Minutes of the meeting of the Parishes Assembly held on Thursday 13 December 2007 at 7.00 pm in the Council Chamber, Civic Offices

Present: Cllr Douglas McCall (Chair) Council Cllr Pat Warner Bradwell Parish Council Cllr Dai Evans Calverton Parish Meeting Cllr Tom Fraser Parish Council Cllr David Pafford Campbell Park Parish Council Cllr Phillip Ayles Parish Council Cllr Ken Baker Parish Council Cllr Robert Nix Central Milton Keynes Parish Council Cllr Charles Allum Parish Council Cllr David Stabler Great Linford Parish Council Cllr Joe Geary Parish Council Cllr Ken Maudsley Kents Hill & Monkston Parish Council Cllr Alex Kidd Milton Keynes Village & Broughton Parish Council Cllr Nigel Richards Parish Council Cllr Alan Francis Parish Council Cllr Derek Eastman Town Council Cllr David Livingstone & Tattenhoe Parish Council Cllr Jean Nicholas Shenley Brook End & Tattenhoe Parish Council Cllr Dawn Ash-Kashani Parish Council Cllr James Buxton Parish Council Cllr Adrian Dnes Town Council Cllr Rosemary O’Sullivan Stony Stratford Town Council Cllr Norman Wilkes Parish Council Cllr Ernie Thomas West Council Cllr Jacky Jeffreys Town Council

Officers: Caroline Godfrey (Community Liaison Manager), Richard Townend (Senior Community Liaison Officer), Chris Londy (Principal Environmental Health Officer), Pete Jones (Bucks Fire Partnership Manager), Roland Payne (Housing Needs Manager), Mike Bowley (Area Planning Officer) and Tom Spikings (Community Liaison Technical Officer - minutes)

Also Councillor Isabella Fraser Safer Neighbourhoods Chair Present: Chief Inspector Andy Standen Cheryl Montgomery Milton Keynes Partnership


Apologies: Dave Brunwin (Walton Parish Council), Keith Ely (Bletchley & Fenny Stratford Town Council), Mike Galloway (Wolverton & Greenleys Town Council), Kevin Wilson (Milton Keynes Council (Labour)), Paul Cairns ( cum Little Linford Parish Council), Andrew Geary (Milton Keynes Council (Conservative)), Chris Mottram (Shenley Church End parish Council), Robin Garrett (Simpson Parish Council), Roz Hatton ( Parish Council), Margaret Adams (Hanslope Parish Council), Nigel Long ( Council), Richard Solly (Community Safety Manager), Inspector Andy Gray (Thames Valley Police).

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Cllr Jeffreys raised concerns that on the subject of consultation for planning; page 10 of the minutes of 13 September did not reflect the feelings of the Assembly. It was agreed that the minutes should include words to the effect that the Assembly requested that the Development Control Manager should produce some guidance explaining how parish councils are involved in the planning process.

Action CG to speak to DC Manager.

It was agreed that on page 9 of the minutes the formatting should be amended. It was agreed that those comments made at the meeting should appear outside of brackets and those made after the meeting should be specifically recorded as such.

Cllr Eastman voiced concern at the time it took for the minutes to be circulated. It was agreed that the minutes should be completed as soon as is practical after the meeting. Cllr McCall and C Godfrey informed the meeting of difficulties which had arisen since the loss of servicing by committees section. It was agreed that the minutes should be more concise to allow them to be produced faster.


The assembly received an oral update on the Milton Keynes Partnership Committee. The meeting noted the following: • C Montgomery distributed the “2006/2007 Milton Keynes Partnership Committee Annual Review” for the information of those present. • Outline planning had been prepared for over an additional 12,000 dwellings. • Sir Bob Reid will retire from English Partnerships at the end of March. The search for his replacement will begin in the New Year. • The CMK Board has been replaced by a Placemaking Group. • Parish Councillors could attend meetings of the Local Strategic Partnership (LSP) and express a view or ask questions. • Information on disruptions due to construction should be sent to the Parishes. It was noted that there would be footpath closures around the station in the New Year. • Residents should begin to move into the expansion areas in nine months.

