International Chito-Ryu Federation of Australia - Standard Grading Requirements For Juniors (4-7 yrs)

Belt Colour Social & Life Skills 1st Tip 2nd Tip 3rd Tip 4th Tip Conditioning Pad Work Sparring () Kicking Basics/Form Listening Skills * Kamae with KIAI From dachi (kamae): Seisan dachi (on the spot): * Ritsu rei (standing bow) * 5 push ups on knees Yellow Stripe * Correct fist * Gizami zuki * Mae geri off front leg * Musubi dachi * 5 sit ups - crunches Kiotsuke = “Focus & Attention” * Gizami zuki * Gyaku zuki * Mae geri off back leg * Uchi hachi dachi * 5 squat Rei = “Respect” * Gyaku zuki Moving around drills to include (lift, , hold and return) * Chudan (with KIAI) * Front splits Kamae = “Committed & ready gizami & gyaku Chudan & jodan to give 100%”

Use Friendly Talk * Gizami, gyaku combo Footwork forward/backward Seisan dachi (on the spot): * Jodan tsuki * 7 push ups on knees Orange Stripe * Mae geri (lift, kick, hold and with front leg bridge with single * Yoko geri off front leg * Gedan tsuki * 7 sit ups - crunches return) or combos attacks * Yoko geri off back leg * Jodan uke * 7 squat kicks * Gizami, gyaku, mae geri (lift, kick, hold and return) * Gedan barai * Front & side splits Distance and timing drill: with Chudan & jodan a moving target * Gizami, gyaku, mae geri

Saying “Thank You” * Gizami, gyaku, gyaku combo Footwork forward/backward Seisan dachi (on the spot): * Seisan dachi step fwd/bwd * 10 push ups on knees Green Stripe * Gizami, gyaku, enpi combo with back leg bridge with single * Mawashi geri off front leg * Shiko dachi step fwd/bwd * 10 sit ups - crunches * Yoko geri (lift, kick, hold and or combos attacks * Mawashi geri off back leg * Soto uke * 10 squat kicks return) * Gizami, gyaku zuki (lift, kick, hold and return) * Uchi uke * Front & side splits * Mae, yoko, mawashi geri Chudan & jodan

Asking For Help * Gizami, gyaku, hiza combo Block & Counter against a Mae geri (seisan dachi) * Seiza (correctly sit & stand) * 5 push ups on toes Blue Stripe * Mawashi geri (lift, kick, hold single technique attack * Kick, then step * Dosa Ichi * 15 sit ups - crunches and return) * Uchi uke or gedan barai * Step up, front leg kick * 15 squat kicks * Then gyaku zuki or * Front & side splits * Back leg kick Combo - Gizami, gkayu zuki

Following Directions * Gizami, gyaku, enpi, hiza * Block against multiple Yoko geri * Za rei (correct seated bow) * 10 push ups on toes Purple Stripe combo technique attacks * Stepping in kosa dachi * Kihon Dosa Ni * 20 sit ups - crunches * Back leg kick (any kick), * Kick / combos (moving * Stepping in seisan dachi * 20 squat kicks recover, then gyaku zuki around) * Front & side splits * Back leg kick (any kick), recover, then gizami, gyaku

Waiting Your Turn * Back leg bridge, front leg kick * Reaction drill: move around, Mawashi geri (seisan dachi) * (correctly tie belt) * 15 push ups on toes Brown Stripe (any kick), recover, then gyaku execute a range of kicks and * Kick, then step * Seiken no migi hidari * 25 sit ups - crunches zuki punches * Step up, front leg kick * 25 squat kicks * Back leg bridge, front leg kick * Switch stance and deliver kick * Front & side splits (any kick), recover, then and punch combos gizami, gyaku

Rewarding Yourself * Back leg kick (any kick), Complex combinations: Combination: * Zenshin kotai * 20 push ups on toes Black Stripe down, switch and recover, then * Attack (punch or kick) + * Mae, yoko, mawshi geri * 30 sit ups - crunches simple combo * Break left/right with block + Jumping kicks * 30 squat kicks * Tobi geri (single kick) * End with simple combo * Tobi mae geri * Front & side splits (mae, yoko, mawashi) * Tobi yoko geri * Tobi mawashi geri