Hindawi Advances in High Energy Volume 2018, Article ID 8271280, 10 pages https://doi.org/10.1155/2018/8271280 H indaw i

Research Article Feasibility Study of the Time Reversal Symmetry Tests in Decay of Metastable Positronium Atoms with the J-PET Detector

A. Gajos , 1 C. Curceanu,2 E. Czerwiński,1 K. Dulski,1 M. Gorgol,3 N. Gupta-Sharma,1 B. C. Hiesmayr,4 B. Jasińska,3 K. Kacprzak,1 Ł. Kapłon,1,5 D. Kisielewska,1 G. Korcyl,1 P. Kowalski,6 T. Kozik,1 W. Krzemień,7 E. Kubicz,1 M. Mohammed,1,8 Sz. Niedźwiecki,1 M. Pałka,1 M. Pawlik-Niedźwiecka,1 L. Raczyński,6 J. Raj,1 Z. Rudy,1 S. Sharma,1 Shivani,1 R. Shopa,6 M. Silarski,1 M. Skurzok,1 W. Wiślicki,6 B. Zgardzińska,3 M. Zieliński,1 and P. Moskal1

1 Faculty o f Physics, Astronomy and Applied Computer Science, Jagiellonian University, 30-348 Cracow, Poland 2INFN, Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, 00044 Frascati, Italy 3Department o f Nuclear Methods, Institute o f Physics, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, 20-031 Lublin, Poland 4Faculty o f Physics, University o f Vienna, 1090 Vienna, Austria 5Institute o f Metallurgy and Materials Science o f Polish Academy o f Sciences, Cracow, Poland 6Swierk Department of Complex Systems, National Centre for Nuclear Research, 05-400 Otwock-Swierk, Poland 7High Energy Department, National Centre for Nuclear Research, 05-400 Otwock-Swierk, Poland 8Department o f Physics, College o f Education for Pure Sciences, University o f Mosul, Mosul, Iraq

Correspondence should be addressed to A. Gajos; [email protected]

Received 20 April 2018; Accepted 29 July 2018; Published 12 December 2018

Academic Editor: Krzysztof Urbanowski

Copyright © 2018 A. Gajos et al. This is an article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. The publication of this article was funded by SCOAP3.

This article reports on the feasibility of testing of the symmetry under reversal in time in a purely leptonic system constituted by positronium atoms using the J-PET detector. The present state of T symmetry tests is discussed with an emphasis on the scarcely explored sector of leptonic systems. Two possible strategies of searching for manifestations of T violation in nonvanishing angular correlations of final state observables in the decay of metastable triplet states of positronium available with J-PET are proposed and discussed. Results of a pilot measurement with J-PET and assessment of its performance in reconstruction of three-photon decays are shown along with an analysis of its impact on the sensitivity of the detector for the determination of T-violation sensitive observables.

