‣ digraph API ‣ digraph search ‣ topological sort

AlgoFOUrRitT H hEDImT IOsN ‣ strong components


Algorithms, 4th Edition · Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne · Copyright © 2002–2011 · November 9, 2011 7:43:17 AM Directed graphs

Digraph. Set of vertices connected pairwise by directed edges.

vertex of outdegree 3 and indegree 1

directed path directed from 0 to 2 cycle

A directed graph (digraph)

2 Road network

Vertex = intersection; edge = one-way street.

©2008 Google - Map data ©2008 Sanborn, NAVTEQ™ - Terms of Use

3 Political blogosphere graph

Vertex = political blog; edge = link.

The Political Blogosphere and the 2004 U.S. Election: Divided They Blog, Adamic and Glance, 2005 Figure 1: Community structure of political blogs (expanded set), shown using utilizing a GEM layout [11] in the GUESS[3] visualization and analysis tool. The colors reflect political orientation, 4 red for conservative, and blue for liberal. Orange links go from liberal to conservative, and purple ones from conservative to liberal. The size of each blog reflects the number of other blogs that link to it. longer existed, or had moved to a different location. When looking at the front page of a blog we did not make a distinction between blog references made in blogrolls (blogroll links) from those made in posts (post citations). This had the disadvantage of not differentiating between blogs that were actively mentioned in a post on that day, from blogroll links that remain static over many weeks [10]. Since posts usually contain sparse references to other blogs, and blogrolls usually contain dozens of blogs, we assumed that the network obtained by crawling the front page of each blog would strongly reflect blogroll links. 479 blogs had blogrolls through blogrolling.com, while many others simply maintained a list of links to their favorite blogs. We did not include blogrolls placed on a secondary page. We constructed a citation network by identifying whether a URL present on the page of one blog references another political blog. We called a link found anywhere on a blog’s page, a “page link” to distinguish it from a “post citation”, a link to another blog that occurs strictly within a post. Figure 1 shows the unmistakable division between the liberal and conservative political (blogo)spheres. In fact, 91% of the links originating within either the conservative or liberal communities stay within that community. An effect that may not be as apparent from the visualization is that even though we started with a balanced set of blogs, conservative blogs show a greater tendency to link. 84% of conservative blogs link to at least one other blog, and 82% receive a link. In contrast, 74% of liberal blogs link to another blog, while only 67% are linked to by another blog. So overall, we see a slightly higher tendency for conservative blogs to link. Liberal blogs linked to 13.6 blogs on average, while conservative blogs linked to an average of 15.1, and this difference is almost entirely due to the higher proportion of liberal blogs with no links at all. Although liberal blogs may not link as generously on average, the most popular liberal blogs, Daily Kos and Eschaton (atrios.blogspot.com), had 338 and 264 links from our single-day snapshot

4 Overnight interbank loan graph

Vertex = bank; edge = overnight loan.






4b`tqX #$ 4XWXqTe YtgWr gXsvhqd Yhq GXisXfUXq #   5Q11 & `bTgs vXTdex VhggXVsXW VhfihgXgs 21 & WbrVhggXVsXW VhfihgXgsThe Topology 5G11 of &the `bTgs Federal rsqhg`ex Funds VhggXVsXW Market, VhfihgXgsBech and Atalay, 57B &2008 `bTgs bgVhfihgXgs 5CIH & `bTgs hts VhfihgXgs Cg sabr WTx saXqX vXqX ! ghWXr bg saX 5G11  ghWXr bg saX 57B ! 5 ghWXr bg 5CIH  ghWXr bg saX sXgWqber TgW  ghWXr bg T WbrVhggXVsXW VhfihgXgs

