REMEMBER JOE The Race of Stars top four drivers finished the 16-lap final We ran a story on Joe Fawcett in our Autumn 19 edition. within one tenth of a second of each other! Congratulations Joe races go-karts…very quickly! He races against other 13- Joe on a great season and all the best for 2020 16 year olds, in a kart with a 100cc air cooled engine at Breaking news … Joe recently featured in an interview speeds between 105 and 115 kph! There are about 30 – 50 shown on the Channel 6 news! You can follow Joe on kids in Joe’s age group. Facebook @joefawcettracing

We thank City’s Community Grants Program which is funding our next four editions. We would not have grown to “Newspaper” status without that Council funding and the support of Louise Staley.

Our small but loyal band of advertisers also deserve a big thank you as they allow us to expand beyond what the grant funding covers.

Throughout the year he has driven in Queensland (twice), In this edition NSW, SA and Victoria with the best result being a second at the AKC Monaro in South . • Our local hero ... Remember Joe Qualifying is always very close, often the top 10 drivers • Editorial finishing within only 3 to 4 tenths of a second between • The 11th hour of the 11 day of the 11th them in lap times. At end of the season Joe finished fifth in month his division out of 50 competitors. • Lion Club activities • From Councillor Tillett • Louise Staley • Update on the saleyards from EPA • Letter from Minister for EPA • CVLX Community Engagement • Miners Rest CFA, ready for the fire season • A word from Catherine King • Miners Rest Walkers • Lots on the Miners Rest Town plan • Miners Rest & Mount Blowhard PS News • What’s in a name

His last race for the season was in the RACE of STARS on the • Ballarat Turf Club News Gold Coast, an event with starters by invitation only. Joe • Got a function …. Hire Miners Rest Hall placed 4th in the final.

Newspaper available on P 1 The Very Best from Miners Rest is published by a volunteer sub committee of the The saleyards still stink! Has everyone affected just rolled Committee for Miners Rest comprising: over and decided to grin and bear it? Odour monitoring seems to be still ongoing but solutions for the problems seem thin on the ground. Tuesdays seem to be the days Editor John Callanan when the smell is at its most obnoxious. Perhaps we drop Compile and Format Werner Oellering Tuesdays and simply go straight from Mondays to Proof Reader Rosemary Lithgow Wednesdays! Admin & Accounts Alicia Bond Housing continues to boom with a local survey indicating As well as these dedicated helpers we also rely on exactly what locals require from builders and developers in contributors from local schools, businesses and community relation to house size and design. Chalk up a small win for groups. We currently print and deliver 1400 copies through the little people! AusPost and run quarterly editions based on the seasons. The community spirit in Miners Rest continues to thrive. News and Views Public celebrations such as Anzac Day and Remembrance The opinions expressed by contributors are not necessarily Day are well attended. Our Community Hall continues to those of the publishers. The publishers may edit or reject host a myriad of functions. A local walking group meets contributions. The publishers accept no responsibility for weekly in our Community Park. In the coming weeks leading errors or omissions. up to Christmas many families spend hours decorating houses enabling friends and neighbours to share the Subject to the above condition, contributions accompanied goodwill and joy that Christmas generates. Graeme and Val by the contributor’s name (which will be published) and Harris, 7 Douglas Close Miners Rest, won the local award contact details are most welcome. Please email to last year for the best decorated house and are ready again [email protected] for this year. In addition to the decorations Graeme has more than 800 homemade toys to share with visiting Advertising in VBfMR newspaper is a great way to let youngsters. Be quick! Miners Rest locals know about your business, event or All of us here at the “The Very best from Miners Rest” activity. Community group event advertising is free. Rates would like to thank our contributors and also our growing are as below:- readership as we prepare for 2020. Have a restful, peaceful fire free Summer break. ➢ Business card (9cm x 5.5cm) $50 ➢ Third page (18cm x 9cm) $150 ➢ Half page (18cm x 14cm) $200

We only carry a total advertising space of 10% in any printed edition. Get in and make the most of our Miners Rest, Macarthur Park, Sunraysia Heights and Dowling Forest coverage. Rates may vary. Please contact us for full details and lodgement requirements.


