إٌغبAl Najaashee\ٟؽ

إٌغبٟؽ أفؾّخ ثٓ أثغش\Ashamah ben Abjar سمٟ هللا رؼبػ ٌٕٝٗ be pleased with him هللاMay Allaah


Dr. Hassan Sheikh Hussein Osman, DVM Columbus, Ohio, USA


إٌغبAl Najaashee\ٟؽ

إٌغبٟؽ أفؾّخ ثٓ أثغش\Ashamah ben Abjar سمٟ هللا رؼبػ ٌٕٝٗ be pleased with him هللاMay Allaah


Dr. Hassan Sheikh Hussein Osman, DVM Columbus, Ohio, USA


Table of Content

1.Table of content 3 2.The delegation of Quraysh to Al Najaashee to bring back the Migrants 5 3.Ja‟far and Al Najaashee 8 4.How Prophet „Eesaa „Alayhessalaamu was created 10 5.Al Najaashee return their gifts to „Amr and „Abdu Allaahe 11 6.How Al Najaashee became the king of Al Habashah 11 7.The revolt of Al Habashah against Al Najaashee 14 8. Al Najaashee emraces and his funeral prayer 16 9.Nayzar the son of Al Najaashee Ahmad 17 10.The war between Al Najaashee and a contender to the throne 18 11. Taahaa in “Al Wast” journal 19 12.Mariyaa wife of Al Najaashee refusus to embrace Islaam 19 13.The river „Abaay 21 14.The meaning of the word Najaash 21 15.Was Belaal from the Arab tribe of Al Ma‟aafer? 22 16.The town of Al Najaashee 22 17.The tribe of Jabarte 23 18.The reason for the war between Al Najaashee and his opponent 23 19.Muhammad Taahaa: Al Najaashee 23 20.The names of 5 companions buried next to the shrine of Al Najaashee 24 21.The family of Al Najaashee Ahmad 25 22.The death of Al Najaashee 25 23.The Quraan that came down concerning Al Najaashee Ahmad 26 24.The light over the grave of Al Najaashee 26 25.The tribe of Al Ma‟aafer 27 26.The Sahu tribe 29 27.The Migrant resided in the town of Al Najaashee 30 28.Poverty and illiteracy reign over the Town of Al Najaashee 30

29.The text of the letter of the Prophet Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa Sallam to Al Najaashee 31 30.The text of this letter that Al Sayootee reported from ibnu Ishaaq 32 31.‟Amr ben Umayyah Al Damree 33 32.‟Amr ben Umayyah Al Damree and Al Najaashee 34 33.The response of Al Najaashee to „Amr ben Umayyah Al Damree 34

34.The letter of Al Najaashee to Prophet Muhammad Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa Sallam 35

35.The letter of the Prophet Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa Sallam to the successor of Al Najaashee 36

36.The Prophet Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa Sallam receives the Christian envoys of Al Habashah 38 37.The Quraan that came down concerning this Christian delegation 39 4

38.Al Habashah attacks the Messenger of Allaah Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa Sallam 40 39.Al Habashah attacks „Umar may Allaah be pleased with him 41 40.The hatred of Al Habashah to Islam 41 41.Men of Hemyar/Al Habashah assassinated Hamzah, „Alee and „Uthman 42 42.The Jehaad of Ameer Ahmad Al Ghaazee against Al Habashah 45 43.Al Najaashee in the Quraan and Sunnah 49

44.The text of the letter of the Prophet Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa Sallam by Al Sayootee 50

45.The gifts of Prophet Muhammad Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa Sallam to Al Najaashee 51

46. Prophet Muhammad Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa Sallam wrote 2 letter to Al Najaashee 52 47.The son of Al Najaashee and his 60 companions drowned in the R.Sea 54

48.A Christian delegation of 70 men come to the Prophet Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa Sallam 54 49.The Quraan that came down concerning this delegation of 70 men 54 50.Al Najaashee Ahmad and his grandfather king Ashamah 55 51.How king Ashamah received the destruction of his army at Makkah 56 52.Muhammad Bilal Khan Jadoon in the Town of Al Najaashee 69 53.Authentic history of king Negash by Dr. Selahadin Eshetu 70 54.Belaal 96 55.‟s Muslim Emperor Lij Iyasu 119 56.The jehaad of President Muhammad Siyaad Barre of 125 56.League of Arab States: the enmity of Christians to Islam 127 57.The size of the kingdom of Al Habashah 127 58.Al Habashah is not Ethiopia 133 59.Aksum was an Arab kingdom 133 60.Encyclopedia Britannica 134 61.The article of Muhammad Taahaa 135



إٌغبAl Najaashee\ٟؽ

ثغُ هللا اٌشؽّٓ اٌش١ؽُ

for him to send the إٌغبsend a delegation to Al Najaashee\ٟؽ لشQuraysh\ؼ٠ ِىخ\back to Makkah اثّٙبعش٠ٓ\Migrants

:said اثٓ اعؾبق\Ibnu Ishaaq saw that the Companion of the Prophet Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa لشWhen Quraysh\ؼ٠“ and had found اؾٌجؾخ\Alaa Aalehe Wa Sallam were safely ensconced in Al Habashah„ security there, they decided among themselves to send two determined men of their to get them sent back, so that they could seduce them إٌغبnumber to Al Najaashee\ٟؽ from their religion and get them out of the home in which they were living in peace. So they sent „Abdu Allaahe ben Abee Rabee‟ah and „Amr ben Al „Aas ben Waa-el.

and his إٌغبThey got together some presents for them to take to Al Najaashee\ٟؽ generals.

perceived their design he composed the following verse for أثٛهبٌت\When Aboo Taaleb :to move him to treat them kindly and protect them إٌغبAl Najaashee\ٟؽ

أال ١ٌذ ؼؽشٞ و١ف فٟ إٌؤٞ عؼفش ػّٚشٚ ٚأػذاء اؼٌذٚ األلبسة ًٚ٘ ٔبي أفؼبي إٌغبٟؽ عؼفشا ٚأفؾبثٗ أػ ٚبق رٌه ؽبغت ٚرؼٍُ، أث١ذ اؼٌٍٓ، أٔه ِبعذ وش٠ُ فال ؾ٠مٝ ٌذ٠ه اٌّغبٔت ٚرؼٍُ ثؤْ هللا صادن ثغطخ ٚأعجبة خ١ش وٍٙب ثه الصة ٚأٔه ف١ل رٚ عغبي غض٠شح ٠ٕبي األػبدٞ ٔفٙؼب ٚاأللبسة

The poem – translated by Guillaume - means: ,ػ fareّشand „Amr\ٚ عؼفشWould that I knew how far-away Ja‟far (The bitterest enemies are oft the nearest in blood). ,and his companions kindly عؼفشstill treat Ja‟far إٌغبDoes Al Najaashee\ٟؽ Or has the mischief-maker prevented him? You are noble and generous, may you escape calamity; No refugees are unhappy with you. has increased your happiness هللا\Know that Allaah And all prosperity cleaves to you. 6

You are a river whose banks overflow with bounty Which reaches both friend and foe.

:said اثٓ اعؾبق\Ibnu Ishaaq ؾِ from Aboo Bakr ben „Abdu Alّذ ثٓ ِغٍُ اٌض٘شMuhammad ben Muslim Al Zuhree\ٞ“ from أثٛثىش ثٓ ػجذ اٌشؽّٓ ثٓ اؾٌبسس اٌّخضRahmaan ben Al Haareth Al Makhzoomee\ِٟٚ أَ عٍّخ ثٓ أثٟ أ١ِخ ثٓ اٌّغ١شح\Ummu Salamah ben Abee Umayyah ben Al Mugheerah spouse of the Messenger of Allaah Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe Wa Sallam said:

"ٌّب ٔضٌٕب أسك اؾٌجؾخ، عبٚسٔب ثٙب خ١ش عبس: إٌغبٟؽ، إِٔب ٍٝػ د٠ٕٕب، ػٚجذٔب هللا رؼبٌٝ، الٔئرٚ ،ٜال ٔغّغ ١ؽئؤ ٔىش٘ٗ، فٍّب ثٍغ رٌه لشؾ٠ب، ائزّشٚا ثٕٙ١ُ أْ ٠جؼضٛا اٌٝ إٌغبٟؽ ف١ٕب سع١ٍٓ ُِٕٙ عٍذ٠ٓ، ٚأْ ٙ٠ذٚ ٌٍٕغبٟؽ ٘ذا٠ب ِّب ٠غزطشف ِٓ ِزبع ِىخ، ٚوبْ ِٓ أػغت ِب ٠ؤر١ٗ ِٕٙب األدَ، فغٛؼّا ٌٗ أدِب وض١شا، ٌُٚ ٠زشوٛا ِٓ ثطبسلزُٙ ثطش٠مب أال أ٘ذٚا ٌٗ ٘ذ٠خ، صُ ثؼضٛا ثزٌه ػجذ هللا ثٓ أثٟ سثؼ١خ، ػّٚشٚ ثٓ اؼٌبٚ ،ؿأِشّٚ٘ب ثؤِشُ٘، ٚلبٌٛا ٌّٙب: "ادفؼب اٌٝ وً ثطش٠ك ٘ذ٠زٗ لجً أْ رىٍّب إٌغبٟؽ فٙ١ُ، صُ لذِب اٌٝ إٌغبٟؽ ٘ذا٠بٖ، صُ عالٖ أْ ٠غٍُ ا١ٌىّب لجً أْ ٠ىٍُّٙ." لبٌذ: "فخشعب ؽزٝ لذِب ٍٝػ إٌغبػ ٓؾٔٚ ،ٟؽٕذٖ ثخ١ش داس ػٕذ خ١ش عبس، فٍُ ٠جك ِٓ ثطبسلزٗ ثطش٠ك اال دفؼب ا١ٌٗ ٘ذ٠زٗ لجً أْ ٠ىٍّب إٌغبٚ ،ٟؽلبال ٌىً ثطش٠ك ُِٕٙ: "أٗ لذ مٜٛ اٌٝ ثٍذ اٌٍّه ِٕب غٍّبْ عفٙبء، فبسلٛا د٠ٓ لٚ ،ٌُُِٙٛ ٠ذخٍٛا فٟ د٠ٕىُ، ٚعبإٚا ثذ٠ٓ ِجزذع، ال ؼٔشفٗ ٚ ٓؾٔال أٔزُ، ٚلذ ثؼضٕب اٌٝ اٌٍّه فٙ١ُ أؽشاف لُِٙٛ، ١ٌشد اٙ١ٌُ، فبرا وٍّٕب اٌٍّه فٙ١ُ، فؤ١ؽشٚا ١ٍػٗ ثؤْ ٠غٍُّٙ ا١ٌٕب، ٚ ال ٠ىٍُّٙ، فبْ لُِٙٛ أٍٝػ ث١ػ ُٕٙب، ٚأػٍُ ثّب ػبثٛا ٙ١ٍػُ." فمبٌٛا ٌّٙب: "ؼُٔ." صُ اّٙٔب لذِب ٘ذا٠بّ٘ب اٌٝ إٌغبٟؽ فمجٍٙب ِّٕٙب، صُ وٍّبٖ، فمبال ٌٗ: "أٙ٠ب اٌٍّه، أٗ فذ مٜٛ اٌٝ ثٍذن ِٕب غٍّبْ عفٙبء، فبسلٛا د٠ٓ لٚ ،ٌُُِٙٛ ٠ذخٍٛا فٟ د٠ٕه، ٚعبإٚا ثذ٠ٓ اثزذٛػٖ، ال ؼٔشفٗ ٚ ،ٓؾٔال أٔذ، ٚلذ ثؼضٕب ا١ٌه فٙ١ُ أؽشاف لُِٙٛ ِٓ آثبئُٙ ٚ أػّبؾػ ٚ ُِٙبئشُ٘: ٌزشدُ٘ اٙ١ٌُ، فُٙ أٍٝػ ث١ػ ُٕٙب، ٚأػٍُ ثّب ػبثٛا ػٚ ،ُٙ١ٍػبرجُٛ٘ ف١ٗ." لبٌذ: "ٌُٚ ٠ىٓ ٟؽء أثغل اػ ٌٝجذ هللا ثٓ أثٟ سثؼ١خ ػّٚشٚ ثٓ اؼٌبؿ ِٓ أْ ٠غّغ والُِٙ إٌغبٟؽ." لبٌذ: "فمبٌذ ثطبسلزٗ ٛؽٌٗ: "فذلب أٙ٠ب اٌٍّه، لُِٙٛ أٍٝػ ث١ػ ُٕٙب، ٚ أػٍُ ثّب ػبثٛا ٙ١ٍػُ، فؤعٍُّٙ اٙ١ٌّب، ف١ٍشدُ٘ اٌٝ ثالدُ٘ ٚلُِٙٛ." لبٌذ: "فغقت إٌغبٟؽ، صُ لبي: "ال٘ب هللا، ارْ ال أعٍُّٙ اٙ١ٌّب، ٚال ٠ىبد لَٛ عبٚسٚ ،ٟٔٚٔضٌٛا ثالدٚ ،ٞاخزبسٍٝػ ٟٔٚ ِٓ عٛاؽ ،ٞزٝ أدٛػُ٘، فؤعؤػ ٌُّٙب ٠مٛي ٘زاْ فٟ أِشُ٘، فبْ وبٛٔا وّب ٠مٛالْ، أعٍّزُٙ اٙ١ٌّب، ٚسددرُٙ اٌٝ لٚ ،ُِٙٛاْ وبٛٔا ٍٝػ غ١ش رٌه ؼِٕزِٕٙ ُّٙب، ٚاؽغٕذ عٛاسُ٘ ِب عبٚسٟٔٚ."

This Hadeth means:

.gave us a kind reception إٌغبAl Najaashee\ٟؽ ,اؾٌجؾخ\When we reached Al Habashah“ and suffered no wrong in ,هللا\We safely practiced our religion, and we worshipped Allaah word or deed.


got to know of that, they decided to send two determined men to لشWhen the Quraysh\ؼ٠ . ِىخ\and to give him presents of the choicest wares of Makkah إٌغبAl Najaasjee\ٟؽ Leatherwork was especially prized there, so they collected a great many skins so that they were able to give some to every one of his generals.

ػ with instructions to give each general hisّشػ and „Amr\ٚجذ هللا\They sent „Abdu Allaahe to give the men up before he spoke to إٌغبpresent before they spoke to Al Najaashee\ٟؽ them.

They carried out these instructions to the letter, and said to each of the generals: “Some foolish fellows from our people have taken refuge in the king‟s country. They have forsaken our religion and not accepted yours, but have brought in an invented religion which neither we nor you know anything about.

Our nobles have sent us to the king to get him to return them, so when we speak to the king about them advise him to surrender them to us and not to speak to them, for their own people have the keenest insight and know most about their faults.” This the generals agreed to do.

They took their gifts to the Negus and when he had accepted them, they said to him what they had already said to the generals about the refugees.

ػ disliked more thanّشػ and „Amr\ٚجذ هللا\Now, there was nothing which „Abdu Allaahe .should hear what the Muslims had to say إٌغبthat Al Najaashee\ٟؽ

The generals about his presence said that the men had spoken truly, and their own people best knew the truth about the refugees, and they recommended the king to give them up and return them to their own people.

:was enraged and said إٌغبAl Nagaashee\ٟؽ ,I will not surrender them. No people who have sought my protection ,هللا\No, by Allaah“ settled in my country and chosen me rather than others shall be betrayed, until I summon them and ask them about what these two men allege. If they are as they say, I will give them up to them and send them back to their own people; but if what they say is false, I will protect them and see that they receive proper hospitality while under my protection.”


إٌغبand Al Najaasheeٟؽ عؼفش\ Ja‟far

Then he summoned the Companions of the Messenger of Allaah Sallaa Allaah „Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe Wa Sallam, and when his messenger came they gathered together, saying one to another: “What will you say to the man when you come to him?”

They said: “We shall say what we know and what our Prophet Sallaa Allaah „Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe Wa Sallam commanded us, come what may.”

When they came into the royal presence they found that the king had summoned his bishops with their sacred books.

He asked them what was the religion for which they had forsaken their people, without entering into his religion or any other.

:answered عؼفش ثٓ أثٟ هبٌت\Ja‟far ben Abee Taaleb

"أٙ٠ب اٌٍّه،، وٕب لِٛب أً٘ عب١ٍ٘خ، ؼٔجذ األفٕبَ، ٚٔؤوً ا١ٌّزخ، ٚٔؤرٟ اٌفٛاٚ ،ؼؽٔمطغ األسؽبَ، ٚٔغٟء اٌغٛاس ٠ٚؤوً اٌمٞٛ ِٕب اٌن١ؼف، فىٕب ٍٝػ رٌه، ؽزٝ ثؼش هللا ا١ٌٕب سعٛال ِٕب، ؼٔشف ٔغجٗ ٚفذلٗ ٚأِبٔزٗ ػٚفبفٗ، فذػبٔب اٌٝ هللا؛ ؽٌٕٛذٖ ؼٔٚجذٖ، ٚٔخٍغ ِب وٕب ؼٔجذ ٚ ٓؾٔآثبإٔب ِٓ دٚٔٗ ِٓ اؾٌغبسح ٚاألٚصبْ، ٚأِشٔب ثقذق اؾٌذ٠ش، ٚأداء األِبٔخ، ٚفٍخ اٌشؽ ٚ ،ُؽغٓ اٌغٛاس، ٚاٌىف ػٓ اؾٌّبسَ ٚ اٌذِبء، ٙٔٚبٔب ػٓ اٌفٛاٚ ،ؼؽ لٛي اٌضٚس، ٚ أوً ِبي ا١ٌز١ُ، ٚ لزف اؾٌّقٕبد، ٚ أِشٔب أْ ؼٔجذ هللا ؽ ٚذٖ – ال ؾٔشن ثٗ ١ؽئب – ٚ أِشٔب ثبٌقالح ٚ اٌضوبد ٚاٌق١بَ." لبٌذ: "فؼذد ١ٍػٗ أِٛس اإلعالَ – ٚ إِٓب ثٗ، ٚأرجؼٕبٖ ٍٝػ ِب عبء ثٗ ِٓ هللا، فؼجذٔب هللا ؽٚذٖ فٍُ ؾٔشن ثٗ ١ؽئب، ؽ ٚشِٕب ِب ؽشَ ١ٍػٕب، ٚ أؽٍٍٕب ِب أؽً ٌٕب، فؼذا ١ٍػٕب لِٕٛب، فؼزثٛٔب، ٚ فزٕٛٔب ػٓ د٠ٕٕب، ١ٌشدٚٔب اػ ٌٝجبدح األٚصبْ ػ ٓػجبدح هللا رؼبٚ ،ٌٝأْ ٔغزؾً ِب وٕب ٔغزؾً ِٓ اٌخجبئش، فٍّب لٙشٚٔب ٚ ظٍّٛٔب ٚ م١مٛا ١ٍػٕب، ؽٚبٌٛا ث١ٕٕب ٚ ث١ٓ د٠ٕٕب، خشعٕب اٌٝ ثالدن ٚاخزشٔبن ٍٝػ ِٓ عٛان، ٚ سغجٕب فٟ عٛاسن ٚ سعٛٔب أْ ال ٔظٍُ ػٕذن أٙ٠ب اٌٍّه." لبٌذ: "فمبي ٌٗ إٌغبٟؽ: "ً٘ ؼِه ِّب عبء ثٗ ػٓ هللا ِٓ ٟؽء؟" لبٌذ: "فمبي ٌٗ عؼفش: "ؼُٔ." فمبي إٌغبٟؽ: "فبلشأٖ ٍٟػ." لبٌذ: "فمشأ ١ٍػٗ فذس ِٓ: ":وؼ١ٙـ"." لبٌذ: "فجىٚ ٝهللا إٌغبؽ ،ٟؽزٝ اخنٍذ ١ؾٌزٗ، ٚ ثىذ أعبلفزٗ، ؽزٝ اخنٍٛا ِقبؽف١ؽ ،ُٙٓ عٛؼّا ِب رال ٙ١ٍػُ، صُ لبي إٌغبٟؽ: "اْ ٘زا ٚاٌزٞعبءث١ػٗغٝ ١ٌخشط ِٓ ؾِىبح ٚاؽذح، أطٍمب، فال ٚهللا ال أعٍُّٙ ا١ٌىّب، ٚ ال ٠ىبدْٚ." لبٌذ: "فٍّب خشعب ِٓ ػٕذٖ، لبي ػّشٚ ثٓ اؼٌبٚ" :ؿهللا ٢ر١ٕٗ غذا ٕٙػُ ثّب اعزؤفً ثٗ خنشاءُ٘." لبٌذ: "فمبي ٌٗ ػجذ هللا ثٓ أثٟ سثؼ١خ – ٚوبْ أرمٝ اٌشع١ٍٓ ف١ٕب: "ال رفؼً، فبْ ٌُٙ سؽّب، ٚاْ وبٛٔا لذ خبٌفٛٔب." لبي: "ٚهللا ألخجشٔٗ أُٙٔ ٠ضّٛػْ أْ ١ػغٝ اثٓ ِش٠ُ ػجذ." لبٌذ: "صُ غذا ١ٍػٗ ِٓ اٌغذ، فمبي ٌٗ: "أٙ٠ب اٌٍّه، اُٙٔ ٠مٌْٛٛ ف١ػ ٟغٝ اثٓ ِش٠ُ لٛي ػظ١ّب، 9

فؤسعً اٙ١ٌُ فغػ ٍُّٙب ٠مٌْٛٛ ف١ٗ." لبٌذ: "فؤسعً اٙ١ٌُ، ١ٌغؤػ ٌُٕٙٗ." لبٌذ: "ٌُٚ ٠ٕضي ثٕب ِضٍٙب لو. فبعزّغ اٌمَٛ، صُ لبي ثؼنُٙ ٌجؼل: "ِب را رمٌْٛٛ ف١ػ ٟغٝ ثجٓ ِش٠ُ ارا عؤٌىُ ػٕٗ؟" لبٌٛا: "ٔمٛي – ٚهللا – )ف١ٗ( ِب لبي هللا، ِٚب عبءٔب ثٗ ٔج١ٕب، وبئٕب فٟ رٌه ِب ٛ٘ وبئٓ." قالت: "فلما دخلوا علٌه، قال لهم: "ما ذا تقولون فً عٌسى ابن مرٌم؟" فقال )له( جعفر بن أبً طالب: "نقول فٌه الذي جاءنا به نبٌنا صلى هللا علٌه وسلم: "هو عبد هللا و رسوله، و روحه، و كلمته ألقاها ‘لى مرٌم العذراء البتول." قالت: "فضرب النجاشً بٌده إلى األرض، فؤخذ منها عودا، ثم قال: "وهللا ما عدا عٌسى ابن مرٌم ما قلت هذا العود." قالت: "فتناخرت بطارقته حوله حٌن قال ما قال، فقال: "وإن نخرتم وهللا، اذهبوا فؤنتم شٌوم بإرضً – والشٌوم: اآلمنون – من سبكم غرم"، ثم قال: "من سبكم غرم"، ثم قال: "من سبكم غرم ما أحب أن لً دبرا من ذهب، وأنً آذٌت رجال منكم" - قال إبن هشام: "وٌقال: دبرى من ذهب. وٌقال: فؤنتم سٌوم، والدبر - بلسان الحبشة: الجبل – ردوا علٌهما هداٌاهما، فال حاجة لً بها، فوهللا ما أخذ هللا منً الرشوة حٌن رد علً ملكً، فآخذ الرشوة فٌه، و ما أطاع الناس فً فؤطٌعهم فٌه." قالت: "فخرجا من عنده مقبوحٌن، مردودا علٌهما ما جاءا به، واقمنا عنده بخٌر دار، مع خٌر جار."

This Hadeeth means:

“O king, we were an uncivilized people, worshipping idols, eating corpses, committing abominations, breaking natural ties, treating guests badly, and our strong devoures our ,sent to us a Messenger whose lineage, truth هللا\weak. Thus we were until Allaah هللاtrustworthiness, and clemency we know. He summoned us to aknowledge All\aah‟s Unity and to worship Him and to renounce the stones and images which we and our fathers formerly worshipped. He commanded us to speak the truth, be faithful to our engagements, mindful of the ties of kinship and kindly hospitality, and to refrain from crimes and bloodshed. He forbade us to commit abominations and to speak lies, and to devour the property of orphans, to vilify chaste women. He commanded us to worship Allaah alone and not to associate anything with Him, and he gave us orders about prayer, almsgiving, and fasting (enumerating the commands of Islam). We confessed his truth and believed in him, and we followed him in what he had brought Alone, without associating aught with هللاand we worshipped Allaah ,هللا\from Allaah Him. We treated as forbidden what he forbade, and as lawful what he declared lawful. Thereupon our people attacked us, treated us harshly and seduced us from our faith to try and to regard as lawful the evil deeds we ,هللاto make us go back to the worship of Allaah one committed. So when they got the better of us, treated us unjustly and circumscribed our lives, and came between us and our religion, we came to your country, having chosen 10

you above all others. Here we have been happy in your protection, and we hope that we shall not be treated unjustly while we are with you, O King.”

asked if they had with them anything which had come from Allaah إٌغبAl Najaashee\ٟؽ commanded him to read it to إٌغبsaid that he had, Al Najaasheeٟؽ عؼفش\When Ja‟far .هللا\ عٛسح Sooratu Maryama – وؼ١ٙـhim, so he read him a passage from Soorah (KHY‟S .(ِش٠ُ\

wept until his beard was wet and the bishops wept until their scrolls إٌغبAl Najaasheeٟؽ were wet, when they heard what he read to them.

:said إٌغبThen Al Najaasheeٟؽ ١ػ brought have come from the same niche. YouغOf a truth, this is and what „Eesaa\ٝ“ I will never give them up to them and they shall not be ,هللا\two may go, for by Allaah betrayed.”

١ػ „Alayhessalaamu was craetedغHow Prophet „Eesaa\ٝ

:ػ saidّشWhen the two had gone, „Amr\ٚ “Tomorrow I will tell him something that will uproot them all.”

,ػ, who was the more God fearing of them in his attitude towards usجذ هللا\Abdu Allaahe„ said: “Do not do it, for they are our kindred though they have gone against us.” He said: ١ػ, is aغٝ اثٓ ِشI will tell him that they assert that „Eesaa, son of Maryُ٠ ,هللا\By Allaah“ creature.”

He went to him in the morning and told him that they said a dreadful thing about „Eesaa, ١ػ, and that he should send for them and ask them about it. Heغٝ اثٓ ِش٠ُ\son of Mary did so.

Nothing of the kind had happened to them before, and the people gathered together .١ػa when they were askedغasking one another what they should say about „Eesaٝ

had said and what the Prophet Sallaa هللاThey decided that they would say what Allaah Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe Wa Sallam had brought, come what may.


So when they went into the royal presence he said to them: ”?١ػغٝ اثٓ ِشWhat do you say about „Eesaa the son of Maryamaُ٠“

:answered عؼفش\Ja‟far “We say about him that which our Prophet Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe Wa Sallam brought, that he is the slave of Allaah and His Messenger, and His Spirit and His ”.the blessed virgin ِش٠ُ\Word, which He cast into Maryama

:took a stick from the ground and said إٌغبAl Najaashee\ٟؽ ١ػ, does not exceed what youغٝ اثٓ ِشEesaa, the son of Maryamaُ٠„ ,هللاBy Allaah“ have said by the length of this stick.”

His generals round about him snorted when he said this, and he said: ”!Go, for you are safe in my country !هللاThough you snort, by Allaah“ Then he repeated three times the words: “He who curses you will be fined. Not for a mountain of gold would I allow a man of you to be hurt.”

لشreturns their gifts to Quraysh\ؼ٠ إٌغبAl Najaashee\ٟؽ

He said: took no bribe from هللاGive them back their presents, for I have no use for them. Allaah“ هللاme when He gave me back my kingdom, that I should take a bribe for it, and Allaah did not do what men wanted against me, so why should I do what they want against Him.”

So they left his presence, crestfallen, taking away their rejected gifts, while we lived with him comfortably in the best security.

اؾٌجؾخ\became the king of Al Habashah إٌغبHow Al Najaashee\ٟؽ

:said اثٓ اعؾبق\Ibnu Ishaaq :said اٌض٘شAl Zuhree\ٞ“ ػ the tradition of Aboo Bakr ben „Abdu Alشٚح ثٓ اٌضث١ش\I told „Urwah ben Al Zubayr“ the spouse of the Prophet أَ عٍّخ\from Ummu Salamah أثٛثىش ثٓ ػجذ اٌشRrahmaan\ّٓؽ Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe Wa Sallam and he said: 12

took no bribe from me when He هللا\Do you know what he meant when he said “Allaah“ did not do what هللا\gave me back my kingdom that I should take a bribe for it, and Allaah men wanted against me so why should I do what they want against him?” When I said that I did not know, he said: :ػ – „Alayhassalaamu – told himبئؾخ\Aaeshah‟“

"ً٘ رذسٞ ِب لٌٛٗ: "ِب أخز هللا ِٟٕ اٌشٛؽح ١ؽٓ سد ٍٟػ ٍِىٟ، فآخز اٌشٛؽح ف١ٗ، ِٚب أهبع إٌبط فٟ، فؤه١غ إٌبط ف١ٗ؟" لبي: "لٍذ: "ال." لبي: "فبْ ػبئؾخ أَ اٌّئ١ِٕٓ ؽذصزٟٕ اْ اثبٖ وبْ ٍِه لٚ ،ِٗٛ ٌُ ٠ىٓ ٌٗ ٌٚذ اال إٌغبٚ ،ٟؽ وبْ ٌٍٕغبػ ٟؽُ، ٌٗ ِٓ فٍجٗ اصٕب ؾػش سعال، ٚوبٛٔا أً٘ ث١ذ ٍِّىخ اؾٌجؾخ، فمبٌذ اؾٌجؾخ ثٕٙ١ب: "ٌٛ أٔب لزٍٕب أة إٌغبٚ ،ٟؽ ٍِىٕب أخبٖ فبٔٗ ال ٌٚذ ٌٗ غ١ش ٘زا اٌغالَ، ٚاْ ألخ١ٗ ِٓ فٍجٗ اصجؾػ ٟش سعال، فزٛاسصٛا ٍِىٗ ِٓ ثؼذٖ، ثم١ذ اؾٌجؾخ ثؼذٖ د٘شا." فغذٚا ٍٝػ أثٟ إٌغبٟؽ فمزٚ ،ٍٖٛ ٍِىٛا أخبٖ، فّىضٛا ٍٝػ رٌه ١ؽٕب."

ؾٔٚؤ إٌغبٟؽ ِغ ٚ - ّٗػوبْ ٌج١جب ؽبصِب ِٓ اٌشعبي – فغٍت ٍٝػ أِش ٚ ،ّٗػ ٔضي ِٕٗ ثىً ِٕضٌخ. فٍّب سأد اؾٌجؾخ ِىبٔٗ ِٕٗ، لبٌذ ثٕٙ١ب: "ٚهللا ٌمذ غٍت ٘زا اٌفزٍٝػ ٝ أِش ٚ ،ّٗػ أب ٌٕزخٛف أْ ٠ٍّىٗ ١ٍػٕب ١ٌمزٍٕب أع١ؼّٓ، ٌمذ ػشف أٔب ؾٔٓ لزٍٕب أثبٖ." فٛؾّا اػ ٌّٝٗ، فمبٌٛ: "اِب أْ رمزً ٘زا اٌفزٚ ،ٝ اِب أْ رخشعٗ ِٓ ث١ٓ أظٙشٔب، فبٔب لذ خفٕبٖ ٍٝػ أٔفغٕب." لبي: "٠ٍٚىُ! لزٍذ أثبٖ ثبألِظ، ٚ ألزٍٗ اٛ١ٌَ! ثً أخشعٗ ِٓ ثالدوُ." لبٌذ: "فخشعٛا ثٗ اٌٝ اٌغٛق، فجبٛػٖ اٌٝ سعً ِٓ اٌزغبس ثغزّبئخ دسُ٘، فمزفٗ فٟ عف١ٕزٗ فبٔطٍك ثٗ، ؽزٝ ارا وبْ اٟؾؼٌ ِٓ رٌه اٛ١ٌَ، ٘بعذ عؾبثخ ِٓ عؾبئت اٌخش٠ف، فخشط ػّٗ ٠غزّطش رؾزٙب، فؤفبثزٗ فبػمخ، فمزٍزٗ." لبٌذ: "ففضػذ اؾٌجؾخ اٚ ٌٌٝذٖ، فبرا ؾِ ّٛ٘ك، ١ٌظ فٚ ٌٟذٖ خ١ش، فّشط ٍٝػ اؾٌجؾخ أِشُ٘.

فٍّب مبق ٙ١ٍػُ ِب ُ٘ ف١ٗ ِٓ رٌه، لبي ثؼنُٙ ٌجؼل: "رٍّٛؼا ٚهللا أْ ٍِىىُ اٌزٞ ال ٠م١ُ أِشوُ غ١شٖ ٌٍزٞ ثؼزُ غذٚح، فبْ وبْ ٌىُ ثؤِش اؾٌجؾخ ؽبعخ، فؤدسوٖٛ ا٢ْ." لبٌذ: "فخشعٛا فٟ هٍجٗ، ٚ هٍت اٌشعً اٌزٞ ثبؽ ِٕٗ ٖٛػزٝ أدسوٖٛ، فؤخزٖٚ ِٕٗ، صُ عبإٚا ثٗ، فؼمذٚا ١ٍػٗ اٌزبط، ٚ ألؼذٍٝػ ٖٚ عش٠ش اٌٍّه، فٍّىٖٛ.

فغبءُ٘ اٌزبعش اٌزٞ وبٛٔا ثبٛػٖ ِٕٗ، فمبي: "اِب أْ رؼطٟٔٛ ِبٚ ،ٌٟاِب أْ أوٍّٗ فٟ رٌه؟" لبٌٛا: "ال ؼٔط١ه ١ؽئب". لبي: "ارْ ٚهللا أوٍّٗ." لبٌٛا: "فذٚٔه ٚ ا٠بٖ." لبٌذ: "فغبءٖ فغٍظ ث١ٓ ٠ذ٠ٗ، فمبي: "أٙ٠ب اٌٍّه، اثزؼذ غالِب ِٓ لَٛ ثبٌغٛق ثغزّبئخ دسُ٘، فؤعٍّٛا اٌٟ غالٚ ،ِٟ أخزٚ دساؽ ،ّٟ٘زٝ ارا عشد ثغالِٟ، أدسؤٟٛ، فؤخزٚا غالٟٔٛؼِٕٚ ،ِٟ دساّٟ٘." لبٌذ: "فمبي ٌُٙ إٌغبٟؽ: "ٌزؼط١ٕٗ دساّ٘ٗ، أٚ ١ٌنؼٓ غالِٗ ٠ذٖ فٟ ٠ذٖ، ف١ٍز٘جٓ ثٗ ١ؽش ؽبء." لبٌٛا: "ثً ؼٔط١ٗ دساّ٘ٗ." لبٌذ: "فٍزٌه ٠مٛي: "ِب أخز هللا ِٟٕ سٛؽح ١ؽٓ سد ٍٟػ ٍِىٟ، فآخز اٌشٛؽح ف١ٗ، ِٚب أهبع إٌبط فٟ، فؤه١غ إٌبط ف١ٗ." لبٌذ: "ٚوبْ رٌه أٚي ِب خجش ِٓ فالثزٗ فٟ د٠ٕٗ، ػ ٚذٌٗ فؽ ٟىّٗ."


لبي اثٓ اعؾبق: "ؽ ٚذصٟٕ ٠ض٠ذ ثٓ سِٚبْ ػ ٓػشٚح ثٓ اٌضث١ش، ػ ٓػبئؾخ فبٌذ:

ٌّب ِبد إٌغبٟؽ، وبْ ٠زؾذس أٔٗ ال ٠ضاي ٠شٍٝػ ٜ لجشٖ ٛٔس."

was his only إٌغبwas the king, and Al Najaasheeٟؽ إٌغبThe father of Al Najaasheeٟؽ“ had an uncle who had twelve sons who were of the royal house إٌغبson. Al Najaasheeٟؽ :said among themselves اؾٌجؾخ\The Habashah .اؾٌجؾخ\of Al Habashah and make إٌغبIt would be a good thing if we were to kill the father of Al Najaasheeٟؽ“ his brother king, because he has no son but this youngster, while his brother has twelve اؾٌجؾخ\sons, so they can inherit the kingdom after him so that the future of Al Habashah may be permanently secured.” ,father and killed him, making his brother king إٌغبSo they attacked Al Najaashee‟sٟؽ and such was the state of affairs for a considerable time.

grew up with his uncle, an intelligent and resolute young man. He إٌغبAl Najaasheeٟؽ اؾٌجؾخ\attained an ascendency over his uncle to such a degree that when Al Habashah perceived how great his influence with the king was, they began to fear lest he might gain the crown, and would then put them all to death because he knew that they were the murderers of his father. Accordingly they went to his uncle and said: “Either you must this young man or you must exile him from among us, for we are in fear of our lives because if him.” He replied: “You wretches, but yesterday I slew his father, and am I to kill him today? But I will put him out of your country.”

So they took him to the market and sold him to a merchant for six hundred dirhams. The latter threw him into a boat and went off with him, but on that very evening the autumn storm clouds massed, and his uncle went out to pray for rain beneth the mass of cloud when he was struck by lightning and killed.

hastened in fear to his sons, and lo! He was a begetter of fools; he اؾٌجؾخ\The Habashah became very اؾٌجؾخ\had not a son who was any good at all; the situation of the Habashah unsettled, and when they feared the pressure of events they said to one another: that your king, the only one who can put us to rights, is the one ,هللا\Know, by Allaah“ you sold this morning, and if you care about your country go after him now.”

So they went out in search of him and the man to whom they had sold him, until they .from him إٌغبovertook him and took Al Najaasheeٟؽ 14

They then brought him home, put the crown on his head, made him sit upon the throne, and proclaimed him king.

The merchant to whom they had sold him came and said: “Either you give me my money or I shall tell him about this.” They said: We will not give you a penny.” He said: ”.I will speak to him ,هللا\In that case, by Allaah“ They said: “Well, there he is.” So he came and stood before him and said: “O king, I bought a young slave from people in the market for six hundred dirhams. They gave me my slave and they took my money, yet when I had gone off with my slave they overtook me and seized my slave and kept my money.”

:said إٌغبAl Najaasheeٟؽ “You must either give him his money back or let the young man place his hand in his, and let him take him where he wishes.”

They replied: “No, but we will give him his money.”

For this reason he said the words in question. This was the first thing that was reported about his firmness in his religion, and his justice in judgment.”

