SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PLAN New Hampshire Plating Company Superfund Site Merrimack, New Hampshire NHDES NO. 198406030

Prepared By: Hazardous Waste Remediation Bureau (HWRB) Waste Management Division New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (NHDES) 29 Hazen Drive Concord, N.H.

In conjunction with GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc. Manchester, New Hampshire

July 2013

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TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1.0 INTRODUCTION 5 1.1 Site Description And History 5 1.2 Summary Of Site Hydrogeology 8 1.3 Site Cleanup Levels 9 1.4 Data Quality Objectives 10 2.0 PROJECT ORGANIZATION AND RESPONSIBILITIES 11 3.0 FIELD MONITORING AND SAMPLING PROTOCOL 11 3.1 Sample Identification 12 3.2 Multi-Media Sampling And Analysis 12 3.2.1 Water Level Measurements And Well Depth Measurements 13 3.2.2 Groundwater Sampling 14 3.2.3 Groundwater Sampling Of Wells With Partially Saturated Screens 14 3.2.4 Sediment Pore Water Assessment 15 3.3 Other Planned Activities 16 4.0 QUALITY CONTROL 16 4.1 Equipment Maintenance And Calibration 16 4.2 Field Quality Control 19 4.3 Data Verification And Validation 19 4.4 Quality Assurance Field Audits 21 5.0 DOCUMENTATION 21 5.1 Field Data Management 21 5.2 Chain-Of-Custody Procedures 22 5.3 Reports 22 5.3.1 Quality Assurance/Quality Control Section Of Report 23


Figure 1 Site Location Map Figure 2 Monitoring Locations


Table 1 Chemicals of Concern, Associated Standards and Lab Criteria Table 2 Monitoring Locations and Analysis Table 3 Media, Analysis, Test Methods, Containers, Sample Volume, Preservation and Hold Times Table 4 Well Location and Construction Information Table 5 Summary of Quality Assurance Samples to be Collected

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Appendix A Project Organization and Responsibilities

Appendix B Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) B-1 WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENTS -Synoptic Water Level Worksheet B-2 FIELD MONITORING: PID/FID DETECTOR -PID FID Calibration Log B-3 CALIBRATION OF YSI AND HACH FIELD INSTRUMENTS - Calibration Log B-4 GROUNDWATER WELL SAMPLING – LOW FLOW USING A PERISTALTIC PUMP - Low Flow Equipment Setup Diagram – Peristaltic Pump - Low Flow Sampling Worksheet - Peristaltic B-5 GROUNDWATER WELL SAMPLING – LOW FLOW USING A BLADDER PUMP - Low Flow Equipment Setup Diagram – Bladder Pump - Low Flow Sampling Worksheet - Bladder B-6 SURFACE WATER SEDIMENT SAMPLING PROCEDURE - Surface Water Sediment Worksheet B-7 GRAIN SIZE ANALYSIS B-8 PORE WATER SAMPLING PROCEDURE - Figure 2 - Figure 3 - Figure 4 - Figure 5 - Figure 6 - Surface Water and Pore Water Field Screening Worksheet - HH201 Handheld User Manual B-9 SAMPLING EQUIPMENT DECONTAMINATION PROCEDURE B-10 CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY, SAMPLE PACKAGING AND SHIPMENT PROCEDURES -NHDPHS Laboratory Chain-of-Custody -EPA Laboratory Chain-of-Custody -ARA Laboratory Chain-of-Custody -Alpha Analytical Laboratory Chain-of-Custody

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This Sampling and Analysis Plan (SAP) has been prepared to provide site-specific information regarding ongoing activities at the New Hampshire Plating Company (NHPC) Superfund Site (the “Site”) located in Merrimack, New Hampshire. The SAP has been prepared consistent with and references the current New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (NHDES) Hazardous Waste Remediation Bureau (HWRB) Master Quality Assurance Project Plan (Master QAPP), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) RFA#13027, available on the NHDES website.1 The HWRB Master QAPP generally describes the DQOs, analytical procedures and measurements, including laboratory quality-control protocols necessary to achieve DQOs, and data-assessment procedures for the evaluation and identification of any data limitations.

The objective of this SAP is to outline the project plan for supplemental investigation activities planned for 2012-2013, procedures and protocols, data quality objectives (DQOs), quality assurance sampling and documentation, and other project requirements.

Any deviations from the procedures contained within this SAP shall be approved by the NHDES Project Manager and the Quality Assurance (QA) Coordinator in advance, following concurrence with EPA.

1.1 Site Description and History

The New Hampshire Plating Company (NHPC) Site is located on Wright Avenue, off the Daniel Webster Highway in Merrimack, New Hampshire (Figure 1 for a Site Locus and Figure 2 for a Site Plan). The 13-acre Site is enclosed by an 8-foot high chain-link security fence and is situated in an area with mixed land use, including light industries, commercial businesses, and a few private residential dwellings. The NHPC Site is bordered as follows:

 To the south by Wright Avenue and beyond by the YMCA property;  To the west by ACME Pressure Washing (formerly Aggregate Industries) and several commercial / residential lots;  To the north by the Public Service of New Hampshire (PSNH) property and the National School Bus Service, Inc. property; and  To the east by Jones Chemical, Inc (JCI) property and the rail road right-of-way.

This area is located on a broad stream terrace along the western bank of the Merrimack River which is situated approximately 500 feet to the east. Horseshoe Pond, an oxbow lake located in a former channel of the Merrimack River, is a recreational water body located on the southern boundary of the study area, approximately 600 feet south of the Site. A majority of the NHPC Site is located within the 100-year floodplain, which is based on the base flood elevation of 119 feet National Geodetic Vertical Datum (NGVD) (U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, 1979).

NHPC operated an electroplating facility on the Site from 1962 to 1985. The metals used in the electroplating process included cadmium, zinc, chromium, copper, lead, nickel, tin, gold, silver, aluminum, iron, and manganese. Cyanide was also used as part of the electroplating process. NHPC also used chlorinated organic solvents for de-greasing including: trichloroethylene (TCE); 1,1,1-

1 Sampling and Analysis Plan July 2013 New Hampshire Plating Superfund Site, Merrimack, New Hampshire Page 6 of 24

trichloroethane (TCA); and tetrachloroethylene (PCE). Chlorinated solvent use was reportedly discontinued during the latter part of the 1970s.

Treated and untreated wastes and wastewater were discharged through a gravity-drained underground discharge pipe into unlined waste lagoons located approximately 325 feet north of the former facility building. These lagoons occupy wetlands that developed naturally in a series of meander scars formed by the Merrimack River. Wastes were discharged directly into a primary infiltration lagoon (Lagoon 1). The lagoon system was constructed to allow the discharged wastes to overflow from the primary lagoon into a secondary infiltration lagoon (Lagoon 2) and into subsequent overflow lagoons (Lagoons 3 and 4) during periods of high discharge from the facility. Approximately 35,000 to 60,000 gallons of wastewater were generated and discharged to the lagoons each day. In 1980, NHPC notified the EPA that it was a hazardous waste disposal facility in accordance with the Resource and Conservation Recovery Act (RCRA) Section 3001 regulations and continued to operate under an interim permit. As the result of inspections conducted by EPA and the NHDES between 1982 and 1985, NHPC received several Notices of Violation/Orders of Abatement for failure to comply with RCRA transportation, storage, and disposal requirements, and for inadequate treatment of its cyanide wastewater prior to discharge.

Operations at NHPC ceased in November 1985. In June 1987, the NHDES initiated interim remedial measures at the Site. Wastes including plating solutions, cyanide salts, and other materials were removed from the NHPC building. Sludge and sediment were also removed from the building floors and disposed of at an approved off-site facility. The NHDES also treated sludge and process wastewater in Lagoon 1 with approximately 127 tons of lime and 800 gallons of a sodium hypochlorite solution. EPA initiated an emergency removal action in October of 1989. After a preliminary study in the fall of 1990 and spring of 1991, EPA performed a limited removal action. Approximately 13,600 tons of sludge and soil were excavated, solidified on-site in an ash/mortar mixture, and encapsulated in a high density polyethylene (HDPE) solidified material storage cell at a location immediately north of the former NHPC building,

An additional 5,000 tons of soil were disposed off-site at a secured landfill. As the last step of the removal action, approximately 5,600 cubic yards of untreated soils excavated from the overflow lagoon areas were placed in Lagoon 1. The soils were covered with an HDPE cap and approximately 2 feet of clean fill. The other excavated lagoons were covered with between 1 to 2 feet of clean fill. EPA also conducted a Non-Time-Critical Removal Action (NTCRA) within the NHPC building in November and December of 1994. Laboratory wastes left in the NHPC building were packed in drums and shipped off- site for disposal; asbestos-containing materials were removed; process equipment and the building were decontaminated; the building, floor slab, and foundation were demolished; an underground storage tank was removed; the exposed soils were characterized; and the building footprint was graded and covered with a geomembrane. Both non-hazardous and hazardous materials generated during the building removal were disposed of off-site.

The Remedial Investigation (RI), completed in 1996, included the determination of contaminant nature and extent, evaluation of contaminant migration in groundwater, and assessment of risks to human health and the environment. Results of the RI indicated the presence of elevated metals concentrations in Site soils and the presence of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and metals at concentrations higher than groundwater quality standards in the underlying aquifer. Detailed presentations of the Site description, Ssite history, nature and extent of contamination (as determined by the RI), and contaminant fate and transport can be found in the Draft Final Remedial Investigation Report (Halliburton NUS Corporation and Raytheon Engineers & Constructors, Inc., 1996). Five soil metal contaminants of concern (COCs) were identified as affecting groundwater quality including: cadmium, chromium, arsenic, lead, and nickel. Sampling and Analysis Plan July 2013 New Hampshire Plating Superfund Site, Merrimack, New Hampshire Page 7 of 24

A Feasibility Study (FS) report (Brown and Root, 1997) evaluated five soil remedial alternatives and three groundwater response alternatives. The report evaluated the potential application of chemical fixation using a proprietary process to address the leaching of cadmium at the Site, the principal and representative soil COC. One component of the FS included using a computer model to estimate the potential soil leaching and groundwater transport for various metals of concern. The modeling effort produced estimates of soil concentrations that would leach metals of concern in excess of the federal Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs) or the New Hampshire Ambient Groundwater Quality Standards (AGQS) included in Env-Or 600 Contaminated Sites Management (Env-Or 600).

A Record of Decision (ROD) was issued in 1998 that identified the selected remedy to address the Site’s contaminated soils and sediments and groundwater quality.

The ROD set forth the selected remedy for the NHPC Site, which involved in-place treatment of metal- contaminated soil by chemical fixation, natural attenuation of contaminated groundwater in the overburden aquifers, and institutional controls to allow for acceptable re-development and prevent future ingestion of contaminated groundwater. The selected remedy was a comprehensive approach which addressed all current and potential future risks caused by soil and groundwater contamination at the Site. The remedial measures were designed to prevent leaching of metal-contaminants to groundwater, eliminate unacceptable exposure to sensitive ecosystems, prevent the ingestion and direct contact with contaminated groundwater, and allow for restoration of the Site to beneficial uses.

The contaminants detected within the NHPC Site correspond to the known plating effluent constituents including metals, chlorinated solvents, and cyanide. According to the ROD, eight VOCs were detected in groundwater at concentrations which exceeded the federal Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs). These include: trichloroethene (TCE); 1,1-dichloroethene (DCE); tetrachloroethene (PCE); vinyl chloride (VC); trichloroethane (TCA); cis- and trans-1,2-dichloroethene (DCE); 1,2-dichloroethane (1,2-DCA); and chloroform. Five metals were also detected in the groundwater above the established MCLs, including cadmium, nickel, chromium, arsenic, and lead. TCE and cadmium were the contaminants that most frequently exceeded their respective MCLs of 5 micrograms per liter (µg/L).

The soil remedial action (RA) operations began in 2004. The soil remedy consisted of contaminated soils excavation; soil treatment by chemical fixation; treated soil and crushed monolith materials consolidation into the former lagoons; soil cover installation over the treated soil backfill; and grading to allow for possible future use and to maintain flood storage capacity. During the soil remedial action, a total of approximately 95,000 tons of contaminated sludge and soil was excavated, treated through chemical fixation, and backfilled/re-graded to subgrade elevation. A 2-foot thick permeable soil cover was placed over the treated soils backfill to prevent exposure of biological receptors. Final grading currently maintains flood storage capacity and land-use restrictions will eventually control future development and ensure that the clean soil cover is not breached. Site restoration (reseeding and additional landscaping) was completed in 2007 (see the Source Control Remedial Action Report (Tetra Tech, 2007a) for detailed discussion and data on the soil RA activities).

A groundwater investigation to support the positioning of proposed replacement monitoring wells for the Site groundwater monitoring network was performed during October 2006. In January and February 2007, 26 monitoring wells were installed as part of the Site groundwater monitoring network used to monitor long-term groundwater quality as part of the Site groundwater remedy. An Interim Management of Migration Remedial Action Report (Tetra Tech, 2007b) was issued in 2007 that summarizes activities conducted in support of the completion of the RA management of migration (MOM) remedy. Sampling and Analysis Plan July 2013 New Hampshire Plating Superfund Site, Merrimack, New Hampshire Page 8 of 24

The Site’s first Five-Year Review Report was signed by EPA’s Director of the Office of Site Remediation and Restoration on December 29, 2009. The Five Year Review concluded that the remedy at the New Hampshire Plating Company Superfund Site is currently protective, for exposures envisioned by the ROD. However, in order for the remedy to be protective in the long-term, the following action needs to be taken:  Implement institutional controls, including the establishment of an approved groundwater management zone.  Evaluate groundwater monitoring data at the Site as it relates to abutting property uses and the potential for vapor intrusion into indoor air.  Monitor metals in the pore water and sediments in the transition zones between groundwater and surface water in the Merrimack River and Horseshoe Pond.

An evaluation of the potential for vapor intrusion into indoor air was conducted in 2012. It was determined that vapor intrusion is not a pathway of concern. Discussions between EPA and NHDES to determine the steps needed to implement institutional controls for the Site is ongoing.

Monitoring metals in the pore water in the transition zones between groundwater and surface water in the Merrimack River and Horseshoe Pond began in 2010. Based on data collected in 2011, and the development of a three-dimensional numerical model of overburden stratigraphy to evaluate relationships between hydrostratigraphy and contaminant distribution, there are gaps in the existing monitoring well network toward the southwest of the Site, and further data are needed to evaluate the potential for groundwater flow and contaminant transport toward the southwest. Based on transducer data collection efforts in 2011, the withdrawal of groundwater from of the JCI production well (NHP_JCPROD-1) appears to influence groundwater hydraulic head within the bedrock and deep overburden hydraulic units.

1.2 Summary of Site Hydrogeology

The subsurface soils encountered during the RI, in order from ground surface to bedrock, generally consist of alluvial sand deposits over glacio-lacustrine, glacial outwash, and glacial till deposits. The lower permeability glacio-lacustrine deposits were observed in the subsurface soils across much, but not all, of the study area. A bedrock trough, between the former NHP building and Horseshoe Pond, oriented in an approximate north-south direction, extends across the southern portion of the study area. The bedrock surface rises steeply in all directions away from the central bedrock low area. Bedrock cores collected during the RI indicated that the dominant rock types encountered in the study area were granite and granitic gneiss with some schist.

During the RI, three water bearing formations were identified in the study area:

 An unconfined shallow overburden aquifer that is generally situated between 5 and 40 feet below ground surface, and is bounded at depth by lower permeability glacio-lacustrine soils;  A deep overburden aquifer that is generally below the glacio-lacustrine soil unit within the glacial outwash sand deposits. This aquifer is semi-confined by upper (glacio-lacustrine) and lower (bedrock) hydraulic boundaries of less permeable formations over most of the study area, except where the glacio-lacustrine soils are absent. It ranges between 10 and 75 feet thick across the study area, showing a general trend of thinning toward down gradient locations adjacent to the Merrimack River; and  A bedrock aquifer that generally includes the entire bedrock section beneath the study area. Sampling and Analysis Plan July 2013 New Hampshire Plating Superfund Site, Merrimack, New Hampshire Page 9 of 24

Groundwater within the shallow and deep overburden aquifers predominantly flows in a southeasterly and easterly direction toward the Merrimack River. Horizontal flow within the bedrock aquifer appears to be in an easterly direction toward the Merrimack River, similar to the overburden. Upward vertical gradients were generally observed between these aquifers in the southern and eastern portions of' the study area. Downward vertical gradients occur in the northern and western portions of the study area between the shallow and deep overburden aquifers. A more complete description of the Site can be found in Section 3.0 of the RI.

1.3 Site Cleanup Levels

Interim cleanup levels (ICLs) for contaminants of concern were established in the 1998 ROD for groundwater. Groundwater data results will also be compared against New Hampshire Ambient Groundwater Quality Standards (AGQS) included in Env-Or 600. Refer to the table below for a summary of the contaminants of concern and the associated ICLs and AGQS for groundwater. The current clean- up criteria are the more restrictive of the two values. When all of the current more restrictive cleanup criteria have been achieved and have not been exceeded for a period of three consecutive years, a risk assessment will be performed on the residual groundwater contamination to determine whether the remedial action is complete. Refer to the attached Table 1 for a summary of all test methods including respective laboratory reporting detection limits (RDLs), and action limits being performed on groundwater and other media at the Site.

Contaminants of Concern and Associated AGQS and ROD ICL Criteria


1,1, I-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 200 200 1,1- Dichloroethene 75-35-4 7 7 1,2- Dichloroethene (cis/trans DCE) 156-59-2/156-60-5 70/100 70/100 1,2- Dichloroethane 107-06-2 5 5 Chloroform (Trichloromethane) 67-66-3 70 100 Trichloroethene 79-01-6 5 5 (Trichloroethylene, TCE) Tetrachloroethene 127-18-4 5 5 (Tetrachloroethylene, PCE) Vinyl Chloride 75-01-4 2 2 Cyanide 57-12-5 200 200 Arsenic 7440-38-2 10 50 Cadmium 7440-43-9 5 5 Chromium 7440-47-3 100 100 Lead 7439-92-1 15 15 Manganese 7439-96-5 840 -- Nickel 7440-02-0 100 100 Notes: 1. ROD ICLs = Interim Cleanup Levels found in the ROD. 2. AGQS = New Hampshire Ambient Groundwater Quality Standards, ENV-Or 600. 3. µg/l = Micrograms per liter 4. Cis-DCE = 70 µg/L and Trans-DCE = 100 µg/L 5. The arsenic AGQS changed from 50 to 10 µg/L in October 2001. 6. CAS No = CAS Registry Numbers are unique numerical identifiers assigned by the Chemical Abtract Service. The CAS Registry is the most authoritative collection of chemical substance information. Sampling and Analysis Plan July 2013 New Hampshire Plating Superfund Site, Merrimack, New Hampshire Page 10 of 24

In accordance with the ROD, groundwater cleanup levels must be met at the completion of the remedial action. Data generated will be reviewed by EPA at least once every 5 years to ensure that results are indicative that the remedy selected for the Site continues to provide adequate protection of human health and the environment.

As identified in Table 1, some action limits cannot be obtained by the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services Division of Public Health Services (NHDPHS) laboratory using the selected test methods. The data will be included and evaluated in the project reporting deliverables. The evaluation of the data will be qualitative relative to the historical trends of those particular analytes. In the future, as the concentrations of the contaminants-of-concern of various media appear to decline closer to the action limits established, consideration will be given to the need for use of alternative test methods that may be able to achieve lower detection limits where needed.

There are no ROD ICLs established for surface water or sediment. Surface water data results will be compared to NHDES Surface Water Quality Regulations (Env-Wq 1700, see Table 1). Using the NHDES’ Draft Evaluation of Sediment Quality Guidance Document, dated April 2005, sediment data will be compared with published, peer-reviewed screening level contaminant lists that include:  National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Screening Quick Reference Tables (NOAA SQuiRT Tables). Current SQuiRT Tables are located on the NOAA website.2  Oak Ridge National Laboratory 1997 – Toxicological Benchmarks (ORNL ES/ER/TM-95/R4).  EPA 1996 – Ecotox Thresholds (EPA EPA 540/F-95/038).  MacDonald et al., 2000 – Arch. Environ. Contamination and Toxicology, Vol. 39: 20-31.

1.4 Data Quality Objectives

The primary data quality objective for the long term sampling/monitoring program is that all measurements be representative of the actual Site conditions and that all data resulting from field, sampling, and analysis activities be comparable. Comparability is the extent to which data from one data set can be compared directly to similar or related data sets and/or decision-making standards. Data comparability will be achieved by continuity of acceptable laboratory practices, method analysis, sample collection procedures and sample handling. Any deviations from the procedures contained within this SAP shall be approved by the NHDES in advance, following concurrence with EPA.

The data quality objectives for the NHPC Site are to:  Evaluate the risk to human health and the environment.  Monitor progress of natural attenuation of groundwater.  Minimize off-site migration of contaminants in the groundwater.  Evaluate the effectiveness of the remedial action.  Evaluate the adjacent surface water quality in the area (Merrimack River and Horseshoe Pond) to verify that surface water in these areas remain free of NHP Site-related contaminants.  Prevent ingestion of groundwater containing contaminants at concentrations exceeding drinking

2 Sampling and Analysis Plan July 2013 New Hampshire Plating Superfund Site, Merrimack, New Hampshire Page 11 of 24

water criteria; and over time.  Restore all Site groundwater to safe drinking water levels.

The selected groundwater response action includes: implementing institutional controls, natural attenuation, long-term monitoring of groundwater quality, and performing five-year reviews to assess Site conditions and potential risks.

Performance acceptance criteria for all new data generated for this project will be based on principal Data Quality Indicators including precision, bias, representativeness, completeness, comparability, and sensitivity. Consistent with the HWRB Master QAPP, Section 1.4, for data generated by the NHDPHS Laboratory, EPA’s laboratory (EPA), ARA Laboratories (ARA) along with their subcontract laboratory Katahdin, and Alpha Analytical, the RDLs and the acceptance limits for accuracy and precision have been accepted for use on this project. Table 1 includes a summary of the test methods being performed and the associated RDLs.

Completeness is considered to be the percentage of planned data collection that has to be complete in order to be considered sufficient for the intended use. The goal is to achieve a minimum of 90 percent (%) data completeness for analyzed samples.


NHDES and EPA have entered into a Cooperative Agreement to implement the long-term remedial action (LTRA) phase of the cleanup requirements of the ROD. EPA is currently the lead regulatory agency for the Site, with assistance from NHDES and their contractors in performance of the LTRA work. GZA has been retained by the NHDES to provide remedial consulting services for the project.

Within GZA, Mr. Steven R. Lamb will be responsible for the overall contract management, ensuring that established protocols and procedures are used and Ms. Amy Doherty will be responsible for the management of day-to-day activities, staff scheduling, and assuring that the technical objectives are achieved relative to the NHPC project. Ms. Amy Doherty will be the designated Quality Assurance Officer for the project and in this role, will oversee all quality assurance (QA) aspects including assisting NHDES with the development of this SAP and data validation reports to confirm that data quality documentation is appropriate and that QA goals have been met.

Refer to Appendix A for an illustration of project organization and responsibilities of those individuals involved in the project.


The following subsections discuss the general methodology for performing sampling and analysis as part of the overall field activities including specific sampling procedures and data management requirements that will be implemented during the monitoring program. Field activities will be conducted in accordance with this SAP, unless Site conditions require modifications. Any modifications shall be approved by NHDES in advance, following concurrence with EPA.

Specific standard operating procedures (SOPs) are included in Appendix B and referenced herein.

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3.1 Sample Identification

In order to properly transfer sample results into the NHDES EMD (Environmental Monitoring Database) samples must be identified using the designated NHDES station identification.

 All sample ID’s must have “NHP_” as a prefix. This includes any samples going to outside labs so that later this data may be uploaded into the NHDES EMD;  The sample ID has to be 15 characters or less, including the “NHP_”;  Equipment Blanks must be labeled “EQUIP BLANK.” The equipment from which the equipment blank was collected will be documented in the field log book and indicated in the comments section of the chain-of-custody (COC) form;  Trip Blanks must be labeled “Trip Blank” without any other designation. Only one Trip Blank per COC per cooler is acceptable.  Sample duplicates are identified by adding “DUP” to the end of the station ID. The duplicate sample must be labeled “DUP” not “Dup” and there must be one space between the sample ID and DUP (example “NHP_MW-309S DUP”). Blind duplicates are not allowed. The space and “DUP” will not count toward the 15 character maximum; and  All new sample ID’s shall be approved by the NHDES Project Manager and the QA Coordinator in advance.

3.2 Multi-Media Sampling and Analysis

Multi-media sampling at the Site includes sampling of groundwater from select monitoring wells and the collection of co-located surface water, pore water, and sediment samples within the Merrimack River.

Figure 1 illustrates the Site location.

Figure 2 illustrates the monitoring locations at the Site.

Table 1 refers to the summary of all Contaminants of Concern, analytes, associated ICLs (ROD), standards, such as AGQS (Env-Or 600), and the associated Laboratory RDLs.

Table 2 refers to the selected locations to be sampled, analytical parameters, sampling procedure, and property location.

Table 3 refers to specific analytical methods, sample volume, containers, preservatives and hold time requirements.

Table 4 refers to monitoring well construction information, which includes well depth, diameter, geologic unit the well is screened within, screen interval depth, etc.

Table 5 refers to the specific Quality Control (QC) sampling requirements for the monitoring rounds.

Analysis of multi-media samples will be divided among the Labs (NHDPHS; EPA; ARA and their subcontract laboratory Katahdin; Alpha; and GZA’s subcontractor Thielsch as follows:

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For aqueous laboratory analyses including groundwater, surface water, and pore water, the following provides the planned analyses responsibilities:

 NHDPHS will be responsible for analyzing samples for: - VOCs - Total/Dissolved Metals (arsenic, cadmium, chromium, lead, manganese, and nickel); Hardness - Cyanide

 EPA will be responsible for analyzing samples for 1,4-dioxane

For sediment laboratory analyses, the following provides the planned analyses responsibilities:

 NHDPHS will be responsible for analyzing samples for: - Total Metals (arsenic, cadmium, chromium, lead, manganese, and nickel) - Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon (TPH)

 ARA will be responsible for analyzing samples for: - Hexavalent Chromium - Cyanide - Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbon (VPH) - Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbon (EPH); and - Total Organic Carbon (TOC) ARA will ship these samples to their subcontract lab Katahdin.

 Alpha Analytical will be responsible for analyzing samples for Acid Volatile Sulfide (AVS) and Simultaneously Extracted Metals (SEM).

 GZA subcontractor Thielsch Engineering will be responsible for analyzing samples for Grain Size.

GZA will coordinate sample pick-up/delivery arrangements with the each laboratory. Each laboratory has its own chain-of-custody (COC); refer to the chain-of-custody SOP.

The laboratory Turn-Around-Time (TAT) requested for all samples will be the standard 10 to 15 business day TAT.

3.2.1 Water Level Measurements and Well Depth Measurements

A synoptic water level round from all wells included in Table 2 shall be conducted in accordance with the Water Level Measurement SOP in the shortest possible time prior to beginning sampling to assess groundwater flow directions.

Groundwater elevations will be measured as depth-to-water at the Site using an electronic water level Sampling and Analysis Plan July 2013 New Hampshire Plating Superfund Site, Merrimack, New Hampshire Page 14 of 24

indicator probe. Groundwater elevations will be calculated by subtracting the depth-to-groundwater from the reference elevation associated with each well (top of PVC or casing).

The depth to the bottom of the monitoring well should be confirmed in each well included in Table 2 based on the following:

 If a bladder pump has been installed in a monitoring well, the depth to the bottom of the monitoring well will be confirmed at such time when the bladder pump is removed for repairs or maintenance activities, or if a significant increasing trend in the values has been observed; and

 In monitoring wells where there has been no bladder pump installed, the depth to the bottom of the monitoring well will be confirmed once every five years, during the sampling event just prior to the 5-year review.

A “Surface Water Depth Measuring Point” has been established on the Merrimack River at the southeast corner of pier as shown in red on Figure 2 to track the depth of the Merrimack River during the sampling events. This location is accessed from the Transupport Inc. property. The distance from the bottom of the river to the top of the surface water shall be measured twice during each sampling event: once during the synoptic water level round and again when surface water samples are collected.

3.2.2 Groundwater Sampling

Groundwater monitoring wells identified in Table 2 and illustrated on Figure 2 will be purged and sampled using either dedicated polyethylene tubing, and low flow methodology or a bladder pump (dedicated if funding permits or non-dedicated). Refer to the respective SOPs. The rationale or purpose for sampling these wells is included in Table 4. Calibration of the field equipment will be performed in accordance with the SOP.

Some locations will be sampled for multiple purposes. Wells NHP_MW-108S/D, NHP_MW-202S/D, NHP_MW-203D, and NHP_MW-204S/D/R will be sampled as part of further evaluation of pore water and will be sampled concurrent with the collection of pore water, surface water and sediment samples.

Refer to Tables 2 and 3 for the specific laboratory analyses planned and Table 5 for all required QC sampling including equipment blanks, duplicate samples, etc., with respect to groundwater sampling. Decontamination of non-dedicated equipment will be completed in accordance with the SOP.

IDW generated from decontamination activities will be discharged to the ground surface. Refer to Section 4.2 below and Table 5 for all required QC sampling including equipment blanks, duplicate samples, etc., with respect to groundwater sampling.

3.2.3 Groundwater Sampling of Wells with Partially Saturated Screens

The low flow procedure is primarily designed for monitoring wells with a water level above the top of the screen or open interval, however; a number of wells at NHPC have partially saturated screens at various times depending on the water table. Table 2 identifies wells with the potential for having partially saturated screens. For those wells the sampler will measure the water level. If the water level is one half a foot or more above the top of the screen or open interval, the low flow procedure shall be followed. If the water level is below that, the sampler shall purge one tubing volume of water and collect the samples. Sampling and Analysis Plan July 2013 New Hampshire Plating Superfund Site, Merrimack, New Hampshire Page 15 of 24

The sampler shall follow the steps under the Monitoring Wells That Have Insufficient Recharge Section in the Low Flow SOP (either Peristaltic or Bladder Pump SOPs) for purging the tubing volume and collecting the samples.

3.2.4 Sediment Pore Water Assessment

Based on the data results for sediment pore water sampling that was conducted in 2010, additional monitoring is needed to support re-evaluation of the ecological risk previously performed and documented in the ROD/5-Year Review. In order to further assess ecological risk and sediment toxicity, co-located surface water, pore water, and sediment samples will be collected from within the same four general areas assessed previously along the Merrimack River (proximate to the NHP_MW-108, NHP_MW-202, NHP_MW-203, and NHP_MW-204 series wells) as well as one upstream location (just upstream of Jones Chemical). Refer to Figure 2 for the approximate locations. In addition, groundwater samples will be collected from wells NHP_MW-108S/D, NHP_MW-202S/D, NHP_MW-203D, and NHP_MW- 204S/D/R which is specifically discussed in Section 3.2.3 below.

The order of sample collection will be pore water followed by surface water and lastly, sediment as discussed herein. Pore Water Sampling

Pore water temperature screening within four areas along the Merrimack River (NHP_MW-108, NHP_MW-202, NHP_MW-203, and NHP_MW-204 series wells) and one upstream location (just upstream of Jones Chemical) will be conducted using temperature probes provided by EPA in accordance with the SOP . The temperature differential data collected will be used to select one pore water sampling location (and depths in shallow soft sediment between 6-12 inches) within each of the five areas. Pore water will be sampled using non-dedicated pore water samplers in accordance with the SOP.

Refer to Table 2 and Figure 2 for sampling locations. Refer to Tables 2 and 3 for the specific laboratory analyses planned and Table 5 for all required QC sampling including equipment blanks, duplicate samples, etc., with respect to pore water sampling.

Field screening parameters including dissolved oxygen and temperature will be collected from both surface water and pore water using a YSI multi-parameter water quality meter. Turbidity will be collected from the pore water using a Hach turbidity meter. Calibration of the field equipment will be performed in accordance with the SOP. Decontamination of non-dedicated equipment (i.e., pore water sampler) will be completed in accordance with the SOP. Surface Water & Sediment Sampling

The surface water sample should be collected before the sediment sample. A surface water grab sample will be collected using a clean wide-mouth glass bottle for each sampling location as an intermediary container to fill pre-preserved sampling containers according to the SOP. For the purposes of this supplemental investigation, field screening parameters including dissolved oxygen and temperature will be collected in-situ. No additional field parameters associated with surface water will be collected. Sediment samples will be collected with a scoop or Ponar dredge according to the SOP.

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Refer to Table 2 and Figure 2 for sampling locations. Refer to Tables 2 and 3 for the specific laboratory analyses planned and Table 5 for all required QC sampling including equipment blanks, duplicate samples, etc., with respect to surface water and sediment sampling.

Decontamination of any non-dedicated equipment (i.e., scoop or Ponar dredge) will be completed in accordance with the SOP. Investigative Derived Waste (IDW) generated from well purging and decontamination activities will be discharged to the ground surface.

A “Surface Water Depth Measuring Point” has been established on the Merrimack River at the southeast corner of the pier as identified on Figure 2 to track the depth of the Merrimack River during the sampling events. This location is accessed from the Transupport Inc., property. The distance from the bottom of the river to the top of the surface water shall be measured when surface water samples are collected. Refer to the Water Level Measurements and the Surface Water SOPs for more details.

3.3 Other Planned Activities

Other activities that may occur during this monitoring round include the following:  Supplemental data collection activities: - Installation of pressure transducers and data loggers within selected monitoring wells within the vicinity of NHP_JCMW-2D. - Performance of a comprehensive depth-to-water level measurement round including each accessible well associated with the site and the Jones Chemical site. - Collection of groundwater samples for VOC analysis from additional wells on the Jones Chemical property.  Decommission the Island Drive wells (MW-208 well series) in accordance with Env-Or 610.04 Groundwater Monitoring Wells.  Repairs to the damaged perimeter fence within the northern most portion of the Site.


The following describes the QC steps used to demonstrate reliability and confidence in the monitoring data collected for this project and includes field equipment maintenance and calibration, field QC sample collection, and data verification and validation.

4.1 Equipment Maintenance and Calibration

The following table provides the preventive maintenance steps for the typical equipment anticipated for the types of monitoring and sampling activates addressed by this SAP to ensure proper functioning of field equipment for the project. Manufacturer’s equipment manuals and any manufacturer-provided repair kits will be on site at all times. Calibration procedures are included in Appendix B.

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Field Equipment - Preventive Maintenance

INSTRUMENT ACTIVITY FREQUENCY Solinst Electronic Water Level Battery Check Daily Indicator Calibration and Calibration Check – pre-sampling event Once Prior to Sampling Event Photoionization Detector Battery check Calibration – beginning of day MiniRae 2000/3000 Daily Calibration check – after morning calibration Calibration check – end of day YSI 600XL/XLM Multi-Parameter Calibration and Calibration Check – pre-sampling event Once Prior to Sampling Event Water Quality Monitor Battery check Daily Calibration check – beginning of day Hach 2100P or 2100Q Turbidity Meter Calibration check – end of day

Note: In the case of field equipment failure, backup equipment will be delivered to the Site from GZA’s office(s). This equipment is suitable to use on this project because it can meet the requirements included in the SOPs in Appendix B. Every reasonable effort shall be made to ensure the low-flow cells, sample tubing, and turbidity meters are shielded from the elements.

The following table provides performance requirements of applicable field equipment and required corrective actions should equipment fail.

Field Equipment - Calibration and Corrective Action

The Acceptance Calibration Corrective Instrument Calibration Standards Criteria for the Daily Frequency Action Calibration Checks


1.) Dissolved Calibrate to 100% water 0-0.5 mg/L for the 0 Morning Calibration Check Oxygen and saturated air and use 0 mg/L mg/L DO temperature DO check. – If outside the criteria during Daily the morning check, calibrate 2.) Oxygen Calibration Zobel solution (calibration +/- 5% only the parameter(s) that was Reduction Check at the and check) out of range. Potential beginning of – If still out of range replace 3.) Specific each day Calibrate to 718 S/cm and +/- 5% the appropriate calibration Conductance use 1,413 S/cm to check. * Calibration of standards and recalibrate any parameter Calibrate to pH 4 , 7 and 10 /check. 4.) pH +/- 5% not within and use pH 7 to check. range during – If recalibration is the calibration Calibrate to <0.1, 10, 20, unsuccessful, replace the unit. check 100, and 800 NTUs as appropriate for each meter. End of the day Calibration Hach 2100 P or Calibration +/- 5% for 2100P Check 2100Q Turbidity Check at the Use 20 NTUs to check Meter end of the day 2100P and the 10 NTU to +/- 10% for 2100Q – If outside the criteria at the check the 2100Q. end of the day, the data will be qualified by GZA. (use StablCal Formazin Primary Turbidity Standards)

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The Acceptance Calibration Corrective Instrument Calibration Standards Criteria for the Daily Frequency Action Calibration Checks

Daily Calibration

– Recalibrate appropriate Daily standards. If value(s) are still Calibration outside the acceptance criteria, at the replace with a different unit. beginning of each day Connect detector to Morning Calibration Check isobutylene-in-air standard. Calibration After 15 seconds, the – If outside the criteria during MiniRae Check at the detector reading should +/- 15 % the morning check, replace the 2000/3000 beginning of equal the response value as appropriate calibration the day after indicated on the calibration standards and recalibrate calibration gas cylinder used. /check. If recalibration is unsuccessful, replace the unit. Calibration check at the End of the day Calibration end of the day Check

– If outside the criteria at the end of the day, the data will be qualified by GZA.

Notes: The morning and end-of-the-day checks are a check of the instrument against the calibration standards and are in “measurement” mode on a run/measurement screen. This is not recalibration but rather a check. * It is permissible to calibrate with either of the specific conductivity standards and use the other standard to check the calibration.

