
Board of Trustees Meeting

30 Speers Road


May 14-15, 2019

(Available in alternate formats upon request)




School Trip Requests – Outdoor Wilderness/Cultural Activity i. Jack River School (Ratification) 2 Ratified ii. Wanipigow School 3 Approved iii. Grand Rapids School 3 Approved iv. Helen Betty Osborne Ininiw Education Resource Centre 3 Approved v. School 4 Approved vi. Barrows Junction School 4 Approved vii. Duke of Marlborough School 4 Approved viii. Peonan Point School 5 Approved ix. Helen Betty Osborne Ininiw Education Resource Centre 5 Amended (Revised Date)

School Trip Requests i. Falcon Beach School 6 Ratified ii. Wanipigow School 6 Approved

Award for Outstanding Contribution - Employees 6 Awarded

School Committee Constitution and Terms of Reference i. Duke of Marlborough School Committee 7 Approved ii. Grand Rapids School Committee 7 Approved iii. School Committee 7 Approved iv. Waterhen School Committee 8 Approved

Borrowing By-Law B-1-19 8 Approved

Disbursements 8 Approved

Education Agreements i. 8 Confirmed and Adopted ii. Berens River First Nation 9 Confirmed and Adopted


Support Staff Liaison Committee – Cost of living adjustment for all non-union support staff 9 Approved



ADMINISTRATION REPORTS Chief Superintendent 11 Information Secretary-Treasurer 12 Information






Present: Linda Ballantyne Area 2 Donna Calvert Area 4 Kathleen Ettawacappo Area 5 Tanya Friesen Area 3 Marg Imrie Area 3 Graeme Montgomery Area 1 Hilbert Mosiondz Area 1 Darlene Osborne Area 5 Marion Pearson Area 4 Howard Sanderson Area 2

Gerald Cattani Secretary-Treasurer Debbie Laubmann Assistant to Chief Superintendent

Absent: Reg Klassen Chief Superintendent (Excused Absence)

Presenter: Bradley Hampson Assistant Superintendent – Technology and Library Services Justin Tetreault Help Desk Attendant


Chairperson Ballantyne called the meeting to order at 9:03 a.m. on Tuesday, May 14, 2019.


Chairperson Ballantyne reviewed the draft meeting agenda for May 14-15, 2019. She noted an Addendum Item (trip request letter and additional correspondence).

MOTION #86-2019: That the draft revised meeting agenda for May 14- 15, 2019 be approved.

Friesen Sanderson Carried


Chairperson Ballantyne reviewed the draft April 15-16, 2019 regular meeting minutes.

MOTION #87-2019: That the draft regular meeting minutes for April 15- 16, 2019 be approved.

Calvert Imrie Carried


MOTION #88-2019: That the Board move into in-camera session.

Sanderson Calvert Carried

The Board moved into in-camera session at 9:06 a.m. on Tuesday, May 14, 2019.

MOTION #89-2019: That the Board move out of in-camera session.

Friesen Mosiondz Carried

The Board moved out of the in-camera session at 9:42 a.m. on Tuesday, May 14, 2019.



a. School Trip Requests – Outdoor Wilderness/Cultural Activity

i. Jack River School (Ratification)

Chairperson Ballantyne reviewed the Jack River School trip request for twenty-two (22) Grade 6 students to travel to Sea Falls Cabin on May 13-14, 2019. She noted the trip was approved by the Chief Superintendent with a request for Board ratification.

MOTION #90-2019: That the Jack River School outdoor wilderness/cultural activity trip of May 13-14, 2019 be ratified.

2 Osborne Sanderson Carried

ii. Wanipigow School

Chairperson Ballantyne reviewed the Wanipigow School outdoor wilderness/cultural activity trip for twenty-four (24) Grades 9-11 students to Wallace Lake on May 23-24, 2019.

MOTION #91-2019: That the Wanipigow School outdoor wilderness/ cultural activity trip for twenty-four (24) Grades 9- 11 students to Wallace Lake on May 23-24, 2019 be approved.

Osborne Friesen Carried

iii. Grand Rapids School

Chairperson Ballantyne reviewed the Grand Rapids School outdoor wilderness/cultural activity trips for fourteen (14) Grades 9-12 students to the Culture Camp on May 27 to June 26, 2019.

MOTION #92-2019: That the Grand Rapids School outdoor wilderness/cultural activity trips for fourteen (14) Grades 9-12 students to the Culture Camp on May 27 to June 26, 2019 be approved.