إٌغبagainst Al Najaashee\ٟؽ اؾٌجؾخ\The Revolt of Al Habashah

:said اثٓ اعؾبق\Ibnu Ishaaq

told me on the authority of his father that the عؼفش ثٓ ؾِّذ\Ja‟far ben Muhammad“ :إٌغبassembled and said to Al Najaashee\ٟؽ اؾٌجؾخ\Habashah

"اعزؼّذ اؾٌجؾخ، فمبٌٛا ٌٍٕغبٟؽ: "أه لذ فبسلذ د٠ٕٕب"، ٚ خشعٛا ١ٍػٗ لبي: "فؤسعً اٌٝ عؼفش ٚ أفؾبثٗ، ف١ٙؤ ٌُٙ عفٕب، ٚ لبي: "اسوجٛا فٙ١ب، ٚ وٛٔٛا وّب أٔزُ، فبْ ٘ضِذ فبِنٛا ؽزٝ رؾٍمٛا ث١ؾش ؽئزُ، ٚ اْ ظفشد فبصجزٛا." صُ ػّذ اٌٝ وزبة فىزت ف١ٗ: "ٛ٘ ٙؾ٠ذ أْ ال اٌٗ اال هللا، ٚ أْ ؾِّذا ػجذٖ ٚ سعٚ ،ٌٗٛ ٙؾ٠ذ أْ ١ػغٝ اثٓ ِش٠ُ ػجذٖ ٚ سعٚ ،ٌٗٛ سٚ ،ٗؽٚوٍّزٗ أٌمب٘ب اٌٝ ِش٠ُ"، صُ عؼٍٗ فٟ لجبئٗ ػٕذ إٌّىت األ٠ّٓ، ٚخشط اٌٝ اؾٌجؾخ، ٚففٛا ٌٗ، فمبي: "٠ب ؾؼِش اؾٌجؾخ، أٌغذ أؽك إٌبط ثىُ؟" لبٌٛا: "ثٍٝ". لبي: "فى١ف سأ٠زُ ع١شرٟ ف١ىُ؟" لبٌٛا: "خ١ش ع١شح." لبي: "فّب ٌىُ؟" لبٌٛا: "فبسلذ د٠ٕٕب، ٚ صػّذ أْ ١ػغػ ٝجذ." لبي: "فّب رمٌْٛٛ أٔزُ 15

ف١ػ ٟغٝ؟" لبٌٛا: "ٔمٛي: "ٛ٘ اثٓ هللا." فمبي إٌغبٚٚ ٟؽمغ ٠ذٖ ٍٝػ فذسٖ ٍٝػ لجبئٗ: "ٛ٘ ٙؾ٠ذ أْ ١ػغٝ اثٓ ِش٠ُ ٌُ ٠ضد ٍٝػ ٘زا ١ؽئب"، ٚ أّب ٟٕؼ٠ ِب وزت، فشمٛا ٚ أقشفٛا." فجٍغ رٌه إٌجٟ فٍٝ هللا هللا ١ٍػٗ ٚعٍُ، فٍّب ِبد إٌغبٟؽ ف١ٍػ ٍٝٗ ٚاعزغفش ٌٗ."

The Hadeeth means:

“You have left our religion.” and his companions and prepared عؼفشAnd they revolted against him. So he sent Ja‟far ships for them, saying: “Embark in these and be ready. If I am defeated, go where you please; if I am victorious, then stay where you are.” Then he took paper and wrote: ؾِ – Sallaaّذ\and that Muhammad هللا\He testifies that there is no god but Allaah“ Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe Wa Sallam – is His slave and Messenger; and he ١ػ, is His slave, His Messenger, Hisغٝ اثٓ ِش٠ُ\testifies that „Eesaa, son of Maryama ”.ِش٠ُ\Spirit and His Word, which He cast into Maryama

,اؾٌجؾخ\Then he put it in his gown near the right shoulder and went out to the Habashah who were drawn up in array to meet him. He said: “O people, have I not the best claim among you?” The replied: “Certainly.” He said: “And what do you think of my life among you?” They said: “Excellent.” He said: “Then what is your trouble?” They said: ”.١ػ is a slaveغYou have forsaken our religion and assert that „Eesaaٝ“ He said: ”?١ػغThe what do you say about „Eesaaٝ“ They said: “We say that he is the son of god.”

:(put his hand upon his breast over his gown, (signifying إٌغبAl Najaashee\ٟؽ ”.”١ػ, was no more than “thisغٝ اثٓ ِش٠ُ\He testifies that „Eesaa, the son of Maryama“ By this he meant what he had written, but they were content and went away. News of this reached the Prophet Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe Wa Sallam, and when Al 16

”.died he prayed over him and begged that his sins might be forgiven إٌغبNajaasheeٟؽ End quote.

embraced Islaam and his funeral prayer إٌغبAl Najaasheeٟؽ

اٌشٚك األٔف\on page 115 of the second volume of his book Al Rawdu ,اٌغAl Suhaylee\ٍٟ١ٙ said:

“It is stated in another Hadeeth that his master was from the Arabs and he enslaved him فٍّب ِشط :ػبئؾخ\for a long time, as indicated by the words of the Hadeeth of „Aaeshah ٍٝػ and this is an indication that he was away from اؾٌجؾخ أِشُ٘، ٚمبق ٙ١ٍػُ ِب ُ٘ ف١ٗ them for a long time. took place its news and outcome غضٚح ثذس\It is also reported that when the Battle of Badr .before any of the Muslims living under his protection إٌغبwas related to Al Najaashee\ٟؽ Then, he sent for the Muslims, and when they entered his court they saw that he was wearing the Christian Tunic and was sitting on the ground and on the dirt. They said to him: “What is this O King?” He said:

"أب ٔغذ فٟ اإلٔغ١ً أْ هللا عجؾبٔٗ ارا أؽذس ثؼجذٖ، ٚعت ٍٝػ اؼٌجذ أْ ؾ٠ذس هلل رٛامؼب، ٚاْ هللا لذ أؽذس ا١ٌٕب ٚا١ٌىُ ؼّٔخ ػظ١ّخ، ٟ٘ٚ أْ إٌجؾِ ّٟذا – فٍٝ هللا ١ٍػٗ ٍٝػٚ آٌٗ ٚعٍُ – ثٍغٟٕ أٔٗ اٌزمٚ ٛ٘ ٝأػذاإٖ ثٛاد ٠مبي ٌٗ "ثذس" وض١ش األسان، وٕذ أسٝػ ف١ٗ اٌغُٕ ٍٝػ ع١ذٛ٘ٚ ،ٞ ِٓ ثٟٕ مّشح، ٚأْ هللا لذ ٘ضَ أػذاءٖ ف١ٗ، ٚٔقش د٠ٕٗ." The Hadeeth means: grants his slave a هللا\that when Allaah ”اإلٔغ١ً\It is written in our book “Al Enjeel“ granted us and you a great هللاbounty, the slave must humble himself to Him, and Allaah bounty, and that is that the Prophet Muhammad – Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe Wa Sallam – as it was reported to me, met with his enemies in a valley called grow, where I used to tend to ”األسان\ٚ” wheret a lot of the trees of “Al Araakادٞ ثذس\Badr“ has defeated his هللاand Allaah ,ثٟٕ مّشح\the sheep of my master from Banee Damrah enemies in this valley, and gave victory to his religion.”

This – second Hadeeth - is an evidence of the length of his his stay in the land of the Arabs, and there he learned the Arabic language, and that is why he understood and wept when it was recited عٛسح ِش٠ُ\and his beard became wet the meaning of Sooratu Maryama to him.


It is also reported that he had said: "أب ٔغذ فٟ اإلٔغ١ً أْ اؼٌٍٕخ رمغ ٍٝػ األسك ارا وبٔذ اِبسح اٌقج١بْ." The Hadeeth means: will come on planet earth هللاthat the curse of Allaah ”اإلٔغ١ً\It is written in the “Enjeel“ when young men are in charge of running the life of communities.”

أؽّذ إٌغبthe son of Ahmad Al Najaashee\ٟؽ ١ٔضس\Nayzar

:also reports السهٌلً\Al Suhaylee

"ِٚٓ سٚا٠خ ٛ٠ٔظ ػٓ اثٓ اعؾبق أْ أثب ١ٔضس ٍٟػ ٌِٝٛ ثٓ أثٟ هبٌت، وبْ اثٕب ٌٍٕغبػ ٔفغٗ، ٚأْ ١ٍػب ٚعذٖ ػٕذ ربعش ثّىخ، فبؽزشاٖ ِٕٗ، ٚأػزمٗ ِىبفؤح ٌّب فٕغ أثٖٛ ِغ اٌّغ١ٍّٓ. ٚروش أْ اؾٌجؾخ ِشط ٙ١ٍػب أِش٘ب ثؼذ إٌغبٚ ،ٟؽأُٙٔ أسعٍٛا ٚفذا ُِٕٙ اٌٝ أثٟ ١ٔضس، ٛ٘ٚ ِغ ٍٟػ ١ٌٍّىٖٛ ٠ٚزٛعٚ ،ٌُٖٛ ٠خزٍفٛا ١ٍػٗ فؤثٚ ٝلبي: "ِب وٕذ ألهٍت اٌٍّه ثؼذ أْ ِٓ هللا ٍٟػ ثبإلعالَ." ٚوبْ أثٛ ١ٔضس ِٓ أهٛي إٌبط لبِخ، ٚأؽغٚ ُٕٙعٙب، لبي: ٌُٚ ٠ىٓ ٌٛٔٗ وؤٌٛاْ اؾٌجؾخ، ٌٚىٓ ارا سأ٠زٗ لٍذ: ٘زا سعً ِٓ اؼٌشة."

The Hadeeth means:

the freed اثب ١ٔضس\that Abaa Nayzar ٛ٠ٔظ\reported from Yoonus اثٓ اعؾبق\Ibnu Ishaaq“ ٍٟػ – „Alayhessalaamu – was a biological ثٓ أثٟ هبٌتslave of „Alee ben Abee Taaleb and that „Aleeٍٟػ found him belonging to a businessman in ,إٌغبson of Al Najaashee\ٟؽ and bought him from him and freed him as a compensation for what his ِىخ\Makkah father had done for the Muslims.

after the death اؾٌجؾخ\He also reported that there were some disturbances in Al Habashah to Aboo Nayzar اؾٌجؾخ\so they sent a delegation of Al Habashah ,إٌغبof Al Najaashee\ٟؽ while he was with „Aleeٍٟػ to make him king and put the اٌّىخ\in Al Makkah أث١ٔٛضس\ and no one اؾٌجؾخ\crown on his head. There was a consensus among the Habashah dissented from this decision. He refused and said: favored me with the هللا\I am not the one who wants to become a king after Allaah“ bounty of Islam.”


was one of the tallest man and had the most handsome face.” He أث١ٔٛضس\Aboo Nayzar“ said: “His skin color was not similar to the skin color of Al Habashah and if you saw him you would say: “This is an Arab man.”

”.أثؾش\or Abhar أفؾّخ ثٓ أثغش\was Ashamah ben Abjar إٌغبThe name of Al Najaashee\ٟؽ .اٌغEnd quoteof Al Suhaylee \ٍٟ١ٙ

If such were the looks of the son, could that of his father be much different? portrayed in movies as a black man? I did not come across إٌغبWhy is Al Najaashee\ٟؽ any book, Arabic or otherwise, describing his skin color or reporting that he was a black man!

and a contender to the throne إٌغبThe war between Al Najaashee\ٟؽ

:Alayhassalaamu continues„ أَ عٍّخ\Ummu Salamah “While we were living thus, a rebel arouse to snatch his kingdom from him, and I never knew us to be so sad as we were at that, in our anxiety lest this fellow would get the and that a man would arise who did not know our case as ,إٌغبbetter of Al Najaashee\ٟؽ did. He went out against him, and the Nile lay between the two إٌغبAl Najaashee\ٟؽ parties.

The Companions of the Messenger of Allaah Sallaa Allaahu „layhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe Wa Sallam called for a man who would go to the battle and bring back news, and Al Zubayr .volunteered اٌضث١ش ثٓ اٛؼٌاَ\ben Al „Awwaam Now he was the youngest man we had. We inflated a water skin and he put it under his chest, and swam across until he reached that point of the Nile where the armies faced one another. Then he went until he met them.

victory over his enemy إٌغبto give Al Najaashee\ٟؽ هللاMeanwhile we prayed to Allaah and to establish him in his own country; and as we were doing so, waiting for what might :running, waving his clothes as he said اٌضث١ش\happen, up came Al Zubayr has هللاhas conquered and Allaah إٌغبO you have glad tidings! Al Najaashee\ٟؽ“ destroyed his enemy and established him in his land.”

,came back إٌغبI never knew us to be so happy before. Al Najaashee\ٟؽ ,هللاBy Allaah having destroyed his enemy and established him in his country, and the chiefs هللاAllaah .rallied to him اؾٌجؾخ\of Al Habashah 19

Meanwhile we lived in happiest conditions until we came to the Messenger of Allaah .End quote ”.ِىخ\Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe Wa Sallam to Makkah

Journal ” اٌٛعو\ؾِ in “Al Wastّذ هٗ رٛوً\Muhammad Taahaa Tawakkal


ؾِ writes in the Saudi owned daily newspaper Alّذ هٗ رٛوً\Muhammad Taahaa Tawakkal Hayaat on its issue number 276, page 44-45-47, published on 12/05/1997 Gregorian – ِغ أؽفبد فؾبثخ اٌٙغشح األٚ ٌٝٚأٚي ِغغذ فٟ اؼٌبٌُ . an article titled ٘غش٠خ\Hejree 05/01/1418 the outcome of his research "اٌٛعو" ٍٝػ لجش إٌغبٟؽ رٕفل اٌغجبس ػٓ ِخطٛهبد اعال١ِخ لذ٠ّخ from ancient manuscripts among other the following:

"ٍٝػٚ ثؼذ 100 ِزش ِٓ مشؼ٠ إٌغبٍٝػٚ ،ٟؽ اٌنفخ األخشٙٔ ِٓ ٜش ػجبٞ، رٛعذ و١ٕغخ "ِش٠ُ وؾذا" ٚوٍّخ "وؾذا" رٟٕؼ "سفنذ" فٟ اٌٍغخ اٌزغش١ٕ٠خ، ٚرزوش اٌّخطٛهبد أْ ِش٠ُ صٚعخ إٌغبٟؽ سفنذ اٌذخٛي فٟ اإلعالَ فؤلبَ ٌٙب ٘زٖ اٌى١ٕغخ ٚرزوش اٌّخطٛهبد أْ ٙٔش ػجبٞ وبْ ٠ّضً اؾٌذٚد ث١ٓ ٍِّىخ إٌغبٚ ٟؽثم١خ اٌّّبٌه اؾٌج١ؾخ األخشٚ ،ٜ٘زا إٌٙش ٛ٘ اٌزٚ ٞسد فؽ ٟذ٠ش أَ عٍّخ صٚط اٌشعٛي ؿ اثبْ البِزٙب فٟ اؾٌجؾخ ِغ اٌّٙبعش٠ٓ، ار لبٌذ "فٛهللا أب ٍٝؼٌ رٌه، ار ٔضي سعً ِٓ اؾٌجؾخ ٠ٕبصػٗ اٌٍّه أٞ ٠ٕبصع إٌغبٟؽ لبٌذ ٚعبس اٌٝ إٌغبٟؽ ٚثٕٙ١ّب ػشك ا١ًٌٕ"، اٌٝ أْ رمٛي اْ اٌغٍجخ وبٔذ ٌٍٕغبٍٝػ ٟؽ أػذائٗ. ٚلذ اصبس ٚسٚد اعُ "ا١ًٌٕ" فؽ ٟذ٠ش أَ عٍّخ سمٟ هللا ٕٙػب ثؼل اٌغذي ٛؽي ؽم١مخ ِىبْ اٌقؾبثخ،... ٚٚعٛد لجٛس اٌقؾبثخ ٕ٘بن ٠ئوذاْ ثؤْ إٌٙش اٌّمقٛد ٙٔ ٛ٘ش ػجبٞ ال غ١شٖ”. These words mean:

refuses to to embrace Islam ِبس٠ب\Maariyah

and on the other side of the ,إٌغبOne hundred meters from the shrine of Al Najaashee\ٟؽ“ وؾذا\and the worda kahdaa ,”وؾذا\ػ”, there is “The Church of Kahdaaجبriver “‟Abaay\ٞ means in the Tigray language “She refused”, and the manuscripts report that Maryama refused to embrace Islam, and he built this church إٌغبthe spouse of Al Najaasheeٟؽ ِش٠ُ\ for her (She is buried inside this church).

The Ethiopian Kibur Gasha sent me this mail on 1/26/2016 5:17 AM.said: “Thank you dear Dr. Hassan Sheikh Hussein Osman.We are happy to receive your inquiry. I´ve attached the link from our official website to Al Nejashi the mosque. You can find details about the Mosque by clicking the link below. There is an annual pilgrimage to Negash (Al Nejashi Mosque) every year which attracts many Muslims from all over the world. Today, Negash is known for its ornate white Arabic style tombs of the first Muslims and the recently built mosque, said to be on the same site of the original 20

mosque. An ancient cemetery has been uncovered, believed to contain the graves of those first Muslim refugees. There is also a church exactly opposite to the Mosque known by the names Mariam Church or Mariam Kadih Church. There is a local story that tells Maria/Kadih and Negash the king were in a little conflict and decided not to see each other´s face. This might be the reason they built the mosque and the church on opposite sides of the same mountain. I think this is what you are looking.” Kibur Gasha http://kiburgasha.com/ Tourism & Hospitality Services PLC , Ethiopia

The Polish-Scottish Ryszard Antolak wrote to me on Sat 1/30/2016 7:52 AM from Scotland:

“…I have been to Negash on three separate occasions and have never encountered any old church by the name of Mariam in the vicinity of the mosque…. All I can suggest is that one of the modern churches in the vicinity of Negash has a tradition that it is built on a much older site associated in legend or tradition with the wife of the Negus. But I do not know of this tradition. And there are no old churches within several miles of Negash mosque…” Best wishes”.

Dear Ryszard Antolak http://poetrania.blogspot.com/2013/04/visit-to-negash-ethiopia-site-of-worlds.html

of اٌٛادwrites in the Egyptian Online newspaper Elwady\ٞ سمب فالRedaa Salaah\ػ Monday 6 July 2015 an article about the masjed in Negash, and said among other things: http://elwadynews.com/news-files-investigations/2015/07/06/85037

ٚرػٍٛ ِئزٔخ ِغغذ إٌغبٟؽ ِٓ ث١ؼذ، ٚوؤّٔب رشؽت ثضٚاس اٌمش٠خ، ٚلش٠جب ِٕٙب رجشص اٌمجخ اٌخنشاء ٌنشؼ٠ اٌٍّه اٌزٞ خٍذ اٌزبس٠خ ع١شرٗ، ِٛٚالفٗ اإلٔغب١ٔخ، ِٚٓ فٛق اٌزٍخ اٌزٟ ٠ٕزقت ٙ١ٍػب اٌّغغذ، ٠شٜ اٌضائش و١ٕغخ “ِبس٠بَ”، ٔغجخ اٌٝ اعُ صٚعخ إٌغبٟؽ )ِبرذ ٍٝػ اٌذ٠بٔخ اٌّغ١ؾ١خ(، فٙؾِ ٟذ ٌٍزغبؼِ اٌذٟٕ٠ اٌزػ ٞشف ثٗ اؼؾٌت االصٛ١ثٟ. سمب فالػ ,ٛ١ٌٛ٠Monday 6, 2015 – 00:54 These words mean: “The minaret of the masjed can bee seen from far away as if it is welcoming the visitors of the village. Next to it appears the green dome of the shrine of the king that assured 21

himself a permanent place in history and for his humanity. From above the hill where the masjed is located, the visitor sees “Mariam Chruch” in relation to the spouse of the Al Najaashee (She died as a Chrisitian) in a shrine of religious tolerance among the Ethiopian people.” Hassan

ػجبThe river „Abaay\ٞ

:ؾِ saidّذ هٗ\Muhammad Taahaa ػ designated the border between theجبThe manuscripts recorded that this river „Abaay\ٞ This .اؾٌجؾخ\and the other kingdoms of Al Habashah إٌغبkingdom of Al Najaasheeٟؽ Alayhassalaamu„ – أَ عٍّخ\river is the one reported in the Hadeeth of Ummu Salamah (mentioned above)…and the graves of the Companion there confirm that the river .ػ and no other one.” End quoteجبmentioned in the Hadeeth is the river „Abaay\ٞ

In ancient times Arabs and Arab historian and explorers, used the word “Nile” as اثٓ synonymous to the word river in their books. For example the explorer Ibnu Batoota The/سؽٍخ اثٓ ثطٛهخ\came to Somalia and called in his book “Rehlatu ibnu Batootah ثطٛهخ the Shabelle river that runs not far away from ”اثٓ ثطٛهخ\travel of ibnu Batootah Mogadishu “The Nile of Mogadishu.”

The real Nile river that runs through the Sudan and Egypt is three hundred fifty miles on the air distance, and coming down from the إٌغبfrom the City of Al Najaasheeٟؽ ,to the lowlands and to the Blue Nile ِذ٠ٕخ إٌغبmountains of the City of Al Najaashee\ٟؽ the driving distance is much more.

and ,إٌغبThe real river Nile runs beyond the boundary of the kingdom of Al Najaasheeٟؽ and إٌغبin the land of other kingdoms, so it does not make any sense that Al Najaasheeٟؽ the contender to his throne would leave their kingdom and fight it out inside other kingdoms.

ٔغبThe meaning of the word Najaashػ

:ؾِ also saidّذ هٗ\Muhammad Taahaa

ٚٔغبػ رٟٕؼ ٍِه ثبٌٍغخ اٌزغش١ٕ٠خ ِشسٔب ثؾؼشاد اٌمشٜ اٌزٟ ٠مطٕٙب اؽفبد اٌٚئه اٌقؾبثخ ِٚالؽ ُٙؾِجٙ١خ ثؤً٘ اٌغض٠شح اؼٌشث١خ. ٚاٌغش٠ت اْ ع١ّغ عىبْ ٘زٖ اٌمشٜ ؾ٠فظْٛ ربس٠خ رٍه اٌٙغشاد ػٓ ظٙش لٍت، ٠ٚغزطٛؼ١ْ اعزؾنبس اعّبء ع١ّغ اعذادُ٘ ؽزٝ ٠قٍٛا اٌٝ اٌغذ االخ١ش اٌّزّضً فٟ إٌغبٟؽ اٚ اؽذ اٌقؾبثخ. ٠ٕٚزؼِ ّٟظُ 22

عىبْ ٘زٖ اٌمشٜ اٌٝ لج١ٍزٟ اٌغبٚ ٛ٘اؼٌفبس اٌٍز١ٓ رؼزجشاْ ِٓ الذَ اؼٌٕبفش فٟ إٌّطمخ. ٚاصجذ ثؼل اٌجبؽض١ٓ اْ ثالي اؾٌجٟؾ ِئرْ اٌشعٛي ؿ ٠ٕزّٟ اٌٝ لجبئً ٘زٖ إٌّطمخ. ٚصجذ رٌه ثؼذ ِمبسٔخ اؼؾٌش اٌزٞ وبْ ٠شددٖ ثٍغزٗ االف١ٍخ ِشعِٛبً ثؤؽشف ػشث١خ، ُٚ ٚعذ اْ رٍه اٌىٍّبد ِطبثمخ ٌٍغخ اؼٌفبس٠خ. ٚاؼٌّشٚف اْ اٌٍغبد اؾٌج١ؾخ ٚاؼٌشث١خ ٚاؼٌجش٠خ رٛؼد ألفً عبٚ ِٟاؽذ. فٟ هش٠مٕب اٌٝ ِذ٠ٕخ ٔغبػ ِشسٔب ثّذ٠ٕخ ٚلبس ٍٝػ ثؼذ 9 وٍٛ١ِزشاد ِٓ ٔغبٟ٘ٚ ػ ِٓ الذَ اٌّذْ فٟ رٍه إٌّطمخ، ٚرمطٕٙب لج١ٍخ "عجشرٟ" راد االفٛي اؼٌشث١خ، ٠ٚشٜ ثؼل اٌّئسخ١ٓ اْ افً االعُ "عجشرٟ" ٛؼ٠د اٌٝ اٌىٍّخ اؼٌشث١خ "عجش" اؽبسح اٌٝ اُٙٔ وبٛٔا ٠غجشْٚ فٟ اٌّبمٍٝػ ٟ اٌزظب٘ش ثبٌّغ١ؾ١خ. These words mean:

:said هٗ\Taahaa means in the language of Tigray “king”. We passed by tens of villages إٌغبNajaash\ٟؽ“ inhabited by the grandchildren of those migrants and their physical features are similar to those of the people of the Arabian Peninsula. It is also amazing that the entirety of the and can ,اٌّٙبعش٠ٓ\population of these villages know by heart the history of those Migrants and the إٌغبrecall instantly the names of their grandfathers all the way to Al Najaasheeٟؽ Companions. and عبThe majority of the inhabitants of these villages are of the tribes of Sahoo\ٛ٘ .ػ, which are considered to be the ancient inhabitants of the areaفبس\Afaar„

?اؼٌّبفشfrom the Arab tribe of Al Ma‟aafer ثالي اؾٌجWas Belaal\ٟؾ

:said هٗ\Taahaa At the end of this) ثالي اؾٌجSome researchers have confirmed that Belaal Al Habashee\ٟؾ be pleased with him هللا\may Allaah ثالي\chapter I will report some information on Belaal who used to call for prayer for the (اؼٌّبفش\and on the Arab tribe of Al Ma‟aafer Messenger of Allaah is born of the tribes of this area. They confirmed his blood line to these tribes after examining the poems he used to compose in his native language but write it in Arabic characters and found it to be identical with the language of And it is a common knowledge that the languages .(اؼٌّبفش\ػ (Al Ma‟aaferفبس٠خ\Afaareyah„ and the Arabic language and the Hebrew have one common اؾٌجؾخ\of Al Habashah Semitic origin.”

ِذ٠ٕخ إٌغبThe town of Al Najaasheeٟؽ

:said هٗ\Taahaa فٟ هش٠مٕب اٌٝ ِذ٠ٕخ ٔغبػ ِشسٔب ثّذ٠ٕخ ٚلبس ٍٝػ ثؼذ 9 وٍٛ١ِزشاد ِٓ ٔغبٟ٘ٚ ػ ِٓ الذَ اٌّذْ فٟ رٍه إٌّطمخ، ٚرمطٕٙب لج١ٍخ "عجشرٟ" راد االفٛي اؼٌشث١خ، ٠ٚشٜ ثؼل اٌّئسخ١ٓ اْ افً االعُ "عجشرٟ" ٛؼ٠د اٌٝ اٌىٍّخ اؼٌشث١خ "عجش" اؽبسح اٌٝ اُٙٔ وبٛٔا ٠غجشْٚ فٟ اٌّبمٍٝػ ٟ اٌزظب٘ش ثبٌّغ١ؾ١خ.

These words mean: we passed by the town of Waqaar ,ِذ٠ٕخ إٌغبOn our way to the town of Al Najaashee\ٟؽ“ ,ِمand sixty kilometers from Mekelle\ٍٟ) ,إٌغبٚ nine kilometers from Al Najaashee\ٟؽلبس\ tha capital city of Tigray) and it is one the oldest towns of the area, and is inhabited by ”.of Arab origin ”عجشد\the tribe of “Jabartee 23

عجشدThe tribe Jabarte

is the Arabic ”عجشرSome of the historians think that the origin of the word “Jabarteeٟ which is indicating that they were compelled, in the past, to profess ”عجش\word of “Jabar publicly the as their faith.” End quote.

and his Christian enemies إٌغبThe reason for the war between Al Najaashee\ٟؽ

:ؾِ saidّذ هٗ\Muhammad Taahaa

ٚر١ؾش اٌّخطٛهبد اٌغٍذ٠خ اٌزبس٠خ١خ اٌزٟ اهؼٍذ ٙ١ٍػب "اٌٛعو" اٌٝ أْ إٌضاع ث١ٓ إٌغبٚ ٟؽأػذائٗ اٌّغ١١ؾ١ٓ ؾٔت ثغجت رجٟٕ إٌغبٟؽ ٌإلعالَ ؽّٚب٠زٗ ٌٍّغـ١ٍّٓ، ٌٙٚزا األِش دالٌخ وج١شح فٟ اٌزبس٠خ اإلعالِٟ، ال ع١ّب أْ ػذد اٌّغ١ٍّٓ فٟ اؾٌجؾخ آٔزان وبْ مؼف ػذدُ٘ فٟ ِىخ. ٚوبْ ث١ٓ أٌٚئه اٌقؾبثخ صالصخ ِٓ اؾؼٌشح اٌّجؾش٠ٓ ثبٌغٕخ ٚ٘ـُ ػضّبْ ثـٓ ػفبْ ٚاٌضث١ش ثٓ اٛؼٌاَ ػٚجذاٌشؽّٓ ثٓ ػـٛف، اٌٝ عبٔت فؾبثخ آخش٠ٓ وبْ ٌُٙ دٚس وج١ش فٟ ِغ١شح االعالَ الؽمبً.

These words mean:

was able to see ”اٌٛعوThe ancient manuscripts on leather that the journal “al Wast“ and his Christian enemies started إٌغبindicate that the conflict between Al Najaashee\ٟؽ embraced Islaam and for his protection of the Muslim إٌغبwhen Al Najaahee\ٟؽ Migrants. And in this matter is a great example in the Islamic history, especially if we at that time was the double of اؾٌجؾخ\consider that the number of Muslims in Al Habashah .ِىخ\their number in Makkah And among those Companions/Migrants were three of the ten that were given the glad ػ and Al Zubayr benضّبْ ثٓ ػفبْ\tiding of the Paradise, namely „Uthmaan ben „Afaan ;ػجذ اٌشؽّٓ ثٓ ٛػف\and „Abdu Al Rahmaan ben „Awf اٌضث١ش ثٓ اٛؼٌاَ\Al „Awwaam besides Companions that played big roles in the development of Islam afterwards.”

ثغُ هللا اٌشؽّٓ اٌش١ؽُ

ؾِّذ هٗ\by Muhammad Taahaa إٌغبAl Najaasheeٟؽ

اٌزمذ "اٌٛعو" فٟ ِذ٠ٕخ ٔغبػ االِبَ اؾٌبٌٟ ٌّغغذ إٌغبٟؽ صٕٛ٠ اعّب١ػً، اٌزٚ ٞسس اِبِخ اٌّغغذ ِٓ عذٖ اٌشاثغ، ٚاٌزمذ ا٠نبً ِئرْ اٌّغغذ داٚد ٍٟػ اٌزٞ روش اْ ٘زٖ اٌّّٙخ ِمقٛسح ٍٝػ أعشرٗ فمو، ُٚ٘ ٠زٛاسصٙٔٛب أثبً ػٓ عذ. ٚروش أٗ ٚسس ٘زٖ اٌّّٙخ ِٓ عذٖ اٌخبِظ، ٠ٕٚطجك األِش ٔفغٗ ؽ ٍٝػبسط اٌّغغذ. ُٚ٘ ؼ٠زجشْٚ ِٙبُِٙ ٘زٖ راد هبثغ لذع١ؾ٠ٚ ،ٟطٙٔٛب ثىض١ش ِٓ اال٘زّبَ ٚاٌزمذ٠ش، ٚفؽ ٟبي أمشاك أعشح أؽذُ٘ فبْ اٌّّٙخ رٕزمً رٍمبئ١بً ألعشح أخ١ٗ. ٚفٛؽ ٟاسٔب ٙؼُِ روشٚا اْ ٕ٘بن ِض٠ذاً ِٓ األدٌخ اٌزبس٠خ١خ اٌّزؼٍمخ ثبٌٕغبٟؽ، ٌىٕٙب ِٛعٛدح فٚ ٟصبئك رؾزفع ثٙب ثؼل اٌىٕبئظ. ٚ٘زا األِش ِؤٌٛف، فؼّظُ ٚصبئك اٌزبس٠خ اؾٌجٟؾ رٛعذ فٟ خضائٓ اٌىٕبئظ. ٚأمبفٛا اْ رٍه اٌٛصبئك رؾزٍٝػ ٞٛ اؽبساد ٚامؾخ رف١ذ ثؤْ إٌغبٛ٘ ٟؽ اٌٍّه اٌزٞ أدخً االعالَ فٟ اؾٌجؾخ. 24

وّب اٌزمذ "اٌٛعو"، ا١ؾٌخ اؽّذ ؽبط األ١ِٓ عىشر١ش اٌٍغٕخ ا١ٍؼٌب ال١ؽبء ِآصش اؽّذ إٌغب٠ٚ ٟؽطٍك أً٘ إٌّطمخ اعُ اؽّذ ٍٝػ إٌغبٟؽ. ٍٝػٚ ِمشثخ ِٓ مشؼ٠ أؽّذ إٌغبٟؽ ٛ٠عذ مشؼ٠ اٌقؾبثػ ٟذٞ ثٓ إٌن١ش اٌزٞ عجك إٌغبٟؽ فٚ ٟفبرٗ، ؽٚبسن إٌغبٟؽ ٔفغٗ فٟ دفٕٗ. وّب رٛعذ خّغخ لجٛس أخشٜ رنُ سفبد اٌقؾبثخ ؽبهت ثٓ اؾٌبسس، ٚعف١بْ ثٓ ؼِّش، ػٚجذهللا ثٓ اؾٌبسس، ػٚشٚح ثٓ ػجذ اؼٌضٜ.

:ؾِ also saidّذ هٗ\Muhammad Taahaa

met with the ”اٌٛعو\the journal “Al Wast , ِذ٠ٕخ إٌغبIn the City of Al Najaashee\ٟؽ“ ,صٕٛ٠ اعّب١ػً\Zaynoo Ismaa‟eel ”ِغغذ إٌغبpresent day imam of “Majed Al Najaashee\ٟؽ who inherited the imaamah of the masjed from his fourth grandfather; it also met with the who stated that this job is ,داٚد of the masjed Daa-ood „Alee\ٍٟػ آراْ\caller of the Aathaan for his family only, and they inherit it from father and grandfathers, and he mentioned that he inherited it from his fifth grandfather. The same is valid for the guardian of the masjed. All of them consider their assignments as holy and give to it the maximum attention and importance. If a family remains without sons for this assignment, the job is moved to the family of his brother.

In our conversation with them they mentioned that there is more historical evidence but it is preserved in some churches, which is well ,إٌغبconcerning Al Najaashee\ٟؽ is in the اؾٌجؾخ\known, for the majority of the document on the history of Al Habashah safes of the churches. is the king إٌغبThey added that those documents indicate clearly that Al Najaashee\ٟؽ .اؾٌجؾخwho introduced Islam in Al Habashah

the ا١ؾٌخ أؽّذ ؽبط\met also with Al Shaykh Ahmad Haaje ”اٌٛعو\The journal “Al Wast secretary of the High Commission for the Revival of the Heritage of Ahmad Al ".إٌغبٟؽ أؽّذ\and the local people him call Al Najaashee Ahmad ,أؽّذ إٌغبNajaashee\ٟؽ

إٌغبThe Names of five Companions buried next to the shrine of Al Najaasheeٟؽ

:ؾِ addedّذ هٗ\Muhammad Taahaa

there is the shrine of the أؽّذ إٌغبAnd close to the shrine of Ahmad Al Najaashee\ٟؽ“ ػ who passed away before the Najaasheeذٞ ثٓ إٌق١ش\Companion „Adeyy ben Al Nadeer .himself took part in his burial إٌغبand Al Najaasheeٟؽ ,إٌغبٟؽ There are also graves containing the remains of the Companions Haateb ben Al and „Abdu Allaahe ben ,عف١بْ ثٓ ؼِّش\ؽ and „Sufyaan ben Ma‟marبهت ثٓ اؾٌبسس\Haareth ػ.” Endشٚح ثٓ ػجذ اؼٌضػ and „Urwah ben „Abdu Al „Uzzaa\ٜجذ هللا ثٓ اؾٌبسس\Al Haareth quote. 25

ؾِ in itsّذ هٗ\At the end of this chapter I will reproduce the article of Muhammad Taahaa entirety in its Arabic original.

إٌغبٟؽ أؽّذ\The Family of Al Najaashee Ahmad

:ؾِ writesّذ هٗ\Muhammad Taahaa إٌغبIslamic Manuscripts on leather report with minute details the life of Al Najaasheeٟؽ“ that are conform to the reliable historical narration on this good king. was born during a blooming إٌغبSome of the manuscript report that Al Najasheeٟؽ as the son of one of its ,أوغat Aksum\َٛ اؾٌجؾخ\period of the kingdom of Al Habashah .أثؾشkings called Abharee\ٞ and killed him, and أثؾشplotted against Abharee\ٞ إٌغبThen the uncle of Al Najaasheeٟؽ .where he lived for some time ,ا١ٌّٓ\to Al Yaman إٌغبexiled his son Al Najaasheeٟؽ There he learned the customs of the Arabs and their dialects. there was a draught in Al إٌغبIt is reported that during the absence of Al Najaasheeٟؽ .and good things went down اؾٌجؾخ\Habashah said that this was happening in their country because اؾٌجؾخ\The people of Al Habashah and ا١ٌّٓ\so they brought him back from Al Yaman ,إٌغبthey had exiled Al Najaasheeٟؽ flourished and good things اؾٌجؾخ\crowned him as their king. At his return Al Habashah were all over the country. and his Muslim family إٌغبThese manuscripts state that the reign of Al Najaasheeٟؽ lasted for three hundred twenty years (320) where justice prevailed. His .أفؾّخ ثٓ أثغش\or Ashamah ben Abhar أفؾّخ ثٓ أثغش\His name is Asmaha ben Abjar and refused to convert to Islam and is buried in the church of ِش٠ُ\wife is Maryama .ِذ٠ٕخ إٌغبthat he built for her in the City of Al Nagaashee\ٟؽ و١ٕغخ ِبس٠ب\Mareyaa ػ and Abooجذ هللا\Abdu Allaahe„ اسؾ٠ب\had three children, Areehaa إٌغبAl Najaasheeٟؽ ”. أثٛٔضاس\Nazar

إٌغبThe death of Al Najaasheeٟؽ

:ؾِ addedّذ هٗ\Muhammad Taahaa and the ,٘غش٠خ\passed away in the year nine of the Hejrah إٌغبAl Najaashee\ٟؽ“ Messenger of Allaah Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe Wa Sallam informed his Companions about his death and offered the funeral prayer of an absentee at the Allaah .اٌّذ٠ٕخ إٌّٛسح\in Al Madeenah Al Munawwarah ِمجشح اٌجم١غ\‟graveyard of Al Baqee that إٌغبraised the coffin of Al Najaasheeٟؽ هللا عجؾبٔٗ ٚرؼبSubhaanahu wa Ta‟aalaa\ٌٝ so that the Messenger of Allaah Sallaa Allaahu اؾٌجؾخ\was in the land of Al Habashah .اٌّذ٠ٕخ\Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe Wa Sallam could see it while he was in Al Madeenah„ 26

criticized the fact that the Messenger of Allaah اٌّذ٠ٕخ\The Hypocrites of Al Madeenah Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe Wa Sallam Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe Wa Sallam was offering funeral prayer for him and said: "أ٠قٍٝػ ٍٟ ٘زا اؼٌٍظ؟" The Hadeeth means: “Why is he offering prayers for this non-Arab Unbeliever?”

إٌغبٟؽ أؽّذ\The Quraan that came down concerning Al Najaashee Ahmad

brought down Aayah 199 of هللا عجؾبٔٗ ٚرؼبAt that Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta‟aalaa\ٌٝ :عٛسح آي ػّشاSooratu Aaleh „Emraanْ

{ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ َِّ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ َِِّ ِ ِ َ وِإ َّن م ْن أَ ْهل إْلكتَاب لََم ْن ي ْؤم ن بالمه َوَما أ ْنِزَل إلَْي كْم َوَما أ ْنِزَل إلَْيهْم َخاشعي َن لمه ََل َي ْشتَ روَن بآََيات َِّ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ َّ ِ ِ 911 } إلمه ثََمًنا َقميًًل أ ولَئ َك لَه ْم أَ ْج ر هْم عْنَد َرِّبهْم إ َّن إلمهَ َسِريع إْلح َساب ) ( The Ayah means:

,هللا\And there are, certainly, among the people of the Book those who believe in Allaah“ :هللاin the revelation to you, and in the revelation to them, bowing in humility to Allaah for a miserable gain! For them is a reward with هللاthey will not sell the Signs of Allaah .(is swift in account(199).” (Quraan 3:199هللا their Lord, and Allaah . ؾِّذ هٗ\End quotation of Muhammad Taahaa

إٌغبThe light over the grave of Al Najaashee\ٟؽ

:said اثٓ اعؾبق\Ibnu Ishaaq ػشٚح ثٓ اٌضث١ش\told me from „Urwah ben Al Zubayr ٠ض٠ذ ثٓ سِٚبْ\Yazeed ben Roomaan :ػ that she saidبئؾخ\from „Aaeshah

"ٌّب ِبد إٌغبٟؽ، وبْ ٠زؾذس أٔٗ ال ٠ضاي ٠شٍٝػ ٜ لجشٖ ٛٔس."

