CoroBase: Coroutine-Oriented Main-Memory Database Engine

Yongjun He Jiacheng Lu Tianzheng Wang Simon Fraser University Simon Fraser University Simon Fraser University [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] ABSTRACT transaction: transaction: transaction: v1 = get(k1) v1, v2 = v1 = get(k1) Data stalls are a major overhead in main-memory database engines v2 = get(k2) multi_get(k1, k2) v2 = get(k2) due to the use of pointer-rich data structures. Lightweight corou- if v1 == 0: if v1 == 0: if v1 == 0: tines ease the implementation of software prefetching to hide data put(k3, 10) put(k3, 10) put(k3, 10) stalls by overlapping computation and asynchronous data prefetch- T1 T1 T1 T2 . . . T1 T1 T1 T2 T2 T1 T1 T1 . . . ing. Prior solutions, however, mainly focused on (1) individual . . . Time T1 T1 T2 T2 T2 T2 components and operations and (2) intra-transaction batching that (a) Sequential (b) Multi-get () CoroBase requires interface changes, breaking backward compatibility. It was not clear how they apply to a full database engine and how much Figure 1: Data access interfaces and execution under (a) se- end-to-end beneft they bring under various workloads. quential execution (no interleaving), (b) prior approaches This paper presents CoroBase, a main-memory database engine that require multi-key interfaces, (c) CoroBase which hides that tackles these challenges with a new coroutine-to-transaction par- data stalls and maintains backward compatibility. adigm. Coroutine-to-transaction models transactions as coroutines and thus enables inter-transaction batching, avoiding application changes but retaining the benefts of prefetching. We show that bring data from memory to CPU caches. This gave rise to software × on a 48-core server, CoroBase can perform close to 2 better for prefetching techniques [5, 21, 26, 34, 39, 44, 45] that hide memory read-intensive workloads and remain competitive for workloads access latency by overlapping data fetching and computation, allevi- that inherently do not beneft from software prefetching. ating pointer chasing overhead. Most of these techniques, however, require hand-crafting asynchronous/pipelined algorithms or state PVLDB Reference Format: machines to be able to suspend/resume execution as needed. This is Yongjun He, Jiacheng Lu, and Tianzheng Wang. CoroBase: Coroutine-Oriented Main-Memory Database Engine. PVLDB, 14(3): a difcult and error-prone process; the resulted code often deviates 431-444, 2021. a lot from the original code, making it hard to maintain [21]. doi:10.14778/3430915.3430932 1.1 Software Prefetching via Coroutines PVLDB Artifact Availability: With the recent standardization in C++20 [19], coroutines greatly The source code, data, and/or other artifacts have been made available at ease the implementation of software prefetching. Coroutines [38] htps:// are functions that can suspend voluntarily and be resumed later. Functions that involve pointer chasing can be written as coroutines 1 INTRODUCTION which are executed (interleaved) in batches. Before dereferencing Modern main-memory database engines [11, 22, 24, 25, 30, 33, 56, a pointer in coroutine �1, the issues a prefetch followed 59] use memory-optimized data structures [2, 29, 31, 36] to ofer by a suspend to pause �1 and switches to another coroutine �2, high performance on multicore CPUs. Many such data structures overlapping data fetching in �1 and computation in �2. rely on pointer chasing [34] which can stall the CPU upon cache Compared to earlier approaches [5, 26], coroutines only require misses. For example, in Figure 1(a), to execute two SELECT (get) prefetch/suspend be inserted into sequential code, greatly simpli- queries, the engine may traverse a tree, and if a needed tree node fying implementation while delivering high performance, as the is not cache-resident, dereferencing a pointer to it stalls the CPU switching overhead can be cheaper than a last-level cache miss [21]. (dotted box in the fgure) to fetch the node from memory. Compu- However, adopting software prefetching remains challenging. tation (solid box) would not resume until data is in the cache. With First, existing approaches typically use intra-transaction batch- the wide speed gap between CPU and memory, memory accesses ing which mandates multi-key interfaces that can break backward have become a major overhead [4, 35]. The emergence of capacious compatibility. For example, in Figure 1(b) an application1 uses but slower persistent memory [10] is further widening this gap. multi_get to retrieve a batch of records at once in a transac- Modern processors allow multiple outstanding cache misses tion. Cache misses caused by probing k1 (k2) in a tree are hid- and provide prefetch instructions [18] for software to explicitly den behind the computation part of probing k2 (k1). While intra- transaction batching is a natural ft for some operators (e.g., IN- This work is licensed under the Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 International License. Visit htps:// to view a copy of predicate queries [44, 45]), it is not always directly applicable. this license. For any use beyond those covered by this license, obtain permission by Changing the application is not always feasible and may not achieve emailing [email protected]. Copyright is held by the owner/author(s). Publication rights the desired improvement as depending requests need to be issued in licensed to the VLDB Endowment. Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, Vol. 14, No. 3 ISSN 2150-8097. doi:10.14778/3430915.3430932 1The “application” may be another database system component or an end-user appli- cation that uses the record access interfaces provided by the database engine.

431 separate batches, limiting interleaving opportunities. Short (or even necessitating new interfaces, and (2) understand its end-to-end single-record) transactions also cannot beneft much due to the lack benefts. Hand-crafted techniques usually present the performance of interleaving opportunity. It would be desirable to allow batching upper bound; CoroBase strikes a balance between performance, operations across transactions, i.e., inter-transaction batching. programmability and backward compatibility. Second, prior work provided only piece-wise solutions, focusing on optimizing individual database operations (e.g., index traver- 1.3 Contributions and Paper Organization sal [21] and hash join [5, 44]). Despite the signifcant improvement We make four contributions. 1 We highlight the challenges for × (e.g., up to 3 faster for tree probing [21]), it was not clear how much adopting software prefetching in main-memory database engines. overall improvement one can expect when these techniques are 2 We propose a new execution model, coroutine-to-transaction, applied in a full database engine that involves various components. to enable inter-transaction batching and avoid interface changes Overall, these issues lead to two key questions: while retaining the benefts of prefetching. 3 We build CoroBase, a • How should a database engine adopt coroutine-based software main-memory multi-version database engine that uses coroutine-to- prefetching, preferably without requiring application changes? transaction to hide data stalls during index and version chain traver- • How much end-to-end beneft can software prefetching bring to sals. We explore the design tradeofs by describing our experience a database engine under realistic workloads? of transforming an existing engine to use coroutine-to-transaction. 4 We conduct a comprehensive evaluation of CoroBase to quan- 1.2 CoroBase tify the end-to-end efect of prefetching under various workloads. CoroBase is open-source at htps:// To answer these questions, we propose and evaluate CoroBase, a Next, we give the necessary background in Section 2. Sections 3– multi-version, main-memory database engine that uses coroutines 4 then present the design principles and details of CoroBase. Sec- to hide data stalls. The crux of CoroBase is a simple but efec- tion 5 quantifes the end-to-end benefts of software prefetching. tive coroutine-to-transaction paradigm that models transactions as We cover related work in Section 6 and conclude in Section 7. coroutines, to enable inter-transaction batching and maintain back- ward compatibility. Worker threads receive transaction requests 2 BACKGROUND and switch among transactions (rather than requests within a trans- action) without requiring intra-transaction batching or multi-key This section gives the necessary background on software prefetch- interfaces. As Figure 1(c) shows, the application remains unchanged ing techniques and coroutines to motivate our work. as batching and interleaving happen at the transaction level. Coroutine-to-transaction can be easily adopted to hide data stalls 2.1 Software Prefetching in diferent database engine components and can even work to- Although modern CPUs use sophisticated hardware prefetching gether with multi-key based approaches. In particular, in multi- mechanisms, they are not efective on reducing pointer-chasing version systems versions of data records are typically chained using overheads, due to the irregular access patterns in pointer-intensive linked lists [62], traversing which constitutes another main source data structures. For instance, when traversing a tree, it is difcult of data stalls, in addition to index traversals. CoroBase transpar- for hardware to predict and prefetch correctly the node which is ently suspends and resumes transactions upon pointer dereferences going to be accessed next, until the node is needed right away. during version chain traversals. This way, CoroBase “coroutinizes” Basic Idea. Software prefetching techniques [5, 21, 26, 44] use the full data access paths to provide an end-to-end solution. workload semantics to issue prefetch instructions [18] to explicitly To explore how coroutine-to-transaction impacts common de- bring data into CPU caches. Worker threads handle requests (e.g., sign principles of main-memory database systems, instead of build- tree search) in batches. To access data (e.g., a tree node) in request ing CoroBase from scratch, we base it on ERMIA [24], an open- �1 which may incur a cache miss, the thread issues a prefetch and source, multi-version main-memory database engine. This allows switches to another request �2, and repeats this process. While the us to devise an end-to-end solution and explore how easy (or hard) data needed by �1 is being fetched from memory to CPU cache, it is to adopt coroutine-to-transaction in an existing engine, which the worker thread handles �2, which may further cause the thread we expect to be a common starting point for most practitioners. In to issue prefetch and switch to another request. By the time the this context, we discuss solutions to issues brought by coroutine-to- worker thread switches back to �1, the hope is that the needed transaction, such as (nested) coroutine switching overhead, higher data is (already and still) cache-resident. The thread then picks up latency and more complex resource management in later sections. at where it left for �1, dereferences the pointer to the prefetched On a 48-core server, our evaluation results corroborate with data and continues executing �1 until the next possible cache miss prior work and show that software prefetching is mainly (unsur- upon which a prefetch will be issued. It is important that the prisingly) benefcial to read-dominant workloads, with close to 2× switching mechanism and representation of requests are cheap and improvement over highly-optimized baselines. For write-intensive lightweight enough to achieve a net gain. workloads, we fnd mixed results with up to 45% improvement Hand-Crafted Approaches. The mechanism we just described depending on access patterns. Importantly, CoroBase retains com- fts naturally with many loop-based operations. Group prefetching petitive performance for workloads that inherently do not beneft and software pipelined prefetching [5] overlap multiple hash table from prefetching, thanks to its low-overhead coroutine design. lookups to accelerate hash joins. After a prefetch is issued, the Note that our goal is not to outperform prior work, but to (1) control fow switches to execute the computation stage of another efectively adopt software prefetching in a database engine without operation. Asynchronous memory access chaining (AMAC) [26]is