In general, all instrumentation necessary for field monitoring and health and safety purposes shall be maintained, tested, and inspected according to the manufacturer's instructions.

All field instruments shall be calibrated, and have a calibration check, in the office prior to the field event (within one week) to ensure that the equipment is working properly and meets the QA criteria.

Calibration checks, made in the run mode, shall be performed at the beginning of each sampling day to ensure the equipment is in calibration and again at the end of the day of use to ensure that the instruments have remained in calibration throughout the day. If the beginning of the day check is unsuccessful for any parameter, that parameter must be calibrated and the calibration must be checked again. If the end of the day check is unsuccessful for any parameter, the data collected for that parameter shall be qualified in its use.

In addition, should any erratic or illogical readings occur between calibrations, the instrument shall be recalibrated in order to ensure that representative measurements are obtained. All calibration and check values shall be documented on the calibration log maintained by each user. Refer to the Calibration of YSI and Hach Field Instruments SOP in Appendix B for specific calibration procedures.

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4.2 Field Quality Control

The following provides a general description of the field QC sampling that will occur for the project. Refer to Table 5 that includes a summary of QC samples to be collected.

Field Quality Control Requirements

Acceptance QC Sample Frequency Corrective Action Criteria

 One duplicate per batch of 20 samples; Duplicate per matrix; per parameter. concentrations are within +/- 30% for Duplicate 1 Flag in project report . A minimum of one duplicate for each aqueous samples sampling method and 50% for solid samples See Table 5 for analysis.

No contaminants Flag in project VOC Trip Blank 2 1 trip blank per cooler containing VOC samples. (1 trip blank = 2 VOA vials) are detected reports

 If dedicated equipment used, an initial equipment blank is required. No additional equipment blanks are required. No contaminants Flag in project Equipment Blank 3  If non-dedicated equipment is are detected reports used, one equipment blank per sampling event, per equipment type is required. See Table 5.

Notes: 1. Duplicate samples are not intended to be blind duplicate samples. They will be designated with a “DUP” after the well designation (i.e., NHP_MW-102 DUP). 2. Trip blanks for the NHDPHS and EPA labs will be prepared by the NHDPHS laboratory and maintained at all times with the sample containers. The trip blank(s) will be designated “TRIP BLANK”. Separate trip blanks may be required for VOCs and 1,-4-Dioxane depending upon the method used for the 1,4-Dioxane analysis and the lab performing the analysis. Refer to Table 3. 3. Equipment blank samples will be designated as “EQUIP BLANK”. Note that a comment is required on the chain-of- custody indicating what the equipment blank is for (e.g., water level meter).

4.3 Data Verification and Validation

Data review, which includes a GZA in-house examination to ensure data have been recorded, transmitted, and processed correctly and data verification, which includes the evaluation of completeness, correctness, and conformance / compliance of a specific data set will be performed by GZA’s Senior Project Manager at the end of each sampling event.

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Field water quality data collected / measured will be reviewed in the field by the GZA QA Officer/Field Team Leader daily for all matrices. Review will generally consist of the following: 1) review of calibration data and end of the day check; and 2) review of raw data and field notes for outliers or inconsistencies that may indicate a problem with the equipment or sampling procedure. All laboratory data generated by the NHDPHS and EPA laboratories will be reviewed by NHDPHS and EPA personnel, respectively, and will not require third-party validation.

NHDPHS Lab will evaluate Field Quality Control samples for all samples analyzed by the NHDPHS Lab and will flag any data that does not meet the acceptance criteria under Field Quality Control Requirements listed in Section 4.2 above.

The NHDPHS laboratory report will consist of the following:

 Data Qualifier Description Page;  Sample Summary Page: includes lab IDs, Corresponding Client Sample IDs, Matrix, Date/Time Collected and Date Received;  Analytical Report Comments and Qualifiers Page; and  Analytical Results Pages: Method Citation, results, units, RDL, prep date, analyzed date, CAS# Regulatory Limit if applicable and Qualifier Code.  Lab QC Data including control limits for method blanks, LCS, LCSD, MS and MSD samples.

The EPA laboratory report will consist of the following in addition to the sampling results:  The Completed Chain of Custody;  Data Qualifier Description Page; and  Lab QC Data including control limits for method blanks, LCS, LCSD, MS and MSD samples.

The EPA lab does not evaluate Field Quality Control samples for all samples analyzed by their lab and does not flag any data that does not meet the acceptance criteria under Field Quality Control Requirements. GZA will be required to perform this task and include their findings in their report of the sampling event.

The ARA (and Katahdin) and Alpha Analytical laboratory reports will consist of the following:  Data Qualifiers;  Analytical Results Pages: Lab project number, Client project name, client project number, Matrix, Lab sample number, sampled date and time, received date, Method Number, results, units, Laboratory Reporting Detection Limits (RDLs), analysis date and personnel initials, and Qualifier Codes; and  QC Pages: prep methods; analysis methods; and results, units, true spike concentrations, RDLs, % recovery, control limits for method blanks, LCS, LCSD, MS and MSD samples. GZA will evaluate Field Quality Control samples for all samples analyzed by the ARA (and Katahdin) and Alpha labs and will flag any data that does not meet the acceptance criteria under Field Quality Control Requirements listed in Section 4.2 above. Sampling and Analysis Plan July 2013 New Hampshire Plating Superfund Site, Merrimack, New Hampshire Page 21 of 24

Third party data validation will not be required for laboratory data generated from ARA (and Katahdin), and Alpha Analytical at this time.

4.4 Quality Assurance Field Audits

GZA QA field audits shall be conducted by the GZA QA Officer during monitoring events and will include observation of all sampling related activities including equipment calibration, multi-media sampling, QC sampling, and decontamination activities to ensure that all procedures and techniques are conducted in accordance with this SAP and the current HWRB Master QAPP. The GZA project manager and GZA QA Officer will be present during NHDES / EPA field audits (unless the audits are unannounced).

Field audits will be performed during the sampling round as scheduled by NHDES and EPA. Additional, field audits will be conducted as necessary such as if the field team is changed or the SOPs for the project change significantly. If corrective action is needed, additional field audits will be conducted to ensure all procedures and techniques used at the Site are conducted in accordance with this SAP and the HWRB Master QAPP.

The results of the GZA field audit which result in corrective actions will be reported to the NHDES project manager and the NHDES QA Coordinator verbally and noted in the field log book. Audit findings and corrective actions will be discussed with the NHDES project manager and the NHDES QA Coordinator to resolve the findings and corrective actions to the satisfaction of NHDES.


In order to comply with Waste Management Division Submittal Guidelines3, the Department requests that all reports be submitted electronically though One Stop at this web address.4 You may also call Brett Rand at 271-7379 for assistance.

5.1 Field Data Management

In accordance with the HWRB Master QAPP, Section 1.6, field personnel shall use field logbooks and/or pre-printed field worksheets to accurately document all field activities: on-site conditions; field measurements; sample collection information; field instrument and calibration information; and other pertinent site-related information during monitoring activities. All information shall be recorded in permanent black ink.

A permanently bound field logbook (per person) with individually numbered pages is maintained for field sampling information not recorded on field forms (calibration sheets, low flow purge forms, COCs, etc.). All entries into the field logbook are made with permanent black ink, and corrections are made using a single line through the error with the initials and date of the individual who made the correction. The unused bottom portion of each page shall be lined-out, initialed, and dated. The field notes in general shall include a description of field conditions that includes, as a minimum:  Site location

3 4 Sampling and Analysis Plan July 2013 New Hampshire Plating Superfund Site, Merrimack, New Hampshire Page 22 of 24

 Date, start, and finish times of the work and weather conditions;  Name and initials of person making entry;  Names of other personnel present, if any;  Names of visitors, if any;  Purpose and summary of proposed work effort;  Details of any deviation from the field operations plan or standard operating procedures, including who authorized the deviation;  Field observations;  Field screening methods, if used, a description of screening locations and results.  Location, description and unique identifier for all photographs taken in association with the field activity; and  Any other pertinent information.

Field forms to be completed in the field include the daily calibration logs; and low flow purge, surface water, sediment and pore water quality worksheets, as applicable. All entries into the field forms are made with permanent black ink, and corrections are made using a single line through the error with the initials and date of the individual who made the correction. The unused bottom portion of each page shall be lined-out, initialed, and dated. Refer to the appropriate SOPs for a copy of the individual field forms and the specific information required for each form.

GZA’s Project Manager will be responsible for ensuring that the field files are entered into the project record. Information recorded in other site documents other than the field logbooks (e.g., sampling worksheets, calibration logs, COCs) will not be repeated in logbooks except in summary form, as necessary.

5.2 Chain-of-Custody Procedures

Samples and unused sample containers shall remain in the sample collector's view at all times, unless locked in a vehicle or other secure place in accordance with the SOP. It is the sampler's responsibility to ensure that the samples are not tampered with prior to their delivery to the analytical lab. The GZA QA Officer/Field Team Leader will review the chain-of-custody forms at the end of each day to ensure all data has been entered properly. The chain-of-custody form shall be completed to provide documentation tracing sample possession and handling from the time of collection through delivery to the analytical lab, and shall accompany the samples at all times. The chain-of-custody is a legal document that may be used for litigation purposes.

5.3 Reports

The applicable laboratories will provide the analytical data reports along with a copy of the pertinent QC data. All field logs, field forms, etc., will be provided to GZA’s Project Manager.

GZA will prepare project technical reports at least annually (unless directed otherwise by NHDES) that document the findings of site sampling work. The specific scope of the reports will be determined by NHDES; however, typically these reports will include the following: Sampling and Analysis Plan July 2013 New Hampshire Plating Superfund Site, Merrimack, New Hampshire Page 23 of 24

 Transmittal page.  Summary of sampling activities.  A copy of the complete laboratory report, including the chain of custody forms and applicable data validation reports.  Copies of all field sampling sheets/forms and field logbook pages.  A list of equipment used, including make and models (and serial number if available).  All calibration information including calibration standards used, lots numbers, expiration dates, calibration checks, calibration log, etc.  Data summary tables of the compounds detected at each sampling location, highlighting any compounds that exceed cleanup goals.  Data summary tables showing the history of the compounds detected at each sampling location, highlighting any compounds that exceed cleanup goals with graphs of the same.  A table of the groundwater levels and elevations at each well, including past data.  Site map.  Groundwater Potentiometric Surface Map.  Isoconcentration Contour Maps for site COCs.  A Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) Section (refer to Section 5.3.1 below).  Recommendations for the following: o Additional remedial activities. o Modifications to the current monitoring program or to the SAP, if appropriate. o Evaluation of well status.

5.3.1 Quality Assurance/Quality Control Section of Report

Each technical report should include general statements summarizing whether or not the quality control criteria in this SAP and the HWRB Master QAPP were met in the field and in the laboratory. The report will include a discussion of any QA/QC problems and how they were resolved. GZA will note anything unusual that is anticipated to affect the quality or usability of the data.

Examples for situations where the QA criteria were not met which would be included within a technical report:  How does that affect the usability of the data?  Can we use the data? If not, why not?  Was any corrective action needed and what, if any, measures were taken?  What changes are recommended for the future?

Examples of possible issues to be included within a technical report:  Were contaminants found in the equipment blanks? Sampling and Analysis Plan July 2013 New Hampshire Plating Superfund Site, Merrimack, New Hampshire Page 24 of 24

 Were any samples broken in transport to the lab?  Did the lab report any difficulties, issues?  Were the sample tags mixed up in the field if the results look abnormal? FIGURES


Table 1 - Contaminants of Concern, Analytes, Associated ICLs, Standards and Lab Criteria New Hampshire Plating Company Superfund Site, Merrimack, New Hampshire


ROD Interim NHDES Ambient Lab Reporting Concentration Groundwater Quality Detection Test Methods / Analytes Levels Standards (AGQS) Limits (ICLs) Env-Or 600 (RDLs)

Contaminants of Concern - NHDES Lab

VOC Full List (NHDES 8260B) - (µg/L) 1,1,1- Trichloroethane 200 200 2 1,1- Dichloroethene 772 cis-1,2- Dichloroethene 70 70 2 trans-1,2- Dichloroethene 100 100 2 1,2- Dichloroethane 552 Chloroform (Trichloromethane) 100 70 2 Trichloroethene (Trichloroethylene, TCE) 552 Tetrachloroethene (Tetrachloroethylene, PCE) 552 Vinyl Chloride 222

Cyanide LACHAT 10-204-00-1-X (mg/L) 0.2 0.2 0.01

Metals - Method 200.7/200.8 (mg/L) Arsenic 0.05 0.01 0.001 Cadmium 0.005 0.005 0.002 Chromium 0.10 0.10 0.005 Lead 0.015 0.015 0.001 Manganese --- 0.84 0.02 Nickel 0.10 0.10 0.005

Additional Analytes - EPA Lab

1,4-Dioxane Analysis - EIASOP-VOADIOX4 (µg/L) --- 32

Notes: 1. ICL = Interim Concentration Limits established in the Record of Decision (ROD) 2. "---" indicates no standard was available for the analyte. Table 1 Contaminants of Concern, Analytes, Associated ICLs, Standards and Lab Criteria New Hampshire Plating Company Superfund Site, Merrimack, New Hampshire


Surface and Pore Water Surface Water Quality Test Methods / Analytes Laboratory Reporting Detection Criteria Limits (RDLs) (Env-Wq 1700) Contaminants of Concern - NHDES Lab Cyanide LACHAT 10-204-00-1-X (mg/L) 0.01 0.0052 Metals - Method 200.7/200.8 (mg/L) Arsenic 0.001 0.150 Cadmium 0.002 0.0008 Chromium 0.005 0.024 Lead 0.001 0.00054 Manganese 0.02 --- Nickel 0.005 0.0161 Hardness 3.0 --- Notes: 1. There are no ROD Interim Cleanup Goals established for surface water. 2. Surface Water Quality Criteria (SWQC) standards assume the Protection of Aquatic Life in Freshwaters with chronic criteria. If a chronic criteria standard has not been established, GZA used the Freshwater Acute Criteria. 3. "---" indicates no standard was available for the analyte. 4. Green shaded cells indicate those parameters for which the laboratory can't achieve the action limit for an analyte. The data will be included and evaluated in the project reporting deliverables. The evaluation of the data will be qualitative relative to the historical trends of those particular analytes. In the future, as the concentrations of the contaminants-of-concern of various media appear to decline closer to the action limits established, consideration will be given to the need for use of alternative test methods that may be able to achieve lower detection limits where needed. Table 1 Contaminants of Concern, Analytes, Associated ICLs, Standards and Lab Criteria New Hampshire Plating Company Superfund Site, Merrimack, New Hampshire SEDIMENT Laboratory Reporting Detection SQuiRT TEC/5 Test Methods / Analytes Limits (RDLs) (Dry Weight) Analytes - NHDES Lab Metals by EPA Method 200.7/200.8 (mg/kg wet) Arsenic 0.25 9.79 Cadmium 0.5 0.99 Chromium 1.25 43.4 Lead 0.25 35.8 Manganese 1.25 n/a Nickel 1.25 22.7 TPH by EPA Method 8015 DRO 0.025 --- Analytes - ARA Laboratory VPH with Targets by MASS DEP 04-1.1 (mg/kg) C9-C10 Aromatics 5 --- C5-C8 Aliphatics1,2SEDD 5 --- C9-C12 Aliphatics2,3SEDD 5 --- Methyl tert-Butyl Ether 0.1 --- Benzene 0.1 --- Ethylbenzene 0.1 --- Naphthalene 0.25 0.176 Toluene 0.1 --- Xylene O 0.1 --- Xylene P,M 0.1 --- EPH and Targets by MA EPH 04.-1.1 (mg/kg) C9-C18 Aliphatics1 10 --- C19-C36 Aliphatics1 10 --- C11-C22 Aromatics1,2SEDD 10 --- Acenaphthene 0.1 --- Phenanthrene 0.1 0.204 Naphthalene 0.1 0.176 2-Methylnaphthalene 0.1 --- Benzo(k)fluoranthene 0.1 --- Pyrene 0.1 0.195 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)Pyrene 0.1 --- Fluorene 0.1 0.0774 Fluoranthene 0.1 0.423 Dibenzo(a,h)Anthracene 0.1 0.033 Acenaphthylene 0.1 --- Chrysene 0.1 0.166 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 0.1 --- Benzo(b)fluoranthene 0.1 --- Benzo(a)pyrene 0.1 0.15 Benzo(a)anthracene 0.1 0.108 Anthracene 0.1 0.0572 Cyanide by Method 9010/9014 (mg/kg) 0.5 --- Chromium (VI) by Method SW3060A7196A (mg/kg) 0.4 43.4 TOC - SW846 9060 (mg/kg) 1 ---

Page 1 of 2 Table 1 Contaminants of Concern, Analytes, Associated ICLs, Standards and Lab Criteria New Hampshire Plating Company Superfund Site, Merrimack, New Hampshire SEDIMENT Laboratory Reporting Detection SQuiRT TEC/5 Test Methods / Analytes Limits (RDLs) (Dry Weight) Analytes - Alpha Analyticals Acid Volatile Sulfides and Simultaneously Extracted Metals in Sediments (AVS/SEM) (mg/kg) Sulfide 20 --- Nickel 2 22.7 Copper 1 31.6 Zinc 2 121 Cadmium 0.2 0.990 Lead 2 35.8 Notes: 1. There are no ROD Interim Cleanup Goals established for sediment. 2. "---" indicates no information available for that compound. 3. RDL information for EPH, VPH, Cyanide, Chromium (IV), and Total Organic Carbon (TOC) was provided by Absolute Resources Laboratory, Inc. (ARA), Metals RDL information was provided by NHDPHS laboratory. ARA subs out the TOC analysis to Summit Environmental Tech, Cuyahoga, Ohio. 4. Laboratory reporting in dry weight for all sediment data results. 5. Sediment laboratory analytical data will be compared with historical analytical data relative to long-term trends in sediment quality in addition to published, peer-reviewed screening level contaminant lists included in the NHDES Draft Evaluation of Sediment Quality Guidance Document, dated April 2005, that includes the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Screening Quick Reference Tables (NOAA SQuiRT Tables). Current SQuiRT Tables are located on the NOAA website: TEC is Threshold Effect Concentration, which is consensus-based and incorporates the Ontario Ministry of the Environment lowest-observed effect levels (LELs).

Page 2 of 2 Table 2 - Sample Locations and Analytical Parameters New Hampshire Plating Company Superfund Site, Merrimack, New Hampshire

Groundwater Locations (50 Locations)

Well IDs QC /1 Sampling Procedure Property Analytical Parameters /2 Grab sample from tap in Jones Building - (1 /3 Jones Chemical NHP_JCPROD-1 well) NHP_JCMW-2S Jones Chemical NHP_B-10S Using a Peristaltic Pump YMCA NHP_MW-302S Check water level before sampling. If the NHPC Site NHP_MW-306S water level is 1/2 foot or more above the top of YMCA NHP_MW-307S the screen use low flow SOP; if not, remove NHP_MW-308S DUP one tubing volume of water and collect the NHP_MW-309S samples. NHP_MW-310S NHPC Site NHP_MW-311S (10 Wells) NHP_MW-312S NHP_JCMW-2D DUP Jones Chemical NHP_MW-106 NHP_MW-106R YMCA NHP_MW-301S NHP_MW-301D NHP_MW-302D NHP_MW-303S NHP_MW-303D NHP_MW-304S NHP Site NHP_MW-304D NHP_MW-305S NHP_MW-305D Low Flow Using A All groundwater monitoring wells require: NHP_MW-306D Peristaltic Pump VOCs (Full List 8260B); 1,4-Dioxane; Total Metals YMCA NHP_MW-307D (25 Wells) (As, Cd, Cr, Pb, Mn & Ni); Cyanide & field NHP_MW-308D parameters/6 NHP_MW-308R NHP_MW-309D NHP_MW-309R NHP_MW-310D NHP_MW-311D NHP Site NHP_MW-312D NHP_MW-400R NHP_MW-401S NHP_MW-401D NHP_MW-402D NHP_MW-102S Using a Bladder Pump: NHP Site NHP_MW-109S Check water level before sampling. If the NE Pole water level is 1/2 foot or more above the NHP_MW-108S top of the screen use low flow SOP; if Patterson not, remove one tubing volume of water Blue shaded locations also require: Dissolved /4,5 NHP_MW-202S and collect the samples. NE Pole Metals (As, Cd, Cr, Pb, Mn & Ni) NHP_MW-204S (5 Wells) Techwood NHP_MW-102D NHP Site NHP_MW-102R NHP_MW-109D NHP_MW-109R NE Pole Low Flow using a Bladder Pump NHP_MW-202D NHP_MW-203D (9 Wells) Windsor Blue shaded locations also require: Dissolved NHP_MW-204D DUP Techwood Metals (As, Cd, Cr, Pb, Mn & Ni) NHP_MW-204R NHP_MW-108D /5 Patterson Co-located Surface Water, Sediment & Pore Water Locations

Sample Location Waterbody Property Parameters /2 NHP_PORE-202 Merrimack River NHP_SW-202 (Near NHP-MW-202) NHP_SED-202 NE Pole NHP_PORE-108 DUP Surface Water: Total Metals, Cyanide, Hardness & Merrimack River NHP_SW-108 DUP field parameters/7 (Near NHP-MW-108) NHP_SED-108 DUP NHP_PORE-203 Pore Water: Total & Dissolved Metals, Cyanide, Merrimack River NHP_SW-203 Windsor /8 (Near NHP-MW-203) Hardness, & field parameters NHP_SED-203 NHP_PORE-204 Merrimack River Sediment: Total Metals, Cyanide, Chromium (VI), NHP_SW-204 Transupport, Inc. (Near NHP-MW-204) VPH (+targets), EPH (+targets), TOC, TPH, NHP_SED-204 AVS/SEM & Grain Size NHP_PORE-UPSTRM Merrimack River Just upstream of NHP_SW-UPSTRM (Near NHP-MW-204) Jones Chemical NHP_SED-UPSTRM Surface Water Depth Measurements on the Merrimack River Record the measurement from the bottom of the river to the top of the surface water at the Surface Water Depth Measuring Point on the Merrimack River at the southeast corner of pier on the Techwood property as shown in red on Figure 2. The depth shall be measured twice during each sampling event: once during the synoptic water level round and again when surface water samples are collected.

Page 1 of 2 Table 2 - Sample Locations and Analytical Parameters New Hampshire Plating Company Superfund Site, Merrimack, New Hampshire

Notes: A comprehensive water level round will be conducted prior to beginning sampling.

1. Refer to Table 5 for specific QC (quality control) sampling requirements and analysis (equipment blanks, etc.). 2. Refer to Table 3 for specific information on trip blanks, containers, preservatives and hold times. This sampling round requires 3 different trip blanks with different preservative requirements (HCL, unpreserved, MeOH). 8260B going to NHDPHS = HCL, 1,4-Dioxane to go to EPA = unpreserved, and VPH going to ARA = MeOH 3. Jones Production Well: No purging is required. Collect lab samples, followed by an aliquot for turbidity. Due to the physical limitations of the sample port, the YSI field parameters are collected as a grab sample using a separate clean container. Allow a few minutes to stabilize before recording one set of readings. The DO value must be qualified due to exposure to air. 4. NHP_MW-202S is also sampled under the New England Pole Groundwater Permit, NO. GWP-198711004-M-002. 5. Non-dedicated bladder pumps. 6. Groundwater Field Parameters = Temperature, Specific Conductance, pH, Dissolved Oxygen (DO), Oxygen Reduction Potential (ORP) and Turbidity. 7. Surface Water Field Parameters will be done in-situ = Temperature and DO. 8. Pore Water Field Parameters = Temperature, DO, & turbidity Wells associated with pore water sampling. These locations require Dissolved Metals in addition to the Total Metals analysis.

Page 2 of 2 Table 3 Media, Analysis, Test Methods, Containers/Sample Volume, Preservation, and Hold Time New Hampshire Plating Company Superfund Site, Merrimack, New Hampshire

Number of Samples Containers Preservation Maximum Holding Parameters Analytical Method Including Field QC 1,2 (Type and Size) Requirements 3 Time EPA Laboratory – Chelmsford, MA Groundwater Samples 50 field samples, 3 1,4-Dioxane EIASOP-VOADIOX4 4 - 40-mL VOA (1) 4˚C +/- 2˚C 14 days duplicates & trip blanks NHDPHS Laboratory – Concord, NH Groundwater Samples 50 field samples, 3 NHDES VOC Full List HCl VOCs 3 - 40-mL VOA (1) 14 days duplicates & trip blanks (NHDHHS Lab’s 8260B) 4˚C +/- 2˚C Total 50 field samples & 3 EPA Method 200.7/200.8 1- 500 mL plastic HNO 6 months As, Cd, Cr, Pb, Mn & Ni duplicates 3

Dissolved 8 field samples & 1 duplicate EPA Method 200.7/200.8 1- 500 mL plastic HNO 6 months As, Cd, Cr, Pb, Mn & Ni 3

50 field samples & 3 Cyanide LACHAT 10-204-00-1-X 1- 250 mL plastic NaOH, 4°C +/-2°C 14 days duplicates Surface Water Samples Total As, Cd, Cr, Pb, Mn, Ni, & 5 field samples & 1 duplicate EPA Method 200.7/200.8 1- 500 ml plastic HNO3 6 months Hardness

Cyanide 5 field samples & 1 duplicate LACHAT 10-204-00-1-X 1- 250 mL plastic NaOH, 4°C +/-2°C 14 days

Pore Water Samples Total & Dissolved As, Cd, Cr, Pb, 5 field samples, 1 duplicate EPA Method 200.7/200.8 1- 500 ml plastic HNO3 6 months Mn, Ni, & Hardness & 2 equipment blanks 5 field samples, 1 duplicate Cyanide LACHAT 10-204-00-1-X 1- 250 mL plastic NaOH, 4°C +/-2°C 14 days & 2 equipment blanks Sediment Samples 14 Days to Extract TPH 5 field samples & 1 duplicate EPA Method 8015 DRO 4 oz. glass 4°C +/-2°C 40 Days to Analyze Total As, Cd, Cr, Pb, Mn & Ni 5 field samples, 1 duplicate EPA Method 200.7/200.8 4 oz. glass 4°C +/-2°C 6 months & 1 equipment blank EPA Method 200.7/200.8 1- 500 ml plastic HNO 6 months (Aqueous) 3

Page 1 of 2 Table 3 Media, Analysis, Test Methods, Containers/Sample Volume, Preservation, and Hold Time New Hampshire Plating Company Superfund Site, Merrimack, New Hampshire

Number of Samples Containers Preservation Maximum Holding Parameters Analytical Method Including Field QC 1,2 (Type and Size) Requirements 3 Time ARA Laboratory - Portsmouth, NH Sediment Samples

5 field samples & 1 1 10 ml MeOH VPH MASS DEP 04-1.1 1-40-mL clear VOA 28 days duplicates 4˚C +/- 2˚C 4 oz. Amber Glass w/ EPH 5 field samples & 1 duplicate MA EPH 04-1.1 4˚C +/- 2˚C 14 days Teflon lid

Cr (VI) 5 field samples & 1 duplicate SW3060A7196A 4 oz. clear Glass 4˚C +/- 2˚C 30 days

5 field samples, 1 duplicate W9010/9014 4 oz. clear Glass 4˚C +/- 2˚C 14 days Cyanide & 1 equipment blank NaOH, (pH>12) SM4500 CN E 1- 125 mL plastic 14 days (Aqueous) 4°C +/-2°C

TOC 5 field samples & 1 duplicate SW846 9060 1 2-oz. glass 4˚C +/- 2˚C 28 Days

Alpha Analytical - Westborough MA Sediment Samples 5 field samples, 1 AVS/SEM metals via 6020A 1 - 4-oz glass jar 4˚C +/- 2˚C 14 days duplicates, trip blanks GZA Sediment Samples 5 field samples (check with GZA SOP Grain Size Analysis, Minimum of 500- Grain Size PM to verify Grain Size is None None ASTM D-422 grams, glass jar required) Notes: 1. Trip blanks will be included in each cooler containing samples for volatile organic compounds. Trip blanks will include: HCl preserved blanks for 8260B VOC samples (2 VOA vials) going to the NHDPHS lab Unpreserved blanks for 1,4-Dioxane samples (2 VOA vials) going to the EPA lab MeOH preserved blanks for VPH samples (2 VOA vials) to the ARA lab 2. Each cooler will contain one temperature blank. 3. Note that the pH requirements for samples preserved via an acid are less than 2 units; via a base are greater than 12 units.

Page 2 of 2 Table 4 - Well Location and Construction Information New Hampshire Plating Company Superfund Site, Merrimack, New Hampshire

(3) Well Location & Sample Rationale Sampling Measuring Point Reported Well Construction Information Historic Sampling Intake Well Aquifer Reported Measured Depth Depth Screen Low Saturated Partially Saturated Well Location Elevation Well Well to Top of to Bottom Length Water Midpoint Depth to Height of Intake Diameter Well is Property Well is Sample Identification Method Pump (TOC/ Depth Depth Screen of Screen Levels of Screen Intake from Well Bottom (inches) Screened Associated With Rationale TOPVC) GZA 2010 (ft.-NGVD) (ft. bmp) (ft. bmp) (ft. bmp) (ft. bmp) (in feet) (ft. bmp) (ft. bmp) (ft. bmp) (ft. bmp) (4) NHP_JCPROD-1 6 Bedrock Jones Chemical Production well Grab - Spigot N/A N/A N/A N/A est. 350-380 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NHP_JCMW-2S 2 Shallow Jones Chemical Downgradient LF/No Purge Peristaltic TOPVC 123.37 22.6 22.8 12.6 22.6 10 18.04 N/A 20.3 2.3 NHP_JCMW-2D 2 Deep Jones Chemical Downgradient Low Flow Peristaltic TOPVC 122.77 49.5 48.2 39.5 49.5 10 22.64 44.5 N/A N/A NHP_MW-102S 2 Shallow NHP Site Upgradient LF/No Purge Bladder ** TOPVC 130.54 33.6 32.5 13.6 33.6 20 27.75 N/A 30.7 2.9 NHP_MW-102D 2 Deep NHP Site Upgradient Low Flow Bladder ** TOPVC 130.16 65.5 63.4 45.5 65.5 20 28.17 47.4 (5) N/A N/A NHP_MW-102R 6 Bedrock NHP Site Upgradient Low Flow Bladder ** TOC 130.13 262.4 263.8 80.4 262.4 182 32.99 171.4 N/A N/A NHP_MW-106 2 Deep YMCA Property Sentry Low Flow Peristaltic TOPVC 117.69 97.8 99.3 62.8 97.8 35 18.18 80.3 N/A N/A NHP_MW-106R 6 Bedrock YMCA Property Sentry Low Flow Peristaltic TOC 117.67 202.7 202.7 120.7 202.7 82 18.02 161.7 N/A N/A NHP_B-10S 1.5 Shallow YMCA Property Sentry LF/No Purge Peristaltic TOC 119.26 28.54 27.8 8.4 28.4 20 19.81 N/A 24.1 4.3 NHP_MW-108S 2 Shallow J&S Patterson Downgradient LF/No Purge Bladder ** TOPVC 123.79 32.7 33.5 17.7 32.7 15 27.95 N/A 30.3 2.4 NHP_MW-108D 2 Deep J&S Patterson Downgradient Low Flow Bladder TOPVC 123.57 85 85.8 50 85 35 24.34 67.5 N/A N/A NHP_MW-109S 2 Shallow New England Pole Sentry LF/No Purge Bladder ** TOPVC 124.71 37.8 37.8 17.8 37.8 20 30.02 N/A 33.9 3.9 NHP_MW-109D 2 Deep New England Pole Sentry Low Flow Bladder ** TOPVC 124.55 78.6 75.2 58.6 78.6 20 29.55 68.6 N/A N/A NHP_MW-109R 6 Bedrock New England Pole Sentry Low Flow Bladder ** TOC 123.65 263.6 166.0 100.6 263.6 163 28.37 161 (6) N/A N/A NHP_MW-202S 2 Shallow New England Pole Cross-gradient LF/No Purge Bladder (7) TOPVC 123.34 37.2 37.1 22.2 37.2 15 30.25 N/A 33.7 3.5 NHP_MW-202D 2 Deep New England Pole Cross-gradient Low Flow Bladder ** TOPVC 123.80 66.58 66.8 56.58 66.58 10 29.91 61.6 N/A N/A NHP_MW-203S 2 Shallow Windsor ConstructionDowngradient Broken (8) Bladder TOPVC 126.01 34.08 25.7 24.08 34.08 10 27.53 N/A 30.8 3.3 NHP_MW-203D 2 Deep Windsor ConstructionDowngradient Low Flow Bladder ** TOPVC 126.00 72.8 73.3 60.83 72.8 12 30.20 66.8 N/A N/A NHP_MW-204S 2 Shallow GI Stone/Techwood Downgradient LF/No Purge Bladder ** TOPVC 123.01 37.6 38.0 22.6 37.6 15 24.27 N/A 30.9 6.7 NHP_MW-204D 2 Deep GI Stone/TechwoodDowngradient Low Flow Bladder ** TOPVC 123.44 59.3 58.8 49.27 59.3 10 28.08 54.3 N/A N/A NHP_MW-204R 2 Bedrock GI Stone/TechwoodDowngradient Low Flow Bladder ** TOPVC 123.21 82.8 83.7 72.83 82.8 10 27.88 77.8 N/A N/A NHP_MW-301S 2 Shallow YMCA Property Sentry Low Flow Peristaltic TOPVC 116.60 26.6 26.5 16.6 26.6 10 16.27 21.6 N/A N/A NHP_MW-301D 2 Deep YMCA Property Sentry Low Flow Peristaltic TOPVC 116.47 49.5 49.9 39.5 49.5 10 16.25 44.5 N/A N/A NHP_MW-302S 2 Shallow NHP Site Cross-gradient LF/No Purge Peristaltic TOPVC 117.87 24.1 24.3 14.1 24.1 10 17.63 N/A 20.9 3.2 NHP_MW-302D 2 Deep NHP Site Cross-gradient Low Flow Peristaltic TOPVC 117.99 66.5 65.3 56.5 66.5 10 17.58 61.5 N/A N/A NHP_MW-303S 2 Shallow NHP Site Cross-gradient Low Flow Peristaltic TOPVC 116.43 24.3 24.4 14.3 24.3 10 12.07 19.3 N/A N/A NHP_MW-303D 2 Deep NHP Site Cross-gradient Low Flow Peristaltic TOPVC 116.31 60.2 60.5 50.2 60.2 10 14.50 55.2 N/A N/A NHP_MW-304S 2 Shallow NHP Site Cross-gradient Low Flow Peristaltic TOPVC 118.52 24.8 25.1 14.8 24.8 10 14.07 19.8 N/A N/A NHP_MW-304D 2 Deep NHP Site Cross-gradient Low Flow Peristaltic TOPVC 118.45 50.6 51.1 40.6 50.6 10 15.10 45.6 N/A N/A NHP_MW-305S 2 Shallow NHP Site Upgradient Low Flow Peristaltic TOPVC 117.94 26.8 27.0 16.8 26.8 10 13.62 21.8 N/A N/A NHP_MW-305D 2 Deep NHP Site Upgradient Low Flow Peristaltic TOPVC 118.07 55.7 54.7 45.7 55.7 10 13.81 50.7 N/A N/A NHP_MW-306S 2 Shallow YMCA Property Sentry LF/No Purge Peristaltic TOPVC 111.70 19.7 19.6 9.7 19.7 10 13.60 N/A 16.7 3.1 NHP_MW-306D 2 Deep YMCA Property Sentry Low Flow Peristaltic TOPVC 111.65 38.8 38.6 28.8 38.8 10 13.56 33.8 N/A N/A NHP_MW-307S 2 Shallow YMCA Property Downgradient LF/No Purge Peristaltic TOPVC 117.05 27.7 27.9 17.7 27.7 10 19.72 N/A 23.7 4.0 NHP_MW-307D 2 Deep YMCA Property Downgradient Low Flow Peristaltic TOPVC 117.15 68.8 68.1 58.8 68.8 10 17.56 63.8 N/A N/A NHP_MW-308S 2 Shallow NHP Site Downgradient LF/No Purge Peristaltic TOPVC 120.47 26.3 26.3 16.3 26.3 10 21.62 N/A 24.0 2.3 NHP_MW-308D 2 Deep NHP Site Downgradient Low Flow Peristaltic TOPVC 120.78 85.5 85.8 75.5 85.5 10 21.40 80.5 N/A N/A NHP_MW-308R 2 Bedrock NHP Site Downgradient Low Flow Peristaltic TOPVC 121.05 159.6 159.4 144.6 159.6 15 20.69 152.1 N/A N/A NHP_MW-309S 2 Shallow NHP Site Source LF/No Purge Peristaltic TOPVC 119.10 20.5 21.2 10.5 20.5 10 16.37 N/A 18.4 2.1 NHP_MW-309D 2 Deep NHP Site Source Low Flow Peristaltic TOPVC 119.61 69.9 69.9 59.9 69.9 10 18.09 64.9 N/A N/A NHP_MW-309R 2 Bedrock NHP Site Source Low Flow Peristaltic TOPVC 119.64 150.7 150.2 135.7 150.7 15 18.42 143.2 N/A N/A NHP_MW-310S 2 Shallow NHP Site Source LF/No Purge Peristaltic TOPVC 123.09 23.8 24.1 13.8 23.8 10 19.52 N/A 21.7 2.1 NHP_MW-310D 2 Deep NHP Site Source Low Flow Peristaltic TOPVC 122.59 68.8 70.1 58.8 68.8 10 20.36 63.8 N/A N/A NHP_MW-311S 2 Shallow NHP Site Source LF/No Purge Peristaltic TOPVC 123.91 19.5 20.3 9.5 19.5 10 18.57 N/A 19.0 0.5 NHP_MW-311D 2 Deep NHP Site Source Low Flow Peristaltic TOPVC 124.33 65.9 66.5 55.9 65.9 10 21.80 60.9 N/A N/A

Page 1 of 2 Table 4 - Well Location and Construction Information New Hampshire Plating Company Superfund Site, Merrimack, New Hampshire

(3) Well Location & Sample Rationale Sampling Measuring Point Reported Well Construction Information Historic Sampling Intake Well Aquifer Reported Measured Depth Depth Screen Low Saturated Partially Saturated Well Location Elevation Well Well to Top of to Bottom Length Water Midpoint Depth to Height of Intake Diameter Well is Property Well is Sample Identification Method Pump (TOC/ Depth Depth Screen of Screen Levels of Screen Intake from Well Bottom (inches) Screened Associated With Rationale TOPVC) GZA 2010 (ft.-NGVD) (ft. bmp) (ft. bmp) (ft. bmp) (ft. bmp) (in feet) (ft. bmp) (ft. bmp) (ft. bmp) (ft. bmp) NHP_MW-312S 2 Shallow NHP Site Sentry LF/No Purge Peristaltic TOPVC 119.89 21.6 21.9 11.6 21.6 10 14.67 N/A 18.1 3.5 NHP_MW-312D 2 Deep NHP Site Sentry Low Flow Peristaltic TOPVC 119.94 49.5 50.2 39.5 49.5 10 15.76 44.5 N/A N/A NHP_MW-208S 2 Shallow Island Drive TOPVC -- 30.0 29.78 14.8 29.8 15 17.03 22.3 N/A N/A NHP_MW-208D 2 Deep Island DriveTo be de-commissioned in 2013 TOPVC -- 74.0 73.41 63.8 73.8 10 17.10 68.8 N/A N/A NHP_MW-208R 2 Bedrock Island Drive TOPVC -- 100.0 98.41 83.8 98.8 15 17.02 91.3 N/A N/A NHP_MW-400R 4 Bedrock Acme Sentry Low Flow Peristaltic TOC 116.26 201.69 -- 55.00 201.69 146.69 14.70 163.1 (9) N/A N/A NHP_MW-401S 2 Shallow Acme Sentry Low Flow Peristaltic TOPVC 120.22 27.8 -- 22.80 27.8 5 16.83 25.3 N/A N/A NHP_MW-401D 2 Deep Acme Sentry Low Flow Peristaltic TOPVC 119.74 47.6 -- 37.60 47.6 10 16.58 42.6 N/A N/A (10) NHP_MW-402D 2 Deep NHP Site Source Low Flow Peristaltic TOPVC TBD 47.65 -- 37.65 47.65 10 16.31 42.7 N/A N/A

Table Key Yellow shading: indicates wells with screen lengths greater than 10 feet in length. All of these wells has had interval sampling done to determine suitable placement of the tubing/pump intake. Based on the interval sampling results, the 2010 NHPC Annual Report recommended continued sampling at the mid screen point. NHP_MW-102D has an obstruction around 49 feet, which prevented the installation of passive diffusion bags below the upper most intervals. NHP_MW-400R was installed in 2012 (see note below). ** indicates dedicated bladder pumps bmp = below measuring point N/A = Not Applicable LF/No Purge = Low Flow or No Purge depending upon water level. TBD = To be determined. "--" equals unknown information

Notes: 1. Information for this table came from the Tetra Tech NPC QAPP 4, March 2008 table 8-2A4; and the GZA 2010 Annual Report. Some historical water level data came from NHDES reports before 1997. 2. Four new wells were installed in 2012 (400 series): three (Acme) to further evaluate the potential for contaminant migration to the southwest of the NHPC site, and one onsite for further characterization of the residual TCE source area. 3. Historical water levels indicated that some of the wells have partially saturated screens. In those cases, the sampling intake will be located in the middle of the saturated screen based on historical low water levels. 4. Jones Chemical production well, NHP_JCPROD-1, has a sampling spigot inside the building. 5. NHP_MW-102D: Due to the known obstruction around 49 feet, the bladder pump intake was positioned 1.6 feet above the obstruction, approximately 47.4 feet from the top of the PVC, and still within the screen. 6. NHP_MW-109R - Depth of well 166 ft. - either blocked or error in well log/historical reporting. The tubing will be placed at 161 feet until further investigation. 7. NHP_MW-202S is also sampled under the New England Pole Groundwater Permit, NO. GWP-198711004-M-002. 8. NHP_MW-203S: Due to an obstruction at approximately 26 feet below ground surface, this well will not be sampled until it is repaired. 9. NHP_MW-400R sampling intake is not the midpoint of borehole. The intake is referenced to the elevation of the sampling intake at NHP_MW-106R. 10. NHP_MW-402D: The measuring reference point elevation has not yet been determined because the boring location was moved in the field after the ground surface survey.