This Hadeeth means: died it used to be said that a light was constantly seen over إٌغبWhen Al Najaasheeٟؽ“ his grave.” End quote.


اىؼَافط\The tribe of Al Ma’aafer

The historian and Yamanee\ًٌَْ judge Muhammad ben Ahmad Al Hajaree Al 1342 ذوالحجة born Thoo Al Hejjah) اىقاضً اىؼالٍح اىَؤضخ ٍحَس تِ أحَس اىحجطي اىٍَاYamaaneeًّ H/17 August 1960), in his book “Majmuu‟u Buldaane 1380 صفر/hijree, and died 26 Safar edited by Ismaac‟eel ben „Alee Al ,” ٍجَ٘ع تيساُ اىٍَِ ٗقثائيٖا/Al Yaman wa Qabaa-elehaa صنعاء in Sanaa مكتبة اإلرشادpublished by Maktabatu Al Irshaad ,إسماعٌل بن علً األكرعAkrac C.E., reports on page 233 of the second volume the genealogy of 1984/ٕجطٌح\hejree 1404 :and said among other things اىؼَافط\the tribe of Ma‟aafer

"اىحجطٌح تالز ٗاسؼح شَاىً ػسُ ٗجْ٘تً ذؼع ًٕٗ فً األصو ٍِ تالز اىؼَافط ّسثح إىى ؼٍافط تِ ؼٌفط تِ اىحاضز تِ ٍطج تِ أزز تِ اىٍَٖسغ تِ حٍَط، ٍٗسٌْرٖا اىقسٌَح جثا ٗقس شمطخ فً ذؼع، ٍٗطمع اىحجطٌح اىًٍ٘ تيسج اىرطتح ٍِ شتحاُ. قاه فً ؼٍجٌ اىثيساُ: "ٍرالف اىؼَافط تِ ؼٌفط م٘ضذٖا جثا ٍٗي٘ك اىؼَافط آه اىنطّسي ٍِ سثأ األصغط."

قيد: ٗحنى فً ّثط اىسض اىَنُْ٘ ػِ أتً ث٘ض اىقًَٖ قاه: مْا ػْس ضس٘ه هللا صيى هللا ػئٍ ٗ ػيى آىٔ ٗسيٌ ٌٍ٘ا فأذً تث٘ب ٍِ ثٍاب اىؼَافط فقاه أت٘ سفٍاُ تِ حطب: "ىؼِ هللا ٕصا اىث٘ب ٗىؼٌ ٍِ ِؼَئ." فقاه ضس٘ه هللا صيى هللا ػئٍ ػٗيى آىٔ ٗسيٌ: "ال ذيؼٌْٖ فئٌّٖ ًٍْ ٗ أّا ٌٍْٖ." ضٗآ أحَس ٗاىطثطاًّ ٗإسْازَٕا حسِ.

قيد: ٗقس ّسة إىى اىؼَافط جَيح ٍِ األفاضو ٗاألػٍاُ ٌٍْٖ اىَيل اىَْص٘ض أت٘ ػاٍط ٍحَس تِ ػثس هللا تِ ػاٍط تِ أتً ػاٍط تِ اى٘ىٍس تٌ ٌعٌس تِ ػثس اىَيل اىؼَافطي اىَر٘فى سْح 933 فً ٍسٌْح ساىٌ اقصى شطق األّسىس ذطجَٔ صاحة ّفح اىطٍة ٗأثْى ػئٍ قاه: غعا األفطّج فً أٌاً ٍينٔ سرا ٗذَسٍِ غعٗج ىٌ ذْنسط ىٔ فٍٖا ضاٌح، أٗه ٍِ زذو األّسىس ٍِ أجسازٓ ػثس اىَيل اىؼَافطي ٍغ طاضق تِ ظٌاز ٗماُ ػثس اىَيل ػظٍَا فً قٍ٘ٔ ٗماُ ىٔ فً اىفرح أثط.

ٍِٗ فضالء اىؼَافط اتِ ٕشاً صاحة اىسٍطج ٗات٘ ٍحَس ػثس اىَيل تِ ٕشاً تِ أٌ٘ب اىحٍَطي اىؼَافطي ذ٘فى تَصط سْح 319 ...."

ٗفً اىصفحح 393: "ٍِٗ أػَاه تالز اىحجطٌح ّاحٍح جثو حثشً(Habashee) ٗاسَٔ اىقسٌٌ شذط(Thakher) … ”

These words mean: ػ and to the south ofسُ\is a wide territory to the north of Aden اىحجطٌح\Al Hujareyah“ اىؼَافط\This land is the original territory of (the tribe) of Al Ma‟aafer .ذؼع\Ta‟ez descendants of Ya‟fur ben Al Haareth ben Murrah ben Adad ben Al Hamaysa‟ ben and I ,جثاءؼٌ. Its ancient capital was Jabaaفط تِ اىحاضز تِ ٍطج تِ أزز تِ ٍَٕساء تِ حٍَط\Hemyar is the town اىحجطٌح\Today the capital of Al Hujareyah . ”ذؼع\have mentioned it in “Ta‟ez .شتحاُ\of Thubhaan اىرطتح\of Al Turbah 28

and the kings ,جثاء\in the territory of Jabaa اىؼافط تِ ؼٌفطThe region Al „Aafer ben Yu‟far .آه اىنطّسي\are from Aala Al Karandee اىؼَافط\of Al Ma‟aafer

I say: reported from Abee Thawr Al ّثط اىسض اىَنُْ٘\The book Nathru Al Durr Al Maknoon“ :that he said أتً ث٘ض اىقًَٖ\Qahmee “While we were at the Messenger of Allaah Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe Wa and Aboo ,اىؼَافط\Sallam he was brought a cloth of the clothes (made by) of Ma‟aafer :said أت٘سفٍاُ تِ حطب\Sufyaan ben Harb ”.be on this cloth and he who made it هللا\The curse of Allaah“ The Messenger of Allaah Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe Wa Sallam then said: “Do not curse them for they are of me and I am of them.”

I say:

“There are a group of prominent and superior men born of this tribe of Al Ma‟aafer among them the king Al Mansoor Aboo „Aamer Muhammad ben „Abdu Allaahe ,اىؼَافط\ اىَيل اىَْص٘ض ben „Aamer ben Al Waleed ben Yazeed ben „Abdu Al Malek Al Ma‟aaferee that passed away أت٘ ػاٍط ٍحَس تِ ػثس هللا تِ ػاٍط تِ أتً ػاٍط تِ اى٘ىٍس تِ ٌعٌس تِ ػثس اىَيل اىؼَافطي located in the easternmost of Al ساىٌ\in the town of Saalem ٕجطٌح\in the year 399 Hejree :reported his biography and said ”ّفح اىطٍة\The author of “Nafhu Al Teeb .األّسىس\Andalus “He waged wars and attacked the Christians of Europe fifty six time and he never lost a Spain) of his grandfathers was „Abdu) األّسىس\battle. Among the first to enter Al Andalus ػ, who was in the company of Taareq ben Zeyaadثس اىَيل اىؼَافطي\Al Malek Al Ma‟aaferee From this Taarq is the name the strait of Gibraltar, and it means the) طاضق تِ ظٌاز| .(جثو طاضق\mountain of Taareq ػ had a high position and was considered a greatثس اىَيل\Among his tribe „Abdu Al Malek personality. He also had an impact and influenced the war victories.

who wrote إتِ ٕشاً\was ibnu Heshaam اىؼَافط\And of the prominent men from Al Ma‟aafer and he is Aboo Muhammad „Abdu Al Malek ben ,سٍطج إتِ ٕشاً\the (well known) Seerah ات٘ ٍحَس ػثس اىَيل تِ ٕشاً تِ أٌ٘ب اىحٍَطي Heshaam ben Ayyoob Al Hemyaree Al Ma‟aaferee He was originally from Basrah) .ٕجطٌح\who died in Egypt in the year 213 Hejree ,اىؼَافطي .(اىؼطاق\in Iraaq تصطج\

:said اىشٍد\On page 239 the shaykh

is part of ,شاذط\and his old name is Thakher ,جثو حثشً\And the area of Jabalu Habshee“ .End quotation ”.اىحجٍطٌح\the territory of Al Hujaraeyah

as with other Arab tribes, the black skin colour ,اىؼَافط\Within the people of Al Ma‟aafer from تاب اىَْسب\is common. The Republic of Djabouti, just across from Baab Al Mandeb ؼٍ called locallyافط\and in the is inhabited by Ma‟aafer اىٍَِ\Yaman ػ and Somali, and before its independence from France its official name wasفط\Afar„ .ػ are Arabs with mostly black skin colorفط\Afar and Somali Territory. The „Afar“ 29

tribe ساهوThe Sahou

), sometimes called Soho,[2] are an ethnic group inhabitingعبThe Saho (Arabic: ٛ٘) the Horn of Africa. They are principally concentrated in , with some also living in adjacent parts of Ethiopia. They speak Saho as a mother tongue, which belongs to the Cushitic branch of the Afro-Asiatic family. According to Ethnologue, there were approximately 213,800 Saho speakers in 2006. Most are concentrated in Eritrea (191,000 speakers), with the remainder inhabiting Ethiopia (22,800 speakers). Within Eritrea, the Saho primarily reside in the Southern and Northern Red Sea regions. The Saho have a system of clans (11 at present), which are in turn divided into kinship groups. Clan loyalty is an important factor in Saho politics. Language:The Saho people speak the Saho language as a mother tongue. It is part of ػفش\the Cushitic branch of the Afro-Asiatic family and is quite similar to Afar (The „Afar are Arabs, and that is why the Republic of Jabouti in a member of the League of Arab States: Hassan). Religion:The Saho are predominantly Muslim. A few Christians, who are also known as the Irob, live in the Tigray region of Ethiopia and the Debub Region of Eritrea: Wikipedia).

Sahu women in Eritrea : from Wikipedia.


”ِذ٠ٕخ إٌغبThe Migrants resided in “The town of Al Najaashee\ٟؽ

The earlier Seerah books do not mention the name of the city where the Migrants settled That city was probably also the capital of that .اؾٌجؾخ\down in the land of Al Habashah kingdom.

In Ethiopia this village is called “Negash.” According to the Ethiopian Central Statistical Agency Negash had in the census of 2007 a total population of 7,753 people, of which 3607 were men and 4146 were women, organized in 1689 households living in 1626 housing units. 98.2% of the population follow the Ethiopian Orthodox Tawahedo Church, 1.1% is Protestants and the remaining 0.7% is Muslim.

This village is situated on the Ethiopian High Way number one and is ten kilometers .ٚلشdistant from the village of Wukro\ٚ

– records that Ahmad ibn Ibrahim al-Ghazi ”فزػٛ اؾٌجؾخ\The book “Futooh al-Habashah the Somali king of the state of known in Somalia as “Ahmad Gurey: the left in Negash during his أعؾّخ ثٓ أثغش\handed” - visited the tomb of Ashama ibn Abjar invasion of the province of Tigray (around 1537). Negash is also known for the Negash Amedin Mesgid mosque.

Some of the Migrants lived in that city for fifteen years, from the fifth year of Prophet of Prophet Muhammad Sallaa Allaahu اٌٙغشح\hood to the year seven after the Hijrah اٌّذ٠ٕخ إٌّٛسح\Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe Wa Sallam to Al Madeenah Al Munawwarah„ اٌغ١ذ عؼفش ثٓ أثٟ هبٌت\when the lasts of them lead by Al Sayyed Ja‟far ben Abee Taaleb .فزؼ خ١جش\Alayhessalaamu arrived on the day of the victory over the Jews of Khaybar„

capital of the kingdom of أوغSome later books reported that the city was Aksoom\َٛ and others say ِمTigray. Others say the capital of the kingdom was the city of Mekele\ٍٟ ػ also in Tigray. There are eighty one kilometersذ٠غشاد\but it was the city of „Adigrat ػ . All these cities are geographicallyذ٠غشاد\and „Adigrat أوغ81km) between Aksoom\َٛ) close to each other.

the city called today إٌغبWas the capital city of the kingdom of king Al Najaashee\ٟؽ ”?لش٠خ إٌغبٟؽ\ِذ٠ٕخ إٌغبThe City of Al Najaashee\ٟؽ“

إٌغبPoverty and illeteracy reign in the Town of Al Najaasheeٟؽ

:ؾِ saidّذ هٗ\Muhammad Taahaa ٚرغٌٛذ "اٌٛعو" فٟ ِذ٠ٕخ ٔغبٚ ػاٌمشٜ ا١ؾٌّطخ ثٙب ١ؽش ٠ٕزؾش اٌفمش ٚاٌغٚ ًٙعو اٌغىبْ These words mean: and the إٌغبtoured the city of Al Najaash\ػ ”اٌٛعو\The staff of the journal “Al Wast“ villages surrounding it, where poverty and ignorance are wide spread among the population.” End quote. 31

بسم هللا الرحمن الرحٌم

The Text of the Letter of Prophet Muhammad Sallaa Allaahu إٌغبAlayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe Wa Sallam to Al Najaashiyyu\ٟؽ„

The Seerah Book Titled “Sharhu Al „Allaamah Al Zarqaanee „Alaa Al Mawaaheb Al ؽشػ اؼٌالِخ اٌضسلبٍٝػ ٟٔ اٌّٛا٘ت اٌٍذ١ٔخ ثبLaduneyah be Menahe Al Muhammadeyyah ؼٌّٕ is by the Egyptian Al Zarqaanee ben „Abdu Al Baaqee ben Yoosuf ben Ahmad ”اؾٌّّذ٠خ\ ben „Alwaan al Mesree al Azharee, al Maalekee, al Imaamu, al Muhaddeth, al Faqeeh, al اٌضسلبٟٔ ثٓ ػجذ اٌجبلٟ ثٓ ٛ٠عف ثٓ أؽّذ ثٓ ٍٛػاْ اٌّقشٞ األص٘شٞ اٌّبٌىٟ، اإلِبَ، اؾٌّذس، Allaamah„ Al Zarqaanee edited and expanded the .٘غش٠خ\who passed away 1122 Hejree اٌفم١ٗ، اؼٌالِخ\ original book titled “Al Mawaaheb Al Laduneyah be Menahe Al Muhammadeyyah Al Haafeth) اٌمغطالby the Egyptian Al Qastalaanee\ٟٔ ”اٌّٛا٘ت اٌٍذ١ٔخ ثبؼٌّٕ اؾٌّّذ٠خ\ Shehaabu Al Ddeen Aboo Al „Abbaas Ahmad ben Muhammad ben Abee Bakar ben „Abdu Al Malek ben Ahmad ben Muhammad ben Husayn ben „Alee Al Qastalaanee Al Mesree Al Sh-shaafe‟ee, al Imaamu al „Allaamah, al Hujjatu al Rraahelah, al Faqeeh, al اؾٌبفع ٙؽبة اٌذ٠ٓ أثٛ اؼٌجبط أؽّذ ثٓ ؾِّذ ثٓ أثٟ ثىش ثٓ ػجذ اٌٍّه ثٓ أؽّذ ثٓ Muqre-u, al Musned ,ؾِّذ ثٓ ؽغ١ٓ ثٓ ٍٟػ اٌمغطالٟٔ اٌّقشٞ اؾٌبفٟؼ، اإلِبَ، اؼٌالِخ، اؾٌغخ اٌشاؽٍخ، اٌفم١ٗ، اٌّمشء، اٌّغٕذ\ . ٘غش٠خ\who died 923 Hejree

reproduced on volume five page eighteen the text of the Message of اٌضسلبAl Zarqaanee\ٟٔ Prophet Muhammad Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe Wa Sallam to the king of :Here is the text .إٌغبAl Najaashee\ٟؽ اؾٌجؾخ\Al Habashah

"ثغُ هللا اٌشؽّٓ اٌش١ؽُ. ِٓ ؾِّذ سعٛي هللا اٌٝ إٌغبٟؽ ٍِه اؾٌجؾخ، أِب ثؼذ: فبٟٔ أؽّذ ا١ٌه هللا اٌزٞ ال اٌٗ اال ٛ٘، اٌٍّه اٌمذٚط اٌغالَ اٌّئِٓ ا١ٌّّٙٓ، ٚأٙؽذ أْ ١ػغٝ اثٓ ِش٠ُ سػٚ هللا ٚوٍّزٗ أٌمب٘ب اٌٝ ِش٠ُ اٌجزٛي اٌط١جخ اؾٌق١ٕخ، فؾٍّذ ث١ؼغٝ فخٍمٗ ِٓ سٚ ،ٗؽٚٔفخٗ وّب خٍك آدَ ث١ذٖ، ٚأٟ أدٛػن اٌٝ هللا ؽٚذٖ ال ؽش٠ه ٌٗ، ٚاٌّٛاالح ٍٝػ هبػزٗ، ٚأْ رزجٚ ٟٕؼرئِٓ ثبٌزٞ عبءٟٔ، فبٟٔ سعٛي هللا، ٚأٟ أدٛػن ٚعٕٛدن اٌٝ هللا رؼبٚ ،ٌٝلذ ثٍغذ ٚٔقؾذ فبلجٍٛا ٔقؾ١زٟ، ٚلذ ثؼضذ ا١ٌىُ اثٓ ّٟػ عؼفش ؼِ ٚٗ ٔفش ِٓ اٌّغ١ٍّٓ، ٚاٌغالَ ٍٝػ ِٓ ارجغ اٌٙذٜ."

The Hadeeth means:

From . ثغُ هللا اٌشؽّٓ اٌشIn the Name of Allaah Most Gracious Most Mercifulُ١ؽ“ the king of Al إٌغبto Al Najaashee\ٟؽ هللا\ؾِ the Messenger of Allaahّذ\Muhammad ,for your sake, The One that there is no god but Him هللاI thank Allaah .اؾٌجؾخ\Habashah The King, The Holy, The One Free from Al Defects, The Giver of Security, The 32

١ػغٝ اثٓ Watcher Over His Creatures, and I bear witness that „Esaa the son of Mary (Be and he was/وٓ\and His Word ( and that Word is Kun هللاis the Spirit of Allaah ِش٠ُ\ ,Alone هللاwho dedicated her life to the worship of Allaah ِش٠ُ\that He cast unto Maryama the good one that is protected from all wrong doings, and she became pregnant of created him from His Spirit, and He breathed (it) unto him, in هللا١ػ, and AllaahغEsaa\ٝ„ Without father and) آدَ\a way similar to the way He breathed it unto and created Aadam Alone, He has no هللاwithout mother) with His own Hand. I am calling to to Allaah associate, and to obey Him; and to follow me and to believe in what I was given (The and I ;هللاQuraan, the Sunnah and the whole of Islam), for I am the Messenger of Allaah I have delivered (The .هللا رؼبam calling you and your army to Allaah Most High\ٌٝ Message) and adviced (To you on how to be successful in this world and enter the Paradise in the Hereafter). Therefore accept my counsel; and I have sent to you my and a number of Muslims together with him (And this is the Second عؼفش\cousin Ja‟far was not in the first عؼفش\because Ja‟far اٌٙغشح اٌضب١ٔخ اٌٝ اؾٌجؾخ\Migration to Al Habashah one); and Peace upon those who follow the true guidance.” End quote.

did that, host them and gave them security. He gave them also a إٌغبAl Najaashee\ٟؽ piece of land where they lived and farmed. and came اؾٌجؾخ\and other Companions spent fourteen years in Al Habashah عؼفش\Ja‟far .٘غش٠خ\in the seventh year of Hejrah خ١جش\back on the day of the victory over Khaybar

اثٓ اعؾبق\from ibnu Ishaaq اٌغٛ١هThe text of the letter reported by Al Sayootee\ٟ

reported the اثٓ اعؾبق\on page # 226 reports tha Ibnu Ishaaq اٌغٛ١هAl Sayootee\ٟ following text of the letter of the Messenger of Allaah Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa :إٌغبAalehe Wa Sallam to Al Najaashee\ٟؽ

ؾِ ٓػّذ ثٓ اعؾبق لبي: "ثؼش سعٛي هللا فٍٝ هللا ١ٍػٗ ٍٝػٚ آٌٗ ٚعٍُ ػّشٚ ثٓ أ١ِخ اٌنّشٞ اٌٝ إٌغبٟؽ فؽ ٟؤْ عؼفش ثٓ أثٟ هبٌت ٚأفؾبثٗ، ٚوزت ؼِٗ وزبثب:

"ثغُ هللا اٌشؽّٓ اٌش١ؽُ ِٓ ؾِّذ سعٛي هللا اٌٝ إٌغبٟؽ ٍِه اؾٌجؾخ عٍُ أٔذ فبٟٔ أؽّذ ا١ٌه اٌٍّه اٌمذٚط اٌّئِٓ ا١ٌّّٙٓ ٚأٙؽذ أْ ١ػغٝ اثٓ ِش٠ُ سػٚ هللا ٚوٍّزٗ اٌمب٘ب اٌٝ ِش٠ُ اٌجزٛي اٌط١جخ اؾٌق١ٕخ، فؾٍّذ ث١ؼغٝ فخٍمٗ هللا ِٓ سٚ ٗؽٚٔفخٗ وّب خٍك آدَ ػجذٖ ٚٔفخٗ ٚأٟ أدٛػن اٌٝ هللا ؽٚذٖ ال ؽش٠ه ٌٗ ٚاٌّٛاالح ٍٝػ هبػزٗ ٚأْ رزجٚ ٟٕؼرئِٓ ثٚ ٟثبٌزٞ عبئٟٕ فبٟٔ سعٛي 33

هللا ٚلذ ثؼضذ ا١ٌىُ اثٓ ّٟػ عؼفش ؼِٚٗ ٔفش ِٓ اٌّغ١ٍّٓ فبرا عبإن فؤلشُ٘ ٚدع اٌزغجش فبٟٔ أدٛػن ٚعٕٛدن اٌٝ هللا ٚلذ ثٍغذ ٚٔقؾذ فبلجٍٛا ٔقؾ١زٚ ٟاٌغالَ ٍٝػ ِٓ ارجغ اٌٙذٜ."

The translation of the letter is: “The Messenger of Allaah Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe Wa Sallam sent on the matter إٌغبػ to Al Najaasheeٟؽّشٚ ثٓ أ١ِخ اٌنّشAmr ben Umayyah Al Damreeٞ„ and his Companions and handed him a letter عؼفش ثٓ أثٟ هبٌتof Ja‟far ben Abee Taaleb : إٌغبto be delivered to Al Najaasheeٟؽ

. ثغُ هللا اٌشؽّٓ اٌشIn the Name of Allaah The Most Gracious The Most Mercifulُ١ؽ“ the king of إٌغبto Al Najaashee\ٟؽ هللاؾِ of Allaahّذ\From Muhammad the Messenger ,for your sake, The King, The Holy هللاYou be safe. I praise Allaah .اؾٌجؾخ\Al Habashah The One Free from Al Defects, The Giver of Security, The Watcher Over His ١ػ is the Spirit ofغٝ اثٓ ِش٠ُ\Creatures, and I bear witness that „Esaa the son of Mary Be and he was) He cast unto/وٓ\and His Word ( and that Word is Kun هللاAllaah Alone, the good one that هللاwho dedicated her life to the worship of Allaah ِش٠ُ\Maryama ١ػ, andغis protected from all wrong doings, and she became pregnant of „Esaa\ٝ created him from His Spirit, and He breathed (it)unto him, in a way similar to هللاAllaah Without father and without mother) with His own Hand) آدَ\the way He created Aadam and his breathed his Spirit unto him.

Alone, He has no associate, and to obey Him; and to follow هللاI am calling you to Allaah me and to believe in what I was given (The Quraan, the Sunnah and the whole of Islam), .هللاfor I am the Messenger of Allaah with a number of Muslims, and when they عؼفش\I have sent to you my nephew Ja‟far come to you entertain them without haughtiness and arrogance, for I invite you and your .هللاarmies to Allaah I have accomplished (my work) and my admonitions, so receive my advice. Peace be upon all those that follow true guidance.” End quote.

ػّشٚ ثٓ أ١ِخ اٌنّشAmr ben Umayyah Al Damree\ٞ„

ػ delivered the letter of Prophetّشٚ ثٓ أ١ِخ اٌنّشAmr ben Umayyah Al Damree\ٞ„ Muhammad Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe Wa Sallam to Al Najaashee اثٓ عؼذ\This prominent Companion became Muslim, according to Ibnu Sa‟d . إٌغبٟؽ\ after the Polytheist ٘غش٠خ\on the third year of Hejrah اثٓ ػجذ اٌجشand ibnu „Abdu Al Barr 34

said that he embraced Islam اAl Nawaweeٌٕٞٚٛ . غضٚح أؽذ\had left the battlefield of Uhud and then to Al Madeenah Al ,اؾٌجؾخ\much earlier and that he migrated to Al Habashah .اٌّذ٠ٕخ إٌّٛسح\Munawwarah

The Prophet Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe Wa Sallam sent this letter and the in the year six of Al هللا\other Messages to the kings of the world calling them to Allaah .لشwith Quraysh\ؼ٠ اؾٌذ٠ج١خ\and after the Peace Treaty of Al Hudaybeyah ٘غش٠خ\Hejrah

إٌغبػ and Al Najaashee\ٟؽّشٚ ثٓ أ١ِخ اٌنّشAmr ben Umayyah Al Damree\ٞ„

:said اثٓ اعؾبق\Ibnu Ishaaq ػّشٚ ثٓ The letter was delivered to Al Najaashee by „Amr ben Umayyah Al Damreyye :and said to him ,أ١ِخ اٌنّشٞ\ I will be talking and you have to listen to what I say. You have been !أفؾّخ\O Ashamah“ kind to us and we trust you. We had not wished anything good from you, but you gave it to us. You did not make us fear you, but you gave us safety and security. is the judge and the binding arbitrator اإلٔغ١ً\As you yourself said, the Book of Al Enjeel between us and you. If you disagree with what is in that Book, your status towards this Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe Wa Sallam is إٌجٟ األIlliterate Prophetِٟ ١ػغٝ اثٓ similar to the position of the Jews towards „Esaa the son of Maryama .(Who rejected his Prophet hood)ِش٠ُ\ The Messenger of Allaah Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe Wa Sallam sent his envoys to the kings, and he has upon you hopes that he does not have on the other kings. He did not trust them, and trusted you and gave you peace and security for the good that you have done in the past and rewards that is expected.”

ػّشto „Amrٚ إٌغبThe Response of Al Najaashee\ٟؽ

ػّشٚ ثٓ أ١ِخ اٌنّشafter listening to „Amr ben Umayyah Al Damree\ٞ إٌغبAl Najaashee\ٟؽ and after reading the letter of the Messenger of Allaah Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa ػ andّشٚ ثٓ أ١ِخ اٌنّشAalehe Wa Sallam replied to „Amr ben Umayyah Al Damree\ٞ said: that he Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe Wa هللا\I bear witness in front of Allaah“ were أً٘ اٌىزبةthat the People of the Book إٌجٟ األSallam is the Illiterate Prophetِٟ ,ِٛ of the Prophet who rides the donkeyعexpecting and the Glad Tiding of Moosaaٝ ١ػغ١ػ. That Glad Tiding is similar to the Glad Tiding that „Eesaaٝغwhich was „Eesaaٝ Sallaa Allaahu أؽّذ\gave of the Prophet that will ride the camels (and his name is Ahmad إٌجAlayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe Wa Sallam: Quraan 61:6). I know this Illiterate Prophet ٟ„ 35

his looks and his words, that if I were to meet with him personally that would not ,األِٟ add anything to my certainty of him. in Islam) are not many right) اؾٌجؾخ\My supporters and followers among the Habashah now. Therefore give me time for my followers to increase and their hearts to become soft and leaning towards Islam.” End quote.

:said اثٓ عؼذ\Ibnu Sa‟ad ػ , Alّشٚ ثٓ أ١ِخ اٌنّشAfter these words to „Amr ben Umayyah Al Damreyye\ٞ“ hold unto the letter of the Messenger of Allaah Sallaa Allaah Sallaa إٌغبNajaashee\ٟؽ Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe Wa Sallam and put it on his eyes, then came down from his throne and sat down on the floor and embraced Islaam by pronouncing the True Shahaadah, and then said: “If I could I would go to him Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe Wa Sallam.”

to Prophet Muhammad Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe إٌغبThe letter of Al Najaashee\ٟؽ Wa „Alaa Aalehe Wa Sallam

wrote his response to the letter of the إٌغبAfter having said that, Al Najaashiyyu\ٟؽ Messenger of Allaah Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaalihi Wa Sallam and this is its text : اٌغٛ١هfrom Al Sayootee\ٟ فىزت إٌغبٟؽ اٌٝ سعٛي هللا فٍٝ هللا ١ٍػٗ ٍٝػٚ آٌٗ ٚعٍُ: "ثغُ هللا اٌشؽّٓ اٌش١ؽُ اؾِ ٌّٝذ سعٛي هللا - فٍٝ هللا ١ٍػٗ ٚعٍُ – ِٓ إٌغبٟؽ أفؾّخ ثٓ أثغش عالَ ١ٍػه ٠ب ٔجٟ هللا ٚسؽّخ هللا ٚثشوبرٗ ال اٌٗ اال ٛ٘اٌزٞ ٘ذأٟ ٌإلعالَ أِب ثؼذ، فمذ ثٍغٟٕ وزبثه ٠ب سعٛي هللا – فٍٝ هللا ١ٍػٗ ٍٝػٚ آٌٗ ٚعٍُ – ف١ّب روشد ِٓ ١ػغٝ، فٛسة اٌغّبء ٚاألسك اْ ١ػغٝ ِب ٠ض٠ذ ٍٝػ ِب روشد، ٚلذ ػشفٕب ِب ثؼضذ ثٗ ا١ٌٕب. ٚلذ لشثٕب اثٓ ػّه ٚأفؾبثٗ. فؤٙؽذ أٔه سعٛي هللا فبدلب ِقذلب. ٚلذ ثبؼ٠زه ٚثبؼ٠ذ اثٓ ػّه ٚأعٍّذ ٍٝػ ٠ذ٠ٗ هلل سة اؼٌب١ٌّٓ. ٚلذ ثؼضذ ا١ٌه ٠ب ٔجٟ هللا أسِٝ ثٓ األفؾُ )أسعٍٗ ٚاٌذٖ إٌغبٟؽ ثىزبة اٌٝ سعٛي هللا فٍٝ هللا ١ٍػٗ ٍٝػٚ آٌٗ ٚعٍُ(. فبٟٔ ال أٍِه اال ٔفغٚ .ٟاْ ؽئذ أْ أر١ه فؼٍذ ٠ب سعٛي هللا! فبٟٔ أٙؽذ أْ ِب رمٛي ؽك." أزٝٙ.

أخشعٗ اثٓ األص١ش فٟ وزبة اٌقؾبثخ ٚصاد فٟ آخشٖ: "فخشط اثٕٗ فٟ عز١ٓ ٔفغب ِٓ اؾٌجؾخ فٟ عف١ٕخ فٟ اٌجؾش. فٍّب رٛعطٛا اٌجؾش غشلٛا وٍُٙ."

:To . ثغُ هللا اٌشؽّٓ اٌشIn the Name of Allaah Most Gracious and Most Mercifulُ١ؽ“ إٌغبMuhammad the Messenger of Allaah, from Al Najaashee Ashamah ben Abjar ٟؽ and the Mercy of Allaah هللا\Salaam be upon you O Messenger of Allaah .أفؾّخ ثٓ أثغش\ 36

beside Whom there is no god, The One هللا\and His Blessings upon you, Allaah هللا\ Who guided me to Islaam. ١ػغI have received your letter in which you mention the matter of „Eesaa\ٝ „Alayhessalaatu wa Al Ssalaamu and by the Lord of heaven and earth he is not one scrap more than you say. We know that with which you were sent to us and we have entertained your nephew and his companions, and I testify that you are the Messenger of and truthful and confirming those before you. I have pledged loyalty to you , هللا\Allaah and I have pledged loyalty to your cousin and I submitted in front of him to The Lord of the worlds. Carrying a letter from Al) أسؽب\I have sent to you my son Arhaa هللا\O Prophet of Allaah to the Messenger of Allaah Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe إٌغبNajaashee\ٟؽ Wa Sallam). I have control only over myself and if you wish me to come to you, O ”.I will do so. I bear witness that what you say is true , هللا\Messenger of Allaah

in his book: “Usudu Al اثٓ األص١ش\The Hadeeth is reported ibnu by ibnu Al Atheer :and added ”أعذ اٌغبثخ\Ghaabah

at the head of a delegation of sixty persons by boat, and اؾٌجؾخ\His son left Al Habshah“ when they were in the middle of the sea the boat sank and they all perished.” End quotation.

who said that the name of the son of اٌضسلبThis is also confirmed by Al Zarqaanee\ٟٔ by Al وزبة اٌّغبصreporting it from the book of Al Maghaazee\ٞ أسخب\Najaashee wa Arkhaa in his اٌجٙ١مas reported by Al Bayhaqee\ٟ أس٠خب\or his name is Areekhaa ;(اٌزTaymeyyu\ّٟ١ as it اثٓ اعؾبق\reporting that from ibnu Ishaaq دالئً إٌجٛح\Dalaa-elu Al Nubawwah“ .(”اإلفبثخ\in his “Al Esaabah اثٓ ؽغش\reported also by Ibnu Hajar

ثغٓ هللا اٌشؽّٓ اٌش١ؽُ

The letter of Prophet Muhammad Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe Wa إٌغبafter Al Najaashee\ٟؽ اؾٌجؾخ\Sallam to the king of Al Habashah

that Prophet Muhammad Sallaa اثٓ اعؾبق\reported from ibnu Ishaaq اٌجٙ١مAl Bayhaqee\ٟ Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe Wa Sallam, sent a letter to the king of Al Habashah who was a non-believer and hated إٌغبٟؽ أفؾّخ\that succeded Al Najaashee Asmahah Islam. Following is the text of this letter.


"٘زا وزبة ِٓ إٌجؾِ ّٟذ فٍٝ هللا ١ٍػٗ ٚعٍُ اٌٝ إٌغبٟؽ األفػ ،ُؾظ١ُ ،اؾٌجؾخ عالَ ٍٝػ ِٓارجغ اٌٙذٚ ،ٜآِٓ ثبهلل ٚسعٙؽٚ ،ٌٗٛذ أْ ال اٌٗ اال هللا ؽٚذٖ ال ؽش٠ه ٌٗ، ٌُ ٠زخز فبؽجخ ٚ ال ٌٚذا، ٚأْ ؾِّذا ػجذٖ ٚسعٚ ،ٌٗٛأدٛػن ثذػب٠خ هللا، فبٟٔ أٔب سعٌٛٗ، فؤعٍُ رغٍُ، ٠ب أً٘ اٌىزبة رؼبٌٛا اٌٝ وٍّخ عٛاء ث١ٕٕب ٚث١ٕىُ، أْ ال ؼٔجذ اال هللا، ٚ ال ؾٔشن ثٗ ١ؽئب ٚال ٠زخز ثؼنٕب ثؼنب أسثبثب ِٓ دْٚ هللا، فبْ رٌٛٛا، فمٌٛٛا اٙؽذٚا ثؤٔب ِغٍّْٛ، فبْ أث١ذ ف١ٍؼه اصُ إٌقبسٜ ِٓ لِٛه."

The Hadeeth means:

. ثغُ هللا اٌشؽّٓ اٌشIn the Name of Allaah The Most Gracious The Most Mercifullُ١ؽ“ Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa – هللاThis letter is from Muhammad the Messenger of Allaah اثٓ وض١ش\ibnu Kathiir)) إٌغبٟؽ أفAlaa Aalehe Wa Sallam – to Al Najaashee Asham\ُؾ„ was added by the narrator of this Hadeeth according to أفsaid that this name Ashamُؾ his understanding of the name of this king, for we do not know the name of the successor Peace be upon whom follows the right guidance and believes in .(إٌغبof Al Najaasheeٟؽ Alone هللاand His Messenger and bears witness that there is no god but Allaah هللاAllaah and He has no associates; He never had a wife and does not have a son either, and bears for I , هللاwitness that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger. I am calling you to Allaah am His Messenger. Embrace Islam and you will be safe. :Come to common terms as between us and you !٠ب أً٘ اٌىزبة\Say: “O People of the Book“ that we associate no partners with Him; that we ; هللاthat we worship none but Allaah If then they ”. هللاerect no from among ourselves, Lords and patrons other than Allaah turn back say you: .”(will هللاBear Witness that we (at least) are Muslims (bowing down to Allaah‟s“ (Quraan 3:64). If you refuse (To embrace Islam) on you will be the sins of the Christians among your people.”


The Messenger of Allaah Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe Wa Sallam اؾٌجؾخ\receives the Christian Delegation of Al Habashah

:said اثٓ اعؾبق\Ibnu Ishaaq

“While the Messenger of Allaah Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe Wa Sallam when اؾٌجؾخ\some twenty Christians came to him from Al Habashah ,ِىخ\was in Makkah they eard news of him. They found him in the masjed and sat and talked with him, asking him questions, while .اٌىؼجخ\were in their meeting round the Ka‟bah لشsome Qurayshites\ؼ٠

When they had asked all the questions they wished, the Messenger of Allaah Sallaa and هللا\Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe Wa Sallam invited them to come to Allaah read the Quraan to them.

هللا When they heard the Quraan their eyes flowed with tears, and they accepted Allaah‟s call, belived in Him, and declared his truth and embraced Islam. They recognized in him the things which had been said of him in their scriptures.

with a number of Quraysh أثٛعػ ًّٙشٚ ثٓ ؾ٘بَ\When they got up to go away, Aboo Jahl :intercepted them, saying لشؼ٠\ what a wretched delegation you are! Your people at home sent you to ,هللاBy Allaah“ bring them information about this man – Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe Wa Sallam - , and as soon as you you sat with him you renounced your religion and believed what he said. We don‟y know a more asinine delegation than you”, or words to that effect.

They answered: “Peace upon you. We will not engage in foolish controversy with you. We have our religion and you have yours. We have not been remiss in seeking what is best.” End quote.

I say: or other Islamic history books did not report that there was an ,اثٓ اعؾبق\Ibnu Ishaaq“ interpreter between the Messenger of Allaah Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe If .اؾٌجؾخ\Wa Sallam, whose tongue was Arabic, and this delegation from Al Habashah we consider how deep the Quraan affected them and made them weep, we conclude that their tongue was also Arabic.


is an ”اؾٌجؾخas we will see in the following chapter of “Al Habashah ,اؾٌجؾخ\Al Habashah who settled down in Tigray and Eritrea one thousand years ا١ٌّٓ\Arabic tribe of Yaman were made up of twenty اؾٌجؾخBefore Christ. Therefore this delegation from Al Habasha Arab men.” End quote.

