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Santa Fe New Mexican, 1883-1913 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

9-22-1911 Santa Fe New Mexican, 09-22-1911 New Mexican Printing Company

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Recommended Citation New Mexican Printing Company. "Santa Fe New Mexican, 09-22-1911." (1911).

This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Santa Fe New Mexican, 1883-1913 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. T- ' ? - - "."..-- ". JZ 7 v.; ' A raw Ml VOL. 48 la SANTA FE, NEW MEXICO, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1911. NO. 197 REJECTS WATER I SORRY WALL STREET HAS ACQUITTED OF RECIPROCITY IS STEEL TRUST IE T SCORES SY PRESIDENT EXCmfIG DAY MURDER CHARGE BADLY DEFEATED HOT ATTACKED ADVANCE ipjiiis h. - Sacramento River Controver "But I Guess We Can Get In Fact the Scene the First Son of Judge While Under Yesterday's Landslide Sweeps Attorney General Wicker-sha- m Price of Flour to Increase Declares sy It Ended By Territo- Along As It U" Without Half Hour, Was Almost Influence of Morphine Premier Laurier Out of Govern- Thirty-Fiv- e Cents a rial Engineer Canadian Trade Unprecedented. Made Confession. -- . Office. ment Is Not Acting. Barrel.


More County Tax Assessment Senator Cullom, Congressman Defeat of Reciprocity Hurt Mar- Lee Armstrong Must Face Burg Ontario Dealt Liberals Terrible But Not For Present and Not Defeat of Reciorocitv Cu For 1911 Shows Gain McKinney and Others Con- ket But Railroad List lary Accusation at Trinidad Blow and Quebec Only Gave Without Vigorous Fight Lively Trading In Chi- of $71,291 fer With Executive. Was Firm. and Dalhart. Weak Support. He Predicts. cago Pit

Auditor John Joerns has (By Special Leased Wire to New Mexican) (By Special Leased Wire to New Mexican) (By Special Leased Wire t New Mexican (Ey Special teased Wire to New Mexican) (By Special Leaned Wire to New Mexican) (By Special Las! Wire to New Mexican Traveling 111., Sept. 22. President Taft New 22. A scene un- 22. Lee Arm 22. Canada N. H., 22. At received the tax roll from Mora coun- Peoria, York, Sept. Trinidad, Colo., Sept. Montreal, Quebec, Sept. Brettonwoods, Sept. mcago, in., sept. 22. Wheat prices made his first reference today to the on the stock exchange son of A. Armstrong, former i awakened confronted by a torney General Wickersham this aft here and at ty which shows a net gain of $71,291 precedented strong, today other central grain mark result of the Canadian elections when since the famous Northern Pacific at Oklahoma, new ernoon authorized the following state- ets scored over last year. The total assessment county Judge Lawton, startling situation, developed sensational advances at the he spoke briefly to the workers at a corner was enacted the first was in district court from fact that with ment: "No for the dis- for 1910 was $1,402,499 and for 1911, during proven guiltless the reciprocity arrangements opening today as the result of defeat local agricultural implement manu- minutes of of of the United States has been solution of steel trust have beeen of $1,473,790. In the items of increase thirty trading today. today the charge of the murder rejected, the recriprocity in Canada yesterday. plant. U. S. common from been or so I am improve- facturing Steel dropped Clay A. Meeker, a 'Trinidad tailor, who that the Laurier government has made, far as aware, pro- In this market, wheat rose two and are grazing lands, $37,196; Ca-"- country and Great Britain into I 58 the close last to 531-4- , was killed on of and that R. L. Borden will to the of a half ments on same, $12,207; city and town night shot and the night defeated, posed department justice." cents; at Duluth and Minneapo am sorry," said the President, the lowest in many under sales be called on to form a con- Too Powerful to lis lots, $10,460; horses, $1,359; sheep, years, July 28th in his shop in this city when shortly Yield. it Jumped four, and at Kansas City "to hear that in Canada they did not 260,000 shares. A single ot & servative That the chang- D. 22. three cents. .$16,666; inj manufacturing, aggregating trainmen the Colorado Southern ministry. Washington, C, Sept. "The May Wheat sold here at capital care to commercial rela- twenty-fou- r column are have closer transaction disposed of 45,000 shares swore, positively that the defendant es enacted during the past steel trust, Representative O. A. Stan 103 and at Minneapolis at 112. $1,708. In the decrease us. tions with lit a lump. The selling was the result was in Texas, on the hours by the registration of the will ley, chairman of the steel investigat- So lively was the that it improvements on agricultural lands, had continued Dalhart, night trading "If reciprocity won," of continued . fears that the reports of the electorate are is shown of was to $7,112; city lots improvements, $2,910; of the murder that he was arrested radical, ing committee the House, is quoted impossible follow individual the President, "we would have got our from that the steel cor- whereby foot cattle, $6;246; sewing machines, Washington there though at that time for burglary, by overwhelming majority today as saying, "is too powerful to operations. Every of room on the into Canada could not continue in its pres- down - of $4,141: shares of stocks in bank, agricultural implements poration and that he was not in Trinidad until the voters turend the agreement yield without a struggle to any ue- steps the pit supported one or more at a substantial decline, but I guess ent form and would have to dissolve had made with i the $2,275. three days later. i which Laurier mand that it dissolve and wildly shouting brokers, and looking we can get along as it is." were true. A recovery followed. United States for the mutual removal down from the crowd Johnson Armstrong previously made a sworn Besides I do not believe the depart galleries, the "Pussyfoot" Resigns. Political Conference. There was selling In on food and other natural below seemed fairly heavy confession to the ; Meeker murder, of duties ment of justice is at all sure yet that most like a mass of Official notice has been received . The President entered a political steel 2,000 shares sold of seven cabi preferred, being his for mor- products, by the defeat it can prove that the ex rapidly waving arms, the owners oj E. first 1031-2- 21-- 2 prompted by cravings corporation here that "Pussyfoot" W. Johnson, Peoria today for the at , a loss of points. out of the thirteen who which could -- ad- net ministers ists in violation of the Sherman law. not be distinguished. chief officer of the U. S. In- time on the present trip. Senator Cut phine, to the use of which he is special SteelOfficlals Silent went to the polls, and by the political . Flour to Advance. to take ef- dicted.'-, .. ,,. May Dissolve Eventually. dian Service has resigned lom, Lieutenant Governor Oglesby, Representatives of the United States landslide which will retire to private It was general gossip that an 30 he will be state , He was arrested here on August S "It also remains to be seen whether fect September and that Coneressman McKinney and Steel Corporation continued sllentr In life Sir Wilfrid Laurier, acknowledged of 23 to 33 cents a barrel on H.- as- for and the murder confes- the house committee will to succeeded by Coggeshall, his politicians consulted with the Presi- of vol- burglary, to be one of In bring (four would be i regard to the various reports was the biggest figures facts which will restraint inevitable. sistant. Johnson was dent sion made after the supply of the light prove was "Pussyfoot" untary dissolution of the corporation. the British empire. of and It the accepted view that with United drug had.been cut off. . trade monopoly. It is my well known throughout the It was the general belief, however, Ontario Deals Terrible Blow. no Canadian wheat available the hold Rewards $700 are out-o- f opinion, however, that the States and particularly of late in New WORKING TO SOLVE that the had received In- aggregating Out of nine Canadian provinces, on- eventually ers of American wheat were In a corporation for conviction steel trust will consent to a posi Mexico, for his work in suppressing COLORADO MURDER MYSTERY. timation from the federal government standing the the Quebec, Laurler's native place, voluntary tion to command enhanced Meeker ly dismemberment.' greatly the sale of liquor among the Indians. that it could not continue In its pres- murderer. came anywhere near remaining faith- figures, at least from the mills. One Who Had Been With One of do Land Entries. Italian ent form. . ful to him and Quebec did not anj prominent speculator was quoted as Slain Was in Police of TAFT NAMES SUPREME The following were the land entries Women, Railroad Lisi Firm. too well. Ontario, the greatest declaring an advance of twenty cents Sweat Box a terri- JUDGE OF PANAMA. at the Santa Fe land office yesterday: Today. Brokers on the stock exchange floor the provinces, dealt Laurier not improbable for spring wheat. AVIATORS E and John B. Arrington, Farmington; said could not recall a more ex- HI ble blow, lost solidly against him, Wheat Declines at Liverpool. Leased Wire New Mexican) they Mani- William H. Jackson, in of a Frances Franceos, Chilili; Bernie (By Special to market than that which the same can be said also of Charge Dispatches from Liverpool telling of Colorado. Springs, Colo., Sept. 22. traordinary Minor Court on Isthmus, Is Pablo Bjenavldez, was witnessed. in the first naif hout. toba and British Columbia. a decline there because of the election Stewart, Stanley; The authorities are checking Given the Plum. Etta and Ola G. Flnke, today of THEIR TROUBLES Saskatchewan and Alberta, two outcome ere entirely Ignored in Chi Monero; Ready movements Under the tremendous pressure Leased Wire to New over the of Tony Donatel, held remark wheat provinces, gave (By Special Mexican) cago. The here was 1 Moriarty; John W. Courtner, Encino; steel, the railroad list great raising 111., 22. opening the. Italian suspect arrested In connec of reci- Peoria, Sept. From his pri 318 to 2 August L. Alemand, Variadero. ably firm. The railroad stocks most a mild support to tlie cause cents higher than last Burnham-Wayn- e mur vate car here, Taft today anrainced Decision Affirmed. tion with, the affected were those which had been procity. night. December started at 97 to " Ward! the of William H. Jack- James Withdraws 4 The commissioners of ders, Sunday night and early Monday of a J. Defeat Hurts Market. appointment 9" cents, a gain of 1 4 to 1 to the general purchased in anticipation victory Reciprocity now of a minor A workman at Golden to son, judge court in the 11-- 2 15-8- , 8 land office have affirmed the decision morning. the for Canadian eciprocity. From Race Across the The defeat of reciprocity added touched 96 and then saw a man resem- ' Commis- Panama Canal Zone, to be judge ot to 97 of the register and receiver of the cycle mlhs says he New York, Sept. 22. The market the weakness of the market. climbed case Donatel in the vicinity Continent. sion houses a amount of the supreme court of Panama. Oats Go Santa Fe land office in the of bling loitering closed heavy. , i report large Up. - Burnham-Wayn- e ot William- A. Zufelt vs. George D. Allen of the homes early selling for Canadian account, Oats attracted almost as much at was Monday morning. His is partly shares of the Northwestern roads, tention as In- in which the right of entry story QUAY COUNTY WILL Ueving as It did, that the offer ot the wheat, being equally the corroborated by a milnman who saw a HID FALL NEAR ADDISON N. which were expected to receive the volved in the defeat of reciprocity. A awarded plaintiff. ; i 1 LINE UP FOR BURSUM. !. United States to exchange natural man answering the description- of the greatest benefit from reciprocity. - genuine buying flurry ensued. The Controversy Ended. products with Canada on a duty-fre- e still later in the Northern Pacific, Northwestern, market opened 8 to 1 8 up. Decem- The over the waters of suspect morning. Reed Holloman Endorsed for Judge basis, would prove advantageous to controversy Union Pa- ber started 461-- 2 to 4G1-4- a "Spots on his clothing apparently Fowler Will Make Another At Canadian Pacific, St Paul, both the risk- at the Sacramento river which have N. V. Gallegos for Corpora- countries, government 7-- also direct to apd cific, Southern Pacific, Atchison, bulge of 8 to ll-4- c and ascended to freshly washed, Inquiry Cross ed its life on the of v been before the territorial tion Commissioner. Tomorrow to Issue, reciprocity c. pending the He was in the "sweat tempt and Erie first preferred lost 46 office has today been end prisoner. Reading and lost it engineer's box" but no admis- Sierras. from 1 to 4 at the start. Reciprocity did not refer to corn, but ed the of application today damaging N. M., Sept. 22. At the points Down on the Yankees. by rejection were secured. Donatel was ar- Tucumcari; Among the industrial issues there December in the initial trading was Nos. 184, 185 and 195, filed by Wot sions held In "The people of Ontario do not like Republican precinct primary to were some' severe breaks. General to at 64 4 for rested upon information secured from call- (By Special ideas' i vlra New Mexican, the to the south. That is higher cott & Lawson of Alamogordo, this city resolutions were adopted N. 22. James H. loser neighbors to 64 Arthur J, Burnham, .whose wife wei Lockport, Y, SepL EJectric, which has been a heavy decision waters of the Sacramento river ..and for tills coun Sames emphatically the of yester '. - " ing representation, frpm for J .Ward, fell four National' Lead pre- - Provision! Tame. stream ' These one of those murdered, and who admit- Murphy, points. day's election. Liberals In tens of system. applications ty on the Republican- state ticket, and announced that Ward has with, ferred also declined four Unit- Provisions were neg- were filed over three ago and ted that he had recently found Mrs. today points; thousands must have joined with con- tame.nearly years N. V. Gallegos for member coast-to-coa- aero- 3 and lected. were to considerable Burnham and the Italian endorsing drawn from the ed States Leather preferred In and to show First sales unchanged have been the cause of together. servatives city country 15.-1- ship on the corporation commission, race a of a fall near Steel 2 1-- 2 lowest, with 15.10 to 2 connection with the Sa Bloody Clothing Found. plane as result Republic preferred' their objections to "truck January litigation in the having any 2 2 "Colorado action also being requested by Addison today. Banks to the Rescue. for pork, 8.92 for lard and cramento Valley Irrigation Company Springs, Colo., Sept. 22. in of or trade with the Yankees." county convention support their . Ward was , 22. the Vi- 7.95 for ribs. holdings in that section. Investigations Chief Taws of the Colorado City police slightly hurt New York; Sept. After Other Provinces Favored Reciprocity. action. Resolutions were also adopted olent decided of front Flour Goes Up 25 Cents. have Deen maae as 10 me water sup- department, reports the finding of . Will Try Again. break, a change "The other provinces, taken to upholding the candidacy of heed Hoi to sup- St. Louis, Mo., Sept. 22. Flour of these and these have bloody near the Garden of the 22. occurred, due apparently bank have a majority for Laurier, ply projects clothing loman for Judge of the eighth district Colfax, Calif v Sept. It is gether, prices advanced because of the defeat shown that the water was not avail- Gods, two miles northwest of the Aviator Fowler can not port. and larger markets but, by. an over- and requesting the support of the that were rushed even more of reciprocity In Canada 20 to 25 able for the size of projects planned scene of Burnham-Wayn- e murder. Of make a start over Prices up whelming vote, Ontario has declared county convention, instructions being fresh the Sierras declined in the cents a barrel,, on the merchants' ex and were unfeasible on such grounds. ficers have been sent to secure the tomorrow. rapidly than they that she will have nothing to do with given the precinct delegates to unan- until United Steel change today soon after , the market "Honk-Honks- early trading. States To Handle ." clothing. reciprocity." his candidacy. These . Aviator Falls to His Death. opened. imously support preferred more than made up Its loss, John Bull Surprised. Articles of incorporation were filed resolutions were introduced by M. B. 22. from 103 Millers were flooded by messages ROSWELL APPLE PICKERS Elmira, N. Y., Sept. "Dare- rising to 106, as comparid London, Sept. 22. The overwhelm In office of the territorial secre- - unanimous of offering to buy flour they have. the Keator and were passed by devil" Castellane, a Curtlss aviator, with yesterday's closing price ing defeat of Premier Laurier and the Automobile Com- - DEMAND MORE WAGES. December wheat closed at 98 4 tary by the Cansbad vote. The seven precinct delegates met death at the Masgiel, Pa., fair to- 105 The common rallied four Liberal of reci nam- government's policy than close. Oats pany at Corlsbad, Eddy county, to the county convention to be held He had started m an exhibition points from 53 4 to 57 recovering with the United the higher yesterday's Go on Strike and Tie Five Hun- day. procity States, at 11-- 2 Howard C. Kerr as agent. Up on Al- closed to 2 cents higher than ing statutory dred Cars of at the court house in Tucumcari flight and when luree quarters ot a all but a fraction of its decline. polls in Canada yesterday, came as a new is at Freight Ripe 23 I. yesterday. The company incorporated In September are: H. E. McElroy, mile from the grounds, his machine most the entire list, with the excep- in England. at Fruit Pecos Valley. surprise Canadian Wheat Drops. $15,000 consisting of 150 shares ' . t C. Barnes, Fred Baca, M. B. Keator, tion of United Steel, common and the had been Lib careened, turned turtle and fell. It expected that the 22. That $100. The incorporators are Cesarlne S. M. Wharton, Sabino Sanchez and Hill shares, rallied above yesterday's would Winnipeg, Man., Sept. (By Special Leased Wire to New Mexican) Wife Witnessed Accident. eral majority be decreased but will not have for its wheat A. Lewis, Carlsbad, 49 shares; H. C. N. 22. A. S. Potter. The was close. Canadifn Pacific made a net reci- Winnipeg Albuquerque, M., Sept meeting presid- even the strongest opponents of the market that the Kerr of .50 shares and Rob- Twenty-tw- o A. D. X Castellane was found buried in the of 5 U. P. 2 St. Paul reciprocity treaty, Carlsbad, experienced packers and ed over by Goldenberg with gain points, procity had not so much as suggested if 1-- adopted, would possibly have. open ert Hunsick, one share. The company the RosweTl S. Hofer as secretary.- A full wreckage of his engine and plane. His 1 and Reading 1. a Canadian- - wrappers employed by acting such majority against the ed up, was felt the Is for 25 and will to- be named con. wife witnessed the fatality. Bethlehem Steel Goes Up. bitterly today by Incorporated years Fruit Growers' Association struck ticket will at the county American agreement as the Conserva local bulls. haxe of as well as of candi Bethlehem Steel was sent Mr. privileges selling day for higher wages, thereby tleing vention Saturday, many the Rodger Files Over 8cranton. preferred tive leader, Borden, obtained. Octiber, which closed at from 541-- 2 to 581-2- ; General Elec yesterday automobiles. five hundred cars of dates for office name! Rod-ger- s, up is Glad. manufacturing up ripe apples being already Scranton, Pa., Sept. 22. C. P. England $1, at 99 from 142 to 1451-4- ; Great North- opened today cents, and later - . , that must be shipped next few The ' to make a tric The result generally is welcomed Postal Matters. during' Republicans expect who is endeavoring to fly from sold at 98 8 at 99 weeks. v.. warm are ern, preferred, from 120 to 123; and as had felt the The following postoffices have been fight in this county, and lin coast to coast, left Hancock, N. Y., at here, Englishmen that The loss of the would mean a for Northern Pacific from 11 4 to 114 trade closer established In New Mexico: Green- apples ing up solidly the affray. It is 11:40 this morning, passed Carbondele arrangement presaged VIOLENT STORM SWEEP8 loss to in the Bears Routed. relations between neigh- field, Chaves county; Vado, Dona Ana heavy money growers said that Bursum will be supported at 12:15 p. m and flew over Scran- political the OVER MOUNT VESUVIUS. im- influences Pecos were The market ignored all bors and a of xi valley. The, packers for governor by Quay county. fifty-thre-e consequent loosening county. ton at 12:40, covering the - from the California dis- other than the steel situation and the the ties. Postmasters Commissioned. ported apple miles from Hancock in an hour. imperial Persons Are Known demand defeat ot Canadian reciprocity. The was In Amer Twenty to Have .- - tricts and they an increase There a slight relapse The following have been commis- PINKERTONS NOT LOOKING He over the Mooslc- - high- . Been Killed and Dam. of one cent per crate on Jumble pack- passed violence of the rally was due in large ican securities on the stock exchange Property sioned postmasters-.- ' William E. Lin- FOR WAITER. lands, 2,600 feet above the tide. : Rod-ger- s age Is Great. - ing. They now receive 5 cents.. Ne- ALBUQUERQUE part to a rout of the bears. When it this morning following the news of Reported ton, Greenfield, Chaves county- Flor- landed on a farm two Talles from became evident that substantial sup (Bv Special Leased Wire te New Mexican) gotiations for settlement are under the Liberal defeat but prices soon re 22. A ence A. Hutchlns, Dona Ana - K. Diekelman Be Wanted Scranton but ascended 1:30. Naples, Sept, terrific storm Vado,: . May at again at port was being offered, the bull lead and later were cred- - L. ay. 'fifr': covered, changes swept the Vesuvlan district county; Abran Romero, Alamo; Los Angeles But Detectives He passed over the West Mountain ers took the market in hand, Profltjjted to other causes. today, James M. Ross, Cutter. Know About It. - Notch and the causing loss of life and great damage MASKED MEN SECURE Nothing following Delaware, taking sent prices off sharply again Champ Clark Interviewed. Lackawanna Westrn States to property. . 135,000 BY HOLD UP. and Railroad before midday however. United Nashville, Tenne., Sept. 22. When Leased Wire to New Mexican) Ca- Twenty persons are known to have FIVE DOLLAR8 BID FOR PIC-- (Br Special tracks, he headed for Blnghampton, Steel preferred reached 1 and Champ Clark, speaker of the national TURE VALUED AT .. i Denver. Colo., 22. 'The Pink Y. : bond been killed, while the fate of whole $360,000 Take Box From Idltarlod Tram-;.v.- Sept. K i nadian Pacific 2 points. The bouse of representatives, arrived to- Strong ertons have no men for D. ' s ' families is in doubt. way Car Near Flat City, searching At 2:17 p. m. Rodgers was reported market was easy. . to be the guest of the Tennessee K. day Titian's Famous wanted in connection e. Painting, "King Alaska. Diekelman, passing Alford ,35 miles north of Opposition Majority Forty-Nin- state fair, he was asked If his sup- of McNamara - Charles of Spain," Bought at with the trial the broth here.' humorous remarks about an- UMPIRE JACK SHERIDAN EL The result by provinces, as express- posed Edinburgh Sale. Tressed Wire to New Mexican) ers at Los Angeles," declared E. GIVEN CUP ON RETIREMENT. (Bv Special ed in the returns received up to an nexation at a banquet some time ago Seattle, Wash., Sept. 22. A special Prettyman, manager of the Denver had not aided in the defeat of the re ' no xxxxxxxxxscxxxxxxx early hour today, was asfollows: (By Special Leased Win to icew Mexican) to the Seattle Times, from Kaltag, agency today. He added that X REPUBLICAN PRIMARIE8 AT X Canada (By Special Leased Wire to New Mexican . . 22. Province Lib'ls. Cons'tlves. ciprocity proposition by yes Edinburgh, Sept. A picture Alaska, says: Pinkerton men have been at Albu 7:30 O'CLOCK ,(1 Chicago, 111., Sept. 22. Jack Sheri- TONIGHT, 15 70 terday. which was understood to have been Ontario ... , , Masked men held up a car on the querque in connection with this search ...... Censures Taft. dan, dean of the by Jamieson, was offered at none are on Quebec . 4. 35 28 painted Iditaroid Flat 'Tramway, one and a and that employed any Republican primaries will be Mr. Clark wrote the following state umpiring staff, resigned today. He suction here yesterday.. The bidding case. Nova Scotia . . . . . 10 8 . was a medal ot honor half miles from Flat City, and stole labor held at 7:30 o'clock tonight in ... ment: "My remarks about annexation given by the started at $5. An expert from Glas .New Brunswick . . ... 8 8 a strong box containing $35,000 In the four city precincts to se- did not do half as much to defeat re- League. gow, rushed the to $1,824, at Law-so- Prince Edward Island 2 2 price up gold dust, the property ot Friend, GRAND JURY DISCHARGED; lect delegates to the county in Canada as did President is said :. v-- 2 ciprocity which figure he bought it. It ft James.;-..:.;- ; v MORE INDICTMENTS. Mon- Manitoba 2 ' convention which meets Taft'a speech, in which he insisted the painting Is Titian's "King Charles was v;,v - Sakatchewan . 7 3 ' ,, Friend in charge. All the day to select 17 delegates to ...... on hurrying up agreeing to reciproci- JS LOW RATE8 TO of The has offered 5 2 Spain." purchaser circumstances show that the robbery territorial was dis- the convention Alberta ...... Brit- SS - to The grand Jury State at Las ty in this country before Great THE CONVENTION. SS sell it to the Spanish government was planned. A posse 28. British Columbia .... 0 7 carefully large charged yesterday after bringing "in Vegas, September ain could establish her imperial poli SS For the Las Vegas conven-- SS tor $360,000. has gone in pursuit of the robbers. no true will be held four indictments and eight The primaries cy of tariff with preferential rates for SS tion to be held on the 28th day SS . Totals 84 133 bills.' The indictments follow Juan as follows: ' the coloiJies. SS of A. SS MONEY ORDER SUPERINTENDENT September D., 1911, the t Chaves and Juan Montoya, burglary; Precinct No. 3. At the house Opposition majority, 49. Election Was Corrupt; X railroads have announced a : MEETING OF THE 8TATE X CHARGED WITH EMBEZZLEMENT. of above F. F. A of Lasaro Vigil, rape ; Ed. Hesch, sell- Simon Vigil, Covenant Treason, "He and I were both quoted by the SS rate ot one fare and one fifth CENTRAL COMMITTEE. St without a Olivero on Canon Road. Toronto, 22. The Mail In he $ ing liquor license; Gormley's Ont, SepL crowd Canada, SS for the round trip. The Den-- $S A call for the meeting of the . SS Tmstsd Employe of Denver 'Postofflce beef Precinct No. 4. At Cordova and to- are Perea, peddling without a license Empire .(Conservative) says more than I, but the chances that SS ver & Rio Grande R. R. Co.' SS members of the State Central , 3C for Fifteen Years Arrested "The Knox-Fieldln- g re S v. .V and larceny of cattle (two counts.) Hall, Galisteo street, west of day: pact has the from his speeches and SS .' quotations has announced a rate of one St committee is made to BJr Inspector. v .. Mansion. , ceived menace to jg hereby The George Hay-war-d the Executive its quietus. That mine did not have half so much to do SS charges against fare for the round The . meet at Las Vegas, New Mexi- Precinct No. 17. At 'Fred Canada's independence," that troubler did the trip. after thorough investigation by with defeating reciprocity as SS : - Br 8twcll LenaeS Wire to New Mexican) : agents are beginning to receive co, on Wednesday 27th at- 2 the were dismissed. Lopes Hall on Lower San of our politics for the last eight funds sent from both this 1 Denver, Colo., Sept. 22. Charged grand Jury corruption X their Lut hav- - at the Duncan Francisco Street west of Leo months, has been dealt with the Into Ca- orders. Agent p. m., Opera ot by, country snd Great Britains SS ns with misappropriation funds sent v-- .? received his orders House to discuss such-questio- Hersch's store. sovereign people In a fashion that nada." ing today, j to the Denver office for SS If in in New Hex ss may come before the said Precinct No. 18. In the iSourt makes a man feel prouder than ever ;Will Make Cheaper. any locality and outside offices, John S. Pavlick, X BOY SCOUTS ATTENTION I X Paper SS ico the are not aware of and make such rec room, at the Court House on to be a fellow cttixen of the great D. Sept. 22. John agents committee for fifteen of Washington, C, SS years superintendent X Tomorrow forenoon at ten, X ; ; the rates and interested ommendations to the state on-- ;SS ' East Palace Avenue. a majority, who yesterday tore into tat Norris, chairman of the committee on parties the money order division of the Den X o'clock, an business X SS ' will wire to the vention as may be deemed X important The call for the primaries ters the covenant Of treason our min of the American Newspaper As- secretary of the ver postofflce, was. arrested today on X will be held at, the X raper SS state ' meeting and the county convention is isters concluded with the President of sociation issued a statement Republican committee X proper. of Postofflce W X rooms. X today 3S complaint inspector Boy Scout's 'After the in the New Mexican on the United States." defeat of the matter will be taken up in H. O. BURSIjM, ' printed showing that the in Canada $ E Cochran. The amount of shorts X transaction of the business,: a X SS f page three. Do Net Like Uncle Sam. has extend time to arrange rates lor all . JOSE D. SENA, President win not oe Known untu a X wUl be bad. All X the reciprocity agreement $ complete drill Boy Primaries are being held this The Globe (Liberal) "The zone for and so SS concerned. The return x v check PavUck's says: ed the free pulp paper trip Secretary of books has been X Scouts are urged to attend. : X i SS " - afternoon In the county. , government of Sir Wilfrid Laurier as to Include all of the favored uk- is being made October 6th. It msde. .1 X X X X X X X .., X X X X X X X X X X X X xxxxxxxxxxx goes out of power on a great issue. Be-- turns JSSSSSSSjr3S3tSS3SJS.1SSSS (