1. Introduction physical system under reversal in time required over 50 years more and was finally performed in the system of entangled The concept of symmetry of Nature under discrete transfor­ neutral B mesons in 2012 [4]. Although many experiments mations has been exposed to numerous experimental tests proved violation of the combined C P symmetry, leading to ever since its introduction by E. Wigner in 1931 [1]. The T violation expected on the ground of the C P T theorem, first evidence of violation of the supposed symmetries under experimental evidence for noninvariance under time reversal spatial (P ) and charge (C) parity transformations in the weak remains scarce to date. interactions has been found already in 1956 and 1958, respec­ The Jagiellonian PET (J-PET) experiment aims at per­ tively [2, 3]. However, observation of noninvariance of a forming a test of the symmetry under reversal in time 2 Advances in High Energy Physics in a purely leptonic system constituted by orthopositron- contrast to the unitary P and C operators, T can be shown ium (o-Ps) with a precision unprecedented in this sector. to be antiunitary. As a consequence, no conserved quantities Te increased sensitivity of J-PET with respect to previous may be attributed to the T operation [15] excluding symmetry discrete symmetry tests with o-Ps�→ 3� is achieved by a tests by means of, e.g., testing selection rules. large geometrical acceptance and angular resolution of the Feasibility of T tests based on a comparison between detector as well as by improved control of the positronium time evolution of a physical system in two directions, i.e., atoms polarization. In this work, we report on the results of |�(�)⟩ �→ |�(� + ��)⟩ and |�(� + ��)⟩ �→ |�(�)⟩, is also feasibility studies for the planned T violation searches by limited as most of the processes which could be used involve determination of angular correlations in the o-Ps�→ 3� decay a decaying state making it impractical to obtain a reverse basedonatestrunoftheJ-PETdetector. process with the same conditions in an experiment. Te Tis article is structured as follows: next section briefy only exception exploited to date is constituted by transitions discusses the properties of time and time reversal in quantum of neutral mesons between their favour-defnite states and systems. Subsequently, Section 3 provides an overview of CP eigenstates [16, 17]. A comparison of such reversible the present status and available techniques of testing of the transitions in a neutral B meson system with quantum 0 symmetry under reversal in time and points out the goals of entanglement of B B0 pairs produced in a decay of Υ(4�) the J-PET experiment in this feld. A brief description of the yielded the only direct experimental evidence of violation of detector and details of the setup used for a test measurement the symmetry under reversal in time obtained to date [4]. are given in Section 4. Section 5 discusses possible strategies While a similar concept of T violation searches is currently to test the time reversal symmetry with J-PET. Results of the pursued with the neutral kaon system [17–19], no direct tests feasibility studies are presented in Section 6 and their impact of this symmetry have been proposed outside the systems of on the perspectives for a T test with J-PET is discussed in neutral mesons. Section 7. In the absence of conserved quantities and with the difculties of comparing mutually reverse time evolution 2. Time and Reversal of Physical processes in decaying systems, manifestations of T violation Systems in Time may still be sought in nonvanishing expectation values of certain operators odd under the T transformation [20]. It Although the advent of special relativity made it common follows from the antiunitarity of the T operator that for any equate time with spatial coordinates, time remains a distinct operator O concept. Its treatment as an external parameter used in � � � † † � � � ∗ classical mechanics still cannot be consistently avoided in ⟨� � O ��⟩ = ⟨�� � �O� � ��⟩ = ⟨� � O ��⟩ , (1) today’s quantum theories [5]. As opposed to position and momentum, time lacks a corresponding operator in standard where the � subscript denotes states and operators trans- and thus, countering the intuition, formed by the operator of reversal in time. Terefore, an cannot be an observable. Moreover, a careful insight into the operator odd with respect to the T transformation (i.e., O = time evolution of unstable quantum systems reveals a number −O)mustsatisfy of surprising phenomena such as deviations from exponential � � � � ∗ decay law [6, 7] or emission of electromagnetic radiation ⟨�� � ��⟩ = − ⟨� � � ��⟩ . (2) at late times [8]. Te decay process, inevitably involved in measurements of unstable systems is also a factor restrict- For stationary states or in systems where conditions on ing possible studies of the symmetry under time reversal interaction dynamics such as absence of signifcant fnal state [9]. interactions are satisfed [21], the mean value of a T-odd While eforts are taken to defne a time operator, obser- and Hermitian operator must therefore vanish in case of T vation of CP violation in the decaying meson systems invariance: disproves certain approaches [10]. Alternatively, concepts of ⟨�⟩ =−⟨�⟩ , time intervals not defned through an external parameter  (3) may be considered using tunneling and dwell times [11, 12]. T However, also in this case invariance under time reversal is and violation of the symmetry may thus be manifested as an important factor [13]. a nonzero expectation value of such an operator. It is important to stress that all considerations made herein are only valid if gravitational efects are not considered. 3. Status and Strategies of T In the framework of general relativity with a generic curved Symmetry Testing spacetime, the concept of inversion of time (as well as the P transformation) loses its interpretation specifc only to the A number of experiments based on the property of T operator linear afne structure of spacetime [14]. demonstrated in (1)-(3) have been conducted to date. Te Te peculiar properties of time extend as well to the electric dipole moment of elementary systems, constituting operation of reversing physical systems in time (the T a convenient T-odd operator, has been sought for neutrons −26 operator), which results in grave experimental challenges and electrons in experiments reaching a precision of 10 −28 limiting the possibilities of T violation measurements. In and 10 , respectively [22, 23]. However, none of such Advances in High Energy Physics 3