432 a general approach that allows one to transform a heterogeneous Coroutine frame (heap): status: 1 2 set of operations into state machines to facilitate switching be- promise foo() { tween operations upon cache misses. A notable drawback of these 1 code segment 1 Segment 1 Pop Free approaches is they require developers hand-craft algorithms. The 2 co_await suspend_always(); Other frames Other frames resulted code is typically not intuitive to understand and hard to 3 code segment 2 Push maintain. This limits their application to simple or individual data 4 co_await suspend_always(); 3 4 structures and operations (e.g., tree traversal). Recent approaches . . . Segment 2 Pop Free co_return; tackle this challenge using lightweight coroutines, described next. } Other frames Other frames

2.2 Coroutines Figure 2: Stackless coroutine that directly uses the under- Coroutines [8] are generalizations of functions with two special lying thread’s stack. States (e.g., local variables and return characteristics: (1) During the execution between invoke and return, value) are maintained in dynamically allocated memory. a coroutine can suspend and be resumed at manually defned points. (2) Each coroutine preserves local variables until it is destroyed. Traditional stackful coroutines [38] use separate runtime stacks to After creating a batch of operations (coroutines) at lines 1–2, it in- keep track of local variables and function calls. They have been vokes and switches among coroutines (lines 4–8). The batch_size available as third-party libraries [37, 51] and are convenient to use, parameter determines the number of infight memory fetches and but exhibit high overhead that is greater than the cost of a cache how efectively memory stalls can be hidden: once a coroutine sus- miss [21], defeating the purpose of hiding memory stalls. pends, it is not resumed before the other batch_size-1 coroutines Stackless Coroutines. Recent stackless coroutines standard- are examined. Prior work has shown that the optimal batch_size ized in C++20 [19] (which is our focus) exhibit low overhead in is roughly the number of outstanding memory accesses that can be 2 construction and context switching (cheaper than a last-level cache supported by the CPU (10 in current Intel x86 processors) [44]. miss). They do not own stacks and run on the call stack of the under- Nested Stackless Coroutines. Similar to “normal” functions, lying thread. Invoking a coroutine is similar to invoking a normal a coroutine may invoke, suspend and resume another coroutine function, but its states (e.g., local variables that live across suspen- using co_await, forming a chain of nested coroutines. By default, sion points) are kept in dynamically allocated memory (coroutine when a stackless coroutine suspends, control is returned to its frames) that survive suspend/resume cycles. Figure 2 shows an caller. Real-world systems often employ deep function calls for high- example in C++20: any function that uses coroutine keywords level operations to modularize their implementation. To support (e.g., co_await, co_return) is a coroutine. A coroutine returns a interleaving at the operation level in database engines (e.g., search), promise_type structure that allows querying the coroutine’s states, a mechanism that allows control to be returned to the top-level such as whether it is completed and its return value. The co_await (i.e., the scheduler) is necessary. This is typically done by returning keyword operates on a promise_type and is translated by the com- control level-by-level, from the lowest-level suspending coroutine piler into a code block that can save the states in a coroutine frame to the scheduler, through every stack frame. Note that the number and pop the call stack frame. The suspend_always object is an of frames preceding the suspending coroutine on the stack may not instance of promise_type that has no logic and suspends uncondi- be the same as its position in the call chain. For the frst suspend in tionally. The co_return keyword matches the syntax of return, the coroutine chain, the entire chain is on the stack. For subsequent but instead of returning an rvalue, it stores the returned value suspends, however, the stack frames start from the last suspended into a coroutine frame. As Figure 2 shows, upon starting (step 1 ) coroutine instead of the top level one, since it is directly resumed by or resuming (step 3 ) a coroutine, a frame is created and pushed the scheduler. When a coroutine � fnishes execution, the scheduler onto the stack. At unconditional suspension points (steps 2 and resumes execution of �’s parent coroutine. As a result, a sequential 4 ), the frame is popped and control is returned to the caller. Since program with nested function calls can be easily transformed into the coroutine frame lives on the heap, coroutine states are still nested coroutine calls by adding prefetch and suspend statements. retained after the stack frame is popped. Coroutine frames need to Astute reader may have noticed that this approach can be easily be explicitly destroyed after the coroutine fnishes execution. used to realize coroutine-to-transaction. However, doing so can . Each worker thread essentially runs a scheduler bring non-trivial overhead associated with scheduling and main- that keeps switching between coroutines, such as the one below: taining coroutine states; we discuss details in later sections. 1. // construct coroutines 2.fori=0tobatch_size - 1: 2.3 Coroutine-based Software Prefetching in 3. coroutine_promises[i] = foo(...); 4. // switch between active coroutines Main-Memory Database Engines 5. while any(coroutine_promises, x: not x.done()): Modern main-memory database systems eliminate I/O operations 6. fori=0tobatch_size - 1: from the critical path. This allows worker threads to execute each 7. if not coroutine_promises[i].done(): transaction without any interruptions. 8. coroutine_promises[i].resume() Execution Model. Recent studies have shown that data stalls are a major overhead in both OLTP and OLAP workloads [53, 54]. 2Not to be confused with context switches at the OS level. In main-memory systems, threads are typically pinned to mitigate the impact of OS scheduling. Throughout this In this paper, we mainly focus on OLTP workloads. With I/O of paper “contexts” refers to coroutines/transactions that are pure user-space constructs. the critical path, thread-to-transaction has been the dominating

