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3317 Portage Ave OR 2450 Main St, 204.338.7922 SERVING: Selkirk • Middlechurch • West St. Paul • RECORD PHOTO SUBMITTED Skylar Finnigan, Jaycee Gagnon and Orion Finnigan participating in the fi rst StoryWalk at the Petersfi eld Farmers [email protected] Market. For more photos see page 5.

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1 - Week 41_20 Harrys Foods PRICES IN EFFECT: THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8 - WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 2020 The Selkirk Record Thursday, October 8, 2020 3 Living in a world of masks Mask mandate easy for some, adjustment for others By Nicole Buffi e in with the rest of the bedroom com- As the fi rst week of a mandatory munities surrounding Winnipeg. mask policy in the Winnipeg Metro- “Our team has done tremendous politan Region has come and gone, work on having Selkirk prepared for residents of Selkirk and surrounding the pandemic,” Johannson said. “We communities seem to be adjusting to believe in the recommendations, we the face coverings with ease. believe in the science, I just don’t No Frill’s, though having a mask agree with being a part of this group,” policy in place since Aug. 29, has faced Johannson said. little backlash for the store’s rule. The mayor said despite his wish to “Generally, it was a bit of a learn- be seen as a separate entity from Win- ing curve but not a huge pushback,” nipeg and surrounding communities, said Terry Gall, associate manager of Selkirk has obliged to following nec- the grocery store. “The odd customer essary health protocols put in place by didn’t like it or walked away but it was the city and individual businesses. mostly accepted.” “90% of the businesses already had After an infl ux of positive COV- implemented mandatory masks in RECORD PHOTOS BY NICOLE BUFFIE ID-19 cases in Winnipeg, the province their in their buildings,” he said. “We No Frills in Selkirk has had a mandatory mask policy in place since Aug. moved to establish the area as level or- have gone above and beyond pro- 29 with little push back from shoppers. ange, or ‘restricted’ on the provincial tecting our community and I think it pandemic response system. With the shows in the numbers.” announcement came smaller gather- While most businesses asked cus- ing sizes both indoors and outdoors, tomers to wear masks while shopping and the mandatory use of masks in all and it came with no fuss, not everyone public places. was compliant of the request. Gall said since his store implement- An incident came out of Selkirk’s ed the policy for all employees and Walmart on Sept. 23 when RCMP re- shoppers, he’s had few customers ported arresting a man for assault and refusing to don a face covering while uttering threats. shopping. Mounties say a 52-year-old man en- “It’s almost total compliance,” he tered the store not wearing a mask. said. Gall noted there was only one After another customer repeatedly customer during the fi rst week of the asked the man to don a face covering, new public health orders that refused the individual allegedly pushed him to wear a mask. and threatened him. An employee As the public health regulation nearby saw the commotion and called states, a face covering must be worn RCMP to the scene. The male was ar- while inside any public-facing busi- rested and detained in custody and is ness including grocery stores, malls facing charges of assault and uttering and anything accessible to the general threats. He is scheduled to appear in population. Selkirk court on Dec. 11. Mayor Larry Johannson said while Walmart stores across the country A man was charged with assault and uttering threats after refusing he agrees with the mandates and will implemented a mandatory mask pol- to wear a mask in the Selkirk Walmart in September, one week before ensure everyone follows the rules set icy in their retail stores in August. A public health orders mandated the use of masks in all public indoor out by public health offi cials in order statement by the company read that spaces. to slow the spread of the virus, he isn’t face-coverings must be worn by cus- over 400 locations beginning Aug. 12, mandate in place or not. convinced the city should be lumped tomers while shopping in one of their regardless if there was a public health Thankful Table

439 MAIN ST., SELKIRKRK HOURSURSRS MON - WED 9-8 THURS & FRI 9-9 North of Ave. SAT 9-6 SUN 12-5 BiG DOLLAR 4 The Selkirk Record Thursday, October 8, 2020 Making organ transplants available to more people By Katelyn Boulanger Kyle Schmidt, an East St. Paul fi re- fi ghter who recently was told that he needed a kidney transplant, is advo- cating for a change in the way trans- plants are managed in the Province of Manitoba. Currently, people who would like to be organ donors need to opt-in by submitting their information to the province but Schmidt would like to see that changed so that instead of opting-in residents would opt-out if they didn’t want their organs donated after they have passed away. “I’m 37 years old. I’m a new parent with a 9-month old baby. I was diag- nosed with end-stage renal disease in August of this year. We always as- sumed that a transplant was coming but it kind of came faster than we an- ticipated. At that time we were look- ing for a list of potential donors,” said Schmidt. Upon creating a group called Kidney on Fire on Facebook, which let people know about his own need, Schmidt had an outpouring of support and po- tential donors who called to be tested need organ transplants who haven’t RECORD PHOTO SUBMITTED to see if they were a match. had the same experience fi nding an Kyle Schmidt and his Kidney on Fire team recently raised almost $2000 His journey, however, caused organ donor as he has. at a fundraiser for the Kidney Foundation Of on Sept. 27 in Birds Schmidt to realize how many people Schmidt and his list of potential do- Hill Park. nors are currently being tested and ing their driver’s license but has since he is hoping to make it to transplant changed to an online signup. without having to go on dialysis. Selkirk resident Cathy Krawchuk re- Stay Smooth “Manitoba has the longest trans- cently gave her kidney to Judy Scott plant wait times in Canada, partly the two having met through speed THIS WINTER because we have a lot of people on skating as both have daughters who dialysis per capita, Manitoba has over participate in the sport. She also be- 1800 people on dialysis only about lieves that an opt-out system is the at CANADIAN TIRE Selkirk 400 people are eligible for transplant,” way to go in Manitoba. said Schmidt. “That one person who’s waiting for We are a full service repair facility. On behalf of those 400 people in a liver transplant, a kidney transplant, Call today for an appointment. need of kidney transplants and many whatever it may be, they have family. more in need of other organs that It’s not just them who are waiting for We can get your vechile in and out quickly would benefi t from an improved it, it’s also their family that are waiting and effi ciently, often the same day. transplant system, Schmidt wrote for it children, grandchildren, cousins, to MLAs to advocate for a system in husbands, wives, friends, coworkers, which more people could be consid- whatever it may be all of these people ered as donors. are waiting with them for these trans- He sat down with the Minister of In- plants and why wouldn’t you want frastructure Ron Schuler and Minister to help them if you pass away. Why of Health Cameron Friesen and the wouldn’t you want to pay it forward,” SEE US FOR: feedback that he got from them was said Krawchuk. that to enact a change like that they As it’s been 10 months since her FULL SUSPENSION, would need more people to sign up to donation, Krawchuk has had time to be organ donors in the current system recover and still feels that it was the SHOCKS AND to show that there is interest in chang- right decision to donate her kidney. ing the way organ donations are done She also says that she would do it STRUT WORK! in this province. again if someone needed a piece of Recently, the province of Nova Sco- her liver. tia became the fi rst area in North “Sometimes the organs aren’t us- American to vote in a similar change able but sometimes we can affect a having residents request to not be or- life,” said Schmidt. CANADIAN TIRE SELKIRK gan donors instead of having to ask to To sign up for organ donation in 1041 MANITOBA AVE., donate. This change will be enacted in Manitoba visit and 482-8473 SELKIRK, MB January of 2021. register. SERVICE HOURS MONDAY - FRIDAY 8:00 am - 7:30 pm SATURDAY 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Sunday 10:00 am - 4:00 pm The Manitoba system used to allow people to sign up alongside obtain- The Selkirk Record Thursday, October 8, 2020 5 Combining literacy and the outdoors

RECORD PHOTOS SUBMITTED The StoryWalk will move from the farmers market to Petersfi eld Park next weekend. The walk which is designed as a physically distant reading adventure has participants walk from page to page of a story until they reach the end. The next StoryWalk will feature the book ‘Mickey’s Thanksgiving’ and will remain up for a week before being replaced by ‘Haunted Howl-oween’. Pictured: (left) Skylar & Orion Finnigan and Jaycee Gagnon participating in the fi rst StoryWalk. Pictured: (right) Jackson and his mother Robin pick out a book at the Frontier College’s Book Fair. Every child who partici- pated in the StoryWalk® was able to take home a free book compli- ments of Frontier College, a non-profi t literacy organization.

20102mm0 6 The Selkirk Record Thursday, October 8, 2020 SelkirkThe ecord gettinformedinNEWSnnformednf > VIEWSffo > SELKIRKoorm > ST. CLEMENTSmme > ST. ANDREWSed d > SURROUNDINGNDING AREAS Manitoba calls on Feds to remove block on rapid COVID-19 test

PUBLISHER MARKETING & PROMOTIONS Submitted by Manitoba government added Helwer. “Although the federal importance of our government’s work Lana Meier Brett Mitchell The Manitoba government is call- government has secured its own sup- to engage the thousands of kilometres ing on the Government of Canada to ply, it has indicated that it will decide of fi bre-optic cable owned by Mani- reverse its ban on the direct sale to how that supply will be allocated. Pro- toba Hydro. This pandemic has rein- provinces of a new rapid test for CO- vincial governments are the front-line forced the need for access to reliable VID-19, Central Services Minister Reg providers of health care in this coun- internet, which is why the province of Helwer announced Monday. try and are best able to determine Manitoba is stepping up to connect “Our government is committed to their own needs.” rural and northern communities us- EDITOR SALES increasing access to COVID-19 test- The federal government’s actions ing a publicly owned asset that has sat Katelyn Boulanger Michelle Balharry ing for Manitobans,” said Helwer. “We are the latest in a series of clear exam- idle for far too long.” were pleased to learn that Health ples where provincial needs are being Premier Brian Pallister has written Canada had approved the Abbott disregarded, the minister said. to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to ID NOW rapid test for use. Access Earlier this year, an order of two mil- express Manitoba’s disappointment to testing is top of mind for Manito- lion N95 masks placed by the Govern- in the federal government blocking bans, which is why our government ment of Manitoba was blocked by the Manitoba’s access to an important attempted to place an order for these U.S. government and redirected to tool to increase COVID-19 testing new tests within 24 hours of Health . Because of these federal sei- capacity. The premier is asking the Canada’s announcement.” zures, Manitoba has only received a prime minister to relieve immediately OFFICE MANAGER/ADS SPORTS EDITOR Lucy Kowalchuk Brian Bowman When Manitoba offi cials contacted fraction of the quantities to which we Abbott of any prohibitions on the sale Abbott to place an order for the new were entitled, Helwer noted. of the ID NOW rapid test to Manitoba, ID NOW rapid test, they were in- “The federal government has also which will enable the provincial gov- formed the Government of Canada is cancelled funding for a program to ernment to make immediate arrange- blocking the sale of this test directly to help improve fi bre-optic access in ments for the purchase of suffi cient provincial governments. ,” said Helwer. testing machines and kits to meet the “This is a completely unacceptable “The cancellation of this $55-million needs of Manitobans. action by the federal government,” federal commitment reinforces the DISTRIBUTION PRODUCTION Christy Brown Nicole Kapusta letter to the editor Letters to the Editor: [email protected]

My wife and I had our COVID-19 cerned and want to be tested. large sign on the road heading in ADMINISTRATION PRODUCTION Jo-Anne Procter Debbie Strauss testing done at the Selkirk centre set To help with the volume, the health- which says ‘COVID TEST CENTRE. up for that purpose. That day there care workers were going along the 30 km/h maximum speed. $200 fi nes were about thirty vehicles ahead of road to the vehicles one at a time, I in place. Hours of operation 7 a.m. to us all lined up on the roadside. The imagine with a worksheet to get the 5 p.m. process took just over half an hour. people prepared so the Manitoba As school is now started it makes When we came out of the test centre, Health paperwork is done before one think of the same system of the line had doubled. they enter the centre. warning should be in place for the The healthcare workers were very This is very risky as the traffi c pass- COVID testing centre. This oversight ADMINISTRATION PRINT effi cient, very kind, and we passed es behind them at 70 km/h. Most on behalf of not the government of Corrie Sargent Dan Anderson the test. Thank you for your skill and slow down but some do not. Has no health but of highways is shocking in dedication. one given thought to this? its negligence. Soon this will be done Two weeks later I was on Manitoba The issue facing us is very simple. in the dark and snow. What then? Avenue and pulled up at the light No authority has paid attention to Widen the road? Change the traffi c across from the COVID test centre. I the safety of these workers as they pattern? Enter from the opposite end was shocked to see the vehicles went talk to people in the endless line. of the building? as far as the eye could see. They went This 70 km/h speed limit is still in all the way around the corner to the place on that road. - Submitted by Doug Broadhurst, ADMINISTRATION old hospital or a little further. Ob- What I think would be a reason- Resident of Petersfi eld Allana Sawatzky viously, now more people are con- able solution, would be to install a > CONTACT US TO PLACE AN AD or for EDITORIAL TROUBLE WITH PAPER DELIVERY? COMMERCIAL DESIGN & PRINTING Katelyn Boulanger 204-485-3337 Christy Brown, Distribution Mgr.: 204-467-5836 By phone: 204-785-1618 Brett Mitchell: 204-485-0010 [email protected] The Selkirk Record is published Thursdays and distributed through Canada Post to 17,400 homes by BigandColourful Printing and Publishing, fax: 204-467-2679 Email: [email protected] View the Selkirk Record online at a division of Interlake Graphics. Republishing in whole or in part without permission is strictly prohibited. Printed in Canada by Prolifi c Printing. Find us: 217 Clandeboye Ave., Michelle Balharry: 204-485-1419 This newspaper is supported 100% by advertising dollars. If you enjoy the Email: [email protected] The Selkirk Record welcomes submissions to Letters to the Editor. paper and would like to see the newspaper grow and prosper visit any of the Selkirk, MB R1A 0X2 Letters can be emailed to [email protected] or dropped off at our advertisers and businesses in our rural communities. – Keep your dollars or call our offi ce at 204-785-1618 offi ce. Letters must include the name and mailing address of the writer. working at home and shop local. Our commitment to you, the reader – we will Offi ce Hours: Mon. - Fri. 9:30am-5pm connect our people through stories in the paper to build stronger communities. The Selkirk Record Thursday, October 8, 2020 7 COVID alert app launched in Manitoba gations. People who do not have a Available for all Apple and Android smartphone or device that will sup- port the app will still receive notifi - devices at the Itunes and Google Play cation from public health offi cials if they have positive test results or are stores. determined to be a close contact of a confi rmed case. By the Government of Manitoba potential exposure risk without shar- “It’s important for people to remem- The Health Canada COVID Alert ing any personal information. ber that we all need to continue to app is now available to Manitoba resi- Someone who tests positive for CO- focus on the fundamentals to reduce dents and will provide digital COV- VID-19 will be provided a one-time the risk of spreading COVID-19 to ID-19 exposure alerts once the app is key from public health when they others,” said Friesen. “Stay home if downloaded to a smartphone, Health, call to provide test results. By enter- you are sick, reduce your number of Seniors and Active Living Minister ing the key into the app, it will notify contacts, wash or sanitize your hands Cameron Friesen announced Oct.1. other app users who have been within often, physically distance from others “With case numbers currently on two metres of a person who has tested and wear a mask if you cannot, or as the rise, the COVID Alert app is one positive for COVID-19 for at least 15 required in your community.” more tool that people can use to be minutes over a 24-hour period with- The Health Canada COVID Alert aware of a possible exposure to COV- in the last 14 days. Subscribers who app is available at no cost in the Apple ID-19,” said Friesen. “The introduction receive this exposure alert can then App Store and Google Play. For more of the app builds on our public health assess their risk and seek testing, if information, visit contact tracing efforts to inform peo- needed. public-health/services/diseases/coro- RECORD PHOTO BY KATELYN ple of possible exposures and ensure The COVID Alert app does not col- navirus-disease-covid-19/covid-alert. BOULANGER they are given the advice they need to lect personal information or health html. The national COVID alert app reduce the spread of the virus.” data, and does not know or track the Visit launched in Manitoba Oct. 1 and The national COVID Alert app uses location, name, address or contacts for information about the #RestartMB all residents are invited to join. Bluetooth technology to detect when of any user. All aspects of the app are Pandemic Response system, testing, The app does not collect personal users are near each other. If a user completely voluntary. public safety alerts and the latest data and allows residents to be tests positive for COVID-19, they can The minister noted the COVID Alert Manitoba case surveillance informa- notifi ed if you’ve come into con- choose to let other users know about app does not replace contact investi- tion. tact with someone with a posi- WE WISH 2020tive COVID-19 test. WAS FAKE NEWS, TOO. Happy National Newspaper Week to the readers who need it most.

