Dr. Marts to Dedicate Kirby Hall FACULTY CHANGES BEACON LIBRARY's NEW HOME As in Every School the Faculty Changes with the Years

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Dr. Marts to Dedicate Kirby Hall FACULTY CHANGES BEACON LIBRARY's NEW HOME As in Every School the Faculty Changes with the Years H-1 UBNI&L [i iE ±c JN Vol. 6. No. 1 Wilkes-Barre, Pa.. Tuesday, October 14. 1941 Dr. Marts To Dedicate Kirby Hall FACULTY CHANGES BEACON LIBRARY'S NEW HOME As in every school the faculty changes with the years. New SPONSORS Bucknell Junior College extends its campus to a neighborinq faces appear, old ones leave to take advantage of new opportil- home, the former Kirby residence. This spacious building has nities, or retire from active academic life. This year Bucknell has SONG come to Bucknell through the generosity of Mr. Allan P. Kirby, been honored to add to its staff several new teachers to fill the who was one of Wilkes-Barre's foremost citizens. vcicahcies left by those who have either married, resigned, or CONTEST The extremely wide entrance hail with carved winding stair- reported for army duty. We wish to extend to them our sincerest case and grandfather's clock has hardwood paneling and welcome. At last the time has come when scarlet-brocade covered walls. To the right is found a reception was married during the all the future Irving Berlins or room with Miss Klinedinst, last year's librarian George Gershwins of Bucknell marble fireplace and scenic walls of a gray and white summer and Miss Simpson has been appointed in her place. University Junior College have decor. Directly behind this comparatively small room is the Mrs. Harper, who was French teacher in former years, is now the golden opportunity of dis Social Studies Seminar, which will fulfill the age-old desires of in New York, and Mr. Disque, German instructor, is serving playing their talent. A new col- Dr. Crook and Dr. Gage. A social studies classroom and the new Foreign Language professor is Mr. Schmalz. lege song, one with pep and new Bucknell Beacon office Uncle Sam. The spirit, would benefit the school on the right, and on the left, the while Mr. Donnelly is teaching English. Mr. Schuyler, chemistry to no small degree. A prospec- green, persian-carpeted drawing room, which will be used for teacher, has accepted a better position and replacing him is Dr. tive successor to 'the Hut Sut art exhibits by the Wyoming Valley Academy of Arts and Sci- Morris. Miss Green is also a newcomer to the business staff, song or some sentimental ditty ences, complete the first floor. There is a possibility, if the stu- Mrs. Brown has very obligingly consented to teach Di-. will not be considered. This does dents so agree, that weekly or semi-monthly evening will and not mean that the song has to dances Brown's English classes. be slow and smooth, but it can be held on this floor. Miss Green and Miss Simpson will be interviewed in this issue have a great deal of spirit and The entire second floor will be converted into an apartment to and the other new professors in the following Beacons. at the same time express our used for the library. It will con- be used by Dr. and Mrs. Morris. sentiments. sist of a series of rooms, each It is anticipated that the Kirby Miss Mary Lofton Simpson, After being away from home The judges, Mrs. Eugene Far- dedicated to the books of a separ- librarian of the for two years, Miss Simpson is ate subject. Opportunity garage will be used for aviation newly appointed ley, Prof. Gies. and Mr. Charles for in- classes and the space between the Junior College, is a native of happily anticipating a trip home Henderson, will supply the origi- dividual study, which is always South Carolina. The during the Christmas holidays. important, will Chase theatre and the Kirby gar- Greenville, 'nal melody To the student sub- be possible at the age will be converted by the re- daughter of a Baptist minister, One of our faculty additions mitting the best lyric, a prize of small, round, Colonial tables for possesses the a planting of hedges, into an open. Miss Simpson this year is Miss Green, tall, five dollars will be awarded. four. air ampitheatre. charm and winsomeness which is attractive Texan whose birth- However, if a Bucknellian is cap- Between the second and third so indicative of Southern woman- place in the lone-star state is able of writing the melody p1w' floors is located the very attrac- The acceptance, remodeling, hood. Cameron. She received her B. A. the lyric, the prize will be dou- tive Music Room with fts fire- and endowing of this valuable Miss Simpson graduated from and M. A. degrees at the Uni- bled. place and leaded-glass windows. addition to our college was made re- Greenville