433 Worker thread N Worker thread N Multi-key interfaces Record access Worker thread N (insert/get/scan/update): coroutines: Worker thread 1 Worker thread 1 Read(key) { 3 Worker thread 1 . . . Transaction 1 Transaction 1 MultiGet(keys) { Indexes Scheduler Read (A) MultiGet (A, B, C) for each key { Probe index Read(key) RIDs Get version Transaction 1 . . . resume(probe_index) . . . 1 probe_index 2 resume(get_record) } (coroutine) get_record } RID Where? Read (A) Transaction 2 } 0 . . . V2 V1 V0 Transaction 2 1 . . . 4 . . . ͙ ͙ V2 V1 V0 Transaction 2 (a) Sequential execution (b) Interleaved execution with multi-key interfaces (coroutine) Indirection array Version chains ͙ Figure 3: Execution models under thread-to-transaction. Figure 4: CoroBase overview. Indexes map keys to unique record IDs (RIDs). Versions are maintained by version execution model in main-memory environments for transaction chains. Each worker thread runs a scheduler that 1 start- execution. Each worker thread executes transactions one by one s/resumes transactions (coroutines). 2 A transaction may in- without context switching to handle additional transactions unless voke other coroutines that implement specifc operations, the current transaction concluded (i.e., committed or aborted). Fig- which may suspend but 3 return control directly to the ure 3(a) shows an example of worker threads executing transactions scheduler, which can 4 resume a diferent transaction. under this model. To read a record, the worker thread sequentially executes the corresponding functions that implement the needed functionality, including (1) probing an index to learn about the would allow arbitrary query to beneft from prefetching, in addi- physical address of the target record, and (2) fetching the record tion to operators that naturally fts the batching paradigm. from the address. After all the operations of the current transac- • Easy Implementation. A salient feature of coroutine is it only tion (Transaction 1 in the fgure) are fnished, the worker thread needs simple changes to sequential code base; a new design must continues to serve the next transaction. retain this property for maintainability and programmability. Software Prefetching under Thread-to-Transaction. With nested coroutines, it is straightforward to transform individual op- 4 COROBASE DESIGN erations to use software prefetching, by adding suspend points into Now we describe the design of CoroBase, a multi-version main- existing sequential code. However, under thread-to-transaction, memory database engine based on the coroutine-to-transaction once a thread starts to work on a transaction, it cannot switch execution model. We do so by taking an existing memory-optimized to another. As a result, the caller of these operations now essen- database engine (ERMIA [24]) and transforming it to use coroutine- tially runs a scheduler that switches between individual operations, to-transaction. As we mentioned in Section 1, this allows us to i.e., using intra-transaction batching. In the case of a transaction contrast and highlight the feasibility and potential of coroutine-to- reading records, for example, in Figure 3(b), the transaction calls transaction, and reason about the programming efort required to a multi_get function that accepts a set of keys as its parameter adopt coroutine-to-transaction. However, CoroBase and coroutine- and runs a scheduler that switches between coroutines that do the to-transaction can be applied to other systems. heavylifting of record access and may suspend upon cache misses. All these actions happen in the context of a transaction; another 4.1 Overview transaction can only be started after the current transaction being CoroBase organizes data and controls data version visibility in ways handled concludes, limiting inter-transaction batching and necessi- similar to other main-memory multi-version systems [11, 24, 30, tating interface changes that may break backward compatibility. 33, 62] (in our specifc case, ERMIA [24]). Figure 4 gives the overall 3 DESIGN PRINCIPLES design of CoroBase. For each record, CoroBase maintains multiple versions that are chained together in a linked list, with the latest We summarize four desirable properties and principles that should version (ordered by logical timestamps) as the list head. This is be followed when designing coroutine-based database engines: a common design in multi-version systems [62]. Each record is • Maintain Backward Compatibility. The engine should allow uniquely identifed by a logical record ID (RID) that never changes applications to continue to use single-key interfaces. Interleaving throughout the lifetime of the record, in contrast to physical RIDs should be enabled within the engine without user intervention. in traditional disk-based systems [47]. For each table, we maintain • Low Context Switching Overhead. It should be at least lower an indirection array [24, 50] that maps RID to the virtual memory than the cost of a last-level cache miss to warrant any end-to-end pointer to the record’s latest version which further points to the performance improvement in most cases. For workloads that do next older version, and so on. Indexes map keys to RIDs, instead of not have enough data stalls to beneft from prefetching, having pointers to record versions. A main beneft of this approach is that low switching overhead can help retain competitive performance. record updates (i.e., creation of new versions) or movement (e.g., • Maximize Batching Opportunities. The batching mechanism from memory to storage) will not always mandate secondary index should allow both intra- and inter-transaction interleaving. This updates. Same as ERMIA, CoroBase uses Masstree [36] for indexing

434 and all data accesses are done through indexes, however, the choice Algorithm 1 Scheduler for coroutine-to-transaction. of index types is orthogonal to the techniques being proposed here. 1 def scheduler(batch_size): With the indirection and version chain design, accessing a record while not shutdown: is a two-step process: the worker thread frst traverses an index of 3 [T] = get_transaction_requests() the underlying table, and then consults the indirection array (using enter_epoch() the RID found in the leaf node as index) to fnd the actual record 5 while done < batch_size: and suitable version by traversing the version chain of that record. done = 0 We defer details on determining version visibility to later sections 7 for i=0tobatch_size - 1: when we discuss concurrency control. Under thread-to-transaction, if T[i].is_done: this two-step process is done synchronously by the worker thread, 9 ++done with record access procedures implemented as multiple levels of else functions. Under coroutine-to-transaction, record access procedures 11 T[i].resume() are implemented as coroutines, instead of “normal” functions. As exit_epoch() Figure 4 shows, each worker thread independently runs a scheduler that switches between a batch of transactions (coroutines). The key to realize this model is transforming nested functions on the data access path into coroutines, which we elaborate next. a transaction commits or aborts, its coroutine structures are de- stroyed and control is returned to the scheduler which may resume 4.2 Fully-Nested Coroutine-to-Transaction another active transaction. Finally, after every transaction in the batch is concluded, the scheduler starts a new batch of transactions. To support common data access operations (insert/read/update/s- Coroutine-to-transaction moves the responsibility of batching can/delete), a straightforward way is to transform function call from the user API level to the engine level, by grouping transactions. chains that may cause cache misses into nested stackless corou- Each worker thread runs a coroutine scheduler which accepts and tines outlined in Section 2.2. Functions that will not incur cache handles transaction requests. In CoroBase we use a round-robin misses may be kept as “normal” functions. For index, we follow scheduler shown in Algorithm 1. The scheduler function keeps prior work [21]toaddsuspend statements (suspend_always in batching and switching between incoming transactions (lines 7–11). C++20) as needed after each prefetch, which can be identifed It loops over each batch to execute transactions. When a query in a easily as Masstree already prefetches nodes.3 We use co_await to transaction suspends, control returns to the scheduler which then invoke other coroutines and replace return with co_return. For resumes the next in-progress transaction (line 11). Note that each version chain traversal, we issue prefetch and suspend before time the scheduler takes a fxed number (denoted as batch_size) dereferencing a linked list node pointer. These changes are straight- of transactions, and when a transaction fnishes, we do not start forward and only require inserting prefetch/suspend statements a new one until the whole batch is processed. The rationale be- and replacing keywords. Our implementation defnes macros to au- hind is to preserve locality and avoid overheads associated with tomatically convert between function and coroutine versions of the initializing transaction contexts. Although it may reduce the pos- code, easing code maintainability.4 Thus, a call chain of N functions sible window of overlapping, we observe the impact is negligible. is replaced by an (up to) N-level coroutine chain. Coroutines at any Avoiding irregular, ad hoc transaction context initialization helps level may voluntarily suspend, after which control goes back to the maintain competitive performance for workloads that inherently scheduler which resumes the next transaction that is not done yet; do not beneft from prefetching where the scheduler activities and control then goes to the newly resumed transaction. switching are pure overheads that should be minimized. Processing Figure 4 shows how control fows end-to-end. When a new trans- transactions in strict batches also eases the adoption of epoch-based action is created, CoroBase starts to execute it in a coroutine (step resource management in coroutine environments, as Section 4.4 1 in the fgure). Subsequent operations (e.g., read/write/scan) are describes. The downside is that individual transaction latency may further handled in the context of their corresponding transaction become higher. Our focus is OLTP where transactions are often coroutine (step 2 ). All the operations are also coroutines that may similar and short, so we anticipate the impact to be modest. For suspend and get resumed. For example, in Figure 4, the Read corou- workloads that may mix short transactions and long queries in a tine may further use other coroutines to traverse a tree index struc- batch, other approaches, e.g., a scheduler that takes transaction ture to fnd the requested record’s RID, followed by invoking yet priority into account when choosing the next transaction to resume another coroutine that traverses the version chain to retrieve the may be more attractive for reducing system response time. desirable version. Upon a possible cache miss, the executing corou- While easy to implement, fully-nested coroutine-to-transaction tine (e.g., index traversal as part of a Read call) issues a prefetch to and coroutine-to-transaction in general bring three main challenges, bring the needed memory to CPU caches asynchronously, followed which we elaborate next. by a suspend which returns control directly to the scheduler (step 3 ). This allows the scheduler to further resume another transaction 4.3 Two-Level Coroutine-to-Transaction (step 4 ), hoping to overlap computation and data fetching. After Since currently there is no way for software to tell whether derefer- 3Based on htps:// encing a pointer would cause a cache miss [21, 44], software has to 4For example, the record read function/coroutine can be found at: htps:// sfu-dis/corobase/blob/v1.0/ The AWAIT and PROMISE macros transpar- “guess” which memory accesses may cause a cache miss. CoroBase ently convert between coroutine and function versions. issues prefetch and suspend upon dereferencing pointers to index