OCTOBER 4-10TH, 2020 8 The Selkirk Record Thursday, October 8, 2020 Police pups more than just a pretty face Imprinting is the fi rst step of RCMP K9 training

By Nicole Buffi e Service Training Centre as newborn Training a puppy isn’t always easy; purebred German Shepherds. After teaching their clumsy bodies to climb arriving in the city they’re assigned to, stairs, directing them outside when the imprinting process begins. they ‘gotta-go’ and regulating their The imprinters expose their trainees feeding schedule are all parts of pup- to as many terrains and individuals as py parenting. they can in order to become confi dent But what if it involved letting your and useful in any situation they’re put new furry friend climb on tables, ex- in. plore every nook of any available “We want them to be dominant and space and receive head scratches comfortable,” Rouleau said. from anyone they came across? After becoming familiar with vari- These are a just few things RCMP ous people, places and things over dog imprinters introduce their train- many months and imprinters have a ees to in the 20 months they spend sense of whether they have the tem- with them. perament to become a police dog, Cst. Dan Rouleau, a veteran dog im- they are sent off for their next round printer for the Mounties, and his latest of training involving narcotics and ex- K9 recruit Nyack have been spending plosives detection. the last few weeks together becoming However, not all dogs make it familiar with each other and their sur- through the fi rst round. roundings. “Sometimes you can just tell the “I spend more time with the dog dogs won’t be good police dogs,” Rou- than I do with my family,” Rouleau leau said. “They’re not aggressive or said. confi dent enough, or they’re not great As an imprinter, Rouleau’s job is to at tracking.” allow his puppies to become com- The dogs that fl unk out are then sold fortable in all environments and with to hopeful owners through the RCMP. any individual they may come across The ones that go on to complete RECORD PHOTO BY BRETT MITCHELL in their careers as police dogs. After their training serve as long as they RCMP Cst. and K9 imprinter Dan Rouleau with his nine-week-old train- that, the dogs move to the next stages can before retiring, averaging eight to ee Nyack showing him the ropes at Selkirk Plaza before he goes off to of tactical training. 10 years. While the canine cops do not his next round of police dog training. “When it becomes a police dog, receive paycheques, they are compen- you’re going to want it to be able to sated with plenty of treats. SUV through a farmyard in East Sel- spending a lot of time exploring the jump on counters and couches be- Police dogs assist in executing search kirk and fl eeing on foot, police dog Winnipeg James Armstrong Richard- cause that’s where they may need to warrants, locate missing people and Eddie was dispatched and quickly lo- son International Airport, Rouleau’s search,” Rouleau said. “They don’t even help nab fl eeing suspects. cated the suspects using his tracking home base for the RCMP, as well as want to associate that with a negative In 2017, a male and a female attempt- skills and helped police bring them exploring wooded areas. experience.” ed to evade police in a stolen vehicle into custody. “Right now it’s just about having a The potential police pups start their after refusing to stop when pulled As for nine-week-old Nyack, there’s good time, letting him explore and be journeys at the Police Dog over. After failing to get the stolen no suspect tracking on the horizon a puppy for a little bit.” quite yet. He and Rouleau have been Physical distancing doesn’t mean being alone be detrimental to the mental health and Blue Cross answered the call, Donations ensure personal care home and and wellbeing of people both old and with more than 200 iPads and smart- young, and particularly for those with phones donated. supportive housing residents keep in touch dementia. “We touched base with all personal “When people with dementia are care homes and all supportive hous- with loved ones not in contact with the people closest ing in the province, and every single to them, they lose their cognition and home that needed a device received By Interlake Regional Health Authority able to visit with loved ones in person. orientation to time, place and person. one,” said Legeros. “And they are re- Seeing a grandchild for the fi rst time. In the early days of the coronavirus It’s absolutely critical that they stay in ally being used. In one home, a resi- A son playing you a song on the gui- pandemic, the Long Term & Continu- touch,” said Jan Legeros, executive di- dent who is more than 100 years old is tar. A daughter showing you around ing Care Association of Manitoba (LT- rector of LTCAM. even teaching other residents how to her new house. These are just a few of CAM) realized an urgent need and An appeal was launched with the use one of the iPads. You can see how the moments that residents living in took action. COVID-19 has disrupted goal of getting as many devices as meaningful this is for everyone, and it personal care homes and supportive all of our lives in many ways, and in possible that would make face-to-face truly shows how we’re really all in this housing throughout Interlake-East- challenging times, we seek connec- contact a reality for every socially iso- together.” ern RHA can experience, even during tions with the people we care about. lated Manitoba senior in care. Telus, recent times when they have been un- The alternative – social isolation – can United Way, Powerland Computers, The Selkirk Record Thursday, October 8, 2020 9 No sale or service of liquor in licensed premises after 10 p.m. Staff examined. listed should self-monitor for symp- dents and provides digital COVID-19 Public health offi cials advise the cur- Case investigations continue and if toms and immediately isolate if they exposure alerts once the app is down- rent fi ve-day COVID-19 test positivity a public health risk is identifi ed, the develop and seek testing. loaded to a smartphone. It is available rate is 2.4 per cent and 51 new cases public will be notifi ed. After consultation with the restau- at no cost in the Apple and Google of the virus have been identifi ed as of Public health offi cials are advised rant and food industry, public health Play app stores. For more information, 9:30 a.m. Monday, bringing the total about additional possible exposures is implementing the following orders visit: number of cases in Manitoba to 2,191. at the following schools: on Wednesday, Oct. 7 for licensed As of today, Interlake-Eastern has a • IQRA School at 404 Web Pl. in premises: covidalert.html. total of 44 active cases: Fisher/Peguis Winnipeg on Sept. 22, 23, 25 and 28. • No sale or service of liquor may The chief provincial public health district with 16, /St. Based on the public health investiga- take place in licensed premises be- offi cer strongly encourages Manito- Andrews 6, Springfi eld 4, Arborg/ tion, there is no evidence of in-school tween 10 p.m. and 9 a.m. bans to reduce the number of close Riverton 3, Beasejour 3, Eriksdale/ transmission or that a case was ac- • The operator of the licensed contacts outside their household, and Ashern 1, Gimli 1, Northern Remote quired in school. Public health is premises must ensure that all mem- avoid closed-in or crowded spaces. In 3, /LacduBonnet 2, Powerview/ reaching out to close contacts to ad- bers of the public vacate the licensed addition, they should focus on these Pine Falls 2, Stonewall/ 2 and vise self-isolation, and one cohort has premises by 11 p.m. fundamentals to help stop the spread the unknown district 1. been moved to remote learning. • Licensed premises must be closed of COVID-19: Today’s data also shows: • Stonewall Collegiate at 297 Fifth for dine-in services between 11 p.m. • Stay home if you are sick. • one case in the Northern health re- St. W. in Stonewall on Sept. 28 and 29. and 6 a.m. • Wash/sanitize your hands and gion; Based on the public health investiga- • Staff must obtain contact infor- cover your cough. • three cases in the Southern Health– tion, there is no evidence that a case mation in writing from at least one • Physically distance when you are Santé Sud health region; and was acquired in school. Public health person in each party attending the with people outside your household. • 35 cases in the Winnipeg health re- is reaching out to close contacts to ad- licensed premises and the licensee • If you cannot physically distance, gion. vice self-isolation. must retain this information for 21 wear a mask to help reduce the risk to The data also shows: • College Louis-Riel at 585 St Jean days, after which it must be destroyed. others or as required by public health • 739 active cases and 1,429 individ- Baptiste St. in Winnipeg on Sept. 28. • The order does not prevent food orders. uals have recovered from COVID-19; Based on the public health investiga- from being sold from licensed prem- Unless recommended by public • there are 23 people in hospital and tion, this exposure was assessed to be ises after 11 p.m. for delivery or take- health offi cials, only individuals expe- six people in intensive care; and low. The infection was not believed to out. riencing COVID-19 symptoms should • the number of deaths due to CO- be acquired at school. • These orders impact the Winnipeg go for testing. Individuals with symp- VID-19 is 23. The public is also being advised of Metropolitan Region currently under toms are asked to seek testing as soon Laboratory testing numbers show possible exposures at these sites: orange and do not apply to liquor re- as possible once symptoms are pres- 2,313 tests were completed Friday, • Chaise Corydon at 691 Corydon tail. ent. Employers are asked to only send 2,070 tests were completed Saturday Ave. in Winnipeg at a private gather- • Additional information can be employees for testing if they have and 1,235 tests were completed Sun- ing on Sept. 26 from 11:30 p.m. to 1 found at symptoms or if testing has been rec- day, bringing the total number of lab a.m. in the second level lounge area restartmb/prs/winnipeg/index. ommended by public health offi cials. tests completed since early February with bar and side patio. html#licensedpremises. to 194,698. Solutions to specimen col- People who attended any of the The Health Canada COVID Alert lection site wait times continues to be above locations on the dates/times app is now available to Manitoba resi- Birds fl ock to Oak Hammock during peak migration weeks Staff While many snow birds can only dream of their usual warm-weather vacations this year, fl ocks of Canada geese are now ready to escape the in- evitable cold temperatures. Oak Hammock Marsh Interpretive Centre hosted Fall Family Fun Days last weekend with extended hours to allow for optimal viewing. “Traditionally, the last week of Sep- tember and the fi rst week of October is peak migration time,” said Jacques Bourgeois of Oak Hammock Marsh. “That’s when you have tens of thou- sands, if not hundreds of thousands, of waterfowl at the marsh.” Attendees also had the chance to participate in a guided walk on the trail and to see a bird banding dem- onstration. “Of course, the highlight is the fl y- RECORD PHOTO BY JACQUES BOURGEOIS ing at night. All the birds come back to the marsh for the night to rest, so A fl ock of birds returning to Oak Hammock Marsh for the night to rest. that is the most magical time,” Bour- ers and the honking in the air all include a Thanksgiving birdseed sale 18, Spooky Marsh Critters on Oct. 23, geois said. around you. It’s pretty amazing.” from Oct. 10 to 12, a migration astron- and a Halloween fun and pumpkin “It’s huge groups of geese. It’s so Other upcoming events at Oak omy night on Oct. 15, birding hour fo- carving workshop on Oct. 25. loud too with the rustling of the feath- Hammock Marsh Interpretive Centre cused on cowbird parasitism on Oct. 10 The Selkirk Record Thursday, October 8, 2020 Grieving in a pandemic By Nicole Buffi e Kotaska said after his sister-in-law As the Province of Manitoba adjusts passed away in April when public to new public health orders in the health orders ramped up to slow the Winnipeg Metropolitan Region amid spread of COVID-19, it left his family a spike in COVID-19 cases, it leaves unsure how to proceed. those planning funerals in a tough “It’s very diffi cult,” he said. “How do position of how to lay their loved ones you choose who can come and who to rest. can’t?” Interlake Cremation & Memorial The family decided on cremation Services has seen a surge in crema- and held a gathering of 50 people in tions and virtual services, according September. While Kotaska said he is to owner Rick Kotaska. thankful a celebration took place be- Kotaska said while traditional burial fore allotted gathering sizes shrunk services are still being held, the re- due to the second wave of positive strictions on group sizes since the be- cases, he empathizes with those plan- RECORD PHOTO BY NICOLE BUFFIE ginning of the pandemic have forced ning services. Rick Kotaska of Interlake Cremation & Memorial Services said cremations families to be stingy with invitations “It’s extremely diffi cult because you have been on the rise due to funeral postponements amid the COVID-19 to in-person viewings and ceremo- have a limit on the amount of support nies. that can come forward and be with pandemic, mandating the restriction on in-person gatherings since As of Sept. 28, all health districts in you during a diffi cult time,” he said. March. the includ- While the limit on the number of to tune in virtually. Cremations have they can only come in with some of ing Selkirk, Stonewall, Teulon, the RM people allotted at services is num- also been a common route as it allows their family members when usually of Stonewall, RM of St. Andrews, RM bered, Kotaska said most families are loved ones more time to plan celebra- all of them would be able to be there of St. Clements (including Birds Hill making things work under the cir- tions of life. together,” Gilbart said. Provincial Park), RM of West St. Paul, cumstances. However, traditional burial services These factors have infl uenced the RM of East St. Paul and the Village of “I think people are starting to view are not a thing of the past quite yet ac- rising popularity of virtual viewings, Dunnottar implemented a mandatory funeral services a little bit differently cording to Dave Gilbart, co-owner of giving those who cannot attend a mask policy for all public-facing busi- now,” he said. “People are looking at Gilbart Funeral Home. chance to be part of the ceremony in nesses and a limit of 10 people for in- creative ways of celebrating one’s life Gilbart said viewings are now mak- some way. door and outdoor gatherings. in a more intimate manner.” ing use of cohorts of 10 people and Gilbart said while the pandemic has As gathering siz- common touch surfaces are cleaned paved the way for creativity in funeral es ebb and fl ow, between each group. services, he doesn’t anticipate tradi- Kotaska said his However, while it allows a larger tional funerals to be eradicated any clients are choos- amount of people to pay their respects time soon. ing to hold small in-person the shuffl ing of groups in “People coming to funerals want ceremonies with and out, makes funerals longer with to be there for the family and to see the option for some taking up to two days. them,” he said. “Watching it online is those not present “It’s tough for the families because sort of a last resort.” Th anksgiving Sunday, Oct 11 & Monday, Oct 12 October Special Roasted Turkey Dinner Traditional Sausage Dressing Sweet & Sour Meatballs Hand Rolled Mashed Garlic Potatoes 20% off Pan Gravy Prescription Roasted Vegetables Seasonal Selection Sunglasses

