of these Licence conditions that they shall operate so that, if a condition or a part of a condition is beyond the power of this Licence to impose, or is otherwise ultra vires or invalid, that condition or part of a condition shall be severed and the remainder of these conditions shall nevertheless be valid to the extent that they are within the power of this Licence to impose and are not otherwise ultra vires or invalid.


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Licence conditions

1 General

1.1 Interpretation

1.1.1 In the Licence, definitions from the Environmental Protection Act 1986 apply unless the contrary intention appears.

1.1.2 For the purposes of this Licence, unless the contrary intention appears:

‘Act’ means the Environmental Protection Act 1986;

‘acceptance criteria’ has the meaning defined in Landfill Definitions;

‘annual period’ means the inclusive period from 1 July until 30 June in the following year;

‘AS/NZS 2031’ means the Australian Standard AS/NZS 2031 Selection of containers and preservation of water samples for microbiological analysis;

‘AS/NZS 5667.1’ means the Australian Standard AS/NZS 5667.1 Water Quality – Sampling – Guidance of the Design of sampling programs, sampling techniques and the preservation and handling of samples;

‘AS/NZS 5667.10’ means the Australian Standard AS/NZS 5667.10 Water Quality – Sampling – Guidance on sampling of waste waters;

‘AS/NZS 5667.11’ means the Australian Standard AS/NZS 5667.11 Water Quality – Sampling – Guidance on sampling of groundwaters;

‘AS/NZS 2031’ means the Australian Standard AS/NZ 2031:2001 Selection of containers and preservation of water samples for microbiological analysis;

‘averaging period’ means the time over which a monitoring result is obtained;

‘CEO’ means Chief Executive Officer of the Department of Environment Regulation;

‘CEO’ for the purpose of correspondence means; Chief Executive Officer Department Division 3 Part V of the Environmental Protection Act 1986 Locked Bag 33 Cloisters Square PERTH WA 6850 Email: [email protected];

‘Clean Fill’ has the meaning defined in Landfill Definitions;

‘Compliance Report’ means a report in a format approved by the CEO as presented by the Licensee or as specified by the CEO from time to time and published on the Department’s website;

‘controlled waste’ has the definition in Environmental Protection (Controlled Waste) Regulations 2004;

‘Department’ means the department established under section 53 of the Public Sector Management Act and designated as responsible for the administration of Division 3 Part V of the Environmental Protection Act 1986;

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‘freeboard’ means the distance between the maximum water surface elevations and the top of retaining banks or structures at their lowest point;

‘Inert Waste Type 1’ has the meaning defined in Landfill Definitions;

‘Inert Waste Type 2’ has the meaning defined in Landfill Definitions;

‘Landfill Definitions’ means the document titled “Landfill Waste Classification and Waste Definitions 1996” published by the Chief Executive Officer of the Department of Environment as amended from time to time;

‘Licence’ means this Licence numbered L7851/2002/6 and issued under the Act;

‘Licensee’ means the person or organisation named as Licensee on page 1 of the Licence;

‘mbgl’ means metres below ground level;

‘NATA’ means the National Association of Testing Authorities, Australia;

‘NATA accredited’ means in relation to the analysis of a sample that the laboratory is NATA accredited for the specified analysis at the time of the analysis;

‘normal operating conditions’ means any operation of a particular process (including abatement equipment) excluding start-up, shut-down and upset conditions, in relation to stack sampling or monitoring;

‘NTU’ means nephelometric turbidity units;

‘Putrescible’ has the meaning defined in Landfill Waste Classification and Waste Definitions 1996 (As amended December 2009), published by the CEO and as amended from time to time;

‘Premises’ means the area defined in the Premises Map in Schedule 1 and listed as the Premises address on page 1 of the Licence;

‘quarterly’ means the 4 inclusive periods from 1 April to 30 June, 1 July to 30 September, 1 October to 31 December and in the following year, 1 January to 31 March;

‘rehabilitation’ means the completion of the engineering of a landfill cell and includes capping and/or final cover;

‘Schedule 1’ means Schedule 1 of this Licence unless otherwise stated;

‘Schedule 2’ means Schedule 2 of this Licence unless otherwise stated;

‘Special Waste Type 1’ has the meaning defined in Landfill Definitions;

‘spot sample’ means a discrete sample representative at the time and place at which the sample is taken;

‘tipping area’ means the area of the landfill in which waste other than cover material is being deposited;

‘µS/cm’ means microsiemens per centimetre; and

‘Waste Code’ means the Waste Code assigned to a type of controlled waste for purposes of waste tracking and reporting as specified in the Department of Environment Regulation “Controlled Waste Category List” (July 2014), as amended from time to time.

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1.1.3 Any reference to an Australian or other standard in the Licence means the relevant parts of the standard in force from time to time during the term of this Licence.

1.1.4 Any reference to a guideline or code of practice in the Licence means the version of that guideline or code of practice in force from time to time, and shall include any amendments or replacements to that guideline or code of practice made during the term of this Licence.

1.2 Premises operation

1.2.1 The Licensee shall record and investigate the exceedance of any descriptive or numerical limit in this section.

1.2.2 The Licensee shall only accept waste onto the inert landfill, putrescible landfills, Rubber/Tyre Dump and sewage treatment plants, shown on the maps in Schedule 1, if: (a) it is of a type listed in Table 1.2.1; (b) the quantity accepted is below any quantity limit listed in Table 1.2.1; and (c) it meets any specification listed in Table 1.2.1.

Table 1.2.1: Waste acceptance Waste type Quantity limit Specification 1 Inert Waste Type 1 None specified 5 000 tonnes/year Inert Waste Type 2 Tyres, rubber and plastic only Putrescible Waste None specified 3 000 tonnes/year Clean Fill None specified Accepted through sewer inflow(s) only.

Packsaddle WWTP Pond System, flow Sewage 480 m3/day recorded as inflow

All Biomax WWTPs, flow recorded at outflow Note 1: Additional requirements for the acceptance of controlled waste (including asbestos and tyres) are set out in the Environmental Protection (Controlled Waste) Regulations 2004.

1.2.3 The Licensee shall ensure that where waste does not meet the waste acceptance criteria set out in condition 1.2.1 it is removed from the Premises, where that is not possible, stored in a segregated storage area or container and removed to an appropriately authorised facility as soon as practicable.

1.2.4 The Licensee shall ensure that wastes accepted onto the landfills, Rubber / Tyre Dump and sewage treatment plants are only subjected to the process(es) set out in Table 1.2.2 and in accordance with any process limits described in that Table.

Table 1.2.2: Waste processing Waste type(s) Process Process limits 1,2 All Disposal of waste by Shall only take place within the areas shown in landfilling Schedule 1.

No waste shall be temporarily stored or landfilled within 35 metres from the boundary of the premises.

The separation distance between the base of the landfill and the highest groundwater level shall not be less than 2m. Clean Fill Receipt, handling and disposal by landfilling None specified Inert Waste Type1 Inert Waste Type 2 – Receipt, handling, To be stored in piles of up to 100 units with a 6m 1 Tyres storage prior to disposal separation distance between piles.

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by landfilling Tyres/rubber shall only be landfilled in overburden storage areas located within the prescribed premises boundary shown in Schedule 1

Putrescible Waste Receipt, handling, Shall only be placed in the Putrescible Landfill sites storage prior to disposal shown in Schedule 1. by landfilling Sewage Biological, physical and chemical treatment None specified Sewage sludge Drying and storage None specified Note 1: Requirements for landfilling tyres are set out in Part 6 of the Environmental Protection Regulations1987. Note 2: Additional requirements for the acceptance and landfilling of controlled waste (including asbestos and tyres) are set out in the Environmental Protection (Controlled Waste) Regulations 2004.

1.2.5 The Licensee shall manage the landfilling activities to ensure: (a) waste is levelled and compacted as soon as practicable after it is discharged; (b) waste is placed and compacted to ensure all faces are stable and capable of retaining rehabilitation material; and (c) rehabilitation of a cell or phase takes place within 6 months after disposal in that cell or phase has been completed.

1.2.6 The Licensee shall ensure that cover is applied and maintained on landfilled wastes in accordance with Table 1.2.3 and that sufficient stockpiles of cover are maintained on site at all times.

Table 1.2.3: Cover requirements 1 Waste Type Material Depth Timescales Inert Waste type 1 N/A N/A No cover required As soon as practicable following the achievement of final process limits (as defined in Inert Waste Type 2 100mm Table 1.2.2) in the area(s) in which tyres are Type 1 Inert deposited waste, As soon as practicable and not later than weekly clean fill or 150mm

soil Putrescible Waste Within 3 months of achieving final waste 1 000mm contours

Note 1: Additional requirements for the covering of tyres are set out in Part 6 of the Environmental Protection Regulations 1987.

1.2.7 The Licensee shall prevent unauthorised access to the landfill(s).

1.2.8 The Licensee shall ensure that wind-blown waste is contained within the boundary of the Premises and that wind-blown waste is returned to the tipping area on at least a monthly basis.

1.2.9 The Licensee shall manage the wastewater treatment facilities, wastewater treatment evaporation ponds and irrigation areas such that: (a) stormwater runoff resulting from site drainage shall be prevented from entering the wastewater treatment ponds or causing erosion of the outer pond embankments; (b) overtopping of the ponds shall not occur, except as a result of a storm event of 10 years average recurrence interval and 72 hours duration; (c) vegetation and debris (emergent or otherwise) is prevented from growing or accumulating in the pond wastewaters or on the inner pond embankments; (d) no irrigation generated run-off, spray drift or discharge occurs beyond the boundary of the defined irrigation area(s).