!"#$%&%'$( HaX ghWXr hY T gXsvhqd VTg UX iTqsbsbhgXW bgsh T VheeXVsbhg hY Wbrchbgs rXsr VTeeXW WbrVhggXVsXW VhfihgXgsr !!"# !!" HaX ghWXr vbsabg XTVa WbrVhggXVsXW VhfihgXgs Wh ghs aTuX ebgdr sh hq Yqhf ! "!!! ghWXr bg Tgx hsaXq VhfihgXgs bX !0 1" !1 0"$0 !!!" 1 !! !!" # bY ) # )! HaX VhfihgXgs vbsa saX eTq`Xrs gtfUXq hY ghWXr br qXYXqqXW# sh Tr saX$!)%*$& +"*,-.% $! /'$$"/&"0& /'12'$"$&' ( O5Q11P 7g hsaXq vhqWr saX 5Q11 br saX eTq`Xrs VhfihgXgs hY saX gXsvhqd bg vabVa Tee ghWXr VhggXVs sh XTVa hsaXq ubT tgWbqXVsXW iTsar HaX qXfTbgbg` WbrVhggXVsXW VhfihgXgsr O21rP TqX rfTeeXq VhfihgXgsr Yhq vabVa saX rTfX br sqtX 7g XfibqbVTe rstWbXr saX 5Q11 br hYsXg YhtgW sh UX rXuXqTe hqWXqr hY fT`gbstWX eTq`Xq saTg Tgx hY saX 21r OrXX 0qhWXq "& *-3 OPP HaX 5Q11 Vhgrbrsr hY T )%*$& 4&5'$)-. /'$$"/&"0 /'12'$"$& O5G11P T )%*$& '6&7/'12'$"$& O5CIHP T )%*$& %$7/'12'$"$& O57BP TgW &"$05%-4 OrXX 4b`tqX #P HaX 5G11 VhfiqbrXr Tee ghWXr saTs VTg qXTVa XuXqx hsaXq ghWX bg saX 5G11 saqht`a T WbqXVsXW iTsa ) ghWX br bg saX 5CIH bY bs aTr T iTsa Yqhf saX 5G11 Uts ghs sh saX 5G11 7g VhgsqTrs T ghWX br bg saX 57B bY bs aTr T iTsa sh saX 5G11 Uts ghs Yqhf bs ) ghWX br bg T sXgWqbe bY bs WhXr ghs qXrbWX hg T WbqXVsXW iTsa sh hq Yqhf saX 5G11 !%4/644%'$( 7g saX gXsvhqd hY iTxfXgsr rXgs huXq 4XWvbqX TgTexyXW Ux GhqTf‰db "& *-3 O P saX 5G11 br saX eTq`Xrs VhfihgXgs Cg TuXqT`X Tefhrs %&' hY saX ghWXr bg saTs gXsvhqd UXehg` sh saX 5G11 7g VhgsqTrs saX 5G11 br ftVa rfTeeXq Yhq saX YXWXqTe YtgWr gXsvhqd 7g   hgex (&' (' hY saX ghWXr UXehg` sh sabr VhfihgXgs 0x YTq saX eTq`Xrs VhfihgXgs br saX 57B 7g   )%' )')hY saX ghWXr vXqX bg sabr VhfihgXgs HaX 5CIH VhgsTbgXW (*' +' hY Tee ghWXr iXq WTx vabeX saXqX) vXqX (+' ,' hY saX ghWXr ehVTsXW bg saX sXgWqber @Xrr saTg -') (' hY saX ghWXr vXqX bg saX qXfTbgbg` WbrVhggXVsXW) VhfihgXgsr OrXX HTUeX P )

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 Implication graph

Vertex = variable; edge = logical implication.

if x5 is true, then x0 is true ~x2 x0

x6 ~x4 x3

~x5 ~x1 x1 x5

~x3 x4 ~x6

~x0 x2

6 Combinational circuit

Vertex = logical gate; edge = wire.

7 WordNet graph

Vertex = synset; edge = hypernym relationship.


happening occurrence occurrent natural_event miracle act human_acon human_acvity change alteraon modicaon miracle

group_acon damage harm ..impairment transion increase forfeit forfeiture acon

resistance opposion transgression leap jump saltaon jump leap change

demoon variaon moon movement move

locomoon travel descent

run running jump parachung

http://wordnet.princeton.edu dash sprint


The McChrystal Afghanistan PowerPoint slide

http://www.guardian.co.uk/news/datablog/2010/apr/29/mcchrystal-afghanistan-powerpoint-slide 9 Digraph applications

digraph vertex directed edge

transportation street intersection one-way street

web web page hyperlink

food web species predator-prey relationship

WordNet synset hypernym

scheduling task precedence constraint

financial bank transaction

cell phone person placed call

infectious disease person infection

game board position legal move

citation journal article citation

object graph object pointer

inheritance hierarchy class inherits from

control flow code block jump

10 Some digraph problems

Path. Is there a directed path from s to t ?

Shortest path. What is the shortest directed path from s to t ?

Topological sort. Can you draw the digraph so that all edges point upwards?

Strong connectivity. Is there a directed path between all pairs of vertices?

Transitive closure. For which vertices v and w is there a path from v to w ?