Page 2 of 2 TABLE 5 - SUMMARY OF QUALITY ASSURANCE SAMPLES TO BE COLLECTED New Hampshire Plating Company Superfund Site, Merrimack, New Hampshire

NH Plating Associated Designated NOTE Company Sampling Sample ID to be used on Analyses /2 Superfund Site Equipment Chain-of-Custody EQUIPMENT BLANK SAMPLES /1 In-line filter for Total Metals (As, Cd, Cr, Mn, Groundwater EQUIP BLANK Metals Filter dissolved metals Pb & Ni) Pore water Pore Water Total Metals (As, Cd, Cr, Mn, Pore Water EQUIP BLANK samplers Sampler Pb & Ni) & Cyanide Dredge (or Total Metals (As, Cd, Cr, Mn, Sediment scoop), spoon, EQUIP BLANK Sediment Equip Pb & Ni) & Cyanide bowl, etc. DUPLICATE SAMPLES

NHP_JCMW-2D DUP VOCs, 1,4-Dioxane,Total Peristaltic Pump N/A Metals (As, Cd, Cr, Mn, Pb & NHP_MW-308S DUP Ni) & Cyanide Groundwater VOCs, 1,4-Dioxane, Total & Bladder Pump NHP_MW-204D DUP N/A Dissolved Metals (As, Cd, Cr, Mn, Pb & Ni) & Cyanide Pore Water Total & Dissolved Metals Pore Water NHP_PORE-108 DUP Sampler (As, Cd, Cr, Mn, Pb & Ni), Surface Water Glass Container NHP_SW-108 DUP Hardness & Cyanide N/A Total Metals (As, Cd, Cr, Mn, Ponar Dredge or Pb & Ni); Cyanide; TOC; Sediment NHP_SED-108 DUP scoop TPH; Chromium (VI); VPH; & EPH TRIP BLANK/TEMPERATURE BLANK SAMPLES Preservatives 1 per cooler with (4˚C +/- 2˚C) VOCs samples 8260B = HCL 1 trip blank per chain- TRIP BLANK of-custody per cooler VOCs, 1,4-Dioxane, VPH (2 VOA Vials) 1,4-Dioxane (EPA) only = unpreserved VPH = MeOH

Check off box on COC Temperature Blank that a temperature N/A TEMP BLANK Temperature (1 per cooler) blank has been included in the cooler

Notes: 1. If non-dedicated sampling equipment is used, one equipment blank per sampling event is typically required. However, historical data indicates that no contamination has been found in past DI water, water level meter, tubing (peristaltic pump), or bladder pump equipment blanks, therefore it is not necessary to collect those equipment blanks under this SAP. a. Collect an equipment blank on an unused in-line filter used for dissolved metals by running distilled water through it using silicon tubing and a peristaltic pump. b. Collect an equipment blank for the pore water sampling equipment at the sampling location with the highest known, or suspected contamination following sample collection and after equipment decontamination. c. Collect one equipment blank on all the equipment used to collect sediment samples after decontamination. 2. Refer to Table 3 for specific test methods for each analyses. APPENDIXES APPENDIX A

PROJECT ORGANIZATION AND RESPONSIBILITIES Sampling Analysis Plan New Hampshire Plating Company Superfund Site, Merrimack, New Hampshire NHDES 198406030

Project Organizational and Responsibilities

NHDES Project Manager Robin Mongeon, P.E. 603-271- 7378

EPA Region I Remedial Project Manager Ron Jennings 617-918-1242

NHDES HWRB QA Coordinator Sharon Perkins 603-271-6805 Cell phone: 603-419-9209

GZA Principal-in-Charge Steven R. Lamb 603-232-8741

GZA Project Manager / QA Officer Amy T. Doherty 603-232-8763 Cell phone: 603-361-4222

GZA Health and Safety Manager Richard Ecord 781-278-3809

Laboratory Services

NHDPHS in-house Laboratory Lou Barinelli at (603) 271-2994 GZA Technical Field Staff EPA Laboratory Dan Boudreau at (617) 918-8340 Tanya Justham; Field Team Leader 603-232-8765 ARA Laboratory (cell-603-3493-1548) Jane Stratton at (603) 436-2001

Heidi Rizza; Sampler – Alpha Laboratory 603-232-8724 Katie Obrien at (508) 844-4156 (cell-603-361-0177)

Thieslsch GeoLab Al Jacobsen; Alternate Field Technician Matthew Polsky at (401) 467-6454 for comprehensive GW levels (603-493-1599) Data Validation

NHDPHS Laboratory and GZA


STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES July 2013 Water Level Measurements Page 1 of 3 Standard Operating Procedure SOP #B-1



This Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) Water Level Measurements is to set guidelines for the manual determination of the depth to water in monitoring wells at the New Hampshire Plating Company (NHPC) Superfund Site in Merrimack, New Hampshire.

In general, water-level measurements are used to construct water table or potentiometric surface maps and to determine flow direction as well as other aquifer characteristics. Therefore, a synoptic water level measurement round should be performed in the shortest possible time (preferably within a 24-hour period) before any purging and sampling activities begin.

For each water level measurement round, a corresponding depth of water measurement is to be collected at a designated station along the Merrimack River.

Any modifications to this SOP shall be approved by NHDES in consultation with the EPA in advance, documented in the site logbook, and presented in the final report.


• Health & Safety Plan and appropriate personal protective clothing and gear. • Site-specific plan and boring logs. • Field book. • Water Level Worksheet (see attached). • Photoionization detector (PID), if required. • Electronic water level meter of appropriate lengths (ie., 100 ft, 200 ft, and 300 ft, and measures in increments of 0.01 feet). • Gate keys / well keys and other applicable field equipment to open wells. • Indelible black-ink pen (Sharpie). • Decontamination supplies in accordance with the SOP. • Site specific Sampling and Analysis Plan (SAP) • Portable staff gage


All monitoring wells should be locked at all times, or within a secure locked area, to ensure the integrity of the well.

July 2013 Water Level Measurements Page 2 of 3 Standard Operating Procedure SOP #B-1

If water level measurements are being completed for the first time following well installation (or if it does not already exist), a survey mark/physical notch should be placed on the top of the riser or casing as a reference point for future groundwater level measurements. If the top of the riser or casing is not flat, make the reference point the highest point. The measurement reference point should be documented in the site logbook. Refer to Table 4 in the SAP and the attached Water Level Worksheet for correct reference points.

All field personnel must be made aware of the measurement reference point (top of casing [TOC] or top of PVC pipe [TOPVC]) being used in order to ensure the collection of comparable data.

Before measurements are made, water levels in monitoring wells should be allowed to stabilize for a minimum of 24 hours after well construction and development. In low yield situations, recovery of water levels to equilibrium may take longer. All measurements should be made to an accuracy of 0.01 feet.

All equipment shall be decontaminated in accordance with the decontamination SOP and checked (e.g. batteries) prior to use to ensure that they are in proper working condition.


As part of the synoptic water level round, a surface water measurement will be taken at the permanent location on the Merrimack River. A “Surface Water Depth Measuring Point” has been established on the Merrimack River at the southeast corner of pier near SW-01A, as shown in red on the Surface Water Location Map, Figure 3. This location is accessed from the Techwood property.

The distance from the bottom of the river to the top of the surface water shall be measured and the data shall be recorded on the attached Water Level Worksheet and later recorded on the Surface Water Worksheet included in the Surface Water SOP.


Care should be taken to minimize water column disturbance. Use the following procedures to collect water level measurements: 1. Open the well and monitor the headspace with the appropriate air monitoring instrument to determine the presence of volatile organic compounds (if applicable).

2. Lower the electronic water level meter probe and measuring tape into the well until the water surface is reached as indicated by a tone or meter deflection.

3. Record the distance from the water surface (to 0.01 feet), as determined by the audio signal or tone, to the reference measuring point (i.e., top of PVC riser or casing) and record on the attached Water Level Worksheet. In addition, note the reference point used (top of PVC riser or casing) if different from the reference point on the worksheet. July 2013 Water Level Measurements Page 3 of 3 Standard Operating Procedure SOP #B-1

4. For any well not previously sampled by GZA, remove the tubing from the well and measure the length of all downhole tubing to verify the tubing intake. Inspect the tubing for integrity. Record length of downhole tubing and observations on the Water Level Worksheet. Replace tubing and secure to the tubing in the well.

5. The depth to the bottom of the monitoring well should be confirmed in each well included on Table 4 and recorded on the Water Level Worksheet based on the following:

a. If a bladder pump has been installed in a monitoring well, the depth to the bottom of the monitoring well will be confirmed at such time when the bladder pump is removed for repairs or maintenance activities, or if a significant increasing trend in the turbidly values has been observed; and b. In monitoring wells where there has been no bladder pump installed, the depth to the bottom of the monitoring well will be confirmed once every five years, during the sampling event just prior to the 5-year review, unless otherwise requested. Highlight any significant deviations in the depth to the bottom from the reported depth to bottom.

6. In field book/field sheet, note if the lock was damaged or missing and any physical changes to well condition, such as erosion or cracks in protective concrete pad, road box, standpipe, etc.

7. Remove all downhole equipment used for the water level measurement, and replace well cap and locking steel caps.

8. Decontaminate all the equipment entering the well(s) in accordance with the decontamination SOP.


All water level information should be recorded on the attached Water Level Worksheet.


United States Environmental Protection Agency – Environmental Response Team Standard Operating Procedures “Water Level Measurement” SOP #2043 Revision 0.1, February 11, 2000. USEPA Contract 68-C4-0022

Water Level Measurement Procedure included in the current Hazardous Waste Remediation Bureau Master QAPP, EPA RFA#13027.


Water Level Worksheet Water Level Worksheet New Hampshire Plating Company Superfund Site, Merrimack, New Hampshire

Date:______Field Samplers:______Reported Measured Well Measured Well Depth-To- Well Diameter Property Well Depth Comments Depth Water (inches) (feet) (feet) (feet)

NHP_JCMW-2S 2 Jones 25

NHP_JCMW-2D 2 Jones 49.5

NHP_MW-102S 2 NHP Site 35

NHP_MW-102D 2 NHP Site 64.1

NHP_MW-102R 6 NHP Site 282.4

NHP_MW-106 2 YMCA 101.1

NHP_MW-106R 6 YMCA 202.7

NHP_B-10S 2 YMCA 31.3

NHP_MW-108S 2 Patterson 35.2

NHP_MW-108D 2 Patterson 87.9

NHP_MW-109S 2 NE Pole 40.1

NHP_MW-109D 2 NE Pole 75.8

NHP_MW-109R 6 NE Pole 263.6

NHP_MW-202S 2 NE Pole 39.8

NHP_MW-202D 2 NE Pole 68.9

NHP_MW-203S 2 Windsor 38.08

NHP_MW-203D 2 Windsor 73.03

NHP_MW-204S 2 Techwood 37.6

NHP_MW-204D 2 Techwood 59.97

NHP_MW-204R 2 Techwood 85.13

NHP_MW-301S 2 YMCA 26.6

NHP_MW-301D 2 YMCA 50.5

NHP_MW-302S 2 NHP Site 25.1

NHP_MW-302D 2 NHP Site 69.5

NHP_MW-303S 2 NHP Site 25.3

NHP_MW-303D 2 NHP Site 65.2

Page 1 of 2 Water Level Worksheet New Hampshire Plating Company Superfund Site, Merrimack, New Hampshire

Date:______Field Samplers:______Reported Measured Well Measured Well Depth-To- Well Diameter Property Well Depth Comments Depth Water (inches) (feet) (feet) (feet)

NHP_MW-304S 2 NHP Site 25.8

NHP_MW-304D 2 NHP Site 50.6

NHP_MW-305S 2 NHP Site 27.3

NHP_MW-305D 2 NHP Site 55.7

NHP_MW-306S 2 YMCA 20.7

NHP_MW-306D 2 YMCA 38.8

NHP_MW-307S 2 YMCA 27.7

NHP_MW-307D 2 YMCA 68.8

NHP_MW-308S 2 NHP Site 27.3

NHP_MW-308D 2 NHP Site 66.5

NHP_MW-308R 2 NHP Site 159.6

NHP_MW-309S 2 NHP Site 21.5

NHP_MW-309D 2 NHP Site 71.9

NHP_MW-309R 2 NHP Site 151.7

NHP_MW-310S 2 NHP Site 24.6

NHP_MW-310D 2 NHP Site 69.8

NHP_MW-311S 2 NHP Site 20.5

NHP_MW-311D 2 NHP Site 68.9

NHP_MW-312S 2 NHP Site 21.6

NHP_MW-312D 2 NHP Site 50.5

NHP_MW-400R 4 Acme ~ 200

NHP_MW-401S 2 Acme ~ 35

NHP_MW-401D 2 Acme ~ 55

NHP_MW-402D 2 NHP Site ~ 50 Surface Water Depth Measuring Point on the Merrimack River (1) SE corner of pier near SW-01A as shown in red on the Surface Water Location Map, Figure 3, accessed from the Techwood property. (2) Record the distance from the bottom of the river to the top of the surface water in feet.

Page 2 of 2 July 2013 Organic/Inorganic Vapor Monitoring Utilizing a PID/FID Page 1 of 17 Standard Operating Procedure B-2



The purpose of this standard operating procedure (SOP) is to provide general guidance for conducting field measurement of organic and inorganic vapors/gases utilizing a photoionization detector (PID) or flame ionization detector (FID) at the New Hampshire Plating Company (NHPC) Superfund Site in Merrimack, New Hampshire.

This procedure is covers the screening of environmental media (water, soil, sediment and air monitoring) utilizing the following instruments: 1. Thermo Environmental Instruments, Inc., (TEI) Organic Vapor Meter (OVM), Model 580B; 2. MiniRae 2000 Portable VOC Monitor (Model PGM-7600); 3. MiniRae 3000 Portable VOC Monitor (Model PGM-7320) and 4. Foxboro Toxic Vapor Analyzer (Model TVA-1000A), which offers both PID and FID detection.

This SOP includes calibration/operation procedures for the aforementioned detectors as well as procedures for field screening of environmental media and air. In addition to this SOP, manufacturer specific instruction manuals should also be consulted prior to detector usage.

The selection of an appropriate detector, detector lamp, calibration gas standard, correction factor/response factor, screening mode, alarm limits, etc., shall be determined prior to site mobilization and defined in the Sampling and Analysis Plan (SAP)/Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP), and/or site specific Health and Safety Plan (HASP).

The MiniRae 2000 or 3000 instruments have been selected for this project. In addition to this SOP, manufacturer specific instruction manuals shall be onsite during each sampling event. If either of these instruments is not available, one of the other instruments listed above may be substituted. Document the change in the final report.

Any modifications to this SOP shall be approved by NHDES in consultation with EPA in advance, documented in the site logbook, and presented in the final report.


• PID or FID, including probe assembly and hydrophobic filter (water trap) assembly; • Spare batteries and/or battery charger; • Detector lamp (selection based on the ionization potential (IP) of the site contaminants of concern (COCs); July 2013 Organic/Inorganic Vapor Monitoring Utilizing a PID/FID Page 2 of 17 Standard Operating Procedure B-2

• Calibration gas (100 parts per million [ppm] isobutylene-in-air and zero air); with regulator Note: The calibration standard must be valid within the expiration date; • Tedlar® Sampling Bag (minimum 1 L capacity) Note: 1 bag per calibration standard is required; • Teflon tubing (0.25”OD x 0.17”ID) for connections to the Tedlar® Sampling Bag; • Masterflex® Silicon Tubing L/S 15 (0.39”OD x 0.19”ID) or equivalent for connections to the Tedlar® Sampling Bag; • Tubing cutters; • Tools (including sparkless, adjustable wrench); • Field screening containers (i.e., 8-ounce or 16-ounce glass “driller” jars with screw caps, quart-size or smaller polyethylene Ziploc® bags); and • Aluminum foil


Regardless of the make and model of the selected PID or FID, the detector should be fully charged and calibrated on site, prior to the start of daily field activities. During precipitation events and/or extreme heat/cold, the detector may be calibrated at an off-site location or site vehicle as long as the exhaust of all running vehicles is directed away from the area where the detector is being calibrated. At the end of the field day, the detector should be checked against the calibration standard(s) to confirm that calibration has been maintained throughout the day. In the event that the detector readings appear to be irregular or drifting while in use, the instrument should be checked against the calibration standard and/or recalibrated prior to collection of additional field measurements.

For ease of calibration, refer to the below applicable calibration procedures for the selected field detector. The Special Notes section at the end of this document and the manufacturer specific instruction manual provide additional details regarding lamp selection, instrument calibration, correction factors/response factors, ionization potentials, etc. Additional information such as setting alarm limits, maintenance, troubleshooting, etc. may also be found in the instruction manual. Manufacturer specific instruction manuals for the specific instruments used shall be onsite during each sampling event.

1. Thermo Environmental Instruments, Inc., Organic Vapor Meter, Model 580B

A. Preparation for Calibration and Use 1. Allow the temperature of the unit to equilibrate to its surroundings. This could take up to 15 minutes depending on the difference between the temperature of the environment where the detector was stored prior to use and the temperature on site. Note: The range of operating temperatures for this instrument is 32°F to 105°F. July 2013 Organic/Inorganic Vapor Monitoring Utilizing a PID/FID Page 3 of 17 Standard Operating Procedure B-2

2. Attach probe tip and hydrophobic (water trap) filter by screwing it to the detector inlet. Ensure that the probe tube, filter, and detector inlet fittings are tight. Note: Do not operate the 580-B without a water trap filter installed. Operating without it could cause the pump to strain and/or be damaged, and could prevent the sample from reaching the unit. The filter should be replaced when clogged, visibly dirty, and after high field measurements. 3. Insert the three-pronged shorting (power) plug into the RUN/CHG port located on the back of the unit. Align the red marks on the plug and socket. The nub should be on the top of the plug. Warning: If the plug is inserted improperly, or twisted, the fuses in the unit could burn out, rendering the unit inoperable. With the power plug inserted, the LCD screen should indicate “Lamp Out.” 4. Turn on the detector by depressing the ON/OFF button. Continue depressing the ON/OFF button until the pump is activated. This will also activate the UV lamp. Once the lamp is lit, the display will show the concentration of what is being drawn into the detector. Measurements will be displayed as parts per million (ppm). 5. Allow the instrument to “warm up” prior to calibrating, by running it for ~ 5 minutes. During this time, fill the Tedlar® Sampling Bag with the calibration reference standard. B. Calibration 1. Press the MODE/STORE button. 2. The display will read “LOG THIS VALUE? MAX PPM =.” Press -/CRSR. 3. The display will read “R/COM, -/PARAM, +/ACCESS, S/CLOCK.” Press - /CRSR. 4. The display will read “CONC. METER, MAX HOLD.” Press -/CRSR. 5. The display will read “FREE SPACE =.” Press -/CRSR. 6. The display will read “RESET TO CALIBRATE.” Press RESET. 7. The display will read “RESTORE BACKUP + = YES.” Press -/CRSR. 8. The display will read “ZERO GAS RESET WHEN READY.” Ensure that the unit is drawing clean ambient air or from a zero air source. Press RESET. 9. The unit will read, “MODEL 580 ZEROING.” When it has finished zeroing it will read “SPAN PPM = 0100 ‘+’ TO CONTINUE.” 10. Frequently rental units will come from the vendor set for 100 ppm isobutylene-in- air standard. If you are utilizing this standard, skip the next two steps. If your calibration gas is not 100 ppm isobutylene-in-air standard, conduct the following: July 2013 Organic/Inorganic Vapor Monitoring Utilizing a PID/FID Page 4 of 17 Standard Operating Procedure B-2

a. Hold down the RESET button with one finger. Use another finger to move the cursor with the -/CRSR button. While still holding down the RESET button, use the +/INC button to increase each digit (Note that there is no decrease button. When you get to nine, the next push of the button will return the unit back to zero). b. Match the number to the concentration on your gas cylinder. 11. Press the +/INC button. 12. The screen will read “SPAN GAS, RESET WHEN READY.” Connect the probe tip to a FULL Tedlar® Sampling Bag of 100 ppm isobutylene-in-air standard. Press the RESET button. If the pump sounds like its restricted, the bag is not open enough. 13. The display will read, “MODEL 580 CALIBRATING,” followed by “RESET TO CALIBRATE.” Press the MODE/STORE button to return to the run mode. 14. While in the run mode, the instrument should read 100 ppm. Remove the gas source and the instrument should read 0 ppm. These measurements serve as “post-calibration” checks. In the event that the unit does not read within +/- 5% of the standard concentration or ambient air concentration of 0 ppm, recalibrate. If the detector cannot be recalibrated to measure within 5% of the calibration standard(s), the instrument should be taken out of service and replaced with a properly functioning unit. All calibration information should be documented on the attached PID/FID Daily Calibration Field Sheet. 15. The unit is now ready for use. Refer to section V. and VI. for guidance relative to field screening of environmental media and air quality monitoring. C. Post Use Calibration Check and Shut Down 1. Complete an end-of-the-day calibration check. While the instrument is in the run mode, connect the probe tip to a FULL Tedlar® Sampling Bag of 100 ppm isobutylene-in-air standard. NOTE: Use a fresh bag of cal gas for the calibration check. A bag filled in the morning may not be accurate in the afternoon, especially if the bag was exposed to sunlight. Record this measurement on the attached PID/FID Daily Calibration Field Sheet. If the measurement does not fall within 5% of the calibration standard, the field data will need to be qualified. For multiple days of field use, if the instrument fails the end-of-the-day check on two consecutive days, the unit should be replaced. 2. Turn off the detector by depressing the ON/OFF button. Continue depressing the ON/OFF button until the pump shuts off. 3. Remove the power plug from the RUN/CHG port. 4. Remove the probe tip and water trap filter by unscrewing it from the detector inlet. 5. If recharging is required, attach the battery charger plug into the RUN/CHG port. Plug the associated AC adapter into a wall outlet. July 2013 Organic/Inorganic Vapor Monitoring Utilizing a PID/FID Page 5 of 17 Standard Operating Procedure B-2

2. MiniRae 2000 Portable VOC Monitor (Model PGM-7600)

[Note that this instrument is not waterproof or water resistant. Do not use it during precipitation events without proper protection from the elements] A. Preparation for Calibration and Use 1. Allow the temperature of the unit to equilibrate to its surroundings. This could take up to 15 minutes depending on the difference between the temperature of the environment where the detector was stored prior to use and the temperature on site. Note: The range of operating temperatures for this instrument is 14°F to 104°F. 2. Attach probe tip and hydrophobic (water trap) filter by screwing it to the detector inlet. Ensure that the probe tube, filter, and detector inlet fittings are tight. Note: Do not operate the MiniRae 2000 without a water trap filter installed. Operating without it could cause the pump to strain and/or be damaged, and could prevent the sample from reaching the unit. The filter should be replaced when clogged, visibly dirty, and after high measurements. 3. Turn on the detector by depressing the MODE button. 4. Allow the instrument to “warm up” prior to calibrating, by running it for ~ 5-10 minutes. During this time the unit will display its setting during the warm up sequence. When it has finished its warm up, readings will be in parts per million (ppm). 5. Fill the Tedlar® Sampling Bag with the calibration reference standard. B. Calibration 1. To enter the calibration mode, simultaneously press the MODE and N/- buttons until the screen displays “Calibrate/ select Gas?” 2. Press the Y/+ button. 3. Ensure that the unit is drawing clean ambient air or from a zero air source. 4. “Fresh air cal?” is displayed. Press Y/+. 5. The unit will display “zero in progress” followed by “wait” and a 15 second countdown. 6. When the unit is finished zeroing it will display “zeroed! reading 0.0 ppm.” 7. Press the MODE button once. 8. Frequently rental units will come from the vendor set for 100 ppm isobutylene-in- air standard. If you are utilizing this standard, skip the next four steps. If your calibration gas is not 100 ppm isobutylene-in-air standard, change the span value by conducting the following: a. From the “Span cal” screen, press the N/- button twice or until the screen reads “Change span value.” Press Y/+. July 2013 Organic/Inorganic Vapor Monitoring Utilizing a PID/FID Page 6 of 17 Standard Operating Procedure B-2

b. The screen will read “Cal gas = isobutylene, Span value = 0100.0.”Press the MODE button to move the cursor, and the Y/+ and N/- buttons to increase/ decrease the span value to match the concentration of the calibration gas standard. c. When finished changing the value, press and hold the MODE button. d. The screen will read “Save?” Press the Y/+ button to save. The screen will read “Saved.” 9. Press the MODE button again until “Span cal” is displayed. 10. Press Y/+. The screen will read “Cal gas = Isobutylene, Span value = 0100.0, Apply gas now!” 11. Open and connect a FULL Tedlar® Sampling Bag of 100 ppm isobutylene-in-air standard to the probe tip. The unit will recognize the gas and start to span. The screen will read “Wait….” while it counts down from 30 seconds. Some newer units will display “Update data” after the countdown. If the pump sounds like its restricted, the bag is not open enough. 12. When the countdown is finished the screen will read “cal’ed reading = 100 ppm” It should read within a few ppm of the span value. 13. Press MODE once. The screen will read “cal done turn off gas”. Press the MODE button twice to return to the run mode. 14. While in the run mode, the instrument should read 100 ppm. Remove the gas source and the instrument should read 0 ppm. These measurements serve as “post-calibration” checks. In the event that the unit does not read within +/- 5% of the standard concentration or ambient air concentration of 0 ppm, recalibrate. If the detector cannot be recalibrated to measure within 5% of the calibration standards, the instrument should be taken out of service and replaced with a properly functioning unit. All calibration information should be documented on the attached PID/FID Daily Calibration Field Sheet. 15. The unit is now ready for use. Refer to section V. and VI. for guidance relative to field screening of environmental media and air quality monitoring. C. Post Use Calibration Check and Shut Down 1. Complete an end-of-the-day calibration check. While the instrument is in the run mode, connect the probe tip to a FULL Tedlar® Sampling Bag of 100 ppm isobutylene-in-air standard. NOTE: Use a fresh bag of cal gas for the calibration check. A bag filled in the morning may not be accurate in the afternoon, especially if the bag was exposed to sunlight. Record this measurement on the attached PID/FID Daily Calibration Field Sheet. If the measurement does not fall within 5% of the calibration standard, the field data will need to be qualified. For multiple days of field use, if the instrument fails the end-of-the-day check on two consecutive days, the unit should be replaced. July 2013 Organic/Inorganic Vapor Monitoring Utilizing a PID/FID Page 7 of 17 Standard Operating Procedure B-2

2. Turn off the detector by depressing the MODE button for 5 seconds. The unit will beep once per second during the power-down sequence with a countdown timer showing the number of seconds remaining. The message “Off!... flashes on the LCD display and then the display will go blank indicating that the monitor is turned off. 3. Remove the probe tip and water trap filter by unscrewing it from the detector inlet. 4. If recharging is required, attach the battery charger plug into the DC jack on the instrument. Plug the associated AC adapter into a wall outlet. The unit will turn on and display the message “Deep discharge?”. This message will be displayed three times. If a deep discharge is not applied, the unit will move directly on to the charge mode.

3. MiniRae 3000 Portable VOC Monitor (Model PGM-7320)

[Note that this instrument is not waterproof or water resistant. Do not use it during precipitation events without proper protection from the elements]

A. Preparation for Calibration and Use 1. Allow the temperature of the unit to equilibrate to its surroundings. This could take up to 15 minutes depending on the difference between the temperature of the environment where the detector was stored prior to use and the temperature on site. Note: The range of operating temperatures for this instrument is -4°F to 122°F. 2. Attach probe tip and hydrophobic (water trap) filter by screwing it to the detector inlet. Ensure that the probe tube, filter, and detector inlet fittings are tight. Note: Do not operate the MiniRae 3000 without a water trap filter installed. Operating without it could cause the pump to strain and/or be damaged, and could prevent the sample from reaching the unit. The filter should be replaced when clogged, visibly dirty, and after high measurements. 3. Turn on the detector by depressing the Φ (MODE) button. 4. Allow the instrument to “warm up” prior to calibrating, by allowing it to run for ~ 5 minutes. During this time the unit will display its setting during the warm up sequence. When it has finished its warm up, readings will be in parts per million (ppm). 5. Test the pump by blocking the pump flow. The alarm should sound and the pump icon should flash. Push the Y/+ button to the clear the alarm. Note: Do not use a unit that does not pass the pump test. 6. Fill the Tedlar® Sampling Bag with the calibration reference standard.

July 2013 Organic/Inorganic Vapor Monitoring Utilizing a PID/FID Page 8 of 17 Standard Operating Procedure B-2

B. Calibration Zero (Fresh Air) Cal 1. To enter the calibration mode, simultaneously press the Φ button and N/- buttons until the screen displays “Calibrate/ select Gas?” 2. Press the Y/+ button to select the cylinder icon/calibration. 3. Ensure that the unit is drawing clean ambient air or from a zero air source. 4. Select “Zero Calib” and press the Y/+ button. 5. The screen will read “Apply zero gas……” If using zero air, apply it now. 6. Press Y/+ to select “Start”. 7. The unit will display “Zeroing…” for 30 seconds. 8. When it is finished, the screen will display “Zero is done! Reading = #.#”. Note: If the reading is >0.3 ppm, ensure that the air is clean and zero the unit again. If the reading remains >0.3 ppm ensure that the filter is clean and re-zero. 9. The screen will return to the Calibration screen. Span Cal 1. Select the “Span Calib” and press the Y/+ button. 2. The screen will read; C. Gas = Isobutylene, Span = 100 ppm, Change? Note: If the span value on the screen is different from the isobutylene in the Tedlar® Sampling Bag, adjust it now. 3. If the gas is 100 ppm isobutylene-in-air, press the N/- button. 4. Open and connect a FULL Tedlar® Sampling Bag of 100 ppm isobutylene-in-air standard to the probe tip and then press the Y/+ button. 5. The screen will read, “Calibrating….” with a 30 second countdown. 6. When the span calibration is finished, the screen will read; “Span 1 is done Reading=100.0 ppm”. Note: The reading should range between 95 and 105 (within 5% of the calibration standard). If it differs from this, recalibrate. If after two attempts, the detector cannot be recalibrated to fall within this range, the instrument should be taken out of service and replaced with a properly functioning unit. All calibration information should be documented on the attached PID/FID Daily Calibration Field Sheet. 7. The unit is now ready for use. Refer to section V. and VI. for guidance relative to field screening of environmental media and air quality monitoring. C. Post Use Calibration Check and Shut Down 1. Complete an end-of-the-day calibration check. While the instrument is in the run mode, connect the probe tip to a FULL Tedlar® Sampling Bag of 100 ppm isobutylene-in-air standard. NOTE: Use a fresh bag of cal gas for the calibration July 2013 Organic/Inorganic Vapor Monitoring Utilizing a PID/FID Page 9 of 17 Standard Operating Procedure B-2

check. A bag filled in the morning may not be accurate in the afternoon, especially if the bag was exposed to sunlight. Record this measurement on the attached PID/FID Daily Calibration Field Sheet. If the measurement does not between 95 and 105 ppm, the field data will need to be qualified. For multiple days of field use, if the instrument fails the end-of-the-day check on two consecutive days, the unit should be replaced. 2. Turn off the detector by depressing the Φ button for 3 seconds. A 5-second countdown to shutoff begins. Once the countdown stops, the instrument is off. Release the Mode key. When you see “Unit off...” release your finger from the [MODE] key. The instrument is now off. Note: You must hold your finger on the key for the entire shutoff process. If you remove your finger from the key during the countdown, the shutoff operation is canceled and the instrument continues normal operation. 3. Remove the probe tip and water trap filter by unscrewing it from the detector inlet. 4. If recharging is required, plug the AC/DC adapter’s barrel connector into the instrument’s cradle and plug the AC/DC adapter into the wall outlet. Place the instrument into the cradle, press down, and lean it back. The instrument locks in place and the LED in the cradle glows. The instrument begins charging automatically and the “Primary” LED in the cradle blinks green to indicate charging. During charging, the diagonal lines in the battery icon on the instrument’s display are animated and you see the message “Charging...” When the instrument’s battery is fully charged, the battery icon is no longer animated and shows a full battery. The message “Fully charged!” is shown. The cradle’s LED glows continuously green.

4. Foxboro Toxic Vapor Analyzer, Model TVA-1000A (FID only)

A. Preparation for Calibration and Use

1. Allow the temperature of the unit to equilibrate to its surroundings. This could take up to 15 minutes depending on the difference between the temperature of the environment where the detector was stored prior to use and the temperature on site. Note: The range of operating temperatures for this instrument is 32°F to 122°F 2. Connect the close area sampler (contains water trap or charcoal filter) to the sample probe nut and sleeve. Manually turn the probe nut until tight. Connect the data transfer cable to the FID via the swage lock fitting adjacent to the H2 valve.

3. Ensure the H2 tank contains enough H2 to complete the intended work scope. The detector uses approximately 150 pounds per square inch (psi) per hour of operation. Refill the hydrogen tank with H2, if necessary using the refill plumbing July 2013 Organic/Inorganic Vapor Monitoring Utilizing a PID/FID Page 10 of 17 Standard Operating Procedure B-2

and sparkless wrench. If the TVA H2 cylinder must be refilled, heed the following warnings: • Hydrogen gas is a fire and explosion hazard when exposed to heat or flames. The lower explosive limit (LEL) is 4%. • Always use ultra-high purity grade hydrogen (99.999% pure). It’s also referred to as Grade 5 or zero grade.