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1.2.10 The Licensee shall ensure the limits specified in Table 1.2.4 are not exceeded.

Table 1.2.4 Production or design capacity limits Category1 Category description1 Premises production or design capacity limit Processing or beneficiation of 5 65,000,000 tonnes of ore per annual period metallic or non-metallic ore 27,541,000 tonnes per annum total, being:  5,840,000 tonnes per annual period reinjected  2,081,000 tonnes per annual period discharged to the Western Sediment Basin 6 Mine dewatering  8,670,000 tonnes per annual period discharged to the Central Sediment Basin  10,950,000 tonnes per annual period discharged to the Packsaddle Infiltration Ponds

73 Bulk storage of chemicals, etc 3,500 cubic metres in aggregate

85B Water desalinisation plant 0.9125 gigalitres per annual period

Note 1: Environmental Protection Regulations 1987, Schedule 1.

1.2.11 The Licensee shall ensure that waste material is only stored and/or treated within vessels or compounds listed in Table 1.2.5 and identified in Schedule 1 in accordance with the requirements specified within Table 1.2.5.

Table 1.2.5: Containment Infrastructure Storage vessel or compound Material Requirements 3 Packsaddle 250 m /day of effluent  minimum vertical freeboard of 300 mm evaporation/infiltration ponds (L1 from the Packsaddle except during a 72 hour duration, ten and L2) Village Closed pond year annual recurrence interval storm system (L1) event

80 m3/day of effluent from the Packsaddle Biomax (L2)

Oily Water Separator Treated Treated wastewater  1.5 mm HDPE lined evaporation pond Wastewater Ponds from HV Washdown to achieve a permeability of <10-9 m/s bays and Workshops oily water separators

Western Sediment Basin Mine dewater  minimum vertical freeboard of 300 mm except during a 72 hour duration, ten year annual recurrence interval storm event  Packsaddle Infiltration Ponds (L8- Mine dewater  minimum vertical freeboard of 300 mm L10) except during a 72 hour duration, ten year annual recurrence interval storm event  high water level alarm installed and maintained on each pond 

1.2.12 The Licensee shall construct the Packsaddle Infiltration Ponds and Mining Area C Water Treatment Plant in accordance with the documentation detailed in Table 1.2.6.

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Table 1.2.6: Construction requirements Document Parts Date of document Mining Area C L7851/2002/6 – All, including drawings and April 2016 Licence Amendment Supporting appendices Documentation Email correspondence, RE: Mining All, including Attachments 19 May 2016, 08:17 Area C Project – Licence L7851/2002/6 – amendment, Chris Hopkins, BHP Billiton Pty Ltd Email correspondence, RE: Mining All, including Attachments 24 May 2016, 13:45 Area C Project – Licence L7851/2002/6 – amendment, Chris Hopkins, BHP Billiton Pty Ltd

1.2.13 The Licensee must not depart from the specifications in Column 1 and 2 for the infrastructure in each row of Table 1.2.7 except: a) where such departure is minor in nature and does not materially change or affect the infrastructure; or b) where such departure improves the functionality of the infrastructure and does not increase risks to public health, public amenity or the environment; and is in accordance with all other conditions of this Licence.

Table 1.2.7: Infrastructure to be constructed Infrastructure Specifications (design and construction)

Packsaddle Infiltration Ponds 1) Pond  Three infiltration ponds, 80 metres wide, 500 metres long, 0.5 construction metres in depth, each pond comprising of four basins  High level alarms installed on each pond  Stock proof fencing erected around perimeter of each pond 2) Water Polyethylene pipeline approximately 7 kilometres in length from the E conveyance Deposit Turkey’s Nest to convey excess mine dewater to the infiltration ponds, using diesel pumps 3) Groundwater Installation of groundwater monitoring bore MB1 monitoring Mining Area C Water Treatment Plant 1) Water Installation of a nano-filtration water treatment plant, in two stages: treatment  Stage1: Construction of a 0.584 gigalitre per annum water plant treatment plant; and  Stage 2: Expansion of the Stage 1 facility to a 0.9125 gigalitre per annum water treatment plant.

Water treatment plant to comprise of:  Two raw water tanks, Tank A and Tank B;  Two Waste tanks, TK1000A and TK10000B;  Two chlorination buildings;  Five nano-filtration trains;  Multimedia filters;  Building to contain sulphuric acid, antiscalant, sodium metasulphate, ferric chloride and sodium hydroxide;  One chlorine contact tank, CCT100000;  Two product water tanks, TK10005A and TK10005B;  Control room and laboratory. 2) Irrigation area  Construction of a 7.4 hectare irrigation area, comprising of Wobbler xcel 4.76 millimetres sprays.  Stock proof fencing erected around perimeter of irrigation area

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1.2.14 The Licensee shall operate the Packsaddle Infiltration Ponds in accordance with the conditions of this Licence, following submission of the compliance document required under condition 4.3.1.

1.2.15 The Licensee shall operate the Mining Area C Water Treatment Plant in accordance with the conditions of this Licence, following submission of the commissioning report required under condition 4.2.3.

2 Emissions

2.1 General

2.1.1 The Licensee shall record and investigate the exceedance of any descriptive or numerical limit specified in any part of section 2 of this Licence.

2.2 Point source emissions to groundwater

2.2.1 The Licensee shall ensure that where waste is emitted to groundwater from the emission points in Table 2.2.1 and identified on the map of emission points in Schedule 1 it is done so in accordance with the conditions of this Licence.

Table 2.2.1: Emission points to groundwater Emission point reference Description Source including abatement and location on Map of emission points HGA0001P Direct injection below Water from dewatering HGA0002P ground associated with the Managed HGA0040P Aquifer Recharge Trial HGA0041P

2.2.2 The Licensee shall not cause or allow point source emissions to exceed the limits listed in Table 2.2.2.

Table 2.2.2: Point source emission limits to groundwater Emission point Parameter Limit Averaging period reference (including units) HGA0001P HGA0002P Not less than 10m Depth to groundwater Spot sample HGA0040P below ground surface HGA0041P

2.2.3 The Licensee shall take the specified management action in the case of an event in Table 2.2.3.

Table 2.2.3: Management actions Emission Event/ Event Management action point action reference reference HGA0001P EA1 Any time the The Licensee shall cease direct injection HGA0002P monitoring data at the emission point listed in Table 2.2.1 HGA0040P indicates an where the limit exceedance occurred HGA0041P exceedance of the limit specified in condition 2.2.2

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2.3 Emissions to land

2.3.1 The Licensee shall ensure that where waste is emitted to land from the emission points in Table 2.3.1 and identified on the map of emission points in Schedule 1 it is done so in accordance with the conditions of this Licence.

Table 2.3.1: Emissions to land Emission point Description Source including abatement reference L1 Discharge of treated Treated wastewater from Packsaddle wastewater from Packsaddle Village C150K WWTP Village C150K WWTP to designated unlined evaporation/infiltration pond L2 Discharge of treated Treated wastewater from Packsaddle wastewater from Packsaddle Village WWTP ponds Village WWTP to unlined evaporation/infiltration pond Discharge of treated L3 Discharge of treated Treated wastewater pipeline from Mulla wastewater from Mulla Mulla Mulla Camp C300K WWTP Camp C300K WWTP to designated irrigation area L4 Discharge of treated wastewater from overflow of L5 evaporation ponds during Treated wastewater from HV Washdown extreme rainfall events bays and Workshops oily water L6 Discharge of treated separators wastewater to undertake scheduled maintenance of ponds L7 Discharge of reject water from the Mining Area C Water Reject water from the Mining Area C Treatment Plant to designated Water Treatment Plant irrigation area L8

Discharge of excess mine L9 dewater to the Packsaddle Mine dewater Infiltration ponds L10

L11 Discharge of excess mine dewater to the Western Mine dewater Sediment Basin L12 Discharge of excess mine dewater to the Central Mine dewater Sediment Basin

2.3.2 The Licensee shall not cause or allow emissions to land greater than the limits listed in Table 2.3.2.

Table 2.3.2: Emission limits to land Emission point Parameter Limit Averaging reference (including units) period L4, L5 and L6 Total Recoverable Hydrocarbons 15mg/L Spot sample L7 Total Dissolved Solids 1,800 mg/L Spot sample

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3 Monitoring

3.1 General monitoring

3.1.1 The Licensee shall ensure that: (a) all water samples are collected and preserved in accordance with AS/NZS 5667.1; (b) all wastewater sampling is conducted in accordance with AS/NZS 5667.10; (c) all groundwater sampling is conducted in accordance with AS/NZS 5667.11; (d) all microbiological samples are collected and preserved in accordance with AS/NZS 2031; and (e) all laboratory samples are submitted to and tested by a laboratory with current NATA accreditation for the parameters being measured unless indicated otherwise in the relevant table.

3.1.2 The Licensee shall ensure that: (a) monthly monitoring is undertaken at least 15 days apart; and (b) quarterly monitoring is undertaken at least 45 days apart.

3.1.3 The Licensee shall ensure that all monitoring equipment used on the Premises to comply with the conditions of this Licence is calibrated in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications.