+ experiments has observed T violation to date despite their laboratory conditions using typical sources of � radia- excellent sensitivity. In another class of experiments, a T- tion [38], giving positronium-based experiments a technical odd operator is constructed out of fnal state observables in + 0 + advantage over those using, e.g., aforementioned neutrino a decay process, such as the weak decay � �→ � � ] oscillations. However, few results on the discrete symmetries studied by the KEK-E246 experiment [24] in which the in the positronium system have been reported to date. Te P = muon polarization transverse to the decay plane (  most precise measurements studied the angular correlation P ⋅(p × p )/|p × p |      ) was determined as an observable operators in the decay of orthopositronium states into three T whose nonzero mean value would manifest violation. photons and determined mean values of fnal state operators However, neither this measurement nor similar studies using 8 odd under the CP and CPT conjugations, fnding no decay of polarized Li nuclei [25] and of free neutrons [26] −3 violation signal at the sensitivity level of 10 [39, 40]. have observed signifcant mean values of T-odd fnal state Although the aforementioned studies sought for violation of observables. CP and CPT, it should be emphasized that the operators Notably, although the property of reversal in time shown used therein were odd under the T operation as well, leading in (1)-(3) is not limited to any particular system nor interac- to an implicit probe also for the symmetry under reversal in tion, it has been mostly exploited to test the T symmetry in weak interactions. Whereas the latter is the most promising time. candidate due to well proven CP violation, evidence for Te results obtained to date, showing no sign of viola- T noninvariance may be sought in other physical systems tion, were limited in precision by technical factors such as and phenomena using the same scheme of a symmetry detector geometrical acceptance and resolution, uncertainty test. Systems constituted by purely leptonic matter are an of positronium polarization, and data sample size. In terms example of a sector where experimental results related to of physical restrictions, sensitivity of such discrete symmetry the time reversal symmetry—and to discrete symmetries tests with orthopositronium decay is only limited by possible in general—remain rare. Several measurements of neutrino false asymmetries arising from photon-photon fnal state −9 oscillations are being conducted by the NO]AandT2K interactions at the precision level of 10 [41, 42]. Te J- CP ] �→ experiments searching for violation in the  PET experiment thus sets its goal to explore the T-violating ] ] �→ ]  and   channels [27, 28], which may provide observables at precision beyond the presently established T −3 indirect information on the symmetry. Another notable 10 level [43]. test of discrete symmetries in the leptonic sector is the search for the violation of Lorentz and CPT invariance based on the Standard Model Extension framework [29] and 4. The J-PET Detector anti-CPT theorem [30] which has also been performed by Te J-PET (Jagiellonian Positron Emission Tomograph) is T2K [31, 32]. Other possible tests of these symmetries with a photon detector constructed entirely with plastic scintil- the positronium system include spectroscopy of the 1S-2S transition [33] and measuring the free fall acceleration of lators. Along with constituting the frst prototype of plastic positronium [34]. However, the question of the T, CP, scintillator-based cost-efective PET scanner with a large feld and CPT symmetries in the leptonic systems remains open of view [44, 45], it may be used to detect photons in the sub- as the aforementioned experiments have not observed a MeV range such as products of annihilation of positronium signifcant signal of a violation. atoms, thus allowing for a range of studies related to discrete Few systems exist which allow for discrete symmetry tests symmetries and quantum entanglement [43]. in a purely leptonic sector. However, a candidate competitive J-PET consists of three concentric cylindrical layers of with respect to neutrino oscillations is constituted by the axially arranged � detection modules based on strips of EJ- electromagnetic decay of positronium atoms, exotic bound 230 plastic scintillator as shown schematically in Figure 1. states of an electron and a positron. With a reduced mass only Each scintillator strip is 50 cm long with a rectangular cross- 2 twice smaller than that of a hydrogen atom, positronium is section of 7 × 19 mm . Within a detection module, both ends characterized by a similar energy level structure. At the same of a scintillator strip are optically coupled to photomultiplier time, it is a metastable state with a lifetime strongly dependent tubes. Due to low atomic number of the elements constituting on the spin confguration. Te singlet state referred to as plastic scintillators, � quanta interact mostly through Comp- parapositronium, may only decay into an even number of ton scattering in the strips, depositing a part of their energy photons due to charge parity conservation, and has a lifetime dependent on the scattering angle. Te lack of exact photon (in vacuum) of 0.125 ns. Te triplet state (orthopositronium, energy determination in J-PET is compensated by fast decay o-Ps) is limited to decay into an odd number of photons and time of plastic scintillators resulting in high time resolution lives in vacuum over three orders of magnitude longer than and allowing for use of radioactive sources with activity as the singlet state (�− = 142 ns) [35–37]. high as 10 MBq. Te energy deposited by photons scattered in Being an eigenstate of the parity operator alike atoms, a scintillator is converted to optical photons which travel to positronium is also characterized by symmetry under charge both ends of a strip undergoing multiple internal refections. conjugation typical for particle-antiparticle systems. Positro- Consequently, the position of � interaction along a detection nium atoms are thus a useful system for discrete symme- module is determined using the diference between efective try studies. Moreover, they may be copiously produced in light propagation times to the two photomultiplier tubes 4 Advances in High Energy Physics