PageRank. What is the importance of a web page?

11 ‣ digraph API ‣ digraph search ‣ topological sort ‣ strong components

12 Digraph API

public class Digraph

Digraph(int V) create an empty digraph with V vertices

Digraph(In in) create a digraph from input stream

void addEdge(int v, int w) add a directed edge v→w

Iterable adj(int v) vertices pointing from v

int V() number of vertices

int E() number of edges

Digraph reverse() reverse of this digraph

String toString() string representation

In in = new In(args[0]); read digraph from Digraph G = new Digraph(in); input stream

for (int v = 0; v < G.V(); v++) print out each for (int w : G.adj(v)) edge (once) StdOut.println(v + "->" + w);

13 Digraph API

tinyDG.txt V 5 1 13 E 22 % java TestDigraph tinyDG.txt 4 2 adj[]0->5 2 3 0 3 3 2 0 0->1 6 0 2->0 0 1 1 5 2 2->3 2 0 2 11 12 3->5 3 2 3 12 9 3->2 9 10 4 4 9 11 4->3 5 8 9 4->2 6 9 4 0 10 12 5->4 11 4 7 4 3 … 6 8 3 5 8 11->4 7 8 9 11->12 8 7 7 9 10 5 4 12-9 0 5 11 11 10 6 4 12 6 9 12 7 6 4 12

In in = new In(args[0]); read digraph9 from Digraph G = new Digraph(in); input stream Digraph input format and for (int v = 0; v < G.V(); v++) adjacency-lists representation print out each for (int w : G.adj(v)) edge (once) StdOut.println(v + "->" + w);

14 Adjacency-lists digraph representation

Maintain vertex-indexed array of lists (use Bag abstraction).

tinyDG.txt V 5 1 13 E 22 4 2 adj[] 2 3 0 3 3 2 0 6 0 0 1 1 5 2 2 0 2 11 12 3 2 12 9 3 9 10 4 4 9 11 5 8 9 10 12 6 9 4 0 11 4 7 4 3 6 8 3 5 8 7 8 9 8 7 7 9 10 5 4 0 5 11 11 10 6 4 12 6 9 12 7 6 4 12


15 Digraph input format and adjacency-lists representation Adjacency-lists graph representation: Java implementation

public class Graph { private final int V; private final Bag[] adj; adjacency lists

public Graph(int V) { create empty graph this.V = V; with V vertices adj = (Bag[]) new Bag[V]; for (int v = 0; v < V; v++) adj[v] = new Bag(); }

public void addEdge(int v, int w) add edge v–w { adj[v].add(w); adj[w].add(v); }

public Iterable adj(int v) iterator for vertices { return adj[v]; } adjacent to v }

16 Adjacency-lists digraph representation: Java implementation

public class Digraph { private final int V; private final Bag[] adj; adjacency lists

public Digraph(int V) { create empty digraph this.V = V; with V vertices adj = (Bag[]) new Bag[V]; for (int v = 0; v < V; v++) adj[v] = new Bag(); }

public void addEdge(int v, int w) add edge v→w { adj[v].add(w);


public Iterable adj(int v) iterator for vertices { return adj[v]; } pointing from v }

17 Digraph representations

In practice. Use adjacency-lists representation. • based on iterating over vertices pointing from v. • Real-world digraphs tend to be sparse.

huge number of vertices, small average vertex degree

insert edge edge from iterate over vertices representation space from v to w v to w? pointing from v?

list of edges E 1 E E

V 2 1 † 1 V

adjacency lists E + V 1 outdegree(v) outdegree(v)

† disallows parallel edges

18 ‣ digraph API ‣ digraph search ‣ topological sort ‣ strong components


Problem. Find all vertices reachable from s along a directed path.


20 Depth-first search in digraphs

Same method as for undirected graphs. • Every undirected graph is a digraph (with edges in both directions). • DFS is a digraph .