3.1.4 The Licensee shall, where the requirements for calibration cannot be practicably met, or a discrepancy exists in the interpretation of the requirements, bring these issues to the attention of the CEO accompanied with a report comprising details of any modifications to the methods.

3.2 Monitoring of point source emissions to groundwater

3.2.1 The Licensee shall undertake the monitoring in Table 3.2.1 according to the specifications in that table.

Table 3.2.1: Monitoring of point source emissions to groundwater Emission point Parameter Units Averaging Frequency reference1 period Cumulative Volume m3/day Electrical Conductivity2 µS/cm 2 Spot Sample Monthly pH pH Units Groundwater level mbgl Aluminium Arsenic Barium Boron HGA0001P HGA0002P Calcium Carbonate HGA0040P Cadmium HGA0041P Calcium Chloride mg/L Spot sample Quarterly Chromium Copper Fluoride Iron Lead Magnesium Manganese Mercury

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Molybdenum Nickel Nitrate Potassium Selenium Sodium Sulfate Total Dissolved Solids Zinc Note 1: pH, electrical conductivity and hydrochemistry samples are only required to be taken from one emission point during each quarterly monitoring event and only emission points that are active in the monitoring period are required to be sampled. Note 2: In-field non-NATA accredited analysis permitted.

3.3 Monitoring of emissions to land

3.3.1 The Licensee shall undertake the monitoring in Table 3.3.1 according to the specifications in that table.

Table 3.3.1: Monitoring of emissions to land Emission Monitoring point Parameter Units Averaging Frequency point location Period reference Flow meter to irrigation area or Volumetric flow rate 3 m /day Monthly Continuous evaporation / (cumulative) infiltration pond 1 pH pH units L1 – L3 5-Day Biochemical Final storage tank - Oxygen Demand Total Suspended prior to discharge to mg/L Spot sample Quarterly emission points Solids Total Nitrogen Total Phosphorus E.coli cfu/100mL L4 Discharge overflow point from Quarterly evaporation pond while Total Recoverable mg/L Spot sample discharging Hydrocarbons

L5/L6 sample point Quarterly L5 and L6 Volumetric flow rate m3/day Quarterly Continuous Flow meter to (cumulative) irrigation area L7 Final storage tank – Total Dissolved mg/L Spot sample Quarterly prior to discharge Solids emission point At the trunk line Volumetric flow rate Quarterly Continuous 3 prior to the (cumulative) m /day infiltration/sediment basin 1 L8 to L12 pH Electrical 1 µS/cm Conductivity Spot sample Quarterly Aluminium mg/L Arsenic mg/L

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Barium mg/L Boron mg/L Calcium Carbonate mg/L Cadmium mg/L Calcium mg/L Chloride mg/L Chromium mg/L

Copper mg/L

Fluoride mg/L Iron mg/L Lead mg/L Magnesium mg/L Manganese mg/L Mercury mg/L Molybdenum mg/L Nickel mg/L Nitrate mg/L Potassium mg/L Selenium mg/L Sodium mg/L Sulfate mg/L Total Dissolved mg/L Solids Zinc mg/L Note 1: In-field non-NATA accredited analysis permitted.

3.4 Monitoring of inputs and outputs

3.4.1 The Licensee shall undertake the monitoring in Table 3.4.1 according to the specifications in that table.

Table 3.4.1: Monitoring of inputs and outputs Input/output Parameter Units Averaging Frequency period Inert Waste Type 1 Annual records of Inert Waste Type 2 total waste arriving at each waste Waste Inputs Putrescible Waste tonnes N/A management Clean Fill facility depicted in Schedule 1

3.5 Ambient environmental quality monitoring

3.5.1 The Licensee shall not cause or allow exceedance of the ambient groundwater limits listed in Table 3.5.1.

Table 3.5.1: Ambient groundwater limits Monitoring point Parameter Limit Averaging Frequency reference & location period GAOB07RM Total Dissolved ≤750mg/L Spot Quarterly GWB0025M Solids Sample HGA0003P HGA0066M (Mine dewater reinjection) HPSA1633 (Packsaddle Standing water ≤ 8 metres below Spot Monthly Infiltration Ponds) level ground level sample

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3.5.2 The Licensee shall undertake the monitoring in Table 3.5.2 according to the specifications in that Table.

Table 3.5.2: Monitoring of ambient groundwater quality Monitoring point Parameter Trigger Units Averaging Frequency reference period GAOB05RM Spot Sample Monthly Groundwater Level ≤ 12 mbgl HGA0038M GAOB07RM ≤ 12 GWB0025M

HGA0003P Depth to Groundwater Spot Sample Monthly HGA0066M mbgl Level

HPSA1633 ≤ 13 Electrical Conductivity1 - µS/cm pH1 - GAOB07RM pH Units Spot Sample Quarterly GWB0025M HGA0003P Aluminium - HGA0066M Arsenic - HPSA1633 Barium - Boron - Calcium Carbonate - Cadmium - Calcium - Chlorine - Chromium - Copper - Fluoride - Iron - Lead - mg/L Spot sample Quarterly Magnesium - Manganese - Mercury - Molybdenum - Nickel - Nitrate - Potassium - Selenium - Sodium - Sulfate - Total Dissolved Solids - Zinc - Note 1: In-field non-NATA accredited analysis permitted.

3.5.3 The Licensee shall implement ambient environmental quality monitoring detailed in Table 3.5.3 if the depth to groundwater level specified in Table 3.5.2 in the relevant monitoring bores specified in Table 3.5.2 is exceeded.

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Table 3.5.3: Monitoring following groundwater level exceedance Emission point Parameter Units Frequency reference

Groundwater level mbgl Daily

Visual assessment of surrounding - vegetation (GWB0025M, HGA0003P, GWB0025M HGA0003P GAOB07RM, HGA0066M) Vegetation GAOB07RM Vegetation monitoring in the vicinity of the monitoring will HGA0066M event comprising 5 to 10 trees of a variety continue for two of species to be photographed and an weeks after water assessment of each consisting of: levels have o Tree moisture; receded to below o Foliage cover; target level o New growth; and o Flowering status. Note 1: In-field non-NATA accredited analysis permitted.

4 Information

4.1 Records

4.1.1 All information and records required by the Licence shall: (a) be legible; (b) if amended, be amended in such a way that the original and subsequent amendments remain legible or are capable of retrieval; (c) except for records listed in 4.1.1(d) be retained for at least 6 years from the date the records were made or until the expiry of the Licence or any subsequent licence; and (d) for those following records, be retained until the expiry of the Licence and any subsequent licence: (i) off-site environmental effects; or (ii) matters which affect the condition of the land or waters.

4.1.2 The Licensee must submit a Compliance Report indicating the extent to which the Licensee has complied with the conditions in this Licence for the Annual Period.

4.1.3 The Licensee shall implement a complaints management system that as a minimum records the number and details of complaints received concerning the environmental impact of the activities undertaken at the Premises and any action taken in response to the complaint.

4.2 Reporting

4.2.1 The Licensee shall submit to the CEO an Annual Environmental Report by the 1 October each year. The report shall contain the information listed in Table 4.2.1 in the format or form specified in that table.

Table 4.2.1: Annual Environmental Report Condition or table Parameter Format or form1 (if relevant) - Summary of any failure or malfunction of any pollution None specified control equipment and any environmental incidents that have occurred during the annual period and any action taken - Summary of design capacity and throughputs for each None specified prescribed activity on the premises

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Tables 3.5.2 Groundwater level exceedances None specified Tables 1.2.1, 1.2.4, Limit exceedances None specified 2.2.2, 2.3.2, 3.5.1 3.2.1 Cumulative volume, standing water level, pH, electrical None specified conductivity, physicochemical parameters as listed in Table 3.2.1 and a comparison of results against established trigger values. Details of investigations conducted, including outcomes, environmental impacts and remedial actions, in relation to trigger exceedances and a discussion of any trends identified 3.3.1 L1-L3 – Monitoring results and comparison against the None specified National Water Quality Management Strategy Australian Guidelines for Sewerage Systems – Effluent Management (Agriculture and Resource Management Council of Australia and New Zealand, Australian and New Zealand Environment and Conservation Council, 1997)

L4-L7 – Monitoring results L8-L12 – Monitoring results and comparison of results against established trigger values and previous monitoring results. Details of investigations conducted, including outcomes, environmental impacts and remedial actions, in relation to trigger exceedances and a discussion of any trends identified. 3.4.1 Inputs and outputs of waste on the premises None specified 3.5.2 Ambient groundwater monitoring results and a None specified comparison of results against established trigger values. Details of investigations conducted, including outcomes, environmental impacts and remedial actions, in relation to trigger exceedances and a discussion of any trends identified 4.1.2 Compliance None specified 4.1.3 Complaints summary None specified Note 1: Forms are in Schedule 2

4.2.2 The Licensee shall ensure that the Annual Environmental Report also contains an assessment of the information contained within the report against previous monitoring results and Licence limits and/or triggers.

