Geopolitical Conditions in Governorate

Prepared by the Monitoring Settlements Unit at the Applied Research Institute- (ARIJ) 2 Geopolitical Conditions In Water Forests Open space • Agricultural areas Palestinian resourcesisolatedbytheSegregationPlan Status ofthe Western SegregationZone (4.4%)willbecomeinaccessibletoPalestinians. the of km² 252 additional an result, a prohibited. As is construction new where Zone Segregation the of side Palestinian the on meters 150-200 averaging zone buffer a creating orders military issued Forces Occupation of the Israeli settler’s population in the West Bank and 55 Palestinian localities. In September 2004, the Israeli land Palestinian of km² 576 total 83% the Westaccommodating settlements of isolate Israeli 10% (approximately 98 encloses also It area). Bank will zone this complete, When Line). Armistice 1949 (the Line Green the on runs length) total the of (20.2% km 138 Only Westthe Bank. in km 683 for run Wallthe will where 20 February On with militarywatchtowerslined-up250metersapart. supplied wall concrete high Segregation Wallmeters the 6-8 Line, of Green consists the with perimeter close meters high electrified metal fence supplied with security cameras. In areas with sizeable population and/or in- double wide meters 40-100 layered fence that a comprises barbed of wires, trenches, military consists roads and Zone footprint detection Segregation tracks as well the as 4-5 through, cuts Wallthe where areas most In representing 29.4%ofthe West Bankandincludes43Israelisettlements42Palestinianlocalities. of access points along the Valley and the shores of the Dead Sea. This zone has a total area of 1664 Km In addition, Israel has the between contiguity territorial the undermining Palestinian villagesandcities,graspingthenaturalresourcescapturingmostofIsraelisettlements. enclaves, in communities Palestinian isolating lands, agricultural fertile most the grabbing south to north the Westfrom of runs part and western Bank the through the and Israel between segregation unilateral the in West of lands Palestinian the on Zone Segregation cuts a creating Bank.Zone by The territory Palestinian policy its launched government Israeli the 2002, June In The IsraeliSegregation PlanintheOccupiedPalestinian Territory Total length Under Construction Planned sections Existing sections Status of Western Segregation Zone(Km) The Western Segregation Zoneliesoverthe northwesternandwesternaquifers withacombined safe • TheEasternSegregationZone liesovertheeastern(Jordan Valley) water aquiferwithasafeyieldof • • • Up to189,001dunumsofagriculturalareasareisolated inthe Western SegregationZoneinaddition yield of507MCM /year. 172 MCM/year and areawithshrubsofthe West Bank. Zone and110,274 dunumsintheEasternSegregationZone,whichform37% ofthetotalforestedarea Up to128,404dunumsofforestedareasandwith shrubsareincludedinthe West Bank. 610,723 dunumsintheEasternSegregationZone,which form46%ofthetotalopenspaceareas Up to146,824dunumsofopenspacearesegregated in the Western SegregationZoneinadditionto the West Bank. to 863,879dunumsintheEasternSegregationZone, which form37%ofthetotalagriculturalareas th , 2005, the Israeli government published a revised route of the Western Segregation plan, Segregation Westernthe of route revised a published government Israeli the 2005, ,

de facto

created an Eastern Segregation Zone without walls or fences but through control 683 323 244 116 Percentagefromthetotal Wall length 17% 47% 36% Western Segregation 2 , • The combined number of water wells utilized by the Palestinian population in the Segregation Zones is 136 with a combined average annual pumping rate of approximately 44.1 MCM • The combined number of water springs in the Segregation Zones is 46 with a combined average annual discharge of approximately 23 MCM. • Up to 221 dunums of inland water areas are isolated in the Western Segregation Zone and 685 dunums in the Eastern Segregation Zone, which constitute 99% of the total inland water area of the West Bank.