5 "-- ' ; v'' ' Ho '': ?. - J ( ' ' v z .v v us oK , PAGE TWO THE SANTA FE NEW MEXICAN, SANTA FE, N. M. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1911.

senger was sent to Roswell, thirty-fiv- e TRY JUST ft TEN CENT miles away, for a physician, and Banta ftmsnmptionOftenDevelops was brought into town. His hurts are From Pneumonia CASGARETS not fatal. Consumption remlily attnrk those who BOyF necessarily heve hiiil I'nemnouia. Many sufferers from Tulwronlosis give n history oi hav- The hurt Pneumonia. The limes thus weak- Store Five Deaths at ing Little Sick You Months a Albuquerque. Insures for Against ened are more easily attacked by the 'Headache, Biliousness, Constipa- Anton Busch.'aged 40 years, Helen germ that aum ('oiiKtiuipUon- tion or a Bad Stomach. infant of Mr. and Mrs. For all those tflth "weak luugs,"! espe- C, daughter cially those who have hail Pneumonia. Julius Zarawaski; Edwin U. Beaver, Eckinan'a Alterative Is the appropriate Put aside once the Salts, 46 Caroline 60 remedy. Cures of Consumption are ac- just aged years; Isler, aged complished by Eckmnn's Alterative. But Cathartic Pills, Castor Oils or purga years, and Louis Seefinger, aged Zi take it .n time. There Is no wisdom in DENVER BREAD tive waters which force a died waiting until Tuberculosis is established. merely years, yesterday at Albuquerque. Health is never fully valued until sick- passageway through the bowels, but ness comes. A remarkable recovery fol- do not freshen and Indicted lows: 3Wi N. 41st St.. Phila.. To. thoroughly cleanse, for Murder. "Gentlemen: I wish I hud known of purify these drainage or alimentary Thomas Insley was indicted for mur- Eckmau"8 Alterative two years ago. and have no effect whatever kill- Since taking it, following a bad attack ol organs, der yesterday at Albuquerque for ha-- e Ford Water Melons Pneumonia, I gained twenty-eigh- t stomach. I Try Rocky upon the liver and ing John Higgins. Seven other indict- pounds, and I cannot but lie very thank- - God the ' Keep your inside organs pure and ments were returned for minor of- ful to you and the Almighty for are so Delicious. which great blessing and change of health it hat They fresh with Cascarets, thorough fenses against in the county brought me." remove prisoners THOMAS REILLY. ly cleanse the stomach, the jail. (Signed Affidavit) food Eckuian's Alterative is effective In Bron undigested, sour and fermenting chitis. Asthma, Hay Fever: Throat and and foul the excess bile and in the gases, take Stole a Joy Ride. Lung Troubles, upbuilding front the liver and out of the system. Does not contain poisons, opiates carry Nineteen year old Fred Chesney, or g drugs. Ask for booklet all the decomposed waste mat of cured cases and write to Eckumn system was indicted for burglary at El Paso, more in intestines and Laboratory, Philadelphia, Pa., for ter and poisons the for into the garage of Miss For sale bv all leadinc dmugists and bowels. breaking Justine Newbrough, taking out an au by Zook's Pharmacy In Santa Fe A will make you GROCERY Cascaret tonight tomobile and going on a joy ride. L) feel work INI great by morning. They Chesney was arrested by Mounted told his story in the county court and sicken while you sleep never gripe, Policeman Duran. was a divorce from Anna M. 10 box from granted Southern Corner Plaza. Santa Fe. Telephone No. 40. and cost only cents a Ruchti. Millions of men and your druggist. Wife May Nag Her Husband. TICKET8 WITH ALL CASH PURCHASES. women take a Cascaret now and then WE GIVE REGISTER Circuit Judge Thomas at Kansas Was Drunk. and never have Headache, Biliousness, Judge City, has refused a divorce to Glenn Because District Judge D. H. Craig BUY ONE OUR SAWS AND IT WILL BE THE BEST SAW coated tongue, Sour Stom OF Indigestion, C. Burnham, and decided that a wife of Wyoming, violated his "YOU EVER ach or Constipated bowels. Cascarets Cheyenne, SAW." has a perfect right to scold her hus- promise not to drink dur- ALL OF OUR HARDWARE WILL STAND THE HARDEST belong in every household. Children band if he provokes her. "This hus- his term, the Tribune, WEAR. LONG YEARS IN THE BUSINESS HAVE TAUGHT US just love to take them. ing Cheyenne band took his wife to live with his has demanded his resignation. Craig's THE KINDS THAT BEST STAND THE TEST. folks. That was enough to make her The Delicatessen Store A SONG OF LIFE. September term of court at nivanston WE ARE HERE TO STAY A LONG TIME, AND WE KNOW WE peevish," he declared. is denounced as a to any CAN DO BEST BY SELLING THE BEST. Say not, "I live!" disgrace community." It is specifically charged We carry the best of Imported Goods. Unless the morning's trumpet brings Frantic Search for Child. Craig "entered the courtroom with a Wood-Davi- s Co. , ' Our is A shock of glory to your soul, The d son of Mr. and Hardware Bakery always going. Fresh Scotch jag," and his behavior Unless the ecstacy that sings C. toddy Bread and Cakes : : : : : Mrs. P. Jones at Roswell, disap- on the bench Phone 14. If Its Hardware We Have It. Phone 14 every day Through rushing worlds and insects' and the outraged judicial dignity peared mysteriously, parents and made him a stock, "his wings, and officers searched for laughing frantically language many women from Delicious Cream Puffs on and Sends you upspringing to your goal, him for when was driving Thursday Saturday several hours, he the courtroom." Glad of the need for toil and strife, discovered sound asleep at the house to hands with Life Eager grapple of Captain C. W. Haynes, several W. C. T. U. Elects Officers. 191 Black. not, "I live!" Phone, LOUIS NAPOLEON Say blocks away. The New Mexico W. C. T. U. in con--

vention at Las Vegas, has elected the j Say not, "I live!" Horse Thieves Arrested. following officers: Mrs. S. C. Nutter ; Unless the energy that rings Sheriff Hixenbaugh end a of Phone, deputy of Clovis, Mrs. A. Scott, Tu-- j Throughout this universe of fire Colfax arrested two men at president; GORMLEY county, cunicari, vice president; Mrs. Tripp, 6619 A challenge to your spirit flings. Trinidad, Colorado, and recovered Bl'k, WHOLESALE & RETAIL Clovis, secretary; Mrs. Here in the world of men and things, stolen horses. A had corresponding carriage they John Shank, Las Vegas, recording sec--; Thrilling you with a huge desire stolen from the ranch of S. C. Swee-zey- , Mrs. Emma Wood, treasurer, To make your purpose with the stars. at was retary; Colfax, found abandoned Miss and Naran- - To shout and Mars Clara True, Francisco with Jupiter in an arroyo. - of Santa made notable ad- j not, "I live!" jo Clara, Say dresses. Mrs. Ulmer of Tucumcari Pennants for Decorations SEPTEMBER Seven-Year-Ol- d ' Tramp. spoke on s. Yesterday, Say not, "I live!" Badly burned by cinders and ex We can furnish beautiful Mrs. Katherine Patterson of Santa Fe. i Such were a libel on the Plan hausted, seven-year-ol- d Albert Kettler Is Good Month to Start a New Lawn! and Miss Clara True, took the NEW MEXICO STAR PENNANTS a Blazing within the mind of God was taken from a train as visiting freight Santa Clara Indians to the Normal uni--1 Ere world or star or sun began. Louisville, Kentucky, on which he was in State Colors for 65c. versity where they made temperance Blue Grass Say rather with your fellow man setaling a ride. He had all Sow Fancy Kentucky tramped talks. The Indians also gave a war Novelties for Athletic T I burrow in the sod." the way from St. Louis. His Appropriate Events, Conventions, Celebrations, grub; parents dance at the Y. M. C. A. Life is not life that does not flame are divorced, and he ran away from Etc., furnished reasonable at short notice. With consciousness of whence it his father to find his mother. If you want on earth came, anything try YOUR Phone Black I Phone Black a New Mexican want ad. PHONE OR MAIL US ORDERS, SANTA FE, NEW MEXICO. T?r UCncrU Say not, "I live!" Returned Sixteen Cents. 45 LDU 45 The Delineator. Caused to repent by an evangelical llDKII revival meeting at Colorado, Trinidad, $100 REWARD, $100. some one sent an anonymous letter The readers of thiB paper will be to the postoffice there, enclosing six- to learn that there i3 at least ARIUNB THE STATE pleased 1 PIANOS 7 PIANOS teen cents in stamps, saying that the one dreaded disease that science has U4 sender had used cancelled to Checkering Bros. ten months. They have hundreds of stamps been able to cure in all its stages, and I i satisfied customers in New Mexice J that amount to send letters. "The that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure miucidi YYdlU Bush and Lane. Divorce uranted. Lord knows all about letter yvuj and Arizona. It," the Is the only positive cure now known mipui Learnard-Llndeman- n Co. At Albuquerque a divorce declared.' A letter, a telegram or a telephone yesterday, to the medical fraternity. Catarrh be- : : WHEN YOU CAN GET THE : : Schiller. was granted Ilene Cook from Weldon to them regarding pianos, prices and ing a constitutional disease, requires L. Cook. Saloonmen Acquit Comrade. Victor terms will prove to prospective plane a constitutional treatment. Hall's Ca- - isCieuraicu maiucu ounce muicim A half-forme-d of saloonmen at vvaici, Jesse-Frenc- buyers that the firm of Learnard-Lln-dema- n jury tarih Cure is taken Rounding Up Red Light. Denver,, acquitted Prank Swarthout, Internally, acting All Kinds of Milton and the World Famous Cecillan Co. will meet every customer directly upon the blood and mucous Soda, At El Paso, in a round up of the red-- saloonkeeper, of to the Interior Player Pianos, and many more than half way in making' contributing surfaces of the de- Marie Booth, Ella Watson and delinquency of Edward system, thereby Special High Ball Ginger Ale other makes. purchase of a piano a simple nd sat light, the foundation of the Pearl were arrested. who was seen in Swarthout's sa- stroying disease, This firm ' has over six isfactory business transaction, not one Jackson, Hook, and the Delivered to your house. Patronize home industry. Leave orders at purchased loon on several occasions and who giving patient strength by car loads of pianos during the past of doubt and uncertainty. building rup the constitution and as Fatal Fight Over Two Women. caused a raid upon three places recent KAUNE & CO.'S STORE, PHONE 26. - sisting nature in doing its work. The LEARNARD-LINDEMAN- N Guy Downey, aged 23, and John To- ly at CO. Petersburg, Arapahoe county. have so much faith 1 cace, aged 20, were fatally wounded The was held before preprietors in its Trie bAIN A ImfNtlKAL. WAI EK WJ. Tbe Square Music Dealers :: N. M. Established 1900 hearing Judge curative tnat One rti Albuquerque, :: in a pistol duel over a woman at Dunn at Littleton. powers ibsy offer Hundred SANTA FE OFFICE WITH SANTA FE TRAIL CURIO CO. Cleveland, Ohio. Dollars for any case that it fails te cure. Send "Swindler!" Shouts Pastor. far list of testi monials. Murdered While Drunk. "You are a cheat or James McLachlan of Viho swindler, crook, Address F. J. CHENEY & CO., To Cheyenne, and you have stolen this from WHOLESALE murdered his wife while had money ledo, O. drunk, the church and Bhall burn in AND RETAIL his life sentencec commuted to 20 they you Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Wood R. eternity," Rev. Robert P. Ascell of 3oal J. CRICHTON years by Governor Carey. Take Hall's family Pills tor constipa- RATON Bethany Lutheran church at Denver, tion. i U have at Alfred San-dell- , YANKEE Stole Rubber Tires. alleged tq yelled & YARD a deacon in his and now Screened CERR1LL08 LUMBER COAL Miguel Provencio and Rafael Fran- church, Lump Sandell sues for co were arrested at El Paso pending $5,000 damages. Building Materials Dawson Coal. an investigation of the theft of rub- Anthracite Coal all Sizes, Smithing Coal. Steam Coal. ber tires from an El Paso Transfer Hurled Suit Case at Him. Imperial Laundry Sawed Wood and Kindling. Company. William Ruchti of Denver, withstood MONTEZUMA AVENUE v - CAPITAL COAL YARD. FRUIT BOXES his wife's sharp tongue and even For Best Laundry Work Near A. T.4 8.F, Depot- Deputy Marshall Jailed. when she harpooned him in the arm Telephone 85 ; Telephone 85 STANDARD Peach, Pear and Boxes. com- Flagstaff Apple Town Marshal . George with a butcher knife, he did not Deputy BASKET LEAVES MONDAY AND TUESDAY Get your order in. The price is right. Brown of Superior, Colorado, was plain. But his patience was exhaust 333 HICKOX STREET, Near Union thrown in jail and fined $25 for, draw- ed, he declares, when she hurled a RETURNS THURSDAY AND FRIDAY Depo ing a revolver and chasing a man who suitcase at him while he slept, raising PHONE, RED 100. objected to the deputy killing a dog. a painful lump on his cranium. Ruchti Agency at O. K. Barber Shop REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE O. El Paso Statehood Celebration. Mrs. F. Brown, Agent. , ; New received The Mexican has post- Phone Red No. 23. Phone, Red No. 2 C AI E Improved and unimproved City Property, Orchards ers the statehood celebra- MDOCTOJTS QUESTION rnn advertising Also a number of the finest Fruit and tion at El Paso in October. El Paso rUli JAIX andRancies; Much Sickness Due to Bowel Dis- FINE ASSORTMENT OF merchants have contributed f 6,000 for Alfalfa Ranches in the Espanola Valley with the Very Best of water rjghts celebration. orders. KERR'S SHOP, HEADQUARTERS FOR of on Native Gar- the and one the finest orchards the Tesnqne at a Bargain. Turquoise Matrix, Malachite, A doctor's when con- HUBB'S Can't Kiss Your Wife in Public. first question LAUNDRY. sulted a is: "Are Phene we Modern Residences for Rent, nets, and Other Stones. Mr. and Mrs.' Benjamin Spannos by patient your us, will be glad to eall far bowels He knows that on Tues- were fined $100 each for kissing each regular?" yeur laundry Mondays and ninety-eigh- t cent of illness is at other in a Kansas City park. They per days and deliver oa Thursdays aad Santa Fe Trail Curio tended with inactive bowels and 103 Company declared that they were too poor to torpid Fridays. Sao Francisco Street. have a home and had to do their kiss liver, and that this condition must be All work Is guaranteed; your socks F. M. JONES. Palace Ave. and before ing in public or not at ap. removed gently thoroughly are mended and buttons sewed ea To select your stones for mounting neaitn can be restorea. your shirts without extra charge. THE Rexall Orderlies are a NOW IS TIME for Holiday Presents. They are Church Better Than Jail. positive, PHONE RED 122 PHONE RE 132 On the that church is better pleasant and safe remedy for consti- always acceptable. theory R. H. than jail for drunks, Justice of the pation and bowel disorders in general, STOLLE, Agent. Peace Peter Mclver at Redlands, Cal We are so certain of their great cura ifornia, is now sentencing drunks tive value that we promise to return before him to attend church the purchaser's money in every case LIVERY STABLE brought i every Sunday for six months. when they fail to produce entire satis faction. -- OPEN DAY AND NIGHT Herder Shoots Himself. Rexall Orderlies are eaten like La Salle Fine Reliable Horses MORGAN LIVERY CO. act and have a Restaurant Rigs, Single Successor to B. P. Jose Ortiz, a herder on the ranch candy, they quietly, Williams soothing, in Buggies, Saddle Horses. I of James in Chaves coun- - strengthening, healing CHAS. GANN, Prop. Surrles, have purchased the entire stock of horses and equipment formerly Sutherland, fluence on the. entire intestinal tract Owned B. P. was into Roswell with a by Williams and will continue to operate It as a FIR8T ty, brought They do cot cause nau Telephone ll d purge, gripe, in Reed of CLASS LIVERY we will be j which he . sus ' Whet Anvflitar where ready at all times of day or night wound, sea, flatulence, excessive looseness, Two Doors Below F. Andrews Store. f to furnish you with kind of a I tained while at fbe LIVERY LINE. v. any rig you may want. will endeavor accidentally, shooting diarrhoea or otfcer annoying effects. Regular Meals 25 cents. 'Phone 9 ii to give prompt and efficient service and trust to merit a coyote with a revolver. cibh Drivers i your patronage. They are especially good for children, Rooms for Rent 25c and 50c. Furaisbei weak persons or o'd folks. Three Short Orders at All Hours. Horse Fell On Him. u AT 310 SAN FRANCISCO ST sizes, 50c, 25c, and 10c. Sold only at Ace Banta was hurt at BOARD BY THE WEEK $5.00 Phone 139 Red Santa Fe, N. M iheDIrcle our store. The Rexall Store. The CHAS. CLOSSON Don Gospar Ave. II Diamond horse camp, Chaves county, Fischer Drug Company, 232 San Fran- French Noodle Order 20c. a dish, i by his .horse falling on him. A mes- - cisco Street. New York Cbop Suey 60c. WITH US Zook's Pharmacy ? ? Zook's Pharmacy It is not merely a question of GETTING YOUR MONEY. Your Phone trade is what we want. Phone 213 We offer you only the HIGHEST CLASS OP GOODS whether it be seriously 213 needed DRUGS OR FANCY TOILET ARTICLES The quality we uphold. We use the most careful methods In catering to yeur pleasure te make every deal a satlsiac-- , , toryeae. ANY DRUG OR MEDICINE YOU GET HERE 15 RIGHT : . f : IF YOU ARE NOT ACUSTOISR HERE, YOU SHOULD fc. , PAGE FRIDAY, Sc.- - i EMBER 22, 1911. THE SANTA FE NEW MEXICAN, SANTA FE, N. M. THREE