→ S

→ k3 → k o-Ps 1 X → k2 Z Figure 2: Vectors describing the fnal state of an o-Ps�→ 3� annihi- Y �→ lation in the o-Ps frame of reference. � denotes orthopositronium �→ spin and � 1,2,3 are the momentum vectors of the annihilation photons, lying in a single plane. Te operator defned in (4) is a measure of angular correlation between the positronium spin and the decay plane normal vector.

Figure 1: Schematic view of the J-PET detector consisting of 192 �→ plastic scintillator strips arranged in three concentric layers with in the decay � 1,2,3 (ordered according to their descending radii ranging from 42.5 cm to 57.5 cm. Te strips are oriented along �→ �→ �→ the Z axis of the detector barrel. magnitude, i.e., | � 1|>|� 2|>|� 3|) allow for construction of an angular correlation operator odd under reversal in time:

�→ �→ �→ � = �⋅(� 1 × � 2), (4) attached to a scintillator strip [46]. In the transverse plane of the detector, � interactions are localized up to the position of a single module, resulting in an azimuthal angle resolution of which corresponds to an angular correlation between the ∘ about 1 . positronium spin direction and the decay plane as illustrated Although the J-PET � detection modules do not allow in Figure 2. for a direct measurement of total photon energy, recording Such an approach which requires estimation of the spin interactions of all photons from a 3� annihilation allows for direction of decaying positronia was used by both previous an indirect reconstruction of photons’ momenta based on discrete symmetry tests conducted with orthopositronium event geometry and 4-momentum conservation [47]. decay [39, 40]. Tese two experiments, however, adopted As J-PET is intended for a broad range of studies from diferent techniques to control the o-Ps spin polarization. In CP medical imaging [48] through quantum entanglement [49, the violation search, positronium atoms were produced 50] to tests of discrete symmetries [43], its data acquisition is in strong external magnetic feld resulting in their polariza- operating in a triggerless mode [51] in order to avoid any bias tion along a thus imposed direction [39]. A setup required in the recorded sample of events. Electric signals produced by to provide the magnetic feld, however, was associated with the photomultipliers are sampled in the time domain at four a limitation of the geometrical acceptance of the detectors CPT predefned voltage thresholds allowing for an estimation of used. Te second measurement, testing the symmetry the deposited energy using the time over threshold technique using the Gammasphere detector which covered almost a full [52]. Further reconstruction of photon interactions as well as solid angle, did not therefore rely on external magnetic feld. data preselection and handling is performed with dedicated Instead, positronium polarization was evaluated statistically sofware [53, 54]. Several extensions of the detector are by allowing for o-Ps atoms formation only in a single presently in preparation such as improvements of the J-PET hemisphere around a point-like positron source, resulting in geometrical acceptance by inclusion of additional detector estimation of the polarization along a fxed quantization axis layers [47] as well as enhanced scintillator readout with with an accuracy limited by a geometrical factor of 0.5 [40]. silicon photomultipliers [55] and new front-end electronics Neither of the previous experiments attempted to reconstruct �→ � [52]. the position of o-Ps 3 decay, instead limiting the volume of o-Ps creation and assuming the same origin point for all annihilations. 5. Discrete Symmetry Tests with Te J-PET experiment attempts to improve on the latter the J-PET Detector approach which does not require the use of external magnetic feld. Te statistical knowledge of spin polarization of the 5.1. Measurements Involving Orthopositronium Spin. Te positrons forming o-Ps atoms can be signifcantly increased symmetry under reversal in time can be put to test in the with a positronium production setup depicted in Figure 3, o-Ps�→ 3� decay by using the properties of T conjugation �→ where polarization is estimated on an event-by-event basis demonstrated by (1)-(3). Spin � of the decaying orthopositro- instead of assuming a fxed quantization axis throughout nium atom and momenta of the three photons produced the measurement. A trilateration-based technique of recon- Advances in High Energy Physics 5