Pumpkin Pie *Cannot be combined with any other offer. $28.00 Per Person Reserve Now www.gaff 204-757-2350 ORDER YOUR Gaff er’s THANKSGIVING WHOLE ROAST TURKEY - PICK-UP October 7 Order Deadline 8 pm 353 Main St. St 101-2265 103-19 Pine St. 258A Main St. 90-2200 McPhillips Selkirk, MB (Across from Garden City Pembina Hwy. Pine Falls, MB Steinbach, MB Shopping Centre) 204-482-3713 204-275-2015 204-367-2390 204-326-1388 204-633-7482 The Selkirk Record Thursday, October 8, 2020 11 Local instructor writes her fi rst book on mindful meditation Selkirk’s Irene Way feels that people need to take time for mindfulness By Katelyn Boulanger into a book and published it for any- Former teacher, psychiatric nurse, one that was willing to try this.” and current Glow Fitness instructor The book focuses on mindful medi- Irene Way published the fi rst book tation with an emphasis on mind- in a three-part series Eight Lessons ful living. It brings people through a to Mindful Meditation: The Pathway to journey starting with two-minute me- Mindful Living on July 25. diations and moves up to 20-minute “I wanted to use my experience meditations. over the past 30 years or so of teach- “The whole of the COVID slowed ing meditation and Tai Chi to pass on us down and stopped us in our tracks these benefi ts to people who might and brought us back to ourselves so want to receive them,” said Way. it seemed to me that now was a per- “Here in Selkirk, Glow fi tness want- fect time [for people to learn about ed that program so I taught Tia Chi meditation] because people have and meditation and then as COVID more time and because of the stress came and we were all shutting down that’s all around us. It became bigger students still wanted to go ahead, es- and harsher with what we were and pecially the practice of meditation. So, what we aren’t allowed to do so at this I wrote the lessons down and it felt time. To spend some structured time RECORD PHOTO SUBMITTED like it should be passed on to more learning a simple process of quieting Irene Way with her book ‘Eight Lessons to Mindful Meditation: The than just my students and so I made it the mind and letting go of thoughts, Pathway to Mindful Living’. especially of fearful thoughts of anxi- efi t and it started to feel very comfort- ety and depression, and what is hap- able and like coming home to myself Glow hikes for Terry Fox pening around us, to let go of this and and sometimes I would get insight,” make space in our mind allows you to said Way. see the bigger picture,” said Way. She continued to meditate at home She learned about meditation in her and it got her through some very late 20s when she was raising her fam- tough times in life and she’s contin- ily of eight children, which included a ued to teach it everywhere that she lot of stress. She decided to take a Tai has moved since from British Colum- Chi class and her instructor insisted bia, to Nunavut, and now in Selkirk. that they meditate for 20 minutes be- “This is a simple book that unravels fore each class in order to be able to meditation that anyone can read and focus on learning. has some wise and helpful all around “At fi rst I really hated it because I hints along the way. It’s not an expen- was bored and because when you sit sive book. If you think it would help quietly a lot of crap comes up from you pick up a copy,” said Way. your past and you have a lot to go The book is available online at ama- through and all of that emotion but and in Selkirk at the Gwen Fox eventually I started to feel a huge ben- Art Gallery and Glow Fitness.

WILL BE CLOSED ON RECORD PHOTO SUBMITTED Glow Fitness instructors (left to right) Amanda Moorhouse, An- drea Gertner and Heather Mcknight completed the Virtual Terry THANKSGIVING Fox Run choosing to hike in the Whiteshell at Pine Point Trail. The group raised $500.00 for the Terry Fox Foundation while safely Monday, October 12th. taking part in this year’s event. 12 The Selkirk Record Thursday, October 8, 2020 Orange Shirt Day Heading to the Leg

RECORD PHOTO BY BRETT MITCHELL Pictured left to right: Leslie Anderson (a residential school survivor), Kelly Goodman, Melanie Kennedy, Grace Schedler, Joyce Noonen and RECORD PHOTO SUBMITTED Linda Anderson of Indigenous Languages of Manitoba wore orange Selkirk’s CAO Duane Nicol (left) and Mayor Larry Johannson met in The People’s Medicine Garden to participate in Orange Shirt Day MLA Rochelle Squires to discuss Bill 48, a bill that she introduced this year. Orange Shirt Day takes place on Sept. 30 annually and com- this March. Bill 48 has to do with The Planning Amendment and memorates the experiences of residential school survivors and their City of Winnipeg Charter Amendment Act and the mayor and CAO families, with a focus on healing and commitment to the ongoing expressed their concerns that this bill, as it was proposed, took process of reconciliation. control of development out of the hands of municipalities. The wait is over! The one you’ve been waiting for is fi nally here! Hear sound naturally and engage effortlessly with your world.

Greater hearing in any environment

Focus in on speech in front of you

Hear the world with your own ears

In Selkirk - Easton Place Clinic Call for your Free no obligation hearing test Call today 204 482 3009 or Toll Free 1 877 300 7507 The Selkirk Record Thursday, October 8, 2020 13 Inwood gets archery lanes Don’t wait till it snows! COVID creates economic complexities By Evan Matthews which Hendrickson emphasized as Fall Covid-19 WINTER A local club has hit the mark, as a being the biggest generator for the new recreational activity exists in the club. RM of Armstrong. “If you come use the facility, it’s pret- TIRE changeovers & Henry Hendrickson, president of the ty reasonable, so we ask people to buy Inwood Sports Club, said the organi- a burger, or buy chips. You can only zation decided to convert the not-so- milk the cow for so long before she oft-used curling rink into two archery runs dry,” said Hendrickson. service procedures: lanes. “But so far, the lanes have had phe- “We gutted the viewing area as well, nomenal support from all over, right • Book by appointment, if we store and put in some pool tables, shuffl e- from Winnipeg, to Beausejour, to board, and a bar. Like the old Dukes Gimli, to Arborg; people are coming your tires you will still need to book of Hazard show, we’re calling it The from everywhere,” he said. an appointment Boar’s Nest,” said Hendrickson, add- COVID complexities ing the décor will match, with deer Despite the hard work and recre- • Drop off only, no waiting heads and other game trophies on the ational restoration, Hendrickson said wall. the Inwood Sports Club runs the risk • Shuttle service available starting The Boar’s Nest has TVs and Wi-Fi of closing its doors if the COVID-19 for families and sports fans. situation does not improve over the OCT. 1. (Mask required) The pool and shuffl eboard were do- next year, or if the government does nated to the sports club, according to not offer some form of aid to commu- • 1st shuttle @8:15am Hendrickson. nity groups. The organization also runs the In- The aforementioned canteen sales • Cleaning & sanitizing of high touch wood Arena, which offers public skat- and $5 archery lane charge doesn’t cut areas will be in place ing free of charge, just accepting do- it in terms of fundraising, according to nations to keep the doors open. Hendrickson. The sports club took a • Please practice social distancing “Anyone can use the lanes. We have major blow after having to cancel the targets ranging from 15 to 65 yards, all 2020 Inwood Goose Shoot, which was • We will do our best to accommodate indoor, even warm in the winter time. scheduled for Sept. 25 and 26. -30 degrees outside is about 8 degrees “I’m working on a different fund- out of town customers in the archery lane,” he said. raiser for this upcoming winter. But Hendrickson added thanks to the if things keep getting shut down, and • Limit 4 customers at a time inside Winnipeg-based business Heartland people can’t congregate, the arena Archery, as they donated all the “high- and the archery lanes will close,” said offi ce for drop off grade” targets for the lanes. Hendrickson. • Thanks in advance for The goal of the Inwood Sports Club is “If we get shut down at any point not to make money, Hendrickson said, this fall, we won’t be able to open for understanding & patience !! but rather to keep the doors open. For winter 2021,” he said. that reason, the club will charge $5 for Despite the changes to the provin- • After hour key drop available someone to shoot, but they may shoot cial COVID threat level this past Mon- as long as they’d like. day, the RM of Armstrong was omit- The real support comes in the form ted from the list of municipalities to of purchasing burgers, hot dogs, adhere. drinks, chips, etc., from the canteen, BOOK NOW TO AVOID THE RUSH

RECORD PHOTO BY HENRY HENDRICKSON 38 MAIN ST. SELKIRK Heartland Archery, a Winnipeg-based company, donated all the high grade targets, ranging from 15 to 65 yards in distance. [email protected] 204-482-6545 14 The Selkirk Record Thursday, October 8, 2020


38 MAIN ST. SELKIRK 204-482-6545

230 Main St. Selkirk 204.482.5600

Selkirk 204.482.6664 WSP Fire Dept. wants you to be fi re safe Students receive safety books

By Katelyn Boulanger er students in kindergarten Even though fi refi ghters and grade one. These books PLEASE RECYCLE will not be physically going also come with CDs, which Check our website for recyclable products list. to school in West St. Paul have interactive games and to give fi re safety books additional information. to students this year, they “They’re geared towards PLUMBING, have still paired up with teaching kids, for the TTn HEATING & businesses in the commu- younger kids it’s what’s hot REFRIGERATION nity to ensure that students and what’s not, what to do receive their fi re safety re- when they hear a smoke RECORD PHOTO SUBMITTED 940 Main Street Selkirk, MB West St. Paul fi refi ghters with their mascot Sparky 204-482-4159 sources this fi re prevention alarm go off or if they see week. or smell smoke. The older and students in 2019 when they were able to visit Usually, the fi re depart- ones are geared more to- schools to provide fi re prevention education. This ment will have a fi re safety wards the older kids and year will be different with fi re prevention resources day with students where gets more in-depth about being distributed to teachers and students but no in they bring their fi re pre- what to do if you hear that school activities. vention trailer and safety smoke alarm at home, fi re Main & Manitoba Ave. people aren’t as much as isn’t only affecting WSP books to West St. Paul escape plans and fi re safety we should be. We put it on fi refi ghter’s ability to go to School where each grade plans to do with your par- the back burner and this schools but has also made gets to participate in fun ents and the importance of ✴ 6860 Henderson gives the kids a little bit of it so that their open house activities culminating with practising it once a month excitement and gives them will not be going forward Hwy., Lockport the grade 8 students who like they do at school,” said ✴ something to talk about this year and they don’t ✴ ✴ 204-757-2517 play volleyball with the fi re West St. Paul Fire Depart- when they’re back at home have any events planned department. ment captain and fi re pre- with their parents and puts for the near future. “This year, due to COVID, vention educator Kerry it back on the forefront,” “We just want [kids] to we, unfortunately, won’t be Eccles. said Eccles. know that even though going into the schools we’ll He believes that educat- This year’s fi re preven- we’re not [in the school] it just be handing the books ing children on fi re safety is tion week theme is serv- doesn’t mean that we aren’t Be prepared. to the principal and he’ll important for keeping the ing up fi re safety in the there for them and looking be handing them out to the entire family fi re safe. Stay safe. kitchen and both fi refi ght- out for them. We still want classes,” said Ryan Yackel, “As parents, we all under- ers agree that not leaving them to engage in fi re safe- the West St. Paul Fire Chief. stand that we’re all busy cooking unattended, and ty and life safety at home. The school will receive and sometimes it takes little things like turning Talk to their parents. Plan copies of Fire Safety: Smart educating the kids to give handles so that they aren’t for emergencies at home Choices for LIFE! and Ju- us a kick start at home. accessible to young chil- just like they do at school AlanAlan nior Fire Safety for Kids: We’re all very concerned LagimodiereLagimodiere dren are important things and that we’re still going to Smart Choices for LIFE!, and we say that we’re fi re to remember in the kitchen. be around for them,” said MLAMLA for SelkirkSelkirk which are meant for young- safety conscious but most 204.482.4955204.482.4955 Unfortunately, COVID Eccles. The Selkirk Record Thursday, October 8, 2020 15

Continuing Fire Education during COVID By Katelyn Boulanger Paul says that even though the pre- whether it’s through the PowerPoint The Fire Department sentation is targeted to children the or virtually,” said Happy Thought jumped into action when they realized information is valuable for the whole School principal Trish Goosen. that COVID would affect their ability family. Paul would like to tell students, if he to visit schools this year and made a “We are all busy with our lives but could be in the school to see them this 238 MAIN STREET, SELKIRK PowerPoint presentation that teachers with COVID it’s putting us in our year, that though fi re can be used as a are using to continue to promote fi re homes a lot more so these are impor- tool to do good things like cooking, it safety. tant activities for the whole family to is also dangerous and not something “This happened last June when CO- do. Make a fi re plan and practice it to play with. VID fi rst shut down the schools and and know it and have two ways out so The East Selkirk Fire Department the fi rst heavy restrictions came upon that we don’t have to worry about res- would also like to inform residents us. A big part of our public education cuing people from a house on fi re and that due to COVID-19 they have can- 366 Main Street, Selkirk Town Plaza is going out to the elementary schools concentrate on putting the fi re out,” celled their open house and pancake and teaching fi re safety prevention, said Paul. breakfast this year. The activity pack- which is a big part of fi re safety to the The part of the education experi- ages that the fi re department normal- kids. We [visit] kindergarten to grade ence that they, unfortunately, won’t be ly gives out at the open house, how- RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL four and each grade has their own able to replicate online is having the ever, will be distributed to students at BROADBAND level of education,” said Derrick Paul, children see the fi refi ghters with their school this year. 1 866 981 9769 East Selkirk Fire Department’s Public equipment. The escape plan presentation is Education Offi cer. “We’ll be missing some of the tradi- available for everyone to download at Because they knew that this school tions of having the fi refi ghters in as https://rmofstclements.us3.list-man- year would be different, the fi re de- well as the kids always look forward to R.M. of partment put together a 12-page seeing Sparky [the fi re department’s 8fafbbb4f85&id=b670a744d2&e=4d8a St. Andrews PowerPoint presentation focusing on mascot] and the fi re trucks but we’re b020bb. Ph: 1-866-738-2264 home escape planning which teachers making the most of what we can do Email: offi [email protected] Website: can incorporate in class or online. “Unfortunately, a lot of home fi res start with children playing with 1043 Kittson Road, Box 2 Group 35 RR1, East Selkirk, Manitoba R0E 0M0 matches or lighters, things that they Telephone: Selkirk 482-3300 Winnipeg: 474-2642 shouldn’t be playing with, but they get Toll Free: 1-888-797-8425 Fax: 1-204-482-3098 to anyway just being normal kids and Email: [email protected] not knowing. Once the fi re is started, then they become afraid and then they go and hide, which most kids do, and that makes our jobs as fi refi ght- ers harder because now we have to go into the structure that’s on fi re and fi nd these kids,” said Paul. 219 Manitoba Ave Because of this, having education in 204-482-1900 schools so that children know the im- portance of following a home escape plan when there is a fi re is a top pri- ority of the fi re department and why RECORD PHOTO SUBMITTED they chose the topic for the presenta- The East Selkirk Fire Department’s most recent group photo taken in tion. 2019 before the COVID-19 pandemic.

