Executive Head Teacher – Mr Ashley Parry

Thornsett Primary School Newtown Primary School Aspenshaw Road Road High Peak High Peak SK22 1AT SK22 3JS 01663 744391 01663 744358 info@thornsett..sch.uk [email protected] www.thornsett.derbyshire.sch.uk www.newtownprimary.co.uk


Dear Parents,

We are now in a position to welcome back pupils from Reception, Year One and Year Six (in addition to children of key workers and vulnerable pupils) following:

§ announcement from Government that the five key conditions have been met for return to school

§ both schools completing all necessary preparations and risk assessments

§ the full governing body being satisfied that school has done all that is required

The following was included in last week’s letter: • There will be three groups of children - referred to as bubbles: REC/Y1 (Monday to Thursday), Y6 (Monday to Thursday) and Key Workers / Vulnerable (KWV) (Monday to Friday). • These groups will be of a maximum of 15 pupils, although most groups will be significantly less than this. • Pupils will be kept in the same groups, with the same staff, in the same rooms and will not be interacting with any other group at all. • Windows will be kept open to ensure fresh air is circulated. • Dinners will be served to pupils in their classrooms. Due to produce deliveries not being as consistent at the moment, menus may differ to those expected, although children will be able to choose their meal at the start of each day. • Only the correct number of chairs and tables will be in the room. All unnecessary furniture and items that can’t be cleaned thoroughly will be removed from all classrooms. • Older pupils will have their own table, books and stationery.

• Parents, carers and guardians will be expected to practise social distancing when arriving at, and leaving, school to ensure our community stays safe. Please be patient and respectful, especially as people move up and down the steps to school and do not linger for conversations too. We would ask that if possible, only one parent drops off at / collects from school. • Outdoor activities will be used as much as possible. • Children should wear uniform from the waist up, but with joggers / shorts / leggings and trainers. • There will be no before and after school provision, or clubs, until September at the earliest. • Any pupils who are unwell will be sent home. Any pupils or members of the immediate family with a confirmed case of Covid 19 will need to isolate for 14 days and that group of children’s parents will be notified and those children will not be able to come into school for 14 days. It will be requested that all members of the families are tested. The main symptoms of coronavirus are: 1. a high temperature – this means you feel hot to touch on your chest or back (you do not need to measure your temperature) 2. a new, continuous cough – this means coughing a lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours (if you usually have a cough, it may be worse than usual) 3. a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste – this means you've noticed you cannot smell or taste anything, or things smell or taste different to normal

• Handwashing routines will be in place. • The DFE guidelines, and also our advice, is that although every measure will be taken, we cannot guarantee social distancing in school at all times. • There will be some one-way systems established within school and break times and lunchtimes will be staggered to ensure groups do not cross. • Appropriate PPE will be given to staff based on advice at the time and first aid will be administered by a member of staff in goggles, face mask, plastic apron and gloves. • Home learning will still be provided for those children not at school. However, due to the additional time, commitment and vigilance required from staff to keep those in school safe, this provision may need to change. We hope any change is kept to a minimum. • Arrangements for dropping off and picking up are: o REC/Y1 – 8:55am – 3:20pm (large side gate to the right of the school into the Class 1 playground) o Y6 – 8:55am – 3:30pm (back door) o KWV – Same arrangements to continue (Foxes’ Den door)

In addition, please read carefully this further information:

§ Much of our learning will be outdoors, so children will need appropriate clothing for all sets of weather. Please ensure your child is sent with a sun hat. They should either bring labelled sun cream that they can apply themselves or have already applied a brand that will give protection for the whole day (e.g. Calypso Once-a-day). Sending a spare sun cream to stay in school may also be useful. They should also have a lightweight waterproof coat. If children arrive at school and they do not have appropriate clothing / sun cream they will not be able to engage with outdoor learning. If the group were all heading outside, you could also be asked to take your child home and return with them once they have appropriate clothing / sun cream / sun hat / coat. § Children will also need to bring a labelled water bottle. It is important we can keep the children hydrated – especially as we will be outside for much of our learning. § Please do not bring to school and bags, toys, drinks, hand gels, books or homework. If you have school reading books at home – these should be returned in a plastic bag on Monday and we will clean them before returning them to the class libraries. We will not be sending books back home. § Although the fruit for younger children service has been suspended, we have organised fruit for all the children at morning break, so no snacks need to be sent in to school. § Please ensure any communication with those at school is kept to a minimum and only if essential. We would ask you to phone / email any important messages to avoid direct face to face engagement. § Please avoid using cash payments – we would much prefer use of the School Money system. § We will provide a pack of tissues for children to keep in their drawer. § Please talk to your children about how return to school will have much the same, but that there will be differences too. It is worth encouraging very regular hand-washing as this will be taking place throughout the school day.

Messages Specific to Classes or Bubbles:

Reception / Year One § Do not bring anything for show and tell!

Keyworker & Vulnerable Children

We have been working as a group for some time now, but the following is useful information:

• Please let Mrs Jones / Miss Fitzpatrick know, by Thursday at the very latest, requirements for the following week. • The day will be a little more structured than prior to June 1st. Forest School and PAS will continue for our ‘bubble’.

Year Six

We are asking children to use the back door. Please wait at a 2m social distance until your teacher collects you at 8.55am. At 3.30pm you will also leave from the back door. Again, maintain social distances as you go home.

I know there’s a lot to read, but it is essential we follow the above regulations to maximise the safety for all.

I need to say thank you for the continued kind words you are sending to school – we really appreciate them. I also need to say a huge thank you to the staff who have worked through half-term (as well as Easter) to support the KWV group and engage in a massive effort to get school ready for June 1st.

Please take care of yourselves and stay safe.

Many Thanks,

Mr Parry and the Newtown team.