435 nodes and record objects in version chains based on profling results. and tackle next. Note that these issues are not unique to database To reduce the cost of wrong guesses, it is crucial to reduce switching systems, and our solutions are generally applicable to other systems overheads. Database engine code typically uses nested, deep call employing coroutines and parallel programming techniques. chains of multiple functions to modularize implementation. As Sec- Epoch-based Reclamation. Many main-memory database en- tion 5 shows, blindly transforming deep function call chains into gines rely on -free data structures, e.g., lock-free lists [15] and coroutine chains using fully-nested coroutine-to-transaction in- trees [31]. Threads may access memory that is simultaneously be- curs non-trivial overhead that overshadows the benefts brought by ing removed from the data structure. Although no new accesses prefetching. Yet completely fattening (inlining) the entire call chain are possible once the memory block is unlinked, existing accesses to become a single coroutine mixes application logic and database must be allowed to fnish before the memory can be recycled. engine code, defeating the purpose of coroutine-to-transaction. Epoch-based memory reclamation [16] is a popular approach CoroBase takes a middle ground to fatten only nested calls to implementing this. The basic idea is for each thread to register within the database engine, forming a two-level structure that (enter an epoch) upon accessing memory, and ensure the unlinked balances performance and programmability. This allows the ap- memory block is not recycled until all threads in the epoch have plication to still use the conventional interfaces; under the hood, deregistered (exited). The epoch is advanced periodically depending transaction coroutines may invoke other coroutines for individual pre-defned conditions, e.g., when the amount of allocated memory operations (e.g., get), which are single-level coroutines with all the passes a threshold. An assumption is that data access are coordi- nested coroutines that may suspend inlined. Sequential functions nated by thread boundaries. Under thread-to-transaction, a trans- that do not suspend are not inlined unless the compiler does so action exclusively uses all the resources associated with a thread, transparently. At a frst glance, it may seem tedious or infeasible so thread boundaries are also transaction boundaries. Transactions to inline the whole read/write paths in a database engine manu- can transparently use the epoch enter/exit machinery. However, un- ally. However, this is largely mechanical and straightforward. For der coroutine-to-transaction this may lead to memory corruption: instance, it took us shorter than three hours to fatten the search Suppose transactions � 1 and � 2 run on the same thread, and � 1 operation in Masstree [36], the index structure used by CoroBase. has entered epoch � before it suspends. Now the scheduler switches The fattened code occupies <100 lines and still largely maintains to � 2 which is already in epoch � and issued epoch exit, allowing the original logic.5 This shows that fattening functions is in fact the memory to be freed, although it is still needed by � 1 later. feasible. Moreover, there is a rich body of work in compilers about CoroBase solves this problem by decoupling epoch enter/exit function inlining and fattening [1, 40, 43, 49, 63] that can help from transactions for the scheduler to issue them. Upon starting/fn- automate this process. For example, developers can still write small, ishing the processing of a batch of transactions, the worker thread modularized functions, but a source-to-source transformation pass enters/exits the epoch (lines 4 and 12 in Algorithm 1). This fts nicely can be performed to fatten the code before compilation. with our scheduling policy which only handles whole batches. It The downside of fattening is that it may cause more instruction also reduces the overhead associated with epoch-based reclama- cache misses because the same code segment (previously short func- tion as each thread registers/deregisters itself much less frequently. tions) may appear repeatedly in diferent coroutines. For example, Another potential approach is to implement nested enter/exit ma- the same tree traversal code is required by both update and read chinery that allows a thread to register multiple times as needed. operations. Individual coroutines may become larger, causing more Though fexible, this approach is error-prone to implement, and instruction cache misses. However, as Section 5 shows, the benefts brings much higher bookkeeping overhead. outweigh this drawback. Code reordering [3] can also be used as an Thread-Local Storage (TLS). TLS is widely used to reduce ini- optimization in compilers to reduce the instruction fetch overhead. tialization and allocation overheads. In particular, ERMIA uses Discussion of code transformation techniques is beyond the scope thread-local read/write sets and log bufers, as well as thread-local of this paper; we leave it as promising future work. scratch areas for storing temporaries such as records that were read and new data to be added to the database. Logically, these struc- 4.4 Resource Management tures are transaction-local. Although making these structures TLS Resource management in the physical layer is tightly coupled with greatly reduces memory allocation overheads, it conficts with the transaction execution model. Under thread-to-transaction, “transac- coroutine-to-transaction paradigm, which must decouple threads tion” is almost a synonymy of thread, allowing transparent applica- and transactions. In other words, they need to be transaction-local tion of parallel programming techniques, in particular epoch-based to provide proper isolation among transactions. To reduce the per- memory reclamation and thread-local storage to improve perfor- formance impact, we expand each individual TLS variable to be- mance. Most of these techniques are implicitly thread-centric, se- come an array of variables, one per transaction in the batch, and quential algorithms that do not consider the possibility of coroutine store them again as TLS variables. Upon system initialization, each switching. Although the OS scheduler may deschedule a thread worker thread creates the TLS array before starting to handle re- � working on a task �, the thread does not switch to another task. quests. When a transaction starts (e.g., the -th in a batch), it takes When the thread resumes, it picks up from where it left to continue the corresponding TLS array entry for use. This way, we avoid executing �. This implicit assumption brings extra challenges for allocation/initialization overhead similar to how it was done under coroutine-based asynchronous programming, which we describe thread-to-transaction, but provide proper isolation among transac- tions. The tradeof is that we consume (batch_size times) more 5Details in our code repo at lines 375–469 at htps:// memory space. As we show in Section 5, our approach makes a v1.0/ practical tradeof as the optimal batch size does not exceed ten.