MUST BELIEVE IT EMPIRE THAT 15 TWO CHILDREN Tosephaaat Red 35 mod bay 1 When Well Known Santa Fe People ecders delivered. Tell it so P'ainly. SOFT DRINKS yor UNDEVELOPED ED When public endorsement is made Send HE by a representative citizen of Santa for Fe the Is You must proof positive. believe it. Read this testimony. Ev- wm au, v&b lu&i sgm, bob bzew Socorro County as Large as Fire Destroys Dwelling House ery backache sufferer, every man, ami the ELC3D1IE FIZZ, COCO COLA, :: x x KG New Jersey Needs More at Magdalena and Two woman or child with any kidney trou- IKTtEEl, ble will find profit in the reading. Genuine Aztec Spring Mineral Water. Railroads of Its Occupants Mrs. Bernarda R. de Escudero, 106 COOK'S Griffin St., Santa Fe, N. Mex., says: "I AltVtakSKdefroa SJUTTi Fl BOTTUXG W0SXS BEffJY UDCK, " -- Six OSJs2 MJ hold just as high an opinion of Doan's fiikted water v. j re Proprietor. -- SKINT AUGUSTINE USED TWO FOUR YEARS Z-. Iff PLAINS MP Kidney Pills today as when I public- I recommended A MI . ly them in January, WsS? W 1907. For about a year I was bother- Wound Make Splendid Country Mother, Who is a Widow, Was ed by a dull ache and weakness across JBBnzieTm. 7 W for Small Farmer and Not at Home When Disaster my loins and kidneys. I tired easily, Read Carefllllv l! the wonderful K C Cook's Book,Mrs. Janet Occurred. and any exertion brought on severe f McKenzie Hill, of Boston Cooking School Homesteaders- pains in my back. Hearing Doan's fame, tells every housewife how to become an expert cook how to prepare Kidney Pills highly spoken of, I was dishes ST. MICHAEL'S COLLEGE such appetizing the family will go simply wild over what you set Socorro is than the (Magdalena News.) induced to try them. The results them. i county larger before state of a doubt this rem- K C is contains 90 tested and New Jersey or the state of One of the most deplorable and proved beyond that The Cook's Book illustrated in 9 colors, lives to NEW MEXICO. that will be successful every Maryland. Nor is the vast extent a without doubt the most horrible hap- edy up representations. The SANTA FE, proven recipes cure it has led me lime if the few simple suggestions are followed. barren area. The fertile Rio Grande penings that we have been called up- brought has to The K C Cook's Book has been prepared valley, the western plains, are all on to chronicle, took place in this praise it on more than one occasion." at an expense of many thousands of dollars, adapted to agriculture, and in the city Monday about noon when the For sale by all dealers. Price 50 DIRECTED BY THE CHRISTIAN BROTHERS and if purchased at a store would easily cost Mogollons the rainfall Is sufficient In fire bell sounded the alarm of Ore cents, Foster-Milbur- n Co., Buffalo, 50 we it absolutely free as we cents, yet give many places for ordinary farming. It which later a home and New York, sole agents for the United THE OLDEST AND MOST POPULAR INSTITUTION IN want you to know wnat Ji. Baiting destroyed exactly would take .but a railroad to unlock snuffed out lives of two Innocent States. SOUTHWEST IS rowder is and wnat it wm ao ior you in. Htg the THE Remember the name and your own kitchen. You need this won the wonderful riches of that domain, children. The scene of the fire was Doan's derful book it is ot vital importance a railroad running north and south at Mrs. Sanchez' property in the west take no other. to every housewife. through the western part and connect- part of town and was occupied by C01RSES-C0MMERC- IAL, LITERARY and SCIENTIFIC ing with the east and west line at Mrs. T. Slaven and two children aged DENIES STATEMENT THAT How to Academic and Courses form get the Magdalena. Such a railroad would two and four years. Mrs. Slaven is INDIANS ARE DISAPPEARING Preparatory Separate Departments Cook's BpoK triple the population of Socorro coun- a widow, having lost her husband re- Boarding and Day Students. Send for Prospectus Mfg. Co. in ten would a stream . Write your name and address ty years, bring cently by death and but a few days Citizen Refutes of John L. 1 0 X of Allegation plainly on this coupon. AN homeseekers, would mean the ago moved to this city in order to In- Chicago. Cowan That Pueblos Are tacn tne colored certificate building of new towns, of mining secure work to aid in the rearing of Studies Resumed BROTHER EOWARD. nt termarrying. PRES II enclose certificate JY packed in cans, camps, and the creation of a vast her children. 5th. botn to ns. The rather September I Send the Cook's liook sending farming region. Writes a correspond- surprising allegation FREB. You will De mighty elaa yon As near as we can learn the mothar made by John L. Cowan in an article X did. J aquas vo. ent from Magdalena: found town ChicMmij. it necessary to go down in the Christian Herald, to the effect The recent discovery of artesian just before noon and left the children that the New Mexico Pueblos are ft water on San the great Augustine in the house and Just before her ar- being obliterated by inter of Socorro racially fAddreas .... plains county, beginning rival the fire was discovered by neigh- with the Spanish-American- a dozen miles west of is marriage New Mexico Military Magdalena bors who did not know the children is strongly denied by a well known calling attention to the vast agricul were confined inside and the fire had native citizen. The communication Institute tural of this immense re- possibilities gained such headway that their from the Albuquerque man says: used region, hitherto almost entirely covery was impossible. As soon as "This writer is absolutely mistaken ROSWELL, NEW MEXICO. for grazing purposes. It is structure had been reported the destroyed as there is not any tendency whatever ed water was in well "The West Point of the Southwest-Rank- that struck a being search was made in the ruins and the among Indians and natives to inter drilled on F. A. Hubbell - United States War De- one of the charred bodies were found in the ex- marry. He should come to the south- by FORUM ranches and that It rose to tne sur as Institu- THE treme northwest corner of the house. In- partment "Distinguished west and among the natives and when were Arm officers detailed War face, operations stopped How the fire started will never be dians, stay here for at least a year, tion." by for some reason or other. It is un known and our citizens can hardly and no doubt he would learn more Department derstood cident that on same that the strike is real ar realize how the lives of the children than he knows now. Otherwise no Through Academic course, prepar- Ghouls. i happened the be- - tesian water and it is were cut off in so short a time after a men for college or business The of street, which struck me as being a generally one Is to blame. They go through ing young Mr. Editor stealing Heved that similar wells can be sue--1 the fire was discovered. The mother life. Great amount of air work. ' from the home of little too careful; I might say unclean. and hear the Indians speaking open souvenirs cessfully drilled over a area of is with and the friends location Novelist Reed After giving my order I asked for a large prostrated grief Spanish; they have to talk English, Healthiest of any Military the lamented Myrtle the which are thousands of In - to napkin, and was astonished when the plains, are pouring out their hearts sym- otherwise they could not make Amer- School in the Union. Located In the must have been disgusting every square miles In extent. As a pump, " in Union. waiter pointed to a that hung pathy. icans understand, for the latter gen- beautiful Pecos Valley, the garden spot good woman and man the thing proposition, this region is much clean on the wall between two say- ing The remains of the children were erally know a little Spanish and nev- of the West at an elevation of 3700 I write to thank you for your tables, similar to the Mimbres valley as there Incl--, "There it is." I him if buried in the cemetery at er know the Indian language. Hence feet above sea level, sunshine every cut article on that abominable ing: asked to be an unlimited subter- Tuesday that was all the could appears this place. they have to do it with the strangers, day, but little rain or snow during the dent. One would think that Mount napkin I get, ranean of water all within and he said it was. We used to body easy the native citizens and even one tribe season. Vernon, the home of the father of his hear, as shal- ago, of such pumping depth; many places with another, as for Instance the Nav-ajo- Fourteen Officers and Instructor!, country, would be held so sacred by long nasty things being low as to six feet. All over No Free Love at Zion. done in the "Wild and West" four the the Jemez Indians and the Isletas all from standard eastern every American as to be immune to Wooly are scattered windmills which graduates no but I never saw any such until plains members of "The Holiest and various other pueblos who can- colleges. Ten buildings, throughly such pilfering but is if? By thing pump water for the few ranches from Eight I saw it on Broadway, New York City. Love were escorted to the not understand a word of each other's furnished, heated, lighted and modern means. a shallow- depth.. The general intro Society" I need that was limits of Zion City by a vigilance com- - Indian dialect In all respects. It was one of the greatest pleasures hardly say that duction of the pumping system, it is my first and to restau- m,ttee an Placed aboard an electric "The Isleta Indian could not talk A. of to be afforded the oppor- last visit that believed, will tran'sform ' REGENTS E. CAHOON, Pres. my life, confidently - tc the Jemez Indian if he did not rant. I cannot conclude better than car for Chicago. Marshal John Huef- W. O. HAMILTON, Vice Pres. tunity to spend a few hours in and this country into one of the greatest know the As to in- by quoting a sentencec from your ar- fer led the party which forced the Spanish language. J. P. WHITE. around the house which was hallowed farming belts of the west. we will the writer Treasurer. ticle: members of the alleged "free love" termarriage, give W .M. ATKINSON. by the presence of George Washing- At the present the plains are very of that article a whole raipload free, Secretary, "Let there be fewer to cult to leave the precincts of Zion, and W. A. FINLEY. ton, and his most estimable wife, Mar- references inhabited, principally by of the half breeds' he writes about. the sparsely a ritv founded bv John Alexander ca- and I understand a souvenir collecting mania. Let - For particulars and Illustrated tha, that vigilant stockmen, although a few small farm- Dowie. No arrests were When They are very rare; but even if so watch maintained the in thieves be called by the name which madq. talogues address: is by people ers have made good here and there. thfi reached the house the there would be no harm done." Li charge there. While there, one of the fits them best; and let them be sent viantes COL. JAS. W. WTLLSON, to when For years the large ranchmen living memDera o the cult had retired for custodians showed me an old fashion- jail stolen property is in this section or at least some ot on Superintendent found in their is time the night. They were routed from If you want anything earth trj ed chair that was brought over in the possession. It them who have accumulated a AA. that fewer distinctions were made be large it..), vpjo t New Mex! cam Want Mayflower, and that very day it had tract oi iana nave not encouragea tne tween those who and who have been mutilated by some souvenir steal, advent of the small farmer; but he is fiend, who had cut a piece from the mends, and those who steal and are friendless." bound to come here as elsewhere in seat of the chair. New Mexico, and the dissemination of Yours ,for honesty, and sou Once in a 1 against the news that artesian water has been Broadway restaurant, enir thieves, A. L. MORRISON. was told that they used to put very found will undoubtedly cause a steady KEIO POLITIGS AND POyTIGIANS neat napkins on the tables but so growth in the number ot newcomers Fall who on New many of them had been carried away Have you Furnishes Kooms to Rent? want homes the land. The Shoes by customers, that they were com- A little campaign Want advertising pumping proposition, however, is pelled in self defense (as it were) to In the New Mexican will keep the in- equally attractive; the soil Is splendid replace the small napery for others come from furnished rooms from and even in dry years the San Augus your for state. Smith's and Cameron's speech- so large as to render it almost im- lapsing. The classified columns are tine plains grow the finest knee-hig- h Klinefelter Legislature. es at the morning conference were WIDE-AWAK- E possible to put them in their pockets. always looked up closely and it will grass in New Mexico. The more gen L. L. Klinefelter, editor of the Obar Autumn And this reminds me of another in pay you well to use them. eral advertising of the possibilities Progress and one of the best known progressive throughout. is boosted This Is Bewildering All From the THE of this section will help along the agri- men In Quay county, being makes it a to cultural development and in addition for the state legislature by the Re- Optic. point "No men are the Re- CALL REPUBLICAN COUNTY CONVENTION. to being an mining town publicans. Mr. Klinefelter is promi- other seeking important of and the distributing point for a vast nent through his advocacy of dry publican nomination for governor wear shoes on all By order of the Central Executive Committee of the Ro- stylish Eepublican party stock country, Magdalena will have farming methods, having written the new state except Secundino in and for the of Santa a mero O. said county Fe, delegate convention representing the further assurance of steady growth much along this line. He represent- and H. Bursum," Charles occasions. It is a matter of the various precincts of said County is hereby called to meet in the main which comes from an adjacent farm- ed Tucumcarl at the El Paso fair a A. Spiess this morning to a repre- pride several sentative of The Mr. Courtroom at the Court House of the County of Santa Fe in the City ing population. The people of Socorro, year ago, when premiums Optic. Spiess and the of were won this county. had returned from Santa Fe that her foot shall be as of Santa Fe, on the 25th day of September, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon Magdalena rest Socorro by just just county are Just beginning to realize the where he had an opportunity to dis- for the of the to the of " purpose electing delegates represent County Santa enormous resources of the and The Llne-U- cuss the gubernatorial situation with Fe the largest neatly and attractively shod for in Territorial Convention of the which is to meet ,' Republican party most undeveloped county in New Political figures at the Capitol, still prominent politician's from all parts at Las .New Mexico on Mexico Bur-su- of New Vegas, the 28th day of September, 1911. and the third largest county figure out 164 votes for Holm O. Mexicp. in the - men to con- street wear as for a dance or after- The Convention for the County of Santa Fe shall be composed of the United States; practically for governor on the first ballot at "Both are out win," witheut a railroad to tap the resources. votes doubt- tinued Mr. Spiess. "Their supporters number of delegates from each precinct hereinafter designated to be Las Vegas, with fifteen It is beginning to be felt that the 41 votes for M. A. Otero; 66 votes are also in the battle with the Inten- noon But selected by primary conventions of the several precincts of the county ful, promenade. walking building of a railroad to the interior for Secundino Romero, and 27 for tion of achieving a victory. While the which shall be held on the 22nd of this month at 4 o'clock m. of Socorro day p. in county, with its unlimited Nathan Jaffa. Of course, there maj fight is strenuous It Is a good netured is hard on shoes, and the all Precincts except Nos. 3, 4, 17 and 18, and in said Precincts Nos. agricultural, mining and timber possi- be around of a few of th one. There is no had feeling between quality bilities will some ot most shifting 3, 4, 17 and 18 at 7:30 o'clock and to be called to order the give it the votes, but the nomination of Holm O the two candidates or their friends. p. m., by cities in New. Mexico and must be considered. to-w- important "From In Re- ana at the it: Bursum on first ballot is certain. It is reports brought by parties places mentioned, it a population which will Pet. NO. Del. ,': bring also that at least one, if not publicans from various parts of the and treble in the next few probable, two, of the present four candidates state I am of the opinion that the Re- 1 2 Eutemio at Schoolhouse on the hill. - Eoybal years. , will withdraw before the first ballot publican ticket will be elected at the How can she solve the 2 2 Hipolito Dominguez, at the Schoolhouse. is taken. coming election by a majority of 8,000 3 .11 Nicolas Sena at S. Vigil; Hall. SEE AMERICA FIRST. votes." the problem? The 4 11 Ceferino Baca at Cordova Hall. America and Colorado have found a ' Bernalillo Democratic Primaries. Romero Claims Mora and Guadalupe. We will in refutation of the : 5 5 Felix Romero y Dominguez, at the Schoolhouse. champion in S. F. Dutton. whose slo The Democratic precinct primaries say answer is will be held New Mexican's fake dispatch, that 6 2 Bonifacio Karbaiz, at the house of T. Alarid. gan "See America First,' is becom for Bernalillo county :'':'-- 25. In both cits Mora county will have a solid delega- 3 ing a national cry. ' Monday. September 7 Matias Montoya, at Rafael Granite's Hall. ',:":.,'" be called for Romero The hotel press of the country are precincts the primaries will tion Secundino for gover- 8 2 Pedro Ortiz at Hall. . y Pino, St. Joseph's giving wide publicity to the contro- to order at 8 o'clock. In precinct nor. It may be added that, regardless 9 3 Tomas Roybal, at Schoolhouse, District 9. versy between Mr. Dutton on the one 1? ,the primary will be held in the of the fact that certain Influences are WEAR of W. W, McClellan, in used to mold 10 5 H. C. Kinsell at Schoolhouse. side, and eastern hotel men on : the office Judge being unfairly sentiment 11 1 other. The bone of contention the Korber building Precinct. Chair- in Guadalupe county for another can- Escolastico Martinez, at the Schoolhouse. is the I man A. In pre- 3 1913 convention of the National Hotel Fleischer presiding. didate, that county will be sold for Shoes 12 Roque Tudesque, at the Schoolhouse. . Pflueger's Keepers' Association. cinct 26 the meeting will be held in Romero. 13 2 Antonio at Tabor's store. . Second Gurule, At the meeting of the association in the room at 209 South street, It Is a Lie. 14 3 Reyes Ortega, at the Schoolhouse.-- ; Boston, in June, eastern hotel men Precinct Chairman Steve Roehl pre- It is reported from some counties are called $3.50--$4.00"$5.0- 0 15 2 Bias at the Schoolhouse. favored as the for the siding. These primaries that influences from the state Repub- Quintana, Europe place seventeen 16 4 Alfredo 1913 convention. They a for the purpose of electing lican headquarters at Santa Fe ara be- Lucero, at the Schoolhouse. appointed Democratic state committee .of three to arrange for the delegates to the ing exerted to further the candidacy ot 17 8 C. C. Closson, at Fred Lopez's Hall. Fe to be held" on transportation, accommodations, etc. convention In Santa Mr. Bursum for governor. If th'.s is 18 7 R.' L. at the main room in the Courthouse. 3. Baca, S. F. Dutton, proprietor of the Al October true, It might be well to closj the OUR MEN'S DEPARTMENT 19 2 Antonio Garcia y Armijo, at the Schoolhouse, bany, was a member of the commit- until after the entire for Senate. headquarters 20 1 Apolino Romero, at the Schoolhouse. tee. But the United States of Amer- Cameron and Smith ticket Is In the field. Mr. Bursum has ica loomed on 21 1 Otto Goetz at Goetz's store. large Mr. Dutton's Ralph H. Cameron of Flagstaff, a perfect right to aspire to the office Here you will find that service that map of the world. . The first the in Congress, and Hoval A. quick 22 1 Epimenion Romero, at the Schoolhouse. thing delegate of governor of New Mexico, and will eastern hotel men heard from Mr. Smith, of Bisbee, made formal an- have the men insist Not 23 2 Romulo Benavidez at the Schoolhouse. hearty support of The Optic upon. only service, but Dutton was a war cry,' "See America nouncement of their candidacr for the if he Is nominated. But he should 24 1 First!" a SHOES. Shoes will G. . statewide Guadalupe Montoya; at the house of Montoya. United States Senate at not, directly or use the ma- that stand the racket said Other hotel men'I"v;V'have taken the at Phoenix, Arizona, Indirectly, All primaries must be called to order by the party above named up Remibllcan rally chinery maintained at the expense of cry "See America First'' and. the con- statehood and to welcome and plenty ofcomfort thrown in. Made at the time designated, to wit: at 4 o'clock p. m. in all precincts celebrating the entire party to further his personal beyond troversy has waxed warm. Nor 1 It Cameron wm mate ng of Santa Fe and Cameron home. ambitions before the convention. ' of wear-defyi- the city at 7:30 o'clock p. m. in all precincts in the confined to the hotel men.' slo- record while dele- " leather, with good stout The the race on his a . W New "Mexican Not for Sale. citv Santa a e, 17 18. . ' is i - "ad- ol oeing 3, 4, and gan finding its way to other con- , Hoval Smith declared in an soles. on gate. The Albuquerque Journal, like some Built lasts that are natural, should nomination t constitution of Arizona Ample opportunity be given for of officers of the TwuvuB.!,; .uiuuv uuiwsre who nave dress that the other traveled all over have heard as tnat or tne men newspapers in the new state, neat and trim. All from meeting as well as delegates to be selected, and when there be more Europe Is as much his seems to be prices ' it aifd are their attention to who He said: "I am an under the Impression that than one candidate for the office, or for there must turning framed It Mr. H. O.Bursum competing delegate the parts of their own when It comes to protecting Is not the most log be a 'division and tellers count .insurgent leal appointed Jo them, and the majority has country. everv Arizona Industry. I stand for man' for the nomination for gov- ' - ' ernor on the The control. . It Is safe to say that.Mr. Dutton has protection ot every Arizona product Republican ticket to Journal $2.00 $5.00 All belonging to the and the done more to advertise the attractions and for unbuilding ot all Arizona In made a most unfeeling refer- persons Republican party sustaining ' of Colorado and the West In the I who live, in Arl-stan- d ence to the New Mexican's splendid Republican party principles as members of the party, are entitled to loyal dustries that those he has taken than could JoaveUnnn make a living here." He oration entitled "The Man of the in the primaries. Hour," participate ' ' been accomplished with thousands ot tersely declared with respect to cor and hints strongly that it be See September 15, 1911. - , dollars' worth of favored a lieves Mr. Bur sum is "so aiuch ' ' publicity. porafions that he square paying Oar T. B. CATRON. He is to, make the deal' no more ana per" for the he Is ' going slogan for corporations, publicity getting Wirtow Chairman Central stick. . ' - no less. He declared Arizona need! from the New Mexican. Mr. Bursum , Republican Committee. ' capital to develop resources and ev should lose no time In doing business . If m want aannht on ewrt& Inducement should he with his esteemed friend Danny.-La- a . ' frr ery legitimate' RepublMsn Cental Committee. - 1 , Secrtttry Want 4 la the KW etsred to attract capital tb the Vegas Optic. PAGE FOUR THE SAOTA FE NEW MEXICAN, SANTA FE, IT. XL