374 Main St., Selkirk, MB 401 Lake Ave. Selkirk 204-482-1040 204.482.3960

5571 Hwy #9 St. Andrews Customer Service: 204-338-7538 Store Hours: Monday-Friday 8 am - 9:30 pm Saturday 8 am - 8 pm Phone: 204.504.5500 Fax: 204.504.5540 Sunday & Holidays 10 am - 6 pm

16 The Selkirk Record Thursday, October 8, 2020 Cheers to 50 years of business in Selkirk Selkirk Auto Body celebrates half a century of repairing By Nicole Buffi e At 401 Lake Ave. sits Selkirk Auto Body, a well-known shop in the com- munity where the Pellaers family has been working on cars for the past 50 years. Bought in 1970 by Hubert Pellaers after immigrating from Holland 10 years before, Hubert’s son Joe quickly joined the family business as a paint- er. After Hubert passed away in 1990 Joe took over the business with his wife Pat. “It’s changed enormously,” said Pat Pellaers. After working for the government in Winnipeg during the day and work- ing the books at Selkirk Auto Body at night, she eventually put all of her RECORD PHOTO BY NICOLE BUFFIE energy into helping run the business. (From left) Kris, Joe and Pat Pellaers are excited to celebrate 50 years in the family business and look for- She said over the 30 years she’s seen ward to what the next 50 years brings at Selkirk Auto Body. lots of faces come in and out of the shop, with many returning customers. also the only aluminum shop in the reins from his father was a natural “It’s not just Interlake, having built a new wing for one. luck,” she said. aluminum repairs in the last year. He said he’s seen the shift in the way Wishing youou a “People are hap- She said they are always making the shop has operated over the years, py with the work, sure their technicians are up-to-date from procedural changes while work- Happy Thanksgivingksgiving and they come with the latest certifi cations neces- ing with MPI and ordering car parts back and then sary to maintain a high operating to the paint used to touch up vehicles. they tell some- standard, having been certifi ed with “Everything has just kind of been body else.” the Canadian Certifi ed Collision Care changing with the times and we gotta The shop prides Program. keep up with it,” Kris Pellaers said. Jeff Whartonn themselves on be- More recently, Joe and Pat have Over these times, the shop has seen ing a direct repair stepped back from day-to-day opera- many repairs, including all of the fi re- MLA for Red River NoNorthrth [email protected] facility through tions as their son slowly takes over the trucks run out of Fort Garry, boats and MPI, making it family business. even fridges. easier for those Kris Pellaers has been maintaining Currently, Kris Pellaers has taken on involved in an ac- the place for the last two years, work- a personal project of restoring an old FALL ACTIVITIES cident to receive ing on cars and fi ling paperwork si- Rolls Royce to rent out for weddings. AT THE GALLERY an estimate and multaneously. “It’s my mid-life crisis project,” he subsequent re- An autobody technician for nearly joked. Oct 17th 3 hours - Silk Fusion Lantern Workshop pairs. They are two decades, the move to take the While their son may be running op- with Janice Charko $75.00 erations, Pat and Joe can still be found Oct 18th 1-3pm - Youth Acrylic Painting around the shop chatting with em- with Bev Galbraith $15.00 ea. ployees and customers or even doing Oct 24th 1-3pm - Adult Acrylic Painting What’s story? some work to help out. with Bev Galbraith $25.00 each “For us, it’s wonderful because We want to hear from you. Nov 7th 1-3pm - Boho Beading with Pat Findlay $5.00 each you’re here all day and night,” Pat Pel- The Selkirk Record connects people through stories Nov 8th 1-3pm - Youth Acrylic Painting $15.00 laers said. “It’s not like a nine to fi ve to build stronger communities. job.” Nov 9th - Wet Felted Ruffl ed Scarf with Janice Charko $65.00 Do you know someone who has a unique hobby? Will be As the shop nears 50 years in the Nov 14th 1-3pm - Machine Needle Felting Demo recognized by a local organization for volunteer service? A teacher that goes above and beyond? A hometown Pellaers family spanning three gen- with Pat Findlay FREE hero? A sports star? A business celebrating a milestone or erations, Kris looks forward to seeing nd Nov 22 1-3pm - Youth Painting $15.00 Numbers are expansion? A senior celebrating their 100th birthday? how the industry evolves but would Nov 28th 1-3pm - Adult Painting $25.00 limited - A young entrepreneur starting out? like to see things stay the same for at COVID-19 rules Please share your story ideas at least a little bit. WATERCOLOUR, CERAMICS, FELTING followed [email protected] Phone 204-485-3337 “Hopefully things can stay as they AND PAINTING COMING IN 2021 are for a while,” he said. “We just want • Fees due at each class The to keep working.” Contact the Gwen Fox Gallery to sign up Selkirk ecord Questions? Email Bev: [email protected] The Selkirk Record Thursday, October 8, 2020 17 Alzheimer conference going virtual for 2020 Webinar focuses on caring for those with brain disease By Nicole Buffi e riencing burnout from fi nding ways to The Alzheimer Society of Mani- look after loved ones from afar. toba’s annual Care4u conference on “They really just need some sup- Oct. 24 is going digital for 2020, and port,” she said. while many events across the country According to The Alzheimer Soci- have been cancelled due to the pan- ety, over 23,000 Manitobans currently demic, the society says hosting a vir- live with the disease and the number tual seminar is a benefi t. is expected to grow to over 40,000 by “We’ll be able to reach so many 2038. more people than we usually would Since the onset of the pandemic be able to just having our regular con- and mandated public health orders ference,” said Samantha Holland, the cancelled many in-person events, Interlake/Eastern Regional Coordina- Holland said there have been many tor for The Alzheimer Society. virtual support groups popping up, The Care4u conference serves as a including one in the . way to educate and support those car- “These people have kind of become RECORD PHOTO SUBMITTED ing for loved ones with Alzheimer’s, a a small little family during all of this Teepa Snow, a world-renowned dementia care consultant, will be a degenerative brain disease common and they’re getting to know each keynote speaker at The Alzheimer Society of Manitoba’s annual Care4U in elderly people. other,” she said. “Despite living in dif- Conference on Oct. 24. What would usually be a one-day ferent communities, the feelings and a Distance, a guide created by The Al- er and planning activities while visit- event featuring keynote speakers and the emotions and what they’re going zheimer Society of , aims to ing. concurrent sessions covering differ- through is quite the same.” help caregivers navigate the digital For more information on the Care4u ent topics of interest for caretakers, Holland hopes online support world of assisting those living with conference and support groups avail- the webinar will feature the same ac- groups like these continue after re- Alzheimer’s. It includes advice on able, visit The Alzheimer Society of tivities in a virtual session. strictions on public gatherings have having meaningful conversations us- Manitoba website www.alzheimer. The topics covered include areas lifted as it’s an accessible way for ing virtual platforms, communicating such as day-to-day care for loved ones communities to come together. effectively over the phone or comput- and how to have tough conversations “It’s taken a global pandemic, to such as when to move to a long-term make us realize that we could be do- care home and when to stop driving. ing things a lot differently,” she said. Holland says due to the current pan- As for the Care4u conference, fea- Wishing you a demic, some of the material will be tured speakers will include Teepa geared towards how caring for loved Snow, a world-renowned Dementia ones with Alzheimer’s has changed. care expert and Dr. Barry Campbell, “There’s a lot more emotional needs the medical director of geriatric psy- Happy Thanksgiving that come with this pandemic,” she chiatry for St. Boniface Hospital. At- said. “There’s that social isolation, tendees of the virtual sessions will there’s caregivers having to be more have a chance to pose questions to the hands-on because homecare has speakers. stopped or slowed down, different For caregivers not able to make the activities have been cancelled, people conference but still wish to fi nd re- are dealing with anxiety and stress sources on how to virtually care for and depression.” loved ones, an online manual is avail- Holland noted the conference comes able for download. at a good time as caregivers are expe- Together Apart: A Guide to Visiting at

September SELKIRK Top Achiever •• RURAL DISCOUNTS WITHIN REACH! Josh Isfjord “Josh Isfjord took excellent care of me and went above and beyond to get me the truck I wanted at a great price” – Richard P @ joshselkirkgm 1010 Manitoba Ave, Selkirk MB Open 24 Hours @ 204-482-1010 Alan Lagimodiere MLA for Selkirk [email protected] 204.482.4955 18 The Selkirk Record Thursday, October 8, 2020 Banman wins the annual great pumpkin weigh-off

