May 13, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E887 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS

A TRIBUTE TO HY-CAPACITY Taiwan has become a stable beacon of de- 4–H, through which she has shown animals at mocracy and is an important U.S. trade part- the county fair and competed for Fair Queen. HON. TOM LATHAM ner. We should seek to encourage and A National Honor Society member, she excels OF IOWA strengthen the U.S.-Taiwanese strategic rela- academically even while holding a part-time IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tionship and recognize the importance of pre- job. Ashley plans to attend Ohio Northern Uni- Friday, May 13, 2011 serving peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait versity and pursue her dream of becoming a as a vital U.S. interest. pharmacist. Mr. LATHAM. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to I would like to acknowledge President Ma’s Benjamin Studer, Crestview High School. recognize the achievement of Hy-Capacity, a efforts and wish him all the best on the third Ben has endured many surgeries and count- remanufacturer of agricultural equipment in anniversary of his inauguration. less physical therapy sessions since his pre- Humboldt, Iowa. This company was recently f mature birth. He has triumphed over every selected by the Small Business Commerce challenge and setback through the years and Association (SBCA) to receive the 2010 Best CONGRATULATING TAIWAN’S lives independently in a group home. Ben is of Business Award. PRESIDENT very active athletically, enjoying horseback The SBCA is a private sector organization riding, swimming, and riding his four-wheeler. that seeks to provide guidance and assistance HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS In addition, he has worked for Richland to small businesses as they try to navigate OF NEW YORK Newhope Industries in the summer. His their way through day-to-day business issues. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES strength, determination, and compassion to- The SBCA gives out the Best of Business ward others are an inspiration to all who know Award annually to those local businesses who Friday, May 13, 2011 him. have demonstrated quality service to their cus- Mr. TOWNS. Mr. Speaker, today I rise to Keaton Fuller, Lexington High School. tomers and their communities, and in doing congratulate Taiwan’s President Ma Ying-jeou. Keaton has earned an A/B average throughout so, create or enhance a positive image of May 20, 2011 marks the third anniversary of his high school career despite needing some small businesses everywhere. Winners of this President Ma’s inauguration as The Republic extra help in English and math courses. His award are selected by a committee using a of China’s (Taiwan) leader. enthusiasm, work ethic, and passion for learn- combination of statistical research, surveys, Not only should we congratulate President ing have earned the respect of his teachers consumer rankings, and consumer reports. Ma, but we should also thank him for his great and peers. Even while maintaining this out- The award is given to the top five percent of efforts at maintaining peace and stability standing academic record and participating in small businesses across the country every across the Taiwan Straits. the boys’ track team, he works part-time at a year. Before President Ma took office, there was car wash and runs his own lawn-mowing busi- Hy-Capacity was established in 1978 and a great amount of tension between Mainland ness. Keaton plans to attend North Central remanufactures a variety of parts for agricul- China and Taiwan. Then candidate Ma ran on State College and one day become a physical tural equipment, including water pumps, radi- a platform of easing tension with China and therapy assistant. ators, air conditioners, engine overhaul kits, therefore allowing both nations to live in har- Ian Pasheilich, Madison Comprehensive and much more. Although headquartered in mony with one another. High School. Ian has worked through many Humboldt, Hy-Capacity has 24 regional ware- President Ma made good on his campaign autism-related difficulties throughout his life. houses and 40 distributors throughout North promises and has created a better environ- He maintains a positive attitude as he deals America. In the words of the company’s presi- ment between the two countries than has ever with this disease and with the side effects of dent Steve Olson, ‘‘This award solidifies that been seen before. the medications he must take daily. He has our employees are best-in-class professionals, The reason we should thank President Ma earned the admiration of his teachers and fel- taking pride in taking care of our customers.’’ for reducing military conflict in the Western low students for his perseverance and his high I commend Hy-Capacity for their dedication Pacific is because the United States does not grade point average. Outside the classroom, to quality service and their accomplishments need to engage in any more military fronts Ian enjoys attending school sporting events, as a small business. Small businesses are right now. We already have military hotspots has starred in a number of school plays, and crucial to the success of the American econ- in Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya. likes to engage in debates on politics, history, omy and are a lifeline for many Americans liv- We appreciate all of President Ma’s hard and literature. ing in rural areas. work and look forward to working with him for Lauren Short, Mansfield Senior High. I know my colleagues in the United States many years to come. School. Lauren has shown immense strength Congress will join me in congratulating Hy-Ca- f and courage in dealing with the tragic deaths pacity for being selected to receive this award. of her mother, stepfather, brother, and sister in I wish the company and its employees luck RECOGNIZING THE 2011 RECIPI- a fire last year. Earlier this year, she lost her and success in the future. ENTS OF THE MCGOWAN COUR- grandmother and great-grandfather as well. f AGE AWARD Despite these heartbreaking events, she has RECOGNIZING THE THIRD ANNI- remained focused on her short- and long-term VERSARY OF TAIWANESE PRESI- HON. JIM JORDAN goals. Lauren, who has already taken her DENT MA YING-JEOU’S INAU- OF OHIO state board exams in cosmetology, plans to GURATION IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES continue her education and become a certified massage therapist. HON. MAURICE D. HINCHEY Friday, May 13, 2011 Luke Armstrong, Ontario High School. De- Mr. JORDAN. Mr. Speaker, I always appre- spite the many challenges presented by cere- OF NEW YORK ciate the opportunity to share positive stories bral palsy with spastic quadriplegia, Luke’s at- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES about young people in my congressional dis- titude reflects his tremendous inner strength. Friday, May 13, 2011 trict who overcome adversity. Today, I am He refuses to accept failure as an option, Mr. HINCHEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to pleased to share the stories of six such indi- dedicating himself to his studies and his love recognize the third anniversary of the inau- viduals. of sports. His family and friends appreciate his guration of Taiwan’s President Ma Ying-jeou Ashley Martin, Clear Fork High School. Ash- outstanding sense of humor, independent spir- on May 20, 2011. His efforts to improve the ley refuses to allow achondroplasia and diabe- it, and optimism—even in the face of the ex- relationship between the Republic of China tes to get in the way of working toward her tensive physical therapy sessions he has un- (Taiwan) and the People’s Republic of China goals to her fullest potential. She is very active dergone throughout his life. Luke plans to at- are most admirable. in school and community activities—including tend Wright State University upon graduation.

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:02 May 14, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A13MY8.001 E13MYPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with REMARKS E888 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 13, 2011 Mr. Speaker, the Rotary Club of Mansfield, Much has transpired in those 3 years. Wars Taiwan in international organizations, should Ohio, will present these six students with the continue to plague our society. However, in instead actively support and promote full McGowan Courage Award on May 17. I am the Taiwan Strait, tensions have abated and membership for Taiwan in international organi- proud to join the Rotary in acknowledging their much of the credit must be given to President zations such as the WHO. significant achievements and wishing them Ma for the courageous efforts he has made to Health knows no boundaries. Diseases do continued success in everything they do. lessen the tensions between China and the not stop at the borders of countries. Over the f Republic of China (Taiwan). years, Taiwan has been affected by the H1N1 While protecting the interests of the people flu. In 2003, Taiwan was struck by an out- TRIBUTE TO HONOR FLIGHT OF of Taiwan, President Ma has made marked break of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, EASTERN progress in the dialogue between the People’s or SARS. A total of 60 people died. Republic of China (mainland China) and the It is therefore imperative that Taiwan joins HON. GREG WALDEN Republic of China (Taiwan), thereby advanc- the WHO as a full member, so that the 23 mil- OF OREGON ing peace in the Pacific. lion people of Taiwan can and will have ac- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES For this he is to be congratulated and com- cess to the highest level of health information and knowledge. Friday, May 13, 2011 mended and we wish him much continued success. Not only that, but medical professionals in Taiwan will be able to fully contribute their ex- Mr. WALDEN. Mr. Speaker, I rise to recog- f nize the 28 World War II veterans from east- tensive knowledge and expertise to the WHO, ern Oregon who will be visiting their memorial A TRIBUTE TO A-ONE to the benefit of the entire global health com- next Friday in Washington, DC through Honor GEOTHERMAL munity. Flight of Eastern Oregon. On behalf of a I therefore urge my colleagues to join me in grateful state and country, we welcome these HON. TOM LATHAM supporting Taiwan’s full and equal member- ship in the United Nations, and in all other heroes to the nation’s capital. OF IOWA international organizations including the World The World War II veterans on this flight are: IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES John Ansen, U.S. Army Air Corps; Lawrence Health Organization. Bannon, U.S. Army; Clinton Beauchamp, U.S. Friday, May 13, 2011 f Navy; Roy Bunting, U.S. Navy; Albert Buscio, Mr. LATHAM. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to HONORING JOSEPH A. TORMALA U.S. Merchant Marine; Jack Cooper, U.S. congratulate A-One Geothermal of Earlham, Navy; Claude Davis, U.S. Army; Robert Falley, Iowa in recognition of their decade-long history U.S. Navy; Melvin Fuller Sr., U.S. Navy & U.S. as the leading geothermal installation com- HON. DAN BENISHEK OF MICHIGAN Army; Harry Hartung, U.S. Army; Dayton pany in the State. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Herron, U.S. Army; Leroy Hills, U.S. Army; A-One Geothermal has crafted a great rep- Frank Jackson, U.S. Navy; Roy Janiec, U.S. utation throughout Iowa and the Midwest over Friday, May 13, 2011 Navy; Jack Kinsey, U.S. Navy; Paul Lesher, the past 10 years though groundbreaking Mr. BENISHEK. Mr. Speaker, let it be U.S. Army; Robert Maxwell, U.S. Army; Walk- techniques in the development of horizontal known, that it is a pleasure and honor to pay er Nicholson, U.S. Navy; Glenn Plato, U.S. boring and a commitment to their community. tribute to Joseph A. Tormala of Chassell, who Navy; Henry Potts, U.S. Navy; Pete Stride, A-One oversaw the successful installation of was born and raised in the Copper Country by U.S. Army; Raymond Swee, U.S. Army; Wil- geothermal heating and cooling systems for his parents, Ken and Mary Tormala of Atlantic liam Switzer, U.S. Navy; Collins Tucker, U.S. many Iowa schools and has become the ‘‘go- Mine. He attended schools in Stanton Twp., Army; Robert Warner, U.S. Army; Jack Wil- to’’ company for geothermal problem projects. and graduated from Houghton High School in son, U.S. Army; Garland Wright, U.S. Army; A-One has a global reach and Midwest roots 1983. He joined the Marine Corps in 1983 and and Lawrence Zufelt, U.S. Navy. with projects throughout Iowa and the Midwest married his high school sweetheart Sheila These 28 heroes join more than 63,000 vet- in addition to the West Coast, Australia and (Alatalo) in 1984, and they have one child, erans from across the country who, since China. Katrina. 2005, have journeyed from their home states Mr. Speaker, I am honored to represent Joe attended Marine boot camp and Infantry to Washington, DC to reflect at the memorials such a successful company filled with such Training in California during the Beirut crisis of built in honor of our nation’s veterans. outstanding and hardworking Iowans. I know 1983 and was trained as a Huey & Cobra heli- Mr. Speaker, each of us is humbled by the my colleagues in the U.S. Congress will join copter crew chief, and in marine security courage of these soldiers, sailors, and airmen me in congratulating A-One and I wish them forces. He served in numerous deployments who put themselves in harm’s way for our many more decades of success. from 1985 through 1988 in Operation Northern country and way of life. As a nation, we can f Wedding and in missions to the Mediterranean never fully repay the debt of gratitude owed to and Caribbean regions. He served in Oper- them for their honor, commitment, and sac- SUPPORTING TAIWAN’S MEMBER- ations Desert Shield and Desert Storm and in rifice in defense of the freedoms we have SHIP IN INTERNATIONAL ORGA- Operation Fiery Vigil in the rescue, cleanup today. NIZATIONS and evacuation of the Philippines during the My colleagues, please join me in thanking eruption of Pinatubo. He left active duty in these veterans and the volunteers of Honor HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS 1993 and moved back to the Copper Country. Flight of Eastern Oregon for their exemplary OF NEW YORK As a civilian, Joe went on to complete his dedication and service to this great country. I IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES education with an Associate Applied Science degree from Vincennes University, and certifi- will be hosting a special forum on Capitol Hill Friday, May 13, 2011 next week for these highly distinguished Amer- cations in Forensic Science—Criminal Inves- icans, and I’m very eager to thank them all in Mr. TOWNS. Mr. Speaker, as a long-time tigations, Certified Security Supervisor, Cer- person. friend of Taiwan in the United States Con- tified Protection Officer and FEMA Emergency f gress, and as a member of the 140-member Program Manager. He was Director of Cam- strong bi-partisan Congressional Taiwan Cau- pus Security for Suomi College/Finlandia Uni- CELEBRATING THE THIRD ANNI- cus I rise today to urge my colleagues to join versity, Houghton CO. Special Deputy Sheriff, VERSARY OF THE INAUGURA- me in supporting an issue I and my Tai- Hancock Reserve Police Officer, Chassell TION OF TAIWANESE PRESIDENT wanese American constituents care deeply Township Fireman, and DNR Volunteer Con- MA YING-JEOU about. servation Officer. I am a supporter of Taiwan’s full member- He rejoined components of the Army and HON. CHARLES B. RANGEL ship in international organizations such as the Marine Corps 1994–2004 and participated in OF NEW YORK United Nations. Why? Because I believe it is training missions across the United States, de- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES an anomaly that the country of Taiwan, with a ployed with Task Force Timberwolf in Central population of 23 million, is not represented in America and participated in Operation Endur- Friday, May 13, 2011 the United Nations and its affiliated organiza- ing Freedom in security missions following the Mr. RANGEL. Mr. Speaker, May 20, 2011 tions. 9/11 attacks, until his mobilization and activa- marks the third anniversary of the Inauguration I believe that we, the United States, instead tion for 15 months in the Liberation of Iraq and of Taiwanese President Ma Ying-jeou. of supporting ‘‘meaningful participation’’ for Operation Iraqi Freedom I.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:02 May 14, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A13MY8.002 E13MYPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with REMARKS May 13, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E889 During his service in the Marine Corps and ings, roads, power lines, and other significant called U.S. 1. A post office soon followed. The Army, Joe was decorated for Combat Action infrastructure, Israel has stood strong. Even Sharon Baptist Church was already there sur- and received other awards for personal lead- with the deaths of over 1,000 innocent Israelis rounded by farms. The railroad turned the ership, achievement and meritorious service; over the last several years at the hands of sleepy settlement into a bustling rail camp, including the Purple Heart for wounds re- murderous, suicide bombers and other terror- and a town was born. Years after Daniel Cal- ceived in action in Iraq. His units were cited in ists, the people of Israel stand strong. Israel lahan had moved on to build other railroads, Joint Meritorious Unit Awards, Valorous Unit continues to seek peace with their Palestinian the people officially named the town in his Award, Navy Unit Commendations, Meritorious neighbors and have signed landmark peace honor. Unit Commendations, Navy Battle E, Navy treaties and successfully established peaceful Today, the historic train depot is home to Sea Service, Army Overseas, and other Serv- bilateral relations with neighboring Egypt and the Greater Nassau County Chamber of Com- ice and Campaign Medals for his 31⁄2 years Jordan. merce and the West Nassau Historical Soci- spent overseas in five tours with Marine and Moreover, Iran, which continues to reject ety. For the past several years it has hosted Army Units. Israel’s right to exist as a nation, remains a the Railroad Days Festival, where hundreds of He is a volunteer by nature and has applied continued threat to Israel’s safety and security, folks come to enjoy small-town activities like his entire adult life to serving others in the both through its support of terrorist groups like parades, clowns, American flags, face paint- military, public safety, veterans’ groups, and Hamas and Hezbollah and through its ongoing ing, and ax throwing contests, and of course, non-profits. He has been active in veterans’ efforts to acquire nuclear weapons. model train displays in the lovingly restored affairs for 25 years, notably organizing the A strong and valuable ally, the United old wood building. Also on site is a restored Keweenaw Detachment #1016, Marine Corps States and Israel enjoy a strategic partnership rail segment and caboose, a favorite of the League and Copper Country Chapter #789 based on shared democratic values, friend- children. Military Order Purple Heart with Vietnam vet- ship, and respect. The United States share a Although a significant retail district grew erans Gary Mattson and Tom Heikkinen. Joe deep affinity with the people of Israel and view nearby the depot and a block of beautiful brick continues to serve as a volunteer Michigan Israel as a strong and trusted ally. Not only stores replete with balconies remains, Cal- CCP Firearms Instructor and U.S. Army Am- was the United States the first nation to offer lahan’s town center has moved slightly north bassador for CRSC/TSGLI claims. He is a de facto recognition, but did so only 11 min- from the railroad track to the intersection of Christian and man of faith in God. He serves utes after the creation of the state of Israel. A1A, Lem Turner Highway, and U.S. 1. Here his local church in many capacities, and he In recognizing the 63rd anniversary of the several red brick government buildings, along and his wife, with their dog, Sunny greatly independence of the State of Israel, I reaffirm with small shops—some national franchises enjoy wandering the wilderness of the U.P. of enduring, bipartisan support for the alliance but many local longtime businesses, continue Michigan and across America. The Copper and friendship between the Governments and to serve the folks surrounding the Town. Two Country is greatly honored to have Joe as the peoples of the United States and Israel, for restaurants have large local followings—The Grand Marshal of the Sixth Annual Parade of Israel to exist as a democratic Jewish state, Pig and the Chicken House. If you want good Thanks in Michigan’s Keweenaw. and for its right to defend itself. I look forward barbeque and a cold glass of sweet tea, you f to continued cooperation in resolving future can’t find a better place than in Callahan. mutual challenges and extend warm congratu- Almost everyone in Callahan attends RECOGNIZING THE 63RD ANNIVER- lations and best wishes to the people of Israel church, and church activities are the backbone SARY OF THE INDEPENDENCE OF as they celebrate independence. of most weekly social events. But Callahan THE STATE OF ISRAEL f also boasts annual events, like the Blueberry Festival, the Northeast Florida Fair, the HON. DOUG LAMBORN HONORING THE CENTENNIAL Rodeo, and the Christmas Parade that draw CELEBRATION OF CALLAHAN, OF COLORADO hundreds of visitors. FLORIDA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES As we celebrate the Centennial Anniversary Friday, May 13, 2011 of this charming rural community in West Nas- HON. ANDER CRENSHAW sau County, I congratulate my good friend, Mr. LAMBORN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to OF FLORIDA Mayor Shirley Graham, the Town Council, and recognize the 63rd anniversary of the inde- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES all who have made this occasion special. But pendence of the State of Israel, declared on Friday, May 13, 2011 I especially laud the townspeople and those May 14, 1948. Israel has provided Jews from who live just outside the town limits on their all over the world with the opportunity to rees- Mr. CRENSHAW. Mr. Speaker, I rise today neighborliness, their can-do spirit, and small- tablish and participate in a Jewish state and to recognize the Centennial Celebration of the town warmth. When I think of what makes up society in their ancient homeland, the Land of Town of Callahan in Nassau County, Florida, the heart and soul of America, I need look no Israel, with the city of Jerusalem as its undi- which received its Charter on May 23, 1911. farther than Callahan, Florida. vided capital. Not only is Israel home to many It is my privilege to represent the warm, friend- f religious sites sacred to Judaism, Christianity, ly people in this small municipality. Although it and Islam, but Israel has provided a refuge to is only 1.3 square miles in size, Callahan NATIONAL NURSING HOME WEEK Jews who survived the unprecedented horrors stands at the crossroads of major transpor- of the Holocaust and Jewish refugees who tation links to Jacksonville and Georgia. For HON. SHELLEY MOORE CAPITO fled persecution around the world. the surrounding rural, isolated farms, Callahan OF WEST VIRGINIA The people of Israel have established a plu- is town. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ralistic democracy that includes the freedoms As with much of Northeast Florida, the rail- cherished by the people of the United States, road brought development and people to what Friday, May 13, 2011 including freedom of speech, freedom of reli- had been wild, wet timber lands and home to Mrs. CAPITO. Mr. Speaker, I am proud to gion, freedom of association, freedom of the the Timucuan Indians. Callahan was no ex- recognize National Nursing Home Week, press, and government by the consent of the ception. More than 150 years ago, David which began nationwide on May 8, and con- governed. Israel continues to serve as a shin- Yulee, owner of the Florida Railroad Company cludes on May 14th. This year’s theme, ‘‘Ful- ing model of democratic values by regularly and Florida’s first U.S. Senator, hired a sea- filling the Promise,’’ was selected to honor holding free and fair elections, promoting the soned railroad man named Daniel Callahan to those who are serving others, thus adding free exchange of ideas, and vigorously exer- prepare the land for the laying of railroad value to life. National Nursing Home Week is cising in its Parliament, the Knesset, a demo- tracks across the middle of Nassau County. a time to reach out to older Americans in cratic government that is fully representative of Many of Florida’s pioneer family members these facilities who have given so much to our its citizens. worked on the rail for 23 cents a day. At that communities and country. They are our loved Additionally, Israel has bravely defended time, the economy mostly centered on the log- ones, our veterans, our teachers, nurses, itself from terrorist and military attacks repeat- ging business although herds of cattle, horses friends, and much more. edly since independence. With thousands of and hogs roamed the still unfenced country- It’s also a time to better understand the val- rocket attacks from violent extremist groups in side as farmers and ranchers worked hard uable work of nursing home staff. They pro- Gaza against Israeli civilian targets in recent under the Florida sun. vide quality care day in and day out, focusing years that have caused hundreds of casualties During construction, a railroad station was on person-centered care so that elderly and and have destroyed homes, schools, build- built where the tracks cross Kings Road, now disabled residents can live life in a meaningful