SANTA retain title to any public lands or nat-- , IE NEW MEXICAN ural resources not actually needed for strictly governmental purposes, THE NEW mLXICAN PRINTING COMPANY PUBLISHERS nnp ihtk loacinor nf thaoi lnna t PAUL A. F. WALTER FRANK P. How Abo4ut STURGES, That the convention will be largely j That Fire Insurance? : FIRST NATIONAL BANK Editor and President. Vice President. attended from all of JOHN K. by delegations STAUFFERf CHAS. M. STAUFFER, the seventeen western states includ- r. Secretary-Treasure- General Manager. ed in the call seems certain, as the IS YOUR PROPERTY FULLY PROTECTED ? OF SANTFA FE Eutered as Second Class Matt er at the Santa Fa Postofflce! list of appointments for the last week has been large. The convention is ap-- 1 - THE OLDEST BANKING INSTITUTION RATE8 OF SUBSCRIPTION. Dally, six months, by mail 12.50 parentiy going to De a cattle ground Think About --Then Act! week, carrier 25 between the friends of federal conserv-- 1 It! Daily, per by 1.00 IN NEW MEXICO. Weekly, six months n Daily, per month, by carrier... .75 ation ana tne advocates or tne recog-nitio- mall .66 Weekly, per year 2.00 of states' in the adminis- - j MOULTON-ESP- E Daily, per month, by rights THE COMPANY Loans on the most favorable terms on all kinds of Daily, par yeSr, by mail.". 7.00 Weekly, per quarter .50 tration of the public domain. j money . .In-ajee- t of resolutions, drafted. here personal and collateral security. Buys and sells bonds and 'Ti iyll Will TlA nroountiul of tnn.! m : : SANTA N. M. OFFICIAL PAPER OF SANTA FE COUNTY. GENERAL AGENTS, : FE, stocks in all markets for it customers!. Buys and sells vention the following paragraph ap- and makes The New Mexican ia the oldest new spaper in New Mexico. It is sent to pears; : ..domestic v.and foreign exchange, telegraphic every postoffice in the Territory, and has a large and growing circulation "We recognize the good that' the - transfers of money to all parts of the civilized world. on as. and of the Southwest. forest service g" amonfc the intelligent progressiva people has accomplished, yet liberal terms as are given by any money-transmittin- at the same time its cost has been, Liberal advances made on con-- i far greater than its benefit, and it has agency, public or private. materially hindered the settlement signmentsof livestock and products. The bank executes and development of the country, chief- Santa Fe Mill all orders of its patrons in the banking line, and will extend because of the hard and fast rules" ly UNDER NEWPlaningMANAGEMENT. to liberal treatment in all directions as is consist- THE OTHER CANDIDATES. 'present office holder, who for many made at Washington by chiefs unfa- them as was district clerk. His associ-spac- e miliar with actual conditions', and ent with sound While the New Mexican has given years Window Frames, Wainscotting, banking. the past few weeks to reviewing ates speak well of him, he is exceed-th- e administered by subordinates many of Mouldings, well. whom are unfamiliar with Sash, Doors, Door Frames, Ceiling, OFFICERS. situation that demands that the ingly popular in his county; he is equally Base, - conditions." Casings, R. B. Cashier. Republican put forward for gov- known in political circles; he would such Dry Run Flooring Custom Work, J. PALEN, President. READ, . party dis-- , I Span-Bursu- The will he ernor the logical candidate, Holm O. be acceptable especially to the subject pf forestry L. A. HUGHES, F. McKANE, Assistant Cashier. some" of men at this time, it has said ish Americans; as the Black Eagle of cussed by the ablest in Office, Bar, Bank and Church Fixtures; also' General Cabinet the Governor James H. Haw- - ' derogatory or the other tnree San Miguel county declared at the country. Odd Jobs and Custom Work. All work nothing of Idaho, will read the paper that Work, Turning, who are in the field. In cent meeting of the territorial central ley and reasonable. troa-o- f will open this discussion. guaranteed satisfactory prices PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS fact, nothing derogatory can he said committee: "Whenever we have 4 4 them, and every one of them dem- - hie similar to that in Bernalillo s We solicit a liberal share of your patronage. Estimates cheerfully furnished. that the of the ty we sen t'Sec' to settle it. If he can RAILROAD STRIKE WOULD BE NA leadership Plans, New Mexico consists of men not get the to the feud to com-fa- r TIONAL DISASTER. party rin parties Etc. M. & SON above1 in he settles the with the Specifications, P. HESCH, Jr. the average in ability, promise, dispute The actual conditions which Phone Black 33166. character and in experience. his fists, and they are quiet after people of the United States are facing Nathan Jaffa, the present efficient that." Perhaps, with such a man in as a direct result of brewing labor territorial secretary, is a man after the the executive chair, Bernalillo county troubles on the great railroads of the New Mexican's own heart-quie- t, feuds would no longer pester the Re- country and .the probable outcome, if MRS. W. LINDHARDT, PALACE AVE. and t. Like Holm publican party and the public, and it is these troubles are allowed to come to The Palace Hotel self-mad- resume O. Bursum, he too, is a e man. true, that as chief executive of a com- a head, is contained in a brief The Latest I OurWorkmanship He is a student of affairs; is the soul monwealth, situations often arise that of the situation recently published in jVlfl COV Commerce. Fashions i ni 1 1.1 JCfV Denotes Experience of integrity; is generous and scholar-- need a firm and determined hand, the New York Journal of William Vaughn, Prop. - The in every re- ly; his experience as territorial secre- The editor of the New Mexican has articleunprejudiced We have1 pleased' many-iL- et us please you. - at-- conclusion that tary and as acting governor have been but slight acquaintance with this can- spect, arrives ' the One of the Best Hotels in the West will suffer un- a schooling that fits him for any office didate, but from Governor Mills down, the consuming public - told if a strike is in the of the people. He is a man the testimony is general, that Secun- hardships general rooms in surra with bath gift called. private in the prime of life; he is a business- dino Romero would make a good exec- - reason on this conclu- HACK Cuisine nd 'Large Sample he takes an interest in utive. But he has not yet won his The which i FIRST CLAS SERVICE man; subjects sion is based is the fact that because Table Service Boom for Com besides and his activities have spurs in the territorial arena; he is hire at and saddle horses. politics, of unsettled tariff conditions, mer- For popular prices Buggies Unexcelled mercial Traveler! covered and do cover a wide He pretty much of an unknown factor to ' range. chants the are liv- COWICK'S HACK UNE : THEODORE C0RRICK, of of the of the his ser- throughout country I top. ' is a man exemplary family life, majority people; a hand to mouth with of vice as will come a later ing existence, 1 Phone Black 182. SANTA FE, NEW MEXICO WASHINGTON AVENUE lofty moral character; the editor governor at little or no reserve stock on which is date than candi- the New Mexican has been and 1912, for the logical to draw in case facili- date of Holm O. Bursum who transportation proud tocall him neighbor for the past today is are tied for of is neither a ties up any length several years. A better neighbor and territorial nor a, time. For the same reason the manu county officeholder at the and citizen the commonwealth does not present facturers are very little Company. initiative and referendum. j has not been for keeping rawing possess. If New Mexico covered only years although he material on hand, preferring to buy Holm O. Bursum has never asked Beaten By Drunken Husband, MONTEZUMA HOTELS has efficient as - the lower Pecos valley and adjoining given service both, in small lots, liquidate their obliga- the New Mexican to support him for plaint at Denver, asking for divorce, He has demonstrated his as counties, Nathan Jaffa would have ability tions and await ' developments in the governorship, much less paid a declared that before they had been RECENTLY IS SANTA FE'S IDEAL a as of - j OPENED, been the New Mexican's first and only political leader, chairman the tariff revision. Under these clrcum- cent for the paper's support (a support married a year, her drunken husband -- Republican central on- - ihoice for the first governorship of committee, by stances, the Journal points out, should j which ia not purchaseable by any one gave her a beating her birthday COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS' HOTEL. ' victories New Mexico. But Mr. Jaffa has not winning for the party and its a protracted strike take place, the; un(jer any conditions), and has not and that it was the only birthday pres- when defeat inevita-- seven rooms, and en an active candidate, he has made principles seemed more isolated, inland parts of the,even pai,j f0r an announcement card ent he gave her. He also threw her Thirty newly neatly furnished, bIe and it all with a - had done well and no effort to secure delegates favorable crowning magnifi- country would find themselves In a in, its columns. out into the rain after she lighted ventilated, to has been in a recep- - cent triumph at the constitutional sotaewhat akin to the situa a hard work to the fam- Rooms en him, he merely position Holm O. Bursuai is not using the Re day's provide suite with private bath an i phone. tive mood. There are "political" and election. tion on m unuBii ioit u.m6 ... Ma ily table and to keep him in change FINE SAMPLE BOOM. He served as aa strike-fac- " f,tw" 7 has and a food , to for drink. a few other reasons, why Holm O. Bur legislator recent seamen's ing 1,,0,tl X., Z"k" spend CHEERFUL DINING RATES TO con- - THOS.DORAN $2.50 sum at this time is a more logical a member of the constitutional JTn ,- Journal.!". xitoei to come to Santa ROOM. FINE CUISINE '. A DAY- better-fitte- d not as a Themilroads, continues the Proprietor. $3.00 though, perhaps, not a vention, merely tigurenead, in - Fe but placed headquarters other TIMETABLE ALL candidate for the governorship. The but as a man who piaced salutary are in- no position to grant the de- on hands. He even refused to give his laws the statute books and wrote mands of their employes at the pres- V. question of language; the question of -- i. . ...1. .fi..Al 4m' V.!n LOCAL TRAINS the of the articles providing for a corpora- ent time. While they have enjoyed a political workers;, question over to his side on the, first ballot, sevl ' ; tion commission and from the of to en-,- other essential fair traffic, derived tendency The following are. the time tables legislative experience, ability eral counties Whch had been conceded ' in features of the new state government to buy only in small quantities, a ot the local railroads: gage a rough and tumble fight; candidates. . - into the fundamental law;. of recent earning reports, es- to other Coronado Restaurant of study , "A. T. A the question being an office holder 8. F. By!, ... , ' He" r!tand that O. Bursum into the at all enter into the is a progressive'' thinker pecially of western lines, shows Holm will go Leave present, question have increased! ex- ' of time. Nath- statesman, with broad political ideas oneratine expenses governorship without any pledges 8.10 a', mi. connect with No 3 west- 'availability at this But traffic re- and yet grounded in the fundamental even more rapidly than the cept those that the party platform will ' Short Orders run & an Jaffa should be honored by his for-- bound, No. 10 eastbound. Day Night. Regular Meals 25c. that ceipts and that earnings from the without any promise to any ' party with any office for which he principles regard and protect per- make; Returning arrive (.t Santa. Fe 12:10 sonal and mer have been pared to the quick to senatorial candidate, to any corpora- - Furnished rooms in confection. Hot & Cold Baths. Electric Lights may become an active candidate. property rights. . p. mv Tin : - - .. .1 - , I 13 a "mu "um auu OI lne veovm, meet the latter. tion, to any individual, to any interest; : Then there is Miguel A. "c rail- - 4 p. mp connect with No. 1, west- 222 San Francisco Street : ; :: G. LUPE has not grown from them and tTiidei' these conditions, the j h wiu enter upon his duties ag chle( :: liERRERA, Prop Otero. A glance through the files of away bound. i'v. and knows roads are in no more of a position to executiv not with clean hands the New Mexican for the past four- - unitMrts their needs only arrive at Santa Fe, 6:30 and wants' their circumstances as no grant the demands made than the but also with FREE hands. Returning teen years, demonstrates that no other to with the p. m. ;'! j man in New Mexlco knows thenL general public is put up two newspapers together, ever appre-- ,tnfr conditions bound to follow should the 7:20 p. m. conect with No. 7 and uu 10 mucn oi me ciated the sterline Qualities of Cover- - "e ""vea people. fail to come to 9 No. 4 and 8 sastbound By contending factions MINOR CITV TOPICS westbound; nor Otero to a greater extent than did past service, by present attain a At no time arriv at Santa Fe 11:18 ments, by future Holm O. peaceful understanding. Returning the New Mexican. When he was at- promise, the past decade has the coun- p. m. Bursum is the logical candidate for during Mrs. Knew Kimmel Mrs. tacked on account of so on Conway i alleged dealings try at large been dependent O. A ft. Q. . the first of the new V. this knew fly. in timber and institutional lands, goveuhorship prompt, efficient means of transpor- John Conwayrof city, Leaves 10:15 a. m. for .north. state. Kimmel well at Arkansas City, when his enemies charged him with tation and such transportation serv George Arrive 3:05 p. m. north. in a bank. In from, making political pardons; when at the ice will undoubtedly cease to exist the where he was employed be- she has a of him. A very beginning of his administration, NEW MEXICO IS VITALLY INTER- - instant an open rupture occurs fact, photograph New Mexico Central Ry. man to who had there was dragged into the courts the ESTED. tween the railroads and their em alleging be Kimmel, Leave 5:45 p. m., coniects with No. treasurer-ship- been murdered, turned up at question of the. territorial ; One of the ployes. reported 2 east and 1 south and west. subjects discussed at Niles, Michigan this week. Mrs. Con- when he engaged in a terrific the lands Arrive 3.18 p. m. with connections public convention at Denver man r. with Thomas ANNEX THE JEMEZ COUNTRY. way is certain that the is an from No. 3 - ; fight locally this month that is expected to cause east.,- t B. Catron, and then with The Jemez country is seventy ; - Delegate a heated dehate Is that nf kvv' upper a t- . i suv-r,...- floral - TAMnnj - noae miles from and the After a po- ""uu anQ tne ttUDoens, clamation of the semi-ari- l lands' of Albuquerque stage Stops Runaway hearing In the Boston . Way. wnen was line over the most desolate lice case Police Justice Sal-- ne superseded Dy Keroert.the west While it is be goes yesterday "Now, dearie," . said the Boston J. New generally stretches of to be found in New azar saw and Hagerman, the Mexican stood lieved that the government has ac- sand a horse running away, "I want you to learn this nice ; Dy ex--: Mexico. takes thirteen hours to dashed into and mm, through thick and thin; complished great good in this connec- - It the street stopped little poem about 'Peter Piper Picked piainea and defended his actions. In tion, there are many Drominent west. cross those sands. the, animal before the buggy was in a Peck of Pickled Peppers.' " r ' has a to the Jemez reality and in truth, Miguel A. Otero ern men who that the system is Espanola road ; jured, or the onS occupant, a lady, met "Shan't!" answered the Boston say Clara canon made a splendid executive; his admin - too expensive and that methods Jised country built up the Santa with accident. ; child, much in the manner of other by one merchant, who reaps as a children. v .' istration of nine years was a brilliant are arbitrary and blundering. The Honey A. J .Fischer, the druggist, i fruit of his the period, the beginning of the new New following resolution will be introduced enterprise marketing not only the row "Oh, naughty, naughty! Why. JBOOK-CASE- S Mexico. of practically all the wool from the' f Waldo, don't learn this pret- STYLES IN More railroads were built injln this connection: :and lcious trult,frfTf? why you those nine years than in We believe that has Nacimiento country and the Vallei"0" ty poem?". " j any other experience ' '' eAmuu"JB comus. oi ; none.. iaai is StANDARDbLONIAWDEAL ) ' shown - Grande""' "For two reasons," answered Waldo. similar length of time before. The that the methods of the recla- .Of canary color, translucent, schools mation service in of Santa Fe 1s nearer to the Jemez "In the first place, the alliteration of public were placed on a non- the irrigation flavor, derived ; from . Three differeht and distinct "Elas-tk- country than either Albuquerque or,wittl dcate the line you quote Is so excessive as types of Shhtfytnickt " partisan and efficient basis; the legis- arid lands have been less expeditious white clover and and could have a much bet-- fruit blossoms, he is to finish Book-Cas- es latures under his ben. and economical and more Espanola destroy any literary that made iu iu)l or polish finish guidance passed arbitrary road than either. In the road 'gathering, more than a hundred pounds such com- quartered 'eficial and in of the equit- ter fact, 'adventitious aids to metrical laws; taken altogether, the unjust disregard ; ot delicious from five stands of oak or real You can select a built. The $20,000 honey used . mahogany. to "of . own-wate- r is in greater part position might lend If more pattern adapted Otero administration is one to which able rights its users his He and Huckman hill road forms nart of the la orchtrd. has added sparingly. And In the second place, thecharacter of room have chosen for a ear- New Mexico will other competitive projects than ' you library. We always point wita and goes to the very foot two more stands, but these are not yet consider the of those of irrigation districts and priv- highway impossibility picking pride; it reduced the bonded indebted- The old productive. -- the goods in stock, with plain, leaded or doors. ate enterprises. hills of the Valles range. y peppers which have already been ly plate glass ness, brought order out of chaos ia the Low Rates Conven-ito- n "We therefore recommend that no military grade thence to the Sulphurs for Democratic pickled. The whole thing is beneath' revenue laws, filled the treasury, built rail- New Mexican sole N. M. new be undertaken the still exists. Dr. Edgar L. Hewett who The Santa F and other the attention of any Intelligent per Printing Company, agents, Santa Fe, many public institutions and projects by roads buildings reclamation that as to those went over it last week, found it in today announce a one and a including the new Capitol and was no- service; would mere- fifth to not a con- superb condition. It take rate for the round trip Santa table in many other ways. An already completed, whee ' entire of dis- ly the cutting out of some under Fe for the Democratic state conven- Both Engaged.':,' could siderable majority the users are history 'be devoted to this one ' growth and a few trees, to make it a tion. Tickets will be on sale Septem- - "Who Is the small, rather homely . . satisfied with the manner of construc- administration alone-- As a business- scenic into the ber and 1 and girl over -- tion or plan of operation, and so de splendid highway, 30, October and 2, will theref NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION.: Fe, N. M., on the 19 day of October, man, as a territorial and in Valle one of the - star of our treasurer, sire, they should be turned over to Grande,, superheat be good to return until October 9. giv- .mat's the graduate U. S. Land Ou.ce at Santa Fe, N. M. 1911. .'V'. , other capacities, Otero bits ot mountain and scenery class. "She is now in a the users for completion and opera- valley iing visitors an opportunity to prolong engaged post Department of the Interior, Claimant' names as witnesses: made good. the editor of in New Mexico. !l course of study."-- ' Personally, tion upon reasonable terms of re-pa-y their visit in this triterestlne old can. graduate 12, 191L Ambrosio Cano, Bernardo Cano, ' the New Mexican has had no Santa Fe it seems, are "And who is that rather silly look- September better ment, to the work businessmen, jtal. Ambro-ci- o Daniel government for blonde Notice is hereby given that Wright, and Roberto Armljo, and no more esteemed friend. But not out for business as they 1ft ing near by?" done." reaching The 8ky pMot a yitagraph taken i Cano, of Golden, N. M., who on all of Golden, N. M. M. A. Otero is of-- should. Its wholesale merchants do 'Oh, she's the member of the class a resolution the wilds of Alaska. See . , present This probably is the it at the Feb. 1907, made No. , , , , , MANUEL R. OTERO, fice holder. The not even advertise and tne outsider who couldn't get college at all 1, homestead, people, somehow, e most drastic Elks. through 1-- 1-- that has been drawn up v 10616, tor N 2 frw 14 Sec. 27, S 2 v Register. . pect a to be never suspeccts that Santa Fe is m She's engaged to be married." governor selected from to this time, but it indicates Car Went OveV Embankment 1-- clearly do own SW section 22, township 13 N, outside of the present circle of office the growing sentiment what position to its jobbing, A car with five tourists from Herewith are some against located for touring range 6 B, N. M. meridian, has filed bargains offered holders. Governor vtero of Santa Fe is favorably Late. -- is termed use of Lincoln and Hastings', ; Neb., turned Why Willie Was five-yea- r b? the New necessity, "arbitrary poweixjf r?i!road busi- notice of intention to make final Meztcaa Pruttng I during his nine years administration the bureaucratic form of overland as well as for over an- embankment "Why, Willie, what kept you so Cede government at Hugo, Colo. proof, to establish claim to the pany: of Civil Pracednre vt the made ness. Every one of its merchants late? Did stay-afte- r personal enemies; one need but at incidents : Mrs. you have to Washington." Specific Ray Turner, wife of a merchant land above described, before register Territery of New Mexico, 1897. sheep look over the back files' of the Indus- will' be cited to prove the contentions could extend his trade arrn. And the school? I'm afraid you .have .' been at Hastings, was seriously Injured. and receiver u. S. land office at Santa beni, 1; paper bound. 75c Mlaeoorl trial Advertiser and other along this line and the rehabilitation of the road tothe Jemez naughty." ; : newspapers altogether would from Instinct of Horse. FeKN. M., on the 19th day ot October, Pleading tonu, $5; Missouri Code of to an idea - methods of the country draw the trade ;No, ma'am, I ain't never that period get of the ar- federal reclamation The horse of Otto Schultz, standing naughty. ' - PleaOtigs, the for 110. , - the Cuba, Nacimiento and Sulphurs Jones was licked fer beln'. ? to senal of mud that the Democrats have service will be gone into in a thor- in front iof a at New Haven, Bobby "4 to f;New ,.m,tw .t.h tt.. v.n rironb whirh house, an" I attar school to Cuimant names as witnesses: Jose Adapted Mexico Coda. Leva in reserve with which to fight him. ougn manner tor tne purpose of ac- Connecticut, its naughty, stayed ef New now to suddenly pricked up - v. B. SCano, Bernardo Cano Daniel Mexico, 1889. 1891 and 1903, While these are not quainting all the people of the west goes Albuquerque, Espanola Lear hlut yall." sufficient reasons - and made a dash ot a all nglisk and $2.26; to turn down so with its method of will and Farmlngton, just as the comple- Wted Wright, Roberto Armljo, ot Golden Spanish pamphleU, excellent a candidate, operation. It hundred feet, and then fell, to drows-brin- g Ml leather Flextbfc then be to the to de tion of the Senic Highway wotHd Extremes. N. M. is. Sheriffs the party has available a man who up convention in8 A the elm - ' cide the into Santa Fe the desirable again. minute later, "Tour trouble cornea from 'til MANUEL R. OTERO, Oever Poek't Deekats, single,; unites In himself ah the - whether critics of the govern e regu splendid qual- of the Pecos, which now under which was standing, twe er mere each. : Now ' ment have established their case. In trade upper lated credulity," said the warning Register. books, ft lties of M. A. Otero, and " mostly goes to Pecos, It is certainly crashed to the ground. friend. e M'xiee Court Roporta, Moa the final analysis the farmer pays the , . , Snpresio at the same time, at this particular to Accused or Jewels. ' entire cost of all enter worth while expand along the lines Stealing "I don't quite understand." , NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. and 1 inclusive, 13.39 each. Com . period, is the more logical candidate. irrigation and of least resistance, as long as growth Aislee Ross was held to the grand "Before you and man were map of the Interior, , pilaUea Lairs, 76 e. Holm O. Bursum, will make as prises naturally, he is vitally in this Department Corporaooa Cb. great terested in their economical construc along other lines is too remote for Jury at El Paso, on the charge of hav fled you believed everything he told U. S. Land Office at Santa Fe, N. M. eiletlo Mining Uwn, 0 e Monoy'o a- governor as was A. Otero. ' Miguel tion present consideration. lng stolen jewels and other articles you. Afterward you didn't believe any (07894) Mgest ot Now Ktzioo Reports. Coll .The latter, on .he other hand, should from Enos. . Many reasons will be advanced why tbe house of Annie thing ." r Sept. ,12, 1911. stteoo. WjM: fell Ilot onhool blanks. . , be nominated for where his Congress, a policy should be adopted in the ad ,. HANDS ARE NOT TIED Postal Savings tank at El Paso. Notice Is hereby given that Jose brilliant career would be crowned at : - of should be unneces The postal savings bank at El Paso Cano, of Golden, N. M., on Oct WANT . ministration the public domain that The following Between Sataaladlea. ; who; LET.THE , - ?. the first opportunity either with some Will cause these lands eventually to sary, but newspaper Intimations and opened its doors ott Wednesday, Th "That man Is getting to be a regular 22, 1906, made homestead No. 10146, COLUMN DO IT. ambassadorship or here at home with far-ar-e few. 1-- 4; 13 N. pass to individuals so that the states street corner talk, seem to make it depositors thus customer here." . - for SW Section 13, Township A good live advertisement In the , a That ia the po- senatorship. logical will realize a direct benefit through timely: . Pueblo Adopts Commission Govern. "Tea; and he muat be .a. mutttmak Range 6 E, N. M. Meridian, hM Died Want column of the New Mexican will r- ' litical' development tor the medium of taxes. , Tutsnt.-'- ) notice Intention to make., final five roXt . the t f , Holm O. Bursum owns not a share . uonalre. d any property that .Is. rentable. In other; words there will he a of stock, nor has owned for some Pueblo, Colorado tfcii week a . "Why so, rear' proof, to estabUik claim to the Theft' 'la fcr7 some orarthat warta by IfaymaT w vTen there Is Sheriff . Secundlho strong movement started to the end yean, any took or financial interest vote of 5,290 to 1,826, adopted the com "Ha ain't afraid t - to land above described, before E?-''t- r-- t rxr rot, on rust ; t 1 " yi fn Comoro ot San Miguel county, also a thai Um Inderal forammeat mar not whatew la the Kw Mexican ptl ion form of tftttant; the recall out if WJt ort;eeift,U.'i.lUt':2-V-t- i , -- ,' i PAGE FIVE ANT A FE NEW SANTA N. M. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1911. THE 3 MEXICAN, FE,

