N.OA351/1186/2o17 Date of order IV

Present: Hon'ble Mr. S.K.Pattnaik, Judicial Member! Hon'ble Dr. Nandita Chatterjee, Administrative Member

SMT. AZIZ FATMA W/o Shri Imdad Mi R/o Port Blair, A&N Islands.



Union of , through The Secretary, Ministry of Home Affairs, New Delhi- 110001.

The Chief Secretary, Secretariat, Port Blair-744101.

The Secretary (Education) Secretariat, Port Blair- 744 10 1, I The Director of Education Directorate of Education, A&N Administration, VIP Road, Port Blair-7441O1.

The Deputy Director of Education (Pen.) Directorate of Education, A&N Administration, VIP Road, Port Blair - 744101.

6. The Director of Health Services, Directorate of Health Services, A&N Administration, Port Blair - 744 10 1.

.RESPONDENTS. /1 2. OA.351/1 186/2017 / For the applicant Mr.R.George, counsel I For the respondeits Mr.S.C.Misra, counsel Mr,N.A.Khan, counsel 7


Per Dr. Nandjta Chatterjee, Administrative Member

Aggrieved at the transfer order dated 17.6.2016 from SSS Port

Mout to SSS Havelok and the speaking order dated 12.6.2017 of the

respondent authorities, the instant application has been filed seeking the following relief

a mandatorr order directing the respondent authorities to quash/rescind/set aside/recall and cancel the transfer order dated 17.6,2016 from SSS Port Mout to SSS Havèlok; a mandatory order directing the respondent authorities to quash/ rescind/ set aside/recall and cancel the transfer order dated 12.6.2017 issued form the office of the respondent No.4 and duly signed by the respondent No.5; an order directing the respondent authorities to certiiSr and transmit the records relating to the instant proceeding so that the conscionable justice; any other appropriate relief or reliefs, as Your Lordship may deem fit and propei.

Heard id. counsel for both parties, examined the plàadings and

documents on record.

The case of the: applicant, as submitted by her ld. counsel, is that

the applicant is & Post Graduate Teacher of Chemistry under the

directorate of Education of the respondent authorities.

That, applidant's husband is suffering critically from kidney

ailments leading to kidney transplantation in the year 2000 and that,

any person who has undergone kidney transplantation requires

continuous attention.

That, the applicant was transferred from SSS Port Mout to SSS

Havelok despite her request for considering her case on the ground of her

husband's ailments and that, the respondent authorities, failed to

consider her request causing the applicant to approach the Tribunal on

two earlier occasions whereby the Tribunal had disposed of her

applicatioris with certain directions.

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ft 3. OA.351/1186/2017

That, despite the Tribunal's directions, the respondent authorities

had not constituted the Medical Board as was required and instead,

VA respondent No.4 rejected the claim of the applicant by an order dated

12.6.2017 without entering into merit of the matter.

Being aggrieved, the applicant has filed the instant Original


The grounds advanced by the applicant in her support are - (a)

that the applicant's husband is in a critical condition and his life being

endangered, consequently requires continuous care and protection of the

applicant. (b) That, the A&N Administration had framed guidelines with

regard to transfer policy vide notification dated 5.12.2014 and has

violated the provisions of the same. (c) That, although, there was no rule

in transfer policy to send a patient every year to a medical Board, the

authorities concerned had directed the husband of the applicant to

appear before the Medical Board regularly. (d) That the certificate of

Medical Board dated 14.6.20 17 was against the professional ethics.

The respondents have not filed any written statement but their oral

arguments were heard. According to the ld. counsel for the respondents,

the respondents have acted in accordance with their transfer policy

guidelines and that the respondent authorities have carried out every

instruction of the Tribunal issued in the earlier rounds of litigation. The

ld. counsel for respondents further argued that the speaking order is

- comprehensive as well as reasoned and speaks for itself wherein the

contention of the respondents have been adequately expressed.

Having heard the arguments and counter arguments of both the

applicant and the respondents, the issue before us, is to adjudicate as to

whether the speaking order of the respondents dated 12.6.2017

(Annexure A/24 to the OA) is liable to be set aside.

