Law Dog Days Begin June I Lieut. Smith Ration Book 3 on Itsjwayi

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Law Dog Days Begin June I Lieut. Smith Ration Book 3 on Itsjwayi P M U e A flY E C E N T S ense Ration Book Law 3 On ItsJWayi With mailmen b e g in n i n g a fresh start Thursday to deliver to each an . cowboys and family in the State an appli­ day -night, when cation card for War Ration original ordin- Book Three, William H. Mc­ Igan all over with Kenna, Chief Rationing. Officer jch JM ^ C.A. and In- thte-Newark Bistriet-OFA-of— ollaborated. Tice outlined instructions to by 29 petitioners guide applicants i n . filling out ■ the last Offer- and mailing them. even more drastic Emphasizing- th at War ~RS-~ irat...and-If-it comes - tion-—Book—Throo —Is— merely. a., anction on June 7, replacement book to be used property owners, when Ration Books One and and parents should Two are used up, McKenna said fty®lTema1noniy that 'OTA would notify the pub-^ p-pottee to demon- 11c when the new book can be dexterity in rodeo ‘‘THIS OUGHT TO BE X HTT’ said Staff Photographer DonaldHuits as hesnapped the used. He urged everyone to fill but action at last week^ KBUburn-Chatham baseball game. He was right and his trusty camera the, application card promptly., les at a walk, is the proved it. In a later play a MUlburo runner comes into first basestandtng. It was a hit. Bill fd umlFifttMi all traf'- and drop it Into a mall box, re­ Dey is the batter up and John Macce, the base runner. taining only toe identification b to he obeyed. They ............................. igress irom the right *.• -........ * ♦ stub at the top of the card.' of tfie toad, proceed Mailmen will complete dis­ lie and in groups of class ar Citation For tribution of the cards by June Dog Days the Wyoming Club every Wed- ^ , but distribution of the books than 6. 5 nesday evening at 8:00. This is scheduled to begin on June must remain separ- class will provide an easy Lieut. Smith ,2, when 13,000 Newark high SOm the other with Begin June i means for air raid wardens and school students and 800 teach- B feet between, and A bit early maybe, hut these auxiliary police to brush up on A citation for bravery in acJ lawns and other 7 (Contlnued on Page 8) are dog days and the blame can their first aid. tion and outstanding leadelg iperty _ are to be be passed to tho war. war gar­ s W p m c Q m e ^ inviolate. dens, John Lewis Or whatever - ant- Douglas M. Smith, U. S. Maiirie Corps, from the hand Cs&kuano seen from the fore- Sgripes you. only the manure is Blood B ank of Admiral W. 8 . Halsey. - The or enjoined, a con- __Beginning Tuesday, • Ju n e l, U euteB B^te-toe^ son of- Mr. no Township canine may leave Wounded In Africa laps to the present and Mrs. ,Lody. S. Smith of the premises of its owner or ardening. H ie gov- Unit Is Coming Jirleyroad-i___ custodian except on leash. This was received-fast week tlizer formula of Action which the citation re­ applies to a lld o g s, vaccinated Tfle Blood Bank Mobile Unit that Kenneth Caivano of Me­ highly regarded cites, took place October* 24 and or not._____________________ ,, Will be in Millburn again on chanic street had been slightly dtrding Wyoming, Friday, June 11 from 1:46 P. M. —25 on Guadalcanal Island.— A jjwan&dcd in action In "North to the above ,the Monday night tha Township strong enemy jtingle force aH Committee- enacted th e . ordin­ to «rtn P. M. at :M llitoito ^ tfh AfritaBn April 25tffi||j eceipt of the audl- fiphookJCdW 'TS^b’urn 6-1188 or tacked jat might on Lieutenant A telegram to his parents Mr. ' passed twfTPlan- ance to 7 protect ■ war ;- gardens a»Bh*s seetor.. fmir- | | ^ :Albaugh, S r HT 7-3888 for and Mrs. Felix Caivano, promls- L"ordinances on final' appointments. r Not only was the attack re­ . ing further details, was sent by —started another^ fnntert trespassers and at onto pulsed but the Japanese were - -The-^eoBtHiRtee, itt- making the War Department ijL-Wa^ Ifnstfhg^vir^Mce" in rnnnnrda.nce -with-itS- tcrmSi driven badk witifsevere losses issued a proclamStldli declaring the announeeftient toys: ington. way to approval. by the Marines who were heavi­ The wounded man, a former the period- June 1 to October j j | ‘The gift of blood is unlike ....... -........ ly outnumbered. m ra S S of the Township En­ ★ IS inclusive, as the prohibited, that of money or time or even w o r k ;itis a part.of oneself. A lieutenant Smith is particu­ gineering Department, entered" time. larly cited for his bravery and tjB servicS January 10*1941 In a letter preceding conunit- gift most literally from pie’s heart, straight to the-.heart-.of for leadership which resulted a n d was assigned to an loi&n- ~ tto T acp )n , E.