6 7 8 DFS (to visit a vertex v) 1 2 Mark v as visited. Recursively visit all unmarked 3 9 10 vertices w pointing from v. 4

5 11 12

21 Depth-first search demo

22 Depth-first search (in undirected graphs)

Recall code for undirected graphs.

public class DepthFirstSearch { private boolean[] marked; true if path to s

public DepthFirstSearch(Graph G, int s) { constructor marks marked = new boolean[G.V()]; vertices connected to s dfs(G, s); }

private void dfs(Graph G, int v) recursive DFS does the work { marked[v] = true; for (int w : G.adj(v)) if (!marked[w]) dfs(G, w); }

public boolean visited(int v) client can ask whether any { return marked[v]; } vertex is connected to s }

23 Depth-first search (in directed graphs)

Code for directed graphs identical to undirected one. [substitute Digraph for Graph]

public class DirectedDFS { private boolean[] marked; true if path from s

public DirectedDFS(Digraph G, int s) { constructor marks marked = new boolean[G.V()]; vertices reachable from s dfs(G, s); }

private void dfs(Digraph G, int v) recursive DFS does the work { marked[v] = true; for (int w : G.adj(v)) if (!marked[w]) dfs(G, w); }

public boolean visited(int v) client can ask whether any { return marked[v]; } vertex is reachable from s }

24 Reachability application: program control-flow analysis

Every program is a digraph. • Vertex = basic block of instructions (straight-line program). • Edge = jump.

Dead-code elimination. Find (and remove) unreachable code.

Infinite-loop detection. Determine whether exit is unreachable.

25 Reachability application: mark-sweep garbage collector

Every data structure is a digraph. • Vertex = object. • Edge = reference.

Roots. Objects known to be directly accessible by program (e.g., stack).

Reachable objects. Objects indirectly accessible by program (starting at a root and following a chain of pointers). roots

26 Reachability application: mark-sweep garbage collector

Mark-sweep algorithm. [McCarthy, 1960] • Mark: mark all reachable objects. • Sweep: if object is unmarked, it is garbage (so add to free list).

Memory cost. Uses 1 extra mark bit per object (plus DFS stack). roots

27 Depth-first search in digraphs summary

DFS enables direct solution of simple digraph problems. ✓ • Reachability. • Path finding. • Topological sort. • Transitive closure. • Directed cycle detection.

Basis for solving difficult digraph problems. • 2-satisfiability. • Directed Euler path. • Strongly-connected components.

SIAM J. COMPUT. Vol. 1, No. 2, June 1972


Abstract. The value of depth-first search or "bacltracking" as a technique for solving problems is illustrated by two examples. An improved version of an algorithm for finding the strongly connected components of a directed graph and ar algorithm for finding the biconnected components of an un- direct graph are presented. The space and time requirements of both algorithms are bounded by k 1V + k2E d- k for some constants kl, k2, and k a, where Vis the number of vertices and E is the number of edges of the graph being examined. Key words. Algorithm, backtracking, biconnectivity, connectivity, depth-first, graph, search, spanning tree, strong-connectivity. 28

1. Introduction. Consider a graph G, consisting of a set of vertices U and a set of edges g. The graph may either be directed (the edges are ordered pairs (v, w) of vertices; v is the tail and w is the head of the edge) or undirected (the edges are unordered pairs of vertices, also represented as (v, w)). Graphs form a suitable abstraction for problems in many areas; chemistry, electrical engineering, and sociology, for example. Thus it is important to have the most economical algo- rithms for answering graph-theoretical questions. In studying graph algorithms we cannot avoid at least a few definitions. These definitions are more-or-less standard in the literature. (See Harary [3], for instance.) If G (, g) is a graph, a path p’v w in G is a sequence of vertices and edges leading from v to w. A path is simple if all its vertices are distinct. A path p’v v is called a closed path. A closed path p’v v is a cycle if all its edges are distinct and the only vertex to occur twice in p is v, which occurs exactly twice. Two cycles which are cyclic permutations of each other are considered to be the same cycle. The undirected version of a directed graph is the graph formed by converting each edge of the directed graph into an undirected edge and removing duplicate edges. An undirected graph is connected if there is a path between every pair of vertices. A (directed rooted) tree T is a directed graph whose undirected version is connected, having one vertex which is the head of no edges (called the root), and such that all vertices except the root are the head of exactly one edge. The relation "(v, w) is an edge of T" is denoted by v- w. The relation "There is a path from v to w in T" is denoted by v w. If v w, v is the father of w and w is a son of v. If v w, v is an ancestor of w and w is a descendant of v. Every vertex is an ancestor and a descendant of itself. If v is a vertex-in a tree T, T is the subtree of T having as vertices all the descendants of v in T. If G is a directed graph, a tree T is a spanning tree of G if T is a subgraph of G and T contains all the vertices of G. If R and S are binary relations, R* is the transitive closure of R, R-1 is the inverse of R, and RS {(u, w)lZlv((u, v) R & (v, w) e S)}.