High School and versity of Texas in Austin, for a This is an Here will be placed the Carnegie possible by the generosity of our degree at Fur- opportunity for Music ceived her A. B. year did graduate work at Co- every student to at least try to Library and a recording trustees and friends. All our nam University, Greenville. She lumbia University, and is now apparatus which may be used at thanks go to them and to Mr. in Li- contribute something which will any obtained her B. S. degree working for her doctor's degree. be of lasting value to our school. time by any student after Allan Kirby who presented his brary Science at the Drexel In- She belongs to three honorary consulting the librarian, who will home. Upon its completion in the in Phila- Entries may be given to any stitute of Technology fraternities: Delta Kappa Gam- member of the Beacon staff and have full charge. It is hoped that near future, it will be dedicated delphia. ma, Pi Lambda Thete, and Delta results will be announced in the a concert grand piano may be to Mr. and Mrs. Fred M. Kirby After some time at the Fur- Pi Epsilon. obtained for this room in the by Dr. Marts, the President of Miss near future. So, come one and nam University Library, Her previous positions have all, hum the tune and future. The third floor has been Bucknell University. a position in head of chant the Simpson accepted been in El Paso, Tex., as wordsyou can do it, so why noc the New York Public Library, the Commercial Department, and try now? but comes here directly from the at N. Y. U., where she taught SORORITY Reference Library of the Federal with a fellowship. After teaching Hot Dogs and Reserve Bank in New York City. in a school with a 47,000 student Miss Simpson believes she is a enrollment she likes the change ORMANOWSKI ELECTS "most uninteresting soul," but of working in a small school Moonlight everyone who meets her believes where the personal element plays WINS MATHS TENTATIVE that quite the opposite is true. a definite part. Prehistoric man had his get- When she was asked what she She has expressed a preference together around the tribal camp- most enjoyed, Miss Simpson for our local scenery and also her PRIZE PRESIDENT fire, and who are we Bucknell stated that she was fond of clas- deep love for the theatre, her ians to argue with an institution sical music, but "the theatre was favorite actors being Helen Hayes Dan Ormanowski, a Sophomore When last year's school term as old as that? Right, we couldn't the love of her life." and Maurice Evans. of Bucknell Junior College, was neared its end, the present and on October fourth the Sopho- recently honored with the Phil more and Freshman classes prov- lips' Prize. This prize is granted Sophomore girls of the Beta ed their adherence to the cm- Dr. David Brown to the student who attains the Gamma Chi Sorority met and toms of antiquity by attending A Word of highest average in mathematics elected officers for the coming a highly successful and enjoyable On the morning of September during his Freshman year. Stu- year. However, since some of wienie roast held at the Lance Thanks dents at Lewisburg, as well as 29, we were all very shocked to those officers did not return to home at Chase. learn of the sudden death of Dr. those at the Junior College, are To the members of the student eligible for this award. the Junior College this year, it We left Conyngham Hall and David Brown. Professor Brown body of Bucknell Junior College after many slight setbacks, such and de- will be necessary to hold another commanded the respect I wish to express my apprecia- Mr. Ormanowski was graduated as following the wrong car and votion of us all. 'tion and deep gratitude for their from Newport Township High election. ending up in a blind alley, we School and is a student of Chemi- arrived safely at Chase. There, He was born in Glasgow, Scot- many kindnesses in our recent Mary Pohola, vice-president, land, attended Harvard Univer- cal Engineering. with the aid of Miss Sanguiliano amid the cheers and exhortations bereavement. The many tributes of many friendly voices, some- sity, and in 1925 was graduated paid to Dr. Brown's memory and arranged and carried out all from Williams University. In Freshmen teas. Miss Pohola has one's decrepit Ford wheezed to a the beautiful floral offerings were safe standstill on Duffy's hill. 1933 he received his Ph.D. at sincerely appreciated. since been elected temporary Yale and was a member of the FARRELL President and will act as sucn The moon's haze threw a slight faculty at both Yale and Williams Virginia L. Brown. until officers are elected in the gray light over the lake, but before coming to Bucknell.
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