scintillator strips

+ source holder → S

x x vacuum + system aluminium y z chamber y scintillator strips Figure 4: Determination of positron polarization axis using + its momentum direction (black arrow) estimated using the � Figure 3: Scheme of the positronium production setup devised for source position and reconstructed origin of the 3� annihilation of positron polarization determination in J-PET experiment. Positrons orthopositronium in the chamber wall (dark gray band). Te shaded �+ are produced in a source mounted in the center of a cylindrical region represents the angular uncertainty of positron fight direction vacuum chamber coaxial with the detector. Positronium atoms are resulting from achievable resolution of the 3� annihilation point. formed by the interaction of positrons in a porous medium covering the chamber walls. Determination of an o-Ps�→ 3� annihilation position in the cylinder provides an estimate of positron momentum direction. →  1

→   �→ � → k1 structing the position of o-Ps 3 decay created for J-PET k allows for estimation of the direction of positron propagation 3 o-Ps → in a single event with a vector spanned by a point-like k + 1 � source location and the reconstructed orthopositronium annihilation point [56]. → k Te dependence of average spin polarization of positrons 2 (largely preserved during formation of orthopositronium Figure 5: Scheme of estimation of polarization vector for a photon �→ [57]) on the angular accuracy of the polarization axis deter- produced in o-Ps�→ 3� at J-PET. Photon of momentum � 1 is scat- mination is given by (1/2)(1 + cos �) where � is the opening tered in one of the detection modules and a secondary interaction of angle of a cone representing the uncertainty of polarization �→ the scattering product � is recorded in a diferent scintillator strip. axis direction [58]. Tis uncertainty in J-PET results pre- 1 �→ Te most probable angle � between the polarization vector �1 and dominantly from the resolution of determination of the 3� �→ �→ � � 90∘ annihilation point as depicted in Figure 4 and amounts to the scattering plane spanned by 1 and 1 amounts to . ∘ about 15 [56], resulting in a polarization decrease smaller than 2%. By contrast, in the previous measurement with Gammasphere [40] where the polarization axis was fxed, the  same geometrical factor accounted for a 50% polarization the J-PET detector enables a measurement of ⟨�⟩ thanks to loss. the ability to record secondary interactions of once scattered photons from the o-Ps�→ 3� annihilation as depicted in 5.2. Measurements Using Polarization of Photons. Te scheme Figure 5. of measurement without external magnetic feld for positro- nium polarization may be further simplifed with modifed choice of the measured T-odd operator. Tis novel approach 6. Test Measurement with the J-PET Detector of testing the T symmetry may be pursued by J-PET with �→ � Te setup presented in Figure 3 was constructed and fully a spin-independent operator constructed for the o-Ps 3 commissioned in 2017 [59]. One of the frst test mea- annihilations if the polarization vector of one of the fnal state surements was dedicated to evaluation of the feasibility of photons is included [43]: identifcation and reconstruction of three-photon events. 22 �+  �→ �→ A Na source was mounted inside a cylindrical vac- � = � ⋅ � , (5)  2 1 uum chamber of 14 cm radius. Te positronium formation- �→ enhancing medium, presently under elaboration, was not where � 1 denotes the electric polarization vector of the �→ included in the measurement. Terefore, the test of 3� most energetic � quantum and � 2 is the momentum of event reconstruction was based on direct 3� annihilation of the second most energetic one. Such angular correlation positrons with electrons of the aluminium chamber walls, operators involving photon electric polarization have never with a yield smaller by more than an order of magnitude been studied in the decay of orthopositronium. Geometry of than the rate of o-Ps�→ 3� annihilations expected in the 6 Advances in High Energy Physics