Mosiondz Calvert Carried

iv. Helen Betty Osborne Ininiw Education Resource Centre (2 trips)

Chairperson Ballantyne reviewed the following Helen Betty Osborne Ininiw Education Resource Centre outdoor wilderness/cultural activity trips:

• Twenty (20) Grade 9-11 students to travel to Paimusk Creek on May 24, 2019, and • Twelve (12) Grades 9-12 students to travel to Warrens Landing on June 4-5, 2019.

MOTION #93-2019: That the following Helen Betty Osborne Ininiw Education Resource Centre outdoor wilderness/cultural activity trips be approved:

3 • Twenty (20) Grade 9-11 students to travel to Paimusk Creek on May 24, 2019, • Twelve (12) Grades 9-12 students to travel to Warrens Landing on June 4-5, 2019.

Ettawacappo Imrie Carried

v. Rorketon School

Chairperson Ballantyne reviewed the Rorketon School outdoor wilderness/cultural activity trip for twenty-four (24) Grades 9-10 students to travel to Manipogo Provincial Park on June 4-5, 2019.

MOTION #94-2019: That the Rorketon School outdoor wilderness/cultural activity trip for twenty-four (24) Grades 9-10 students to travel to Manipogo Provincial Park on June 4-5, 2019 be approved.

Mosiondz Osborne Carried

vi. Barrows Junction School

Chairperson Ballantyne reviewed the Barrows Junction School outdoor wilderness/cultural activity trip for eleven (11) Grades 2-8 students to travel to Dawson Bay, “Big Rock” and Steep Rock on June 11, 2019 (alternate date: June 14, 2019).

MOTION #95-2019: That the Barrows Junction School outdoor wilderness/cultural activity trip for eleven (11) Grades 2-8 students to travel to Dawson Bay, “Big Rock” and Steep Rock on June 11, 2019 (alternate date: June 14, 2019) be approved.

Ettawacappo Sanderson Carried

vii. Duke of Marlborough School

Chairperson Ballantyne reviewed the Duke of Marlborough School educational trip request for fourteen (14) Grades 9-12 students to travel to Wapusk National Park and Fort Prince of Wales on June 13-20, 2019. She noted this trip is under this section of Action Items due to the high risk activities involved.

4 MOTION #96-2019: That the Duke of Marlborough School educational trip request for fourteen (14) Grades 9-12 students to travel to Wapusk National Park and Fort Prince of Wales on June 13-20, 2019 be approved.

Sanderson Imrie Carried

viii. Peonan Point School

Chairperson Ballantyne reviewed the Peonan Point outdoor wilderness/cultural activity trip request for five (5) Grades 7-12 students to travel to Kenora and Winnipeg on June 2-6, 2019.

MOTION #97-2019: That the Peonan Point outdoor wilderness/cultural activity trip request for five (5) Grades 7-12 students to travel to Kenora and Winnipeg on June 2-6, 2019 be approved.

Calvert Mosiondz Carried

ix. Helen Betty Osborne Ininiw Education Resource Centre (Revised Date)

Chairperson Ballantyne reviewed a letter from Principal Throop advising the Board of a revised date for their outdoor wilderness/cultural activity trip for thirty (30) Grade 8 students to Paimusk Creek. She noted this trip was approved at the Board meeting in April for May 15-16, 2019 and revised dates are May 15- 17, 2019.

MOTION #98-2019: That the change in date for the Helen Betty Osborne Ininiw Education Resource Centre outdoor wilderness trip from May 15-16, 2019 to May 15-17, 2019 be amended.

Ettawacappo Imrie Carried

5 b. School Trip Requests

i. Falcon Beach School

Chairperson Ballantyne reviewed the Falcon Beach School trip request for three (3) Grades 7-9 students to travel to Fredericton, New Brunswick on May 11-18, 2019. Chairperson Ballantyne noted the trip was approved by the Chief Superintendent with a request for Board ratification.

MOTION #99-2019: That the Falcon Beach School trip to Fredericton, New Brunwsick on May 11-18, 2019 be ratified.

Calvert Friesen Carried

ii. Wanipigow School

Chairperson Ballantyne reviewed the Wanipigow School trip request for nine (9) Grades 9-12 students to travel to locations in California on June 8-13, 2019. She noted this trip is planned through EF Tours.

MOTION #100-2019: That the Wanipigow School trip for nine (9) Grades 9-12 students to travel to locations in California on June 8-13, 2019 be approved.

Calvert Sanderson Carried c. Award for Outstanding Contribution - Employees

Chairperson Ballantyne reviewed information and criteria for the Outstanding Contribution Award – Employees. The Awards Panel consisting of Chairperson Ballantyne, Vice-Chairperson Pearson, Trustee Friesen, Chief Superintendent Klassen and Senior Governance Support Officer Whitford reviewed nominations, with Trustee Friesen providing the Panel’s recommendation to the Board.