(1,144 lbs). The prize for best-looking “We had a lot of committed growers Returning champ Cornie Banman’s giant pumpkin went to fi rst-time partici- that still wanted to come out and have pant Brad Slepicka, from Benito, MB. their pumpkins weighed, even though pumpkin weighs in at 1,373.5 pounds His pumpkin came in 11th at 979.5 lbs. it was a smaller crowd than normal,” Cornie Banman also won the water- said organizer Derek Baschuk. By Ashleigh Viveiros “We had a lot of wind, a lot of dam- melon and squash events with entries Scaling things down was far prefer- Winkler’s Cornie Banman held on age to the plants, but we did fairly of 77 lbs. and 1,019 lbs., respectively. able to cancelling the event outright, to the title of Manitoba’s top giant well still,” Banman said, noting he’s Meanwhile, Carman’s Jason Terwin he noted. pumpkin grower last weekend. become hooked on the challenge of had the day’s largest tomato for the “There’s been so many community Banman’s entry into the 30th an- coaxing the biggest pumpkin he can second year in a row. His entry was 3 events that have been canceled every- nual Great Pumpkin Commonwealth from the ground, despite what Moth- lbs 7.45 oz. where, so this was one thing that we Weigh-Off in Roland tipped the scales er Nature might throw at him. “I say The weigh-off had to be done a little felt we could still have,” Baschuk said. at 1,373.5 pounds to earn him his sec- every year I’m going to quit. Then in differently this year thanks to CO- “We are also part of the Great Pump- ond fi rst-place fi nish in a row. spring I’m antsy again and then I do VID-19 forcing the cancellation of kin Commonwealth, and because of This year’s pumpkin fell far short it. the Roland Pumpkin Fair. The scale that we did have some responsibility of the monster that won Banman “It’s a nice hobby,” he added. “You was brought outside and the public at to continue on if we could.” the grand prize last year. That one can see in a day how much it grows, large were asked not to attend. weighed in at 1,660.5 pounds and and that’s what’s exciting about it and holds the record for the largest pump- what keeps me coming back.” kin ever grown in Manitoba. Banman’s winning pumpkin can Still, it was more than enough for the now be seen outside at the Fruit ‘N win this year, and Banman was glad to More store in Winkler. see his hard work pay off. The winner’s circle at the weigh- He said there’s no big secret to grow- off included Banman’s wife, Helen, ing award-winning pumpkins; it just in second place (1,285 lbs) and his takes a lot of care and a bit of luck. brother, Henry Banman, a fi ve-time “And lots and lots of water,” Banman champion pumpkin grower, in third said. place (1,216.5 lbs.) Fourth place went This summer proved to be a chal- to Roland’s Art Cameron (1,167.5 lbs.) lenging one for growers. while Marge Banman came in fi fth Calling all Bakers and Cooks! Do you have a family favorite Christmas recipe? Would you like to be RECORD PHOTOS BY ASHLEIGH VIVEIROS Winkler’s Cornie Banman won the Great Pumpkin Commonwealth featured in our Weigh-Off in Roland for the second year in a row on Saturday. 2020 Holiday Family Favorites Cookbook? Our readership base has a wealth of knowledge and experience that we would love share. Your family recipe could be a part of our special edition cookbook! Please submit a recipe in one of the following categories: Appetizers Beverages Soups & Salads Main Dishes Baking & Dessert Ethnic Favorites Send your recipe to [email protected] The 30th annual Great Pumpkin Commonwealth Weigh-Off in Roland or call 204-485-1419 for more information. Saturday had 18 giant pumpkins entered, one squash, three massive The Carman-Dufferin STANDARD tomatoes, and fi ve watermelons. Each were carefully weighed and measured according to GPC guidelines. The Selkirk Record Thursday, October 8, 2020 19 inspired than you should. How do you feel get about your net worth number? > MEAL IDEASIDEAS Victoria, when you have deter- Phone 467-5553 mined your net worth, you can now decide how you want to change things. Good or bad, we all have Steak Au Poivre to live with the outcome of our Press seasoning into meat to create choices. Why not partner with a even coating. Dear Christine, fi nance coach or fi nancial plan- In large skillet over medium-high I’m in my 50’s and was laid off ner to help you. Don’t do it alone. heat, heat vegetable oil and 1 table- work because of COVID. With all Financial planning is designed to Prep time: 5 minutes spoon butter until just smoking. Add of this extra time, I’ve been trying motivate clients to make changes, Cook time: 20 minutes steak and sear 4 minutes on each side to understand my fi nances a bit discuss trade-offs, and sometimes for medium-rare. Once cooked to de- Servings: 2 more. My ex-husband always dealt work through diffi cult decisions sired doneness, transfer steak to cutting 2 Omaha Steaks Butcher’s Cut Filet with our money, but now that we’re that may be necessary to ensure a board and tent with foil to rest. Mignons (5-6 ounces each), thawed not together anymore, I’m not sure Reduce heat to medium and add bran- comfortable future. Your fi nance 2 teaspoons kosher salt where to begin. coach should help you ascertain 2 tablespoons coarsely ground black dy to skillet. Allow to cook down about 1 minute while stirring to scrape off any Victoria real risks and be fl exible to your pepper Dear Victoria needs. Most of all they should part- 1 tablespoon vegetable oil browned bits from bottom of pan. Once Let’s face it, after the year we have ner with you to help balance your 2 tablespoons butter, divided brandy reduces by half, add cream, Di- all been through, there are a lot of budget, spotting possible blow-ups 1/3 cup brandy or cognac jon mustard and remaining butter; con- people fi nding it tough. COVID has 1 cup cream tinue cooking until mixture begins to and removing the risk to your fami- changed the life-landscape for all of 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard reduce and thicken, 5-7 minutes. ly’s fi nances. It’s impossible for you Season steak with salt and pepper. Slice steaks against grain and top with us. You are making the right deci- to know everything, and believe me, sauce. sion to consider planning for your the internet is not the fi x you need future. One of the fi rst steps in do- to get your fi nances in order. Find ing this would be to determine your a fi nance coach that will work with net worth. you, one that you feel you can part- Simon Family Brisket Your net worth is the total value of ner with and one whose every in- 1 can (14 ounces) whole cranberries all your assets minus all your out- tention is to help you get debt-free 1 cup chili sauce standing debt. Start with adding up and wealthy! 1 cup ginger ale the value of your assets, such as cars, Good Luck and Best Wishes, Preheat oven to 250 F. Place brisket in homes, investments, life insurance, Money Lady large ovenproof baking dish. RRSPs, or even cash. Then subtract Written by Christine Ibbotson, Author In bowl, mix onion soup mix, cranber- all your debts, which would include of the best-selling book “How to Retire ries and chili sauce. Spoon over top of balances on credit cards, lines of Debt Free & Wealthy” and a new book Prep time: 10 minutes brisket. Pour ginger ale around edges of Cook time: 4 hours, plus 20 minutes credit, mortgages, loans, or up- Don’t Panic – How to Manage your brisket. coming unavoidable expenses. Do Finances and Financial Anxieties resting time Cover with foil and bake 4 hours. you have a good positive net worth During and After the Coronavirus” Servings: 4 Remove from oven and let rest 20 min- number or is your number a nega- available at all bookstores across Canada. 1 Omaha Steaks Beef Brisket Flat (2 utes. Remove brisket from baking dish tive? A negative number will mean pounds), thawed and place on cutting board. Slice brisket If you have a money question, please a life change is imminent and per- 1 package (1.1 ounces) dry onion soup against grain and place in serving dish. email on website: www.askthemon- mix Top with sauce and serve. haps you are carrying more debt Caulifl ower “Risotto” Sausage, Egg and Cheese Muffi ns sage, baking mix and cheese. Stir in with Shrimp and Peas milk and eggs; blend well. 1 1/2 cups fresh or frozen peas Pour 3/4 cup mixture into each muffi n 2 tablespoons fresh basil leaves, cut cup. into ribbons Bake 18-20 minutes. In large, nonstick skillet over medium Serve warm with maple syrup, if de- Recipe courtesy of “Whole in One” by heat, heat oil. Add shallot and cook until sired. Refrigerate leftovers. Ellie Krieger on behalf of Milk Means softened, 2 minutes. Stir in caulifl ower Total time: 30 minutes Substitution: In place of baking mix, More rice, 1/4 teaspoon salt and pepper; cook Servings: 16 substitute 2 cups all-purpose fl our plus Servings: 4 2 minutes. 1 bag Success Tri-Color Quinoa 1 tablespoon baking powder and 1 2 tablespoons olive oil Sprinkle fl our over caulifl ower and stir nonstick cooking spray pinch of salt. 1/2 cup chopped shallot to incorporate then add milk and cook, 1 package (9.6 ounces) cooked turkey 3 cups caulifl ower rice stirring occasionally, until it comes to sausage crumbles 1/4 teaspoon salt, plus additional, to gentle boil. Stir in 1/2 cup Parmesan 2 cups prepared baking mix taste cheese until incorporated then add 1 cup cheddar cheese 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black shrimp and peas. 1 cup milk pepper Return to simmer. Continue cooking, 4 whole eggs, lightly beaten BINGO 2 tablespoons, plus 1 teaspoon, all- stirring occasionally, until shrimp are maple syrup (optional) Thursday nights purpose fl our Prepare quinoa according to package POSTPONED pink and no longer translucent, and at the Selkirk Friendship Centre 1 3/4 cups 1% low-fat milk sauce has thickened, about 5 minutes. directions. Preheat oven to 400 F. Coat Early Birds UNTIL $$ 3/4 cup freshly grated Parmesan Season with additional salt, to taste, 16 muffi n cups with nonstick cooking FullFull House in in51#s 51#s or or lessless 82005,500 at 7:00 pm Poker FlushFURTHER $$25,849+ cheese, divided then garnish with basil and remaining spray. LuckyLucky Seven Star $11,090.00 5056+ 1 pound medium shrimp (26-30 count Regular Bingo BonanzaLucky 7 in in 24#s 53#sNOTICE or lessless $ $4130+3,979 Parmesan cheese. In large bowl, combine quinoa, sau- at 7:30 Full House $1,400.00$$ per pound), cleaned and tails removed LuckyBonanza 7 in in 53#s 24#s or lessless 884+1,425 20 The Selkirk Record Thursday, October 8, 2020 &recreation sportsortsINSIDE > OUTSIDE > UPSIDE DOWN Steelers begin MJHL regular season this weekend By Brian Bowman players. Both teams will get to know “Overall, we really didn’t play with were blanked in three opportunities. The Selkirk Steelers will begin their each other very well right away as they the energy and passion that we had William Desmarais and Austin De- 2020-21 Manitoba Junior Hockey play each other four straight times to in the previous two games, especially Boer split the goaltending duties for League regular season with a pair of begin the regular season. in the third,” Friesen said. “Being a Selkirk. games this weekend against the Win- “They play a similar style to last year younger group we’re going to have On the trade front, the Steelers have nipeg Blues. where they are going to work really our lumps but the main thing that we been busy the past few weeks. Selkirk will host Winnipeg on Fri- hard and play a fast-paced game,” Fri- discussed with our team is the work Selkirk traded the MJHL rights to day and then the two teams will hook esen noted. “They’re going to be fairly ethic and compete can’t waver. That forward Nate Goodbrandson to the again the next evening at the RINK structured so they’ll be a good test for has to be there every night.” Winnipeg Freeze, who later dealt the Training Centre. us to open up the season.” Nio Kiemeney (two), Denton Mat- St. Andrews’ product to the Steinbach “We’re really excited,” said Steelers’ eychuk, Rylan Bettens, Mathieu Har- Pistons, for future considerations. head coach Hudson Friesen last week. Pumped by the Pistons rold, Dominic Murano, Owen Weihs, Goodbrandson had an assist in “Camp’s been going really good so On Sept. 29, the Steelers wrapped Quinton Pepper, and Caden Triggs Steinbach’s seven-goal rout of Selkirk. far. We’re coming together as a group up their preseason schedule with a scored for Steinbach. Selkirk also recently traded veteran and we’re getting better every day. I disappointing 9-2 home loss to the Jordan Hughesman tallied twice for forward Blake Burr to Steinbach while know the boys are raring to go and get . Selkirk while Adam Ingram had two acquiring forward Graeme Patrick things started.” Leading 4-2 in the third period, assists. from . The Blues are a younger team, much Steinbach blew the game wide open The Pistons were 3-for-7 with the like the Steelers, with some veteran with fi ve unanswered goals. man advantage while the Steelers Preparing for the season WHSHL set to begin next month Staff to opt out.” It appears that the Selkirk Royals’ A number of school divisions and boys’ hockey team will have a season. schools from Winnipeg and across the Winnipeg High School Hockey province have elected to withdraw League commissioner Dana Gordon from the league this season due to the said the WHSHL, which had 37 teams COVID-19 pandemic. in three divisions last year, will begin The other committed schools for this play in November with a drastically season include St. Paul’s, Fort Rich- reduced number of teams. mond, St. John’s-Ravenscourt, Gar- “We’re going to stitch it together, den City, West Kildonan, Westwood, it’s not going to be perfect and it’s Steinbach Regional, Lorette, Col- not going to be pretty but it’s better lege Louis Riel, Centre scolaire Léo- than nothing,” Gordon told the Win- Rémillard and Linden Christian. nipeg Free Press last Friday. “People Gordon said more specifi cs will be are gonna have to get on board or I determined at meetings this week. guess we’ll have one fi nal opportunity Raiders top Twins in MMJHL action

RECORD PHOTO BY BRETT MITCHELL Staff Riley Barraso chipped in with Tyson Parker, left, and Travis Paradoski battled for the puck during the The Raiders Junior Hockey Club three assists while Daytona Moneas Selkirk Fishermen’s training camp at the Recreation Complex. Selkirk started its preseason schedule Sun- and Nick Sharpe also had two help- begins its CRJHL regular season this Saturday at 7:30 p.m. against St. day with a victory. ers apiece. Malo. The Raiders scored seven goals Josh Gardner (two), Evan Grierson on just 26 shots in a wild 7-5 victory (two), and Eric Lecuyer replied for over the Ft. Garry/Ft. Rouge Twins the Twins. Next Home Games in Manitoba Major Junior Hockey Jeremy Pikel made 22 saves for the Sat. Oct 10 vs St. Malo League action at the Seven Oaks win. 7:30pm at the Selkirk Rec Centre Sportsplex. The Raiders will visit the River East Fri. Oct 23 vs North Wpg Caelin Chinery led the Raiders Royal Knights in another exhibition with two goals and an assist while game this Friday at 8:15 p.m. at Terry 7:30pm at the Selkirk Rec Centre Adam Loschiavo also tallied twice. Sawchuk Arena. Masks are Mandatory for all Spectators Jayce Kennedy, who also had a The Raiders’ regular season open- Meet the three-point game, James Barclay er is Oct. 16 when they play a road Next Away Games Fishermen • Sat., Oct. 17 - vs Arborg - 7:30pm and Kyle Wiltshire also scored for game against the Charleswood #29 Brendon Hocaluk the winners. Hawks. • Tues., Nov. 3 - vs N. Wpg - 8:00pm Goalie The Selkirk Record Thursday, October 8, 2020 21 Manitoba Curling Hall of Fame & Museum names most notable 150 teams Championships Four Years Apart • Vic Peters 1992-97 Granite Team: Invites public participation in ranking the top 25 • Lily Clark’s 1953-57 Portage Team: Back-to-Back Manitoba Titles and a First Back-to-Back Manitoba Wom- Brier Championship Submitted by Manitoba Curling Hall of Donations to support the efforts en’s Champion • Connie Laliberte’s 1992-95 Fort Fame & Museum of the MCHoF&M to honour Mani- • Terry Braunstein’s 1958 Granite Rouge Team: Team Canada at Scotties In recognition of Manitoba’s 150th toba’s curling heritage are invited in Team: High School Team Wins Mani- and Worlds in anniversary, the Manitoba Curling the name of the team of your choice as toba, Loses Brier Final Brandon Hall of Fame & Museum (MCHoF&M) No. 1 Most Notable Team in Manitoba • Ernie Boushy’s 1964-67 Heather • Kelly MacKenzie’s 1995 Deer has named what it is calling the Most curling history. Team: Four Consecutive Manitoba Lodge Team: First Manitoba Team to Notable 150 Teams in Manitoba’s long The People’s Choice ranking will Mixed Titles & two Canadians Win a World Junior and storied curling history. be determined by the total dona- • Joan Ingram’s 1967-73 Fort Garry Women’s Championship The list has been published on the tions made in the name of each team. Team: Three Manitoba Champion- • Kerry Burtnyk’s 1995-2001 Team: CurlManitoba website (curlmanitoba. A minimum donation of $10 is sug- ships with Three Different Skips Only Manitoba Team to Win a World org) and is attached herewith. gested and all donations are eligible • Don Duguid’s 1970 & 1971 Granite Championship at “People have been curling in Mani- for a Revenue Canada charitable do- Team: Back-to-Back World Titles Un- Home in Manitoba toba since before we were a province,” nation receipt. Donations can be sent defeated • Jeff Stoughton’s 1999-2006 Charles- said Peter Nicholls, the recently elect- to Manitoba Curling Hall of Fame & • Orest Meleschuk’s 1972 Fort Rouge wood Team: Trials Finalist, Three ed President of the MCH0F&M Board Museum Inc. c/o CurlManitoba #309, Team: World Title Makes Three in a Manitoba Titles of Directors. 145 Pacifi c Avenue Winnipeg, Row for Manitoba and Brier Champion “Manitoba’s curlers have built a re- Manitoba R3B 2Z6. • Chris Pidzarko’s 1972-74 Team: • Jeff Stoughton’s 2011-14 Charles- markable reputation for the province The Board of Directors has commit- Two Canadian Championships in wood Team: World Gold and Three as home to some of the best to ever ted to using the net proceeds of the There Years Time Manitoba Champion play the game. We want to pay tribute campaign for both current and future • Lloyd Gunnlaugson’s 1982-84 • Mike McEwen’s 2008-18 Fort to all of the curlers who have built and operations. Through the Manitoba Valour Road Team: Three Consecutive Rouge Team: A Decade of Excellence added to the Manitoba curling legend Curling Hall of Fame and Museum Canadian Senior • Braden Calvert’s 2014-15 Team: over the years.” Endowment Fund at the Winnipeg Titles Back-to-Back Canadian Juniors and a MCHoF&M directors and volun- Foundation, MCHof&M is eligible for • Bob Ursel’s 1983-84 Granite Team: World Championship teers deliberately steered the discus- a matching contribution which has First Manitoba Team to Win a World • Jennifer Jones’ 2005-20 Team: sion away from ‘the Greatest Teams’ been committed through the Mani- Junior Championship Olympic Gold Medal and So Much toward ‘the Most Notable Teams’ and toba Heritage Trust Program. • Connie Laliberte’s 1984 Fort Rouge More their accomplishments. Teams such as To ‘cast your vote’, go to canada- Team: First Manitoba Team to Win a • Kerri Einarson’s 2020 Gimli Team: those skipped by Jeff Stoughton, Jen- (https://www.canadahelps. World Women’s Built a Winning Team but Pandemic nifer Jones, Connie Laliberte, and Ken org/en/charities/manitobacurling- Championship Shortened Season Watson no doubt fi t in both catego- hall-of-fame-museum-inc/p2p/most- ries. However, focusing on the most notable-teams). notable accomplishments of Manito- There you’ll fi nd an opportunity ba curling teams allows the inclusion to select and vote for any one of the of Manitoba’s World Junior Champi- named 25 teams or your wild-card ons and teams such as the Manitoba Walter wins in curling choice. Deaf teams which earned honours in The Notable 25 teams in Manitoba recent years at the Deafl ympics and Curling History which are included World Deaf Championships. in the voting are: There has been no attempt to rank • Howard Woods 1925-1929 Granite all 150 teams. However, 25 of the most Team: First Manitoba Champion notable teams have been identifi ed • Gordon Hudson’s 1928-29 Strath- and the committee’s ranking of these cona Team: First Back-to-Back Brier 25 will be publicized in mid-Decem- Champion ber. • Ab Gowanlock’s 1934-38 In the meantime, Manitoba curling Team: First Rural Manitoba Manitoba fans are invited to participate in a & Brier Champion People’s Choice ranking of the top 25 • Ken Watson’s 1942-49 Strathcona – with an opportunity to make ‘wild- Teams: Six Consecutive MCA Bon- card’ additions to the list if they don’t spiel Grand Aggregates happen to agree with the committee’s • Billy Walsh’s 1952 & 1956 Deer choices. Lodge Team: Manitoba and Brier Royals tie for third in KPAC golf RECORD PHOTO SUBMITTED Staff had the tournament’s low score East St. Paul’s Meghan Walter captured the Don Baldwin Memorial MJCT The Selkirk Royals fi nished in a with an 84. at the Elmwood Curling Club in Winnipeg. Walter capped off a perfect tie for third place with the West On the girls’ side, West Kildonan 6-0 weekend by dispatching Cassandra Stobbe by an 8-3 scoreline in Kildonan Wolverines at the KPAC fi nished ahead of MBCI. Garden the fi nal. On the boys’ side, St. Vital’s Ryan Wiebe defeated Christopher Golf Championship on Sept. 28 at City’s Sarah Farmer had the lowest Peters 7-2 in the fi nals. Petersfi eld’s Tanner Graham missed the playoffs the Bel Acres Golf Course. girls’ score with a 99. MBCI won the boys’ event, fi nish- There will be no MHSAA provin- with a 1-2 record, while Winnipeg Beach’s Josh Maisey lost out in the ing ahead of Garden City. cial championship for golf this sea- quarter-fi nals to Wiebe and fi nished with a 2-2 record. The next MJCT Garden City’s Brett Gascoigne son. event will be held at the Stonewall Curling Club from Oct 15-18. 22 The Selkirk Record Thursday, October 8, 2020 Classifi eds Book Your Classifi ed Ad Today - Call 785-1618 or Email [email protected] Book Your Classifi ed Ad Today - Call 785-1618 or Email [email protected]

