Marvel Ranks

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Marvel Ranks Ghosts of the 7th Sea Conversion Notes Marvel Super Heroes Advanced Set to Mutants & Masterminds Marvel Ranks Mutants & Masterminds Attributes Modifier Ranks Shift 0 (0) 0 N/A 0 Feeble 2 (1) 1 -5 1 Feeble 2 (2) 2-5 -4/-3 1 Poor 4 (3-4) 6-9 -2/-1 1 Typical 6 (5-7) 10-11 +0 1 Good 10 (8-11) 12-13 +1 1 Good 10 (12-15) 14-15 +2 2 Excellent 20 (16-18) 16-17 +3 3 Excellent 20 (19-22) 18-19 +4 4 Excellent (23-25) 20 +5 5 Remarkable 30 (26-36) 20 + Super Attribute rank 1-5 +6/+10 6 Incredible 40 (37-45) 20 + Super Attribute rank 6-10 +11/+15 7-10 Amazing 50 (46-62) 20 + Super Attribute rank 11-15 +16/+20 11-15 Monstrous 75 (63-87) 20 + Super Attribute rank 16-20 +21/+25 16-20 Unearthly 100 (88-125) 20 + Super Attribute rank 21-25 +26/+30 21-25 Shift X 150 (126-175) 20 + Super Attribute rank 26-30 +31/+35 26-30 Shift Y 200 (176-350) 20 + Super Attribute rank 31-35 +36/+40 31-35 Shift Z 500 (351+) 20 + Super Attribute rank 36-40 +41/+45 36-40 Class 1000 20 + Super Attribute rank 41-45 +46/+50 41-45 Class 3000 20 + Super Attribute rank 46-50 +51/+55 46-50 Class 5000 20 + Super Attribute rank 51-55 +56/+60 51-55 Beyond Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Top human capabilities are Excellent (20) in Marvel Super Heroes and 20 in Mutants & Masterminds. Character Creation Guidelines Power Levels Description Power Points Maximum Exemples 1-4 Average Person/Every Day Heroes 15-60 1-4 Aunt May, Cops, Fire Fighters 5-9 Inexperienced/Weak Super-Heroes 75-135 5-9 The Punisher 10-14 Average/Mainstream Super-Heroes 150-210 10-14 Starting Level of Typical Heroes 15-19 Experienced/Veteran Super-Heroes 225-285 15-19 Spider-Man, Wolverine, Daredevil 20-25 Legendary Super-Heroes 300-375 20-25 Hulk, Thor, Hercules 26-40 Cosmic Super-Heroes 390-600 26-40 Silver Surfer 41-55 Godly Heroes, Entities of Great Powers 615-825 41-55 Galactus, Odin, The Watcher, Eternity 56+ Primal Forces Of Universe 830+ 56+ ??? Experience Notes : We can assume that a typical comic book character gain a new power level for each 100 comic he make an appearance (not counting cross-overs and alternate series), or alternatively 1 Power Point per 6-7 comic book appearance, since comic book storytelling is slower than roleplaying games. Written and compiled by Sébastien Allard, © 2003, Ghosts of the 7th Sea FASERIP to d20 Traits The basic traits in Marvel Super Heroes Advanced Set are known as FASERIP (Fighting, Agility, Strength, Endurance, Reason, Intuition, Psyche). They can easily be translate into classic d20 traits such as Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma. Fighting translate directly into Base Attack Modifier. Take the « Ranks » column in the first table to get the Base Attack Bonus. It is suggested that you follow the limitation sets by your Power Level. For example, if Captain America (a PL15 character) have Unearthly Fighting (100) in MSHAS, don’t give him +25 of Base Attack Bonus in M&M, that would mess up the game mechanics. Agility translate into Dexterity without modification. Strength stays the same in both system. Endurance becomes Constitution. Reason translate into Intelligence, no change there. Intuition become Wisdom since the later is the