• DO NOT fill the H2 cylinder near the unit while it is on or charging. • DO NOT connect or disconnect any electrical device to the instrument in a hazardous location. • DO NOT attempt to fill the internal cylinder without the supplied hydrogen-filling adapter.

• DO NOT fill the internal H2 tank in a hazardous location. • DO NOT exceed 2500 p.s.i. on the TVA cylinder pressure gauge. Internal damage may occur.

• DO NOT leave the H2 filling adapter attached to the H2 tank. Put it back in the case when not in use.

• Replace the H2 cylinder cap when the cylinder is not in use.

• When the TVA H2 cylinder is full, ALWAYS purge the H2 filling adapter to atmosphere prior to disconnecting it from the supply tank. To purge, rotate the red knob to the fill position until no gas is heard exiting the fill adapter.

4. Check the pressure in the small TVA H2 cylinder. It has a gauge on one end. It is shipped disconnected from the unit. If it has less than 500 psi, it should be filled.

5. If the H2 cylinder does not need to be refilled proceed to step f. If the H2 needs to be filled, complete the following:

a. Connect the H2 filling-adapter to a H2 supply cylinder. Do not use Teflon tape. Use an adjustable or 1 1/8” sparkless wrench. Note that the threads are reversed (counterclockwise to tighten).

b. Open the H2 cylinder knob. c. Turn the red knob on the fill adapter to the “Fill” position. A steady flow of gas will be heard coming from the end of the adapter. This is to purge the adapter of any impurities. d. Turn the red adapter knob so it is in the “Off” position.

e. Connect the small TVA H2 tank to the filling adapter. It is also reverse threaded. f. Put the red knob on the fill adapter in the “Fill” position. July 2013 Organic/Inorganic Vapor Monitoring Utilizing a PID/FID Page 11 of 17 Standard Operating Procedure B-2

g. Observe the pressure gauge on the end of the small TVA cylinder. When the gauge reads 2500 p.s.i., turn the red knob to the off position.

h. Turn off the H2 supply cylinder knob.

i. Remove the small TVA H2 cylinder from the fill adapter. j. Vent the fill adapter before removing it from the supply tank. 1) Put the red knob in the “Fill” position. 2) Observe the pressure gauge. 3) Disconnect the adapter once the fill adapter gauge reads zero.

Note: Do not leave the H2 filling adapter attached to the H2 tank. Put it back in the case when not in use. Replace the hydrogen cylinder cap when the cylinder is not in use.

6. Screw the H2 cylinder into the analyzer sidepack.

7. Turn the red H2 supply knob on the back of the unit to the on position and wait 4 or 5 minutes. This is to allow the hydrogen to fill the internal lines. Note that the unit might not light if a start-up is attempted immediately after the H2 is turned on. 8. Press the ON button. The unit will perform self test diagnostics for ~ 15 seconds and then the main menu will be displayed. 9. Press the CONTROL button. The menu on the screen will read “CONTROL MENU” at the top of the screen. 10. Press 1 (1 = Turn Pump On). The screen will read “MAIN MENU”. 11. Press the CONTROL button again. 12. Press 2 (2=ignite). The pump will start to run followed by the muffled “pop” of the flame starting. The screen will read “MAIN MENU”. 13. Press 1 (1=Run). 14. The screen will read “Please wait…” It will then display the FID readings in ppm. Let the unit warm up for approximately 30 minutes prior to calibration. Note: This is a good time to fill one Tedlar® Sampling Bag with methane (CH4). A second bag should be filled with zero grade air if a reliable zero can’t be performed in ambient air. 15. Once the unit has warmed up in the run mode, press EXIT. B. Calibration (FID only) 1. The screen will read “MAIN MENU”. Press 2 (2=Setup). Press 5 (5=OthrSetting). Press 4 (4=UserOptions). Press 3 (3=CalMode). Select AUTO or MANUAL. Note: If AUTO (factory setting) is selected, the instrument analyzes the calibration gas and automatically accepts the value when it is stable. If MANUAL is selected, the operator manually accepts the value once the gas July 2013 Organic/Inorganic Vapor Monitoring Utilizing a PID/FID Page 12 of 17 Standard Operating Procedure B-2

measurements (in counts) are stable. Press EXIT repeatedly to return to the “SETUP MENU”. 2. The screen will read “SETUP MENU”. Press 1 (1=Calib). 3. The screen will read “CALIBRATION MENU”. Press 4 (4=GasConc). 4. The screen will display the set span concentration. Verify that the concentration of the calibration gas being used matches the displayed concentration. If the value differs, conduct the following: a. Press Enter to change the gas concentration to a new value. b. Use the up and down keys to adjust the concentration. c. Press Enter (Enter=Accept) once the correct span concentration has been entered. The screen will read “Accepted”. Press EXIT to return to the CALIBRATION MENU. 5. The screen will read “CALIBRATION MENU”. Press 5 (5=Response Factor). Note: The Response Factor should be set to 1.0 if the instrument is to be used to measure the same gas it was calibrated with. If the gas to be measured is NOT the same compound for which the instrument was calibrated against, the Response Factor may not be 1.0. Refer to the TVA-1000 Series Instruction Manual Response Factors Part Number 50039, dated January 28, 2009 (attached) and adjust accordingly. If the value differs, conduct the following: a. Press Enter to change the response factor to a new value. b. Type in the appropriate response factor. c. Press Enter (Enter=Accept) to store the value. The screen will read “Accepted”. Press EXIT to return to the CALIBRATION MENU. 6. Press 1 (1=Zero) if zero gas is to be used for calibrating zero or press 2 (2=Backgrnd) if clean ambient air is to be used for zero. Select one or the other. Press Enter (Enter=Accept). 7. The screen will read “Apply zero gas FID.” If in a clean ambient air environment, press Enter (Enter=Start). The screen will read “Calibrating….FID. Note: If ambient air is questionable (i.e. landfill) apply a Tedlar® Sampling Bag filled with zero air before pressing Enter. 8. The screen will read “Calibrating FID….” Followed by “Accepted” and then return to the CALIBRATION MENU. The zero reference is stored. If setting a span reference point, which is the same as setting the zero reference except that a span gas is used rather than a zero gas, Press 3 (3=Span). 9. The screen will display “Span Cal”. Press Enter (Enter=Start). 10. The screen will read “Apply span gas FID”. Verify that the set span value matches the gas being used. Apply the span gas by opening and connecting a July 2013 Organic/Inorganic Vapor Monitoring Utilizing a PID/FID Page 13 of 17 Standard Operating Procedure B-2

FULL Tedlar® Sampling Bag of the span gas to the probe tip. Press Enter (Enter=Start). 11. The screen will read “Calibrating… FID” followed by “Accepted” and the return to the CALIBRATION MENU. The span reference is stored. 12. When finished with the calibration, return to the MAIN MENU by pressing EXIT twice and press 1 (1=run). Prior to field screening, verify the calibration accuracy. Check the zero in ambient air and the span gas that was used for calibration. In the event that the unit does not read within +/- 5% of the standard concentrations, recalibrate. If the detector cannot be recalibrated to measure within 5% of the calibration standards, the instrument should be taken out of service and replaced with a properly functioning unit. All calibration information should be documented on the attached PID/FID Daily Calibration Field Sheet. 13. The unit is now ready for use. Refer to section V. and VI. for guidance relative to field screening of environmental media and air quality monitoring. C. Post Use Calibration Check and Shut Down 1. Complete an end-of-the-day calibration check. While the instrument is in the run mode, connect the probe tip to a FULL Tedlar® Sampling Bag of scan standard. NOTE: Use a fresh bag of cal gas for the calibration check. A bag filled in the morning may not be accurate in the afternoon, especially if the bag was exposed to sunlight. Record this measurement on the attached PID/FID Daily Calibration Field Sheet. If the measurement does not between 95 and 105 ppm, the field data will need to be qualified. For multiple days of field use, if the instrument fails the end-of-the-day check on two consecutive days, the unit should be replaced. 2. Press “ON” then “CONTROL” to open the main menu. Press “1” to turn off the pump. 3. Turn off the detector by depressing the “OFF” button.

4. Close the H2 tank valve.

5. Unscrew the H2 cylinder. Note: Leaving the cylinder in the detector will result in a slow leak of H2 not realized until the detector’s next use. 6. Remove the close area sampler and sample probe. Disconnect the data transfer cable from the detector. 7. If recharging is required, plug the output of the charger into the mating connector marked CHRG in the instrument. Then, insert the charger plug into the appropriate wall outlet. A green power indicator is ON when the charger is operating. A yellow indicator is activated when the charger is connected to the instrument and the instrument is ON. Normal charge time for a fully discharged battery is approximately 16 hours, or two hours of charge for every hour of use.

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II. FIELD SCREENING A. Soil/Sediment Screening for VOCs 1. Screen environmental media following sample collection. Ideally the samples should be screened immediately following collection but there may be circumstances which result in a delay. Note: If samples are to be collected for laboratory analysis, keep these samples separate from media that will be field screened. 2. Fill a glass drillers jar or Ziploc® bag. a. If using glass jars: 1) Fill the jars half way. 2) Cut two (2) aluminum foil squares (approximately 3-inch by 3- inch). 3) Seal the top of the jar with aluminum foil and secure the lid. b. If using Ziploc® bag: 1) Half fill the Ziploc® bag. 3. Secure the bag by zipping it closed or using a zip tie.Vigorously shake the sample jar or bag for ~ 30 seconds, 1-2 times during a 10-15 minute period to allow inorganic/organic vapors to be transferred from the media to the air space above it (headspace). 4. Minimize the duration that the screening containers containing soil/sediment are exposed to direct sunlight. Note: If ambient temperatures are below 40°F, the samples should be moved into heated space, either building or field vehicle and allowed to warm prior to screening. 5. Prior to screening environmental media, measure the ambient air or background concentrations. Record this information in on the boring log, field book, as or other appropriate field data collection sheet. 6. Use the FID/PID probe to screen the media. a. If using glass jars, remove the cover and insert the probe tip through the aluminum foil. b. If using Ziploc® bags, unzip the corner of the bag (1-2”) or insert the probe tip directly through the bag. 8. Record the maximum reading, which generally occurs within 2-5 seconds. Note: The probe should not make contact soil/sediment or liquid contained in the sample container. Record the maximum concentration measured by the detector onto a boring log, test pit log, or appropriate field data collection sheet as ppm above background. 9. If screening of media shall be performed directly on soil or sediment cores, record July 2013 Organic/Inorganic Vapor Monitoring Utilizing a PID/FID Page 15 of 17 Standard Operating Procedure B-2

the measurements along the length of the core starting at the top of the sample run and progressing in one (1) foot intervals the entire length of the core, as well as additional zones where staining or strong odors are observed. If the media is contained within plastic liners, use a knife or screw driver to poke a hole though the liner, to facilitate field screening. Note: The probe tip should not be used to puncture the core liner as it could damage the probe. In addition, soil/sediment could be forced into the probe tip, resulting in the unit being inoperable. B. Air Quality Monitoring for VOCs 1) Use the FID/PID probe to measure the ambient air or background concentrations around the perimeter of the work area. Record this information in on the boring log, field book, as or other appropriate field data collection sheet. 2) Once background concentrations have been established, begin collecting measurements within the work area which may include the source area, and breathing zone. The detector should be operated as close to the area being monitored as technically feasible. Record this information in a field book, or other appropriate field data collection sheet. 3) If the air quality measurements are being collected in the “breathing zone” of the work area, compare field measurements to the range of concentrations included HASP to confirm that a hazardous atmosphere does not exist. If safe breathing zone concentrations are not being maintained, the use of additional personal protective equipment (PPE) or termination of work activities may be required.


Calibration as well as the detector lamp energy, calibration standard, and correction factor/response factors, maintenance for each piece of equipment, etc. will be documented on the calibration logs and included in the reports. A calibration log is provided at the end of this SOP. Field screening measurements shall be recorded on applicable data collection sheets, boring logs and/or field book, unless otherwise specified in the approved SAP/QAPP or project specific work plan.


1. For site COCs, which include volatile organic compound (VOCs) and Semi-Volatile Compounds (SVOCs), knowing the ionization potential (IP) is critical in determining the appropriate detector and lamp for field screening. Note that a single detector and lamp combination does not exist for all potential site COCs. The manufacturer’s instruction manual and/or additional outside references must be consulted in order to assist with proper instrument and lamp selection. 2. An appropriately selected detector will consist of a lamp with energy greater than the highest IP identified for the site COCs. As a general rule of thumb, if site COC have IPs less than 11.8 electron volts (eV), it is possible to use a PID for field screening. If the IP is greater than 11.8 and/or if methane may also be screened on site, a FID is required. July 2013 Organic/Inorganic Vapor Monitoring Utilizing a PID/FID Page 16 of 17 Standard Operating Procedure B-2

Confirm with the project manager and/or health and safety officer that the detector and lamp that has been selected is appropriate for the site COCs. 3. The detectors included in this SOP are capable of utilizing a range of lamp energies (i.e. 9.8eV, 10.0 eV, 10.6 eV, 11.7 eV and 11.8 eV). Note that lower energy lamps are more sensitive and “see” fewer compounds than high energy lamps. The higher energy lamps (11.7 eV and 11,8 eV) should be used only when COCs with IPs greater than 10.6 eV are anticipated. Refer to Appendix F (attached) from the Thermo Environmental Instruments, Inc., Organic Vapor Meter (OVM), Model 580B, instruction manual dated January 9, 1996, for the IPs of common organic solvents and gases. 4. The Correction Factor (CR) or Response Factor (RF) are synonymous and are utilized to adjust the sensitivity of a PID/FID to directly measure a particular gas compared to the calibration gas. The lower the CF/RF is, the more sensitive a PID/FID is to a gas or vapor. The greater the toxicity of the gas or vapor, the greater the sensitivity the meter needs to be. CFs/RFs permit the calibration of the instrument to one gas while directly reading the concentration of another. This eliminates the need for multiple calibration gases. A 100 ppm isobutylene-in-air standard is frequently used to calibrate PIDs/FIDs since it approximately the midpoint of the range of the instrument sensitivities. It is non- toxic, and non-flammable at a concentration of 100 ppm. Historically PIDs were calibrated with benzene but with the health risks associate with exposure to benzene, the use of this as a calibration standard has been phased out. Any ionizable gas may be used for calibration. Note that the CFs/RFs tend to be detector and/or manufacturer specific. Refer to the manufacturer’s instruction manual when selecting the CF/RF and calibration gas. Refer to the Thermo Environmental Instruments, Inc., TVA-1000 Series Instruction Manual Response Factors Part Number 50039, dated January 28, 2009 for Response Factors. 5. PID/FID and lamp cleaning is not required on a regular basis however it should be considered routine maintenance and conducted in accordance with the manufacturer’s instruction manual. Indications that a sensor and lamp may need to be cleaned could include the inability to calibrate successfully or a detector which is very sensitive to moisture. If liquid of any sort has been drawn into the instrument, the lamp and sensor should be cleaned immediately. The use of the water trap will help prevent accidental drawing of liquid into the sensor.

V. REFERENCES Thermo Environmental Instruments, Inc., TVA-1000 Series Instruction Manual Response Factors Part Number 50039, dated January 28, 2009. Note: The following references are the manufacture instruction manuals. The appropriate manual for the instrument(s) being used shall be on site during each sampling event. Thermo Environmental Instruments, Inc., Organic Vapor Meter (OVM), Model 580B, instruction manual dated January 9, 1996; MiniRae 2000 Portable VOC Monitor, Model PGM-7600, instruction manual (Revision E) dated May, 2005; July 2013 Organic/Inorganic Vapor Monitoring Utilizing a PID/FID Page 17 of 17 Standard Operating Procedure B-2

MiniRae 3000 Portable VOC Monitor, Model PGM-7320, instruction manual (Revision C) dated August, 2010; Foxboro Portable Toxic Vapor Analyzer, Model TVA-1000A, instruction manual dated September 1994;

VI. ATTACHMENTS PID/FID Daily Calibration Log Appendix F – Common Organic Solvents and Gases Data Sheet from the Thermo Environmental Instruments, Inc., Organic Vapor Meter (OVM), Model 580B, instruction manual dated January 9, 1996 NH PLATING PID/FID DAILY CALIBRATION LOG Site Name: Location: Job Number:

Date: Time: Field Personnel: Weather:

Detector (Make & Model): Serial Number: Rental ID (if applicable): Rental Company: Detector Calibration/Maintentance Certification Provided By (Personnel): Date: Beginning of Day Detector Calibration Value of Reading Expiration Detector Calibration Standard Lot # Comments (ppm) Date (ppm)

Ambient air or zero air standard (circle one) 0

Calibration Standard #1 Note: When calibrating a FID, the default for calibration standard #1 is isobutylene and standard #2 is methane. Calibration Standard #2 (if applicable)

Additional Information

Range of Ionization Potentials for Site COCs (eV)______Detector Lamp (eV): ______Correction Factor/Response Factor______Battery fully charged (Yes/No): ______Water trap installed (Yes/No): ______Post Calibration Check

Date: Time: Field Personnel: Value of Check Acceptable Within Expiration Calibration Check Standard Results Range (+/- 5%) Range Lot # Comments Date (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (yes/no)

Ambient air or zero air standard (circle one) 0 0-5

Calibration Standard #1

Calibration Standard #2 (if applicable)

Notes: 1.) All calibration checks must be made in the run mode, not the calibration mode. 2.) If the calibration check is performed with the standards utilized during calibration, write down "same" under the Lot # and expiration date columns. 3.) If the post calibration check is not within the acceptable range the meter must be recalibrated. If recalibration is attempted twice without success, replace the unit.

Calibration & Post Calibration Check Performed by: ______(Print)______(Sign) END OF DAY CALIBRATION CHECK Value of Check Acceptable Within Expiration Calibration Check Standard Results Range (+/- 5%) Range Lot # Comments Date (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (yes/no)

Date: Time: Field Personnel: Ambient air (zero air) 0 0-5

Calibration Standard #1

Calibration Standard #2 (if applicable)

Notes: 1.) All calibration checks must be made in the run mode, not the calibration mode. 2.) If the calibration check is performed with the standards utilized during calibration, write down "same" under the Lot # and expiration date columns. 3.) If the end of the day calibration check is not within the acceptable range, the data collected that day for that parameter shall be qualified in it's use. 4.) If data needs to be qualified, list the applicable sampling locations below. 5.) If the end of the day calibration fails to be within the acceptable range for two consecutive days, replace the unit.

Calibration Check by ______Print Name Signature

Sampling Locations: Sampling Locations: Sampling Locations:

. July 2013 Calibration of YSI Hach Field Instruments SOP Page 1 of 13 Standard Operating Procedure SOP #B-3



This Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) Calibration of YSI and Hach Field Instruments Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) provides a general framework for calibrating field instruments used to measure water quality parameters for groundwater and surface water at the New Hampshire Plating Company (NHPC) Superfund Site in Merrimack, New Hampshire. Water quality parameters include temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen (DO), specific conductance, oxidation reduction potential (ORP) and turbidity.

This SOP is written for instruments where the probe readings for pH, DO and specific conductance are automatically corrected for temperature (YSI Models 600XL/XLM). pH meters must be calibrated using three pH standards (4, 7 and 10 pH units). Turbidity must be taken with a separate meter (Hach 2100P or 2100Q).

This SOP was developed using the “Calibration of Field Instruments SOP” included in the current NHDES Hazardous Waste Remediation Bureau (HWRB) Master Quality Assurance Project Plan (Master QAPP), EPA RFA#13027. Any modifications to this SOP shall be approved by NHDES in consultation with EPA in advance, documented in the site logbook, and presented in the final report.

For ground water monitoring, the instrument must be equipped with a clear flow-through-cell with a maximum capacity of 250 milliliters and the display/logger or computer display screen needs to be large enough to simultaneously contain the readouts of each probe in the instrument. Turbidity must be taken at a point before the flow-through cell and from a meter separate from the flow through cell apparatus. A three way stopcock is recommended to divert sample flow for the turbidity reading. Turbidity cannot be measured in a flow-through-cell because the flow- through-cell acts as a sediment trap. This procedure is applicable for use with the current Low Flow Groundwater Purging and Sampling SOPs in the Sampling and Analysis Plan (SAP).


Read all labels on the standards and note any warnings on the labels. Wear appropriate personal protection equipment (e.g., gloves, eye shields, etc.) when handling the standards. If necessary, consult the Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for additional safety information on the chemicals in the standards


All field instruments shall be calibrated, and have a calibration check, in the office prior to the field event (within one week) to ensure that the equipment is working properly and meets the QA criteria.

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For this project, once the equipment is calibrated, and checked, prior to the sampling event, it is not necessary to recalibrate the instruments at the beginning of each sampling day. Instead, only a calibration check shall be performed at the beginning of each sampling day to ensure the instruments have remained in calibration.

If one or more parameters are not within the appropriate range during the beginning of the day calibration check, only those parameters shall be calibrated and the calibration shall be checked again, to ensure the instrument was calibrated properly. If that calibration check is not within the acceptable range for any parameter, the instrument shall be recalibrated using all the standards for that parameter and the calibration shall be checked again. See individual parameters for specific instructions. If problems with the instrument continue, backup instruments shall be calibrated and used in place of the inoperable unit.

The calibration shall be checked again at the end of the day of use to ensure that the instruments have remained in calibration throughout the day. In addition, should any erratic or illogical readings occur between calibrations, the instrument shall be recalibrated in order to ensure that representative measurements are obtained. All calibration and check values shall be documented on the calibration log maintained by each user (see attached log).

If a calibration check at the end of the day is not within the acceptable range for that parameter, the data collected that day for that parameter shall be qualified in its use. This qualification shall be documented on the calibration log and the field sheets/logs for the appropriate sampling locations. For example: pH measurements are collected as part of the low flow sampling procedure. If the afternoon pH calibration check was not within the acceptable range that day, the pH data collected by that instrument on that day would be qualified as useful only for determining stabilization and not as representative pH measurements of the water being sampled. That qualification would then be documented on the calibration log and the sampling sheet for each of those locations.


Given the temperature sensitivity of the calibration solutions in very cold (or very hot) weather conditions, the NHDES project manager may approve performing the morning calibration and calibration check in the office, or other facility, just prior to going into the field and the end of the day calibration check upon returning to that facility. Careful thought must be given before approval. On one hand this may avoid delays and budget increases due to weather calibration issues in the field. On the other hand, not being able to check the calibration or re-calibrate in the field may result in the qualification or loss of data if there are problems with the equipment that day. In each case, this deviation to the normal procedure must be approved by the NHDES project manager in advance. If approved, it must be documented on each Calibration Log and in all Site sampling reports (e.g. Annual Report, Monitoring Data Report, etc) that the calibration and checks for that day were performed off-site due to very cold (or very hot) weather conditions, including where they were performed and that it was approved in advance by the NHDES project manager. See page two of the attached Calibration Log.

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The following is a list of equipment and materials typically used during calibration:

• Multi-meter sonde and handheld meter (YSI 600XL/XLM) • Calibration solutions: o “Zero” (0) mg/L DO check standard o pH buffers 4, 7 and 10 (plus additional pH 4 for overnight storage of YSI probes) o Two standards for specific conductance, one for calibration and one for checking the calibration: 1,413 micro Siemens per centimeter [µS/cm]) and 718 µS/cm; and o Zobell Solution for ORP • Small wet sponge or paper towel for DO 100% saturation calibration • Separate Turbidimeter (Hach 2100P or 2100Q Turbidity meter) w/calibration standards: <0.1, 10, 20, 100, 800 Nephelometric Turbidity Units (NTUs) as appropriate for each meter • Calibration cup with cap • Cooler (for storage of calibration solutions) • Distilled water • Paper towels • Kimwipes • NIST certified thermometer, degrees Celsius (if the vendor has not verified the accuracy of the instrument temperature sensor) • Ring stand with clamp • Calibration log


In general, all instrumentation necessary for field monitoring and health and safety purposes shall be maintained, tested and inspected according to the manufacturer's instructions. It is assumed that most of this equipment will be rented and is not owned by the contractor. Any reference made to a vendor applies to the owner/renter of the equipment.

Prior to calibration, all instrument probes must be cleaned in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, preferably by the vendor if the unit is rented. Failure to perform this proper maintenance step can lead to erratic measurements. The vendor is required to provide written documentation (which will be included in sampling reports) that indicates the equipment was cleaned, by who and dated.

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Calibration standard values, check results, temperature and checks, and maintenance for each piece of equipment shall be documented on the calibration logs and included in the reports. This information includes dates, personnel, calibration standards expiration dates, etc. A calibration log is provided at the end of this SOP.

This SOP requires that the manufacturer’s instruction manuals (including the instrument specifications) accompany the instruments into the field.

Turn on the instrument and allow it to warm up according to the manufactures instructions. Program the multi-probe instrument so that the following parameters to be measured will be displayed: temperature in ˚C; pH, dissolved oxygen (DO) in % for calibration and mg/L for measurements; specific conductance in µS/cm; and ORP in mV.

All calibration solutions shall be placed into the calibration cup to calibrate the instrument and to check the calibration. The probes shall not be put directly into the bottles of calibration solutions from the vendor. The volume of the calibration solutions must be sufficient to cover both the probe and temperature sensor. See manufacturer’s instructions for additional information.

While calibrating or measuring, make sure there are no air bubbles lodged between the probe and the probe guard.

Mark the “date opened” on each new bottle of calibration solution. Record the lot number and expiration date on the calibration log.

All calibration solutions shall be stored in the dark and stored at cool/stable temperatures. Storage of calibration solutions in an insulated cooler kept in the shade will help to maintain calibration solution integrity.



This procedure is not to be done in the field.

For instrument probes that rely on the temperature sensor, each temperature sensor must be checked for accuracy against a thermometer that is traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) prior to the sampling event. A temperature check is required once a year for each instrument at a minimum.

The temperature check shall be performed prior to the field event, preferably via the vendor if the unit is rented. If the check is not performed by the vendor it must be performed by field personal prior to using the unit. Verification and documentation, including accuracy, dates and personnel, of this procedure is required. The documentation shall be recorded on the calibration log and included in any sampling reports.

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Temperature Sensory Accuracy Procedure

1. Allow a container filled with water to come to room temperature.

2. Place a NIST thermometer and the instrument’s temperature sensor into the water and wait for both temperature readings to stabilize. 3. Compare the two measurements. The instrument’s temperature sensor must agree with the reference thermometer measurement within the accuracy of the sensor (typically ±0.15°C or ±0.2°C). Check the manual that came with the instrument. If the measurements do not agree, the instrument may not be working properly and the vendor/manufacturer needs to be consulted and the unit replaced.


Dissolved oxygen (DO) content in water is measured using a membrane electrode.

The DO probe’s membrane and electrolyte solution shall be replaced prior to the sampling event and replaced as needed thereafter. Failure to perform this step may lead to erratic measurements. If the vendor changes the membrane and electrolyte solution they must send the appropriate documentation with each unit. If there is no documentation with the unit, the field personnel will have to replace the membrane and electrolyte solution before the sampling event begins. Documentation shall be noted on the calibration log.

DO Calibration/Calibration Check Procedure

1. Gently dry the temperature sensor according to manufacturer’s instructions and inspect the DO membrane for air bubbles and nicks.

2. Place a wet sponge or a wet paper towel on the bottom of the DO calibration container to create a 100 percent water-saturated air environment.

3. Loosely fit the DO probe into the calibration container to prevent the escape of moisture evaporating from the sponge or paper towel while maintaining ambient pressure (see manufacturer’s instructions on attaching the calibration container to the instrument). Do not allow the probe to come in contact with the wet sponge or paper towel.

4. Allow the confined air to become saturated with water vapor (saturation occurs in approximately 10 to 15 minutes). During this time, turn on the instrument to allow the DO probe to warm-up according the manufactures directions. Make sure that both the DO reading and the temperature have stabilized before starting the calibration sequence.

5. Select calibration mode; then select “DO %”.

6. Enter the local barometric pressure (usually in mm of mercury) for the sampling location into the instrument using an on-site hand held barometer, unless the instrument already has a July 2013 Calibration of YSI Hach Field Instruments SOP Page 6 of 13 Standard Operating Procedure SOP #B-3

temperature-compensated barometer.

7. Record the barometric pressure on the calibration log.

8. The instrument should indicate that the calibration is in progress. Observe the readings for percent dissolved oxygen and temperature. When they show no significant change for approximately 30 seconds press enter. After calibration, the instrument should display dissolved oxygen in mg/L (% DO is only used for calibration).

9. Record the initial DO reading in mg/L and temperature reading in ˚C on the calibration log immediately after calibration.

10. To check the calibration in the run/measurement mode (on a run/measurement screen), remove the probe from the container and place it into a 0.0 (zero) mg/L DO standard. Do not put the DO probe back into the storage cup (w/sponge), prior to performing the zero check.

11. Wait until the “mg/L DO” and temperature readings have stabilized. Record the zero mg/L DO reading on the calibration log. The instrument must read 0 to 0.5 mg/L DO. If the instrument cannot reach this value, it will be necessary to clean the probe, and change the membrane and electrolyte solution. If this is unsuccessful, use a new 0.0 mg/L DO standard. If these measures are still unsuccessful, consult the manufacturer/vendor or replace the unit.

12. Remove probe from the zero DO standard, rinse with distilled water, and gently blot dry. pH (electrometric)

The pH of a sample is determined electrometrically using a glass electrode. Three standards are needed for the calibration: 4, 7 and 10. pH Calibration/Calibration Check Procedure

1. Allow the buffered standards to equilibrate to the ambient temperature.

2. Fill calibration containers with the buffered standards so each standard will cover the pH probe and temperature sensor.

3. Remove probe from its storage container, rinse with distilled water, and gently blot dry with a Kimwipe. Use caution during drying that the dissolved oxygen probe membrane is not disturbed.

4. Select the calibration mode for a three point pH calibration.

5. Immerse probe into the initial standard, pH 7. Enter the buffered standard value (pH 7) into instrument. Wait until temperature and pH readings stabilize. If the readings do not change within 30 seconds, press enter to accept the calibration. July 2013 Calibration of YSI Hach Field Instruments SOP Page 7 of 13 Standard Operating Procedure SOP #B-3

6. Remove probe from the initial standard, rinse with distilled water, and gently blot dry.

7. Immerse probe into the second standard (pH 4). Repeat step 5.

8. Remove probe from the second standard, rinse with distilled water, and gently blot dry.

9. Immerse probe in third buffered standard (pH-10) and repeat step 5.

10. Remove probe from the third standard, rinse with distilled water, and gently blot dry.

11. To check the calibration in the run/measurement mode (on a run/measurement screen), immerse the probe into the pH 7 buffer solution. Wait for the temperature and pH readings to stabilize. Record the pH value on the calibration log. The value must be pH 7 +/-5% (pH 6.65-7.35). If the calibration check failed re-calibrate the instrument using fresh standards for all three values and check it again. If re-calibration fails, clean the pH probe, consult the manufacture/vendor or replace the unit.

12. Remove probe from the pH 7 check standard, rinse with distilled water, and gently blot dry.


Conductivity is used to measure the ability of an aqueous solution to carry an electrical current. Specific conductance is the conductivity value corrected to 25°C. When monitoring ground water, surface water or pore water use the specific conductance readings and record in µS/cm.

Most instruments are calibrated against a single standard which is near, (above or below) the specific conductance of the environmental samples. A second standard is used to check the linearity of the instrument in the range of measurements. Specific conductivity standards concentrations are generally dependent on expected field conditions and availability. However, there have been some issues with the stability of some of the standards in the field. Unless specified in a site specific SAP, NHDES and EPA have agreed that specific conductivity is, in general, a non critical measurement and it is more important to use standards that are stable in the field even though they maybe above or below the actual field conditions.

The following standards have been field tested, are readily available from most vendors, and are acceptable for use by NHDES and EPA: a 1413 µS/cm standard and a 718 µS/cm standard. It is acceptable to use either one of the standards to calibrate and the other to check the calibration. In general, the 1413 µS/cm standard will be used to calibrate and a 718 µS/cm standard to check the calibration.

Specific Conductance Calibration/Calibration Check Procedure

1. Allow the calibration standards to equilibrate to the ambient temperature.

2. Remove the probe from its storage container, rinse the probe with a small amount of the first July 2013 Calibration of YSI Hach Field Instruments SOP Page 8 of 13 Standard Operating Procedure SOP #B-3

(1413 µS/cm) specific conductance standard (discard the rinsate), and place the probe into the standard. Be sure that the temperature sensor and the probe’s vent hole are immersed in the standard. Gently move the sonde up and down to dislodge any air bubbles from the conductivity cell.

3. Allow at least one minute for temperature equilibrium before proceeding.

4. Select the calibration mode for specific conductance. Enter the calibration value of the standard being used (1413 µS/cm). Allow the temperature and specific conductance to stabilize. If the reading does not change within 30 seconds, press enter to accept the calibration.

5. To check the calibration, select the monitoring/run mode (a run/measurement screen). Remove the probe from the higher standard, rinse the probe with distilled water and then a small amount of the second, lower standard (discard the rinsate), and place the probe into the second (718 µS/cm) standard. The second standard will serve to verify the linearity of the instrument. Read the specific conductance value from the instrument. Record the value on the calibration log, and compare the value to the standard. The value must be +/-5%. (682- 754 µS/cm for the 718 µS/cm standard and 1342-1484 µS/cm for the 1413 µS/cm standard). If not, recalibrate using new standards and check again. If the re-calibration does not correct the problem, clean the probe, consult the manufacturer/vendor or replace the unit.

6. Remove probe from the specific conductance check standard, rinse with distilled water, and gently blot dry.


The oxidation/reduction potential is the electrometric difference measured in a solution between an inert indicator electrode and a suitable reference electrode. The electrometric difference is measured in millivolts and is temperature dependent. A Zobell solution is required to calibrate ORP. Read the warning on the label before use.

ORP Calibration/Calibration Check Procedure

1. Allow the Zobell solution calibration standard to equilibrate to ambient temperature.

2. Remove the probe from its storage container, rinse the probe with distilled water, gently blot dry with a Kimwipe and place it into the standard.

3. Select monitoring/run mode.

4. Wait for the probe temperature to stabilize, and then read the temperature. Record the temperature reading on the calibration log.

5. Look up the millivolt (mV) value at this temperature from the temperature / millivolt chart July 2013 Calibration of YSI Hach Field Instruments SOP Page 9 of 13 Standard Operating Procedure SOP #B-3

found below and on the calibration log. These values have been rounded to the nearest whole number. Record this value on the calibration log.

Zobell Solution mV Values Based on Temperature for ORP Calibration Calibration Check Range Values (+/- 5%)

Temp. ORP Calibration Temp. ORP Calibration Temp. ORP Calibration ºC Zobell Check ºC Zobell Check ºC Zobell Check Solution Range Solution Range Solution Range mV Values mV Values mV Values Value +/- 5% Value +/- 5% Value +/- 5% -3 267 254-280 10 251 238-264 23 234 222-246 -2 266 253-279 11 249 237-261 24 232 220-244 -1 265 252-278 12 248 236-260 25 231 219-243 0 264 251-277 13 247 235-259 26 230 219-242 1 262 249-275 14 245 233-257 27 228 217-239 2 261 248-274 15 244 232-256 28 227 216-238 3 260 247-273 16 243 231-255 29 226 215-237 4 258 245-271 17 241 229-253 30 225 214-236 5 257 244-270 18 240 228-252 31 223 212-234 6 256 243-269 19 239 227-251 32 222 211-233 7 254 241-267 20 238 226-250 33 221 210-232 8 253 240-266 21 236 224-248 34 219 208-230 9 252 239-265 22 235 223-247 35 218 207-229

6. Select the calibration mode for ORP. Enter the temperature-corrected ORP value into the instrument. Once the temperature and ORP values stabilize, press enter to accept the calibration.

7. To check the calibration in the monitoring/run mode (on a run/measurement screen), immerse the probe in the Zobell solution, read the ORP on the instrument. Record the check value on the calibration log, and compare the value to the ORP value of the standard in step 5. The instrument value must be +/- 5% of the calibration value. See the chart above for the check range. If it is not within +/- 5%, recalibrate using a new Zobell solution. If the re- calibration is not successful, consult the manufacture/vendor or replace the unit. For the afternoon calibration check, the instrument must be within +/- 5% of the mV value for the current temperature.

8. Remove the probe from the ORP check standard, rinse with distilled water, and gently blot dry.


The turbidity method is based upon a comparison of intensity of light scattered by a sample under defined conditions with the intensity of light scattered by a standard reference suspension. July 2013 Calibration of YSI Hach Field Instruments SOP Page 10 of 13 Standard Operating Procedure SOP #B-3

A turbidimeter is a nephelometer with a visible light source for illuminating the sample and one or more photo-electric detectors placed ninety degrees to the path of the light source.

The HWRB low flow procedure requires that the turbidity meter shall have a calibration range from 0.00 to 800 (1000) NTUs.

Condensation (fogging): Condensation may occur on the outside of the sample cell when measuring a cold sample in a warm, humid environment. Condensation interferes with turbidity measurement, so all moisture must be thoroughly wiped off the sample cell before measurement. If fogging recurs, let the sample warm slightly by standing at ambient temperature or immersing in a container of ambient temperature water for a short period. After warming, gently invert the sample cell to thoroughly mix the contents before measurement.

This procedure is based on the use of the Hach 2100P or the 2100Q Turbidimeter and the commercially available StablCal® Formazin Primary Turbidity Standards appropriate for each meter.

A - Calibration/Calibration Check Procedures for the Hach 2100P Turbidity Meter

1. Use the commercially available StablCal® Formazin Primary Turbidity Standards: <0.1, 20, 100 and 800 NTUs.

2. Before performing the calibration procedure, make sure the cells are not scratched. If the cell is scratched, the standard must be replaced.

