16 bus time schedule & line map

16 Hull Interchange - Preston Road Estate View In Website Mode

The 16 bus line (Hull Interchange - Preston Road Estate) has 2 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Freedom Centre, Preston Road Estate - Hull Interchange, Hull: 6:30 AM - 6:47 PM (2) Hull Interchange, Hull - Freedom Centre, Preston Road Estate: 7:20 AM - 6:15 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 16 bus station near you and nd out when is the next 16 bus arriving.

Direction: Freedom Centre, Preston Road Estate - 16 bus Time Schedule Hull Interchange, Hull Freedom Centre, Preston Road Estate - Hull 34 stops Interchange, Hull Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 6:30 AM - 6:47 PM Freedom Centre, Preston Road Estate 140 Preston Road, Tuesday 6:30 AM - 6:47 PM

Mulberry Court, Preston Road Estate Wednesday 6:30 AM - 6:47 PM Holmpton Grove, Kingston Upon Hull Thursday 6:30 AM - 6:47 PM

Atwick Court, Preston Road Estate Friday 6:30 AM - 6:47 PM Atwick Court, Kingston Upon Hull Saturday 6:30 AM - 6:47 PM Foredyke School, Preston Road Estate

St John's Grove, Preston Road Estate

Glaisdale Grove, Preston Road Estate 16 bus Info Direction: Freedom Centre, Preston Road Estate - Columbarium, Preston Road Estate Hull Interchange, Hull Bilsdale Grove, Stops: 34 Trip Duration: 28 min Bransdale Grove, Preston Road Estate Line Summary: Freedom Centre, Preston Road Estate, Mulberry Court, Preston Road Estate, Atwick Southcoates Lane, Court, Preston Road Estate, Foredyke School, Preston Road Estate, St John's Grove, Preston Road North Country Court, Holderness Estate, Glaisdale Grove, Preston Road Estate, Columbarium, Preston Road Estate, Bransdale The Ravenser, Holderness Grove, Preston Road Estate, Southcoates Lane, Holderness, North Country Court, Holderness, The Ravenser, Holderness, Henley Drive, Holderness, The Henley Drive, Holderness Highland Laddie, Holderness, Steynburg Street, Holderness, Middleburg Street, Holderness, Arundel The Highland Laddie, Holderness Court, Holderness, Wentworth Way, Holderness, Ripon Way, Holderness, Earles Road, Victoria Dock, Steynburg Street, Holderness Mast Drive, Victoria Dock, Helm Drive, Victoria Dock, Maldon Drive, Victoria Dock, Ocean Boulevard, Middleburg Street, Holderness Victoria Dock, View, Victoria Dock, St Abbs Close, Victoria Dock, Ocean Boulevard, Victoria Dock, Arundel Court, Holderness The Haven, Victoria Dock, Humber Street, Hull, Arundel Street, Kingston Upon Hull Bowlalley Lane, Hull, Alfred Gelder Street F, Hull, Wentworth Way, Holderness Alfred Gelder Street G, Hull, Bond Street E, Hull, Albion Street D, Hull, Hull Interchange, Hull Ripon Way, Holderness

Earles Road, Victoria Dock

Mast Drive, Victoria Dock South Bridge Road, Kingston Upon Hull

Helm Drive, Victoria Dock

Maldon Drive, Victoria Dock Hartley Bridge, Kingston Upon Hull

Ocean Boulevard, Victoria Dock South Bridge Road, Kingston Upon Hull

Humber View, Victoria Dock Camilla Close, England

St Abbs Close, Victoria Dock South Bridge Road, England

Ocean Boulevard, Victoria Dock South Bridge Road, Kingston Upon Hull

The Haven, Victoria Dock Plimsoll Way, Kingston Upon Hull

Humber Street, Hull Rotenhering Staith, Kingston Upon Hull

Bowlalley Lane, Hull 50 Lowgate, Kingston Upon Hull

Alfred Gelder Street F, Hull Manor Street, Kingston Upon Hull

Alfred Gelder Street G, Hull 20 Alfred Gelder Street, Kingston Upon Hull

Bond Street E, Hull Davis Street, Kingston Upon Hull

Albion Street D, Hull Albion Street, Kingston Upon Hull

Hull Interchange, Hull Margaret Moxon Way, Kingston Upon Hull Direction: Hull Interchange, Hull - Freedom 16 bus Time Schedule Centre, Preston Road Estate Hull Interchange, Hull - Freedom Centre, Preston 29 stops Road Estate Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 7:20 AM - 6:15 PM Hull Interchange, Hull Tuesday 7:20 AM - 6:15 PM Prospect Street B, Hull Prospect Street, Kingston Upon Hull Wednesday 7:20 AM - 6:15 PM Thursday 7:20 AM - 6:15 PM Bond Street B, Hull Silvester Street, Kingston Upon Hull Friday 7:20 AM - 6:15 PM

Alfred Gelder Street A, Hull Saturday 7:20 AM - 6:15 PM

Alfred Gelder Street D, Hull Hanover Square, Kingston Upon Hull

St Mary's Church, Hull 16 bus Info 50 Lowgate, Kingston Upon Hull Direction: Hull Interchange, Hull - Freedom Centre, Preston Road Estate King William House, Hull Stops: 29 Market Place, Kingston Upon Hull Trip Duration: 31 min Line Summary: Hull Interchange, Hull, Prospect Ocean Boulevard, Victoria Dock Street B, Hull, Bond Street B, Hull, Alfred Gelder Street South Bridge Road, Kingston Upon Hull A, Hull, Alfred Gelder Street D, Hull, St Mary's Church, Hull, King William House, Hull, Ocean Boulevard, Humber View, Victoria Dock Victoria Dock, Humber View, Victoria Dock, St Abbs Camilla Close, England Close, Victoria Dock, Ocean Boulevard, Victoria Dock, Victoria Park, Victoria Dock, Chandlers Court, St Abbs Close, Victoria Dock Victoria Dock, Bridgegate Drive, Victoria Dock, South Bridge Road, England Navigation Way, Victoria Dock, Earles Road, Victoria Dock, The Mount Retail Park, Holderness, Balfour Ocean Boulevard, Victoria Dock Lodge, Holderness, Arundel Street, Holderness, South Bridge Road, Kingston Upon Hull Sherburn Street, Holderness, Rustenburg Street, Holderness, Newcomen Street, Holderness, Watt Victoria Park, Victoria Dock Street, Holderness, Brindley Street, Holderness, South Bridge Road, Kingston Upon Hull Southcoates Avenue, Holderness, Trinity Grove, Preston Road Estate, Aldborough Grove, Preston Chandlers Court, Victoria Dock Road Estate, Exeter Grove, Preston Road Estate, Freedom Centre, Preston Road Estate Bridgegate Drive, Victoria Dock

Navigation Way, Victoria Dock South Bridge Road, Kingston Upon Hull

Earles Road, Victoria Dock

The Mount Retail Park, Holderness

Balfour Lodge, Holderness Ellis Street, Kingston Upon Hull

Arundel Street, Holderness Arundel Street, Kingston Upon Hull

Sherburn Street, Holderness Rustenburg Street, Holderness

Newcomen Street, Holderness

Watt Street, Holderness

Brindley Street, Holderness

Southcoates Avenue, Holderness

Trinity Grove, Preston Road Estate

Aldborough Grove, Preston Road Estate Ravenspurn Grove, Kingston Upon Hull

Exeter Grove, Preston Road Estate

Freedom Centre, Preston Road Estate 140 Preston Road, Kingston Upon Hull 16 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in . Check Live Arrival Times About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved