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T WW OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS OXFORD 200 Madison Avenue ~ New Yo;k, New York 10016 12 April 1990 Dr. George Gerbner The Annenberg School of Communication 3620 Walnut street Philadelphia, PA 19104 Dear George: Enclosed are copies of the reviews we have received: Library Journal, Booklist, Choice, L.A. Times, and the Columbia Journalism Review. The lEC was also selected as an outstanding Reference Source for 1989 by Booklist and as outstanding Academic Book for 1989 by Choice. Best wishes, Sincerely, ::;:L. ~se~c; Marketing Direct~ Humanities & Social Sciences KLC:ls Encls. Telephone: (212) 679-7300 Telex: 6859654 Cable: Frowde, N.Y. FAX: (212) 725-2972 Cniversltv of Wisconsm-Jfilwaukee QR358 88-38137 CIP iirectorv & dictionary of animal, 27-1307 P87.S 88-18132 MARC s. by Roger Hull. Fred Brown. and Chris International encyclopedia of communications. ed. by Erik ~5p ISBN 0-935859-59-4, $79.00 Barnouw et al. The ,-\nnenberg School of Communications. ed. dictionary ot'virology contains entnes Universtty of Pennsylvania/Oxford. 1989. 4v. index afp ISBN 0- s names. names of families or groups. his 19-504994-2, $350.00 associated with virology. The authors are Conceived. developed. and edited at the Annenberg School of Com he tield. There are scattered illustrallons. munications. this encyclopedia (lEe) "represents the first attempt to sur cnplete citatIOn to a journal article or book \ey-and. in many respects. to define-the communications field in a clear, 'ntries. There are six tabular appendixes comprehensive. and authoritative way." The four volumes offer 569 signed a viral infections of insect species and articles ranging in length from 50010 4.000 words, written by more than 450 cyanobacteria. and mycoplasmas. This scholars and professionals from 29 countries, under the guidance of 25 'ly with K.E.K. Rowson's Dictionary of section editors and more than 170 editorial advisors, and supplemented with , many terms m common. but Hull has in- more than 1,000 captioned illustrations. Breadth is noteworthy; topics and 11 names. and the helpful appendixes. Be individuals are included that one might consider obvious (political commun l not contain viral names and do not cover ication. persuasion. journalism. Aristotle) as well as those not so obvious . terms or give the specialized virological (pornography, tourism. funerary art, puppetry. Muzak. the Crusades). Arti terms (e.g., "collar." "passage"), this work cles are arranged alphabetically by topic and include frequent cross-refer ldvanced undergraduate students and re- ences as well as bibliographies prepared by the contributors. Accessibility is Williams. Vassar College assured by an excellent index containing concepts and key terms as well as names. titles of works. article titles. etc. The reader is also aided by a KF8x Orig "Topical Guide." a synoptic outline of contents which gathers article titles '. kef. 1989 (c 1988). 6v. ISBN 0-8352- under 30 headings: Advertising and Public Relations. Ancient World. Ani mal Communication. Area Studies. Arts. Communications Research. Com puter Era. Education. Folklore. Government Regulation. Institutions, of this massive size is an anachronism in International Communication, Journalism. Language and Linguistics. Lit using it a searcher is faced with poring over erature. :Vledia. ;o.,1iddle Ages, Motion Pictures. Music, Nonverbal Com most 670 legal titles ranging from classic munication, Photography. Political Communication. Print Media, Radio, ieries" to multivolume loose-leaf services Religion, Speech. Television. Theater, Theories of Communication. and 's of these selected works were merged and Theorists. The attempted exhaustive interdisciplinary and international cov topical chapters. Actually only 40 chapters erage is impressive. but some overS'ights and inconsistencies can be noted. emainder are promised in the near future. For example, interpersonal communication and organizational communica jentical with or closely related to familiar tion are absent as major fields of interest in the "Topical Guide." There are Nest Publishing Company's digest system. articles concerning communication with animals or extraterrestrials but not law, banks and banking, bankruptcy, civil with one's spouse. An article is devoted to popular music. but rock music is dence, taxation, torts, etc. Others are either barely mentioned. and new wave or punk music not at all. Also interesting is or restructuring of traditional legal topics. the editorial decision to limit biographical entries to career information mg, immigration and emigration. alterna only. The article on Charlie Chaplin. for example. could be found in any ad of arbitration). and entertainment. pub general encyclopedia and does not provide insight into his contribution to t ot' the 40 chapters is preceded with a list communications. More valuable are the entries on individuals who may be 11 indexes have been merged into one grand prominent in another field. but have made a unique contribution to the field ,Jter topic. For instance. the chapter dealing of