Welcome to our Summer edition, our final issue for 2019 and it’s Christmas!

So what sort of year have we had here in Miners Rest? Anything changed or is it just “same old, same old”?

Our kids are still in the same school and despite the knife- edge result in the State election nobody really seems to be able to nail down a clear picture for the future. Seems it may be redeveloped on the existing site and expand into the vacant land next door? Does the planning include the much talked about sports facility mooted while the election campaign raged? So many questions but not many answers.

Newspaper available on P 2

ORIGINS of REMEMBRANCE LIONS ACTIVITIES DAY A very pleasing turnout for Remembrance Day on Monday Why is this day special to Australians? 11th November as we paused to remember those At 11am on 11th November 1918 the guns on the Western Australians who have served in conflicts, wars and Front fell silent after more than four years of continuous peacekeeping operations. Thanks to all who participated and warfare. The allied armies had driven the German invaders the Community Impact Grants. back, having inflicted heavy defeats upon them over the preceding four months.

In November the Germans called for an armistice (suspension of fighting) in order to secure a peace settlement. They accepted allied terms that amounted to unconditional surrender.

In conjunction with the Australian Lions Foundation, the Club funded a stainless steel bench and trolley for the Miners Rest Primary School Café 1739 which had its official opening on Friday 15th November. Great coffee and a fabulous initiative.

An Old Time Dance was held at the Miners Rest Community Hall on 31st August and another is being held on Saturday

Photo By Louisa Jacks 30th November 8pm to mid-night. is open and will close The 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month attained a Monday 9th December. Free entry | 4 categories | $250 special significance in the post-war years. The moment prize per category. Entries at IGA and General Store. Miners when hostilities ceased on the western front became Rest residents, light up your homes for Christmas and be in universally associated with the remembrance of those who it to win it. had died in the war. This first modern world conflict had Sunday 15th December brought about the mobilisation of over 70 million people 6-8.30pm at the Community Hall. Christmas Lights winners and left between 9 and 13 million dead, perhaps as many as announced, a visit from Santa and Mrs Claus, treats for the one-third of them with no known grave. kiddies and a free sausage sizzle. Enjoy a wonderful family The allied nations chose this day and time for the night singing Christmas Carols with Leigh Moneghetti and commemoration of their war dead. On the first anniversary Band. of the armistice in 1919 two minutes silence was instituted as part of the main commemorative ceremony at the new WANT TO BE ACTIVE IN YOUR COMMUNITY? Cenotaph in London. If you would like to help your local community consider joining the Miners Rest & District Lions Club where whatever The silence was proposed by Australian journalist Edward amount of time you can give is appreciated. Honey, who was working in Fleet Street. NEW MEMBERS OF ALL AGES ALWAYS WELCOME

Meetings 1st Monday of the Month – 7-9.30pm Together WE SERVE Enquiries: Danielle Nelson (President) – 0474 571 685 Yvonne Ross (Secretary) – 0408 343 106 Christine Hay (Treasurer) – 0407 558 570

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FROM NTH WARD COUNCILLOR continue to share your insights and issues with all GRANT TILLETT parties. A few quick things we have been working on this Hello all, and at this time might I wish you and yours a very quarter are: Merry Christmas and a New Year which is full of joy and • Permission received from neighbours, and quoting prosperity. in place for a new light pole in Creswick Street,

Reflecting on things past it is just over three years since the after many residents have raised safety concerns. A last Council elections – and a year to the next. fault has been raised for the one in Market Street and when it is fixed, Council will determine if we Those three years ago you did me the signal honour of need an additional light pole on the corner again voting me onto the Council of Ballarat City a task which I for safety at the pub intersection. undertook with relish. Have I been successful? Only you • Request sent to both Council and VicRoads in can judge but what I do know is that I have given it 100% of relation to the slip lane onto the Freeway and my effort. I thank all of you for your support at that time. again concerns for safety and visibility were highlighted. Have we achieved anything? Well the new Miners Rest Township Plan is about to be sent out for ratification. The Dowling Forest area Plan is nearing completion and the Saleyards. Well enough said. I think that one at this time must be scored as a fail, but it’s not over and the battle rages. I live in hope!.

