THE CITY RECORD Submission 6382—Tottenville High School, Richmond, Honor Roll. Commissioners Harrison, Rapuano, Grimm. Committee appointed May 28, 1940. Geo 155 Submission 6383—Asphalt Plant, York avenue and East River drive between East OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 90th and East 91st streets, . Commissioners Harrison, Rapuano, Grimm. Published Under Authority of Section 8724 of the Charter. Committee appointed May 29, 1940. Submission 6384—Kingston Avenue Hospital, , Refrigerator and Storage STEPHEN G. KELLEY, SOMYISOR Building. Commissioners Harrison, Rapuano, Grimm. Committee appointed May 29, 1940. WILLIAM VIERTEL, EDITOR Submission 6385—Riverside Hospital, North Brother Island, Shop and Storage 2213 Municipal Building, Manhattan. WORTH 2-3490. Building. Commissioners Harrison, Rapuano, Grimm. Committee appointed May Published daily at 9 a. m., except Sundays and legal holidays. 29, 1940. "Subscription: 1.20 a year; $10 six months; $5 three months. Daily issue, 10 cents a copy. Submission 6386—Neponsit Beach Hospital, , Main Hospital Building, Addi- SUPPLEMEN *Civil List, $20 (by mail, $20.20); Official Canvas of Votes, $1 (by mail, $1.12); List of Enrolled Voters, prices vary; List of Registered Voters, 25 cents each assembly tion. Commissioners Harrison, Rapuano, Grimm. Committee appointed May 29, 1940. district (by mail, 30 cents); Assessed Valuation of Real Estate, prices vary; Detailed List of Exempt Submission 6387—Fordham Hospital, , Nurses Home Alteration. Com- Properties, $2 (by mail, $2.10). missioners Harrison, Rapuano, Grimm. Committee appointed May 29, 1940, OTHER PUBLICATIONS ON SALE: Building Code, $3.50 (by mail, $3.65); Electrical Code, 30 cents (by mail, 34 cents); Fire Department Specifications, 15 cents ?by mail, 17 cents); Submission 6388—Welfare Island, Central Nurses Residence, Swimming Pool. Com- Fire Retarding Rules and Regulations, 10 cents (by mail, 12 cents); Land Value Maps, complete missioners Harrison, Rapuano, Grimm. Committee appointed May 29, 1940. for the City in one volume, $2 (by mail, $2.10); Multiple Dwelling Law, 50 cents (by mail, 57 cents); Submission 6389—Welfare Island, Central Nurses Residence, Statue in Pergola. New York City Charter, 25 cents (by mail, 29 cents); Index to New York City Charter, 25 cents (by mail, 29 cents); Official Directory, 50 cents (by mail, 53 cents); Proportional Representation Commissioners Hering, Delano, Halsey. Committee appointed May 29, 1940. Pamphlet, 5 cents (by mail, 7 cents); Sanitary Code, 50 cents (by mail, 55 cents). Submission 6390—Richmond Borough Hall, Richmond, Alterations. Commissioners Order must be accompanied by currency, money order or check drawn to the order of "Super- Harrison, Rapuano, Grimm. Committee appointed June 3, 1940. visor of THE CITY RECORD." ADVERTISING: Copy must be received at least TWO (2) days before the date fixed for the Submission 6391—Tompkinsville Drill Hall for Naval Militia, Richmond. Com- first insertion; when proof is required for correction before publication, copy must be received THREE missioners Harrison, Rapuano, Grimm. Committee appointed June 3, 1940. (3) days before the date fixed for the first insertion. Submission 6392—East 11th Street Public Bath, Manhattan, Alterations. Commis- Entered as Second-class Matter, Post Office at New York City. sioners Harrison, Rapuano, Grimm. Committee appointed June 4, 1940. 'Check must be certified. Submission 6393—Flushing Garage and Repair Company Headquarters, Queens. Commissioners Harrison, Rapuano, Grimm. Committee appointed June 4, 1940. Submission 6394—Plumb Island Beach, Brooklyn, Development. Commissioners TABLE OF CONTENTS Rapuano, Harrison, Grimm. Committee appointed June 4, 1940. Submission 6395—, Queens, Jacob Riis Bust. Commissioners Art Commission—Minutes of Meeting Parks, Department of—Proposals 4138 Hering, Delano, Halsey. Committee appointed June 4, 1940. Held June 11, 1940 4133 Police Department— Submission 6396—Red Hook Park, Brooklyn, Additional Development. Commis- Bronx, President Borough of The— Owners Wanted for Unclaimed sioners Rapuano, Harrison, Lockwood. Committee appointed June 4, 1940. Proposals 4138 Property 4136 Submission 6397—Playground, including Comfort Station, East 16th and East 17th Comptroller, Office of the—Interest on Special Regulations for Vehicular streets, north of Avenue S, Brooklyn. Commissioners Rapuano, Harrison, Lockwood. City Bonds and Stock 4137 Traffic 4136 Committee appointed June 4, 1940. Education, Board of—Proposals 4136 Public Works, Department of— Submission 6398—Playground, Bedford Park boulevard, Goulden and Paul avenues, Estimate, Board of—Bureau of Real Proposals 4137 West 205th street, The Bronx. Commissioners Rapuano, Harrison, Lockwood. Commit- Estate— Proposed Approval of Subcontractors 4137 tee appointed June 4, 1940. Corporation Sale of Buildings and Purchase, Department of— Submission 6399—Playground, Addition, Howard avenue and Dean street, Brook- Appurtenances /Whereto on City Notice to Bidders 4136 lyn. Commissioners Rapuano, Harrison, Lockwood. Committee appointed June 4, 1940. Real Estate 4137 Proposals 4136 Submission 6400—, Queens, Lake Area Development. Commission- Requests for Offers to Sell Real Sale of Old Material 4136 ers Rapuano, Harrison, Lockwood. Committee appointed June 4, 1940. Property to the City of New York 4137 Queens, President Borough of—Pro- Submission 6401—Welfare Island Fire House, Revised. Commissioners Harrison, Finance, Department of—Confirmation posals 4136 Rapuano, Grimm. Committee appointed June 4, 1940. of Assessments—Notices to Property Regulation Adopted by Board of Esti- Submission 6402—Public School 21, The Bronx, Addition. Commissioners Harri- Owners 4137 mate on Feb. 17, 1938 4140 son, Rapuano, Grimm. Committee appointed June 4, 1940. Fire Department—Proposals 4136 Richmond, President Borough of— Submission 6403—Public School 40, Queens, Addition. Commissioners Harrison, Higher Education, Board of—Pro- Proposals 4138 Rapuano, Grimm. Committee appointed June 4, 1940. posals 4138 Supreme Court, First Department— Submission 6404—Public School 156, Queens, Addition. Commissioners Harrison, Hospitals, Department of Proposals Application to Condemn — 4138 4139 Rapuano, Grimm. Committee appointed June 4, 1940. Manhattan, President Borough of— Filing Bills of Costs 4138 Submission 6405—Harlem Hospital, Manhattan, Women's Pavilion Alterations. Proposals 4138 Filing Tentative Decree—Notice to Commissioners Harrison, Rapuano, Grimm. Committee appointed June 4, 1940. Markets, Department of—Rules and File Objections 4138 Submission 6406—Fire Boat Station, Grand street and East River, Manhattan. Regulations Governing Peck Slip Supreme Court, Second Department— Commissioners Harrison, Rapuano, Grimm. Committee appointed June 4, 1940. Open Air Market 4138 Applications to Condemn 4140 Submission 6407—Lincoln Hospital, The Bronx, Out-Patient Building, addition. Municipal Civil Service Commission— Filing Tentative Decree—Notice to Commissioners Harrison, Rapuano, Grimm. Committee appointed June 4, 1940. Notices to Appear for Examinations 4137 File Objections 4139 Submission 6408—Borough Hall, Queens, Landscaping. Commissioners Rapuano, New York City Housing Authority— Notice to File Claims 4139 Harrison, Lockwood. Committee appointed June 4, 1940. Proposals Transportation, Board of— Submission 6409—Queensbridge Housing, Queens, Sculptured Panel for Community 4138 Notice of Public Hearings 4137 Center. Commissioners Hering, Delano, Halsey. Committee appointed June 4, 1940. New York City Tunnel Authority— Proposals 4137 Proposals 4138 Submission 6410—Columbus Statue, Astoria avenue and 25th street, Astoria, Queens. Proposals—Notice to Bidders 4137 Commissioners Hering, Delano, Halsey. Committee appointed June 4, 1940. Notice to Bidders at Sales of Old Sale of Scrap Material 4137 Buildings, etc. Submission 6411—Jamaica Sewage Treatment Works, Queens, Sculptured Panels 4140 Triborough Bridge Authority—Pro- for the Power Building. Commissioners Hering, Delano, Halsey. Committee appointed Official Directory 4135 posals 4138 June 4, 1940. Mr. Walter D. Binger, Commissioner of Borough Works, and Mr. Fred B. ART COMMISSION McDuffee, Assistant Engineer, of the Office of the President of the Borough of Man- hattan, were present concerning Submissions 6376, 6377, 6380, 6383 and 6392 ; Mrs. The Minutes of the Meeting of the Art Commission Held in Its Offices in the Gertrude V. Whitney, Sculptor, and Mrs. Julianna Force, of the Whitney Museum, City Hall on Tuesday, June 11, 1940, at 2.30 P. M. concerning Submission 6336; Mr. Andrew L. Muller, Assistant to the Engineer of High- ways, of the Office of the President of the Borough of Queens, concerning Submissions Present: Commissioner Edward C. Blum, President, presiding; Commissioners 6375 and 6410; Mr. George E. Minton, Architectural Draftsman, of the Dock Depart- Dean Cornwell, William Adams Delano, R. T. H. Halsey, Henry Hering, Luke Vincent ment, concerning Submissions 6378 and 6414; Mr. S. J. Vickers, Architect, of the Lockwood and Michael Rapuano; also Hon. John H. Delaney, Chairman of the Board Board of Transportation, concerning Submission 6379; Mr. M. Lempit, Structural Steel of Transportation, concerning the Transportation Office Building, Brooklyn. Draftsman, of the Department of Water Supply, Gas and Electricity, concerning Sub- On communications from Commissioners Peter Grimm, Wallace K. Harrison, and mission 6393; Mr. Joseph Orlando, Architect, of the Department of Hospitals, concern- Fairfield Osborn, explaining their absence, they were excused. ing Submissions 6384, 6385, 6386, 6387, 6388 and 6389; Mr. Oliver T. Lay, of the The President presented Mr. Dean Cornwell, Painter, and Mr. Luke Vincent Park Department, concerning the submissions from the Park Department; and Mr. Lockwood, Layman, appointed and commissioned by the Mayor on May 17, 1940, Mr. Albert W. Bitterman, Architectural Designer, of the Department of Public Works, Cornwell to succeed Mr. Ernest C. Peixotto, his term to expire December 31, 1942, and concerning the submissions from the Department of Public Works. Mr. Lockwood to succeed Mr. Rodman Gilder, his term to expire December 31, 1942. On recommendation of the Committees to which the submissions had been referred, President Blum presented to each his commission. the following resolutions were adopted: The minutes of the meeting of May 14, 1940, as printed in the CITY RECORD of June Submission 6336—"Spirit of Flight" (Sculpture), Flushing Meadow Park, Queens 4, 1940, were approved. Action on this submission was postponed. The Commission then proceeded to the election of a secretary and, on motion duly Submission 6366—Playgrounds Including Comfort Station, Shore Parkway and 17th made and seconded, Commissioner Luke Vincent Lockwood was unanimously elected. Avenue, Brooklyn In behalf of the President the appointment of the following Committees was reported: This submission was withdrawn by the Park Department. Submission 6336—"Spirit of Flight" (Sculpture), Flushing Meadow Park, Queens. Submission 6367—, Brooklyn, Development Commissioners Hering, Delano, Osborn. Committee appointed April 18, 1940. This submission was withdrawn by the Park Department. Submission 6366—Playground including Comfort Station, Shore parkway and 17th Submission 6368—, Queens, South Section Development Including avenue, Brooklyn. Commissioners Rapuano, Harrison, Halsey. Committee appointed Comfort Station May 7, 1940. This submission was withdrawn by the Park Department. Submission 6367— Bensonhurst Park, Brooklyn, Development. Commissioners Submission 6369—Canarsie Beach Park, Brooklyn, Development Rapuano, Harrison, Halsey. Committee appointed May 7, 1940. This submission was withdrawn by the Park Department. Submission 6368—Baisley Pond Park, Queens, South Section Development, includ- Submission 6370—Park and Playground Development Including Comfort Station, North ing Comfort Station. Commissioners Rapuano, Harrison, Halsey. Committee appointed Conduit Avenue and Old South Road, Queens May 7, 4940. Certificate 6309 Submission 6369—Canarsie Beach Park, Brooklyn, Development. Commissioners Resolved, That the Art Commission, having considered the designs for the develop- Rapuano, Harrison, Halsey. Committee appointed May 7, 1940. ment of a park and playground including comfort station, North Conduit avenue and Submission 6370—Park and Playground Development, including Comfort Station, Old South road, Queens, submitted by the Park Department, represented by Exhibits North Conduit avenue and Old South road, Queens. Commissioners Rapuano, Harrison, "2338-A," "B" and "C," of record in this matter, hereby gives to the same final approval, Halsey. Committee appointed May 7, 1940. with the understanding that samples of materials proposed for the comfort station are Submission 6375—Overpass, 63d street, Laurel Hill, Queens, Commissioners Harri- to be submitted to the Art Commission for final action, and conditioned upon the com- son, Rapuano, Grimm. Committee appointed May 16, 1940. mencement of the work on or before June 11, 1943. Submission 6376—East River drive, Manhattan. Overhead Bridge and Conveyor Submission 6375—Overpass, 63d Street, Laurel Hill, Queens Housing between East 75th and East 76th streets. Commissioners Harrison, Rapuano, Certificate 6310 Grimm. Committee appointed May 22, 1940. Resolved, That the Art Commission, having considered the designs for, and location Submission 6377—Manhattan Bridge plaza, Manhattan, Comfort Station, Alterations, of, a pedestrian overpass connecting the highway at 63d street, Laurel Hill, Queens, Revised. Commissioners Harrison, Rapuano, Grimm. Committee appointed May 22, submitted by the President of the Borough of Queens, represented by Exhibits "2341-A," 1940. "B," "C," "D" and "E," of record in this matter hereby gives to the same final approval, Submission 6378—Pier 73, East River, Manhattan, Alteration. Commissioners Har- conditioned upon the commencement of the work on or before June 11, 1943. rison, Rapuano, Grimm. Committee appointed May 22, 1940. Submission 6376—East River drive, Manhattan, Overhead Bridge and Conveyor Housing Submission 6379—Transportation Office Building, Brooklyn. Commissioners Harri-. Between East 75th and East 76th Streets son, Rapuano, Grimm. Committee appointed May 23, 1940. Certificate 6311 Submission 6380—Abingdon square, Manhattan, Comfort Station Alteration. Com- Resolved, That the Art Commission, having considered the designs for, and location missioners Harrison, Rapuano, Grimm. Committee appointed May 2', 1940. of, an overhead bridge and conveyor housing across the East River drive between East Submission 6381—Midtown Tunnel, Queens, Plaza "Finish." Coridnissioners Harri- 75th and East 76th streets, Manhattan, submitted by he President of the Borough of Man- son, Rapuano, Grimm. Committee appointed May 27, 1940. hattan, represented by Exhibits "2238-AQ," "AR," "AS" and "AT," of record in this 4134 THE CITY RECORD MONDAY, JULY 1, 1940 matter, hereby gives to the same final approval, with the understanding that samples of, a drill hall for Naval Militia, Murray Hulbert avenue and Hannah street, Tompkins- of materials proposed for the exterior work are to be submitted to the Art Commission ville, Richmond, submitted by the Department of Public Works, represented by Exhibits for final action, and conditioned upon the commencement of the work on or before "2344-A," "B," "C," "D". and "E," of record in this matter, hereby gives to the same June 11, 1943. final approval, with the understanding that full sized details or large scale drawings of Submission 6377—Manhattan Bridge Plaza, Manhattan, Comfort Station, Alterations, any ornamental portions, as well as samples of materials proposed for the exterior work, Revised are to be submitted to the Art Commission for final action, and conditioned upon the Certificate 6312 commencement of the work on or before June 11, 1943. Resolved, That the Art Commission, having considered the revised designs for altera- Submission 6392—East 11th Street Public Bath, Manhattan, Alterations tions to the comfort station, Manhattan Bridge plaza, Manhattan, submitted by the Presi- Certificate 6327 dent of the Borough of Manhattan, represented by Exhibits "63-EN," "EO" and "EP," Resolved, That the Art Commission, having considered the designs for alterations to of record in this matter, hereby gives to the same final approval, with the understanding the comfort station, 538-540 East 11th street, Manhattan, submitted by the President of that the materials of the exterior are to harmonize with the existing building, and condi- the Borough of Manhattan, represented by Exhibits "92-F," "G" and "H," of record in tioned upon the commencement of the work on or before June 11, 1943. this matter, hereby gives to the same final approval, with the understanding that the Submission 6378—Pier 73, East River, Manhattan, Alterations materials of the exterior are to harmonize with the .existing building, and conditioned Certificate 6313 upon the commencement of the work on or before June 11, 1943. Resolved, That the Art Commission, having considered the designs for alterations to Submission 6393—Flushing Garage and Repair Company Headquarters the inshore, elevations of Pier 73, East River, Manhattan, submitted by the Dock Depart- Certificate 6328 ment, represented by Exhibits "2163-K" and "L," of record in this matter, hereby approves Resolved, That the Art Commission, having considered the designs for, and location the same, subject to a conference with the Architectural Committee of the Board, and of, a garage and repair company headquarters, south side of Underhill avenue west of conditioned upon the commencement of the work on or before June 11, 1943. Fresh Meadow road, Flushing, Queens, submitted by the Department of Water Supply, Submission 6379—Transportation Office Building, Brooklyn Gas and Electricity, represented by Exhibits "1707-R," "S" and "T," of record in this Certificate 6314. matter, hereby gives to the same preliminary approval, with the understanding that work- Resolved, That the Art Commission, having considered the designs for, and location ing drawings and full sized details or large scale drawings of ornamental portions, as of, an office building for the Board of Transportation, Jay and Willoughby streets, well as samples of materials proposed for the exterior work, are to be submitted to the Brooklyn, submitted by the Board of Transportation, represented by Exhibits "2342-A," Art Commission for final action. "B," "C," "D," "E," "F," and "G," of record in this matter, hereby gives to the same Submission 6394—Plumb Island Beach, Brooklyn, Development final approval, with the understanding that full sized details or large scale drawings of Certificate 6329 ornamental porti .ms, as well as samples of materials proposed for the exterior work, are Resolved, That the Art Commission, having considered the designs for the develop- to be submitted to the Art Commission for final action, and conditioned upon the com- ment of Plumb Island Beach, Brooklyn, submitted by the Park Department, represented mencement of the work on or before June 11, 1943. by Exhibits "2345-A" and "B," of record in this matter hereby gives to the same final Submission 6380—Abingdon Square, Manhattan, Comfort Station, Alteration approval, conditioned upon the commencement of the wor– on or before June 11, 1943. Certificate 6315. Submission 6395—Jacob Riis Park, Queens, Jacob Riis Bust Resolved, That the Art Commission, having considered the designs for alterations Certificate 6330 to the comfort station, Abingdon Square, Manhattan, submitted by the President of the Resolved, That the Art Commission, having considered the designs for, and location Borough of Manhattan, represented by Exhibits "699-K," "L" and "M," of record in this of, a bust of Jacob Riis to be placed near the west mall building, Jacob Riis Park, matter, hereby gives to the same final approval, with the understanding that the materials Queens, submitted by the Park Department, represented by Exhibits "1735-AX," "AY" of the exterior are to harmonize with the existing building, and conditioned upon the and "AZ," of record in this matter, hereby disapproves the same for that location. commencement of the work on or before June 11, 1943. Submission 6396—Red Hook Park, Brooklyn, Additional Development Submission 6381—Midtown Tunnel, Queens, Plaza "Finish" This submission was withdrawn by the Park Department. Certificate 6316. Submission 6397—Playground including Comfort Station, East 16th and East 17th Streets Resolved, That the Art Commission, having considered the designs for, and location North of Avenue S, Brooklyn of, the "finish" of the plaza, Midtown Tunnel, 51st avenue, 1 1 th street, Borden avenue, This submission was withdrawn by the Park Department. Vernon boulevard and Jackson avenue, Queens also the portal near the intersection of Submission 6398—Playground, Bedford Park Boulevard, Goulden and Paul Avenues, First avenue and East 37th street, Manhattan, submitted by the New York City Tunnel West 205th Street, The Bronx Authority, represented by Exhibits "2135-CH," "CI," "CJ," "CK," "CL," "CM," "CN," This submission was withdrawn by the Park Department. "CO," "CP," "CQ" and "CR," of record in this matter, hereby gives to the same final Submission 6399—Playground, Addition, Howard Avenue and Dean Street, Brooklyn approval, with the understanding that full sized details or large scale drawings of any Certificate 6331 ornamental portions, as well as samples of materials proposed for the work, are to be Resolved, That the Art Commission, having considered the designs for the develop- submitted to the Art