AUTOS SCRAP HOUSE APARTMENT PROPERTY HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED 2012 Cadillac CTS, METAL FOR RENT FOR RENT FOR SALE Looking for part time Like working with Help Wanted East Sel- second owner, new work? We are hiring wood and working kirk, MB, Buying scrap metal, House for rent in Mat- Tollak Place has 1 & 2 3 ac. (ideal hunting safety. 115,000 origi- collators for Tuesday close to home? 204 Apiary Supervisor - 1 cars, tractors, com- lock, 1 bedroom, full bedroom suites, locat- area) for $30,000. nal highway kms. (12:30 to 8:30 p.m.) Pallet & Packaging position (N0C 8252). bines, farm scrap, basement, fridge, ed at 40 Eveline Street. Comes with 29 ft. 5th 3.6L V6, loaded, fac- and Wednesday (8 in Stony Mountain is Minimum 3 years bee- any metal mate- stove, washer & dryer Spacious suites, with wheel camper, well tory command start, a.m. to 1 p.m.) in the keeping experience rial, any farm ma- included. No smok- F/S, A/C, storage and some trees on site. looking for full time sunroof. $13,000 fi rm. Inkster Park in Winni- preferred. Wage range chinery. Ph Lonnie at ers, no pets. $750/ areas and large bal- Road 129 North and 33 production workers. 204-481-2329. peg. Must be in good $14-$17/hour. Employ- 204-886-3407 lve. month plus utilities. conies; utilities are West (near Eriksdale). Please call 204-344- Call 204-389-5279 or included, parking is physical condition, 5404 for details. ment from November METAL message or cell at Phone 204-739-3031. 204-886-7626. extra. Tollak 2 is a 55 have good manual 2, 2020 to November RECYCLING 204-861-2031. ––––––––––––––––––– ––––––––––––––––––– plus bldg., river view dexterity, be capable 30, 2022. ––––––––––––––––––– FIREWOOD Mike’s Property Ser- Autos, farm scrap, House for rent, story apts. with central air, of standing for long Apiary Technician/ Buyer for all farmyard Seasoned cut & vices is currently look- brass, copper & bat- and a half, St. An- F/S, DW & micro- hours and lifting at Worker - 3 positions scrap, any autos, ap- split fi rewood. Birch ing for experienced teries wanted. 47 drews area. No smok- wave; large storage least 20 lbs. If interest- (N0C 8431). $12.09- pliances. NO ITEM $350/c, Tamarack skidsteer operators Patterson Dr. Stone- ing or pets. Refer- area off the kitchen ed call 204-467-5836. $13.50/hour. Employ- TOO LARGE! Best $300/c, Ash $300/c, and skidsteer owner wall Industrial Park. ences required. and a balcony; utili- ––––––––––––––––––– ment from March 1, prices paid, cash in Pine $250/c, Poplar operators for the Interlake Salvage Call 204-770-0040. ties and parking extra. 2021 to October 31, hand. Phone Alf at $200/c. Delivery extra. Selkirk area for the & Recycling Inc. Call the onsite offi ce News Tips? 2021. Minimum 1 year 204-461-1649. Call 204-785-0641. 2020/2021 winter sea- 204-467-9344. 204-482-2751 for experience required. Story Ideas? son. Those interested AVAILABILITY. Seasonal full time, call the Record must have minimum 3 days, evenings and Classifi ed listing booking deadline is this Friday 4 p.m. SHOP LOCAL - SUPPORT LOCAL BUSINESS years experience op- Saturdays. Language 204-785-1618 erating skidsteers on prior to Oct. 15th publication. Call 204-785-1618 PLEASE SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS is English. Duties commercial or retail would be to handle, R.M. OF ST. ANDREWS properties, must be re- feed and care for R.M. of St. Clements liable, must be safety bees, help in replace- Public Notice – Board of Revision minded, must be able ment of hives and pro- PUBLIC NOTICE to pass a “Personal duction of nucs, move Risk Assessment” and Notice is hereby given that the Real Property Assessment Roll of the hives, collect honey, be available to work Rural Municipality of St. Clements for the year 2021 has been deposited BOARD OF REVISION maintain and drive ve- in the offi ce of the Rural Municipality of St. Clements and will remain on short notice. hicles, maintain bee PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Assessment Roll of the Operators must have open for public inspection during regular offi ce hours (8:30 a.m. to 4:30 R.M. of St. Andrews for the year 2021 has been delivered to the yard; manufacture, as- a valid class 5 license semble and maintain p.m., Monday to Friday). The 2020 Supplemental Bills for added and re- Municipal Offi ce at 500 Railway Ave, in Clandeboye, Manitoba and is (class 3 would be an beehive equipment, duced taxes have also been mailed out. Applications for revisions may open for public inspection during regular business hours. Applications be made in accordance with Section 42 and 43 of the Assessment Act. asset), reliable trans- maintain and operate for revision may be made in accordance with Section 42 and 43 of the portation, provide other apiary related APPLICATION FOR REVISION Assessment Act. proof of experience equipment. Must be 42(1) A person in whose name property has been assessed, a mort- APPLICATION FOR REVISION and provide expected able to handle heavy salary gagee in possession of property under subsection 114(1) of The Real 42(1) A person in whose name property has been assessed, a loads and work is Property Act, an occupier of premises who is required under the terms Owner/Operators mortgagee in possession of property under Section 114(1) of The Real physically demand- of a lease to pay the taxes on the property, or the assessor may make must provide proof of ing. Must work well Property Act, an occupier of premises who is required under the terms application for the revision of an assessment roll with respect to: experience, have reli- with others, as well of a lease to pay the taxes on the property, or the assessor, may make (a) liability to taxation; able equipment, pro- as the ability to main- application for the revision of an assessment roll with respect to: (b) amount of an assessed value; vide hourly rate and tain basic production (c) classifi cation of property; or (a) liability to taxation; have minimum 5 mil- records. Report to (d) a refusal by an assessor to amend the assessment roll (b) amount of an assessed value; lion in liability insur- Supervisor. Would re- ance. quire steel toed safety under subsection 13(2). (c) classifi cation of property; or Please send resumes boots. APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS (d) a refusal by an assessor to amend the assessment roll under and or sub-contrac- Send resume by email 43(1) An application for revision must subsection 13(2). tor information to: to: philip@waldbee. (a) be made in writing; APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS mikespropertygroup@ com (b) set out the roll number and legal description of the as- 43(1) An application for revision must By mail to: Waldbee sessable property for which a revision is sought; (a) be made in writing; Only those meeting Honey Farms Inc. Box (c) state the grounds on which the application is based; and (b) set out the roll number and legal description of the assessable these requirements 9 Grp 19 RR1, East (d) be fi led by delivering it or causing it to be delivered to: property for which a revision is sought; will be contacted. Selkirk, MB R0E 0M0 Board of Revision (c) set out which of the matters referred to in subsection 42(1) Rural Municipality of St. Clements are at issue, and the grounds for each of those matters; and News Tips? 1043 Kittson Road (d) be fi led by delivering it or causing it to be delivered to the Box 2 Grp. 35 RR 1 Story Ideas? East Selkirk, Manitoba R0E 0M0 offi ce indicated below or by serving it upon the secretary, at least 15 days before the scheduled sitting date of the board call the Record 204-785-1618 The Board of Revision will sit on Thursday, November 12, 2020 at 1:30 by November 2nd, 2020. PM in the Council Chambers of the Rural Municipality of St. Clements to TOWN OF WINNIPEG BEACH hear applications for revision. Board of Revision The fi nal date on which applications may be received by the Secretary of Rural Municipality of St. Andrews Box 130, Clandeboye, Manitoba, R0C 0P0 the Board is Tuesday, October 27, 2020 at 4:30 p.m. SURPLUS The Board shall not consider an application that is not in compliance Dated at East Selkirk, Manitoba this 1st day of October, 2020 EQUIPMENT Deepak Joshi with Section 43(1). FOR SALE Chief Administrative Offi cer The Board of Revision will sit on Wednesday, November 18th, 2020 at 1043 Kittson Road 10:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers of the R. M. of St. Andrews, 500 The Council of the Town of Winnipeg Beach will Box 2 Group 35 RR1 Railway Ave, at Clandeboye, Manitoba to hear applications. receive sealed offers for the purchase of 1 only East Selkirk, Manitoba R0E 0M0 Applications received after 4:30 p.m. November 2nd, 2020 will not 1995 GMC T8500 truck with approximately Telephone: Selkirk 204-482-3300 be considered. 10,000-gallon water tank. Truck being sold “as is” with no current safety. Winnipeg: 204- 474-2642 Dated this 4th day of October, 2020 A.D. Toll Free: 1-888-797-8425 Offers will be received until October 27, 2020. Secretary, Board of Revision Fax: 1-204-482-3098 Truck may be viewed by appointment with R. M. of St. Andrews Email: [email protected] the Public Works Manager. For additional 500 Railway Ave, P.O. Box 130, Clandeboye, Manitoba, R0C 0P0 information, please call 204-641-1614. The Selkirk Record Thursday, October 8, 2020 23

Book Your Classifi ed Ad Today - Call 204-785-1618 Classifi eds or Email [email protected]

HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED TRAVEL Red Bomb Fireworks is seeking a full-time Re- Trailers, truckbeds & wanted - car collector Travel snowbirds! Os- ceptionist/Retail Associate to join our team. tires. Full repair and searching! I want your oyoos, BC – Canada’s We’re looking somebody who enjoys going safeties. Vehicle parts, old car or truck, or warmest climate. above-and-beyond with customers through in- tires & wheels. Vehicle anything interesting! Very special weekly & person, telephone, and online interactions. Self- & trailer parts & batter- Tell me what you have! monthly rates avail- starting individuals with retail sales experience, ies. Sales, fi nancing & Whether it’s been in able through April, drive, focus, and ambition will receive preference. leasing. Kaldeck Truck the barn for 25 years, 2021. Choose from An ability to multi-task is essential, along with & Trailer Inc. Hwy or fully restored. Call studio, 1 & 2 bdrm. an ability to work well with others on our team. #1, MacGregor, MB. David 204-900- 9399. luxury condos from Personal presentation is key. Duties include: 1-888-685-3127. www. $36/night! www.os Greeting customers; processing in-person, tele- NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICE phone, and online orders; directing callers to Urgent press release or 1-888-OSOYOOS ––––––––––––––––––– appropriate extensions and parties; welcoming &/media advisories. Book your classifi ed contractors and third-party vendors to our fa- Though we cannot advertising and be Do you have a BOARD OF REVISION cilities; ensuring retail cleanliness standards are guarantee publication, seen in over 340,000 Public notice is hereby given that the year 2021 assessment met; restocking retail inventory; and other duties MCNA will get the in- unique service homes! For as little as roll for the City of Selkirk will be open for public inspection as assigned. Bonus points if: you have a basic formation into the right you would like $189 + GST, get your knowledge of graphics design (Adobe suite), you hands for ONLY $35 + to advertise? during regular business hours from October 5, 2020 important messaging are comfortable assisting with outbound sales GST/HST. Call MCNA Get the word at the Municipal Offi ce located at 200 Eaton Avenue, out! Call us at 1-204- calls, and / or you are familiar with corporate so- 204-947-1691 for more Selkirk, Manitoba. Applications for revision may be made 467-5836 or email out with cial media. How we’re awesome: Selkirk-based information, or email in accordance with Section 42 and 43 of The Municipal [email protected] an ad in the company, rapid growth, competitive wage, and [email protected] Assessment Act: for details. MCNA - Record! benefi ts. Show us why you’re our #1 candidate for details. www.mcna. Manitoba Community APPLICATION FOR REVISION by applying at [email protected] or by visiting com. Newspapers Asso- 42(1) A person in whose name property has been assessed, us at 609 Greenwood Avenue, Selkirk! McSherry Auction ciation 204-947-1691. SUPPORT LOCAL a mortgagee in possession of property under Service Ltd subsection 114(1) of The Real Property Act, an occupier HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS ONLINE TIMED AUCTIONS @ of premises who is required under the terms of a BN never used; still in ICOLLECTOR.COM Looking for roof- lease to pay the taxes on the property, the authorized ers, levellers, siding, box, bendable goose- ESTATE & MOVING carpenters, plumb- neck table or desk Get up to Closes Wed Oct 14th agent of the person, mortgagee or occupier, or the ers and electricians STUDY LAMP, EWO $50,000 @ 7:30 PM assessor may make application for the revision of an for the Grand Marais $15; Sunbeam 2-slice 12 Patterson Dr. assessment roll with respect to the following matters: area. Call Chris be- TOASTER, ECIEWO, from the Government Stonewall, MB a) liability to taxation; tween 9 a.m. - noon, $15; BNCIEC pr. sz. 9 of Canada. Late Additions- 03 Chev b) amount of an assessed value; 2500 Dsl Ext Cab 4x4 204-390-2580. Men’s WORK BOOTS/ All ages & medical c) classifi cation of property; or SAFETY SHOES w/ Safetied- Clean Truck* conditions qualify. Goebel 1800 Bushel d) a refusal by an assessor to amend the assessment laces & steel caps over Have a child under 18 Hopper Bin * Building roll under subsection 13(2). CLEAN OUT toes, $100; red, white instantly receive more Jacks * More Tools! & black lined WINTER money. APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS YOUR ESTATE & MOVING SUITCOAT OVERCOAT Call Manitoba Benefits 43(1) An application for revision must BASEMENT fi ts a men’s sz. XL, 1-(800)-211-3550 Closes Wed Oct 21st a) be made in writing; @ 7:30 PM AND well insulated winter or send a text message b) set out the roll number and legal description of overcoat, has been with your name and Consignments Welcome! the assessable property for which a revision is ADVERTISE mailing address to dry cleaned, $100. Ph. Stuart McSherry, Stonewall, MB sought; YOUR “GOOD 204-785-8598. 204-808-0035 for your (204) 467-1858 or (204) 886-7027 free benefits package. c) set out which of the matters referred to in JUNK” HERE subsection 42(1) are at issue, and the grounds TO MAKE for each of those matters; and Please support R.M. OF ST. ANDREWS d) be fi led by EXTRA CASH our advertisers (i) delivering it or causing it to be delivered PUBLIC NOTICE to the offi ce indicated in the public McSherry Auction 12 Patterson Dr. BATTERIES FOR Additions to the Voters List and/or notice given under subsection 41(2), or Stonewall, MB EVERYTHING! Personal Security Protection Requests (ii) serving it upon the secretary, Online Timed Auctions at least 15 days before the scheduled sitting date @ 50, 000 BATTERIES In accordance with Section 36 of The Municipal Councils and School of the board as indicated in the public notice. Estate & Moving IN STOCK Boards Election Act (MCSBEA), the R.M. of St. Andrews Voters List is Closes Wed Oct 14 @ 7:30pm open for changes or revisions. The Board shall not consider an application that is not in NH 590 Large Square Baler *Auto *Farm *Marine compliance with Section 43(1). The Board of Revision will * Case IH 8820 Swather * 90 *Construction *ATV • Any person who is eligible to vote in municipal elections in the Local Chev 1500 * 03 Polaris 330 sit on Thursday, November 5, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. at the *Motorcycle *Golf Carts Authority of the R.M. of St. Andrews can have his or her name added 4x4 Quad * 76 Hondamatic *Rechargeables *Tools Selkirk Memorial Hall located at 376 Jemima Street, Selkirk, CB750 Street Bike * Horse *Phones *Computers to the Voters List, or have any information about the voter on the Saddles * Sleigh * Carriage * Manitoba to hear applications for revisions to the 2021 Saulky * Corral Panels * 4 Hi *Solar Systems & design Voters List corrected. Qual 10’ x 12’ Horse Stalls w * Everything Else! assessments and 2020 supplementary tax assessments. Rubber Flooring* • Any person can request to have his or her name and address obscured As a result of COVID-19, access may be limited at the Estate & Moving THE BATTERY MAN from the Voters List. Closes Wed Oct 21 @ 7:30pm 1390 St. James St., time of the Board of Revision hearing. The City adheres Consignments Welcome! WPG A person whose name has been obscured will receive a Personal to all regulations set forth in the most current Public (204) 467-1858 or 1-877-775-8271 Security Certifi cate and identifi cation number. In a civic election, that Health Orders including but not limited to proper physical (204) 886-7027 person may only vote by Sealed Envelope Ballot and cannot vote in distancing procedures and limits on gathering sizes. Masks person at the regular or advance voting places. are required upon entry into the building. We encourage those attending to bring their own, however the City RURAL MUNICIPALITY OF ALEXANDER To implement the above, written request must be submitted to the Senior Election Offi cial, in person, by e-mail, fax or mail to: will provide a mask should you not have one available. Accommodations will be made to ensure all can participate. CALL FOR Margaret Davidson, S.E.O. R.M. of St. Andrews Applications must be received by the City of Selkirk TENDERS Box 130, 500 Railway Avenue Accounting Clerk, serving as Secretary of the Board, FOR THE SALE OF MUNICIPAL PROPERTY Clandeboye, MB R0C 0P0 before 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday, October 20, 2020 at 200 For complete advertisement please visit Phone: 204-738-2264 Eaton Avenue Selkirk, MB R1A 0W6. Fax: 204-738-2500 Dated this 1st day of October 2020. Tender submissions will be accepted up to E-mail: offi [email protected] Kevin Richter, CPA, CMA 12:00 p.m. (local time) The next general election takes place in October, 2022. Director of Finance, City of Selkirk Thursday, October 22nd, 2020 Questions? Call 204-738-2264 200 Eaton Avenue, Selkirk, Manitoba, R1A 0W6 24 The Selkirk Record Thursday, October 8, 2020 Classifi eds Book Your Classifi ed Ad Today - Call 785-1618 or Email [email protected] Book Your Classifi ed Ad Today - Call 785-1618 or Email [email protected]

Everything you need to Call Today! HEALTH HAY / STRAW FARM ANNOUNCEMENT EQUIPMENT promote your business 204-785-1618 Are you suffering from Hay and straw bales ANNIVERSARY joint or arthritic pain? for sale. 5’x6’ net wrap. For sale 20 bale hay If so, you owe it to Timothy and Orchard wagon, duals all yourself to try elk vel- Mix hay; wheat and oat around. Please call vet antler capsules. straw. Contact Justin 204-482-5183. Hundreds have found 204-392-7451. relief. Benefi ts hu- ––––––––––––––––––– NOTICE TO mans and pets. EVA is Smiley’s Flax Straw- CREDITORS composed of proteins, $3/bale. Road #77, IN THE MATTER OF: amino acids, minerals, East Selkirk. Phone The Estate of Edna 204-482-4636 lipids and water. Key 204-492-0602. Kathleen Watts, late of compounds that work ––––––––––––––––––– the City of Selkirk, in to stimulate red blood Flax straw bales for Manitoba, deceased. cell production & car- sale. $3 per bale, pick All claims against the tilage cell regenera- up in yard. Phone or above estate, duly ver- tion & development. text 204-785-0492. ifi ed by Statutory Dec- Stonewood Elk Ranch ––––––––––––––––––– laration, must be fi led Ltd., 204-467-8884 Flax straw - $3/bale. with the undersigned or e-mail stonewood Also wheat straw & at their offi ces, P.O. 204-482-1234 [email protected] hay. Monday – Sat- Box 1400, Stonewall, urday. Call Nick at Manitoba, R0C 2Z0 on UPCOMING 204-461-0706 or or before the 11th day Sandy and Paul Starodub EVENTS SELKIRK TRANSIT & Bill Matheson at of November, 2020. Happy 25th Anniversary Linda & Shirley, formal- 204-461-1906, Stone- DATED at Stonewall, on October 7th SELKIRK MOBILITY ly of Interlake Crafts, wall. Manitoba this 24th day -Love family and friends will be hosting a Hal- ––––––––––––––––––– of September, 2020. CLOSED ON loween & Christmas Large round hay GRANTHAM LAW Celebrate the People you love safely... Craft Sale on their own bales for sale. Al- OFFICES WITH AN ANNOUNCEMENT IN THE acreage. Thurs, Oct falfa & brome. Solicitor for the MONDAY, OCTOBER 12, 2020 15, 11-7; Fri, Oct 16, Call 204-461-0722. Executor 11-7; Sat, Oct 17, 11-5, ––––––––––––––––––– at 6728 Hwy 8, SS1, St. Small square wheat Call 204-785-1618 or email [email protected] Andrews. straw & fl ax straw Please support bales for sale. Local Farmers McSherry Auction Call 204-482-5101. Service Ltd ONLINE TIMED OUT AUCTION SALES CAREER FOR DALE BOWMAN Everything you need to Closes Thurs Oct 22nd, promote your business 2020 @ 7:30 PM Argyle, MB OPPORTUNITY 1 Mile West on Rd 323 Then North 2 Miles on Rd 322 Then 3 ½ Miles West BigandColourful on Rd 82 #4064 11 Chev 2500 4x4 6 Litre Printing & Publishing 104,787 KM- Safetied * 15 Call Today! Norberts 16’ Gooseneck is looking for a dynamic, highly motivated Stock Trailer Only Used 2000 204-785-1618 Miles * 96 Norberts 20’ Gooseneck Flat Deck Trailer person to become part of our advertising * 15 Excursion 18’ BH Flat Deck Trailer – Less Than 500 sales team in the Interlake area. Miles * 14 Can Am Com- mander 800 Side By Side- The successful candidate will thrive in a fast paced sales environment 2275 Miles * 13 Honda Four where a competitive nature, strong work ethic and excellent customer Trax Quad * Int Farmall 966 Factory Duals * White Field service skills are required and rewarded. Boss 2-105 * Vers 145 4WD This opportunity involves building relationships and representing our * Gehl 1870 Rd Baler * New Idea 3639 Manure Spreader newspapers to new and existing customers. SELKIRK * Hesston BP25 Bale Pro- Qualifi cations: The successful candidate must be professional, cessor * Gehl 95 Mix Mill * Hutchmaster 10’ Offset dependable, energetic, goal-oriented, self-starter, can work within Disc * Ajax 40’ Springtine deadlines, well organized and friendly. NOW HIRING! Harrows * Morris L-160 The Canadian Tire Selkirk Automotive Department 20’ Cult * Glenco 26’ Cult Customer service, sales experience and passion is a must. * Cockshutt 26’ Deep Tiller -Strong computer skills, including Microsoft Offi ce is now seeking staff for the following position: * Silver Lake Trailer Post Pounder * 38’ Hay Trailer -Excellent communication skills and a genuine love of people EXPERIENCED * 30’ Hay Trailer * 4 Wheel -Willingness to learn 11’ Horse Pull Wagon * 10’ Red Seal Mechanic Packer 24” Rd Drum * 3PH -Ability to work independently Post Hole Auger * 80’s GMC If you fi t this description please email resume to Strong candidates must have: 6000 w 18’ B & H * Lakeland Portable Creep Feeder * Ma- [email protected] • Solid communication skills ternity Pen * Along w More • Problem solving abilities Equipment * Trailers * Rd • Strong interactive skills Bale Feeders * Panels * Oil- ers * Calf Shelters * 6 Grain Interlake Compensation based on experience. Bins - 1350 to 1650 Bushel * Farm Misc * Tools * Go To Graphics Full time position includes benefi t package. Web For Full Listing * For all your printing and publishing needs Email resume and references to Stuart McSherry, Stonewall, MB [email protected] (204) 467-1858 or (204) 886-7027 The Selkirk Record Thursday, October 8, 2020 25

Book Your Classifi ed Ad Announcements Today - Call 785-1618

ANNOUNCEMENT ANNOUNCEMENT ANNOUNCEMENT ANNOUNCEMENT BIRTHDAY IN MEMORIAM IN MEMORIAM IN MEMORIAM IN MEMORIAM Bernice Gooley July 9, 1935 to October 10, 2011 The world changes from year to year, Our lives from day to day; But the love and memory of you, Mom, Shall never fade away. -Sadly missed by your daughters Charlene, Darlene, and their families

ANNOUNCEMENT IN MEMORIAM Arthur Gooley May 13, 1934 to October 6, 2019 Dad, you held our hands when we were small, You caught us when we fell; You’re the hero of our childhood, Happy Heavenly Birthday Lena Meger Les Clifford And our later years as well. William “Bill” O’Neill 1933 - 2013 (Dryden) And every time we think of you, October 11th, 1932 - May 13th, 2020 Those we love don’t walk away, January 3, 1975 – October 8, 2014 Our hearts still fi ll with pride; Birthday wishes sent to Heaven, They walk beside us every day; Loved with a love beyond all telling. Though we’ll always miss you Dad, From our family here below; Unseen, unheard, but always near, Missed with a grief beyond all tears. We know you’re by our side. We miss and love you dearly, Still loved, deeply missed and very dear. -Love Mom and Dad (Al); -Deeply missed by Charlene, Darlene, And we wanted you to know. -Lovingly remembered, brothers Dean (Medea), Kevin (Lindsay), Tracy, Jason and their families Your birthday is not forgotten, Doug, Tanis, Roger, Kim, Michele and families Jordan and families And your memory lives on; We celebrate the life you had, Even though you’ve gone. Are you looking to up size, downsize or the right size? If we were given just one wish, Don’t Forget Your Loved Ones One wish that would come true; WITH AN ANNOUNCEMENT IN THE Maybe an investment property? We’d wish you back beside us, After many years of experience buying and selling assets To spend this day with you. for a multi-national corporation, I understand the We will always love and miss you, importance of due diligence and the importance of And will often shed some tears; Especially on your special day, negotiating the right number. Year after year. Evan “I can help you. Call me. It’ll be fun!” -Loved and remembered by Clara and her family Real Estate Services Inc. 325 Manitoba Ave. Selkirk EVAN WAYDE ANNOUNCEMENT 482-7355 485-0407 IN MEMORIAM

Each offi ce is independently owned and operated. Rd 32 STILL OUT Old home site, Libau $175,000 SELLING IN YOUR Ray Wytinck 40 acres. Pole bldg. House & workshop.hop. c: 204-391-4852 o: 204-789-2721 $110,000 NEIGHBOURHOOD 51 Billy Goat Dr WANTING Traverse Bay. 3+ bdrm, 1 bath, 1700 sq ft, Pigeon Bluff TO SELL? ... 210 Main St. | Selkirk, MB extensive renos inside 1500 sf, 3 bdrm, 2 bath, lrge shop, We have & out. Year round! 62 ac crop, 10 ac res & bush. Interested SAULTEAUX STARTS AT $ $ $394,900 | 1700 sqft + 178,000 528,000 Qualifi ed Buyers! CONDOMINIUMS CALL US TODAY! 118 cross fenced acres, well & dug-out $150,000 Show Home Now Open Hours Tuesday & Thursday 4pm to 7pm Steve Lister Saturday & Sunday December 11, 1919 - October 8, 2008 1pm to 5pm In loving memory of a wonderful husband, father, grandfather, Luxury features include: and great-grandfather • 9’ ceilings • High effi ciency gas furnace No longer in our lives to share, • Sound insulation (bathrooms, laundry & master) But in our hearts you are always there. • Maple shaker style kitchen & vanity cabinets Silent thoughts of times together, • Soft close drawers & hinges • Private garage parking Memories that will last forever. • Laminate, carpet and vinyl fl ooring Each of us have our own special way, The fi rst Smart Home condo complex in Selkirk Of remembering you with love today. equipped with: We miss you lots! BRAND NEW 2 & 3 • Light Control • Multi-Zone Music • Multi-Zone Security -Love from your wife Elsie, children and families BEDROOM TOWNHOUSES • Climate Control • Automation for rent at 900 Vaughan Ave. Selkirk $5,000 incentive for the fi rst two buyers toward