MILLINERY OPENING PLAZA BAKERY UNITED STATE? BANK & TRUST CO. PERSBNAL MEMTIBN FRESH BREAD AND CAKE Wednesday, Sept 20th, Dally, i Loaves Fine Bread, 25c H. who fix- Fruits and Groceries CAPITAL $50,000.00 Givens, sells gas light From 2 to 6 and 7 to 9 P.M. Confectionery. Society tures, is here from Denver. FreshCreamPuffs Wednesday & Saturday foyal H. V. the well known LINE OF Koeneke, TQ WHICH Phone, 152 Red. meat salesman of Wichita, Kas., is in Does a General Business AMADO PROP. 'Banking the city. . All Are Cordially GUTIERREZ, Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Dunn of Invited. Oklahoma, are sightseers registered at the Your Solicited Palace. A. Phone 49 Main Phone 49 Main Patronage Charlei A. Spiess Teturned last night MISS MUGLER, from a business trip to Santa Fe. Las Southeast Cor. Plaza. Vegas Optic. 6 H. SffePHEHS. Ciihfer. Miss - W . LAUGRLIN, President f. Joan Ballantyne will leave chardist is spending- few days in the Parlor Market :2V-- r,; this W. E. GRIFFIN, Asst. Casliler ; ; evening for Las Cruces where she Mr. has resided in the win city. Geier teach school. Pecos for sixteen and B. Valley years, W. Wenzel, Orin S. Wilson and this is his second to Santa. Fe, JT'J;" Rosebofd" are trip and Denverites regis- visited herefhree years ago. Grocery and Tinted, Beautiful Material, with tered at the Montcuma Hotel. having Stamped He was surprised to note the many Isidore of Coy- Ferran, postmaster improvements in the city since his Royal Society Embroidery Floss. 1903. Rio Coro-nad-o. Established 18S6. Incorporated ote, Arriba county is at the former visit. Mr. Geier will "leave 51 is He accompanied by L. Fer- old home in Illinois, ran. Sunday for his where he will visit for some time be- Territorial KANSAS CITY SAMPLES Secretary Nathan Jaffa fore to the Pecos Valley. FINISHED returned from returning yesterday Denver M. A. Otero was at where took his he daughter, Eleanor on and Fof Your Inspection. to enter the Wolcott school. Deming Tuesday 'Wednesday CORN-FE- D and was given an enthusiastic recep ER B. A. Winkham, a kodak salesman ' tion. Beef, FOR THE from Rochester, is at the Palace. Booker T. Washington, the famous Baby Caps and T. W. McGuire, of the assessor's of negro educator, was at Albuquerquo fice of friends In fIOm Pork, Denver,' visiting Tuskegee yesterday on his waj ... LADIES, MISSES and CHILDREN, the city. to Arizona. R. R. Larkin, former superintend- Mutton, Tuckers, FOR THE ent of schools at Gallup and now rep- SANTA FE COUNTY SHOULD Veal and resenting a publishing company, is MAKE GOOD SHOWING. Hand here from Las Vegas. He is at the Lamb Bags, ' MEN and for the BOYS, Palace. Why Not Take Exhibit in U. 8. Bank Home-Mad- e W. D. Shea came in from his home ; and Trust Window to Al-i- n Sausage, Children's Dresses, Santa Fe last night on business. ! buerque "Pair? He ls for the The Was Blue Fish Sweaters v for Everybody and at Prices traveling agent Denver; following personal appeal Point Oysters, and Rio Grande Las received in Santa Fe from the Fresh-Dresse- railway. Vegas today and d POULTRY cannot anywnere. every Optic. He returned to Santa Fe to-- Albuquerque Fair management: that you equal .' ! day. It is a little over two weeks before FRUITS -- - VEGETABLES and in all.colors. bis son and daughter-in-la- Mr, and the of the New Mexico State quality Ripening " and an endless of variety r, variety Mrs. W. of F"atr: Gas-Roast- Charles Fairfield College " Forbes Quality ed avenue. Mr. Fairfield ,1s 3. prominent . We .want every county in the new to select from. IF IT SWEATER YOU WANT WE HAVE IT. ' and Steel-C- ut patterns IS A, Nevada mining man. . j $tate represented by an exhibit of its " r- - - Stewart Van Vliet has' reillnsea products: . - 30c LB. Wili'-yow. I-- COFFEE, THOSE NIFTY AVIATION CAPS a trip to Denver and expect ktoldy . make an extra errangements to .continue to, live in foruto procure, an exhibit from your 00 RIGHT WITH THEM. Santa Fe.; He had intended to go to county for the state Fair? No better guarantee to 11 W. N. TOWNSEND & CO. the state of Washington. 0U find tnat a representative can offer back if not than money Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Bowlds of "f""?""' UI". P "U lu wl" not satisfactory when you THE MASTER TAILORS. NOTHINQ BETTER. Santa Fe arei stopping for , a short Stock taken to the"s"eufair grounds and prop- - deal at the Parlor Market. Do not miss seeing oat visit In the city with Mr. and Mrs. nn LIN , . You will note from the LAUGH BLOCK, TT T following, tUVll IVI UV.U klVU lOlt taken from Santa Fe Circular Kentucky and other .points in th system 214 Don Gasper Avenue. east. Mr. Bowlds is cashier of the "uuo ' lur llaB,lallo,' I S COMPANY - SELIG1I bank at Santa Fe and f,hargJes are refunded on above men- Capital City ' WINTER MONTHS are coming on, and you will M. l ' brother of Professor F. Bowlds. "UT1UUV ARRIGHI THE much time rs. This is the time, there- of the schoo- . raies wl" WO. 36 principal Raton high l.- IU"' fore, to and a fine assortment of it can P. O. Box, 219. Phone , Dp one and buy Furniture, Raton Range. charged wa? notation PROPRIETOR. made on way bill. "For Exhibition at he seen at our store. There is bird's eye maple, which is in A. of Henry Geier, Artesia, Eddy Fair." When is great demand, and other woods that are as beautiful. a well known farmer and or- - property county, returned, these companies will trans We also have KITCHEN CABINETS with celluloid tops to port same back .to original point of make the housewife's work a delight. shipment on these lines FREE OF THE TIME TO BUY Also a splendid supply of CHINA DISHES for use on the CHARGE, if within ten table. days after close of Fair, provided ro. HOT WATER BOTTLES The New ceipt is from Call Early While the Stock is Plentiful. State presented receiving Is now. We have just received agent showing that freight INSURANCE charges from factory, A PRIVATE BOARDING HOUSE have been paid one way and certificate alargdinedirect AKERS-WAGNE- from thereby insuring fresh goods. THE R FURNITURE AND ' Secretary of Fair, certifying that REAL 242 Lower Palace Avenue freight has been on exhibition and Hm- - rv.kinn..-W- . hok nur has not changed hands: EXCEPTION r u . , UNDERTAKING COMPANY. ESTATE WH U1U, ...w M .h fTB.M will K. ini piB.waM.,. t00 best meal Santa Fe, regardless funded upon ot certlflcate prBentn 4 I YOUR oi a wcw i a. w r from tnat ,T:OF price,e ai etr.iy.s MCtary- 8ucn gniDmeni SI i 4 XXX XX XX BUSINESS moniniy raie upon application. have been on exhibition." XSSXXXXXXSXXXXXSX 4 SuretyBonds TRY OUR SUNDAY DINNER Kindl'r advise me as oh as possi hlf nhmir hnww mnrh anaa vnii nrllt 4 mm 9 m wm.m M tt n A I k 1'BVC J A VY.l rnooe,Keo04 want reserved for BUitl, rrop. your county. GREAT-SPECIAL- -SALE CLOVIS LAW AND LOANS I ORDER LEAGUE. CO. j Rev. P. H. McDowell returned from H, S. HUE 5 OF A LINE THAT EVERYBODY IS INTERESTED IN. i Clovis last evning, whr he had gone K O.CWATSON&CO. j on invitation to address the newly or- - ganized "Law and Order League." He The Ever Offered in Santa Fe 'A 119 San Francisco St , Now is the time i spoke before the league on Monday Biggest Bargains SANTA FE, - - - N. M I night on "The Success of the Cause of Look in the Show Windows of Adolf Seligman Dry Goods Co. t to buy Righteousness in Roswell." He re- ports the league as a lusty, strong THE SALE WILL LAST THREE DAYS. band of 140 men, bound together by j We each and Bot the recent revival and bent on ridding guarantee every Yellow the city of Clovis of ue red light dis- tie we sell to last one year. i trict and of the saloons. The men ADOLPIi SELIGMAN DRY GOODS CO. there BUTT BROS. J j want to make their city the equal of CO., GOLD-- - FILIGREE SILVER 'Roswell in all matters of law and op Alwaye Reliable 4 XX X X X X, Free I der. Roswell Record. xxxxxxxxxxxxx MOST BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS. Daily DRUGGISTS I ' Phone, KedKI. Nifht Phone.Red 58. ' The New Mexican Com. I v Brooches, Pendants. Neck Chains, Bracelets. Printing Rings, Peaches puny has prepared civil and criminal friends. dockets for the nsa of u and is THE BIGGEST BARGAIN No style' gift more desirable for , your Eastern especially must NOW This go ever offered in Irrigated Lands. San Francciso We have a..lot of small Jewefcr TpmSSKSS Reliable C. Street Peaches, htlt tine tor either Spanish or Englujh, made of 80 acres all under ditch and exceptionally good fence. H. VONTZ, good record paper, strongly and dur & ' Carriage Automobile ra ra Peach Preserve and ably bound, with leather back and GOOD HOUSE, im a? a;n a a? rtt.Traia;3J a x nrn n covert and canvas ildea, hall full IPeach Jam,' at , PAINTING In - three-year-o- index front and the feea of loetlcec wells, chicken house, 300 ld fruit trees, of the peace and constable printed , 40 acres alfalfa. Ask about it before TOO LATE. lb. In fall on the Srst page. The pages t in VAUGHAN RANCH 2c.a Combined CItII and Cruclakl, .'. 4.0V ISIGN PAINTING THE are 10 12x6 inches. These books are ' (Old Sparta Banch) we Will made up la dvD and criminal dockets. Santa Fe Abstract, Realty & Insurance Agency. In a few days ox Satisfaction Guaranteed. 51 separate pages eaca, or wita have one Open May 15th for the Fishing Season both civil and criminal bound la PAUL P. LACASSAGNE Phone Black No. 52 Phone Black No. 229 Residence book, 80 pases civil ana S20 pages . JOS' San Francisco Street. Best of Food .v Bestof Beds : Fancy criminal. To Introduce them they are offered Cold Pure Water at the following prices 'x X X X X X X x X X Spring CM1 or Criminal I2.7E x x x No Invalids $15 a Week Alberta Peaches For 45 cents for a slngl IN STETSON STIFF Annlint mm KK j.Anf0 julltltinnAl fnr CC Pecos and Mora Rivers; Holy Ohost, Willow and Bear Creeks CTVIY SOFT HATS Fine for Let US combination docket, they will be seat ALL M Lti3 and Canning. r --AT- - 1b GlorieU . , Write Pecos what-- by mall or prepaid express. Cash Telegraph . . have vour orders for ! J. P. Steed & Son ever you may need. whether Eogllsh or Blataly Spamst - s - . SI a m is wanted. CARPENTERS BARTLETT PEARS printed beadiag AND CABINET MAKERS. Let Him Know It If you are out ot MULLIGAN & Funeral Directors a must let the RISING, PICTURE FRAMINO now ripe, and are fine position, you employer know it A want advertisement in the FURNITURE MADE TO ORDER busi- 1 New Mexican will reach every 108 Palace Avenue SIGN PAINTING NEATLY DONE ness and professional man in the city co. and county anu a great many in the Day and Phone. Phone, 130 Red. h: s. kaufie ft Night : territory. It you have any special tal- All Work Guaranteed. Phone, led IIS ent, do not bide it under a bushel.