3 At theApplied Research Institute-Jerusalem (ARIJ)

Prepared by the Monitoring Settlements Unit 4 Geopolitical Conditions In Bethlehem Governorate an additional30kilometersofbypassroadsareplanned withintheGovernorate. see table 2. The existing Israeli bypass roads stretch over 76 Km in length in and around the Governorate, while (ARIJ database, 2005) see table 1. Additionally, 18 Israeli outposts have been also erected since 1996 till 2005, km²), (18.094 dunums 18,094 of area an occupy that Governorate, Bethlehem in 77,376 of population settler Throughout the past 38 years of occupation Israel has constructed 19 illegal Israeli settlements with an estimated Occupation practicesinBethlehemGovernorate full under (areas C area as Israeli Control),while102km²wereclassifiedasNatureReserves. classified were Km² 423.98 security), for control Israel overriding but have administration to civil continued Palestinian under (areas B area as classified were Km² 33.84 control), PNA were classified as area A (areas under complete the Governorate and Bethlehem of Km² 47.63 (PNA) between Israel, Authority 1995 National September Palestinian in signed Agreement Interim II Oslo the to According was constructed. to access their land until the Segregation Zone continued areas” “annexed the of owners the 1967, since However, Jerusalem. of boundary unilaterally annexed by Israel to the municipal Km 18.1 when 1967 since occupation Israeli the by targeted been has It 2005). (PCBS, inhabitants Palestinian Km 608 of area an has Governorate Bethlehem ties. social and and went beyond to include cultural, economic history the throughout cities two the between Holy Land and resulted in an organic twinning the to pilgrimage for points focal the become have Bethlehem with its together and sites religious Jerusalem World. the over all from pilgrims attract that sites of religious number important a as well as Sahour Beit in field Shepherds Church the city, Bethlehem in the nativity of hosts Jerusalem. Governorate of south Bethlehem Bank West the of part southern the in lies Governorate Bethlehem Bethlehem Governorate 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Elazar El David(KfarEldad)&Izdebar Efrat Betar Illit 'Ayn Fashkhah Avenat Allon Shevut 2 n i hm t 174,654 to home is and 2 rm t lns were lands its from Table 1:IsraeliSettlementsinBethlehemGovernorate Establishment Date of 1975 1999 1979 1985 1969 1971 NA Area-2004 (dunum) 2180 4686 1003 536 217 97 93 Population 2005 26300 7300 3300 1100 650 NA 40 Date of Area-2004 Israeli Settlement Population 2005 Establishment (dunum) 8 Gavaot 1984 135 120 9 1971 2738 30200 10 Givat Hamatos 1991 288 NA 11 Hadar Betar 1978 58 30 12 1972 414 371 13 Har Homa 1997 2205 4000 14 Mizpe Shalem 1971 423 192 15 Mshoki Dargot 1991 77 201 16 Neve Daniyyel 1982 584 1400 17 1982 397 674 18 Rosh Zurim 1969 893 298 19 Tekoa (including Tekoa C,D) 1977 1071 1200 Total 18094 77376 Source: ARIJ Database

Table 2: Israeli Outposts in Bethlehem Governorate Closest Mother No. of Outpost name Status Settlement structures 1 Allon Shevut 30 East Allon Shevut Outpost 2 Elazar 22 Derech Ha'avot Outpost 3 Efrat 15 Giva't Hatamar Inside settlement Master plan 4 El David () 18 Ma'ale Rehavam Outpost 5 Tekeo 10 Tekoa B & C Inside settlement Master plan 6 Efrat 19 Giva't Hadagan Inside settlement Master plan 7 Kfar Aldad 12 Kfar Aldad Farm Inside settlement Master plan 5 8 Neve Daniyal NA Neve Daniyal North Inside settlement Master plan 9 Taqu 2 Taqu' D Inside settlement Master plan 10 Neve Danyiel 12 North Neve Danyiel Outpost 11 Tekoa 1 South east Tekoa Outpost 12 Efrat 17 West Efrat Inside settlement Master plan 13 Neve Danyel 3 North Neve Danyel Outpost 14 Nokdim 20 South Nokdim Outpost 15 South East Nokdim Nokdim NA Outpost (construction) 16 Mshoki Dargot 7 South Mshoki Dargot Outpost 17 Unknown 4 Near the Dead Sea Outpost 18 Unknown NA East Arab Al Rashaydah Outpost Source: ARIJ Database

During the years of the second (Al-Aqsa) Intifada, the Israeli authorities stepped up their occupation activities in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, destroying Palestinian agriculture, confiscating lands, demolishing Palestinian houses, expanding settlements, erecting outposts, expanding bypass roads, imposing severe restrictions on ’ freedom of movement and the construction of the Segregation Zone. Table 3 indicates some of the Israeli violations in Bethlehem Governorate. At theApplied Research Institute-Jerusalem (ARIJ)