4.2.3 The Licensee shall submit the information in Table 4.2.2 to the CEO according to the specifications in that table.

Table 4.2.2: Non-annual reporting requirements Condition Parameter Reporting Reporting date Format or form or table period (after end of (if the reporting relevant) period) - Copies of Not Within 14 days As received by the Licensee from original Applicable of the CEOs third parties monitoring request reports submitted to the Licensee by third parties 1.2.12 Commissioning Not Within one The report shall include: report for the applicable month of the (a) a summary of monitoring Mining Area C completion of results;

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Water commissioning (b) a list of any original Treatment Plant monitoring reports submitted to the Licensee from third parties for the commissioning period; (c) a summary of the environmental performance of the Mining Area C Water Treatment Plant as installed, against the design specification set out in the application; and (d) where they have not been met, measures proposed to meet the design specification and/or Licence conditions, together with timescales for implementing the proposed measures. 3.5.3 Monitoring Not Within one None specified results following Applicable month of the groundwater completion of level the vegetation exceedance, monitoring including a specified in discussion of Table 3.5.3 results, environmental impacts and remedial actions

4.3 Notification

4.3.1 The Licensee shall ensure that the parameters listed in Table 4.3.1 are notified to the CEO in accordance with the notification requirements of the table.

Table 4.3.1: Notification requirements Condition Parameter Notification Format or table requirement1 or form2 (if relevant) 1.2.12 The Licensee shall, prior to commencing Four weeks prior to the None commissioning of the Mining Area C Water commencement of specified Treatment Plant, submit a commissioning commissioning. plan to the CEO. The commissioning plan shall include details relating to: (a) the commissioning stages and expected timescales for commissioning; (b) expected emissions and discharges during commissioning and the environmental implications of the emissions; (c) how emissions and discharges will be managed during commissioning; (d) the monitoring that will be undertaken during the commissioning period; (e) how accidents or malfunctions will

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be managed; (f) start up and shut down procedures; and (g) reporting proposals including accidents, malfunctions and reporting against the commissioning plan.

Commissioning shall be carried out in accordance with the commissioning plan. 1.2.12 The Licensee shall submit a compliance Within 7 days of the None 1.2.13 document to the CEO, following completion of construction specified 1.2.14 construction of each of the Packsaddle Infiltration Ponds and Mining Area C Water Treatment Plant and prior to commissioning of the same. The compliance document shall: a) certify that the works were constructed in accordance with the documents Mining Area C L7851/2002/6 – Licence Amendment Supporting Documentation (BHP Billiton, April 2016); and b) be signed by a person authorised to represent the Licensee and contain the printed name and position of that person within the company Tables 1.2.1, Breach of any limit specified in the Licence Part A: As soon as N1 1.2.4, 2.2.2, practicable but no later 2.3.2, 3.5.1 than 5pm of the next usual working day.

Part B: As soon as practicable

3.5.2 Depth to groundwater level exceedance

3.1.4 Calibration report As soon as practicable. None specified Note 1: Notification requirements in the Licence shall not negate the requirement to comply with s72 of the Act Note 2: Forms are in Schedule 2

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Schedule 1: Maps

Premises map

The Premises is shown in the map below. The purple line depicts the Premises boundary.

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Government of Western Australia

Department of Environment Regulation

Map of emission points and monitoring locations

The locations of the emission points (waste processing locations) defined in Table 1.2.2 are shown below.

085000 000000 005000 700000 70~000 710000

HNith, S»ety ~ Envir"onrnn: LEGEND ;II BW BlLUTON IRON ORE bhpbilliton...... _ Pilbara Featu res Mo n it oring Site ~ Pilbara Rail Lin e Waste Management Facility MINING AREA C N I waste Management Fadlities - Hiohway ucence Amendment L78511200216 A P ri!:Kr lbed P rem i se~ Areas I:Jcurrent - Approved (L7851) ...... Aqtei:No: M6WX14 ERt'II'O D:H 4Wf20t6 Oedittt J III:OOifb... 2 4 ~ ... -.,.._---t-RftWwM ·L llllp tiCCI. km DoaunentPattl. Y.Vob1W01 AlOOO\A6~9\lPToject~659J01 4 MAc__Lk.enceAmendmentWastef adiUes Revo.mxd

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Map of emission points and monitoring locations

The locations of the emission points defined in Table 2.2.1 and the monitoring points defined in Tables 3.2.1, 3.5.1, 3.5.2, and 3.5.3 are shown below.

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Government of Western Australia

Department of Environment Regulation

The locations of the containment infrastructure defined in Table 1.2.5, emission points defined in Table 2.3.1 and the monitoring points defined in Table 3.3.1 are shown below.

~.000 4110.000 ~~~~~. 000 700,000 70~ 000 710,000

Ht*h. ~ttty Mid Environment LEGEND :II B~ BUJTON IRON ORE Pilba ra Features Ucen sed Monitori ng LocatJons: bhpbtlllton -- Pilbara Rail Line e F Deposit Discharge Point ·- - Highway t Infiltration Basin MltiiNG AREA C N Prescribed Premises Areas t Oily Water Separator Emissions to Land and Process Monitomg Ucence Amendment L78St/200216 I:IOJrrent - Approved (L7851) 0 Sewage Treatment Plant A t Water Treatment Plant Sprayfoeld N

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Schedule 2: Reporting & notification forms

These forms are provided for the proponent to report monitoring and other data required by the Licence. They can be requested in an electronic format.

Licence: L7851/2002/6 Licensee: BHP Billiton Iron Ore Pty Ltd Form: N1 Date of breach:

Notification of detection of the breach of a limit

These pages outline the information that the operator must provide. Units of measurement used in information supplied under Part A and B requirements shall be appropriate to the circumstances of the emission. Where appropriate, a comparison should be made of actual emissions and authorised emission limits.

Part A Licence Number Name of operator Location of Premises Time and date of the detection

Notification requirements for the breach of a limit Emission point reference/ source Parameter(s) Limit Measured value Date and time of monitoring Measures taken, or intended to be taken, to stop the emission Part B Any more accurate information on the matters for notification under Part A. Measures taken, or intended to be taken, to prevent a recurrence of the incident.

Measures taken, or intended to be taken, to rectify, limit or prevent any pollution of the environment which has been or may be caused by the emission.

The dates of any previous N1 notifications for the Premises in the preceding 24 months.

Name Post Signature on behalf of BHP Billiton Iron Ore Pty Ltd Date

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Decision Document

Environmental Protection Act 1986, Part V

Proponent: BHP Billiton Iron Ore Pty Ltd

Licence: L7851/2002/6

Registered office: Level 1, City Square Brookfield Place 125 -137 St Georges Terrace PERTH WA 6000

ACN: 008 700 981

Premises address: Mining Area C Project Mining Tenement ML281SA NEWMAN WA 6753

Issue date: Thursday, 13 November 2014

Commencement date: Monday, 17 November 2014

Expiry date: Tuesday, 16 November 2027


Based on the assessment detailed in this document the Department of Environment Regulation (DER), has decided to issue an amended Licence. DER considers that in reaching this decision, it has taken into account all relevant considerations and that the Licence and its conditions will ensure that an appropriate level of environmental protection is provided.

Decision Document prepared by: Haley Brunel Licensing Officer

Decision Document authorised by: Alana Kidd Manager Licensing (Resource Industries)

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Decision Document 1 Contents 2 1 Purpose of this Document 2 2 Administrative summary 2 3 Executive summary of proposal and assessment 3 4 Decision table 4 5 Advertisement and consultation table 12 6 Risk Assessment 15

1 Purpose of this Document

This decision document explains how DER has assessed and determined the application and provides a record of DER’s decision-making process and how relevant factors have been taken into account. Stakeholders should note that this document is limited to DER’s assessment and decision making under Part V of the Environmental Protection Act 1986. Other approvals may be required for the proposal, and it is the proponent’s responsibility to ensure they have all relevant approvals for their Premises.

2 Administrative summary

Administrative details

Works Approval Application type New Licence Licence amendment Works Approval amendment Assessed design Category number(s) capacity 65,000,000 tonnes per 5 annum 27,541,000 tonnes per 6 Activities that cause the premises to become annum prescribed premises 54 480 cubic metres per day 63 5,000 tonnes per annum 3,500 cubic metres in 73 aggregate 0.9125 gigalitres per 85B annum 89 3,000 tonnes per annum Application verified Date: N/A Application fee paid Date: N/A Yes No N/A Works Approval has been complied with

Compliance Certificate received Yes No N/A Commercial-in-confidence claim Yes No Commercial-in-confidence claim outcome N/A

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Is the proposal a Major Resource Project? Yes No

Was the proposal referred to the Environmental Referral decision No: 1108 Protection Authority (EPA) under Part IV of the Yes No Managed under Part V Environmental Protection Act 1986? Assessed under Part IV Ministerial statement No: 491 Is the proposal subject to Ministerial Conditions? Yes No EPA Report No: 913

Does the proposal involve a discharge of waste Yes No into a designated area (as defined in section 57 of the Environmental Protection Act 1986)? Department of Water consulted Yes No

Is the Premises within an Environmental Protection Policy (EPP) Area Yes No If Yes include details of which EPP(s) here.

Is the Premises subject to any EPP requirements? Yes No

If Yes, include details here, eg Site is subject to SO2 requirements of Kwinana EPP.

3 Executive summary of proposal and assessment

BHP Billiton Iron Ore Pty Ltd (BHPBIO) operates Mining Area C (MAC) to produce iron ore for export via Port Hedland. MAC is located in the Pilbara region of Western Australia, within mining tenement ML281SA. The nearest township is Newman, which is approximately 120 kilometres (km) south-west of MAC. Rio Tinto Iron Ore’s Hope Downs operation, Weeli Wolli Springs and the Coondewanna Flats are located 10km east, 20km east and 20km south-west respectively of the MAC operation.