MOTION #101-2019: That the 2019 Award for Outstanding Contribution – Employees be awarded to Doreen Korotash- Shewchuk.

Friesen Sanderson Carried

6 d. School Committee Constitutions and Terms of Reference

i. Duke of Marlborough School Committee

Chairperson Ballantyne reviewed a request from Area 3 Governance Support Officer Whitford for approval of revisions to the Duke of Marlborough School Committee Constitution and Terms of Reference.

MOTION #102-2019: That revisions to the Duke of Marlborough School Committee Constitution and Terms of Reference be approved.

Friesen Imrie Carried

ii. Grand Rapids School Committee

Chairperson Ballantyne reviewed a request from Area 2 Governance Support Officer Perih for approval of revisions to the Grand Rapids School Committee Constitution and Terms of Reference.

MOTION #103-2019: That revisions to the Grand Rapids School Committee Constitution and Terms of Reference be approved.

Mosiondz Friesen Carried

iii. Gypsumville School Committee

Chairperson Ballantyne reviewed a request from Area 2 Governance Support Officer Perih for approval of revisions to the Gypsumville School Committee Constitution and Terms of Reference.

MOTION #104-2019: That revisions to the Gypsumville School Committee Constitution and Terms of Reference be approved.

Sanderson Friesen Carried

7 iv. Waterhen School Committee

Chairperson Ballantyne reviewed a request from Area 2 Governance Support Officer Perih for approval of revisions to the Waterhen School Committee Constitution and Terms of Reference.

MOTION #105-2019: That revisions to the Waterhen School Committee Constitution and Terms of Reference be approved.

Imrie Mosiondz Carried

e. Borrowing By-Law B-1-19

Secretary-Treasurer Cattani reviewed Borrowing By-Law D-1-19.

MOTION #106-2019: That Borrowing By-Law D-1-19 be approved.

Mosiondz Calvert Carried

f. Disbursements

Chairperson Ballantyne reviewed disbursements for the month of April 2019.

MOTION #107-2019: That the April 2019 disbursements of $28,227,912.49 be approved.

Mosiondz Ettawacappo Carried

g. Education Agreements

i. Skownan First Nation

Secretary-Treasurer Cattani reported upon meetings and negotiations held with the Skownan First Nation. An Execution Copy of the Education Agreement was reviewed with the Board.

MOTION #108-2019: That the updated Education Agreement between the Skownan First Nation and Frontier School Division be confirmed and adopted.

8 Sanderson Mosiondz Carried

ii. Berens River First Nation

Secretary-Treasurer Cattani reported upon meetings and negotiations held with the Berens River First Nation. A working copy of the Education Agreement was reviewed with the Board.

MOTION #109-2019: That the updated Education Agreement between the Berens River First Nation and Frontier School Division be confirmed and adopted.

Imrie Friesen Carried


a. Policy Review Committee

No report.

b. Finance Committee

Chairperson Imrie provided a report of the meeting held May 14, 2019.

c. N.O.F.I. Committee

No report.

d. Support Staff Liaison Committee

Trustees Imrie and Montgomery reported on the meeting held April 30, 2019.

MOTION #110-2019: That a cost of living adjustment (cola) for all non- union support staff be approved as follows:

• .75% of 1% effective July 1, 2019, and • 1% effective July 1, 2020.

Imrie Sanderson Carried

9 e. Employee Pension Committee

Committee Chairperson Imrie reported on the meeting held April 29, 2019.

f. F.S.D./F.T.A. Liaison Committee

No report.

g. Employee Benefits Committee

Trustee Friesen and Secretary-Treasurer Cattani reported on the meeting held April 29, 2019.

h. Collective Bargaining

Report provided in-camera.


a. Manitoba Commission on K-12 Education Review

Chairperson Ballantyne provided a report on the presentation to the Commission on May 13, 2019.

b. June 2019 Board Meeting and Activities

Chairperson Ballantyne reviewed activities in preparation for the June 2019 Board meeting.

c. Correspondence


Direction to administration regarding a request for feedback from the Manitoba School Boards Association.

Chairperson Ballantyne also noted that she was invited and will attend The Verna J. Kirkness Education Foundation dinner scheduled for May 30, 2019.


a. Surface Tablet Training (Timed Item, May 15, 2019)

Chairperson Ballantyne welcomed Assistant Superintendent Hampson and his staff to the meeting. Staff provided trustees with hands-on training.