representation of perception. Psyche will be be covered by the Willpower save and the Amazing Save (Willpower) power. Your Save total should be guided by the « Modifier » column on the first table. Marvel Ranks Fighting Notes M&M Base Attack Bonus Shift 0 (0) N/A N/A N/A Feeble 2 (1) No training or ability -5/-3 Disabled, Children, Elderly Poor 4 (3-4) Normal human ability -2/-1 Professor X, Mastermind Typical 6 (5-7) Minimal training or natural ability +0 Dr. Octopus, Good 10 (8-11) Some formal training +1/+2 Mister Fantastic, Magneto, Jean Grey, Invisible Woman Excellent 20 (16-18) Regular formal training +3/+5 Iron Man, Cyclops, Archangel, Tigra, Storm Remarkable 30 (26-36) Superior talent +6/+10 The Hulk, Black Knight, Dr. Doom Incredible 40 (37-45) Superior talent with training +11/+15 Nick Fury, Daredevil, Beast, Wolverine, The Thing, Sub-Mariner Amazing 50 (46-62) Maximum human potential +16/+20 Captain America Monstrous 75 (63-87) Super-human maximum potential +21/+25 Unearthly 100 (88-125) Super-human with extensive training +26/+30 Hercules, Thor Written and compiled by Sébastien Allard, © 2003, Ghosts of the 7th Sea Marvel Ranks Agility Notes M&M Dexterity Shift 0 (0) N/A 0 N/A Feeble 2 (1) Physically limited 1 Disabled Feeble 2 (2) Physically limited 2-5 Elderly Poor 4 (3-4) Clumsy, inacurate 6-9 Children Typical 6 (5-7) Normal human reaction 10-11 Mister Fantastic, Maron Mordo Good 10 (8-15) Some training in dexterity and accuracy 12-15 Colossus, Invisible Woman, Iceman, The Hulk, The Thing Excellent 20 (16-25) Intensive training in dexterity and/or accuracy 16-20 Captain Marvel, Cyclops, Black Knight, Dr. Strange, Thor Remarkable 30 (26-36) Olympic athlete 20 + (1-5) Captain America, Daredevil, Storm, Wolverine, Hawkeye Incredible 40 (37-45) Olympic gymnast 20 + (6-10) Beast, Tigra Amazing 50 (46-62) Super-human sense of dexterity or accuracy 20 + (11-15) Nightcrawler, Spider-Man Monstrous 75 (63-87) Super-human sense of dexterity and accuracy 20 + (16-20) Silver Surfer, Mephisto, Galactus Unearthly 100 (88-125) Movement and reactions in a flash, rarely misses 20 + (21-25) Odin, Celestials Marvel Ranks Strength Notes M&M Strength Shift 0 (0) N/A 0 N/A Feeble 2 (1) Able to press up 50 lbs. 1 Disabled Feeble 2 (2) Able to press up 50 lbs. 2-5 Elderly Poor 4 (3-4) Able to press up 100 lbs. 6-9 Children Typical 6 (5-7) Able to press up 200 lbs. 10-11 Storm, Cyclops, Dr. Strange, Invisible Woman Good 10 (8-15) Able to press up 400 lbs. 12-15 Wolverine, Daredevil, Human Torch Excellent 20 (16-25) Able to press up 800 lbs. 16-20 Captain America Remarkable 30 (26-36) Able to press up 2000 lbs. (1 ton) 20 + (1-5) Beast, Dr. Doom Incredible 40 (37-45) Able to press up 10 tons 20 + (6-10) Tigra, Spider-Man Amazing 50 (46-62) Able to press up 50 tons 20 + (11-15) Rogue, Electro Monstrous 75 (63-87) Able to press up 80 tons 20 + (16-20) The Thing, Sub-Mariner, Colossus, She-Hulk Unearthly 100 (88-125) Able to press up 100 tons + 20 + (21-25) Thor, The Hulk Marvel Ranks Notes M&M Endurance Constitution Shift 0 (0) N/A 0 N/A Feeble 2 (1) Reduced or impaired ability 1 Disabled Feeble 2 (2) Reduced or impaired ability 2-5 Elderly Poor 4 (3-4) Minimal ability or exercice 6-9 Children Typical 6 (5-7) Ocasionally exercice 10-11 