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N GI~ o~ ~n ::J 0 ~ 0- ~ g> n CD 0 ~ :J r+ ~ 0 ..... of --c = Q) DECISION NO. i ,..... Cl CABINET MINUTE g. 0-,4.( c(_q..:.!/ CD (/) BRISBANE, L/ I 7 119/?/ ~

Queensland Water Re source s Commission - Hater Con~eroation Lake Clarendon Off:!:leant Storage.

------(Submission No. ¥ 9'?)? )

Copies Received at •.:i' · _..a-m: J'o J 6 / 19 /'f Jo oo p.m . .)opies Made CIRCULATION DETAILS

GOVERNOR Decision Fi. ~e 1 21

2 MR. AHERN 22 q ?..../,ec__ . L.op-v OT re1i;;.-a•' 3 MR. GUNN 23 s.,b ! c ' ~ --· MR. GIBBS 2 4 11 4 ~ '"t- MR .. GLASSON 5 25 ~ ~/ . MR. AUSTIN 6 26 ~ ~, //~£.. - - f. ·7 ,r-.r- L. L MR. LESTER 7 2 7 t/"

1•1 t'{ • T t.L\IN .l 8 28 .

9 MR. HARPER 2 9 .l MR. MUNTZ 10 30

11 MR. MCKECHN] E 31

12 MR. KATTER 32

13 MR. NEAL 33 MR. CLAUSON 14 34

MK. ~UKtll ' t 15 35



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Brisbane, 4th July 1 1988

Decision Noo 54632

Submission Noo 49258 TITLE: Water Resources Comr:iission - Lockyer Valley Water Conservation - Lake Clarendon .... O> OI Offstream Storage.

~ 0 @ 0 CABINET decided:- .,

Tht Cabinet Decision No. 53529 relating to implementation of the Scheme be endorsed.

CIRCULATION: Queensland Water Resources Comr:iission and copy to Mi nister. Premier's Department and copy to Premier and Treasurer. Treasury Departr:ient and copy to Minister. Department of Primary Industries and copy to Ministero The Honourable the Deputy Premier, rlinister for Public Works, Main Roads and Expo and ~linister for Police e All other t1inisters for perusal and return.

Certified rrue Copy

' /,z ~ /;}··· // /~' -/~~-,{Ci./);{, ------A/secretary to Cabinet. i:,i ::; ~ ~ "' c: ... CD


(') ~ (.,) ~ n :J 0- ...,0 G) i n CD 0 ::I ,...... ,:::J 0 ..... c;: --0 f,...... -w ~ C1> - ') - \) ' ('),\"1\J Ul ~,) L-' Submission No ......

Copy No ......







This submission outlines the results of discussions with and the canvass of landholders who could benefit from, or be affected by the construction of an of fstream storage adjacent to at Lake Clarendon.


Cabinet Decision No. 53529 of 15th February, 1988, dealt with "Lockyer Valley Water Conservation - Lake Clarendon Offstream Storage" and approved:-

(a) That the area of the Lockyer Valley shown on Figure 2 attached to the Submission be proclaimed as a Declared District of Sub-Artesian Water Supply.

(b) That the construction of an offstream storage at Lake Clarendon with associated diversion and distribution works as outlined in the Submission be approved for inclusion in the construction programme of the Queensland Water Resources Commission as funds are available.

(c) That water meters be installed in the area which would benefit from the Lake Clarendon and Lake Dyer Schemes as part of the project.

(d) That charges be made for water used in the benefited area from both surface water and groundwater in accordance with rates set from time to time. ~ c: CD GI~ (') ~ ~ n ::::s 0 0- ~ G> ca n CD 0 ::::s ::::l r+ ~ -0 =w~ -0 i Fr :::r 2 . CD U') & (e ) That discussions be initiated immediately with landholders to resolve matter s r elated to p r oclamati on of the area , char ges f o r water a nd me thods o f a llo c a tio n of sup ply a v a ilable f rom the p r oject .


La ndholder s who would be a ffected by the proposed works were c irc ula ted by letter and furnished with a doc ument t itle d "Lo c kyer Valley Water Conservation - Lake Clar endon a nd Lake Dy er Projects" e xplaining the elements o f t he proposed scheme and the terms and cond itio n s under wh i ch it would be implemented. The l a ndholders were also invited to attend a public meeting held at Laidley o n the 21st April , 1988. Some 150 memb ers of t he public a ttended .