436 4.5 Concurrency Control and Synchronization Table 1: Changes needed to adopt coroutine-to-transaction in systems based on thread-to-transaction. The key is to en- CoroBase inherits the shared-everything architecture, synchroniza- sure isolation between transactions on the same thread. tion and concurrency control protocols from ERMIA (snapshot isolation with the serial safety net [60] for serializability). A worker thread is free to access any part of the database. Version visibility Component Modifcations is controlled using timestamps drawn from a global, monotonically Shared-everything: transparent, but need careful increasing counter maintained by the engine. Upon transaction Concurrency deadlock handling if pessimistic locking used. start, the worker thread reads the timestamp counter to obtain a Control (CC) Shared-nothing: re-introduce CC. begin timestamp �. When reading a record, the version with the � 1. Thread-local to transaction-local. latest timestamp that is smaller than is visible. To update a record, Synchronization the transaction must be able to see the latest version of the record. 2. Avoid holding latches upon suspension. To commit, the worker thread atomically increments the timestamp Resource 1. Thread-local to transaction-local. counter (e.g., using atomic fetch-and-add [18]) to obtain a commit Management 2. Piggyback on batching to reduce overhead. timestamp which is written on the record versions created by it. Durability Transparent, with transaction-local log bufers. We observe that adopting coroutine-to-transaction in shared- everything systems required no change for snapshot isolation to work. Similar to ERMIA, CoroBase adopts the serial safety net 4.6 Discussions (SSN) [60], a certifer that can be applied on top of snapshot isolation to achieve serializability. It tracks dependencies among transactions Coroutine-to-transaction only dictates how queries and transac- and aborts transactions that may lead to non-serializable execution. tions are interleaved. It does not require fundamental changes to Adapting SSN to CoroBase mainly requires turning TLS bitmaps components in ERMIA. Table 1 summarizes the necessary changes used for tracking readers in tuple headers [60] into transaction-local. in ERMIA and engines that may make diferent assumptions than This adds batch_size bits per thread (compared to one in ERMIA). ERMIA’s. Beyond concurrency control, synchronization and re- The impact is minimal because of the small (≤10) batch size, and source management, we fnd that the durability mechanism (log- stalls caused by bitmap accesses can be easily hidden by prefetching. ging, recovery and checkpointing) is mostly orthogonal to the exe- Devising a potentially more efcient approach under very high core cution model. The only change is to transform the thread-local log count (e.g., 1000) is interesting future work. Since CoroBase allows bufer to become transaction-local, which is straightforward. multiple open transactions per thread, the additional overhead Coroutine-to-transaction fts naturally with shared-everything, on supporting serializability may widen the confict window and multi-versioned systems that use optimistic favored concurrency increase abort rate. Our experiments show that the impact is very control protocols. For pessimistic locking, coroutine-to-transaction small, again because the desirable batch sizes are not big (4–8). may increase deadlock rates if transactions suspend while holding For physical-level data structures such as indexes and version a lock. Optimistic and multi-version approaches alleviate this is- chains, coroutines bring extra challenges if they use latches for sue as reads and writes do not block each other, although adding synchronization (e.g., higher chance to deadlock with multiple serializability in general widens the confict window. transactions open on a thread). However, in main-memory data- Diferent from shared-everything systems, shared-nothing sys- base engines these data structures mainly use optimistic concur- tems [56] partition data and restrict threads to only access its own rency without much (if not none of) locking. In CoroBase and data partition. This allowed vastly simplifed synchronization and ERMIA, index (Masstree [36]) traversals proceed without acquiring concurrency control protocols: in most cases if a transaction only any latches and rely on versioning for correctness. This makes it accesses data in one partition, no synchronization or concurrency straightforward to coroutinize the index structure for read/scan control is needed at all, as there is at most one active transaction at and part of update/insert/delete operations (they share the same any time working on a partition. To adopt coroutine-to-transaction traversal code to reach the leaf level). Locks are only held when a in shared-nothing systems, concurrency control and synchroniza- tree node is being updated. Hand-over-hand locking is used dur- tion needs to be (re-)introduced to provide proper isolation between ing structural modifcation operations (SMOs) such as splits. Our transactions running on the same thread. profling results show that cache misses on code paths that use Some systems [12, 13, 41, 52] explore intra-transaction paral- hand-over-hand locking make up less than 6% of overall misses lelism to improve performance: a transaction is decomposed into under an insert-only workload. This is not high enough to beneft pieces, each of which is executed by a thread dedicated to a partition much from prefetching. Atomic instructions such as compare-and- of data, allowing non-conficting data accesses in the same trans- swap used by most latch implementations also do not beneft much action to proceed in parallel. Data stalls may still occur as threads from prefetching. Therefore, we do not issue suspend on SMO code use pointer-intensive data structures (e.g., indexes) to access data. paths that use hand-over-hand locking. Coroutine-to-transaction can be adapted to model the individual More general, coroutine-centric synchronization primitives such pieces as coroutines to hide stalls. This would require changes such as asynchronous mutex6 are also being devised. How these primi- as a scheduler described in Algorithm 1 in the transaction executors tives would apply to database systems remains to be explored. in Bohm [12] and ReactDB [52]); we leave these for future work. Finally, CoroBase removes the need for multi-key operations, 6Such as the async_mutex in CppCoro: htps:// but still supports them. A transaction can call a multi-key operation 1140628b6e9e6048234d404cc393d855ae80d3e7/include/cppcoro/async_mutex.hpp. which interleaves operations within a transaction and does not

