New· College .Chqpter s

"U:atch (afer issues for a contim1ation of the story of colonization." That -was the sentence wrth. whtch the .story in the November issue ended. So hereis the news at hand when the last posstble day amved for copy to go to press.

At George Washington University own homes to make the apartment attractive and usable for installation events. bne by one as " announces the estab­ the chapter's purchases arrive, the alumnre lishment of Gamma Kappa chapter at George loans are.being retUrned. Washington university, Washington, District of A great many Thetas from neighboring chap­ Columbia, November 10, 1946." So reads the t:rs and states attended, and enjoyed installa­ widely distributed instaIIation card. tt~n events. Many student, faculty, and city Some way, some how, neither -pictures nor friends were present at the installation tea. copy on the instaIIaton, or of the new chapter's And here ends the grape:vine routed news. present activities succeeded in making the air Maybe by the next issue the magazine _can at or train trip between Washington and Ithaca. least announce -the names of Gamma Kappa So, what foilows is just rando!ll notes picked charter members. · up from personal letters, other chapters' letters, and an incidental contact with "one who ·was Af the University -of Maryland there." The .Iate~t ~~ws is that the temporary chapter The advance program read: November 9: 1 ho:is: 1s ~till under construction." But pledge. P.M.-Initiation of charter members at Gamma trammg 1s weII advanced. A third Theta on Kappa apartment, 2121 _G. street, N.W. 7 P.M:. campus, Barbara Hudson, Alpha , is co­ -Banquet and charter service, Sapphire room, operating with coorganizers, Jean Ford, Mayflower hotel. November 0: 11 A.M.--:-First - and SaIIy Reed, Alpha , in directing the Gamma Kappa chapter meeting, followed by gro~p of f~urteen pledges. The girls are happily buffet luncheon for its members and the -in­ findmg their place in campus activities. Every- - stalling officers. 4 P.M.-Reception and tea at- one is studying diligently, so every '.Pledge may Washington club house. · become a charter member February 15. "This program was carried out successfuIIy Yes, February 15, is the date of their in­ and in Grand style by the installing officers," · stallation and the place is-:-District VII' s con­ so it is reported. Those officers wete-Mrs vention at Haddon Hall, Atlantic city, New Grimm, :ran.d president, Mrs Wilson,· presic · Jersey. - - dent of District VII, and Mrs Higbie, former So far as this reporter knows, this -will be_ the. Grand president. They were· ably assisted by first time a District convention· has had the members of Washington alumnre chapter, delec _- privilege and opportunity to, be in the installing gates from every college chapter in District team , for a new chapter. Lucky District VII! . VII, and by two delegates, Gloria Harrington And lucky Maryland group to have its frater• and Iris Cooper, from District IV's newest nity introdqction include a convention experi­ chapter, Gamma at Massachusetts State col­ ence! lege. S~~ce installation, Gamma Kappa has one And Now to B_eloit Co1Iege. additional pledge, Janet Glissen, president of Rush was about to begin in the November the campus .dramatic club, (:i1~; and curtain. It issue report. Rush was most successful. has also had a dessert par·ty honoring the Theta - Rockford alumnre club planned and steered alumn~ who helped it during -rush; and _has events, \[ided by alumnre from other towns near entertamed Thetas from Beta chapter the college. The _Grand president, Mrs Grimm, who were in the city for a football week-end. was at some of the parties. and u~der­ . F~rnis~ings (on order since last summer) graduates. went to help with every party, and didn t arnve before installation so Washington Alpha Pst, though farther away helped at some Thetas graciously loaned furnishings from their of the events. (130) ·s

was the sentence nd when the last

partment attractive and vents:. One by one as arrive, the. alumnre

rom neighboring chap- and enjoyed ihstalla­ ent, faculty, and city :he installation tea. :ape~vine routed news. : the magazine .can at of Gamma Kappa