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:02 May 14, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K13MY8.004 E13MYPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with REMARKS E890 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 13, 2011 way. All across America, nursing homes pro- During the United Farm Workers prolonged spiration to all who knew him, and he will be vide fulfilling places to work, employing mil- grape and lettuce boycotts, Joe collected greatly missed. lions of Americans even in these tough eco- truckloads of food for the striking farm work- f nomic times. In West Virginia alone, nursing ers. homes and other long term care facilities Upon learning of Joe’s passing, Arturo S. SUPPORT OF TAIWAN’S FULL make up one of the state’s largest industries Rodriguez, president of the United Farm MEMBERSHIP IN THE WORLD and employers. These jobs make nursing Workers of America, recalled, ‘‘During the HEALTH ORGANIZATION homes a critical component of local and state most challenging and turbulent times of the economies. In West Virginia, they support an farm worker movement, beginning in the HON. SCOTT GARRETT estimated $1.7 billion of the state’s economic 1960s and ’70s, no one in the Latino commu- OF NEW JERSEY activity and $38.6 million in tax revenue. nity did more and could be counted on with IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES As this year marks the first year that baby greater consistency than Joe Sanchez. He Friday, May 13, 2011 boomers will reach the age of 65, the critical was often the first person in the Chicano com- role that long term care facilities play will only munity to whom Cesar would turn when the Mr. GARRETT. Mr. Speaker, as a Member become more important. These facilities will farm workers needed help.’’ A close friend, of Congress and a friend of Taiwan, I rise be even more critical in states like West Vir- Cesar Chavez and his family often stayed in today to urge my colleagues to join me in sup- ginia where we have the second highest per- the Sanchez home when he was in Los Ange- porting Taiwan’s full membership in the World centage of citizens who are over the age of les. Health Organization, WHO. 65. In 1973, Mayor Tom Bradley appointed him Since 2009, China has permitted Taiwan to Let us all celebrate the critical work of nurs- to serve as a member of the Board of Fire participate in the annual summit of the WHO ing homes in caring for our nation’s seniors, Commissioners—the first Latino to hold such a in Geneva on a restricted basis. This year’s employing Americans and strengthening the position. He was elected to serve as President meeting will be held from May 16th to the economy. I ask all Americans to join me in Pro Tem of the commission from 1973–76, 24th. While I certainly welcome Taiwan’s par- celebrating National Nursing Home Week by and as Vice President from 1977–78. During ticipation in this important international body, I taking part in local activities and ceremonies his tenure, Joe pushed the LA Fire Depart- am also concerned about the restrictions that around the country. ment to stop discriminatory hiring practices China has placed upon Taiwan’s involvement. f against Mexican Americans, African Ameri- First, Taiwan’s role in the WHO has been A TRIBUTE TO THE LATE JOE cans and Asians. restricted to that of ‘‘observer status.’’ This SANCHEZ, SUCCESSFUL LOS AN- Under his leadership, Joe brought about a means that Taiwan does not have the ability GELES BUSINESSMAN AND DEDI- dramatic increase in the hiring of Latino fire- to vote, speak, or participate in deliberations— CATED COMMUNITY ACTIVIST fighters, paramedics and civilian employees in they can only sit and listen. I believe that as the fire department from 67 to 300. Bilingual a sovereign state, with a population of 23 mil- positions at the department increased mark- lion people, Taiwan deserves full representa- HON. LUCILLE ROYBAL-ALLARD edly from 12 to 119. The department imple- tion in the United Nations and its affiliated or- OF CALIFORNIA mented a bilingual Emergency Training Pro- ganizations. As such, Taiwan should be recog- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES gram to teach firefighters emergency phrases nized as a full voting member of the WHO. Friday, May 13, 2011 in Spanish. A citywide study was conducted to As we all know, infectious disease knows no Ms. ROYBAL-ALLARD. Mr. Speaker, I rise assure equal services to all areas of Los An- borders. Taiwan was affected in 2003 by an today to recognize the late Joe Sanchez, a geles and, for the first time, the department outbreak of Severe Acute Respiratory Syn- dedicated community activist, successful Los published fire prevention brochures in Span- drome (SARS) and the 2009 outbreak of the Angeles businessman and a dear friend of the ish. H1N1 virus. These events demonstrate the im- Roybal family who passed away May 10 at the Genethia Hudley-Hayes, president of the portant role Taiwan plays in global health and age of 77. Los Angeles Board of Fire Commissioners, the Nation should be recognized as such. Born on June 2, 1933 in Albuquerque, New said of Joe’s contribution to the commission, Second, Taiwan is participating again this Mexico, Joe’s family moved to Los Angeles ‘‘His was the first voice on the Fire Commis- year as ‘‘Chinese-Taipei.’’ I would prefer to when he was eight years old following the out- sion that spoke boldly, no matter the con- see Taiwan recognized under its name ‘‘Tai- break of World War II. sequences, for access, equity and fair treat- wan’’ rather than as a subsidiary of China. As a teenager, he worked at Weber and ment for all of the men and women in the Los Lastly, I have grave concern with China’s Sons, a local discount grocery store in the Angeles Fire Service.’’ veto power over Taiwan’s role on the inter- Wall Street/Olympic area of Los Angeles. That In August 2010, Councilman Ed Reyes paid national stage. Chinese approval should not job would be the start of his career in the tribute to Joe with a bronze plaque at Fire Sta- be a prerequisite for Taiwanese participation wholesale grocery business. The discount re- tion No.1 in Lincoln Heights. in United Nations organizations, or any other tail grocery outlets he owned and operated in- The plaque states that as a commissioner, international organization. Taiwan should not cluded: La Quebradita grocery stores in East Joe distinguished himself through his commit- have to rely upon the goodwill of China to Los Angeles and Pico Rivera, which he co- ment to the goals of the Consent Decree, a voice beyond its borders. Allowing this to be- owned with his sister and brother-in-law Dolo- 1974 court-ordered mandate that required the come the international norm will undermine its res and Cal Soto; La Marketa in Stanton; and department to hire minorities, ‘‘thus reinforcing current status as an independent, sovereign Civic Center Sales, originally located in China- the principles of social and equal justice state. town and later moved to Lincoln Heights. In through the employment of all people regard- To close, I believe the United States should addition, Joe served on numerous civic and in- less of race, color, creed or national origin.’’ amend its current policy of supporting ‘‘mean- dustry boards. He founded the Mexican Amer- In the decade following his service on the ingful participation.’’ I therefore urge my col- ican Grocers Association in 1977 and was an commission, Joe continued his quest for jus- leagues to join me in supporting Taiwan’s full active member of the Southern California Gro- tice in the workplace. During the 1980s, Joe and equal membership in the WHO as well as cers Association. was the first person to publicly and financially other international organizations. But while Joe was an astute and successful support a discrimination lawsuit brought by a f businessman, his true passion was the pursuit group of FBI officers who claimed they had of social justice for Mexican Americans, as been denied promotions because they were RECOGNIZING FAITH ANDRULOT— well as other disenfranchised groups. For Hispanic. He was able to gather support in a NATIONAL RECIPIENT OF EXCEL- more than five decades, he used his busi- community long wary of the agency for the LENCE IN NURSING AWARD nesses as a catalyst for social change and to controversial lawsuit, which the agents eventu- help fund the social justice and political ally won. HON. BLAINE LUETKEMEYER causes he cared most about. Joe advocated Mr. Speaker, in addition to all of Joe’s con- OF MISSOURI on behalf of the anti-war movement. He tributions to the Los Angeles community, he IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES worked to end discrimination in hiring and job was also a devoted husband, father, grand- promotion, advance educational opportunities father and even great grandfather. I ask my Friday, May 13, 2011 for Latinos, and increase the number of Mexi- colleagues to please join me in extending our Mr. LUETKEMEYER. Mr. Speaker, I rise can American elected officials and business condolences to his wife, Laura Balverde today to recognize Faith Andrulot, a national owners. Sanchez, and his entire family. Joe was an in- recipient of the Excellence in Nursing Award

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:02 May 14, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K13MY8.007 E13MYPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with REMARKS May 13, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E891 from Secretary Eric Shinseki of the Depart- hance the bountiful habitats of the various versity, but the economic pressures of having ment of Veterans Affairs on May 10, 2011. species of fish and wildlife that call the water- five of her eight children in college during that Ms. Andrulot is a resident of Moberly, Mis- shed home by setting up countless cleanup time interrupted her studies and she was only souri, and has been employed by the Harry S. events. These initiatives have helped improve able to complete 69 of the 72 credits required Truman Memorial Veterans’ Hospital as a li- the quality of life for residents and the overall to obtain the degree. She became certified as censed practical nurse since 1994. After grad- environmental health of surrounding commu- a teacher and joined the faculty of Paramus uating from Ivy Tech State College in Bloom- nities. Furthermore, a vibrant and clean water- Catholic Regional Boys High School, eventu- ington, Indiana, Faith worked at Bloomington way also has a tremendous economic impact ally becoming the Chair of the Modern Lan- Hospital. Following her time there, she came on local businesses which depend on the wa- guage Department and the school’s first fe- to Columbia, Missouri, to the Truman Vet- tershed, like golf courses and apple orchards, male administrator. She also served as an Ad- erans’ Hospital. just to name a few. junct Professor of Spanish Literature at Seton Faith has worked as a medical surgical Mr. Speaker, Dan has also been a strong Hall University for 7 years. nurse in the Virginia community and in the pri- leader by forming new relationships among Mary and her family moved to River Edge, vate sector, at the Community Living Center, various partners and stakeholders involved New Jersey, where she quickly became in- in hospice care, specialty clinics, and Primary with the watershed. Whether it is the public or volved in her church and in local political and Care clinics. Ms. Andrulot has played a part in private sector, there is now a desire to open civic causes. At St. Peter the Apostle Church, the Root Cause analysis team, helping to ad- the line of communication to accomplish a she was elected to serve on her parish’s vance patient safety. In her free time, she common goal. His work has certainly ad- council, taught religious school, served as works as a member of the LPN Standards vanced the mission of the Clinton River Water- both a Lector and a Eucharist Minister, and Board and the Patient Aligned Care Team. shed Council, which is to protect, enhance, became involved in various ministries. Mary The Department of Veterans Affairs honors and celebrate the Clinton River, its watershed, joined the River Edge Democratic Club and local recipients for the Excellence in Nursing and Lake St. Clair. went on to serve as Committeewoman for Dis- Award. Ms. Andrulot was one of only 21 As a lifelong boater and someone who has trict 4 for 50 years. Mary was the first woman nurses chosen at the network level to lived on the water my entire life, I have wit- to ever be elected to the River Edge Council, progress to the national level. We recognize nessed firsthand the great work performed by where she served two terms. She was the first her today for her strong, team-oriented ap- the CRWC. It has been my privilege to work Hispanic-American ever elected to the Bergen proach to improving the care of our nation’s with the CRWC and Mr. Keifer on numerous County Board of Chosen Freeholders. As a veterans. Her colleagues, husband, and three issues. Freeholder, Mary’s commitment to education children are very proud of the work she has I commend Mr. Keifer for all his hard work was instrumental in creating the Bergen Coun- done to better her community. and achievements during his tenure with the ty Academies. She was elected to serve as a In closing, Mr. Speaker, I ask all my col- CRWC. I know Dan has always had our com- member of the Democratic National Com- leagues to join me in honoring Faith Andrulot munity’s best interests at heart, which is evi- mittee during both of President Bill Clinton’s on her great accomplishment of receiving this dent by his lifetime of accomplishments. We terms in office, and was subsequently elected prestigious award. are fully cognizant of the fact we are not doing Chair of the DNC’s Hispanic Caucus during f our job if we do not provide a better future for that time. As a member of New Jersey’s His- our children and the next generation to follow. panic Task Force, she helped empower and HONORING THE RETIREMENT OF In closing Mr. Speaker, I want to extend my register Latino voters across the State. Under CLINTON RIVER WATERSHED best wishes to Mr. Dan Keifer on this special Governor Jim Florio, Mary served on New Jer- COUNCIL COMMUNITY OUTREACH occasion. He will be severely missed, but his sey’s Democratic State Platform Committee, DIRECTOR DAN KEIFER presence will still be felt by those who con- drafting the component addressing environ- tinue to serve at the CRWC. I hope he enjoys mental issues. In 1991, she ran as the Demo- HON. CANDICE S. MILLER his retirement and I thank him for his service cratic candidate for New Jersey Senate in Dis- OF MICHIGAN to the citizens of the State of Michigan. His trict 39, and although she did not win, her IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES work is officially recognized and greatly appre- drive and desire to improve her community was hardly deterred. Mary is one of the found- Friday, May 13, 2011 ciated. f ing members of the Latino American Demo- Mrs. MILLER of Michigan. Mr. Speaker, it is cratic Association of Bergen County, LADA, an my distinct pleasure to recognize the dedi- HONORING MARY BUSTILLO organization that was formed in 1993 and con- cated service of Clinton River Watershed DONOHUE tinues to grow today. She was appointed by Council, CRWC, Community Outreach Director Governor Christine Todd Whitman to the His- Dan Keifer. On May 18, 2011, Dan will retire HON. STEVEN R. ROTHMAN toric New Bridge Landing Park Commission, after 10 years on the job with the watershed. OF NEW JERSEY where she led efforts to rename the River Prior to the CRWC, Dan founded the Friends IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Edge Post Office Sub-station as the New of Clinton River Trail, and remains an active Bridge Landing Post Office, to obtain State member of the Oakland Land Conservancy Friday, May 13, 2011 Park recognition for Historic New Bridge Land- and Challenge Chapter of Trout Unlimited. Mr. ROTHMAN of New Jersey. Mr. Speaker, ing, and to rename the North Hackensack, Without question, he has been a tireless ad- I rise today to congratulate my dear friend and New Jersey, Transit Station as Historic New vocate and supporter of water quality issues longtime colleague, Mary Bustillo Donohue, on Bridge Landing at River Edge. Mary continues throughout Macomb and Oakland County. De- being honored by the Paramus Catholic High to serve devotedly as the Vice Chair of this spite the challenges, Dan has remained a vital School Alumni Foundation for 31 years of commission. team member of the CRWC, facing any prob- dedication as a Spanish teacher and Chair of As a member of my staff in Hackensack, lem head-on. He has done an exceptional job the Modern Language Department. Mary’s list Mary works tirelessly to assist constituents promoting the Clinton River, Lake St. Clair and of accomplishments and causes to which she with immigration and citizenship issues. Even supporting waterways in the area. He has suc- has devoted herself is as impressive as it is outside of her diligent efforts as a Congres- cessfully undertaken a public awareness cam- extensive. I am very fortunate and proud to sional caseworker, Mary is always striving to paign properly informing the people about the have such a compassionate and hardworking serve others in her community—whether she history and unique story of the watershed. His individual as a member of my staff. is teaching Spanish to senior citizens in Tea- work has highlighted the importance of this Mary was born on February 14, 1925 in Ha- neck, working to beautify River Edge, or vol- wonderful natural resource and the urgency to vana, Cuba, where she spent the first 8 years unteering on a local Democratic campaign, I protect and revive this pristine treasure which of her life until her family moved to New York am in awe of Mary’s boundless energy and is literally in our backyards. City to escape the repressive Cuban govern- devotion to civic duty. And yet, despite Mary’s After joining the CRWC in 2002, Dan’s de- ment. Mary’s passion for both education and lifetime of accomplishments—of which there voted efforts have played a key role in getting civic involvement was instilled by her parents are too many to list here in their entirety—her people to take advantage of the numerous at an early age. She graduated magna cum proudest achievement is the beautiful family recreational opportunities available to them laude with a B.A. and summa cum laude with she created with her loving husband, Jerry like kayaking, canoeing, fishing, hiking, biking, an M.B.A. from Fairleigh Dickinson University Donohue. Throughout their 57 years of mar- swimming and much much more. And he has in Teaneck, New Jersey. Mary later pursued a riage, until his passing in 2003, Jerry and been on the frontlines to maintain and en- Ph.D. in Spanish Literature at New York Uni- Mary remained steadfastly supportive of each

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:02 May 14, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A13MY8.007 E13MYPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with REMARKS E892 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 13, 2011 other and madly in love. Together, they raised All because of your most sacred gift, your A TRIBUTE TO AMERICAN LEGION eight wonderful children, who have blessed most precious life as was all of AUXILIARY UNIT 278 them with 17 grandchildren and 2 great-grand- this... children, with two more great-grandchildren on As why Mark, you were so Devout! As a hero who so marched off to war . . . All HON. TOM LATHAM the way. for God and Country, as was your bur- OF IOWA Mr. Speaker, today I have the privilege of den bore! IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES recognizing Mary Bustillo Donohue for her ex- And oh what a magnificent shadow, you’d so Friday, May 13, 2011 traordinary work as an educator and a lifetime cast... of devotion to helping others. Mary is an inspi- So striking there, all in uniform as now Mr. LATHAM. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to ration to all who meet her, and I cannot thank etched upon our hearts to last! recognize the American Legion Auxiliary Unit her enough for all that she has done for so With that Bama hat upon your head, as your 278 of Osage, Iowa. The Unit has created a many and that she continues to do. most brilliant smile to all so said... program entitled ‘‘Merit Awards’’ in which the So said, that was a smile that could have f unit awards the amount of $300 to each suc- launched a thousand ships... cessful applicant graduating with the senior RECOGNIZING SENIOR AIRMAN As why when we so see your picture, oh how class of Osage Community School District. MARK ANDREW FORESTER the pain it gives! For you were a lover of life, all in your most Unit 278 is devoted to assisting students in sacred path so bright! their pursuit of higher education and I am hon- HON. ROBERT B. ADERHOLT And all of those children that you’ve so ored to submit for the record the following OF ALABAMA touched, and made laugh on those commentary on the program in Osage. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES nights... ‘‘American Legion Auxiliary Unit 278 and the Friday, May 13, 2011 All in the midst of dark evil war, as to them Merit Award Program: your warmth and love meant so much The Osage American Legion Auxiliary Unit Mr. ADERHOLT. Mr. Speaker, today I would more! 278 is very much attuned to the importance of like to recognize a fallen hero, Senior Airman Bringing, such smiles to all of their faces education and financial needs of students in Mark Andrew Forester, from my hometown of . . . now carried within their hearts in all places! attending post high school institutions of learn- Haleyville, Alabama. ing. Our unit had developed a process called Mark was killed in action on September 29, As, such a magnificent warrior who so lived ‘‘Merit Awards’’ whereby we raise monies to 2010, while so valiantly trying to rescue a and died . . . by these words of pride! be used for the student applicants in furthering wounded comrade, SGT 1st Class Calvin Har- Strength in Honor, as why on this morning we now so cry... their education. ris; Mark ran into direct enemy fire, without re- As we found out all about your actions the Each year we hold an event (Merit Award gard of his own life, in an attempt to pull his day you died! luncheon and bake sale) for the community. comrade back to safety. Both died on that Devout! Proceeds from the event are used entirely for day, and only earlier on that morning they had Shining, so brightly . . . Airman Forester, Merit Awards. All food for the event is donated within and out! taken a beautiful photo together. by members and prepared at the site. In addi- Mark was a highly decorated Airman who So Brilliant . . . So Brilliant . . . as was tion, members are asked to either donate gave that last full measure of devotion and re- your life no doubt! items for the bake sale or contribute $5.00 in ceived many honors, such as Purple Hearts A beacon of hope, for all of mankind as was lieu of a baked donation. Our unit boasts 378 and a Bronze Star with Valor. He was so very your true amount! Showing us all to what new heights a soul members, 35 of whom are Junior members. loved by all of the men in his unit, and his can climb! One of the highlights of this event is a drawing beautiful family. All in your glory, and such selflessness we for an American flag and flag pole which is in- This coming Saturday, May 14, marks what now so find! stalled by the Legion free of charge to the win- would have been his 30th birthday. In recogni- Honor, Duty, Country, God, and Family . . . ner. tion of that occasion I ask that a tribute to As it was you Mark, who so ran into that Each year applications are made available Mark be inserted in the RECORD, written by face of hell! to the Osage School district for graduating Bert Caswell, at the behest of Mark’s fellow But, to save your Brother In Arms Calvin seniors. Our unit has a committee to review airman George Earhart who was in battle with . . . as we will all remember well! applications and determine the successful ap- him on that day. Airman Earhart was inspired Because all in that moment of truth, as your most noble heart gave us all the plicants. This year we had 10 applicants with by Mark, that Mark was the greatest person proof... a Merit Award in the amount for $300. Two of he has ever met, and was greatly impacted by That, you were so Devout! those awards will be made by contributions his love of all the children in theater. As you had done so many times before! from two families, one honoring one of our Our thoughts and prayers are with Mark and All for what was real! And what is true! As auxiliary members and the other in memory of his family, as they continue to mourn his loss. why on this day, our hearts so break one of our deceased members. for you... DEVOUT Presentation of these Merit Awards is made All In . . . As why all our tears so flow, whenever we so think of you so! And how you were, so by a member of our unit at the Osage High All in this our Country of Tis of Thee . . . School Award Assembly in May. Unit 278 There are such brave hearts, such magnifi- Devout... cent souls such men as these! And thinking of all of your love ones, pain so takes great pride in our efforts to communicate Such Strong Bold Men, who all in Strength now... to students the importance of education and In Honor do so believe! And all of your Brothers In Arms, who now throughout the year we participate in activities Freedom Fighters who so live and die . . . with you must now so live without! involved in education.’’ All with their most sacred battle cries! For in your lifetime Mark, you so soared! Mr. Speaker, as you can see the American Who are all so Devout! High above, as an Eagle . . . as an Airman, Legion Auxiliary Unit 278 is a great example All in and out, as all in their most magnifi- In The United States Air Force! As all across Alabama this night... of the commitment of patriotic Americans to cent hues! their community. I am honored to represent As they all so stand so very strong, all for As you lay your head down to rest, and all of that old Red, White, and Blue! those tears you must fight... them and all of Osage in the U.S. Congress. And all, with families who but live so close! And to their families, who now so live I know all my colleagues will join me in con- As on each new morning, their love but without... gratulating them for a job well done. means the most! Take comfort, all in those souls that Mark f Who now must so live all in such pain, and in has so blessed! such heartache to remain... As comes a gentle rain, as our Lord’s tears GEORGE WASHINGTON BOY’S SWIM As their most swollen tears upon theirface wash down upon you to ease your TEAM fall like the rains... pain... As were you Mark, so Devout! A man for all And upon you will remain, until up in Heav- seasons, all throughout! en you all meet once again... HON. SHELLEY MOORE CAPITO As God, Country, and Family . . . were, but And you won’t have to cry anymore... OF WEST VIRGINIA what you were so really all about! For Mark is but an Angel in flight, to watch IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES And, ah yes you were but our Father’s over us all this night! Friday, May 13, 2011 Son... All in the Army of our Lord, to turn the As why now, from up in Heaven his tears for darkness into the light! Mrs. CAPITO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to your selflessness so run... Who, are Devout! congratulate the George Washington Patriots

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:02 May 14, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A13MY8.009 E13MYPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with REMARKS May 13, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E893 Swim Team for winning the 2011 state cham- admired, and accomplished champions with IN HONOR OF VERA M. pionship. The past three years have amounted the death on May 3 of Dr. James Mongan. ANDRYCZYK to a great deal of success for the Patriot Jim’s last professional position was as presi- swimmers, winning the 2009 state champion- dent of Partners Health Care in Boston, fol- HON. JIM GERLACH ship and coming in as runner-up last year. For lowing his service as president of the Massa- OF PENNSYLVANIA a few seniors, this marks the end of a great chusetts General Hospital, a position he as- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES high school career and I want to congratulate sumed in 1996. His tenure there was heralded them as well as the rest of the team for their for remarkable achievements and progress. Friday, May 13, 2011 time and hard work. But for those of us who benefitted from his Mr. GERLACH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to It takes a strong group of young men to advice and experience in Washington, this congratulate Vera M. Andryczyk on her tire- maintain the drive and dedication they have was only the latest in a series of positions in less efforts on behalf of the Ukraine-American shown season after season. I want to thank which Jim worked tirelessly to increase access community and her recognition by the Board their coach, Melissa Case, for instilling such a to health care services, to ensure that all of Directors of the Ukrainian Federation of focus in her team. It certainly has not gone Americans have health insurance, and to inno- America. unnoticed. vate and improve the quality and effectiveness Vera’s outstanding record of service and ac- These individuals should be very proud of of our health care delivery system. complishments makes her most worthy of this their accomplishment and represent the high- In the early days of his career in Wash- honor. She is a founding member of the est level of George Washington High School ington, Jim was the first doctor to serve as Ukrainian Human Rights Committee and the student athletes. I wish them the best and professional staff to the Senate Finance Com- Ukrainian Federation of America, and she know they will display the same level of char- mittee. He went on to work at the Department serves on the Board of Directors and as Vice acter in their future pursuits as they did in the of Health, Education and Welfare with Sec- President of Public Relations for the Ukrainian pool. retary Joe Califano, and then in the Carter Educational and Cultural Center. In addition, f White House, where he headed efforts to she serves on the Board of Directors of the enact a national health insurance plan in his Ukrainian American Relief Committee. RECOGNIZING 50TH JUBILEE OF role as Associate Director for Health on the All of these positions have allowed Vera to THE NAVAL AVIATION MEMO- domestic policy staff. serve her fellow Ukrainian-Americans, RIAL CHAPEL After leaving Washington, Jim became the strengthen U.S.-Ukrainian relations and assist chief executive officer of the Truman Medical Ukraine in its effort to become a strong and vi- HON. JEFF MILLER Center, a public safety net institution in Kan- brant democracy. As part of her ongoing com- OF FLORIDA sas City, Missouri, and Dean of the University mitment, she also earned participation on IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of Missouri-Kansas City medical school. His President George W. Bush’s official delegation Friday, May 13, 2011 work as a leader in academic medicine, in de- to the inauguration of President Viktor livery system reform, and in bringing services Mr. MILLER of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I rise Yuschenko. Always looking for additional op- to the uninsured and low-income, was widely to recognize the Naval Aviation Memorial portunities, she has also served as a member known and respected. Chapel on its 50th Jubilee. of Ukrainian Women’s League of America and During all his many years away from Wash- In 1961, Naval Air Station Pensacola, the she was one of the first to organize help to the ington, Jim’s keen interest in public policy and ‘‘Cradle of Naval Aviation,’’ dedicated the Me- victims of the Chernobyl disaster. the goal of expanded heath care coverage morial Chapel during a celebration of the 50th Mr. Speaker, I ask that my colleagues join never flagged. He was a frequent and insight- anniversary of Naval Aviation. Today, during me today in congratulating Vera M. Andryczyk ful witness before many Committees in Con- this centennial year of Naval Aviation, it is fit- on the occasion of the recognition she is being gress. His service as a Member on many advi- ting that we recognize the 50th anniversary of accorded by the Board of Directors of the sory boards was highly sought, including serv- the Naval Aviation Memorial Chapel. Ukrainian Federation of America and for her As a testimony to the love of God and ice on the Prospective Payment Advisory indefatigable efforts to support, assist and Country that is shared among many in the Commission (a predecessor to MedPAC), on serve the Ukrainian-American community. Northwest Florida military community, the the board of the American Hospital Associa- f tion, on the board of the Kaiser Family Foun- chapel continues to stand as a place of wor- ASSAD MUST GO ship, guidance and support to military families. dation, and as a member of the Kaiser Com- In the 50 years since its opening, thousands mission on Medicaid and the Uninsured from of members of the Armed Forces have been its inception in 1991. He also served as a HON. ADAM B. SCHIFF joined in marriage, and in celebration of its member of the board of the Commonwealth OF CALIFORNIA golden anniversary, all couples who were mar- Foundation and the Chair of the Common- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES wealth Commission on High Performance ried at the chapel have been invited to return Friday, May 13, 2011 and renew their vows. John ‘‘J.R.’’ and Sharon Health Systems. Mr. SCHIFF. Mr. Speaker, the outrages per- Arthur, the first couple married at the chapel, His leadership and participation in all of petrated by Syrian President Bashar Assad will return this weekend to make the ceremo- these areas was a reflection of the value that against his own people have laid bare his re- nial walk up the aisle on behalf of all who was placed on his experience, his knowledge, gime’s total lack of legitimacy. The shelling of have been married there over the years. and his sage advice. He could be depended Homs evokes memories of the 1982 massacre Mr. Speaker, on behalf of the United States on to cut through to the heart of the problem, at Hama, in which his father ordered the Syr- Congress, I am privileged to recognize the and to offer pithy, practical and wise counsel. ian army into the rebellious city, killing up to 50th anniversary of the Naval Aviation Memo- Jim was an instrumental partner in achieve- 40,000 people. rial Chapel and all the couples returning to ment of the health care reform system in Mas- After the elder Assad died in 2000, the new renew their vows this weekend. My wife Vicki sachusetts, an achievement of which he was president, in interviews with western journal- and I wish them all the best. May the Spirit of proud for its impact on his own State, and ists, made several cautious statements that the Lord continue to bless the chapel. I am which helped serve as the impetus for the led many Syrians to believe that their new certain this anniversary is the first of many long-sought achievement of health care reform president would be willing to take at least the milestones to come. for all American. In 2009, he co-authored Chaos and Organi- first steps towards democracy in their ancient f zation in Health Care, a book that was her- land. Indeed, the first months of the new re- REMARKS HONORING THE LIFE OF alded as ‘‘the single most informative and ab- gime saw a period of intense political and so- DR. JAMES MONGAN sorbing examination of what is wrong with the cial debate in Syria which continued to some U.S. health care system, and what to do about degree until the fall of 2001, when the govern- HON. HENRY A. WAXMAN it.’’ It was an accurate reflection of the inter- ment sharply reversed course and ended what OF CALIFORNIA ests and work that dominated his entire ca- had become known as the Damascus Spring. Similarly, others saw his succession and the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES reer. Jim was a wise and kind person. He served September 11 attacks as an opportunity to Friday, May 13, 2011 as friend, mentor and advisor for more people coax Syria into playing a more constructive re- Mr. WAXMAN. Mr. Speaker, last week the in Washington and the health care world than gional role, especially in Lebanon, and as a health world lost one of its most respected, we can count. By all of us, he will be missed. chance to widen the circle of Arab-Israeli

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:02 May 14, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K13MY8.009 E13MYPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with REMARKS E894 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 13, 2011 peace. As with the domestic opening, this too Lieutenant Colonel United States Air Force PERSONAL EXPLANATION proved fleeting and illusory. Tentative Syrian Retired. cooperation in the opening months of the cam- The artists who inspired and created these HON. JOHN CONYERS, JR. paign against al Qaeda after 9/11 did not last important monuments are Lee Stanley—Lieu- OF MICHIGAN and, in 2005, Syrian intelligence officers joined tenant Commander United States Naval Re- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES with Hezbollah in murdering Lebanese Prime serve Retired, recipient of two Distinguished Friday, May 13, 2011 Minister Rafik Harriri and provoking a war with Flying Crosses and nine Air Medals—and his Israel in the summer of 2006. In Iraq, Syria loving wife Pita. Mr. CONYERS. Mr. Speaker, on May 5, worked with Iran to supply arms to radical Shi- 2011, I inadvertently cast a ‘‘yea’’ vote for Mr. Speaker, it is my hope these memorials ite militias, even as the country sought to join H.R. 1230. I intended to vote ‘‘nay.’’ its ally in the pursuit of nuclear weapons. serve as powerful reminders of how our na- Now the Assad regime has turned on its tion’s liberty and justice has been preserved f own people, who have been inspired by their by the dedication of our armed forces. May their patriotic spirit and devotion to our nation IN RECOGNITION OF DR. BYRON J. fellow Arabs in Tunisia, Egypt and elsewhere GROSS to rise up to demand their rights. As Ameri- continue to inspire Americans for generations cans and as the custodians of a great democ- to come. While no single tribute can fully racy that was forged in revolution, we have a honor their sacrifice, these memorials offer a HON. GARY L. ACKERMAN special obligation to support and nurture the chance for our community to stand together in OF NEW YORK aspirations of others who seek to secure for honoring the men and women who have IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES fought under the Stars and Stripes. It is with themselves and their posterity the blessings of Friday, May 13, 2011 liberty. great pride that I ask the United States House We in Congress must use every diplomatic of Representatives to join me in recognizing Mr. ACKERMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today and economic tool at our disposal to end this these important Veteran memorials. to honor Dr. Byron J. Gross for his exceptional dictatorship and I urge President Obama to military service to the United States during support the Syrian people in their quest for an f World War II. On May 25th, 2011, the Honor end to the corruption and brutality in the Flight program will recognize Dr. Gross along Assad regime. TRIBUTE TO THE 80TH ANNIVER- with other World War II veterans at the World SARY OF THE SOUTH FLINT War II Memorial in Washington, DC for an- f TABERNACLE swering the call of service to our country in a PAYING TRIBUTE TO THREE time of dire peril. VETERAN MONUMENTS In 1942, when his country needed him, Dr. HON. DALE E. KILDEE Gross did not hesitate—he left his private den- tal practice and immediately joined the Army HON. MARY BONO MACK OF MICHIGAN OF CALIFORNIA medical corps. In the service, he went above IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and beyond his assigned duties, dem- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Friday, May 13, 2011 onstrating extraordinary patriotism and a tire- Friday, May 13, 2011 less commitment to service. He was recog- Mrs. BONO MACK. Mr. Speaker, I rise Mr. KILDEE. Mr. Speaker, on Sunday, May nized for his outstanding achievements and today to pay tribute to three Veteran monu- 15th, the South Flint Tabernacle will celebrate promoted to Captain before his honorable dis- ments in my hometown of Palm Springs, Cali- 80 years of bringing the Word of God to the charge in 1946. fornia—the ‘‘Desert Fliers Command Distin- people of Genesee County. The congregation Dr. Gross was initially stationed stateside in guished Flying Cross Wall of Honor,’’ ‘‘On A will join together on that day to express their Wyoming at Ft. Francis E. Warren. He then Wing and A Prayer Missing Man Monument,’’ gratitude for the multiple blessings bestowed transferred to Camp Phillips in Salina, Kansas and ‘‘Freedom.’’ upon them by Our Lord, Jesus Christ. where, in addition to his regular duties in the The ‘‘Desert Fliers Command Distinguished Reverend John McLaughlin founded South dental clinic, he was a bivouac officer. In Flying Cross Wall of Honor’’ was dedicated on Flint Tabernacle in 1931. Several months later 1943, Dr. Gross was sent overseas to treat November 11, 2004, and is located at the he turned the church over to Reverend Albert enlisted personnel and officers, as well as su- Palm Springs Air Museum. The Desert Fliers A. Abbey. Reverend Abbey remained as the pervise the set-up, personnel, and day-to-day Command is a group of airmen who now live pastor for the next 35 years. During this time operations of dental laboratories based in in the Coachella Valley and have been award- the church relocated to its current site in Bur- England, France, and Germany. ed the Distinguished Flying Cross for bravery ton, Michigan. Due to an expanding congrega- Once stationed in England, Dr. Gross wit- in air combat. This stunning black marble tion the church is planning to relocate to a nessed the devastating blitzkrieg of London monument stands nearly seventeen feet and larger facility in the near future. The Reverend which literally shook the Cumberland hotel has two wings engraved with the name and Robert E. Henson has been the Pastor since where he was billeted with other military per- rank of the Desert Fliers Command members, 1979. Our community has grown spiritually be- sonnel. He vividly recalls witnessing, on D- branch of service and rank. It sits in the center cause of Pastor Henson. I am a beneficiary of Day, the swarms of American planes flying of a twelve-foot round platform named the his deep faith and love of God and his crea- over Grimm’s Ditch near Stonehenge in route ‘‘Walk of Honor’’ in which there are bricks tures. to Germany. He remembers the sky appearing etched with names of fallen airmen. black as a seemingly never-ending wave of The ‘‘On a Wing and a Prayer Missing Man The dynamic congregation is active in over warplanes and airplanes towing gliders head- Monument’’ was dedicated on November 11, 50 different types of ministry including Home ed toward their appointed bombing mission. 2006, and is located at the entrance of Gate Friendship Groups. South Flint Tabernacle’s The momentousness of the events in which 1 at the Palm Springs International Airport. Statement of Purpose is to pray, proclaim the Dr. Gross and the other servicemen and This beautiful monument, which is an actual Word of God, to win and mature disciples of women took place cannot be overstated. Quite wing of a Navy Aircraft, stands straight up with Jesus Christ. Through their commitment to ex- simply, they saved the world. We owe them a one side of the wing listing the names of the alting Jesus Christ through lifestyle, worship debt that can never be repaid. members of the Desert Fliers Command. The and ministry, the congregation grows stronger Dr. Gross completed his tour of duty in 1946 wing tip light is lit at all times and is named in their relationship with God. and returned to the United States, where he the ‘‘Eternal Light.’’ It is intended to serve as Mr. Speaker, I ask the House of Represent- resumed his private practice until he retired in a beacon for all missing airmen to find their atives to join me in congratulating South Flint 1990 at age 75. He is currently living in St. way home. Tabernacle as they celebrate 80 years of spir- Louis and will turn 97 on this July 4th—a date The ‘‘Freedom’’ monument was dedicated itual, meaningful, inspirational worship and which uniquely symbolizes his enduring love on November 11, 2010, and is located at the ministry. The vibrant prayer life of this con- for his country. Palm Springs Air Museum. It is the actual pro- gregation has made South Flint Tabernacle a Mr. Speaker, I am proud to recognize Dr. peller of a World War II B–24 Aircraft standing landmark in the community. I pray they con- Gross for his tremendous patriotism and cour- atop a twenty-four inch base that recognizes tinue to spread the Word of God through their age during such an important moment in his- each branch of service, as well as Distin- prayers, actions, example, ministry and wor- tory. I ask my colleagues to join me now in guished Flying Cross recipient Joseph Foster, ship for many, many years to come. thanking him for his service to his country.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:02 May 14, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A13MY8.013 E13MYPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with REMARKS May 13, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E895 HONORING MT. ZION BAPTIST These men and women are promoting with the Irish to secure a future where power CHURCH ON THE OCCASION OF peaceful international relations through the can continue to be shared amongst parties, ITS 100TH ANNIVERSARY Peace Corps, which was established on where differing points of view are heard and March 1, 1961, and has since facilitated more respected, and where differences of opinions HON. TAMMY BALDWIN than 200,000 volunteers promoting peace in are not met with violence and death, but with OF WISCONSIN nearly 140 host countries. open minds and hearts. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES I would like to take this moment to formally f recognize Jill E. Anderson, Katie J. Angell, HONORING ITBD Friday, May 13, 2011 Brian G. Baskerville, Brittany N. Bermudez, Ms. BALDWIN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Anna C. Cowan, Jugeswar A. Dowerah, Anse honor Mt. Zion Baptist Church of the City of A. Dykstra, Sean C. Fredericks, Mary Kate L. HON. CHRISTOPHER S. MURPHY Madison, Wisconsin, on the historic occasion Hart, Kenneth W. Hood, Jessi M. LeClear OF CONNECTICUT of its 100th anniversary. Vachta, Tyler J. LeClear Vachta, Kyndra A. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Since 1911, Mt. Zion Baptist Church has Lundquist, Alan T. McDonald, Owen G. Friday, May 13, 2011 been a vital organization in the Madison com- McMullen, Sarah L. Smiley, and Marcus T. Mr. MURPHY of Connecticut. Mr. Speaker, munity.The Madison area is truly fortunate to Walton for their incredible service. I rise today to honor Central Connecticut State have such a wonderful church continually I applaud each and every one of these men University’s Institute for Technology and Busi- working to better the community. Over the and women—the next generation of leaders in ness Development (ITBD), which is being in- past 100 years, Mt. Zion has not only offered Iowa and this nation—for their hard work and ducted into the Connecticut Business Hall of spiritual guidance, but also opened its doors to accomplishments, and I am proud to represent Fame. Since its inception in 1986, ITBD has the community, expanding and evolving its them and their families in the United States provided business and aspiring entrepreneurs services to meet the needs of those it serves. Congress. I know that my colleagues will join with various support services to help them In its first 100 years, Mt. Zion Baptist me in congratulating them and wishing them start and grow successful companies through- Church has provided a legacy of pastoral well as they continue to serve those in need out Connecticut. leadership. Reverend Joseph Washington, at home and abroad. For nearly a quarter century, ITBD has been pastor from 1927 to 1965 and Reverend Joe f driven by its mission to help Connecticut busi- Dawson, pastor from 1955 to 1985, did much nesses and their employees meet the de- to shape both the church and the community. NORTHERN IRELAND ELECTIONS mands of the global economy. To that end, That dedication to both congregation and com- the Institute, located in the heart of my district munity was further exemplified by the leader- HON. , JR. in downtown New Britain, has offered a full ship of Reverend James Wright, who served OF NEW JERSEY array of employee training courses, manufac- Mt. Zion as associate minister from 1960 to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES turing process improvement, government pro- 1984 and as senior pastor from 1990 to 1995. Friday, May 13, 2011 curement assistance, and small business de- He also served the entire Madison community velopment and conferencing services. Its busi- as Director of the Madison Equal Opportuni- Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Speaker, with the recent ness incubation program has provided dozens ties Commission. That rich tradition continues celebration of Easter and the results of the of start-up companies with a cost-effective today under the leadership of Reverend Rich- May 5th Assembly elections in Northern Ire- means to grow their fledgling businesses. Sev- ard L. Jones, Sr. land, there is no better time for those in North- eral of these one-time incubator clients are Beyond offering a tradition of strong and in- ern Ireland and members of the Irish Diaspora now thriving companies that employ scores of spirational pastoral guidance, Mt. Zion Baptist around the world to renew their commitment to people across the state. Church works tirelessly to give back to the peace and power-sharing in Northern Ireland. Throughout its existence, ITBD has community. Today, Reverend Richard Jones With some areas gaining new representa- partnered with various community organiza- ensures that Mt. Zion does all it can to feed tion, and some choosing to reelect their lead- tions to work collaboratively in achieving its the hungry and clothe the poor, and work to ers, we are reminded of the need for construc- goals. From the state’s five workforce boards, better our community through scholarships, tu- tive political discourse and peaceful debate to several chambers of commerce, to various tors, and many other forms of charity work. about the issues that are of greatest concern regional planning agencies and community Mt. Zion is always extending a helping hand to to the people of Northern Ireland. service organizations, ITBD has actively en- its neighbors and all those in need. The 1998 Good Friday agreement high- gaged a litany of organizations in the further- The motto of Mt. Zion Baptist Church is lighted a commitment to ‘‘exclusively peaceful ance of its efforts to assist the business com- ‘‘Building up Reaching out,’’ and this ideal is and democratic means’’ and this example munity and Connecticut’s workforce. personified by the congregation at Mt. Zion. should be continued to be followed every day. While the State of Connecticut and the en- Every day since 1911, Madison area residents Irish Americans and all Americans can con- tire nation strive to recover from the Great Re- have enjoyed the service and guidance pro- tinue to show their support for a peaceful polit- cession, ITBD continues to focus on helping vided by the Church. ical process and the importance of such an Connecticut companies and their employees Today, I am humbled to join the congrega- agreement will be highlighted later this month prosper in the global marketplace. Its commit- tion of Mt. Zion Baptist Church, the residents with the President’s visit to Ireland. ment to excellence and service to the busi- of the City of Madison, the people of the State The two leading parties, the Democratic ness community is reflective of the leadership of Wisconsin, and all citizens of the United Unionists and Sinn Fein, have had both of of the President of Central Connecticut State States in recognizing, honoring, and sincerely their leaders show public support for con- University, Dr. Jack Miller, and Richard C. thanking Mt. Zion Baptist Church and its faith- tinuing peaceful negotiations and represent Mullins, Jr., Executive Assistant to the Presi- ful followers for their selfless works and tire- political parties that have pledged to work to- dent. I want to thank ITBD for all that they have less commitment for the past 100 years. gether. done over the past 25 years, and I am f They have realized that even though their parties may have differing views on certain pleased to congratulate them on their induc- A TRIBUTE TO IOWA PEACE CORPS issues, it does not immediately preclude them tion into the Connecticut Business Hall of MEMBERS from working together. This is a lesson from Fame. which we can all learn. f HON. TOM LATHAM Recently, Sinn Fein President Gerry Adams COMMEMORATING THE 150TH ANNI- OF IOWA released a statement regarding not only the VERSARY OF ST. MARY’S STAR IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES importance of a commitment to peace by the OF THE SEA PARISH Irish, but also by Irish Americans. Friday, May 13, 2011 The future of Northern Ireland depends on Mr. LATHAM. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to renewing a commitment to peace and con- HON. ALBIO SIRES OF NEW JERSEY honor the 17 Peace Corps Volunteers from tinuing to value the opinions and thoughts of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Iowa’s 4th Congressional District. These all those that contribute to political and com- Iowans represent more than 50 years of serv- munity discussions. Friday, May 13, 2011 ice through their efforts overseas to promote It is critical that the U.S. remain involved in Mr. SIRES. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to peace while serving their country. the issues of Northern Ireland. We can work commemorate the 150th anniversary of St.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:02 May 14, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A13MY8.018 E13MYPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with REMARKS E896 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 13, 2011 Mary’s Star of the Sea Parish in Bayonne, ACCESS TO APPROPRIATE THE FUTURE OF TAIWAN’S New Jersey. IMMUNIZATIONS FOR VETERANS NATIONAL SECURITY In 1860 Father Callano was entrusted with establishing a small Catholic Church in Ba- HON. DAN BURTON yonne to be called St. Mary’s Star of the Sea. HON. CLIFF STEARNS OF INDIANA Since its humble beginnings on Evergreen OF FLORIDA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Street to its current location on 14th street in Friday, May 13, 2011 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Bayonne, it has been a place of worship and Mr. BURTON of Indiana. Mr. Speaker, I rise home for residents of Bayonne and beyond Friday, May 13, 2011 today to discuss the future of Taiwan. I have since 1860. been a long-time supporter of Taiwan and Monsignor Lawrence Miller was named Pas- Mr. STEARNS. Mr. Speaker, last year I in- hope that my colleagues and I will continue to tor of St. Mary in 1989, and has since led with troduced the ‘‘Access to Appropriate Immuni- improve relations not only between the United piousness and confidence as the church and zations for Veterans Act of 2011.’’ I’m proud to States and Taiwan but between Taiwan and the community have changed over the years. reintroduce this bill in the 112th Congress the international community. All Americans Since the beginning of his term, Monsignor which I believe would help advance the goal should be proud that Taiwan and the United Miller has worked to engage the community in we all share of promoting lifelong health for States have enjoyed a strong and durable re- church life, particularly its youth. the men and women who fought for our free- lationship. Taiwan is one of our largest trading Because of his efforts, there has been an dom. partners and the cultural exchanges between increase in youth ministry members, and a our two peoples are as vibrant as they have Pee Wee Basketball Program was established While the Department of Veterans Affairs, ever been. Taiwan has stood shoulder to through the church. VA, health care system is doing an admirable shoulder with the United States to combat the He currently is on the advisory board of All job of caring for those who bore the burden of scourge of global terrorism; and the people of Saints Catholic Academy, works with 8th combat, continual reform is needed to ensure Taiwan have always given generously in our grade religion classes, is chaplain for the the care veterans receive represents the most greatest times of need with monetary contribu- Knights of Columbus, and works at a local up-to-date practices and procedures. tions to the Twin Towers Fund, Pentagon Me- morial Fund and through offer of humanitarian soup kitchen, which he helped found. According to statistics from the Centers for His leadership has been steadfast and no assistance to victims of Hurricane Katrina. Tai- Disease Control, CDC, each year approxi- wan and the United States are not merely al- doubt is a reflection of the vibrant parish of St. mately 70,000 adult Americans die from vac- Mary’s and the community it has supported for lies; we are friends and partners in the truest cine-preventable diseases. Influenza alone is 150 years. sense of the words. responsible for over one million ambulatory But, I think it would be fair to say that Tai- f care visits, 200,000 hospitalizations and wan’s future is uncertain. Just yesterday, Tai- 30,000 deaths. wanese President Ma Ying-jeou took part in a TRIBUTE TO FRESNO SHERIFF’S Many of our veterans who are in the ‘‘high- video conference with the Center for Strategic DEPUTY JOEL WAHLENMAIER and International Studies to discuss Taiwan’s risk’’ category of contracting vaccine-prevent- vision for the future of the Republic of China’s able diseases—including those with HIV, Hep- National Security. I include a copy of Presi- HON. JEFF DENHAM atitis C, and substance use disorder—are en- dent Ma Ying-jeou’s speech into the CONGRES- OF CALIFORNIA rolled in the VA health care system and could SIONAL RECORD. And I urge my colleagues to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES particularly benefit from receiving vaccinations. read the remarks because whatever the future Friday, May 13, 2011 Commendably, the VA has protocols in holds of Taiwan, I believe that the people of place that recommend vaccines as protection Taiwan deserve to have a voice in shaping Mr. DENHAM. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to against deadly viruses. However, VA only has that future. acknowledge and honor fallen Fresno Sheriff’s established performance measures for two BUILDING NATIONAL SECURITY FOR THE Deputy Joel Wahlenmaier. REPUBLIC OF CHINA vaccines, making it unclear if protocols are Deputy Joel Wahlenmaier was born in Ba- President Hamre, distinguished guests, la- kersfield, California on June 3, 1960. Joel being routinely enforced for all CDC rec- dies and gentlemen, good morning! grew up in Fresno, California and attended ommended vaccines. It gives me great pleasure to be addressing local schools, including Reedley College. Joel The tremendous value performance meas- my friends at the Center for Strategic and International Studies once again. We last married Beverly Barnett on April 23, 1983. ures have regarding the increased utilization met two years ago on the occasion of the They had two children, Amy Wahlenmaier and and effectiveness of vaccination distribution is 30th Anniversary of the Taiwan Relations Austin Wahlenmaier. evidenced by VA’s own application of perform- Act, a milestone in the history of the Repub- Deputy Wahlenmaier was hired as a Deputy ance measures for the influenza and pneumo- lic of China on Taiwan. And this year, after Sheriff by the Fresno Sheriff’s Office, in Fres- coccal vaccinations. When these performance a long journey of blood, toil, tears and sweat, the Republic of China is achieving a greater no, California on June 15, 1998. He had var- measures were initially applied, VA saw vac- ious assignments that included patrol, courts, milestone, its centennial anniversary. This cination rates rise respectively from 27 percent year also marks the third year of my presi- robbery/property detectives and the homicide and 26 percent to 77 percent and 80 percent. dency. Therefore, it is time I shared with unit. Deputy Wahlenmaier loved his collateral It also resulted in a 50 percent decline in you how I am building three lines of defense assignment to the Search and Rescue team. pneumonia hospitalization rates. for the ROC’s national security, so as to en- His last assignment, at his end of watch, was sure its longevity for many more centuries the Homicide Unit. He was selected to that The legislation I am introducing today would to come. These three lines of defense are in- unit on February 18, 2008. expand VA performance measures to cover all stitutionalizing the Cross-Strait rapproche- Deputy Wahlenmaier had a true passion for vaccinations recommended by the VA and ment, enhancing Taiwan’s contributions to international development and aligning de- his work, particularly Search and Rescue, but CDC and ensure that veterans receive appro- fense with diplomacy. was first and foremost a supportive husband priate immunizations at the time suggested by THE FIRST LINE OF DEFENSE: INSTITUTIONAL- and attentive father. His end of watch came the CDC. It would also require VA to report to IZING THE CROSS-STRAIT RAPPROCHEMENT on February 25, 2010 while serving a search Congress on their progress in supporting vac- The Cross-Strait rapprochement that warrant as a Homicide Detective. cinations in the veteran population. began three years ago continues to bear fruit Deputy Wahlenmaier is survived by his be- and increase regional peace and stability. We Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to join loved wife Bev; daughter Amy; son Austin; witness this in so many aspects of our soci- parents, Arthur and Patricia Wahlenmaier; sis- with me in cosponsoring the Access to Appro- ety. The arrival of nearly three million ter, Natalie and her husband, Jim Tomajan; priate Immunizations for Veterans Act of 2011. mainland Chinese visitors has created a tourism boom in Taiwan almost 10 times brother Tyler and his wife, Genifer; father-in- This legislation would ensure that our veterans are receiving timely and suitable access to than before. The increase in Cross-Strait law and mother-in-law Bruce and Betty trade also boosted Taiwan’s total trade vol- Barnett; brother-in-law and sister-in-law Mike vaccines and prevent those under the care of ume to a record high of 526 billion US dollars and Barbie Turner; two nieces; and four neph- the VA from being unnecessarily exposed to in 2010. Since the Cross-Strait Judicial Mu- ews. vaccine preventable diseases. tual Assistance Agreement was signed in