Normal humans Good 10 (8-15) Moderate exercice 12-15 Black Knight, Mockingbird Excellent 20 (16-25) Regular exercice 16-20 Daredevil, Human Torch Remarkable 30 (26-36) Intensive exercice 20 + (1-5) Wolverine, Tigra Incredible 40 (37-45) Enhanced abilities 20 + (6-10) Sub-Mariner, Cloak Amazing 50 (46-62) Enhanced and trained abilities 20 + (11-15) Storm, Colossus Monstrous 75 (63-87) Rarely tires, great fortitude 20 + (16-20) The Thing Unearthly 100 (88-125) Nerver tires 20 + (21-25) Thor Written and compiled by Sébastien Allard, © 2003, Ghosts of the 7th Sea Marvel Ranks Reason Notes M&M Intelligence Shift 0 (0) N/A 0 N/A Feeble 2 (1) Good grasp of native language, simple 1 Disabled Feeble 2 (2) machines 2-5 Elderly, The Hulk, Klaw Poor 4 (3-4) Limited exposure to technology, understand 6-9 Children complex machine Typical 6 (5-7) Operate technology 10-11 Wolverine, Tigra, Thor, Storm, Sub-Mariner, Daredevil Good 10 (8-15) Repair and install technology 12-15 The Thing, Captain America, Dr. Strange Excellent 20 (16-25) Modify existing technology 16-20 Spider-Man, Cyclops, Beast Remarkable 30 (26-36) Understand advanced technology 20 + (1-5) Shadowcat, Vulture Incredible 40 (37-45) Understand non terran technology 20 + (6-10) Iron Man, Professor X Amazing 50 (46-62) Create leading edge technology such as stardrive 20 + (11-15) Mister Fantastic, Dr. Doom and time traveling device Monstrous 75 (63-87) Improve and modify alien tech. 20 + (16-20) Mephisto Unearthly 100 (88-125) In effet IS an alien technology 20 + (21-25) The Watcher Marvel Ranks Intuition Notes M&M Wisdom Shift 0 (0) N/A 0 N/A Feeble 2 (1) Unaware of surroundings, limited 1 Disabled Feeble 2 (2) Or impaired senses 2-5 Elderly Poor 4 (3-4) A little slow on the uptake 6-9 Children Typical 6 (5-7) Normal human level 10-11 Black Knight, Archangel Good 10 (8-15) Above average intuition 12-15 The Thing, Spider-Man Excellent 20 (16-25) Fine eye for details 16-20 Thor, Storm Remarkable 30 (26-36) Detective skills or background 20 + (1-5) Tigra, Sub-Mariner, Cyclops Incredible 40 (37-45) Strong empathic sense, gut feelings 20 + (6-10) Captain America, Dr. Doom Amazing 50 (46-62) In tune with surroundings 20 + (11-15) Professor X Monstrous 75 (63-87) Senses beyond all normal limitations 20 + (16-20) Wolverine, Daredevil Unearthly 100 (88-125) In touch with Universe 20 + (21-25) The Watcher Marvel Ranks Psyche Notes M&M Willpower Shift 0 (0) N/A N/A N/A Feeble 2 (1) Easily dominated or programmed -5 Disabled Feeble 2 (2) Easily dominated or programmed -4/-3 Elderly Poor 4 (3-4) Young, untrained or impaired will -2/-1 Children Typical 6 (5-7) Normal human willpower +0 Captain Marvel, Human Torch Good 10 (8-15) Resist ordinary mesmerism +1/+2 Storm, Excellent 20 (16-25) Some experience with mental control +3/+5 Tigra Remarkable 30 (26-36) Trained in resisting mental forces +6/+10 The Thing, Cyclops Incredible 40 (37-45) Highly trained; great strength of will +11/+15 Wolverine, Spider-Man, Sub-Mariner Amazing 50 (46-62) Indomitable will (*as the Feat) +16/+20 Thor Monstrous 75 (63-87) Intense training in mental powers +21/+25 Professor X, Loki Written and compiled by Sébastien Allard, © 2003, Ghosts of the 7th Sea.
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