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Prom and Elections Share Spqtlight - --- - ( WlSCOMSlN'S PIONEER COLLEGE INCORPORATED JANUARY at, tU6 VOLUME XLU, NUllmER %3 WISCONSIN'S PIONEER COLLEGE FRIDAY, MAY 4, 1981 Prom and Elections Share spQtlight - ---_ .. Four Candidates Awards Given to ~ Shackelford, Crofts Now Running for ..J Lead Grand March President's Post Campus Leaders Student Senate elections are a Prom plans have been complet· week away, and, as of Wednes­ ed, and the 1951 Junior Prom to day noon, three candidates had , be held tomorrow night, May 5, filed for nomination as Student On 'Honors Day in the Carroll gym from 8:30. Senate president and 29 for the 12: 00, will surely be a gala af­ 13 senatt>rial spots open. These May first, to quote Dr. Kauf­ fair. Music will be provided by figures show that, thus far in this mann, "brought several May-Day Larry Ladd ot Milwaukee. year's election, inteI:est in the bouquets," to the students hon· j King Al Shackel!ord and Queen campaigning is higher than last ored at CarroU's 1951 Honors Alice Crofts will reign, assisted year, when there was only one Convocation. Dr. Kaufmann pre­ • by the Queen's Court of lJonor ptesidential nominee and approx-· sented the honors and awards, and their escorts, who will be: irnately 20 out for sen'atorial aptly introdUcing the purpose of l Shirley Crofts, escorted by Dick berths. the day, and the recognition of • .. 1 Irving; Peg Dalzell and Frank academic achievement at Car­ , < ) Kellner; Lois Eharoshe and Bud.. roll college. dy Gittner; Gerry Weeks and AI Late Bulletin First honored were the stu­ j , ,~, Andreason; and Jo Pritzlaf.t and Dave Pritzlaft recently announ­ dents who stood in the upper ten ";; -<. Bob Sorenson. ced his intentions to run on the per cent ot their respective , .. Coronation of the king and presidential ballot, thus makin'g a classes. They are: Seniors: Ray­ -.. queen will take place at 10:45 total of four candidates for the mond . Anderson, Doris Byerly, ~~- p.m., immediately preceded by &K>sition. Elizabeth Berg, Sally Davis, Rob­ the Grand March. New. nominee!! for senate berths ert Erickson, Harold Hoffman, Decorations, planned by Pat Ife Vernon Schahczenski, Joan Hal Lahey, Mark Martin, Robert ., Campbell, Wally Peck, and Glen Slocum. and Ginny Smith. Nanz, Roberta· Oakes, Doro!hy Verick, and made by the junior O'Neill and Alvin Thirsten. ,. class, will be in keeping with Vieing for the top position as Juniors: Margaret Allen, Carol the prom's theme, CIA Midsum.. Senate president are Dave Deb-' Brain, Betty B,rewster, Jane mer Night's Dream." In the cen. bink, 'Wauwatosa sophomore; Pe­ Goss, Charles Habeck, Nancy ter of the dance floor,. there wiU ter George, Monrovia, Liberia, Hobbs, Robert Lowerre, Walter be featured a fountain with run. sophomore; and Charles Habeck, Peck, Nancy Peterson, Joan Slo­ ning water. Surroun.ding it wiU a Milwaukee junior who trans­ ~um, and Marjorie Suhs. be real trees and shrubs, and ar­ tzrre& from the Milwaukee Ex­ Sophomores: James Bonk, Rita tificial grass, donated by Wauke. tension this year. Hagman, Richard Hass, Robert sha florists and nurserie~ On As of Wednesday, Debbink was Holler, Eleanor pauls, Lila Rad­ the gym walls will be muralS the only presidential candidate to ke, Howard Rice, Mary Lou Stev­ of ancient Greece, painted bY' have an organized party, which ens, Alta Schmidt, and Terrill several Carroll students. Real is campaigning under the name Scott. marble statues and replicas of of THE PARTY. Although the Freshmen: Thelma Atkeson, Grecian ruins will also predom.. ticket was not fully complete at Carol Conte, Margaret EVI:H1s, inate. An arliiicial ceiling of net that date, the following are de­ Donald Fortnum, Jean Graas­ will cover the gym. Lewis Young finitely scheduled to run for sen­ kamp, Norma Johnson, Philip will have charge of special light­ ators under Debbink's leader­ Kniskern, Rosemarie L a u e r, ing effects. ship: Donna Vruwink, Dick Win­ Marjorie Medler, Marilyn Meid­ AI Shackelford and Alice Crofts will reign as king and queen of the Punch and cookies will be ther, Jim Nolan, Lawrence Sin­ inger, Marvin Pope, Carol Ruehl­ annual Junior Prom to be held in the gym tomorrow evening. "Mid_ served at the dance, according to­ clair, Dick Meeder, Marlene Ti­ man, Beverly Socha, Barbara summer Night's Dream" is being used for the prom theme and coin­ refreshment heads Margaret Al­ gard, Gloria Banke, Annette Av­ Twist, and Marjorie Windus. cides with the title of the current production being prepared by the len and Joan Slocum. ers, and Glen Beernink. Next. presented were the sen­ Carroll Players. King AI has announced that Larry Ladd's orchestra List Committees Habeck fo Form Party