l! i Listen! Why Not Get the Benefit of All the Light ? You pay for, by having it right where you are using It. It aaves on your light bill and SAVES THE EYES. Our display rooms are open for your

:...! d lnpefclon,-an- we have the finest line of Reading and Studeflt Lamps that can be seen anywhere, and we will sell them right. Get away from - the Idea that these are cleaner, the maximum light; and better looking than anything you can get. ' lamps expensive. Cheaper, give , ' '. ff " n ml TiK-ix.xeo-n :Syv&tm: yATnrr street, 11 V AGE SIX THE SANTA FE NEW MEXICAN, SANTA FE, N. M. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1911.

"BAUER" GUARD Si Louis Rocky i, I WILL 1 ORDERS We Give Away SEASON Absolutely Free ofCost Pacific Railway Circular ) Office of the adjutant general Common Sense Medical Adviser, in Plain Company. V Santa JV'eio The People's Fe, Mexico, or Medicine stmpuned, by K. V. rierce, M. v., No. 4. ) 1911. English, Booked September 17, Chief Consulting Physician to the Invalids' Hotel and Sur- GENERAL OFFICES RATON NEW MEXICO. Manager Stanton Has The following1 report of 1st Lieut. F. S. Young, 23nd In- gical Institute at Buffalo, a book of 1008 large pages and Good fantry U. S. Army, Inspector Instructor, Camp Mills, N. over 700 illustrations, in strong paper covers, to any one tending 21 one-ce-nt Many Plays and M 18 cost in French Cloth (Bead Down) In effect Sept, 1st 1910 (Read Up) , July to July 30, 1911, inclusive, is published for the stamps to cover of mailing only, or, binding for 31 stamps. Musical Comedies information of all concerned. Over 680,000 copies of this complete Family Doctor Book were sold in cloth 1 19 , Miles STATIONS 2 12 20 of one and a By command of the Governor: binding at; regular price $1.50. Afterwards, half million copies A te 111 were as above. new, revised edition is now p am A. S. BROOKES, given away ready , 7 30 0 Lv..'De Moines. N. M...Ar 4 00 for mailing. Better send NOW, before all are gone. Address World's Dis- 7 40 4 Rumaldo 3 50 MJUMM SHEERf IN FEBRUARY Official: Adjutant General. pensary Mbdical Association, R. V. Pierce, M. D., President, Bufialo, N. Y. ... 05 11 Iiedman 3 30 A. S. BROOKES, o 20 16 Oapulln 3 15 35 20 3 05 General. DR. PIERCE'S FAVORITE PRESCRIPTION 8. Vigil Adjutant .. 50 25 Thompson 2 45 THE ONE REMEDY for woman's peculiar ailment good 9 10 31 2 25 Also With enough Ottnnlnghara "Bright Eyes" Coining SUMMARY OF ATTENDANCE of 1st Regiment, Nationa1 afraid on 9 35 42 ....Olifton Mouse S.M 156 ... Militia of New Annual that its makers ore not to print its outside wrapper its , 10 00 49 Af Raton. N. M I.v 130 Musical Eyebrowed Florence Guard, Organized Mexico, at the Encampment 18th to 30th, 1911. every ingredient. No Secrets No Deception. 2 30 0 j.Lv Ratoa.N.M Ar 10 15 TTTTT . Holbrook. July July 2 47 7 .. .Olifton House N' M.... 9 49 THE ONE REMEDY for women which contains no alcohol and 3 07 48 SPreston 9 32 Average no habit-formi- Mode from native medicinal forest 55 ..... 8 55 drugs. roots 3 45 .Koehler Junction Michael Stanton of the Pre- Number 3 85 2 Koehler 9 05 .... Manager sent Attending of well established curative value. Elks' theater today discussed the out Absent And all Drills 4 15 68 llOolfax 8 20 v.. (Absent and other 4 43 76 Onrrososo 8 02 look of the theatrical season of In E2 Lv 7 45 Duty 6 00 Ar Olmarron 1911-191- 2 which opens here next Camp. 5 10 Lv Cimarron Ar am 6 35 Subdivisions. More effort should be made towards the 6 18 ("S 6 27 month. Said Mr. equipped. perfecting Nash Stanton: work. Hanna's "Tactical 5 2S i .'Harlan 6 17 unit in tactical Principles and 94 Ar Ute N. M...Lvi 6 00 I think that I can safely forecast Problems" be each officer on 545 Park, ' should supplied memorandum p m p m the most successful season, both from receipt. Each officer should be on the Fort Leavenworth an artistic and from a financial stand mailing list. A maneuver ground covering about 36 square 40onneots ai Colfax with E. P. A S. W Ry, train both North and South. point that Santa Fe has ever seen. miles adjacent to the camp ground shold be arranged for and SStage for Van Houten N, M. meets trains at Preston N.I M.I Our first show will be Eugene Pres- - Field, Staff, mid Noncom an accurate topographical sketch of it made. Maneuvers leaves Ute Parte, N", M., for Klizabethtown, N. M.. at t:0O d. m. missioned Stuff 2 should be held on it the state and Stage daily except of Rex Band 2 during camp problems ctoe 33.50 bury's dramatization Beach's mndays. Fare ti w way ound trip; fifty pound baggage carried free. A 35 solved on the map by means of a correspondence school dur- M- -. popular story 'The Barrier' a tale of O. S. train leaves Des Mclnes. N, for the south at U;ll p. in. arrives from Ithe B 27 ing the year. Prior to holding a state camp the regular Canadian filled O 88 tb at 4;S8 a. m the Wilderness. It is officer detailed to attend should be orde.ed one week in with and D 45 stirring situations telling a E 52 advance to draw up problems. , S, G. DEDMAN, J. VAN HOUTEN, P. M. WILLIAMS, beautiful story. I am also endeavoring F 27 Books and records fairly well kept. Excellent discipline O 42 was in- V. P. & G. M., P. to line up 'Get Rich Wallingfordl kept throughout the entire period of the camp. No Superintendent Q. Agent, h 38 The Alias Jimmy Valentine,' 'The For i toxication. regiment made full use of the time spent in k 3 camp in maneuvers and drills. Cover in the maneuvers was tune and a few other Li Hunter,' popu 23 taken and and the several units were well lar New York successes. The New Detachment promptly kept kept Corps Hospital in hand. Good use was made of the ground. There were York managers have been recipients practically no complaints from fatigue on the march and but of many favorable reports from the 88 449 S 175 624 60S Sn 804 one or two men fell out. different under their con The and was companies " entraining detraining very good. ASK FOR TICKETS trol concerning our pretty little PERSONNEL. I am of the opinion, with more instruction, this regiment house and I am confident Santa 1st will be fitted properly to maueuver as a part of a brigade. that Organization Inspected Regiment, National Guard, mounted not lack New Mexico. Provision should be made for orderlies and SHIP YOUR FREIGHT Fe will first class attractions. mounted for a machine Sufficient as Rich seouts;.also gun platoon. Such plays 'Get Wallingford' COMMENTS OF INSPECTOR. mounted equipment should be kept on hand to supply each The Fortune and 'Alias Jim From Santa Fe Hunter,' Present in Camp: Band and 10 companies and Hospital De- mounted officer and enlisted man. Jfc2ttS& my Valentine,' will draw on their own tachment. All social affairs should be carried out on the last day of ice, Arizona, Mexico aod te the Pacific Coast, via NEW merit for they are widely known to Officer!: camp in order not to demoralize the men and officers in the middle of the work. MEXICO CENTRAL to Thtmem every reader of current literature. Military bearing; Very good. Torraoca, are first class attractions in Physical qualifications; Very They Mental good. every sense of the word and need no quaalifications; Very good. Professional qualifications; . Good. ROADS MUST BE FIXED D. A. MacPherson and G. L. Brooks boosting other than a mere announce- Zeal in performance of military duties; Very good.' ON THE SUNSET TRAIL. also ment of their coming. Enlisted Men. will be present. Madam Sherry In February. Military bearing; Very good. The state engineer in a letter to "Madame Sherry," the operetta, that Physical qualifications; Very good. Automobilists Are Getting Together Colonel Sellers fears that there is not Mental has taken by storm the audiences of qualifications; Very good. at Albuquerque to Entertain enough money available for permanent Zeal in of Trans-Continent- every city in which it has played and performance military duties; Very good. Tourists. repairs on the Algodones road; but it BEST OR Captain Eugene A. Lohraan, the is , in which the popular 'Every Little Regimental Adjutant Albuquerq-je- N. iVf., Sept., 22. A is felt that some kind of re- mentioned as especially well qualified for his position. generally Movement' song is sung, will be here meeting of the New Mexico Automo should be made at once, so as UNIFORMS AND QUARTERMASTER'S EQUIPMENT. pairs in February with the original Chicago bile Association and of every automo to make the road at least passable. ROUTE lfjSE company. This will probably be the Organization Inspected 1st Regiment, National Guard, bile owner in Albuquerque is called WEST in line. New Mexico, for 7:30 this in the Commer- headliner the musical comedy evening NOTICE. But the playgoer must not overlook COMMENTS OP INSPECTOR. cial club by President D. K. B. Sel of Territorial Bright Eyes' which will also be in Quality. Fit. Condition. Sufficiency. lers of the association. The chief bus Department Engineer. Number of 591. Santa Fe with the original New York Hats; Regulation Good Good Good Sufficient. iness of this meeting will be some im Application Par rates and full informatioa address cast including Cecil Lean and Flor Blouses; Regulation Good Fair Good Sufficient. mediate action looking to the. repairs Santa Fe, N. M., July 26, 1911. ence Holbrook. This show has a Breeches; Regulation Good Good Good Sufficient. of the slough of mud on the Sunset Notice is hereby given that on the in- Good Good Good Sufficient. 0. F. & P. number of pleasing musical hits Leggins; Regulation Trail, north of this city between Ber- 26th day of July, 1911, in accordance EUGENE FOX, Agent, a dress review of fashion Shoes; Commercial Fair Fair Fair Insufficient. with Section 26, Law of El Paso Texas. cluding Commercial Poor Good Insufficient. nalillo and Algodones, where the road Irrigation since the colonial Shirts; Poor 1907, Lucas Gallegos, of Vallecitos, early days. Ponches; Regulation Good Good Good Sufficient. is now practically impassable by rea- 'Then there will be the 'only' Billy Blankets; Regulation Good Good Good Sufficient. son of the mud and water. The auto- county of Rio Arriba, Territory of Clifford in musical show 'The Girl New made an to his ARMS AND ORDNANCE OP mobile men feel Keenly the 'necessity Mexico, application The Game.' There will EQUIPMENT INDIVIDUALS th Territorial of New Man, and the of getting this piece of road in shape Engineer also be a number of old favorites back Organization Inspected 1st Regiment, National Guard. Mexico for a to New Mexico. in preparation for the arrival of a permit appropriate for return - from the waters of tbe Terri- a engagement including number 'of automobilists and touring public The Lion and the Mouse' and 'Paid in COMMENTS OF INSPECTOR. of New Mexico. parties coming this way en route to tory Full.' These shows were secured by Rifles, complete with bayonet; Kept in fairly good condition. California in the near future. The Such appropriation is to be made SAN GERONIMO INDIAN FAIR, me upon the urgent request of a ma Revolvers;. Kept in fairly good condition. from Valle los Cabolla In good roads men and all boosters for de at a point of Fe Cartridge belts; good condition. 1-- jority of the playgoers Santa dis- NW sec. 15, T. 26 N., R. 7 E., by to Haversacks and mess outfits; In good condition. good roads are invited will also who did not get an opportunity ! means of Canteens; In good condition. cuss plans for fixing up one or two diversion and storage and witness these sterling works from the 1 cu. sec. and 1--2 acre is Shelter tents; In good condition. sandy places south of this city espe- ft per feet TAOS pen of Charles Klein." Intrenching tools; In good condition. to be conveyed to NE 1-- Sec. 15, cially where the tourists will leave the When asked whether or not the Horse equipment; In condition. NW 4 Sec. 14, T. 26 N., R, 7 legi good valley probably at Isleta and other- E., by FOR THE ABOVE OCCASION THE timate would be overshadowed Sabers; In good condition. means of ditches and small reservoir plays C. wise all the road to musical Mr. Stanton H. knives; Not inspected. getting adjacent and there used for of 20 by the comedies, None on in so that the tour- Irrigation said that would be for all Knapsacks; hand. Albuquerque shape acres and domestic there plays Tentage; conical wall tents ists will have no reason to purposes. DENVER. & RIO "When Regulation complain. The Territorial will GRANDE classes and that Knighthood for the men. Wall tents for is that much on Engineer take Was in Flower" would share honors It recognized depends this for consideration will one fair for the round the officers. Storage tents for the of the application up protect trip with "Polly of the Circus" in sweet stores. flies for experience on the 26th of October, 1911, and all Storage tourists this year, as o whether later romances. "There will be a play for kitchens. Sufficient and ; persons who may oppose the kept will oe advised to come the granting FROM every taste and a taste for every in good condition. parties by of the above application must file ( A number of arms were found were southern route. It is felt that this playgoer," he declared. a) dirty, but promptly ; their objections substantiated with af s cleaned. Several had some rust on them. The arms and tourist traffic in buzz wagons is worth All Stations on Its Lines in New Mexico and the "You may for me that I expect of fidavits with the Territorial Engineer say ordnance equipment individuals are kept in serviceable thousands to New Mexico and espe- a record breaking bouse for tne nrst condition for the field.. and copy with applicant on or before following stations in Colorado: Alamosa, cially to the towns the route. - . : along show of the season when 'The Barrier' SANITATION AND MESSING. that date. La Jara, Romeo, Antonito, Osier, Pago-s- a will open the official season on Friday, To Be Met at Santa Fe. ., CHARLES D. MILLER, Organization Inspected ..1st Regiment, National Guard, Plans will also outlined October 6th, and another large house New Mexico. be for the Territorial Engineer. Junction, Pagosa Springs for Dave Lewis' "Don't Lie to Your reception of the visitors, who will be COMMENTS OF INSPECTOR. and Durango Wife,' which is a corEing comedy of met at Santa Fe by a delegation from Are YoU a Seller? An advertise- contemporary life. This will visit General Police: here and piloted into Albuquerque and ment in the classified columns of the middle of October. Of camp; Good. started on their west. Santa Fe , New Mexican will put your real estate Santa Fe about the Of Good. way TO sum in a tents; on the market effectively. will To the whole situation up Of mess tents; Good. motorists are enthusiastically prepar- It put nut-shel- l, the of I feel that I have reaped a Of kitchens; Good. ing for the tourist season and the vis! facts your property before thr BARRANCA, N. M. harvest of first class productions Tor Of rears (describe system) ; Good. Deep trench system. tors will be escorted into that city and eyes of all possible buyers. my house which I am sure will merit covered with lime daily. shown a good time. All the cities ot the support of every lover of the Trench screened any size along the route are Selling Dates, September 28 and 29, 1911, around and all preparing " drama in Santa Fe." seats have to do the same and of 5 lids so no flies can enter. Albuquerque ought with return limit days from date of sale. to set the On October 2, the y Kept in fairly good pace. San Geronimo working order. big Raymond Whitcomb automobile Hotel Arrivals. Of picket line; Good. tour leaves New York for Los Angeles System of garbage disposal; Incinerator consisting of a cir- - via the southern route. One party with Palace. culor pit a cone of stones, from one from Cincin CELEBRATION around which the fire is Philadelphia, W. built, two from Kansas City, a banker George Annijo, City. piled up in the middle. Very nati, from 29-3- W. G. Sargent, City. effective, due to Major S. A. Alton,' Kansas, Harry Drumm, Sept. Oct. 1, 1911. THE PEOPLE'S ANNUAL HOLIDAY Edward J. Dunn and wife, Oklahoma Milliken, Surgeon. pathfinder for the Transcontinental City. Touring Club of America, and others This will be Kind year tbe best H. W. Koeneke, Wichita. used; Regulation ration purchased are now on the way and there will be ever. new attrac- Denver. locally. Many NEW MEXICO STATE FAIR H; Givens, ' a stream of them during October and tions have been In-- E. A. Johnston, City. Preparation; Very good. November. added, , Sufficiency; Sufficient. . dlan Dances and R. R. Larkin, Las Vegas. matters will Sports 9-1- enlisted; Cooks are all enlisted. Other important also 4, 1911 Cooks, good; never before done in Oct. W. J. Kelly, 'Kansas City. field come before the The pub- Albuquerque, Cooking utensils; Regulation range and range meeting tonight lic. Horse for which B. A. Winkham, Rochester. , uususus. All in members of the Commercial Club good Racing wmiuuj good ' good will be W. J. Blackwell, El Paso. condition; sufficient. roads committee, Messrs. A. B. Stroup, purses offered, CURTIS AVIATION MEET DRILL AND INSTRUCTION INFANTRY.' Broncho Busting, Balloon Montezuma. Ascension and Organization Inspected 1st Regiment, National Guard, other attrac- " New Mexico. tions. Be. sure Birdmen " of International Repute will thrill the crowd B. W. Wenzel, Denver. Relieves CATARRH and come for three October 11, 12 and 13 Orin S. Wilson, Denver. COMMENTS OF INSPECTOR. of and bring your camera. days, M. the J. Roseboro, Denver. Close and Extended Order: Your last Chance to see tbe most pic " DURHAM STAKE D. E. Wichita. CT3 BLADDER FOR 2:12 PACERS Ware, School of soldier; Good. turesqne festivities performed by the be raced " Bull " Durham Oct. W. Abbott City. School of Good. and all North Americas s Day, Friday, squad; Indians. , Come and In $1,000 , This was Charles Kuchert, St. Louis. School of company; Good. Discharges stake eiven bv the RI.ACk. mm briof your family and enjoy your- ,; J. D. Abbott, St. Louis. School of battalion; Good. WELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO CO. 24 HOURS selves. RATES ON ALL IAILR0AOS. R. H. Knapp, St. Louis. School of regiment; , Good. behoprakbaintka O. A. Jones, Kansas City. Field Instruction.' (See BASEBALL EVERY DAY EXCITING HORSE RACES comments.) Baton of iMIDYl GEROEO - J. W. Fairfield, New York. Marching; Very good. counterfoil. m CIUTTEE ' ...... i J Good. twin ny an O. W. Lange, Washington. Patrolling) Gnifffliu. Box 30. Taos, N. M Feature Upon Feature. Fun by the Ton Advance and rear guard duty; Good. " ' Outpost duty; Good. Instructive Departments Coronado. Attack formations; Good. Miss Lola Chavez, El Rito. Defense formations; Good. SPECIAL RATES ON ALL RAILROADS Miss Rebecca Chavez, El Rlto. Making and breaking camp; Very good. Isidore Ferran, Coyote, N. M. Individual cooking; very good. ISAAC JOHN r. uuara BARTH, President. B4McMANUS, Secretary-Manage- L. Ferran, Rio Arriba. Duty. Wells & Co. William Browne, City. Good. Fargo Express Fist Aid Instruction. . Tim Wood, City. Gallsteo. ... Epifanio Mora, Comments: The following were carried out: General Forwarders Robert Adams, Abiquiu. 1. A march to the Front: Including Advance' Bxpre3 . . A Guard; halt for the night; Outposts. TP - , R0SWELL AUTO CO., ROSWELL, N M 2. ' Patrolling. N 3. A Retreat: Including advance and rear guard action. All Parts cf The World READ 4. A collision on the march. ' uaggag allowance 100 lbs. to for PROFIT . the U. 8. mall and Defense a fortified Carryng pa Result 5. Combat: of village; &Vft IlOlfiV each regular ticket, excess Ue for atiacK oi a by Purchasing Wtflg enters between Vaughn, N. M and baggigi ' iomnea village. at. the rate ot $5.00 per hundred lba FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS 6i Combat: Construction of kneeling intrench- - N. M, connecting with the ad Roswell, We are equipped to kind They work directly on the KIDNEYS, 'V;f;";,;,..i y mems; ;', tk".'. Foreign Motwy Ordm Rock Is- carry any . Defense of a fortified EH Paso Southweetern and BLADDER and URINARY PASSAGES, position; a over includ- the Atchison. To-pek- ot trunks or baggage, up to 1,500 lba Attack open ground land Railroad! and and their beneficial effect is felt from the construction of skirmish Fa Railroad. ing U. S Mexico ft Santa Special rates are given for ezcut start. For BACKACHE, KIDNEY and lying trenches in advancing Ttlctt , Canada, .SS" Leaves at 8:45 a. m., ar- under fire. Vaughn lions, for eight or more passenger BLADDER TROUBLE, RHEUMATISM rive la Roswell at 2:00 p. m. - CONGESTION of the KIDNEYS. IN REMARKS. . , RESIiTTANCES RoswaU a. ar- For further Information, write the S3NT BY TELC02APH Lmtm at U:M m, FLAMMATION ,r - , ' - of the BLADDER and Organization Inspected...... 1st Regiment, National Guard, , , In at 5:30 p. n. Roswell Auto Co., Boswell, N. M. . ' rive Vaughn nnoyingURINARY IRREGULARITIES New Mexico. has the the . exercise a ' This organisation personal attention of Adjutant they permanent benefit. General of the Territory who is a retired Anny Officer and TONIC IN ACTION - QUICK IN RESULTS ' who the closest attention to all details. J. D. MANAGES 'For sale all pays ItV organiza- BARNES, Agent J W. STOCKAPD, by drveglsts. tion is being gradually perfected and it is being completely FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1911. THE SANTA FE NEW MEXICAN, SANTA FE, N. SL PAGE SEVEN