9.01 Chief Superintendent’s Report

a. “Our Children, Our Success, Our Future” Strategic Plan

i. Reports Schedule


ii. Focus Area Discussion: Academics, Way of Life, Wellness


b. Meetings and Travel


c. Attendance


d. Bravos

Bravos was conveyed to

• Minegoziibe Anishinabe teacher Shirley Nepinak who was identified by the Manitoba Indigenous Education department, with information about her on their website: https://www.edu.gov.mb.ca/aed/publications/educators/index.html • Frontier Collegiate Student Austin Matheson on forwarding his comments about his participation in the Manitoba K-12 Education Commission session for students that took place on May 3.

e. Enrollments


f. Articles


g. Correspondence


11 h. High School Graduation Exercises


9.02 Secretary-Treasurer’s Report

a. Finance


b. Facilities


c. Transportation


d. Trustee Professional Development


e. D-Grants


f. Special Allocation F-Grants



a. Manitoba School Boards Association Annual General Meeting – March 2019

Report provided by Vice-Chairperson Pearson and Trustees Calvert and Friesen.

b. Rorketon School Committee Meeting

Chairperson Ballantyne provided a report of a meeting they attended in Rorketon. She encouraged this school committee to forward correspondence to the Board on topics discussed at this meeting.


a. Trustee Travel

Trustee Imrie requested clarification on trustee travel within an area. Cattani outlined the process involved with trustee travel and noted he would address this item with the Superintendent Group at their next meeting.

b. Waterhen School Committee

Trustee Sanderson inquired on a response from the Board to correspondence they received in January 2019 from the Waterhen School Committee. Chairperson Ballantyne directed the topic including a response from the Board be reviewed at the June meeting.

c. Stipends and Expenses

Trustees inquired about stipends and expenses. Secretary-Treasurer Cattani noted he will review the topic and bring forward a response at the June Board meeting.

d. Secretary-Treasurer Retirement Function Planning

Chairperson Ballantyne, Vice-Chairperson Pearson and Trustee Imrie were delegated to begin planning for the Secretary-Treasurer Retirement function. Direction was provided to administration with follow-up and discussions taking place at the June Board meeting.


Incoming a. Electronic correspondence from The Manitoba School Boards Association (MSBA) for April 12, 2019: - Memo re K-12 Review Commission Consultations: Schedule, Survey and Documents. b. Electronic correspondence from The Manitoba School Boards Association for April 17, 2019: - Memo from George Coupland, Director of Labour Relations, re Bill 12: The Workplace Safety and Health Amendment Act, - Memo from George Coupland, Director of Labour Relations, re Bill 18: The Labour Relations Amendment Act - Conciliation and Mediation Services, - Memo from George Coupland, Director of Labour Relations, re The Accessibility for Manitobans Act Accessible - Employment Standard Regulation 70/2019. c. Letter from Garth Nichol, Board Chair, Turtle Mountain School Division to Honourable Catherine McKenna, M.P., Minister of Environment and Climate Change re Federal Carbon Tax.

13 d. Electronic correspondence from The Manitoba School Boards Association for April 25, 2019: - Memo from Alan Campbell, President, re K-12 Education Commission Workshops, - Memo from Josh Watt, Executive Director, re K-12 Education Commission in General, - Memo from Josh Watt, Executive Director, re Announcement of New Chief Financial Officer at MSBA, - Memo from Josh Watt, Executive Director, re Emamawi Partners Field Trip to St. Laurent, May 10, 2019: Trustee PD Opportunity, - Special Announcement from Frontier School Division re Secretary- Treasurer Designate, - 2019 Mark Dickof Memorial Scholarship Award Application Package, - MSBA Webinar Invitation – Governance Pitfalls and Politics, - Talking About K-12 Education Review Fact Sheet. e. Letter from Garth Nichol, Board Chair, Turtle Mountain School Division to The Honourable Catherine McKenna, M.P., Minister of Environment and Climate Change re Federal Carbon Tax. f. Electronic correspondence from The Manitoba School Boards Association for May 8, 2019: - MSBA Webinar: Repairing the Board-Superintendent Relationship - CSBA Program Details 2019 Congress and National Trustee Gathering on Indigenous Education - CSBA News Release: Federal Advocacy Days - TRCM Invitation – Treaty Learning Day. g. Letter from Minister Kelvin Goertzen, Manitoba Education and Training to Gerald Cattani, Secretary-Treasurer re retirement.

MOTION #111-2019: That the correspondence be received.

Sanderson Imrie Carried


MOTION #112-2019: That the meeting be adjourned.

Montgomery Carried

The meeting adjourned at 1:13 p.m. on Wednesday, May 15, 2019.