Report of the Committee of Inquiry Into the Royal Military College
211 THE PARLIAMENT OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA 1970-Parliamentary Paper No. 147 REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE OF INQUIRY INTO THE ROYAL MILITARY COLLEGE Presented by Command 12 June 1970 Ordered to be printed 4 September 1970 COMMONW EALTH GOVERNMENT PRINTI NG OFFICE CANBERRA: 1970 Printed by Authority by the Government Printer of the Commonwealth of Australia 213 THE COMMITTEE OF INQUIRY INTO THE ROYAL MILITARY COLLEGE Canberra, A.C.T. 24th April 1970 Dear Minister, We have the honour to present to you the Report of the Committee of Inquiry into the Royal Military College constituted on 25th September, 1969 by the Honourable Phillip Lynch, M.P., Minister for the Army. Yours Sincerely, R. W. Fox (Chairman) C. M. I. Pearson A. J. M. Sinclair G. D. Solomon L. C. F. Turner The Honourable Andrew Peacock, M.P., Minister for the Army, Parliament House, Canberra, A.C.T. 2600 215 THE COMMITTEE Chainnan The Honourable Mr Justice R. W. Fox, Judge of the Supreme Court of the Australian Capital Territory Members Major-General C. M. I. Pearson, DSO, OBE, MC, Commander, 1st Division* Dr A J. M. Sinclair, OBE, ED, Consulting Psychiatrist to the Army Brigadier G. D. Solomon, OBE, Director of Military Training, Army Headquarters Professor L. C. F. Turner, Chairman of the Faculty of Military Studies, University of New South Wales** Secretary Major A G. Roberts, Royal Australian Signals, General Staff Officer Grade 2 (Co-ordination), Royal Military College * Major-General Pearson was appointed Commandant of the Royal Military College on March 1970 when Major-General C.
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