Comments and questions from the Assembly included: • Cllr Stabler enquired whether MK Partnership was concerned with the amount of physical starts reported. C Montgomery believed this was to do with the statistics only going up to April of this year and agreed to check this. Action: C Montgomery

Parishes Assembly 13 December 2007 Page 2 • Cllr Evans asked who would be taking over in Development Control. C Montgomery informed those present that Lindsey Richards was taking over as manager. • Cllr J. Geary raised the future of the Coachway station. C Montgomery stated the current station would be replaced by a completely new build. • Cllr Jeffreys reported concern over the consultation undertaken in the Eastern Expansion Area which she felt was being “Informed” and not “Consulted”. Cllr Maudsley commented that he shared these concerns. C Montgomery believed the meeting was positive and robust and was happy to receive more comments. • Cllr Eastman wished to discuss signage and capacity for car parking in “The Hub”. C Montgomery assured Cllr Eastman this issue was already on the agenda and she would take these concerns back with her. Action: C Montgomery

ITEM 4. COMMUNITY SAFETY PARTNERSHIP The Assembly was introduced to Pete Jones. P Jones gave apologies for Richard Solly and Andy Gray who were required at another meeting. The assembly received an update from the Community Safety Partnership, recent news included: • “Link Worker” a project aimed at those at risk of committing crime has been awarded a pathfinder bid of £500,000. • “Reducing Violence Week of Action” – The police and partners handed out water outside Xscape in a bid to reduce violence. Statistics showed there were fewer problems that night. • The roll out of Neighbourhood Action Groups (NAGs) was continuing. • The Community Safety Partnership has appointed two more officers. • A “Safer Community Warden” got a commendation at the “Pride in MK” awards. • The Chair of the Community Safety Partnership has received a letter of congratulations from the Home Secretary.

ITEM 5. HOUSES IN MULTIPLE OCCUPATION The Assembly considered an item raised by Cllr David Stabler (Great Linford Parish Council). • HIMOs have been an increasing issue for 5 years. In 2006 it became a requirement to licence certain Houses in Multiple Occupation.

Parishes Assembly 13 December 2007 Page 3 • It is frustrating for Parish Councils seeing planning permissions going to landlords for HIMOs. In many cases one landlord is attempting to develop many properties. • Parishes would like clarification on how well Milton Keynes Council understands the extent and locations of the problems. Chris Londy (Principal Environmental Health Officer) was invited to reply: • A multi agency group of officers has been set up to investigate if HIMOs have an effect on low level crime and disorder. The group of officers whose departments have an interest in any problems has met. • There are problems with conflicting definitions in different pieces of legislation. Many refused applications are turned over at appeal. “Better” landlords are often suffering from legislation that others ignore. • HIMOs are far more likely to suffer from a fire. Meanwhile there is ever increasing demand for this kind of accommodation. Accurate data on the problem does not exist for Milton Keynes. • Tracking of HIMOs is very difficult and time consuming. The council is doing a survey of HIMOs in a small area of Fishermead. Facts about the problems may help at appeals. Roland Payne (Housing Needs Manager) added that: • The housing team do inspect HIMO properties and issue notices on those not compliant with the law. However this is only effective where they know the HIMO nature of the property exists. • Many Landlords do not come forward with the information. This is against the law and can lead to a fine of up to £20,000. • A prosecution is currently underway against one landlord. MK Council hopes to soon have positive publicity. Mike Bowley (DC Team Leader South) also added that: • Currently approximately 100 HIMOs have planning permission. There are currently a few cases which Landlords may be awaiting the result of before applying. • There is limited manpower available from the council to deal with HIMOs. The chair announced that the administration had agreed funding for a new post dedicated to the HIMOs issue in their budget proposals. • Noise, parking and the concentration of HIMOs are all an issue in areas with HIMOs.

Cllr I Fraser added her belief that what was needed now was a MKC cross-department policy on HIMOs. Comments and questions from the Assembly included:

Parishes Assembly 13 December 2007 Page 4 • Cllr Ash-Kashani gave a local example showing that sometimes the problems a HIMO can cause are not apparent beforehand. In Grange Farm the narrow roads are being blocked by the increased demand for parking. • Chris Londy advised parishes with a specific HIMO issue to report it to Roland Payne’s Team: [email protected] • It was discussed and concluded that Parishes should be informed of applications through the usual list of planning applications. • It is the responsibility of Landlords to pay the Council Tax. • Roland Payne assured the Assembly that there was a Health and Safety rating system which all houses his team visited were measured against. Advice on the required standards is available on the team website. • The refuse created by HIMOs was discussed. It became clear that both the transitory nature of tenants and the increased density created higher than usual amounts of rubbish. • Parking in Central Milton Keynes was discussed. Cllr Nix was concerned that garages were being converted to rooms and then the council was creating additional residents parking which compensated for the loss. It was agreed that parking in CMK was a special case. Cllr Baker also raised concerns that single day letting of CMK properties lowered population statistics for the area and lowered allowances. Both problems were noted. • Cllr Allum raised recent problems with fires in Conniburrow. Pete Jones (Bucks Fire & Rescue) commented that though most of the houses were originally built safely, some of the features such as fire doors are occasionally removed. Some houses which had been found to be particularly unsafe had been emptied and the landlords ordered to bring the properties up to the required standard. The Chair invited Cllr Stabler to sum up the discussion. Cllr Stabler felt that a policy on inspection, permission and licensing is needed to start dealing with HIMO related problems. Cllr Stabler also felt that insufficient resources had been committed to the problem and Cllr Stabler found the lack of data on HIMOs discouraging. A comprehensive piece of work is needed on the number type etc.. The chair responded by saying a new post to deal with HIMO related problems was being proposed in next years budget and asked Chris Londy to present his report on HIMOs to the Cabinet once finalised. Action: Chris Londy to present HiMO report to Cabinet