Conventional open cut mining methods are used at MAC to extract ore for processing through a two stage crushing and screening system to produce lump and fines products. Following blending into stockpiles, the ore is loaded onto trains and railed to Port Hedland for export.

BHPBIO has applied to amend the MAC operating licence L7851/2002/6. Under this amendment, BHPBIO is seeking approval to construct and operate three infiltration ponds to dispose of excess mine dewater; and increase the rate of mine dewater discharge from 5.8 gigaltires per annum to 27.54 gigalitres per annum. BHPBIO is also seeking approval for the construction and operation of a Water Treatment Plant (WTP) to produce potable water for the site’s accommodation villages. Reject water from the WTP will be disposed of to a 7.4 hectare (ha) irrigation area.

At the time of this amendment, existing sedimentation basins used as a disposal option for excess mine dewater are also being included in the Licence as specified emission points to land.

During this amendment, DER has assessed the emissions and discharges associated with construction and operation of the Packsaddle Infiltration Ponds and Water Treatment Plant; and the operation of the existing sediment ponds. The inclusion of new conditions and changes to existing conditions have been justified in Section 4.

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4 Decision table

All applications are assessed in line with the Environmental Protection Act 1986, the Environmental Protection Regulations 1987 and DER’s Operational Procedure on Assessing Emissions and Discharges from Prescribed Premises. Where other references have been used in making the decision they are detailed in the decision document.


Works Condition Justification (including risk description & decision methodology where Reference documents Approval / number relevant) Licence W = Works Approval section L= Licence General Definitions In accordance with recent administrative changes implemented within the General provisions of the conditions Department, the definition of CEO has been updated; and definitions for Environmental Protection ‘Compliance Report’ and ‘Department’ included in the Licence to reflect Act 1986 changes to the reporting requirements for annual compliance reports. Guidance Statement Conditions 1.1.5, 1.1.6 Guidance Statement Setting conditions (DER, October 2015) states that Setting Conditions (DER, and 1.1.7 (removed) conditions imposed on Licences must be valid, enforceable and/or risk based. October 2015) Noting the requirements of this Guidance Statement, conditions 1.1.5, 1.1.6 and 1.1.7 have been removed from the Licence, explained further below.

Previous condition 1.1.5 specified: “Nothing in the Licence shall be taken to authorise any emission that is not mentioned in the Licence, where the emission amounts to: (a) pollution; (b) unreasonable emission; (c) discharge of waste in circumstances likely to cause pollution; or (d) being contrary to any written law.”

This condition is not valid, enforceable or risk based as it is an explanatory statement that attempts to provide clarification of the operation of the Licence; and has therefore been removed from the Licence.

Previous condition 1.1.6 specified:

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Works Condition Justification (including risk description & decision methodology where Reference documents Approval / number relevant) Licence W = Works Approval section L= Licence “The Licensee shall operate and maintain all pollution control and monitoring equipment to the manufacturer’s specifications or any relevant and effective internal management system.”

This condition is not enforceable as it is not clear or certain in that the pollution control equipment and monitoring equipment required to be operated and maintained is not specified. The requirements to achieve compliance are not clear.

Previous condition 1.1.7 specified: “The Licensee shall immediately recover, or remove and dispose of spills of environmentally hazardous materials outside an engineered containment system.”

This condition is not valid as it inconsistently regulates activities below prescribed category thresholds. DER has assessed the risk associated with spills of environmentally hazardous materials to determine if specific regulatory controls are required on the Licence.

Emission description Emission: Spills of environmentally hazardous materials, including hydrocarbons, detergents and glues/paints, outside of engineered containment systems.

Impact: Soil contamination, impacts to groundwater and surface water quality, ecosystem disruption, depending on nature and volume of material released to the environment.

Controls: Operational personnel at MAC are trained in spill management and spill kits are located at various points around the premises. These

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Works Condition Justification (including risk description & decision methodology where Reference documents Approval / number relevant) Licence W = Works Approval section L= Licence management measures were observed and confirmed during the DER compliance inspection undertaken on 7 May 2015.

Prior to the commencement of mining, groundwater at MAC was approximately 75 metres below ground level. Creek systems in the project area are ephemeral, flowing after rainfall events. Groundwater at this depth and ephemeral creek systems are unlikely to be impacted by spills of environmentally hazardous materials outside of containment areas, if attended to quickly, in accordance with site procedures.

It is also the responsibility of the Licensee to ensure compliance with other legislative requirements, including Australian Standard 1940-2004 – The storage and handling of flammable and combustible liquids, which specifies that clean up action needs to be initiated immediately following a leak or spill.

Risk Assessment Consequence: Minor Likelihood: Rare Risk rating: Low

Regulatory Controls: The risk associated with spills outside of engineered containment systems is low, therefore no further regulatory controls are being applied to the Licence at this time.

The general provisions of the Environmental Protection Act 1986 with respect to the causing of pollution and environmental harm apply, as does subsidiary legislation including the Environmental Protection (Unauthorised Discharges) Regulations 2004.

The site will also be subject to DER compliance inspections, during which

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Works Condition Justification (including risk description & decision methodology where Reference documents Approval / number relevant) Licence W = Works Approval section L= Licence procedures and measures to manage spills and leaks will be inspected.

Residual Risk: Consequence: Minor Likelihood: Rare Risk rating: Low

Premises L1.2.2 The Licensee has indicated that the existing putrescible landfill is nearly at Application supporting operation capacity and is seeking to include a new putrescible landfill location on the documentation Licence. There is to be no increase to the design capacity of 3,000 tonnes of waste per annual period, and the relevant waste acceptance specifications and Landfill Waste process limits on the Licence will remain unchanged. Classification and Waste Definitions 1996 The land system, soil type and aquifer for the existing and proposed landfill locations are the same. However, depth to groundwater is approximately 80 Guidance Statement metres at the new location, as opposed to 100 m at the existing landfill site. Licensing and works The depth to groundwater at the new location is still sufficient and impacts from approval process (DER, leachate accessing groundwater are unlikely. The risk profile for the new September 2015) landfill is unchanged; therefore no further regulatory controls are required to be applied to the Licence. The maps in Schedule 1 have been updated to show Environmental Protection the location of the new putrescible landfill. (Unauthorised Discharges) Regulations L1.2.4 The waste acceptance specifications in Table 1.2.1 have been updated to 2004 allow the outflow from the Biomax WWTPs to be measured. Inflow to the Packsaddle WWTP pond system will continue to be measured to determine General provisions of the effluent inputs to this facility. Environmental Protection Act 1986 L1.2.12 and L1.2.13 The tyre disposal requirements specified in Table 1.2.2 have been amended to remove duplication with Part 6 of the Environmental Protection Regulations 1987.

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Works Condition Justification (including risk description & decision methodology where Reference documents Approval / number relevant) Licence W = Works Approval section L= Licence

Construction and Operation - Packsaddle Infiltration Ponds and Mining Area C WTP DER’s assessment and decision making with respect to the construction and operation of the Packsaddle Infiltration Ponds; and the Mining Area C WTP and irrigation area is detailed in Appendix A.

Condition 1.2.12 and 1.2.13 has been included in the Licence and requires the construction of the Packsaddle Infiltration Ponds and Mining Area C Water Treatment Plant in accordance with the supporting documentation submitted with the Licence amendment application. Condition 1.2.14 and 1.2.15 allows the operation of these facilities in accordance with the conditions of the Licence following submission of compliance documentation for construction of the works. Emissions to L2.3.1 and L3.3.1 Operation – Packsaddle Infiltration Ponds General provisions of the land including The Licensee is proposing to operate three infiltration ponds to dispose of Environmental Protection monitoring excess mine dewater through Managed Aquifer Recharge. DER’s assessment Act 1986 and decision making with respect to this emission is detailed in Appendix A (Premises operation). Environmental Protection (Unauthorised Operation – Western and Central Sediment Basins Discharges) Regulations The Licensee currently disposes of excess mine dewater to the Western and 2004 Central Sediment Basins, which are being included on the Licence as emission points to land. Guidance Statement Licensing and works DER’s assessment and decision making with respect to the operation of these approval process (DER, infiltration basins is detailed in Appendix B. September 2015)

Fugitive N/A Construction and operation General provisions of the emissions Emission Description Environmental Protection

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Works Condition Justification (including risk description & decision methodology where Reference documents Approval / number relevant) Licence W = Works Approval section L= Licence Emission: Fugitive dust and noise emissions from site preparation works, Act 1986 including earthworks and vehicle movement, for the Packsaddle Infiltration Ponds and Mining Area C WTP and irrigation area. There is not expected to Environmental Protection be any significant dust or noise emissions during operation of these facilities. (Noise) Regulations 1997

Impact: Dust emissions can be harmful to human health and the environment. Mining Area C Elevated total suspended particulates can impact ambient environmental Environmental quality resulting in amenity impacts and can smother vegetation. Particulate Management Plan matter that is less than 10 (PM10) or 2.5 (PM2.5) micrometres in diameter can (Revision 5, September be drawn deep into the lungs causing human health impacts. 2012)

Noise emissions can be a nuisance to nearby residents.