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:02 May 14, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A13MY8.022 E13MYPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with REMARKS May 13, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E897 2009, a joint crackdown on Cross-Strait tial spillover benefits as a result of an im- Shanghai and Beijing, to the fast developing crimes by the police forces of both Taiwan proved services, trade and investment envi- cities in the Chinese hinterlands. At the and mainland China has seen more than 100 ronment. same time, all other major cities in the re- fugitives repatriated to Taiwan, up 50% from It is also my belief that increased ex- gion—such as Tokyo, Seoul, Singapore, New before, and has cut cases of fraud in Taiwan changes across the Strait will lead to in- Dehli, or Sydney—are well within reach. by more than a quarter. And in education, creased exchanges with other countries, for Taiwan is also endowed with many ‘‘soft- more than 5,600 mainland exchange students both sides. This will enhance mutual under- power’’ attributes that make it an ideal studied in Taiwan’s universities in 2010, pav- standing between Taiwan, the mainland and place for both domestic and multinational ing the way for another 2,000 students to ar- other countries, which will in turn help companies. Its democracy and rule of law en- rive in the fall semester this year. We have Cross-Strait relations evolve even further. sure that the rights of individuals and com- also seen a surge in Taiwanese companies That is, the virtuous cycle in Cross-Strait panies, including intellectual property with a heavy investment presence in main- relations has positive consequences for the rights, are guaranteed. The country’s mod- land China returning to list their companies international community, which then adds ern and comprehensive transportation, on the Taiwan Stock Exchange, rather than even greater momentum to improvements in healthcare and education infrastructure en- on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, a dra- Cross-Strait relations. For example, due to sures that those who live here enjoy access matic reversal of previous practices. the diplomatic truce between the two sides to very good quality services. We also have a I owe much of my administration’s success of the Strait, the number of diplomatic allies highly educated, innovative and skilled labor to our new approach to Cross-Strait rela- that Taiwan has remained constant at 23, force just waiting for foreign companies to tions. The new way of thinking revolves compared to a loss of six allies by the pre- tap into. We have created an enviably safe around moving beyond the outdated mode of vious administration. Taiwan has also joined society where anyone out at night walking unilateralism that previously characterized, the Government Procurement Agreement their dogs or buying food at the grocery and also hindered, relations between the two (GPA) and become an observer in the World store can feel safe. And improvements are sides. As the renowned diplomatic historian Health Assembly (WHA) after a hiatus of 38 happening all the time, making our society a Paul Schroeder concluded in his study of the years. Taiwan has expanded its visa waiver better place to live and do business in. events that led up to the Congress of Vienna programs from 53 to 113 countries and re- Against a backdrop of stable Cross-Strait re- peace era, ‘‘One must have change of gions—with the United States as a notable lations, Taiwan’s regional connections, geo- thought, before one can have change of ac- exception, as well as working-holiday ar- graphic advantages and soft-power attributes tion.’’ rangements for young people from 2 to 6 make it poised to ride the next wave of op- Before I came to office, we had all wit- countries. portunities in the region, and to help others nessed the spread of instability, unpredict- This just shows what can be achieved by do the same if they choose to join us. ability and especially insecurity in Cross- With respect to foreign relations, there is merely changing the way one thinks. This I Strait relations. I had long recognized that also a lot of value that Taiwan can add to believe is also the essence of good govern- Cross-Strait relations required a new the global community. And as a maturing ance: never to interfere, but to build the nec- mindset, one that would emphasize the com- democracy, I believe Taiwan must learn to essary structures that encourage the right monalities, take advantage of our shared in- fully shoulder its own responsibilities in the conditions for growth in society. And it is terests, capitalize on our mutual opportuni- world. In fact, Taiwan’s national security is through this process of institutionalization ties and de-emphasize our political disagree- inseparably tied to its role as a responsible that we created explicit or implicit prin- ments. Former KMT Chairman Lien Chan stakeholder. Our nation’s political and eco- ciples, norms, rules, and procedures around undertook some of the first steps towards in- nomic survival depends entirely on how well which the expectations of both sides can con- stilling this new mindset when he embarked we uphold the peace and stability of the verge. This very convergence has created on his ‘‘Journey of Peace’’ to the mainland international system. This is the same sys- predictability and mutual understanding in in 2005. His speech at Peking University, tem that is making Taiwan prosperous, and our relations, leading to stability across the calling for the two sides to join together to allowing our government and people to con- Taiwan Strait and in the region as a whole. ‘‘beat swords into plowshares,’’ captured the nect with the rest of the world in ways that The idea of institutionalizing the Cross- essence of this new idea. The decades-old ri- are enriching our nation even further. So, Strait rapprochement, therefore, is not only valry between Taiwan and mainland China Taiwan certainly has a vested interest in to reduce the possibility of miscalculation was thus given a rare window of opportunity putting a stop to improper diplomatic prac- but, more importantly, to increase the cost for change. tices and in adopting a foreign aid policy of reversing this trend. After I came to office in 2008, I worked that is more in line with international hard to accelerate this change. All around THE SECOND LINE OF DEFENSE: ENHANCING TAI- standards and norms. This is exactly what me, the world was changing at breakneck WAN’S CONTRIBUTIONS TO INTERNATIONAL DE- we have been doing over the last three years. speed while the ill-founded policies of the VELOPMENT Humanitarian work has especially become last decade were threatening to sideline Tai- Although the incredible breakthroughs an important platform for Taiwan’s con- wan in the Asia-Pacific region. I knew I had achieved in Cross-Strait relations have en- tributions to the international community. to break out of the Cross-Strait deadlock for sured a brighter future for Taiwan and the Taiwan’s democracy and economic pros- the sake of Taiwan’s economic future and region, Taiwan’s national security is also perity have combined to give rise, to a vi- national security. Hence, I championed a heavily dependent on how it contributes to brant society of numerous non-profit organi- ‘‘three-no’’ policy of ‘‘no unification, no the international community. I envision Tai- zations. In almost every major disaster that independence, and no use of force’’ under the wan contributing on two primary fronts: the has occurred in the world recently, Taiwan ROC Constitution. This has changed the fun- economy, and foreign relations. In terms of has been an important contributor, whether damental structure of, and created a ‘‘vir- the economy, Taiwan already has the infra- providing financial aid to help rebuild homes tuous cycle’’ for, Cross-Strait relations. structure and conditions in place to attract in Sichuan, or giving life-sustaining medical I then adopted the ‘‘92 Consensus’’ as the the best talent and become East Asia’s next aid to Haitian children. We were also one of cornerstone for the Cross-Strait negotia- commercial center. Without a doubt, the ex- the first to arrive with emergency relief sup- tions. The 92 Consensus, meaning ‘‘one pansive business and personal networks Tai- plies and rescue teams when Japan was China, respective interpretations’’, has prov- wan has built up throughout the region over struck by the triple disaster of an earth- en crucial to paving the way forward. It was the last 60 years are an invaluable asset. Its quake, tsunami and nuclear incident. Deeply under this Consensus that the six rounds of historical ties and cultural and language af- saddened by the devastation, my wife and I Chiang-Chen Talks were able to take place, finity with the mainland give it a competi- were personally on hand to answer calls from and the two sides were able to achieve so tive edge in the vast Chinese mainland mar- donors at a major fundraiser in Taiwan last many practical, indeed incredible, break- ket. At the same time, Taiwan also has a March. An equivalent of 27 million US dol- throughs. By ‘‘putting Taiwan first for the special partnership with Japan, as we share lars was raised that night. My administra- benefit of the people,’’ we and Beijing have many cultural traits, common interests, tion had also pledged another 3 million US thus far signed 15 agreements that tackle the ideas and even the same fashion sense. dollars. In fact, Taiwan ended up donating issues of greatest concern to the people in Therefore, many Japanese and Taiwanese more than 200 million US dollars in total, Taiwan. At the same time, my administra- businessmen have decided to work together which is Japan’s biggest donor so far. But, as tion managed to institutionalize convenient, to enter the mainland Chinese market. And you may know, our humanitarian contribu- predictable and stable channels for Cross- this type of win-win partnership can be suc- tions in that crisis extended beyond Japan. Strait communications. It was only through cessfully repeated with other countries. Our China Airlines was chartered to help fly this groundwork that the next milestone—of Taiwan is located at the geographical cen- out scores of US expatriates to Taipei before signing an Economic Cooperation Frame- ter of East Asia, and could not be in a better they headed back home to the United States. work Agreement (ECFA) last year—could be position for tapping into business opportuni- This second defense line aims to give Taiwan realized and its benefits fully exercised. One ties in the region. Any businessman or mul- a higher moral ground in international poli- econometric study has even shown that the tinational company based in Taiwan has con- tics. ECFA will eventually add 4.4% to our GDP, venient access to the whole Asia-Pacific re- THE THIRD LINE OF DEFENSE: ALIGNING once the dynamic gains of structural adjust- gion. With direct air and sea links, Taiwan is TAIWAN’S DEFENSE WITH DIPLOMACY ments have time to be fully implemented. connected to all major cities in the Chinese From securing the Cross-Strait rapproche- And that is not even including other poten- mainland, from the coastal metropolises of ment to enhancing Taiwan’s contributions in