437 return control to the scheduler until completion. A transaction We use a customized allocator to avoid coroutine frame allo- can also use operations in both interfaces to combine inter- and cation/deallocation bottlenecks. Hardware prefetching is enabled intra-transaction interleaving. For example, it can invoke a get, for all runs. For interleaved executions, we experimented with followed by an AMAC-based join to reduce latency and coroutine diferent batch sizes and use the optimal setting (eight) unless spec- switching overhead. This hybrid approach can be attractive when ifed otherwise. We use snapshot isolation8 for all runs except for the eforts for changing interfaces is not high. Section 5 quantifes pure index-probing workloads which do not involve transactions the potential of this approach. (described later). We also perform experiments with and without hyperthreading to explore its impact. 5 EVALUATION Now we evaluate CoroBase to understand the end-to-end efect 5.2 Benchmarks of software prefetching under various workloads. Through experi- We use both microbenchmarks and standard benchmarks to stress ments, we confrm the following: test and understand the end-to-end potential of CoroBase. • CoroBase enables inter-transaction batching to efectively batch Microbenchmarks. We use YCSB [9] to compare in detail the arbitrary queries to beneft from software prefetching. impact of diferent design decisions. The workload models point • In addition to read-dominant workloads, CoroBase also improves read, read-modify-write (RMW), update and scan transactions on a ∼ on read-write workloads while remaining competitive for work- single table with specifed access patterns. We use a 15GB database loads that inherently do not beneft from software prefetching. of one billion records with 8-byte keys and 8-byte values. • CoroBase can improve performance with and without hyper- Standard Benchmarks. We use TPC-C [57] to quantify the threading, on top of hardware prefetching. end-to-end benefts of software prefetching under CoroBase. To show comprehensively how CoroBase performs under a realistic 5.1 Experimental Setup and varying set of workloads with diferent read/write ratios, we run both the original TPC-C and two variants, TPC-CR [61] and We use a dual-socket server equipped with two 24-core Intel Xeon TPC-CH [24]. TPC-CR is a simplifed read-only version of TPC-C Gold 6252 CPUs clocked at 2.1GHz (up to 3.7GHz with turbo boost). that comprises 50% of StockLevel and 50% OrderStatus transactions. The CPU has 35.75M last-level cache. In total the server has 48 cores TPC-CH adds a modifed version of the Query2 transaction (Q2*) in (96 hyperthreads) and 384GB main memory occupying all the six TPC-H [58] to TPC-C’s transaction mix. This makes TPC-CH a het- channels per socket to maximize memory bandwidth. We compile erogeneous workload that resembles hybrid transaction-analytical all the code using Clang 10 with coroutine support on Arch Linux processing (HTAP) scenarios.9 We use the same implementation with Linux kernel 5.6.5. All the data is kept in memory using tmpfs. in ERMIA [24] where the transaction picks a random region and We report the average throughput and latency numbers of three updates records in the stock table whose quantity is lower than 30-second runs of each experiment. a pre-defned threshold. The size of Q2* is determined mainly by System Model. Similar to prior work [24, 25, 59], we implement the portion of the suppliers table it needs to access. We modify the benchmarks in C++ directly using APIs exposed by the database transaction mix to be 10% of Q2*, 40% of NewOrder, 38% of Pay- engine, without SQL or networking layers. Using coroutines to ment, plus 4% of StockLevel, Delivery and OrderStatus each. For all alleviate overheads in these layers is promising but orthogonal TPC-C benchmarks, we set scale factor to 1000 (warehouses). Each work. The database engine is compiled as a shared library, which is transaction uniform-randomly chooses and works on their home then linked with the benchmark code to perform tests. warehouse, but 1% of New-Order and 15% of Payment transactions Variants. We conduct experiments using the following variants respectively access remote warehouses. which are all implemented based on ERMIA [24].7 • Naïve: Baseline that uses thread-to-transaction and executes 5.3 Sequential vs. Interleaved Execution transactions sequentially without interleaving or prefetching. As mentioned in earlier sections, our goal in this paper is to adopt • ERMIA: Same as Naïve but with prefetch instructions carefully coroutine-based interleaving in a database engine and understand added to index and version chain traversal code. its end-to-end benefts. Therefore, it is important to set the proper • AMAC-MK: Same as ERMIA but applications use hand-crafted multi- expectation on the possible gain that could be achieved by CoroBase. key interfaces based on AMAC. To do this, we run a simple non-transactional index probing work- • CORO-MK: Same as ERMIA but applications use multi-key interfaces load where worker threads keep issuing multi_get requests. Each based on fattened coroutines. multi_get issues 10 requests against the index but does not access • CORO-FN-MK: Same as CORO-MK but with fully-nested coroutines the actual database record. The workload is similar to what prior described in Section 2.2. work [21] used to evaluate index performance. As Figure 5 shows, • CoroBase-FN: CoroBase that uses the fully-nested coroutine-to- on average AMAC-MK outperforms Naïve/ERMIA by up to 2.3×/2.96× transaction design. No changes in applications. • CoroBase: Same as CoroBase-FN but uses the optimized 2-level 8 We also ran experiments under the serializable isolation level (using SSN on top of coroutine-to-transaction design described in Section 4.3. snapshot isolation). The results show that SSN adds a fxed amount of overhead (∼10– • Hybrid: Same as CoroBase but selectively leverages multi-key 15%, similar to the numbers reported earlier for thread-to-transaction systems [60]). interfaces in TPC-C transactions (details in Section 5.8). We therefore focus on experiments under SI for clarity. 9 Our focus is on OLTP (Section 2.3). We run TPC-CH to explore how CoroBase per- forms under various read-intensive workloads. Hiding data stalls in OLAP workloads 7ERMIA code downloaded from htps:// requires further investigation that considers various access patterns and constraints.

438 Naive AMAC-MK CORO-FN-MK Naive ERMIA CORO-MK CORO-FN-MK ERMIA CORO-MK AMAC-MK CoroBase CoroBase-FN 120 120 10 10 90 90 8 8 6 6 60 60 4 4 30 30 2 2 Million ops/s 0 0 0 0 1 8 16 24 32 40 48 1 16 32 48 64 80 96 1 8 16 24 32 40 48 1 16 32 48 64 80 96 Throughput (MTPS) Throughput Threads (no-HT) Threads (HT) Threads (no-HT) Threads (HT)

Figure 5: Index probing throughput with hyperthreading Figure 6: Throughput of a read-only YCSB workload (10 disabled (left) and enabled (right). Fully-nested coroutines reads per transaction) without (left) and with (right) hyper- are ∼30% slower than AMAC. Flattened coroutines (CORO-MK) threading. CoroBase matches the performance of multi-key reduce the gap to 8–10% under high concurrency. variants but without requiring application changes.

2.8 Naive without hyperthreading. Since AMAC-MK does not incur much over- 2.4 ERMIA head in managing additional metadata like coroutine frames, these 2 AMAC-MK CORO-MK results set the upper bound of the potential gain of interleave ex- 1.6 CORO-FN-MK ecution. However, AMAC-MK uses highly-optimized but complex, 1.2 CoroBase CoroBase-FN hand-crafted code, making it much less practical. Using single-level Norm. throughput coroutines, CORO-MK achieves up to 2.56×/1.99× higher throughput 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 20 50 Operaons per transacon than Naïve/ERMIA, which is 17% faster than CORO-FN-MK because of its lower switching overhead. With hyperthreading, the improve- Figure 7: YCSB read-only performance normalized to Naïve ment becomes smaller across all variants. under 48 threads. CoroBase also benefts very short transac- These results match what was reported earlier in the literature, tions (1–4 operations) while multi-key based approaches in- and set the upper bound for CoroBase to be up to ∼2× faster than herently cannot under thread-to-transaction. optimized sequential execution that already uses prefetching (i.e., the ERMIA variant), or ∼2.5× faster than Naïve under read-only workloads. In the rest of this section, we mark the upper bound and chain traversal). The only diference is CORO-MK uses multi_get, multi-key variants that require interface changes as dashed lines while CoroBase allows the application to remain unchanged using in fgures, and explore how closely CoroBase matches the upper single-key interfaces. Therefore, it is necessary to fatten call chains bound under various workloads. as much as possible to reduce context switching overhead. As the coroutine infrastructure continues to improve, we expect the gap 5.4 Efect of Coroutine-to-Transaction between CoroBase, CoroBase-FN and AMAC-MK to become smaller. Our frst end-to-end experiment evaluates the efectiveness of Coroutine-to-transaction also makes it possible for short trans- coroutine-to-transaction. We use a read-only YCSB workload where actions to beneft from prefetching. We perform the same YCSB each transaction issues 10 record read operations that are uniform read-only workload but vary the number of reads per transaction. randomly chosen from the database table; we expand on to other As shown in Figure 7, CoroBase outperforms all multi_get ap- operations (write and scan) later. Note that diferent from the previ- proaches for very short transactions (1–4 record reads) and contin- ous probe-only experiment in Section 5.3, from now on we run fully ues to outperform all approaches except AMAC-MK for larger trans- transactional experiments that both probe indexes and access data- actions, as batches are formed across transactions. base records. We compare variants that use coroutine-to-transaction These results show that inter-transaction batching enabled by (CoroBase and CoroBase-FN) with other variants that use highly- coroutine-to-transaction can match closely the performance of optimized multi-key interfaces and thread-to-transaction. Figure 6 intra-transaction batching while retaining backward compatibility. plots result using physical cores (left) and hyperthreads (right). Hyperthreading helps to a limited extent and CoroBase can extract Compared to the baselines (ERMIA and Naïve), all variants show more performance, partially due to the limited hardware contexts signifcant improvement. Because of the use of highly-optimized, (two per core) available in modern Intel processors. Compared to hand-crafted state machines and multi-key interfaces, AMAC-MK out- prior approaches, CoroBase and coroutine-to-transaction further performs all the other variants. Without hyperthreading, CoroBase enable short transactions (with little/no intra-transaction batching exhibits an average of ∼15/∼18% slowdown from AMAC-MK, but opportunity) to also beneft from software prefetching. is still ∼1.3/1.8× faster than ERMIA when hyperthreading is en- abled/disabled. This is mainly caused by the inherent overhead 5.5 Write and Scan Workloads of the coroutine machinery. CORO-FN-MK and CoroBase-FN are One of our goals is to use software prefetching to hide data stalls only up ∼1.25× faster than ERMIA due to high switching overhead. as much as possible. While most prior work focused on read-only CORO-MK and CoroBase minimize switching overhead by fatten- or read-dominant operations, we extend our experiments to cover ing the entire record access call chain (index probing and version write-intensive scenarios. Write operations also need to traverse