Commission for final action, and conditioned upon the commencement ment of an addition to the playground, Howard avenue and Dean street, Brooklyn, of the work on or before June 11, 1943. submitted by the Park Department, represented by Exhibits "2348-A" and "B," of Submission 6382—Tottenville High School, Richmond Honor Roll record in this matter, hereby gives to the same final approval, conditioned upon the Certificate 6317. commencement of the work on or before June 11, 1943. Resolved, That the Art Commission, having considered the designs for, and location Submission 6400—Crocheron Park, Queens, Lake Area Development of, an honor roll, Tottenville High School, Richmond, submitted by the Board of Educa- This submission was withdrawn by the Park Department. tion, represented by Exhibits "1848-P," "Q," and "R," of record in this matter, hereby Submission 6401—Welfare Island Fire House, Revised gives to the same final approval, conditioned upon the commencement of the work on or Certificate 6332 before June 11, 1943. Resolved, That the Art Commission, having considered the revised designs for, and Submission 6383—Asphalt Plant, York Avenue and East River Drive Between East location of, a fire house, Welfare Island, submitted by the Department of Hospitals, 90th and East 91st Streets, Manhattan represented by Exhibits "2334-C" and "D," of record in this matter, hereby gives to the Certificate 6318. same final approval, with the understanding that the materials of the exterior are to Resolved, That the Art Commission, having considered the designs for, and location harmonize with the existing buildings, and conditioned upon the commencement of the of, an asphalt plant, York avenue and East River drive between East 90th and East 91st work on or before June 11, 1943. streets, Manhattan, submitted by the President of the Borough of Manhattan, represented Submission 6402—Public School 21, The Bronx, Addition by Exhibits "2343-A," "B," "C," "D," "E," and "F," of record in this matter, hereby Certificate 6333 gives to the same preliminary approval, with the understanding that working drawings Resolved, That the Art Commission, having considered the designs for, and location and full sized details or large scale drawings of ornamental portions, as well as samples of, an addition to Public School 21, East 225th and East 226th streets east of White of materials proposed for the exterior work, are to be submitted to the Art Commission Plains road, The Bronx, submitted by the Board of Education, represented by Exhibits for final action. "746-J," "K," "L," "M" and "N," of record in this matter, hereby gives to the same Submission 6384—Kingston Avenue Hospital, Brooklyn, Refrigerator and Storage preliminary approval, with the understanding that working drawings and full sized Building details or large scale drawings of ornamental portions are to be submitted to the Art Certificate 6319. Commission for final action, and that the materials of the exterior are to match the Resolved, That the Art Commission, having considered the designs for, and location existing building. of, a refrigerator and storage building, Kingston Avenue Hospital, Brooklyn, submitted Submission 6403—Public School 40, Queens, Addition by the Department of Hospitals, represented by Exhibits "213-DQ," "DR" and "DS," Certificate 6334 of record in this matter, hereby gives to the same final approval, with the understanding Resolved, That the Art Commission, having considered the designs for, and location that the materials of the exterior are to harmonize with existing buildings, and condi- of, an addition to Public School 40, Union Hall street and 109th avenue, South Jamaica, tioned upon the commencement of the work on or before June 11, 1943. Queens, to which preliminary approval was given on March 12, 1940, submitted by the Submission 6385—Riverside Hospital, North Brother Island, Shop and Storage Building Board of Education, represented by Exhibits "525-R," "S," "T" and "U," of record in Certificate 6320. this matter, hereby gives to the same final approval, with the understanding that full Resolved, That the Art Commission, having considered the designs for, and location sized details or large scale drawings of ornamental portions are to be submitted to the of, a shop and storage building, Riverside Hospital, North Brother Island, submitted by Art Commission for final action, that the materials of the exterior are to harmonize the Department of Hospitals, represented by Exhibits "258-EL" "EJ," "EK" and "EL," with the existing building, and conditioned upon the commencement of the work on or of record in this matter, hereby gives to the same final approval, with the understanding before June 11, 1943. that the materials of the exterior are to harmonize with existing buildings, and condi- Submission 6404—Public School 156, Queens, Addition tioned upon the commencement of the work on or before June 11, 1943. Certificate 6335 Submission 6386—Neponsit Beach Hospital, Queens, Main Hospital Building, Addition Resolved, That the Art Commission, having considered the designs for, and location Certificate 6321. of, additions to Public School 156, 138th avenue between 229th and 230th streets, Resolved, That the Art Commission, having considered the designs for an addition Laurelton, Queens, submitted by the Board of Education, represented by Exhibits to the main building, Neponsit Beach Hospital, Queens, submitted by the Department "1673-F," "G," "H," "I," "J," "K" and "L," of record in this matter, hereby gives to the of Hospitals, represented by Exhibits "1690-AY," "AZ," and "BA," of record in this same final approval, with the understanding that the materials of the exterior are to matter, hereby gives to the same final approval, with the understanding that the materials harmonize with the existing building, and conditioned upon the commencement of the of the exterior are to harmonize with existing buildings, and conditioned upon the com- work on or before June 11, 1943. mencement of the work on or before June 11, 1943. Submission 6405—Harlem Hospital, Manhattan, Women's Pavilion Alteration Submission 6387—Fordham Hospital, The Bronx, Nurses Home Alteration Certificate 6336 Certificate 6322 Resolved, That the Art Commission, having considered the designs for alterations Resolved, That the Art Commission, having considered the designs for alterations to to the women's pavilion, Harlem Hospital, Manhattan, submitted by the Department of the Nurses Home, Fordham Hospital, The Bronx, submitted by the Department of Public Works, represented by Exhibits "155-EQ," "ER" and "ES," of record in this Hospitals, represented by Exhibits "1427-AY" and "AZ," of record in this matter, hereby matter, hereby gives to the same final approval, with the understanding that the materials gives to the same final approval, with the understanding that the materials of the exterior of the exterior are to match the existing building, and conditioned upon the commence- are to harmonize with the existing building, and conditioned upon the commencement of ment of the work on or before June .11, 1943. the work on or before June 11, 1943. Submission 6406—Fire Boat Station, Grand Street and East River, Manhattan Submission 6388—Welfare Island, Central Nurses Residence, Swimming Pool Certificate 6337 Certificate 6323 Resolved, That the Art Commission, having considered the design for, and location Resolved, That the Art Commission, having considered the designs for, and location of, a fire boat station, Grand street and East River, Manhattan, to which preliminary of, a swimming pool, Central Nurses Residence, Welfare Island, submitted by the Depart- approval was given on July 11, 1939, submitted by the Department of Public Works, ment of Hospitals, represented by Exhibits "239-IK," "IL," "IM," "IN" and "IO," of represented by Exhibits "1728-I," "J," "K," "L," "M" and "N," of record in this matter, record in this matter, hereby gives to the same final approval, with the understanding that hereby gives to the same final approval, with the understanding that full sized details or the materials of the exterior are to harmonize with the existing building, and conditioned large scale drawings of ornamental portions, as well as samples of materials proposed upon the commencement of the work on or before June 11, 1943. for the exterior work, are to be submitted to the Art Commission for final action, and Submission 6389—Welfare Island, Central Nurses Residence, Statue in Pergola conditioned upon the commencement of the work on or before June 11, 1943. Certificate 6324 Resolved, That the Art Commission, having considered the designs for, and location Submission 6407—Lincoln Hospital, The Bronx, Out Patient Building, Addition of, a statue, "Girl with Faun," for the pergola, Central Nurses Residence, Welfare Certificate 0338 Island, submitted by the Department of Hospitals, represented by Exhibits "239-IP," Resolved, That the Art Commission, having considered the designs for, and location "IQ," "IR" and "IS," of record in this matter, hereby approves the same, subject to the of, an addition to the out patient building, Lincoln Hospital, The Bronx, submitted by approval of the large model by the Sculptor Member of the Board. the Department of Public Works, represented by Exhibits "2021-AU," "AV," "AW" and Submission 6390—Richmond Borough Hall, Richmond, Alterations "AX," of record in this matter, hereby gives to the same preliminary approval, with the Certificate 6325 understanding that working drawings and full sized details or large scale drawings of Resolved, That the Art Commission having considered the designs for alterations to ornamental portions, as well as samples of materials proposed for the exterior work, the Richmond Borough Hall, Richmond, submitted by the Department of Public Works, are to be submitted to the Art Commission for final action. represented by Exhibits "124-AD," "AE," "AF" and "AG," of record in this matter, Submission 6408—Borough Hall, Queens, Landscaping hereby gives to the same final approval, conditioned upon the commencement of the work Certificate 6339 on or before June 11, 1943. Resolved, That the Art Commission, having considered the designs for landscaping Submission 091—Tompkinsville Drill Hall for Naval Militia, Richmond the grounds surrounding Borough Hall, Queens, submitted by the Department of Public Certificate 6326 Works, represented by Exhibit "2308-Q" and "R," of record in this matter, hereby Resolved, That the Art Commission, having considered the designs for, and location gives to the same preliminary approval. MONDAY, JULY 1, 1940 THE CITY RECORD 4135

Submission 6409—Queensbridge Housing, Queens, Sculptured Panel for Community of, the Fulton Fish Market, Manhattan, Second Unit, to which preliminary approval Center was given on March 12, 1940, submitted by the Department of Public Works, represented • Certificate 6340 by Exhibits "2148-S," "T," "U" and "V," of record in this matter, hereby gives to Resolved, That the Art Commission, having considered the designs for, and location the same final approval, with the understanding that full sized details or large scale of, a sculptured panel for the Community Center, Queensbridge Housing, Queens, drawings of ornamental portions are to be submitted to the Art Commission for final submitted by the New York City Housing Authority, represented by Exhibits "2283-Z," action, that the materials of the exterior are to harmonize .with Unit Number 1, and "AA" and "AB," of record in this matter, hereby approves the same, subject to the conditioned upon the commencement of the work on or before June 11, 1943. approval of the large model by the Sculptor Member of the Board. Submission 6414—North Beach Airport, Queens, Illuminated Signs (2), Revised Submission 6410—Columbus Statue, Astoria Avenue and 25th Street, Astoria, Queens Certificate 6345 Certificate 6341 Resolved, That the Art Commission, having considered the revised designs for, and Resolved, That the Art Commission, having considered the designs for, and location location of, illuminated signs for Hangars Numbers 1, 2, 3 and 5, North Beach Airport, of, a Columbus Statue, Astoria avenue and 25th street, Astoria, Queens, submitted Queens, submitted by the Dock Department, represented by Exhibits "2149-DA," "DB" by the President of the Borough of Queens, represented by Exhibits "2349-A," "B" and "DC," of record in this matter, hereby gives to the same final approval, conditioned and "C," of record in this matter, hereby gives to the same preliminary approval, upon the commencement of the work on or before June 11, 1943. subject to a conference with the Sculptor Member of the Board. Commissioner Hering reported a satisfactory conference concerning Printing House Submission 6411—Jamaica Sewage Treatment Works, Queens, Sculptured Panels for square, Manhattan, Bronze Plaque; he also reported progress concerning , the Power Building Manhattan, Flagpole and Tablet. Certificate 6342 Commissioner Rapuano reported a satisfactory conference concerning Battery Park, Resolved, That the Art Commission, having considered the designs for, and location Manhattan, Reconstruction. of, sculptured panels for the front facade of the power building, Jamaica Sewage The Executive Secretary reported that certificates of inspection had been issued Treatment Works, Queens, submitted by the Department of Public Works, represented since the last meeting in accordance with the requirements of the Charter for the Fire by Exhibits "2219-N," "0" and "P," of record in this matter, hereby gives to the Engine House, 169 Schofield street, City Island, The Bronx; and the Domestic Rela- same preliminary approval, subject to the approval of the large model by the Sculptor tions Court House, Manhattan. Member of the Board. A request having been received from the Board of Estimate that the Art Commis- By unanimous consent the Commission voted to consider at this meeting Sub- sion report to the City Planning Commission on the design of a bus station, Queens missions 6412, 6413 and 6414. boulevard and 82d avenue, Kew Gardens, Queens, the Executive Secretary in behalf of On motion the following resolutions were adopted: the Architectural Committee of the Board reported that the design as submitted did not Submission 6412—Kings County Hospital, Brooklyn, Power Plant Addition present sufficient detail for a recommendation and that a more detailed design had been Certificate 6343 requested from the City Planning Commission. Resolved, That the Art Commission, having considered the designs for, and location A communication having been read from the Board of Education regarding the of, an addition to the power plant, Kings County Hospital, Brooklyn, submitted by the transfer of portraits from the old Headquarters Building at 500 Park avenue to the Department of Public Works, represented by Exhibits "246-MZ," "NA" and "NB," new Headquarters Building, 110 Livingston street, Brooklyn, the Art Commission of record in this matter, hereby gives to the same final approval, with the understanding voted in favor of such transfer unless the donor (or donors) of any such work of that the materials of the exterior are to harmonize with the existing building, and art disapproves such transfer. conditioned upon the commencement of the work on or before June 11, 1943. The Executive Secretary reported that the Art Commission Report for the years Submission 6413—Fulton Fish Market, Manhattan, Second Unit 1938 and 1939, signed by the President and Secretary, has been presented to the Mayor. Certificate 6344 On motion the meeting adjourned. Resolved, That the Art Commission, having considered the designs for, and location A. EVERETT PETERSON, Executive Secretary.

Felony-32 Franklin st. WO rth 2-2833 Richmond — 100 Richmond ter., St. Brooklyn Homicide-301 Mott st CA nal 6-6500 George SA intGeo 7-8300 1-120 Schermerhorn st TR iangl 5-2052 Municipal Term-52 Chambers st. EDUCATION, BOARD OF— 2-495 Gates ave MA in 2-3010 CO rtlnd 7-4763 Park ave. and 59th st., Man V0 lunter 5-6600 3-6 Lee ave ST ag 2-7813 Night Court for Men-314 W. 54th st. ELECTIONS, BOARD OF- 4-260 Utica ave SL ocum 6-4500 CO lumbus 5-4630 400 Broome st., Manh'n (4th floor) 5-4th ave. and 42d st WI ndsr 5-2540 Probation-300 Mulberry st.. .CA nal 6-6500 CA nal 6-2600 6-27-33 Snyder ave BU ckmnstr 2-9643 Traffic (Lower)-301 Mott st CA nal 6-6500 Bronx—Tremont and 3d aves..TR emnt 8-1186 7-363 Liberty ave AP pleate 6-8600 Traffic (Upper)-455 W. 151st st. Brooklyn—Municipal Bldg TR iangl 5-7100 8-1301 Surf ave CO neyls 6-8303 ED gecomb 4-3700 Queens-90.33 Sutphin blvd., Jamaica Central Jury andl 120 Schermerhorn st. Women's-425 6th ave GR amrcy 7-4628 RE public 9-1916 Small Claims Parts f TR iangl 5-2052 Dist, Bronx Richmond—Borough Hall ....SA intGeo 7-1955 Queens 1-161st st. and 3d ave ME lrose 5-2466 9 a. .n. to 4 p. m.; Sat. to 12 noon. 1-10.15 49th ave., L. I. City.IR onsdes 6-7987 2 and 3-161st st. and 3d ave MEIrose 5-3670 ESTIMATE, BOARD OF— 2—Broadway and Court st., Elmhurst Felony-161st st. and 3d ave ME 'rose 5-2466 Secretary's Office, Municipal Bldg., HA vemyr 9-0087 Homicide-161st st. & 3d ave MEIrose 5-1958 WO rth 2-4560 3-69-02 64th st., Ridegwood . HE geman 3-7010 Municipal Term-161st st. and 3d Ave. Real Estate, Bureau of, Municipal 4—Town Hall, Jamaica JA maica 6-0086 ME 'rose 5-1958 Bldg., Manh'n WO rth 2-5600 5-90th st., Rockaway Beach BE IIHrbr 5-1747 Probation-161st st. & 3d ave.ME ]rose 5-2345 FINANCE, DEPARTMENT OF— 6—Town Hall, Flushing IN depndce 3-5668 Traffic-161st st. and 3d ave ME !rose 5-1958 Municipal Bldg., Manh'n Small Claims Part, Town Hall, Jamaica Brooklyn City Collections, Bureau of— WO rth 2-1200 JA maica 6-0086 DiGst eneral Office—Municipal BIdg.TR iangl 5-7100 Manhattan—Municipal Bldg WO rth 2-1200 Richmond Bronx—Trem. & Arthur aves TR emnt 2-6000 1—Bement and Castleton ayes., West New Brighton PO rtRich 7-0189 OFFICIAL DIRECTORY 5—Williamsburg Bridge Plaza .EV ergrn 7-2503 Brooklyn—Municipal Bldg... TR iangl 5-7100 8-2963 W. 8th st 2-71 Targee st., Stapleton CO neyls 6-0013 Queens—Court sq., L. I. C ST ilwel 4-2400 SA intGeo 7-0313 9-43d st. and 4th ave Unless otherwise stated, City Offices are WI ndsr 5-0381 Richmond—Borough Hall....GI braltr 7-1000 Small Claims Part, 71 Targee st., open from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.; Saturdays to 10-127 Pennsylvania ave.....AP plegate 6-8606 Emergency Revenue Division- Stapleton SA intGeo 7-0313 12 noon; County Offices, 9 a. m. to 4 p. in.; Adolescent-31 Snyder ave.. BU ckmnstr 2-3516 50 Lafayette st., Manh'n WO rth 2-4780 MUNICIPAL REFERENCE LIBRARY— Saturdays to 12 noon. Felony-120 Schermerhorn st....MA in 4-0216 FIRE DEPARTMENT— Municipal Bldg., Manh'n WO rth 2-6607 9 a. m. to 5 p. tn., Sat. to 1 p. m. Municipal Term-120 Schermerhorn st. Municipal Bldg., Manh'n WO rth 2-4100 N. Y. CITY HOUSING AUTHORITY- ARMORY BOARD— TR iangl 5-4220 Brooklyn—Municipal Bldg TR iangl 5-8340 Municipal Bldg., Manh'n WO rth 2-1330 Night Court-25 'Snyder ave. GENERAL SESSIONS, COURT OF— 122 E. 42d st., Manh'n AS hind 4-8360 ART COMMISSION— BU ckmnstr 2-1506 Centre and Franklin sts., Manh'n N. Y. CITY TUNNEL AUTHORITY- Probation—Municipal Bldg 200 Madison ave., Manh'n ...LE xington 2-5151 City Hall, Manh'n CO rtlnd 7-1197 TR iangl 5-7100 WO rth 2-5778 Traffic-1005 Bedford PARKS, DEPARTMENT OF— ASSESSORS, BOARD OF— ave. MA in 2-2904 Probation Dept. WO rth 2-6632 Arsenal Bldg., Central Municipal Bldg., Manh'n WO rth 2-3630 Traffic (2)-495 Gates ave MA in 2-1284 Clerk's office open 9 a. m. to 4 p. tn.; Park, 64th st. BRONX, PRESIDENT OF- Week End Court-25 Snyder ave. Saturdays to 12 noon. Court opens and 5th ave., Manh'n RE gent 4-1000 851 Grand Concourse JE rome 6-3941 Queens BU ckmnstr 2-1506 at 10 a. tn. Bronx— East, at Birchall BROOKLYN, PRESIDENT OF— Dist. HEALTH, DEPARTMENT OF- ave. WE stchstr 7-5200 1-10.15 Brooklyn—Litchfield Mansion, Prospect Borough Hall TR iangl 5-7100 49th ave., L. I. City.IR onsdes 6-9009 125 Worth st., Manh'n WO rth 2-6900 Park Highways and Sewers, Municipal Bldg. 2—Town Hall, Flushing FL ushing 9-0228 Bronx-1918 Arthur ave SO uth 8-2300 TR emnt 8-6320 Queens—The Overlook, , TR iangl 5-7100 3-90th st., Far Rockaway BE IlHrbr 5-0125 Bklyn.—Municipal Bldg TR iangl 5-9400 BUDGET, BUREAU OF— Felony—Chaffee st. and Catalpa ave., Queens-148-15 Archer ave., Jamaica Kew Gardens CL evind 3-4600 Glendale Richmond — Field House, Clove Lakes Municipal Bldg., Manh'n CO rtlnd 7-6706 HE geman 3-8320 RE public 9-1200 Park, Victory blvd. and Clove rd., CHIEF MEDICAL EXAMINER- Traffic—Town Hall, Jamaica ..JA maica 6-0318 Richmond-51 Stuyvesant pl., St. George West Brighton 125 Worth st., Manh'n WO rth 2-3711 Richmond GI braltr 7-7664 GI braltr 2-7640 Open all hours of day and night. Central—Bement and Castleton ayes., PAROLE COMMISSION- HIGHER EDUCATION, BOARD OF- 139 Centre st., Manh'n Bronx-850 Walton ave JE rome 7-4642 West New Brighton PO rtRich 7-5712 17 Lexington ave., Manh'n...GR amrcy 5-1033 CA nai 6-3160 Open 9 a. m. to 5 p. m, every day. Traffic-67 Targee st., Stapleton HOSPITALS, DEPARTMENT OF- POLICE DEPARTMENT- 240 Centre st., Manh'n Brooklyn—Municipal Bldg. TR iangl 5-9258 SA intGeo 7-1150 125 Worth st., Manh'n CA nal 6-2000 Open all hours of day and night. CITY PLANNING COMMISSION— HOUSING AND BUILDINGS— WO rth 2-4440 PUBLIC ADMINISTRATORS- Queens—Town Hall, Jamaica. JA maica 6-1640 Municipal Bldg., Manh'n WO rth 2-5600 Municipal Bldg., Manh'n WO rth 2-5600 Bronx-851 Gr. Concourse JE rome 7-7484 Open 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.; Saturdays, CITY RECORD, THE— Buildings, Division of— Kings—Municipal Bldg TR iangl 5-7100 Sundays and holidays to 12 noon. Municipal Bldg., Manh'n WO rth 2-3490 Bronx-851 Gr. Concourse JE rome 6-3941 N. Y.