Controls: The closest receptor to the Mining Area C WTP construction site is the Mulla Mulla Camp, located approximately 1.5 km to the south east. The closest receptor to the Packsaddle Infiltration Ponds construction site is Packsaddle camp, located approximately 1 km east of the closest infiltration basin.

During construction there is expected to be a minor increase in dust and noise. Due to the distance of the construction sites to the nearest on-site sensitive receptors and temporary nature of construction works, impacts will be negligible.

Risk Assessment Consequence: Insignificant Likelihood: Possible Risk Rating: Low

Regulatory Controls: The general provisions of the Environmental Protection Act 1986 apply. Noise

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Works Condition Justification (including risk description & decision methodology where Reference documents Approval / number relevant) Licence W = Works Approval section L= Licence emissions are subject to the provisions of the Environmental Protection (Noise) Regulations 1997.

The Mining Area C Life of Mine Environmental Management Plan (EMP), required under Ministerial Statement (MS) 491, includes provisions relating to the management of dust. Specifically the watering of haul roads, construction areas and unsealed roads, minimising land disturbance where practicable, maintenance of dust suppression equipment and control systems, and informing employees of the importance of minimising ambient dust levels.

No further regulatory controls are required to be applied to the Licence as the risk associated with fugitive noise and dust emissions from construction activities and the operation of the facilities has been assessed as low.

Residual Risk Consequence: Insignificant Likelihood: Possible Risk Rating: Low

Ambient L3.5.1 to L3.5.3 Conditions 3.5.1, 3.5.2 and 3.5.3 have been updated to include monitoring Application supporting quality requirements to determine impacts to groundwater and vegetation as a result documentation. monitoring of the operation of the Packsaddle Infiltration Ponds, which is discussed further in Appendix A. Information L4.2.1 and L4.3.1 Condition 4.2.1 has been updated to include reporting requirements for the monitoring results associated with the discharge of mine dewater to the Packsaddle Infiltration Ponds and Western and Central Sedimentation Basins.

The notification requirements specified in condition 4.3.1 have been updated to require the submission of compliance documentation following completion of construction of the Packsaddle Infiltration Ponds and Mining Area C WTP. A

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Works Condition Justification (including risk description & decision methodology where Reference documents Approval / number relevant) Licence W = Works Approval section L= Licence commissioning plan for the Mining Area C WTP is also required under condition 4.3.1. The requirement to submit a commissioning report following the completion of commissioning has been included in the non-annual reporting requirements of the Licence, specified under condition 4.2.2

Licence N/A The existing expiry date aligns with the expiry of Mining Tenement ML281SA. Guidance Statement, duration Licence duration (DER, November 2014)

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5 Advertisement and consultation table

Date Event Comments received/Notes How comments were taken into consideration 9 May 2016 Application referred to Department of Parks and Wildlife Comments noted. Department of Water and provided comments regarding potential Department of Parks and Wildlife impacts to Mulga Woodlands, the proposed groundwater and vegetation monitoring program and Priority flora identified in the indicative infiltration zone.

20 June 2016 Proponent sent a copy of draft LICENCE instrument (prior to 21 day Licence expiry date consultation period) Request that the expiry date remain Change implemented. unchanged, as it currently aligns with the expiry of Mining Tenement ML281SA.

Condition 1.2.12 and Table 1.2.6 - remove reference to Works Approval In accordance with recent administrative application form to avoid confusion and changes implemented within the correction to condition referenced in note. department, the reference to Applications form has been removed from the Licence and replaced with specific construction requirements for the infrastructure subject to approval under the amendment.

Condition 3.5.1 and 3.5.2 – Correct the Updated in line with comments. limits referenced in Table 3.5.1 and 3.5.2.

DECISION DOCUMENT  Comment regarding dust and that it Comment noted is not a key factory for Mining Area C and therefore it is managed

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Date Event Comments received/Notes How comments were taken into consideration under Part V via existing standard operating procedures. 21 July 2016 21 day consultation period LICENCE correspondence sent to Licensee, Licence expiry date including draft amended Licence Request to retain existing expiry date in Change implemented. highlighting changes and draft order to align with the expiry of Mining decision document Tenement ML281SA (ie. 4 August 2028).

Table 1.2.1 – amend waste acceptance Change implemented. Volume of treated specifications for the WWTP’s which wastewater from Biomax systems is to be discharge treated effluent to irrigation areas recorded at the outflow to the irrigation to require recording of outflow volume as areas, and inflow for the Packsaddle opposed to inflow volume. WWTP which is a pond treatment system.

Table 1.2.6 – amend the construction Change not implemented, however requirement table to remove specific condition has been updated to allow for infrastructure specifications. This will allow design variations provided they are: for minor modifications without the - minor in nature and do not requirement to apply for a separate Licence materially change or affect the amendment. infrastructure; or - where change improves the functionality of the infrastructure and does not increase risks to public health, public amenity or the environment; and is in accordance with all other conditions of the Licence.

Table 3.2.1 and Table 3.3.1 – change Change implemented. ‘chlorine’ to ‘chloride’.

Table 3.3.1 – as opposed to having a flow Change implemented to allow flow to be meter at each infiltration pond, allow flow to measured from one meter at the trunk line be measured from one meter at the trunk prior to discharge to the infiltration/sediment line prior to discharge to the basins. infiltration/sediment basins. With respect to

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Date Event Comments received/Notes How comments were taken into consideration the proposed Packsaddle Infiltration Ponds, the Licensee has indicated that the ‘high level alarm’ system implemented on each pond will ensure water is distributed appropriately.

Table 3.5.1 – monitoring bore MB1 has Change implemented. been constructed. Replace reference to MB1 with bore reference HPSA1633.

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~ Government of Western Australia ~ Department of Environment Regulation

6 Risk Assessment Note: This matrix is taken from the DER Corporate Policy Statement No. 07 - Operational Risk Management

Table 1: Emissions Risk Matrix


Almost Certain Ukely High Possible Moderate Moderate High Unlikely Moderate Moderate Moderate


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Appendix A – Premises Operation

Packsaddle Infiltration Ponds – Construction and Operation Dewatering volumes at Mining Area C are projected to increase significantly over the FY2017-2021 period, with peak volumes estimated to reach up to 32 megalitres per day (ML/day) in FY2017 and more than 70 ML/day in FY2021. Site water demand over the same period is projected to remain relatively constant, at around 10 to 14 ML/day, which will result in estimated surplus water volumes of 22 ML/day in FY2017, increasing to 60 ML/day in FY2021.

In response to the increasing surplus mine dewater volumes, BHPBIO is proposing to develop and operate a number of distinct surplus water disposal options at Mining Area C to provide operational flexibility and enable the transition away from surplus water injection at A Deposit to allow below water table mining at that location.

The first surplus water disposal option proposed for development is a Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) scheme, comprising a series of three infiltration ponds (Packsaddle Infiltration Ponds) each with the capacity to dispose of up to 10ML/day of surplus mine dewater with a total scheme capacity of 30 ML/day. This is based on:  Nominal pond dimensions of 80 metres (m) wide by 500 m long by 0.5 m deep; and  Long term, conservative, infiltration rate of 250 millimetres per day (mm/day).

Each infiltration basin will comprise four individual basins, with three basins in use at any one time and the fourth acting as standby to enable maintenance (removal of algal/weed growth and sediment). The ponds will be fenced to restrict livestock access. Figure 1 depicts the indicative location of the infiltration ponds relative to the existing Mining Area C operations.

Figure 1. Location of proposed Packsaddle Infiltration Ponds and Mining Area C WTP and irrigation area (highlighted yellow)

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The ponds will be located within the Hamersley Range – Fractured Rock aquifer unit. The geological sequence beneath the infiltration ponds comprises 20 to 50 m of tertiary detrital and alluvial material, derived from erosion of the Brockman Iron Formation (BIF) ridges on either side of the valley, which is underlain by mineralised, weathered and fractured BIF and Shale of the BIF.

Groundwater elevations within the valley are relatively constant. Depth to groundwater is approximately 96 m in the area of the proposed infiltration ponds and 75 m beneath the Mulga woodland to the west. The groundwater table is situated within the fractured bedrock aquifer and the tertiary detritals are unsaturated.

No Threatened Flora species listed under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 or the Wildlife Conservation Act 1950 have been identified within the indicative infiltration zone.

Two species listed as Priority flora by the Department of Parks and Wildlife have been recorded within the indicative infiltration zone.

The project will require up to 12 hectares (ha) of native vegetation to be cleared for the infiltration ponds and will involve some disturbance of vegetation along the approximately 7 km long pipeline route. All clearing will be undertaken in accordance with MS 491. The Licensee has indicated that clearing will be minimised and cleared areas that are no longer required will be revegetated.

Normal operation Emission Description Emission: Discharge of up to 30 ML/day of mine dewater from the Mining Area C Marra Mamba deposits into the three Packsaddle Infiltration Ponds. Water discharged will seep into the subsurface through the relatively thick unsaturated zone and continue to saturate it before it reaches the groundwater table.

Impact: Infiltration of mine dewater causing a rise in the groundwater level (mounding) beneath the Packsaddle Valley, potentially impacting on Mulga woodland located at the western end of the valley, should levels rise to less than 5 metres below ground level (mbgl) as soils become waterlogged.