اؾٌجؾخ\The Quraan that came down concerning this delegation from Al Habashah

and their dialogue with Quraysh اؾٌجؾخConcerning this delegation from Al Habashah :came down عٛسح اٌمقـ\Aayahs fifty two to fifty five os Sooratu Al Qasas لشؼ٠\

{اىَّ ِزي َِ آَتَ ْيَْبهُ ٌُ ا ْى ِنتَب َة ٍِ ِْ قَ ْبيِ ِه هُ ٌْ بِ ِه يُ ْؤ ٍُِْى َُ )25( َوإِ َرا يُ ْتيًَ َعيَ ْي ِه ٌْ قَبىُىا آَ ٍََّْب بِ ِه إَِّّهُ ا ْى َح ق ٍِ ِْ َسبَِّْب إَِّّب ُمَّْب ٍِ ِْ قَ ْبيِ ِه ٍُ ْسيِ َِي َِ )25( أُوىَئِ َل يُ ْؤتَ ْى َُ أَ ْج َشهُ ٌْ ٍَ َّشتَ ْي ِِ بِ َب َصبَ ُشوا َويَ ْذ َس ُءو َُ بِب ْى َح َسَْ ِت اى َّسيِّئَتَ َو ٍِ ََّب َس َص ْقَْبهُ ٌْ يُ ْفِقُى َُ )25( َوإِ َرا َس َِ ُعىا اىيَّ ْغ َى أَ ْع َش ُضىا َع ْهُ َوقَبىُىا ىََْب أَ ْع َبىَُْب َوىَ ُن ٌْ أَ ْع َبىُ ُن ٌْ َس ََل ًٌ َعيَ ْي ُن ٌْ ََل َّ ْبتَ ِغي ا ْى َجب ِهيِي َِ )22(}

The Aayahs mean:

“Those to whom We sent the Book before this – they do belive in this (Revelation)(52)And when it is recited to them, they say: “We believe therein, for it is the Will) from هللا\Truth from our Lord: indeed we have been Muslims (Bowing to Allaah‟s before this(53)Twice will they be given their reward, for that they have preserved, that they avert Evil with Good, and that they spend (in charity) out of what We have given them(54)And when they hear vain talk, they turn away therefrom and say: “To us our deeds, and to you yours, peace be to you, we seek not the ignorant(55)”. (Quraan 28:52- 55).

:said اثٓ اعؾبق\Ibnu Ishaaq about those to whom these verses had اثٓ ٙؽبة اٌض٘شI asked ibnu Shehaab Al Zuhree\ٞ“ reference and he told me the he had always heard from the learned that they were sen and his companions and also the verses from إٌغبdown concerning Al Najaashee\ٟؽ : عٛسح اٌّبئذح\Sooratu Al Maa-edah

: عٛسح اٌّبئذح\Here are the verses of Sooratu Al Maa-edah

{ىَتَ ِج َذ َُّ أَ َش َّذ اىَّْب ِط َع َذا َوةً ىِيَّ ِزي َِ آَ ٍَُْىا ا ْىيَهُى َد َواىَّ ِزي َِ أَ ْش َش ُمىا َوىَتَ ِج َذ َُّ أَ ْق َشبَهُ ٌْ ٍَ َى َّد ةً ىِيَّ ِزي َِ آَ ٍَُْىا اىَّ ِزي َِ ُ قَبىُىا إَِّّب َّ َصب َسي َرىِ َل ب ِأَ َُّ ٍِ ْهُ ٌْ قِ ِّسي ِسي َِ َو ُس ْهبَبًّب َوأََّّهُ ٌْ ََل يَ ْستَ ْنبِ ُشو َُ )25( َوإِ َرا َس َِ ُعىا ٍَب أ ّْ ِض َه إِىًَ ْ اى َّش ُسى ِه تَ َشي أَ ْعيَُْهُ ٌْ تَفِي ُض ٍِ َِ اى َّذ ٍْ ِع ٍِ ََّب َع َشفُىا ٍِ َِ اى َح ِّق يَقُىىُى َُ َسبََّْب آَ ٍََّْب فَب ْمتُ ْبَْب ٍَ َع اى َّشب ِه ِذي َِ {)25( 40

The Aayahs mean:

“Strongest among men in enmity to the Believers wilt thou find the Jews and Pagans; and nearest among them in love to the Believers wilt thou find those who say: “We are Christians” (This is only the Christians who came to the Prophet Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe Wa Sallam at that time and in this story and who were true and Monotheistic followers of the Islamic religion preached by Prophet „Eesaa the son of ١ػ „Alayhessalaamu, and does not concern all the rest of those who sayغٝ اثٓ ِش٠ُ\Mary by Al Nnaas-ee اثٓ اٌضث١ش\that they are Christians as reported from ibnu Al Zzubayru and from ,اٌطجشاreported by Al Tabraanee\ٟٔ اثٓ ػجبط\and from ibnu „Abbaas إٌغبئٟ\ and all of them ,اثٓ أثؽ ٟبرُ\reported by ibnu Abee Haatem ع١ؼذ ثٓ عج١ش\Sa‟eed ben Jubayr reported that the two Aayahs came down about the companions of Al because among these are men devoted to learning (Priests) and :(إٌغبNnajaashiyyi\ٟؽ men who have renounced the world (Monks secluded in Monasteries), and they are not arrogant(82)And when they listen to the Revelation received by the Messenger, thou wilt see their eyes overflowing with tears, for they recognize the truth. They pray: “Our Lord! We believe: write us down among the witnesses(83).” (Quraan 5:82-83) End quote.

attacks the Messenger of Allaah Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa اؾٌجؾخ\Al Habashah „Alaa Aalehe Wa Sallam

on page twenty two of the د\ؾِّذ ػجذ اٌٛ٘بة فنً\Dr. Muhammad „Abdu Al Wahhaab Fadl :writes سفغ ؽؤْ اؾٌجؾبْ\Raf‟u Sha-ne Al Hubshaane“ اٌغٛ١هbook of Al Sayootee\ٟ

who was a Muslim, his successor أفؾّخ\After the death of the Najaashee Asmahah“ went a different way and was not interested in keeping the good relations with the Muslims. He behaved this way for fear for his power (from the local Christian church).

Therefore he decided to show his enmity to Islam not by words but by deed. He sent war The port city of) ا١ؼؾٌج١خ\and Al Shu‟aybah عذحships and attacked the cities of Jeddah .at that time) both in Saudi Arabia ِىخ\Makkah

When the news of the sighting of these ships – although the attacking forces did non disembark from their ships – reache the Messenger of Allaah Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa he sent an army ,اٌّذ٠ٕخ إٌّٛسح\Alaa Aalehe Wa Sallam in Al Madeenah Al Munawwarah„ of three hundred men commanded by „Alqamah ben Mujazzez („Alqamah ben Mujazzez ben Al A‟war ibnu Ja‟dah ben Mu‟aath ben „Atwaarah bin „Amr bin Mudlej Al ػٍمّخ ثٓ ِغضص ثٓ األٛػس اثٓ عؼذح ثٓ ؼِبر ػزٛاسح ثٓ ػّشٚ ثٓ ِذٌظ اٌىٕبKenaanee) Al Mudlejeyye ٟٔ 41

so , ا١ؼؾٌج١خand Al Shu‟aybah عذحto challenge these ships and to protect Jeddah ,اٌّذٌغٟ\ ”.again اؾٌغبص\that they could not again threaten the cost of Al Hejaaz

ػ put hisٍمّخػ, they fled. „Alqamahٍمّخ\When the ships saw the army of „Alqamah soldiers on ships and sailed after them until he came to an island in the middle of the saw this they returned to their country, without any اؾٌجؾخ\Red) sea. When Al Habashah) fight taking place between the two armies.

,was a failure إٌغبAlthough this military expedition by the successor of Al Najaashee\ٟؽ to Islam as it was understood by the earlier اؾٌجؾخ\it show the enmity Al Habashah Muslims.

be pleased with him هللاػ may AllaahّشAl Habashah attacks „Umar

be pleased with هللا\ػ may Allaahّش ثٓ اٌخطبةDuring the time of „Umar ben Al Khattaab attacked again the east coast of the Red Sea, the land of the اؾٌجؾخ\him Al Habashah ػٍمّخ ثٓ ػ sent, again, „Alqamah ben Mujazzez Al MudlejeyyeّشMuslims, and „Umar ,٘غش٠خ\in the year twenty of Hejrah اؾٌجؾخ\to attack the land of Al Habashah ِغضص اٌّذٌغٟ\ ػّشand all the men of this army perished in the Red Sea after their ships sank. „Umar decided never again to put Muslim armies on ships.” End quote.

to Islam اؾٌجؾخThe hatred of the Habashah

on page thirty three of her book “Eslaamu Najaashee د\عب١ِخ\The Egyptian Dr. Saameyah :said ”اعالَ ٔغبٟؽ اؾٌجؾخ\Al Habashah “These attacks showed the hatred towards Islam and Muslims that is embedded in the and it seems that the Messenger of Allaah Sallaa Allaahu ,اؾٌجؾخ\hearts of Al Habashah „Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe Wa Sallam was aware of this hatred, and that is why he is .اؾٌجؾخwarning Muslims in many Hadeeths to stay away from Al Habashah


In one of these Hadeeths the Messenger of Allaah Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe Wa Sallam said:

"أرشوٛا اؾٌجؾخ ِب رشوٛوُ."

The Hadeeth means:

and do not interact with them as long as اؾٌجؾخKeep your distance from Al Habashah“ they are staying away from you.” End quote.

The Ethiopians of today intentionally misinterprete this Hadeeth and say that it means ”!against Ethiopia عٙبد\Do not wage jehaad“ since ancient times and اؾٌجؾخ\against Al Habashah اٌغٙبد\But Muslims have waged jehaad century after century and the literature about these campaigns are rich and available.

was the Messenger of Allaah اؾٌجؾخ\against Al Habashah عٙبد\The first to wage Jehaad Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe Wa Sallam as we saw above. The second was .be pleased with him هللا\ػ, may Allaahّش ثٓ اٌخطبة\Umar ben Al Khattaab„ was waged by the Ethiopian Emperor اؾٌجؾخ\against Al Habashah عٙبد\The last jehaad (1913-16) Lij Iyasu (4 February 1895 – 25 November 1935) Iyasu, who converted to . against Christian Ethiopia in the early twentieth century عٙبد\Islam and declared jehaad

is an Arab tribe ”اؾٌجؾخ\As we will see in the upcoming chapter thirty one, “Al Habashah ١ّؽ”. Likewise the tribe ofش\tribe of “Hemyar ا١ٌّٓ\that is a branch of the big Yamane “Amharah” that ruled “Ethiopia” for a long time, is an Arab tribe, namely ١ّؽ and theش١ّؽ”: the characters of their alphabet is today that of Hemyarش\Hemyar“ ”.١ّؽشcalendar of their churches is that of Hemyar

اٌغ١ذ assassinated Hamzah اؾٌجؾخ١ّؽ tribesmen of Al Habashahش\Men from Hemyar أ١ِش اٌّئ١ِٕٓ ػضّبْ ثٓ and „Uthmaan اإلِبَ ٍٟػ ثٓ أثٟ هبٌتؽ, „Aleeّضح ثٓ ػجذ اٌّطٍت ػفبْ

,Alayhessalaamu„ ,اٌغ١ذ ؽّضح ثٓ ػجذ اٌّطٍت\Al Sayyed Hamzah ben „Abdu Al Muttaleb uncle of Prophet Muhammad Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe Wa Sallam was ٟؾؽٚ, in an ambush during the Battle of اؾٌجkilled by Wahshee Al Habashee\ٟؾ .curse him هللا\may Allaah ,غضٚح أؽذ\Uhud


Alayhessalaamu, the third„ ,اإلِبَ ٍٟػ ثٓ أثٟ هبٌت\Al Imaam „Alee ben Abee Taaleb ػجذ Caliph of Islam, was assassinated by „Abdu Al Rrahmaan ben Muljam Al Hemyaree .curse him هللا\may Allaah ,اٌشؽّٓ ثٓ ٍِغُ ا١ّؾٌشٞ\

may ,أ١ِش اٌّئ١ِٕٓ ػضّبْ ثٓ ػفبْ\Ameeru Al Mu-meneena „Uthmaan ben „Affaan be pleased with him, the third Caliph of Islam, was assassinated at the , هللا\Allaah ػ, the one knownجذ هللا ثٓ عجؤ ا١ّؾٌشinstigation of „Abdu Allaahe ben Saba Al Hemyaree\ٞ the son of the black woman”: he was a Jew from Hemyar/اثٓ اٌغٛداء\as “ibnu al Sawdaa and he started the ,اؾٌجؾخ\١ّؽ and his mother was a black woman from Al Habshahش\ .branch of Islam اؼ١ؾٌخ\Shee‟ah

the ruler of Yaman on behalf of the king of Al Habashah أثش٘خ األؽشَ\Abraha Al Shram was a man from Al اٌىؼجخ\to destroy the Ka‟bah ِىخ\who travelled to Makkah ,اؾٌجؾخ .عٛسح اٌف١ً\and his story is recorded in Sooratu Al Feel ,اؾٌجؾخHabashah

will be destroyed by a man from Al اٌىؼجخAt the end of time, the Ka‟bah who will destroy it stone by stone and then will toss all the stones into ,اؾٌجؾخ\Habashah the Red Sea. ػٓػجذهللا ثٓ ػّشٚ ثٓ اؼٌبؿ سمٟ هللا رؼبػ ٌٕٝٗ لبي: لبي سعٛي هللا فٍٝ هللا ١ٍػٗ ٚعٍُ:

"أرشوٛا اؾٌجؾخ ِب رشوٛوُ فبٔٗ ال ٠غزخشط وٕض اٌىؼجخ اال رٚ اٌغ٠ٛمز١ٓ ِٓ اؾٌجؾخ."

أخشعٗ أثٛ داٚد.

The Hadeeth reported by Aboo Daaood means: for it will not loot the treasure of the Ka‟bah but ,اؾٌجؾخ\Stay away from Al Habashah“ the one with the two thin legs - from Al - رٚاٌغ٠ٛمز١ٓ\Thoo Al Suweeqatayne ”.اؾٌجؾخHabashah ٚفٟ سٚا٠خ:

"٠خشة اٌىؼجخ رٚ اٌغ٠ٛمز١ٓ ِٓ اؾٌجؾخ." ِزفك ١ٍػٗ.


reported that the Messenger of Allaah Sallaa ِغٍُ\and Muslim اٌجخبسAl Bukhaaree\ٞ Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe Wa Sallam said: from Al رٚاٌغ٠ٛمزwill be destroyed by Thoo Al Suweeqatayneٓ١ اٌىؼجخ\The Ka‟bah“ ”.اؾٌجؾخHabashah

ٚسٜٚ اٌجخبسٞ فٟ فػ ٓػ ،ٗؾ١ؾبئؾخ، سمٟ هللا رؼبٕٙػ ٌٝب، أْ أَ ؽج١جخ ٚأَ عٍّخ روشرب و١ٕغخ سإٔٙ٠ب ثبؾٌجؾخ، فٙ١ب رقب٠ٚش، فزوشرب رٌه ٌٍٕجٟ فٍٝ هللا ١ٍػٗ ٚعٍُ فمبي:

"اْ أٌٚئه ارا وبْ فٙ١ُ اٌشعً اٌقبؼٌ، فّبد، ثٕٛا ٍٝػ لجشٖ ِغغذا، فقٛسٚا ف١ٗ رٍه اٌقٛس، أٌٚئه أؽشاس اٌخٍك ػٕذ هللا ٛ٠َ اٌم١بِخ." The Hadeeth means: if one of them was a righteous man and when he dies (اؾٌجؾخ\Those people (Al Habashah“ they build a church over his tomb and paint these images inside it. Those are the worst of ”.on the Day of the Resurrection هللا\the creation in the sight of Allaah

reported that the Messenger of Allaah Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa أثٛداٚد\Aboo Daaood „Alaa Aalehe Wa Sallam said:

» َد ٛػُا اؾٌجَ ؾَخَ ِب َد ٛػُو ُْ ، ٚا ْرشوٛا اٌزشن ِب رشوٛوُ« أخشعٗ أثٛ داٚد.

The Hadeeth means: as long as they stay away from you, and stay away اؾٌجؾخ\Stay away from Al Habashah“ ”.as long as they stay away from you اٌزشن\from the Turks

The Ethiopian T. Tamrat in his “Church and State in Ethiopia” said in page twenty five in the chapter “Islam and the decline of Aksum”:

“The amicable relations between the Prophet and the kingdom of Aksum during the period of his flight which have been preserved in Muslim traditions were only short lived, and hostilities seem to have already started before his death in 632. Many incidents of maritime conflict between the Aksumite and the Muslims marked the whole of the seventh century.”

He further said: “In the sixteenth century, when‟s triumphant army was on its way from Tramben to Agame, the elated Muslim troops asked for their leader‟s permission to visit the tomb of this friend of the Prophet. His name is here given as Ashamat En-Nedjachi (certainly a 45

variant of Tabari‟s El-Asham) and the tomb seems to be near Wiqro where there is still a site remembered as such by the local people. The significance of this is that we should have a tradition of the tomb of an early seventh- century king (d. before the end of A.D. 630) of Aksum outside the ancient capital. Wiqro is about sixty-five miles south-east of Aksum, and the tradition of El-Asham‟s burial there is strongly indicative of a general south-ward movement of the centre of gravity of the Christian kingdom already in the seventh century. It is impossible here to follow this southward expansion of the kingdom and the Church in great detail. This must await a close investigation into the traditions of the churches and their congregations in the crucial area of southern Tigre, Lasta and Angot.” End quotation. This was clearly and simply explained by the Ethiopian Muslim Dr. Selahadin Ehetsu, reproduced at the end of this chapter.

Al Ameer Ahmad ibnu Ibraaheem “Gurey” “Al Ghaazee” (c. 1506 – February 21, ”األ١ِش أؽّذ اثٓ اثشا١ُ٘ اٌغبصٞ\(1543

be pleased with هللا\may Allaah إٌغبThis Gragn who visited the shrine of Al Najaashee\ٟؽ him, mentioned by Tamrat was the Ameer of the State of Harar Ahmad ibnu Ibraaheem was of the Somali tribe of Marrehaan as told to me personally أؽّذ اثٓ اثشا١ُ٘ اٌغبصGureyٞ by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Somalia Dr. Abdu Al Rahman Jama Barre, who told me that he lead a Somali delegation to the United Arab Emirates in the 1970/80‟s of last in the United Arab Emirates in the 1970/80‟s of the last century اؾٌبسلخ\centuryShaareqah Dr. Barre said: “After the official meeting . اؾٌبسلخ\and met with the Ameer of Shaareqah was over the ameer invited me unto his private office at his residence and then “opened a safe on the wall retrieving a manuscript on leather on which was written that this ameer Ahmad Garang or Gurey was a Somali of the Marreehaan tribe. I reported this to president Muhammad Siyaf Barre and he asked for a copy of that document and the gave me a copy of it and I handed it over to President Siyad اؾٌبسلخ\Ameer of Shaareqah Barre.” End quotation of Dr. A. Jama Barre.

Dr. Barre also told me that: “Ahmad Gurey had defeated the Christian king of the Amhara and his army. This king and those who survived the Muslim onslaught fled into caves on top of mountains. Ahmad Gurey and his Muslim army stayed at the base of the mountains and surrounded them for a long period of time and gave them two options: embrace Islam and be safe or be killed. A large number of them became Muslim, came down from the mountains and their lives and properties were protected by Islam and they joined the Muslim army and fought against their former king and his Christian army. The king refused. The Amhara and their king were afraid to cook their food, specially meats, 46

because the smoke would give away their positions, so they started eating raw meats. That is when the Amhara started eating uncooked meats.” End quote. This tradition of eating raw meets continues until today. Ahmad Gurey was killed on 21rst February 1543 by a Portuguese soldier called John the Galician who shot him on the chest and who was a member of the Christian Portuguese on the request of their king to save it from Ahmad اؾٌجؾخ\army who came to Al Habashah against it for اٌغٙبد\waging jehaad اؾٌجؾخ\Gurey who conquered almost all of Al Habashah of Makkah Al األؽشاف\fifteen years, supported with men and finance also by the Ashraaf on 1540. The اؾٌجؾخ\The Portuguese army came to Al Habashah .ِىخ اٌّىشِخ\Mukarramah story is reported by Encyclopedia of Islam and The Muslim World, Editor in chief Richard C. Martin, published by McMillan Reference USA Thmpson-Gale, which reported it from the book “The Portuguese Expedition to Abyssinia” by R.S. Whiteway, in the introduction on page Ixxi.).

The monument to Al Ameer Ahmad ibnu Ibraaheem Gurey in Mogadishu the capital city of Somalia.

Stuart Munro-Hays in his “Aksum An African Civilisation of Late Antiquity” on page 14 said: “Ge‟ez accounts suggest that the najashi (negus or king) whose death is noted by Arab records in 630, and who was a contemporary with Muhammad, had already done this. He 47

is said to have been buried at Weqro (Wiqro, Wuqro) south-east of Aksum rather than in the ancient royal cemetery. The name of other Ethiopian capitals begin to be mentioned by Arab authors from this time….The city of Aksum probably lasted as an important centre from about the first to the seventh century AD.

The najashi, Ashama ibn Abjar, though he was the ruler of the territorie of the Aksumite kingdom, may no longer have used that city as his capital…” End quotation of Munro.

The late Egyptian and the most prominent editor of the earliest Muslim books and ّٛؾِ said on page # 15 of his book “Muwaatenu Alد ؽبوشmanuscripts Mahmood Shaaker اس٠زش٠ب ِٛ ” (5) Eritrea and Al Habashahاهٓ اٛؼؾٌس اإلعال١ِخ )Shu‟oor Al Islaameyah)5 :, اٌّىزت االعالٚ” published by Al Maktab Al Islaameeِٟاؾٌجؾخ

ِٛاهٓ اٛؼؾٌس اإلعال١ِخ )5( اس٠زش٠ب ٚاؾٌجؾخ ّٛؾِد ؽبوش اٌّىزت االعالِٟ

"...ٌٚىٓ اٌجطبسلخ اخزٍفٛا ف١ّب ثٚ ،ُٕٙ١ارفمٛا ػ ٍٝػذاء اٌّغ١ٍّٓ فىبٛٔا ٠ئرُٙٔٚ أؽذ ا٠زاء، ؾ٠ٚبٍّٙؽ ٌُْٛٚ ٍٝػ رشن دٚ ُٕٙ٠دخٌُٙٛ فٟ إٌقشا١ٔخ ٚوبْ ٔز١غخ رٌه اْ اسرذ ػج١ذ هللا ٠ٓ عؼؾ" ٚوبْ ٘زا اؼٌذاء ث١ٓ اٌّغ١ٍّٓ األٚائً ٚاٌجطبسلخ إٌمطخ األٌٝٚ اٌزٟ أطٍك ِٕٙب اؼٌذاء اٌجم١ٍذٞ ث١ٓ اٌّغ١ٍّٓ ٚإٌقبسٜ فٟ ٘زٖ اٌجمؼخ، ٚاْ وبْ اؾٌمذ اٌق١ٍجٛ٘ ٟ أعبط اؼٌذاء." "..ٚوبٔذ إٌمطخ اٌضب١ٔخ ؼٌٍذاء فٟ ٘زٖ إٌّطمخ ث١ٓ اإلعالَ ٚإٌقشا١ٔخ ؽٍّٓ اٌط١ٕغخ ث١ٓ عٛاٙؾٔب اؾٌمذ ٚاٌىشا١٘خ، الٔزقبس اإلعالَ فٟ أ٠خ ثمؼخ ِٓ ثمبع األسك، ٚثمٟ اٌقشاع فٟ )ِقٛع( ِٚب وبٚس٘ب ؾ٠زذ ٠ٚمٜٛ ٌقبؼٌ إٌقشا١ٔخ ؽزٝ وبٔذ أ٠بَ األ١٠ِٛٓ. ارفك ثؼل اٌمشافٕخ األؽجبػ فٟ اٌغبؽً اإلفش٠مٟ فغطٛا ٍٝػ عذح ٚرٙجٛا أِٛاال وض١شح، ٚدِشٚا اٌغفٓ اٌشاع١خ ٕ٘بن ٚرٌه فػ ٟبَ ٚ ،َ 83وبٔذ أ٠بَ ػجذ اٌٍّه ثٓ ِشٚاْ اٌزٞ خٍٝػ ٝؾ هش٠ك إٌٙذ فؤسعً ؽٍّخ اعزطبػذ االعز١الء ٍٝػ عضس دٍ٘ه اٌٛالؼخ فٚ ٟعو اٌجؾش ٍٝػ ثؼذ 60 وُ ِٓ ِقٛع فىبٔذ ٘زٖ اٌغضس اٌمٕطشح األٌٝٚ اٌزٟ أزؾشِٕٙب اإلعالَ فٟ اسرش٠ب ؽٚشلٟ اؾٌجؾخ ٚاِزذ عٕٛثب ؽزٝ ِن١ك ثبة إٌّذة، ٚوبْ أزؾبس اإلعالَ ػٓ هش٠ك اٌزغبسح ٚاٌذػبح ٚاعزّش ٘زا االٔزؾبس ثط١ئب ه١ٍخ أ٠بَ اٌذٌٚخ األ٠ِٛخ. ٚفٟ اٌمشْ األٚي اٌٙغشٞ أؾٔؤ اٌزغبس اؼٌشة ِذ٠ٕخ ٘شس، ٚثم١ذ ِشوضا اعال١ِب ٌُ رخنغ فٟ ربس٠خٙب ٌألِٙش١٠ٓ ؽزػ ٝبَ ١ؽ 1314ش اؽزٍٙب ١ٍِٕه ثبٌغ١ف ثم١بدح اثٓ ػّٗ )سأط ِىٕٓ( ٚ ٛ٘ٚاٌذ )١٘ال ع١العٟ(. ػٕٚذِب لبِذ اٌذٌٚخ اؼٌجبعخ ٚاثزذأد فٟ امطٙبد األ١٠ِٛٓ صُ ثبمطٙبد ثؼل أٔقبس آي اٌج١ذ، أزمً لغُ ُِٕٙ اٌٝ اس٠زش٠ب ٚوبْ ٌٙئالء إٌّزم١ٍٓ األصش اٌىج١ش فٟ اٌذٛػح اإلعال١ِخ، ٚٔمً لغُ وج١ش ِٓ اٌمجبئً اٌٛص١ٕخ اٌّزمبرٍخ اٌٝ اعال١ِخ ٠غٛد ثٕٙ١ب اٌٛئبَ."

These words mean: “The priests had differences among themselves, but were unanimous on their enmity to the Muslims; they were annoying them in the hardest ways, and they were pushing them 48

to change their religion and convert to Christianity. As a result of this pressure „Abdu .ػ apostasized and converted to Christianityج١ذ هللا ٠ٓ عAllaahe ben Jahshؼؾ This enmity between the first Muslims and the Christian priests was the starting point of the traditional enmity between the Muslims and the Christians in this region, although the Christian hatred to Islam was the foundation of this enmity.

The second starting point of the enmity in this region between Islam and Christianity was the hatred and envy rooted deeply in the heart of the Christian church for the victories of Islam in any region of the world. The conflict remained hardest in the city of Massawa‟ and around Massawa‟, and to the advantage of Christianity until the days of the Umayyad .ثٟٕ أ١ِخ\dynasty

on the western coast of the Red Sea joined forces and اؾٌجؾخ\Some pirates of Al Habashah and looted a lot of monies. They destroyed the ships at the عذح\attacked the city of Jeddah ػجذ اٌٍّه during the reign of „Abdu Al Malek ben Marwan ,٘غش٠خ\port in the year 83 Hejrah who became worried for the commercial sea routs to India, therefore he sent ,ثٓ ِشٚاْ\ and army which took over the Islands of Dahlak in the middle of the Red Sea, distant sixty kilometers only from Massawa‟. اؾٌجؾخ\From these islands Islam spread into Eritrea and to the eastern part of Al Habashah .ثبة إٌّذة\and from here to the south to the strait of Baab Al Mandab The spread of Islam was through commerce and religious men. This spread of Islam was During the first century of Al . ثٟٕ أ١ِخ\slow during the reign of the Umayyad dynasty the Arab traders founded the city of Harar that remained the Head Quarter اٌٙغشح\Hejrah of Islaam in the region, and it never was subjected during its history to the rule of the Amhara, until the year 1314 when Menelik occupied it by military force lead by his cousin Ras Makonnen who is the father of .

dynasty started and started oppressing the اؼٌجبع١١ٓ\When the reign of the Abbasyd آي then oppressed some of the supporters of “Aale Al Bayte ,األ١٠ِٛٓ\Umayyad people a number of them moved to Eritrea. Those who moved to Eritrea played a big role ”اٌج١ذ\ in calling people to Islam, and moved a great part of the pagan tribes that were fighting each other to Islaam and established between them peace and harmony.”

The Italian Enrico Cerulli in his book “Studi Etiopici Vol. I La lingua e la storia di Harar” page 43 said: “In that same year the Ameer of Harar „Abdu Allaahe killed at the location “Harti” near Garasley on the road to Galdessa the Italian geographyc missionlead by count Porro. Menelik, the king of Shoa, who was a coalition partner of the Italians, taking this event as an excuse, attacked the State of Harar. After a short armed engagement between the two 49

armies at „Allanqo on the sixth of January one thousand eight hundred eighty seven, he entered the city of Harar and annexed it to the kingdom of Shoa. Italian soldiers and officers were supporting him in this process.” End quotation of Cerulli.

ّٛؾِ also reports that English soldiers were supporting Menelikد ؽبوش\Mahmood Shaaker in his takeover of the state of Harar.

in the Quraan and Sunnah إٌغبAl Najaashee\ٟؽ

اٌضث١ش ثٓ on page 226, reported that Al Zubayru ibnu Al „Awwaam ,اٌغٛ١هAl Sayootee\ٟ :be pleased with him, said هللا\may Allaah ,اٛؼٌاَ\ :

ٚسٜٚ اٌغٛ١هػ ٟٓ اٌضث١ش ثٓ اٛؼٌاَ سمٟ هللا رؼبػ ٌٕٝٗ أٔٗ لبي: "ٔضي ثبٌٕغبػ ٟؽذٚ ِٓ أسمُٙ، فغبء اٌّٙبعشْٚ فمبٌٛا: أب ؾٔت أْ رخشط اؽ ُٙ١ٌزٝ ٔمبرً ؼِه ٚرشٜ عشارٕب ٚٔغض٠ه ثّب فؼٕذ ثٕب." فمبي: "ال دٚاء ثٕقشح هللا خ١ش ِٓ دٚاء ثٕقشح إٌبط." لبي: "ٚف١ٗ ٔضٌذ: ُ ُ { َوإِ َُّ ٍِ ِْ أَ ْه ِو ا ْى ِنتَب ِة ىَ َ ِْ يُ ْؤ ٍِ ُِ بِب ََّّللِ َو ٍَب أ ّْ ِض َه إِىَ ْي ُن ٌْ َو ٍَب أ ّْ ِض َه إِىَ ْي ِه ٌْ َخب ِش ِعي َِ ِ َّ َّللِ ََل يَ ْشتَ ُشو َُ بِيَيَب ِث َّهللاِ ُ ثَ ًَْب قَيِي ًَل أوىَئِ َل ىَهُ ٌْ أَ ْج ُشهُ ٌْ ِع ْ َذ َسبِّ ِه ٌْ إِ َُّ َّهللاَ َس ِشي ُع ا ْى ِح َسب ِة )911(}

The Hadeeth means:

and the إٌغبAn enemy from his own country challenged Al Najaashee\ٟؽ“ :The Migrants came to him and said/اٌّٙبعش٠ٓ\Muhaajereen “We love to fight with you against your enemy, and you will see how brave we are, and thus we will compensate you for what you have done for us.” He replied: ”.is better from the support of people هللاThe support of Allaah“ :said اٌضث١ش\Al Zubayr “About him came down the Aayah: those who believe in أً٘ اٌىزبة\And there are certainly among the People of the Book“ in the Revelation to you, and in the Revelation to them, bowing in humility to ,هللاAllaah for a miserable gain! For them is a هللاthey will not sell the Signs of Allaah ;هللاAllaah is swift in account”(199)(Quraan 3:199).”E. quote هللاreward with their Lord and Allaah 50

أٌجٙ١مThe text of Al Bayhaqeeٟ

reports on page # 226 the text of the letter of Prophet Muhammad اٌغٛ١هAl Sayootee\ٟ by Al إٌغبSallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe Wa Sallam to Al Najaashee\ٟؽ who reported it from ibnu ”دالئً إٌجٛح\in “Dalee-elu Al Nubuwwah أٌجٙ١مBayhaqeeٟ :as follows اثٓ اعؾبق\Ishaaq #226 أٌجٙ١مػ ٟٓ اثٓ اعؾبق لبي: عٛسح وزبة إٌجٟ فٍٝ هللا ١ٍػٗ ٍٝػٚ آٌٗ ٚعٍُ اٌٝ إٌغبٟؽ: "ثغُ هللا اٌشؽّٓ اٌش١ؽُ. ٘زا وزبة ِٓ ؾِّذ سعٛي هللا – فٍٝ هللا ١ٍػٗ ٚعٍُ – اٌٝ إٌغبٟؽ ػظ١ُ اؾٌجؾخ. عالَ ٍٝػ ِٓ ارجغ اٌٙذٚ ٞآِٓ ةهللا ٚسعٙؽٚ ٌٗٛذ أْ ال اٌٗ اال هللا ؽٚذٖ ال ؽش٠ه ٌٗ، ٌُٚ ٠زخز فبؽجخ ٚال ٌٚذا، ٚأْ ؾِّذا ػجذٖ ٚسعٚ ،ٌٗٛأدٛػن ثذػب٠خ هللا فبٟٔ أٔب سعٌٛٗ، فؤعٍُ رغٍُ – " {قُ ْو يَب أَ ْه َو ا ْى ِنتَب ِة تَ َعبىَ ْىا إِى ًَ َميِ َ ٍت َس َىا ٍء بَ ْيََْْب َوبَ ْيَْ ُن ٌْ أَ ََّل َّ ْعبُ َذ إِ ََّل َّهللاَ َو ََل ُّ ْش ِش َك بِ ِه َش ْيئًب َو ََل يَتَّ ِخ َز بَ ْع ُضَْب بَ ْع ًضب أَ ْسبَببًب ٍِ ِْ ُدو ُِ َّهللاِ فَئِ ُْ تَ َىىَّ ْىا فَقُىىُىا ا ْشهَ ُذوا ب ِأََّّب ٍُ ْسيِ َُى َُ )65(} فبْ أث١ذ ف١ٍؼه اصُ إٌقبسٜ ِٓ لِٛه."

The Hadeeth means:

. ثغُ هللا اٌشؽّٓ اٌشIn the Name of Allaah The Most Gracious The Most Mercifullُ١ؽ“ Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa – هللاThis letter is from Muhammad the Messenger of Allaah the great leader of Al Habashah إٌغبAlaa Aalehe Wa Sallam – to Al Najaashee\ٟؽ„ and هللاPeace be upon whom follows the right guidance and believes in Allaah .اؾٌجؾخ\ Alone and He has no هللاHis Messenger and bears witness that there is no god but Allaah associates; He never had a wife and does not have a son either, and bears witness that for I am His , هللاMuhammad is His slave and Messenger. I am calling you to Allaah Messenger. Embrace Islam and you will be safe. :Come to common terms as between us and you !٠ب أً٘ اٌىزبة\Say: “O People of the Book“ that we associate no partners with Him; that we ; هللاthat we worship none but Allaah If then they turn ”. هللاerect no from among ourselves, lords and patrons other than Allaah back say you: .”(will هللاBear Witness that we (at least) are Muslims (bowing down to Allaah‟s“ (Quraan 3:64). If you refuse (To embrace Islam) on you will be the sins of the Christians among your people.”


The gifts of Prophet Muhammad Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe Wa .إٌغبٟؽ أؽّذ\Sallam to Al Najaashee Ahmad

أَ reports on page #231 that Umm Kulthoom bentu Abee Salamah اٌغٛ١هAl Sayootee\ٟ :said وٍضَٛ ثٓ أثٟ عٍّخ\

ػٓ أَ وٍضَٛ ثٕذ أثٟ عٍّخ لبٌذ: "ٌّب رضٚط إٌجٟ فٍٝ هللا ١ٍػٗ ٚعٍُ أَ عٍّخ لبي ٌٙب:

"أٟ أ٘ذ٠ذ اٌٝ إٌغبؽ ٟؽٍخ ٚأٚاق ِٓ ِغه، ٚال أسٜ إٌغبٟؽ اال ٚلذ ِبد ٚال أسٜ ٘ذ٠زٟ اال ِشدٚدح. فبْ سدد فٟٙ ٌه."

فىبْ وّب لبي إٌجٟ ِبد إٌغبٚ ٟؽسدد ا١ٌٗ ٘ذ٠زٗ فؤػطٝ وً اِشأح ِٓ ٔغبئٗ أٚل١خ ِغه ٚأػطٝ عبئشٖ أَ عٍّخ ٚأػطب٘ب اؾٌٍخ."أزٝٙ.

ٚأمبف اثٓ ؽغش فٟ اإلفبثخ: "ٟ٘ ٌه" ٟ٘ اؾٌٍخ ال اٌٙذ٠خ."

The Hadeeth means:

“When the Prophet Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe Wa Sallam married Ummu :said to her أَ عٍّخSalamah ؽ” – which are two identicalٍخ\a gift made up of “Hullah إٌغبI sent to Al Najaashee\ٟؽ“ and I don‟t see ِغه\pieces of cloth marked with colored lines – and some ounces of Mesk has died and I don‟t see but my gift will be returned to إٌغبother than Al Najaasheeٟؽ me. If it is returned to me it is yours.” And it was as the Prophet - Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe Wa Sallam – had had died and his gift was returned to him, then he gave to إٌغبsaid and Al Najaasheeٟؽ to Ummu ِغه\and the rest of the mesk ِغه\each one of his spouses an ounce of mesk ”.ؽ” to herٍخ\he also gave the “Hullah ; أَ عٍّخSalamah :اإلفبثخ\added in his “Al Esaabah اثٓ ؽغش\Ibnu Hajar By “it is yours” he meant – Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe Wa Sallam - the .not the whole gift.” End quote ”اؾٌٍخ\Hullah“


:on page # 232, reports ,اٌغٛ١هAl Sayootee\ٟ

ػٚٓ ثش٠ذح ثٓ اؾٌق١ت أْ إٌغبٟؽ أ٘ذٜ اٌٝ سعٛي هللا فٍٝ هللا ١ٍػٗ ٍٝػٚ آٌٗ ٚعٍُ خف١ٓ أعٛد٠ٓ فٍجغّٙب صُ رٛمؤ ِٚغٙ١ٍػ ؼّب". أزٝٙ.

The Hadeeth means:

sent to the إٌغبreported that Al Najaashee\ٟؽ ثش٠ذح ثٓ اؾٌق١ت Buraydah ben Al Haseeb“ Messenger of Allaah Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe Wa Sallam as a gift two which are boots of black color and he put them on, then washed for ”خف١ٓ\Khuffayne“ .and wiped his hand over them." End quote - اٌٛمٛء\prayer – Wudoo

:ػ that she saidبئؾخHe reports from „Aaeshah ػ ٓػبئؾخ لبٌذ: "لذِذ ٍٝػ إٌجٟ فٍٝ هللا ١ٍػٗ ٚعٍُ ؽٍخ ِٓ ػٕذ إٌغبٟؽ أ٘ذا٘ب ٌٗ فٙ١ب خبرُ ِٓ ر٘ت ف١ٗ فـ ؽجٟؾ، لبي: "فؤخزٖ سعٛي هللا فٍٝ هللا ١ٍػٗ ٚعٍُ ثٛؼد ؼِشمب ػٕٗ أٚ ثجؼل أفبثؼٗ صُ دػب أِبِخ ثٕذ أثٟ اؼٌبؿ فمبي: "رٍٟؾ ثٙزا ٠ب ث١ٕخ." أزٝٙ. The Hadeeth means:

“It was brought to the Prophet Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe Wa Sallam a as a gift together with a finger ring of gold إٌغبؽ” sent by Al Najaashee\ٟؽٍخ\Hullah“ stone. The Prophet took the ring by a stick because ”فـ ؽجwith a precious “Habashee\ٟؾ he did not want it, or with some of his fingers and then called (His granddaughter, :and said أِبِخ ثٕذ أثٟ اؼٌبUmaamah bentu Abee Al „Aasؿ (ص٠ٕت\daughter of Zaynab “Wear this O my daughter.” End quote.