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:02 May 14, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A13MY8.025 E13MYPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with REMARKS E898 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 13, 2011 international development, I now come to could derail much of what has been achieved. and Melissa Murray, and assisted by Zack the last but equally significant part of the Intransigence, overconfidence or unilateral Pachol won the Iowa FIRST Lego League In- ROC’s national security: aligning Taiwan’s pursuit of national interests could lead to a novation Award for the invention of their de- defense with diplomacy. I have two prior- losing scenario for all relevant parties. So it ities. First, I want to continue to build up will be essential to keep track of these mov- vice called the BOB–1. This device is an im- Taiwan’s credibility and trust with our clos- ing pieces in the future. For my part, the proved prosthesis for a girl who was born with est allies, especially the United States. To be process of transforming Taiwan into a valu- missing fingers on her right hand and will help a trustworthy partner, Taiwan must be keen- able member of the global community, and her to write. They have gone on to compete ly aware of how its actions in the inter- thus ultimately enhancing its own security, for the Global Innovation Award to win a full national system affect the interests of the will continue full-steam ahead under my ad- utility patent for BOB–1 and win a trip to big powers. This means ‘‘never rocking the ministration. The same-old ‘‘no frills, no Washington D.C. boat’’ and ‘‘full consultation.’’ surprise’’diplomacy will also continue to be I commend the Flying Monkeys for their Second, Taiwan has the resolve to defend the operational code for my administration’s commitment to leadership in science and tech- itself. My administration wants to enhance conduct of foreign policy. That said, I hope Taiwan’s defense capability on a newly de- this year will mark the start of a new 100 nology. This group of girls—Courtney Pohlen, signed volunteer military system. This is a years that will be known as the century Gaby Dempsey, Maria Werner Anderson, Zoe huge undertaking, as we need to overcome when the Taiwan-US partnership achieved Groat, Mackenzie Grewell, and Kate Murray— difficulties in training, organization, finance its greatest accomplishments. are future leaders of this country of whom and military doctrines. However, we are con- Thank you! Iowans should be very proud. fident that we will succeed in building a PRESIDENT MA’S CLOSING REMARKS I know that my colleagues in the United small but strong military force. Complemen- Dear friends and colleagues, as the famous States Congress will join me in congratulating tary to our defense capability is Taiwan’s American poet Robert Frost once wrote, ‘‘I democratic values, rule of law, and an ad- these girls on their accomplishments. It is my took the road less travelled by, and that has vanced civil society, which could make Tai- honor to serve as their representative, and I made all the difference.’’ The past three wan an indispensable reference for socio-eco- wish them the best of luck in the future. years have witnessed unprecedented break- nomic development in the Chinese mainland. throughs and positive developments in Tai- f This is, it could be said, a soft-power ap- wan and the region. Yet for the road ahead, proach to national defense. CONGRATULATIONS TO THIS we still need to be patient and careful in our Given the high stakes that America has in- YEAR’S DR. NAN S. HUTCHINSON political rhetoric, in the signals we send, in vested in the region, I am sure the US, of all the gestures we make, and in the reputation BROWARD SENIORS HALL OF countries, can appreciate my administra- we cultivate. I draw reassurance from the FAME INDUCTEES tion’s commitment to being a responsible positive developments that continue to un- stakeholder. For example, President Barack fold across the Strait and in the inter- Obama expressed earlier this year his sup- HON. THEODORE E. DEUTCH national community, and I have full con- port for the progress that has been made to OF FLORIDA fidence in my administration’s roadmap. On reduce Cross-Strait tensions, and in par- a deeper level the improvement of Cross- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ticular how its continuation will be in the Strait relations in the past three years re- interests of the region and the United Friday, May 13, 2011 flects the result of something fundamentally States. However, for Cross-Strait relations more significant: the comprehensive over- Mr. DEUTCH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to to continue advancing, the US must help haul of Taiwan’s strategic approach to the recognize the eleven Broward residents—Joel Taiwan level the playing field. Negotiating world. An approach that has coupled Cross- Fass, Bea Hedigan, John Gargotta, Maria with a giant like the Chinese mainland is not Strait relations, the economy and foreign re- without its risks. The right leverage must be Thereza Mayo, Kenneth S. Rubin, Mayor lations together in such a way as to fully in place, otherwise Taiwan cannot credibly Emma Shoaff, Esmie Straw, Lora Thomson, maximize Taiwan’s potential value in the maintain an equal footing at the negotiation Belle Trebuck, Dr. Steven Weisberg, and global community. Taiwan has to transform table. This is why I continue to urge the US Commissioner Lois Wexler—that were recently itself into a peacemaker, a contributor of hu- to provide Taiwan with necessary defensive manitarian aid, a center for innovation and elected to the Aging and Disability Center of weaponry, such as the F–16 C/Ds and diesel- business opportunities, a major promoter of Broward County’s Dr. Nan S. Hutchison powered submarines, to keep its aerial and cultural exchange and the standard bearer of Broward Seniors Hall of Fame. These eleven naval integrity intact, which is key to main- Chinese culture. As the Republic of China volunteer and community leaders have dedi- taining a credible defense. As Secretary of reaches its centennial anniversary, I believe Defense Robert Gates wrote in Foreign Af- cated much of their retirement to improving my administration’s grand strategy will fairs last year, the US can best help itself by Broward County, and it is my privilege to con- make the Republic more secure, more pros- ‘‘helping others defend themselves.’’ At the gratulate them today for this great achieve- perous for many, many years to come. I also same time, American presence in the very ment. firmly believe America’s friendship will be system it helped create decades ago is cru- an inseparable part of the Republic of Chi- This group of elected officials, business cial to that system’s survival. In the end, na’s future, as it has been in the past one leaders, lawyers, and community activists has only a strong US commitment, backed by its hundred years. tirelessly worked to improve the quality of life credibility in East Asia, can guarantee the Thank you! for Broward’s seniors. Their continuous serv- peace and stability of this region. f ice to the South Florida community, especially CONCLUDING REMARKS their humanitarian efforts and their advocacy In conclusion, a country’s overall strategy A TRIBUTE TO IOWA GIRL SCOUT for the less fortunate, makes me proud to call for security requires a sound political foun- TEAM dation in the domestic setting. My approach these 11 individuals my neighbors and friends. to Taiwan’s national security is based on my Mr. Speaker, it is my honor to stand before administration’s unwavering identification HON. TOM LATHAM you today and recognize the achievements of with the Republic of China and its Constitu- OF IOWA this year’s Dr. Nan S. Hutchinson Broward tion. This is a common denominator for our IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Seniors Hall of Fame inductees. Their dedica- vibrant democracy, which has a wide spec- tion and hard work has truly made Broward Friday, May 13, 2011 trum of political views ranging from those County a better place. who prefer de jure Taiwan independence, to Mr. LATHAM. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to f those who enjoy the status quo and to those recognize a group of Girl Scouts from Ames who favor reunification with mainland and Gilbert, Iowa, who came together and INTRODUCTION OF THE ‘‘OIL CON- China. Any deviation from or equivocation SUMER PROTECTION ACT OF on this common denominator will only cause formed a team called the Flying Monkeys. In unnecessary uncertainties and risks in Tai- May, they will be participating in a FIRST 2011’’ wan’s domestic politics, Cross-Strait rela- Lego League competition in Carlsbad, Cali- tions and international politics. Given that fornia. HON. JOHN CONYERS, JR. the stakes for all the countries in East Asia The FIRST Lego League North American OF MICHIGAN and for Taiwan’s future development are Open is a national contest that encourages IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES high, I am confident my approach to the young girls to become interested in science ROC’s national security is already at an op- and engineering. The competition is limited to Friday, May 13, 2011 timum. My friends in America, the future of the 76 teams from North America with each region Mr. CONYERS. Mr. Speaker, today I am in- region holds enormous opportunities, but selecting a team to represent them. troducing the ‘‘Oil Consumer Protection Act of also many potential pitfalls. Changes in both In January, the Flying Monkeys, under the 2011,’’ legislation that would subject the Orga- Taiwan and the mainland’s domestic politics direction of their Troop Leaders Claire Bassett nization of Petroleum Exporting Countries,

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:02 May 14, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A13MY8.026 E13MYPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with REMARKS May 13, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E899 OPEC, nations to the U.S. antitrust laws, pro- CELEBRATING THE OUTSTANDING 1990 to provide education, entertainment and hibit oil and gas companies from unilaterally SERVICE AND ACCOMPLISH- enrichment to teens across my district in the withholding supply with the intent of raising MENTS OF CROWN OF LIFE LU- Bronx. The program gives kids age 13–18 a prices or creating a shortage and would pro- THERAN SCHOOL’S EIGHTH chance to study musical theater, to learn tect consumers from price gouging of gaso- GRADE CLASS through music and to perform for their commu- line. nity. This year, they celebrate their 20th sea- You do not have to look very hard to see HON. KENNY MARCHANT son of performances. that the American consumer is hurting. And if OF TEXAS The Teen Theater program has long pro- you ask people on the street what worries IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES duced entertainment for residents of the them most, the majority will tell you that it is Friday, May 13, 2011 Bronx, who come to see high-level produc- the price of gasoline. American families and tions worthy of praise in any context, but es- Mr. MARCHANT. Mr. Speaker, Dr. BURGESS businesses are yet again paying record prices pecially so considering that the performers are and I rise today to celebrate the outstanding for gasoline. The retail price of gasoline has our community’s young people. This talented service and accomplishments of Crown of Life jumped and is now in the range of $4 per gal- troupe of performers recently broke their own Lutheran School’s eighth grade class. This lon. Driving should not have to be a luxury. attendance record during productions of Rent group of nine students demonstrates a level of Americans today are spending far too much of and The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling their paychecks at the pump. commitment and philanthropy positioning them heads and shoulders above their peers. Their Bee, and they plan more productions in the In my home State of Michigan, gas prices coming months. earlier this month reached their highest levels dedication to anticipating and seeing to the ever at $4.22 per gallon. Figures released by needs of their community provides me with Children who take part in the program learn the AAA Michigan show that the $4.22 per great hope for the future of America. Today’s music, dance, dramatic and literary skills and gallon state average surpassed the previous students are tomorrow’s C.E.O.s, Chief Sur- get the chance to perform for their friends, geons, and Presidents. These eighth graders record of $4.21 per gallon set in July 2008. family and community. They are enriched will one day make decisions that will deter- My bill, once and for all, will crack down on through the arts, they learn important skills mine what this nation looks like in the years to through the arduous rehearsal process, they foreign oil cartels. Currently, based on the come. We have every confidence that we are sovereign immunity doctrine, foreign nations build self-esteem and they make lifelong in good hands. They have already learned the friends. The program has received numerous and businesses they control may avoid ac- most valuable lesson—leadership starts with countability under U.S. antitrust law. This bill National Youth Theater Awards in recognition service. of their talented performers, including most re- would eliminate the doctrine and allow anti- Throughout the 2011 school year, the eighth trust law to apply to anticompetitive cartels. cently for Rent, which won awards for Best grade class proved themselves to be extraor- Ensemble Performance, Best Lead Actor in a This legislation, the ‘‘Oil Consumer Protec- dinary leaders through their service to the stu- Musical and Best Lead Actress in a Musical. tion Act of 2011’’ would: dents at Crown of Life Lutheran School. Every Exempt OPEC and other nations from the day, they cleaned the lunchroom and assisted On behalf of the many alumni of the pro- provisions of the Foreign Sovereign Immuni- in the school’s weekly assemblies. Monthly, gram, the residents of the Bronx and the en- ties Act to the extent those governments are they helped the school set up for Colleyville tire Seventeenth District, I want to recognize engaged in price-fixing and other anticompeti- Chamber of Commerce Luncheons. This and honor the Riverdale Y’s Teen Theater and tive activities with regard to pricing, production Spring, the girls basketball team helped their their director, Laurie Walton, to thank them for and distribution of petroleum products. (OPEC school to win a second place at the State tour- their contributions to our community and to currently claims sovereign immunity by saying nament. The boys made an impressive show- wish them the best of luck in the future. its actions are ‘‘governmental activity,’’ which ing as well, placing fourth in their tournament. is protected, rather than ‘‘commercial activity,’’ These remarkable students have partici- f which is not.) pated in numerous community projects as Make clear that the so-called ‘‘Act of State’’ well. They helped to organize a bingo night for APPLAUDING THE UPPER MERION doctrine does not prevent courts from ruling Finley Elliot, a three year-old who just com- SCHOOL DISTRICT on antitrust charges brought against foreign pleted a successful kidney transplant in April governments and that foreign governments of 2011. The $5,000 earnings from the event are ‘‘persons’’ subject to suit under the anti- provided Finley and his family a much needed HON. PATRICK MEEHAN trust laws. reprieve from the extensive medical costs. OF PENNSYLVANIA Authorize lawsuits in U.S. federal court They also volunteered a day to clean up against oil cartel members by the Justice De- Lakeview Park in Grapevine in order to en- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES partment and the Federal Trade Commission. courage the maintenance of public parks for Friday, May 13, 2011 Amend the Clayton Act to prohibit oil and the use of the community. The class also as- gas companies from unilaterally withholding sembled care packages and wrote dozens of notes by hand to send to our soldiers Mr. MEEHAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to supply with the intent of raising prices or cre- applaud the Upper Merion School District of ating a shortage. overseas. We know that Crown of Life Lutheran Pennsylvania for winning an Environmental Direct several studies, including a Justice School is proud to claim these star eighth Achievement Award from the U.S. Environ- Department/Federal Trade Commission study graders as their own, and we are proud to mental Protection Agency. Upper Merion was of mergers in the oil and gas industry, and a offer our sincerest congratulations to Hannah recognized for being a 2010 ENERGY STAR GAO study of whether government consent Andersson, Zachary Dayley, Jacob Diamond, leader and for reducing its energy consump- decrees in oil mergers have been effective. Sarah Hall, Justin Hawes, Austin Shone, tion by more than 30 percent, an achievement Direct the Attorney General and Federal Heide Stufflebeme, John Sandfort and Chris- reached by only about a dozen of the Nation’s Trade Commission Chairman to establish a tian Scherff on their graduation from middle 15,000 school districts. All six of Upper joint federal/state task force with state attor- school. We wish you all the best. Merion’s schools have earned the ENERGY neys general to investigate information sharing STAR rating and several buildings have en- f among oil companies. ergy reductions near 50 percent. The district Would empower the Federal Trade Commis- HONORING THE RIVERDALE Y’S has also embarked on an aggressive recycling sion and state attorneys general to institute TEEN THEATER PROGRAM program that has resulted in about 50 percent civil and criminal penalties for fuel price of its solid waste being recycled instead of gouging during periods proclaimed by the HON. ELIOT L. ENGEL going to the landfill. I am proud to represent President as an international crisis affecting oil OF NEW YORK the citizens of Upper Merion in Congress, and markets. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES their example of stewardship—of a community It is time someone did something about our taking local initiative to reduce their environ- outrageous gas prices. I hope Congress has Friday, May 13, 2011 mental impact—is a model of bottom-up sus- the sense to act on this legislation Mr. ENGEL. Mr. Speaker, the Riverdale Y’s tainability that municipalities across America immediately. Teen Theater program was established in should strive to emulate.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:02 May 14, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A13MY8.029 E13MYPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with REMARKS E900 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 13, 2011 HONORING CHARLES RUTLEDGE III cancer deaths among Laotians, Cambodians, The Credit Union National Association in- Vietnamese, Chinese, Korean, and Filipinos. ducted John into the Credit Union House Hall HON. GEOFF DAVIS Nearly 10 percent of the Asian population in of Leaders because he has shown a unique OF KENTUCKY my District is chronically infected, and nearly level of commitment to ensuring that these IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES half have not been vaccinated to protect them vital community institutions are able to con- from infection. tinue serving the individuals and small busi- Friday, May 13, 2011 Given the gravity of this health challenge, nesses that make up their customer base. His Mr. DAVIS of Kentucky. Mr. Speaker, I rise I’m proud to recognize the outstanding work of name will be on permanent display to the today to recognize Mr. Charles Rutledge, III, a the Hep B Free Campaign which promotes thousands of individuals that visit the Credit Mathematics Content Specialist with the Ken- public and provider awareness, including pro- Union House each year. John is the first in- tucky Department of Education in Northeast grams for screening, vaccination, and linkage ductee from the State of Maine, and I cannot Kentucky. to follow-up treatment. think of a more appropriate individual. Mr. Rutledge was recently selected by Hep B Free was originally started by Asian It has been an honor to work with John in President to receive the Presi- Week Foundation, a community-based non- the past, and I have no doubt that this rec- dential Award for Excellence in Mathematics profit that celebrates the diversity of Asian Pa- ognition in the Hall of Leaders will inspire him and Science Teaching. cific America through identity assemblage, to continue his advocacy on behalf of credit This award is recognition of Mr. Rutledge’s with special expertise in bringing together the unions and the people they serve. I know that achievement and dedication during more than multiplicity of groups and personality that the sixty-four credit unions in Maine, as well a decade in the education field. Before joining make up our community; Stanford University’s as their 613,000 members, greatly appreciate the Kentucky Department of Education, he Asian Liver Center, the only non-profit organi- John as a resource and as their representative was a teacher for 10 years at Prichard Ele- zation in the country addressing this pressing fighting for the issues that matter to them. mentary School in Grayson, Kentucky where public health disparity; and the San Francisco Mr. Speaker, please join me in honoring he taught mathematics, second grade and Department of Public Health because they John Murphy and congratulating him on his in- third grade. recognized the egregious health disparity ex- duction into the Credit Union House Hall of Mr. Rutledge was recognized by the Presi- perienced by APA in terms of Hepatitis B. I’m Leaders. dent for his hands-on teaching style that proud this campaign began in San Francisco, f brings math to life for his students and helps continued in San Mateo County and has now IN SUPPORT OF MEDICARE them to recognize numbers as representations launched its campaign in Santa Clara County of values, and not merely symbols. with the additional support of Asian Americans Today, as we celebrate the accomplish- for Community Involvement and the Santa HON. DORIS O. MATSUI ments of this exceptional Kentuckian, it is my Clara County Public Health Department. I look OF CALIFORNIA hope that others are inspired by his hard work forward to supporting Hep B Free as they ex- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and perseverance. pand their efforts to the rest of the country. As Friday, May 13, 2011 I urge the House to join me in commending Assemblywoman Fiona Ma, Majority Whip of Ms. MATSUI. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Charles Rutledge for his time and devotion in the California Assembly and Honorary Chair- voice my support for Medicare and to once teaching and helping the youth of the Com- person of the Hep B Free Campaign, said, again state my strong opposition to the Re- monwealth of Kentucky. ‘‘We can set a model for the nation and be an publican budget plan introduced by Mr. RYAN f inspiration to efforts around the globe in eradi- of Wisconsin. This plan would end Medicare cating Hep B.’’ A TRIBUTE IN HONOR OF ASIAN as we know it. We celebrate APA Heritage Month just a Medicare is a program that Americans pay PACIFIC AMERICAN HERITAGE month after the death of Dr. Baruch Blumberg, into their entire working lives and expect to MONTH AND THE HEP B FREE a brilliant and compassionate scientist whose benefit from when they retire. Unfortunately, CAMPAIGN discovery of the Hepatitis B virus and creation House Republicans continue to support a pro- of the vaccine won him a Nobel Prize and the posal that would strip away the guaranteed HON. ANNA G. ESHOO gratitude of all whose lives are affected by the benefits under Medicare. Their plan calls for OF CALIFORNIA disease. The Hep B vaccine is known as the Medicare to be replaced from a program of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES first anti-cancer vaccine because it is so effec- guaranteed benefits to one in which seniors Friday, May 13, 2011 tive at preventing Hep B infection and the liver would be given a voucher to purchase insur- cancer that could develop. ance from an insurance company. Ms. ESHOO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me As if this were not bad enough, the vouch- honor of Asian Pacific American Heritage in honoring Asian Pacific American Heritage ers this plan proposes to give Medicare enroll- Month and a particular effort to benefit the Month and the Hep B Free Campaign’s ex- ees would in no way keep up with the rising Asian Pacific American (APA) community, the traordinary efforts to ensure that the millions of costs of health care. Therefore, enrollees Hep B Free Campaign. This is a month to ac- Asian Pacific Americans who strengthen our would be saddled with more and more out-of- knowledge and celebrate the APA commu- Nation can live long and healthy lives. pocket expenses over time. nity’s vital economic, cultural, academic, and f The non-partisan Congressional Budget Of- political contributions to our diverse and dy- fice Congress’s official actuary projected that namic country. I’m proud to join more than HONORING JOHN MURPHY these vouchers could actually double out-of- 150,000 of my APA constituents in California’s pocket costs for the average beneficiary in the 14th Congressional District, whose work en- HON. MICHAEL H. MICHAUD short-term and triple them in the long-term. riches our lives every day. OF MAINE This is something that I am adamantly op- As we acknowledge the extraordinary im- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES posed to and will fight against it taking place. pact of the APA community, this is also a time Now, to be clear, these changes would not Friday, May 13, 2011 to address a more sobering impact on the affect current enrollees but it would affect the APA community, the grave health threat of Mr. MICHAUD. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to next generation of retirees including many of Hepatitis B. Hepatitis B is the greatest cause congratulate John Murphy, President and CEO our children and grandchildren. But the Re- of liver cancer in the world, resulting in up to of the Maine Credit Union League, on his in- publican plan would immediately strip away all 80 percent of all liver cancer, three hundred duction into the Credit Union House Hall of the benefits seniors stand to gain and perhaps and fifty to four hundred million people in the Leaders. already are enjoying from the health care law world are chronically infected with Hepatitis B, For nearly two decades, John has served as enacted last year. which takes a life every 30 seconds. Most of President and CEO of the Maine Credit Union The health care law is already closing the them are Asian. One in ten foreign-born Asian League. He has worked diligently on the be- Medicare Part D coverage gap—known as the Americans are chronically infected with Hepa- half of credit unions for even longer. I have ‘‘Donut Hole’’—providing for free preventive titis B, 100 times the infection rate of the gen- had multiple opportunities to work with John care to Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries eral population. Without treatment, 1 in 4 will on the issues that impact his members and, and ensuring that America’s seniors have ac- die from liver cancer or liver failure, often in as a result, the people and the economy of cess to the care they need. their prime adult years. In California alone, Maine, and I have always found him to be a The health care law also provides free pre- liver cancer is among the leading causes of dedicated and thoughtful advocate. ventive care for Medicare enrollees care that

