Jason D. Carlisle Curriculum Vita, August 2016 Ph.D. Candidate, Program in Ecology Wyoming Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit E-mail:
[email protected] Department of Zoology and Physiology Web: http://wyocoopunit.org/ University of Wyoming Cell: (801) 362-9170 Dept. 3166, 1000 E. University Ave. Office: (307) 766-2091 Laramie, WY 82071 Fax: (307) 766-5400 Research Interests Wildlife ecology and management, quantitative ecology and statistics, conservation biology, spatial ecology, ornithology, ecoinformatics Education 2011- Ph.D. candidate, Program in Ecology, minor in Statistics Dept. of Zoology & Physiology, WY Cooperative Fish & Wildlife Research Unit, U. of Wyoming Advisor: Anna D. Chalfoun Dissertation research: Wildlife conservation under the umbrella of greater sage-grouse Expected graduation: Spring 2017 2011 B.S., Wildlife Science, minor in Geographic Information Sciences Dept. of Wildland Resources, Utah State University Advisors: David N. Koons & Frank P. Howe Honors thesis: Application of habitat and occupancy modeling to a wood duck nest box program Other training 2016 Light-level geolocation with open-source tools. Workshop, North American Ornithological Conference. 2016 Intro to Unix and analysis of nextgen sequence data, Bioinformatics Workshop, U. of Wyoming. 2015 Wilderness First Aid. Certification, American Red Cross. 2015 Communicating science. Workshop, University of Wyoming. 2015 Occurrence data and distribution modelling using R. Workshop, University of Wyoming. 2014 Bird demography in Program R. Workshop, Joint Meeting of AOU/COS/SCO. 2013 SpatialSTEM: A mathematical/statistical framework for understanding and communicating grid- based map analysis and modeling. Workshop, Geospatial Conference of the West. 2012 New approaches to studies of home range, habitat selection, and space use.