* Received by the editors August 30, 1971, and in revised form March 9, 1972. Department of Computer Science, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14850. This research was supported" by the Hertz Foundation and the National Science Foundation under Grant GJ-992. 146 Breadth-first search in digraphs

Same method as for undirected graphs. • Every undirected graph is a digraph (with edges in both directions). • BFS is a digraph algorithm.


BFS (from source vertex s) w

Put s onto a FIFO queue, and mark s as visited. Repeat until the queue is empty: - remove the least recently added vertex v - for each unmarked vertex pointing from v: add to queue and mark as visited. v

Is w reachable from v in this digraph?

Proposition. BFS computes shortest paths (fewest number of edges).

29 Multiple-source shortest paths

Multiple-source shortest paths. Given a digraph and a set of source vertices, find shortest path from any vertex in the set to each other vertex.

Ex. Shortest path from { 1, 7, 10 } to 5 is 7→6→4→3→5.


6 7 8

1 2

3 9 10


5 11 12

Q. How to implement multi-source constructor? A. Use BFS, but initialize by enqueuing all source vertices.

30 Breadth-first search in digraphs application: web crawler

Goal. Crawl web, starting from some root web page, say www.princeton.edu. Solution. BFS with implicit graph.

0 .002 25 1 .017 0 34 2 .009 BFS. 3 .003 4 .006 7 5 .016 6 .066 Choose root web page as source s. 2 7 .021 • 10 40 8 .017 9 .040 19 33 29 10 .002 Maintain a Queue of websites to explore. 41 15 11 .028 • 49 8 12 .006 44 13 .045 14 .018 Maintain a SET of discovered websites. 45 15 .026 • 16 .023 28 17 .005 1 14 18 .023 Dequeue the next website and enqueue 19 .026 • 22 48 20 .004 39 21 .034 22 .063 18 6 21 websites to which it links 23 .043 24 .011 25 .005 42 13 26 .006 23 (provided you haven't done so before). 27 .008 31 47 28 .037 11 12 29 .003 32 30 .037 30 31 .023 26 32 .018 33 .013 5 37 27 34 .024 9 16 35 .019 36 .003 43 37 .031 38 .012 24 39 .023 4 40 .017 38 41 .021 42 .021 3 17 35 43 .016 36 46 44 .023 20 45 .006 46 .023 47 .024 Q. Why not use DFS? 48 .019 49 .016

6 22 Page ranks with histogram for a larger example 31 Bare-bones web crawler: Java implementation

Queue queue = new Queue(); queue of websites to crawl SET discovered = new SET(); set of discovered websites

String root = "http://www.princeton.edu"; queue.enqueue(root); start crawling from root website discovered.add(root);

while (!queue.isEmpty()) { String v = queue.dequeue(); read in raw html from next StdOut.println(v); website in queue In in = new In(v); String input = in.readAll();

String regexp = "http://(\\w+\\.)*(\\w+)"; use regular expression to find all URLs Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regexp); in website of form http://xxx.yyy.zzz Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(input); [crude pattern misses relative URLs] while (matcher.find()) { String w = matcher.group(); if (!discovered.contains(w)) { if undiscovered, mark it as discovered discovered.add(w); and put on queue queue.enqueue(w); } } } 32 ‣ digraph API ‣ digraph search ‣ topological sort ‣ strong components

33 Precedence scheduling

Goal. Given a set of tasks to be completed with precedence constraints, in which order should we schedule the tasks?

Digraph model. vertex = task; edge = precedence constraint.

0. Algorithms 0 1. Complexity Theory

2. Artificial Intelligence 2 5 1 3. Intro to CS

4. Cryptography 3 4 5. Scientific Computing 6. Advanced Programming 6

tasks precedence constraint graph

feasible schedule

34 Topological sort

DAG. .

Topological sort. Redraw DAG so all edges point upwards.