Preliminary infiltration trials have been conducted in the indicative infiltration ponds zone and have proven the alluvial and detrital material to be highly permeable, exceeding 500 mm/day. Figure 2 depicts the location of the infiltration ponds and extent of the Mulga woodland potentially impacted by groundwater mounding.

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Figure 2. Location of Packsaddle Infiltration Ponds and Mulga woodland

To assist in quantifying the likely response of groundwater levels within Packsaddle Valley, and hence the likelihood of impacts to the Mulga woodland, a simple 3D numerical groundwater model was used. The model was run for a period of ten years with an initial infiltration rate of 30 ML/day (nominally 10 ML/day at each of the indicative pond locations). As the hydraulic properties of the alluvium/detrital deposits are uncertain, two scenarios were run with the hydraulic conductivity and storage settings for these deposits at the low (Case A) and high (Case B) end of what is expected (Figure 3).

Figure 3. Hydrogeological units of the Aquifer Model

Key findings from the modelling, presented in the MAC Discharge Disposal Study (MWH, 23 May 2016) are:  Operation of the infiltration ponds leads to an increase in groundwater levels directly beneath them which propagates westwards;  At monitoring bore , groundwater levels start to rise in response to operation of the ponds after less than a year, and continue rising throughout the modelled period;  Wide-scale development of the groundwater mound occurs in about two years and by ten years most of the valley detritals will experience some mounding;

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 The modelled low case indicates that groundwater levels rise to a maximum of 16 mbgl, which would not be expected to impact the Mulga woodland;  The modelled high case indicates that groundwater levels rise to within 5 m of surface after approximately 7 years and almost to the surface at the Mulga woodland after 10 years. This shows the potential for the Mulga woodland to be impacted if large volumes of water are discharged to the infiltration ponds over an extended period.

The MAC Discharge Disposal Study report indicates that an infiltration rate of 30 ML/day is feasible, although this may reduce over time as the detritals underlying the ponds become fully saturated.

Deterioration of groundwater quality and potential impacts to ecosystems receiving groundwater in the area may also occur as a result of the infiltration of mine dewater.

Controls: A large network of monitoring bores has been installed within Packsaddle Valley and along the adjacent Packsaddle Range (within the P1W and P1E deposits). These bores will be monitored throughout the operation of the infiltration ponds to determine how the valley aquifer system responds to the influx of water. The frequency of data collection will be greatest during the initial years of operation of the ponds, and will reduce as the response of the aquifer system to infiltration is understood. This data collected will be reviewed on an ongoing basis and any trends which show a likely impact on the environment or future mining activities will trigger mitigating action, most likely involving a reduction of water discharge to the ponds before an impact occurs. A water level trigger and limit will be implemented for HPSA1633, as described further below.

Groundwater levels The groundwater modelling undertaken indicated that groundwater levels at HPSA1633 responded gradually to the cessation of operation of the ponds in both modelled cases. The Licensee has indicated that potential impacts to the Mulga woodland could be effectively managed by monitoring groundwater levels between the ponds and the Mulga woodland, and adjusting the rate of water discharge to the ponds as required.

In order to prevent impacts to the Mulga woodland, the Licensee has indicated that groundwater levels will be monitored on a monthly basis at monitoring bore HPSA1633. Changes in groundwater levels at HPSA1633 will trigger management actions to prevent impacts to the Mulga woodland.

In the event that groundwater levels at HPSA1633 reach the trigger level of 13 mbgl (corresponds to 10 mbgl at the Mulga woodland), the volume of water discharged to the infiltration ponds will need to be reduced to prevent further increases in groundwater levels at HPSA1633 and the Licensee will notify DER of the trigger exceedance. In the event that the groundwater level limit of 8 mbgl is exceeded at HPSA1633 (corresponds to 5 mbgl at the Mulga woodland), discharge will cease until such a time as groundwater levels recede past 13 mbgl at HPSA1633. Th e Licensee has indicated that during such events surplus water will be disposed of via one or more of the existing surplus water management options, being the Western and Central Sedimentation Basins and the A deposit MAR. The Licensee is also investigating two new MAR schemes at Juna Downs and Camp Hill which will be subject to separate approval. It is currently anticipated that the Juna Downs MAR borefield will commence operation during FY18 and Camp Hill will follow in FY2020.

Ground water quality Groundwater quality is generally fresh. A groundwater sample taken from the centre of the Packsaddle Valley returned a concentration of 434 mg/L of total dissolved solids (TDS). This is comparable to samples taken from the Mining Area C dewatering borefield which range from 254 mg/L to 408 mg/L TDS, as reported in the Mining Area C FY2015 Annual Aquifer Review.

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As the quality of surplus water from mine dewatering is very similar to the quality of groundwater within Packsaddle Valley, impacts to the quality of the groundwater resource are not expected as a result of this discharge.

If monitoring data show that changes to the groundwater table are greater than predicted by the model, the Licensee has indicated that the groundwater model may be re-calibrated an additional scenarios run to predict the capacity of the surplus management scheme and refine the assessment of potential environmental impacts.

Risk Assessment Consequence: Moderate Likelihood: Unlikely Risk Rating: Moderate

Regulatory Controls: The Packsaddle Infiltration Ponds have been specified as emission points to land under condition 2.3.1 of the Licence. Under condition 3.3.1 the Licensee is required to monitor the volume and quality of water discharged to the infiltration ponds. Monitoring results will be reported to DER annually for assessment.

In order to prevent impacts to the Mulga woodland as a result of groundwater mounding caused by operation of the infiltration ponds, groundwater levels at HPSA1633 will be monitored on a monthly basis and a limit for groundwater level has been specified under Conditions 3.5.1.

Under condition 4.3.1 the Licensee will be required to notify DER in the event of a limit exceedance.

In March 2014, MS491 was amended to remove the water usage and dewatering requirements from the Key Characteristics Table; which now states, “dewatering and discharge can be managed under other legislation”. The Licensee has advised and it is noted that the drawdown extent at MAC is being realised at an earlier date than initially planned, however does not represent a material change in the groundwater drawdown footprint and the associated impacts presented in the EMP required under MS 491.

The disposal of surplus mine dewater forms a part of the adaptive management approach adopted under MS 491, acknowledging that:  dewatering rate is dependent upon the rate of below water table mining, the mining sequence and the deposit being mined at any one time; and  the indicative mine schedule could change and as a result the maximum dewatering rates and period of dewatering may vary accordingly.

Residual Risk Consequence: Moderate Likelihood: Rare Risk Rating: Low

Emergency situations Emission: Overtopping of infiltration ponds, discharging mine dewater to land.

Impact: Infiltration of potentially sediment laden water to land, impacting on vegetation. Infiltration of water, impacting groundwater quality and levels in the receiving aquifer.

Controls: The Licensee manages the infiltration ponds such that overtopping does not occur, except during high rainfall events. Upstream watercourses will be directed around the ponds; therefore the

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only rainfall entering the ponds will be that which is incident on the ponds or the surrounding bunds. Spillways have not been incorporated into the design.

The lowest pond in each infiltration basin will be equipped with a ‘high water level’ alarm, which will trigger operational personnel to attend the ponds and resolve the issue. There is significant redundant capacity designed into the ponds, primarily to enable maintenance activities without affecting scheme capacity, and this will further reduce the likelihood of the ponds overtopping.

In the event that ponds overflow, excess mine dewater will be directed to one or more of the existing surplus water management options, being the Western and Central Sedimentation Basins and the A deposit MAR. Inundation of vegetation near the ponds would be short term in nature and occur only while the ponds are overtopping. Such an event would be managed so that the duration of the overtopping event does not result in inundation that results in a loss of vegetation.

The quality of groundwater within the source and receiving aquifer are the same, therefore groundwater quality is unlikely to be affected as a result of overtopping of the ponds.

An operational freeboard of 300mm will be maintained. Initially inspections will be undertaken daily to confirm performance of the ponds. Currently, it is anticipated that inspections will be reduced to weekly on a long-term basis.

Risk Assessment Consequence: Insignificant Likelihood: Unlikely Risk Rating: Low

Regulatory Controls: The risk associated with the overflow of mine dewater from the ponds has been assessed as low. No regulatory controls are required to be applied to the Licence. Section 49 of the Environmental Protection Act 1986 applies and discharges may also be subject to the Environmental Protection (Unauthorised Discharges) Regulations 2004.

Residual Risk Consequence: Insignificant Likelihood: Unlikely Risk Rating: Low

Mining Area C WTP – Construction, Commissioning and Operation BHPBIO is proposing to construct a new nano-filtration WTP at Mining Area C to supply potable water to the Packsaddle and Mulla Mulla Camps. The project will be undertaken in two stages:  Stage 1: Construction of a 0.584 gigalitre per annum (GL/a) (average of 1.6 MG/day) WTP; and  Stage 2: Expansion of the Stage 1 facility to a 0.9125 GL/a (average of 2.5 ML/day WTP.

The WTP will operate by using a high pressure nano-filtration pump which pushes the pre-treated feedwater through a dual train nano-filtration membrane system, with 87% passing through as permeate (potable water) and 13% rejected as brine. The proposed locations of the WTP and irrigation area are shown in Figure 1 (above). The general layout of the WTP and irrigation areas are depicted in Figures 4 and 5, below.