·of Maryland the temporary chapter z" p.. ..: struction." But pledge. ::i z. :d: A third Theta on 0 z a, Alpha Chi, is co­ ~ i!l zers, Jean Ford, Beta a Rho, in directing the ;, The girls are happily mpus activities. Every-· ', so every pledge may February 15. the date of their in­ -:-District VII's con~ 1, Atlantic city, New

knows, this will be. the lVerition has had the to, be in the fostalling . Lucky District VII ! •up to have its frater' a convention experi-

eloit CoUege . gin in the November )St successful. ) planned and steered from other tow11s near iresident, Mrs Grimin, :s. Psi and Tau under­ with every party, and r away helped at some 132 Kappa Alpha Theta

-Pledge day added thirteen pledges .to the Barbara Grever, Forest Hi!ls; and from Michi­ nucleus, Dian De Weese, Gamma, coorganizer, gan, Allison Petertyl, Traverse City. Ne Virginia Edwards and Doris Lenum, upper- This group is busy with organization, study­ class pledges. ·.· . · ing both fraternity matters _and class room as­ From S The new pledges are-from Wi,sconsin: signments, for they too· all expect to be charter THOSE last few days le Darthea Vaughn and Virginia Irg!ns, Wauwa­ members on an undetermined, as yet, day in were so far the most tosa; Gail Enslow, Milwaukee; from Illinois: February. I've been slow to e:x:p Joan Lindemer, Joliet; Elizabeth Owens, Oak Over in Rockford, Mrs Rush Ward Boswell, forgive me. Park; Joan Hohman, River Forest; Carolyn Tau, gave a tea December 7 at which all Rock­ A month ago today, Love, Beverly; Dorothy Goll, Harvard; Pa­ ford Thetas met all Beloit pledges. Psi has in­ foot on European soiL tricia. Bannan, Rockford; Corinne Keating and vited all the Beloit group to· come to Madison on the S. S. Colombia, Louise Collins (sister of Dorothy Collins Dur­ as guests at the Theta Christmas formal Decem­ a luxury liner. It wa: yea, Alpha Psi) Chicago; from New York: ber 1~qnd all are going. and retained much of Our state room was sixty women! And o ·war time label: "isola But, in spite of mi: District Conventions joyed every minute o wasn't sea sick, altho PLANS call for District convention for each Rates American - plan (varying as to a rough days. There we1 of Kappa Alpha Theta's eleven district. Follows whether you want a room on ocean front, can college people 01 a' schedule of time and place, as far as decided and how many will be in one room). Tlie panionship, and we SJ at this time. Later issues will make further an­ Chalfonte and Haddon are . under one bridge and having the nouncements. But NOW is not too soon for ·management, and directly across the street and song fests. chapters, college and afomn~, as well as Thetas from each other. By this time, I am l everywhere, to begin to plan how to get to pretty well. It's odd I the District convention nearest their homes. Rates At Chalfonte-At,Haddon H1~ city-although I'm an District I, Maxinkuckke Inn, Culver,~ In­ 1 person per room $27.50-$32.50 $27.50-$33.JC. and friends, every nm diana, June 16-18. 2 persons per room 21.50- 29.50 ' 23.50- 31.~ ing that I've come l: District II, Edgewater Beac;h Hotel, Chicago, 3 persons per room 20.18- 26.18 n.1s- 27.~; beautiful town-I run June 24-26. to describe it. District Catawba Cliff Beach club, Cataw­ Rates are quoted for all time from ·Fri- , III; I have eighteen hou ba, Ohio,. June 24-26. day afternoon, February 14, to Sunday the University. In An District IV, :Probably_ with Chi in Syracuse, afternoon, February 16. Rate includes all this a full schedule, l: New York, in June, but days not deter­ meals, parties, and ·the installation ban- . carrying as many as . mined yet. quet. · of my lectures are in District V and VIII, a joint convention,· place Rooms, etc. are available also under the some history, music, and time not yet settled. · · European plan for any length of time one in; District VI, pface not determined, days in wishes to make teservatiOns, consult Co~­ Academic freedom June to be s~lected later. · vention m~nager for_ details. is no such thing as "t~ District VII, Haddon Hall, Atlantic City, There will be. a. small registration fee, no student participat New Jersey, February 14-16. This con­ probably $2.50 vthich will cover all tips, etc. ments. And the ps}" vention will have the privilege of install­ District IX, Nof