0→5 0→2 0 0→1 3→6 3→5 3→4 2 5 1 5→4 6→4 6→0 3→2 3 4 1→4 6

directed edges DAG

Solution. DFS. What else? topological order

35 Topological sort demo

36 Depth-first search order

public class DepthFirstOrder { private boolean[] marked; private Stack reversePost;

public DepthFirstOrder(Digraph G) { reversePost = new Stack(); marked = new boolean[G.V()]; for (int v = 0; v < G.V(); v++) if (!marked[v]) dfs(G, v); }

private void dfs(Digraph G, int v) { marked[v] = true; for (int w : G.adj(v)) if (!marked[w]) dfs(G, w); reversePost.push(v); }

public Iterable reversePost() returns all vertices in { return reversePost; } “reverse DFS postorder” }

37 Topological sort in a DAG: correctness proof

Proposition. Reverse DFS postorder of a DAG is a topological order. Pf. Consider any edge v→w. When dfs(v) is called: dfs(0) dfs(1) dfs(4) dfs(w) • Case 1: has already been called and returned. 4 done Thus, w was done before v. 1 done dfs(2) 2 done dfs(5) Case 2: dfs(w) has not yet been called. check 2 • 5 done dfs(w) will get called directly or indirectly 0 done check 1 by dfs(v) and will finish before dfs(v). check 2 Ex: dfs(3) Thus, w will be done before v. check 2 case 1 check 4 check 5 dfs(6) case 2 • Case 3: dfs(w) has already been called, 6 done 3 done but has not yet returned. check 4 check 5 Can’t happen in a DAG: function call stack contains check 6 path from w to v, so v→w would complete a cycle. done

all vertices pointing from 3 are done before 3 is done, so they appear after 3 in topological order 38 Directed cycle detection

Proposition. A digraph has a topological order iff no directed cycle. Pf. • If directed cycle, topological order impossible. • If no directed cycle, DFS-based algorithm finds a topological order.

Goal. Given a digraph, find a directed cycle.

Solution. DFS. What else? See textbook.

39 Directed cycle detection application: precedence scheduling

Scheduling. Given a set of tasks to be completed with precedence constraints, in what order should we schedule the tasks?


Remark. A directed cycle implies scheduling problem is infeasible.

40 Directed cycle detection application: cyclic inheritance

The Java compiler does cycle detection.

public class A extends B % javac A.java { A.java:1: cyclic inheritance ... involving A } public class A extends B { } ^ 1 error

public class B extends C { ... }

public class C extends A { ... }

41 Directed cycle detection application: spreadsheet recalculation

Microsoft Excel does cycle detection (and has a circular reference toolbar!)

42 Directed cycle detection application: symbolic links

The Linux file system does not do cycle detection.

% ln -s a.txt b.txt % ln -s b.txt c.txt % ln -s c.txt a.txt

% more a.txt a.txt: Too many levels of symbolic links

43 Directed cycle detection application: WordNet

The WordNet database (occasionally) has directed cycles.

Subject: New WordNet Bug Report (2324) Date: Mon, 23 Mar 2009 04:34:21 To: Bug Reporter From: Archibald Michiels

version = 3.0 problem = General Comment time = 03/23/2009 04:34:21 description = I have found a single cycle, and I suggest it should be removed... I think Prolog programmers would agree with me that it's really annoying as it fills the stack and sends the user's program the devil knows where.

44 ‣ digraph API ‣ digraph search ‣ topological sort ‣ strong components

45 Strongly-connected components

Def. Vertices v and w are strongly connected if there is a directed path from v to w and a directed path from w to v.

Key property. Strong connectivity is an equivalence relation: • v is strongly connected to v. • If v is strongly connected to w, then w is strongly connected to v. • If v is strongly connected to w and w to x, then v is strongly connected to x.

Def. A strong component is a maximal subset of strongly-connected vertices.

A graph and its connected components A digraph and its strong components 46 Connected components vs. strongly-connected components

v and w are connected if there is v and w are strongly connected if there is a directed a path between v and w path from v to w and a directed path from w to v

A graph3 andconnected Aits graph connected components and its components connected components A digraph andA 5digraphits strongly-connected strong and components its strong components components

connected component id (easy to compute with DFS) strongly-connected component id (how to compute?)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 cc[] 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 scc[] 1 0 1 1 1 1 3 4 4 2 2 2 2

public int connected(int v, int w) public int stronglyConnected(int v, int w) { return cc[v] == cc[w]; } { return scc[v] == scc[w]; }

constant-time client connectivity query constant-time client strong-connectivity query 47 Strong component application: ecological food webs

Food web graph. Vertex = species; edge = from producer to consumer.


Strong component. Subset of species with common energy flow.

48 Strong component application: software modules

Software module dependency graph. • Vertex = software module. • Edge: from module to dependency.

Firefox Internet Explorer

Strong component. Subset of mutually interacting modules. Approach 1. Package strong components together. Approach 2. Use to improve design!

49 Strong components algorithms: brief history

1960s: Core OR problem. • Widely studied; some practical algorithms. • Complexity not understood.