439 Naive ERMIA CoroBase Naive ERMIA CoroBase 6 6 5 5 4 4 4 4 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 0 0

Throughput (MTPS) Throughput 0 0 1 8 16 24 32 40 48 1 16 32 48 64 80 96 (MTPS) Throughput 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 Threads (no-HT) Threads (HT) (a) Update (b) Update Scan size (no-HT) Scan size (HT) 6 6 Figure 9: Throughput of a YCSB scan workload. The ben- 4 4 efts of prefetching diminish with larger scan sizes: more 2 2 records can be directly retrieved in leaf nodes using B-link- 0 0 tree structures. 1 8 16 24 32 40 48 1 16 32 48 64 80 96 Throughput (MTPS) Throughput Threads (no-HT) Threads (HT) (c) 2RMW+8R () 2RMW+8R Naive ERMIA CORO-MK CORO-FN-MK AMAC-MK CoroBase CoroBase-FN 9 9 Figure 8: Throughput of update-only YCSB with 10 blind writes per transaction (a–b), and a mixed workload (c–d). 6 6 3 3 index and version chains to reach the target record where data 0 0 stalls constitute a signifcant portion of stalled cycles. Figure 8(a–b) (MTPS) Throughput 8 16 32 64 8 16 32 64 plots the throughput of update-only (blind write) workload, where Key size (bytes) Value size (bytes) each transaction updates 10 uniform randomly-chosen records. CoroBase achieves up to 1.77× and 1.45× higher throughput than Figure 10: Throughput of read-only YCSB (10 reads per trans- Naïve and ERMIA, respectively. We observe similar results but with action) under varying key/value sizes and 96 hyperthreads. lower improvement for a mixed workload that does two RMWs 2 and eight reads per transaction, shown in Figure 8(c–d); a pure Naive RMW workload showed similar trends (not shown here). The lower 1.5 ERMIA improvement comes from the fact that the read operation before AMAC-MK 1 CORO-MK each modify-write has already brought necessary data into CPU CORO-FN-MK caches, making subsequent transaction switches for modify-write 0.5 CoroBase pure overhead. Moreover, compared to read operations, write oper- CoroBase-FN Norm. throughput 0 ations need to concurrently update the version chain using atomic 1K 10K 100K 1M 10M 100M 1B instructions, which cannot beneft much from prefetching. Never- Table size (number of records) theless, the results show that even for write-intensive workloads, Figure 11: YCSB read-only (10 reads per transaction) perfor- prefetching has the potential of improving overall performance as mance normalized to Naïve under 96 hyperthreads and vary- data stalls still constitute a signifcant portion of total cycles. ing table sizes. Unlike point-read operations, we observe that scan operations do not always beneft as much. Figure 9 shows the throughput of a pure scan workload. As we enlarge the number of scanned records, variants. Figure 11 depicts the impact of data size by plotting the the performance of Naïve, ERMIA and CoroBase converges. This is throughput normalized to that of Naïve. As shown, with small ta- because Masstree builds on a structure similar to B-link-trees [28] ble sizes, interleaving does not improve performance. For example, where border nodes are linked, minimizing the need to traverse with 10K records, the total data size (including database records, in- internal nodes. It becomes more possible for the border nodes to be dex, etc.) is merely 1.23MB, whereas the CPU has 35MB of last level cached and with longer scan ranges, more records can be retrieved cache, making all the anticipated cache misses cache hits. Context directly at the leaf level, amortizing the cost of tree traversal. switching becomes pure overhead and exhibits up to ∼12.64% lower throughput (compared to Naïve). Approaches that use fully-nested 5.6 Impact of Key Lengths and Data Sizes coroutines (CoroBase-FN and CORO-FN-MK) exhibit even up to 50% Now we examine how key length, value size, and database size slower performance, whereas other approaches including CoroBase afect runtime performance. Figure 10(left) shows the through- keep a very low overhead. In particular, CoroBase follows the trend put of the YCSB read-only workload under diferent key lengths. of AMAC-MK with a fxed amount of overhead. CoroBase retains high performance across diferent key lengths, but These results again emphasize the importance of reducing switch- CoroBase-FN performs worse under longer keys which cause more ing overhead. CoroBase’s low switching overhead for longer keys coroutine calls to drill down Masstree’s hybrid trie/B-tree structure, and small tables make it a practical approach for systems to adopt. causing high switching overhead. As shown in Figure 10(right), We also expect coroutine support in compilers and runtime libraries value size does not impact the overall relative merits of diferent to continue to improve and reduce switching overhead in the future.

440 Naive ERMIA CORO-MK CoroBase Table 2: Throughput (TPS) of original TPC-C which is 150 9 not inherently memory-bound. With two-level coroutines, 100 6 CoroBase outperforms Naïve and matches ERMIA and Hybrid. 50 3

Million ops/s 0 0 Number of Threads Naïve ERMIA CoroBase Hybrid 0.99 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.99 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 Zipan theta (MTPS) Throughput Zipan theta 48 (no-HT) 1306197 1487147 1489567 1682290 (a) Index probe (b) Read 6 6 96 (HT) 1985490 2195667 2120033 2197260 4 4 Stall (memory) Work (rering) Work (core) 2 2 Stall (front-end) Work (bad speculaon) 100 100 100 0 0 0.99 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.99 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 75 75 75 Throughput (MTPS) Throughput Zipan theta (MTPS) Throughput Zipan theta 50 50 50 (c) Update (d) Read-modify-write 25 25 25 0 0 0 Figure 12: YCSB throughput with 96 hyperthreads and vary- no-HT HT no-HT HT no-HT HT no-HT HT no-HT HT no-HT HT ERMIA CoroBase ERMIA CoroBase ERMIA CoroBase ing skewness (larger theta indicates more skewed access). (%) breakdown Cycles (a) YCSB 10 Read (b) TPC-C (c) TPC-CH