The largely intransigent stance of the EPA, the seemingly impotent position of the Council machine and the steadfast belief in the minds of the Operators combined are a potent roadblock which does nobody any justice and is causing real harm in the township – my apologies for that. However thanks to the rage maintained in the mind of many locals and their steadfast persistence, nobody is being allow to forget the issues and my thanks go out to those others who regularly lodge complaints. We must continue • We attended and laid a wreath at a moving to complain no matter how tedious it might become. Remembrance Day service held by the Miners Rest Can Jean and I wish you all a Lions Club and Schools. Many thanks to Eril who very Merry Christmas and the MC’d and our members who attended and very best for the New Year. supplied some morning tea. • CFMR donated two new rice cookers and a food I have one more year left to processor to the Miners Rest Primary School Cafe - try and achieve something if you haven't attended, please support it - it is good. fabulous. Cr. Grant Tillett. • Attended a meeting at the Miners Rest Primary School, to work on an updated support plan for 2020 CFMR ACTIVITIES • Donation of prepackaged lolly bags for the kids attending the Miners Rest Carols Another busy few months for the Committee for Miners Rest. Lastly, from our families to yours, we hope you have a We have had extensive meetings and consultation wonderful Christmas and a safe New Year. Miners Rest sessions with Council in relation to the Miners Rest is beginning to look more like Christmas each day and Township Plan, Dowling Forest Precinct Plan and also it is such a joyous time for us all. We look forward to a general Miners Rest works. We have also had ongoing busy 2020. If anyone has anything and you wish to get meetings with both EPA and CVLX in relation to the in touch with us, please email [email protected] or ongoing concerns from residents at the facility and we via Facebook

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FROM LOUISE STALEY, MEMBER I have enjoyed working with the Committee to work on behalf of the Miners Rest community on several FOR RIPON challenges throughout the year, and I applaud them Here we are at the end of another year and what a for their efforts, particularly with the school rezoning. year it has been! I have In 2020 my number one objective for Miners Rest is to been honoured to again see the full funding for the primary school in the State serve as the Member for Budget. We cannot wait for another year! Ripon and to continue to represent the wonderful My office is happy to assist with any State Government people and communities related issues. We can also help with referrals to local across my electorate. Council however we are unable to instruct local council There is always so much to how to resolve an issue. do across Ripon, and there are some big challenges. I Our office will be closed from Tuesday 24th December do not shirk from these challenges, and I continue to 2019 and reopen on Monday 13th January 2020. We make sure the needs and concerns of the people of wish you all a Merry Christmas and a safe and Happy Ripon are heard in Spring Street. New Year, and we look forward to seeing you all in This year was also my first full year as the Victorian 2020. Shadow Treasurer, and this has kept me exceptionally busy. I have managed to juggle this additional workload while remaining an active representative for the people of Ripon.

The Miners Rest Community and Committee for Miners Rest have had another busy year. As a community, it is fantastic to see that Miners Rest and the district is growing and that people are choosing it as a place to live and raise their families.

I congratulate the Committee for Miners Rest on their advocacy and hard work throughout the year. Growth is vital for country communities to thrive but rapid growth, such is the case in Miners Rest and Lucas, can Merry Christmas and a bring with it challenges. Happy 2020 from all at CFMR

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AIR QUALITY ….. MINERS REST yards opened. The company complied with the requirements of that notice and it was subsequently SALEYARDS EPA UPDATE revoked. Current: EPA continues to During the past weeks, EPA has undertaken an intensive work towards a monitoring program and has verified odour in residential solution to odour areas. Reports received at times when EPA has not been reports coming from present have also been assessed as being plausible based the Miners Rest on weather and operating conditions. community. While As a result of this intensive program, EPA is looking to you may feel like you aren’t seeing a lot happening, work take further action under the Compliance and is being undertaken ‘behind the scenes’. Enforcement Policy with another Pollution Abatement Background: Notice to require CVLX to assess further options including In May 2019, EPA issued the company with a Pollution capital and operational possibilities to control the Abatement Notice (PAN), in response to ongoing reports generation and transport of odour. of odour affecting nearby residential areas of Miners EPA is aware that odour may be noticed more over Rest. The notice required that modelling be updated to summer. Reporting pollution by calling 1300 372 842 use actual measured odour emission rates from this site, (1300 EPA VIC) is the best way for us to be able to obtained during the commissioning period. In response respond as required, as well assess trends. to the PAN, in June 2019, the company submitted an To keep up to date with what EPA is doing in Miners Rest, odour impact assessment and draft odour management you can find information at plan to the EPA, which have been reviewed and response given to CVLX. EPA also engaged an independent issues/odour-and-air-quality/cvlx-miners-rest-saleyards- consultant to undertake a review of the odour impact update. assessment and the results of this review are being We encourage residents of Miners Rest to report to EPA considered by EPA. This PAN followed one issued in if they are impacted by offensive odour in a residential December 2018 that required improved cleaning area or any other pollution in by calling 1300 372 842 methods, after wet washing of the yards generated (1300 EPA VIC) or through EPA website at significant odour soon after the ttps://

