19094 Hon. Michael C. Burgess Hon. Henry
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19094 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 152, Pt. 14 September 21, 2006 I implore my colleagues, in honor of Ms. nand the Catholic of Spain, and several of his friend, Sona Polakowski. She succumbed to McAbier, the Dawson family, and the count- ancestors were conquistadores who fought cancer on September 15. I join ber husband less others who have suffered and continue to with Hernan Cortez in the early 1500s in Mex- Bob, her daughter Jen, her son Mark, her fam- suffer from the violent fallout of the drug trade ico. Some of the descendants of his ancestors ily, friends and admirers in mourning her loss and the ravages of drug abuse, to support the include the founders of Matamoros, Monterrey, and in celebrating her life. ‘‘Witness Security and Protection Act,’’ H.R. Mier, Saltillo, and Camargo, Mexico. Born in Jersey City, NJ, Sona resided in 908. In 1937, during the Great Depression, he Lawrenceville, NJ for the past 35 years. A f worked at the Chapman Ranch in Kingsville, graduate of Seton Hall University, she was Texas, and joined the Civilian Conservation project director for math and science at the CELEBRATING 50 YEARS AT L.D. Corps in Bonita Canyon in the small town of Lawrence Township Board of Education. Sona BELL HIGH SCHOOL Douglas in Arizona. He later met and fell in was a member of the New Jersey Education love with his wife, Josefa Liendo, who would Association, National Science Teachers Asso- HON. MICHAEL C. BURGESS become his future wife of 65 years and mother ciation and Congregation Brothers of Israel. OF TEXAS to his 10 children. He then joined the United For the past 15 years, it has been my privi- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES States Army Air Corps on December 30, 1941, lege to work with Sona to improve children’s in San Antonio, Texas, to fight on behalf of the Thursday, September 21, 2006 education. Her cheerful determination was her United States of America in World War II. He most apparent characteristic. She gave hun- Mr. BURGESS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to was a part of the 46th Service Squadron dreds of teachers the confidence and knowl- honor Hurst-Euless-Bedford Independent which served in North Africa and in Italy. edge to teach science; and, most of all, she School District’s L.D. Bell High School as it Mr. Lucio was honorably discharged from shared her determination. Her effect on others celebrates its 50th anniversary of providing the Army of the United States on July 3, 1945, will remain with thousands of students for gen- quality education for its students. L.D. Bell has for a near-fatal injury which he had suffered in erations to come. She will be missed by me, been a fixture in the H-E-B community since battle. He has various decorations and cita- my staff, and the many teachers and others 1957. Lawrence Dale Bell High School was tions which include the EAME Ribbon, Good with whom she worked. opened on a site donated to the school district Conduct Medal, four Bronze Service Stars, f by the late Larry Bell, Founder and President and four Overseas Bars. In 1996, during a of Bell Helicopter Textron in Hurst. ceremony held in the City of McAllen in the IN HONOR OF FRANCIS ANTHONY Rapid student growth and academic excel- State of Texas, other World War II medals and DAVILA-LAWRENCE lence have been the cornerstone of Bell High ribbons were given to him by Vice President School. During its 50-year history, L.D. Bell Al Gore. HON. CHARLES B. RANGEL has earned state and national recognition in He worked hard for his family by achieving OF NEW YORK academics, athletics, fine arts, leadership his goals of a higher education, first with the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES training and service disciplines. These numer- diploma from Brownsville High School on May ous honors resulted in the recognition of L.D. 30, 1949, and then an Associate in Business Thursday, September 21, 2006 Bell as a National Blue Ribbon School during Degree from Texas Southmost College in Mr. RANGEL. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to the 1994–1996 school terms. Brownsville, Texas, on May 29, 1950. He then inform my colleagues of the passing of Mr. L.D. Bell’s high school motto affirms that worked at the Cameron County Courthouse in Francis Anthony Davila-Lawrence, a loving fa- they ‘‘Do not imitate but are a role model for the Sheriff’s Office for almost 30 years, and in ther, veteran, public servant, union leader and others.’’ The accomplishments that L.D. Bell his last 3 years, he served as Head Office community activist who passed away in Brook- High School has achieved in its first 50 years Deputy Sheriff with great pride. Mr. Lucio re- lyn, New York, on August 5, 2006. I would like tired from his civil service in 1979, and en- certainly exemplify this. With half a century of to enter into the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD his success behind them, I am confident that L.D. joyed his retirement as a member of the Vet- obituary which captures his many contributions Bell will continue to educate and inspire the erans of Foreign Wars, the American Legion, and achievements to the great State of New young adults that walk its halls today. and the Disabled American Veterans of Amer- York. We will never forget him. Thank you. ica. He also took great strength from his faith Mr. Speaker, it is with great pride that I FRANCIS ANTHONY DAVILA-LAWRENCE, as a Roman Catholic parishioner of St. Mary’s stand here today and honor the 50th anniver- JANUARY 9, 1921–AUGUST 5, 2006 sary of L.D. Bell High School for their dedica- Catholic Church. Mr. Lucio is survived by his 19 grand- Francis Anthony Davila-Lawrence, known tion and continuing commitment to education by some friends as Frank and by other in my congressional district. children, four step-grandchildren, six great- friends as Francisco, left this life on August grandchildren, and four step-great-grand- f 5, 2006 at 85 years of age. Francis was born in children. His eldest son, Texas State Senator Harlem Hospital on January 9, 1921 to a Pan- TRIBUTE TO MR. EDUARDO Eddie Lucio, Jr., has served as a public official amanian-Caribbean mother and a Cuban fa- ANDRES LUCIO, SR. for over 33 years. He has left behind a re- ther. markable legacy in his children, who have de- Francis was a New Yorker. He spent the HON. HENRY CUELLAR grees in education, administration, super- majority of his life working and building vision, business, engineering, classical music, businesses in and about New York City. OF TEXAS Francis married twice, raising three chil- law, medicine, theater arts, school counseling, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES dren, whom he loved dearly. With his first chemistry, biology, pharmaceutical sciences, wife, Eunice Williams, they raised a son, Mi- Thursday, September 21, 2006 and technology. He truly led by example and chael, and a daughter, Aleta. Later in life, he Mr. CUELLAR. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to inspired his children to be the best they could married Louise Simon, and raised a second honor Mr. Eduardo Andres Lucio, Sr., the fa- be in achieving their dreams and goals. son, Jason. ther of the Texas State Senator Eddie Lucio, Mr. Speaker, I am honored to have had this With Frank’s passing goes a library of sto- time to recognize Mr. Eduardo Lucio, Sr. ries and experiences. He grew up during the Jr., who recently passed away on September Great Depression. He attended the very first f 4, 2006 at 89 years of age. World’s Fair, seeing a microwave decades be- Eduardo Andres Lucio, Sr., was born on No- WORDS OF CONDOLENCE CON- fore they would ever come to use in an vember 10, 1916, in the City of Brownsville in CERNING A DEDICATED EDUCA- American household. He traveled throughout the State of Texas to his parents, Teodoro TOR the Bronx, Harlem, and Jamaica, Queens Lucio and Maria Antonia Lopez Lucio. He then during his youth in a Ford Model T, which he was baptized into the Roman Catholic Church said had terrible brakes. He served in the at the historic Immaculate Conception Cathe- HON. RUSH D. HOLT Navy during World War II, and then went on OF NEW JERSEY to serve with the Merchant Marines as a ci- dral in Brownsville on June 11, 1916. He was IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES vilian worker, and in the Coast Guard during one of 11 children: eight brothers and three Thursday, September 21, 2006 the 1950s. sisters. He was a hard worker. Frank worked as a Mr. Lucio also has a long familial lineage Mr. HOLT. Mr. Speaker, it is with much sad- cook at several of the large hotels and res- that stretches all the way back to King Ferdi- ness that I rise to recognize a teacher and taurants in Manhattan before going to work VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:24 May 11, 2017 Jkt 049102 PO 00000 Frm 00264 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 0634 E:\FDSYS\BOUNDRECORD\BR21SE06.DAT BR21SE06 ejoyner on DSK30MW082PROD with BOUND RECORD.