Prepared by the Monitoring Settlements Unit 6 Geopolitical Conditions In Bethlehem Governorate Total Year 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 Land confiscated TableT 3:IsraeliviolationsinBethlehemGovernorateduringtheyears2002-2005 able 3:IsraeliviolationsinBethlehemGovernorateduringtheyears2002-2005 (Dunum) 36344 15477 2130 9520 1737 7280 200 Land threatened (Dunum) 70562 42275 16078 6901 4429 199 680 Source: ARIJ database lc n h suh sltn 7,0 dnm o lands of dunums 73,000 behind itspath. isolating south the in bloc settlements Etzion Gush reach to Wadand Fukin , Nahhalin, Walaja, Al of villages rural western the towards heading and settlement Gilo Jala, encompassing Beit of side western the towards stretching city, Bethlehem of entrance northern Sahour the Governorate Beit to extending from city, starting Bethlehem kilometers 52 in for extends Wall Segregation The Bethlehem andtheSegregation Plan Uprooted 51087 27753 17860 trees 2164 1340 1230 740 Houses demolished 249 150 12 52 29 4 2 Status of the Segregation Zone in Bethlehem Governorate (Km) Existing sections Fence 11.3 14.3 Concrete Wall 3 Planned sections 35.5 Under Construction 2.2 Total length 52

Facts about the Wall in Bethlehem Governorate

• 50.5 Km (97%) of the total 52 km lies east of the Green Line inside the West Bank. • 1.5 Km lies on the Green Line. • The Segregation Wall penetrates to a depth of 0 to 10.72 Km inside Bethlehem Governorate.

In Bethlehem Governorate 73,000 dunums (73 km²) of lands will be segregated behind the Wall. Also, the Segregation Wall confines the western rural villages of Battir, Husan, Nahhalin, Wad Fuqin and Al Walaja in a large canton, thus incarcerates more than 18,651 Palestinian residents, whereby any movement from or to these villages will be controlled completely by the Israeli occupation forces. These residents will be segregated from their lands, livelihood, and vital social services that are only found in the city centers east of the Wall such as hospitals, schools and universities. Of the isolated lands in Bethlehem Governorate 20,575 dunums are agricultural lands in addition to 2900 dunums of forests, as most of the agricultural lands in the cities of and Al Khader and the only recreational forest will be segregated. Entrance to the isolated agricultural lands will only be to farmers who are able to prove landownership through a credited Israeli organization (most likely to be the civil administration) and only the owners whose names listed in the ownership deeds (usually the eldest of the families) will receive permits. Furthermore, the Israeli civil administration will only issue permits on seasonal basis. Hence the owners will find a hard time to manage the cultivated lands on their own especially that the permits do not include additional labor or equipments.

7 At theApplied Research Institute-Jerusalem (ARIJ)

Prepared by the Monitoring Settlements Unit 8 Geopolitical Conditions In Bethlehem Governorate • • • • • • Impact onthePalestinianenvironment • • • • Social Impact • • • • Economic Impact • • • • • Political Impact environmental aspectsofthePalestinianlife.Followingisasummarythosemajorimpacts. as well as social economical, political, the on impacts negative has Zone Segregation the of construction The Major ImpactsoftheSegregation PlaninBethlehem Increased urbanizationpressureandpopulationdensity the Wall of sides either on living citizens Palestinian between relations social cutting-off is Zone Segregation The areas isextremelydifficult Harsh measures are imposed on Palestinian mobility and movement, transportation from or to the segregated social servicesarelocated Thousands of Palestinian citizens will be cut-off from the main urban centers where health, educational and Rise inlandpricesandreductionofinvestmentopportunities Unemployment aswellpovertylevelsincrease Israel maintainscontroloverPalestiniantradeandtourism farmers asaresultoflandconfiscationandtheconstraintsimposedonmobilitymarketing Palestinian the to and sector agricultural Palestinian the to damages severe causes Plan Segregation The The Planwillsevertheorganic tiebetweenJerusalemandBethlehem who willloosetheirlivelihoods The segregation plan is creating new demographic facts that will lead to forced migration among Palestinians segregated enclavesorghettos and disconnected geographically in villages and towns Palestinian many placing is Zone Segregation The Eastern and Western SegregationZones the in control Israeli under Land Bethlehem the of 45% than more keep to intends Plan Segregation The 2005) in conference border. This is not a the reason it in was built, but declared it could have Livni, political implications" (Aljazeera Tzipi Net, December Minister future the for implications have will fence the Justice that see to genius a be to have not does "One that: Caesarea Israeli the as Israel of State the for borders political the delineating unilaterally is Zone Segregation the constructing through government Israeli The ay rhooia ad itrcl ie rltd o h Plsiin utrl eiae il e segregated be will heritage cultural Palestinian the to related sites historical and archeological Many The SegregationPlanisalteringthePalestiniannatural landscape natural their from animals of kinds differentcutting-off of result a as movement wildlife in Adistortion Loss ofgrazingareaandincreaseindesertification extremely be will areas recreation and spaces open pastures, forests, decrease, will resources Natural There willbenoplacesforlandfillsorwastewatertreatmentsites habitat limited tra t mr lse o te aua rsucs and resources natural biodiversity the of losses more to threat as well a as areas rural and urban the of sustainability • behind thewall. os f pn pc wih oe a het o the to threat a poses which space open of Loss Terminals in Bethlehem Governorate

In September 2005, the Israeli government announced the construction of 10 main terminals (passages) in the West Bank in addition to 23 crossing points along the path of the Segregation Wall (Haaretz, September 9, 2005). The ten terminals include Mazmuria and Terminal 300 in Bethlehem; Tarqumia in ; Al Jalameh in ; Sha’ar Ephraim in Tulkarem; Betunia in ; Hasam Tzahub in the upper Jordan valley; and Shu’fat, Az ‘Ayyem and Qalandyia in Jerusalem. The ten terminals are to control the movement of more than 2 million Palestinians once they’re fully constructed. Five of these terminals will be trade terminals.


In addition to the two major terminals in Bethlehem Governorate (terminal 300 and Mazmuria) another two passages are planned to be constructed, one at Al Khader and the other at Jab’a, following is a description of these terminals and passages.

• Terminal 300 (Gilo) at Bethlehem northern entrance was inaugurated on November 15, 2005. People entering to/exiting from Bethlehem/Jerusalem cities go through very strict check and security measures taken by the Israeli forces in the terminal. This terminal allows the movement to Palestinian passengers holding special permits issued by the Israeli civil administration which allows them to enter Jerusalem; tourists; and diplomatic and religious missions.

• Mazmuria trade terminal at Bethlehem eastern entrance will link the southern West Bank Governorates with the northern ones.

• Al Jab'a trade passage will replace the existing Al Jab'a checkpoint located west of the village and close to the Green Line.

• Al Khader crossing passage will link Bethlehem western rural villages (Battir, Husan, , and Al Walaja) that will be segregated west of the Wall with Al Khader village and the rest of Bethlehem Governorate located east of the Segregation Wall. At theApplied Research Institute-Jerusalem (ARIJ)

Prepared by the Monitoring Settlements Unit 10 Geopolitical Conditions In Bethlehem Governorate the Israeliauthoritieshinderednon-Jewishpilgrimsfromvisitingplace. Intifada second the of outbreak the since But importance. touristic and religious historic, its to due religions Rachel’s tomb is located in the northern entrance of Bethlehem city and was visited by pilgrims from the three Rachel’s tombinBethlehem The Segregation Wall under construction in northern Bethlehem confiscates 26.5 dunums of lands and ensures to connect and annex the tomb, the adjacent military base and the surrounding empty lands to Jerusalem municipal boundary and keep them north of the Wall. Kever Rahel Fund founder and director Miriam Adani indicated in February 2005, (JPost, February 11, 2005) that the Segregation Plan in northern Bethlehem is the “first step towards the establishment of a Jewish community around the Rahel’s Tomb compound.” Furthermore, the Wall at Bethlehem’s northern entrance will cut the historic and religious route between Jerusalem and Bethlehem used for decades by pilgrims and locals. Today this route is marked by a closed 9m high iron Wall gate, and movement is directed towards Gilo terminal. More than 40 stores and tourist amenities located in Bethlehem’s northern area (once a reviving commercial area) are severely affected by the Wall and the majority of which went out of business or relocated.