$1445 - $1645/mth plus utilities. appliances or townhouse price. Your memory will live forever Call or email for more details. Thiaa Al-atiya, Sutton Group-Kilkenny Real Estate 204-960-7550 or Engraved within our hearts [email protected] p.204-475-9130 c.204-999-5557 26 The Selkirk Record Thursday, October 8, 2020 Announcements BookBook Your Your Classifi Classifi ed ed Ad Ad Today Today - Call - Call 785-1618 785-1618 or Email or Email [email protected] [email protected] OBITUARY OBITUARY Bella Athena Sage Keating Irene Rose Margaruite Byle (nee Vandal) April 2, 2020 - September 26, 2020 Irene Rose Margaruite Byle (nee Vandal), born September 20, Peacefully, on September 26, after a strong battle with severe 1924 in Middlechurch, MB, passed away peacefully one hour and epilepsy our little angel Bella has left us and is now with our loved fi fty minutes before her 96th birthday on September 19th with her ones watching and guiding from above. family at her side at the Concordia Hospital. Call 785-1618 or She was born in Medicine Hat, AB. The last surviving matriarch of the Vandal family, Irene, the wife of [email protected] Bella was predeceased by her grandmother Lorna Fleming; a veteran and farmer Fred who predeceased her in 2006, enjoyed great-grandpa John Fleming; uncle Trevor Stevenson and kookum working in her garden and fl ower beds, canning and baking and (great-grandmother) Thelma Pruden. sharing with family and friends. She also had a love for their many Bella leaves to celebrate her life mommy Madisson Keating and pets over the years. Mum enjoyed sewing and her knitting, making daddy James Fleming; grandma Corry Stevenson; grandpa Rick baby outfi ts for every grandchild and fi sherman knit sweaters for Keating; great-grandpa Brian (Glenda) Stevenson; aunties Lorlei, all of us. You always knew where you stood with her “tell it like it Kim, Nicki, Ellie, Tracy, Brittany, Lisa; uncle Ryan, Jay, Damon and is attitude.” Mum always promised us that she would be “sweet” in numerous cousins and relatives. her old age but remained a feisty opinionated lady making her own Bella, my sweet baby girl, my love, my light. No words can decisions until her passing. Mum’s passion in her later years was express the pain we feel. You are now above guiding us through our journey here on this earth. We her casino bus trips (she won her share) with her last trip being in January of 2020. She enjoyed her will do our best to share the love and joy you have brought to our lives. We will smile as the sun rises many trips to and Toronto to visit her daughters. Mum was recently honored at the West St. and laugh as the sun goes down, just as you did, my sweet Bella. We will whisper through the night Paul Seniors Luncheon as the oldest living born and raised West St. Paul resident. ever so gently, just as you liked. We will hug softly, just as we held you in our arms. We will play, sing, After raising her fi ve children, Robert (Linda), Judy (Michael), David (Emmy), Brad (Kelly), Leslie and dance, just as we know you would, my sweet Bella. (Teri), Mum enjoyed being a gramma most of all to Leanne (Andre), Kenton (Erin), April (Todd), Condolences may be left on her tribute wall at Amanda (Kevin), Joel (Roslynn), Mitchell (Tiffaney) and Mark. Known as “Sugarplum Gramma” to her great-grandchildren Sydney, Aurelia, Reid, Summer, Wade, Tatyana, Ben, Nick, Dominik, Scarlett, Gilbart Funeral Home, Selkirk in care of arrangements. Ryder, Henry, Hannah, Michael and River, she was the happiest with a baby in her arms. Our family would like to thank a very special woman who has become a part of our family forever, Merle, who was a very special friend to Mum (and her cats). Thanks to the wonderful staff on N1 at OBITUARY the Concordia Hospital for their compassionate care to Mum and her family. And to Kenny from Ken Sonia Kaschyshyn Loehmer Funeral Services once again for his care and compassion. With much sorrow and heavy hearts on Friday, October 2, 2020 Due to COVID, Mum’s fi nal wish will be granted when it is safe for all of her we lost our Mother, Baba and Great Baba after a long fi ght to family and friends to be together again for her fi nal party. Diabetes and Cancer. If desired, donations in her memory can be made to the Winnipeg Humane She leaves behind son and daughter-in-law Danny and Teresa; Society or a charity of your choice. 204-886-0404 grandchildren, Melissa, Andrew, David, Marc, Stacey, Jamie and her great-grandbabies, Aubrey and Sloan; sister Rose and Niece Sharron as well as many, many dear friends. A private family service will take place. There is a link death cannot sever, A heart felt thank you to Dr. K. Graham and Stonewall Hospital Love and remembrance last forever. Staff for their wonderful care of Sonia in her fi nal days. The Lord saw I was getting tired, so He took my hand and said come with Me. I will end your pain and suffering and set your spirit free. So here I am now in a garden and my leg well I now have two Don’t Forget Your Loved Ones But when I got to heaven, I couldn’t fi nd my other shoe, But that’s ok I just laughed it off then looked down from above I will miss each and everyone of you and send you all my love. WITH AN ANNOUNCEMENT IN THE

MACKENZIE FUNERAL HOME TEULON (204) 467-2525 • Call 204-785-1618

COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL Interior/Exterior PERSONAL BLAINE’S LANDSCAPING Drywall Repair Bobcat Service including: Textured Ceiling TRAINING Tree Spade & Bucket Biz Cards Stucco Painting & More Residential & Commercial Landscaping MATT EVANS @ Lawn Care, Rototilling & Aerating Chris Behun 204-801-5673 Hauling & Spring & Fall Cleanup Call 785-1618 IRON IMAGE GYM Trees for Sale 3-8’ [email protected] [email protected] 511 Robinson Ave, Selkirk 204.481.1104 [email protected] Call Blaine @ 1-204-997-3782 BILSKYBILSKY ENTERPRISES LLTD.TD. DESIGN and DRAFTING SERVICES GENERAL CONTRACTING PROJECT MANAGEMENT Your local HVAC specialists Installation & Service COMMERCIAL • INDUSTRIAL • RESIDENTIAL • Cooking Shows • Meal Prep Solutions HYDRO PAUL BILSKY DON BILSKY • Fundraisers • Individual Orders 204-396-4474 FINANCING 204-485-37999 204-785-35362 204-485-4272 call or text [email protected] AVAILABLE Technician President [email protected] O.A.C. OFFICE: 204-482-9381 [email protected] WIRELESS INTERNET GRAVEL & LIMESTONE TOP SOIL GRANITE BOULDERS • Level/Lift Kits • BLACK & RED GRANITE GRAVEL • Exhaust upgrades Hi-Speed Internet • RIVERWASH • FIREPITS • Air intake upgrades Broadband Residential • COLOURED BARK • Spray on bed-liner (black or colored) and Commercial Connections SELKIRK LANDSCAPING STUMP GRINDING & • Vehicle accessories and more SKIDSTEER SERVICE 611 MORRIS AVE. SELKIRK 1-866-981-9769 [email protected] 204-485-0276 Text or call: 1-204-294-1572 The Selkirk Record Thursday, October 8, 2020 27

Pick up your Specializing in The K. GOWERR Construction DOC • Duct Biz Cards Selkirk ecord Installation SAB’SSABS S • Carpentry • Garages & Sheds • Heating Get The At the MD Carpentry Job Done! • Doors • Decks MECHANICAL• Cooling SPORTSMAN’S STOP • Siding, Sofi t & Facia • Bathrooms Hydro CONVENIENCE & VARIETY • BaBasementssement FFinishingiinishing P. 204-226-1840 Financing DECKS Available • WINDOWS • DOORS Call 785-1618 Fishing Bait and Tackle * Gas * Maps F. 204-757-2097 • Home Improvements HIGHWAY 44 just east of 59. 785-3740 Darryl Woloshyn [email protected] LAURIE BODNER QUARRIES • Premium Gas & Diesel Fuel • Groceries FULLHOUSE MOVERS • Dew Drop Water • Boyd’s Coffee & Snacks Pump-Pump-TTechech • Crushed Limestone • Local Post Offi ce & of course Friendly Staff ALEX FOTTY I BUY JUNK VEHICLES • Landscape Boulders HOME: 204-467-2419 PLUMBING & PUMP REPAIR • Clean Fill • Top Soil LIVE & FROZEN MINNOWS CELL: 204-461-2352 We’ve moved to 80 IXL Crescent, Lockport (Behind Canvasback) Garson, NOTHING BEATS A RVs, trailers and Phil PETERSFIELD STORE By appointment 204-757-7219 farm equipment too! 204-485-5787 Manitoba 204-266-1001 Hwy. Petersfi eld (204) 738-4475 FULLHOUSE MOVE Shumski’s Fencing INTERLAKEE HARDWOOD SHERLOCK Chain Link Fence Supplies Trimming INSTALLATION & REFINISHING Installation or “Do It Yourself Kits” TREE • TREE REMOVAL and GENERAL CONTRACTING LAMINATE INSTALLS Dog Kennels • Privacy Slats Removal • MILL WORK • CABINETS • PROJECT MANAGEMENT Pruning • Stump Grinding • Chipper Vince SERVICE • COMMERCIAL/RESIDENTIAL RENOVATIONS TAKING BOOKINGS NOW 861-0487 Free Estimates Licensed Arborists 339-5706 email: [email protected] Steve Cassidy • Cell 782-4447 DYNEVOR 204.793.0345 Fully Insured – Claim Free Darren 4240 Main Street, West St. Paul 204-799-5265 [email protected] email: [email protected] 30 years Experience 861-0028

STUCCO FOREST STUMP Karl’s Appliance • Plumbing • Heating and CLANDEBOYE CNJ ACRYLIC Service P.K. • In-Floor Heating General Store Repairs to fridges, • NOVO Water OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Pargings • Garages • Paper & Wire stoves, washers, dryers, PLUMBING Softener Dealer • Gas • Liquor • Pizza New & Re-Stucco Repair Work air conditioners Pete Kurus, Journeyman •Lotto Vendor • Groceries 20 yrs experience FREE ESTIMATES SERVICES - WE GRIND DDEEPEREEPER FOR CHCHEAPEREAPER - Licenced gas fi tter, • Hunting & Fishing Licenses 204-206-0276 Teulon, MB Call Darrell Cockerill - Cell or Text: 204-485-3887 482-4594 Serving Selkirk & surrounding areas Highway 9, 204-792-5156 738-4342 Clandeboye

(SINCE 1976) SHUMSKI’S Call and place SHUMSKI’S your order for Landscaping CURBSIDE & Garden Centre PICKUP BALMORAL, MANITOBA TREES * SHRUBS * PERENNIALS * BEDDING PLANTS Spray Foam ROOFING & SOIL * SOD * SAND * MULCH *LIMESTONE Blow In GRANITE * BARKMAN PRODUCTS Brent Meyers RENOVATIONS FIREWOOD * PEA GRAVEL * RIVERSTONE Your Heating, Cooling and Geothermal Specialists 204-461-4669 POWER SMART 4240 MAIN ST., WEST ST. PAUL 204-467-9578 [email protected] NOW AVAILABLE Ph. (204) 339-5706 Fax (204) 334-9365 [email protected] 204-757-9197 cell 204-799-6023 [email protected] email: allnuroofi [email protected] [email protected] PPLUMBING, HEATING JEFF’S 204-485-5750 TTn & REFRIGERATION PL MBINGG • Directional Drilling We • Commercial and Residential SERVICES INC. • Septic Field Installations • RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • Low Pressure Sewer Connections Appreciate MOVING & STORAGE • Licensed Gas Fitters & Sheet Metal • Septic Tank Installations Your • Pressure Systems, Water Softeners & Iron Filters SELKIRK, MANITOBA & Replacements MOVING is our business, SERVICE is our promise. • Gas and Electric Hot Water Tanks For All Your Plumbing & Repair Needs • Secondary Treatment Systems Business • Roto-Rooter Service - ROTOR ROOTER SERVICES - • Water System & Well Connections 204-785-9299 • Sewer Camera • Well & Septic Repair 204-482-4159 Cell: 204-485-4227 211 Hutchings St., Winnipeg, MB, R2X 2R4 JEFF FLETT [email protected] • Free Written On-Site Quotes

Electricians who design, install and repair SPRAY FOAM TIRED OF THAT electrical and solar power systems. INSULATION OLD CAR AND SCRAP METAL - AGRICULTURE – COMMERCIAL FREE ESTIMATES, QUALITY SERVICE SITTING IN YOUR YARD? – INDUSTRIAL – RESIDENTIAL – COTTAGES NEED SOME CASH? Phone 204-281-3394 or LOCALLY OWNED AND OPERATED CALL BOB HOKANSON email: [email protected] CALL US 204-485-6123 TODAY! 204-290-5667 3475 Main St., West St. Paul • [email protected] TYNDALL POWER PRODUCTS TOPSOIL BLACK DIRT SLAG Demolition Driveways Loader HONDA • STIHL • SIMPLICITY • FERRIS Grader Rentals Bobcats Crawler Hoe BRIGGS & STRATTON • KOHLER • TECUMSEH EXCAVATIONS TRUCKING • Renovations • Repairs/Service • New Installs • Heating Mowers - Tillers - Tractors - Engines - Pumps Doggie Grooming • Air Conditioning • Water Treatment • Drain Cleaning Generators - Chainsaws - Trimmers - Augers Day Care • Gas Fitting • Contracting • Refrigeration Ed Novakowski CHASE BORGSTROM KYLE SCRIVENS Owner/Manager 482-7157 GAS BAR & LOTTO & 1 WELLINK DR., LOCKPORT 204-990-1299 204-482-3939 Hwy 44 Tyndall RMSelkirk, MB Phone: (204) 757-2701 [email protected] [email protected] 204-268-3006 EQUIPMENT [email protected] Everything you need to promote your business ALICEROOFING LTD. LANDSCAPING CARPENTRY Rough/Finish grading Fences Complete Roofi ng Service Topsoil Decks Keith Neyedly, Excavating Sidewalks • Residential Red Seal Carpenter Bobcat service Stairs Siding, Eavestroughing, Soffi t, Stump grinding Concrete • Agricultural [email protected] Posthole auger Forming Fascia, Capping,Windows Box 368, Clandeboye, MB R0C 0P0 Licensed & Insured Dump truck services Framing Free Estimates • 781-0533 www.aliceroofi 204-757-9092 204.795.9123 Lot clearing Snow Removal 28 The Selkirk Record Thursday, October 8, 2020 äĢőŖŅű̠̟ àŪÁĢÚäàƒäÁěőű '**BV^cHi$HZa`^g` *HRUJH .DVH\ 9LFWRULD +XQWHU $VKOH\ +DFNLQJ +DFNLQJ %HDXFKDPS :RQQDFRWW 'RXJODV 'ć)$'ć'$&.''     

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272 Main St. JCM Construction Selkirk, MB Carpentry & Concrete 204-482-2277 Specialist ALSO AVAILABLE AT s2%&2)'%2!4)/.s(%!4).' • Bathrooms • Renovations • Foundations RESIDENTIAL• COMMERCIAL • INDUSTRIAL Red River Co-op, Selkirk Sportsman’s Stop Hwy. 44 • Pads • Framing • Garages s!)2#/.$)4)/.).' Red Seal Certifi ed, 24 Hour Service, Free Estimates Home Hardware, Selkirk Clandeboye Store CENTRAL AIR INSTALLATIONS (Financing Available OAC) Harry’s Foods North Garson Grocery Dan Hydrochuk c: 204-403-8823 [email protected] 204-485-7181 Lower Fort Garry Nursery [email protected] h: 204-785-1419 PH: 204-757-2935 CELL: 204-998-2904 BONDED HEALTH & IN-SHOP & MOBILE BLASTING MOBILITY SERVICES Specializing in abrasive blasting • SALES • SERVICE • PARTS • REPAIRS and industrial coatings. • RENTALS of • Wheelchairs • Scooters Power washing services. • Walkers • Healthcare Products • Homecare • Orthotics Toll Free: 1-877-825-0917 FreeFREE estimates:Estimates 204-914-8899 204-914-8899 Email: [email protected] 230 Manitoba Ave, Selkirk 204-785-1992 [email protected]