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Response from Minister for CVLX COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT Environment PLAN (from Jarrod Koch CVLX Operations Manager) To Committee for Miners Rest CVLX has been working on the commissioning of Odour Concerns, Miners Rest Saleyards operations to the Miners Rest location. The methods and I refer to your letter from 22 nd October 2019 to the processes attempted in the planning and commissioning Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change, stage of the project to ensure open, direct the Hon Lily D'Ambrosio MP, regarding Odour issues at communication have been found to be less than ideal, so Miners Rest. I have been asked to respond on their CVLX has sought assistance to help improve their behalf. engagement with their nearest neighbours and the The Environment Protection Authority Victoria (EPA) broader community as a whole. continue to be actively engaged with the site operators and the local community to address concerns and I am CVLX has been working with both the EPA and advised that our South West Region remain in regular representatives of the local neighbouring community to contact with yourself. seek direct feedback and assist us in the early stages of implementing revised processes where possible. Past responses have seen two remedial notices issued to CVLX which provided some improvement to the The full community engagement plan can now be viewed operations, management of odour and response to on the ‘Community’ section of the CVLX website – complaints. CVLX submitted a draft Odour Management

Plan to EPA and EPA are providing comments and The goals of the plan are: recommendations to improve this plan. CVLX has also • To meet reasonable community expectations developed an engagement plan with advice from EPA to regarding the way CVLX provides information and develop a stronger, more constructive relationship with responds to community concerns the community. • To build greater community understanding of the CVLX facility and its operations, its commitment to Over recent weeks EPA has conducted frequent odour social and environmental responsibility and its observation activities to assess levels of odour across importance to the local economy and Miners Rest in varying conditions. EPA has also • To build positive relationships with local community conducted additional assessments using the site specific members that are based on open, direct, authentic emission measurements you refer to in your letter. Using and timely communication both of these, EPA are assessing what further changes CVLX is looking forward to implementing the are required to reduce odour impacts from the site. recommendations outlined in this plan and improving EPA will continue to pursue improvements to operations engagement with our nearest neighbours and the in line with our powers and our Compliance and broader community as a whole. Enforcement Policy From the President CFMR epa/publications/1388-3. Please Note. CVLX is required by the EPA to establish a Thank you again for your correspondence. If you have community engagement process to meet the conditions any further queries please contact Carolyn Francis, of their Works Approval. Regional Manager South West on 1300 342 842. If you wish to be involved with the “CVLX Neighbourhood Yours sincerely Reference Group” (NRG) as a community member. Please to respond to [email protected] or via CFMR website at the bottom of the page. Use the “contact us” button and we will get in contact with you ASAP. The number of community representatives is limited so please let us know ASAP. The NRG will meet quarterly possibly starting in January 2020 in the Miners Rest Hall.

It is important that community concerns are heard and CVLX’s responses to those concerns are understood by the Miners Rest community. Alicia

Newspaper available on P 7

MINERS REST FIRE BRIGADE. ARE YOU PREPARED?? EVERYBODY needs to make sure they have prepared for The ‘Fire Danger Period’ this the fire danger period by cleaning up their blocks to year commences on Sunday 8th reduce the level of dry vegetation. Everyone needs to Dec 2019 at 12 midnight. The stay “in touch” on hot and windy days, either by online, FDP will probably stay in until social media, eg. Miners Rest CFA facebook, tuned to the end of May 2020. Radio 774, or TV. By all working together we can reduce This means that no one is the risk of serious fires. allowed to light a fire outside a house, or allow one to remain For more information on what you can do during the alight. This year, good spring rain will see an abundance fire danger period and on days of total fire bans, of fuel growth in blocks and paddocks, as well as in the contact or Victorian Bushfire Information bush. Line on 1800 240 667.