ment of over 7,000 students. In the new post­ open house gave the group an opportunity to point of .view 1 war. campus activities Thetas can be expected entertain Thetas from Alplia Psi chapter, as nities have a to play a large part. well as some of the girls' Dads; as this was - They should tn MARTHA JEAN CRAWFORD Dad's day week end. campus, to tal "January 25, the Theta group had its first Gamma Lambda at Beloit college community anc formal dance in the campus art hall. Preceding leged position The dates for its installation are February 28, the dance they had a formal .dinner for the March 1-2. · dance-goers and their escorts and d1aperons. "As a Theta In the interval since the January issue went Following Beloit custom this dance was the wave of anti-fo to press and this one starts the same trail, the same night that each Panhellenic group also was ing the country Theta colony has some news to report, too. having a formal dance. appreciation of ''Before the holidays a tea was. given for the "Barbara Grever is the most recent member to Perhaps those ] pledges of all other Panhellenic groups at Beloit. have distinguished herself in campus activities, tinuance of our It was an informal get together with Christmas . by winning a part in the next dramatic produc­ cliques among < the keynote for decorations and food. After tion of the college players club." vent; perhaps l outstanding ain participation an· of values, ·and a can clubs boun What Fraternity Means to Me ments; in time, ble aid in makir SOME months ago there was planned a cseries of "Fraternity: a group associated for their com­ will be somethir brief articles recording reactions of alumnre uf mon interest, business. or pleasure. The· defini­ fol. Fraternities different periOds-"50 years a Theta," ''.25 years tion holds a special connotation for members of the contribution: a Theta," "a freshman in the alumnre world." college .fraternities, for aside from the specific more loyal and Responses were not as many as expected, but elements of the meaning, it embrace~ feelings of for fraternity let those which came seemed so significant in these friendship and comradeship. Life within a fra- days of questioning values for everything on . ternity truly teaches the fundamentals of a "For twenty-£ campus that they are here presented. nobler life, a life freed of pettiness and incon­ has spelledfrien * * * sequentiaiities,. a life enveloping the principles I have lived, in One Theta, less than one year out of college, of a more,-highly developed social . and moral has given me fr is distressed about the number of gitls who want code-a life wherein there is found understand­ was never a com} to make a fraternity, but fail to be included ing and generosity, recognition of a neighbor-. bership was my within a quota. "Unless the rushing system· is his personality and privileges....,-his right to free I have to make drastically changed to permit membership for expression-his inalienable distinction· as an in­ found me and W( all girls desiring it, I see no chance for an im­ dividual, striving for ideals, seeking satisfaction Theta has given proved situation," she concludes. in the realization of those ideals." a sense of beloni * * * * * * I went, for frier Another very recent graduate, has another And now let us hear from those who have not yet have met solution for what seems to her the fraternity been out of college "around 2.5 years," as one advantages of f system's worse feature-the necessity of select­ writer identifies herself. which, I believe, ing only a limited number of new members each "Critics of fraternities seem to overlook one year. "Establish enough chapters so that the point. The herd instinct presses individuals into And now we benefits may be shared by all students desiring groups anyway, and of these the Smart sets, ation." membership." She even thinks that one fra­ Intellectual sets, and Athletic sets are generally. ''Fundamentall: ternity might have several chapters on one the most snobbish, ruthless and lopsided. Theta all fraternities, pr campus, if the desirable material and desired organized us into a well rounded whirl of dents were not ill' girls would "make one chapter too large." campus activities. !ts ideals were a temporing . their college life l * * * influence. At that time I thought intersorority - not Greek And a third new alumnre Theta who has friendships were sadly neglected. Much of such leges, clubs and cl written for this forum, says: narrowness is now gone. ·With the American. to the same thing "My husband v are no fraternitiE