—Hall of Records WO rth 2-6615 Richmond — Police Headquarters Bldg., COMMERCE, DEPARTMENT OF- Brooklyn—Municipal Bldg... TR iangl 5-7100 Queens—Sutphin blvd. and 88th ave., St. George GI braltr 7-0007 60 Bway., Manh'n WH itehl 3-7575 Manh'n Municipal Bldg WO rth 2-5600 Jamaica JA maica 6-5037 Open 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.; Saturdays COMPTROLLER, OFFICE OF— Queens-21.10 49th ave., L. I. City Rich.—Bement and Castleton ayes., West to 12 noon; closed Sundays and Municipal Bldg., Manh'n WO rth 2-1200 ST ilwel 4-5400 New Brighton GI braltr 2-5422 holidays. CORRECTION, DEPARTMENT OF- Richmond—Borough Hall.... GI braltr 7-1000 PUBLIC WORKS, DEPARTMENT OF— CHILD WELFARE, BOARD OF- 139 Centre st., Manh'n CA nal 6-1390 Housing, Division of- Municipal Bldg., Manh'n WO rth 2-4740 52 Chambers st., Manh'n CO rtlnd 7-5210 COUNCIL— Bronx-1932 Arthur ave....TR emnt 8-9311 PURCHASE, DEPARTMENT OF— CITY CLERK— City Hall, Manh'n CO rtlnd 7-6770 Brooklyn Municipal Bldg... TR iangl 5-7100 Municipal Bldg., Manh'n WO rth 2-5860 Municipal Bldg., Manh'n WO rth 2-4430 Clerk's Office, Municipal Bldg., Manh'n Manh'n—Municipal Bldg WO rth 2-5600 QUEENS, PRESIDENT OF- Bronx-177th st. and 3d ave TR emnt 8-2204 CO rth 2-4430 Queens-21.10 49th ave., L. I. City 21-10 49th ave., L. I. City ST ilwel 4-5400 Brooklyn—Municipal Bldg TR iangl 5-7100 President's Office, City Hall, Manh'nW ST ilwel 4-5400 Topographical Bureau, 45-22 Court sq., Qns.-21-10 49th ave., L. I. C ST ilwel 4-5440 CO rtlnd 7-6770 Richmond—Borough Hall . . . GI braltr 7-1000 L. I. City ST ilwel 4-0800 Richmond—Borough Hall GI braltr 7-1000 COUNTY CLERKS— INVESTIGATION, DEPARTMENT OF- RECORDS, COMMISSIONERS OF- CITY COURT- Bronx— 851 Grand Concourse JE rome 6-4600 2 Lafayette st., Manh'n WO rth 2-2300 Kings—Hall of Records TR iangl 5-6988 Bronx-851 Grand Concourse JE rome 6-6985 Kings—Hall of Records TR iangl 5-8780 LAW DEPARTMENT— N. Y.—Hall of Records WO rth 2-3900 Kings-120 Schermerhorn st..CU mhrind 6-6070 N. Y.—County Court House.... WO rth 2-6114 Municipal Bldg., Manh'n WO rth 2-4600 RECORDS, COM'R OF, CITY COURT- New York County—Old County Court Queens—Sutphin blvd. and 88th ave., Brooklyn—Municipal Bldg TR iangl 5-6330 52 Chambers st., Manh'n CO'rtlnd 7-6264 House, 52 Chambers st CO rtlnd 7-6264 Jamaica JA maica 6-2607 Queens—Sutphin blvd. and 88th ave., RECORDS, COM'R OF, SURROGATE'S Queens—Sutphin blvd. and 88th ave., Rich.—County Court House—SA intGeo 7-1806 Jamaica JA maica 6-5234 COURT—BRONX COUNTY- Jamaica JA maica 6-2410 COUNTY COURTS— LICENSES, DEPARTMENT OF- 851 Grand Concourse JE rome 6-4892 Richmond — 66 Lafayette ave., New Courts open at 10 a. tn. 105 Walker st., Manh'n CA nal 6-2400 RECORDS, COM'R OF, SURROGATE'S Brighton GI braltr 7-6280 Bronx-851 Grand Concourse JE rome 7-8965 Brooklyn—Municipal Bldg TR iangl 5-7100 COURT, NEW YORK COUNTY— Clerks' offices open 9 a. m. to 4 p. m., Kings-120 Schermerhorn st MA in 4-5301 Richmond—Borough Hall GI braltr 7-1000 Hall of Records, Manh'n WO rth 2-6744 Sat. to 12 noon. Courts open at 10 Queens-24-22 Jackson ave., L. I C. MANHATTAN, PRESIDENT OF— REGISTERS- a. m. General and commercial ST ilwel 4-7525 Municipal Bldg., Manh'n WO rth 2-5600 Bronx-851 Grand Concourse JE rome 7.9811 calendars called at 9.45 a. m. Rick—County Court House....GI braltr 7-7500 MARKETS, DEPARTMENT OF- Kings—Hall of Records TR iangl 5-6800 139 Centre st., Manh'n CA nal 6-2880 N. Y.—Hall of Records WO rth 2-3900 CITY EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM— DISTRICT ATTORNEYS- Municipal Bldg., Manh'n WO rth 2-4566 MAYOR'S OFFICE— Queens-161-04 Jamaica ave., Jamaica Bronx-851 Grand Concourse—JE rome 6-5910 City Hall, Manh'n CO rtlnd 7-1000 JA maica 6-8684 CITY MAGISTRATES' COURTS— 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.; Sat. to 12 noon. General Office, 300 Mulberry st., Manh'n MUNICIPAL BROADCASTING SYSTEM— REVISION OF ASSESSMENTS— Kings—Municipal Bldg. TR iangl 5-8900 Municipal Bldg., Manh'n Municipal Bldg., Manh'n WO rth 2-1200 CA nal 6-6500 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.; Sat. to 12 noon. WO rth 2-5600 Clerks' offices open 9 a. m. to 4.30 MUNICIPAL CIVIL SERVICE COM'N- RICHMOND, PRESIDENT OF— N. Y.-137 Centre st CA nal 6-5700 p. m., Saturdays to 12 noon. 299 Broadway, Manh'n Borough Hall, S. I 9.30 a. m. to 6 p. m.; Sat. to 1 p. m. CO rtlnd 7-8880 GI braltr 7-1000 All courts, except Traffic, Municipal MUNICIPAL COURTS— SANITATION, DEPARTMENT OF- Term, Commercial Frauds, Proba- Queens—County Court House, L. I. C. 125 Worth st., Manh'n ST ilwel 4-7590 Office of the President Justice, 8 Reade WO rth 2-3221 tion, Homicide and Night Courts, Bronx-1932 Arthur ave TR emnt 8-3676 9 a. m. to 5 p. tn.; Sat. to 12 noon. st., Manh'n WO rth 2-1400 Manhattan and Brooklyn, are open Office hours: 8.45 a. m. to 5 p. Brooklyn—Municipal Bldg. TR ingl 5-7545 from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m., except Rich.—County Court House...GI braltr 7-0049 9 a. m, to 4 p. m.; Sat. to 12 noon. Saturdays to 12 noon. Queens-129.25 97th ave., Richmond Hill Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, Dist.ea VI rginia 9-6465 only morning sessions are DOCKS, DEPARTMENT OF— Manhattan Richmond—Borough Hall when 1 Reade t WO rth 2-1475 GI braltr 7-8500 held. The Traffic, Homicide, Mu- Pier "A," North River, Man.. WH itehl 4-0600 s SHERIFFS- DOMESTIC RELATIONS COURT- 2-264 Madison st OR chrd 4-3800 nicipal Term and Commercial 3-314 W. 54th st CO lumbs 5-1772 Bronx-851 Grand Concourse JE rome 7-3501 Frauds Courts are open from 9 135 E. 22d st., Manh'n AL gonqn 4-1900 Kings—Municipal Bldg 4-327 E. 38th st CA ledonia 5-9431 TR iangl 5-7100 to 4 p. m. daily, and are Children's Court Division- N. Y.—Hall of Records a. m. 5-2565 Broadway RI verside 9-4006 WO rth 2-4300 closed Saturdays, Sundays and Manhattan-137 E. 22d st GR amrcy 5-3611 Queens—County Court House, L 6-155 E. 88th st SA crmento 2-7878 I. C. holidays. The Night Courts are Bronx-1118 Gr. Concourse ..JE rome 7-9800 ST ilwel 4-6017 in session from 8 p. m. to 1 a. in. Bklyn.-111 Schermerhorn st.TR iangl 5-8611 7-447 W. 151st at AU dubn 3-5410 Rich.—County Court House... GI braltr 7-0041 every night. Queens — 105.34 Union Hall st., 8-170 E. 121st at LE high 4-5590 SPECIAL SESSSIONS, COURT OF— 9-624 Madison ave VO lunter 5-3150 Dist. Manhattan Jamaica JA maica 6-2545 Clerk's offices open 9 a. in. to 4 p. m. 1-32 Franklin st WO rth 2-2061 Richmond — 100 Richmond ter., St. 10-107 W. 116th at MO ntmmt 24340 Saturdays to 12 noon. Courts open 2-425 6th ave GR amrcy 7-4467 George . SA intGeo 7-8300 Central Jury and at 10 a. m. 3-2d ave. and 2d at GR amrcy 5-0296 Hearing of cases begins at 10 a. in. Non-Jury Parts and 8 Reade st. WOrth 2-1400 Manhattan-32 Franklin st WO rth 2-3434 4-153 E. 57th st VO hinter 5-0442 Family Court Division- Small Claims Part Bronx-851 Grand Concourse JErome 7-2898 5-121st st. and Sylvan pl LE high 4-3535 Manhattan-153 E. 57th st.V0 lunter 5-0430 Bross Court held Tuesday and Friday. 7-314 W. 54th at . CO lumbus 5-4630 Bronx-1118 Gr. Concourse—JE rome 7-9800 1-1400 Williamsbridge rd UN drhil 3-6100 Brooklyn-120 Schermerhorn st.. MA in 4-5916 12-455 W. 151st st ED gecomb 4-8429 Bklyn.-327 Schermerhorn st.TR iangl 5-9770 2—Washington ave. 162d st ME ]rose 5-3041 Queens—County Court House, L. I. C. Commercial Frauds-52 Chambers st. Queens —105.34 Union Hall st., Central Jury and Small Claims Parts, ST ilwd 4-4930 CO rtlnd 7-4763 Jamaica JA maica 6-2545 Washington ave. and 162d st. ME lease 5-3041 Court held Monday and Thursday. 4136 THE CITY RECORD MONDAY, JULY 1, 1940

Richmond-County Court House, S. I. BY VIRTUE OF THE AUTHORITY VESTED Until 11 a. M., on bath tubs, safe, incubator, rags, and old rope, SA intGeo 7-0324 in me by law, I hereby designate the following TUESDAY, JULY 9, 1040 barrel, drums, waste paper. Court held every Wednesday. thoroughfares as one-way streets for vehicular For packing and unpacking, when necessary, For further particulars and for sales agreement Probation Bureau - Municipal Bldg., traffic, for a temporary period during construction carrying, loading, carting, delivering, transferring, proposal and specifications, apply to Department Manh'n WO rth 2-3434 work, effective upon the installation of the neces- retransferring, returning, etc., supplies, equipment, of Purchase, Room 2217, Municipal Building, sary signs: STANDARDS AND APPEALS- etc., to the schools, playgrounds, recreation centres, Manhattan. j26,jy8 Borough of Queens depositories, etc. Municipal Bldg., Manh'n WO rth 2-0184 j27,jy9 Southern pkway. (South service rd.), from Sun PROPOSALS STATUTORY CONSOLIDATION, BD. OF- rise hway. at a point 100 feet east of Sheppards SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY See Regulation on Last Page City Hall, Manh'n CO rtlnd 7-6770 Bridge (Cross Bay blvd.), extending to Cohancy the Superintendent of Plant Operation and SUPREME COURT-APPELLATE DI-J.- st., eastbound. Maintenance, Board of Education, of the City of SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY First Dept -Madison ave. and 25th st Southern pkway. (North service rd.), from west New York, at his office, 34 y5 E. 12th st., Man- the Commissioner of Purchase at Room 2214, Manh'n LE xington 2-1000 curb line of Cohancy st. extending to a point 100 hattan, as follows: Municipal Building, Manhattan, at the following Court sits from 2 p. m. to 6 p. m. feet east of Sheppards Bridge (Cross Bay blvd.) times for the following supplies, materials, equip- The first and third Fridays of each at Sunrise hway., westbound, Until 10 a. m., on ment, etc., to wit: term, motion days, the Court opens Dated, June 27, 1940. jy1 TUESDAY, JULY 2, 1940 LEWIS J. VALENTINE, Police Commissioner. at 10 a. m. Motions called at 9 For WPA materials for the following schools: Until 10.30 a. in., on a. m. Appeals from orders called Borough of The Bronx WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26, 1940 BY VIRTUE OF THE AUTHORITY VESTED P. S. 107, sand and gravel. For ruling, printing and binding blank books. at 10 a. m. in me by law, I hereby revoke the following James Monroe High School, paint materials. Second Dept.-45 Monroe pl., Bklyn. thoroughfares as one-way streets for vehicular Borough of Brooklyn NOTICE TO BIDDERS TR iangl 5-1300 traffic, effective upon the removal of the signs: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE m. New Utrecht High School, bituminous materials, Court sits from 2 p. m. to 6 p. Borough of Queens roofing slag. j26,jy1 receipt and opening of bids on the above con- No court on Saturdays. North service rd. of Belt pkway., 160th st. to tract for riding, printing and binding blank books, SUPREME COURT-1ST JUD. DIST.- 3d ave., westbound. has been postponed until 10.30 a. m., on Mon- Until 10 a. m., on day, July 1, 1940. New York County-County Court House, South service rd. of Belt pkway., 14th ave. to WEDNESDAY, JULY 8, 1940 i20j/1 WO rth 2-6500 160th st., eastbound. For WPA materials for the following schools: Manh'n Until 10.30 a. in., on Dated, June 27, 1940. jyl Borough of Manhattan Court opens at 10 a. in. MONDAY, JULY 1, 1940 Bronx-851 Grand Concourse-JE rome 6-1031 LEWIS J. VALENTINE, Police Commissioner. Straubenmuller Textile High School, hardware, For printing manila, kraft and red rope en. Court opens at 10 a. M. etc. BY VIRTUE OF THE AUTHORITY VESTED Borough of Brooklyn velopes. 120,jy1 in me by law, I hereby designate the following Boys' High School Athletic Field, iron and steel. thoroughfares as one-way streets for vehicular Borough of Queens Until 10 a. in., on POLICE DEPARTMENT MONDAY, JULY 1, 1940 traffic, effective upon the installation of the neces• Jamaica High School, lumber, etc. For meats and poultry. j28,jy1 Special Regulations for Vehicular Traffic sary signs: Borough of Richmond Borough of Queens P. S. 13, cinders and sand; reinforcing bars and North service rd. of Cross Island pkway., Utopia wire mesh; nails, copper and cement; premoulded Until 10,30 a. m., on TUESDAY, JULY Z, 1040 BY VIRTUE OF THE AUTHORITY VESTED pkway. to 3d ave., westbound. fibre expansion joint filler. For printing purchase order continuous forms. in me by law, I hereby establish the following South service rd. of Cross Island pkway., 14th P. S. 41, flooring, nails, sealer, etc.; sheet cop- Man- For flour. special traffic regulations in the Borough of ave. to Willets Point blvd., eastbound. per, solder, etc.; mastic caulking compound, slag, hattan, effective upon the change in signs: Dated, June 27, 1940. jyl etc.; lime, cement, powdered flint, etc. j27,jy2 For drugs and chemicals. j21,jy2 No-Parking Revoked: LEWIS J. VALENTINE, Police Commissioner. 53d st. (north side), East River dr. to 1st ave. Until 10 a. m., on Until 9.30 a. m., on No-Parking Established: BY VIRTUE OF THE AUTHORITY VESTED MONDAY, JULY 8, 1940 TUESDAY, JULY 2, 1940 53d st. (both sides), East River dr. to 1st ave. in me by law, I hereby designate the following Borough of Richmond For fish. j29,jy2 Dated, June 27, 1940, thoroughfares as one-way streets for vehicular For WPA materials for P. S. 13, brick, roof LEWIS J. VALENTINE, Police Commissioner. traffic, effective upon the installation of the neces- felt, slag., etc.; steel fire escape and structural Until 10 a. m., on sary signs: steel; weather stripping; wire guards, grilles, TUESDAY, JULY 2, 1940 BY VIRTUE OF THE AUTHORITY VESTED Borough of Queens basket ball posts, etc. j28,jy3 For fresh fruits and vegetables. in me by law, I hereby revoke the no-parking East service rd, of Belt pkway., Braddock to For stock fruits and vegetables. j29,jy2 traffic regulation at the following location, effective Hillside ayes., northeastbound. Until 10 a. in., on upon the removal of the signs: West service rd. of Belt pkway., Hillside to MONDAY, JULY 8, 1940 Until 10.30 a. in., on Borough of Manhattan Jamaica aves., southwestbound. Borough of The Bronx WEDNESDAY, JULY 8, 1940 30th st. (south side), from a point 125 feet east 224th st., Hanlon to Hempstead ayes, south- For WPA materials for the following schools: For pads, horseshoe, rubber saddle type. of the east building line of 1st ave. extending east bound. The Bronx High School of Science, steel door j22,jy3 therefrom to a point 275 feet east of the east 243d st., Braddock ave. to West service rd. of bucks, studs and structural steel. building line of 1st ave. Belt pkway., southbound. Borough of Brooklyn Until 9.30 a. m., on Dated, June 27, 1940. j3r1 245th st., Braddock to 91st ayes., northbound. P. S. 23, plumbing materials. j29,jy5 WEDNESDAY, JULY 8, 1940 LEWIS J. VALENTINE, Police Commissioner. Braddock ave. (North roadway), Jamaica ave. For eggs. iY1,3 to 243d st., northwestbound. Braddock ave. (South roadway), 243d et. Until 10 a. in., on Until 10.30 a. tn., on BY VIRTUE OF THE AUTHORITY VESTED to TUESDAY, JULY 9, 1940 re-establish the follow- Jamaica ave., southeastbound. MONDAY, AMY 8, 1940 in me by law, I hereby Dated, June 27, 1940. For WPA materials for the following schools: For offset printing the land maps of Kings ing thoroughfares as one-way streets for vehicular )3'1 Borough of The Bronx LEWIS J. VALENTINE, Police Commissioner. County (1941). j26,jy8 traffic, effective upon the installation of the neces- The Bronx High School of Science, paint ma- sary signs: terials. Borough of Manhattan BY VIRTUE OF THE AUTHORITY VESTED Until 10,30 a. in., on in me by law, I hereby designate the following Borough of Richmond TUESDAY, JULY 9, 1940 92d st., between York ave.-East River dr. and thoroughfares as one-way streets for vehicular P. S. 45, painting materials. j26,jy8 For battleship linoleum. 1st ave., eastbound. traffic, for a temporary period during construction For oak piles. 93d st., between East River dr. and 1st ave., Until 10 a. m., on work, effective upon the installation of the neces- For forage. WEDNESDAY, JULY westbound, sary signs: 10, 1040 For bread and rolls. Dated, June 27, 1940. jyl Borough of Queens For WPA materials for the following schools: For cold laid bituminous asphaltic paving mix- LEWIS J. VALENTINE, Police Commissioner. Rockaway Beach blvd. (Temporary road), Beach Borough of Brooklyn tures. 54th st. to Beach 56th pl., westbound. Boys' High School Athletic Field, lumber. For frozen orange j uice. BY VIRTUE OF THE AUTHORITY VESTED Beach 56th pl. (Temporary road), Rockaway New Utrecht High School, paints. For whole dry powdered milk. in me by law, I hereby establish the following Beach blvd. to Edgemere ave., southbound. Thomas Jefferson High School Athletic Field, For frosted fruits and vegetables. special traffic regulations in the Borough of Man- Beach 54th st. (Temporary road), Edgemere ave. reinforcing bars. For yeast and malt extract, syrup (for baking hattan, during construction work, effective upon to Rockaway Beach blvd., northbound. Borough of Richmond purposes). P. S. 13, Portland cement; anthracite cinders. the change in signs: Dated, June 27, 1940. jy1 For ice cream. j27,jy9 No-Parking Temporarily Revoked 8 a. in. to 6 LEWIS J. VALENTINE, Police Commissioner. For reflectorized full stop signs. j27,jy9 p. na., Daily, except Sundays: Chambers st., Bway. to West Bway. Until 10 a. m., on Until 10.30 a. in., on Temporary No-Parking Established: BY VIRTUE OF THE AUTHORITY VESTED THURSDAY, JULY 11, 1940 in me by law, I hereby prohibit the parkin of WEDNESDAY, JULY 10, 1040 Chambers st., Bway. to West Bway. (in this For WPA materials for the following schools: For parts for marine motors. j28,jy10 on the following thoroughfares, fromJ uneune Borough of Brooklyn block), 15 to Sept. Reade st., Bway. to West Bway. (in this block). 15 of each year, effective upon the in- P. S. 201, plumbing materials. stallation of the necessary signs: Borough of Richmond Until 10.30 a. in., on Warren st., Bway. to West Bway (in this block). Borough of Queens Dated, June 27, 1940. jyl P. S. 13, wall and floor tile. j28,jy10 THURSDAY, JULY 11, 1940 LEWIS J. VALENTINE, Police Commissioner. Beach 81st st. (both sides), Beach Channel dr. For rental of 35 m.m. motion picture films to Finnard ave. Until 10 a. m., on (sound). Finnard ave. (both sides), Beach 81st st, to FRIDAY, JULY 12, 1940 For light proof shades. j29,jyll BY VIRTUE OF THE AUTHORITY VESTED Beach 82d st. For WPA materials for the following schools: hereby revoke the following in me by law, I Dated, June 27, 1940. Borough of Manhattan thoroughfare as a one-way street for vehicular )3'1 LEWIS J. VALENTINE, Police Commissioner. George Washington High School, plumbing ma- PRESIDENT, BOROUGH OF traffic, effective upon the removal of the signs: Borough of The Bronx terials. QUEENS BY VIRTUE OF THE AUTHORITY VESTED Borough of The Bronx Roadway in , from Franklin ave. in me by law, I hereby revoke the following P. S. 14, Portland cement, j29,jyll to Claremont pkway., northbound. PROPOSALS thoroughfare as a play street, effective upon the See Regulation on Last Page Dated, June 27, 1940. jyl removal of the signs: LEWIS J. VALENTINE, Police Commissioner. Until 2 p. m., on Borough of Queens FRIDAY, JULY 12, 1940 SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY 47th ave., between 70th and 72d sts. Borough of Manhattan the President of the Borough of Queens at his BY VIRTUE OF THE AUTHORITY VESTED Dated, June 27, 1940. jyl For alterations and additions to electrical equip- in me by law, I hereby prohibit the parking of office, Room .310, Queens Subway Building, 21.10 LEWIS J. VALENTINE, Police Commissioner. ment in the School for the Deaf (P. S. 47), 49th ave., L. I. City, as follows: vehicles on the following thoroughfare, 24 hours Manhattan. daily, for a temporary period during construction BY VIRTUE OF THE AUTHORITY VESTED For repairs and alterations to heating apparatus, Until 11 a. m., on work, effective upon the installation of the neces- in me by law, I hereby revoke the no-parking etc. at Food Trades Vocational High School TUESDAY, JULY 2, 1940 sary signs: (P. S. 16), Manhattan. Borough of The Bronx traffic regulation at the following location, effective No. 1. For regulating, laying and relaying a upon the removal of the signs: Borough of The Bronx sidewalk, seven (7) feet in width on the easterly 183d st. (south side), University to Sedgewick Borough of Richmond For alterations, repairs, etc. at P. S. 27, 30, side of Vernon blvd. from Bridge plaza to 40th ave. ayes. Brown ave. (both sides), for a distance of 150 37, 43, 53, 65, 78, and sanitary alterations, item No. 2. For regulating, grading, curbing, re- Dated, June 27, 1940. jyl feet east of Amboy rd. 3, heating and ventilating, at P. S. 42, The curbing, laying sidewalks, relaying sidewalks, re- LEWIS J. VALENTINE, Police Commissioner, Dated, June 27, 1940. jy1 Bronx. moving and replacing trees, constructing receiv- LEWIS J. VALENTINE, Police Commissioner. For Item 1, new teachers' and pupils' cafeteria ing basins, where necessary, together with all other BY VIRTUE OF THE AUTHORITY VESTED tables and bentwood chairs; Item 2, new metal work incidental thereto, in 21st ave. from 74th in me by law, I 'hereby revoke the following BY VIRTUE OF THE AUTHORITY VESTED lockers, at The Bronx High School of Science, st. to 75th st. thoroughfare as a play street, effective upon the in me by law, I hereby prohibit the parking of The Bronx. No. 3. For grading, regrading, curbing, recurb- removal of the signs: vehicles on the following thoroughfare, effective For additions and alterations to electric light- ing, flagging, reflagging, constructing receiving Borough of The Bronx upon the installation of the necessary signs: ing and power equipment at P. S. 45, The Bronx. basins and malls where necessary, and paving out- Holland ave., between Burke and Adee ayes. Borough of Richmond For new boiler, piping, etc. at P. S. 19 and 68, side of the present paved area where undisturbed, Dated, June 27, 1940. jY1 Brown ave. (both sides), Amboy rd. to Locust The Bronx. with granite block (permanent pavement) Bridge LEWIS J. VALENTINE, Police Commissioner. For thermostatic repairs at P. S. 80, and steam plaza South from Vernon blvd. to 21st st., to- Dated, June 27, 1940. jy1 trap replacements at Theodore Roosevelt High gether with all work incidental thereto. BY VIRTUE OF THE AUTHORITY VESTED LEWIS J. VALENTINE, Police Commissioner. School, The Bronx. Contracts and specifications for any of the above in me by law, I hereby revoke the following For resurfacing main roof, alterations to exit improvements may be purchased at $2 each. thoroughfare as a play street, effective upon the Owners Wanted for Unclaimed Property door openings, new exit doors, repairs and paint- Plans for Nos. 1 or 2 may be purchased at 30 removal of the signs: ing, at P. S. 28, The Bronx. cents each, and for No. 3, at 60 cents. Borough of The Bronx OWNERS ARE WANTED BY THE PROP- Borough of Brooklyn j21,jy2 For additions and alterations to the electrical Andrews ave., between 183d st. and Fordham rd. erty Clerk, Police Department, City of New Dated, June 27, 1940. jyl York, for the following listed articles, now in his equipment in P. S. 72, 75, 181, 182, 183 and 187, Until 11 a. M., on Bklyn. LEWIS J. VALENTINE, Police Commissioner. custody without claimants, consisting of recovered, WEDNESDAY, JULY 10, 1940 lost and abandoned property, property feloniously Borough of Queens No. I. For the construction of a sewer and For alterations, repairs, etc. at P. S. 6, 20, obtained by prisoners, and effects of persons de- appurtenances in 96th st., from 24th ave. to 23d BY VIRTUE OF THE AUTHORITY VESTED ceased, alleged to be insane, intoxicated or other- 44, 52, 54, 75, 76, 88, 92, 93, 108, 114, 161 and ave., together with a temporary connection in in me by law, I hereby establish the following wise incapable of caring for themselves: John Adams High School Annex, Queens. 24th ave., from the end of the existing private special traffic regulations in the Borough of Brook- Adding machines, automobiles, Borough of Richmond drain about 45 feet west of 96th st. to 96th st., bicycles, boats, and 26, lyn, effective upon the change in signs: cameras, electrical and optical goods, furniture, For electrical work at P. S. 12, 21, 23 to be restricted to the use of sanitary flow only, Richmond, jy1,12 One-Way Streets Revoked: furs, handbags, hardware, jewelry, metals, motor- until such time as the permanent outlet is built. E. 34th st., Avenue D to Linden blvd., north- cycles, pocketbooks, radios, robes, securities, silver- No. 2. For the construction of a sanitary sewer bound. ware, stones, suitcases, surgical SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY and appurtenances in 6th ave., from 129th st. to E. 35th st., Lenox rd, to Avenue D, southbound. and musical in- the Superintendent of School Buildings, Design struments, tools, trunks, typewriters, United States 128th st.; 128th st., from 6th ave. to 7th ave. and Construction, at his office, 49 Flatbush ave. One-Way Streets Established: and foreign currency, wearing No. 3. For the construction of a sanitary sewer apparel and other extension, Bklyn., as follows: E. 34th st., Lenox rd. to Avenue D, southbound. miscellaneous articles. and appurtenances in 192d st., from 110th rd. to E. 35th st., Avenue D to Lenox rd., northbound. the sewer summit about 350 feet northerly there- Dated, June 27, 1940. jyl OFFICES OF PROPERTY CLEIL Until 2 p. m., on from. j28,jy10 LEWIS J. VALENTINE, Police Commissioner. Inquiries relating to such property should be MONDAY, JULY 1, 1940 Blueprints may be purchased at 25 cents each. made in the Boroughs concerned, at the following Borough of Queens offices of the Property Clerk: For kitchen and cafeteria equipment in Forest BY VIRTUE OF THE AUTHORITY VESTED Manhattan-Police Headquarters Annex, 400 Hills High School, within the blocks bounded by FIRE DEPARTMENT in me by law, I hereby permit parking of Broome st. 110th at., 112th st., 66th rd. and 67th rd. vehicles at the following location, back to curb at Brooklyn-Police Headquarters, Bergen st. and Deposit on plans and specifications, $2. PROPOSALS an angle of 45 degrees facing direction of traffic, 6th ave. See Regulation on Last Page effective upon the installation of the necessary The Bronx-42d Precinct, 160th st. and 3d ave. signs: Queens-103d Precinct, 91st ave. and 168th Plans and specifications for the above proposed SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY Borough of Brooklyn st., Jamaica. contract may be examined or secured at the Esti- pkway. (east side), from a point on the Fire Commissioner, at Room 1131, Mu- Rockaway Richmond-120th Fret., 78.81 Richmond ter., mating Room, 131 Livingston st., Bklyn. nicipal Building, Manhattan, as follows: a line with north building line of Avenue A to a St. George. point 300 feet north thereof. LEWIS J. VALENTINE, Police Commis- Until 11 a. m., on Dated, June 27, 1940. jyl sioner. DEPARTMENT OF PURCHASE MONDAY, JULY 8, 1940 LEWIS J. VALENTINE, Police Commissioner. For repairs and replacement to windows through. Sale of Old Material out the Fire Department Building located at 32-02 BY VIRTUE OF THE AUTHORITY VESTED BOARD OF EDUCATION Queens blvd., L. I. City. in me by law, I hereby prohibit the parking of SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY A deposit of $5 in cash will be required from vehicles on the following thoroughfare, from 7 PROPOSALS the Commissioner of Purchase, of The City of all intending bidders for each set of specifications a. m. to 10 a. m., daily, except Sundays and See Regulation on Last Page New York, Room 2214, Municipal Building, Man- received. The deposit will be returned in each Holidays, effective upon the installation of the hattan, until 10,30 a. in., on case upon surrender of the specifications within necessary signs: SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY MONDAY, JULY 8, 1940 ten days after the receipt of bids. Borough of Brooklyn the Superintendent of School Supplies of the For the sale, "as are", of life boats, amalgam, Blank forms and further information may be Bond st. (west side), Atlantic ave. to Fulton st. Board of Education of The City of New York, scrap iron and steel, non-ferrous metals, platform obtained at the office of the Bureau of Accounts Dated, June 27, 1940. jyl at his office, at 1334 York ave., corner of 72d scale, generators, motors, hardware, Nelson Load and Pensions, Room 1120, Municipal Building, LEWIS J. VALENTINE, Police Commissioner. st., Manhattan, as follows: er, trucks, horse drawn carts, marble slabs, sinks, Manhattan. j26,jy8 MONDAY, JULY 1, 1940 THE CITY RECORD 4137

OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER Until 10 a. m., on DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE date of said entry of the assessments, interest FRIDAY, JULY 12, 1940 will be collected thereon at the rate of 7 per cent Interest on City Bonds and Stock For furnishing and delivering hardware, abra- per annum, to be calculated from 10 days after sives, steel rivets, pinch anchors, genuine LePages Confirmation of Assessments the date of entry to the date of payment, as pro- THE INTEREST DUE JULY 15, 1940 ON glue, hemp twine, manila rope, toggle bolts, stud vided by section 415(1)-12.0 of the Administrative Code for The City of New York, Registered and Coupon Bonds and Stock of The bolts, metal cutting tools, carbide lanterns, casters, NOTICES TO PROPERTY OWNERS City of New York, and of former corporations padlocks, steel sash chain, punches, tinning com- The above assessments are payable to the City now included therein, will be paid on that day pound, etc., for the New York City Transit Collector, at his office, Borough Hall, St. George, , N. Y., between the hours of 9 a. m. by the Comptroller at his office (Room 830) System. j29,jy12 IN PURSUANCE OF SECTION 415(1)-11.0 and 3 p. m., and on Saturdays until 12 noon. Municipal Building, Chambers and Centre sts., of the Administrative Code for The City of Proposals-Notice to Bidders ALMERINDO PORTFOLIO, Treasuie; Manhattan. New York, the Treasurer of The City of New The books for the transfer of bonds and stock York hereby gives public notice to all persons, Dated, New York, June 26, 1940. j29,jyll on which the interest is payable July 15, 1940, General Instructions to Bidders for Furnishing owners of property affected by the following Materials, Supplies and Equipment to The City IN PURSUANCE OF SECTION 415(1)-11.0 will be closed July 1 to 14, 1940, both dates assessments for LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS in of New York for Use in the Maintenance and the BOROUGH OF QUEENS: of the Administrative Code for The City of inclusive. the Independent Rapid Transit New York, the Treasurer of The City of New j27,jy15 Operation of SECOND WARD Dated, June 24, 1940. System. York hereby gives public notice to all persons, JOSEPH D. McGOLDRICK, Comptroller. Grading, curbing, flagging, paving, etc. in 65th owners of property affected by the following st. (Lotus ave.) from Cooper ave. to 78th st. VARYING QUANTITIES OF MATERIALS, assessments for LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS in INTEREST DUE JULY 1, 1940 ON Affecting Blocks 3599, 3600, 3721, 3722, 3723 THE supplies and equipment used in connection with the BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN: Registered and Coupon Bonds and Stock of and 3724, Second Ward, the operation and maintenance of the City's new SECTIONS 2.4-7-8-17-18-19-20-21-22-23 The City of New York, and of former corpora- Grading, curbing, flagging, paving, etc. in 72d Independent Rapid Transit Railroad and other Flagging Bay 20th st., east side, between 86th tions now included therein, will be paid on that st. from Cooper ave. to Myrtle ave. Affecting st. and Benson ave.; Carlton ave., west side, be- activities of the Board of Transportation are being Blocks 3693 and 3694, Second Ward. day by the Comptroller at his office, Room 830, purchased as required. Competitive bids for such tween Fulton st. and Atlantic ave.; Dean st., Grading, curbing, flagging, paving, etc. and Municipal Building, Chambers and Centre Its., supplies are desired from all responsible in- north side, between Vanderbilt ave. and Under- Manhattan. sewer appurtenances ii n Saunders st. from 65th rd. hill ave.; Douglas st., south side, between dividuals and corporations, Names of those desir- to 66th ave., combined with the regulating, grad- Hoyt The books for the transfer of bonds and stock ing to be bidders will be placed on appropriate st. and Bond A.; Gerry st., south side, between ing outside of the paved area, curbing, flagging, on which the interest is payable July 1, 1940 will list, but bids will not be limited to those on such Harrison ave. and Throop ave.; Grand ave., north- etc. within the northerly sidewalk and gutter space be closed from tune 16, 1940 to June 30, 1940, lists. Where quantities in excess of $1,000 in west corner of Willoughby ave.; New Utrecht ave., both dates inclusive. of Carlton st. between 63d dr. and Elwell Cres• west side, between 43d st. and 44th st. President value are required the same will be advertised and cent. Affecting Blocks 3086, 3087 and 3117, Sec- JOSEPH D. McGOLDRICK, Comptroller,jLjyl The the time for opening the bids will be announced st., south side, between Hicks st. and Henry st.; City of New York. June 5. 1941 ond Ward. Rugby rd., southeast corner of Waldorf ct.; 3d by public notice, Paving, curbing, flagging, etc. in 74th st. from For further information and particulars apply ave., east side, between 13th st. and 14th at.,; Woodside ave. to 45th ave. Affecting Blocks 1353, 65th st., north side, between 16th ave. and 17th in Room 503, office of the Board of Transporta- 1354, 1355, 1519, 1520 and 1521, Second Ward. MUNICIPAL CIVIL SERVICE tion, No. 250 Hudson st., City of New York. ave.; 85th st., north side, between 7th ave. and COMMISSION No bid will be requested or accepted from any FOURTH WARD 10th ave. Affecting Block 349, Lot 17; Block contractor who is in arrears or in default to The Sewer and appurtenances in 112th rd. from 212th 416, Lot 35; Block 1033, Lot 5; Block 1130, Lots Notices to Appear for Examinations City of New York. The right is reserved to reject st. to Delevan st. Affecting Blocks 11137 and 47 and 48; Block 1138, Lot 40; Block 1906, Lot any and all bids. 11138, Fourth Ward. 50; Block 2006, Lot 64; Block 2269, Lots 22, 23, the LICENSE FOR MASTER PLUMBER ■111••1■111 The above assessments were confirmed by 24; Block 5545, Lot 74; Block 5602, Lot 22; The practical test will be held at the Murray Board of Assessors on June 25, 1940, and en- Block 6029, Lot 35; Block 6371, Lot 40; and Hill Vocational High School, E. 37th st., near DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS tered June 25, 1940, in the Record of Titles of Block 6690, Lot 10. 2d ave., Manhattan, beginning at 8 a. rn., on Assessments kept in the Bureau of City Collec- Fencing at the following locations: Sacket tions, and unless the amount assessed for benefit July 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15 and 16, 1940. jy1,15 Proposed Approval of Subcontractors north side, between Court st. and Smith st.; 3d on any person or property shall be paid on or be- pl., north side, between 4th st. and Smith st.; 85th fore Sept. 3, 1940, which is 90 days after the ELEVATOR MECHANIC THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS st., south side, between 21st ave. and Bay pkway.; date of said entry of the assessments, interest W. 23d st., east side, between Mermaid ave. and The practical test will be held in the South proposes to approve the following subcontractors: Machine Room, 25th floor, Municipal Building, will be collected thereon at the rate of 7 per cent Surf ave.; Avenue V, south side, between E. Edison Concrete Corporation, 155 E. 42d st., per annum, to be calculated from 10 days after Centre and Chambers sts., Manhattan, beginning Iron Works, 23d st. and E. 24th st.; E. 23d st., east side, and Manhattan, for concrete work; Grand the date of entry as provided by section 415(1)- E. 24th st., west side, each between Avenue V at 9 a. m., on July 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16 and Inc., 525 Tiffany st., Bronx, for structural steel; 12.0 of the Administrative Code for The City of and Avenue W. Affecting Block 421, Lot 53; 17, 1940. jy1,16 J. S. Thorn Company, Philadelphia, Pa., for in- New York. Block 463, Lot 40; Block 6347, Lot 16; Block terior and exterior steel sash, as submitted by The above assessments are payable to the City OFFICE APPLIANCE OPERATOR, INTER- Koplowitz Painting & Contracting Corp., contrac• 7057, Lot 65; Block 7382, Lots 1 and 6. NATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINE, ALPHA- Collector at his office, Municipal Building, Court Grading, curbing and flagging in 101st st. from tors, Laundry Building at Rikers Island Peni- sq. L. I. City, between the hours of 9 a. m. and 3d ave. to 4th ave. Affecting Block 6137. BETIC PUNCH tentiary, Rikers Island, Bronx, 3 p. m., and on Saturdays from 9 a. m. to 12 Grading, curbing, flagging and paving is E. The practical test will be held in Room 401, 500 V. Foscato, Inc., 40th ave. and 22d st., L. I. noon. 38th st. from Flatbush ave. to Avenue L. Affect- Madison ave., Manhattan, on July 2, 1940, be- City, for terrazzo; M. J. Kenny, Inc., 51 E. 42d ALMERINDO PORTFOLIO, Treasurer. and 7810. ginning at 5 p. m. j27,3y2 st., Manhattan, for plastering; Williamson & ing Blocks 7637 Dated, New York, June 26, 1940. j29,jy11 The above assessments were confirmed by the Adams, Inc., 151 E. 38th st., Manhattan, for PLAYGROUND DIRECTOR (MALE) Board of Assessors on June 25, 1940, and en- lathing and The Peele Co., Inc., Stewart and IN PURSUANCE OF SECTION 415(1)-11.0 (TEMPORARY SERVICE) Flushing ayes., Bklyn., for telescopic lift door, as tered June 25, 1940, in the Record of Titles of of the Administrative Code for The City of Assessments kept in the Bureau of City Collec- The qualifying oral-practical test will be held at submitted by Lane Engineering Corporation, con- New York, the Treasurer of The City of New tions, and unless the amount assessed for benefit the Park Gymnasium, President st. and 4th ave., tractors, Bowery Bay Sewage Treatment Works, Bklyn., beginning at 9.30 a, m., on July 2 and York hereby gives public notice to all persons, on any person or property shall be paid on or be- Queens. iYI,3 owners of property affected by the following 3, 1940. j26,jy3 fore Sept. 3, 1940, which is 90 days after the assessments for LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS in date of said entry of the assessments, interest THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS the BOROUGH OF RICHMOND: the rate of 7 per cent POLICEWOMAN proposes to approve the following subcontractor, will be collected thereon at per annum, to be calculated from 10 days after The qualifying oral test will be held in Room Bethlehem Fabricators, Inc., 50 Union sq., Man- FOURTH WARD 703, 299 Bway., Manhattan, on July 1 and 2, Sewer and appurtenances in Grant pl. from the date of entry as provided by section 415(1)- hattan, for fabrication and erection of structural 12.0 of the Administrative Code for The City of 1940, beginning at 2 p. m. j25,jy2 steel and erection only of bar joists, as submitted Greeley ave. to Midland ave. Affecting Blocks 3590, 3591, 3613 and 3614, Fourth Ward. New York. by M. S. & S. Construction Company, general The above assessments are payable to the City TAX COUNSEL, GRADE 4 contractors, Kings County Hospital, New Out- The above assessments were confirmed by the Board of Assessors on June 25, 1940, and en- Collector, at his office, Room 1, Municipal Build- The oral and experience test will be held in Patient Building, Bklyn. j29,jy2 Room 704, 299 Bway., Manhattan, beginning at tered June 25, 1940, in the Record of Titles of ing, Bklyn., N. Y., between the hours of 9 a. m. Assessments kept in the Bureau of City Collec- and 3 p. m., and on Saturdays between 9 a. m. 10 a. m., on June 28, July 1, 2 and 3, 1940. THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS tions, and unless the amount assessed for benefit and 12 noon. j22,jy2 proposes to approve the following subcontractors: on any person or property shall be paid on or be- ALMERINDO PORTFOLIO, Treasurer. Asbestos Construction Co., 607 W. 29th st., fore Sept. 3, 1940, which is 90 days after the Dated, New York, June 26, 1940. j29,jy11 Manhattan, for insulation and J. I. Hass Com- BOARD OF TRANSPORTATION pany, Inc., 149 Montgomery st., Jersey City, N. J., for painting, as submitted by Earl 0. Notices of Public Hearings Until 11 a. m., on Rosenthal, contractor, Bowery Bay Sewage Treat- BOARD OF ESTIMATE TUESDAY, JULY 9, 1940 ment Works, Queens. BUREAU OF REAL ESTATE For the sale of the structure, together with the NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A PUB- Sobel & Kraus, Inc., 525 E. 136th st., Bronx, lie hearing will be held at the office of the Board appurtenances thereto, on property acquired for for roofing, sheet metal work, insulation and Corporation Sale of Buildings and Appurte- school purposes, located on the west side of Wash- of Transportation of The City of New York, 6th waterproofing work, Morris Levin & Sons, Inc., nances Thereto on City Real Estate floor, 250 Hudson st., Manhattan, on Friday, ington ave. south of Greene ave., and further de- 444 W. 53d st., Manhattan, for glazing and glass scribed as 430 Washington ave., in the Borough July 12, 1940, at 11.30 a. m., daylight saving work, as submitted by Koplowitz Painting & Con- See Terms and Conditions on Last Page time, on the proposed terms and conditions of of Brooklyn (Resolution of June 13, 1940-Cal. tracting Corp., contractors, Laundry Building, No. 72). j2I,jy9 draft form of contract for the removal and dis- Rikers Island, Bronx. PURSUANT TO RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED posal of the Second Avenue Elevated Railroad East New York Cut Stone Works, Inc., 243 by the Board of Estimate, sealed bids will be The encroachments and appurtenances herein- Structure from 59th st. to 128th st., Borough of Chester st., Bklyn., for furnishing and setting of received by the Bureau of Real Estate of the Board before specified are shown on certain maps on file Manhattan, Agreement "QG". limestone, granite and bluestone work, as sub- of Estimate, at Room 1030, Municipal Building, in the office where bids are to be received. Copies of said draft form of proposed contract mitted by M. S. & S. Construction Co., general Manhattan, as follows: Each bid must be accompanied by a deposit of may be obtained at the offices of the Board of contractors, Kings County Hospital, Out-Patient cash or certified check in a sum equal to 2S per Transportation, Room 501, 250 Hudson st., Man- Building, Bklyn. Until 11 a. m., on cent of the amount of the bid, except that a mini- hattan, at a cost of Fifty Cents each. Acoustical Treatment Contractors, Inc., 87.28 MONDAY, JULY 1, 1940 mum deposit of $50 will be required with all bids. Dated, June 25, 1940. 130th st., Richmond For the sale of all the structures, together with A deposit of 1500 will entitle bidders to bid on any BOARD OF TRANSPORTATION OF THE Hill, manufacture, delivery and erection of acoustical tile, Jacob Froelich the appurtenances thereto, on property acquired for or all the buildings. CITY OF NEW YORK, by JOHN H. DELANEY, Cabinet Works, 550.560 Barry st., Manhattan, Public Purposes, bounded by East 91st and East Deposits of unsuccessful bidders will be returned Chairman; FRANK X. SULLIVAN and GEORGE 92nd streets, York avenue and East River drive, after successful bidders have paid purchase price KEEGAN, Commissioners. for manufacture, delivery and erection of all car- pentry and millwork, Russell & Erwin Manufac- Borough of Manhattan. (Resolution of June 6, in full and given security. The deposits of success- Was. JEROME DALY, Secretary. j28,jy12 turing Co., 285 Madison ave., Manhattan, for 1940-Cal. No. 323.) j14,jy1 ful bidders may be declared forfeited to The City of New York upon failure to comply with the re- Sale of Scrap Material furnishing of finished hardware, Keystone Fire- proofing Corporation, 1328 Broadway, Manhattan, Until 11 a. m., on quirements of the terms and conditions of the sale. MONDAY, JULY 8, 1940 Resale of the buildings or parts of buildings, to- SEALED BIDS FOR THE SALE OF AP- for manufacture, delivery and erection of precast gypsum, Irving Underhill, 17 Park p1., Manhattan, For the sale of the encroachments, together with gether with the appurtenances thereto, or assignment proximately 80 net tons of miscellaneous non- the appurtenances thereto, on property acquired for of interest therein by successful bidder, will not be ferrous scrap consisting of paper, lead and rubber for making of the required progress photographs, as submitted by M. S. & S. Construction Co., street purposes, within the lines of Damage Par- permitted without the written consent of a duly au- insulated copper cable, lead, light and heavy brass, cels 163 and 164 of the Van Wyck blvd. proceed- thorized agent of the City. brass borings, brass condenser tubes, and 1,900 Inc., general contractors, Kings County Hospital, New Out-Patient Building, Bklyn. ing, Borough of Queens (Resolution of May 19, LEE THOMPSON SMITH, Director of Real gross tons miscellaneous ferrous scrap consisting 1938-Cal. No. 38). 12008 Estate. of unassorted iron and steel, frogs and switch The Frink Corporation, 23.10 Bridge Plaza South, L. I. City, for labor and material, as points, tires, car wheels and wheel centers, truck Requests for Offers to Sell Real Property to property within the following designated area who springs, steel turnings, iron pipe, M. I. castings, submitted by The Simes Company, Contractors, Consolidated Dispensary Building, Manhattan. The City of New York desire to sell their property to The City of New open hearth steel rail, rolled car wheels, etc., will York, will be received by the Director of Real be received by the Board of Transportation, at 128,jY1 Estate, at his office, Room 1030, Municipal Build- 250 Hudson st., Manhattan, until Wednesday, PROPOSALS PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT ing, Manhattan, until 11 a. m. on July 10, 1940, at 10 a. m., daylight saving time. WEDNESDAY See Regulation on Last sealed offers to sell from all owners of real , JULY 10, 1940 Bid forms may be obtained at Room 411. Page j28,jy10 SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY GENERAL AREA IN WHICH A SITE WILL BE sztecreD FOR the Department of Public Works, Room 1800, PROPOSALS THE PROPOSED SOUTH FLATBUSH VOCATIONAL HAM SCHOOL See Regulation on Last Page Municipal Building, Manhattan, as follows:

SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY Until 11 a. Tn., on BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN the Board of Transportation, at 250 Hudson st., MONDAY, JULY 1, 1940 Manhattan, as follows: For furnishing all labor and materials necessary and required for Contract No. 7, lighting fixtures Until 10 a. m., on for the new Borough Hall for the Borough of AVE WEDNESDAY, JULY 8, 1940 Queens, City of New York. For furnishing and delivering rolled steel wheels Deposit for contract documents, $10. j20,jyl for trailer trucks for the New York City Transit System. j22,jy3 Until 11 a. in., on MONDAY, JULY Until 10 a. m., on 8, 1940 FRIDAY, JULY 5, 1940 For furnishing all the labor and materials re- For furnishing and delivering wood screws, ma- quired for one (1) service electric elevator and one chine screws, stove bolts, machine bolts, etc., for (1) electric dumbwaiter for Queensborough delivery as required during the three months' Public Library, located at Parsons blvd., Borough of Queens, New York City. period ending Sept. 30, 1940, for the New York j26,jy8 City Transit System. j24,jy5 Until 11 a. m., on Until 10 a. in., on THURSDAY, JULY 11, 1940 FRIDAY, JULY 5, 1940 Contract 3-Structures and equipment City For furnishing and delivering, paint white lead, Island- Sewage Treatment Works. interior enamel, colors, putty, etc., for the New Deposit for contract documents, $10. j21,jy1 1 York City Transit System. j24,jy5 11 a. Until 10 a. m., on Until m., on TUESDAY, JULY 9, 1940 THURSDAY, JULY 18, 1940 4' For furnishing and delivering thermit rail or For all labor and material necessary and re- joint welding portions, etc., for the New York quired for Jamaica Sewage Treatment Works. City Transit System. j27,jy9 Section 3, Contract 6, gas engine generators. Deposit for contract documents, $10. j28,jy18 Until 10 a. m., on •■•■•••■ AVE THURSDAY, JULY 11, 1940 Blank forms and further information may be For furnishing and delivering electrical supplies, obtained upon application to the Department of Ari4sew• composition caps, extension lamp, flash cells, Public Works, Room 1814, Municipal Building, Ater. 9. fusetrons. fuses, etc., for the New York City Manhattan, where plans and specifications may be Transit System. jy1,11 seen. All owners offering to sell must submit ninety The extent of the area to be acquired and .the Contract documents for the above may be ob- (90) day options to The City of New York. Stand- exact location of the site will be determined Altar Until 10 a. m., on tained by niacin(' a deposit, the amount of which ard option forms may be obtained at the Bureau all the offerings have been analyzed. , . . FRIDAY, JULY 12, 1940 is specified on each notice, in cash or certified of Real Estate, Room 1030, Municipal Building, The Director of Real Estate reserves the.trigit For furnishing and delivering material fabricated check drawn to the order of The Comptroller. Manhattan. Said options shall contain the street to blue print; brass, bronze, copper, copper to reject any or all offerings and to waive any The deposit will be returned to bidders making a number, tax map designation and assessed valua- informalities or time limits. graphalloy, silver graphalloy, copper bearing steel, formal bid, if the contract documents are returned tion. The amount of the option shall be the lowest corten steel, rolled manganese, cold rolled, carbon, in good condition within ten days after the date cash price the owner of the plot will accept for Further particulars may be secured by callipg alloy, and open hearth steel: castings, armature fixed for the opening of bids. Where the amount the property at private sale. Such options must in person at said office. coils, etc. for the New York City Transit System. of deposit is not specified, there is no- charge for be filed with the Bureau of Real Estate on or' LEE THOMPSON SMITH, Director of . Real j29012 contract documents. before the time above stated. Estate. j223y10-


NEW YORK CITY TUNNEL NEW YORK CITY HOUSING Until 11 a. m., an suspension or revocation of the permit within the AUTHORITY AUTHORITY MONDAY, JULY 1, 1940 discretion of the Commissioner. For grade separations at Bronx-Pelham pkway. (14) A copy of the foregoing rules and regu- PROPOSALS PROPOSALS and at New York, New Haven & Hartford Rail lations shall be supplied to each permittee, who Road, for Hutchinson River pkway extension, Bor- See Regulation on Last Page must display the same in a conspicuous place in Queens Midtown Tunnel-Contract No. 21-C- ough of The Bronx, Contract No. 11-11. the store occupied by the permittet. For Fire Extinguishing Equipment For blank forms and further information apply WM. FELLOWES MORGAN, JR., Commis- SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED, to Madigan-Hyland, consulting engineers, 2804 41st sioner of Public Markets. opened and publicly read by the New York City SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY ave., L I. City. (See last paragraph.) j17,jy1 A true copy of resolution adopted by the Board Housing Authority, at its office, 14th floor, 122 of Estimate, June 6, 1940. j22,jy3 the New York City Tunnel Authority (herein- E. 42d st., Manhattan, as follows: after called the "Authority") at the office of the Until 11 a. m., on FIANCES LEHRICH, Secretary. Authority, Room 1009, 200 Madison ave., Borough TUESDAY, JULY 2, 340 of Manhattan, New York City, until 11.30 a. m., Until 8.30 pp. m., on For demolition from Henry st. to 19th st for PRESIDENT, BOROUGH OF eastern standard time, on WEDNESDAY, JULY 31, 1940 the Elevated Highway in the Borough of Brooklyn. FRIDAY, JULY 12, 1940 For construction of the foundations, superstruc- Contract No. B-7. THE BRONX at which time and place they will be publicly tures and appurtenances for all structures to be For blank forms and further information apply erected for Kingsborough Houses (U.S.H.A. Proj- to PROPOSALS opened and read. Madigan-Hyland, consulting engineers, 2804 41st For furnishing and delivering fire extinguishing ect No. N.Y. 5-6), located in the area bounded ave., L. I. City. (See last paragraph.) j18,jy2 See Regulation on Last Page by Bergen st., Rochester ave., Pacific st.. and equipment for the Queens Midtown Tunnel. No bid will be received unless accompanied by Ralph ave. and in a portion of Block 1438, east Until 11 a. m., on SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY a certified check or cashier's check in an amount of Ralph ave. between Pacific st. and Dean st., THURSDAY, JULY 11, 1940 the President of the Borough of The Bronx, ffi equal to ten (10) per centum of the lump sum in the Borough of Brooklyn. jy1,12 For grade sep station at Tremont ave., Hutchin. at his o ce, Room 207, Bronx County Building, price bid for the fire extinguishing equipment son River Parkway Extension, Borough of The 851 Grand concourse, Bronx, as follows: payable to the order of New York City Tunnel Bronx, Contract No. H-9. Until 11 Authority and drawn upon a State or National PRESIDENT, BOROUGH OF For blank forms and further information, apply a. m., on Bank and/or Trust Company, or by coupon bonds RICHMOND to Madigan-Hyland, consulting engineers, 28.04 WEDNESDAY, JULY 3, 1940 or corporate stock of The City of New York of a 41st ave., L. I. City. (See last paragraph.) No 1. Repaving with sheet asphalt the roadway market value at least equal to said amount. Such PROPOSALS j27,jyll of E. 204th st. fromJeromeJ ave. to a point 126 checks or other security must not be enclosed in See Regulation on Last Page feet easterly and from a point 126 feet easterly of Jerome ave. to Valentine ave. (underpass), to- the envelope containing the bid, but must be ce, Until 11 a. m., on separately delivered to the Secretary of the Au- SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY THURSDAY, JULY 11, 1940 gether with all work incidental thereto (7349). thority who will give a proper receipt therefor. the President, Borough of Richmond, at his offi For grade separations at Knapp st. and at No. 2. Repaving with sheet asphalt the road The check or other security of the successful Borough Hall, S. I., as follows: way of E. 156th st. from Cauldwell ave. to Daw- Sheepahead Bay rd., Belt pkway., Borough of son st., together bidder will be retained until the fire extinguishing Brooklyn, Contract Na. E-1. with all work incidental thereto equipment has been delivered and accepted and until Until 12 noon, on For blank forms and further information, apply of the fire extin- (7N37o°.).3. Repaving with granite blocks the road certain instruction in the use FRIDAY, JULY 12, 1940 to Madigan-Hyland, consulting engineers, 28-04 way of E. 156th st. from St. Ann's ave. to- uishers, which is required by the specifications, g For repaving with bituminous concrete pave- 41st ave., L. I. City. (See last paragraph.) Cauldwell ave., together with all work incidental has been given by the Contractor. ment the roadways of Neal Dow ave. from College j27,jyll The information for bidders, form of contractor's thereto (7369). j22,jy3 ave. to Watchogue rd., and other streets, together form of contract and the specifications may be bid, with all work incidental thereto. jy1,12 Blank forms for proposals, information for bid- Until 11 a. FRID examined at the office of the Authority and copies mR.,,Don thereof may be obtained upon deposit of $5 for odbersiconttcontract, the bond andsspecifications AY,AY, JULY 12, 1940 Contract drawings each set, to be refunded upon return of Docu- obtained at office specified. s No. 1. Repaving with sheet asphalt the road- ments in good condition within thirty (30) days BOARD OF HIGHER EDUCATION may be seen at the said office and arrangements way of Elton ave. from 3d ave. to E. 161st st., will be made whereby prospective bidders desiring together with all work incidental thereto (7359). after the opening cf bids. sets of blueprints of the contract drawings for The Authority reserves the right to waive any PROPOSALS No, 2. Repaving with sheet asphalt the road- informalities in or to reject any or all bids. See Regulation on Last Page their own use may secure same at cost thereof to ave., of E. helr56twhith5t. aflrlomwoMrkortrniseidaevnet.altotnEerlteotno be paid by them. New York, June 27, 1940. (7368). NEW YORK CITY TUNNEL AUTHORITY, SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY Repaving with ALPaao B. JONES, Chairman; ALBERT T. JoHN- the Secretary of the Board of Higher Educa- sheet asphalt the road- STON, and WILLIAM H. FRIEDMAN. j28,jy12 tion, at the office of Brooklyn College, Room 1147, DEPARTMENT OF MARKETS way of E. 136th st. from Willis ave. to Brown Academic Building, Bedford ave. and Avenue H, dwfitTimall..inwcoorliiriav incide to /t ltehxearnetdoe r (ggy).to- Bklyn., as follows: Rules and Regulations Governing Peek Slip ntal . Open Air Market gPeLtNhaoen.r 4. Repaving with sheet asphalt the road- DEPARTMENT OF HOSPITALS Until 11 a. m., on way of E. 179th st. from Valentine ave. to Park FRIDAY, JULY 5, 1940 ave. West, together with all work incidental thereto PROPOSALS RESOLVED, THAT THE BOARD OF ESTI- (7466), For furnishing, delivering and installing wood mate, on the request of the Commissioner of jy1,12 See Regulation on Last Page bleachers required by Brooklyn College, j24,jy5 Public Markets under date of June 3, 1940, and SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY PROPOSALS pursuant to article 22, sections 261, 269 and 270 SUPREME COURT-FIRST the Department of Hospitals, Room 626, 125 of the Agriculture and Markets Law, hereby ap- Worth st., Manhattan, as follows: proves the following rules and regulations for DEPARTMENT PWA Ploja_cr No. NY-7415•F the government of Peck Slip Open Air Market, Until 11 a. m., on amending rules and regulations heretofore ap. Filing Bills of Costs SEPARATE SEALED BIDI WILL BE proved by this Board on April 4, 1940, to read: For servicing SpandAYm'aialLntainTintg. Operation of two received by the Chairman and Secretary of the RULES AND REGULATIONS Govuirinn Pug Sue SUPREME COURT-BRONX COUNTY interconnected automatic interior telephone systems Board of Higher Education at the office of Hunter OPEN Ala MARKET In the Matter of the Application of THE CITY in Bellevue Hospital and Bellevue Psychiatric College Room 110, 695 Park ave., Manhattan, (1) All applications for permits shall be made Hospital located on the site bounded by E. 26th New 'fork City, until 11 a. in., daylight saving to the Commissioner of Public Markets in such OF NEW YORK, relative to acquiring title to ime, on , 010-4e widening, st., 1st ave., E. 30th at. and East River, Borough t a j21,jy2 form and manner as he shall prescribe. 13 tittUreet?fril_tolt_*herZ :it;BOULEVARD from Est of Manhattan. TUESDAY, JULY 9, 1940 on written forms (2) All applications shall Whitlock avenue; and then at said office publicly opened and read supplied by the Departmentoof Markets. All aloud A ENUE from Southern boulevard to Leggett For furnishing and delivering, the following: questions on such forms shall be fully answered avenue and from Hunts Point avenue to East- DEPARTMENT OF PARKS filing the same. ern boulevard, and EASTERN BOULEVARD Contract No. 42, office and gymnasium equipment, (3) No permit shall be issued, nor shall an from Whitlock avenue to Middletown road, ex- PROPOSALS class No. 2, sports and game equipment and sup- byexisting the applicant permit bebefore renewed unless the applicant plies, etc., required in the building for Hunter is: cepting those portions of Eastern boulevard See Regulation on Last Page that are laid out across Bronx River and West- - College at Park ave., 68th and 69th sts., Borough (a) A citizen of the United States or has Chester of Manhattan, City of New York. Creek, where the title to be acquired SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY declared his intention to become a citizen. The shall be an easement which will enable the Commissioner of Parks at the office of the The information for bidders, form of bid, form The Commissioner shall refuse to renew or issue ii:syteonif DivletLYaorrdk etvoere,oitlisletieucctrabtrieodfge?sieswurinyryoitrtige. Department of Parks, the Arsenal Bldg., 64th of contract, specifications, form of bid bond, and permit to any person, who having declared hishis st. and 5th ave., , Manhattan, New performance bond, may be examined at said officei intention to become a citizen, fails to acquire Borough of The Bronx York City, as follows: and copies thereof obtained, upon payment ot citizenship within 6 months after his right to do NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A BILL Five Dollars ($51 per set; any bidder, upon re- so accrues, or who fails to furnish proof from turning such set in good condition within fourteen of costs, charges and expenses incurred by rea- Until 10.30 a. m., on the Naturalization Bureau that he filed a petition son of the above-entitled proceeding will be pre- MONDAY, JULY 1, 1940 (14) days after opening of bids, will be refunded for naturalization within 6 months after his right seated to one of the Justices of the Supreme For furnishing all labor and materials, together his payment, and any non-bidder upon so return- to do so accrued, or who can show, to the Court of the State of New York, First Judicial with all work incidental thereto, necessary or re- ing such set will be refunded one-half the amount satisfaction of the Commissioner that he has exec District, at a Special Term thereof, Part I, to auired for the general park development in East of his deposit be held at the Bronx County Building, in the River Park, from Grand st. to Montgomery st., The Board of Higher Education reserves the eised(b) due A resident diligence of to the become City of a Newcitizen; York for Borough of The Bronx, in The City of New York, Borough of Manhattan, known as Contract M- right to waive any informalities in or to reject at least one year prior to the date of the ap- on the 3d day of July, 1940, at 9 o'clock in the j20,jy1 any or all bids. 144-240. plication. forenoon of that day, or as soon thereafter as Each bidder must deposit with his bid securi (4) The term "stand" as used herein means Counsel can be heard thereon for taxation in ac- ( Until 10.30 a. m., on in an amount of not less than five per cent 5%) least 6 feet along the curb and ex- cordance with the Certificate of the Corporation TUESDAY, JULY 2, 1940 of the base bid in the form and subject to the antending area atnot more than 15 feet from the curb Counsel and that the said bill of costa charges For furnishing all labor and materials, together conditions provided in the Information for Bidders. towards the middle of the roadway for the sale and expenses with the Certificate of the Corpora- The estimated cost of the work to be performed with all work incidental thereto, necessary or re- of fish at wholesale. lion Counsel thereto attached has been deposited in quired for repairs to floating baths, Borough of under the several contracts is as follows: . (a) No permit shall be issued, nor shall the Office of the Clerk of the County of The Manhattan, known as Contract No. M-71-140. Contract No. 42, office and gymnasium equip- (5) j21,jy2 ment, class No. 2, sports and game equipment and any existing permit be renewed or remain in force Bronx, there to remain for and during the space unless the applicant or permittee be and continue of ten days as required by law. supplies, etc., 82,500. No bidder may withdraw his bid within 45 days to be a bona fide wholesale fish dealer who is an Dated, New York, June 21, 1940. PROPOSALS WILLIAM C. CHANLER, Corporation Coun- afterBOARD the actual OF HIGHERdate of the EDUCATION, opening thereof. ORDWAY owner or tenant of that part of the premise' in - front of which the stand is located. eel, Post Office Address, Moufni kifealw PWA PROJECT N.Y. 2210-F uilding,ffice Borough Trap, Chairman. (b) Not more than one stand shall be main- B rained in front of any premises, irrespective of York. 121,jy2 SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY MARY S. INGRAHAM, Secretary. m25,jy9 the Department of Parks, Arsenal Bldg., 5th the number of individuals, partnerships or corpo- rations occupying the premises RS OHMS OT Filing Tentative Decree-Notice to File ave. and 64th st., Central Park, Borough of Man- PWA Paoyacr No. N. Y. 7415-F Objections hattan, New York City, until 10.30 a. m., day- _ tenants. (c) Where more than one application is made - light saving time, on SEPARATE SEALED BIDS WILL BE RE- SUPREME COURT-BRONX COUNTY TUESDAY, JULY 9, 1940 ceived by the Chairman and Secretary of the for a permit to maintain a stand in front of any at which time and place they will