Officers o f the Quee n sland Water Resources Commission addressed the me etin g a nd provided information on the proposed scheme , fol lowing which the landholders asked q uestions a nd s ome d iscussion ensued.

A resolution that the meeting supported the construction of the proposed Lake Clare ndon Scheme was carried with a small number of people dissenting.

At the meeting, as in previous written correspondence, it was indicated that all landholders whose property may benefit or be affec ted by the proposed Lake Clarendon Scheme would be r e que sted to advise whether they wished t h e scheme to proceed and whether they were prepared to meet the necessary charges for irrigation water.

A total of 149 questionnaires were issued to the potential beneficiaries of the scheme.


It was stressed to landholders both in written correspondence and again at the public meeting that questionnaire forms not returned to the Queensland Water Resources Commission would be regarded as being in favour of the proposed scheme and the charges as proposed.

Of the 149 landholders canvassed, 63 replies were received. The opinions registered in the 63 replies were:-

(a) In favour of the Lake Clarendon Off stream Storage proceeding 50

( b) In favour of me eting charg es for irriga tion water supplied from the Lake Clarendon Scheme 40 n :;· 3 (') ii OJ en c: ... CD ~ a. I\) GI () ~ ~ n :::s 0 0- ...... g> n CD Q ~ ,.....::l """'I 0- ..., =w~ -0 i Fr 3 . ::r Cl) (,/) The questionnaires not returned have been regarded as indicating a favourable approach to the Scheme.

This approach is reasonable and a number of landholders have since contacted the Commission seeking assurance that their non-return of the ballot papers would be construed as a vote in favour of the scheme.

These statistics show that 91 percent of interested landholders approve of the Lake Clarendon Scheme, and 85 percent are in favour of meeting water charges as proposed. -·~ -CD The result is s ignificantly in favour of construction of the Lake Cl arendon Offstream Storage.

A fur ther canvass was conducted of landholders who will a 0 receiv e bene fit from the recently completed Lake Dyer .,0 Scheme concerning their preparedness to meet the proposed c h arges for irrigation water. Of a total of 75 questionnaires issued only 16 were returned. Again non-return of the questionnaire form has been regarded as acceptance of the proposed charges. As a result, 95 percent of landholders in the area benefited by the Lake Dyer Scheme have indicated acceptance of the proposed charges.


A view was expressed at the public meeting by interested landholders that the extent of the area to be proclaimed as a Declared District of Sub-Artesian Water Supply as approved in Cabinet Decision No. 53529 should be extended.

The common opinion was that, for the sake of consistency the Lower Lockyer Irrigation Area served by Atkinson and extending from the eastern boundary of the area already proclaimed, downstream along Lockyer Creek to the Brisbane River should also be proclaimed as a Declared District of Sub-Artesian Water Supply with appropriate charges levied for the use of irrigation water.

Irrigation supplies taken from groundwater since the completion of the Lower Lockyer Irrigation Project have not been subjected to charges.

It is clear from water level behaviour that releases of water from Atkinson Dam have maintained groundwater levels in the Lower Lockyer area at far higher levels than otherwise would have been the case. ., 3 ~ - ~ m- c ~ CD

I\) GI~ 0 ~ ~ () :J 0- ,0 G> () (iJ CD 0 ::s ::J ar+ - ..... "' "'= Q)\J i c:r

(/)~ 4.

The views expressed by the concerned landholders will be considered in due course. For the time being however, the Queensland Water Resources Commission is proceeding with preparation of formal documentation for proclamation of the already endorsed area as a Declared District of Sub-Artesian Water Supply.


This information indicating strong support for the Lake Clarendon Scheme, together with associated charges and the proc l amation of the bene fited area as a Declared District of Sub-Artesian Water supply is submitted for the infor mation of Cabinet.


In view of the strong support, it is recommended that the Cabinet Decision No. 53529 relating to implementation of the Scheme be endorsed .

DON NEAL Minister for Water Resources and Maritime Services

Brisbane 30th June , 1988.