3. Allow the calibration standards to equilibrate at the ambient temperature.

4. Turn on the meter.

5. The meter should be in the Auto Range. “Auto Rng” and 0.00 NTUs should show on the display. If not press the range key until it is in the auto range and reading to two (2) decimal points (e.g.. 0.00)

6. Gently invert the standards to thoroughly mix the contents. (DO NOT SHAKE)

7. Wipe the standards with a soft, lint free cloth or Kimwipe to make sure the outside surfaces are dry, free from fingerprints and dust.

8. Insert the standard into the cell compartment by aligning the orientation mark on the cell with the mark on the front of the cell compartment.

9. Insert the first (blank) standard, <0.1 NTU, into the cell compartment and close the lid.

10. Press CAL. The “CAL” and “S0” icons will be displayed (the “0” will flash). July 2013 Calibration of YSI Hach Field Instruments SOP Page 11 of 13 Standard Operating Procedure SOP #B-3

11. Press READ. The instrument will count down from 60 to 0, read the blank and use it to calculate a correction factor for the second, 20 NTU standard. The display will automatically increment to the next standard. The display will now show “S1” (with the 1 flashing) and “20 NTU”, the value of the second standard. Remove the <0.1 NTU standard from the compartment.

12. Insert the second, 20 NTU, standard into the cell compartment and close the lid.

13. Press READ. The instrument will count down from 60 to 0, measure the turbidity and store the value. The display will automatically increment to the next standard with the display showing “S2” (with the 2 flashing) and “100 NTU”, the value of the third standard. Remove the 20 NTU standard from the compartment.

14. Insert the third, 100 NTU, standard into the cell compartment and close the lid.

15. Press READ. The instrument will count down from 60 to 0, measure the turbidity and store the value. The display will automatically increment to the next standard. The display will show the “S3” (with the 3 flashing) and the 800 NTU standard, the value of the fourth standard. Remove the 100 NTU standard from the compartment.

16. Insert the fourth and last, 800 NTU, standard into the cell compartment and close the lid.

17. Press READ. The instrument will count down from 60 to 0, measure the turbidity and store the value. Then the display will increment back to the S0 display. Remove the 800 NTU standard from the compartment and close the lid.

18. Press CAL to accept the calibration. The instrument will return to the measurement mode automatically.

19. To check the calibration (in run mode), insert the 20 NTU standard into the cell compartment and close the lid.

20. Press READ. The meter will display a lamp symbol (which looks like a light bulb) indicating that the reading is in progress. The lamp turns off and the measurement value is displayed. Record the turbidity reading on the calibration log. The calibration check must be +/- 5% (19-21 NTUs). If not, recalibrate using all standards. If re-calibration is unsuccessful, use new standards, consult the manufacture/vendor or replace the unit.

21. Remove the 20 NTU check standard from the compartment and close the lid.

B - Calibration/Calibration Check Procedures for the Hach 2100Q Turbidity Meter

1. Use the commercially available StablCal® Formazin Primary Turbidity Standards: 20, 100 and 800 NTUs and the 10 NTU Verification Standard.

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2. Before performing the calibration procedure, make sure the cells are not scratched. If the cell is scratched, the standard must be replaced.

3. Allow the calibration standards to equilibrate at the ambient temperature.

4. Turn on the meter.

5. Push the CALIBRATION key to enter the Calibration mode.

The Calibration key is the graph symbol with 2 points in the lower left hand side. The screen shows the three standards (20, 100 & 800 NTUs). The 20 NTU standard is shown bolded with a box around it indicating that is the first standard to be calibrated.

6. Gently invert the standards to thoroughly mix the contents. (DO NOT SHAKE)

7. Wipe the standards with a soft, lint free cloth or Kimwipe to make sure the outside surfaces are dry, free from fingerprints and dust.

8. Insert the first standard, 20 NTU, into the cell compartment by aligning the orientation mark on the cell with the mark on the front of the cell compartment and close the lid firmly. Note: the standard to be inserted is bordered.

9. Press READ (right hand key). The display shows Stabilizing and then shows the results accompanied by an audio beep. The display will automatically request the next standard by bordering it and darkening the first standard. Remove the 20 NTU standard from the compartment.

10. Insert the second, 100 NTU, standard into the cell compartment by aligning the orientation mark on the cell with the mark on the front of the cell compartment and close the lid firmly.

11. Press READ. The display shows Stabilizing and then shows the results accompanied by an audio beep. The display will automatically request the next standard by bordering it and darkening the previous standards. Remove the 100 NTU standard from the compartment.

12. Insert the third and last, 800 NTU, standard into the cell compartment by aligning the orientation mark on the cell with the mark on the front of the cell compartment and close the lid firmly.

13. Press READ. The display shows Stabilizing and then shows the results accompanied by an audio beep. Remove the 800 NTU standard from the compartment.

14. Push DONE to complete a 3 point calibration and review the calibration details (values of the three standards).

15. Push STORE to save the results. July 2013 Calibration of YSI Hach Field Instruments SOP Page 13 of 13 Standard Operating Procedure SOP #B-3

16. After a calibration is complete, the meter automatically goes into the Verify Cal mode.

17. Insert the 10 NTU Verification Standard into the cell compartment by aligning the orientation mark on the cell with the mark on the front of the cell compartment and close the lid firmly.

18. Push READ (right hand key). The display shows Stabilizing and then shows the results and the tolerance range. The calibration check must be +/- 10% (9.0- 11.0 NTUs).

19. Push DONE to return to the reading display.

20. If the calibration verification (Cal Check) is not within the +/- 10% range, repeat the calibration verification. If that fails, recalibrate using all standards. If re-calibration is unsuccessful, use new standards, consult the manufacture/vendor or replace the unit.


Check with the vendor for the appropriate overnight storage of the probes. Some manufacturers/venders may recommend storing the multiparameter probes overnight in a calibration cup filled with pH 4 solution. If so, fill the calibration cup with pH 4 solution, place the probes into the calibration cup and seal tightly.


All calibration information must be documented on the attached calibration log, including the instrument manufacturer, model number and identification number; standards used to calibrate the instruments (including source, lot numbers and expiration dates); date; personnel; the instrument readings, barometer reading, DO membrane inspection, changed DO membrane and solution, etcetera. Each daily calibration log shall be dated and signed by the user.


Calibration of Field Instruments SOP included in the current Hazardous Waste Remediation Bureau Master QAPP, EPA RFA#13027.

Hach Model 2100P/2100Q Portable Turbidity Instruction Manual(s) as appropriate



Date: Time: Field Personnel: Meter: (circle one) YSI: Model 600XL, Model 600XLM Multimeter Serial Number: Rental Company: Probe Pre-cleaned Certification Provided By: Personnel Date: Temperature Calibration: Personnel: Date: Manufactures Accuracy Range of Sensor (e.g. +/- 0.2˚C): Temperature check results: BEGINNING CALIBRATION CHECK Date: Time: Personnel: Within Value of Check Acceptable Range Lot # Expiration Calibration Check Standard Results Range (yes/no) Date Comments Zero DO check (mg/l) 0 0 to 0.5 mg/L pH 7 check 7 +/- 5% Range 6.65 - 7.35 pH Specific Conductance (µS/cm) Range 682 - 754 µS/cm (718) +/- 5% Second standard used for check Range 1342 - 1484 µS/cm (1413) ORP check - Zobell (mV) +/- 5% See Chart on Page 2 for ORP Zobell Solution mV Value Based on Zobell Solution ______˚C Temperature Turbidity Standard (NTU) 2100P 20 +/- 5% Range 19.0 - 21.0 NTU (2100P) Turbidity Standard (NTU) 2100Q 10 +/- 10% Range 9.0 - 11.0 NTU (2100Q) Notes: 1) If the post calibration check is not within the acceptable range the meter must be recalibrated. 2) All calibration checks must be made in the run mode (on a run/measurement screen), not the calibration mode. 3) If the lot numbers and expiration dates are the same as the initial calibration place a check mark ü in the appropriate box. 4) Either standard (718 or 1413 µS/cm) maybe used to calibrate specific conductance, the second standard is used to check it. 5) Record N/A (Not Applicable) in the boxes for the turbidity meter that was not used.

Calibration Check Performed by: ______(Print)______(Sign)

END OF DAY INSTRUMENT CALIBRATION CHECK Within Value of Check Acceptable Range Lot # Expiration Calibration Check Standard Results Range (yes/no) Date Comments

Date: Time: Personnel: Zero DO check (mg/l) 0 0 to 0.5 mg/L pH 7 check 7 +/- 5% Range 6.65 - 7.35 pH Specific Conductance (µS/cm) Range 682 - 754 µS/cm (718) +/- 5% Second standard used for check Range 1342 - 1484 µS/cm (1413) ORP check - Zobell (mV) +/- 5% See Chart below for ORP Zobell Solution mV Value Based on Zobell Solution ______˚C Temperature Turbidity Standard (NTU) 2100P5 20 +/- 5% Range 19.0 - 21.0 NTU (2100P) Turbidity Standard (NTU) 2100Q5 10 +/- 10% Range 9.0 - 11.0 NTU (2100Q) Notes: 1) If the end of the day calibration check is not within the acceptable range the data collected that day for that parameter shall be qualified in it's use. 2) All calibration checks must be made in the run mode (on a run/measurement screen), not the calibration mode. 3) If the lot numbers and expiration dates are the same as the initial calibration place a check mark 9 in the appropriate box. 4) Either standard (718 or 1413 µS/cm) maybe used to calibrate specific conductance, the second standard is used to check it. 5) Record N/A (Not Applicable) in the boxes for the turbidity meter that was not used.

Calibration Check Performed by: ______(Print)______(Sign)

Weather Conditions: If the calibration/calibration check was performed off-site (e.g. in the office, etc.) due to weather conditions, check (√) here:______Where off-site was the calibration/calibration check performed? ______List wells sampled using this equipment on this day if data needs to be qualified

Page 1 of 2 INSTRUMENT CALIBRATION Value of Check as Expiration Lot # YSI Multimeter Calibration Standard Completed Date Comments DO (% saturation) 100% Allow time for stabilization per manufacture DO mg/L reading Record these values immediately after calibration DO Temp. (˚C) reading pH 1st Standard 7 2nd Standard 4 3rd Standard 10 Specific Conductance (µS/cm) One standard is used to calibrate, second one to check ORP using Zobell Solution See Chart on Page 2 for ORP Zobell Solution mV Value Zobell Solution ______˚C Based on Temperature

Additional Information for Dissolved Oxygen Calibration Barometric Pressure of Meter: ______mm Hg [BP inches ______x 25.4 + BP ______mm Hg] Dissolved Oxygen Charge (YSI Meters): ______(Acceptable Range: 25 to 75) You MUST change the membrane if charge is out of range.

Inspected DO membrane for nicks or bubbles (check as completed) ______Personnel:______

Changed Dissolved Oxygen Membrane and Electrolyte Solution (circle one) YES or NO

HACH 2100P or 2100Q * Value of Expiration Check as Lot # Turbidimeter Calibration Standard Completed Date Comments

Turbidity 1st Standard (blank) <0.1 NTU Calibrate w/ StablCal® Formazin Primary Turbidity Standards 2nd Standard 20 NTU 3rd Standard 100 NTU 4th Standard 800 NTU HACH Serial Number: Rental Company:

* NOTE: the 2100Q does not have a <0.1 standard, record N/A (not applicable) in the <0.1 standard boxes as appropriate.

Calibration Performed by ______Print Name Signature

Zobell Solution mV Value Based on Temperature for ORP Calibration Calibration Check Range Values (+/- 5%) ORP Calibration Zobell Check ORP Calibration Solution Range Zobell Check Range ORP Zobell Calibration Check mV Values Solution Values Solution mV Range Values Temp. ºC Value+/- 5% Temp. ºCmV Value +/- 5% Temp. ºC Value +/- 5% -3 267 254-280 10 251 238-264 23 234 222-246 -2 266 253-279 11 249 237-261 24 232 220-244 -1 265 252-278 12 248 236-260 25 231 219-243 0 264 251-277 13 247 235-259 26 230 219-242 1 262 249-275 14 245 233-257 27 228 217-239 2 261 248-274 15 244 232-256 28 227 216-238 3 260 247-273 16 243 231-255 29 226 215-237 4 258 245-271 17 241 229-253 30 225 214-236 5 257 244-270 18 240 228-252 31 223 212-234 6 256 243-269 19 239 227-251 32 222 211-233 7 254 241-267 20 238 226-250 33 221 210-232 8 253 240-266 21 236 224-248 34 219 208-230 9 252 239-265 22 235 223-247 35 218 207-229

Page 2 of 2 July 2013 Groundwater Sampling – Low Flow Using A Peristaltic Pump Page 1 of 16 Standard Operating Procedure SOP #B-4



This Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) Groundwater Sampling – Low flow Using A Peristaltic Pump, provides a general framework for collecting groundwater samples at the New Hampshire Plating Company (NHPC) Superfund Site in Merrimack, New Hampshire that are indicative of total mobile organic and inorganic loads (dissolved and colloidal sized fractions) transported through the subsurface under ambient flow conditions with minimal physical and chemical alterations from sampling operations. This is accomplished by: low pumping rates, negligible water level draw down and stabilization of water quality parameters; emphasizing the need to minimize hydraulic stress at the well-aquifer interface.

This SOP was developed using the “Low Flow Groundwater Purging and Sampling SOP” included in the current New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (NHDES) NHDES Hazardous Waste Remediation Bureau Master Quality Assurance Project Plan (Master QAPP), EPA RFA#13027 and is considered generally consistent with EPA’s “Groundwater Sampling EPA Region 1 “Low Stress (Low-flow) Purging and Sampling Procedure For the Collection of Ground Water Samples From Monitoring Wells,” Revision 2, July 30, 1996, Revised January 19, 2010. This SOP will help ensure that the project’s data quality objectives (DQOs) are met under certain low-flow conditions. Any modifications to this SOP shall be approved by NHDES in consultation with EPA in advance, documented in the site logbook, and presented in the final report.

This procedure is primarily designed for monitoring wells with a screen length or open interval ten feet or less and with a water level above the top of the screen or open interval (Hereafter, the “screen or open interval” will be referred to only as “screen interval”).

In low permeability formations or poorly installed monitoring wells it may not be possible to collect groundwater samples using the standard low flow procedure. In such instances, refer to the “Monitoring Wells That Have Insufficient Recharge” section for instruction for sampling the well. If the low flow procedure has been attempted unsuccessfully at a well for two consecutive rounds, confer with the field team leader and proceed to the “Monitoring Wells That Have Insufficient Recharge” section without further attempt to use the standard low flow procedure. These wells shall be identified on Table 2. Wells where this occurs should be considered for replacement in the future.

Low flow indicator parameters include: pH, turbidity, specific conductance, temperature, dissolved oxygen (DO) and oxygen reducing potential (ORP). All measurements must be obtained using a “flow-through-cell”, except for turbidity. Turbidity must be taken at a point before the flow-through-cell and from an instrument separate from the flow-through-cell apparatus (refer to the attached schematic). A three-way stop cock attached to the tubing before the flow-through-cell will be used for this purpose. Transparent flow-through-cells with a cell

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capacity of 250 ml or less are required. The transparency allows field personnel to watch for air bubbles and particulate build-up within the cell, which may affect indicator field parameter values measured within the cell. The flow-through-cell must be designed in a way that prevents air bubble entrapment in the cell. When the pump is turned off or cycling on/off water in the cell must not drain out. Monitoring probes must be submerged in water at all times.

A small volume cell (250 ml or less) facilitates rapid turnover of water in the cell between measurements of the indicator field parameters. The pump’s flow rate must be able to “turn over” at least one flow-through-cell volume between measurements (for a 250 mL flow-through- cell with a flow rate of 50 ml/min., the monitoring frequency would be every five minutes; for a 500 mL flow-through-cell at the same flow rate, it would be every ten minutes). If the cell volume cannot be replaced in the proper interval, (e.g. five minute for a 250 mL flow through cell) then the time between measurements must be increased accordingly.


Field duplicates: Field duplicates are collected to determine precision of sampling procedure. For this procedure, collect duplicate for each analyte group in consecutive order (volatile organic compound [VOC] original, VOC duplicate, SVOC original, SVOC duplicate, etc.).

Matrix Spike/Matrix Spike Duplicates: Used by the laboratory in its quality assurance program. Refer to Table 3 in the SAP for the sample volume to be collected.

Trip blank (VOCs): Trip blank is a sample of analyte-free water taken to the sampling site and returned to the laboratory. The trip blanks (one pair) are added to each sample cooler that contains VOC samples.

Temperature blank: A temperature blank is added to each sample cooler. The blank is measured prior to shipment and upon receipt at the laboratory to assess whether the samples were properly cooled during transit.

Equipment blank: The equipment blank shall include the pump and the pump's tubing. If tubing is dedicated to the well, the equipment blank need only include the pump in subsequent sampling rounds. If the pump and tubing are dedicated to the well, the equipment blank is collected prior to its placement in the well. If the pump and tubing will be used to sample multiple wells, the equipment blank is normally collected after sampling from contaminated wells and not after background wells.

Potentiometric Surface: The level to which water rises in a well constructed in a confined aquifer. In an unconfined aquifer, the potentiometric surface is the water table.


Prior to conducting the sampling event, information regarding well construction, development,

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and water level records for each well to be sampled should be obtained and reviewed to determine the appropriate pump to be used, the location of the intake, and the potential groundwater recharge rate of the well. If this information is not available, a reconnaissance should be made prior to the actual sampling event to determine well depth, water level, length of screen, etc., and performance of a pump test to determine the recharge rate of the well. Additionally, wells that have not been sampled should be redeveloped prior to conducting the actual sampling event, if possible.

It is expected that the monitoring well screen, or open interval has been properly located (both laterally and vertically) to intercept existing contaminant plume(s) or along flow paths of potential contaminant migration. Problems with inappropriate monitoring well placement or faulty/improper well installation cannot be overcome by even the best water sampling procedures. This SOP presumes that the analytes of interest are moving (or will potentially move) primarily through the more permeable zones intercepted by the screen interval.

Proper well construction, development and operation and maintenance cannot be overemphasized. The use of installation techniques that are appropriate to the hydrogeologic setting of the site often prevent "problem well" situations from occurring. During well development, or redevelopment, tests should be conducted to determine the hydraulic characteristics of the monitoring well. The data can then be used to set the purging/sampling rate, and provide a baseline for evaluating changes in well performance and the potential need for well rehabilitation. Note: if this installation data or well history (construction and sampling) is not available or discoverable, for all wells to be sampled, efforts to build a sampling history should commence with the next sampling event.

The pump/tubing should be located within the screen interval and at a depth that will remain under water at all times. It is recommended that the intake depth and pumping rate remain the same for all sampling events. The mid-point or the lowest historical midpoint of the saturated screen length is often used as the location of the pump intake.

Significant chemical or permeability contrast(s) within the screen may require additional field work (e.g. interval sampling and/or borehole geophysics) to determine the optimum vertical location(s) for the pump/tubing intake, and appropriate pumping rate(s) for purging and sampling more localized target zone(s). Primary flow zones (high(er) permeability and/or high(er) chemical concentrations) should be identified in wells with screen lengths longer than 10 feet, or in wells with open boreholes in bedrock. Targeting these zones for water sampling will help ensure that the low stress procedure will not underestimate contaminant concentrations. (Refer to Table 4 in the SAP for well construction details and intake depths).

Stabilization of indicator field parameters is used to indicate that conditions are suitable for sample collection. Achievement of turbidity levels of less than 5 NTU, and stable drawdown of less than 0.3 feet, while desirable, are not mandatory. Sample collection may still take place provided the indicator field parameter criteria in this procedure are met.

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A goal of this procedure is to emphasize the need for consistency in deploying and operating equipment while purging and sampling monitoring wells during each sampling event. This will help minimize sampling variability.

Cold weather considerations must be factored into a low-flow sampling plan. It is recommended that low-flow sampling be conducted when the air temperature is above 32°F (0°C). If the procedure is used below 32°F, special precautions will need to be taken to prevent the groundwater from freezing in the equipment. Because sampling during freezing temperatures may adversely impact the data quality objectives, the need for water sample collection during months when these conditions are likely to occur should be evaluated during site planning and special sampling measures may need to be developed. Ice formation in the flow-through-cell will cause the monitoring probes to act erratically. A transparent flow-through-cell is required to observe if ice is forming in the cell. If ice starts to form on the other pieces of the sampling equipment, additional problems may occur.

The use of dedicated sampling equipment is recommended as it promotes consistency in the sampling; may reduce sampling bias by having the pump’s intake at a constant depth; and can streamline sampling activities, significantly reducing the time needed to complete each sampling event, thereby reducing the overall field costs.


When working on-site, comply with all applicable OSHA requirements and the site’s health/safety procedures. All proper personal protection clothing and equipment are to be worn. Some samples may contain biological and chemical hazards. These samples should be handled with suitable protection to skin, eyes, etc.


The following precautions needs to be considered when planning to collect groundwater samples when the below conditions occur.

If the groundwater degasses during purging of the monitoring well, dissolved gases and VOCs will be lost. When this happens, the groundwater data for dissolved gases (e.g., methane, ethene, ethane, dissolved oxygen, etc.) and VOCs will need to be qualified. Some conditions that can promote degassing are the use of a vacuum pump (e.g., peristaltic pumps), changes in aperture along the sampling tubing, and squeezing/pinching the pump’s tubing which results in a pressure change.

When collecting the samples for dissolved gases and VOCs analyses, avoid aerating the groundwater in the pump’s tubing. This can cause loss of the dissolved gases and VOCs in the groundwater. Having the tubing completely filled prior to sampling will avoid this problem.

Direct sun light and hot ambient air temperatures may cause the groundwater in the tubing and

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flow-through-cell to heat up. This may cause the groundwater to degas which will result in loss of VOCs and dissolved gases. When sampling under these conditions, shade the equipment from the sunlight (e.g., umbrella, tent, etc.). If possible, sampling on hot days, or during the hottest time of the day, should be avoided. The tubing exiting the monitoring well should be kept as short as possible to avoid the sun light or ambient air from heating up the groundwater.

Condensation (fogging) of Turbidity Vial: Condensation may occur on the outside of the sample cell when measuring a cold sample in a warm, humid environment. Condensation interferes with turbidity measurement, so all moisture must be thoroughly wiped off the sample cell before measurement. If fogging recurs, let the sample warm slightly by standing at ambient temperature or immersing in a container of ambient temperature water for a short period. After warming, gently invert the sample cell to thoroughly mix the contents before measurement.

Thermal currents in the monitoring well may cause vertical mixing of water in the well bore. When the air temperature is colder than the groundwater temperature, it can cool the top of the water column. Colder water which is denser than warm water sinks to the bottom of the well and the warmer water at the bottom of the well rises, setting up a convection cell. “During low-flow sampling, the pumped water may be a mixture of convecting water from within the well casing and aquifer water moving inward through the screen. This mixing of water during low-flow sampling can substantially increase equilibration times, can cause false stabilization of indicator parameters, can give false indication of redox state, and can provide biological data that are not representative of the aquifer conditions” (Vroblesky 2007).

Interferences may result from using contaminated equipment, cleaning materials, sample containers, or uncontrolled ambient/surrounding air conditions (e.g., truck/vehicle exhaust nearby). Cross contamination problems can be eliminated or minimized through the use of dedicated sampling equipment and/or proper planning to avoid ambient air interferences. Clean and decontaminate all sampling equipment prior to use. All sampling equipment needs to be routinely checked to be free from contaminants and equipment blanks collected to ensure that the equipment is free of contaminants. Check the previous equipment blank data for the site (if they exists) to determine if the previous cleaning procedure removed the contaminants. If contaminants were detected and they are a concern, then a more vigorous cleaning procedure will be needed.


All field samplers working at sites containing hazardous waste must meet the requirements of the OSHA regulations. Federal regulations require the sampler to take the 40 hour OSHA health and safety training course and a yearly 8 hour refresher course prior to engaging in any field activities on Superfund Sites.

The field samplers must be trained prior to the use of the sampling equipment, field instruments, and procedures. Training is to be conducted by an experienced sampler before initiating any sampling procedure.

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The entire sampling team needs to read, and be familiar with, the site Health and Safety Plan, the SAP, all relevant SOPs, and the HWRB Master QAPP (including the most recent amendments) before going onsite for the sampling event. It is recommended that field sampling leader attest to the understanding of these site documents and that it is recorded.

EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS • Informational materials for sampling event: A copy of the current approved site-specific Health and Safety Plan, site-specific SAP, HWRB Master QAPP, monitoring well construction data, location map(s), field data from prior sampling events, manuals for sampling, diagram(s) to show how the equipment should be set up, and the monitoring instrument’s operation and maintenance manuals, should be brought to the site. • Appropriate health and safety gear. • Site and well keys, spare locks, and bolt cutters. • Electronic water level indicator capable of measuring to one-hundredth of a foot (0.01’) accuracy. • Adjustable rate Geotech Peristaltic Pump Series II Variable Speed pump 300 + 600 RPM (or similar pump) with Easy Load Peristaltic Pump Heads (that allow 50 ml/minute) and a battery (marine, battery pack, etc) • ¼” ID x 3/8” OD polyethylene tubing for down-hole installation: enough to dedicate to each well. • Pharmaceutical or surgical grade silicon tubing for pump. For sampling: Thin walled tubing #16 (1/8” x ¼” x 1/16”) and/or thin walled tubing #14 (1/16” x 3/16” x 1/16”) if necessary to reduce flow to 50 ml/min. For connections: thick walled tubing #15 (3/16” x 3/8” x 3/32”. • YSI 600XL/XLM Multiparameter unit with a 250 ml or less transparent flow cell, capable of measuring pH (units), ORP in mV, DO in mg/L (100% saturation for calibration), specific conductance in µS/cm and temperature (˚C). • Appropriate calibration solutions for the YSI meter including: 0 mg/L DO for DO; Zobell solution for ORP; two different specific conductance standards to calibrate and check calibration (e.g. 718 and 1,413 µS/cm); and 4, 7, & 10 units pH. Extra DO membranes in case of breakage. Small wet sponge or paper towel for DO 100% saturation calibration. • Hach 2100P or 2100Q Turbidity Meter. • Calibration solutions the Hach Turbidity meter: <0.1, 10, 20, 100, 800 Nephelometric Turbidity Units (NTUs) standards as appropriate for each meter. • One use only 0.45 micron in-line filters for dissolved metals, if required. • A three way stop cock to divert sample flow (before the multi-parameter meter) to collect turbidity samples. • Flow measurement supplies: graduated cylinder sized according to the flow rate (250 ml

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max), measured in 10 ml increments, stop watch, and graduated bucket for purge water. • Logbook, pencil/pen/sharpies, sharp knife (locking blade), calculator. • Field-data sheets, sample labels, and chain-of-custody records. • Sample containers and spare containers, preserved as necessary, provided by the laboratory. • Loose ice and a sample cooler/shipping containers, re-sealable plastic bags and packing materials. • Clear tape – Place clear tape over sample container labels before sampling in the event the labels are not water proof labels. Alternative – use plastic water proof labels. • Onsite Tools -- (to include at least: bolt cutters, screwdrivers, pliers, hacksaw, duct tape, hammer, flashlight, adjustable wrench), socket set. • Decontamination equipment and supplies in accordance with the Decontamination SOP in the SAP. • Trash bags to containerize solid waste. • Tap water / Deionized Water (DI) / distilled water, as necessary. • Flagging/spray paint as needed to demark well locations, if needed. • Necessary tent /canopy for protection of the equipment from the weather elements. o Adequately shade equipment and tubing to prevent temperature variations in the readings, bubbles forming in the tubing, and to prevent the acid preservative in the sample containers from volatilizing; o Protect both personnel and equipment from other elements including rain, wind; etcetera. o Keep the sampling equipment from freezing in the winter. • Equipment to keep monitoring and sampling equipment off the ground (e.g. table, bucket or polyethylene sheeting).


1. In general, all instrumentation necessary for field monitoring and health and safety purposes shall be maintained, tested, and inspected according to the manufacturer's instructions prior to the sampling event. This will ensure that the equipment/instruments are working properly before they are used in the field. The manufacturer’s instruction manuals for field equipment shall be on site during each sampling event. 2. If cold weather conditions exist that may impact successful calibration, consider indoor calibration/calibration checks at hotel/office/site trailer (if heated). 3. All field instruments shall be calibrated, and have a calibration check, in the office prior to the field event (within one week) to ensure that the equipment is working

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properly and meets the QA criteria. IMPORTANT – Refer to the Calibration SOP in the SAP for specific calibration information and procedures. 4. For this project, calibration checks, made in the run mode, shall be performed at the beginning of each sampling day to ensure the equipment is in calibration and again at the end of the day of use to ensure that the instruments have remained in calibration throughout the day. 5. If a calibration check at the end of the day is not within the acceptable range for any parameter, the data collected that day for that parameter shall be qualified in its use. This qualification shall be documented on the calibration log and the field sheets/logs for the appropriate sampling locations. For example: pH measurements are collected as part of the low flow sampling procedure. If the afternoon pH calibration check was not within the acceptable range that day, the pH data collected by that instrument on that day would be qualified as useful only for determining stabilization and not as representative pH measurements of the water being sampled. That qualification would then be documented on the calibration log and the sampling sheet for each of those locations. 6. In addition, should any erratic or illogical readings occur between calibrations, the instrument shall be recalibrated in order to ensure that representative measurements are obtained. All calibration and check values shall be documented on the calibration log maintained by each user. Refer to the Calibration of YSI and Hach Field Instruments SOP in Appendix B for specific calibration procedures. 7. If the field instruments are being used to monitor the natural attenuation parameters then a calibration check at mid-day is highly recommended to ensure that the instruments did not drift out of calibration. 8. Note: during the day, if the instrument reads zero or a negative number for dissolved oxygen, pH, specific conductance, or turbidity (negative value only); this indicates that the instrument drifted out of calibration or the instrument is malfunctioning. If this situation occurs the data from this instrument will need to be qualified or rejected, and the instrument must be recalibrated before use. 9. Failure to calibrate or perform proper maintenance on the sampling equipment and measurement instruments (e.g., multi-parameter meter, etc.) can result in faulty data being collected.


1. The dedicated tubing intake within each well should be located at the midpoint of the saturated well screen length based on historical groundwater low unless otherwise specified on Table 4. Great care must be taken during tubing installation and sampling to minimize the disturbance of particulates that can greatly extend the purge time by increasing turbidity.

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2. Check well for security (damage, evidence of tampering, missing lock, etc.) and record pertinent observations (include photograph as warranted). Note any physical changes to well condition, such as erosion or cracks in protective concrete pad, road box or standpipe. If a lock is found to be damaged, replace with a new lock. Wells shall be locked at all times when not being sampled. 3. A synoptic water level measurement round should be performed (in the shortest possible time) before any purging and sampling activities begin. Refer to the Water Level Measurement SOP in the SAP. It is recommended that water levels (to 0.01 feet) be measured at least one day prior to well sampling activities, if possible, in order to allow for re-settlement of any particulates in the water column. 4. The depth to the bottom of the monitoring well should be confirmed in each well included on Table 4 every five years, during the sampling event just prior to the 5-year review. If measurement of total well depth is to be collected and is not made the day before, it should not be measured until after sampling of the well is complete. 5. Set up equipment according to the attached Low Flow Equipment Setup Diagram. Be sure to tilt the low flow cell with the outflow connection facing upward to eliminate and prevent air bubbles. 6. Be sure all sampling equipment is properly protected from the weather. 7. Lay out sheet of clean polyethylene for monitoring and sampling equipment, unless equipment is elevated above the ground (e.g., on a table, bucket, etc.).


1. A water level indicator should be carefully lowered to the top of groundwater. Measure and record the water level (to 0.01 feet) before any disturbance to the well. Care should be taken to minimize suspension of any particulates attached to the sides. 2. Install and secure polyethylene sampling tubing if necessary. Each well will have dedicated sampling tubing for the event, which will be left in the well for future rounds. In general, the depth of the tubing intake will be the midpoint of the saturated screen length in consideration of historic low water levels where there are 10 foot screens; however, that may not be appropriate for longer screened wells. Refer to Table 4 of the SAP for the proper location of the tubing intake. In general, the tubing intake needs to be kept at least one to two feet above the bottom of the well to avoid disturbing any sediment on the bottom. The exceptions to this include wells with 2-foot screen lengths and those wells that typically have less than 2 feet of saturated thickness and are not flowing under artesian conditions. For these wells, the intake will be adjusted during each sampling round to be the middle of the saturated screen based on the current water level, and needs to be at least ½-foot off the bottom of the well. If there is less than ½-foot of water, a sample will not be collected.

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3. Lower the water level meter to the top of the water table and measure and record the water level again with the tubing in the well before starting the pump. 4. From the time the pump starts purging and until the time the samples are collected, the purged water is discharged into a graduated bucket to determine the total volume of groundwater purged. Record total volume purged on the Low Flow Sampling Worksheet. 5. If available, check flow rates, drawdown and pump setting information from previous sampling events for each well. Duplicate, to the extent practicable, the final settings and flow rates from previous events. For wells that are routinely sampled, refer to the prior Low Flow Sampling Worksheets to determine the initial settings to reach stabilization of the water level as quickly as possible. This is only a guide and the sampler will need to “fine tune” the operating conditions since the recharge rate of groundwater may vary. If changes are made in the settings used during previous sampling events, record new values on the sampling worksheet and explain reasons for the changes. 6. If no previous information is available, start the pump at its lowest speed setting and slowly increase the speed until discharge occurs. Check water level. 7. The water flow during sampling needs to be a laminar flow without air bubbles. If air bubbles are observed they can usually be removed by elevating the discharge tube and pump to allow the air to continue rising until discharged with the water. Prevent sample tubing from crimping and avoid the use of constriction devices on the tubing to decrease the flow rate because the constrictor will cause a pressure difference in the water column. This will cause the groundwater to degas and result in a loss of VOCs and dissolved gasses in the groundwater samples. All tubing needs to maintain open condition. 8. Adjust pump rates until there is little or no water level drawdown. The purge rate should be close to the well recharge rate so that the water level in the well doesn’t decrease during purging. Pumping rates shall not be less than 50 ml/minute. If excessive turbidity or floc is anticipated or encountered with the pump startup, divert the water through the three way stopcock, as if you were taking a turbidity sample, until it clears in order to minimize particulate buildup in the cell (this is a judgment call made by the sampler). Make sure that the discharge water is going into the graduated bucket as part of the final purge volume. Concentrate on the flow rate and water level stabilization in the beginning of the well purging effort. For new wells being sampled, in general, the water level is expected to be stabilized within the first fifteen minutes of purging. 9. Recording of the indicator parameters is not mandatory during this initial time period when attempts are being made to stabilize the water level; however make sure the purge water is still being collected in the graduated bucket as part of the total purge volume. Make a notation on the field worksheet “NR” for “no reading” at times when only partial data is being collected (i.e. water level only) during this initial stage of stabilizing the

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water level. Note that if you observe minimum fluctuation of the indicator parameters during this initial period go ahead and begin recording data as it may limit the total volume purged. Measure purge volume of a cycle with a 250 ml graduated cylinder or smaller size. 10. During pump start-up, drawdown may exceed the 0.3 feet target and then "recover" somewhat as pump flow adjustments are made. If the initial water level is above the top of the screen do not allow the water level to fall below the top of the well screen. If the drawdown has exceeded 0.3 feet and stabilizes, continue purging until the indicator parameters stabilize. Pumping rates should, if needed, be reduced to the minimum capabilities of the pump to avoid drawdown and to ensure stabilization of monitoring parameters. If the water level continues to drop with the pump settings at the lowest level or if the flow rate for a stabilized groundwater level is below 50 ml per minute, the well will be considered to have insufficient recharge for low flow sampling. Refer to the “Monitoring Wells That Have Insufficient Recharge” section below for instructions as to how to sample the well. If the water level drops to the top of the well screen or open interval, stop purging and refer to the “Monitoring Wells That Have Insufficient Recharge” section below for instruction as to how to sample the well. 11. Begin recording the water level, draw down, pumping rate, any adjustments, and the indicator field parameters (pH, turbidity, specific conductance, temperature, DO and ORP) every ten minutes until the well starts to stabilize. Once the well begins to stabilize record readings every five minutes until the well stabilizes or until the two hour time limit is up. When recording pH and DO data, round off data to one decimal place (nearest tenth). When DO is less than 0.5 milligrams per Liter (mg/L), data should be recorded as “< 0.5” or “less than 0.5”. When recording specific conductance, temperature, turbidity, and ORP data, record only whole numbers (round off to the nearest whole number). When turbidity data is less than 5 NTU, data should be recorded as “< 5” or “less than 5”. 12. The well is considered ready for sample collection once the water level and the indicator parameters have stabilized and the purge volume requirement has been met, or two hours of purge time has elapsed. Stabilization is considered to be achieved when three consecutive readings at five-minute intervals are within the following limits: • Temperature =/< 3% • Specific Conductivity =/< 3% (shall be reported in uS/cm) • Dissolved Oxygen =/< 10% for values greater than 0.5 mg/L. If three consecutive DO values are less than 0.5 mg/L, consider the values as stabilized. • pH =/< 0.1 unit • ORP =/< 10 millivolts • Turbidity =/< 10% for values greater than 5 NTU (rounded to a whole number, values between 5 and 10 will be considered stable within +/- 1 NTU). If three consecutive turbidity values are less than 5 NTU, consider the values as

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stabilized. 13. The final purge volume must be greater than the stabilized drawdown volume plus the pump’s tubing volume. If parameter stabilization has been achieved but the purge volume criteria has not been met, pumping must be continued until the combined volume (stabilized drawdown plus tubing volume) has been purged from the well or the two hour limit has been reached. Purge volume calculations should utilize stabilized drawdown value, not the initial drawdown. Calculate the volume of water between the initial water level and the stabilized water level. Add the volume of the water which occupies the pump’s tubing to this calculation. This combined volume of water needs to be purged from the well before samples are collected. Purge volume calculations must be documented on the field worksheet. 14. If all the indicator field parameters have not stabilized within 2 hours of purging, collect the samples and record the following information on the field worksheet: indicate that two-hour purge limit was reached, note the specific conditions that were not achieved, which parameters were not stabilized, the final set of readings, and the total purge volume. Samples for laboratory analyses must be collected before the flow cell and three way stop cock. This will be done by disconnecting the flow cell and three-way stop cock after reaching stabilization. The sample should be collected directly through the pump tubing. 15. Remove the cap from the sample container and place it on the plastic sheet or in a location where it won't become contaminated. 16. See Table 2 for specific samples to be collected. The order in which samples should be collected from each well includes: a. VOCs (see special notes) b. 1,4-Dioxane, as applicable c. Total metals (then Dissolved metals if required) d. Cyanide, as required e. Other parameters, as required For collecting VOC samples including carbon dioxide, and methane/ethane/ethane, refer to the Special Notes section at the end of this SOP. If dissolved metals are required, attach a onetime use only 0.45 micron in-line filter to the end of the tubing. Hold the filter upright until the purge water exits the top to allow the water to completely fill the filter. Allow a sufficient amount of purge water to discharge into the bucket to rinse the filter before collecting the sample. Discard the filter after use. When collecting a duplicate sample, a new filter must be used. 17. All sample containers should be filled by allowing the discharge to flow gently down the inside of the container with minimal turbulence. Cap sample containers securely after filling each bottle. Sample containers should be wiped dry.