1972: linear-time DFS algorithm (Tarjan). • Classic algorithm. • Level of difficulty: Algs4++. • Demonstrated broad applicability and importance of DFS.

1980s: easy two-pass linear-time algorithm (Kosaraju-Sharir). • Forgot notes for lecture; developed algorithm in order to teach it! • Later found in Russian scientific literature (1972).

1990s: more easy linear-time algorithms. • Gabow: fixed old OR algorithm. • Cheriyan-Mehlhorn: needed one-pass algorithm for LEDA.

50 Kosaraju's algorithm: intuition

Reverse graph. Strong components in G are same as in GR.

Kernel DAG. Contract each strong component into a single vertex.

Idea. how to compute? • Compute topological order (reverse postorder) in kernel DAG. • Run DFS, considering vertices in reverse topological order.

6 7 8 1

0 2 3 4 5

9 10 11 12

A graph and its connected components A digraph and its strong components

digraph G and its strong components kernel DAG of G 51 Kosaraju's algorithm

Simple (but mysterious) algorithm for computing strong components. DFS in reverse digraph (ReversePost) DFS in original digraph • Run DFS on GR to compute reverse postorder. DFS in reverse digraph (ReversePost) DFS in original digraph • Run DFS on G, considering vertices in order given by first DFS.

DFS in reverse digraph (ReversePost) DFS in original digraph

GR check unmarked vertices in the order check unmarked vertices in thecheck order unmarked vertices in the order check unmarked vertices in the order 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101 110 122 4 5 3 11 9 12 10 6 7 81 0 2 4 5 3 11 9 12 10 6 7 8 check unmarked vertices in the order check unmarked vertices in the order dfs(0) reverse postorder dfs(1) dfs(0) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 0 2 4 5 3 11 9dfs(1) 12 10 6 7 8 dfs(6) dfs(6) 1 done 1 done dfs(0) dfs(7) dfs(1) dfs(0) dfs(7) dfs(6) dfs(8)1 done dfs(0) dfs(5) dfs(8) dfs(7) dfs(0) dfs(5) dfs(8) check dfs(5) 7 dfs(4) check check 7 7 8 done dfs(4) dfs(4) dfs(3) 8 done 8 done 7 done dfs(3) dfs(3) check 5 7 done 7 done 6 done check 5 check 5 dfs(2) 6 done dfs(2) dfs(2) check 0 6 done dfs(2) check 0 dfs(2) dfs(4) dfs(4) check 3 check 3 dfs(2) dfs(11) dfs(11) 2 done check 0 2 done dfs(4) dfs(9) dfs(9) 3 done check 3 3 done dfs(11) dfs(12) dfs(12) check 2 2 done check 2 check 11 check 4 done 11 4 done dfs(9) dfs(10) 5 done 3 done strong ... dfs(10) 5 done dfs(12) check 9 check 1 check 2 components strong 10 done 0 done check 9 check 1 52 components check 12 done 11 check 10 done2 4 done 0 done dfs(10) check 8 12check done 4 5 done check 2 strong check 6 checkcheck 58 check 4 9 donecheck 9 check 3 check 1 components 11 10done done checkdfs(11) 6 0 done check 5 12check done 6 9 done check 4 check 2 check 3 dfs(5) 11 done dfs(12) dfs(11) check dfs(3) 8 check 6 dfs(9) check 4 check 4 check check 6 4 check check11 5 check 2 dfs(5) dfs(10) dfs(12) 9 done 3 done dfs(3) checkcheck 12 3 dfs(9) 11 done check 0 check 104 donedfs(11) check 11 check 5 done6 check 9 done2 check 4 dfs(10) 4 done 3 done 12 done check 12 dfs(5) check 3 11 done dfs(12) 2 done checkcheck 0 9 10 done 0 donedfs(3) 5 donecheck 12 dfs(9) 9 done dfs(1) check 4 4 done check 10 check 11 12 done check check 0 2 check 3dfs(6) dfs(10) 11 done 1 done 2 done check 9 check 9 check 3 done2 check 4 check 12 0 done check 12 check check 3 0 check 0 10 done check 4 dfs(1) 6 done check 10 5 done reverse 9 done check 5 postorder check 0 dfs(7) dfs(6) 4 donecheck 6 for use 1 done check 6 12 done check 9 check 7 in second check 2 dfs(8) check 4 checkcheck 38 dfs() check 7 11 done 2 donecheck 9 (read up) check 3 check 9 check 9 check 0 0 done check 10 check 4 8 done check reverse12 6 done check 11 check 5 7 done dfs(7) dfs(1) check 12 check 8 checkpostorder 10 check 6 for use check 6 check 0 check 7 dfs(6) dfs(8) Kosaraju’s algorithm for !nding strong componentsin in second digraphs 1 done check 8 checkdfs() 9 check 7 check 2 check 9 check(read 4 up) check 9 check 3 check 10 check 0 8 done check 11 7 done check 4 reversecheck 12 6 done check 8 check 5 postorder dfs(7) check 6 for use checkKosaraju’s 6 algorithm for !nding strong components in digraphs check 7 in second dfs(8) check 8 dfs() check 7 check 9 (read up) check 9 check 10 8 done check 11 7 done check 12 check 8