We have already seen the devastation and tragedies in MEMBERSHIP NSW, Queensland and South Australia- don’t think it The Brigade is keen to attract new members as fire- can’t happen in Victoria. fighters or as members who may be able to support the Brigade and the community in other ways. If you are interested in becoming a member please contact 0408 379 017.

EQUIPMENT The Brigade was successful in its applications to the State Government’s ‘VESEP’ grant this year, recently taking possession of a new Landcruiser Ultra-light 4 WD vehicle. Feel free to drop in one Sunday morning and have the volunteers show it to you. We also have a high tech Thermal Imaging Camera (TIC) which can be used at structure and vegetation fires to quickly locate hot spots, to allow for the fire to be extinguished efficiently and reduce the risk of reignition..

Newspaper available on P 8

FROM CATHERINE KING Miners Rest Community Walking Group Schools are at the heart of our communities. Of course they educate our children, but they are also a focal point Our Miners Rest walkers for families, community groups and the wider were suitably chuffed at the community. In Miners Rest your local school even recent publicity they have doubles as a café! That is why one of my favourite parts been generating. They of my job is presenting the Catherine King Community featured in the Herald Sun Service Award at schools across our region every year. where Miners Rest was highlighted on a National map of over 1100 Heart Foundation walking groups!

The Christmas break-up luncheon is scheduled for December Friday 6th and will be held at the American Hotel, Creswick. Contact Libby for further details … mobile 0428 328 334. To beat the Summer heat, walkers will meet at 8.30am during January at least. New walkers are welcome to join us at any time.

This award recognises that school communities are only strong because of the people within them. It recognises teachers, students, parents, volunteers or other members of the school community who give up their time to help others and to make their school a more welcoming place.

Over the years Miners Rest Primary School has acknowledged volunteers who run your kitchen garden, parents who organise fundraisers and long serving school councillors. Without the contribution of these people Miners Rest Primary School, and Miners Rest itself, would not be the place it is today.

These people don’t do what they do to win awards – but it is always a pleasure to acknowledge the work that they do.

Past recipients at Miners Rest include: Gary and Simone Drabsch, Bruce and Yvonne Mackintosh, Kerri and Brad Maisey, and many others.

I look forward to acknowledging and thanking another member of your community – who will it be this year?

Newspaper available on P 9

MINERS The Township Plan is proposing to protect these values by implementing the Neighbourhood Residential Zone REST TOWN with a minimum lot size to help manage this character CHARACTER element of Miners Rest. SURVEY You also told us about the importance of the open spaces, native trees, landscape setting and views to rural Thank you to everyone who participated in the Miners land, hills and volcanic cones that are highly valued and Rest North Neighbourhood Character Survey - 114 contribute to sense of place within Miners Rest. Other surveys were received which was a fantastic response issues identified in the survey include the need for a from the community. more attractive and useable town centre and a desire for more cafes, small shops and less ‘out-of-character’ businesses. These issues are also addressed in the Township Plan. The Draft Miners Rest Township Plan will be presented to Council for adoption at its 11th December meeting. For more information please visit Council’s ‘MySay’ website at plan

Many residents were concerned that recent residential growth that was inappropriate and out of character. The Miners Rest Township Plan is a strategic document Through the survey you told us that you valued the that provides a long-term planning and design vision for uniqueness and individuality of the housing which Miners Rest. It sets a strategic framework to manage and contributed to the character of the town, especially the guide future development through to 2040. The plan is larger lot sizes. being developed as part of a program of local area planning for the City of Ballarat to implement the Ballarat Strategy.

The scope of the project includes the full extent of the Miners Rest postcode.