ثغُ هللا اٌشؽّٓ اٌش١ؽُ

Prophet Muhammad Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe Wa Sallam wrote إٌغبtwo letters to Al Najaashee\ٟؽ

reported that the Messenger of Allaah Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa اثٓ عؼذ\Ibnu Sa‟d اؾٌجؾخthe king of Al Habashah إٌغبAalehe Wa Sallam sent two letters to Al Najaashee\ٟؽ . ػّشٚ ثٓ أ١ِخ\and both letters were delivered to him by „Amr ben Umayyah Al Damree In one of the letters the Messenger of Allaah Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe to Islaam, and in the second one asking him إٌغبWa Sallam is calling Al Najaashee\ٟؽ أَ ؽج١جخ سٍِخ to marry him to Ummu Habeebah Ramlah bentu Abee Sufyaan ben Harb 53

for اؾٌجؾخ\who widowed while in Al Habashah ثٕذ أثٟ عف١بْ ثٓ ؽشة األ٠ِٛخ ٙ١ٍػب اٌغالَ\ ػ her died of her. In his secondج١ذ هللا ثٓ عher husband „Ubaydu Allaahe ben Jahsh\ؼؾ letter, the Prophet Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe Wa Sallam is asking Al back to اؾٌجؾخalso to send his Companions that are in Al Habashah إٌغبNajaashee\ ٟؽ had became Muslim and obeyed the Messenger of إٌغبhim by boat. Al Najaasheeٟؽ Allaah Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe Wa Sallam on both these matters. :placed these two letters in a box made of ivory and said إٌغبAl Najaashee\ٟؽ will will be good as long as these two letters are among them and اؾٌجؾخ\Al Habashah“ they keep and conserve them.” put the Companions of the Prophet Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa إٌغبAl Najaashee\ٟؽ his cousin عؼفش ثٓ أثٟ هبٌتAlaa Aalehe Wa Sallam headed by Ja‟far ben Abnee Taaleb„ headed by his own son اؾٌجؾخ\in one boat that sailed first, and sixty men of Al Habashah in a second boat after them.


A photograph of the letter of Prophet Muhammad Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa .إٌغبٟؽ أؽّذ\Aalehe Wa Sallam to Al Najaashee Ahmad


and his 60 companions drowned in the Red Sea إٌغبThe son of Al Najaashee\ٟؽ

اٌجٙ١مbook and Al Bayhaqee\ٟ ع١شح اٌزreported in his Seerah\ّٟ١ اٌزAl Taymee\ّٟ١ and his sixty إٌغبthat the son of Al Najaasheeٟؽ اثٓ اعؾبق\reported from Ibnu Ishaaq companions drowned in the Red Sea after their boat sank.

and the delegation of seventy men came to Prophet Muhammad Sallaa عؼفشJa‟far Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe Wa Sallam

survived and they were seventy عؼفشThe people of the first boat together with Ja‟far persons wearing clothes made of wool. They were sixty two men citizen of Al Syria that were staying with/ اؾٌبَ\eight men of the people of Al Shaam ;اؾٌجؾخ\Habashah .اؾٌجؾخin Al Habashah عؼفشJa‟far These seventy people came to the Prophet Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe Wa Sallam.

,أثش٘خ\as: (One) Abraha اؾٌبnamed eight of these men from Al Shaamَ لزبدح\Qataadah other ث١ؾشا\Five) Baheraa) ,أ٠ّٓ\Four) Ayman) ,أؽشف\Three) Ashraf) ,ادس٠ظ\Two) Idrees) than the one the Prophet Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe Wa Sallam met in Al (Eight) ,ر١ُّ\Seven) Tameem) ,رّبَ\but with the same name, , (Six) Tamaam اؾٌبShaamَ .ٔبفغ\‟Naafi

When these seventy people came to the Prophet Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe They weeped when they .عٛسح ٠ظ\Wa Sallam read on them the whole Sooratu Yaaseen heard the Quraan and believed and said: ١ػغHow this Quraan is similar to what used to be revealed to „Eesaa\ٝ“ „Alayhessalaatu Wassalaamu!”

The Quraan that came down concerning these seventy men

and others have reported that the Aayahs eighty two and اثٓ أثؽ ٟبرُ\Ibnu Abee Haatem :came down concerning these seventy men عٛسح اٌّبئذح\eighty three of Soratu Al Maa‟edah

{ىَتَ ِج َذ َُّ أَ َش َّذ اىَّْب ِط َع َذا َوةً ىِيَّ ِزي َِ آَ ٍَُْىا ا ْىيَهُى َد َواىَّ ِزي َِ أَ ْش َش ُمىا َوىَتَ ِج َذ َُّ أَ ْق َشبَهُ ٌْ ٍَ َى َّد ةً ىِيَّ ِزي َِ آَ ٍَُْىا اىَّ ِزي َِ ُ قَبىُىا إَِّّب َّ َصب َسي َرىِ َل بِأَ َُّ ٍِ ْهُ ٌْ قِ ِّسي ِسي َِ َو ُس ْهبَبًّب َوأََّّهُ ٌْ ََل يَ ْستَ ْنبِ ُشو َُ )25( َوإِ َرا َس َِ ُعىا ٍَب أ ّْ ِض َه إِىًَ ْ اى َّش ُسى ِه تَ َشي أَ ْعيَُْهُ ٌْ تَفِي ُض ٍِ َِ اى َّذ ٍْ ِع ٍِ ََّب َع َشفُىا ٍِ َِ اى َح ِّق يَقُىىُى َُ َسب ََّْب آَ ٍََّْب فَب ْمتُ ْبَْب ٍَ َع اى َّشب ِه ِذي َِ {)25(


The meaning of the two Aayahs is:

“Strongest among men in enmity to the Believers wilt thou find the Jews and Pagans; and nearest among them in love to the Believers wilt thou find those who say: “We are Christians” (This is only the Christians who came to the Prophet Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe Wa Sallam at that time and in this story and who were true and Monotheistic followers of the Islamic religion preached by Prophet „Eesaa the son of ١ػ „Alayhessalaamu, and does not concern all the rest of those who sayغٝ اثٓ ِش٠ُ\Mary by Al Nnaas-ee اثٓ اٌضث١ش\that they are Christians as reported from ibnu Al Zzubayru and from ,اٌطجشاas reported by Al Tabraanee\ٟٔ اثٓ ػجبط\and from ibnu „Abbaas إٌغبئٟ\ and all of ,اثٓ أثؽ ٟبرُ\as reported by ibnu Abee Haatem ع١ؼذ ثٓ عج١ش\Sa‟eed ben Jubayr them reported that the two Aayahs came down about the companions of Al because among these are men devoted to learning (Priests) and :(إٌغبNnajaashiyyi\ٟؽ men who have renounced the world (Monks secluded in Monasteries), and they are not arrogant(82)And when they listen to the Revelation received by the Messenger, thou wilt see their eyes overflowing with tears, for they recognize the truth. They pray: “Our Lord! We believe: write us down among the witnesses(83).” (Quraan 5:82-83) End quote. عٛس٠خ\and from Syria اؾٌجؾخ\We also see that these seventy men from Al Habashah understand perfectly the Arabic language of the Quraan without an interpreter, and did not need an interpreter in their meeting with the Messenger of Allaah Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe Wa Sallam.

أفؾّخ\and his grandfather Ashamah إٌغبٟؽ أؽّذ\Al Najaashee Ahmad

about 861 Gregorian Calender) in volume / ٘غش٠خ/died 250 Hejree) األصسلAl Azraqee\ٟ one page # 156:

أثش٘خ ثٓ اٌقجبػ األؽشَ ٌّٚب لذَ أثش٘خ ٍِه ا١ٌّٓ ِٓ لجً أفؾّخ ل١ً أفؾّخ ٘زا ؼِٕٚبٖ ثبؼٌشث١خ: ػط١خ، وّب لبٌٗ اثٓ لز١جخ ٚغ١شٖ: عذ إٌغبٟؽ اٌزٞ وبْ ف١ؽ ٟبح إٌجٟ فٍٝ هللا ١ٍػٗ ٍٝػٚ آٌٗ ٚعٍُ... These words mean:

This is the name of the king) أثش٘خ ثٓ اٌقجبػ األؽشَ/Abraha ben Al Sabaah Al Ashram“ .(اٌىؼجخ\to destroy the Ka‟bah ِىخ\who was driving the elephants and came to Makkah أفؾّخ\on behalf of Ashamah ا١ٌّٓ\When king Abraha who was reigning over Yaman ,”in Arabaic means “Gift أفؾّخ\they said: Ashamah :(ٍِه اؾٌجؾخ\king of Al Habashah) who lived during the إٌغبis the grandfather of the Najaashee\ٟؽ أفؾّخ\and this Ashamah 56

lifetime of the Prophet Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe Wa Sallam….”. End quote.

Stuart Munro-Hay said on page #132 of his “Aksum”: “The chinese account of the life of Muhammad (Mason 1921) noted above, claims that the ruler whose accession to the Ethiopian throne occurred in c577 was the grandson of a certain “great king”, and that he was in due course succeeded by his own grandson, thus suggesting a descent in the same family for five generations without excluding the possible succession of brothers.” End quote Munro.

received إٌغبthe grandfather of Al Najaashee Ahmad\ٟؽ أفؾّخ\How king Ashamah ِىخ\the destruction of his army at Makkah

:further says on page #166 األصسلAl Azraqee\ٟ

"...ٚأفٍذ ٚص٠شٖ )ٚص٠ش أثش٘خ( أثٛ ٠ىغٚ َٛهبئشٖ ؾ٠ٍك فٛق سأعٗ، ٛ٘ٚ ال ؼؾ٠ش ثٗ ؽزٝ ثٍغ إٌغبٟؽ فؤخجشٖ ثّب أفبثُٙ، فٍّب أرُ والِٗ سِبٖ اٌطبئش فٛلغ ١ٍػٗ اؾٌغش فخش ١ِزب، فشأٜ إٌغبٟؽ و١ف وبْ ٘الن أفؾبثٗ".

These words mean: survived the , أثٛ ٠ىغThe prime minister of Abraha, and his name was Aboo Yaksoomَٛ“ and fled to Al Habashah ِىخ اٌّىشِخ\destruction of their army in Makkah Al Mukarramah while the bird in charge of his excecution was hovering over him. He was not ,اؾٌجؾخ\ and reported to him إٌغبaware of the presence of the bird. He came to Al Najaashee\ٟؽ .(Soorah # 105 ,عٛسح اٌف١ً\what had happened to them (As reported by Sooratu Al Feele the bird hit him with the stone and , إٌغبWhen he ended his reporting to Al Najaashee\ٟؽ ”.saw how his men were destroyed إٌغبhe went down dead. This way Al Najaashee\ٟؽ End quote.

:further says on page #503 األصسلAl Azraqee\ٟ

“٠ٚمبي أٚ ِٓ ٌُٙٔذ ؽجؼ ثٓ وػٛ ثٓ ؽبَ”. These words mean: are the offspring of Habash ben Kush ben (اؾٌجؾخ\And it is said that they (Al Habashah“ .ؽ .” End quoteجؼ ثٓ وػٛ ثٓ ؽبHaamَ


,located on lower slopes or valley لش٠خ إٌغبGoogle maps of the City of Al Najaashee\ٟؽ surrounded by mountains to east, north and south, in Tigray, north Ethiopia. 58

Muslim Women. These .لش٠خ إٌغبThe environment of the Village of Al Najaashee\ٟؽ ِىخ women are holding unto the tradition of the women of Makkah Al Mukarramah ”إٌطبق\at the time of the Muslim Migrants to wrap a cloth called “Al Netaaq اٌّىشِخ\ أعّبء ثٕذ أثٟ ثىش اٌقذ٠ك سمaround their waist, as Asmaa‟u bentu Abee Bakr Al Sseddeeq ٟ of the اٌٙغشح\used to do and for the Hejrah ”راد إٌطبل١ٓ\Thaatu Al Netaaqayne“ هللا ٕٙػّب\ Messenger of Allaah Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe Wa Sallam to Al into two and ”ٔطبق\she split her “Netaaq اٌّذ٠ٕخ إٌّٛسح\Madeenah Al Munawwarah wrapped one of them on the neck of the bag containing his food for the journey, to secure it to the saddle of his mount. Picture from: http://poetrania.blogspot.com/2013/04/visit-to-negash-ethiopia-site-of-worlds.html


built on the spot of the ,ِغغذ لش٠خ إٌغبThe masjed of the Village of Al Najaashee\ٟؽ residence of the Muslim Migrants.

and the اٌٍّه إٌغبThe board at the gate of the graveyard where king Al Najaashee\ٟؽ هللا\may Allaah ,ِذ٠ٕخ إٌغبare buried at the City of Al Najaashee\ٟؽ اٌقؾبثخ\Companions have mercy on them all, in Tigray, Ethiopia today.


have mercy on him is هللا\may Allaah اٌٍّه إٌغبThe tomb of the king Al Najaashee\ٟؽ located inside this shrine.



may ,ِذ٠ٕخ إٌغبin the City of Al Najaashee\ٟؽ اٌقؾبثخ\The graves of some the Sahaabah .be pleased with them هللا\Allaah



.لش٠خ إٌغبA market at the village of Al Najaashee\ٟؽ For the market see the video in Yotube: (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oVQ4gXH-cqI)


.لش٠خ إٌغبA roadside old house at the Village of Al Najaashee\ٟؽ 66

:Photos from .لش٠خ إٌغبA House in the village of Al Najaashee\ٟؽ http://static.panoramio.com/photos/original/17858251.jpg


Il Pozzo”: Italian for “The Water Well” that“ :لش٠خ إٌغبThe Village of Al Najaashee\ٟؽ was on the original picture. Photos from: http://static.panoramio.com/photos/original/17858243.jpg


on your right and that of the Companion „Adeyy ben إٌغبThe shrine of Al Najaashee\ٟؽ .be pleased with both of them هللا\ػ may Allaahذٞ ثٓ ٔنٍخ اؼٌذNadlah Al „Adawee\ٞٚ You see other graves as well. 69

ِذ٠ٕخ إٌغبMuhammad Bilal Khan Jadoon in the Town of Al Najaasheeٟؽ

Muhammad Bilal Khan Jadoon is a national of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, who had lived and worked for some years in Ethiopia and he e-mailed to me the following message:

Dear Brother Hassan Actually i visited three four times to this place and met with the local people who told me that their forfathers were from diffirent arab countries like Saudia Yemen Egypt . Their language is Tigirnya and Amharic. It consist of many Arabic words Most of the people are very poor and their only earning is from cultivation and goat selling. There are few primary schools in the nearby localities . Very few facilities they have in the town. Negash Town is on the way to Adigrat and the nearby Airport located in Mekele . All area is mountanious and difficult to move on. There are small churchs around in the town. The most amazing and interesting fact is that which told by an educated person named Yousaf G/Egziabher The wife of King Al Najashie left him because he become muslim do she requested the people of that kingdom to bring her Deadbody for funeral away from Al Najashie's Grave. So currently she burried in a Church This is the information which i can share with you . Allah Hafiz till next mail Allah bless you Aameen Fri 12/25/2015 7:27 AM

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android Muhammad Bilal Khan Jadoon rsides now in Islamabad, capital city of Pakistan. Bilal Jadoon X Cismaan ;Sun 1/24/2016 12:33 PM Assalam o Alaikum Dear Brother Hassan It's very true that there is a church but due to shortage of time I was not able to visit the historic place. One thing I want to add the relevant information that " When King converted into Muslim she refused to stay with him and ordered to the near ones to keep her away from King after her death" As per Her Will people built a church away from King's Grave where is a historic Masjid. Have a nice day Regards

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android 70

أؽّذ إٌغبٟؽ سمٟ هللا Muhammad Bilal Khan Jadoon at the shrine of Ahmad Al Najaashee Companion of Prophet Muhammad Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe ,رؼبػ ٌٕٝٗ\ Wa Sallam.

The following is an article by the Ethiopian Dr. Selahadin Eshetu on the biography of the and I am pleased to reproduce it here in its entirety. It is the ,إٌغبking Al Najaashee\ٟؽ that I have come across, specially إٌغبmost extensive biography of king Al Najaashee\ٟؽ e from Aksum to Wukro and the last fifteen yearsإٌغبafter the transfer of Al Najaasheٟؽ of his life. I copied and pasted it here as it was. Thanks you Dr. Selahadin Eshetu.

Authentic History of King Negash of Abyssinia (Currently Ethiopia)

History of King Negash

By Dr. Selahadin Eshetu, University Lecturer from Ethiopia, A representative of the World Human Rights Service Council (WHRSC) to the UNECA and UN Head Quarter, New York (http://dcbun.tripod.com/id17.html)


King Najash of Abyssynia: Most Powerful Christian King Becomes Muslim 1500 Years ago by the Influence of the F(0)under of Islam, the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH). The First Refugee Assylum Proclaimed and Introduced to the World History

Table of Contents Title Pages Introduction………………………………………………………. Statement of the Problem………………………………………… Objectives of the research………………………………………… Research Questions……………………………………………….. Methods of data Collection……………………………………….. King Nejash……………………………………………………….. The First March to Ethiopia…………………………………….. How Nejash Treated the Immigrants...... The Quraysh Messengers……………………………………….. Their Relation after Islam achieved Victory…………………... The list of Sahabas who came to Ethiopia…………………….. The Women Sohabyat Who came to Ethiopia……………… The Letter Exchanges between King Nejash and Prophet Mohammed (PBUH)………………………………… References……………………………………………………. Annexes……………………………………………………….


There is a common and established image and understanding about the spread of Islam in the world. Several people including intellectuals who write on the issue assume that Islam is a militant religion. Samuel P. Huntington, for example, in his so called thesis of “clash of Civilizations”, described Islam as a militant religion starting from its origin. However, one can find Ethiopia, the first country, which allowed the migrants of Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) to exercise their faith peacefully. His Eminency Dr. M. N Alam 72

43rd direct dissecent of the Prophet of Islam, president of the world spiritual assembly New York USA, UN Head Quarter Permanent representative of the UNECA, Addis Ababa since 1985 and 2004 visited this country. He has been here for the great respect of king Nejash and his contribution for the Prophet of Islam. I am lucky that I got to know him and took several life changing knowledge and experience. While I was trying to grasp knowledge of Islamic thought, His Eminency told me that, Ethiopia is a shelter for the good people as well as for the bad people. This shows that this country is an umbrella for those who were following the doctrine of Islam and for those who couldn‟t find a place in their home place. During that time the king who ruled Abyssinia was a Christian king. This paper deals with biography of this great king Nejash. He was the contemporary of Prophet Mohammed. It was during his time that Arabian society including near and dear relatives of the Prophet Mohammed refused to accept Islam, which was introduced for the first time then by the last prophet of Islam and mankind. Because of this, the Prophet of Islam sent his people to Abyssinia. The king received them and asked about their faith, they answered that it is a monotheistic belief by refering some versions of the Holy Quran. His Eminency Dr. Alam‟s opinion is that “human being is a crown creation of God. Descendents of Abraham, the Jewish, Christian and Muslim are cousin brothers”. The king was convinced by Islamic teaching in accordance of the holy Quran and allowed them to practice their religion in the Abyssinian territory. So that today, in Ethiopia there are approximately 50% Muslim population while there are 20% Muslims in the African region. Since then Islam has been practiced peacefully in all parts of Ethiopia. Till now there is a 100% freedom of the practice of Islam due to the current government‟s effort of religious freedom in the country. In the later days, the king himself was convinced by Islam and became a believer of the faith “The first Muslims in Ethiopia were refugees from Mecca, persecuted by the new leading tribe, the reactionary Quraysh. They were honerly received by the ruler of Ethiopia, whom Arabic tradition was named Ashama ibn Abjar, and he settled them in Negash. Located in the northern Tigray province, Negash is the historical center of Islam in Ethiopia and parts of East Africa” Berry (1991). Due to this, The Prophet of Islam ordered all Muslims not to declare on Ethiopia. What makes Islam peculiar in Ethiopia, unlike from the rest of the world, is that, in the first place it was preached, spread and accepted peacefully throughout the whole territory 73

of Ethiopia. Secondly, Islam always co-existed in peace with other religions. That is why that one can find family members in Ethiopia who exercise different religions in the same roof. I will try to say more on Islam and Ethiopia in the near future. This paper assess the background of the introduction of Islam to Ethiopia (the then Abyssinia). For this reason the lion‟s share of the story gives emphasis on King Nejash. Statement of the Problem For centuries, the then Abyssinia, Ethiopia had been remembered as an Orthodox Christian state. There was no separation of state and religion, secularism. This makes the perception towards this state is that; Ethiopia is a state of Christians. It is true that several brutal rulers of the kingdom slaughtered Muslims. It is also true that Muslims were considered as secondary citizens. In addition, forceful conversion of their belief to Christianity was evident particularly during the reign of King Yohannes 4th. This kind of system and perception towards the system does not only have domestic consequences. In addition, the perception and understanding of the international community towards Ethiopians Muslims has been blurred. People know Ethiopia by its Christian kingdom and Christian kings. Due to lack of the separation of state and religion, the history of this country was recorded by the church. However, Islam and Ethiopia have known each other since the birth of Islam in the Arabian Peninsula. Ethiopians were among the first Muslims. This true history has not been recorded and properly handled. Therefore, it is the obligation of every citizen to search for the true . This paper is just the beginning of the search for this history. It concentrates on the beginning of Islam in Ethiopia. The pioneer to introduce Islam to Ethiopia is the then, powerful Christian king Nejash. The biography of this powerful king, his connections to early years of the spread of Islam, his influence on the rest of Africa to spread Islam is the concern of this research.

Objectives of the Research

The Objectives of this Research are: -To consider the contributions of King Nejash to Islamic history -To assess the biography of king Nejash in relation to Islam -To study the beginning of real Islamic history in Ethiopia and Africa 74

-To search the reasons why the powerful orthodox Christian king Negash converted in to Islam? -To assess the relation between king Nejash and the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH)

Research Questions

This paper tries to answer the following questions: 1. How Islam inters in to the land of Abyssinia peacefully? 2. How king Nejash accepted and spread Islam throughout Ethiopia and Africa? 3. Why Ethiopia become the first Diaspora to Islam? 4. Why Ethiopia is chosen by the Prophet Mohammed? 5. Why the powerful Orthodox Christian king Nejash become a Muslim? 6. Methods of Data Collection

This research used both the primary and secondary data. Field observation and unstructured interviews for the former; literatures, books, internet, magazines, brochures, etc… are used for the later one.

King Nejash

Since Ethiopians evacuated from Yemen, the relationship with the Arabian Peninsula was interrupted. According to several Arabian authentic history and resourceful record, between the years 575-630 G.C, there were two attention-seeking kings in Ethiopia. The first king was ruling the state of Abissinya or the Habesha peole before the Holy Koran came in to existence as a guiding document of human beings. The second one lived during the era of Prophet Mohammed (PBUH). The former one was known by the name Abhar while the latter‟s name is Ashama Ibn Abhar. Ashama had a friendly relationship with the Arab world. After a successful coup detats on the throne of king Abhar, he was assassinated. Architects of the coup brought his brother to the throne (who was the uncle to Ashama). Due to the fear of revenge from Ashama for his father‟s death, they excluded him from 75

rivalry to power. According to Abubakar Bin Abdurahuman, Prophet Mohammed‟s beloved wife Aisha (RA) said, “Except Nejash (Ashama), Abhar had no child at all. But his uncle who became a king had twelve sons and daughters. They were all members of the Habesha Royal family. The coups d‟état and assassination was also based on this calculation of lack of children except one Nejash”. The young Nejashi was obliged to live with his uncle. During his childhood, he was smart and able to attract the attention of his uncle. This success and attention seeking created insecurity within the coup makers. They demanded his uncle to avoid him or warned that they will kill Nejash. The king (his uncle) refused the plan of the assassination. And he suggested them to make Nejashi far away from the territory of their state. They took him to the market and sold him as a slave for 6 dihram and send him by boat to abroad. During the same night, the king was dead by a wave while he was praying in order to get a rainfall. All the sons of the king were unfit to the Palace. There were demands to appoint Al-Nejash as a king. Most people agreed on the suitability of his ability to become the king‟s successor. “The responsibility of the kingship can only be accomplished by the boy who was sold this morning. If you are concerned for the Habesha people, bring him back.” Suggestions were strong like this.

By hardship they somehow found Prince Nejash and bring him back to the capital city. They gave him the throne. And he stayed as a king of Habesa until he passed away by the 9th year of the Hijira (Muslim calendar), as Prophet Mohammed migrated from Mecca to Medina. There are several names that are sited in different historical documents. For example Pankhurst and Hancock call him Armah. Tadesse identified him as AL-Asmaha, son of Abdjar and father of Arma. Munnro Hay refers to him as Asmaha Ibn Abjar. And others called him as Ashama, the Kings local name. His Eminency Dr. Alam 43rd direct decendent of the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) acknowledged the information from the Hadis and several references of Islamic scholars quoted as the king Nejash as a great King of Abissynia became a Muslim in the beginning of the 7th Century from the Prophet Mohammed influence. After the king received Islam, the Prophet Mohammed put his name as Ahmed Al- Negash. His family members also accept Islam. And he was died after 15 years he left his kingdom of Aksum to Wukro which is found 60 kilo meters 76

north of Mekele. He established spiritual kingdom with Negash‟s new vision of Islam to preach Islam around the Abyssinian territories and across the African countries of Algeria, morocco, South Africa, Mauritania, Cameroon, Zambia, Nigeria, and other African territories. King Nejash died in 630 AD in his spiritual kingdom of Negash town and he was lay down in front of the Negash mosque with Prophet Mohammed‟s important suhabis. They were trying to cross to Mecca but due to their old ages they are sick by the undesirable mysterious diseases. So that he couldn‟t attend Haji (pilgrimage) and had no chance to meet the Prophet Mohammed directly. But his near and dear children and relatives succeeded to meet the Prophet in Medina, 630kms from the Holy city of Mecca. When the Prophet received the messages of the death of King Ahmed Al- Negash Prophet with his Caliphs and followers celebrate the prayer Gavai of Jenaza in holy Medina mosque. We feel proud the powerful orthodox Christian king become a Muslim caliph for African region. He preached Islam about 15 years in the African territories including Abyssinia. So that today 55% Muslim in Ethiopia. 95% in Cameroon, 65% in Nigeria, 80% in Sudan, 25% in Kenya are believed to be Muslim citizens. R. Rudol Unf (western scholar who studied the Arabian and Ethiopian History), in his book, 2nd edition page 249: stated that “Historians agreed that, there was a king during the Era of the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) in Ethiopia by the Name Asmaha (Armaha II). There are archiological findings of coins minted by his name. The text on the coins reads as „king Armaha, the kind and peaceful one.‟ Asmaha (Armaha II) is another name of King Nejash. The administration of the king prevailed justice and peace in the territories.

The First March to Ethiopia

In the book written on the biography of the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH), Ibn Eshaq said the following: “The Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) realized that he could not protect his followers form the attacks, and said „go to the Habesha, there is a Christian king there. There is justice in his kingdom. Habesha is the land of truth. Therefore, go there until we achieve victory with the help of Allah‟ ”. 77

Amu Aymen, an Ethiopian woman, had influenced the psychology of the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH). She was the slave of Abdalah Bin Abdul Mutolib. She was there when Abdalah married the prophet‟s mother, Amina. In addition, Amu Aymen was behind Amina when she gave birth to the Prophet. While Amina went to visit her relatives in Medina, Amu Aymen feed her breast to the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH). Amina could not come back to Mecca, rather passed away while she was in the middle of her journey. Since then, Amu Aymen along with Arabian mother Halima, became the second mother of the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH). She nourished the Prophet while he was living with his grandfather Abdel Mutolib and his uncle Abu Tualib. The Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) witnessed this after he became matured by saying “she has been my second mother”. This historical attachment made the Prophet to love and to have a positive attitude towards Habeshians. Therefore, Islam was introduced to Ethiopia before the majority sections of the quraysh societies in Mecca accepted it. The Prophet sent his relatives and intimate friends to Ethiopia (Habesha) due to the above-mentioned strong attachments that created confidence to him on the king and his people. By the leadership of Osman Bin Afwan, third Kalif of Islam and son in law of Prophet Mohammed along the Prophet‟s daughter 120 people among them 26 are women, left Mecca to Abissynia. Habesha became the first Diaspora for Islam. It was not a simple incident; rather there was prior trade and economic ties between the Habeshans and the Arab world. The first march (Hijira) in 615 AD had a group of eleven men and four women. The list of the Sahhbas who migrated to Ethiopia in the first march includes the following. 1. Osman Bin Affan 2. Rukya Bint Resul (Mohammed)-The wife of Osman 3. Abu Huzeyfa Bin Outba 4. Shelet Bin seid-wife of Abu Huzeyfa 5. Zubeyr Bin Al-Awam 6. Musab Bin Oumr 7. Abdurahman Bin Awuf 8. Abu Selemah Bin Abdel Ased 9. Amu Selemah- wife of Abu Selmah 10. Ousman Bin Mezun 78

11. Amir Abin Rebiah-Leader of the group 12. Layla Bint Abi Asmah –Wife of Amir In the second hijirra to Al-Nejash there were 83 men and 11 women who started their life in Ethiopia.

How Nejash Treated the Immigrants? The Quraysh Messengers

Fearing the spread and preach of Islam in Ethiopia, the Kureish people send delegates to Ethiopia (Al-Nejash). Two persons were selected. 1. Abdalah Bin Abi Rebiah 2. Amr Ibnel As They also came up with lots of gift to Al-Nejash and the priests. During this time Abu Tualib was disturbed because his son Jafer was in Ethiopia. Therefore, Abu Tualib (the Prophet‟s grandfather) sent a message to Al-Nejash in a form of poem, which demanded the safe living of the Muslims in Ethiopia or return back them. Abdellah and Amr demanded Nejash not to accept those Muslims who betrayed their society and their traditional belief. And the priests supported them because of the gifts that they brought in. The king (Nejash) sent delegates to the Muslims who were living in Ethiopia and Jafer (the spoken person of the Muslims) answered the questions by going in presence to the king. “We were ignorant, we believed in the gods, we ate dead animals those which are not halal), we performed adultery, we commonly had conflict with our relatives, abuse women, we didn‟t like our neighbors. But Allah (SW) sent us the messenger and made us one under the umbrella of Islam and the Glorious Holy Quran” said Jafar. The king asked Jafer if he has any document, which is given from Almighty God to Mohammed (PBUH). He said, “YES” and read them “Suretul Meryem”, the chapter of description of Jesus Christ and his Holy virgin mother. King Nejash cried and the Priests also cried and Nejash said, “This has similar source with the message that was brought by Jesus Christ. My religion and your religion Islam are almost same. I am very glad to say that to my council of Ministers, the prophet Mohammed followers and relatives may stay in Abyssinia in peace as long as they want. God Bless them”. The Holywood film, “the 79

Message, the Story of Islam” in a CD. Then, Nejash refused the demands of Amr and Abdelah Bin Rabiah and expel them immediately from Abyssinia. According to sources the king said to them “If you have given a mountain of gold, I would not give up these people who have taken asylum with me”. Then, King Nejash cut of the relation with Abu Sufian who was the Kuraysh leader and king of Saudi Arabia. Considering the actions of that king at that point in time, we can say that, King Nejash is the one who introduced political asylum, care for refugee, human rights protection and care for the human nature irrespective of any prejudice or bias.

Their Relation after Islam achieved Victory

The relationship between Nejash and Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) created a very tight friendly and peaceful relationship between the Muslims and Christians in Ethiopia. According to several sources the Holy Quran also acknowledged the actions of Nejash. And the prophet Mohammed (PBUH) said that: “In the Holy Kuraan, we found the positive contributions of Christians. It is concerned with king Nejash and his colleagues”. In the first Hijira, I mentioned the issue of messengers who were sent from The Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) to King Nejash. In this section in will focus on the list of members of the Sahbas and Sahabyat. Their number amounts 94 Sahbas and 26 female Sehabyat. They are all listed as follows.

The list of Sahabas who came to Ethiopia:

1. Arbed Ibn Humeyr 2. Aswed Bin Newfel 3. Beshir Bin Al-Haris 4. Temin Bin Al-Haris 5. Jafer Bin Abu-Tualib He was the spokesperson of the delegates and he was very articulate in his speeches. He lost his hands during the war He was shot more than 70 times while he was dead 80

6. Jehim Bin Keys Bin Abd 7. Al –Haris Bin Al-Haris 8. Al-Haris Bin Halid Bin Sohir 9. Haris Bin Abd Bin keys 10. Hatib Bin Al-Hirs 11. Hatib Bin Amr Bin Abdshems 12. Hajaj Bin Hars Bin Keys 13. Hetuab Bin Al-Hars Bin Muimer 14. Halid Bin Hazam Bin Huweylid 15. Halid Bin Seid Ibnul As  He accepted Islam following Abubeker Sediq 16. Huneys Bin Huzafa Bin Keys 17. Zubeyr Bin Al-Awam 18. Saib Bin Al-Hars Bin Keys 19. Saib Bin Mezur Bin Habib 20. Seid Bin Hewla Bin Amir 21. Seid Bin Abdeyn Keys Bin Lukeyt 22. Seid Bin Al-Hars Bin Keys Bin Seid 23. Seid Bin Amir At-Temimiy 24. Sufiyan Bin Amir Bin Rezik 25. Sekran Bin Amr Bin Abdshems 26. Selemet Bin Hisham Bin Mugirah 27. Selit Bin Amr Bin Abdshems 28. Sehl Bin Wehib Bin Rebiah Bin Amr 29. Sehil Bin Wehb Ibn Rebiah Bin Amr 30. Suweybit Bin Seid Bin Hermelah Bin Malik 31. Shejai Bin Abi Wehib Bin Wehib Bin Rebia 32. Shemenas Bin Ousman Bin Sherid Bin Haremiyi 33. Tolib Bin Azhar Bin Abd 34. Tuablib Bin Oumeyr Bin Wehil Bin Abd 35. Amir Bin Rebiah Bin Kaib Bin Malik 36. Amir Bin Abdeluah Bin Al-Jerrah Bin Hilal 81

 He is one of those who were confirmed to be in the Heaven 37. Amir Bin Malik Bin Uhaib Bin Abdmenaf 38. Ubeydulah Bin Jehish Bin Rebab Bin Yeimer 39. Abdelah Bin Hirs Bin Keys Bin Adey 40. Abdelah Bin Huzafah Bin Keys Bin Adey 41. Abdelah Bin Sufian Bin Abdel Ased Bin Helal 42. Abdelah Bin Sahil Bin Amr 43. Abdelah Bin Abdel Ased Bin Hilal 44. Abdelah Bin Mehremah Bin Abdeluziza 45. Abdelah Bin Mesud Bin Gafil Bin Hubeyb 46. Abdelah Bin Meziun Bin Habib Bin Wehib 47. Abdelah Bin Mugera Bin Muaykeb 48. Abdurahman Bin Awf Bin Abdawf He has been remembered in his Islamic charity 49. Abd Bin Jehsh Bin Rebab Bin Yeimer 50. Utbet Bin Gezwan Bin Jebir Bin Wehif 51. Utbet Bin Mesud Bin Gafil Bin Habib 52. Usman Bin Rabiah Bin Ahban Bin Wehib 53. Usman Bin Abd Bin Genem Bin Zehir 54. Usman Bin Sherid Bin Suweyd 55. Usman Bin Affan Bin Abel As Bin Ummeyah 56. Usman Bin Mezun Bin Habib Bin Wehib 57. Adiy Bin Nedlah Bin Abdeluzza Bin Harsan Bin Awf 58. Urwet Bin Asaseh (Ibn Abi Asaseh) Bin Abdeluzza 59. Ammar Bin Yasir Bin Amir Bin Malik Bin Kinanar 60. Omer Bin Sufian Bin Abdelased Bin Hilal Bin Abdelah 61. Omer Bin Umeya Bin Hirs Bin Ased Bin Abdeluzza 62. Amr Bin Umeya Bin Huweylid Bin Abdelah 63. Amr Bin Al-Jehim 64. Omer Bin Abi Serh Bin Rabiah Bin Hilal Bin Malik 65. Amr Bin Seid Bin Al-As Bin Umeya Bin Abdshems 66. Amr Bin Al-As Bin Wail Bin Hashim Bin Seid 82

67. Amr Bin Usman Bin Keib Bin Seid Bin Teym 68. Omer Bin Rebab Bin Huzeyfah 69. Ayyash Bin Amr 70. Ayyad Bin Zehir Bin Abi Shedad Bin Rebiah Bin Hilal 71. Firas Bin Nedir Bin Hirs Bin Ilkima Bin Kuldah 72. Kudamah Bin Mezun Bin Habib Bin Wehib Bin Huzafah 73. Keys Bin Huzafah Bin Keys Bin Ady Bin Seid Bin Sehim 74. Keys Bin Abdelah 75. Malik Bin Zemah Bin Keys Bin Abdshemis Bin Abdowd 76. Malik Bin Wehib Bin Abdemenaf Bin Zahra Bin Kilab 77. Muhamya Bin Juzi Bin Abdyegus Bin Uweyj Bin Omer 78. Musab Bin Omer Bin Hashim Bin Abdmenaf Bin Abdedar 79. Mutolib Bin Azhar Bin Abdawf Bin Abdel Hirs Bin Zahra 80. Muateb Bin Awf Bin Amir Bin Al-Fedl Bin Afif 81. Meimer Bin Al-Hirs Bin Keys Bin Ady Bin Seid Bin Sehim 82. Meimer Bin Abdelah Bin Nedlah Bin Abdel Uzaz Bin Harsan 83. Muaykib Ibn Abi Fatimet 84. Mikdad Bin Amr Bin Seileba Bin Malik Bin Sherid Bin Rebiah 85. Nebih Bin Osman Bin Rebiah Bin Wehib Bin Huzafah 86. Hebar Bin Sufian Bin Abdel Ased Bin Hilal Bin Abdelah 87. Hisham Bin Abi Huzeyfa Bin Mehishem Bin MUgira 88. Hesham Bin Alas Bin Wail Bin Hisham 89. Yezid Bin Zemia Bin Al-Aswed Bin Mutolib Bin Ased 90. Abu Huzeyfa Bin Utba Bin Rebia Bin Abd Shems Bin Abdmenaf 91. Abu Rum Bin Umeyr Bin Hashim Bin Abdmenaf Bin Abddodar 92. Abu Sebret Bin Bbi Rehm Bin Abdel Uzza Bin Abi Keys Bin Abd 93. Abu Fekiha Mewla Beni Abdedar 94. Abu Keys Ibnel Hirs Bin Keys Bin Adiy Bin Seid Bin Sehim 95. The Women Sohabyat Who came to Ethiopia 1. 2. Asmai Bint Selema (Bint Mehrem Bin Jendel Bin Abir Bin Nehshel) 83