aerneath. Me turned ran PLAN CALL FOR REPUBLICAN STATE CONVENTION. - anj toward FALL TRIP TO JAPAN McKEAN . CHEETHAM, aloud as he ran. But it, shouting Societies Attorneys-at-Law- . Whereas, "pursuant to the provisions of the Enabling came round- Fraternal strange to the place, he Jimmy McAleer Will Take Team of Practice in all the Courts and resolution New Mexico II tf In Act and the admitting into ua A aboutly to the fire barely time to All-8ta- to Orient Series of MASONIC. the Interior W see a for Department Sisterhood of States, the Governor of New Mexico has haunting sight. Games Probable Make-U- Montezuma Lodge Taos, xew Mexico. A old half issued his ordering an election to be held big mansion, ruinous, No. 1. A. F. & A. M proclamation I DEAD TOWnB was flame from half low- spouting Its Next fall a bunch of ball players . communi- H. L. ORTIZ, on Tuesday, November 7, 1911, for the purpose of electing er windows the Inside must be a Regular will travel to the Orient and Jimmy cation first Monday the various state, and The and Counsellor-at-L'a- congressional, legislative, judicial furnace, the stairs impassable. McAleer will be the pilot When the of each month at Attorney officers authorized JrMardinijunMlnslJ set in the windows were All-Sta- county by the constitution heretofore gratings red of the American league play- Masonic Hall at Practicing before ally the courts i (Copyright, ay Attociatod Literary hot and beginning to bend the ed the dopted by the people of New Mexico; ign, Prut,) Athletics and dressed them into 7.30. the Territory. heavy doors still resisted, but were proper shape to take a fall out of the "What's doing?" Clay asked, as he H. H. DORMAN. - - - blistering outside. And at an upper Cubs in im- Santa Fe ,- New Mexico NOW, THEREFORE, pursuant to and in accordance stepped from the dining room out on the world's series they Master front window, also barred, though but McAleer were with resolutions adopted the Central Com- the hotel piazza. pressed upon that they CHAS. E. LIXNE1. Secrew.-y- . by Republican lightly. Mason stood, trying vainly to some baseball PAUL A. F. WALTER mittee of New Mexico in convention assembled at Lights were winking up and down organization. Santa wrench away the bars. Clay shouted Attorney-at-Ur- the town's hilly street as glow worms Already McAleer has made arrange- Santa Te Chapter No Fe, New Mexico, on Tuesday, September 5, 1911, a Call at him. He nodded, but kept on strug- ments to visit and Santa Fe, New Mexico were winking In the gardens round the Philippines 1, R. A. M. Regular .... is issued for gling. With a superhuman effort he with hereby the holding of the first Republican about A little wind, blowing south- Japan the Stars convocation pulled away half the grating, turned oext fall. as- second DR. C. M. State Convention in the City of Las Vegas, New Mexico, erly, brought the freshness of the He has the personal of eacb month RILEY, and came back again with something surance of Monday 10 o'clock 28th river, and the scent of ploughed each and every member of Hall a Veterinary Physician and Surgeon, at in the forenoon of Thursday, the day all-st- at Masonic bot- helpless, shapeless, limp within his the team that the Ath- Graduate of earth from the cornfields In the played 7:30 p. m. McKlllep's Veterinary September, A. D. 1911, for the purpose of nominating arms. letics that will with of toms beyond. Clay bad fed well, they go along JOHN II. WALKER. College Chicago. offices was All-St- candidates for the variouB congressional and state therefore his mood was Help coming men and ladders. him. The make-u- p of the team Work of All Kinds Solicited. complacent Before the ladders could be H. P. created and authorized by law; and the Republican Cent- Not so Mason, who stood In wait for set, the that will tour the Orient in the fall Dentistry a Specialty men got up them; flame-tinge- d smoke of 1911, ARTHUR SELIGMA.V, ral Committees of the various counties of the new State, him. Discontent lined his face even under the management of Secretary. Office: East side of plaza, comet wrapped the figures at the window. re- more than common. Jimmy McAleer. will be as follows: of Frisco and Shelby Sts. except as otherwise by this committee ordered, are As reached his arms for Mason's Santa Fe Commander) "Nothing's doing. You can bet on Clay Pitchers Ed Walsh of Chicago. Wal- Phone Red 138. to the such notice burden there came a ter No. 1, K. T. quested issue Call for holding, upon that here always, and anyhow," Mason helpless blast Johnson of Washington, Doc Regular conventions as of the almost full in his face. White of conclave fourth Mon and date as they may deem expedient, county answered sourly, "Deadest town this pit, Chicago. PROBERT & COVANY He reeled away from it. a miracle Catchers in each month at for the of delegates to said State Con- side the planets that's the size of by Billy Sullivan of Chicago, day Investments purpose electing " keeping hold, and out the Masonic Hall 7:3d be Ashraore dragging Gabby Street of Washington. at Lai vention, at which the basis of representation shall old wreck of a man. hands re- da, Mines, Bonds & Stocks. "Yet you stick to it!" Clay Inter- Eager Inflelders Harry Lord of Chicago, 1 for each or fraction thereof of 50 or more, lieved him he called to Mason but Herman Money Loaned for Investors delegate 100, rupted. Schoefer of Washington, Kid CHAS. A. WHEELON, B. C. there was no answer! Fire had done Eberfeld W. E. We have for sale general stocks of of the votes cast for the Republican Candidate for delegate Mason laughed a hard laugh. "I of Washington, Cunningham GRIFFIN, itecorder. its taken its toll. and Merchandise, Retail Lumber Yard to at the election of 1908, and 1 delegate at large have to stand what amounts to death work, George McBride of Washing- Congress Grandad never knew. He died be- ton. and other Buines which basis in life, because another man persists Santa Fe ef Opportunities from each county now in existence; upon fore Men even in Outfielder idge Taos county. in living after he is dead," he said sunrise. said, the Ty Cobb of Detroit, Clyde Perfection No. 1, 14th throughout the at said State Convention from the of he had sacrificed Milan of Bank References Furnished representation very low. "Haven't they told you presence death, Washington and Tris Speak- degree. Ancient and Ac- of New Mexico be as follows: his to his avarice. It was er of Taos, New several counties shall about Grandad? Just a breathing grandson Bostoa cepted Scottish Rite of Mexico, his fear for his hoarded which Bernalillo . 25 lump he Is. Ninety-fiv- e It he's a day gold Free Masonry meets on made him insist upon the Chaves 10 he won't let us see the record. Al grating. WEE the third Monday of each month Except for It, both might have been WILLIE KEELER RETIRES DR. M. most blind, deaf as a post, bedfast at 7:30 o'clock in the evening in J. DIAZ, Colfax 17 saved. . now for seven years yet with the Masonic Hall, south side of Plaza. RESIDENCE, CAPITOL PLACF . . . . . 5 "I hate to 111 of the old. Diegruntled Over His Poor Playing, Curry appetite of a coal heaver! keeps him speak Visiting fcotish Rite Masons are cor- Phone, 21 6 Red Dona Ana 13 specially after dead," said , Former New York and Baltimore alive, the doctors say that and his theyre dially invited to attend. WEST on life monev " Landlord Ware. "But I reckon old Star Decides to Quit. OFFICE, SIDE PLAZA Eddy 4 grip and his S. G. CARTW RIGHT, 32. O! I to understand!" Clay George Mason would be right down Phone, 220 Black Grant 10 begin Willie the Venerable Master. glad if he knew he had taken his Keeler, wonderful little OFFICE HOURS. 1 to 3 P. M. 11 interjected. outfielder and most scienced HENRY F. STEPHENS, 32 Guadalupe Mason ran on eagerly: "I shouldn't money and his grandson with him." batsman of them all, is not to ever face Secretary. Lincoln ...... 9 grudge him life to a hundred and Clay remained for the reading of likely will same sense a pitcher again in a league game. Dis- Luna i 3 far beyond it If he had any sort of the that of respon- W. M. SHERIDAN, M. D. gusted because of a bad play he B. P. O. E. 5 consideration for anybody but him- sibility clung to him. When he heard McKinley made in the outfield, the former Or- Santa Fe No. Genito-lrinar- self. Keeps me tied to his chalrarm the document he was glad Lodge y Diseases. Mora 15 iole has the Toronto declar- B. P. O. E. holds virtually. This is the first time I've he had not shaken off his hauntlngs. quit club, 460, e ing that he is with the na- its session oil Otero 7 been out except to go to the post-offic- For with much verbiage, but plain be- througn regular THE WASSERMAN & NOGUCH tional in- in a month. And yond the fortune was game for good and all and the second and fourth TESTS. SALVARSAN "606" Quay ..11 and the bank, peradventure, to I now. Told him left to with tends devote all his time to his Wednesday of eacb Rio Arriba. . .' 16 had to lie to get out young George Mason, the ADMINISTERED. there was a chance of big in- hope, not the condition, that he marry Brooklyn real estate and other inter- month. Visiting broth Roosevelt 7 getting ests. Chemical Ex terest of gilt-edge-d short-tim- e loan--it Flora McLeod, and the provision that era are lnviteu ami and Microscopical 10 . Wee Willie quit the team after a re- of . Sandoval was the first thing I could think should he die, childless and intestate, welcome. aminations blood, sputum, urine cent 2 to 1 defeat at San Juan. , 6 of, after I got your note." his heir should' be his lawful wife. game CARL A. BISHOP. and gastric contents. Directions "I shouldn't have written-n- ot If Falling a wife, the next of kin came Jersey City, when Tonneman's single J. D. SENA, Exalted Ruler. for San Miguel 30 to blossomed collecting specimens given or known. This is my first time in. right into 8 triple and Secretary. Santa Fe. . 17 rd then into a run. Keeler told application. here," Clay muttered confusedly. There were a dozen of "them, at winning .' 5 some of his team mates if he State Nat. Bank VAu N M Sierra Mason stopped him with an eager least, outwardly grief-stricke- yet that Albuquerque couldn't smother that kind was Socorro . . 17 gesture. "Do you grudge water to a with eager expectant eyes. Clay smiled it about time to quit baseball. . 13 man of thirst?" he asked. "An grimly as he rose to face and Taos . dying them, The former Oriole other lie will square me I've only to say: has been one of Torrance 8 the in the say, tne collateral was nsny, ana 'Then send for Mrs. Elsie greatest players business, Union 14 Ensly and if the about him Grandad will pat me on the back. Mason. I witnessed the reports are true, marriage, baseball will loBe one of most val- Valencia 15 Meantime, let's be moving. I want and have the certificate, Intrusted me its Independent Order of Beavers. uable men. In the last two seasons WANTS to show you say! you'll help in a for safe , Santa Fe Dam No. 80, I. O. B. holds keeping. Keeler shown his deed?" 'To has not old great its regular session at 8 p. m. Meeting Total 303 good this day Ashmore has never had form at Unless there's a in Clay the bat, but there was a time first and third Broth It is recommended that in event the same delegates are girl it such another sensation. Not even whenever the Friday. Visiting FOR RENT Furnished rooms, 102 answered chuckling. "A pettiosat al- Wal- champion welterweight ers are always welcome. elected to the and dist- when three years afterward John batter of the as he was Chapelle. not delegates judicial legislative ways scares me stiff." ter was world, fondly GEO. W. PRICHABD. Clay, Esquire, very quietly dubbed, walked to the a buzz rict conventions that the same basis be used in the election "We know lying, Jack," Ma- married to the Mrs. Mason. plate, ... President Six you're young of expectancy came from the onlook- FOR RENT roomed brick cob of such district and that such conventions shall son flung back. it odd did not C. J. NEIS, rani-e- , delegates People thought they ers. They felt confident that some- tage. Bath, light. O. C. WaU were with long strides down In Ashmore a little son & Co. be called and held, after the State Convention, at such They going settle only would to the Secretary.' the main street At the third cor- of the would make the old thing happen change time and as be by the Chairmen up money complexion of the game. If the score place may agreed upon ner Mason turned sharply about, say Mason the finest In town. The WANTED com- place was close he was to tie or else F. W. FARMER Woman cashier who can of the Central Committees of the several counties I mustn't startle Elsie." had to to be apt it, ing. "Walt house burned the ground send in the run that would Homestead No. speak English and Spanish. Call at the districts mentioned, or in idefault him whistle was unrivaled. put the posing respective Next breath Clay heard sure, but the situation team in the lead. 2879. Coronado Restaurant. said a of the in a thick Jnst in- Mr. and Mrs. Clay did not deny that of agreement by Chairmen, by majority softly shrubbery Keeler had the honor of leading the Brotherhood of side a neither wanted to live there-e-ven elect to such district convention. ragged garden. yet American WANTED Work in hotel or pri- delegates, did believe In Yeomen There was no answering sound, but though they not vate family. Good It is further recommended that the Republican County was Meets Secon general, pastry in half a minute, Mason back, ghosts. and fneat cook. Monroe Sauls, 20S for the black-cla- and Fourth Tours Conventions in and for "the several counties, with a slim d shape beside street. ' days, Delgado's Shelby nomination of county officers, be held after the State him. ' TONIC EFFECT OF VICTORY Hall. H. "Get your car I know it is in the Foreman, , Convention. :. Selling Out Full blood R. C. Brown never mind now and meet C. G. Richie, Cor. H. O. BURSTJM, garage Leghorns $10 per dozen; also brood- us a block from here," Mason tald Army Surgesns Say It Acts Almost Sec. Mrs. Dalsf D. Chairman. as an Anesthetic 8ome Re- Farmer. ers and incubators. Hugo Goetz, Otto, JOSE SENA, breathlessly. "You're going to run N. Mex. markable Cases. . Santa Fe Co., Secretary. away with us across the state line and be best man at our wedding. V's Santa Fe Camp Gootf a French WANTED live men for field the only chance for us you're Bonnette, army surgeon 13514, M. W. A. ffe h work Modern Woodmen. Must be well EDDY COUNTY REPUBLICANS if else knew attached to the Thirty-nint- artillery, neets second Tues and discreet anybody recommended. W. E. REPORT CONVENE THIS EVENING. would ruin us." writes in the Presse Medicale of the each month, so Cogdell, Dep. MARKET t it day Head Consul N. M., Santa Fe. 'Tell me how? I go Into nothing extraordinary Indifference to the pain cial meeting tLlrd of manifested the sol- LARD AND RIBS. to Las Will Go Un. blindfold," Clay said almost stubborn- operation by Tuesday at Elks GRAIN, PORK, Delegates Vegas of while the But In Mason's hushed key. diers Napoleon great Hall. Viatlng neigh TYPEWRITERS. instructed win Favor ly, was fw !!!!wwsT,t auw Mason his hand crying conquerer sweeping victoriously bors welcome. Cleaned, adjusted and repaired. New 98 nana uui auin. flung up defeated sol- 95c; Dec, over Europe. While the L. G. platens furnished. Ribbons and sup 3-- "Man don't potter! Every WHITTIER, Consul Corn Sept., 68 Dec, 64 fretfully: dier is full of imaginary "terrors, sub- Carlsbad, K.'M., Sept. 22. The Re minute counts. We must be married, CHAS. A. RISING. Clerk. plies. Typewriters sold, exchanged Oats 45 ;. Dec., 47 1-- to panic, madness and treason, and Standard makes bandied. Sept, publican county convention for Eddy and back in place long before mid- ject rented. Pork Jan. 15.22. the conqueror, on the other hand, is All work and guar- county will convene Friday evening! night and there's a run of twenty repair typewrites 8.45. intoxicated , with success, says the Lard Sept., 8.40; Dec, 22d name miles each way." Santa Fe Camp No. anteed. Santa Fe Typewriter E September and delegates New York Medical Journal. Nothing, Ribs Sept., 8.70; Jan. 8.05. to state convention. "What's the use of running?" Clay 6673, R. N. A. meets change. Phone 231. the Primaries not even the morbific microbe, can re- Wool. have been held and persisted doggedly. fourth Tuesday of ' 22. Wool thirty delegates sist troops who believe themselves to each so- St. Louis, Mo., Sept. selected. The to the state Mason clutched him feverishly. "To month; NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. medi- delegation be invincible. third steady; territory and western convention will go uninstructed. The save the fortune I'm slaving In prison cial meeting ums fine mediums said. "Grandad means to Victory Is the most powerful of at Elks' Department of the Interior, 1720 1719; matter of placing a full county ticket for," he Tuesday M. 11 15. restoratives and the deepest anes- HalL U. S. Land Office at Santa Fe, N. fine in field to- leave it in his will that I am to marry the will also be discussed thetics. members of the Old Visiting (07753) Livestock ;.! he has ehosea for me. Ob- Legless neighbors welcome day and definite plans made for the the girl ambulance to 22. Re- if I Guard crowded into an NETTIE Copies in triplicate Forest Super Kansas City, Cattle . viously, turn out to be already VICKROY, Sept local campaign. would of the rise N. M. 2,500, including 1,000 southerns. married to somebody else, that provi- at sight emperor Oracle. visor, Cowles, ceipts No Poor Man Need Apply. on to salute him. After 1911. Market Native steers $5.25 sion Is void, without hurting the will their stumps FLORENCE RISING, SepL 12, steady. The Democratic political camp is far operated uninterrupted- Notice Santla' 8; southern steers $4 5.50; .south- otherwise." Eylau Larrey Recorder. is hereby given that from quiet these The 36 and he how on ern cows and heifers days. aspirants "I see! Meet you in two minutes," ly tor hours, reports go Ortega, of Pecos, N. M., who, $2.754.50; for office are many, but so far but few the soldiers seemed unconscious of made native cows and heifers Clay said, running away. But as he Sept 5, 1906, homestead entry $2.607; 1-- have "come down with the dust" and own lost In of 1--4 Lota Blockers and feeders bulls turned the next corner he slacked to their troubles, thought PROFESSIONAL CARDS No. 9S85, for SE SW and $3.406; entered me race cost of their leader, and maimed 17 calves western officially. The a slow walk, asking himself If he were the glory 2 3, 4, Section 31, Township N.. $3.254.50;, $58; is rather a stumbling block, as it as they were lending their best aid 12 N. M. has filed steers $4.75 7.25; western cows $2.75 not doing wrong. Range E., Meridian, takes $150 to the name on to fellow-patient- to final five - v get the An hour or so he had no such notice of intention make 4.75. , ticket for later, ATTORNEYS AT LAW the primaries. Then Eddy doubt Elsie's radiant eyes, her smil- At Borondino Larrey disarticulated year proof, to establish claim to the Hogs Receipts 600; market steady county has nine shoulder of a colonel, who imme- to Bulk of newspapers and it mouth, reassured him. She was the land above described, before Register 5c higher. sales $6.556.80 has become the custom to ing set out for France on foot, HOLT & SUTHERLAND and butch- publish worth a lot of risk, Clay decided. ,He diately or Receiver U. S. land office at Santa heavy $6.606.75; packers months' Attorneys-at-La- w This costs $10 each, a total of $90. felt a chivalrous pity for her, and was where he arrived after tbe Fe, N. M., on the 20th day of October, ers $6.556.85; lights $6.556.80. as The county is large, but the voters to go all to help her. walking. After fording the Bereslna, Practice in tie Distrl t Court 191V Sheep Receipts 12,000. Market ready lengths General demand a record of the prospective Mason had told him briefly their love a river In Russia, Zayonchek, veil as before the Supreme Court oi Claimant names as witnesses: steady. Muttons $3.254; lambs 75 had his shat- candidate and this takes time and story It was a rustic Montague and years old, kneecap the territory. Jose Maria Ortega, Placido Armijo, $4.755.90; range wethers and year tered by a bullet; amputation was ewes money. Taken all in all it takes a Capulet affair her people the Enslys, Las Cruces, New Mexico. Fernandez Armijo, and Gregorio lings $3.254.80; range $2.50 performed in three minutes in a vio- : j bank account to tenter the race for had been at odds with the Masons Sandoval, all of Pecos, N. M. 4.00. : '' r. ,v lent snowstorm and It cold office in the Democratic primaries. time out of mind. Then Grandad had bitterly O. WARD MANUEL R. OTERO, 111,, Sept. 22. Cattle Re- white-haire-d C. W. Chicago, ; the officer New candidates are coming forward all a miser's instinctive hatred of weather, yet Register. estimated at 2,50), market sled to . Willie Keeler. Territorial District Attorn y ceipts in spite of expense. Mr. Turner of for them. Their fortunes had was placed In a and taken , beeves, 00 ; Texas died of 86 For San Miguel and Mora Counties steady; $4.803 rtesia will give M. C. Stewart a race fallen until Elsie went out Vllna, where he at the age western sewing similar are National league In batting irf 1897 Las Vegas, New Mexico. TO AND FROM ROSWELL. seters, $4.50.35; steers, for the office of sheriff. J. O. McKeen an irony of Fate she was even then years. Many anecdotes and by Civil war and 1898. His major league record S4.207.10; stackers feeders. is out for fine white lacy of the told by our veterans, Connections made with Automobile county commissioner in making things, with the stick up to 1905 Is remark- E. C. ABBOTT tows and heifers $2.2:3 three-cornere- $31f5.00; the third d very newest shapes and patterns, for line At Vaughn lor Rosretl, dally district, making a NOT WORTH WHILE. able. It follows: w 6 20; calves, $6.0093.75.." fight for this So Flora McLeod, the girl Grandad ap Attorney-at-La- Automobile leaves Vaughn for Ros- place. far Year. Club. . Pet Rank ' estimated at Practice In the District and eu Rot-ve- il Hogs Receipts 15,000; no one Is coming to the front for proved. 1993 New Tort and Brook- well at 8:30 a. at. and arrive at . Courts. Prompt, and careful market slow, steady; light, $6.60 any state office from this on No doubt be would have Insisted .333 22 preme at 3:30 P. m. Automobile leaves county lyn ...... attention to all business. 7.20; mixed, $6.507.20; heavy, $6.40 the Democratic ticket upon the marriage, except for his de 1894 Baltimore 367 18 given Roswell for Vaughn at 6 p. m. The 1-- to be- ...v Santa Fe. Mew Mexice 97.12 rough, $6.4096.65; good to Repairs on Spillway. termination keep his grandson 1895 Baltimore 394 8 'are between 8ana F and Torrance choice 1-- side him. Flora came once heavy, 6.6597.12 pigs, The repair work on the spillway at dutifully 1896 Baltimore .392 4 Is $5.80 and between Torrance and Of a week to call on him though he Q. W. PRICHARD $4.2596.50; bulk sales, $6.7097.05. McMillan reservoir of the Carlsbad 1897 Baltimore ...... 432 1 Roswell $10. Reserve teats on auto - could see nor hear he Sheep Receipts at 15,000; market project is under way. The embank- neither her, 1898 Baltimore 379 1 Attorney and Counsellor at Law W Stockard. feel of her and mobile V wire. J. steady; native, $2.5094.25; western, Intents will be made which knew the hand, ate 1899 Brooklyn 376 6 Practice in all the Dtitrtct Couw higher, with enormous relish the $2.7594.30; yearlings, $3.0594.70; will materialyl increase the good things 1900 Brooklyn .366 S and gives special a.ttiitvn to case storage she fetched him. If you want anything on earth try lambs, native, $4.0096.00; western; 1901 Brooklyn 355 8 before the Territorial Supreme Court capacity. h me that's New Mexican Want Ad. Tacky, boy what you 1902 Brooklyn ...... 342 8 Office: Blk, Santo Fe, N. H $4.5096.25. Cattle Shipments. mumbled as he Laughlin Cattle have sev are'' be toothlessly 1903 New York Americans .818 9 shipments begun, gulped the dainties. "Beauty fades eral trains having been loaded from 1904 New York Americans .318 J HARRY D. MOULTON Big Event at Roswell. but cooking stays by a woman to the the yards here the last few days; Sev 1905 New York Americans .801 ( end." Grand .302. WOOD'YS HACK LINK eral trains have also been shipped average at bat, in for w The $350 money prises offered from below Carlsbad. Clay came home at almost reck- Wasted Time. AttorneyR-La- and goat roping at the Roswell ' riding The "Pea Vine less speed, deposited bride and groom Hercules had been driven in a taxi-ca- b From on October 6. Highway." Products Exposition 5, The Roswell to in their several places, and tried to to the Augean stables and told to out of tb- - best' Malaga road. The TAOS ,7. is bringing many sleep afterward. But the effort was get busy. BARRANCA TO of that section of Santa Fe. N. M. riders and roper, vain. He bad a sense of something "What's the user be bitterly mut- Meets Both North Swsth JP1 Impending, a feeling that be had In- tered. "Just as soon as I 'em of show arable and the get Formerly Special Agent, G. L. O. sell at the head the assures citliens curred a risk, and needlessly. cleaned np they'll be turned into ' Bound Trains. will a generally are helping to get Land Claims and Contests a Specialty all the boys that there be the road started. To rid himself of It he got up about garage." ' on the arrival of deal. Besides a hundred dol- three and went out- Leaves Barranca square o'clock, dressed, Nevertheless, he fell to work. north bouno train and arrlvet at lars in cash the winner of each event side, resolved to walk until daylight Chss. F. EaeUy. Chae. R. Eaeley the Wants $104)00 Dora--Do- es m. Damages. he his word? - Taoa at 7 p. will get the championship belt of the He bad got about tea blocks away, keep An to EA&LEY A CA8LEY. v Mrs. Julia Park, at Denver, has CUsie No; it's not worth Eye the Future. ihan otHor southwest which Is some honor In It- when a quick light-flas- h made him keeping. Wife did' Attorneys at Law. Ten miles shorter any filed suit for $10,000 damages Why yon refuse to give Mwka and self. ' against turn about There was not a cloud man 1 Practice in the courts ana befort Good covers goes W. H. " that the rooms wty. Crammer, because he sttacked velvet-purpl-e : round the start burned white la a A Good Rlddanoe, Husband He looked tem- Land Department v team. Fare 1940 trip. Team) hVr threw her to the floor. to in fa) violently, But south- Be rocked the boat was Land- - and titles furnished commerolat men to take ' i ll yea mI anything ea earth TOT kicked kef and sky. against Itto J pered I afraid I should never sum- grants examine. dragged her out by ward, be saw s of And quickly drown; w vtmaen the tWM Wlr fmbndt - mounting spiral ;; mon np courage to raise his rent later Santa N. oniot surrounding Now MftlMa want an. ten ' - Oar grief, you'll nots, neei. with red ;un- ' - uokV3nce& enOncflily la et profound. - - en. Jliegende Sutter. 4a.HU. WH , .a i'