be publicly Board of Higher Education at the office of Hunter premises, the Commissioner of Markets shall issue College, 695 Park ave., Manhattan, New York only one permit, and the person to whom it is In the Matter of the Application of THE CITY opened and read aloud. OF NEW YORK, relative to acquiring title to For all labor and materials required for Con- City, Room 110, until 11 a. in., daylight saving issued shall be determined by the Commissioner the real property required for a PERMANENT me, on of Markets, in his discretion, taking into con tract M.C. 40-8, Cross Island pkway: Wall and ti EASEMENT, between East 177th sidewalk at Willets Point blvd., County. of Queens. WEDNESDAY, JULY 10, 1940 sideration the relative need of each applicant for fah which each sells at street and the United State pierheadr and bulk- Blank forms for proposals, information for bid- -and then at said office publicly opened and read the stand, the type of head line of the Bronx which each carries on River in the Borough ders, contract, bond and specifications may be ob- aloud. wholesale, the manner in of The Bronx, Citz of New York. tarried at the office of the Department of Parks, For furnishing all the labor, materials and cep- his business and the general welfare of the entire fish market. NOTICE IS IlEnEBY GIVEN TO ALL Arsenal Bldg., 5th ave. and 64th at., Central Park, pliances necessary for the complete installation of wholesale parties interested in the above entitled pro- Borough of Manhattan, New York City, Contract the following required in the building for Hunter (6) Permits are not transferable. No stand ceeding, u follows: sold, assigned or sublet. Should a fish drawings may be seen at the said office and ar- College at Park ave., 68th and 69th sts., Borough shall be First-That the above named Court, after rangements will be made whereby prospective bid- of Manhattan, City of New York: merchant cease to operate from the premises in considering the testimony and proofs submitted on ders desiring sets of blueprints of the contract Contract 43, kitchen and cafeteria equipment: front of which a stand is located, the permit shall the retrial of the above entitled proceeding, has drawings for their own use may secure same at Class No. 1, kitchen water Class No, 2, china ipso facto be cancelled. completed its estimate of the compensation which cost thereof to be paid by them. ware; Class No. 3, heavy silver ware; Class No. (7) Tt.o certificates will be issued to the should be made by The City of New York to the permittee. One must be displayed prominently in respective owners The Department of ?arks reserves the right to 4, silver ware. of the real prt waive any informalities in or to reject any or all The information for bidders, form of bid, form the store of the stand holder, and the other must acquired in this proceeding, and entative bids. Each bidder must deposit with his bid se- of contract, specifications, form of bid bond, and be kept on the person managing the stand. For decree of the said Court as to awards for dam- curity in an amount of not less than five per cent performance bond, may be examined at said office, purposes of identification, the stand manager shall furnish upon approval of the application three byages Hon. was Charles signed B. on McLaughlin, the 5th day of June, 1940, (5%) of the base bid in the form and subject and copies thereof obtained. Justice of the to the conditions provided in the information for The Board of Higher Education reserves the Rhotographa of himself or herself. One shall be Supreme Court presiding at the trial of the above bidders. Attention of bidders is particularly called right to waive any informalities in or to reject III ed in the office of the Department of Markets, entitled proceeding, and was filed with the Clerk to the requirements as to conditions of employment any or all bids. and the others shall be attached to the certificates. of the County of Bronx on the 6th day of June, to be observed and minimum wage rates to be Each bidder must deposit with his bid security (8) The fee for a permit shall be computed 1940, for the inspection of whomsoever it may paid under the contract. in an amount of not less than five per cent (5%) at Fifty Dollars ($50) for the first six feet in No bidder may withdraw his bid within 45 days of the base bid in the form and subject to the width and Fifty Dollars ($50) for every addi- concerti.Second-That The City of New York, and all after the actual date of the opening thereof. conditions provided in the information for bidders. tional six feet or fraction thereof. In the event parties interested in such proceeding or in any , Commissioner of Parks. The estimated cost of the work to be performed that a permit be cancelled or revoked, the amount of the real property affected thereby, having any j26,jy9 under this contract is as follows: Contract No. 43, of any fee paid proportionate to the unexpired objection, thereto, shall file such objections in kitchen and cafeteria equipment: Class No. 1, term may be refunded to the permittee upon ap- writing, duly verified, in the manner required kitchen ware, $12,000; Class No. 2, china ware, Oration. by law for the verification of pleadings in an PRESIDENT, BOROUGH OF $7,000; Class No. 3, heavy silver ware, $2,000; () Fish is the only commodity to be sold on action, setting forth the real property owned by Class No. 4, silver ware, $3,0001 total $24,000. stands occupying Peek Slip Market area. the objector and his post office address. with the MANHATTAN (10) Permittees shall, at all times, comply No bidder may withdraw his bid within 45 days Clerk of the County of Bronx, on or before the with all City Ordinances, the Sanitary Code, rules 1 1th day of _ July, 1940, and parties other than PROPOSALS after the actual date of the opening thereof. and regulations of the Department of Markets, The City of New York shall within the same See Regulation on Last Page BOARD OF HIGHER EDUCATION, One time WAY Tun, Chairman. and rules and regulatitns of all other city de- serve on the Corporation Counsel of The City of MAZY S. INGRAHAM, Secretary. 126,jy10 partments, and all of ler Federal and State New York, at his office, Municipal Building, Room SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY Statutes, Ordinances, ant Regulations. 1559, in the Borough of Manhattan, City of New the President of the Borough of Manhattan, at (11) (a) Permit holders most keep the space York. a copy of such verified objections. Room 2034, Municipal Building, Manhattan, as TRIBOROUGH BRIDGE AUTHORITY allotted to them clear of all refuse. Refuse must Third-That on the 23d day of September, 1940, follows: be deposited in proper containers. at 9 o'clock in the forenoon of that 67, or as (b) Permit holders shall in no instance remove soon thereafter as Counsel can be heard, the Until 2.30 p. m., on PROPOSALS any fob from any barrel or box, nor sell in Corporation Counsel of The City of New York, FRIDAY, JULY 12, 1940 quantities less than the original : SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY package; and any will apply to the Hon. Charles B. McLaughlin, Contract No. 6, for all of the labor and ma- removed for Purposes of the Justice of the Supreme Court who signed said construction of chain link Triborough Bridge Authority, at its office, Ad- displayPart of must a barrel be replacedor box immediately, terials required for ministration Building, Randa 's Island, tentative decree, at Special Term, Part II of the fences complete in place in front of vacant prop- ll Manhattan, (c) Permit holders shall in no instance place Supreme Court to be held in the Court Room of erty at various locations in the Borough of Man- New York City, as follows: or maintain in the area an stands (other than Trial Term, Part II, Bronx County Building, hattan, together with all work incidental thereto, -au ch platforms u may be kequirmi by the De- Rau 702, 161st street and Grand concourse, in as approved by the local board. Until 11 a. in.. on partment of Health), scales, hand trucks or other the Borough of The Bronx, to fix a time when said MONDAY, JULY 1, 1940 accessories. Justice will hear the parties who will have filed For grade separations at Baychester ave. and Gun (12) Misrepresentation of merchandise 'hall be objections to the said tentative decree, The form of contract, contractor's proposal and Hill rd.. Hutchinson River pkway. extension, Rot- due canoe for revocation of permits. Official hours Dated, New York, June 17, 1940. contract drawings may be inspected at the office ouch of The Bronx, Contract No. H-7. for Peck Slip Market shall be from 3 a. m. to WILLIAM C. CIIANLER, Corporation Conn- of the Commissioner of Borough Works, Bureau For blank forms and further information apply 3 p. tn. set, Office and Post Office Address. Municipal of Sewers and Highways, Room 2141, Municipal to Madigan-Hyland, consulting engineers, 2804 41st (132m Violation of any of the above rules or Building, Borough of Manhattan, City of New Building, Manhattan, jy1,12 ave., L. I. City. (See last paragraph.) j12,jy1 amen eats thereto shall be sufficient cause for a York. 117.1,3 MONDAY, JULY 1, 1940 THE CITY RECORD 4139

Application to Condemn deflecting 28 degrees 14 minutes 20 seconds to the Hamilton avenue 567.55 feet to the northeast line the northeast line of Prospect avenue as now laid left, 26.48 feet; thence northerly, deflecting 21 of Bush street; thence southeasterly deflecting 44 out; thence southeasterly deflecting 95 degrees, 58 SUPREME COURT—BRONX COUNTY degrees 44 minutes 30 seconds to the right, 31.07 degrees, 27 minutes, 42 seconds to the left amg minutes, 58 seconds to the right along the north- feet; thence easterly, 55.38 feet to the point of the northeast line of Bush street 129.93 feet to east line of Prospect avenue 739.77 feet to the In the Matter of the Application of THE CITY beginning. the southeast line of Smith street; thence south- point or place of beginning. OF NEW YORK, relative to acquiring title Parcel D westerly deflecting 90 degrees to the right along Parcel H—(Prospect Avenue Widening) to the real property required for HUTCHIN- Beginning at a point in the westerly line of the southeast line of Smith street 162.54 feet to Beginning at the corner formed by the inter- SON RIVER PARKWAY EXTENSION from the Hutchinson River parkway extension, as legally said new northeast line of Hamilton avenue; section of the former southwest line of Prospect Eastern boulevard to the Hutchinson River, acquired, distant 779.27 feet southerly from its thence southeasterly deflecting 45 degrees, 32 min- avenue with the former northwest line of 4th utes, 18 seconds to the left along said new north- where not heretofore acquired for street, park intersection with the southerly line of Stillwell avenue, as these streets were laid out on the map east line of Hamilton avenue 192.66 feet to the or parkway purposes, in the Borough of The ave., as legally acquired; thence southwesterly of The City of New York prior to May 16, 1940; Bronx, City of New York. along said line of parkway, 114.92 feet to the northwest U. S. Bulkhead and Pierhead Line of thence southwesterly along the northwest line of Gowanus Canal; thence southwesterly deflecting (Proceeding No. 2) southerly right-of-way line of the N. Y., N. H. 4th avenue 80.18 feet to the new southwest line 57 degrees, 49 minutes, 55 seconds to the nest PURSUANT TO THE STATUTES IN SUCH & H. R.R.; thence easterly, deflecting 144 degrees of Prospect avenue; thence northwesterly deflecting along acid northwest U. S. Bulkhead and Pierhead cases made and providdt, notice is hereby given 01 minute 41.4 seconds to the left and along 90 degrees to the right along said new southwest Line 64.97 feet to the former northeast line of that it is the intention of the Corporation Counsel said right-of-way line 159.33 feet; thence south- line of Prospect avenue 560.0 feet to the new Hamilton avenue as laid out on the map of the of the City of New York to make application to erly, deflecting 90 degrees to the right, 22.0 feet; southeast line of 3d avenue; thence northeasterly thence easterly, deflecting 90 degrees to the left, City of New York prior to May 16, 1940; thence the Supreme Court of the State of New York, at deflecting 90 degrees to the right along the pro- 53.87 feet; thence northerly, deflecting 90 degrees northwesterly deflecting 122 degrees, 10 minutes, a Special Term, Part II, for condemnation pro- longation of said new southeast line of 3d avenue 06 minutes 00 seconds to the left, 42 feet to the 5 seconds to the right along the former northeast ceedings of said Court, to be held in and for the 80.18 feet to the former southwest line of Pros- said southerly right-of-way line; thence easterly, line of Hamilton avenue 2,417.86 feet to the point County of Bronx at the Bronx County Building, pect avenue as laid out prior to May 16, 1940; deflecting 90 degrees 06 minutes 00 seconds to the or place of beginning. 161st street and Grand concourse, in the Borough southeasterly deflecting 90 degrees to the right, and along said southerly right-of-way line thence of The Bronx, in the City of New York on the Parcel B—(Hamilton Avenue as Formerly Laid right along the former southwest line of Prospect 283.91 feet; thence northerly, deflecting 34 degrees 8th day of July, 1940, at the opening of the Out 80 Feet Wide) avenue 560.0 feet to the point or place of be- Court on that day, or as soon thereafter as coun- 57 minutes 32 seconds to the left, 82.90 feet; Beginning at the corner formed by the inter- ginning- sel can be heard thereon, for an order to con- thence westerly, deflecting 145 degrees 02 minutes section of the southeast line of Henry street with Parcel I—(3d Avenue Widening) 28 seconds to the left, 139.62 feet; thence north- demn the real property required for Hutchinson the northeast line of Hamilton avenue, as these Beginning at the corner formed by the inter- erly, deflecting 145 degrees 02 minutes 28 seconds River parkway extension from Eastern boulevard streets were laid out on the map of the City of section of the southeast line of 3d avenue with to the -Hutchinson River, Borough of The Bronx, to the right, 20.07 feet; thence westerly, deflect- New York prior to May 16, 1940; thence south- ing 145 degrees 02 minutes 28 seconds to the left, the southwest line of 39th street, as these streets as laid out on a map approved by the Board of easterly along the former northeast line of Hamil- are now laid out thence northeasterly along the 191.98 feet; thence southerly, deflecting 34 de- Estimate on March 3, 1938 (Cal. No. 131-B), ton avenue 2,417.86 feet to the northwest U. S. former southeast line of 3d avenue 5,968.12 feet grees 57 minutes 32 seconds to the- left, 20.07 where not heretofore acquired for street, park or Bulkhead and Pierhead Line of Gowanus Canal; to the former southwest line of Prospect avenue, feet; thence westerly, 140.39 feet to the point of parkway purposes, and excluding the right-of-way thence southwesterly deflecting 57 degrees, 49 min- as these streets were laid out prior to May 16, of the Interborough Rapid Transit Company and the beginning. utes, 55 seconds to the right along the prolonga- 1940; thence southeasterly deflecting 90 degrees The land to be acquired in this proceeding lies lands of the New York, New Haven and Hart- tion of said northwest U. S. Bulkhead and Pier- to the right along the former southwest line of in Blocks 3838, 5303, 5304 and 4411 of Sec- ford Railroad Company with the exception of a head Line 94.51 feet to the southwest line of Prospect avenue 100.0 feet to the new southeast tions 14, 18 and 16 of the Land Maps of the parcel of the railroad company lands, about 60 feet Hamilton avenue as now laid out; thence north- line of 3d avenue; thence southwesterly deflecting Borough of The Bronx, City and State of New in width, lying adjacent to and north of the south- westerly defiecting 122 degrees, 10 minutes, S 90 degrees to the right along said new southeast York. erly boundary line of the railroad property, and seconds to the right along the southwest line of line of 3d avenue 5,707.77 feet to the southwest The Board of Estimate by resolution adopted on extending from the westerly boundary line of the Hamilton avenue as now laid out to West 9th line of 38th street as now laid out; thence north- May 9, 1940, determined that the cost of such parkway to a line about .565 feet easterly there- street and continuing along its prolongation 2,360A2 westerly deflecting 90 degrees to the right along proceeding shall be apportioned by placing the from; the title to be acquired in such parcel feet to the southwest line of Nelson street; thence the southwest line of 38th street as now laid out entire cost upon The City of New York to be shall be subject to the right of the railroad com- northwesterly deflecting 44 degrees, 27 sniaWsL 20.0 feet to the new tootling line of 3d avenue; payable with the taxes of such City the first pany to construct, operate, maintain, repair and 42 seconds to the left along the southwest lire of thence southwesterly deflecting 90 degrees to the replace overhead wires in an area located along fiscal year next succeeding the confirmation of Nelson street 20.88 feet to the southeast line of left along said new southeast line of 3d avenue the northerly portion of said parcel approximately the assessment. Henry street; thence northeasterly deflecting 90 260.35 feet to the southwest line of 39th street Dated, New York, June 24, 1940. 15 feet wide and 200 feet long, at an elevation degrees to the right along the southeast line of u now laid out; thence northwesterly deflecting WILLIAM C. CHANLER, Corporation Coun- not less than 25 feet above the finished grade of Henry street 132.58 feet to the point or place of 90 degrees to the right along the southwest line the parkway, and directing that the compensation sel, Office and Post Office Address, Municip al beginning. of 39th street 80.0 feet to the point or place of which should justly be made to the respective Building, Borough of Manhattan, City of NNew Parcel C—(Widening of Hamilton Avenue) beginning. York. j24,jy5 owners of the real property to be taken in the Beginning at the corner formed by the inter- above entitled proceeding, be ascertained and de- Parcel 1—(3d Avenue 4.1 Formerly Laid OW section of the former southwest line of Hamilton 80 Feet Wide) termined by the Supreme Court without a jury, avenue with the former northeast line of West and to have the cost of such improvement assessed Beginning at the corner formed by the inter- SUPREME COURT—SECOND 9th street, as these streets were laid out on the section of the northwest line of 3d avenue with by the said Court, as hereinafter set forth in DEPARTMENT map of the City of New York prior to accordance with the resolution of the Board of May the southwest line of 39th street as these streets 1940; thence northwesterly along the northeast are now laid out on the map of the City of New Estimate adopted May 9, 1940. Notice to File Claims line of West 9th street 28.55 feet to the new The nature and extent of the improvement York; thence northeasterly along the northwest southwest line of Hamilton avenue; thence north- line of 3d avenue as laid out prior to May 16, hereby intended is the acquisition of title in fee westerly deflecting 44 degrees, 27 minutes, 42 sec- by the City of New York for the use of the pub- SUPREME COURT—RINGS COUNTY 1940, 5,968.12 feet to the former southwest line onds to the right along said new southwest line of Prospect avenue as laid out prior to May 16, lic to the real property required for the above of Hamilton avenue 631.70 feet to the southeast improvement. The real property, title to which 1940; thence southeasterly deflecting 90 degrees to In the Matter of the Application of The City of line of Henry street; thence northeasterly detect- the right along the former southwest line of is to be acquired, is shown on a map dated May New York, relative to acquiring title to the real ing 45 degrees, 32 minutes, 18 seconds to the 15, 1940, and is more particularly bounded and Prospect avenue 80.0 feet to the former southeast property required for the widening of HAMIL- right along the southeast line of Henry street 7.53 line of 3d avenue as laid out prior to May 16, described as follows: TON AVENUE, from Henry street to 3d ave. feet to the southwest line of Nelson street; thence 1940; thence southwesterly deflecting 90 degrees Parcel A nue; PROSPECT AVENUE, from 3d avenue southeasterly deflecting 90 degrees to the right Beginning at a point in the eastern U. S. pier to the right along the former southeast line of to 4th avenue, and 3D AVENUE, from Pros- along the southwest line of Nelson street 20.18 3d avenue 5,968.12 feet to the southwest line of and bulkhead line of , as laid pert avenue to 39th street and from 62d street feet to the former southwest line of Hamilton ave- out on Section 51 of the Final Maps of the 39th street as now laid out; thence northwesterly to 63d street, and a PUBLIC PARK within the nue as laid out prior to May 16, 1140; thence deflecting 90 degrees to the right along the south- Borough of The Bronx, distant 700.426 feet south block bounded by 3d avenue, 65th street, 2d southeasterly deflecting 44 degrees, 27 minuses, of its intersection with Tremont avenue, as legally west line of 39th street 80.9 feet to the point or avenue, and 64th street, in the Borough of 42 seconds to the right along the former southwest place of beginning. acquired; thence southerly along the said pier and Brooklyn, City of New York, in connection line of Hamilton avenue 642.46 feet to the point Parcel L—(3d Avesta Widening) bulkhead line, 47.294 feet to an angle point; with