ISO 9001:2008 CERTIFIED NEWSPAPER Monday 15 April 2013 5 Jumada II 1434 - Volume 18 Number 5670 Price: QR2 Qatar bourse Fernando books largest Alonso tops one-day fall Shanghai field Business | 17 Sport | 28
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[email protected] Editorial: 4455 7741 | Advertising: 4455 7837 / 4455 7780 Emir meets Egypt official GCC states Law on online meet over Iran nuclear trading and leak fears DUBAI/KHOBAR: National emergency officials in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) licences soon countries met yesterday in Saudi Arabia to discuss the risk of radiation spreading over the Single window clearance planned Gulf if Iran’s Bushehr nuclear power plant is damaged by DOHA: A law is on the anvil Licences will be issued for a another earthquake. to allow online trading in the year and will be renewable for A 6.3-magnitude earthquake country and provide licence to another year or for a number of struck close to Iran’s only nuclear a new business, including those years. The current law (Number power station last week, killing owned by foreigners, in just a 25 of 2005) provides for licensing dozens of people but leaving the day through a single-window of a business or shop or indus- nearby plant undamaged, accord- clearance system. trial installation for a year and ing to Iranian officials and the If an applicant wanting to set renewal for five years. Russian company that built it. up a business fails to fulfill the Under the new laws the drafts There is no indication of any criteria, the Ministry of Business of which were approved by the radiation leak following last week’s and Trade, the licensing authority State Cabinet on April 10, busi- tremor and the head of Iran’s and the facilitator of the single- nesses, including shops, offices Atomic Energy Organisation said window, would say a “no” on the and other outlets, could be given The Emir H H Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani with Egyptian Attorney General Talaat Ibrahim Mohammed the plant was built to withstand spot.