Kosaraju’s algorithm for !nding strong components in digraphs Kosaraju's algorithm

Simple (but mysterious) algorithm for computing strong components. • Run DFS on GR to compute reverse postorder. • Run DFS on G, considering vertices in order given by first DFS.

DFS in reverse digraph (ReversePost) DFS in original digraph


dfs(1) dfs(0) dfs(11) dfs(6) dfs(7) 1 done dfs(5) check 4 check 9 check 6 check 4 dfs(8) check unmarked vertices in the order check unmarked vertices in the order dfs(4) dfs(12) dfs(3) dfs(9) check 0 check 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 0 2 4 5 3 11 9 12 10 6 7 8 check 5 check 11 6 done check 9 dfs(2) dfs(10) 8 done dfs(0) dfs(1) check 0 check 12 7 done check 8 dfs(6) 1 done check 3 10 done 9 done dfs(7) dfs(0) 2 done 3 done 12 done dfs(8) dfs(5) check 2 11 done check 7 dfs(4) 4 done check 9 8 done dfs(3) 5 done check 12 7 done check 5 check 1 check 10 6 done dfs(2) 0 done check 2 dfs(2) check 0 check 4 dfs(4) check 3 check 5 dfs(11) 2 done check 3 dfs(9) 3 done dfs(12) check 2 check 11 Proposition. 4 done Second DFS gives strong components. (!!) dfs(10) 5 done strong check 9 check 1 components 10 done 0 done 53 12 done check 2 check 8 check 4 check 6 check 5 9 done check 3 11 done dfs(11) check 6 check 4 dfs(5) dfs(12) dfs(3) dfs(9) check 4 check 11 check 2 dfs(10) 3 done check 12 check 0 10 done 5 done 9 done 4 done 12 done check 3 11 done 2 done check 9 0 done check 12 dfs(1) check 10 check 0 dfs(6) 1 done check 9 check 2 check 4 check 3 check 0 check 4 reverse 6 done check 5 postorder dfs(7) check 6 for use check 6 check 7 in second dfs(8) check 8 dfs() check 7 check 9 (read up) check 9 check 10 8 done check 11 7 done check 12 check 8

Kosaraju’s algorithm for !nding strong components in digraphs Connected components in an undirected graph (with DFS)

public class CC { private boolean marked[]; private int[] id; private int count;

public CC(Graph G) { marked = new boolean[G.V()]; id = new int[G.V()];

for (int v = 0; v < G.V(); v++) { if (!marked[v]) { dfs(G, v); count++; } } }

private void dfs(Graph G, int v) { marked[v] = true; id[v] = count; for (int w : G.adj(v)) if (!marked[w]) dfs(G, w); }

public boolean connected(int v, int w) { return id[v] == id[w]; } }

54 Strong components in a digraph (with two DFSs)

public class KosarajuSCC { private boolean marked[]; private int[] id; private int count;

public KosarajuSCC(Digraph G) { marked = new boolean[G.V()]; id = new int[G.V()]; DepthFirstOrder dfs = new DepthFirstOrder(G.reverse()); for (int v : dfs.reversePost()) { if (!marked[v]) { dfs(G, v); count++; } } }

private void dfs(Digraph G, int v) { marked[v] = true; id[v] = count; for (int w : G.adj(v)) if (!marked[w]) dfs(G, w); }

public boolean stronglyConnected(int v, int w) { return id[v] == id[w]; } }

55 Digraph-processing summary: algorithms of the day

single-source DFS reachability

topological sort DFS (DAG)

0 6 7 8

strong 1 2 Kosaraju 9 10 components DFS (twice) 3 4 11 12 5