communications: these discussions tend to have greater depth. Although lUrces with each title assigned a unique ab intended to serve as a "reference for students. scholars. educators. profes lbliography is an alphabetical list of major sionals. and general readers." the IEC appears confused at times in its , law (70' pages) that provides the searcher treatment of topics. Some articles. such as the overview on "Public Speak Then comes the piece de resistance, an ex ing," are easily read by the average reader. while others. such as the Jages) in which the major subject terms are "Dance" entry, are more scholarly or theoretical, requiring a basic or even es of sUbtopics and sub-subtopics. Opposite advanced knowledge of the subject. However. the few mixed results do little I the abbreviation. page and/or paragraph to mar the overall value of this tool. The IEC succeeds most emphatically in lication. (Obviously, one needs to have the its contribution to a field where no other major reference source exists and it jily available.) According to the publisher. will also be valuable to researchers/students in other disciplines.-L.A. SuI/ivan/A. Ellis. Northern Kentucky University JU was based on the following criteria: (I) ~OO: (2) has more than 100 pages; (3) is not If a particular jurisdiction; (4) is neither a lr form book; (5) discusses US law or inter 27-1308 Z5917.536 89-2841 C1P erally in the mainstream of legal research. Justice, Keith L., camp. Science fiction, fantasy and horror e-leaf format to facilitate updating; entire reference: an annotated bibliography of works about literature t single pages. Updates will be issued in Au nd February 1990. It is difficult to be nega and film. McFarland. 1989. 226p indexes ISBN 0·89950. ;nitude and ambition. "Looking up the law" 406-X, $27.50 tried it well knows. Thartks to online legal Midway through the introduction the compiler runs up a warning le task is now easier. albeit expensive (no flag, a parenthetical sentence: "(In.deed., If a great deal more time had ay). Standard legal treatises and legal ency- been set aside for research, thIS hstmg mIght have contatned 500 entries viceable English with generous illustra of. among others. Plato. Marrin Luther. tions. Milton. Locke. and Darwin. At the same The encyclopedia takes as its prov tIme it sets about to create its own canon. ince. Barnouw writes in the preface .. , all raising to eminence such figures as ways in which information. ideas. and at Claude Shannon. an Amencan mathe titT..1des pass among individuals. groups. matician. who. by my inspection. is the nallons. and generations" (and. he might subject of the longest biographical arti have added. animals as well: see articles cle in the whole encyclopedia. (Shannon BY JAMES BOYLAN on "Animal Communications," "Ani IS credited with supplying the not un The new 1nrernanonat Encyclopedia of mal Signals." and "Animal Song"), Important link between human logiC and ,-ommUniCQlions is a marvel of order and This is an ambitious prospect. without computers.) It also recognizes such in planning. Under the editorship of Erik discernible boundaries. siders as Paul F. Lazarsfeld of Colum Barnouw. histonan of broadcasting and There emanates from this work the bia. Harold D. Lasswell of Chicago and documentary film. and the sponsorship aggressive of a young disci- Yale. and Wilbur Schramm of Iowa. Il I of the Annenberg School of Communi ~ linois. and Stanford. Schramm. in fact. cations at the Universtty of Pennsylva contributed eleven articles before his l nia. the work marched from the gestation INrIIINAnONAL IHCT~ " death at the end of 1987. I Of COMMUNICAnONS \ stage in 1982 to publicanon on schedule , EDITED BY ERIK BARNOUW ) This expansiveness makes the ency I m the spring of 1989. Twenty-five sec \ OXfORD UNiVERSITY PRESS. 4 VOlUME~ clopedia unexpectedly rewarding read lion editors. with the aid of 170 editorial ~ 1.911 PP $350 _______ ing. There are artieles by indubitable Jdvisers. obtamed articles from some authorities from heterogeneous fields - -150 contributors from twenty-nine pline - the lirst American doctoral pro Terry Eagleton of Oxford on structur :ountnes. The whole has been hand gram in communications dates only from a11sm. Elizabeth S. EisensteIn of Mich somely printed in two colors and four 1945 - expanding its turf. It reaches igan on the cultural impact of printing, \ olumes. thoroughly indexed and cross out to absorb unguarded territory In older Ben H. Bagdikian of Berkeley on mo mdexed. and presented in clear and ser- fields. taking healthy bites from the nopoly. the late Raymond Williams of study of literature. linguistics. political Cambridge on "Fact and Fiction." James Boylan is a professor a/journalism at science. and the arts. It claims dead pa TjIe browser finds many bonanzas - [he Universlty of Massachusetts. Amherst. triarchs as its own. seizing the mantles an array of arrieles one might never have 11~/2 . More of the best of the Columbia Journalism Review's Qrhc rowcr casc has been collected in an entertaining new paperback published by Perigee Books ~ Please renew my current subScriPtion for 3 years at $45.