1 s rf i ' - rl " I A A. h. Morrison of thig city. The artl-- modern garage for automobiles at cle is nmnirT r THE UIU DP. 5 headed with the Santa F date the corner of Water and Selfgman .iiiiiuinmn . I N- - mone 92 BH line, giving thia city Incidentally some street. The garage is designed by a Andrews "Gash" n free advising. .... Trinidad architect and will have ev- - I draln-th- e mil IIIIU U IIIHIIIIL, Flrst Day of Autumn Toaay was ery moaern equipment, thorough aB- - Tarioua X Santa Fe. N. M., Sept. 22. X first day of autumn, on which day departments and will - GROCERY - - The weat.hpr for ' Mevlcn end night are of eaual leneth 11- Tag nave ruuui lur it large uumoer ot au- BAKERY AND MARKET - - ; "QUANTITY AND X and is - X an ideal day as was when lomoDIles- Jonn wamer ana pong- QUALITY" tonight Saturday gener- yesterday nav ally fair. Warmer in northwest the maximum temperature was seven- - i1a8' Walker made arrangements o to take over the garage. Did you ever stop to think what a world is ? A and southeast portions tonight X degrees and th minimum forty-- funny .this SS Not of " merchant will make a howl because some" one else comes to town Saturday generally fair. three degrees. There was a trace of Guilty Perjury The Jury j " rain. Warmer and fairer brought in a verdict of "not guilty" in UNCLE SAM and sells his line of goods ; at the same time will noth- XXXSSXXXSSXXSXXS weather are they think for tomorrow. the case of the territory vs. Aladio ing of going to a market and asking for Kansas Meat (from predicted tonight, and I City Salt Bricks for your horse and cow . at Elks'! Aguilar of Torraffce county. Involving all the BEEF, iVEAL sell.' home-grow- Tonight's Program the Inspects AND PORK we Fort Worth, Texas). Now, isn't our n meats as - why at GOEBELS. The Indian Maid's j testimony in the Luna vs. Luna div- good as those from Texas ? We Sacrifice; The Sky suppose the state line makes the See Our Navy in full action at the Pilot; Scenes From Our Navy. The orce case. This perjury trial lasted d ifference. we to-m- or Anyway, are going to give you some prices Elks' tonight. All ones. nearly three days and was heard be- We the Best K. C. row will look Reporter. subjects good j Buy Meats. that good to you, and guarantee the quality to be as Tomorrow will be busy day at Sal- They Plead Guilty Juan Chaves fore Judge John R. McFIe. The civil as Texas. good anything from mon's Big" Store. Come early. and Juan Montoya plead guilty yester-da- case of Jose N. Gonzales et al vs. An- Big Registration on Southside Up before Judge John R. McPie to the tonio C de Baca involving land mat- f noon 438 - Phone No. F. Phone No. to today, persons had regis- charge of burglary. They broke into ters was begun today. Andrews in - i i. tered Precinct No. 4. the house of Pascual and Juan Vil lan- The Indian Maid's Sacrifice, a beau- F Bring your best dresses to Mrs. j ueva, 10 miles from Galisteo, and made tiful picture taken in southern Cali- Verne at Salmon's Store. the look es a fornia: It's at the Elks'. - place though cyclone ib Roasts, 15c lb Milk and Cream always on hand had struck it. Their arrest was the With Por'r House 1 Charged Assault Warrants at Capital City Dairy. Phone Black, work of Mounted Policeman in - prompt were issued today for Miguel Gorman, 5 188. ,- r, Boiling Beef, and 7c Ib All Sirloin Gomez. John Johnson and Severeo Valencia, Live Good. It costs no more or- '1M than e Only Hart, Scaffner & Marx charged with assaulting William Men-t- Pot 10c & 12c Round dinary if you deal with Hayward. See twenty Turquoise, Laveliers, Roasts, lb Steaks j suits left. Come and one some time last while he wa III his advertisement. r-- v get yourself night j before go. Nathan Salmon. near the plaza. The young O . .t T j - they standing 121-2- c wcavcie hu men mgnaa ml. Rump, lb immuurgciy iu luae- New Mayor Arthur Selig- - men will be given a hearing before Order of will meet Garage pendent Beavers j man, wHI Dre;k groun tomorrow ona Police Justice Manuel Salazar. Amethysts, Opals, muuua tu llduaaui HJJWiai UUBlireSB. 370 vot--l ' Registration Up to today ers had registered in precinct No. 17. The books will be U registration open j T T tomorrow. ROSES, Pink and White...... l-- 2c fine assortment of Legs, . 15c Shoulder Chops, . 12 Exceptionally SWEET PEAS. - ASTERS, Stew, . . .3 for lbs 25c Loin Chops, . 15c large size Pima work baskets and Jic- EXQUISITE DESIGNS ... arilla Apache waste baskets at Santa CACTUS DAHLIAS, Lomg-Stemme- Fe Trail Curio Company. Pink, White, Primrose, Orange and Scarlet. IN It is Up to You if you do not see the window. is what At the ...... Phone 12 We recommend Waltham Watches It just you arei CLARENDON GARDENS e GOLD AND we believe them to be SILVER looking for. Adolf Seligman Dry' Lost. the Our stock offers a wide as- Goods Company. . One-half- , 0 sortment of FILIGREE Hindqutrs, 60c . $1.00 Forequtrs, . 50c If it is pennants you want, do not fail to look at the advertisement of WalthamWatches Frank Gormley. For decorative pur- poses they cannot be beat. ! Fined for Playing Poker T. R. Mil- inUEohcd " You is false Kids J. D. economy Oh, ler, Hagart, T. N. Oldham and e'e' For about the last as it is late in season for "It's Time You Owned a Waltham.'' time, getting the them. F. W. Gilbert were each fined $50 ITto tolerate an un- We ' will show czqui-cud- One-Hal- f and costs in court at Roswell yon the y S. 40c 90c . police bathroom turn model Forequtrs, Hindqutrs, 50c - ' sanitary Walihams of SPITZ, for playing poker. , ine CcJoma! Series and will when fix- name the Waltham movement These Cool Evenings remind us "of dependable plumbing test suited to your Tequirft. dents. The Jeweler what is coming and why shiver now tures and guaranteed workman- when you might just as well buy that ship may be obtained for a com- A L sweater now. See the assortment in moderate cost. We stock at paratively Something fine, dressed here. Seligman Brothers. No Special Pullman Too few per supply "iStwiftfd fixtures and sons registered for the special Pull- guarantee our workmanship. man from Santa Fe to the Las POULTRY Vegas 'J Ask us for an estimate. .' z Hens, 20c per lb Spring Chix, . . 25c lb convention and the plan' of having a DAVID ...... per Pullman for the Santa Fe delegation E LOWITZKI, has been abandoned. FOR SALES BY H 3 VEGETABLES The Reporter, a comedy that ' con- Dealer in New and Second-Han- d O tains many a laugh. Santa Fe Hardware Supply Co. c Tomatoes, ... lbs 25c. Canleloupes, ... 5c each Clovis Has Three Papers Now The Curry County Democrat is a new Sweet Yellow 3 Furniture, Queensware, Tinware, ra Potatoes, Jerseys, lbs weekly paper at Clovis, started by) ' Harry Armstrong, giving the county seat a third two of them -- AND THOSE SPUDS, newspaper, J Carpets, Hardware, Stoves, Ranges, &c. u Democratic. --I 10 lbs. for 25c. being 01 o Do not wait until the last moment Q to select stones for mounting for holi- SWEET PEAS, ) to-d- ay Second-Han- Did you get in on that deal? If not, it Higb.est.Cash Price Paid for d Goods-- ' 7S BUTTER try day presents. Select them now end Q m 2 lbs. for 55 cents. give the jeweler plenty of time to do DAHLIAS, z 2 it right. See the advertisement of the New and Second-Han- d Goods Sold on Easy Payments. Santa Fe Trail Curio Company. - PANSIES. Fine Article by Judge Morrison JAMES C. McCONVERV, The latest issue of the Freeman's PHONE, 59 BLACK. SANTA FE, N. M. PHONE 92 Tphbke 02 '5 92 Journal gives its entire first page to Hardy Plants and Flowers. a beautifully illustrated and well writ- Black 204. -:- - 415 Palace Avenue. 1 1 ten article on "Marquette" by Judge Phone,

I '. ; ; fEE Eli STORE I .iff fr s - o f & ft7 tii Jr- -