the construction of an elevated parkway or place of beginning. thence southeasterly and still along the said pier Beginning at the corner formed by the inter- from Henry street to Owls Head Park, together Parcel D—(Hamilton Avenue Wideman') and bulkhead line, 503.806 feet to an angle point; with the necessary appurtenances and approaches section of the northwest line of 3d avenue with Beginning at the corner formed by thence still southeasterly and along the said pier thereto, and for the construction of a high level the **- the southwest line of 39th street, as these streets section of the northwest line of 3d avenue with and bulkhead line, 550.538 feet to an angle point; bridge across Gowanus Canal, as selected by the are now laid out on the map of the City of New the northeast line of Prospect avenue as these thence southerly and still along the said pier and Triborough Bridge Authority, and approved ac- York; thence northwesterly along the southwest streets are now laid out on the map City bulkhead line, 418.834 feet to an angle point; cording to law. of the line of 39th street as now laid out 100.09 feet to of New York; thence southwesterly along the for- thence southwesterly and still along the said pier NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT BY AN a point; thence northeasterly deflecting 90 degrees mer northwest line of 3d avenue as laid out prior and bulkhead line, 258.337 feet to an angle point; order of the Supreme Court of the State of to the right along a line 70.0 feet to the north- to May 16, 1940, 4.20 feet to an angle point; thence still southwesterly and along the said pier New York, Second Judicial District, dated June east line of 39th street as now laid out; thence thence southwesterly deflecting 5 degrees, 51 min- and bulkhead line, 593.567 feet; thence northwest- 12, 1940, and duly entered in the office of southeasterly on a curve deflecting to the left, hay- erly, deflecting 90 degrees 20 minutes 44.8 sec- utes, 58 seconds to the right, and still along the ing a radius of 70.0 feet, tangent to the northeast the Clerk of the County of Kings on June 12, former northwest line of 3d avenue 161.71 fed onds to the right, 150.00 feet to the western 1940, the application of The City of New York line of 39th street, which curve is the new north- to the former northeast line of Hamilton avenue U. S. pier and bulkhead line of Westchester Creek; to have the compensation which should justly be west line of 3d avenue 106.68 feet to a point of as laid out prior to May 16, 1940; thence north- thence northeasterly, deflecting 61 degrees 59 min- made to the respective owners of the real property tangency; thence northeasterly along the new westerly deflecting 116 degrees, 12 minutes, 40 utes 15.2 seconds to the right, 365.354 feet to an taken in the above entitled proceeding ascertained northwest line of 3d avenue tangent to the last seconds to the right along the former northeast angle point; thence northerly, deflecting 22 de- and determined by the Supreme Court without a mentioned course 381.12 feet to the southwest line line of Hamilton avenue 1,990.58 feet to the south- grees 25 minutes 00 seconds to the left, 527.645 jury, in accordance with the resolution adopted by of 37th street as now laid out; thence northeasterly west U. S. Bulkhead and Pierhead Line of Go- feet to an angle point; thence still northerly, de- the Board of Estimate on the 16th day of May, deflecting 2 degrees, 40 minutes, 51 seconds to wan, Canal; thence northeasterly deflecting 57 flecting 3 degrees 24 minutes 25.1 seconds to the 1940, was granted. the left along a line 60.0 feet to the northeast degrees, 48 minutes, 22 seconds to the right along right, 1,076.738 feet; thence easterly, 166.18 feet Notice is further given that pursuant to Sec- line of 37th street as now laid out; thence south- the said bulkhead and pierhead line of Gowanus to the point of beginning. tion 872 of the New York City Charter and easterly deflecting 90 degrees to the right along Canal 71.97 feet to the northeast line of 13th Parcel B Section B15-11.0 of the Administrative Code, the the northeast line of 37th street 9.81 feet to the Beginning at a point in the eastern line of the street; thence southeasterly deflecting 90 degrees northwest line of 3d avenue as laid sot prior to map or survey of the land acquired in this pro- to the right along the northeast line of 13th street Hutchinson River parkway extension, as legally ceeding has been duly filed in the office of the May 16, 1940; thence southwesterly deflecting 90 •35.84 feet to the new northeast line of Hamilton acquired, distant 2,382.21 feet from its intersec- Clerk of the County of wings, and each and degrees to the right along the former northwest avenue; thence southeasterly deflecting 32 degrees, tion with the western line of Vreeland avenue, as every party and person interested in the real line of 3d avenue 580.71 feet to the point or legally acquired; thence easterly, along said line 11 minutes, 38 seconds to the right along the said place of beginning. property taken, and having any claim or demand new northeast line of Hamilton avenue 976.0 feet of parkway, deflecting 34 degrees 46 minutes 09.1 on account thereof, is hereby required to file his Parcel M—(3d Avenue Widening) to the northeast line of 15th street;, thence south- seconds to the left, 223.334 feet; thence still claim, duly verified in the manner required by Beginning at the intersection of the former easterly deflecting 32 degrees, 11 minutes, 38 sec- easterly and still along said line of parkway and northwest line of 3d avenue with the former north- law, for the verification of pleadings in an action, onds to the left along the northeast line of 13th deflecting 27 degrees 35 minutes 05.7 seconds to with the Clerk of the County of Kings, on or east line of 63d street, as these streets were laid street 143.96 feet to the southeast line of 2d the left, 110.10 feet; thence southerly, deflecting before the 5th day of July, 1940, and to serve out on the map of the City of New York prior avenue; thence southwesterly deflecting 90 degrees 90 degrees 06 minutes 37 seconds to the right, on the Corporation Counsel of The City of New to May 16, 1940; thence northwesterly along the to the right along the southeast line of 2d avenue 255.11 feet; thence westerly, deflecting 69 de- York at his office, Room 1559, Municipal Build- northeast line of 63d street 44.0 feet to the new 90.63 feet to said new northeast line of Hamilton grees 57 minutes 53 seconds to the right, 64.16 ing, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, northwest line of 3d avenue; thence northeasterly avenue; thence southeasterly deflecting 57 degrees, feet; thence still westerly, deflecting B degrees within the same time, a copy thereof. along said new northwest line of 3d avenue on a 08 minutes 50.2 seconds to the left, 82.51 feet; 48 minutes, 22 seconds to the left along said new curve deflecting to the left having a radius of The said verified claim shall set forth the real northeast line of Hamilton avenue 555.51 feet to thence northerly, deflecting 90 degrees 25 minutes property which the claimant owns or in which 1,160 feet, 203.84 feet to the southwest line of 62d a point of curvature; thence southeasterly on a 35 seconds to the right, 509.92 feet; thence east- he is interested, and his post office address, to- street as now laid out; thence southeasterly along curve deflecting to the left having a radius of erly, 70.14 feet to the point of beginning. gether with an inventory or itemized statement the southwest line of 62d street 6.0 feet to the 350.57 feet tangent to the last mentioned course northwest line of 3d avenue as laid out prior to Parcel B-1 of the fixtures, if any, for which compensation is and still along the new northeast line of Hamilton claimed; and in case such claim or demand for May 16, 1940; thence southwesterly deflecting 90 Beginning at a point in the eastern line of the avenue 160.37 feet to a point of tangency on the degrees to the right along the former northwest Hutchinson River parkway extension, as legally compensation in respect to any fixtures is made northeast line of Prospect avenue as now laid by a lessee or tenant of the real property to be line of 3d avenue 200 feet to the point or place acquired, distant 1,232.10 feet from its intersection out,- thence southeasterly along the northeast line acquired, a copy of such verified claim or demand, of beginning. with the western line of Vreeland avenue, as le- of Prospect avenue as now laid out 75.82 feet to together with said inventory or itemized statement, gally acquired; thence southerly along said line of the point or place of beginning. Parcel N—(Public Park) parkway, 905.389 feet; thence still southerly and shall be served upon the owaer of such real prop- Parcel E (Hamilton Avenue as Formerly Laid Beginning at the corner formed by the inter- along said line of parkway, deflecting 17 degrees erty or his attorney. — section of the northwest line of 3d avenue with 80 13 minutes 20 seconds to the left, 244.721 feet; Proof of title may be submitted to the Corpora- Out Feet Wide) the northeast line of 65th street as these streets Beginning at the corner formed by the inter- thence westerly, deflecting 145 degrees 13 minutes tion Counsel at his office, Room 506, Municipal are now laid out on the map of the City of New 50.9 seconds to the right, 70.14 feet; thence Building, Borough of Brooklyn, City of New section of the former northwest line of 3d avenue York; thence northwesterly along the northeast northerly, deflecting 34 degrees 46 minutes 09.1 York, on or before the 6th day of July, 1940. with the former southwest line of Hamilton avenue line of 65th street as now laid out 375.0 feet to seconds to the right, 193.16 feet; thence still The real property, title to which is to be ac- as these streets were laid out on the map of The a point; thence northeasterly deflecting 90 dr northerly, deflecting 17 degrees 13 minutes 20 quired for the use of the Triborough Bridge Au- City of New York prior to May 16, 1940; thence grees to the right along a line 100 feet to a point seconds to the right, 833.34 feet; thence still thority in this proceeding is more particularly northwesterly along the former southwest line and on the center line of Block No. 5816 of the northerly, 87.75 feet to the point of beginning. bounded and described as follows: continuing along the present southwest line of Kings County Land Mal); thence southeasterly de- "An estate in fee simple, absolute, free from Hamilton avenue 1,979.60 feet to the southwesterly Parcel B-2 fleeting 90 degrees to the right along said center all liens and encumbrances and any and all rights, prolongation of the southeast U. S. Bulkhead and Beginning at a point in the eastern line of line of Block No. 5816, 90.0 feet to a point; terms, interests, privileges, franchises, and ease- Pierhead Line of Gowanus Canal as this line is Hutchinson River parkway extension, as legally thence northeasterly deflecting 90 degrees to the ments, whether of owners, abutters, or others, in laid out between 12th street and 13th area; thaw acquired, distant 975.84 feet from its intersection left along a line 100 feet to the southwest line of and to all those certain lots, pieces or parcels of northeasterly deflecting 57 degrees, 41 minutes, with the western line of Vreeland avenue, as 64th street as now laid out; thence southeasterly land or portions thereof constituting, lying and 22 seconds to the right along said prolongation of legally acquired; thence southerly along said line deflecting 90 degrees to the right along the south- being in the Borough of Brooklyn, City, County the southeast U. S. Bulkhead and Pierhaid Line of the parkway, 344.01 feet; thence northerly, de- west line of 64th street 285.0 feet to the north- and State of New York, as follows: 94.54 feet to the former northeast line of Hamil- flecting 152 degrees 55 minutes 55.2 seconds to west line of 3d avenue as now laid out; thence Parcel A—(Hamilton Avenue Widening) ton avenue as laid out prior to May 16, 1940; the right, 257.59 feet; thence easterly 164.17 feet southwesterly deflecting 90 degrees to the right Beginning at the corner formed by the inter- thence southeasterly deflecting 122 degrees, 11 to the point of beginning. slang the northwest line of 3d avenue 200.0 feet section of the former northeast line of Hamilton minutes, 38 seconds to the right along the former Parcel C to the point or place of beginning. avenue with the former southeast line of Henry northeast line of Hamilton avenue 1,990.51 feet The properties affected by the above descrip- Beginning at a point in the eastern line of the street, as these streets were laid out on the map to the former northwest line of 3d avenue as tions are located in Blocks Nos. 376, 371, 380, Hutchinson River parkway extension, as legally of the City of New York prior to May 16, 1940; laid out prior to May 16, 1940; thence south- 381, 382, 383, 479, 481, 482, 4838, 484, 485. acquired. distant 354.89 feet southerly from its thence northeasterly along the southeast line of westerly deflecting 63 degrees, 47 minutes, 20 487, 527, 536, 541, 552 and 562 in Section 2; intersection with the western line of Vreeland ave., Henry street 117.42 feet to the southwest line of seconds to the right along the former northwest Blocks Nos. 626, 627, 629B, 630, 633, 635A, 636. as legally acquired; thence southerly along said Luquer street; thence southeasterly deflecting 90 line of 3d avenue 89.17 feet to the point or place 638A, 639, 641A, 642, 644A, 645, 647B, 648, eastern line of parkway, 494.24 feet; thence west. degrees to the right along the southwest line of of beginning. 651, 653A, 654, 656A, 657, 660, 663, 664, 667, erly, deflecting 135 degrees 39 minutes 35.2 sec- Luquer street 23.12 feet to the new northeast Parcel G—(Prospect Avenue as Formerly Laid 668, 671, 672, 675, 676, 679, 680, 683, 684, 687, onds to the right, 149.94 feet; thence northerly, line of Hamilton avenue; thence southeasterly Se- Out 80 Feet Wide) 688, 691, 692, 695, 696, 699, 700, 703, 704, deflecting 59 degrees 18 minutes 45.2 seconds to fleeting 44 degrees, 27 minutes, 42 seconds to the 707 and 708, in Section 3; Blocks Nos. 1025, the right, 101.06 feet; thence northeasterly, de- right along said new northeast line of Hamilton Beginning at the corner formed by the inter- section of the northeast line of Prospect avenue 1031, 1038, 1044, 1045, 1050 and 1051, in Sec- flecting 10 degrees 41 minutes 00 seconds to the avenue 741.02 feet to the southeast line of Clin- tion 4; Blocks Nos. 5798 and 5816 in Section II with the northwest line of 4th avenue, as these right, 29.73 feet; thence northerly, deflecting 13 ton street; thence southeasterly deflecting 4 de- of the Kings County Land Map. degrees 58 minutes 20 seconds to the left, 29.53 streets are now laid out on the map of The City greet, 48 minutes, 14 seconds to the right and Dated, New York, June 22, 1940. feet; thence northeasterly, deflecting 21 degrees of New York; thence southwesterly along a line still along said new northeast line of Hamilton WILLIAM C. CHANLER, Corporation Coun- 27 minutes 50 seconds to the right, 34.06 feet; avenue 238.82 feet to the northeast line of West 80.0 feet to the corner formed by the intersection thence northwesterly, deflecting 56 degrees 36 of the former northwest line of 4th avenue with sel, Office and Post Office Address, MunicipalMunicipal 9th street; thence southeasterly deflecting 4 de- Building, Borough of Manhattan, City of minutes 20 seconds to the left, 13.46 feet; thence the former southwest line of Prospect avenue, as grees, 48 minutes, 14 seconds to the left and still northeasterly, deflecting 41 degrees 06 minutes along said new northeast line of Hamilton avenue laid out prior to May 16, 1940; thence north- i22.113 20 seconds to the right, 13.87 feet; thence north- 356.92 feet to the northeast line of Garnet street; westerly deflecting 90 degrees, 28 minutes, 35 Filing Tentative Decree—Notices to File erly, deflecting 22 degrees 25 minutes 00 seconds thence southeasterly deflecting 44 degrees, 27 min- seconds to the right along the former southwest Objections to the left, 39.17 feet; thence northeasterly, de- utes, 42 seconds to the left along the northeast line of Prospect avenue 740.0 feet to the former flecting 24 degrees 37 minutes 20 seconds to the line of Garnet street 104.42 feet to the northwest northwest line of 3d avenue as laid out prior to right, 14.73 feet; thence northerly, deflecting 16 line of Court street; thence southwesterly deflecting May 16, 1940; thence northeasterly deflecting 90 SUPREME COURT—QUEENS COUNTY degrees 23 minutes 10 seconds to the left, 20.39 90 degrees to the right along the northwest line degrees to the right along the former northwest feet; thence northeasterly, deflecting 4 degrees 56 of Court street 102.47 feet to the new northeast line of 3d avenue 75.82 feet to an angle point; In the Matter of the Application of The City minutes 00 seconds to the right, 16.55 fret; thence line of Hamilton avenue; thence southeasterly des thence northeasterly deflecting 5 degrees, 51 of New York, relative to acquiring title to northerly, deflecting 7 degrees 39 minutes 50 sec- fleeting 45 degrees, 32 minutes, 18 seconds to the minutes, 58 seconds to the left and still along the the real property required for the opening and ond, to the left, 16.76 feet; thence northwesterly, left and still along the new northeast line of former northwest line of 3d avenue 4.20 feet to extending of 78TH AVENUE from Queens


boulevard to Grand Central parkway extension as to awards for damages and u to assessments of 157 degrees 13 minutes 30 seconds with the to be equally divided between the separate pur- in the Borough of Queens, the City of New for benefit wu signed on the 7th day of June, immediately preceding course, a distance of 126.35 chasers. York. 1940, by Hon. Charles C. Lockwood, Justice of feet; thence at right angles southwestwardly along Party walls and fences, when existing against NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL the Supreme Court presiding at the trial of the the southerly boundary line of tax lot No. 14, adjacent property not sold, shall not be taken parties interested in the above entitled proceed- above entitled proceeding, and was filed with the block No. 503, a distance of 78.72 feet to a point down. All furring', plaster, chimneys, project- ing as follows: Clerk of the County of Queens on the 8th day of located in the easterly line of tax lots Nos. 44 ing brick, etc., on the faces of such party walls First—That the above named Court, after con- June, 1940, for the inspection of whomsoever and 45; thence southeastwardly along the easterly are to be taken down and removed. The walls sidering the testimony and proofs submitted on the it may concern. boundary line of tax lots Nos. 44 and 45 block shall be made permanently self-supporting, beam trial of the above entitled proceeding, has com- Second—That the said Court has assessed all No. 503, a distance of 25.55 feet; thence south- holes, etc., bricked up, and the wall pointed and pleted its estimate of the compensation which should the real property within the area of assessment westwardly along the southerly boundary line of made to exclude wind and rain and present a be made by The City of New York to the re- fixed and prescribed u the area of assessment for tax lot No. 44, block No. 503, and parallel with clean exterior. The roofs of adjacent buildings spective owners of the real property to be acquired benefit by the Board of Estimate on the 18th day the southerly fine of Van Brunt street, a dis- shall be properly flashed and painted and made in this proceeding, and has made an assessment o August, 1938, and that the said area of assess- tance of 73.70 feet to a point located in the watertight where they have been disturbed by of the value of the benefit and advantage of the mad includes the _parcels of real property situate easterly line of Rapelye street; thence northwest- the operations of the contractors. improvement to the respective owners of the real and being in the Borough of Queens in the City wardly along said easterly line of Rapelye street, No buildings, parts of buildings, fixtures or property within the area of assessment for benefit of New York, which taken together, are bounded a distance of 173.46 feet to the point and place machinery sold for removal under these terms herein, and the tentative decree of the mid Court la shown on the following diagram: of beginning; and comprising an area of 31,376 and conditions shall in any case be relocated or square feet. re-erected within the lines of any proposed street Re tv• .5284 Said premises are shown upon a survey, map or other public improvement, and if any such EA'RLANATORY NOTE or plan on file in the office of the Corporation buildings, parts of buildings, fixtures or machin- Ike hOINWIMY of * arts 11/ NAIR a Mt Counsel of the City of New York. ery, etc., shall be relocated or re-erected within ---ox•cofes kte of drew' Ars* osiphif Dated, New York June 26, 1940. the lines of ar y proposed street or other public WILLIAM C. CHANLER, Corporation Coun- improvement, title thereto shall thereupon become sel, Office and Post Office Address, Municipal vested in The City of New York and resale at sow am ?nor ar Building, Borough of Manhattan, City of New public or private sale may be made in the same BOARD Of ESTIMATE AND APPORTIONMENT York. j26,jy8 manner as if no prior sale thereof bad been made. ofPer of NE CRief tatsrem The Director of Real Estate of The City of New • 0/A6PAM 91047/1$ AREA Of ASSESSMENT NOTICE TO BIDDERS AT SALES OF OLD York to have the right on the day of sale to with- , A- /N TN( PROCEED/N6 FOR ACO(//INMS TITLE TO BUILDINGS, ETC. draw from sale any of the buildings, parts of 1 buildings and machinery included therein, or to mg 78" AVENUE reject any and all bids. outz-ws: k BL VD fi90/1 QUEENS NOULE114RO TO 6A4NO CEIPMAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH BUILDINGS, ETC., WILL BE SOLD FOR PARKWAY EXTENVON REGULATION ADOPTED BY THE BOARD 1111111,;■11 REMOVAL FROM CITY-OWNED PROP- ■-• BOROUGH Of QUEENS ERTY. OF ESTIMATE ON FEBRUARY 17, 1938 (CAL. NO. 4-A). New /Ott Bawd/v./dap THE BUILDINGS AND APPURTENANCES . 