3. Asmai Bint Umeys Bin Meibed Ibnel Hirs Bin Keib Bin Teym Bin Malik 4. Umeyma Bint Helef Bin Asad Bin Amir Bin Beyaduah Bin Sebi 5. Bereket Bint Yesar 6. Hasna Amu Shurehbil 7. Hamnet Bint Jehsh Bin Rebab 8. Hewlet Bint Aswed Bin Huzeyman 9. Raituah Bint Alhirs Bin Habilah Bin Amir Bin Keib Bin Seid 10. Rukyah Bint Muhammed, Daughter of the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) 11. Remlah Bint Abu Sufian Bin Sohir Bin Harb Bin Umeya Bin Abdshems 12. Remlah Bint Abi Awf Bin Subeyret Bin Seid 13. Zeyneb Bint Jehsh Bin Reyyab 14. Sehlet Bint Sehil Bin Amr 15. Sewda Bint Zem‟a Bin Keys Bin Abdshems Bint Abdwd Bin Nesr 16. Omra Bint Sedy Bin Wekdan Bin Abdshems Bin Abdwd 17. Fatimet Bint Al-MujelilBin Abdelah Bin Keys Bin Abdwd 18. Fatimet BinT Sofwan Bin Umeya Bin Muhris Bin Sheq 19. Fekiha Bint Yesar 20. Qehtom Bint Alkemah Bin Abdelah Bin Abikeys 21. Leyla Bint Abi Hasma Bin Huzeyfa Bin Ganim Bin Amir 22. Hamiyet Bint Khalid (Khelef) 23. Hend Bint Abi Umeyah 24. Amu Habiba Bint Jehsh Bin Rebab Al-Asedya 25. Amu Kulsum Bint Sehil Ibn Amr 26. Amu Yekezot Bint Alkima Amu Selit Bin Selit 27. Amu Aymen Bereket Alhabeshiya


The Letter Exchanges between King Nejash and the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH)

The relation between King Nejash and the Prophet Mohammed has dated back to the early years of the expansion of Islam. Through time there was exchange of messages between the two. Their relation became stronger due to the influence of Amu Aymen and Bilal Al-Habesh on the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH). One of the letters of the Prophet of Islam reads as follows. “In the name of Allah the most merciful the most beneficent, from Mohammed the Prophet of Allah to Alnegashi the king of Al-Habesha (Abyssinia), greetings I thank Allah the Almighty the all dominating and I witness and testify that Issa (Jesus) is the Spirit of Allah and his word which He gave to Merriam (Mary) the virtuous, and created him from his spirit. And I am inviting you very honestly to accept Islam and become a good Muslim. And rule in peace and prosperity to the Habesh-Abyssinia with peace and believe in Allah the Almighty only without any partner to obey him and follow me and what was revealed to me for I become the messenger and Prophet of Allah. I have sent my cousin designated as a special envoy Jaffer and my beloved Muslims. When they come to you, receive them well and stay away from arrogance and call you and your solders to believe in Allah. And I have given my message and may Allah’s blessings fall on those who follow the snail path”. It is necessary to ask why the Prophet had chosen Abyssinia. There can be two main explanations. The first reason is the influence of Amu Aymen, a slave Habesha (Abyssinian) woman who shaped and nourished the Prophet during his childhood. According to several sources Amu Aymen is the most important figure to the Prophet of Islam. The second reason is what we can call the “Bilal effect”, who was another slave from the same origin and a slave bought by the Arabian king Umeyah and crown prince Abu Sufian and Princes Hindia, the cruel and unmerciful women at that time. They tried to destroy the kingdom of Islam, Prophet Mohammed and his beloved followers. The Great Bilal is the first person to make the prayer call (Azan) for Muslims. He upgraded himself from being an ordinary slave to become commander in chief for the Muslim world. He was very strong, obedient, brave, and innocent person. He made history and dedicated all of his life to the Prophet of Islam. His works are waking up calls for all the Habeshan people. According to His Eminency Dr. Alam direct descendant of the Prophet of Islam, in the visit of the grave of King Nejash on the 11th of January 2009, “the Great Bilal is now rest in Damasks, the capital of Syria”. Therefore, these two personalities played their own role to influence the Prophet‟s perception towards the Habesha (Abyssinian) land. The Prophet Mohammed directed his followers to left Mecca immediately towards to Abyssinia. The Prophet cousin, the Great Hamza supported this journey which was led by Jafer Bin Abutualib along with Hazrat Osman Bin Afuan and Prophet Daughter Rukya and other 121 most influential Muslims left from Mecca to Abyssinia, to King Nejash, who was the Great Christian King who has a knowledge, spirituality, capacity and qualified in all testimony of bible which originated by Almighty from Allah to Jesus Christ. There is a prescription and declaration about Prophet Mohammed‟s arrival with the glorious Koran. The holy Koran also 85

indicates the human being is a crown creation of God. The Jewish, Christian and Muslim are cousin brothers who are the descendents of Abraham. According to these main religions, Jesus Christ will emerge and co creates heaven on earth with Imam Mehedy (PBUH). King Nejash understood that and in a humble way received the followers of Islam. And with dignity and status and assured them to stay in Abyssinia with peace as long as they want, and he converted to be a Muslim. According to Islamic literatures King Nejash is remembered among the first non-Arab African Muslim next to Bilal and Amu Aymen. His Eminency advised his spiritual son Dr. Selahadin and Dr. Meskerem Melaku (Meryem) to send official proposal to the UN Secretary General from the World Human Rights Council to record King Nejash‟s contribution to world as the first political asylum offer. This was the first political asylum in world history. Unfortunately, the UN does not recognize this history. His Eminency argues that, Nowadays 55% of the Ethiopia people is Muslims. In accordance of His eminency Dr. Alam‟s statement the Muslims of Ethiopia are neglected politically, officially and mentally by the Christian rulers for the last 1400 years. There were several letter exchanges between King Nejash and Prophet Mohammed (PBUH). The letter that was sent to the Prophet from King Nejash stated the following. “In the name of Allah the most merciful and the most beneficent, to Allah’s Prophet Mohammed (SAW), from Alnegash (Abyssinia) Armaha the son of Abhar the king of Al- Habasha (Abyssinia). A greeting, the Messenger of Allah, there is no true God but Allah who guided me to accept Islam.I have received your letter and what you said about Issa. In the name of the God of the skies and the earth that Issa is exactly what you said he is in your letter. And we have received your cousin Jaffer, chief of the delegation and his companions, I witness that you are Allah’s Prophet and messenger. In the name of Allah, the Almighty I have sent you my son Arha son of Al Asmha the son of Abhar. If you wish I will come to you myself and I give my word that what I said is the truth”. What we can see from this letter is that King Nejash has an interest to go and visit the Arabia as a Muslim ruler of Abyssinia. The final seat of King Nejash is found in “Negash” town of northern Ethiopia, which is named after the name of the great king. This town is found in the Plateau of the Wukro area which is located 60 kilo meters north of Mekele town, the capital of the Tigray Regional State. His Eminency visited the area with so much hardship by crossing the road from Addis to Negash. He Prayed Selatel Zuhur and Asir in the 12 & 13 of January 2009. Several historic record and findings suggest that, King Nejash came to the south from his Palace which was situated between “Atsbi” (East of Negash) and Hawzien (west of Negash). Negash town is found in exactly equidistant from Atsbi and Hawzien. There are also arguments that King Nejash‟s seat was in Aksum, one of the Ancient civilized areas of the world, before he came to the Negash area. This shows the seat of King Nejash was located in the Northen part of Ethiopia. The marching to the south was to cross to the holy city of Mecca. In his last years King Nejash stopped his political leadership and started to serve the Almighty Allah. And he had a plan of fulfilling one of the pillars of Islam by visiting the Holly City of Mecca for pilgrimage. However, King Nejash found the area of Negash comfortable to live with a suitable weather condition. Local residents and religious leaders witness that King Nejash stayed in that area for 15 years. It is in this 86

location that King Nejash‟s soul rest in peace. Even if king Negash could not make the journey to the holy city of Mecca, one of his sons was able to reach and reside there. Another son was dead while he was trying cross the Red Sea. The settlement of King Nejash in the Negash area was accompanied by the sahbas who came from the Arabia. The grave of those Sahbas is found in there. Total of 15 descendents of the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) were dead in Negash town, 10 men and 5 women. 12 of them rest together with King Nejash‟s body. King Nejash was dead by 630 AD. Three of the Sahbas rest in the same compound but outside of the house in which King Nejash‟s grave is found. The local residents have only the record of the name of those three: 1. Hazrat Mussa Bin Harris 2. Sharif Abdalla 3. Alley Bin Nadla His Eminency Dr. Alam 43rd decedent of the Prophet, as the capacity of the President of the World Spiritual Assembly and chief of the mission of the WHRSC and UNECA Civil Society Representative tried to find out the history of King Nejash. In the month of Muhrem 11th January 2009, after 4 years of search, finally find out the King Nejash‟s mosque and grave accompanied by his spiritual son Dr. Selahadin and his secretary Dr. Meskerem Melaku (Meryem), Orthodox Christian, the gift of King Nejash.


-Ofcansky, Thomas P.; LaVerle Berry (1991). Ethiopia and the Early Islamic Period -Islam in Ethiopia. Mohammed Toib Ibn Yusuus Al-Yusuf Translated to Amharic by -Edris Mohammed. Nejash Publishing, Addis Ababa -The list is derived from the Arabic book by Mohammed Toib Ibn Yusuus Al-Yusuf, and Edris Mohammed‟s “Ethiopia and Islam” Books. -Authentic History of the World, By His Eminency Dr. Hazrat Shah Sufi Mohammed Nurul alam, President of the World spiritual Assembly; Chief of Mission to the UNECA, and UN Hear Quarter New York, USA. -Tigray: The Open Air Museum. Tigray Tourism Commission, Mekele, Ethiopia. -Negash, “The Second Mecca” Brochure by the Tigray Tourism Commission. -Interview with His Eminency Dr. Hazrat Shah Sufi Mohammed Nurul Alam in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, January 2009. -Interview with the Administrator of King Nejash, Shek Ahmed Adem Dani and Shek Mohammed Zeynu Ismail, on January 2009.

Annex 1


The Gate of King Nejash Mosque The King Nejash‟s Mosque, found North of Mekele town ( 10 kms) North of Wukro town, in the Negash town. The wholly grave of King Nejash and the Sashbas found inside the compound of the King Nejash‟s Mosque. The Duah in the King Nejash Holy grave Acknowledged by His Eminency Dr. Alam. Prayer led by His Eminency Dr. Alam in the wholly grave of King Nejash and the Sahibas. Prayer inside the King Nejash‟s Mosque. His Eminency Dr. Alam in his visit to the King Nejash Mosque His Eminency Dr. Alam discussing with the Imam of King Negash‟s Mosque Shek Mohammed Zeinu Ismael. And teaching him from Hadith the way of the Imams life. Picture of the visitors of King Negash Accompanied by His Eminency Dr. Alam Manager of the King Negash shek Ahmed Adem Dani Receiving His Eminency Dr. Alam in the Manager‟s house wth the Imam of the Mosque. The powerful Orthodox Christian King Nejash Listening to the sahbas The Influencial Bilal Al Habesh Bilal Making The prayer call, Azan Bilal Making The prayer call, Azan

Bilal Making The prayer call, Azan 88










اٌضسوAl Zereklee\ٍٟ

:”األػالَ\said in his “Al A‟laam اٌضسوAl Zereklee\ٍٟ اٌضسوٍٟ: ثالي ثٓ سثبػ اؾٌجِٛ ِٓ ٟؾٌذٞ اٌغشاح...ٚوبْ ؽذ٠ذ اٌغّشح، ١ؾٔفب هٛاال، خف١ف اؼٌبسم١ٓ، ٌٗ ؼؽش وض١ف... These words mean: عجبي اٌغشاح\was born in Al Suraat ثالي ثٓ سثبػ اؾٌجBelaal ben Rabaah Al Habashee\ٟؾ“ and he was of very… (ا١ٌّٓ\to Al Yaman اؾٌغبص\chain of mountains from Al Hejaaz) strong brown color, thin, had little hair on his sideburns and had a lot of hair on his head.” End quote.

١ٍؽخ األ١ٌٚبء\Helyatu Al Awleyaa

:١ٍؽ reports on volume one page 149خ األ١ٌٚبء\Helyatu Al Awleyaa

١ٍؽخ األ١ٌٚبء 1\149: "لبي سعٛي هللا فٍٝ هللا ١ٍػٗ ٚعٍُ:

"٠ب ثالي ِذ فم١شا ٚ ال رّذ غ١ٕب."

لٍذ: "فى١ف ٌٟ ثزٌه ٠ب سعٛي هللا؟" لبي:

"ِب سصلذ فال رخجؤ، ِٚب عئٍذ فال رّٕغ."

فمٍذ: "٠ب سعٛي هللا و١ف ٌٟ ثزٌه؟" لبي:

"ٛ٘ رٌه أٚ إٌبس."

ثالي\١ٍؽ”, volume one page 149 said that Belaalخ األ١ٌٚبء\The Book “Helyatu Al Awleyaa said: “The Messenger of Allaah Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe Wa Sallam said: ”.die while you are poor, and do not die as a rich man ثالي\O Belaal“ 97

I said: “How can I do that O Messenger of Allaah – Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe Wa Sallam -?” He said: grants you do not save it, and whenever you are asked for هللا\Whatever Allaah“ something give it.” I said: ”?how can I achieve that هللاO Messenger of Allaah“ He said: “It is either that way or the Fire.” End quote.

اإلعزؼ١بة\Al Estee‟aabu

اإلعزؼ١بة: 181 "فٍمٟ إٌجٟ فٍٝ هللا ١ٍػٗ ٍٝػٚ آٌٗ ٚعٍُ أثٛ ثىش سمٟ هللا ػٕٗ فمبي:

"ٌٛ وبْ ػٕذٔب ِبي اؽزش٠ٕب ثالال."

فٍمٟ أثٛثىش اؼٌجبط ثٓ ػجذ اٌّطٍت، فمبي ٌٗ: اؽزشٌٟ ٞ ثالال." فبٔطٍك اؼٌجبط فمبي ٌغ١ذرٗ:

"ً٘ ٌه أْ رجػ ٟٕؼ١جذن ٘زا لجً أْ ٠فٛره خ١شٖ ٚرؾشػ ِٟٕٗ ؟"

لبٌذ: "ِٚب رقٕغ ثٗ! أٗ خج١ش، ٚأٗ .." لبي: "صُ ٌمٙ١ب فمبي ِضً ِمبٌزٗ، فبؽزشاٖ اؼٌجبط، فجؼش ثٗ اٌٝ أثٟ ثىش، فؤػزمٗ."

The Hadeeth means:

:page 181 ”اإلعزؼ١بة\reported in his “Al Estee‟aabu أثػّٛش\Aboo „Umar The Prophet Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe Wa Sallam met with Aboo Bakr :and said to him أثٛثىش\ ”.and free him ثالي\If we had money we would buy Belaal“ اؼٌجبط ثٓ ػجذ met with Al „Abbaas ben „Abdu Al Muttaleb أثٛثىش\Then Aboo Bakr :and said to him اٌّطٍت\ 98

”.ثالي\Buy for me Belaal“ :went to his lady master and said to her اؼٌجبط\Al „Abbaas “Would you sell this slave of yours to me before you lose his benefits and dies of you?” She replied: “What do you intend to do with him? He is evil minded, and he is…” اؼٌجبط\Then he met with her again and said to her the same thing, and Al „Abbaas ”.who freed him , أثٛثىش\bought him from her and sent him to Aboo Bakr

اٌغٛ١هAl Sayootee\ٟ

سفغ ؽؤْ reports on page #242 of his “Raf‟u Sha-ne Al Hubshaane اٌغٛ١هAl Sayooteeٟ :د\ؾِّذ ػجذ اٌٛ٘بة فنً\edited by Dr. Muhammad „Abdu Al Wahhaab Fadl ”اؾٌجؾبْ\

became a Muslim ثالي\How Belaal

لبي اٌٛم١ٓ ثٓ ػطبء أْ سعٛي هللا فٍٝ هللا ١ٍػٗ ٍٝػ آٌٗ ٚعٍُ ٚأثب ثىش اػزضال فٟ غبس فج١ّٕب ّ٘ب وزٌه ار ِش ثّٙب ثالي ٛ٘ٚ فٟ غُٕ ػجذ هللا ثٓ عذػبْ. ٚثالي ِٓ ٌِٛذٞ ِىخ. لبي: ٚوبْ ؼٌجذ هللا ثٓ عذػبْ ثّىخ ِبئخ ٍِّٛن ٌِٛذ، فٍّب ثؼش هللا ٔج١ٗ فٍٝ هللا ١ٍػٗ ٍٝػٚ آٌٗ ٚعٍُ أِش ثُٙ فؤخشعٛا ِٓ ِىخ اال ثالال ٠ش١ٍػ ٝػٗ غّٕٗ رٍه. فؤهٍغ سعٛي هللا فٍٝ هللا ١ٍػٗ ٚعٍُ سأعٗ ِٓ رٌه اٌغبس، فمبي:

"٠ب ساٟػ ً٘ ِٓ ٌجٓ؟"

فمبي ثالي: "ِب ٌٟ اال ؽبح ِٕٙب لٛرٟ، فبْ ؽئزّب آصشرىّب ثٍجٕٙب اٛ١ٌَ.: فمب سعٛي هللا فٍٝ هللا ١ٍػٗ ٚعٍُ:

"أئذ ثٙب."

فغبء ثٙب. فذػب سعٛي هللا فٍٝ هللا ١ٍػٗ ٍٝػٚ آٌٗ ٚعٍُ ثمؼجخ فبػزمٍٙب. فؾٍت فٟ اٌمؼت ؽزٝ ِألٖ فؾشة ؽزٝ سٜٚ. صُ ؽٍت ؽزٝ ِألٖ فغمبٖ أثب ثىش، صُ اؽزٍت ؽزٝ ِألٖ فغمٝ ثالال ؽزٝ سٜٚ. صُ أسعٍٙب ٟ٘ٚ أؽفً ِب وبٔذ. صُ لبي:

"٠ب غالَ ً٘ ٌه فٟ اإلعالَ؟"


فؤرٝ سعٛي هللا فٍٝ هللا ١ٍػٗ ٚعٍُ فؤعٍُ ٚلبي:

"أوزُ اعالِه."

ففٚ ًؼأقشف ثغّٕٗ ٚثبد ثٙب ٚلذ أمؼف ٌجٕٙب. فمبي ٌٗ أٍ٘ٗ: "ٌمذ س١ػذ ِشٝػ ه١جب ف١ٍؼه ثٗ." فؼبد ا١ٌٗ صالصخ أ٠بَ ٠ٚزؼٍُ اإلعالَ ؽزٝ ارا وبْ فٟ اٛ١ٌَ اٌشاثغ ِش أثٛ عًٙ ثؤً٘ ػجذ هللا ثٓ عذػبْ، فمبي: "أٟ أسٜ غّٕىُ لذ ّٔذ ٚوضش ٌجٕٙب." فمبٌٛا: "لذ وضش ٌجٕٙب ِٕز صالصخ أ٠بَ ِٚب ؼٔشف رٌه ِٕٙب." فمبي: "ػجذوُ ٚسة اٌىؼجخ ؼ٠شف ِىبْ اثٓ أثٟ وجؾخ فبٛؼِٕٖ أْ ٠شٝػ رٌه اٌّشٝػ." فٛؼّٕٖ ِٓ رٌه اٌّشٝػ.

ٚدخً سعٛي هللا فٍٝ هللا ١ٍػٗ ٚعٍُ ِىخ فبخزفٟ فٟ داس ػٕذ اٌّشٚح، ٚألبَ ثالي ٍٝػ اعالِٗ. فذخً ٛ٠ِب اٌىؼجخ ٚلشؼ٠ فٟ ظٙش٘ب الرؼٍُ. فبٌزفذ فٍُ ٠ش أؽذا فؤرٝ األفٕبَ فغؼً ٠جقك ٙ١ٍػب ٠ٚمٛي: "خبة ٚخغش ِٓ ػجذوٓ." فطٍجزٗ لشٚ ؼ٠٘شة ؽزٝ دخً داس ع١ذٖ فبخزفٝ فٙ١ب، ٚٔبدٚا ػجذ هللا ثٓ عذػبْ، فخشط ٚلبٌٛا: "أفجٛد؟" لبي: "ِٚضٍٟ ٠مبي ٌٗ ٘زا؟ فؾٔ ٍٟؼش ِبئخ ٔبلخ ٌالد ٚاؼٌضٜ." لبٌٛا: "فبْ أعٛدن فٕغ وزا ٚوزا." فذػب ثٗ فمبي ألثٟ عٚ ًٙأ١ِخ ثٓ خٍف:

"ؽؤٔىّب فٛٙ ٌىّب، فبفؼٕب ثٗ ِب أؽججزّٙب."

أ١ِخ\and Umayyah ثالي\Belaal ,أثٛثىشAboo Bakr

فخشعب ثٗ اٌٝ اٌجطؾبء ٚعؼال ٠جغطبٔٗ ٍٝػ سِنبئٙب، ٠ٚغؼالْ سٍٝػ ٝؽ وزفٗ ٠ٚمٛالْ: "اوفش ةؾِّذ." ف١مٛي:

"ال" ؽٛ٠ٚذ هللا. فجٕٙ١ّب ّ٘ب وزٌه ار ِش ثّٙب أثٛ ثىش فمبي: "ِب رش٠ذاْ ثٙزا األعٛد ٚ هللا ِب رجٍغبْ ثٗ صؤسا."


فمبي أ١ِخ ثٓ خٍف ألفؾبثٗ: "أال اؼٌجٕىُ ثؤثٟ ثىش ؼٌجخ ِب ؼٌجٙب أؽذ ثؤؽذ!"

صُ رنبؽه ٚلبي: "ٍٝػ ٛ٘ د٠ٕه ٠ب أثب ثىش فبؽزشٖ ِٕب." فمبي: "ؼُٔ." فمبي: "اػطػ ٟٕجذن فغطبهب – ػجذا ألثٟ ثىش ؽذاد ٠ئدٞ خشاعٗ ٔقف د٠ٕبس."

فمبي أثٛثىش: "اْ فؼٍذ ٔفؼً." لبي: "ؼُٔ." لبي: "لذ فؼٍذ"، فزنبؽه ٚلبي: "ال ٚ هللا ؽزٝ رؼطؼِ( ٟٕ١ٗ( اِشأرٗ." لبي: "اْ فؼٍذ ٔفؼً." لبي: "ؼُٔ". لبي: "فزٌه ٌه." لبي: فزنبؽه، ٚلبي: "ال ٚ هللا ؽزٝ رؼطٟٕ١ اث١ٕٗ ِغ اِشأرٗ." لبي: "اْ فؼٍذ ٔفؼً." لبي: "ؼُٔ لذ فؼٍذ"، فزنبؽه ٚلبي: "ال ٚ هللا ؽزٝ رض٠ذؼِ ٟٔٗ ِبئخ د٠ٕبس." فمبي أثٛ ثىش: "أٔذ سعً ال رغزٟؾ ِٓ اٌىزة." لبي: "ال ٚاٌالد ٚاؼٌضٜ ٌئٓ أػط١زٟٕ ألفؼٍٓ." فمبي: "ٟ٘ ٌه" فؤخزٖ."


reported that the Messenger of Allaah Sallaa اٌٛم١ٓ ثٓ ػطبءAl Al Wadeen ben „Adaa secluded أثٛ ثىشAllaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe Wa Sallam and Aboo Bakr passed by tending to the sheep ثالي\themselves in a cave, and while in that location Belaal is one of the foreigners ثالي\ػ , and Belaalجذ هللا ثٓ عذػبof „Abdu Allaahe ben Jud‟aanْ .ِىخ\born in Makkah

He said: one hundred slaves born ِىخ\ػ had in Makkahجذ هللا ثٓ عذػبAbdu Allaahe ben Jud‟aanْ‟“ sent His Prophet Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe Wa هللا\there. When Allaah who ثاليexcept Belaal ِىخ\Sallam as a Messenger, he sent all of them outside of Makkah was tending to this herd of sheep of his.

Then the Messenger of Allaah Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe Wa Sallam showed his head outside of that cave and said: “O shepherd! Do you have some milk for us?” :replied ثالي\Belaal “Only one sheep was assigned to me that I can milk for my daily food. If you want I will give the two of you her milk and I will stay hungry today.” The Messenger of Allaah Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe Wa Sallam said: “Bring it here.” brought the sheep and the Messenger of Allaah Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa ثالي\Belaal „Alaa Aalehe Wa Sallam asked for a container, then he place the hind legs of the sheep between his knees and milked her in the container; he filled the container with her milk and drank to his fill. Then he milked her again, filled the container and gave it to Aboo who drank to his fill. Then he milked it and filled the container and gave it to أثٛثىش\Bakr who drank to his fill. Then Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe Wa ثالي\Belaal Sallam let the sheep go and she was full with milk than before. Then he said to Belaal :ثالي\ “O young man! Do you want to become a Muslim?” came to the Messenger of Allaah Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe ثالي\Belaal Wa Sallam and embraced Islaam.”

left with his sheep. This flock increased manifold, and started giving ثالي\Then, Belaal more milk than ever before. The owner of the flock said to him: “You have grazed the sheep in a good pasture, so keep to it.”

He came three more days to the same spot and learning Islam from the Messenger of Allaah Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe Wa Sallam. 102

ػجذ هللا came to the home of „Abu Allaahe ben Jud‟aan أثٛعOn the fourth day, Aboo Jahl\ًٙ :and said ثٓ عذػبْ\ “I see that you sheep have increased in number and are giving more milk.” They said: “Its milk increased since three days and we are not used to get that much milk from it.” :said أثٛعAboo Jahl\ًٙ is اثٓ أثٟ وجؾخ\By the Lord of the Ka‟bah, your slave knows where ibnu Abee Kabshah“ used لشlocated, therefore forbid him to go to that pasture (The polytheist of Quraysh\ؼ٠ to call the Prophet Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe Wa Sallam “Ibnu Abee used to worship the stars and خضاػخ\The Arab tribe of Khuzza‟ah ”. اثٓ أثٟ وجؾخ\Kabshah أثٛوجؾخ\the stars cross the sky in its width. One of their leader called Aboo Kabshah differed from them and worshipped the star Sirius which crosses the sky in its length. gave this nickname to the Prophet Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa لشQuraysh\ؼ٠ Aalehe Wa Sallam because he brought a religion that is different from their common This Aboo .”أثٛوجؾخ\religion and the nickname means “The son of Aboo Kabshah ٚ٘ت ثٓ ػجذ ِٕبف is the following: Wahb ben „Abdu Manaaf ben Zuhrah أثٛوجؾخKabshah is the grandfather of Prophet Muhammad Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa ثٓ ص٘شح\ اٌغ١ذح Aalehe Wa Sallam, father of his mother Al Sayyedah Aamenah bentu Wahb .إِٓخ ثٕذ ٚ٘ت\ ل١ٍخ اثٕذ أثٚ and his siblings is Qaylatu ibnatu Abee Qaylah ٟ٘ت The mother of Wahb .ل١ٍخ\ name is Wajz ben Ghaaleb ben „Aamer ben Al أثٟ ل١ٍخ\ Her father Aboo Qaylah‟s .غجؾبْ\ٚ of the tribe of Ghubshaanعض ثٓ غبٌت ثٓ ػبِش ثٓ اؾٌبسس\ Haareth and he was the first to worship أثٛ وجؾخ\ ٚ is the man called Aboo Kabshahعض\ Wajz This .عٛسح إٌغnamed in the Aayah # 49 of Sooratu Al Najmeُ اؼؾٌشthe star Sirius \ٜ عّٙشح ٔغت لشٚ ؼ٠أخجبس٘ب\is reported by “Kitaabu Jamharatu Nasabu Qurayshen wa Akhbaarehaa .(اٌضث١ش اثٓ اٌجىبس\by Al Zzubayru ibnu Al Bakkaar

The Messenger of Allaah Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe Wa Sallam came mountain which is عجً اٌّشٚح\and entered a house near the Marwah ِىخ\back to Makkah .- ”داس األسلُ\Daaru Al Arqam“

while men of اٌىؼجخ\kept to his Islam, and one day he entered the Ka‟bah ثالي\Belaal He looked around and saw .اٌىؼجخwere sitting at the back of the Ka‟bah لشQuraysh\ؼ٠ nobody. Then he came to the idols and spat on them saying: “He who worships you is a loser and a failure.”


went after him and he fled and went into the home of his master and hid لشQuraysh\ؼ٠ therein. ػ and he came out of his house andجذ هللا ثٓ عذػبْ\They called „Abdu Allaahe ben Jud‟aan they said to him: “Did you become a Muslim?” He replied: “Does anyone speak like this to a man like me? I will sacrifice one hundred camels for Al ”.اؼٌضand Al „Uzzaa\ٜ اٌالد\Laata

They said: “You black slave did this and this.” :أ١ِخ ثٓ خٍف\and to Umayyah ben Khalaf أثٛعand said to Aboo Jahl\ًٙ ثالي\He called Belaal “He belongs to you now and do with him whatever you love to do with him.”

They took him to the valley and made him lay flat on its hot pebbles. They placed big stone on his shoulders and say to him: ”.ؾِّذ\Reject Muhammad“ He would say: “No”, and keep saying that there is only One Allaah.

:came by and said أثٛثىش\While they were in that situation, Aboo Bakr you will not be able to change his هللا\Why are you torturing this black man? By Allaah“ belief.” :said to his companions أ١ِخ ثٓ خٍفUmayyah ben Khalaf ”.a game no one has ever played with another أثٛثىشI will play with Aboo Bakr“ Then he made himself laugh and said: “He is on your religion and you should buy him from us.” He said: “Yes.” :said أ١ِخ\Umayyah in his place – a slave that was a black فغطبه\Take him and give me your slave Fustaat“ ”.أثٛثىشprofit for Aboo Bakr د٠ٕبس\smith that produced half a deenaar :said أثٛثىشAboo Bakr “If you do it we will do it.” :said أ١ِخ\Umayyah “Yes, I will do it.” :said أثٛثىشAboo Bakr “It is a deal.” 104

:said أ١ِخ\Umayyah “It is a deal” and he made himself laugh and added: .”his wife - فغطبه\unless you give me together with him - Fustaat هللا\No by Allaah“ :said أثٛثىشAboo Bakr “I accept and it is a deal.” :said أ١ِخ\Umayyah “Yes it is a deal.” :said أثٛثىشAboo Bakr ”.ثالي\and his wife in exchange for Belaal فغطبه\You will get Fustaat“ :made himself laugh and said أ١ِخ\Umayyah ”.unless you give me together with his wife his two sons too ,هللا\No by Allaah“ :said أثٛثىشAboo Bakr “We will do that if you accept.” :made himself laugh and said أ١ِخ\Umayyah ”.together with him د٠ٕبس\unless you add one hundred deenar ,هللا\No by Allaah“ :said أثٛثىشThen Aboo Bakr “You are a man that is not ashamed of telling lies.” :said أ١ِخ\Umayyah if you give me all that I have mentioned I will ,اؼٌضand Al „Uzaa\ٜ اٌالد\No by Al Laata“ ”.to you ثالي\give Belaal :said أثٛثىشAboo Bakr “I will give all that to you.” .with him ثالي\Then he took Belaal

ثالي\and Balaal أثٛثىشAboo Bakr ,اؼٌجبط\Al „Abbaas

ػ ٓػطبء اٌخشعبٟٔ لبي: وٕذ ػٕذ اثٓ اٌّغ١ت فزوش ثالال فمبي: "وبْ ؾ١ؾؽب ٍٝػ د٠ٕٗ. ٚوبْ ؼ٠زة فٟ هللا. ٚوبْ ؼ٠زة ٍٝػ د٠ٕٗ. فٍمٟ إٌجٟ فٍٝ هللا ١ٍػٗ ٍٝػٚ آٌٗ ٚعٍُ أثب ثىش فمبي:

"ٌٛ وبْ ػٕذٔب ٟؽء اثزؼٕب ثالال."

فٍمٟ أثٛ ثىش ػجبعب فمبي: "اؽزش ٌٟ ثالال." فبٔطٍك اؼٌجبط فمبي ٌغ١ذٖ: "ً٘ ٌه أْ رجػ ٟٕؼ١جذن ٘زا لجً أْ ٠فٛره خ١شٖ ٚرخشط ِٕٗ؟" 105

لبي: "ِٚب رقٕغ؟ أٗ خج١ش." فبؽزشاٖ اؼٌجبط، فجؼش ثٗ اٌٝ أثٟ ثىش. فبػزمٗ. The Hadeeth means: :ػ saidطبء ثٓ خشعبAtaa ben Khurasaanee\ٟٔ‟“ :and said ثالي\and he mentioned Belaal اثٓ اٌّغ١ت\I was by Ibnu Al Musayyeb" He .هللا\He was miser on his religion and he used to be tortured for his belief in Allaah“ was persecuted for his religion. The Prophet Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe :and said أثٛثىشWa Sallam met with Aboo Bakr ”.ثالي\If we had money we would buy Belaal“

:and said to him اؼٌجبط\met with Al „Abbaas أثٛثىشThen Aboo Bakr ”.ثالي\Buy for Belaal“ :and said to him ثالي\went to the master of Belaal اؼٌجبط\Al „Abbaas “Would you sell me this slave of yours before he dies for your torture on him?” He said: “What do you him for? He is wicked!” who freed him.” End ,أثٛثىشbought him and sent him to Aboo Bakr اؼٌجبط\Al „Abbaas quote.

is one of the Foremost ثالي\Belaal

ػ ٓػّشٚ ثٓ ػجغخ "أر١ذ إٌجٟ فٍٝ هللا ١ٍػٗ ٍٝػٚ آٌٗ ٚعٍُ فمٍذ: "ِٓ ربثؼه ٍٝػ أِشن ٘زا؟" فمبي:

"ؽش ػٚجذ،"

ٟٕؼ٠ أثب ثىش ٚثالال. The Hadeeth, on page 256, means:

:ػ saidّشٚثٓ ػجغخ\Amr ben „Absah‟“ “I came to the Prophet Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe Wa Sallam and said: “Who is following you in this new religion of yours?” He said: .End quote”.(ثالي\and one slave (Belaal (أثٛثىشOne free man (Aboo Bakr“ 106

These two embraced Islam after the members of the family of the Prophet Sallaa Allaahu أَ Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe Wa Sallam: our mother Khadeejah bentu Khuwayled„ اإلِبَ ٍٟػ ثٓ أثAl Imaam „Alee ben Abee Taaleb ٟ ,اٌّئ١ِٕٓ خذ٠غخ ثٕذ خ٠ٍٛذ األعذ٠خ\ .Alayhemussalaamu„ ص٠ذ ثٓ ؽبسصخ\and Zayd ben Haarethah هبٌت\ is one of the seven who displayed their Islaam first ثالي\Belaal

ػ ٓػجذ هللا ثٓ ِغٛؼد لبي: "وبْ أٚي ِٓ أظٙش اعالِٗ عجؼخ: سعٛي هللا فٍٝ هللا ١ٍػٗ ٍٝػٚ آٌٗ ٚعٍُ، ٚأثٛ ثىش، ػّٚبس ثٓ ٠بعش، ٚأِٗ ع١ّخ، ٚف١ٙت، ٚثالي، ٚاٌّمذاد." The Hadeeth means:

:ػ saidجذ هللا ثٓ ِغٛؼد\Abdu Allaahe ben Mas‟ood‟“ “The first ones to make their Islaam public were seven: (One) The Messenger of Allaah Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe Wa Sallam. .be pleased with him هللاmay Allaah ,أثٛثىشTwo) Aboo Bakr) .be pleased with him هللاػ may Allaahّبس ثٓ ٠بعش\Three) „Ammaar ben Yaaser) be هللاػ may Allaahّبس ثٓ ٠بعش\the mother of „Ammaar ben Yaaser ع١ّخ\Four) Sumayyah) pleased with both of them. .be pleased with him هللاmay Allaah ف١ٙت اٌشFive) Suhayb (Al Roomee)\ِٟٚ) .be pleased with him هللاmay Allaah ثالي\Six) Belaal) .be pleased with him.” End quote هللاmay Allaah اٌّمذاد\Seven) Al Meqdaadu)

is one of the fourteen comrades of Prophet Muhammad Sallaa Allaahu ثالي\Belaal „Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe Wa Sallam

ػ ٓػجذ هللا ثٓ ١ًٍِ لبي: عؼّذ ١ٍػب ٠مٛي: لبي سعٛي هللا فٍٝ هللا ١ٍػٗ ٚعٍُ:

"ٌُ ٠ىٓ ٔجٟ لجٍٟ اال لذ أػطٟ عجؼخ سفمبء ٔغجبء ٚصساء، ٚأٟ أػط١ذ أسثؼخ ؾػش: ؽّضح، ٚعؼفش، ؽٚ ،ٍٟػٚغٓ، ؽٚغ١ٓ، ٚأثٛثىش، ػّٚش، ٚاٌّمذاد، ؽٚز٠فخ، ٚعٍّبْ، ػّٚبس، ٚثالي."

عمو ِٕٗ اثٓ ِغٛؼد ٚأثٛ رس ّٚ٘ب رّبَ األسثؼخ ؾػش. The Hadeeth means:

:ػ saidجذ هللا ثٓ Abdu Allaahe ben Mulaylً١ٍِ‟“ 107

:I heard „Aleeٍٟػ say“ “The Messenger of Allaah Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe Wa Sallam said: “There was no Prophet before me but he was given seven comrades nobles who carry the burden of his Mission together with him, and I was given fourteen of them: .ؽ „AlayhessalaamuّضحOne) Hamzah) .Alayhessalaamu„ عؼفشTwo) Ja‟far) .Three) „Aleeٍٟػ „Alayhessalaamu) .ؽ „AlayhessalaamuغFour) Hasanٓ) .ؽ „AlayhessalaamuغFive) Husaynٓ١) .be pleased with him هللا\Allaah أثٛثىشSix) Aboo Bakr may) .be pleased with him هللاػ may Allaahّش\Seven) „Umar) .be pleased with him هللاmay Allaah اٌّّمذادEight) Al Meqdaadu) .be pleased with him هللاؽ may Allaahز٠فخ\Nine) Huthayfah) .be pleased with him هللاmay Allaah عٍّبْ\Ten) Salmaan) .be pleased with him هللاػ may Allaahّبس\Eleven) „Ammaar) .be pleased with him هللاmay Allaah ثالي\Twelve) Belaal) .be pleased with him هللاmay Allaah اثٓ ِغٛؼد\Thirteen) Ibnu Mas‟ood) .be pleased with him.” End quote هللاmay Allaah أثٛرس\Fourteen) Aboo Tharr)

walking before the Prophet Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe Wa ثالي\Belaal Sallam in the Paradise

ػٓ أثٟ ٘ش٠شح لبي:: لبي سعٛي هللا فٍٝ هللا ١ٍػٗ ٚعٍُ ٌجالي:

"أخجشٟٔ ثؤسعػ ًّػ ٍّٝزٗ ِٕفؼخ فٟ اإلعالَ، فبٟٔ عؼّذ ا١ٌٍٍخ خؾف ١ٍؼٔه ث١ٓ ٠ذٞ فٟ اٌغٕخ."

لبي ثالي: "ِب ػٍّذ ٠ب سعٛي هللا فٟ اإلعالَ ػّال أسعػ ٕٝذٞ ِٕفؼخ ِٓ أٟٔ ٌُ أرطٙش هٛٙسا ربِب لو فٟ عبػخ ِٓ ١ًٌ أٚ ٙٔبس اال ف١ٍذ ثزٌه اٌطٙش ٌشثٟ ِب وزت ٌٟ أْ أفٍٟ."