Parishes Assembly 13 December 2007 Page 5 ITEM 6. NEIGHBOURHOOD ACTION GROUPS RESOURCING The Chair invited Cllr Thomas to begin discussion on the item he raised. Cllr Thomas presented the following: • The local Neighbourhood Action Group (NAG) in Denbigh and the Leys was showing its worth, particularly with the NAGs work on the Leys Recreation Area. • The view of West Bletchley Council was that the NAG was not a form of government; and further that the NAG could not continue without the support of West Bletchley Council. • Cllr Thomas felt that resources for the meetings, for example minute taking, should come from the Milton Keynes Council rather than the Parish. The extra work is placing strain on both the Parish Clerk and Community Support Officer. The Chair wished to make it clear the Community Safety Partnership was a group of partners of which Milton Keynes Council was one. The Chair then invited Cllr Isabella Fraser, Chair of the Safer Neighbourhoods Delivery Group to respond: • Cllr I Fraser stated that Milton Keynes Council should not be expected to administer all the NAG’s and wished to make clear that NAGs were not an option but a requirement from Central Government. In Milton Keynes they were being rolled out as part of the work of the Community Safety Partnership. • NAGs are intended to be partnership working. Cllr I Fraser advised that in the Campbell Park, at one NAG she attended secretarial duties were rotated between partner agencies. Cllr I Fraser suggested a similar arrangement be negotiated for the Denbigh and the Leys NAG. Cllr I Fraser then reported that negotiations between the CSP partners had led to a match funding proposal. The police were willing to provide the NAGs with £12,000 provided MK Council and the Parishes matched the input. Cllr D. McCall confirmed that MK Council were planning to match fund the proposal. Cllr D. McCall also confirmed there is £65,000 planned additional funding for the Community Safety Partnership in the Administration’s budget proposals for next year. It was advised that any parish which feels it is under an undue burden due to the NAGs should take the issue to Safer Neighbourhoods Delivery Group of the Community Safety Partnership. Cllr T Fraser advised that the police let the Campbell Park NAG print from their printers without charge. It was agreed that the distribution of cost for £12,000 match funding from the parishes would be discussed by the Safer Neighbourhoods Delivery Group as it was not an assembly matter.

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ITEM 7. LOCAL AREA AGREEMENT (LAA) The chair invited Cllr Francis to begin discussion on the item he raised. Cllr Francis presented the following: • Will the LAA takes decisions away from Parish Councils? • The LAA is devised by the LSP. The LSP is not elected or accountable. The meeting discussed whether Parish Partnership Fund monies would be moved to the control of the LSP. It was confirmed that PPF would remain under MKC. The Chair also confirmed a new £100,000 youth work match funding scheme was planned by MKC in the forthcoming budget. Juniper Strong presented the following in response to concerns: • The LAA is an agreement between Community and Government and gives priorities for improvement. • It will help deliver the community strategy. • The LAA will help highlight the needs created by growth. • Parishes will be invited to comment. It is hoped Parish Councils will engage and contribute. • The LAA is not intended to take decisions away from Parishes but rather tries to encourage different bodies to work together. • MKC is ultimately responsible for the LAA and thus it is democratically accountable. The chair invited Cllr Francis to sum up the discussion: • Cllr Francis was not entirely reassured about the LAA as he believes it is moving down the wrong road. • The Parish Partnership Fund is valued by the parishes. Cllr I Fraser informed the Assembly that meetings of the LSP are quarterly and public. Thus Parish Councillors can go along, ask questions and raise the profile of parishes. ITEM 8. ANNOUNCEMENTS BY PARISH COUNCILS There were no announcements. ITEM 9. DATE/VENUE FOR NEXT MEETING It was noted that the next meeting would be held: • Wednesday 26 March 2008 in the Council Chamber of the Civic Offices. THE CHAIR CLOSED THE MEETING AT 9.40 PM

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