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A number of key challenges and opportunities have been • Recent urban style development has resulted in identified through community consultation and smaller lot sizes and reduced areas for investigation, including: landscaping • Flood management • Stronger connection between the north and south of Miners Rest with an improved path network and landscaping • Improved quality of development and managed growth • Burrumbeet Creek restoration and creation of a linear parkland • Growth of town centre and attracting new and trails businesses to service local needs. • Buffers from activity at the Dowling Forest precinct/rural land • Protection of views and rural setting • Need to accommodate the growth of Miners • Need for local sports facilities Rest Primary School • Improved pedestrian and cycling infrastructure • Protection of heritage features and assets Improved public realm and landscaping • Safeguarding Ballarat Airport • Complementary development of any future northern growth area now approved • Future potential development of Northern Growth • A new future for Miners Rest Quarry Area The Township Plan includes objectives, strategies • Impacts from the saleyards development and actions to respond to these key challenges and opportunities. The Township Plan also addresses matters relating to land use, activity and design guidance within both the public and private realms. It includes initiatives so the City of Ballarat can have a direct role in influencing, facilitating or implementing, as well as actions and initiatives the Miners Rest community/community groups can take a lead with.

• Limited sewerage infrastructure • Need to improve connection to the town centre and community facilities. • Managing a growing equine industry • Safe and convenient access to north Miners Rest • Safe cycle access to Ballarat over the Western Freeway bridge

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Exciting projects are happening at Miners Rest Primary Springfest School with Café 1739 recently opening in the school’s A massive thank you to everyone within our community Learning Pod. Barista prepared coffee, hot chocolate and who assisted with our commitment to Springfest 2019! tea are on offer along with delicious treats made by local School Newsletter business, Every Little Crumb. Café 1739 is a welcoming If you would like to subscribe to our weekly school space where the community can come together to connect, newsletter, please visit to socialise and support each other. Café 1739 is also an keep up to date with all the happenings around our school. exciting initiative where the students can learn and develop vital skills such as of communication, taking orders, organisation and time management.

Sustainable practises are paramount at Café 1739 and as a result no single use, disposable coffee cups will ever be offered. Diners are welcome to sit and relax in the café or Remembrance Day alternatively bring their own spill-proof travel cup. Our student leaders, who represented the school, attended Café 1739 has been generously supported by the Miners the Remembrance Day Commemoration at the Miners Rest Rest Lions Club with a donation of a stainless steel bench Cenotaph and paid their respects throughout this important and trolley, ACCIONA (operators of the Wind Farm) event. have donated reusable containers and various kitchen requisites, CVLX Saleyards have donated an industrial 2019 Close dishwasher and the Committee for Miners Rest have also It has been a big year for Miners Rest Primary School as we donated rice cookers and a food processor. Several school have seen our students make many achievements that they families have also donated goods and volunteered their may have not thought possible, as well as had some great time to assist in the running of Café 1739. time during camps (We had three in Term Four alone!), sports carnivals as well as open days to allow family into the Hours of Operation (for remainder of Term Four): • Monday: 8:45am – 10:00am (takeaway only from school to see what students achieved during their school 09:45am) and 2:45pm – 3:35pm day. A massive thank you to all the staff that put in tireless • Thursday: 8:45am – 10:00am (takeaway only from efforts every day as well as the students and volunteers 09:45am) and 2:30pm – 3:35pm (takeaway only that make up our school community. We will also farewell from 3:20pm) our grade six students as they make their way into the high • Friday: 8:45am – 9:30am (take away only from school system next year. Hoping everyone has an enjoyable 09:15am) Christmas and New Year and we will see you all in 2020. Please check with the school for operating hours during Term One, 2020.

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A reader recently suggested we publish popular recipes. Claire Cosgriff from MRPS has kindly submitted one of her favorite recipes. Please let us know what you think via our website.