The Hadeeth means:


:said أثٛ ٘ش٠شحAboo Hurayrah“ “The Messenger of Allaah Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe Wa Sallam said to :ثالي\Belaal “Tell me of the best hopeful in terms of benefits of your deeds that you did in Islaam, for last night I heard the noise of your shoes while you were walking before me in the Paradise!”

:said ثالي\Belaal “I did not perform a deed in Islaam where I hoped most to get rewarded for than this one: After I wash myself for prayer in a perfect manner, be it during the night or during the so many prayers for my Lord as He has اٌٛمٛء\day, but I perform with this wudoo prescribed for me to pray.”

ػٓ ثش٠ذح لبي: دػب سعٛي هللا فٍٝ هللا ١ٍػٗ ٚعٍُ ثالال فمبي:

"٠ب ثالي ثُ عجمزٟٕ اٌٝ اٌغٕخ؟ أب دخٍذ اٌغٕخ اٌجبسؽخ فغؼّذ خؾخؾزه أِبِٟ."

فمبي ثالي: "٠ب سعٛي هللا ِب أرٔذ لو اال ف١ٍذ سوؼز١ٓ، ِٚب أفبثؽ ٟٕذس لو اال رٛمؤد ػٕذ٘ب." فمبي سعٛي هللا فٍٝ هللا ١ٍػٗ ٚعٍُ:

"٘زا!" The Hadeeth means:

:said ثش٠ذحBuraydah“ :and said ثالي\The Messenger of Allaah called Belaal“ What did you do to be (walking) in the Paradise before me? Last night I ! ثالي\O Belaal“ entered the Paradise and I heard the noise of your walking before me!” :said ثالي\Belaal “O Messenger of Allaah - Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe Wa Sallam – After every time I call the congregation for prayer I perform two Rak‟ahs and after every time I \”.wash for prayer/اٌٛمٛء\go to the rest room I perform there wudoo The Messenger of Allaah Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe Wa Sallam said: “It is this.”End quote.


in Islam ”اٌغبثمis one of the four “Foremost\ْٛ ثالي\Belaal

ػٓ أثٟ أِبِخ لبي: لبي سعٛي هللا فٍٝ هللا ١ٍػٗ ٍٝػٚ آٌٗ ٚعٍُ:

"اٌغجك أسثؼخ: أٔب عبثك اؼٌشة، ٚثالي عبثك اؾٌجؾخ، ٚف١ٙت عبثك اٌشٚ ،َٚعٍّبْ عبثك اٌفشط."

The Hadeeth means:

:said أثٛ أِبِخAboo Umaamah“ “The Messenger of Allaah Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe Wa Sallam said: “The Foremost are four: (One) I am the Foremost who embraced Islam among the Arabs. .اؾٌجؾخ\is the Foremost of Al Habashah ثاليTwo) Belaal) .is the Foremost of the Romans ف١ٙت\Three) Suhayb) .is the Foremost of the Persians.” End quote عٍّبْ\Four) Salmaan)

ثالي\ػ defends Belaalّش\Umar„

ػٓ أٔظ ثٓ ِبٌه لبي: لبي سعٛي هللا فٍٝ هللا ١ٍػٗ ٚعٍُ:

"اؽزبلذ اٌغٕخ اٌٝ صالصخ: اػٚ ٍٟػ ٌّٝبس ٚثالي." The Hadeeth means:

:said أٔظ ثٓ ِبٌهAnas ben Maalek“ “The Messenger of Allaah Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe Wa Sallam said: “Paradise is longing for three: . One) To „Aleeٍٟػ) .ػّبس\Two) To „Ammaar) .End quote ”.ثالي\Three) To Belaal)

ػٓ عبٌُ أْ ؽبػشا ِذػ ثالي ثٓ ػجذ هللا فمبي: "ثالي ثٓ ػجذ هللا خ١ش ثالي!." فمبي ػّش: "وزثذ ثً ثالي سعٛي هللا فٍٝ هللا ١ٍػٗ ٚعٍُ خ١ش ثالي." 110

The Hadeeth means: and ثالي ثٓ ػجذ هللا \reported that a poet praised Belaal ben „Abdu Allaahe عبSaalemٌُ“ said: ”. ثاليis the best Belaal ثالي ثٓ ػجذ هللا \Belaal ben „Abdu Allaahe“ :ػ saidّش\Umar„ of the Messenger of Allaah Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa ثاليYou lied! But Belaal“ Aalehe Wa

leads those who called for prayer into the Paradise ثالي\Belaal

ػٓ ثش٠ذح لبي: لبي سعٛي هللا فٍٝ هللا ١ٍػٗ ٚعٍُ:

"٠جؼش هللا فبؾٌب ٍٝػ ٔبلزٗ."

لبي ؼِبر ثٓ عجً: "٠ب سعٛي هللا ٚأٔذ ٍٝػ اؼٌنجبء."

لبي: "أٔب أثؼش ٍٝػ اٌجشاق ٠خقٟٕ هللا ثٗ ِٓ ث١ٓ األٔج١بء، ٚفبهّخ اثٕزٍٝػ ٟ اؼٌنجبء. ٠ٚئرٝ ثالي ثٕبلخ ِٓ ٛٔق اٌغٕخ ف١شوجٙب ٠ٕٚبدٞ ثب٢راْ ف١قذلٗ ِٓ عؼّٗ ِٓ اٌّئ١ِٕٓ ؽزٝ ٛ٠افٟ اؾؾٌّش ٠ٚئرٝ ثالي ثؾٍز١ٓ ِٓ ؽًٍ اٌغٕخ ف١ىغبّ٘ب، فؤٚي ِٓ ٠ىغٝ ِٓ اٌّئر١ٔٓ ثالي ٚفبؼٌ اٌّئ١ِٕٓ ثؼذٖ." The Hadeeth means:

reported that the Messenger of Allaah Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa ثش٠ذحBuraydah“ Aalehe Wa Sallam said: -on the Day of Judgment – on his she – فبwill resurrect (Prophet) Saaleh\ؼٌ هللا\Allaah“ camel.” :ؼِ saidبر ثٓ عجً\Mu‟aath ben Jabal “O Messenger of Allaah! And you will be resurrected on – your she-camel – Al „Adbaa- ”.اؼٌنجبء\u Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe Wa Sallam said: makes it special for هللا\that Allaah اٌجشاق\I will be, after I am resurrected, on Al Buraaqu“ my daughter will be on Al فبهّخ\me besides all the other Prophets; and Faatemah will be on a she-camel from the camels of the Paradise ثالي\and Belaal ; اؼٌنجبء\Adbaa-u„ and he will call for prayer and all the Believers who hear it will believe him until he will be clothed with two clothes from the ثالي\comes to the gathering area. Belaal 111

, ثالي\Paradise. Therefore the first of the those who call for prayer to be clothed is Belaal and the righteous Believers after him.” End quote.

ػٓ ص٠ذ ثٓ األسلُ لبي: لبي سعٛي هللا فٍٝ هللا ١ٍػٗ ٚعٍُ:

"ؼُٔ اٌّشء ثالي ٚ ال ٠زجؼٗ اال ِئِٓ ٛ٘ٚ ع١ذ اٌّئر١ٔٓ، ٚاٌّئرْٛٔ أهٛي إٌبط أػٕبلب ٛ٠َ اٌم١بِخ."

The Hadeeth means:

:said ص٠ذ ثٓ األسلZayd ben Al Arqamُ“ “The Messenger of Allaah Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe Wa Sallam said: is, and it do not follow him but a Believer and he is the ثالي\What a good man Belaal“ head of those who call for prayer, and those who call for prayer have the longest necks on the Day of Judgment (so they can see what is happening in the gathering area).” End quote.

ػٓ اثٓ ػّش لبي: :أثؾش ٠ب ثالي!" فمبي: "ثُ رجؾشٟٔ ٠ب ػجذ هللا ثٓ ػّش؟" فمٍذ: "عؼّذ سعٛي هللا فٍٝ هللا ١ٍػٗ ٚعٍُ ٠مٛي: "٠غٟء ثالي ٛ٠َ اٌم١بِخ ٌٛ ٗؼِاء ٠زجؼٗ اٌّئرؽ ْٛٔزٝ ٠ذخٍُٙ اٌغٕخ."

The Hadeeth means:

:said اثٓ ػّشIbnu „Umar“ ”! ثالي\Have good news O Belaal“ :said ثالي\Belaal “Which glad tidings are you telling me about?” I said: “I heard the Messenger of Allaah Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe Wa Sallam say: will come carrying a standard followed by those ثالي\On the Day of Judgment Belaal“ who called for prayer and leads them unto the Paradise.” End quote.


اٌىؼجخ\on the roof of Al Ka‟bah ثالي\Belaal

ػٓ اثٓ أثٟ ١ٍِىخ لبي: "ٌّب وبْ ٛ٠َ اٌفزؼ سلٝ ثالي فؤرْ ٍٝػ ظٙش اٌىؼجخ، لبي ثؼل إٌبط: "٘زا اؼٌجذ األعٛد ٠ئرْ ٍٝػ ظٙش اٌىؼجخ." فمبي ثؼنُٙ أْ ٠غخو هللا ثغ١شٖ." فؤٔضي هللا:

{يَب أَي هَب اىَّْب ُط إَِّّب َخي َ ْقَْب ُم ٌْ ٍِ ِْ َر َم ٍش َوأُ ّْثًَ َو َج َع ْيَْب ُم ٌْ ُش ُعىبًب َوقَبَبئِ َو ىِتَ َعب َسفُىا إِ َُّ أَ ْم َش ٍَ ُن ٌْ ِع ْ َذ َّهللاِ أَ ْتقَب ُم ٌْ إِ َُّ َّهللاَ َعيِي ٌ َخبِي ٌش )95(} The Hadeeth means:

:said اثٓ أثٟ ١ٍِىخIbnu Abee Mulaykah“ and اٌىؼجخ\climbed the Ka‟bah ثالي\Belaal فزؼ ِىخ\On the day of the victory over Makkah“ called for prayer from its roof, and someone (Non-Muslim) said: ”.اٌىؼجخThis black slave is calling for prayer from the roof of the Ka‟bah“ Another one said: be هللاwill be angry with me and) May Allaah هللا\I am saying nothing because Allaah) “ angry with someone else than me.”

The Prophet Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe Wa Sallam and the wife of ثاليBelaal

ػٓ اِشأح ثالي أْ إٌجٟ فٍٝ هللا ١ٍػٗ ٚعٍُ أرب٘ب فغٍُ، فمبي: "أصُ ثالي؟" فمبٌذ: "ال." لبي: "فؼٍٍه غنجٍٝػ ٟ ثالي؟" لبٌذ: "أْ ٠غ١ئٟٕ وض١شا ف١مٛي: "لبي سعٛي هللا فٍٝ هللا ١ٍػٗ ٚعٍُ لبي س عٛي هللا فٍٝ هللا ١ٍػٗ ٚعٍُ."


فمبي ٌٙب سعٛي هللا فٍٝ هللا ١ٍػٗ ٚعٍُ:

"ِب ؽذصه ٟٕػ ثالي فمذ فذله. ثالي ال ٠ىزة. ال رغنجٟ ثالال فال ٠مجً ِٕه ػّال ِب أغنجذ ثالال."

The Hadeeth means:

said that the Prophet Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe ثالي\The wife of Beleel“ Wa Sallam came to her home and said: ”?home ثالي\Is Beleel“ She said: “No.” He said: ”? ثالي\Maybe you are angry at Belaal“ She said: “Quite often he comes to me and says: “The Messenger of Allaah Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe Wa Sallam said… The Messenger of Allaah Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe Wa Sallam said.” The Messenger of Allaah Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe Wa Sallam said to her: does not ثالي\narrates to you from me he is telling the truth. Belaal ثالي\Whatever Belaal“ angry, for if you do so your deeds will not be accepted and ثالي\lie. Do not make Belaal will not get rewarded for it.” End quote.

Prophet Muhammad Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe Wa Sallam gives a wife ثاليBelaal

ػٓ ص٠ذ ثٓ أعٍُ أْ ثٟٕ اٌجى١ش عبءٚا اٌٝ سعٛي هللا فٍٝ هللا ١ٍػٗ ٚعٍُ فمبٌٛا: "صٚط أخزٕب فالٔب." فمبي ٌُٙ:

"أ٠ٓ أٔزػ ُٙٓ ثالي؟"

صُ عبءٚا ِشح أخشٜ فمبٌٛا: "٠ب سعٛي هللا أىؼ أخزٕب فالٔب." فمبي:

"أ٠ٓ أٔزُ ػٓ ثالي؟" 114

صُ عبءٚا اٌضبٌضخ فمبٌٛا: "أٔىؼ أخزٕب فالٔب." فمبي:

"أ٠ٓ أٔزُ ػٓ ثالي؟ أ٠ٓ أٔزُ ػٓ سعً ِٓ أً٘ اٌغٕخ؟"

لبي: "فبٔىٛؾٖ."

The Hadeeth means:

came to the ثٟٕ اٌجى١شreported that Banee Al Bukayr ص٠ذ ثٓ أعZayd ben Aslamٍُ“ Messenger of Allaah Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe Wa Sallam and said:: “Give our sister in marriage to so and so.” Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe Wa Sallam said to them: ”?ثالي\How about marrying her to Belaal“ Then they came a second time and said:” “O Messenger of Allaah – Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe Wa Sallam - give our sister in marriage to so and so.” Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe Wa Sallam said to them: ”?ثالي\How about marrying her to Belaal“ They came for a third time and said: “O Messenger of Allaah – Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe Wa Sallam - give our sister in marriage to so and so.” Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe Wa Sallam said to them: Why not give her to a man of the Paradise in ?ثالي\How about marrying her to Belaal“ marriage?” .End quote ”.ثالي\They accepted and married their sister to Belaal

أثٛرس\and Aboo Tharr ثالي\Belaal

ػٓ أثٟ أِبِخ لبي: "١ػش أثٛرس ثالال ثؤِٗ فمبي: "٠بثٓ اٌغٛداء." ثالي أرٝ سعٛي هللا فٍٝ هللا ١ٍػٗ ٚعٍُ فؤخجشٖ. فغنت. فغبء أثٛرس فٍُ ؼؾ٠ش فؤػشك ػٕٗ إٌجٟ فٍٝ هللا ١ٍػٗ ٚعٍُ، فمبي: "ِب أػشمه ٟٕػ اال ٟؽء ثٍغه ٠ب سعٛي هللا."



"أٔذ اٌزٞ ر١ؼش ثالال ثؤِٗ؟"

لبي إٌجٟ فٍٝ هللا ١ٍػٗ ٚعٍُ:

"ٚاٌزٞ أٔضي اٌىزبة ؾِ ٍٝػّذ ِب ألؽذ ٍٝػ أؽذ فنً اال ثؼًّ اْ أٔزُ اال وطف اٌقبع."

The Hadeeth means:

:said أثٛ أِبِخAboo Umaamah“ :for his mother by saying ثالي\criticized Belaal أثٛرس\Aboo Tharr“ “You son of the black woman.” came to the Messenger of Allaah Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe Wa ثالي\Belaal had said to him. The Messenger of Allaah أثٛرس\Sallam and told him what Aboo Tharr Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe Wa Sallam became angry. Then, Aboo Tharr came and the Prohet Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe Wa Sallam turned أثٛرس :said أثٛرس\away from him in anger and Aboo Tharr “You are turning away from me for no other reason but for something reported to you about me O Messenger of Allaah.” Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe Wa Sallam said: ”?because of his mother ثالي\Are you the one criticizing Belaal“ Then the Prophet Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe Wa Sallam said: “I swear on The One Who brought down the Book on Muhammad that no one has a superiority over another but for his good deeds. No one of you fills the bushel/measure, and all of you comes short of perfection.” End quote.

is like a honey bee ثالي\Belaal

ػٓ أثٟ ٘ش٠شح لبي: لبي سعٛي هللا فٍٝ هللا ١ٍػٗ ٚعٍُ:

"ِضً ثالي وّضً ؾٍٔخ غذد رؤوً ِٓ اٚ ٍٛؾٌاٌّش صُ ٍٛؽ ٛ٘ وٍٗ."

The Hadeeth means:

:said أثٟ ٘ش٠شحAboo Hurayrah“ “The Messenger of Allaah Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe Wa Sallam said: 116

is similar to the Honey bee that eats the sweet and the bitter and then all of it ثالي\Belaal“ .End quote ”.( ثالي\becomes sweet (The honey and Belaal

ػٓ ِغب٘ذ فٟ لٌٛٗ رؼبٌٝ:

{ َوقَبىُىا ٍَب ىََْب ََل َّ َشي ِس َجب ًَل ُمَّْب َّ ُع ذهُ ٌْ ٍِ َِ ا ْْلَ ْش َشا ِس )65(}

لبي: ٠مٛي أثٛ عًٙ: "أ٠ٓ ثالي؟ أ٠ٓ فالْ؟ وٕب ؼٔذ٘خ ِٓ األؽشاس فال ٔشاُ٘ فٟ إٌبس!"

The Hadeeth means:

:said عٛسح in his tafseer of the Aayah # 62 of Sooratu Saads\ؿ ِغب٘ذMujaahed„ :(in Hell Fire اٌىفبس\And they will say (The kuffaar“ “What has happened to us that we see not men whom we used to number among the bad ones?(62)”. (Quraan 38:62). :will say أثٛعAboo Jahl\ًٙ Where is so and so? Men whom we used to number among the bad ?ثالي\Where is Belaal“ ones and we saw them not in the Hell Fire?” End quote.

ثالي\ػ and BelaalّشUmar„ , أثٛثىشAboo Bakr

ػ ٓػّش ثٓ عؼذ: أْ أعذاددُ٘ أخجشُٚ٘ أْ إٌغبٟؽ اؾٌجٟؾ ثؼش اٌٝ سعٛي هللا فٍٝ هللا ١ٍػٗ ٚعٍُ ثضالس ػٕضاد )اؼٌٕضح ػقب ٔقف اٌشؼِ أٚ أوجش ١ؽئب، ٚفٙ١ب ِضً عٕبْ اٌشؼِ(، فؤِغه إٌجٟ فٍٝ هللا ١ٍػٗ ٚ ٍُؽٚاؽذح ٌٕفغٗ، ٚأػطٍٟػ ٝ ثٓ أثٟ هبٌت ٚاؽذح، ٚأػطػ ّٝش ثٓ اٌخطبة ٚاؽذح. فىبْ ثالي ٟؾّ٠ ثزٍه اؼٌٕضح ث١ٓ ٠ذٞ سعٛي هللا فٍٝ هللا ١ٍػٗ ٚعٍُ فٟ ا١ؼٌذ٠ٓ ؽزٝ ٠ؤرٟ اٌّقٍٝ ف١شوض٘ب ف١قٍٟ اٙ١ٌب. صُ وبْ ٟؾّ٠ ث١ٓ ٠ذٞ أثٟ ثىش ثؼذ سعٛي هللا فٍٝ هللا ١ٍػٗ ٚعٍُ وزٌه. صُ وبْ عؼذ اٌمشظ ٟؾّ٠ ثٙب ث١ٓ ٠ذػ ّٞش ثٓ اٌخطبة ػٚضّبْ ثٓ ػفبْ فٟ ا١ؼٌذ٠ٓ."

لبٌٛا: ٌّب رٛفٝ سعٛي هللا فٍٝ هللا ١ٍػٗ ٚعٍُ عبء ثالي اٌٝ أثٟ ثىش فمبي: "٠ب خ١ٍفخ سعٛي هللا عؼّذ سعٛي هللا فٍٝ هللا ٚ ٍٗػعٍُ ٠مٛي:

"أفنً ػًّ اٌّئِٓ اٌغٙبد فٟ عج١ً هللا."

لبي: "فّب رؾبء ٠ب ثالي؟"


لبي: أسدد أْ أساثو فٟ عج١ً هللا ؽزٝ أِٛد." فمبي أثٛثىش: "أؾٔذن هللا ٠ب ثالي ؽٚشِزؽٚ ٟمٟ فمذ وجشد ٚمؼفذ ٚالزشة أعٍٟ." فؤلبَ ثالي ِغ أثٟ ثىش ؽزٝ رٛفٝ. فغبء اػ ٌّٝش فمبي ٌٗ وّب لبي ألثٟ ثىش. فشد ١ٍػٗ ػّش وّب سد ١ٍػٗ أثٛثىش. فؤثٝ ثالي. فمبي ػّش: "فبٌٝ ِٓ رشٜ أْ أعؼً إٌذاء؟" فمبي: "اٌٝ عؼذ اٌمشظ."

The Hadeeth means:

ػ that their grandfathers told them that Al Najaasheeّش ثٓ عؼذNarrated „Umar ben Sa‟d“ sent to the Messenger of Allaah Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa إٌغبٟؽ اؾٌجAl Habasheeٟؾ ػ is a stickٕضحػ” (The „anzahٕضح\Alaa Aalehe Wa Sallam a gift made up of three “‟Anzah„ half the size of the spear or a little longer, that has metallic teeth similar to those of the spear). The Prophet Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe Wa Sallam kept one the ٍٟػ , and one to ثٓ أثٟ هبٌتthree for himself and gave one to „Alee ben Abee Taaleb .ػّش ثٓ اٌخطبة\Umar ben Al Khattaab„ before the Messenger of Allaah Sallaa Allaahu اؼٌٕضح\used to carry that „Anzah ثالي\Belaal ١ػذ Eed Al Adhaa„) ا١ؼٌذ٠ٓ\Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe Wa Sallam during the two „Eed„ and the ,اٌّقto the Musallaa\ٍٝ (سِنبْ\١ػ after Ramadaanذ اٌفطش\and „Eed al Fetr األمٝؾ\ Prophet Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe Wa Sallam would perform his salaat to .(عزشح\its direction (As a Sutrah after the Prophet Sallaa Allaahu أثٛثىش\Then, he used to carry it before Aboo Bakr „Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe Wa Sallam in a similar manner. ػّش ثٓ who carried it before „Umar ben Al Khattaab عؼذ اٌمشظ\Then it was Sa‟d Al Qurath .ا١ؼٌذ٠ٓ\ػ during the two „Eedsضّبْ ثٓ ػفبْ\and „Uthmaan ben „Affaan اٌخطبة\

They said: “After the Messenger of Allaah Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe Wa Sallam :and said أثٛثىشcame to Aboo Bakr ثالي\passed away Belaal “O Successor of the Messenger of Allaah! I heard the Messenger of Allaah Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe Wa Sallam saying: ”.هللا\for the sack of Allaah اٌغٙبد\The best deed of a Believer is Jehaad“ He said: ”?ثالي\And what do you want O Belaal“ 118

He replied: ”.until I die اٌغٙبد\I want to go for jehaad“ :said أثٛثىشAboo Bakr I remind you of my respect and rights to you! I !ثالي\O Belaal هللا\I remind you of Allaah“ have become old and weak and my death has come nearer.” ػ andّش\until he died, then he came to „Umar أثٛثىشstayed with Aboo Bakr ثالي\Belaal ػ said to him what Abooّش\and „Umar ,أثٛثىشsaid to him what he had said to Aboo Bakr .had said to him أثٛثىشBakr

Then, „Umar .اٌّذ٠ٕخ إٌّٛسح\refused to stay in Al Madeenah Al Munawwarah ثالي\Belaal :ػ saidّش “Who do you propose that I appoint to call for prayer?” He said: .End quote ”.عؼذ اٌمشظ\Sa‟d Al Qurath“

was a humble man ثالي\Belaal

ػٓ أثٟ ِشا٘ك: وبْ أٔبط ٠ؤرْٛ ثالال ٠زوشْٚ فنٍٗ ِٚب لغُ هللا ٌٗ ِٓ اٌخ١ش، فىبْ ٠مٛي: "أّب أٔب ؽجٟؾ وٕذ ثبألِظ ػجذا."

The Hadeeth means:

to tell him his ثالي\that people used to come to Belaal أثٟ ِشا٘كNarrated Abee Muraahaq“ :had allocated to him, and he used to reply هللا\superiority and what good Allaah .ؽ and was only yesterday a slave.” End quoteجI am a Habashee\ٟؾ“

ثالي\The looks of Belaal

ػٓ ِىٛؾي لبي:ؽذصٟٕ ِٓ سأٜ ثالال سعال آدَ ؽذ٠ذ األدِخ ١ؾٔفب، هٛاال أعؼؽ ٌٗ ،ٕٝش وض١ش، خف١ف اؼٌبسم١ٓ، ثٗ ؽّو وض١ش ٚوبْ ال ٠غ١شٖ." The Hadeeth means: :said ِىٛؾيMakhool“ told me that he was a black man, very black, thin and tall ثالي\People who saw Belaal“ and his head leaned towards his chest. He had a lot of hair on his head and had little hair on his sideburns. He had a lot of gray on his beard and did not dye it.” End quote.

ػٓ ع١ؼذ ثٓ ػجذ اؼٌض٠ض لبي: لبي ثالي ١ؽٓ ؽنشرٗ اٌٛفبح: "غذا ٍٔمٟ األؽجخ ؾِّذا ؽٚضثٗ." 119

ٚوبٔذ اِشأرٗ رمٛي: "ٚا ٠ٚالٖ." ٠ٚمٛي ٛ٘: "ٚا فشؽبٖ."

The Hadeeth means:

:said ع١ؼذ ثٓ ػجذ اؼٌض٠ضSa‟eed ben „Abdu Al „Azeez“ :when he was about to die said ثالي\Belaal“ “Tomorrow we will meet the beloved ones Muhammad and his party.” His wife used to say: “What a tragedy!” And he would say: .اٌغٛ١هWhat a joy.” End quoteof Al Sayootee\ٟ“

in chapter seventeen of this ع١ذٔب ثالي\I have reported the biography of sayyedenaa Belaal book.

Ethiopian Muslim Emperor Lij Iyasu

Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iyasu_V

Lij Iyasu was born in Wollo during the reign of Menelek II of Ethiopia. His mother, Woizero Shoaregga, was the eldest daughter of Menelek. Iyasu's father was Ras Mikael, Governor of Wollo and longstanding friend of Menelek. Mikael had been born Mohammed Ali and was a Muslim until 1875, when he was obliged to convert to Christianity.

On 11 June 1908, after experiencing a stroke while on pilgrimage to , Menelik informed his ministers that Lij Iyasu would succeed him.

With Tessema, Iyasu continued Menelik's program of modernization, including the establishment of the first police force in Addis Ababa. On 10 April 1911. Lij Iyasu showed a pronounced lack of interest in the day-to-day running of the government, leaving most of the work for the ministers to deal with. However, the cabinet of ministers remained largely unchanged from the days of his grandfather, and by now the ministers wielded much power and influence. They were constantly subject to 120

In February 1915, Iyasu travelled to Harar with Abdullahi Tsadeq, who had become his constant companion, and went to the largest mosque of the city for a three-hour service. Throughout his stay in Harar he was friendly towards the Muslims, an act which worried the priests of Ethiopia; when he remained in this Muslim community over Easter, they were scandalized. However, the foreign legations in Addis Ababa had been lobbying for him to join their sides in . According to Marcus, many of the Ethiopian and commoners were impressed by the early successes of the , and both listened eagerly to Germanand Turkish propaganda concerning events. Both sides sought Ethiopian support: the Central Powers wanted the Ethiopians to drive the Italians out of Eritrea. Rumors circulated that, in return for Iyasu invading the Sudan with 50,000 soldiers, that he would be rewarded with the strategic port of . At a minimum, the Allies sought to keep Ethiopia neutral. However, some reports indicate that Iyasu not only supported the Central Powers, he converted to Islam. In August 1915, Iyasu went to French in disguise, and without informing either the French diplomats in Addis Ababa or even the colonial government. There he spent two days in mysterious meetings. Although Marcus states that "What actually happened will not be known until information from the French archives becomes available," Fitawrari ("Commander of the Vanguard") Tekle Hawariat Tekle Mariyam, a fervent reformer and a onetime friend of Iyasu, states in his recently published autobiography that the Djibouti trip was something of a vacation for Lij Iyasu, and that he spent much of his time consorting with Muslim notables in the city and consuming large amounts of qat as well as completely depleting the funds of the Ethiopian mission in the French colony. Around the same time, the British reported that documents preaching jihad against the Europeans had been posted in the Harar marketplace. That August, the British reported that supplies were being sent to to support the activities of Mohammed Abdullah Hassan and Sheikh Hassan Barsane, a devout Muslim pair who were at war with the British and Italians in Somalia. Then that September, the Italians revealed that one of their Somali agents had witnessed Iyasu declaring to an assemblage of Muslim leaders that he was a Muslim, and swore to his apostasy on a Koran.

On 27 , while at the city of Harar, Lij Iyasu was deposed in favor of his aunt, . The nobility under the leadershiop of Fitawrari Hapte Giorgis Dinagde had assembled in the capital and charged Lij Iyasu with apostacy, alleging that he had converted to Islam and had thus forfeited the Imperial crown. The Coptic Archbishop, 121

after some hesitation, was convinced to release the nobility from its oath of loyalty to Iyasu, and he was declared deposed from the throne and excommunicated from the Church.

The Ethiopian historian Bahru Zewde describes Iyasu's reign as "one of the most enigmatic in Ethiopian history." A common account of his reign is provided by J. Spencer Trimingham, who writes that his acts favoring Islam were: “...encouraged by German and Turkish diplomats. He made the fuqaha construct a genealogy deriving his ancestry on his father's side from the Prophet (Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa „Alaa Aalehe Wa Sallam). He made prolonged stays in Harar where he adopted Muslim dress and customs. He put away his Christian wife, Romane-Warq, and started a harim by marrying the daughters of 'Afar and Oromo chiefs, including a daughter and niece of Abba Jifar of Jimma. He built mosques at and Jigjiga. In 1916 he officially placed Abyssinia in religious dependence upon , and sent the Turkish consul-general an Abyssinian flag embroidered with a crescent and the Islamic formula of faith (He changed the Ethiopian flag with another one with the inscription of “Laa elaaha ellaa Allaahu Muhammadun Rasoolu Allaahe Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa meaning there is no god but ”الاٌٗ اال هللا ؾِّذ سعٛي هللا فٍٝ هللا ١ٍػٗ ٚعٍُ\Sallam Allaah and Muhammad is His Messenger Sallaa Allaahu „Alayhe Wa Sallam). He sent similar flags to his own Muslim chiefs and promised to lead them to the jihad. He entered into negotiations with Muhammed ibn 'Abd Allah, the Mahdi of the , and sent him rifles and ammunition. He then issued a summons to all , some of whom regarded him as true Mahdi, to follow him in a jihad against the Christians, and went to Jigjiga to collect an army. According to Fitawrari Tekle Hawariat Tekle Mariyam, Lij Iyasu at one point announced "If I do not make Ethiopia Muslim, then I am not Iyasu." He also recalls Lij Iyasu's visit to Dire Dawa in 1916, when the ruler walked into a Roman Catholic church in that city (this an act alone would scandalize the Ethiopian Orthodox establishment) and commenced to light and smoke a cigarette while Mass was being conducted. Tekle Hawariat, concludes that Iyasu V was completely unsuited for the throne, and that his deposing was necessary for the survival of the Empire and the good of the people.” End quote Wikipedia.


Emperor Lij Iyasu of Ethiopia (seated) in Muslim garb and turban. Wikipedia. 123

Emperor Lij Iyasu of Ethiopia with Dejazmach Tafari (later Emperor Haile Selassie I).


Emperor Lij Iyasu of Ethiopia. Wikipedia.

Emperor Lij Iyasu of Ethiopia. 125

of President Muhammad Siyaad Barre of Somalia against اٌغٙبد\The Jehaad Christian Ethiopia

against Ethiopia was the president (21 اٌغٙبد\The last Muslim leader to wage Jehaad October 1969-January 1991) of Somalia Muhammad Siyaad Barre who attacked it on 1977, in a war that lasted for less than two years. During this period of time, he liberated almost all the territories of the Muslims Somalis from the occupation and the enslavement of Christian Ethiopia. He defeated soundly the Ethiopian army of one million soldiers and stopped at the gates of Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia. The Somali army was made up at that time a little over one hundrd thousand men: a ratio of one to ten Ethiopians. All Somali tribes contribuited with men, monies and material ,some with their own lives ,ِغب٘ذ٠ٓ\resources. All the Somali people were mujahedeen others with their own monies and some with both.

Then, delagtions from the Organization of the African Unity, from the League of Arab and many other countries started coming to president Muhammad عبؼِخ اٌذٚي اؼٌشث١خ\States Siyaad Barre and asked him to stop his army from taking Addis Ababa, the capital city of Ethiopia.

The response of President Muhammad Siyaad Barre to all of them was the same: “This campaign is about liberating the Somali territories and the Somali people who live there from the occupation of Ethiopia, and we almost have achieved that. We will not take Addis Ababa because it is not a Somali territory.”

I attended personally one such meetings between the delegation of the Arab League and the late Vice President Major General Hussein Kulmiye Afrah.

The head of the delegation of the Arab League had a geographical map with him, which he displayed over the table and and asked Vice President Kulmiye to indicate to him on the map where the Somali army intends to reach and stop. Vie President Kulmiye told him: “I will tell you what President Muhammad Siyaad Barre already told you: we will stop after we have liberated the occupied Somali territory from the Ethiopian army. We do not want to take Addis Ababa.” This meeting took place over a lunch offered by Vice President Kulmiye to this delegation at the farm of “Ciimmada Usluubta/Custodial Corps” at Afgoye, some 30 kilometers south of Mogadishu.


After his defeat by President Muhammad Siyaad Barre, the Ethiopian president appealed to the Christian world and said in a press conference, in line with the Ethiopian kings before him: “Ethiopia is a Christian island surrounded by a Muslims ocean and we need our Christian brother to come to our help.” Within a short time, maybe days, there was a coalition of world governments, headed by the Soviet Union and the United States of America who pushed the Somali army back to the borders of Somalia.

The United States of America and the Soviet Union not only pushed the Somali army back to the border of Somalia, but helped the Ethiopian amry to take two Somali villages, namely Balanballe and Galdogob. President Mohammed Siyad Barre sent me as his envoy to Washington DC in March 1983 to meet with US officials and confer with them on how to liberate these two villages from the Ethiopian occupation.

In Washington DC I met, among other officials, with Senator Sam Nunn Democrat from Atlanta Georgia, Chairman of the Armed Forces Committee. He was rumored to be the candidate of the Democratic Party for US President after Ronald Reagan‟s term, for he was the most powerful democrat at that time. He told me among other things: “(One) Upon my request, the CIA sent me one of its officers this morning to brief me about the situation in Somalia in preparation for my meeting with you and that CIA officer told me that Balanballe and Galdogob always wrer and still are part of the Ethiopian territory, and never part of Somalia. (Two) If we sell you weapons you will hand them to the Ogaden tribe which will use our weapons to fight our Ethiopian Christian brothers.” End quote.

Galdogob and Balanballe never were part of Ethiopia, but were always Somali villages until today, and myself used to go there quite frequently until mid 1980.

After the Ethiopian takeover of the two Somali villages of Balanballe and Galdogob, the Somali government wanted to buy military hardware from Germany (Bonn) during the government of the late Chancellor Helmut Schmidt, in the course of my tenure as ambassador of Somalia to that country. Sometime after this request of the Somali government, I met one-on-one with Chancellor Schmidt in the garden of his office shortly after he came back from a trip to the USA and he said to me: “I am back from the USA and in regard to your request I met with the Secretary of State in Los Angeles and the Amis (Americans) do not want us to sell you military hardware, because, the Secretary of State said: “They will use it against Christian Ethiopia.” 127

Arab League: the enmity of the Christians to Islam and the role of the Ethiopians in their plan

The book “Inteshaaru Al Islaame wa Al „Uroobah feemaa Yalee Al Ssahraa-a Al د\ؽغٓ is by Dr. Hasan Ibraaheem Hasan ,”أزؾبس اإلعالَ ٚاؼٌشٚثخ ف١ّب ٍٟ٠ اٌقؾشاء اٌىجشKubraa\ٜ and it was published by the League of Arab States in Cairo Egypt, and it اثشا١ُ٘ ؽغٓ\ reports the same history of Lij Iyasu by Trimingham reported by Wikipedia above.

and Al Madeenah Al ِىخ اٌّىشِخ\The role of Ethiopia is to attack Makkah Al Mukarramah from the south, while the Europeans will attack it from the اٌّذ٠ٕخ إٌّٛسح\Munawwarah north and from the west. I will expand on this issue in the upcpming chapter (31) of this .اْ ؽبء هللا\book inshaa‟a Allaahu

اؾٌجؾخ\The size of the kingdom of Al Habashah

The book “General History of Africa II, Ancient Civilizations of Africa”, Abridged Edition, published by UNESCO International Scientific Committee for the Drafting of a General History of Africa of the United Nations, editor G. Mokhtar, said on page #203:

“Archeology shows the Axumite kingdom as a tall rectangle roughly 300 kilometers long by 160 kilometers wide, lying between 13 and 17 degrees north and 30 and 40 degrees east. It extended from the region north of Keren to Alagui in the south, and from Adulis on the coast to the environs of Takkaze in the west. Addi-Dahno is practically the last- known site in this part, about 30 kilometers from Axum.” End quote.



From wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kingdom_of_Aksum


The kingdom of Aksum in the “Horn of Africa”: it had practically three towns: Aksum, Wikro in Tigray and Adulis in Eritrea and probably their respective villages.


Aksum today.

Life in Axum today 132

The tomb of king Caleb in Axum.

. ١ّؽشAn Ethiopian Holy Book in the language of the Arab tribe of Hemyar 133


is not Ethiopia اؾٌجؾخ\Al Habashah

د\عب١ِخ ػجذ The contemporary Egyptian Doktoorah Saameyah „Abdu Al „Azeez Junaysee a PhD in Islamic history said in her book of how Al Najaashee embraced ,اؼٌض٠ض ع١ٕغٟ\ corresponding to 2001 Gregorian ٘غش٠خ\published on 1420 Hejree اعالَ ٔغبٟؽ اؾٌجؾخ Islam .:on page 21 ,اٌمب٘شح\ِقش\Cairo Egypt ,داس اٌفىش اؼٌشثby Daaru Al Fekre Al „Arabee\ٟ “The word Ethiopia is an ancient name mentioned in the earlier history and religion books of Greece and other countries. Ethiopia in the Greek language means “The one with the burned face”, meaning black people. Earlier reference books, such as “The Old Present day Sudan) النوبٌٌن\Testament” called Ethiopia the kingdoms that existed in Nubia مصرwho founded the ancient Egyptian (مصرand the southern part of Egypt سودان\ civilization.”

At that time there were one hundred independent kingdom in the Horn of Africa, and Al annexed through bloody wars and with the help of Christian Europe one اؾٌجؾخ\Habashah kingdom at a time. The last one of these one hundred annexed kingdoms was Somalia that was occupied by Ethiopia by a war lead by NATO in the year two thousand and six of this century. Somalia is occupied at this time by NATO troops, thousands of Ethiiopian soldiers and thousands of mercenaries from other African countries hired by NATO.

The name “Ethiopia” which is a Greek word that means “Burnt Face” meaning black people came to the region in the fourth century of the Gregorian Calender. Earlier the name was recorded in the Old Testament and was used to indicate the kingdom of Nubia which was made up of the present day Sudan and southern Egypt inhabited by the tribes of Nubia..