Figure 13: Microarchitecture analysis for YCSB, TPC-C and 5.7 Impact of Skewed Accesses TPC-CH workloads. CoroBase reduces memory stall cycles Our last microbenchmark tests how diferent approaches perform under all workloads, especially the read-dominant ones. under varying skewness. Figure 12(a) calibrates the expectation us- ing a multi-get based index probing workload that does not access Naive ERMIA CoroBase Hybrid records. Each transaction here issues 10 operations. With higher 750 750 skewness, all schemes perform better because of the better locality. 600 600 450 450 The YCSB read-only workload in Figure 12(b) shows a similar trend. 300 300 For update and RMW operations shown in Figures 12(c–d), highly 150 150 skewed workloads lead to high contention and low performance 0 0 Throughput (kTPS) Throughput 1 8 16 24 32 40 48 1 16 32 48 64 80 96 across all schemes, and memory stall is no longer the major bottle- Threads (no-HT) Threads (HT) neck. CoroBase therefore shows lower performance compared to ERMIA as switching becomes pure overhead. Figure 14: Throughput of the read-only TPC-CR workload. 5.8 End-to-End TPC-C Results Naive ERMIA CoroBase Hybrid Now we turn to TPC-C benchmarks to see how prefetching works in 5 2.4 more complex workloads. We begin with the default TPC-C confgu- 4 2.1 3 1.8 ration which is write-intensive. As shown in Table 2, CoroBase man- 2 1.5 ages to perform marginally better than Naïve and ERMIA without 1 1.2 hyperthreading but is 3.4% slower than ERMIA with hyperthreading. 0 0.9 1 8 16 24 32 40 48 50 100 1k 10k Norm. throughput Throughput (kTPS) Throughput One reason is that TPC-C is write-intensive and exhibits good data Number of threads Number of suppliers locality, with fewer exposed cache misses as shown by the narrow gap between Naïve and ERMIA. Our top-down microarchitecture Figure 15: TPC-CH scalability (left) and throughput with 48 analysis [18] result shown in Figure 13(b) verifes this: TPC-C ex- threads normalized to Naïve (right). CoroBase reaps more hibits less than 50% of memory stall cycles, which as previous benefts from prefetching with more read operations. work [44] pointed out, do not provide enough room to beneft from prefetching. The high memory stall percentage in Figure 13(a) con- frms our YCSB results which showed more improvement. Under threads in Figure 15(left). Figure 15(right) explores how through- TPC-CR which is read-only, CoroBase achieves up to 1.55×/1.3× put changes as the size of the Q2* transaction changes. CoroBase higher throughput with/without hyperthreading (Figure 14). No- exhibits 25–39% higher throughput than ERMIA, and the numbers tably, with hyperthreading CoroBase performs similarly (4% better) over Naïve are 37–71%. Correspondingly, Figure 13(c) shows fewer to ERMIA, showing that using two hyperthreads is enough to hide memory stall cycles under CoroBase. the memory stalls that were exposed on physical cores for TPC-CR. We explore the potential of using selective multi-key opera- Interleaved execution is inherently not benefcial for such work- tions in CoroBase (Section 4.6) with the Hybrid variant. We use loads, so the goal is for CoroBase is to match the performance of multi_get coroutines for long queries in NewOrder, StockLevel sequential execution as close as possible. and Query2 to retrieve items and supplying warehouses, recently Under TPC-CH which is read-intensive and exhibits high mem- sold items and items from certain pairs of the Stock and Supplier ory stall cycles, CoroBase achieves up to 34% higher throughput tables, respectively. Other queries use the same single-key oper- than ERMIA when the number of suppliers is set to 100 under 48 ations as in CoroBase. As shown in Table 2 and Figures 14–15,

441 Naive BS=1 BS=4 BS=16 repeat here. The gap between CPU and the memory subsystem con- ERMIA BS=2 BS=8 tinues to widen with the introduction of more spacious but slower 0.4 0.4 45 0.3 0.3 30 persistent memory [10]. Psaropoulos et al. [46] adapted interleaved 0.2 0.2 execution using coroutine to speed up index joins and tuple con- 0.1 0.1 15 struction on persistent memory. Data stalls are also becoming a Latecny (ms) Latecny 0 0 0 no-HT HT no-HT HT no-HT HT (a) YCSB 2RMW+8R (b) TPC-C (c) TPC-CH bottleneck for vectorized queries [23, 42]. IMV [14] interleaves vectorized code to reduce cache misses in SIMD vectorization. Cache-Aware Optimizations. Many proposals try to improve Figure 16: Average transaction latency under varying batch locality. CSB+-tree [48] stores child nodes contiguously to better sizes (BS=1–16) with asynchronous commit. The end-to-end utilize the cache but trades of update performance. ART [29]isa impact is expected to be small with group/pipelined commit. trie that uses a set of techniques to improve space efciency and cache utilization. HOT [2] dynamically adjusts trie node span based Hybrid outperforms CoroBase by up to 1.29×/1.08×/1.36× under on data distributions to achieve a cache-friendly layout. Prefetch- TPC-C/TPC-CR/TPC-CH, taking advantage of data locality and ing B+-trees [6] uses wider nodes to reduce B+-tree height and reduced switching overhead. The tradeof is increased code com- cache misses during tree traversal. Fractal prefetching B+-trees [7] plexity. For operators that already exhibit or are easily amenable to embed cache-optimized trees within disk-optimized trees to opti- multi-key interfaces, Hybrid can be an attractive option. mize both memory and I/O. Masstree [36] is a trie of B+-trees that uses prefetching. Software prefetching was also studied in the con- 5.9 Impact on Transaction Latency text of compilers [39]. At the hardware level, path prefetching [32] adds a customized prefetcher to record and read-ahead index nodes. We analyze the impact of interleaved execution on transaction la- Widx [27] is an on-chip accelerator that decouples hashing and list tency using a mixed YCSB workload (2 RMW +8 read operations traversal and processes multiple requests in parallel. per transaction), TPC-C and TPC-CH. As shown in Figure 16, with Database Engine Architectures. Most main-memory database larger batch sizes, transaction latency increases. We fnd setting engines [11, 22, 24, 25, 59] use the shared-everything architecture batch size to four to be optimal for the tested YCSB and TPC-C that is easy to be adapted to coroutine-to-transaction. Some sys- workloads: when batch size exceeds four, latency grows propor- tems [12, 13, 41, 52] allow intra-transaction parallelism with del- tionally since there is no room for interleaving. TPC-CH exhibits egation. Techniques in CoroBase are complementary to and can smaller increase in latency, indicating there is much room for over- be used to hide data stalls in these systems (Section 4.6). To adopt lapping computation and data fetching. Hyperthreading also only coroutine-to-transaction in shared-nothing systems [56], concur- slightly increases average latency. Note that in this experiment we rency control and synchronization need to be re-introduced to allow use asynchronous commit which excludes I/O cost for persisting context switching. Data stall issues were also identifed in column log records. Many real systems use group/pipelined commit [20]to stores [4, 17, 55] and analytical workloads [53]. Exploring ways to hide I/O cost. The result is higher throughput but longer latency hide data stalls in these systems is interesting future work. for individual transactions (e.g., 1–5ms reported by recent litera- ture [61]). Therefore, we expect the increased latency’s impact on end-to-end latency in a real system to be very low. 7 CONCLUSION We highlighted the gap between software prefetching and its adop- 5.10 Coroutine Frame Management tion in database engines. Prior approaches often break backward Flattening coroutines may increase code size and incur more in- compatibility using multi-key interfaces and/or are piece-wise so- struction cache misses (Section 4.3). For two-level coroutine-to- lutions that optimize individual database operations. Leveraging transaction, the size of a coroutine frame for the fattened read- recently standardized lightweight coroutines, we propose a new /update/insert functions are 232/200/312 bytes, respectively. With coroutine-to-transaction execution model to fll this gap. Coroutine- fully-nested coroutine-to-transaction, fve small functions are in- to-transaction retains backward compatibility by allowing inter- volved, and their size range from 112–216 bytes, which are indeed transaction batching which also enables more potential of software smaller than their fattened counterparts. When handling a request, prefetching. Based on coroutine-to-transaction, we build CoroBase, CoroBase allocates a single coroutine frame. CoroBase-FN main- a main-memory database engine that judiciously leverages corou- tains a chain of at least fve coroutine frames (e.g., for reads it adds tines to hide memory stalls. CoroBase achieves high performance up to 808 bytes per request) and switches between them. Perfor- via a lightweight two-level coroutine design. Evaluation results ∼ × mance drops with both larger memory footprint (therefore higher show that on a 48-core server CoroBase is up to 2 faster than allocation/deallocation overhead) and switching. Overall, two-level highly-optimized baselines and remains competitive for workloads coroutines ease this problem and achieves better performance. that inherently do not beneft from software prefetching.

6 RELATED WORK ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Our work is closely related to prior work on coroutine-based sys- We thank Qingqing Zhou and Kangnyeon Kim for their valuable tems, cache-aware optimizations and database engine architectures. discussions. We also thank the anonymous reviewers for their useful Interleaving and Coroutines. We have covered most related feedback. This paper is dedicated to the memory of our wonderful work in this category [5, 21, 26, 44, 45] in Section 2, so we do not colleague Ryan Shea.

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