0.006 interactions recorded in the detector in cases of three interac- 1 hit in event tions observed in close time coincidence. Te tests performed with Monte Carlo simulations have shown that annihilations 2 hits in event into two and three photons can be well separated using such correlations [60]. An exemplary relative distribution of 0.004 3+ hits in event values constructed using these correlations, obtained with the test measurement, is presented in Figure 7(a). For a comparison, the same distribution obtained with a point-like annihilation medium used in another test measurement of J- 0.002 PET is presented in Figure 7(b).

counts [normalized] counts ∘ A sharp vertical band at ��2 +��3 ≈ 180 seen in Figure 7(b) originates from events corresponding to anni- hilations into two back-to-back photons. Broadening of this 2� band in case of the extensive chamber is a result of the 0.000 increased discrepancy between relative azimuthal angles of 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 detection module locations used for the calculation and the TOT [ns] actual relative angles in events originating in the walls of the Figure 6: Distributions of time over threshold (TOT) values, cylindrical chamber as depicted schematically in Figure 8. for � interactions observed in groups of 1, 2 and more within a Te distributions presented in Figure 7 are in good agree- coincidence time window of 2.5 ns. In the samples with increasing ment with the simulation-based expectations [60]. Selection � ∘ number of coincident photons, the contribution of quanta from of events with values of ��2 +��3 signifcantly larger than 180 3� annihilations increases with respect to other processes. Gray lines allows for identifcation of three-photon annihilations. 3� and arrow denote the region used to identify annihilation photon Te aforementioned event selection techniques allowed candidates. to extract 1164 3� event candidates from the two-day test + measurement with a � source activity of about 10 MBq placed in the center of the aluminium cylinder as depicted in fnal measurements with a porous medium for positronium Figure 3. Terefore, a quantitative estimation of the achiev- production. able resolution of three-photon event origin points and its Te capabilities of J-PET to select 3� events and discrimi- impact on the positronium polarization control capabilities + − nate background arising from two-photon � � annihilations requires a measurement including a medium enhancing the as well as from accidental coincidences are based primarily on positronium production. two factors: Resolution of the detector and its feld of view was vali- dated with a benchmark analysis of the test data performed (i) a measure of energy deposited by a photon in Comp- using the abundant 2� annihilation events. Figure 9 presents ton scattering, provided by the time over threshold the images of the annihilation chamber obtained using 2� (TOT) values determined by the J-PET front-end events whose selection and reconstruction was performed electronics, with the same techniques as applied to medical imaging (ii) angular dependencies between relative azimuthal tests performed with J-PET [48]. Although a large part of angles of recorded � interaction points, specifc to recorded annihilations originate already in the setup holding + topology of the event [60]. the � source, a considerable fraction of positrons reach the chamber walls. Te efective longitudinal feld of view of Distributions of the TOT values, afer equalization of J-PET for 2� events which can be directly extended to 3� responses of each detection module, are presented in Figure 6. annihilations due to similar geometrical constraints spans the Separate study of TOT distributions for � quanta observed range of approximately |�| < 8 cm. in groups of 1, 2 and more recorded � hits in scintillators within a short time window reveals the diferent composition of photons from 3� annihilations with respect to those 7. Summary and Perspectives originating from background processes such as deexcitation Te J-PET group attempts to perform the frst search for �+ 22 of the decay products from a Na source (1270 keV) signs of violation of the symmetry under reversal in time and cosmic radiation. Two Compton edges corresponding to in the decay of positronium atoms. One of the available 511 1270 keV and keV photons are clearly discernible in TOT techniques is based on evaluation of mean values of fnal distributions, allowing identifying candidates for interactions state observables constructed from photons’ momenta and � of 3 annihilation products by TOT values located below positroniumspininano-Ps�→ 3� annihilation with a pre- the 511 keV Compton edge as marked with dashed lines in cision enhanced with respect to the previous realization Figure 6. of similar measurements by determination of positronium Te second event selection criterion is based on the spin distinctly for each recorded event. Moreover, the J-PET correlations between relative azimuthal angles of photon detector enables a novel test by determination of a T-odd Advances in High Energy Physics 7