The transfer policy of the. -respondents as notified on 5.12.2014

(Annexure A/6 to the OA) is the principal document to be referred to in

this regard. As such the guidelines provide the respondents with the f t 4. OA,351/1186/2017

., norms of transfer. The guidelines, as extracted from the said notification / /1 are as below: / "GWDELINES ARE :-

All the Schools located in UT of A&N Islands are divided into Zones as under: (1) Zone -1: Schools located in Great Nicobar, , Nancowry, Katchal including Rut Land, Banboonallah (Rut Land). (a) Zone - 1(A) : Schools located in Afra Bay, Macachua Pulolo, Pulopanja, East Bay Katchal, Dering, Kuitasuk, Dugong Cree!ç Strait Island, Macarthy Valley, Foster Valley, Cut be rt Bay, Loukinallah-IJJ, Loukinallah-1V, Haratikr4 Badadabla, Paloon Chuglumgum, Goojinallah, Budhanallah, Birsanagar, Sippitikri, Hanspuri, Borang, Nisthintapur, Jaganathdera, Narayan Tikri, Burmachad, Band hanallah, Krishnanagar-1, Krishnanagar-Il, Cop alnagar-lI, Humberchad, Sagardeep, Ganesh Nagar-I, Ganesh Nagar-fi, Shantinagar, Gandhinagar-l1, Paschim Sagar-H, Chipoh, Garjantikri, Zone - H: Schools located in including very hard areas of South Andaman viz. Shoal Bay-I 9, Little Andaman and Long Island. Zone-HI: Schools located in North Andaman. Zone - lv : Schools located in area from Baratang to Mayabunder including Neil & Havelock. Zone - V: Schools located in South Andaman and Wimberly Gunj. if) Zone - VI: Schools located in Municipal Area of Port Blair. (ii) Normally, all Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff during their service career are required to render minimum service in each zone as given below: Zone - I 02 years Zone - 1(A) 01 year Zone - H 02 years! 03 years as the case may be Zone -IH&IV 10 years Zone - V&VI 15 years (iii)Normally the minimum continuous tenure in each of the aforesaid Zones shall be as follows: Zone - 1 02 years Zone - 1(A) 01 year Zone - H Car Nicobar and Shoal Bay-i 9 with continuous posting of tenure of two years. For Little Andaman and Long Island with continuous posting tenure of three years. Zone - Ill 04 years Zone -N 04year. Zone - V 05 years Zone-ill 05 years However, teachers who have sewed in Zone 1(A) for one year will be exempted from serving in Zone L"

In the context of medical ailments, clause (xi) of the guidelines

states as follows

'The request of the te&hers suffering from acute medical problems to stay in a particular area shall be decided by the department on case to case basis, provided such cases are affirmed by the Medical Board."

- -- - I -- --. -- - - ---- ------ - - N.

5. OA.351/1186/2017 /14 The case of the applicant as derived 1mm the pleadings and as /1 submitted during the hearing, is that the spouse of the applicant had

undergone kidney transplantation on 28.3.2000 and (as there appears to

be no other records in the pleadings to the contrary), the: applicant was

posted at Port Blair till 26.6.2012. The applicant was direqted vide Order

No. 2672 to be posted at SSS Mayabunder (Annexure A/2 to the OA)

upon which the applicant's• husband thereafter appeared before a

Medical Board and the opinion of the Medical Board stated that he

required regular and close monitoring and his problem of chronic

rejection warranted his stay at Port Blair. Another order followed on

6.7.2013 vide which the applicant was once again transferred from Port

Blair to Mayabunder. The said order was however, reversed vide

respondents' order dated 21.11.2613 in which she was transferred and

posted to Govt. Model Sr. Secondary School, Port Blair: on medical ground. Hence the Medical Board's report dated 23.7.2012 and that

attached with the respondents' order dated 21.11.2013 (Annexure A/i

colly)clearly establishes the fact that the respondent authorities

appreciated the severity of the health conditions of the applicant's spouse

as certified by the 'Medical Board and permitted the applicant to continue

at Port Blair thereafter.

On, all the officials working under Directorate of

Education, A&N Administration who wanted to avail of retention due to

health reasons, were asked to appear before the specially constituted

Medical Board (Annexure A/2 to the OA). The Medical Board reported on

19.4.20 16 that the patient is capable of "taking care of himself"

(Annexure Al 10 to the OA) and consequently, a transfer order was

issued on 17.6.2016 whereby the applicant was transferred to SSS

Havelok. The applicant immediately approached the Tribunal in OA

69/2016 which was disposed of on 19.7.2016 directing the respondent

No.3 to sympathetically consider the prayer of the applicant within a

month by passing a reasoned and speaking order in the light of the I _

M 6. OA.35111186/2017 certificate issued in 2012. The Tribunal also gave the applicant liberty to

join the post of transfer or to be on leave. In compliance, the respondent / authorities, thereafter, passed a speaking order dated 2.11.2016