Aksum was an Arab kingdom

was the king, was إٌغبٟؽ أؽّذ\The kingdom of Axum, where Al Najaashee Ahmad and the southern part of the ا١ٌّٓ\founded by Arabs who crossed the Red Sea from Yaman Arabian Peninsula, according to Arab history books and also to the Encyclopedia Britannica:


Encyclopaedia Britannica

Encyclopaedia Britannica said: "The Tigre are descendants of Semitic conquerors who crossed the Red Sea from southern Arabia between the 6th century BC and the first century AD. These people mingled with the already-present Cushitic population and founded the Christian Kingdom of Aksum, which had its capital in the Tigray highlands.. A Christian people who make their living by farming, they are culturally similar to their southern neighbours, the Amhara.”End quote.

Encyclopediya Britannica: "Amhara: "As descendants of a southward movement of ancient Semitic conquerors who mingled with the indegenous Cushitic peoples, they inhabit much of the central and western parts of present-day Ethiopia." End quote.

Encyclopediya Britannica: "In the mid 15th century Ethiopia resumed contact with the Christian world when ethiopian monks attended an ecumenical council in Florence. European Christians believed that they had found the legendary kingdom of Prester John, a powerful Christian sovreign created in the minds of Europeans during the crusades as a potential ally against Islam".End quote.

I will expand this topic in the upcoming chapter (31) titled “Al Habashah” inshaa‟a .اْ ؽبء هللا رؼبAllaahu\ٌٝ ٚاؾٌّذ هلل سة اؼٌب١ٌّٓ ٚفٍٝ هللا ٍٝػ ع١ذٔب ِٛٚالٔب ؾِّذ ٍٝػٚ آٌٗ اٌطج١ج١ٓ اٌطب٘ش٠ٓ ٚعٍُ رغ١ٍّب وض١شا وٍّب روشٖ اٌزاوشٚ ْٚغفً ػٓ روشٖ اٌغبفٍْٛ.


ؾِ: together with the grandchildren of the Migrants andّذ هٗ\Muhammad Taahaa إٌغبat the grave of Al Najaashee\ٟؽ ”اٌٛعو\the first masjed in the world. “Al Wast .ِخطٛهبد\and dust off some ancient manuscripts

http://daharchives.alhayat.com/issue_archive/Wasat%20magazine/1997/5/12/%D9 %85%D8%B9-%D8%A7%D9%94%D8%AD%D9%81%D8%A7%D8%AF- %D8%B5%D8%AD%D8%A7%D8%A8%D8%A9- %D8%A7%D9%84%D9%87%D8%AC%D8%B1%D8%A9- %D8%A7%D9%84%D8%A7%D9%94%D9%88%D9%84%D9%89- %D9%88%D8%A7%D9%94%D9%88%D9%84- %D9%85%D8%B3%D8%AC%D8%AF-%D9%81%D9%8A- %D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B9%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%85 - %D8%A7%D9%84%D9%88%D8%B3%D8%B7-%D8%B9%D9%84%D9%89- %D9%82%D8%A8%D8%B1- %D8%A7%D9%84%D9%86%D8%AC%D8%A7%D8%B4%D9%8A- %D8%AA%D9%86%D9%81%D8%B6- %D8%A7%D9%84%D8%BA%D8%A8%D8%A7%D8%B1-%D8%B9%D9%86- %D9%85%D8%AE%D8%B7%D9%88%D8%B7%D8%A7%D8%AA- %D8%A7%D8%B3%D9%84%D8%A7%D9%85%D9%8A%D8%A9- %D9%82%D8%AF%D9%8A%D9%85%D8%A9.html

ِغ أؽفبد فؾبثخ اٌٙغشح األٚ ٌٝٚأٚي ِغغذ فٟ اؼٌبٌُ . "اٌٛعو" ٍٝػ لجش إٌغبٟؽ رٕفل اٌغجبس ػٓ ِخطٛهبد اعال١ِخ لذ٠ّخ رفبف١ً اؾٌٕش: اٌّقذس: اٌٛعو اٌىبرت: ؾِّذ هٗ رٛوً ربس٠خ اؾٌٕش)َ(: 1997/5/12 ربس٠خ اؾٌٕش )٘ـ(: 1418/1/5 ؾِٕؤ: سلُ اؼٌذد: 276 اٌجبة/ اٌقفؾخ: 44 - 45 - 46 - 47 - رؾم١ك رٛؼد فٍخ اؾٌجؾخ ثجالد اؼٌشة اٛٙػ ٌٝد ع١ؾمخ، ٠ٚزوش اٌزبس٠خ رذخً اؾٌجؾخ ٌٕغذح اٌّغ١ؾ١خ فٟ ا١ٌّٓ ١ؽّٕب دخٍذ فٟ االثزالء اؼٌّشٚف ثـ "افؾبة األخذٚد"، ٚٚسد اْ ٔجٟ افؾبة األخذٚد وبْ ؽج١ؾبً. ٚرٍذ رٌه ؽبدصخ "افؾبة اٌف١ً" اٌزؽ ٟبٚي فٙ١ب أثش٘خ ٘ذَ اٌىؼجخ. ٚاسرجطذ اؾٌجؾخ ثؼاللبد رغبس٠خ ٚص١مخ ِغ لشؼ٠ فٟ اٌغب١ٍ٘خ، ٚوض١ش ِٓ عبدح لشؼ٠ اؾٔذسٚا ِٓ افالة ؽج١ؾبد، فبؾٌبسس ثٓ سثؼ١خ اٌّخضِٟٚ أِٗ ؽج١ؾخ، ِٚٓ اثٕبء اؾٌج١ؾبد ٔنبٌخ ثٓ ؾ٘بَ ثٓ ػجذ ِٕبف، ػّٚشٚ ثٓ سثؼ١خ، ٚاٌخطبة ٚاٌذ ع١ذٔب ػّش ثٓ اٌخطبة، ػّٚشٚ ثٓ اؼٌبٚ ،ؿلشظخ صٚعخ ؼِب٠ٚخ ثٓ اثٟ عف١بْ. ٚوبٔذ ِشمؼخ اٌشعٛي ؽٚ ؿبمٕزٗ ؽزٝ ثٍٛغٗ عٓ اٌشؽذ ٟ٘ أَ أ٠ّٓ ثشوخ اؾٌج١ؾخ اٌزٟ وبْ اٌشعٛي ؿ ٠مٛي ٌٙب "أذ أِٟ ثؼذ أٚ ."ِٟوبْ ألَ ا٠ّٓ دٚس فٟ اْ ٠ٍ ُّ اٌشعٛي ؿ ثطجبع اً٘ اؾٌجؾخ، ٠ٚشٜٚ أٗ وبْ ٠ٍ ُّ ثجؼل ٌغزٚ ،ُٙرٌه وّب ٚسد فؽ ٟذ٠ش أَ خبٌذ ثٓ خبٌذ ثٓ ع١ؼذ اٌزٟ لبٌذ اْ اٌشعٛي ِغٍٝػ ؼ خ١ّقخ أ٘ذا٘ب ٌٙب، ٚوبْ ٠مٛي "عٕبٖ عٕبٖ" ٟٕؼ٠ٚ اؾٌغٓ ثبؾٌج١ؾخ. ٚرٟٕؼ عٕبٖ اٚ عٕبٞ ع١ًّ اؽ ٚغٓ فٟ اٌٍغخ اٌزغش١ٕ٠خ. ؼ٠ٚضٚ اٌّئسخْٛ اخز١بس اٌشعٛي ؾٌٍ ؿجؾخ ٚعٙخ ألفؾبثٗ اؼِ ٌٝشفزٗ اٌٛص١مخ ثطجبع اً٘ رٍه اٌجالد. 136

ٚوبٔذ اٌٙغشح اٌٝ اؾٌجؾخ ٔمطخ رٛؾي ػظّٝ فٟ اٌزبس٠خ االعالِٟ، ار اْ دخٛي االعالَ اؾٌجؾخ عجك دخٌٛٗ اٌٝ ٠ضشة اٌّذ٠ٕخ إٌّٛسح ٚرٕبِٝ االعالَ فٟ اؾٌجؾخ ِّب ؽذا ثؤً٘ لشؼ٠ اٌٝ اسعبي ٚفذ اٌٝ إٌغبٟؽ ٠طبٌجٛٔٗ ثبسعبع اٌّغ١ٍّٓ اٌفبس٠ٓ ِٓ ِىخ. ِٚضٍذ رٍه اٌٙغشاد االعبط اٌّز١ٓ اٌزٞ لبِذ ١ٍػٗ اٌّّبٌه االعال١ِخ فٟ ؽشق افش٠م١ب لبهجخ، ٚوبٔذ ِّبٌه افبد ػٚذي ٚفطغبس ٚثبٌٟ ِٓ اػظُ اٌّّبٌه اٌزؾٔ ٟؤد فٟ إٌّطمخ. وبْ ٌشؽٍخ "اٌٛعو" اٌٝ ِذ٠ٕخ ٔغبػ االصٛ١ث١خ اٌزٟ رنُ سفبد إٌغبٟؽ ِب ٠جشس٘ب، ار اؽٚه إٌغ١بْ اْ ٠طٞٛ ٘زا األصش اٌزبس٠خٟ اؼٌظ١ُ، ١ٌٚذ االِش الزقش ٍٝػ اٌزغبً٘ اٌزٞ ٠جذ٠ٗ ِئسخٛ اٌزبس٠خ االعالِٟ رغبٖ ربس٠خ إٌغبٟؽ، ثً رغبٚص االِش رٌه ٚثذأد ثؼل االلالَ رؾىه فٟ اعالَ إٌغبٟؽ ٔفغٗ، ٚصاد اٌط١ٓ ثٍّخ ١ؽّٕب رطبٚي ثؼنٍٝػ ُٙ اٌزبس٠خ ٚادٛػا اْ اؾٌجؾخ ٌُ رىٓ ٟ٘ اسك إٌغبٟؽ ع١ًٍ اعشح ٍِّىخ اوغَٛ! ٚربس٠خ١بً ٠ّىٓ رفغ١ش رٌه اٌغّٛك اٌزٞ اؽبه ثزبس٠خ إٌغبٟؽ. ار اْ اؾٌجؾخ اٌزٟ اؽىّذ اٌى١ٕغخ اٌغ١طشح ٙ١ٍػب ِٕز ػقٛس ع١ؾمخ، وبٔذ رزؼّذ رغبً٘ إٌغبٚ ٟؽربس٠خٗ، ٚوؤٙٔب وبٔذ رزجشأ ِٓ اْ اؽذ اػظُ ٍِٛوٙب اػزٕك االعالَ ٚعبُ٘ فؾٔ ٟشٖ، امبفخ اٌٝ االٔظّخ اٌزؽ ٟىّذ اؾٌجؾخ فٟ ربس٠خٙب اؾٌذ٠ش ٚاٌزٟ وبْ ٌٙب ٔق١ت االعذ فؾِ ٟبسثخ االعالَ ٚهّظ ربس٠خٗ فٟ اؾٌجؾخ، ٚرٌه اثزذاء ِٓ ربس٠خ االعشح اٌغ١ٍّب١ٔخ إٌقشا١ٔخ اٌزٟ ٔبفجذ االعالَ اؼٌذاء ِشٚساً ث١ٙالعالعٟ اٌزٍٝػ ًّػ ٞ امطٙبد اٌّغ١ٍّٓ ٚوبْ ؼ٠زجشُ٘ ِٛاه١ٕٓ ِٓ اٌذسعخ اٌضب١ٔخ ال ؾ٠ك ٌُٙ ِب ؾ٠ك ٌغ١شُ٘، ٚاخ١شاً عبء اٌى١ًٌٔٛٛ ِبٔغ١غزٛ اٌزٞ لبَ ثزغ١ٕذ آالف اٌّغ١ٍّٓ ٚص ّط ثُٙ فؽ ٟشٚثٗ اٌذ٠ِٛخ اٌزٟ اعزّشد هٛاي فزشح ؽىّٗ. ٠ّٚىٕٕب اْ ٔغذ اؼٌزس ٌّغٍّٟ اؾٌجؾخ فٟ ِب ٠زؼٍك ثؼذَ رمذّٙ٠ُ ٌزبس٠خُٙ ثؾىً ِش ٍك، ٚرٌه ٌالمطٙبد اٌزٞ رؼشمٛا ٌٗ ثبعزّشاس، ٌىٕٕب ال ٔغزط١غ رفغ١ش ٘زا اٌزغبً٘ اؼٌشثٚ ٟاالعالِٟ رغبٖ اؽذ اُ٘ ا٢صبس االعال١ِخ خبسط اٌٛهٓ اؼٌشثٟ. رمغ ِذ٠ٕخ ٔغبػ اٌزٟ رنُ سفبد اٌٍّه اٌقبؼٌ اؽّذ إٌغبٍٝػ ٟؽ ثؼذ 60 وٍٛ١ِزشاً ؽّبي ِذ٠ٕخ ِمػ ٍٟبفّخ ال١ٍُ رغشا٠ٚ .ٞمٛي عىبٙٔب اْ اعّٙب ؾِزك ِٓ اٌىٍّخ اؼٌشث١خ رغبسح، ِٚمٍٟ رٟٕؼ فٟ اٌٍغخ ا١ٍؾٌّخ ِمبعّخ اٚ ؾِبسوخ فٟ اؽبسح اٌٝ رمبعُ اً٘ رٍه إٌّطمخ ١ؽبرُٙ ِغ اٌقؾبثخ اٌّٙبعش٠ٓ. فٟ هش٠مٕب اٌٝ ِذ٠ٕخ ٔغبػ ٚٔغبػ رٟٕؼ ٍِه ثبٌٍغخ اٌزغش١ٕ٠خ ِشسٔب ثؾؼشاد اٌمشٜ اٌزٟ ٠مطٕٙب اؽفبد اٌٚئه اٌقؾبثخ ِٚالؽ ُٙؾِجٙ١خ ثؤً٘ اٌغض٠شح اؼٌشث١خ. ٚاٌغش٠ت اْ ع١ّغ عىبْ ٘زٖ اٌمشٜ ؾ٠فظْٛ ربس٠خ رٍه اٌٙغشاد ػٓ ظٙش لٍت، ٠ٚغزطٛؼ١ْ اعزؾنبس اعّبء ع١ّغ اعذادُ٘ ؽزٝ ٠قٍٛا اٌٝ اٌغذ االخ١ش اٌّزّضً فٟ إٌغبٟؽ اٚ اؽذ اٌقؾبثخ. ٠ٕٚزؼِ ّٟظُ عىبْ ٘زٖ اٌمشٜ اٌٝ لج١ٍزٟ اٌغبٚ ٛ٘اؼٌفبس اٌٍز١ٓ رؼزجشاْ ِٓ الذَ اؼٌٕبفش فٟ إٌّطمخ. ٚاصجذ ثؼل اٌجبؽض١ٓ اْ ثالي اؾٌجٟؾ ِئرْ اٌشعٛي ؿ ٠ٕزّٟ اٌٝ لجبئً ٘زٖ إٌّطمخ. ٚصجذ رٌه ثؼذ ِمبسٔخ اؼؾٌش اٌزٞ وبْ ٠شددٖ ثٍغزٗ االف١ٍخ ِشعِٛبً ثؤؽشف ػشث١خ، ُٚ ٚعذ اْ رٍه اٌىٍّبد ِطبثمخ ٌٍغخ اؼٌفبس٠خ. ٚاؼٌّشٚف اْ اٌٍغبد اؾٌج١ؾخ ٚاؼٌشث١خ ٚاؼٌجش٠خ رٛؼد ألفً عبٚ ِٟاؽذ. ِٓ اٌّالؽظبد اٌّض١شح ٌٍذؾ٘خ ٚعٛد ثؼل اٌّغ١١ؾ١ٓ مّٓ عىبْ رٍه اٌمش٠ٚ ،ٜشرجطْٛ ثقالد لشاثخ ٚص١مخ ِغ اٌّغ١ٍّٓ، فُٙ ٠ٍزمْٛ فٟ اٌغذ اٌضبٌش اٚ اٌشاثغ ٍٝػ اوضش رمذ٠ش. ٚثغئإٌب عىبْ رٍه إٌّطمخ ػٓ ٘زٖ اٌظب٘شح أعبثٛا ثؤْ ٘زا االِش ٛؼ٠د ٌٕٙب٠خ اٌمشْ اٌغبثك ١ؽّٕب لبَ "اٌذساؼ٠ٚ" أقبس اإلِبَ ؾِّذ اؽّذ اٌّٙذٞ اٌغٛداْ ثبٌٙغٍٝػ َٛ لٛٔذس ػبفّخ ٍِه اؾٌجؾخ ٛ٠٘بٔظ، ٚثؼذ ٘ض٠ّزُٙ ٌٍٍّه ٚلزٍٗ لفٍٛا ساع١ؼٓ، ربسو١ٓ خٍفُٙ ثمب٠ب عػٛ١ ٛ٠٘بٔظ اٌزٟ لبِذ ثؾّالد أزمب١ِخ ٚاعؼخ إٌطبق مذ اٌّغ١ٍّٓ فٟ رٍه إٌّطمخ، أزمبِبً ٌّمزً ١ٍِىُٙ، ٚامطش ثؼل اٌّغ١ٍّٓ آٔزان ٌٍزٕقش خٛفبً ِٓ اٌجطؼ ثٚ .ُٙوبٔذ رٍه إٌّبهك اٌزٟ اؽزنٕذ اٌٙغشاد االٌٝٚ اوضش إٌّبهك رنشساً ِٓ رٍه اؾٌّالد االٔزمب١ِخ. فٟ هش٠مٕب اٌٝ ِذ٠ٕخ ٔغبػ ِشسٔب ثّذ٠ٕخ ٚلبس ٍٝػ ثؼذ 9 وٍٛ١ِزشاد ِٓ ٔغبٟ٘ٚ ػ ِٓ الذَ اٌّذْ فٟ رٍه إٌّطمخ، ٚرمطٕٙب لج١ٍخ "عجشرٟ" راد االفٛي اؼٌشث١خ، ٠ٚشٜ ثؼل اٌّئسخ١ٓ اْ افً االعُ "عجشرٟ" ٛؼ٠د اٌٝ اٌىٍّخ اؼٌشث١خ "عجش" اؽبسح اٌٝ اُٙٔ وبٛٔا ٠غجشْٚ فٟ اٌّبمٍٝػ ٟ اٌزظب٘ش ثبٌّغ١ؾ١خ. ػٕٚذ الزشاثٕب ِٓ ٔغبػ الػ ٌٕب مشؼ٠ اؽّذ إٌغبؽـٟ اٌـزٞ ٠مـغ فٟ لّخ ٘نجخ رغؼٍٗ ٠مغ فٟ ثقشن ١ؽضّب وٕذ. ٠ٚمغ اٌنشؼ٠ داخً اٌّغغـذ اٌغذ٠ذ اٌزٞ ثٍٝػ ٟٕ ِمشثخ ِٓ اٌّغغذ اٌمذ٠ُ اٌزٞ ثٕبٖ اٌقؾبثخ اٌّٙبعشٚ ،ْٚاٌـزٞ ؼ٠ـزجش الذَ ِغغذ ٍٝػ االهالق، ار أٗ ١ؽذ لجً اٌٙغشح إٌج٠ٛخ، ٚوبْ اٌشعٛي ٚ ؿافؾبثٗ آٔزان ٠ئدْٚ فالرُٙ ثذاس األسلُ. ٚ٘زا اٌّغغذ ال ٠ضاي ثؾبي ع١ذح ٚوؤٔٗ ثٟٕ ثبالِظ اٌمش٠ت، ٠ٚزغغ ٛؾٌاٌٟ 400 ِق ًٍ، ِّب ١ؾ٠ش اٌٝ اْ ػذد اٌقؾبثخ اٌّٙبعش٠ٓ وبْ لش٠جبً ِٓ رٌه اٌشلُ. ٚرٛعذ ثبٌمشة ِٓ اٌّغغذ ١ػٓ ِبء، ؾ٠جٙٙب أً٘ إٌّطمخ ثجئش صِضَ. ٚرزوش اٌّخطٛهبد اٌغٍذ٠خ اٌزٟ اهؼٍٕب ٙ١ٍػب أْ اٌقؾبثخ اٌّٙبعش٠ٓ اعزمشٚا ثٙزا اٌّىبْ ٚفٛمٛا عؼفش اثٓ اثٟ هبٌت ٌٍز٘بة ٌٍٕغبٚ ٟؽرج١ٍغٗ سعبٌخ اٌشعٛي ٚ .ؿرزوش اٌّخطٛهبد أْ اؼٌطؼ أٌ ُّ ثجم١خ اٌقؾبثخ ٚأٍ٘ه ثؼنٚ ،ُٙاْ هللا اعزغبة دػبءُ٘ ٚف ّغش ١ػ ٌُٙٓ ِبء. ٚالؽظٕب أْ ع١ّغ إٌّبهك ا١ؾٌّطخ ثزٍه إٌّطمخ 137

عشداء، ٚال رٛعذ ١ِبٖ اال فٟ رٍه ا١ؼٌٓ. ؼ٠ٚزمذ أً٘ إٌّطمخ أْ ١ِبٖ ٘زٖ ا١ؼٌٓ ِجبسوخ، ٠ٚمقذ٘ب اٌّغٍّْٛ ِٓ وً أؾٔبء اصٛ١ث١ب ؼٌالط األِشاك اٌّغزؼق١خ. ٍٝػٚ ِمشثخ ِٓ مشؼ٠ أؽّذ إٌغبٟؽ ٛ٠عذ مشؼ٠ اٌقؾبثػ ٟذٞ ثٓ إٌن١ش اٌزٞ عجك إٌغبٟؽ فٚ ٟفبرٗ، ؽٚبسن إٌغبٟؽ ٔفغٗ فٟ دفٕٗ. وّب رٛعذ خّغخ لجٛس أخشٜ رنُ سفبد اٌقؾبثخ ؽبهت ثٓ اؾٌبسس، ٚعف١بْ ثٓ ؼِّش، ػٚجذهللا ثٓ اؾٌبسس، ػٚشٚح ثٓ ػجذ اؼٌضٜ. ٍٝػٚ ثؼذ 100 ِزش ِٓ مشؼ٠ إٌغبٍٝػٚ ،ٟؽ اٌنفخ األخشٙٔ ِٓ ٜش ػجبٞ، رٛعذ و١ٕغخ "ِش٠ُ وؾذا" ٚوٍّخ "وؾذا" رٟٕؼ "سفنذ" فٟ اٌٍغخ اٌزغش١ٕ٠خ، ٚرزوش اٌّخطٛهبد أْ ِش٠ُ صٚعخ إٌغبٟؽ سفنذ اٌذخٛي فٟ اإلعالَ فؤلبَ ٌٙب ٘زٖ اٌى١ٕغخ، ٚفٟ رٌه دالٌخ ٚامؾخ ٍٝػ اٌزغبؼِ اٌذٟٕ٠ اٌزػُ ٞشف ثٗ إٌغبٚ .ٟؽ٘زٖ ٟ٘ اٌى١ٕغخ ٔفغٙب اٌزٚ ٟسدد فٟ أؽذ أؽبد٠ش اٌغ١ذح ػبئؾخ سمٟ هللا ٕٙػب. ٚرزوش اٌّخطٛهبد أْ ٙٔش ػجبٞ وبْ ٠ّضً اؾٌذٚد ث١ٓ ٍِّىخ إٌغبٚ ٟؽثم١خ اٌّّبٌه اؾٌج١ؾخ األخشٚ ،ٜ٘زا إٌٙش ٛ٘ اٌزٚ ٞسد فؽ ٟذ٠ش أَ عٍّخ صٚط اٌشعٛي ؿ اثبْ البِزٙب فٟ اؾٌجؾخ ِغ اٌّٙبعش٠ٓ، ار لبٌذ "فٛهللا أب ٍٝؼٌ رٌه، ار ٔضي سعً ِٓ اؾٌجؾخ ٠ٕبصػٗ اٌٍّه أٞ ٠ٕبصع إٌغبٟؽ لبٌذ ٚعبس اٌٝ إٌغبٚ ٟؽثٕٙ١ّب ػشك ا١ًٌٕ"، اٌٝ أْ رمٛي اْ اٌغٍجخ وبٔذ ٌٍٕغبٍٝػ ٟؽ أػذائٗ. ٚلذ اصبس ٚسٚد اعُ "ا١ًٌٕ" فؽ ٟذ٠ش أَ عٍّخ سمٟ هللا ٕٙػب ثؼل اٌغذي ٛؽي ؽم١مخ ِىبْ اٌقؾبثخ، اال أْ لٍخ اٍٛؼٌِّبد اٌغغشاف١خ ٌذٜ أَ عٍّخ، ٚٚعٛد لجٛس اٌقؾبثخ ٕ٘بن ٠ئوذاْ ثؤْ إٌٙش اٌّمقٛد ٙٔ ٛ٘ش ػجبٞ ال غ١شٖ. امبفخ اٌٝ رٌه أْ اؾٌذٚد اٌغ١بع١خ اؾٌب١ٌخ ٌُ رىٓ ؼِشٚفخ آٔزان. ٚر١ؾش اٌّخطٛهبد اٌغٍذ٠خ اٌزبس٠خ١خ اٌزٟ اهؼٍذ ٙ١ٍػب "اٌٛعو" اٌٝ أْ إٌضاع ث١ٓ إٌغبٚ ٟؽأػذائٗ اٌّغ١١ؾ١ٓ ؾٔت ثغجت رجٟٕ إٌغبٟؽ ٌإلعالَ ؽّٚب٠زٗ ٌٍّغـ١ٍّٓ، ٌٙٚزا األِش دالٌخ وج١شح فٟ اٌزبس٠خ اإلعالِٟ، ال ع١ّب أْ ػذد اٌّغ١ٍّٓ فٟ اؾٌجؾخ آٔزان وبْ مؼف ػذدُ٘ فٟ ِىخ. ٚوبْ ث١ٓ أٌٚئه اٌقؾبثخ صالصخ ِٓ اؾؼٌشح اٌّجؾش٠ٓ ثبٌغٕخ ٚ٘ـُ ػضّبْ ثـٓ ػفبْ ٚاٌضث١ش ثٓ اٛؼٌاَ ػٚجذاٌشؽّٓ ثٓ ػـٛف، اٌٝ عبٔت فؾبثخ آخش٠ٓ وبْ ٌُٙ دٚس وج١ش فٟ ِغ١شح االعالَ الؽمبً. ٚاؽزٛد اٌّخطٛهبد ٍٝػ رفبف١ً دل١مخ ١ؽ ٓػبح إٌغبٚ ،ٟؽرزطبثك رٍه اٍٛؼٌِّبد ِغ اٌزبس٠خ اٌّٛصك ػٓ ٘زا اٌٍّه اٌقب٠ٚ .ؼٌزوش ثؼنٙب أْ إٌغبٚ ٟؽٌذ فٟ فزشح اصد٘بس ٍِّىخ اوغَٛ اؾٌج١ؾخ، ٛ٘ٚ اثٓ أؽذ ٍِٛن اوغَٛ اٌزٞ وبْ ٠ذٝػ أثؾشٚ ،ٞلذ رآِش ػُ إٌغبٍٝػ ٟؽ أثؾشٚ ٞلبَ ثمزٍٗ، ٚٔفٝ اثٕٗ إٌغبٟؽ اٌٝ ا١ٌّٓ ١ؽش ػبػ فزشح ِٓ اٌضِٓ ٕ٘بن، ١ؽش رؼشف ػ ٍٝػبداد اؼٌشة ٌٙٚغبرٚٚ .ُٙسد أْ ثالد اؾٌجؾخ فٟ غ١بة إٌغبٟؽ لذ ٙؽذد عفبفبً ٚٔمـ فٙ١ب اٌخ١ش، ٚفغش أً٘ اؾٌجؾخ رٌه ثٕفٙ١ُ ٌٍٕغبٚ ٟؽِٓ صُ أػبدٖٚ ِٓ ا١ٌّٓ ١ٌزغٍُ ِمب١ٌذ اؾٌىُ، ٚثؼذ ِغ١ئٗ ٙؽذد اؾٌجؾخ أٛػاِبً ِضد٘شح ّٙػٚب اٌخ١ش، ٚرضجذ اٌّخطٛهبد أْ ؽىُ إٌغبٚ ٟؽأعشرٗ اٌّغٍّخ اعزّش ٌفزشح ػ 320بِبً عبد فٙ١ب اؼٌذي. ٚر١ؾش اٌّخطٛهبد اٌٝ أْ إٌغبٟؽ وبْ ٌٗ صالصخ أثٕبء: اسؾ٠ب، ػٚجذهللا، ٚأثٛ ١ٔشص اٌزٞ أفجٍٟؼٌ ٌِٝٛ ؼ ثٓ اثٟ هبٌت. ٌّٚب رٛفٟ إٌغبٟؽ اسعً أً٘ اؾٌجؾخ ٚفذاً ُِٕٙ اٌٝ اثٟ ١ٔشص، ٛ٘ٚ ِغ ٍٟػ ١ٌزٛعٖٛ ٍِىبً، فمبي: ِب وٕذ ألهٍت اٌٍّه ثؼذ أْ ِ ّٓ هللا ّٟ ٍػ ثبإلعالَ. ِٚٓ اؼٌّشٚف اْ اٌشعٛي أهٍك ٍٝػ إٌغبٟؽ "أفؾّخ"، اال أْ اٌّخطٛهبد ر١ؾش اٌٝ أْ اعّٗ األفٍٟ "أدسٞ أص" ٚرٌه هجمبً إلسس ؼؽت اٌز١غشاٞ فبؽت ؽنبسح أوغَٛ. ٚرطبثك ٍٛؼِِبد ٘زٖ اٌّخطٛهبد اٌزبس٠خ اٌّضجذ فٟ ِب ٠زؼٍك ثش ّد إٌغبػ ٍٝػ ٟؽّشٚ ثٓ اؼٌبػٚ ؿجذهللا ثٓ اثٟ سثؼ١خ ِٛفذٞ لشؼ٠، ارا لبي إٌغبٟؽ "ال رب هللا ارْ ال أعٍُّٙ ا١ٌىّب، ٚال ٠ىبد لَٛ عبٚسٚ ٟٔٚٔضٌٛا ثالدٞ، ٚاخزبسٍٝػ ٟٔٚ ِٓ عٛاؽ ٞزٝ ادٛػُ٘ فؤعؤػ ٌُّٙب ٠مٛي ٘زاْ فٟ أِشُ٘، فبْ وبٛٔا وّب ٠مٛالْ اعٍّزُٙ اٙ١ٌّب ٚسددرُٙ اٌٝ لٚ ،ُِٙٛاْ وبٛٔا غ١ش رٌه ؼِٕزِٕٙ ُّٙب ٚأؽغٕذ عٛاسُ٘ ِب عبٚسٚ ."ٟٔٚرٛاٌذ ثؼذ رٌه األؽذاس اؼٌّشٚفخ ثؤْ هٍت إٌغبٟؽ عّبع اٌطشف١ٓ، ٚسفل هٍت ٚفذ لشػ ؼ٠ٕذِب لبي أٗ ٌٓ ٠غٍُ ٘ئالء اٌّٙبعش٠ٓ ٌٛٚ دفؼذ لشؼ٠ "دثش" ر٘ت، ٚوٍّخ "دثش" رٟٕؼ عجً ثبٌٍغخ اٌزغش١ٕ٠خ. ٚرٛافً اٌّخطٛهبد فٟ ع١بق ِّبصً عشد و١ف١خ دخٛي إٌغبٟؽ فٟ االعالَ، ١ؾِشح اٌٝ اٌفطشح اٌغ١ٍّخ ٚٔضػخ اال٠ّبْ اٌزٟ وبٔذ ِزؤفٍخ ف١ٗ، ار وبْ ٍِىبً ػبدالً ٌُ رؼشف ٍِّىخ أوغَٛ ٔظ١شاً ٌٗ فٟ اؼٌذي.

ٚرٛفٟ إٌغبٟؽ فٟ اٌغٕخ اٌزبعؼخ ٌٍٙغشح، ؼٔٚبٖ اٌشعٛي ؿ فٟ اٛ١ٌَ اٌزٞ ِبد ف١ٗ ٚف١ٍػ ٍٝٗ ثبٌجم١غ، ٚأوشَ هللا إٌغبٟؽ ثؤْ سفغ عش٠شٖ ثؤسك اؾٌجؾخ ؽزٝ سآٖ إٌجٛ٘ٚ ؿ ٟ ثبٌّذ٠ٕخ فق١ٍػ ٍٝٗ، ٚرىٍُ إٌّبفمْٛ فمبٌٛا: أ٠قٍٝػ ٍٝ ٘زا اؼٌٍظ؟ فؤٔضي هللا رؼبٌٝ لٚ" :ٌٗٛاْ ِٓ أً٘ اٌىزبة ٌّٓ ٠ئِٓ ثبهلل ِٚب أٔضي ا١ٌىُ ِٚب أٔضي اٙ١ٌُ" آي ػّشاْ 199. 138

اٌزمذ "اٌٛعو" فٟ ِذ٠ٕخ ٔغبػ االِبَ اؾٌبٌٟ ٌّغغذ إٌغبٟؽ صٕٛ٠ اعّب١ػً، اٌزٚ ٞسس اِبِخ اٌّغغذ ِٓ عذٖ اٌشاثغ، ٚاٌزمذ ا٠نبً ِئرْ اٌّغغذ داٚد ٍٟػ اٌزٞ روش اْ ٘زٖ اٌّّٙخ ِمقٛسح ٍٝػ أعشرٗ فمو، ُٚ٘ ٠زٛاسصٙٔٛب أثبً ػٓ عذ. ٚروش أٗ ٚسس ٘زٖ اٌّّٙخ ِٓ عذٖ اٌخبِظ، ٠ٕٚطجك األِش ٔفغٗ ؽ ٍٝػبسط اٌّغغذ. ُٚ٘ ؼ٠زجشْٚ ِٙبُِٙ ٘زٖ راد هبثغ لذع١ؾ٠ٚ ،ٟطٙٔٛب ثىض١ش ِٓ اال٘زّبَ ٚاٌزمذ٠ش، ٚفؽ ٟبي أمشاك أعشح أؽذُ٘ فبْ اٌّّٙخ رٕزمً رٍمبئ١بً ألعشح أخ١ٗ. ٚفٛؽ ٟاسٔب ٙؼُِ روشٚا اْ ٕ٘بن ِض٠ذاً ِٓ األدٌخ اٌزبس٠خ١خ اٌّزؼٍمخ ثبٌٕغبٟؽ، ٌىٕٙب ِٛعٛدح فٚ ٟصبئك رؾزفع ثٙب ثؼل اٌىٕبئظ. ٚ٘زا األِش ِؤٌٛف، فؼّظُ ٚصبئك اٌزبس٠خ اؾٌجٟؾ رٛعذ فٟ خضائٓ اٌىٕبئظ. ٚأمبفٛا اْ رٍه اٌٛصبئك رؾزٍٝػ ٞٛ اؽبساد ٚامؾخ رف١ذ ثؤْ إٌغبٛ٘ ٟؽ اٌٍّه اٌزٞ أدخً االعالَ فٟ اؾٌجؾخ. وّب اٌزمذ "اٌٛعو"، ا١ؾٌخ اؽّذ ؽبط األ١ِٓ عىشر١ش اٌٍغٕخ ا١ٍؼٌب ال١ؽبء ِآصش اؽّذ إٌغب٠ٚ ٟؽطٍك أً٘ إٌّطمخ اعُ اؽّذ ٍٝػ إٌغبٚ .ٟؽروش ٌٕب أٗ ٚثؼذ اٌزغ١١شاد اٌذّٛ٠لشاه١خ اٌىج١شح اٌزٙؽ ٟذرٙب اصٛ١ث١ب فٟ اٚ٢ٔخ األخ١شح امؾذ ٌٍّغ١ٍّٓ ؽمٛق ِزغب٠ٚخ ؽفظٙب ٌُٙ اٌذعزٛس اٌغذ٠ذ اٌزٞ ٔـ ٍٝػ اْ اٌّغ١ؾ١خ ٚاالعالَ ّ٘ب اٌذ٠بٔزبْ اٌشع١ّزبْ فٟ اٌجالد. ٚأوذ عىشر١ش ٌغٕخ إٌغبٟؽ اْ اٌظشف اٌشا٘ٓ ٠ّضً فشفخ ربس٠خ١خ ٌٍّغ١ٍّٓ ال١ؽبء ربس٠خُٙ ٚاسصُٙ ثؤصٛ١ث١ب، ٚٔبؽذ ع١ّغ إٌّظّبد االعال١ِخ ٚاٌغٙبد ا١ٕؼٌّخ ثبٌزشاس االعالِٟ رمذ٠ُ ٠ذ اٚ ْٛؼٌاٌّغبّ٘خ فٟ ا١ؽبء ٘زا االسس االعالِٟ اؼٌظ١ُ، ٚرٌه ثبٍٝػ ًّؼٌ رٛص١مٗ ٚرٕمٚ ٗؾ١االؽزفبي ثزوشاٖ ع٠ٕٛبً اعٛح ثجم١خ إٌّبعجبد االعال١ِخ األخشٜ. ٚاٌزمذ "اٌٛعو" غجشا أعشاد ؽبوُ ال١ٍُ اٌز١غشاٞ اٌــزٞ ٠نـُ ِذ٠ٕخ ٔغبػ، فؤوذ اْ اصٛ١ث١ب اٌغـذ٠ذح رٕـظش اٌٝ ربس٠خٙب ٔظـشح ِزـىبٍِخ، ٚرؼزجش ربس٠خ إٌغبٟؽ عضءاً ال ٠زغضء ِٓ ربس٠خٙب ٚأسصٙب، ٚأوذ ؽبوُ االل١ٍُ أٗ ٌٟٛ٠ ٘زا االسس ا٘زّبِبً خـبفــبً ٠ٚمــؽ َٛخق١ب ً ثشػب٠خ اٌٍغٕخ اٌّىٍفخ ثؤ١ؽبء رشاس إٌغبٚ .ٟؽرغٌٛذ "اٌٛعو" فٟ ِذ٠ٕخ ٔغبٚ ػاٌمشٜ ا١ؾٌّطخ ثٙب ١ؽش ٠ٕزؾش اٌفمش ٚاٌغٚ ًٙعو اٌغىبْ. ػٍّٕٚب اْ اؾٌىِٛخ ؾِٕذ أسامـٟ ٌّغٍّٟ ِذ٠ٕخ ٔغبػ اللبِخ ٙؼِذ ِٚذاسط اعال١ِخ، اال اْ لٍخ اِىبٔبد أً٘ اٌّذ٠ٕخ رمـف ػبئمبً اِبَ رٕف١ز رٍه اؾٌّبس٠غ. ٚالؽظٕب ؾٔبه ثؼل إٌّظّبد اٌغشث١خ فٟ رٍه إٌّبهك. ِٚٓ ِفبسلبد األلذاس اْ رمَٛ ِٕظّبد غشث١خ ثزمذ٠ُ اٌّغبػذح ألؽفبد إٌغبٚ ٟؽأؽفبد ثؼل اٌقؾبثخ، ف١ؽ ٟٓ رغغً إٌّظّبد اؼٌشث١خ ٚاالعال١ِخ غ١بثبً وبِالً، ٚوؤْ ٘زٖ إٌّطمخ اٌزبس٠خ١خ ال رٙ١ٕؼُ فٟؽ ٟء! ٚ٘زا األِش وبْ ثبالِىبْ رفغ١شٖ فٟ ظً األٔظّخ االصٛ١ث١خ اٌغبثمخ اٌزٟ وبٔذرزؼّذ هّظ اٌزبس٠خ االعالِٟ فٟ اصٛ١ث١ب، اال أٗ فٟ ظً إٌظبَ اؾٌبٌٟ فغ١ّغ األثٛاة ِفزؽٛخ أِبَ وً إٌّظّبد ؼًٌٍّ فٟ اصٛ١ث١ب .”