Sri Lankan Curry What to do:

Fresh from the garden: sweet potatoes, butternut 1) Preheat the oven to 240 degrees (220 degrees pumpkin, red capsicum, garlic, green chillies, lime, baby fan forced) spinach and red onion. 2) Prepare the sweet potato, pumpkin and capsicum Equipment: two large baking trays lined with baking according to the instructions in the ingredients paper, metric measuring spoons, large rectangular frying list. Place the sweet potato and pumpkin on the pan, one chopping board and mat per person, large sharp lined baking trays with a pinch of salt, 2 knives, one pair of food handling gloves, citrus juicer, tablespoons oil, turmeric, cinnamon and curry garlic press, butter knife, peeler, wooden spoon. powder. Roast in the oven for 30-35 minutes, until soft, adding the sliced pepper for the last 10 Ingredients: minutes. Once ready, remove and leave to one • 1 large sweet potato, peeled and cut into small side. cubes no bigger than 2cm. 3) Prepare the onion, garlic, chillies and lime • ½ butternut pumpkin, skin and seeds removed according to the instructions in the ingredients and cut into small cubes no bigger than 2cm. list. • 3 tablespoons of vegetable or coconut oil. 4) Set the large frying pan to medium heat and add • ½ teaspoon ground turmeric the remaining oil. Once hot, add the cumin seeds • ½ teaspoon ground cinnamon and mustard seeds and cook for thirty seconds, • 1 teaspoon medium curry powder until they begin to pop. • 2 red capsicums deseeded and sliced. 5) Add the red onion, garlic and chilli and cook for • 1 teaspoon cumin seeds another five minutes before adding the coconut • 1 teaspoon mustard seeds milk and maple syrup or coconut sugar. Cook for • 1 large red onion, finely sliced a further 15 minutes, adding the lime juice during • 3 garlic cloves, pressed the last 5 minutes. • 2 green chillies, deseeded and sliced into small 6) Add the roasted pumpkin and sweet potato and pieces (no bigger than 5mm). Please use gloves capsicums and cook for 5 more minutes, stirring here. continuously to ensure it doesn’t stick to the • 1 x 400g tin coconut milk bottom of the pan. • 1 tablespoon maple syrup or coconut sugar 7) Finally, stir though the spinach and leave to wilt • Juice of half a lime before serving. • 100g baby spinach leaves Recipe sourced from Deliciously Ella, the plant based • Salt cookbook, page 173. • Rice prepared in the rice cooker to serve

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The past three months have been full of lots of exciting Chess – All of our students in Years 2-6 received some times at Mount Blowhard Primary, including: professional coaching from Ballarat Chess Club. Students were taught strategies as well as the rules, before students Musical – At the end of Term 3 all of our students were had the chance to participate in our MBPS Chess involved in our school musical ‘The Last Knight’s Story’. We tournament. We had over 40 students involved on the day had the pleasure of being one of the first groups to use Mt and many lessons were learned. Five of our senior students Rowan Secondary College’s new auditorium, which was an are also off to play in the National Finals in Melbourne this amazing facility. Our Grade 5/6 students had speaking lines week – so we wish them all the best. in the play and all of our students were involved in songs throughout the night. P-2 Swimming– Our P-2 students were involved in a week- long intensive swimming program at Shayne Reese recently. It was a tiresome week for the students but their confidence in the water increased, as they practised a range of skills including survival techniques while swimming fully clothed.

Spring Fete – Our student-lead Spring Fete was held on Friday 29th November, with our largest crowd so far. Our students in Grades 5/6 organised and ran stalls for our students and community members to engage in. These included face painting, gumboot throwing, mini-golf, nerf gun targets, face painting, lucky dips and more!

Cave Hill Creek Camp – Our students in Years 2-4 headed off to Cave Hill Creek at the start of Term 4, to participate in a wide range of activities including canoeing, ropes courses, bushwalking and archery. It sure was a fun-filled 3 days!

Billy Tea Bush Band – In October we had the Billy Tea Bush Band come to school and teach all of the students and staff some bush dances. After school that night we headed off to Hall for our community event where everyone had the chance to join into the excitement and fast paced dances.

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Playgroup – This term our playgroup continued to meet The turntable was removed in 1958. There were chaff once a month with some new families joining in. Playgroup mills at Blowhard, Learmonth and Waubra. The line will be returning to MBPS in 2020, so if you would like to mainly carried goods, including chaff and some come along dates will be posted on our school website at passengers. the beginning of the year. Queen Elizabeth II spent the night on the siding at End of year Christmas Concert & Graduation – This year Dowling Forest Racecourse during the 1954 Royal Tour. our Christmas Concert and Graduation will be held in our The line from Dowling Forest Racecourse to Waubra was school gym on Thursday 12th December at 6pm. It is a gold closed in 1968, with the line to the racecourse closing in coin donation entry and a Christmas raffle will be held on 1970. the night.