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:02 May 14, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A13MY8.033 E13MYPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with REMARKS May 13, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E901 is often critical to helping you and your doctor tribution of over $15 million to an employee I urge support of H.R. 754. diagnose and treat diseases or ailments as profit sharing plan and $2 million in scholar- f soon as possible. But the repeal of the health ship assistance to family members of employ- care law included in the Republican budget ees through the ‘‘Make Your Own Scholar- INTELLIGENCE AUTHORIZATION plan would change all this under the guise of ship’’ program. Overall, this tremendous orga- ACT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2011 ‘‘deficit reduction.’’ nization has had over $1 billion in community SPEECH OF But the reality is that none of the cuts would sales, provides approximately 4,000 jobs in help pay down the deficit OR balance the 328 convenience stores in New York and HON. CHRIS VAN HOLLEN budget. These cuts would instead pay for tax Vermont, and works closely with local govern- OF MARYLAND cuts to those who need it the least providing ments and organizations to serve my constitu- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES subsidies to Big Oil preserving tax loopholes ents inside and out of their stores. Thursday, May 12, 2011 to companies that ship jobs overseas all this For these reasons, I am happy to stand while they are making record profits. Tax cuts today in recognition of the Dake Family as The House in Committee of the Whole they receive the C. Jordan Vail Spirit of Phi- House on the State of the Union had under for Big Oil and the largest corporations should consideration the bill (H.R. 754) to authorize not be paid for on the backs of America’s sen- lanthropy Award, given at the Celebration of for fiscal year 2011 for intelligence and intel- iors! Philanthropy Luncheon in Albany, NY on May ligence-related activities of the United And this kind-of thinking does not reflect the 24, 2011. This family, and the business they States Government, the Community Man- needs or priorities of seniors and families in have built over the last ninety years, are a agement Account, and the Central Intel- my district. I have heard from scores of model of private enterprise and they have cer- ligence Agency Retirement and Disability Sacramentans about how the changes to tainly earned this award. I am honored to be System, and for other purposes: Medicare included in the health care law has given the opportunity to commemorate their Mr. VAN HOLLEN. Mr. Chair, I rise in sup- helped them. One gentleman in particular dedication to our community and the economic port of H.R. 754, the FY 2011 Intelligence Au- comes to mind. Gary, who takes 8 different contributions they provide. thorization Act. I thank Chairman ROGERS and name brand medications, regularly falls into f Ranking Member RUPPERSBERGER for bringing the ‘‘Donut Hole.’’ But as a result of the health this bipartisan bill to the floor today. care law, he will save close to $1,000 per INTELLIGENCE AUTHORIZATION This bill sets the funding levels for the 16 month which means that Gary will be able to ACT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2011 agencies that comprise the nation’s intel- ligence community including the Central Intel- continue to take his medication, and make SPEECH OF ends meet. And his savings will only grow ligence Agency and parts of the Office of the over time. However, people like Gary would HON. ROBERT HURT Director of National Intelligence and the Fed- lose out on this benefit, should the Republican OF VIRGINIA eral Bureau of Investigations. It also supports proposal be enacted. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the dedicated and skilled men and women As Co-Chair of the Congressional Seniors Thursday, May 12, 2011 who work in secret at these and other ele- Task Force, I am working with my colleagues ments of the nation’s clandestine services that to ensure that proposals that would hurt sen- The House in Committee of the Whole helped bring Osama bin Laden to justice. House on the State of the Union had under iors are not enacted. I believe that if someone consideration the bill (H.R. 754) to authorize H.R. 754 authorizes funding for the counter- works hard all their life and plays by the rules appropriations for fiscal year 2011 for intel- terrorism analysis and worldwide clandestine then they deserve high-quality health care and ligence and intelligence-related activities of operations of the CIA; the tactical intelligence a secure retirement. I am committed to making the United States Government, the Commu- support of the National Security Agency; the that dream a reality and I am confident that as nity Management Account, and the Central electronics surveillance and real-time analysis more and more people learn about what this Intelligence Agency Retirement and Dis- of the National Geospacial Agency; and the plan would do the American people will speak ability System, and for other purposes: coordination of the National Intelligence Direc- out against it loud and clear. Mr. HURT. Mr. Chair, I rise today in support tor. The coordinated efforts of all these agen- I thank Representative TONKO for his leader- of H.R. 754, the Intelligence Authorization Act cies enable the U.S. to anticipate and respond ship on this issue. for Fiscal Year 2011. to emerging threats and to maintain its techno- f Our intelligence community plays a critical logical advantage over our adversaries around role in keeping us safe from those who seek the world. HONORING STEWART’S SHOPS AND to do us harm, and I believe we need to en- Bringing Osama bin Laden to justice was THE DAKE FAMILY sure that they have the necessary tools to do the result of the hard work and sacrifice by their job to the fullest. this nation’s intelligence and Special Forces HON. CHRISTOPHER P. GIBSON It was the hard work and dedication of the community. These brave men and women are OF NEW YORK members of the intelligence community that silent warriors who deserve our gratitude and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES helped lead us to securing a great victory in unwavering support. I commend them for their the war on terror—the death of Osama bin ongoing efforts to disrupt, dismantle and de- Friday, May 13, 2011 Laden. We will be forever grateful to them— feat terrorism around the world. Mr. GIBSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today on and all of those in the intelligence field—for I encourage my colleagues to join me in behalf of the people in New York’s 20th Dis- their service to this country, including those in thanking our intelligence professionals for all trict to express our sincere appreciation for the Virginia’s 5th District. that they do to keep our country safe and I continued hard work, dedication, and contribu- I would like to take this opportunity to recog- urge passage of this bill. tions made to our communities by Stewart’s nize and thank the work of the Defense Intel- f Shops and the Dake Family. ligence Agency, the National Geospatial Intel- Beginning in 1921, Percy and Charles V. ligence Agency, and the National Ground In- INTELLIGENCE AUTHORIZATION Dake began making Dake’s Delicious ice telligence Center located in Charlottesville, Vir- ACT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2011 cream in Greenfield, NY. They continued to ginia, and those members of the intelligence expand their operations into and around community across the 5th District who are SPEECH OF Greenfield and Saratoga Springs until 1945, working every day to help ensure the safety of HON. DAVID DREIER when they bought Donald Stewart’s dairy and all Americans. OF CALIFORNIA ice cream shop on Route 50 in Ballston Spa, A top priority of government is to protect its IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES renaming it Stewart’s Shop in order to com- citizens from threats at home and abroad. Thursday, May 12, 2011 memorate the former owner. Adding on broth- While I believe that we need to prioritize all ers Charles S. and William, this family-run op- spending in the context of a balanced budget, The House in Committee of the Whole eration continued to grow through the expan- we need to make sure that those in the intel- House on the State of the Union had under sion of services and a strong community pres- ligence field are equipped to carry out their consideration the bill (H.R. 754) to authorize appropriations for fiscal year 2011 for intel- ence, including donating five percent of its an- duties to help protect and defend our nation, ligence and intelligence-related activities of nual revenue to local not-for-profits. especially when we are engaged in a global the United States Government, the Commu- This generous and voluntary donation has war on terror and thousands of American nity Management Account, and the Central brought over $2.25 million to not-for-profits in troops continue to serve bravely in harm’s way Intelligence Agency Retirement and Dis- our area, in addition to the organization’s con- around the world. ability System, and for other purposes:

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:02 May 14, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A13MY8.036 E13MYPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with REMARKS E902 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 13, 2011 Mr. DREIER. Mr. Chair, earlier today, the COMMEMORATING THE LIFE OF IN SUPPORT OF STRENGTHENING gentleman from New York, Mr. NADLER, ex- LYMAN GRAHAM U.S.-KOREA ECONOMIES pressed his frustration that the Committee on Rules excluded his two amendments from HON. ALBIO SIRES HON. CHARLES B. RANGEL consideration on the House floor. In order to OF NEW YORK OF NEW JERSEY clarify the record, I submit a May 11, 2011, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES letter from Mr. NADLER stating that he wished IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Friday, May 13, 2011 to withdraw the two amendments that he ref- Friday, May 13, 2011 erenced on the House floor. While one of Mr. Mr. RANGEL. Mr. Speaker, I rise to express NADLER’s amendments was not germane to Mr. SIRES. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to my deep appreciation to the gracious hospi- the bill it was my intention, prior to Mr. NADLER commemorate the life of Lyman Graham, a tality President Lee Myung-bak of South Korea withdrawing his amendments from consider- devoted member of the United States military, and his countrymen have extended to me, ation, to recommend to the Committee on who recently passed away in Neptune, New Secretary of Commerce Locke and my es- Rules that it make Mr. NADLER’s germane Jersey at the age of 92. Lyman was a native teemed colleagues on the Ways and Means amendment, No. 13, in order for consideration of Franklin, Pennsylvania, and graduated from Committee—Representatives JIM MCDERMOTT, on the House floor. the Graham School, Franklin High School, and JOE CROWLEY and DAVE REICHERT—during our After Mr. NADLER withdrew his amendments, Franklin Business School. In 1941, Lyman recent trip to the Peninsula as part of a trade Mr. GRIMM (R–NY) and Mr. REED (R–NY) of- was drafted into the U.S. Army and received delegation. fered identical text to the amendment No. 13 his officers training at Fort Monmouth, after As a Korean War Veteran, I could not have previously submitted by Mr. NADLER. I would which he was commissioned as a second lieu- been more proud to witness today’s Dynamic also like to submit for the RECORD a statement tenant. During this time, Lyman met his wife, Korea. Seoul’s skyscrapers, booming busi- by Mr. GRIMM expressing his support for the Betty Freeman of Bradley Beach, and they nesses and rising apartment buildings are a original NADLER amendment and his request to were married in Taullahoma, Tennessee on testament to the resiliency and determination have this very timely and appropriate debate May 8, 1943. of the Korean people. occur on the House floor. Lyman has a proud record of military serv- There are presently more than two million I would like to thank our newest member of ice. As a member of the Army Signal Corps, Americans of Korean descent living in our own the Rules Committee, Mr. REED of New York, Lyman played a key role during World War II. country. In my home state of New York, there for his work in championing this amendment Soon after 1943, his unit was deployed to are more than 200,000 recent immigrants and and expressing the very heartfelt views of so Great Britain, where they prepared for the in- native-born Korean-Americans who make sig- many of all of our constituents across the vasion of Normandy and followed the battles nificant contributions to our communities. country. It was for these reasons that the fought throughout France, Belgium, and Ger- It is no wonder that trade and investment Rules Committee made in order the Grimm- many, providing supplies and provisions for between the United States and Korea has Reed amendment. the Allied troops. Lyman received a number of been growing rapidly over the past few years. CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES, medals for his service, including the European South Korea is the seventh-largest trading HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, War Theatre medal. partner of the United States, with more than $80 billion in trade passing between our two Washington, DC, May 11, 2011. Following V-E Day, Lyman remained in Eu- Hon. DAVID DREIER, countries. Korea is also the world’s 11th-larg- rope for several months and returned to New Chairman, House of Representatives, Wash- est economy, the sixth largest market for U.S. Jersey and his wife in the fall of 1945. He was ington, DC. agricultural goods, and the third largest des- promoted to the rank of captain and was hon- Hon. LOUISE M. SLAUGHTER, tination for U.S. foreign direct investment in Ranking Member, House of Representatives, orably discharged from the U.S. Army in 1946. the Asia-Pacific region. Washington, DC. Lyman and Betty briefly lived in Oil City, Penn- Korea has always been one of our closest DEAR CHAIRMAN DREIER AND RANKING MEM- sylvania. They returned to Bradley Beach in and most important allies. Free trade between BER SLAUGHTER: Yesterday I submitted two 1946, where they resided at their Hammond U.S. and Korea will strengthen our respective amendments to H.R. 754, the Intelligence Au- Avenue home. thorization Act for Fiscal Year 2011. I am economies. In a speech to the American writing to withdraw from consideration both Not only did Lyman faithfully serve his coun- Chamber of Commerce in Seoul, Secretary amendments, Nadler-Bishop-Slaughter- ty, he maintained an active role in his commu- Locke noted that ‘‘the U.S.-Korea trade pact is Owens Amendment #2, NADLERl025.XML, nity throughout his life. He was a member of the United States’ most significant trade and Nadler-Bishop-Slaughter-Owens Amend- the Bradley Beach Post 337 of the American agreement in 17 years. And it’s estimated to ment #1, NADLERl024.XML. Legion for many years, serving as Finance Of- Please let me know if you have any ques- increase American economic output more than ficer and participating in the group’s activities. our last nine trade deals combined.’’ In both tions. Thank you for your time and atten- Lyman was Grand Marshall of the 2004 Brad- tion. countries, consumers will see lower prices for Sincerely, ley Beach Memorial Day Parade. In 1954, he goods and services, businesses will have bet- JERROLD NADLER, was appointed Postmaster of the Bradley ter access to supplies and technology, and Member of Congress. Beach Post Office, and he remained in that workers will find more jobs available to them. position until his retirement in 1979, following In addition, ratification of the agreement will CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES, 25 years of service. enhance security and stability in Northeast HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, Following his retirement, Lyman and Betty Asia. A stronger South Korean economy is a Washington, DC, May 11, 2011. joined the local chapter of the National Asso- I respectfully request that the Committee bulwark against threats from North Korea. I re- on Rules make in order my amendment #22 ciation of Retired Federal Employees, where main astounded by the economic success that to the Intelligence Authorization Act for he served as treasurer for 20 years. Lyman Korea achieved since I first landed at the Fiscal Year 2011. The amendment is identical was also a longtime active member of the Pusan Perimeter in the summer of 1950. to an amendment previously submitted by First United Methodist Church of Bradley There is such a satisfaction in knowing that Mr. Nadler, my colleague from New York, Beach, where he was a Lay Leader, and a the noble service and sacrifice of the nearly which I attempted to cosponsor. Unfortu- member of the Staff Parish Committee, United 1.8 million American soldiers, sailors, airmen nately, Mr. Nadler withdrew his amendment Methodist Men, and the Adult Choir. Lyman and Marines were not made in vain. #13 before I was able to be added as a cospon- and Betty chaperoned the youth fellowship sor of the amendment. I remain committed On a personal note, I especially thank Presi- to the amendment and that is why I have groups on a number of trips and activities. A dent Lee Myung-Bak and his Minister of Patri- submitted the identical language under my Boy Scout in his youth, Lyman remained ac- ots and Veterans Affairs Park Sung-Choon for name. As well, I am proud to be joined on tive in that organization as Scoutmaster for a the moving ceremony held at the War Memo- this amendment by my colleague from New number of years. rial of Korea in honor of my service and the York, Mr. Reed, who is a strong voice on the Throughout his life, Lyman was an excep- U.S. veterans who fought to defend Korea Rules Committee for the citizens of his dis- tionally devoted husband and father and I sixty one years ago. Korea will always have a trict and the entire State of New York. The language was kept intentionally restricted know that Lyman will be greatly missed by his place in my heart as it does in the hearts of to be germane to the underlying bill. Thank family and friends. Lyman’s story will live on to all veterans who have served then and those you for your consideration. serve as an inspiration for generations to who serve now. MICHAEL G. GRIMM, come, and I thank him for his dedication to In closing, I extend my appreciation to For- Member of Congress. this great country. eign Minister Sung-Hwan Kim, Trade Minister