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18. Field duplicate and matrix spike (MS) samples should be collected by filling a separate container for each analysis immediately following the actual field sample collection and should be in the same priority order as indicated above. Duplicate samples are not intended to be blind duplicate samples. They should be designated with a “DUP” after the well designation as indicated in the SAP. Refer to Table 5 in the SAP for specific QC sampling requirements and appropriate COC notations required for MS samples. 19. After collection of the samples, place samples in re-sealable plastic bags and then in loose ice within the cooler. Metals samples do not require cooling. Tubing should be secured to the inside of the well. 20. Collect the well bottom depth information if required. Record depth to bottom measurement on the Low Flow Sampling Worksheet. Also note variation in total depth of well compared to that previously recorded. Remove the water level meter tape and secure the well. 21. All non-dedicated equipment (water level meter) must be decontaminated following the Decontamination SOP in the SAP. 22. If an equipment blank is required refer to Table 5 for specific QC sampling requirements and appropriate COC notations required for samples.


This procedure is to be used if the well has insufficient recharge and stabilized drawdown cannot be achieved. Well purging is not required prior to taking samples under theses conditions.

If the low flow procedure was attempted unsuccessfully during the current monitoring round, or if the water level dropped below the top of the well screen or open interval, ensure that the well has recharged sufficiently and there is ample water to remove one tubing volume of water and collect all the samples before continuing with this procedure. When samples are being collected, the water level must not drop below the top of the screen or open interval. If the water does drop below the top of the screen, let the well recover until there is sufficient water to collect the remaining samples, unless otherwise directed by the Field Team Leader. Apply the last control settings used before purging was discontinued or sample at a rate of 50 ml/min.

1. Measure the water level. Carefully lower a water level indicator to the top of groundwater, measure and record the water level (to 0.01 feet) before any disturbance to the well. Care should be taken to minimize suspension of any particulates attached to the sides. 2. Prior to sample collection, purge one discharge line volume. The purge volume is equal to h *3.14(r/12)2 * 7.48 gal/ft3 One purge volume is equal to (h) * (f) where: h = length of tubing f = the volume in gal/foot Then convert gallons to milliliters (1 gallon = 3785 mL) so that the purge volume can be

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accurately measured using a graduated cylinder.

Tubing Diameter ¼ - inch (0.25) OD 3/8 - inch (0.375) 1/2 - inch (0.50) OD 5/8 - inch (0.625) OD (inches) (0.17 in ID)* OD (0.25 in ID)* (0.375 in ID)* (0.50 in ID)* Volume (gal/foot) 0.0012 0.0026 0.0057 0.0102 Volume (ml/foot) 4.5 9.7 21.7 38.6

3. Remove the cap from the sample container and place it on the plastic sheet or in a location where it won't become contaminated. 4. Following purging of the discharge line, immediately begin collecting groundwater samples with the following parameter priority: a. VOCs (see special notes) b. 1,4 Dioxane, as applicable c. Total Metals, (then Dissolved metals, if required) d. Cyanide, as required e. Other parameters, as required For collecting VOC samples including carbon dioxide, and methane/ethane/ethane, refer to the Special Notes section at the end of this SOP. 5. All sample containers should be filled by allowing the discharge to flow gently down the inside of the container with minimal turbulence. Cap sample containers securely after filling each bottle. 6. After collection of the samples, place samples in re-sealable plastic bags and then in loose ice within the cooler and disconnect equipment as needed. Metals samples do not require cooling. Tubing should be secured to the inside of the well. 7. Secure the well with the locking cap. 8. All non-dedicated equipment (water level meter) must be decontaminated following the Decontamination SOP in the SAP. 9. Wells where this occurs will be considered for replacement in the future.


A field log must be kept each time ground water monitoring activities are conducted in the field. The attached Low Flow Sampling Worksheet is the approved form for use by staff. Fill out the worksheet completely. The field log/sampling worksheet should document (at a minimum) the following in ink: • Job name; • Well identification, condition of well; • Name of sample collector(s):

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• Date; • Well depth; • Screen length (if known); • Static water level; • Pump rate, or flow rate including units; • Any adjustments made (including adjustments in flow rates, etc.); • Time of all measurements; • All measurement readings of indicator parameters; • Water level at the specified pumping rate (water levels are measured from the specified measuring point indicated on Table 4); • Drawdown and cumulative drawdown, in feet; • Total purge volume; • Time of sample collection (start, and end); • Sampler’s signature; • Laboratory analyses requested; and • Notation of which indicator parameters did not stabilize after two hours of purging (if any).

Refer to the Chain-of-Custody, Sample Packaging and Shipment Procedures in the SAP for additional documentation requirements.

If a calibration check at the end of the day is not within the acceptable range for any parameter(s), the data collected that day for that parameter shall be qualified in its use. A note must be added to the worksheet to indicate the qualification and the values for that parameter highlighted. (Example note: “The afternoon calibration check for ORP was not within the acceptable range; therefore, these ORP values can only be used for determining stabilization and not as representative of actual ORP values of the water being sampled.”)


Special Considerations for Volatile Organic Compound Sampling

The proper collection of a sample for volatile-organic compounds requires minimal disturbance of the sample to limit volatilization and therefore a minimal loss of volatiles from the sample. The following VOC procedures should be followed:

1. Open the vial, set cap in a protected place, and collect the sample. When collecting

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duplicates, collect both samples at the same time. 2. Do not rinse the vial or excessively overflow it. 3. Do not collect the initial 10 ml (approximate) of sample as the beginning of the sample has been in contact with air. 4. Be sure the sample flow is laminar and there are no air bubbles in the sample flow. 5. There should be a convex meniscus on the top of the vial. You can use the cap to create the convex meniscus for VOC samples, if needed. For methane/ethane/ethene and carbon dioxide, do not use the sample bottle cap to top off the sample vials. Small bubbles are considered normal for these pre- preserved containers. 6. Check that the cap has not been contaminated (splashed) and carefully cap the vial. 7. Place the cap directly over the top and screw down firmly. Do not over-tighten and break the cap. 8. Invert the vial and tap gently. If an air bubble appears, uncap and attempt to add a small volume of sample to achieve the convex meniscus without excessively overfilling the vial. If this has to be repeated more than twice, discard the sample and begin again with a new container and preservative. It is imperative that no entrapped air is in the sample vial. 9. Immediately place the vial in the protective foam sleeve (if available) and place into loose ice in the cooler.


Low Flow Groundwater Purging and Sampling Procedure included in the current Hazardous Waste Remediation Bureau Master QAPP, EPA RFA#13027.

EPA’s “Groundwater Sampling EPA Region 1 “Low Stress Purging and Sampling Procedure For the Collection of Ground Water Samples From Monitoring Wells”, dated July 30, 1996, as revised January 19, 2010.


Low Flow Equipment Setup Diagram – Peristaltic Pump

Low Flow Sampling Worksheet

LOW FLOW WELL SAMPLING WORKSHEET For use with Peristaltic Pumps NH Plating Superfund Site, Merrimack, New Hampshire Page _____of_____

Date : Well ID : Well Depth (ft, ref. to measuring point) Weather Conditions : Initial Water Level (ft, ref. to measuring point): Field Personnel: Tubing Intake (ft, ref. to measuring point): Purging Device & Serial # (pump type): Head Above Tubing Intake (ft, ref. measuring point): Reference Measuring Point (Top of PVC/Top of Casing): Purge Rate @ Stabilization (minimal or no Drawdown), mL/min: Screen Interval (ft, ref. to measuring point): Total Purge Volume (gallons): Indicator Parameter Stabilization: yes OR no (circle one) Time: Purging Start Time : (24 hour cycle) Two Hour Time Limit Reached ? (Circle) Yes / No Sample Time: (24 hour cycle) Time at Sample Completion: (24 hour cycle)

DO Turbidity Clock Cumulative Purge Temp Spec. Cond.1 pH ORP 2 Water Level Drawdown Pump Speed +/- 10% +/- 10% Time Drawdown Rate +/- 3% +/- 3% +/- 0.1 +/-10 if > 0.5 if > 5 Comments/Adjustments

(24 HR) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ml/min) (ºC) (µS/cm) units (mV) (mg/L) (NTU)

Notes: 1. µSiemens per cm (same as µmhos/cm) at 25 ºC 2. Oxidation reduction potential. 3. Measuring point, screen interval and well depth are from Table 4 in the SAP. Sampler's Signature 4. When recording pH and dissolved oxygen data, only use one decimal place. When recording specific conductance, temperature, turbidity, and ORP data, record only whole numbers. When turbidity data is less than 5 NTU, data should be recorded as “< 5” or “less than 5”. When DO data is less than 0.5 mg/L, data should be recorded as "<0.5" or "less than 0.5". 5. "NR" indicates no reading taken. July 2013 Groundwater Sampling – Low Flow Using A Bladder Pump Page 1 of 19 Standard Operating Procedure SOP #B-5



This Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) Groundwater Sampling – Low flow Using A Bladder Pump, provides a general framework for collecting groundwater samples at the New Hampshire Plating Company (NHPC) Superfund Site in Merrimack, New Hampshire that are indicative of total mobile organic and inorganic loads (dissolved and colloidal sized fractions) transported through the subsurface under ambient flow conditions with minimal physical and chemical alterations from sampling operations. This is accomplished by: low pumping rates, negligible water level draw down and stabilization of water quality parameters; emphasizing the need to minimize hydraulic stress at the well-aquifer interface.

This SOP was developed using the “Low Flow Groundwater Purging and Sampling SOP” included in the current New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (NHDES) Hazardous Waste Remediation Bureau (HWRB) Master Quality Assurance Project Plan (Master QAPP), EPA RFA#13027 and is considered generally consistent with EPA’s “Groundwater Sampling EPA Region 1 “Low Stress (Low-flow) Purging and Sampling Procedure For the Collection of Ground Water Samples From Monitoring Wells,” Revision 2, July 30, 1996, Revised January 19, 2010. This SOP will help ensure that the project’s data quality objectives (DQOs) are met under certain low-flow conditions. Any modifications to this SOP shall be approved by NHDES in consultation with EPA in advance, documented in the site logbook, and presented in the final report.

This procedure is primarily designed for monitoring wells with an inside diameter that can accommodate a positive lift pump (1.5-inches or greater) with a screen length or open interval ten feet or less and with a water level above the top of the screen or open interval (Hereafter, the “screen or open interval” will be referred to only as “screen interval”).

In low permeability formations or poorly installed monitoring wells it may not be possible to collect groundwater samples using the standard low flow procedure. In such instances, refer to the “Monitoring Wells That Have Insufficient Recharge” section for instruction for sampling the well. If the low flow procedure has been attempted unsuccessfully at a well for two consecutive rounds, confer with the field team leader and proceed to the “Monitoring Wells That Have Insufficient Recharge” section without further attempt to use the standard low flow procedure. These wells shall be identified on Table 2. Wells where this occurs should be considered for replacement in the future.

Low flow indicator parameters include: pH, turbidity, specific conductance, temperature, dissolved oxygen (DO) and oxygen reducing potential (ORP). All measurements must be obtained using a “flow-through-cell”, except for turbidity. Turbidity must be taken at a point before the flow-through-cell and from an instrument separate from the flow-through-cell apparatus (refer to the attached schematic). A three-way stop cock attached to the tubing before

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the flow-through-cell will be used for this purpose. Transparent flow-through-cells with a cell capacity of 250 ml or less are required. The transparency allows field personnel to watch for air bubbles and particulate build-up within the cell, which may affect indicator field parameter values measured within the cell. The flow-through-cell must be designed in a way that prevents air bubble entrapment in the cell. When the pump is turned off or cycling on/off water in the cell must not drain out. Monitoring probes must be submerged in water at all times.

A small volume cell (250 ml or less) facilitates rapid turnover of water in the cell between measurements of the indicator field parameters. The pump’s flow rate must be able to “turn over” at least one flow-through-cell volume between measurements (for a 250 mL flow-through- cell with a flow rate of 50 ml/min., the monitoring frequency would be every five minutes; for a 500 mL flow-through-cell at the same flow rate, it would be every ten minutes). If the cell volume cannot be replaced in the proper interval, (e.g. five minute for a 250 ml flow through cell) then the time between measurements must be increased accordingly.


Field duplicates: Field duplicates are collected to determine precision of sampling procedure. For this procedure, collect duplicate for each analyte group in consecutive order (volatile organic compound [VOC] original, VOC duplicate, SVOC original, SVOC duplicate, etc.).

Matrix Spike/Matrix Spike Duplicates: Used by the laboratory in its quality assurance program. Refer to Table 3 in the SAP for the sample volume to be collected.

Trip blank (VOCs): Trip blank is a sample of analyte-free water taken to the sampling site and returned to the laboratory. The trip blanks (one pair) are added to each sample cooler that contains VOC samples.

Temperature blank: A temperature blank is added to each sample cooler. The blank is measured prior to shipment and upon receipt at the laboratory to assess whether the samples were properly cooled during transit.

Equipment blank: The equipment blank shall include the pump and the pump's tubing. If tubing is dedicated to the well, the equipment blank need only include the pump in subsequent sampling rounds. If the pump and tubing are dedicated to the well, the equipment blank is collected prior to its placement in the well. If the pump and tubing will be used to sample multiple wells, the equipment blank is normally collected after sampling from contaminated wells and not after background wells.

Potentiometric Surface: The level to which water rises in a well constructed in a confined aquifer. In an unconfined aquifer, the potentiometric surface is the water table.

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Prior to conducting the sampling event, information regarding well construction, development, and water level records for each well to be sampled should be obtained and reviewed to determine the appropriate pump to be used, the location of the intake, and the potential groundwater recharge rate of the well. If this information is not available, a reconnaissance should be made prior to the actual sampling event to determine well depth, water level, length of screen, etc., and performance of a pump test to determine the recharge rate of the well. Additionally, wells that have not been sampled should be redeveloped prior to conducting the actual sampling event, if possible.

It is expected that the monitoring well screen, or open interval has been properly located (both laterally and vertically) to intercept existing contaminant plume(s) or along flow paths of potential contaminant migration. Problems with inappropriate monitoring well placement or faulty/improper well installation cannot be overcome by even the best water sampling procedures. This SOP presumes that the analytes of interest are moving (or will potentially move) primarily through the more permeable zones intercepted by the screen interval.

Proper well construction, development and operation and maintenance cannot be overemphasized. The use of installation techniques that are appropriate to the hydrogeologic setting of the site often prevent "problem well" situations from occurring. During well development, or redevelopment, tests should be conducted to determine the hydraulic characteristics of the monitoring well. The data can then be used to set the purging/sampling rate, and provide a baseline for evaluating changes in well performance and the potential need for well rehabilitation. Note: if this installation data or well history (construction and sampling) is not available or discoverable, for all wells to be sampled, efforts to build a sampling history should commence with the next sampling event.

The pump intake should be located within the screen interval and at a depth that will remain under water at all times. It is recommended that the intake depth and pumping rate remain the same for all sampling events. The mid-point or the lowest historical midpoint of the saturated screen length is often used as the location of the pump intake.

Significant chemical or permeability contrast(s) within the screen may require additional field work (e.g. interval sampling and/or borehole geophysics) to determine the optimum vertical location(s) for the pump/tubing intake, and appropriate pumping rate(s) for purging and sampling more localized target zone(s). Primary flow zones (high(er) permeability and/or high(er) chemical concentrations) should be identified in wells with screen lengths longer than 10 feet, or in wells with open boreholes in bedrock. Targeting these zones for water sampling will help ensure that the low stress procedure will not underestimate contaminant concentrations. (Refer to Table 4 in the SAP for well construction details and intake depths).

Stabilization of indicator field parameters is used to indicate that conditions are suitable for sample collection. Achievement of turbidity levels of less than 5 NTU, and stable drawdown of

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less than 0.3 feet, while desirable, are not mandatory. Sample collection may still take place provided the indicator field parameter criteria in this procedure are met.

A goal of this procedure is to emphasize the need for consistency in deploying and operating equipment while purging and sampling monitoring wells during each sampling event. This will help minimize sampling variability.

Cold weather considerations must be factored into a low-flow sampling plan. It is recommended that low-flow sampling be conducted when the air temperature is above 32°F (0°C). If the procedure is used below 32°F, special precautions will need to be taken to prevent the groundwater from freezing in the equipment. Because sampling during freezing temperatures may adversely impact the data quality objectives, the need for water sample collection during months when these conditions are likely to occur should be evaluated during site planning and special sampling measures may need to be developed. Ice formation in the flow-through-cell will cause the monitoring probes to act erratically. A transparent flow-through-cell is required to observe if ice is forming in the cell. If ice starts to form on the other pieces of the sampling equipment, additional problems may occur.

The use of dedicated sampling equipment is recommended as it promotes consistency in the sampling; may reduce sampling bias by having the pump’s intake at a constant depth; and can streamline sampling activities, significantly reducing the time needed to complete each sampling event, thereby reducing the overall field costs.


When working on-site, comply with all applicable OSHA requirements and the site’s health/safety procedures. All proper personal protection clothing and equipment are to be worn. Some samples may contain biological and chemical hazards. These samples should be handled with suitable protection to skin, eyes, etc.


The following precautions needs to be considered when planning to collect groundwater samples when the below conditions occur.

If the groundwater degasses during purging of the monitoring well, dissolved gases and VOCs will be lost. When this happens, the groundwater data for dissolved gases (e.g., methane, ethene, ethane, dissolved oxygen, etc.) and VOCs will need to be qualified. Some conditions that can promote degassing are changes in aperture along the sampling tubing, and squeezing/pinching the pump’s tubing which results in a pressure change.

When collecting the samples for dissolved gases and VOCs analyses, avoid aerating the groundwater in the pump’s tubing. This can cause loss of the dissolved gases and VOCs in the groundwater. Having the tubing completely filled prior to sampling will avoid this problem.

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Direct sun light and hot ambient air temperatures may cause the groundwater in the tubing and flow-through-cell to heat up. This may cause the groundwater to degas which will result in loss of VOCs and dissolved gases. When sampling under these conditions, shade the equipment from the sunlight (e.g., umbrella, tent, etc.). If possible, sampling on hot days, or during the hottest time of the day, should be avoided. The tubing exiting the monitoring well should be kept as short as possible to avoid the sun light or ambient air from heating up the groundwater.

Condensation (fogging) of Turbidity Vial: Condensation may occur on the outside of the sample cell when measuring a cold sample in a warm, humid environment. Condensation interferes with turbidity measurement, so all moisture must be thoroughly wiped off the sample cell before measurement. If fogging recurs, let the sample warm slightly by standing at ambient temperature or immersing in a container of ambient temperature water for a short period. After warming, gently invert the sample cell to thoroughly mix the contents before measurement.

Thermal currents in the monitoring well may cause vertical mixing of water in the well bore. When the air temperature is colder than the groundwater temperature, it can cool the top of the water column. Colder water which is denser than warm water sinks to the bottom of the well and the warmer water at the bottom of the well rises, setting up a convection cell. “During low-flow sampling, the pumped water may be a mixture of convecting water from within the well casing and aquifer water moving inward through the screen. This mixing of water during low-flow sampling can substantially increase equilibration times, can cause false stabilization of indicator parameters, can give false indication of redox state, and can provide biological data that are not representative of the aquifer conditions” (Vroblesky 2007).

Interferences may result from using contaminated equipment, cleaning materials, sample containers, or uncontrolled ambient/surrounding air conditions (e.g., truck/vehicle exhaust nearby). Cross contamination problems can be eliminated or minimized through the use of dedicated sampling equipment and/or proper planning to avoid ambient air interferences. Clean and decontaminate all sampling equipment prior to use. All sampling equipment needs to be routinely checked to be free from contaminants and equipment blanks collected to ensure that the equipment is free of contaminants. Check the previous equipment blank data for the site (if they exists) to determine if the previous cleaning procedure removed the contaminants. If contaminants were detected and they are a concern, then a more vigorous cleaning procedure will be needed.


All field samplers working at sites containing hazardous waste must meet the requirements of the OSHA regulations. Federal regulations require the sampler to take the 40 hour OSHA health and safety training course and a yearly 8 hour refresher course prior to engaging in any field activities on Superfund Sites.

The field samplers must be trained prior to the use of the sampling equipment, field instruments, and procedures. Training is to be conducted by an experienced sampler before initiating any

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sampling procedure.

The entire sampling team needs to read, and be familiar with, the site Health and Safety Plan, the SAP, all relevant SOPs, and the HWRB Master QAPP (including the most recent amendments) before going onsite for the sampling event. It is recommended that field sampling leader attest to the understanding of these site documents and that it is recorded. EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS • Informational materials for sampling event: A copy of the current approved site-specific Health and Safety Plan, site-specific SAP, HWRB Master QAPP, monitoring well construction data, location map(s), field data from prior sampling events, manuals for sampling, diagram(s) to show how the equipment should be set up, and the monitoring instrument’s operation and maintenance manuals, should be brought to the site. • Appropriate health and safety gear. • Site and well keys, spare locks, and bolt cutters. • Electronic water level indicator capable of measuring to one-hundredth of a foot (0.01’) accuracy. • Non-contact gas stainless steel bladder pump and operation manual, stainless steel / polyethylene bladders (e.g. QED Sample Pro, T1250, and T1300 with a minimum bladder sample capacity of 100 mL; bladder pump repair kits (for T1250 pumps) and replacement bladders for the Sample Pro. The size, capacity of the pump, and placement in the well shall be selected to maximize the filling of the pump’s bladder. For the proper operation, the bladder pump will need a minimum amount of water above the pump; consult the manufacturer for the recommended submergence. The pump’s recommended submergence value should be determined during the planning stage, since it may influence well construction and placement of dedicated pumps where water-level fluctuations are significant. For the collection of VOCs and dissolved gases: The bladder’s capacity shall be 100 ml (large enough to fill a VOA vial in one discharge) and the pump settings (refill and discharge rates) shall be set so that one pulse will deliver a water volume that is sufficient to fill a 40 mL VOC vial. • QED bladder pump controller (Model MP-10) capable of adjusting flow to 50 ml/minute, with a manual control option and operation manual. • Compressed gas source (Also see “Special Notes” section at end of this SOP): Compressed nitrogen stored in a tank with a gas regulator for 150/200 pounds per square inch (PSI) to a maximum of 400 PSI and the appropriate gas lines with quick disconnect fittings. Acceptable alternative method: Compressor (minimum 100 PSI) and marine battery, plus spare marine battery. **NHDES prefers that gasoline powered equipment is not used if at all possible** If a gasoline-powered source (e.g. generator) is used, it must be

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located downwind and at a safe distance from the well (at least 30 feet) so that the exhaust fumes do not contaminate the samples. • Polyethylene sample tubing (sized for bladder pump) – quantity enough to dedicate to each well and to accommodate connection from the well to the multi-parameter meter, and the three way stop cock for collecting samples for the turbidity meter. • Polyethylene air tubing (sized for bladder pump) - quantity enough to dedicate to each well and to accommodate connection from the bladder pump to the MP-10 controller and the compressed gas source. • YSI 600XL/XLM Multiparameter unit with a 250 ml or less transparent flow cell, capable of measuring pH (units), ORP in mV, DO in mg/L (100% saturation for calibration), specific conductance in µS/cm and temperature (˚C). • Appropriate calibration solutions for the YSI meter including: 0 mg/L DO for DO; Zobell solution for ORP; two different specific conductance standards to calibrate and check calibration (e.g. 718 and 1,413 µS/cm); and 4, 7, & 10 units pH. Extra DO membranes in case of breakage. Small wet sponge or paper towel for DO 100% saturation calibration. • Hach 2100P or 2100Q Turbidity Meter. • Calibration solutions the Hach Turbidity meter: <0.1, 10, 20, 100, 800 Nephelometric Turbidity Units (NTUs) standards as appropriate for each meter. • 0.45 micron in-line filters for dissolved metals, if required. • A three way stop cock to divert sample flow (before the multi-parameter meter) to collect turbidity samples. • Plumbing fittings including clips for holding tubing and water level meter in place within the well casing and prevent pinching of tubing. Plumbing fittings for extending the well sample and air tubing in the well must be either Teflon or stainless steel. Crimping tool for the plumbing fittings. • Flow measurement supplies: graduated cylinder sized according to the flow rate (250 ml max), measured in 10 ml increments, stop watch, and graduated bucket for purge water. • Logbook, pencil/pen/sharpies, sharp knife (locking blade), calculator. • Field-data sheets, sample labels, and chain-of-custody records. • Sample containers and spare containers, preserved as necessary, provided by the laboratory. • Loose ice and a sample cooler/shipping containers, re-sealable plastic bags and packing materials. • Clear tape – Place clear tape over sample container labels before sampling in the event the labels are not water proof labels. Alternative – use plastic water proof labels. • Onsite Tools -- (to include at least: bolt cutters, screwdrivers, pliers, hacksaw, duct tape, hammer, flashlight, adjustable wrench), socket set.

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• Decontamination equipment and supplies in accordance with the Decontamination SOP in the SAP • Appropriate size buckets and lids for containerization of liquids, if required, as specified in the in SAP. • Trash bags to containerize solid waste. • Tap water / Deionized Water (DI) / distilled water, as necessary. • Flagging/spray paint as needed to demark well locations, if needed. • Necessary tent /canopy for protection of the equipment from the weather elements. o Adequately shade equipment and tubing to prevent temperature variations in the readings, bubbles forming in the tubing, and to prevent the acid preservative in the sample containers from volatilizing; o Protect both personnel and equipment from other elements including rain, wind; etcetera. o Keep the sampling equipment from freezing in the winter. • Equipment to keep monitoring and sampling equipment off the ground (e.g. table, bucket or polyethylene sheeting).


1. In general, all instrumentation necessary for field monitoring and health and safety purposes shall be maintained, tested, and inspected according to the manufacturer's instructions prior to the sampling event. This will ensure that the equipment/instruments are working properly before they are used in the field. The manufacturer’s instruction manuals for field equipment shall be on site during each sampling event. 2. If cold weather conditions exist that may impact successful calibration, consider indoor calibration/calibration checks at hotel/office/site trailer (if heated). 3. All field instruments shall be calibrated, and have a calibration check, in the office prior to the field event (within one week) to ensure that the equipment is working properly and meets the QA criteria. IMPORTANT – Refer to the Calibration SOP in the SAP for specific calibration information and procedures. 4. For this project, calibration checks, made in the run mode, shall be performed at the beginning of each sampling day to ensure the equipment is in calibration and again at the end of the day of use to ensure that the instruments have remained in calibration throughout the day. 5. If a calibration check at the end of the day is not within the acceptable range for any parameter, the data collected that day for that parameter shall be qualified in its use. This qualification shall be documented on the calibration log and the field sheets/logs for the

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appropriate sampling locations. For example: pH measurements are collected as part of the low flow sampling procedure. If the afternoon pH calibration check was not within the acceptable range that day, the pH data collected by that instrument on that day would be qualified as useful only for determining stabilization and not as representative pH measurements of the water being sampled. That qualification would then be documented on the calibration log and the sampling sheet for each of those locations. 6. In addition, should any erratic or illogical readings occur between calibrations, the instrument shall be recalibrated in order to ensure that representative measurements are obtained. All calibration and check values shall be documented on the calibration log maintained by each user. Refer to the Calibration of YSI and Hach Field Instruments SOP in Appendix B for specific calibration procedures. 7. If the field instruments are being used to monitor the natural attenuation parameters then a calibration check at mid-day is highly recommended to ensure that the instruments did not drift out of calibration. 8. Note: during the day, if the instrument reads zero or a negative number for dissolved oxygen, pH, specific conductance, or turbidity (negative value only); this indicates that the instrument drifted out of calibration or the instrument is malfunctioning. If this situation occurs the data from this instrument will need to be qualified or rejected, and the instrument must be recalibrated before use. 9. Failure to calibrate or perform proper maintenance on the sampling equipment and measurement instruments (e.g., multi-parameter meter, etc.) can result in faulty data being collected.


1. The pump’s bladder capacity should be optimized to ensure a VOC sample can be collected in one bladder cycle or in the “pause-hold-sample” mode of the MP-10. As a result, a minimum bladder capacity of 100 ml is required to ensure that 40 ml can be obtained to fill the VOC vial. The dedicated bladder pump intake within each well should be located at the midpoint of the saturated well screen length based on historical groundwater low unless otherwise specified on Table 4. The pump intake needs to be kept at least 1 to 2 feet above the bottom of the well to avoid disturbing any sediment on the bottom of the well. If the water level in the well is less than 2 feet, a sample will not be collected. Great care must be taken during pump installation and sampling to minimize the disturbance of particulates that can greatly extend the purge time by increasing turbidity. 2. Check well for security (damage, evidence of tampering, missing lock, etc.) and record pertinent observations (include photograph as warranted). Note any physical changes to well condition, such as erosion or cracks in protective concrete pad, road box or

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standpipe. If a lock is found to be damaged, replace with a new lock. Wells shall be locked at all times when not being sampled. 3. A synoptic water level measurement round should be performed (in the shortest possible time) before any purging and sampling activities begin. Refer to the Water Level Measurement SOP in the SAP. It is recommended that water levels (to 0.01 feet) be measured at least one day prior to well sampling activities, if possible, in order to allow for re-settlement of any particulates in the water column. All measurements must be taken from the established and permanently marked referenced point (refer to the Table 4). 4. The depth to the bottom of the monitoring well should be confirmed in each well included on Table 4 based on the following: • If a bladder pump has been installed in a monitoring well, the depth to the bottom of the monitoring well will be confirmed at such time when the bladder pump is removed for repairs or maintenance activities, or if a significant increasing trend in the turbidly values has been observed; and • In monitoring wells where the bladder pump hasn’t been installed yet, the depth to the bottom of the monitoring well will be confirmed once every five years, during the sampling event just prior to the 5-year review. • If measurement of total well depth is to be collected and is not made the day before, it should not be measured until after sampling of the well is complete. 5. Set up equipment according to the attached Low Flow Equipment Setup Diagram. Be sure to tilt the low flow cell with the outflow connection facing upward to eliminate and prevent air bubbles. 6. Be sure all sampling equipment is properly protected from the weather. 7. Lay out sheet of clean polyethylene for monitoring and sampling equipment, unless equipment is elevated above the ground (e.g., on a table, bucket, etc.).


1. A water level indicator should be carefully lowered to the top of groundwater. Measure and record the water level (to 0.01 feet) before any disturbance to the well. Care should be taken to minimize suspension of any particulates attached to the sides. 2. Activate the gas source, which activates the pneumatic controller (MP-10). 3. If available, check flow rates, drawdown and pump setting information from previous sampling events for each well. Duplicate, to the extent practicable, the PSI, refill and discharge settings (use final pump dial setting information) and flow rates from previous events. For wells that are routinely sampled, refer to the prior Low Flow Sampling Worksheets to determine the initial settings to reach stabilization of the water level as quickly as possible. This is only a guide and the sampler will need to “fine tune” the operating conditions since the recharge rate of groundwater may vary.

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If changes are made in the settings used during previous sampling events, for either portable or dedicated pumps, record new values on the sampling worksheet and explain reasons for the changes. 4. From the time the pump starts purging and until the time the samples are collected, the purged water is discharged into a graduated bucket to determine the total volume of groundwater purged. Record total volume purged on the Low Flow Sampling Worksheet. 5. Select the appropriate pressure/cycle setting for the MP-10 controller. The PSI setting should be close to the PSI needed to lift water the depth of the pump intake, plus 10-20 feet, to maximize the discharge volume from the bladder. However, be careful not to set the PSI setting too high resulting in a sample stream that shoots out of the tubing during sampling and/or damage to the bladder. Once final PSI selection is made, lock flow throttle in place. The water flow out of the bladder pump during sampling needs to be a laminar flow without air bubbles. If air bubbles are observed they can usually be removed by elevating the discharge tube and pump to allow the air to continue rising until discharged with the water. In the event that it is difficult to remove the captured air bubbles in the sample tubing, use the “pause-hold-sample” mode to flush the air bubbles out of the sample tubing. 6. Prevent sample and air tubing from crimping and avoid the use of constriction devices on the tubing to decrease the flow rate because the constrictor will cause a pressure difference in the water column. This will cause the groundwater to degas and result in a loss of VOCs and dissolved gasses in the groundwater samples. All tubing needs to maintain open condition. 7. The cycle setting should be at one cycle per minute. Do not change this setting. Start with a discharge setting of 20 seconds and a refill setting of 40 seconds unless otherwise indicated on the historical flow sheets. The purge rate should be close to the well recharge rate so that the water level in the well doesn’t decrease during purging. If excessive turbidity or floc is anticipated or encountered with the pump startup, divert the water through the three way stopcock, as if you were taking a turbidity sample, until it clears in order to minimize particulate buildup in the cell (this is a judgment call made by the sampler). Make sure that the discharge water is going into the graduated bucket as part of the final purge volume. 8. Adjust pump discharge and refill rates (followed by PSI if required) until there is little or no water level drawdown. Keep the refill setting higher than the discharge setting and make sure that the refill setting is greater than 10 seconds. Try to reserve the use of the PSI setting to keep the flow of discharge water laminar. As adjustments are being made, continue to check the water level. Once final PSI selection is made, lock flow throttle in place.

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Concentrate on the bladder pump flow rate and water level stabilization in the beginning of the well purging effort. For new wells being sampled, in general, the water level is expected to be stabilized within the first fifteen minutes of purging. 9. Recording of the indicator parameters is not mandatory during this initial time period when attempts are being made to stabilize the water level; however make sure the purge water is still being collected in the graduated bucket as part of the total purge volume. Make a notation on the worksheet “NR” for “no reading” at times when only partial data is being collected (i.e. water level only) during this initial stage of stabilizing the water level. Note that if you observe minimum fluctuation of the indicator parameters during this initial period, go ahead and begin recording data as it may limit the total volume purged. Measure purge volume of a cycle with a 250 ml graduated cylinder or smaller size. 10. During pump start-up, drawdown may exceed the 0.3 feet target and then "recover" somewhat as pump flow adjustments are made. If the initial water level is above the top of the screen do not allow the water level to fall below the top of the well screen. If the drawdown has exceeded 0.3 feet and stabilizes, continue purging until the indicator parameters stabilize. If the water level continues to drop with the MP-10 controller settings at one cycle per minute and a discharge setting of one second, or if the flow rate for a stabilized groundwater level is below 50 ml per minute, the well will be considered to have insufficient recharge for low flow sampling. Discontinue sampling at that location and return once the well has sufficiently recharged and there is ample water to purge one tubing volume of water and collect all samples (this may be the next day). Refer to the “Monitoring Wells That Have Insufficient Recharge” section below for instructions as to how to sample the well. After the water level appears stabilized, if the normal discharge volume from a pump cycle is less than 70 ml, place the controller in the “pause-hold- sample mode” to confirm that a discharge volume of 70 ml or greater can be collected. The “pause-hold-sample mode” will empty the bladder. Note that if the discharge volume is 70 ml or greater, there is no need to perform this check as you will be sampling directly from the pump cycle. In the event the “pause-hold-sample mode” volume is less than 70 ml, attempt to change operating conditions to increase the “pause sample mode” volume. If attempts are unsuccessful, call the project manager to discuss the issue. (Note: the need to fill the VOAs with one discharge volume of water is a NHDES requirement and an EPA recommendation.) 11. Begin recording the water level (during discharge cycle of the bladder pump), draw down, PSI (pressure), pumping rate (discharge/refill of pump), any adjustments, and the indicator parameters (pH, turbidity, specific conductance, temperature, dissolved oxygen [DO] and oxygen reduction potential [ORP]) every ten minutes until the indicator parameters begin to stabilize (the turbidity sample is collected from the three-way stop cock located prior to the low flow cell).