250 103

4 200 10 200

2 103 10 3 150 3 150   - - 2 2 2  100 10  100 10

50 10 50

0 1 0 1 0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200 250 2 +3 2 +3 (a) (b)

Figure 7: Relations between the sum and diference of two smallest relative azimuthal angles (��2 and ��3, respectively) between � interaction points in events with three recorded interactions. (a) Distribution obtained in the test measurement with the aluminium chamber presented in Figure 3. For reference, the same spectrum obtained with a point-like annihilation medium located in the detector center [59] is displayed ∘ in (b). Te vertical band around ��2 +��3 ≈ 180 arises from two-photon annihilations and is broadened in the frst case due to extensive dimensions of the annihilation chamber used. 3� annihilation events are expected in the region located at the right side of the 2� band [60].

 

∘ Figure 8: Explanation of the broadening of the 2� annihilation band present in Figures 7(a) and 7(b) at ��2 +��3 ≈ 180 .Lef:when2� annihilations originate in a small region in the detector center, the calculated relative azimuthal angles of detection modules which registered the photons correspond closely to actual relative angles between photons’ momenta. Right: with 2� annihilations taking place in the walls of ∘ an extensive-size annihilation chamber (gray band), the broadening of the band at 180 is caused by a discrepancy between the calculated and actual relative angles. Te detector scheme and proportions are not preserved for clarity.

observable constructed using the momenta and polarization proposed for positron spin determination was validated with of photons from annihilation. a benchmark reconstruction of two-photon annihilations. Te pilot measurement conducted with the J-PET detec- Results obtained from the test measurement confrm the tor demonstrated the possibility of identifying candidates of feasibility of a test of symmetry under reversal in time by annihilation photons interactions in the plastic scintillator measurement of the angular correlation operator defned strips by means of the time over threshold measure of in (4) without external magnetic feld once a positronium deposited energy and angular dependencies between relative production medium is used. azimuthal angles of � interaction points specifc to event spatial topology. A preliminary selection of three-photon Data Availability annihilation events yielded 1164 event candidates from a two-day test measurement with a yield reduced by more As this article covers a feasibility study of time reversal than an order of magnitude with respect to the planned symmetry tests with the J-PET detector in the view of the experiments with a porous positronium production target future measurements, the data with a physical relevance will and a centrally located 10 MBq source. Te annihilation only be collected in the future and the presently used data of reconstruction resolution and performance of the setup a test measurement are mostly of technical importance only. 8 Advances in High Energy Physics

30 4000 30 35000 3500 20 20 30000 3000 10 10 25000 2500 20000 0 2000 0 X [cm]

Y [cm] 15000 1500 −10 −10 1000 10000 −20 −20 500 5000

−30 0 −30 −30 −20 −10 0 10 20 30 −30 −20 −10 0 10 20 30 X [cm] Z [cm]

(a) (b)

+ − Figure 9: Tomographic images of the cylindrical chamber used in the test run of J-PET,obtained using reconstructed � � �→ 2 � annihilation events. (a) Transverse view of the chamber (the central longitudinal region of |�| < 4 cm was excluded where the image is dominated by + annihilation events originating in the setup of the � source.). (b) Longitudinal view of the imaged chamber. In the central region, a strong image of the positron source and its mounting setup is visible.

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