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Figure 4. Layout of the proposed Mining Area C WTP

Figure 5. Mining Area C WTP reject water irrigation area

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Permeate is mixed with some of the filtered feed water to achieve reject water with a targeted average TDS of 1,500 mg/L, which will be disposed of at an adjacent 7.4 ha spray field. Following completion of Stage 2 the WTP will produce up to 228.5 ML/a (626 kL/day) of reject water.

The project will require the clearing of approximately 1 ha of native vegetation for the WTP and will involve some disturbance of vegetation within the 7.4 ha spray field. All clearing will be undertaken in accordance with the approved Native Vegetation Clearing Permit (NVCP) CPS 4337/1.

Commissioning and Normal operation Emission Description Emission: Discharge of up to 626 kL/day of reject water, with a TDS concentration of approximately 1,500 mg/L, to a 7.4 ha spray field.

Impact: Impacts to native vegetation as a result of irrigation of reject water, impacts to groundwater quality and levels due to infiltration of reject water, impacts to surface water quality resulting from runoff of water from the irrigation area.

Controls: The Licensee will monitor the volume and quality of the reject water and has proposed a limit of 1,800 mg/L TDS.

In the event that the TDS of the reject water exceeds 1,500 mg/L but is less than the 1,800 mg/L limit, the following actions will be undertaken:  TDS will be measured daily for one week to determine if there is an increasing trend;  If the TDS continues to exceed 1,500 mg/L but does not show an increasing trend monitoring will continue on a weekly basis for one month; and  If the TDS continues to exceed 1,500 mg/L but still does not show an increasing trend monitoring will return to a quarterly basis.

In the event that the TDS of the reject water exceeds 1,500 mg/L, is less than the 1,800 mg/L limit, but shows an increasing trend the following actions will be undertaken:  The reject water will be monitored on a weekly basis;  An investigation into potential causes of the high TDS will be undertaken; and  The appropriate actions identified in the investigation will be implemented.

In the event that the TDS of the reject water exceeds the limit of 1,800 mg/L the following actions will be undertaken:  Reject water will be blended (with either raw or treated water) to ensure that water discharged to the spray field has a TDS below 1,800 mg/L; and  An investigation into the cause of the exceedance will be undertaken and appropriate actions taken to correct the problem.

The Licensee has undertaken a similar project at the Mooka Camp, which operates under Part V of the EP Act Licence L8679/2012/1. A TDS discharge limit of 1,876 mg/L was specified under the Mooka Camp operating Licence and vegetation monitoring was conducted six monthly to identify if there has been any degradation in vegetation quality as a result of the TDS in discharge water. The Licensee has reviewed the past 2.5 years of monitoring data and determined that there has been no detrimental effect on the vegetation of the Mooka Camp spray field.

The proposed discharge from the proposed Mining Area C WTP is unlikely to impact on the vegetation of the spray field as:  There has been no adverse impact on vegetation as a result of the TDS of the irrigated water at the Mooka spray field (licence limit of 1,876 mg/L);

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 The proposed Mining Area C spray field has the same floristic community (Triodia Open Hummock Grassland) as the existing Mooka spray field;  The proposed Mining Area C spray field has the same soil type as the existing Mooka spray field; and  The target TDS of the reject water from the Mining Area C will be an average of 1,500 mg/L TDS, with a limit of 1,800 mg/L which is less than that of the Mooka irrigation field.

There are no surface water features in or adjacent to the proposed WTP and sprayfield. The nearest drainage line lies more than one kilometre to the south of the proposed irrigation field. Depth to groundwater is 80 m and is used mainly for mining and mine dewatering from the iron ore mines.

Mean daily evaporation recorded at the closest meteorological site (Wittenoom located 90 km away) is 8.6 mm/day, which equates to 3.1 m per year. Negligible impacts to groundwater and surface water are expected, due to the distance between the sprayfield and these receptors, and the regions high evaporation rates.

It is also noted that no Threatened Flora species listed under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999, the Wildlife Conservation Act 1950 or species listed as Priority flora by the Department of Parks and Wildlife have been identified within the area.

The Licensee has indicated that a Commissioning Plan for the WTP is currently being developed, however it is unlikely to be finalised until after construction has commenced. The final commissioning plan will detail the monitoring frequency and limits of the discharges associated with the WTP and the contingencies to be undertaken should the water quality be unacceptable for irrigation.

Risk Assessment Consequence: Minor Likelihood: Unlikely Risk Rating: Moderate

Regulatory Controls: Condition 2.3.1 specifies the discharge of reject water to the sprayfield as a Licensed emission point. A limit for TDS concentration in water discharged to the irrigation is specified under condition 2.3.2. In the event that the limit is exceeded, discharge will need to cease and DER notified. Monitoring requirements for volume discharged and water quality are specified under condition 3.3.1.

The requirement to submit a commissioning plan to DER has been included under condition 4.3.1.

Residual Risk Consequence: Minor Likelihood: Rare Risk Rating: Low

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Appendix B – Emissions to land including monitoring

Normal operation Emission: Discharge of 2.08 gigalitres per year (GL/year) of excess mine dewater to the Western Sediment Basin and 8.67 GL/year of excess mine dewater to the Central Sediment Basin. Water is directed to the sedimentation basins either through the existing stormwater management drainage system or through water pipelines.

Impact: Infiltration of water through the soil profile, impacting on groundwater quality and levels in the receiving aquifer, potential impacts to ecosystems receiving groundwater in the area.

Depth to groundwater is approximately 80 m at the Western Sediment Basin and 106 m at the Central Sediment Basin.

Controls: The quality of groundwater within the source and receiving aquifers are the same, therefore impacts to groundwater quality are not expected to occur as a result of the infiltration of mine dewater.

Infiltration rates are low due to clay-rich detritals, groundwater levels are deep and the basement aquifer (dolomite) is highly permeable and will conduct water away. Groundwater mounding impacting on vegetation in the disturbed mining areas is unlikely.

Groundwater levels are monitored regularly throughout MAC and towards the Coodewanna Flats to the west, and so any changes in groundwater levels which could affect vegetation would be identified. However, no specific groundwater monitoring at these basins is undertaken or planned by the Licensee.

Discharge water will also be lost to evaporation.

Risk Assessment Consequence: Minor Likelihood: Possible Risk Rating: Moderate

Regulatory Controls: Condition 2.3.1 has been amended to include the Western and Central Sediment Basins as specified emission points to land. Under Condition 3.3.1 the Licensee will be required to monitor the volume of surplus mine dewater discharged to the basins and undertake quarterly monitoring to analyse water quality. The Licensee will be required to report the monitoring results annually to DER for review, including a comparison against previous monitoring results to identify any trends.

Residual Risk Consequence: Minor Likelihood: Possible Risk Rating: Moderate

Emergency situations Emission: Overtopping of sediment basins, discharging mine dewater to land.

Impact: Infiltration of potentially sediment laden water to land, impacting on vegetation. Infiltration of water, impacting groundwater quality and levels in the receiving aquifer.

Controls: The Licensee manages the sediment basins such that overtopping does not occur, except during high rainfall events. In the event that the basins overtop the vegetation downstream is unlikely

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to be impacted as the overtopping events are likely to be short term and the vegetation occurs on a floodplain which is used to periodic inundation.

The quality of groundwater within the source and receiving aquifer are the same, therefore groundwater quality is unlikely to be effected as a result of overtopping of the ponds.

An operational freeboard of 300 mm is maintained on the Western Sediment Basin and the spillway has been designed to accommodation flows over a 100 year Annual Recurrence Interval (ARI).

The Central Sediment Basin lies along a highly disturbed unnamed non-perennial drainage line which flows easterly from the centre of MAC before leaving the side at the Eastern boundary of MAC. Prior to leaving MAC this unnamed non-perennial drainage line passes through the Eastern Sediment Basin to ensure that no sediment is discharged from the site. The Eastern Sediment Basin has been constructed to capture sediment flowing to the east from the mining operation, and has been constructed with a spillway which accommodates flows over the 5 year ARI.

Risk Assessment Consequence: Insignificant Likelihood: Unlikely Risk Rating: Low

Regulatory Controls: The risk associated with the overflow of mine dewater from the basins has been assessed as low. No regulatory controls are required to be applied to the Licence. Section 49 of the Environmental Protection Act 1986 applies and discharges may also be subject to the Environmental Protection (Unauthorised Discharges) Regulations 2004.

Residual Risk Consequence: Insignificant Likelihood: Unlikely Risk Rating: Low

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Mining Area C / South Flank OHP3 C50K Biomax

Attachment 6A: Emissions and discharges See Sections 1 to 5. Mining Area C / South Flank OHP3 C50K Biomax

Attachment 6B: Waste acceptance See Sections 1 to 5. Mining Area C / South Flank OHP3 C50K Biomax

Attachment 7: Siting and location See Attachments 2A and 2B. Mining Area C / South Flank OHP3 C50K Biomax

Attachment 8: Supporting document See Sections 1 to 6. Mining Area C / South Flank OHP3 C50K Biomax

Attachment 9: Fees A fee of $4,263.00 is applicable to this licence amendment application (Table 7). Table 7: Licence Fee Calculation

Project Cost Breakdown Total Cost of Fee Units Unit Cost Works Approval Works Fee 1) Site works: $50,000 2) Equipment: $375,000 $435,000 105 $40.60 $4,263.00 3) Labour: $10,000 Mining Area C / South Flank OHP3 C50K Biomax

Attachment 10: Submission of application Not Required.