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When recording pH and DO data, round off data to one decimal place (nearest tenth). When DO data is less than 0.5 mg/L, data should be recorded as “< 0.5”. When recording specific conductance, temperature, turbidity, and ORP data, record only whole numbers (round off to the nearest whole number). When turbidity data is less than 5 NTU, data should be recorded as “< 5”. If the flow rate for a stabilized groundwater level changes to below 50 ml per minute, the well will be considered to have insufficient recharge. Discontinue sampling and refer to the “Monitoring Wells That Have Insufficient Recharge” section below for instructions. If the water level drops to the top of the well screen or open interval, stop purging and refer to the “Monitoring Wells That Have Insufficient Recharge” section below for instruction as to how to sample the well. Once it appears that the indicator parameters have begun to stabilize record the data every 5 minutes. If the well has a history of not stabilizing within the two hour time limit, data collection every 15 minutes is acceptable during the first hour followed by data collection every 10 minutes for the second hour. If the well begins to stabilize more quickly, then record data every 5 minutes. If the cell needs to be cleaned during purging operations, continue pumping and disconnect cell for cleaning, then reconnect after cleaning and continue monitoring activities. Record start and stop times for cleaning and give a brief description of cleaning activities. 12. In the event that flow from the bladder pump appears to be a water/air mixture during purging/sampling operations, pull the bladder pump and either check and tighten the tubing and fitting connections. If the flow from the bladder pump still appears to be a water/air mixture, pumping should be discontinued without taking a sample. This may signal that turbulent flow is occurring, the water level in the well is at the pump intake level, or the bladder has been damaged. If possible, lower the pump further into the water so the pump unit is fully submerged (if it is not fully submerged) and continue stabilization step operations. If the pump is lowered, the sampler needs to record the reason for lowering the pump and the new pump's depth on the worksheet(s). This new depth should be maintained as the fixed pumping depth for all subsequent monitoring events. 13. The well is considered ready for sample collection once the water level and the indicator parameters have stabilized and the purge volume requirement has been met, or two hours of purge time has elapsed. Stabilization is considered to be achieved when three consecutive readings at five-minute intervals are within the following limits:

• Temperature =/< 3% • Specific Conductivity =/< 3% (shall be reported in uS/cm) • Dissolved Oxygen =/< 10% for values greater than 0.5 mg/L. If three consecutive DO values are less than 0.5 mg/L, consider the values as stabilized. • pH =/< 0.1 unit

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• ORP =/< 10 millivolts • Turbidity =/< 10% for values greater than 5 NTU (rounded to a whole number, values between 5 and 10 will be considered stable within +/- 1 NTU). If three consecutive turbidity values are less than 5 NTU, consider the values as stabilized. 14. The final purge volume must be greater than the stabilized drawdown volume plus the pump’s tubing volume. If parameter stabilization has been achieved but the purge volume criteria has not been met, pumping must be continued until the combined volume (stabilized drawdown plus tubing volume) has been purged from the well or the two hour limit has been reached. Purge volume calculations should utilize stabilized drawdown value, not the initial drawdown. Calculate the volume of water between the initial water level and the stabilized water level. Add the volume of the water which occupies the pump’s tubing to this calculation. This combined volume of water needs to be purged from the well before samples are collected. Purge volume calculations must be documented on the field form. 15. If all the indicator field parameters have not stabilized within 2 hours of purging, collect the samples and record the following information on the field worksheet: indicate that two-hour purge limit was reached, note the specific conditions that were not achieved, which parameters were not stabilized, the final set of readings, and the total purge volume. 16. Samples for laboratory analyses must be collected before the flow cell and three way stop cock. This will be done by disconnecting the flow cell and three-way stop cock after reaching stabilization. Collection of the sample is directly from the tubing. 17. When collecting VOCs, if the discharge water volume is 70 ml per discharge or greater, the sampler may sample directly from the pump discharge. In the event the discharge water volume is less than 70 ml per discharge, the water samples will need to be collected through the “pause-hold-sample” function of the QED MP-10 controller. 18. Remove the cap from the sample container and place it on the plastic sheet or in a location where it won't become contaminated. 19. The priority order in which samples should be collected from each well is as follows, refer to Table 2 in the SAP for specific information: a. VOCs (see special notes) b. 1,4-Dioxane, as applicable c. Total metals (then Dissolved metals if required) d. Cyanide, as required e. Other parameters, as required For collecting VOC samples including carbon dioxide, and methane/ethane/ethane, refer to the Special Notes section at the end of this SOP.

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If dissolved metals are required, attach a onetime use only 0.45 micron in-line filter to the end of the tubing. Hold the filter upright until the purge water exits the top to allow the water to completely fill the filter. Allow a sufficient amount of purge water to discharge into the bucket to rinse the filter before collecting the sample. Discard the filter after use. When collecting a duplicate sample, a new filter must be used. 20. All sample containers should be filled by allowing the discharge to flow gently down the inside of the container with minimal turbulence. Cap sample containers securely after filling each bottle. Sample containers should be wiped dry. 21. Field duplicate and matrix spike/matrix spike duplicate (MS/MSD) samples should be collected by filling a separate container for each analysis immediately following the actual field sample collection and should be in the same priority order as indicated above. Duplicate samples are not intended to be blind duplicate samples. They should be designated with a “DUP” after the well designation as indicated in the SAP. Refer to Table 5 in the SAP for specific QC sampling requirements and appropriate COC notations required for MS/MSD samples. 22. After collection of the samples, place samples in re-sealable plastic bags and then in loose within the cooler. Metals samples do not require cooling. Deactivate the gas source and disconnect equipment as needed. Tubing should be secured to the inside of the well. 23. Secure the well with the locking cap. 24. All non-dedicated equipment (water level meter) must be decontaminated following the Decontamination SOP in the SAP. 25. If an equipment blank is required for a bladder pump setup, decontaminate the bladder pump in accordance with the procedures included in the Decontamination SOP. Fill the PVC chamber (4-foot PVC riser with end cap to provide well scenario for pump) with DI water. Lower pump setup including pump and tubing into the PVC chamber. Activate bladder pump and purge one tubing volume of water through the setup. Collect an equipment blank sample by filling the appropriate bottles. Refer to Table 5 for specific QC sampling requirements and appropriate COC notations required for samples. Continuously add DI water to the PVC chamber until all the bottles have been filled.


This procedure is to be used if the well has insufficient recharge and stabilized drawdown cannot be achieved. Well purging is not required prior to taking samples under theses conditions.

If the low flow procedure was attempted unsuccessfully during the current monitoring round, or if the water level dropped below the top of the well screen or open interval, ensure that the well has recharged sufficiently and there is ample water to remove one tubing volume of water and collect all the samples before continuing with this procedure. When samples are being collected, the water level must not drop below the top of the screen or open interval. If the water does drop below the top of the screen, let the well recover until there is sufficient water to collect the

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remaining samples, unless otherwise directed by the Field Team Leader. Apply the last control settings used before purging was discontinued or sample at a rate of 50 ml/min.

1. Measure the water level. Carefully lower a water level indicator to the top of groundwater, measure and record the water level (to 0.01 feet) before any disturbance to the well. Care should be taken to minimize suspension of any particulates attached to the sides. 2. Prior to sample collection, purge one discharge line volume. The purge volume is equal to h *3.14(r/12)2 * 7.48 gal/ft3 One purge volume is equal to (h) * (f) where: h = length of tubing f = the volume in gal/foot

Then convert gallons to milliliters (1 gallon = 3785 mL) so that the purge volume can be accurately measured using a graduated cylinder.

Tubing Diameter ¼ - inch (0.25) OD 3/8 - inch (0.375) 1/2 - inch (0.50) OD 5/8 - inch (0.625) OD (inches) (0.17 in ID)* OD (0.25 in ID)* (0.375 in ID)* (0.50 in ID)* Volume (gal/foot) 0.0012 0.0026 0.0057 0.0102 Volume (ml/foot) 4.5 9.7 21.7 38.6

3. Remove the cap from the sample container and place it on the plastic sheet or in a location where it won't become contaminated. 4. Following purging of the discharge line, immediately begin collecting groundwater samples with the following parameter priority: a. VOCs (see special notes) b. 1,4 Dioxane, as applicable c. Total metals (then Dissolved metals, if required) d. Cyanide, as required e. Other parameters, as required 5. The water samples will need to be collected through the “pause-hold-sample” function of the QED MP-10 controller. 6. All sample containers should be filled by allowing the discharge to flow gently down the inside of the container with minimal turbulence. Cap sample containers securely after filling each bottle. 7. After collection of the samples, place samples in re-sealable plastic bags and then in loose ice within the cooler, deactivate the gas source, and disconnect equipment as needed. Metals samples do not require cooling. Tubing should be secured to the inside of the well.

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8. All non-dedicated equipment (water level meter) must be decontaminated following the Decontamination SOP in the SAP. 9. Wells where this occurs will be considered for replacement in the future.


A field log must be kept each time ground water monitoring activities are conducted in the field. The attached Low Flow Sampling Worksheet is the approved form for use by staff. Fill out the worksheet completely. The field log/sampling worksheet should document (at a minimum) the following in ink: • Job name; • Well identification, condition of well; • Name of sample collector(s): • Date; • Well depth; • Screen length (if known); • Static water level; • Pump settings (PSI, refill and discharge rates, cycle setting). If settings are modified from the previous round, explain reasons for the changes on the worksheet. • Pump rate, or flow rate including units; • Any adjustments made (including adjustments in flow rates, etc.); • Time of all measurements; • All measurement readings of indicator parameters; • Water level at the specified pumping rate (water levels are measured from the specified measuring point indicated on Table 4); • Drawdown and cumulative drawdown, in feet; • Total purge volume; • Time of sample collection (start, and end); • Sampler’s signature; • Laboratory analyses requested; and • Notation of which indicator parameters did not stabilize after two hours of purging (if any).

Refer to the Chain-of-Custody, Sample Packaging and Shipment Procedures SOP in the SAP for additional documentation requirements.

July 2013 Groundwater Sampling – Low Flow Using A Bladder Pump Page 18 of 19 Standard Operating Procedure SOP #B-5

If a calibration check at the end of the day is not within the acceptable range for any parameter(s), the data collected that day for that parameter shall be qualified in its use. A note must be added to the worksheet to indicate the qualification and the values for that parameter highlighted. (Example note: “The afternoon calibration check for ORP was not within the acceptable range; therefore, these ORP values can only be used for determining stabilization and not as representative of actual ORP values of the water being sampled.”)


When using compressed gas as the compressed air source, be sure to transport tanks upright and properly secured. Always remove regulator and install the protective cover over the cylinder valve to prevent damage to the valve which could result in rapid pressure release, when transporting tanks or moving tank to a new sampling location. When using a tank for the first time, connect the regulator valve and shut the regulator valve off, then open the tank valve all the way and then close the tank valve (this seats the valve seal properly). The regulator valve shall use a PSI gauge that is 150 PSI (minimum) to 400 PSI (maximum).

Special Considerations for Volatile Organic Compound Sampling

The proper collection of a sample for volatile-organic compounds requires minimal disturbance of the sample to limit volatilization and therefore a minimal loss of volatiles from the sample. The following VOC procedures should be followed:

1. Open the vial, set cap in a protected place, and collect the sample. When collecting duplicates, collect both samples at the same time. 2. Do not rinse the vial or excessively overflow it. 3. Do not collect the initial 10 ml (approximate) of sample or the last 10 ml (approximate) of sample of the sample discharge volume. The beginning and end of the sample discharge volume has been in contact with air. 4. Be sure the sample flow is laminar and there are no air bubbles in the sample flow. 5. There should be a convex meniscus on the top of the vial. You can use the cap to create the convex meniscus for VOC samples, if needed. For methane/ethane/ethene and carbon dioxide, do not use the sample bottle cap to top off the sample vials. Small bubbles are considered normal for these pre- preserved containers. 6. Check that the cap has not been contaminated (splashed) and carefully cap the vial. 7. Place the cap directly over the top and screw down firmly. Do not over-tighten and break the cap. 8. Invert the vial and tap gently. If an air bubble appears, uncap and attempt to add a small volume of sample to achieve the convex meniscus without excessively overfilling the vial.

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If there this has to be repeated more than twice, discard the sample and begin again with a new container and preservative. It is imperative that no entrapped air is in the sample vial. 9. Immediately place the vial in the protective foam sleeve (if available) and place into loose ice in the cooler.


Low Flow Groundwater Purging and Sampling Procedure included in the current Hazardous Waste Remediation Bureau Master QAPP, EPA RFA#13027.

EPA’s “Groundwater Sampling EPA Region 1 “Low Stress Purging and Sampling Procedure For the Collection of Ground Water Samples From Monitoring Wells”, dated July 30, 1996, as revised January 19, 2010.


Low Flow Equipment Setup Diagram – Bladder Pump

Low Flow Sampling Worksheet

LOW FLOW WELL SAMPLING WORKSHEET For use with Bladder Pumps NH Plating Superfund Site, Merrimack, New Hampshire Page _____of_____

Date : Well ID : Initial Water Level (ft, ref. to measuring point): Weather Conditions : Pump Intake (ft, ref. to measuring point): Field Personnel: Head Above Pump Intake (ft, ref. measuring point): Purging Device (pump type): Pump Speed @ Stabilization (minimal or no Drawdown), mL/min: Reference Measuring Point (Top of PVC/Top of Casing): (See Table 4) Total Purge Volume (gallons): Screen Interval (ft, ref. to measuring point): (See Table 4) Indicator Parameter Stabilization: yes OR no (circle one) Time: Two Hour Time Limit Reached ? yes OR no (circle one) Purging Start Time : (24 hour cycle) Sample Time: (24 hour cycle) Time at Sample Completion: (24 hour cycle)

Bladder DO Turbidity Clock Cumulative Bladder Purge Temp. Spec. Cond. pH ORP Water Level Drawdown Cycle Setting Discharge Pressure +/- 10% +/- 10% Comments/Adjustments Time Drawdown Refill Time Rate +/- 3% +/- 3% +/- 0.1 +/-10 Time if > 0.5 if > 5 (24 HR) (ft) (ft) (ft) 1-4 setting setting (PSI) (ml/min) (ºC) (µS/cm) units (mV) (mg/L) (NTU)

Notes: 1. All depths in feet below the referenced measuring point, unless specified. 2. When recording pH and dissolved oxygen data, only use one decimal place. When recording specific conductance, temperature, turbidity, and ORP data, record only whole numbers. When turbidity data is less than 5 NTU, data should be recorded as “< 5” or “less than 5”. When DO data is less than 0.5 mg/L, data should be recorded as "<0.5" or "less than 0.5". Sampler's Signature 3. "NR" indicates no reading taken. July 2013 Surface Water and Sediments Page 1 of 10 Standard Operating Procedure SOP #B-6


The purpose of this standard operating procedure (SOP) is to obtain surface water and sediment samples for analyses that are representative of environmental conditions at the New Hampshire Plating Superfund Site (NHP) in Merrimack, New Hampshire. The collection of these samples using the following sampling procedures will be carried out at the locations identified in Table 2 and on Figure 2. Refer to Table 3 for specific information on containers, preservatives and hold times. Any modifications to this SOP shall be approved in advance by the NHDES Project Manager and QA Coordinator, in consultation with EPA.

It is assumed that sampling can be conducted either from the shore, or by a sampler standing in the water wearing boots or waders.

SAFETY This sampling procedure requires two field personnel. If a sample cannot be obtained safely, the sample should not be taken at all and the conditions documented in the sampler's field book. Potential dangers include, but are not limited to: strong water currents, steep terrain and debris (such as wire, steel and culvert material), yellow jacket nests in the ground, thorny brush, etc., along the banks on the Merrimack River; that may cause a fall or other personal injury. All necessary precautionary measures should be heeded when performing these sampling techniques.

GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Each of the regular sampling locations is permanently marked in the field so that sampling points are consistent for each round. All surface water and sediment samples shall be located using a global positioning system (GPS) unit. 2. Digital photographs shall be taken at each sampling location, upstream and downstream from the same position. Consistency should be maintained between sampling rounds. 3. Surface water and sediment sampling will occur congruent to the groundwater sampling event. Based on weather reports, the sampling team will select the driest period during the Site sampling events to collect the samples, unless otherwise directed by the project manager. 4. Additional information to be recorded on the Surface Water Sediment Worksheet includes the following: • Past 7 days of local meteorological data showing a minimum of daily precipitation totals and barometric pressure; • General physical description of the samples and sampling locations; and • Descriptions/ID’s of digital photographs

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The purpose is to obtain surface water samples for analyses that are representative of the current environmental conditions.


• Appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) and a site-specific Health & Safety Plan. • Waders. • Depth-of-water measurement for the southeast corner of pier near SW-01A from the initial synoptic water level round (Water Level Worksheet). • Pole and strapping as necessary to collect samples from locations with limited access. • Wide-mouth glass sample containers (jar) for each sampling location, plus extra, to use as intermediary containers to fill pre-preserved sampling containers; pre-cleaned by laboratory. • Fifty (50) cc syringes and 0.45 micron filters to fit over the end of the syringes for each sampling location to collect dissolved metals, as required. Have enough filters on hand to collect the volume required by the lab. Keep in mind that the turbidity of the water may clog the filters at an unknown rate. • Appropriate sample containers, pre-preserved as necessary; cooler and loose ice. • Re-sealable plastic bags to protect and store samples. • YSI 600XL or XLM Multiparameter Unit with a probe guard to take in-situ readings for pH, Specific Conductivity, Temperature, oxygen reduction potential (ORP) and dissolved oxygen (DO). • Appropriate calibration solutions for the YSI meter including: 0 mg/L DO for DO check; Zobell solution for ORP; two different specific conductance standards to calibrate and check calibration (e.g. 718 and 1,413 µS/cm); and 4, 7, & 10 units pH. Extra DO membranes in case of breakage. • Hach 2100P or 2100Q Turbidity Meter. • Calibration solutions the Hach Turbidity meter: <0.1, 10, 20, 100, 800 Nephelometric Turbidity Units (NTUs) standards as appropriate for each meter. • Site Specific SAP. • Field data from last sampling event if available. • Field data sheets, sample labels, chain of custody forms. • Logbook, pencil/pen/sharpies, calculator. • The manufactures instruction manuals for all equipment.

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• Distilled (deionized water). • Paper towels. • Toolbox to include general items such as large and small wrenches, pliers, screw drivers, 25’ measuring tape, hose connectors, sharp knife (locking blade), duct tape, at a minimum. • Decontamination supplies as described in the Decontamination SOP included in the SAP. • Digital camera.


5. In general, all instrumentation necessary for field monitoring and health and safety purposes shall be maintained, tested, and inspected according to the manufacturer's instructions. The manufacturer’s instruction manuals for field equipment shall be kept on-site with the equipment. 6. All instruments will be successfully calibrated once by the sampling team prior to the sampling event. Instruments will be calibrated and checked according to the Calibration SOP in the SAP. 7. A “Surface Water Depth Measuring Point” has been established on the Merrimack River at the southeast corner of pier to tract the depth of the Merrimack River during the sampling events. This location is accessed from the Techwood property. The distance from the bottom of the river to the top of the surface water shall be measured twice during each sampling event. An initial depth-of-water measurement shall be collected during the water level round when the water levels are collected from the monitoring wells located on the Techwood property, and recorded on the Water Level Worksheet. Refer to the Water Level Measurements SOP. 8. The second measurement shall be recorded when the surface water samples (typically at SW-01A) are collected, and recorded on the Surface Water Sediment Worksheet. An appropriate “Surface Water Depth Measuring Point” on Horseshoe Pond has not yet been established.


The following procedures shall be used to collect a surface water sample from each location:

1. Prepare sampling equipment and bottles on shore. 2. Laboratory samples are collected first, followed by in-situ field screening parameters using the YSI meter and turbidity using the Hach meter. If there is a co-located sediment location, surface water samples are collected first, then in-situ field screening parameters, followed lastly by the sediment sample (Part II below).

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3. Sampling occurs sequentially from downstream to upstream in the Merrimack River and downstream to upstream on Horseshoe Pond as required. Each location is sampled from the downgradient side. All surface water samples and field parameters are generally collected from the shore. Refer to Table 2 for specific locations to be sampled. 4. In general, surface water will be collected using the dipping technique (except for dissolved metals) using a clean wide-mouth glass bottle (without preservatives); attached to a pole with strapping or tape, if necessary. Rinse each pre-cleaned sample container downstream of the sampling location once. The sample will be collected from just below the surface of the water (one to two inches). Make sure that the sample is free of floating debris and/or surface skim. Refer to Table 2 for specific analysis. Surface water will be transferred to the containers by gently pouring water into the sample containers in the following order: - VOCs, as required - Total metals/hardness (Dissolved metals, as required) - Cyanide - Other parameters, as required Note: If dissolved metals are required see special procedure below. 5. Field duplicate and matrix spike/matrix spike duplicate (MS/MSD) samples should be collected by filling a separate container for each analysis immediately following the actual field sample collection and should be in the same priority order as indicated above. Duplicate samples are not intended to be blind duplicate samples. They should be designated with a “DUP” after the well designation as indicated in the SAP. Refer to Table 5 in the SAP for specific QC sampling requirements and appropriate COC notations required for MS/MSD samples. 6. Cap and seal the sample containers. 7. Label, preserve, place samples in plastic re-sealable bags and store the sample in accordance with appropriate protocols (Table 3). 8. With the probe guard on the YSI instrument, rinse the probes in the surface water downstream of the sampling location. 9. Immerse the probes into the water, immediately upstream of any disturbance caused by accessing the sample location, making sure it is deep enough to cover the probes and probe guard. It is important that there are no air bubbles on/in the electrode. To dislodge any bubbles, gently move the electrode through the water before recording the measurement. If the sample location is not accessible, a pole and strapping may be used to hold the probes in place for stabilization and readings. 10. Allow a minimum of two minutes for the readings to stabilize. 11. Once the readings have stabilized, record the pH (unit), Specific Conductivity (µS/cm), Temperature (°C), ORP (millivolts) and DO (mg/L) on the worksheet. Refer to Table 2 as not all readings may be required.

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12. Rinse out a turbidity vial downstream of the sampling location. 13. Collect an aliquot of water for the Hach and analyze the sample for turbidity, as required. Record the NTU value on the Surface Water Worksheet. 14. Take digital photographs at each location upstream and downstream unless collecting sediment samples, in which case the photographs would be taken after the sediment samples have been collected.

Procedure to Collect Surface Water Samples for Dissolved Metals 1. Rinse the syringe in the surface water downstream of the sampling location three times. 2. Facing upstream and using the same syringe, slowly lower the syringe into the water one to two inches below the surface and fill the syringe. 3. To rinse the filter prior to collecting the sample: a) Place the tip of the syringe into the inlet of the filter. b) Face downstream. c) Discharge the water through the filter downstream until a few centimeters of water exits the filter. d) Any remaining water in the syringe and filter apparatus can then be collected in the pre-preserved container. 4. Facing upstream and using the same syringe, slowly lower the syringe into the water one to two inches below the surface and fill the syringe. 5. Place the tip of the syringe into the inlet of the pre-rinsed filter and discharge the water directly into a pre-preserved container. 6. Repeat the previous two steps until the proper volume has been collected. 7. Cap the container. 8. The filter may clog and need to be replaced before the proper volume has been collected. If this is the case, rinse the new filter before use and continue until the proper volume has been collected. 9. Wipe off the exterior of the containers with clean paper towels. 10. Label and store the sample in accordance with appropriate protocols. 11. Dispose of the filters and syringes after use.



To obtain sediment samples underlying water bodies to describe the physical characteristics and to investigate contamination in the sediments.

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• Appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) and a site-specific Health & Safety Plan. • Waders. • Appropriate sample containers (pre-preserved as necessary). • Pre-decontaminated Ponar Dredge; • Cut off disposable syringes (along with a stainless spoon if necessary) to collect the VOC samples. • Disposable syringes for siphoning surface water off top of sediment sample. • A tripod stand to hold the Ponar dredge while excess water is being removed. • Stainless steel hand tools or utensils (spoons, spatulas, scoops). • Stainless steel mixing bowls/spoons. • Hand auger (auger bit, drill rod extension and a “T” handle) as needed. • Decontamination supplies as described in the Decontamination SOP included in the SAP. • Digital camera.


If a sediment sample is to be collected at the same location as a surface water sample, the sediment sample should be collected after collection of the surface water sample.

In general, sediment samples will be collected from the designated locations to a depth of approximately 2 to 4 inches. One of the following two procedures may be used depending on the amount of water at the time. If the depth of water is greater than three feet no sample will be collected. Digital photographs shall be taken at each sampling location, upstream and downstream.

A. Sediment Sampling in Locations without Standing or Running Water This section applies to collection of sediment samples from locations without standing or running water (i.e., non-submerged locations).

A stainless steel hand tool will be used to collect sediment samples from locations without standing or running water. The following procedures will be used.

1. Clear the sample location of any surface debris and spread out plastic sheeting adjacent to the sampling location for staging equipment. 2. Advance the hand tool or auger to the required depth.

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3. Upon completion of the shallow excavation, use a stainless steel tool to clear away a small area and collect the VOC sample. In order to limit exposure to air and potential loss of volatile contaminants, the VOC sample shall be collected from the side wall of the excavation at the approximate midpoint of the depth interval using a disposable syringe. Note that VOC sample collection will be conducted in accordance with the NHDES SOP “Preservation of VOCs in Soil Samples” included in the current NHDES Hazardous Waste Remediation Bureau Master Quality Assurance Project Plan (HWRB Master QAPP). The proper volume of soil is then added to the methanol preserved VOA vials until the volume in the VOA vial reaches the pre-marked line established by the laboratory (approximately 5 grams). Close tightly with the screw-on cap, label, and place in loose ice for delivery to the laboratory. A separate dry weight sample will not be necessary as long as the dry weight analysis is added to the analysis for the metals container. 4. Using a stainless steel tool, transfer soil from the same depth in the excavation to a pre- decontaminated stainless steel mixing bowl. Continue to collect additional sediment from areas adjacent to the original sample location until sufficient material has been gained to fill the remaining sample containers. Thoroughly mix sediment to obtain a homogeneous sample, and then transfer to the appropriate sample containers. Close caps tightly. Place samples in re-sealable plastic bags and then place in loose ice for delivery to the laboratory. 5. Following VOCs sample collection, the sample containers should be filled in the following priority order: • Metals • Chromium VI (separate container) • Cyanide • TPH • TOC • VPH • EPH • AVS/SEM • Grain Size 6. Collect field duplicate and matrix spike/matrix spike duplicate (MS/MSD) samples by filling a separate container for each analysis immediately following the actual field sample collection and it should be in the same priority order as indicated above. Note that the VOC sample shall be collected directly from the dredge, prior to sample mixing. Duplicate samples are not intended to be blind duplicate samples. They should be designated with a “DUP” after the sample designation as indicated in the SAP. Refer to Table 5 included in the SAP for specific quality control (QC) sampling requirements.

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7. Once samples are collected, digital photographs shall be taken at each sampling location, upstream and downstream.

8. Decontaminate equipment between each sampling location in accordance with the Decontamination SOP in the SAP.

9. Equipment blanks are required for sediment sampling equipment. Following sample collection and after equipment decontamination, gently pour DI water over the equipment used to collect the sediment samples (e.g. stainless steel tools, bowl, and mixing spoon). Collect the rinsate that flows off the equipment into the appropriate sample containers. Refer to Table 5 included in the SAP for specific QC sampling requirements and analysis.

B. Sediment Sampling in Locations with Standing or Running Water This section applies to collection of sediment samples below standing or running water (i.e., submerged locations).

Sample Collection with a Scoop If sampling with standing water, a stainless steel scoop or similar hand tool may be used. If the location is reachable by hand, and the standing water will not overtop the sampler’s glove, a hand tool may be used. If the location is unreachable by hand, or the standing water will overtop the sampler’s glove, a stainless steel hand tool attached to a long handle may be used. Alternatively, if sediments are of sufficient thickness, a Ponar dredge may be used (see next section below).

1. Using the appropriate sampling device, as determined above, scoop up sediment, allowing standing water to drain.

2. Collect a VOC sample directly from the from the central/interior portion of the sampling device as described in Section “A” above. A separate dry weight sample will not be necessary as long as the dry weight analysis is added to the analysis for the metals container.

3. Place the remaining sediment into a stainless steel bowl. Repeat Step 1 until sufficient sample volume is accumulated to fill the containers provided by the analytical laboratory.

4. Thoroughly mix sediment to obtain a homogeneous sample, and then transfer to the appropriate sample containers. Larger roots, twigs, leaves, etc. should be removed from the sample prior to placement in laboratory containers.

5. Following VOCs sample collection, the sample containers should be filled in the same order as indicated in Section “A” above. Close caps tightly. Place samples in re-sealable plastic bags and then place in loose ice for delivery to the laboratory. 6. Collect field duplicate and matrix spike/matrix spike duplicate (MS/MSD) samples as

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described in Section “A” above. 7. Once samples are collected, digital photographs shall be taken at each sampling location, upstream and downstream.

8. Decontaminate equipment between each sampling location in accordance with the Decontamination SOP in the SAP.

9. Collect an equipment blank as described in Section “A” above.

Sample Collection with a Ponar Dredge If sampling stream and/or pond sediments below water, a Ponar Dredge with an approximate capacity will be used.

1. Pre-decontaminate the Ponar dredge in accordance with the Decontamination SOP. 2. Set up the tripod to hold the dredge once is full. 3. Attach a dedicated nylon rope to the hook provided on top of the dredge. 4. Arrange the Ponar dredge sampler in the open position, setting the trip bar so the sampler remains open when lifted from the top. 5. Carefully clear away any surface debris (leaves, twigs, etc.) for a 1-foot radius around the sampling location, taking care not to greatly disturb fine sediments. 6. Slowly lower the sampler to a point just above the sediment (about 2 inches) 7. Drop the sampler sharply into the sediment, then pull sharply up on the line, thus releasing the trip bar and closing the dredge. 8. Raise the sampler to the surface and slowly decant any free liquid through the screens on top of the dredge. Be careful to retain fine sediments. 9. Suspend the dredge on the tripod. 10. Open the dredge and using a syringe, siphon off, to the extent possible while minimizing the disturbance of any fines, any existing standing water in the Ponar dredge. 11. Collect a VOC sample right from the dredge (using the methanol preserved VOA vials and disposable syringe). Note that VOC sample collection will be conducted in accordance with NHDES’ SOP “Preservation of VOCs in Soil Samples” included in the current NHDES’ Hazardous Waste Remediation Bureau (HWRB) Master Quality Assurance Project Plan (Master QAPP). Using the disposable syringe, the proper volume of soil is added to the container until the volume in the VOA vial reaches the pre-marked line established by the laboratory. A separate dry weight sample will not be necessary as long as the dry weight analysis is added to the analysis for the metals container. Using the syringe method to extract the VOC sample assumes that the water content does not prevent sample collection. If the water content and/or sediment characteristics are such that a sample can’t be obtained using a syringe, a stainless steel spoon will be used to

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transfer sediment from the Ponar dredge to the VOC sample vial. 12. Transfer the remaining sediment to a pre-decontaminated stainless steel mixing bowl. Continue to collect additional sediment from areas adjacent to the original sample location until sufficient material has been gained to fill the remaining sample containers in the priority listed below. Thoroughly mix sediment to obtain a homogeneous sample, and then transfer to the appropriate sample containers. 13. Following VOCs sample collection, the sample containers should be filled in the same order as in Section “A” above. 14. Collect field duplicate field duplicate and matrix spike/matrix spike duplicate (MS/MSD) samples as described in Section “A” above. 15. Decontaminate the Ponar dredge and equipment in accordance with the Decontamination SOP in the SAP. 16. If an equipment blank is required for sediment sampling equipment, following sample collection and after equipment decontamination, gently pour DI water over the Ponar dredge, stainless steel bowl, and mixing spoon used to collect the sediment sample. Collect the rinsate that flows off the equipment into the appropriate sample containers. Refer to Table 5 included in the SAP for specific QC sampling requirements.


All data and sampling information will be recorded as specified in the SAP.


Surface Water and Sediment Sampling SOPs in the current Hazardous Waste Remediation Bureau Master QAPP, EPA RFA#13027

“Preservation of VOCs in Soil Samples”, included in the current HWRB Master QAPP, EPA RFA#13027


Surface Water Sediment Worksheet

Surface Water / Sediment Worksheet New Hampshire Plating Superfund Site, Merrimack, New Hampshire Date: Time: Field Personnel: WEATHER CONDITIONS

CURRENT PAST 7 DAYS Barometric Pressure (in mm/hg) Date Storm (heavy rain) Barometric Pressure (in mm/hg) Rain (Steady Rain) Estimated Rainfall (in) Showers (Intermittent) Comments Cloud Cover (%) Clear/Sunny Comments:


NHP_ Photograph # NHP_ Photograph # Provide Physical Description of NHP_ Sampling Locations At The Time of Sampling Photograph # NHP_ Photograph # NHP_ Photograph # IN SITU SURFACE WATER QUALITY

Minimum 2 minute parameter stabilization period met (Y/N)?

Temperature Specific Conductivity pH ORP DO Turbidity Sample Time Comments Sample Location ID (ºC) (µS/cm) units (mV) (mg/L) (NTU) NHP_ Use this form for the description of surface water, sediments and NHP_ photographs; and the depth to water information. NHP_ Use the Surface Water and Pore Water Worksheet to record the weather,

NHP_ surface water and pore water screening data.

NHP_ 2013

DEPTH-TO-WATER INFORMATION Initial Synoptic Round (From Water Level Measurement Form): Date: DTW (nearest 0.01 ft.): Comments: Pre-Sampling Round: Date: DTW (nearest 0.01 ft.): Comments: Notes: 1. Surface Water Quality Parameters are collected using the YSI 600 XL/XLM and Hach 2100 P units. Both units are calibrated in accordance with the calibration SOP in the SAP. Master QAPP Standard Operating Procedure C-8

1 Master QAPP Standard Operating Procedure D-8

2 Master QAPP Standard Operating Procedure D-8

3 Master QAPP Standard Operating Procedure D-8

4 Master QAPP Standard Operating Procedure D-8

5 Master QAPP Standard Operating Procedure D-8

6 Master QAPP Standard Operating Procedure D-8

7 Master QAPP Standard Operating Procedure D-8

8 Master QAPP Standard Operating Procedure D-8

9 Master QAPP Standard Operating Procedure D-8

10 July 2013 Pore Water Sampling Page 1 of 11 Standard Operating Procedure SOP #B-8



The purpose is to obtain pore water samples for analyses that are representative of environmental conditions at the location sampled at the New Hampshire Plating Company (NHPC) Superfund Site in Merrimack, New Hampshire. Any modifications to this SOP shall be approved by NHDES in consultation with EPA in advance, documented in the site logbook, and presented in the final report.

It is often difficult to determine the extent and origin of contamination using surface water sampling techniques. In some cases, a surface water body may be clean but the groundwater beneath it may be contaminated. Thus, sampling the groundwater prior to its discharge to a surface water body may lead to a better understanding of the extent and origin of contamination. This can be accomplished by using a pore water sampler. Underlying the procedure is the assumption that surface water bodies are common discharge points for groundwater. Thus, a sample of the water beneath a stream or riverbed would be characteristic of the groundwater in the area.


A pore water sampler comes in two parts, a strengthening rod and the pore water sampler itself, both made of stainless steel. The pore water sampler is basically a hollow tube with small holes or a screen in its tip that allow groundwater to enter the tube. See Figure 1 below and the attached Figures 2 through 5. The screened zone consists of a series of interlaced machined slots which form a short screened zone with approximately 20% open area. Additional filters (“Screen Soks”, Figure 6) can be placed over the screened zone if additional screening is needed. The strengthening rod slides into the pore water sampler (Figure 2), and while in place, gives structural support to the PushPoint and prevents plugging and deformation of the screened zone during insertion into sediments. Both pieces are placed in a PVC sheath for protection. Although the pore water sampler is fairly sturdy, exercise caution during use, as once either piece becomes bent, the equipment is useless.

Onsite decontamination is difficult and should be avoided. There should be at least as many pore water samplers as there are sampling locations.

It is critical in the collection of pore water to avoid surface water intrusion. Water will flow in a path of least resistance. If space is created around the sides of the PushPoint during deployment surface water may flow down the outside of the tube to the screened area and into the intended sample. Therefore, the pore water sampler should be inserted to the desired depth using a July 2013 Pore Water Sampling Page 2 of 11 Standard Operating Procedure SOP #B-8

twisting motion without shifting the axis of the sampler. Care must be taken not to rock or wiggle the sampler back and forth, which would create a cone within the sediment around the sampler that could act as a potential path for surface water to mix with pore water. A sampling platform or flange (Figure 3) may be useful to aid in assuring linear insertion into the sediment.

The flange would be especially useful when collecting pore water in shallow sediments near the sediment-surface water interface. The flange should fit securely around the pore water sampler to eliminate surface water intrusion from around the sampler body during sample collection, but must allow smooth operation of the sampler along the axis of penetration. The flange could be made of any material which will not cross contaminate the intended sample. Possible candidates are stainless steel or Teflon.

The pore water sampler should be inserted deep enough to ensure the sample collected will contain only groundwater and no surface water. The depth of the surface water at the sampling point must be shallow enough to allow sufficient insertion into the sediment and to ensure that the total depth of the water & sediment combined does not exceed the length of the sampler (Figure 4).

Finding the ideal sampling depth is a matter of experience and trial and error. Coarse sediment and sediments with a high percentage of organic matter are the most permeable, and with experience samplers can actually “feel” the type of sediment as the pore water sampler is advanced. If the sediment layer intercepted by the screen is not permeable enough for collection of sample, gently advance and/or pull back the sampler in an attempt to find a more permeable zone.

Sampling locations should be located and staked at least one day before sampling occurs, whenever possible. Sampling locations shall be permanently located using a global positioning system (GPS) unit for future reference. The expected accuracy of the GPS unit shall be determined in advance and specified in the SAP. Digital photographs should be taken at each July 2013 Pore Water Sampling Page 3 of 11 Standard Operating Procedure SOP #B-8

sampling location, upstream and downstream from the same position to further document the locations.

Pore water sample locations and depths are pre-determined based on pore water temperature screening. A hand-held thermometer with a 4 foot (or other appropriate length) probe is used to determine the location and the ideal depth based on the nature of the sediment layer and the maximum temperature differential between surface and pore water. If a suitable sediment layer is not found it may be necessary a change in sampling location. Unless stated otherwise in the SAP, this change is made at the discretion of the sampler and is documented in the field notes. It should be noted that streams are dynamic, and a location that is suitable during one sampling round may not be on subsequent rounds.