(Annexure A/ 10 to the OA), whereby it was shown that, in violation to

the transfer policy, the applicant has spent 9 years 4 months in the

Municipal area of Port Blair, and outside the Municipal area, South

Andaman for 7 years 7 months but in Zone IV for a period of 2.09 years

only in her entire service career, and as the transfer guidelines provided

that an employee can serve for a maximum of 15 years in Zone V and

Zone VI combined, the applicant has over stayed the limit of such tenure

and that her transfer was justified in accordance with the policy

guidelines. The speaking order went on to say that the applicant was

allowed to continue in Zone V & VI based on the Medical Board

certification which referred to the severity of her spouse's medical

condition but now that the Medical Board has certified on 19,4,20 16 that

he is capable of taking care of himself, the applicant was bound to be


Upon the rejection of her prayer for retention by the respondent ,

authorities, the applicant preferred a second round of litigation in OA

144/ 2016 which was disposed of on 30.3.2017 (Annexure A/12 to the

OA) vide which the concerned respondents were directed to consider the

applicant's representation for c nstitution of a second Medical Board and

in case the applicant's grievance was found to be genuine, the

respondents were to extend benefits to the applicant. The applicant

preferred such representation, but at the same time reported for duty at

Govt. Sr. Secondary. School, Havelok on 28.4.2017 in pursuance of the

transfer order dated 12.6.2017.

Thereafter, after a series of consequent processes, the Medical

Board formed at the G.B.Pant Hospital, Port Blair, issued a certificate

dated 14.6.2017 which was forwarded by the Medical Superintendent on

14.6.2017 (Annexüre A/24 collectively to the OA) which stated as follows: 1' 7. OA.351/1186/2017

"Medical Board Finding & Report:

Shri Imdad Alik H/o Smti. Aziz Fatma was examined by the Medical Board. Opinion of Nephrologists and Visiting Urologist from MEDICA Super Specialty Hospital, Kolkata was taken. Patient is a post operative case of Renal Allograft Recipient (Renal Transplantation). At present he is stable with renal function parameters within normal limit and he is advised to continue medication as advised by the Nephrologists. He is advised to review after one year or if he has any problem. He can take care of himself"

In the meantime, while such Medical Board was considering its

findings, the respondent authorities, in compliance to the Tribunal's

order dated 19.7.20 16 issued a speaking order rejecting the claim of the


7. The applicant has challenged two orders in the instaflt applkation

The transfer order dated 17.6.2017 (Annexure A/3 to the OA). As,

however, the applicant has joined her duties on 28.4.2017 (Annexure

A/ 15 to the OA), this cause of action does not survive any longer and is

disposed of accordingly as infructuous

The second order that has been challenged is the speaking order

dated 12.6.2017 (Annexure A/24 to the OA) wherein the respondent

authorities has dealt with the matter on two grounds - (a) whether the

applicant is entitled for. further retention on medical grounds as provided

under para (xi) of the transfer guidelines and (b) whether the applicant

has been transferred as per transfer guidelines.

It is seen that the applicant and her husband has been provided

with enough opportunities of examination by the Medical Board. Not

being satisfied with the findings of Medical Board dated 19.4.2016, the

applicant was given, inter alia, another opportunityfor appearing before

a Medical Board to further examine her spouse during June 2017. While

the report of the Medical Board dated 19.4.2016 states that the patient 8. OA.351/1186/2017

can take care of himself, the report of the Medical Board conveyed by

letter dated 14.6.2017 states that at present he is stable within renal

function parameters within normal limit and is advised to continue $ medication. Both certificates state that the applicant's spouse can take

care of himself. It is obvious from such findings that that the patient's

condition is gradually improving over time, given that the kidney

transplantation has taken place seventeen years earlier. It is also a

matter of record that the criticality of his condition as evident in Medical

Board's findings in 2012 are reportedly much more subdued when he

was re-examined in 2016 and 2017 not by one but by two medical

Boards of different Hospitals leaving no further scope of ambiguity in this

regard. The transfer guidelines require that the Medical Board has to

certify ailments which calls for retention of the employee and in this case

there are no further Medical Board certifications that conclusively justify

the retention of the applicant on medical grounds.

The respondents have established, both vide their earlier speaking

order dated 2.11.2016 as well as in the speaking order dated 12.6.2017

that the transfer policy guidelines having been violated in the case of the

applicant on account of her overstay in combined tenures of Zone V & VI,

there is no option but to transfer the applicant to another zone as

required under the guidelines. Hence we do not find any scope of

interfering in the legality, logic or the rationale as advanced in the speaking order, so impugned.

In Gujarat Electricity Board -vs• Atmaram Sangomal Poshani

[AIR 1989 SC 1433], the Hon'ble Apex Court has observed that transfer

is an incident of service and a Government employee has no legal right

for being posted at any particular place.

It is also seen from the records, that during the time of filing the

application in 2017, the applicant was 45 years of age and has about 15

years of service left. It is hence extremely unrealistic to expect that her 9. OA.351/1186/2017

entire service ca±eer and what is left of it, will be spent in zke V I & VI of the A&N Adminiètration on medical ground.

8. Hence, in our considered view, the original applicaÜon does not

call for intenen1ion and is dismissed accordingly. There will be no order

as to costs I .


I.Nath H