2020 Movie Night – Our Parents & Friends Club will be hosting a movie night at MBPS on Thursday 26th March and everyone is welcome to come along so save the date!!! WHAT’s IN A NAME Street names are an essential part of where we live, but those names need to come from somewhere. Street names in Ballarat come from many different sources, whether they were used in England or Europe and then used here or whether they were named after important people of the time. Some streets in Wendouree are named after colleges or universities from England; Cambridge, Eton and Harvard The last level crossing before the racecourse platform Street’s, while others are named after flowers or plants; was over the unsealed Gillies Rd. the post and rail fence Daffodil, Grevillia and Magnolia Streets. gives an indication of how most rural lines were protected (Pic 10/9/69) What’s in a Name explains where some of the street names around Miners Rest have come from and a brief The line crossed Gillies Road, were Branchline Court now history of why they have been used. runs, Midas Road near Pisgah Rd., Leamonth-Sulky Rd near Cattle Station Hill Rd, Coghills Creek Rd near Waubra Junction Road runs North East off Creswick Road Miller/Cricks rd and Sunraysia Hwy just south of (Midlands Hwy) at Sulky. In 1881 a railway line was built Learmonth, where a monument to the railway line now that ran off the rail line from Ballarat to Maryborough. sits. The line at first ran to Dowling Forest Racecourse, where a siding was located. This line then continued on to Waubra in 1888.

There were stations at Blowhard, Learmonth, Learmonth North and Waubra, with the line finishing at Waubra where a turntable was installed to turn the locomotive around.

Learmonth Heritage Walk Railway Monument celebrates the centenary of the railway line between Waubra (Springs) and the Ballarat/Maryborough line

The contractors Welch and Yeoman built the 13mile track for £27,750 the track was opened in 1888.

Newspaper available on P 15

BALLARAT TURF CLUB NEWS MINERS REST MECHANICS INSTITUTE COMMUNITY HALL for It has been an exceptionally busy winter/spring for the Ballarat Turf Club (BTC), headlined by the Grand National HIRE Jumps day on Sunday August 25 and the Sportsbet Ballarat Cup on Saturday November 23.

Both marquee events were a fantastic success, with strong attendances and competitive racing showcasing some of the greatest racing that Ballarat has to offer. This year’s 2019 Sportsbet Ballarat Cup was the richest Regional Victorian Cup worth $500,000. The increased prize money attracted high quality, metropolitan horses to Sportsbet-Ballarat and we were proud to bring the highest quality horses to our local community.

2019 has been a year of growth for BTC, with the announcement of Group 1 winning trainers Tony McEvoy, and most recently Andrew Noblet choosing to call Ballarat home from 2020. The addition of these high calibre trainers further complements the growing success If you would like to hire our beautiful hall for any type of of Ballarat trainers, who thrive here in Miners Rest with event please contact Dianne on [email protected]. Our our industry-leading training facilities. rates are competitive. There is a fully equipped kitchen, heating and fans throughout and you can even hire our The 2019 Sportsbet Ballarat Cup marked the end of an BBQ. Plenty of parking is also available. era for outgoing CEO, Lachlan McKenzie’s tenure at BTC. McKenzie’s leadership has been instrumental in the At present we have several classes that you might like to succession of the club and has ensured the club is in a have the children or yourself participate in. fantastic position for the future. McKenzie has handed the reins to Monday evening Yoga, Pilates 0408992180 Executive Tuesday afternoon, Exercise 0447780152 Assistant Belinda Tuesday after school, kids Dance class 0487784627 Glass, who will Wednesday after school, Hip hop 0407817773 take over as Thursday evening, Yoga 0439656552 CEO, effective Thursday, Karate 0407604926 immediately. As a club we are excited about what the future Miners Rest Bunch for Lunch holds and wish @ Ballarat Golf Club Belinda Glass all (3rd Thursday every Month) the best in her 20th December new role. 16th February

20th March

Bookings please call CoB 53205761

Newspaper available on P 16