Dissolved oxygen (DO) and temperature readings will be collected from both the surface water and the pore water at each sampling location to ensure that the sampler has actually penetrated into the pore water. DO and temperature readings will be collected from the surface water in- situ prior to pore water sampling, and then they will then be collected from the pore water (Figure 5) for comparison. Although actual results may vary, pore water DO is expected to be less than 2 milligrams per liter (mg/L) and most surface water DO is expected to be above 8 mg/L. Pore water temperatures also tend to be cooler than surface water during summer and warmer during winter. Pore water temperatures should be compared to those determined during the sample location phase.

Turbidity should also be measured if sampling for metals. In general, if pore water turbidity is above 30 NTUs, it is recommended that an additional sample be collected that has been filtered through a 0.45 micron in-line particulate filter. Refer to Table 2 for specific analytical requirements.

Pore water will be collected from sediments using a peristaltic pump and placed directly into the sampling containers (Figure 5).

Wading is the preferred method for reaching the sampling location. Pore water samples shall be collected from downstream to upstream and facing upstream to avoid disrupting bottom sediments causing biased results.

If sampling for other media at the same location, the samples should be collected in this order: 1. Pore Water Samples 2. Surface Water Samples 3. Sediment Samples


All personnel must understand that if a sample cannot be obtained safely, the sample should not be taken at all. If a sample cannot be obtained due to safety considerations it should be documented in the sampler’s field book.

July 2013 Pore Water Sampling Page 4 of 11 Standard Operating Procedure SOP #B-8

All personnel should be aware of the potential dangers associated with this particular sampling method. These dangers include, but are not limited to, strong water currents, slippery substrate, roots or sharp objects beneath the water’s surface that may cause a fall or other personal injury. All necessary precautionary measures should be heeded when performing this sampling technique. See site-specific Health & Safety Plan for specific details.


The following is a list of typical equipment used for collecting groundwater samples using the pore water sampler method.

• Appropriate health and safety gear and an approved site-specific Health & Safety Plan. • Waders. • A hand-held thermometer with a 4 foot (or other appropriate length) probe and user’s guide to determine pore water sampling depths (e.g. HH201A Omega Hand-held Thermometer). • Separate containers of ambient temperature water and ice water to check the temperature probe in the hand-held thermometer and in the multi-parameter meter. • Pore Water Samplers (36" PushPoint (PPX36) 1/4" diameter Field Investigation Samplers). There should be at least as many pore water samplers as there are sampling locations, as onsite decontamination is difficult and should be avoided. • #54 polypropylene “Screen-Sok”, which acts as a pre-filter if working in soft or highly organic sediments. They are not normally needed for sandy sediments. • Peristaltic pump with a pump head capable of using thin wall tubing and pumping low speeds (40-50 milliliters per minute) with battery or other power supply. • Pharmaceutical or surgical grade silicon/silastic tubing for pump. (e.g. For sampling: Thin walled tubing #16 [1/8” ID x ¼” OD x 1/16” Wall]. For connections, if needed: thick walled tubing #15 [3/16” ID x 3/8” OD x 3/32” Wall]) Enough tubing should be supplied to reach from the pore water sampler to the shore. • Polyethylene Tubing (if appropriate) with an inside diameter (ID) of 1/4 inch to fit around the top opening of the pore water sampler. Depending upon the site specific circumstances it may be appropriate to use enough polyethylene tubing to reach from the pore water sampler to the shore for safety reasons. • A knife or other tool to cut tubing to desired lengths. • Measuring stick with 5 millimeter or 1/4 inch divisions or smaller to measure depth of water at the sampling location and to verify depth the sampler has been inserted into sediment. • YSI 600XL/XLM Multiparameter unit for measuring Temperature (˚C) and DO (mg/L) July 2013 Pore Water Sampling Page 5 of 11 Standard Operating Procedure SOP #B-8

with a 250 ml or less transparent flow cell and a probe guard for in-situ readings. The sonde must be waterproof to collect in-situ parameter readings. Refer to the site specific SAP as other parameters such as pH, specific conductivity and oxygen reduction potential (ORP) may also be required. • Appropriate calibration solutions for the YSI meter including a small wet sponge or paper towel for the 100% DO saturation and a zero (0) mg/L solution for the DO check; additional standards, as necessary, depending upon required parameters. Refer to the Calibration of Field Instruments SOP in the SAP for specific standards. • Hach 2100P or 2100Q Turbidity Meter with <0.1, 10, 20, 100, 800 NTU standards as appropriate for each meter. • A three-way stopcock to divert sample flow for turbidity reading: (e.g. Nalgene three- way stopcock with a plug bore of 4 mm [or 0.157 in] NNI No. 6470-0004 VWR catalog No. 59097-080). • A clear 100 ml graduated cylinder and stop watch. • Plastic sheeting/bucket to set peristaltic pump on. • Clear plastic bags to separately store the tubing from each sampling location. • Clear bags to store pore water sampler and strengthening rod after use and prior to decontamination. • Flange or sampling platform, if required. • Appropriate sample containers, preserved as necessary, cooler (with loose ice if cooling is required). • 0.45 micron in-line particulate filters for dissolved metals (one for each sample and a few extras), as required (the filters are not to be re-used). • Plastic bags to protect and store samples. • Field data from last sampling event, if available • Field data sheets, sample labels, chain of custody forms. • Logbook, pencil/pen/sharpies, calculator. • The manufactures instruction manuals for all equipment. • Decontamination supplies as described in the Decontamination SOP in the SAP. • Distilled (deionized water). • Paper towels. • Toolbox. • Stakes and flagging, as needed to temporarily mark sample locations. • A camera to take digital pictures of the conditions during the sampling event. July 2013 Pore Water Sampling Page 6 of 11 Standard Operating Procedure SOP #B-8

• A GPS unit to locate the pore water sampling locations so that the area may be mapped.


Instrument Calibration/Check and Maintenance

1. In general, all instrumentation necessary for field monitoring and health and safety purposes shall be maintained, tested, and inspected according to the manufacturer's instructions. The manufacturer’s instruction manuals for field equipment shall be kept on site with the equipment. 2. All instruments will be successfully calibrated once by the sampling team within one week of the sampling event to ensure that the equipment is working properly and meets the QA criteria. 3. Calibration checks, made in the run mode, shall be performed at the beginning of each sampling day to ensure the equipment is in calibration and again at the end of the day of use to ensure that the instruments have remained in calibration throughout the day. Instrument calibration will be performed additional times during the sampling day if instrument readings appear to be significantly different than previously observed. IMPORTANT – Refer to the Calibration SOP of the Sampling and Analysis Plan (SAP) for specific calibration information and procedures. 4. Conduct a hand-held temperature probe check to ensure probe is functioning properly. a. Place the probe in a container of ambient temperature water, allow the temperature to equilibrate and record the temperature on the attached worksheet. b. Place the probe in a container of ice water, allow the temperature to equilibrate and record the temperature on the attached worksheet. c. Place the probe in a container of ambient temperature water once more, allow the temperature to equilibrate and record the temperature on the attached worksheet. d. Compare the three readings to ensure probe is functioning properly. Record result on the attached worksheet. 5. Compare the hand-held temperature probe readings to the multi-parameter temperature probe readings: Put both the multi-parameter and hand-held temperature probes in ambient temperature water and record readings and the relative difference on the attached worksheet. The key in this comparison is to document the relative difference between the two probes.

Weather Conditions

Based on weather reports, the sampling team will select the driest period during the Site sampling events to collect the samples, unless otherwise directed by the project manager. Local meteorological data showing a minimum of daily precipitation totals and barometric pressure are to be obtained for a seven day period prior to sampling. July 2013 Pore Water Sampling Page 7 of 11 Standard Operating Procedure SOP #B-8

Reconnaissance Phase - General Procedure to Determine Sample Locations and Depths

The same attached worksheet may be used for this phase also. 1. Locate the boundaries of the general sampling area. 2. Select a representative location within the sampling area. 3. Insert the hand-held temperature probe into the surface water and collect and record the reading. 4. Insert the same probe into the soft sediment until you reach the maximum differential between the surface temperature and the pore water temperature and you are deep enough to support the sampler (e.g. minimum of six inches). Collect and record the temperature reading (under the “Pore Water Temp” column) and the shallowest depth where the maximum temperature differential is obtained. There should be at least a 2 degree differential with the pore water being colder during the summer and warmer during the winter. At some point during the spring and fall the temperature differential will approach zero, and the temperature will not provide useful information. 5. During the insertion of the temperature probe, an effort should be made to identify sediment layers that are relatively course grained with voids (less resistant to insertion). Record the depths of such layers as they may provide the best permeability. 6. Repeat steps 2-4 until the proper sampling location has been established, 7. Place a stake to identify sampling location which will be located by GPS once the sampler is in place. 8. Repeat the procedure until all sampling locations have been determined.

Equipment Blanks

If an equipment blank is required for an in-line filter for dissolved metals, it must be collected prior to sampling. Refer to the QA section below for information on equipment blanks and Table 5 for specific QC sampling requirements.

Equipment Setup

Set up the equipment, on shore if possible, on plastic sheeting, a bucket or table (Figure 5).


For the locations selected to be sampled, this procedure assumes that the water is no deeper than approximately one to two feet. The following procedure shall be used to collect a pore water samples at each location:

1. Prepare sampling equipment and bottles on shore. The order of data and sample collection includes: July 2013 Pore Water Sampling Page 8 of 11 Standard Operating Procedure SOP #B-8

a. Surface water field screening; b. Pore water field screening; and c. Laboratory sample collection. 2. If sampler is wading in the water body, the sampler should lean out and insert the PushPoint as far as possible away from where the sampler is standing to reduce potential effects of the sampler on the integrity of the pore water sample. Pore water samples shall be collected from downstream to upstream and facing upstream to avoid disrupting bottom sediments causing biased results. 3. Surface water field screening: a. Using a probe guard, insert the probes of the multi-parameter meter into the water to collect in-situ readings of DO and temperature (and additional parameters, if required). b. Let readings stabilize for a minimum of two minutes and record results on the attached worksheet. c. Collect separate aliquot of surface water for turbidity, as required, and record the results on the attached worksheet. 4. Installation of Pore Water Sampler: The pore water sampler must be inserted deep enough as to ensure the sample collected will contain only groundwater and no surface water. Hold the device in a manner that squeezes the two handles towards each other to maintain the guard-rod fully inserted in the PushPoint body during the insertion process. Carefully insert a pore water sampler into the soft sediments of the streambed to the desired depth (typically 6-12-inches as determined by prior temperature probe screening and estimated depths of potentially permeable sediment layers, or as specified in the SAP) using a gentle twisting motion without shifting the axis of the sampler. Care must be taken not to rock or wiggle the sampler back and forth, which would create a cone within the sediment around the sampler that could act as a potential path for surface water to mix with pore water. A sampling platform of flange may be helpful (Figures 3 and 4). Do not remove strengthening rod until sampler has been securely placed in sediment. Once this has been accomplished, remove the strengthening rod from the pore water sampler. Using a measuring stick or similar measuring device, measure the depth of water from the bottom of the streambed to the surface of the water and from the stream bed to the top of the sampler. Record the water depth, and the depth of the screen in the sediment (equals distance from center of screen to top of sampler less the distance from the stream bed to the top of the sampler) to verify that the sampler has been inserted into sediment to the proper depth. Connect pore water sampler to peristaltic pump using appropriate tubing (Figure 5A). July 2013 Pore Water Sampling Page 9 of 11 Standard Operating Procedure SOP #B-8

Connect the tubing to the three-way stopcock and then to the multi-parameter meter. 5. Pore Water Field Screening: a. Turn pump on and start to purge at a rate of approximately 40-50 ml/minute. Determine the flow rate using the graduated cylinder and stop watch. Pumping rate should be low enough to ensure that surface water is not being drawn in. If the sediment layer at the screen has insufficient permeability it may be necessary to adjust the depth. Under normal circumstances, the depth will not be less than the point where the maximum temperature differential was first observed during the reconnaissance phase. b. Collect and record the pore water DO, temperature and turbidity results on the attached worksheet every 1-2 minutes until readings stabilize, with a minimum of three readings. If sample is not visually free of sediment, it should be documented in field notes. c. Compare temperature and DO readings with the in-situ surface water readings to ensure that you are in fact sampling pore water. The sampler is typically considered to be sampling pore water if there is a difference in DO of at least 2 mg/L (pore water is less than surface water), and the temperatures are in the range indicated during the reconnaissance phase. Temperature and DO should not fluctuate more than one degree or mg/L, respectively. See the site specific SAP for site related details. 6. Pore Water Laboratory Sample Collection (Figure 5B): a. Turn off the pump and disconnect the multi-parameter meter and three-way stopcock. b. Turn the pump back on at the same flow rate. c. Remove the cap from the (pre-preserved, as required) sample container and place it on the plastic sheet or in a location where it won't become contaminated. d. Collect the sample directly from the peristaltic pump’s silastic tubing into the sample container. Samples should be collected in the following priority order: 1) Cyanide 2) Total Metals and Hardness 3) Dissolved Metals * * When collecting samples for dissolved metals: a) First collect all non-metals samples. b) Collect the total metals. c) Turn off the pump. d) Attach a new 0.45 micron in-line particulate filter for each sample. e) Turn the pump back on at the same flow rate. July 2013 Pore Water Sampling Page 10 of 11 Standard Operating Procedure SOP #B-8

f) Allow enough pore water to flow through the filter to adequately rinse the filter. g) Collect the dissolved metals sample. h) Use a new in-line filter for the duplicate and at each new sample location. e. Replace the sample cap, wipe off the exterior of the containers with clean paper towels, and label and store the sample in accordance with appropriate protocol. Samples requiring cooling shall be placed in a cooler within loose ice. Metals samples do not require cooling. f. For field duplicate samples, fill a separate container for each analysis immediately following the actual field sample collection in the same priority order as indicated above. Duplicate samples are not intended to be blind duplicate samples. They should be designated with a “DUP” after the sample designation as indicated in the SAP. Refer to Table 5 included in the SAP for specific QC sampling requirements. g. Record sample time on the attached worksheet. 7. Turn off the pump, and disconnect the tubing from the pore water sampler. 8. Use a GPS device to accurately document the sample location. 9. Remove the pore water sampler from the sediment. Do not put strengthening rod back in pore water sampler once sample has been collected. The sediment in the sampler must be flushed out first. Rather, place the sampler in the PVC sheath for protection, and put it and the strengthening rod separately into a plastic bag for decontamination. Note: The pore water sampler shall be carefully decontaminated according to approved decontamination procedures before further use. It is highly recommended that sufficient samplers are available so that this decontamination does not occur in the field. In the course of sampling, sediment will build up in the sampler and must be carefully flushed out. For this reason, it is best if decontamination is conducted with a large amount of water available for continuous flushing. 10. The tubing and in-line filters, if used, shall be properly discarded. 11. Repeat the above process at all sampling locations.

QUALITY ASSURANCE SAMPLES Refer to Table 5 for specific QC sampling requirements. Equipment blanks are collected to insure that the sampling equipment is contaminant free and that decontamination procedures are adequate. July 2013 Pore Water Sampling Page 11 of 11 Standard Operating Procedure SOP #B-8

a. Collect an equipment blank for the pore water sampling equipment, at the sampling location with the highest known, or suspected, contamination following sample collection and after equipment decontamination. Gently pour DI water over and through the pore water sampler used to collect the pore water sample. Collect the rinsate that flows off the equipment into the appropriate sample containers. Refer to Table 5 for the specific analysis required. b. If using an in-line filter for dissolved metals, an equipment blank may be required to ensure the integrity of the filter. Collect the equipment blank prior to sampling by running distilled/deionized water through the filter and collecting a sample for dissolved metals.


In general all data and sampling information will be documented as specified in the SAP. Specific reporting of these sampling events will include, but is not limited to, the following information: 1. Past 7 days of local meteorological data showing a minimum of daily precipitation totals and barometric pressure. 2. Depth of water at the sampling location. 3. Any water quality parameter readings taken. 4. General physical description of the samples and sampling locations. 5. Observational data concerning the pore water, such as the approximate depth of the screen when the sample was collected, any detection of odor or contamination, color and turbidity. 6. GPS coordinates of the sampling location; and 7. Digital photographs of sampling locations including one or more of the larger sampling area.


HWRB-16 Pore Water Sampling SOP in the current NHDES Hazardous Waste Remediation Bureau Master Quality Assurance Project Plan (HWRB Master QAPP), EPA RFA#13027,


Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4 Figure 5 Figure 6 Pore Water Worksheet HH201 Handheld Thermometer User Manual

Figure 6. Pore Water “Screen Soks”

Field Surface Water and Pore Water Field Screening Summary Worksheet New Hampshire Plating Superfund Site, Merrimack, New Hampshire

Date: Time: Field Personnel: WEATHER CONDITIONS

CURRENT PAST 7 DAYs EPA Temperature Probe Check (F°) Barometric Barometric Pressure (in mm/hg) Pressure (in pre-ambient temp water: Storm (heavy rain) Est. Rainfall (in) ice water: Rain (Steady Rain) Comments: post- ambient temp water Showers (Intermittent) Is EPA Temp. probe functioning properly? EPA Temperature Probe Compared to MP-20 Temperature Probe Check Cloud Cover (%) in Ambient Temperature Water (F°) Clear/Sunny EPA Probe: Comments: MP-20 : relative difference: IN SITU SURFACE WATER QUALITY /PORE WATER FIELD SCREENING DATA

EPA In-Situ Surface Water Readings In-Situ Pore Water Readings Sample Time Well Cluster Temperature Sample Location ID (24 HR Clock Purge Rate DO Turbidity DO Turbidity Comments Reference Probe Temp pH Temp pH Time) +/- 10% +/- 10% +/- 10% +/- 10% Reading +/- 3% +/- 0.1 +/- 3% +/- 0.1 if > 0.5 if > 5 if > 0.5 if > 5

Turbidity is pH is not pH is not not required required in required in in 2013 2013 2013

Notes: 1. µSiemens per cm (same as µmhos/cm) at 25 ºC 2. When recording pH and DO data, only use one decimal place. When recording temperature and turbidity record only whole numbers. When turbidity data is less than 5 NTU, data should be recorded as “< 5” or “less than 5”. Sampler's Signature When DO data is less than 0.5 mg/L, data should be recorded as "<0.5" or "less than 0.5". 3. "NR" indicates no reading taken. 4. The sampler is considered to be sampling pore water if there is a difference in temperature between pore water and surface water of at least 2 degrees F and/or DO of at least 2 mg/L, and these parameters do not fluctuate more than one degree or mg/L, respectively.

July 2013 Equipment Decontamination Page 1 of 3 Standard Operating Procedure SOP #B-9



This Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) Sampling Equipment Decontamination Procedure is designed to provide a procedure for preventing, minimizing, or limiting cross-contamination of environmental samples at the New Hampshire Plating Company (NHPC) Superfund Site in Merrimack, New Hampshire. This SOP focuses on small equipment decontamination (e.g., split spoons, hand augers, water level meters, sediment sampling tools, etc.). Removing or neutralizing contaminants from equipment not only minimizes the likelihood of sample cross contamination, but reduces or eliminates transfer of contaminants to clean areas and prevents the mixing of incompatible substances.


The following is a list of equipment and material commonly used for decontamination: y Distilled/Deionized water (distilled) y Brushes y Spray bottles; y Drop cloth/plastic sheeting; y Paper towels; y Plastic or galvanized tubs or buckets; y Ziploc® plastic bags; and y Appropriate personal protective equipment (i.e., safety glasses appropriate gloves, boots);


The decontamination procedure is summarized as follows:

1. Remove gross contamination from the equipment by brushing, where appropriate, and then rinsing with distilled water. 2. Flush the equipment with distilled water. If equipment includes pumps, make sure that rinse water is mechanically run through the pump system (see special notes). If equipment includes pore water samplers, a large amount of water is needed for the flush. 3. Air dry equipment. 4. Secure clean equipment.

July 2013 Equipment Decontamination Page 2 of 3 Standard Operating Procedure SOP #B-9

SPECIAL NOTES Water level indicator probes shall be decontaminated after each monitoring well and, at a minimum, the length of tape used in that well in accordance with the above described methods.

All field activities must be carried out in accordance with a site-specific Health and Safety Plan.

See Table 5 for QC requirements. If an equipment blank is analyzed and found to contain a contaminant, possible sources of error will have to be investigated to determine whether or not the decontamination procedures were properly followed. Possible sources of error include: inadequate scrubbing/ washing/ rinsing of equipment; inadequate choice of chemical rinses; use of contaminated detergents or rinse waters; contact with contaminants after decontamination but prior to sampling, and/or, lab error.

Pump equipment blank samples will be collected following the submergence and operation of the pumps and tubing in deionized water. The water, pump and tubing will be containerized within a minimum 6-inch diameter PVC pipe for the submersible pump and a 2-inch-diameter PVC pipe for the bladder pump. The PVC pipe will be sealed at the bottom with a slip cap. The pumps will be operated within the PVC pipe such that water re-circulates through the pump, tubing and PVC pipe. A grab sample of the water will be collected directly from the pump and submitted for analysis.

Sensitive equipment which is not waterproof should be wiped down with a damp cloth.

If decontaminating a pump other than the QED Sample Pro Bladder Pump: Fill a PVC chamber (4-foot PVC riser with end cap to provide well scenario for pump) with water. Lower pump setup including pump and appropriate tubing into the PVC chamber. Activate the pump and purge one tubing volume of water through the setup. Following this, empty the chamber and replace with distilled water. Repeat the step to rinse the pump.

If decontaminating a QED Sample Pro Bladder Pump: the pump is disassembled after each sample is collected and the disposable one-time use only internal components (polyethylene bladder, the metal screen and top plate, and the o-rings) are discarded. Using a bottle brush, scrub the external and internal body of the pump with distilled water and then rinse with distilled water. Replace the internal components including the polyethylene bladder, the metal screen and top plate, and the o-rings that come in new pre-packaged, sealed replacement bladder kits.

Solid Waste – Place all solid waste materials generated (i.e., gloves and plastic sheeting, etc.) in an approved container.

Liquid Waste – It is anticipated that the levels of contamination of the contaminated rinse liquids are sufficiently low and containerizing and disposal at a hazardous waste facility is not necessary. Based on this, liquid wastes generated shall be discharged to the ground surface.

July 2013 Equipment Decontamination Page 3 of 3 Standard Operating Procedure SOP #B-9


General decontamination procedures should be documented in the field log book.


The Equipment Decontamination Procedure in the current Hazardous Waste Remediation Bureau Master Quality Assurance Project Plan (HWRB Master QAPP), EPA RFA#13027.

July 2013 Chain-of-Custody, Sample Handling & Shipping Procedures Page 1 of 5 Standard Operating Procedure SOP #B-10



This Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) Chain-of-Custody, Sample Packaging and Shipment Procedures has been established to provide for sample integrity in addition to proper sample labeling and completion of Chain-Of-Custody (COC) forms; and proper sample packaging and shipment for the New Hampshire Plating Company (NHPC) Superfund Site in Merrimack, New Hampshire.

A COC is a legal document designed to track persons who are responsible for the preparation of the sample container, sample collection, sample delivery, sample storage, and sample analysis. The field sampler is personally responsible for the care and custody of the samples until they are transferred or properly dispatched. As few people as possible should handle the samples. A sample including empty sample containers, samples and coolers are under a person's custody if it meets the following requirements: y It is in the person's possession; y It is in the person's view, after being in the person's possession; y It was in the person's possession and it was placed in a secured location; or y It is in a designated secure area.

****Never leave samples including un-used sample containers unattended unless they are secured in a locked vehicle or building for which no one else has access****

All samples submitted to a laboratory shall be accompanied by a properly completed COC form, be packaged and shipped as appropriate. Always check with the selected laboratory-specific requirements regarding COCs.

Failure to maintain possession in the ways outlined in this SOP would constitute a break in sample custody and would likely discredit this sample as use of evidence in court proceedings. The sampler must assume that all samples collected will someday be used as evidence in court and treat the task of sample custody accordingly.

For this project, GZA will be responsible for delivering samples to the NHDPHS and EPA laboratories. Samples going to the NHDPHS Laboratory will be transported under the NHDPHS chain-of-custody. Samples going to the EPA Laboratory will be transported under the modified NHDPHS chain-of-custody. The GZA project manager will coordinate sample delivery arrangements with the NHDPHS and EPA laboratories directly.

All samples going to Absolute Resource Assoc., Inc. (ARA), Alpha and Thielsch laboratories will be transported using the specific lab’s COC. The GZA project manager will coordinate sample July 2013 Chain-of-Custody, Sample Handling & Shipping Procedures Page 2 of 5 Standard Operating Procedure SOP #B-10

delivery arrangements directly with the labs.

ARA is the NHDES contract lab so NHDES has specific requirements on the COC. The following information should already be on the COC. • Company Name: Department of Environmental Services, State of New Hampshire • Company Address: 29 Hazen Drive, PO Box 95, Concord, NH 03302 • Report to: Robin Mongeon (NHDES Project Manager) • Phone #: 603-271-7378 • Invoice: email box is checked and the following email addresses are added [email protected] & [email protected] • Project name: NH Plating Superfund Site, Merrimack, NH • Project Number: 198406030 • Special Instructions: Please contact Amy Doherty (603-232-8763) for sample questions and Robin Mongeon (603-271-7378) for all others. • Reporting Instructions: PDF box is checked and the following email addresses are added: [email protected] and [email protected]. Under that is a note (GZA is the contractor for this site. Amy Doherty is the GZA project Manager) The following information shall be added by the field team: • Project Location: circle NH • Protocol: circle NHDES • Special Instructions: Add other notes as required, such as: Tier 11 lab report, Equip Blank description etc. • All sample information and other pertinent information.

An example of each laboratory COC is attached. The laboratory Turn-Around-Time (TAT) requested for all samples will be the standard 10 to 15 business day TAT.


The following is a list of equipment and material commonly used for labeling, packaging and shipping samples: y COC forms/seals y Bubble wrap or air cushions y Re-sealable plastic bags y Permanent waterproof ink marker y Black ink pen y Loose ice July 2013 Chain-of-Custody, Sample Handling & Shipping Procedures Page 3 of 5 Standard Operating Procedure SOP #B-10

y Shipping coolers y Sample labels y Packing y Tape


1. The field sampler will review the Sampling and Analysis Plan (SAP) provided by the project manager for specific COC record-keeping requirements. Note the following key COC related items: y Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) data package requirements (i.e., level A, B, or C) for project-specific data validation needs. y Laboratory reporting options, including preliminary results or electronic deliverables. y Standard or rush turn-around-times. y Special laboratory requirements including lower detection limits; short hold times; and sample volume issues. 2. The field sampler will label all sample bottles, using waterproof ink, with the following information at a minimum: Sample ID; Site name/location; sampler name; date and time sample was collected; laboratory analysis and test method requested; preservative used and GZA project number. Note: If soil VOA samples are collected, no additional labels or tape should be used as these are pre-weighed by the laboratory. 3. Prior to leaving the site, the field sampler will check for errors on the sample label and COC form and verify that all pertinent data is present and correct. The unique laboratory COCs will be filled out and include the following: The site/project name, town the site is located in, New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (NHDES) site number, unique sample IDs, time and date of collection, matrix type, laboratory analysis and method requested, number of containers, preservatives, name and phone numbers of all samplers and staff involved in filling out the COC forms, name and phone number of the Project contact person, specific requirements such as specific Reporting Detection Limits (RDLs), any special notes or requirements such as the lab account number, OneStop Project ID, and all quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) samples and associated information (i.e., trip, temperature and equipment blanks, duplicates, etc). Either one of the field samplers or the onsite QA Officer will prepare the COCs. The names and phone numbers of all the field samplers and the QA Officer must be listed on the COC. 4. When transferring the possession of samples, the individuals relinquishing and receiving will sign, date, and note the time on the record. This record documents transfer of custody of samples from the sampler to another person, to a mobile laboratory, to the permanent laboratory, or to/from a secure storage area. July 2013 Chain-of-Custody, Sample Handling & Shipping Procedures Page 4 of 5 Standard Operating Procedure SOP #B-10

Only one of the field samplers signs the first “relinquished by” line. The person who receives the samples at the laboratory signs the COC last in the “received by” line. In case there are additional steps in the process requiring another person or persons to take custody of the sample, the form has additional lines for signatures. All signatures must be in ballpoint pen and are followed by a date and time that the COC was signed. The last line is provided for personnel from the laboratory to sign for receiving the sample. The line at the bottom of the page “Data Reviewed By” is for Lab use only. If the samples are taken to the lab via courier the sampler may relinquish the samples to “NHDPHS (or EPA) Laboratory via courier”, as appropriate. Note: Any errors must be lined out and initialed, and the correction written in. 5. If the samples are shipped by public courier (i.e., Federal Express, UPS, etc.) the airbill generally serves as the chain-of-custody record for that portion of the trip and will be retained by the field sampler (and provided to the project manager) as part of the permanent documentation. 6. The Field Team Leader or QA Officer will review the COC to evaluate completeness; holding time or sample volume issues that may impact the validity of the results.


Sample containers are generally packaged in insulated coolers for shipment or pickup by the laboratory courier. Appropriate packing materials include bubble wrap and air cushions. Sample containers are packed tightly so minimize movement during shipment that may cause breakage.

1. To eliminate the chance of breakage during shipment, approximately 1 inch of inert material shall be placed in the bottom of the cooler. 2. Include a temperature bank and any necessary trip blanks in loose ice in each cooler prior to sample collection. 3. Place each sample container, or sample site set of containers that have been bubble wrapped tightly inside a plastic bag and seal, as a precaution against cross-contamination due to leakage or brakeage. 4. Place all containers in an upright position into the loose ice in the cooler and place all glass containers in such a way that they do not come into contact with each other during shipment. 5. After samples have been packed, loose ice will be added to the cooler to ensure temperature preservative is achieved (temperature 4 +/-2 degrees Celsius). 6. Include a completed COC in a sealed Ziploc® bag within each cooler being shipped to or picked up by the laboratory. 7. Prior to any cooler being shipped that contains environmental samples, you are required to evaluate if the samples/sample containers being shipped are considered hazardous. Consult appropriate trained office personnel for proper packaging and labeling requirements.

July 2013 Chain-of-Custody, Sample Handling & Shipping Procedures Page 5 of 5 Standard Operating Procedure SOP #B-10


Samples will be properly packaged for shipment, and a separate signed COC record will be enclosed in each sample cooler if more than one is used. Shipping containers will be secured with strapping tape and a custody seal in at least two locations for shipment to the laboratory. When samples are transported via courier, strapping tape and custody seals are not required.

Samples will be transported to the NHDPHS and EPA laboratories in such a manner as to preserve their integrity and will be delivered at least every other day and if possible, no samples should be held over the weekend. Samples requiring shipment shall be sent next-day delivery by Federal Express or an equivalent overnight carrier. ARA may make arrangements to pick up the samples. The receiving laboratory shall be given advance notice by the field sampler no later than 48 hours before sample shipment.

If Friday sampling is unavoidable and Saturday delivery is not possible, samples shall be properly stored (custody and sample preservation must be maintained) over the weekend in GZA’s office sample refrigerator. If prompt shipping and laboratory receipt of samples cannot be guaranteed, the samplers will be responsible for proper storage of samples until adequate transportation arrangements can be made or sample collection schedules can be modified by the Project Manager. If holding times would be exceeded by storing the samples, alternative arrangements must be made by the Project Manager for sample collection and shipment or pickup.


The original COC record will accompany the cooler and a copy will be retained by the sampler for return to the project manager.


The Chain of Custody Sample Handling and Shipping found in the current version of the Hazardous Waste Remediation Bureau Master Quality Assurance Project Plan (HWRB Master QAPP), EQA RFA# 13027.



NHDPHS LABORATORY SERVICES LOGIN AND CUSTODY SHEET (Laboratory Policy: Samples not meeting method requirements will be analyzed at the discretion of the NH DPHS, PHL Laboratory.) Samples must be delivered in a cooler in loose ice. LAB ACCOUNT (Billing) #04-0003508 One Stop (PROJECT) ID# SUPERFND DES Site Number 198406030 Temp. 0 C. ____ Description: NHPC Superfund Site Town: Merrimack, NH NHDES Contact: Robin Mongeon (603) 271- 7378, Sharon Perkins (603) 271- 6805 (Sharon’s cell 419-9209) Comments: GZA Contact: Amy Doherty (603) 361-4222 Collected By & Phone#: Tanya Justham (603) 493-1548, Heidi Rizza (603) 361-0177 NHDPHS COC

Date/Time Lab ID #

Sample Location /ID Ni Comments

Sampled TPH ( For Lab Use Only) 8260 Matrix Cyanide Hardness Hardness Pb, Mn & Ni Dissolved. As, # of Containers Total Cd, Cr, As, Total Cd, Cr, Pb, Mn & Cd, Cr, Pb,

Preservation: VOCs = HCL/4°C +/-2°C; Aqueous Metals = HNO3, Solid Metals& TPH = 4°C +/-2°C,; Cyanide = NaOH, 4°C +/-2°C, Temperature Blank Included in Cooler Relinquished By______Date and Time______Received By___ Laboratory via currier Matrix: A= Air, S= Soil, SED=Sediments, AQ=Aqueous, Other=____

Relinquished By______Date and Time______Received By______Section No.: 22.0 Revision No.: 6 (HWRB) Relinquished By______Date and Time______Received For Laboratory By______Date: July 2011

Page ______of ______Data Reviewed By______Date______

EPA LABORATORY SERVICES LOGIN AND CUSTODY SHEET (Laboratory Policy: Samples not meeting method requirements will be analyzed at the discretion of the EPA Laboratory.) Samples must be delivered in a cooler with loose ice. LAB ACCOUNT (Billing) #04-0003508 One Stop (PROJECT) ID# SUPERFND DES Site Number 198406030 Temp. 0 C. ____ Description: NHPC Superfund Site Town: Merrimack, NH NHDES Contact: Robin Mongeon (603) 271- 7378, Sharon Perkins (603) 271- 6805 (Sharon’s cell 419-9209) Comments: GZA Contact: Amy Doherty (603) 361-4222 Collected By & Phone#: Tanya Justham (603) 493-1548, Heidi Rizza (603) 361-0177


Date/Time Lab ID # Sample Location /ID Comments Sampled ( For Lab Use Only) Matrix 1,4-Dioxane # of Containers












Preservation: 1,4-Dioxane – 4°C +/-2°C; Temperature Blank Included in Cooler Relinquished By______Date and Time______Received By Matrix: A= Air, S= Soil, SED=Sediments, AQ=Aqueous, Other=____

Relinquished By______Date and Time______Received By______Section No.: 22.0 Revision No.: 6 (HWRB) Relinquished By______Date and Time______Received For Laboratory By______Date: July 2011 Page 1 of 1 Page ______of ______Data Reviewed By______Date______PAGE Of 124 Heritage Avenue #16 CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD Portsmouth, NH 03801 AND ANALYSIS REQUEST 603-436-2001 ANALYSIS REQUEST

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TAT REQUESTED See SPEciAL iNStRUctiONS Priority (24 hr)* n for sample acceptance policy and Expedited (48 hr)* n current accreditation lists. Standard n (10 Business days) REPORtiNG iNStRUctiONS n Pdf (e-mail address)______REcEiVEd ON icE n YES n NO *date Needed ______n HARd cOPY REQUiREd n fAX (fAX#) ______tEMPERAtURE ______°c Relinquished by Sampler: date time Received by: date time CUSTODY Relinquished by: date time Received by: date time RECORD QSD-01 Revision 03/21/13 Relinquished by: date time Received by Laboratory: date time MANSFIELD CHAIN OF CUSTODY PAGE OF Date Rec’d in Lab: ALPHA Job #:

Project Information Report Information Data Deliverables Billing Information FAX EMAIL Same as Client info PO #: ADEx Add’l Deliverables Westborough, MA Mansfield, MA Project Name: NH Plating Superfund Site TEL: 508-898-9220 TEL: 508-822-9300 Regulatory Requirements/Report Limits FAX: 508-898-9193 FAX: 508-822-3288 State/Fed Program Criteria Client Information Project Location: Merrimack, NH NHDES/EPA NH AGQS Client: GZA GeoEnvironmental Project #: 04.0029395.18

Address: 380 Harvey Road Project Manager: Amy Doherty

Manchester, NH 03103 ALPHA Quote #: T ANALYSIS O Phone: 603-232-8763 SAMPLE HANDLING T Turn-Around Time A Filtration L Fax: 603-624-9463 Standard Rush (ONLY IF PRE-APPROVED) Done Not Needed # Email: [email protected] Lab to do B These samples have been Previously analyzed by Alpha Due Date: Time: Preservation O T Lab to do Other Project Specific Requirements/Comments/Detection Limits: T (Please specify L below) E S MS/MSD (at unit cost) will be omitted unless you check here

Collection Sample Sampler’s ALPHA Lab ID Sample ID Sample Specific Comments (Lab Use Only) Date Time Matrix Initials AVS/SEM

Container Type ------Please print clearly, legibly Preservative and completely. Samples can not be logged in and Relinquished By: Date/Time Received By: Date/Time turnaround time clock will not start until any ambiguities are resolved. All samples submitted are subject to Alpha’s Payment Terms. FORM NO: 101-09(I-NJ) (rev. 5-JAN-12)


195 Frances Ave., Cranston, RI 02910 Project Name 401-467-6454 File No. Site Location Project Manager Assigned By Collected By Date Received (by )Date Assigned Date Required

Sample Information Identification TestsPermeability CompactionStrength Consol. N o Boring/ Material Water LL & Sieve Hyd Type Test σ - σ Sample Depth Org. t Tor- Axial 1 3 Cc/ t Test Pit Source Cont. PL -200 -2µ Gs Sand Clay Mod. Std. CBR c or c or τ No. Ft. % pcf vane σ σ Strain 1+eo e

No. (Bulk Samples) Lab No. % % % % psf s D2216 D4318 D2974D422 D854 D2434 D5084 D1557 D698 D1883D2166/ D4767/ D2850 D2435 #