1. Advertisements, proposals and bids. SCALE iN 'wry thereto shall be sold to the highest bidder, who Chid e (a) Bids for contracts shall be solicited by must pay by cash or a certified check, drawn to public advertisement in at least 10 successive the order of the City Treasurer, and must deposit issues of the CITY RECORD. All advertisements Fourth—That on the 12th day of July, 1940, Third—That The City of New York, and all other with the Comptroller of The City of New York, soliciting bids for contracts shall be approved by parties interested in such proceeding or in any at 9.30 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, or as cash or a certified check drawn to the order of soon thereafter u Counsel can be heard, the Cor- the Corporation Counsel before publication. Bids of the real property affected thereby, having any the Comptroller of The City of New York, for shall be publicly opened on the day of the last poration Counsel of The City of New York will not less than half the amount of the purchase price objections thereto, shall file such objections in writ- apply to the Hon. Charles C. Lockwood, the Justice insertion of the advertisement. ing, duly verified, in the manner required by law as security for the faithful performance of the (b) Except with the approval of the Corpora- of the Supreme Court who signed said tentative terms and conditions of the sale. Where the for the verification of pleadings in an action, set- decree at a Special Term, Part IV of the Supreme tion Counsel, the advertisement shall include only: amount of the purchase price does not equal or 1. The place where the proposals may be ob- ting forth the real property owned by the ob- Court to be held in the Municipal Building in exceed the sum of $100, the sum of $50 shall be the Borough of Brooklyn to fix a time when said tained; jector and his post office address, with the Clerk the amount of the security to be deposited. This of the County of Queens, on or before the 9th Justice will hear the parties who will have filed 2. The place where and the day and hour objections to the said tentative decree. security may at any time after the expiration of when the bids will be publicly opened; day of July, 1940, and parties other than The the contract period be applied by the City to the City of New York, shall within the same time Dated, New York, June 14, 1940. 3. A brief description of the supplies, ma- serve on the Corporation Counsel of The City of WILLIAM C. CANLER,II Corporation Coun- cost of completing any of the work required terials and equipment to be furnished and of the New York, at has office, Municipal Building, sel, Office and Post Office Address, Municipal under the contract, but unfinished at the expira- work or labor to be done. Room 1559, in the Borough of Manhattan, City Building, Borough of Manhattan, City of New tion of the contract period. (c) Proposals for bids shall be in such form The purchaser shall not lease, occupy, cause of New York, a copy of such verified objections. York. j14,1y1 as may be prescribed by the agency issuing the or permit the building or buildings, etc., pur- same and shall state: Applications to Condemn Beginning at the corner formed by the intersec- chased by him to be used or occupied for any 1. That the person making the bid shall deliver tion of the east line of Cropsey avenue as now purpose other than that of their speedy removal, it in a sealed envelope, addressed to the head of laid out, with the former south line of Canal nor shall he collect any rental or other revenue the appropriate agency, on or before the time and SUPREME COURT—KINGS COUNTY avenue as laid out prior to June 15, 1939; thence for the use of either the land or the buildings, at the place designated in the advertisement; northerly along the east line of Cropsey avenue etc., situated thereon. The breach of either or 2. That the sealed envelope shall be endorsed In the Matter of the Application of The City of as now laid out, 40.12 feet to the south line of any of these conditions shall forthwith void the with the name or names of the person or persons New York, relative to acquiring title to the Canal avenue as now laid out on the map of The sale and cause immediate forfeiture of the pur- presenting the same, the date of its presentation real property required for the opening and ex- City of New York; thence easterly deflecting 94 chase money and the security deposited for the and the title of the proposal; tending of CANAL AVENUE from Cropsey degrees 26 minutes 24 seconds to the right along faithful performance of the conditions of the 3. The place where and the day and hour when avenue to Stillwell avenue, Borough of Brooklyn, the south line of Canal avenue as now laid out, sale. The placing therein or permitting the occu- the bids will be publicly opened; City of New York. 378.99 feet to the southerly prolongation of the pancy of any such building by any tenant for rent 4. The quantity and quality of the supplies, PURSUANT TO THE STATUTES IN SUCH west line of West 16th street; thence southerly or otherwise, excepting the necessary watchmen or materials and equipment to be furnished and the cases made and provided, notice is hereby given deflecting 90 degrees 00 minutes 30 seconds to the the workmen engaged in the actual removal thereof, nature and extent of the work or labor to be done; that it is the intention of the Corporation Counsel right along said prolongation of the west line of shall of itself be a breach of the above conditions 5. That every bid shall be accompanied by a of The City of New York to make application to West 16th street, 40.0 feet to the former south of sale. deposit in approximately the sum of two percentum the Supreme Court of the State of New York at line of Canal avenue as laid out prior to June The sale shall be as of the condition of the of the amount of such bid; except that in the case a Special Term for condemnation proceedings, 15, 1939; thence westerly deflecting 89 degrees property on date of delivery thereof to the pur- of a proposal for a single item or class of items, the Part IV thereof, to be held in and for the County 59 minutes 30 seconds to the right along said chaser. The City of New York will not be re- deposit shall be approximately two percent= of of Kings, at the Municipal Building, in the former south line of Canal avenue, 375.88 feet to sponsible for any change or loss which may the contracting agency's estimated cost of the sup- Borough of Brooklyn, in The City of New York, the point or place of beginning. occur in the condition of the buildings, or their plies, materials and equipment to be furnished and on the 15th day of July, 1940, at 9.30 o'clock in The property affected by the above descriptions appurtenances between the time of the sale thereof the work or labor to be done, Such deposit shall the forenoon of that day, for an order amending is located in Block 6997.13, in Section 21 of the and the time of delivering possession to the put.- consist of a certified check upon a State or Na- the proceeding entitled "In the Matter of the Kings County Land Map. chaser, after being properly vacated of all tenants. tional bank or trust company or a check of such Application of The City of New York, relative to Canal avenue from Cropsey avenue to Stillwell The sale and delivery to purchaser will be made bank or trust company signed by a duly authorized acquiring title to the real property required for avenue was originally laid out 100 feet wide by as nearly together as the circumstances of vacat- officer thereof, drawn to the order of the Comp- the opening and extending of Canal avenue from a map adopted by the Board of Estimate and ing the structures of their tenants will permit. troller, of money, or of the obligations of the City Cropsey avenue to Stillwell avenue, in the Bor- Apportionment on May 20, 1926, and approved All of the material of buildings, sheds, walks, described in section 241 of the New York City ough of Brooklyn, City of New York", and the by the Mayor on June 1, 1926, and the portion structures and cellars of whatsoever nature, with Charter, which the Comptroller shall approve as petition and order granting the application to con• from West 16th street to Stillwell avenue was their exterior and interior fixtures, appurtenances of equal value with the sum so required; demi', and to have the compensation which should subsequently removed from the map of The City and foundations of all kinds except the ex- 6. That in the event of the failure of the bid- justly be made to the respective owners of the of New York by a map adopted by the Board of terior walls of the buildings and their founda- der to execute the contract within five days after real property proposed to be taken in such pro- Estimate on September 22, 1938, which map also tions, and the sidewalks and curb in front of notice of the award of the contract to him, his ceeding heretofore duly entered and filed in the narrowed Canal avenue to a width of 60 feet said buildings, extending within the described deposit or so much thereof as shall be applicable office of the Clerk of the County of Kings on from Cropsey avenue to West 16th street by area, shall be removed from the premises. None to the amount of the award made to him shall be December 2, 1936, so as to provide for the ac• narrowing the north side by 40 feet. of the dirt, debris or waste resulting from retained by the City, and he shall be liable for quisitian of title to the real property required for Subsequently Canal avenue from Cropsey avenue the demolition or removal shall be allowed to and shall agree to pay on demand the difference the opening and extending of Canal avenue from to West 16th street was shifted 40 feet northerly, remain on the premises, except old mortar or between the price bid and the price for which such Cropsey avenue to the westerly line of West 16th but still held 60 feet wide, thus restoring the plaster only, which may be left, but not higher contract shall be subsequently relet, including the former north line of the street, by a map adopted street as now laid out on the map of The City at any point than two feet below the curb oppo- cost of such reletting and less the amount of such of New York, and of Canal avenue from the by the Board of Estimate on June 15, 1939. site that point. The exterior walls and their deposit. No plea of mistake in such accepted bid westerly line of West 16th street to Stillwell The Board of Estimate by resolution adopted foundations shall be taken down only to a plane shall be available to the bidder for the recovery of avenue as this portion of Canal avenue was laid on May 8, 1940, determined that the entire cost whose elevation shall be the level of the curb his deposit or as a defense to any action based out at the time the proceeding was authorized by and expense of acouiring title to the aforesaid in front of the building. Where there is no upon such accepted bid; the Board of Estimate and Apportionment on May Canal avenue from Cropsey avenue to the westerly curb the elevation of the surrounding ground 7. That zpon the execution of a contract for 8, 1931, Borough of Brooklyn, in accordance with line of West 16th street, be assessed upon the shall be considered curb level. All wells, cess- work or labor, in which provision has been made the resolution of the Board of Estimate adopted real property within the area of assessment here- pools, sinks, etc., existing on the property must for payment by installments, the contractor may on February 8, 1940. inafter shown and that the entire remaining cost be required to deposit not less than approximately and expense of such proceeding be placed upon be filled tq the level of the surrounding ground The real property to be eliminated in this two percentum nor more than approximately five amended proceeding is shown upon map dated The City of New York, to be payable with the with clean earth. The purchaser at the sale shall also withdraw percentum of the amount of the contract, until May 8, 1940, and is more particularly bounded taxes of such City the first fiscal year next and remove all abandoned water taps and old such contract shall have been performed to the and described as follows: succeeding the confirmation of the assessment: service mains and in place thereof cause to be extent of the amount of the deposit. Such deposit inserted a brass plug in the main water pipe in shall consist of a certified check upon a State or *port Re. 46,069— 54934 EXPLANATORY NOTE: H-/009/ street in compliance with the rules and regu- National bank or trust company or a check of ino'icale.7119banotryoffheoNoefolle.rmtad, lations of the Department of Water Supply, Gas such bank or trust company signed by a duly 140562tel h;). of slreef legolly ocip/ed. and Electricity, and furnish the Bureau of Real authorized officer thereof, drawn to the order of Alkloncer moicaedereinfifl000'av/obeavarvelre/ a/ Estate of the Board of Estimate with a certification the Comptroller, of money, or of the obligations riploofk.rotneonolle/besinre, /14e.tiorehhA blfteyoneteiftweetta from the Department of Water Supply, Gas and of the City described in section 241 of the New AYE. Z. tadiceres iiree/ fl,, disC0/716,701C/ York City Charter, which the Comptroller shall "?:11 fte-4.,..;1 r - i ri,10 , Electricity, that this has been performed. The purchaser at the sale shall also remove approve as of equal value with the sum so 4411 N***`h all abandoned house required; it sewer connections to the main tit I II i BOARD OP EST/MArt sewer in the street, and the opening of the main 8. That each bid shall contain: 1 " filb-1! 1 I ' eviu-Au cr emshrecRare sewer in street shall be properly closed in com- (a) The name, residence and place of busi- ness of the person or persons making the same; 0/AGRAM SNOWING A;EA orAsstssmeNr pliance with the directions of the Bureau of Sewers in the Office of the President of the (b) The names of all persons interested there- IN THE PROCEED/N6 FOR ACQUIRING Tine TO Borough in which the buildings are situated, and in and if no other person is so interested, such fact shall be distinctly stated; —7 CANAL AVENUE furnish the Bureau of Real Estate of the Board of Estimate a certification from such Bureau of (c) A statement to the effect that it is made FROM CROAKY AVENUE TO JTILLWELL AVENUE. without any connection with any other person Sewers that the work has been properly performed. The _permit for all openings in the streets to making a bid for the same purpose, and is in all DOROCIE M ORO° LYN be respects fair and without collusion or fraud; obtained by and at the expense of the purchaser New )64; Decem1199ber1 3 of the building. (d) A statement that no Councilman or other MALE IN PE17 officer or employee or person whose salary is Failure to remove any buildings, appurte- ••• payable in whole or in part from the City • Chief Engineer nances, or any part thereof, within 30 days from treasury is directly or indirectly interested the day of possession will work forfeiture therein, or in the supplies, materials and equip- Building, Borough of Manhattan, City of New Dated, New York, June 28, 1940. of ownership of such buildings, appurtenances, ment and work or labor to which it relates, or WILLIAM C. CHANLER, Corporation Coun- York. j28,jY10 or portion as shall then be left standing, to- in any portion of the profits thereof. od, Office and Post Office Address, Municipal gether with all moneys paid by the purchaser on (d) The bid shall be verified by the written account thereof at the time of the sale and the oath of the bidder that the several matters stated appurtenances thereto located in the area herein- SUPREME COURT—KINGS COUNTY bidder's assent to the above conditions being therein are in all respects true. after described, whichproperty was .selected by understood to be implied by the act of bidding (e) Each agency shall keep a proper receptacle the New York City Tunnel Authority in con• In the Matter of Acquiring Title by the CITY The City of New York will, without notice to the for the receipt and safe-keeping of bids, Upon the OF NEW YORK to certain real property situ• nection with the construction of the Brooklyn- purchaser, cause the same to be removed, and the receipt thereof, bids which are duly presented shall ated on VAN BRUNT STREET, SUMMIT Battery Tunnel and approved by the Board of cost .and expense thereof charged against the Estimate on May 23, 1940, according to law. be deposited in such receptacle. No bid shall be STREET, HAMILTON AVENUE and RA. security above mentioned. removed therefrom nor shall the sealed envelope PELYE STREET, in the Borough of Brook- The real property, title to which is to be ac- The work of removal must be carried on in lyn, County of Kings, duly selected as a site quired, is situated in the County of Kings, City in which it is contained be opened, except as pro- every respect in a thorough and workmanlike vided in paragraph (f) of this section. by the New York City Tunnel Authority in and State of New York, and is bounded and de- manner, and must be completed within 30 days (f) The bids shall be opened and read publicly connection with the BROOKLYN-BATTERY !scribed as follows: from the day of possession, and the successful All that land and improvements thereon situated, at the time and place designated in the advertise- TUNNEL and approved according to law. bidder shall provide and furnish all materials, being and lying in the Borough of Brooklyn, and ment, in the presence of the Comptroller or his PURSUANT TO THE STATUTES IN SUCH equipment and labor necessary therefor, and made and provided, notice is hereby given County of Kings, City and State of New York, representative and of such of the bidders as may cases shall place proper and sufficient guards and that it is the intention of the Corporation Counsel bounded and described as follows: desire to be present. The opening of such bids fences and warning signs by day and night for of the City of New York to make application to Parcel No, 1 shall not be postponed if the Comptroller or his at a Beginning at a point which is the corner formed the pre ention of accidents, and shall indemnify representative shall, after due notice, fail to the Supreme Court, State of New York, and nave harmless The City of New York, its Special Term, Part IV, for the trial of Con- by the intersection of the easterly line of Rapelye attend. demnation Proceedings for the County of Kings, street with the southerly line of Van Brunt street officers, agents and servants and each of them, (g) This regulation shall be published in the to be held on the third floor of the Municipal and running northeastwardly along said southerly against any and all suits and actions, claims and CITY RECORD daily. All advertisements for bids Building, in the Borough of Brooklyn, City of line of Van Brunt street, a distance of 200.19 demands of every name and description brought by any one agency appearing in any one issue of feet to a point which is the corner formed by against it, them or any of them, and against the CITY RECORD shall be published in sequence New York, on the 9th day of July, 1940, at and from all 9.30 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, or u the intersection of said southerly line of Van Brunt damage and costs to which it, they by date of opening and shall refer to this regula- soon thereafter as counsel can be heard thereon, street with the westerly line of Summit street; or any of them be put by reason of injury to tion as advertised in the CITY Racoon. Such to have the compensation which ought ;ugly be thence southeastwardly along said westerly line of the person or property of another, resulting from reference shall immediately follow the name of the made to the respective owners of the real property Summit street and forming an interior angle of any cause whatsoever in the performance of agency to be taken and acquired in the above proceed- 89 degrees 58 minutes 30 seconds with the im- the work, or in guarding the same, or from any Medical and food supplies. Improper or defective materials or machinery, ing ascertained and determined by the Supreme mediately preceding course, a distance of 62.56 Medical and surgical supplies and perishable food Court without a jury. feet to a point which is the corner formed by implements or appliances used in the removal of supplies involving an expenditure of more than The nature and extent of the improvement hereby the intersection of said westerly line of Summit said buildings. one thousand dollars may be procured on purchase intended is the acquisition of title in fee simple street with the westerly line of Hamilton avenue; Where party walls are found to exist between orders based on competitive bids received after absolute by the City of New York to the lands thence southeastwardly along said westerly line buildings purchased by different bidders, the ma- advertisement in at least three successive issues of and premises with the buildings thereon and the of Hamilton avenue and forming an interior angle terials of said party walls shall be understood the CITY Racoon,