will play for the dance and that .3 Milwaukee photographer will take Other committee heads are: iors who were elected to Delta pictures of the individual 'couples. (P}:loto by Don Cashen) Candidate Habeck told the Sigma Nu, the honorary scholas­ publicity, Joan Slocum; invita· ECHO that his party plans were tic fraternity on the Carroll cam­ tions and chaperones, Jane Goss incomplete, but that he plans to pus. They were chosen for their and Jackie Waespi; programs present a party ticket before the high s c hoi a s tic standings Betas, Sig Eps List Entrance Rules 'Alice Crofts; music, Tom Guy; campaigns are final. If so, he throughout seven semesters of and tickets, Dick Winther and will probably draw from the fol­ work at Carroll. They are: Ray­ For All-School ~ ing Bruce Christensen. .. lo\v'ing senator candidates that mond Anderson, Doris Byerly, Win Carnival Photographer Walter Roob ot are ' thus far ruining independ: Robert Erickson, Robert Nanz, Milwaukee, will be at the dance ently. and Alvin Thirsten. Sigma Phi Epsilon . and Beta Sponsored by seA to take pictures of each couple They are: Carol Brain, Lloyd The Laura M. Banting Scholar­ Chi Theta emerged as trophy as part of the ticket price. Tick.. Hennum, Jay Erzberger, John ship, which is granted for out­ winners in the S.C.A. Carnival Once again around campus one ets will be $2.00 a couple avail­ Miller, Norman Anderson, Donna standing work in speech or dra­ held last Friday night, April 27, can hear sororities, fraternities, able from various frater~tty rep-­ Jean Barclay, Bill Plier, Tom matics was awarded to Nancy in the gym. The Sig Eps' "Mouse and independents practicing the resentatives on campus. Guy, Dick Irving, Alice Crofts, Peterson. in the Hole" booth won first in songs which each group has chos­ Besides being king and queen • Lewis Young, Trueman Treleven, Donna Vruwink; received for fraternity competition, while en to sing a t the S,C.A. sponsored of the rpom, both Al and Alice Glen Verick, Jerry Helland, Bob the second time, the Uhrig Foun· "World-Wide Wooing" copped the All-School Sing which will be are connected with many camp­ Sladkey, ' Ellsworth Smith, Peg dation Scholarship, in the second trophy for the Beta sorority. held in the gymnasium at 8:00 us activities. Al is vice-president ~alzell and Sally Sibbald. year that it has been granted, Second place went to Beta Pi ·p.m. on Monday, May 14, of the Student Senate and Chief Peter George, the third presi­ Give Memberships Epsilon fraternity for its prize­ This year three judges will Justice of the student court, has dential nominee, could not be Two courtesy memberships tor winning dart game, while Delta judge the sing scoring points ac­ been on the football tel;l.m and reached for comment as to party a year's dues in the American Zeta sorority took second with its tording to the following:. correspondent of Tau Kappa Ep­ plans in time for E-Hour. (ECHO Association ot University Women canasta booth. Last year's win­ Stale Rules silon fraternity. ' deadline.) were given to Janet Haugh and ners were Tau Kappa Epsilon and Alice social and rush chair­ Joyce Thorson. One of these Performance (50) is Next week's paper will carry Delta Zeta. Mood (expression) 10 man of Beta Chi Theta socority. complete information on parties, memberships would also have 10 and vice-president of the Voor.. gone to Lois Regel, but the con­ Each year, the S.C.A. Carnival Phrasing (contrasts) party platforms, and background Accurate performance ot hees Dorm house council. She sketches on candidates running in ditions under which it is oUered. provides a lot of fun for Carroll stude-nts (and takes a lot of notes and rhythm :LO has held offices in W.A.A. and the election. specify that the members mnst 10 writes for the Echo. be residents in the United States, work), but it also serves another Tone quality of group Will Interest Grow? and Lois will be in Cuba next purpose. With the money cleared Pronunciation 10 From reports of Carroll stu­ year. in the project, the S.C.A. supports Choice of numbers (15) two weeks before the contest. dents who have been on the cam­ The Chi Omega Social Science a war orphan, a' ten-year-old girl Usability of compOSition for The groups will draw for order pus for a period of four years, award lor outstanding work in named Darcy, in the Philippines. group '5 ot appearance. last year's se'nate election was sociology was presented to Doris This year, the , proceeds of the Degree of difficulty 10 This event has been going on Appearance (IS) one of the first ' to su:(fer lrom Byerly by Edythe Davies. carnival were $95, according to 10 for about twelve years. At first, student lack of interest.
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