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:02 May 14, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A13MY8.040 E13MYPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with REMARKS May 13, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E903 Jong-Hoon Kim, and leaders in the National A tireless leader and innovator in education, THE ARMENIAN GENOCIDE Assembly for their warm welcome. Our dele- President Mohr helped reorganize the entire gation is indebted to U.S. Ambassador Kath- planning structure at the College and guided it HON. ADAM B. SCHIFF leen Stephens and her exceptional staff at the and the San Mateo County Community Col- OF CALIFORNIA U.S. Embassy in Seoul, as well as Secretary lege District through an exhaustive strategic IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Locke’s Department of Commerce staff, for planning process where the College had its Friday, May 13, 2011 their outstanding support and professionalism that made our trip successful. accreditation renewed and is now viewed as a Mr. SCHIFF. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to I am also grateful to my good friend, ROK state leader in the accreditation process. memorialize and record a courageous story of Ambassador Duk-Soo Han, for his continuous President Mohr also developed his vision for survival of the Armenian Genocide. The Arme- work on strengthening the relationship be- Can˜ada with an Honors Transfer Program at nian Genocide, perpetrated by the Ottoman Empire from 1915 to 1923, resulted in the tween our two nations. He has been working the College designed to support highly moti- tirelessly to move the U.S.-Korea FTA, and I death of 1.5 million Armenian men, women, vated students as they pursue their edu- look forward to the days and weeks ahead as and children. As the U.S. Ambassador to the the agreement moves forward and urge my cational goals for graduation and transfer, in- Ottoman Empire Henry Morgenthau docu- colleagues to offer their own expressions of creasing by five times the number of students mented at the time, it was a campaign of support. transferring to UC schools. In the Honors Pro- ‘‘race extermination.’’ f gram, students are able to find the additional The campaign to annihilate the Armenian resources they need among their peers and people failed, as illustrated by the proud Ar- A TRIBUTE IN HONOR OF PRESI- excellent faculty to take their academic menian nation and prosperous diaspora. It is DENT THOMAS C. MOHR UPON difficult if not impossible to find an Armenian ˜ achievements to the next level. HIS RETIREMENT FROM CANADA family not touched by the genocide, and while COLLEGE During his tenure at Can˜ada College, Presi- there are some survivors still with us, it is im- dent Mohr made it a priority to create a center perative that we record their stories. Through HON. ANNA G. ESHOO for science, technology, engineering, and the Armenian Genocide CONGRESSIONAL OF CALIFORNIA mathematics learning, attracting more than $3 RECORD Project, I hope to document the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES million in Federal grants to support this mis- harrowing stories of the survivors in an effort Friday, May 13, 2011 sion, and adding more than 1,000 students to preserve their accounts and to help educate Ms. ESHOO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to majoring in STEM-related fields. the Members of Congress now and in the fu- ture of the necessity of recognizing the Arme- honor the life and career of Thomas (Tom) C. A practical leader, President Mohr under- Mohr who is the President of Can˜ada College, nian Genocide. stood the importance of linking career opportu- This is one of those stories: a distinguished college in the 14th Congres- nities to education and he created pipelines SUBMITTED BY MARY BOGHOSSIAN sional District of California and my alma for ESL students to connect their language mater. President Mohr has served as a teach- Dear Congressman Schiff, education to growing career fields. Under- I am writing you because I admire your er, mentor and community leader for the past standing that education doesn’t stop with an longstanding support of Armenians and 47 years, with 42 of those years living in the Americans. My parents, Toros and Bay Area with his beloved wife Sandy. Associate’s Degree, he made it a priority to Santoukht, my husband, Hagop, his mother, President Mohr holds a Bachelor of Science develop additional opportunities for students Ani, and his two older sisters, Vartouhi and from St. Louis University and a Master of Arts through the Can˜ada College University Center, Dikranouhi, were survivors of the Armenian from the University of San Francisco. A life- including bachelor degree programs in art, genocide. long educator, he began teaching at Taylor As you know, it is important to remember psychology, human services, and business ad- how the Armenian Christian population was School in St. Louis, Missouri in 1958, and ministration. The important link between pre- treated by the Turkish government from 1895 moved to San Francisco in 1959, where he pared students and student success was a pri- through 1923. Over one and a half million Ar- taught at Riordan High School. He began ority for President Mohr, leading him to create menian men, women, and children underwent working as a high school administrator in 1971 the Center for Teacher Efficacy at the Can˜ada unspeakable suffering. They were deported when he was appointed Vice Principal of from their homes, slaughtered, butchered, College University Center which provides pro- Serramonte High School in the Jefferson enslaved, and more, without consideration of Union High School District. fessional development opportunities for high guilt or innocence. Among those who suf- During his career he was invited by the school teachers on the Peninsula. fered immeasurably were my parents and my husband’s family. Western Association of School Accreditation to Throughout his distinguished career, Presi- My father was born in 1895 in Turkey. Dur- serve on more than 30 school accreditations, dent Mohr has connected the College to the ing the Armenian massacre in 1915, the most of which he chaired, including accredita- community, serving as Vice Chairman on the Turkish government was going to take him tions of schools in Japan and Egypt. Redwood City San Mateo County Chamber of away on a death march in the desert. Fortu- In 1996, President Mohr was named Super- nately, he was hidden behind the door in a intendent of the San Mateo Union High School Commerce, serving on the Board for the Boys house and the Turkish soldiers did not see District. He pushed for the successful passage and Girls Club of the Peninsula, serving on him, so they left. God saved him and he es- of a $137.5 million bond to refurbish and mod- the Board of the Redwood City Police Activi- caped. At the age of 20, he lost his innocent ernize the six high schools in the District. He ties League, and serving through numerous beloved family along with their belongings. The trauma was so great that he refused to also led the District in a comprehensive plan- civic groups. discuss it with his family members for a long ning process. He retired in 2004, and was Mr. Speaker, I ask the entire House of Rep- time. ˜ soon appointed Interim President at Canada resentatives to join me in offering our warmest My mother was born in 1905 in Turkey. In College. 1915, my mother’s brother was included with Can˜ada College, located in Redwood City, congratulations to President Tom Mohr on his all the people that were marching during the opened in 1968 as part of the three-school retirement and to celebrate his extraordinary deportation by the Turkish government. My San Mateo County Community College Dis- career and legacy he created, helping count- mother started running after him while he trict. The beautiful campus overlooks Silicon less students to achieve their dreams and po- was being marched away. She never caught tential. He has led with conviction, inspired up to him, and never saw him again. At the Valley and its talented students have gone on age of 10, she became an orphan and did not to apply the excellent education they received through example and taught with joy, trans- know if any of her family members were at Can˜ada to achieve their dreams academi- forming each life he touched. He has renewed dead or alive. cally and professionally across the Bay Area our community and strengthened our country, My parents met and were married in and beyond. proving that one person can indeed make Greece, had 7 children, 24 grandchildren. President Mohr is recognized as the critical They were married over 63 years and lived noble and lasting contributions. How blessed I leader in the growth of this unique college, in- over 90 years. am to know President Mohr, how deeply My husband was born in 1910 in Turkey. cluding the re-establishment of strong connec- His parents had three sons and three daugh- tions with local high schools to make Can˜ada grateful I am to him, and how grateful our na- tion is to him for lifting up generations of stu- ters. My husband always reminded us what College a destination for graduating seniors, happened to his family in the days following increasing enrollment by nearly 1,000 stu- dents who today are major contributors to the April 24, 1915, the conventional starting date dents. good and the greatness of our country. of the Armenian Genocide.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:02 May 14, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A13MY8.043 E13MYPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with REMARKS E904 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 13, 2011 He said to us: ‘‘During the massacre, the do so reflected a political ideology of shrinking prove and streamline services—developing a Turkish government took away my innocent the government workforce—even if it meant more efficient process without the costs and father and my older brother and they never diminishing the quality or increasing the cost controversies of the A–76 process. returned home. They were murdered by the of government services that are overwhelm- Turkish government. My younger brother We have some of the best and brightest in died of cold and hunger and there was no one ingly supported by American taxpayers. This our civil service; public servants with a deep around to bury him. My second oldest sister course of action negatively impacted every- and abiding love for this country. They have was married to a Turkish man by force and thing from national defense and border secu- important missions—to make the next sci- she died of hunger and cold as well. All of rity to the collection of taxes and the steward- entific breakthrough; to protect our nation from our belongings: home, money, jewelry, cloth- ship of our public lands. In many cases, work foreign threats; to keep our communities safe ing and our historic homeland, were taken was outsourced with little or no competition— from crime or disaster; to maintain our critical away by the Turks.’’ subverting the public interest and wasting bil- infrastructure. By enacting the CLEAN UP Act, My husband was an eyewitness to the mas- lions in taxpayer dollars. sacre. He was exposed to a terrible tragedy. we have an opportunity to support our Federal It changed his entire life. He saw bodies bur- This bill is not about punishing the con- workforce, save taxpayer dollars, restore good ied below the ground with their heads ex- tractor community or criticizing the work that government, and reduce waste, fraud, and posed to the sun. He saw men, women, and they do. The vast majority of these firms want abuse. children lying on the ground dead. to do the right thing and have performed many The surviving members of my husband’s important functions on behalf of the govern- f family, his mother and two older sisters, ment. However, there is some government ended up in a refugee camp. His mother work that is not appropriately awarded to the IN RECOGNITION OF THE CAREER worked hard for several years just so they lowest bidder. Often this work is about pro- AND ACHIEVEMENTS OF GERARD could stay alive. She was a beautiful woman, viding a service as a matter of policy without and had offers to marry several Turkish and TULLY Armenian men, but refused to remarry. In regard to profit. The process by which we the 1920s they were fortunate to emigrate to make decisions to hire government workers or Israel, and then to the United States in the to contract with the private sector for certain HON. GARY L. ACKERMAN 1960s. functions must reflect a mature understanding OF NEW YORK My husband experienced a great deal of of the real differences between the mission of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES sadness, tragedy, depression, and loneliness. government and that of business. He always loved his family and this country More recently, Congress has begun to rein Friday, May 13, 2011 with all his heart. He acknowledged all the in administrative procurement policy by requir- Presidents of the U.S. by hanging their pic- Mr. ACKERMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today tures on the wall of our home. To him, these ing more robust competition in contracting and to seek Congressional recognition of the ex- men stood for freedom. The freedom this ensuring that the core functions of government ceptional achievements and outstanding ca- Country gave him allowed him to live like a are performed by government employees. The reer of Gerard Tully. On May 25th, 2011, Mr. human being, and express his thoughts. It CLEAN UP Act seeks to reverse the damage Tully will be recognized by the President, gave him the courage to speak freely and that has already been done by requiring agen- Chairman of the Board, and Board of Directors never be silent again about his beloved fami- cies to develop plans to bring inherently gov- lies. of the Flushing Savings Bank for his 44 years ernmental work back in-house and ensuring of tireless and dedicated service to the Bank As you know, the ‘‘Aloha state’’ proclama- that future procurement decisions are made tion makes Hawaii the 42nd state to recog- and the Flushing Community. based on the best interest of the government nize the Armenian Genocide. Countries After graduating from Hofstra College in and the taxpayer. around the world such as Switzerland, 1950, Mr. Tully set to work in the construction The CLEAN UP Act will make the con- France, Canada, Italy, Sweden, Russia and industry, working for numerous businesses others, have passed a resolution recognizing tracting process fair to Federal employees and and creating countless jobs in the Queens and the Armenian genocide and proclaim a Day accountable to taxpayers. of Remembrance every year on April 24. Congress has heard from Federal workers Long Island communities. In 1967, he joined The U.S. government should have the will- and advocates in and out of government and the Flushing Savings Bank as a trustee. From ingness to join with countries around the their conclusions are the same—the current 1981 through 1989, he served as the chief ex- world, and formally acknowledge and com- system is broken. We must develop a clear, ecutive officer, and from 1980 until 2011, he memorate the Armenian genocide each and government-wide standard for what work was chairman of the board. His retirement as every year on April 24. If it is not taught in chairman on February 15th marks the end of our school and if we ignore the history then should or must be performed by government workers and put in place a fair process for an era for the Flushing bank. His decades of we are destined to repeat the mistakes of the experience and wealth of knowledge have past. competing all other work. made him an invaluable asset for the bank Thank you for supporting the remem- That is why I have introduced the CLEAN brance of the Armenian Genocide. UP Act. and the customers it serves. Moving forward, Sincerely, The CLEAN UP Act will: he will continue his distinguished service as a Mary. Impose a uniform, government-wide stand- member of the board. f ard for government work, distinguishing be- Mr. Tully’s success was not just confined to tween the functions which must be done by the realm of the business. For decades, he THE INTRODUCTION OF THE our civil servants and those functions that may has been an active participant in a diverse CLEAN UP ACT be done competently by the private sector; group of community organizations. His support Incrementally bring work that should be per- of Catholic Charities and the Juvenile Diabe- HON. JOHN P. SARBANES formed by Federal employees back in-house; tes Foundation deserves special recognition. OF MARYLAND Encourage agencies to consider assigning Mr. Tully’s active participation and skilled lead- ership in a variety of charitable endeavors has IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES new work to Federal employees if they would be more efficient rather than pursuing a policy changed countless lives for the better. Mr. Friday, May 13, 2011 of contracting-out, frequently through sole- Tully’s legacy of selfless devotion to commu- Mr. SARBANES. Mr. Speaker, I rise today source or limited competition contracts; nity service is something in which his wife, to introduce the Correction of Longstanding Require agencies to determine where there Frances, and their 17 grandchildren and five Errors in Agencies Unsustainable Procure- are or will be shortages of Federal employees great grandchildren can take great pride. ments (CLEAN UP) Act. This legislation will and develop plans to address these short- Mr. Speaker, I am proud to count Mr. Tully reform the badly flawed competitive sourcing ages; among my constituents in the 5th Congres- process—saving taxpayer dollars and reinvigo- Maintain the existing suspension of the use sional District of New York. He has stepped rating our civil service. of the Office of Management and Budget down as the Chairman of the Board of the Especially in our current era of budget defi- (OMB) Circular A–76 process until OMB deter- Flushing Savings Bank after having contrib- cits, efficient government is paramount. Over mines that the reforms required by this legisla- uted immeasurably his community. I am proud the last decade, we have been much too quick tion have been implemented; to recognize Mr. Tully and I ask my colleagues to outsource many of government’s most basic Direct Agencies to implement an alternative to join me in thanking him for a lifetime of self- functions to the private sector. The desire to to the A–76 process in order to continually im- less dedication to the community.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:02 May 14, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A13MY8.045 E13MYPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with REMARKS May 13, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E905 INTELLIGENCE AUTHORIZATION It is also a system in which contractors are works. They help craft war plans. They gath- ACT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2011 playing an ever more important role. The er information on local factions in war Post estimates that out of 854,000 people with zones. They are the historians, the archi- SPEECH OF top-secret clearances, 265,000 are contractors. tects, the recruiters in the nation’s most se- There is no better example of the govern- cretive agencies. They staff watch centers HON. PETER WELCH ment’s dependency on them than at the CIA, across the Washington area. They are among OF VERMONT the one place in government that exists to the most trusted advisers to the four-star do things overseas that no other U.S. agency generals leading the nation’s wars. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES is allowed to do. So great is the government’s appetite for Thursday, May 12, 2011 Private contractors working for the CIA private contractors with top-secret clear- have recruited spies in Iraq, paid bribes for ances that there are now more than 300 com- The House in Committee of the Whole information in Afghanistan and protected panies, often nicknamed ‘‘body shops,’’ that House on the State of the Union had under CIA directors visiting world capitals. Con- specialize in finding candidates, often for a consideration the bill (H.R. 754) to authorize tractors have helped snatch a suspected ex- fee that approaches $50,000 a person, accord- appropriations for fiscal year 2011 for intel- tremist off the streets of Italy, interrogated ing to those in the business. ligence and intelligence-related activities of detainees once held at secret prisons abroad Making it more difficult to replace con- the United States Government, the Commu- and watched over defectors holed up in the tractors with federal employees: The govern- nity Management Account, and the Central Washington suburbs. At Langley head- ment doesn’t know how many are on the fed- Intelligence Agency Retirement and Dis- quarters, they analyze terrorist networks. At eral payroll. Gates said he wants to reduce ability System, and for other purposes: the agency’s training facility in Virginia, the number of defense contractors by about Mr. WELCH. Mr. Chair, today I want to high- they are helping mold a new generation of 13 percent, to pre-9/11 levels, but he’s having light a critical issue facing the Intelligence American spies. a hard time even getting a basic head count. Community: increasing reliance on contrac- Through the federal budget process, the ‘‘This is a terrible confession,’’ he said. ‘‘I tors. George W. Bush administration and Congress can’t get a number on how many contractors A 2010 Washington Post story reported that made it much easier for the CIA and other work for the Office of the Secretary of De- agencies involved in counterterrorism to fense,’’ referring to the department’s civilian 30 percent of the workforce in our intelligence hire more contractors than civil servants. leadership. agencies is contractors. Furthermore, the Post They did this to limit the size of the perma- The Post’s estimate of 265,000 contractors estimated that out of 854,000 people with top- nent workforce, to hire employees more doing top-secret work was vetted by several secret clearances, 265,000 are contractors. I quickly than the sluggish federal process al- high-ranking intelligence officials who ap- encourage my colleagues to read this eye lows and because they thought—wrongly, it proved of The Post’s methodology. The news- opening article. turned out—that contractors would be less paper’s Top Secret America database in- These startling facts cause me great con- expensive. cludes 1.931 companies that perform work at cern—we’ve learned the hard way time and Nine years later, well into the Obama ad- the top-secret level. More than a quarter of ministration, the idea that contractors cost them—533—came into being after 2001, and time again what happens when we fail to mon- less has been repudiated, and the administra- others that already existed have expanded itor the work of federal contractors. The fed- tion has made some progress toward its goal greatly. Most are thriving even as the rest of eral government has the responsibility to of reducing the number of hired hands by 7 the United States struggles with bank- maintain its commitment to monitoring their percent over two years. Still, close to 30 per- ruptcies, unemployment and foreclosures. use—with special attention made to the evolv- cent of the workforce in the intelligence The privatization of national security ing nature of their work and the associated na- agencies is contractors. work has been made possible by a nine-year tional security risks inherent to outsourcing ‘‘For too long, we’ve depended on contrac- ‘‘gusher’’ of money, as Gates recently de- tors to do the operational work that ought scribed national security spending since the these tasks. I look forward to working with the to be done’’ by CIA employees, Panetta said. 9/11 attacks. Select Committee on Intelligence to achieve But replacing them ‘‘doesn’t happen over- With so much money to spend, managers this goal. night. When you’ve been dependent on con- do not always worry about whether they are [From the Washington Post, July 20, 2010] tractors for so long, you have to build that spending it effectively. NATIONAL SECURITY, INC. expertise over time.’’ A second concern of ‘‘Someone says, ‘Let’s do another study,’ Panetta’s: contracting with corporations, and because no one shares information, ev- (By Dana Priest and William M. Arkin) whose responsibility ‘‘is to their share- eryone does their own study,’’ said Elena In June, a stone carver from Manassas holders, and that does present an inherent Mastors, who headed a team studying the al- chiseled another perfect star into a marble conflict.’’ Qaeda leadership for the Defense Depart- wall at CIA headquarters, one of 22 for agen- Or as Gates, who has been in and out of ment. ‘‘It’s about how many studies you can cy workers killed in the global war initiated government his entire life, puts it: ‘‘You orchestrate, how many people you can fly all by the 2001 terrorist attacks. want somebody who’s really in it for a career over the place. Everybody’s just on a spend- The intent of the memorial is to publicly because they’re passionate about it and be- ing spree. We don’t need all these people honor the courage of those who died in the cause they care about the country and not doing all this stuff.’’ line of duty, but it also conceals a deeper just because of the money.’’ Most of these contractors do work that is story about government in the post-9/11 era: Contractors can offer more money—often fundamental to an agency’s core mission. As Eight of the 22 were not CIA officers at all. twice as much—to experienced federal em- a result, the government has become depend- They were private contractors. ployees than the government is allowed to ent on them in a way few could have fore- To ensure that the country’s most sen- pay them. And because competition among seen: wartime temps who have become a per- sitive duties are carried out only by people firms for people with security clearances is manent cadre. loyal above all to the nation’s interest, fed- so great, corporations offer such perks as Just last week, typing ‘‘top secret’’ into eral rules say contractors may not perform BMWs and $15,000 signing bonuses, as the search engine of a major jobs Web site what are called ‘‘inherently government Raytheon did in June for software developers showed 1,951 unfilled positions in the Wash- functions.’’ But they do, all the time and in with top-level clearances. ington area, and 19,759 nationwide: ‘‘Target every intelligence and counterterrorism The idea that the government would save analyst,’’ Reston. ‘‘Critical infrastructure agency, according to a two-year investiga- money on a contract workforce ‘‘is a false specialist,’’ Washington, D.C. ‘‘Joint expedi- tion by The Washington Post. economy,’’ said Mark M. Lowenthal, a tionary team member,’’ Arlington. What started as a temporary fix in re- former senior CIA official and now president ‘‘We could not perform our mission with- sponse to the terrorist attacks has turned of his own intelligence training academy. out them. They serve as our ‘reserves,’ pro- into a dependency that calls into question As companies raid federal agencies of tal- viding flexibility and expertise we can’t ac- whether the federal workforce includes too ent, the government has been left with the quire,’’ said Ronald Sanders, who was chief many people obligated to shareholders rath- youngest intelligence staffs ever while more of human capital for the Office of the Direc- er than the public interest—and whether the experienced employees move into the private tor of National Intelligence before retiring government is still in control of its most sector. This is true at the CIA, where em- in February. ‘‘Once they are on board, we sensitive activities. In interviews last week, ployees from 114 firms account for roughly a treat them as if they’re a part of the total both Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates and third of the workforce, or about 10,000 posi- force.’’ CIA Director Leon Panetta said they agreed tions. Many of them are temporary hires, The Post’s investigation is based on gov- with such concerns. often former military or intelligence agency ernment documents and contracts, job de- The Post investigation uncovered what employees who left government service to scriptions, property records, corporate and amounts to an alternative geography of the work less and earn more while drawing a fed- social networking Web sites, additional United States, a Top Secret America created eral pension. records, and hundreds of interviews with in- since 9/11 that is hidden from public view, Across the government, such workers are telligence, military and corporate officials lacking in thorough oversight and so un- used in every conceivable way. Contractors and former officials. Most requested ano- wieldy that its effectiveness is impossible to kill enemy fighters. They spy on foreign gov- nymity either because they are prohibited determine. ernments and eavesdrop on terrorist net- from speaking publicly or because, they said,

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:02 May 14, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A13MY8.048 E13MYPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with REMARKS E906 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 13, 2011 they feared retaliation at work for describ- months in Iraq, the founder of Berico Tech- technology. ‘‘No, I don’t think we could keep ing their concerns. nologies, a former Army officer named Guy up with it.’’ The investigation focused on top-secret Filippelli, working with the National Secu- Vice Adm. David J. ‘‘Jack’’ Dorsett, direc- work because the amount classified at the rity Agency. invented a technology that tor of naval intelligence, said he could save secret level is too large to accurately track. made finding the makers of roadside bombs millions each year by converting 20 percent A searchable database of government organi- easier and helped stanch the number of cas- of the contractor jobs at the Suitland com- zations and private companies was built en- ualties from improvised explosives, accord- plex to civil servant positions. He has gotten tirely on public records. [For an explanation ing to NSA officials. the go-ahead, but it’s been a slow start. This of the newspaper’s decision making behind Contractors have produced blueprints and year, his staff has converted one contractor this project, please see the Editor’s Note.] equipment for the unmanned aerial war job and eliminated another—out of 589. ‘‘It’s The national security industry sells the fought by drones, which have killed the larg- costing me an arm and a leg,’’ Dorsett said. military and intelligence agencies more than est number of senior al-Qaeda leaders and Washington’s corridors of power stretch in just airplanes, ships and tanks. It sells con- produced a flood of surveillance videos. A a nearly straight geographical line from the tractors’ brain power. They advise, brief and dozen firms created the transnational digital Supreme Court to the Capitol to the White work everywhere, including 25 feet under the highway that carries the drones’ real-time House. Keep going west, across the Potomac Pentagon in a bunker where they can be data on terrorist hide-outs from overseas to River, and the unofficial seats of power—the found alongside military personnel in battle command posts throughout the United private, corporate ones—become visible, es- fatigues monitoring potential crises world- States. pecially at night. There in the Virginia sub- wide. Private firms have become so thoroughly urbs are the brightly illuminated company Late at night, when the wide corridors of entwined with the government’s most sen- logos of Top Secret America: Northrop the Pentagon are all but empty, the National sitive activities that without them impor- Grumman, SAIC, General Dynamics. Military Command Center hums with pur- tant military and intelligence missions Of the 1,931 companies identified by The pose. There’s real-time access to the location would have to cease or would be jeopardized. Post that work on top-secret contracts, of U.S. forces anywhere in the world, to Some examples: about 110 of them do roughly 90 percent of granular satellite images or to the White *At the Department of Homeland Security the work on the corporate side of the de- House Situation Room. (DHS), the number of contractors equals the fense-intelligence-corporate world. The purpose of all this is to be able to an- number of federal employees. The depart- To understand how these firms have come swer any question the chairman of the Joint ment depends on 318 companies for essential to dominate the post-9/11 era, there’s no bet- Chiefs of Staff might have. To be ready 24 services and personnel, including 19 staffing ter place to start than the Herndon office of hours a day, every day, takes five brigadier firms that help DHS find and hire even more General Dynamics. One recent afternoon generals, a staff of colonels and senior non- contractors. At the office that handles intel- there, Ken Pohill was watching a series of commissioned officers—and a man wearing a ligence, six out of 10 employees are from pri- unclassified images, the first of which pink contractor badge and a bright purple vate industry. showed a white truck moving across his com- shirt and tie. Erik Saar’s job title is ‘‘knowledge engi- *The National Security Agency, which con- puter monitor. The truck was in Afghanistan, and a video neer.’’ In one of the most sensitive places in ducts worldwide electronic surveillance, camera bolted to the belly of a U.S. surveil- America, he is the only person in the room hires private firms to come up with most of lance plane was following it. Pohill could ac- who knows how to bring data from far afield, its technological innovations. The NSA used cess a dozen images that might help an intel- fast. Saar and four teammates from a private to work with a small stable of firms; now it ligence analyst figure out whether the truck company, SRA International, teach these works with at least 484 and is actively re- top-ranked staff officers to think in Web 2.0. cruiting more. driver was just a truck driver or part of a They are trying to push a tradition-bound *The National Reconnaissance Office can- network making roadside bombs to kill culture to act differently, digitally. not produce, launch or maintain its large American soldiers. That sometimes means asking for help in a satellite surveillance systems, which photo- To do this, he clicked his computer mouse. public online chat room or exchanging ideas graph countries such as China, North Korea Up popped a picture of the truck driver’s on shared Web pages outside the military and Iran, without the four major contractors house, with notes about visitors. Another computer networks dubbed .mil—things it works with. click. Up popped infrared video of the vehi- much resisted within the Pentagon’s self-suf- *Every intelligence and military organiza- cle. Click: Analysis of an object thrown from ficient culture. ‘‘Our job is to change the tion depends on contract linguists to com- the driver’s side. Click: U–2 imagery. Click: perception of leaders who might drive municate overseas, translate documents and A history of the truck’s movement. Click: A change,’’ Saar said. make sense of electronic voice intercepts. Google Earth map of friendly forces. Click: A Since 9/11, contractors have made extraor- The demand for native speakers is so great, chat box with everyone else following the dinary contributions—and extraordinary and the amount of money the government is truck, too. blunders—that have changed history and willing to pay for them is so huge, that 56 Ten years ago, if Pohill had worked for clouded the public’s view of the distinction firms compete for this business. General Dynamics, he probably would have between the actions of officers sworn on be- *Each of the 16 intelligence agencies de- had a job bending steel. Then, the company’s half of the United States and corporate em- pends on corporations to set up its computer center of gravity was the industrial port city ployees with little more than a security networks, communicate with other agencies’ of Groton, Conn., where men and women in badge and a gun. networks, and fuse and mine disparate bits wet galoshes churned out submarines, the Contractor misdeeds in Iraq and Afghani- of information that might indicate a ter- thoroughbreds of naval warfare. Today, the stan have hurt U.S. credibility in those rorist plot. More than 400 companies work firm’s commercial core is made up of data countries as well as in the Middle East. exclusively in this area, building classified tools such as the digital imagery library in Abuse of prisoners at Abu Ghraib, some of it hardware and software systems. Herndon and the secure BlackBerry-like de- done by contractors, helped ignite a call for Hiring contractors was supposed to save vice used by President Obama, both devel- vengeance against the United States that the government money. But that has not oped at a carpeted suburban office by em- continues today. Security guards working turned out to be the case. A 2008 study pub- ployees in loafers and heels. for Blackwater added fuel to the five-year lished by the Office of the Director of Na- The evolution of General Dynamics was violent chaos in Iraq and became the symbol tional Intelligence found that contractors based on one simple strategy: Follow the of an America run amok. made up 29 percent of the workforce in the money. Contractors in war zones, especially those intelligence agencies but cost the equivalent The company embraced the emerging in- who can fire weapons, blur ‘‘the line between of 49 percent of their personnel budgets. telligence-driven style of warfare. It devel- the legitimate and illegitimate use of force, Gates said that federal workers cost the gov- oped small-target identification systems and which is just what our enemies want,’’ Alli- ernment 25 percent less than contractors. equipment that could intercept an insur- son Stanger, a professor of international pol- The process of reducing the number of con- gent’s cellphone and laptop communications. itics and economics at Middlebury College tractors has been slow, if the giant Office of It found ways to sort the billions of data and the author of ‘‘One Nation Under Con- Naval Intelligence in Suitland is any exam- points collected by intelligence agencies into tract,’’ told the independent Commission on ple. There, 2,770 people work on the round- piles of information that a single person Wartime Contracting at a hearing in June. the-clock maritime watch floor tracking could analyze. Misconduct happens, too. A defense con- commercial vessels, or in science and engi- It also began gobbling up smaller compa- tractor formerly called MZM paid bribes for neering laboratories, or in one of four sepa- nies that could help it dominate the new in- CIA contracts, sending Randy ‘‘Duke’’ rate intelligence centers. But it is the em- telligence landscape, just as its competitors Cunningham, who was a California congress- ployees of 70 information technology compa- were doing. Between 2001 and 2010, the com- man on the intelligence committee, to pris- nies who keep the place operating. pany acquired 11 firms specializing in sat- on. Guards employed in Afghanistan by They store, process and analyze commu- ellites, signals and geospatial intelligence, ArmorGroup North America, a private secu- nications and intelligence transmitted to surveillance, reconnaissance, technology in- rity company, were caught on camera in a and from the entire U.S. naval fleet and com- tegration and imagery. lewd-partying scandal. mercial vessels worldwide. ‘‘Could we keep On Sept. 11, 2001, General Dynamics was But contractors have also advanced the this building running without contractors?’’ working with nine intelligence organiza- way the military fights. During the bloodiest said the captain in charge of information tions. Now it has contracts with all 16. Its