The Israeli new plans for Bethlehem Governorate

Two Settlements near Har Homa The Masterplan set by the Israeli Jerusalem municipality (Master plan Jerusalem 2000) indicates the presence of two new settlements in the vicinity of Har Homa in Bethlehem Governorate, one to its southeast and another to its northwest. These new settlements will have an approximate area of 1080 dunums. The Masterplan also indicates that the residential area of Har Homa is planned to reach 1410 dumoms that is an increase by 350% than its size today which is 400 dunums. Har Homa and the new settlements are planned to comprise of 2500 dunums of land.

Giv’at Yael settlement

In June 2004, the Israeli authorities announced the construction of a new Israeli settlement in Al Walaja village northwest of Bethlehem. The plan envisions the building of “Givat Yael” settlement on 2,000 dunums of Palestinian lands. Whereby, more than 13,200 housing units will be constructed which will be able to absorb 55,000 illegal Israeli settlers. This settlement will physically complete the ring of settlements that separate Jerusalem and encircle Bethlehem starting at Har Homa extending to Gilo and Har Gilo, linking with the planned Giv’at Yael and continuing to “” bloc in the southwest.

11 At theApplied Research Institute-Jerusalem (ARIJ)

Prepared by the Monitoring Settlements Unit 12 Geopolitical Conditions In Bethlehem Governorate This fact sheet is prepared as part of the project entitled Monitoring Israeli Settlements Activities in the Palestinian Territory, which is financially is Territory,which supported bytheEUandSDC.However,Palestinian thecontentsofreportare soleresponsibilityof ARIJ andinnowayreflectthoseofthedonors. the in Activities Settlements Israeli Monitoring entitled project the of part as prepared is sheet fact This just andlastingpeaceintheMiddleEast’. occupied since 1967 have no legal validity and constitute a serious obstruction to achieving a comprehensive, ‘[d]etermines territories other Arab and which Palestinian the in settlements (1979) establishing in Israel of 446 practices and policy the Resolution that Council Security Jerusalem,’ including 1967, since occupied territories Arab the in settlements of planning and construction establishment, the basis, urgent an on cease, the of apathy to Israel of people and Government ‘the upon calls which (1979) 452 Resolution time Council Security including: long Israel’s for calls Territory; Palestinian international Occupied community’s will to end and thus the Israel be made to conform with the United Nation’s in resolutions acts its for accountable Israel hold to necessity the stresses Nations; United the of resolutions and legitimacy,laws with international the complies Israel that imperativeness the emphasizes (ARIJ) Institute-Jerusalem Research Applied The persons/ km²inthecomingfiveyears. 8002 nearly to increase to projected are densities population the spaces open the of isolation the and Zones Al Dihushe, Aida and Al Aza) reached to nearly 6920 person/km² in 2005, with the creation of the Segregation densities in the urban area (Bethlehem, Beit Jala, Beit Sahur, Al Douha, Al khader and the three refugee camps population The development. sustainable jeopardize will and expand to community the for possibility future Bethlehem in area urban the Governorate will be completely surrounded by a continues, complex of Walls,this settlements If and roads that Bethlehem. will prevent any in lands Zone Palestinian Segregation of tracts the large build confiscating to plans unilateral its with proceeding is Israel rejection, international Despite Conclusion outcome ofthepermanentstatusnegotiations” the pending Strip Gaza Westthe the of and status Bank the change will that step any take or initiate “ that: states which Interim Agreement Oslo to breach a between and Palestinians signed and Israelis agreements the peace all of violation a is Zone Segregation the of construction the Moreover, other statesmustrefrainfromsupportingIsraelinbuildingthe violating this right and other international legal principles and therefore Israel must cease construction and all for justification as used be not necessity’can of ‘state unity.‘Self-defense’or and integrity territorial the of Wall’sdisruption the by exercising from prevented are they which people, Palestinian the of determination self- to right the upholds decision ICJ The places. holy to access the and living education, of standard to adequate an to right right the treatment, medical to right the work, to right the movement, of freedom to right the Self-Determination, to right the including rights human of violation the in Wallresults Segregation The Council Security Nations United and treaties rights resolutions. human various Geneva Regulations, Fourth the Hague including law, the international Convention, on decision its based Court The illegal. is constructing is In July 2003, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) passed an advisory opinion declaring that the Wall Israel The InternationalLegalStatusoftheSegregation Wall For ( Article XXXI,clause7). Wall. Neither side shall side Neither

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