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:02 May 14, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A13MY8.049 E13MYPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with REMARKS May 13, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E907 employees fill the halls of the NSA and DHS. Abraxas of Herndon, headed by a former Of all the different companies in Top Se- The corporation was paid hundreds of mil- CIA spy, quickly became a major CIA con- cret America, the most numerous by far are lions of dollars to set up and manage DHS’s tractor after 9/11. Its staff even recruited the information technology, or IT, firms. new offices in 2003, including its National Op- midlevel managers during work hours from About 800 firms do nothing but IT. erations Center, Office of Intelligence and the CIA’s cafeteria, former agency officers Some IT companies integrate the mish- Analysis and Office of Security. Its employ- recall. mash of computer systems within one agen- ees do everything from deciding which Other small and medium-size firms sell cy; others build digital links between agen- threats to investigate to answering phones. niche technical expertise such as engineering cies; still others have created software and General Dynamics’ bottom line reflects its for low-orbit satellites or long-dwell sensors. hardware that can mine and analyze vast successful transformation. It also reflects But the vast majority have not invented quantities of data. how much the U.S. government—the firm’s anything at all. Instead, they replicate what The government is nearly totally depend- largest customer by far—has paid the com- the government’s workforce already does. ent on these firms. Their close relationship pany beyond what it costs to do the work, A company called SGIS, founded soon after was on display recently at the Defense Intel- which is, after all, the goal of every profit- the 2001 attacks, was one of these. ligence Agency’s annual information tech- making corporation. In June 2002, from the spare bedroom of his nology conference in Phoenix. The agency The company reported $31.9 billion in rev- San Diego home, 30-year-old Hany Girgis put expected the same IT firms angling for its enue in 2009, up from $10.4 billion in 2000. Its together an information technology team business to pay for the entire five-day get-to- workforce has more than doubled in that that won its first Defense Department con- gether, a DIA spokesman confirmed. time, from 43,300 to 91,700 employees, accord- tract four months later. By the end of the And they did. ing to the company. year, SGIS had opened a Tampa office close General Dynamics spent $30,000 on the Revenue from General Dynamics’ to the U.S. Central Command and Special event. On a perfect spring night, it hosted a intelligence- and information-related divi- Operations Command, had turned a profit party at Chase Field, a 48,569-seat baseball sions, where the majority of its top-secret and had 30 employees. stadium, reserved exclusively for the con- work is done, climbed to $10 billion in the SGIS sold the government the services of ference attendees. Government buyers and second quarter of 2009, up from $2.4 billion in people with specialized skills; expanding the corporate sellers drank beer and ate hot dogs 2000, accounting for 34 percent of its overall types of teams it could put together was one while the DIA director’s morning keynote revenue last year. key to its growth. Eventually it offered engi- speech replayed on the gigantic scoreboard, The company’s profitability is on display neers, analysts and cyber-security specialists digital baseballs bouncing along the bottom in its Falls Church headquarters. There’s a for military, space and intelligence agencies. of the screen. soaring, art-filled lobby, bistro meals served By 2003, the company’s revenue was $3.7 mil- Carahsoft Technology, a DIA contractor, on china enameled with the General Dynam- lion. By then, SGIS had become a subcon- invited guests to a casino night where intel- ics logo and an auditorium with seven rows tractor for General Dynamics, working at ligence officials and vendors ate, drank and of white leather-upholstered seats, each with the secret level. Satisfied with the partner- bet phony money at craps tables run by pro- its own microphone and laptop docking sta- ship, General Dynamics helped SGIS receive fessional dealers. tion. a top-secret facility clearance, which opened The McAfee network security company, a General Dynamics now has operations in the doors to more work. Defense Department contractor, welcomed every corner of the intelligence world. It By 2006, its revenue had multiplied tenfold, guests to a Margaritaville-themed social on helps counterintelligence operators and to $30.6 million, and the company had hired the garden terrace of the hotel across the trains new analysts. It has a $600 million Air employees who specialized in government street from the convention site, where 250 Force contract to intercept communications. contracting just to help it win more con- firms paid thousands of dollars each to ad- It makes $1 billion a year keeping hackers tracts. out of U.S. computer networks and ‘‘We knew that’s where we wanted to vertise their services and make their pitches encrypting military communications. It play,’’ Girgis said in a phone interview. to intelligence officials walking the exhi- even conducts information operations, the ‘‘There’s always going to be a need to pro- bition hall. Government officials and company execu- murky military art of trying to persuade for- tect the homeland.’’ eigners to align their views with U.S. inter- Eight years after it began, SGIS was up to tives say these networking events are crit- ests. revenue of $101 million, 14 offices and 675 em- ical to building a strong relationship be- ‘‘The American intelligence community is ployees. Those with top-secret clearances tween the public and private sectors. an important market for our company,’’ said worked for 11 government agencies, accord- ‘‘If I make one contact each day, it’s worth General Dynamics spokesman Kendell Pease. ing to The Post’s database. it,’’ said Tom Conway, director of federal ‘‘Over time, we have tailored our organiza- The company’s marketing efforts had business development for McAfee. tion to deliver affordable, best-of-breed prod- grown, too, both in size and sophistication. As for what a government agency gets out ucts and services to meet those agencies’ Its Web site, for example, showed an image of it: ‘‘Our goal is to be open and learn unique requirements.’’ of Navy sailors lined up on a battleship over stuff,’’ said Grant M. Schneider, the DIA’s In September 2009, General Dynamics won the words ‘‘Proud to serve’’ and another chief information officer and one of the con- a $10 million contract from the U.S. Special image of a Navy helicopter flying near the ference’s main draws. By going outside Operations Command’s psychological oper- Statue of Liberty over the words ‘‘Pre- Washington, where many of the firms are ations unit to create Web sites to influence serving freedom.’’ And if it seemed hard to headquartered, ‘‘we get more synergy. . . . foreigners’ views of U.S. policy. To do that, distinguish SGIS’s work from the govern- It’s an interchange with industry.’’ the company hired writers, editors and de- ment’s, it’s because they were doing so many These types of gatherings happen every signers to produce a set of daily news sites of the same things. SGIS employees replaced week. Many of them are closed to anyone tailored to five regions of the world. They military personnel at the Pentagon’s 24/7 without a top-secret clearance. At a U.S. Special Operations Command appear as regular news Web sites, with telecommunications center. SGIS employees conference in Fayetteville, N.C., in April, names such as ‘‘ The News and conducted terrorist threat analysis. SGIS vendors paid for access to some of the people Views of Southeast Europe.’’ The first indi- employees provided help-desk support for who decide what services and gadgets to buy cation that they are run on behalf of the federal computer systems. military comes at the bottom of the home Still, as alike as they seemed, there were for troops. In mid-May, the national security page with the word ‘‘Disclaimer.’’ Only by crucial differences. industry held a black-tie evening funded by clicking on that do you learn that ‘‘the For one, unlike in government, if an SGIS the same corporations seeking business from Southeast European Times (SET) is a Web employee did a good job, he might walk into the defense, intelligence and congressional site sponsored by the United States Euro- the parking lot one day and be surprised by leaders seated at their tables. pean Command.’’ co-workers clapping at his latest bonus: a Such coziness worries other officials who What all of these contracts add up to: This leased, dark-blue Mercedes convertible. And believe the post–9/11 defense-intelligence-cor- year, General Dynamics’ overall revenue was he might say, as a video camera recorded porate relationship has become, as one sen- $7.8 billion in the first quarter, Jay L. John- him sliding into the soft leather driver’s ior military intelligence officer described it, son, the company’s chief executive and presi- seat, ‘‘Ahhhh . . . this is spectacular.’’ a ‘‘self-licking ice cream cone.’’ dent, said at an earnings conference call in And then there was what happened to SGIS Another official, a longtime conservative April. ‘‘We’ve hit the deck running in the last month, when it did the one thing the staffer on the Senate Armed Services Com- first quarter,’’ he said, ‘‘and we’re on our federal government can never do. mittee, described it as ‘‘a living, breathing way to another successful year.’’ It sold itself. organism’’ impossible to control or curtail. In the shadow of giants such as General The new owner is a Fairfax-based company ‘‘How much money has been involved is just Dynamics are 1,814 small to midsize compa- called Salient Federal Solutions, created mind-boggling,’’ he said. ‘‘We’ve built such a nies that do top-secret work. About a third just last year. It is a management company vast instrument. What are you going to do of them were established after Sept. 11, 2001, and a private-equity firm with lots of Wash- with this thing? . . . It’s turned into a jobs to take advantage of the huge flow of tax- ington connections that, with the purchase program.’’ payer money into the private sector. Many of SGIS, it intends to parlay into contracts. Even some of those gathered in Phoenix are led by former intelligence agency offi- ‘‘We have an objective,’’ says chief execu- criticized the size and disjointedness of the cials who know exactly whom to approach tive and President Brad Antle, ‘‘to make $500 intelligence community and its contracting for work. million in five years.’’ base. ‘‘Redundancy is the unacceptable

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:02 May 14, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A13MY8.049 E13MYPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with REMARKS E908 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 13, 2011 norm,’’ Lt. Gen. Richard P. Zahner, Army to purchase and install Automated External clothing, plus approximately $15 million dollars deputy chief of staff for intelligence, told the Defibrillator devices at a local church. were generously donated by the Taiwanese 2,000 attendees. ‘‘Are we spending our re- After obtaining the highest scouting rank people. sources effectively? . . . If we have not got- possible, Dalton plans to remain active in Once again, I congratulate President Ma for ten our houses in order, someone will do it the start of his third year in office and thank for us.’’ scouting to earn additional Eagle Palms and On a day that also featured free back rubs, merit badges. Dalton has been involved in the Taiwanese people for their charity towards shoeshines, ice cream and fruit smoothies, scouting since he became a Tiger Cub more the people of Japan. another speaker, Kevin P. Meiners, a deputy than 10 years ago. His future plans are to at- f undersecretary for intelligence, gave the au- tend the United States Air Force Academy and dience what he called ‘‘the secret sauce,’’ the A TRIBUTE IN HONOR OF REV- become an F–22 pilot. EREND PAUL R. VASSAR ON THE key to thriving even when the Defense De- Mr. Speaker, the example set by this young partment budget eventually stabilizes and OCCASION OF THE 40TH ANNI- stops rising so rapidly. man and his supportive family demonstrates VERSARY OF HIS ORDINATION ‘‘Overhead,’’ Meiners told them—that’s the rewards of hard work, dedication and per- OF THE PRIESTHOOD what’s going to get cut first. Overhead used severance. I am honored to represent Dalton to mean paper clips and toner. Now it’s in- Doom and his family in the United States Con- formation technology, IT, the very products gress. I know that all of my colleagues will join HON. ANNA G. ESHOO OF CALIFORNIA and services sold by the businesspeople in me in congratulating him on earning an Eagle IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the audience. Scout ranking and will wish him continued ‘‘You should describe what you do as a Friday, May 13, 2011 weapons system, not overhead,’’ Meiners in- success in his future education and career. structed. ‘‘Overhead to them—I’m giving you f Ms. ESHOO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to recognize and celebrate the 40th Anniversary the secret sauce here—is IT and people. . . . COMMENDING THE STUDENTS OF You have to foot-stomp hard that this is a of Reverend Paul R. Vassar’s ordination to the war-fighting system that’s helping save peo- SPRINGFIELD HIGH SCHOOL priesthood. For four decades, Father Vassar ple’s lives every day.’’ has served the people of his parishes with After he finished, many of the government HON. PATRICK MEEHAN good words and good works, and on June 11, officials listening headed to the exhibit hall, OF PENNSYLVANIA 2011, St. Leander Parish is celebrating this where company salespeople waited in display IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES wonderful milestone in their Pastor’s life. booths. Peter Coddington, chief executive of A native of Oakland, Father Vassar grad- InTTENSITY, a small firm whose software Friday, May 13, 2011 teaches computers to ‘‘read’’ documents, was uated from Bishop O’Dowd High School, stud- ready for them. Mr. MEEHAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to ied philosophy at St. John’s College in ‘‘You have to differentiate yourself,’’ he commend the efforts of the students of Spring- Camarillo, and graduated from St. Patrick’s said as they fanned out into the aisles. field High School, in Springfield, Pennsylvania, Seminary in Menlo Park, California. He was Coddington had glass beer mugs and pens who raised a record sum of nearly $153,000 ordained to the priesthood by Bishop Floyd twirling atop paperweight pyramids to help through their annual Dance-a-Thon to benefit Begin in 1971. persuade officials of the nation’s largest pediatric cancer research. With over half of Since that time, Father Vassar has served military intelligence agency that he had Springfield High’s student body taking part in as an Associate Pastor at the Oakland parish something they needed. of St. Leo, and as Pastor of St. Benedict’s in But first he needed them to stop walking this extraordinary charitable drive, the Dance- so fast, to slow down long enough for him to a-Thon represents community service at its 1977. After studying at Howard University, he start his pitch. His twirling pens seemed to finest—citizens voluntarily giving of them- was appointed Pastor of St. Columba Parish do the job. ‘‘It’s like moths to fire,’’ selves to make a difference in the lives of their in Oakland, where he ministered for 13 years. Coddington whispered. neighbors. Most of us have known the pain of After a decade as Diocesan Vicar General, A DIA official with a tote bag approached. losing a loved one to cancer, but the students Father Vassar became Pastor of St. Leander She spotted the pens, and her pace slowed. at Springfield took action, joining together to Parish in 2004. ‘‘Want a pen?’’ Coddington called. At St. Leander, Father Vassar’s energy and help children who are fighting this disease. I She hesitated. ‘‘Ah . . . I have three chil- enthusiasm constantly shine through. He visits am proud of these young men and women, dren,’’ she said. students in their classrooms regularly at the ‘‘Want three pens?’’ and grateful for the example they have set for Parish school, delighting in their growth and She stopped. In Top Secret America, every their peers and the students who will follow activity. Dedicated to learning and listening, moment is an opportunity. after them. ‘‘We’re a text extraction company . . . ,’’ Father Vassar learned Spanish to better com- Coddington began, handing her the pens. f municate with his diverse parish. Under his CONGRATULATING TAIWAN’S guidance and exceptional leadership, one of Staff researcher Julie Tate contributed to PRESIDENT MA YING-JEOU the oldest parishes of the Diocese of Oakland this report. has flourished. f Father Vassar has served on the Board of HON. ELIOT L. ENGEL Directors of Catholic Charities of the East Bay, A TRIBUTE TO DALTON B. DOOM OF NEW YORK and he and several of his priest friends formed IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES a support group to share the challenges and HON. TOM LATHAM Friday, May 13, 2011 joys of their callings. OF IOWA It is a special personal privilege for me to Mr. ENGEL. Mr. Speaker, today I rise to ex- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES honor Father Paul on the 40th Anniversary of press congratulations to Taiwan’s President Friday, May 13, 2011 his ordination. We have been friends since his Ma Ying-jeou who is celebrating his third year days at St. Patrick’s Seminary and he has Mr. LATHAM. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to as their leader on May 20th, 2011. been part of my family since then, from the recognize and congratulate Dalton B. Doom of During President Ma’s tenure, Taiwan has births of my children, to officiating at the wed- Urbandale, IA for achieving the rank of an not only been a close friend of the United ding of my daughter, to celebrating the Fu- Eagle Scout. Dalton is currently a freshman in States, but it has reached out to countries all neral Masses for my parents when each en- high school and serves as the Senior Patrol over the world. This was evident during Ja- tered into eternity. Mr. Speaker, I ask my col- Leader of his troop. pan’s recent tragedy in March resulting from leagues to join me in honoring Father Vassar’s The Eagle Scout rank is the highest ad- the earthquakes and tsunami. four decades of faithful service to the Bay vancement rank in scouting. Only about 5 per- Due to the radiation emitting from the dam- Area Catholic community. When he joined St. cent of Boy Scouts earn the Eagle Scout aged nuclear plants, staff from the United Leander, he commented on how excited he Award. The award is a performance-based States embassy in Japan needed to evacuate was to return to parish work. ‘‘I get to walk achievement whose high standards have been immediately. Taiwan was gracious enough to with people where God is working with them,’’ maintained over the years. To earn the Eagle take them in. U.S. Embassy officials plus pri- he said. For 40 phenomenal years, Father Scout rank, a Boy Scout is obligated to pass vate United States citizens were flown in char- Vassar has done just that. I’m proud to know specific tests that are organized by require- tered planes from Japan to Taiwan. him, to be his friend, and to pay tribute to this ments and merit badges, as well as com- Taiwan also donated supplies and money to good, holy and happy man who has strength- pleting an Eagle Project to benefit the commu- Japan to help with their desperate situation. ened our community, deepened our faith, and nity. Dalton’s project consisted of raising funds About 10 tons of supplies, including food and made our country a better place.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:02 May 14, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A13MY8.050 E13MYPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with REMARKS May 13, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E909 THE REPUBLIC OF KOREA’S Korea has been and continues to be one of oped economy that had a GDP per capita of ASSISTANCE TO AFGHANISTAN the most reliable partners we have in Afghani- $30,000 in 2010, almost thirteen times the fig- stan. For example, from 2002 to 2007, Korea ure thirty years earlier. The country’s overall HON. DAN BURTON deployed military medics and engineers in Af- GDP increased from $88 billion to $1,460 bil- ghanistan; provided medical service to OF INDIANA lion in the same period. 260,000 people; and helped build the U.S. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Today, South Korea’s economy ranks fif- Bagram Air Field. Friday, May 13, 2011 What impresses me the most about Korea’s teenth in the world by nominal GDP and fortitude and role in the international commu- twelfth by purchasing power parity. It is one of Mr. BURTON of Indiana. Mr. Speaker, as the G–20 major economies and it is a member co-Chair of the on nity is its tremendous progress over the last half century. Not so long ago South Korea of the Organization for Economic Cooperation Korea, I rise today to commend the Republic and Development. As of 2010, South Korea of Korea’s pledge of an additional $500 million was a recipient, rather than a donor, of Official Development Assistance, ODA. According to was the sixth largest exporter and tenth larg- over 5 years in aid to Afghanistan. It is unfor- est importer in the world. Korea is the United tunate that this tremendous contribution was the Congressional Research Service, U.S. economic assistance to South Korea totaled States’ seventh-largest trading partner, with a not heralded by the international media be- $3.8 billion from 1945 to 1971. However, by pending free trade agreement that will bring cause Seoul’s commitment to aiding in the de- the mid-1970s U.S. assistance began to shrink multiple benefits to both of our countries in velopment and reconstruction in the war-torn to zero. In 2009, South Korea became the first terms of increased trade and investment. We nation is remarkable in several ways and de- major recipient of Official Development Assist- must pass the pending U.S.-Korea Free Trade serves our recognition and gratitude. ance to become a major donor of ODA. In just Agreement KORUS FTA as soon as possible. This latest $500 million is in addition to the two years, 2008 and 2009, South Korea con- $180 million Seoul has already contributed to The conflict in Afghanistan is as controver- tributed economic aid of $1.7 billion to other sial in Korea as it is in the United States, Afghanistan. And, currently, there are about countries, including Afghanistan. 90 South Korean aid workers and police serv- which makes the Republic of Korea’s pledge Through sound economic policies, a strong of an additional $500 million (over 5 years) in ing in Afghanistan secured by more than 200 commitment to free enterprise, and a turn from Korean troops. This increased level of assist- aid to Afghanistan all the more significant. It autocratic to democratic governance, South sends a signal to the world that Korea is a ance will go a long way in supporting existing Korea has become one of the world’s fastest- dedicated partner in peace and an ally that the programs run by Korea’s Provincial Recon- growing, most resilient economies with an U.S. can count on. struction Team in the northern province of equally resilient and stable civil society. Parwan. Korea’s Provincial Reconstruction In 1980, the Republic of Korea’s gross do- Mr. Speaker, I hope my colleagues will join Team will be able to enhance their work in the mestic product, GDP, per capita was $2,300, me today in saluting the Republic of Korea areas of education, health and medical serv- about one-third of nearby economies such as and people of Korea for their continued part- ice, rural development, improved governance Singapore, Hong Kong, and Japan. Since nership in helping to rebuild the economy and and police training. then, South Korea has advanced into a devel- society of Afghanistan.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:02 May 14, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A13MY8.055 E13MYPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with REMARKS