~~ET" Frttuws, in the crushing defeat without try regiment. Neighborhood Garden chair­ smother — to an American Sol­ xshington dier or sailor who may live to undue exposure of his men or He is one of fo il brothers in man had urged that the efforts loss to his command. servlcephe others being Joseph, of gardeners be protected, call­ help save all you count precious Township Commit- The lieutenant joined the ,'Rocco and Samuel. Joseph is in ing attention to complaints of _ in this world because you took night resolved tor Marine In July 1941 upon grad­ Africa also. damage. one simple, generous step to lost Office Depart; help save-him” uation from Lafayette College. ^ “outcome of toe — The committee has now done The cpmmittee feels sure that He took -toe, officers’ training its stuff and what follows will Short Hlils, at the all those who heard. Red Bar­ course at Quantico, Va. He was Sunday JficlarSyg its ‘feadt- be up to owners and the dog ber at tom March Red Cross with- the first-troops- M entor warden. We may Mo xlamage teil tod maintain Rally will he eager to take ad­ the Southern Pacific war zone suits, dog fights, arrests and The Cherry Blossom iCbrirl upon notice, from vantage I of this opportunity. and to land on Guadalcanal. I ptatrr disruption of longstand- cert scheduled fpr last Sun- irot tfiat7 it will ■ m | * .— g day was postponed at the ishes expressed by ing friendships. Gardeners may read the pro­ -THE--FQRUM CLUB of toe MR AND MRS. Archie Mac- last moment because-of eold- —-- clamation on page 16 of today’s Wyoming Church was enter­ Dougall. of Great Oak Drive, are winds that threatened the ans that signs wiH be tained Sunday. May 1« at- a -health of orchestra members, in the event postal Item as may dogs and owners. "the parents of a daughter bom- "The former may be happy as buffet supper by Miss ‘Joyce at Overlook Hospital, May 1L in thelr’ tbin uniforms. ar e W li fi g ’Sh'd ' Sblc Shackle ton. The concert will be staged mall delivery in • they hoe, but happiness is ★ guaranteed to end there. ★ this coming Sunday at toe Is from the present LET US FINANCE or refln- PUBLIC STENOGRAPHY and same .time and place and complete aecretarial ^ e r v 1 me. there will be no change in PAY YOUR telephone bill a t' ance yourhome. Marion M. Copcutt, Chatham Investors Savings and I^n_As- logs mrd loan Association, 64 program. tOSB WORKERS road, Short Hills 7-3044. — Adv. surgical dressings. statio n , » Main Street.—Adv. MabfStreet. - Adv. « m6 OOOO<X>C>^<>O^O^>0 Ch^O<>OOOOOOO^OO' processed under this arrange­ WHINER B. PgTHRt ton. «f ment may not be given away Mr. and lira. Werner B. Peter p^StigarFor as point-free gifts. -They are of 47MyrtteAveaue, a graduate also required to keep a written o f-m u ta n t High School, was a record of names and addresses member of the swimming team Vote In Congress lp!dl Canning of their customers together t t o t won the Intramural cham­ pionship a t Brown University. The votes of the delegation Fw Clarification of sugar allot­ with a notation of the quanti­ He was on the teamRhat repre­ from New Jersey on ments for honfe canning have ty sold to each. important sented his fraternity, Delta Tau roll-calls. In Congress during “ been issued by the Newark OTA Delta. the period May 8 to 14 are office. J * ’ - . given In the appended tabula­ According to the opa in- Pettigrew Hides tion: < Instructions; every personon deskdesk- * -O —ing in can fruits or berries is The Senate: Cm -tha passage of-the Maloney bill to take the permitted a maximum of 25 More Blemishes ,p • p * Office of civilianCivilian supplySupply away - pounds of sugar at the rate of ouupound for every four quarts Home from Arizona where he ^pare tirearm s from t he WBBland establish it 1 ..... _ - -—<n»~a -nATmritto IM enmifait art. - df ~Tfinishetf ',eaBned product spent the winter, Edwin S. Pet-, as a separate, independent ad­ A special appeal has been Tills includes a maximum of tigrew of Hillside avenue, has ministration with coordinate five pounds of sugar per per- once again taken up bis self- made to patriotic citizens by rather than subordinate powers, “ sonT^ygaf for making Jams, appointed task of'comnnmity Lieut, (jg.) 8 tewart P. Drum- passed 44 to 29: Teas, Barbour mond, Jr., Captain nf the (R), Hawkes CEU--— jellies and fruit butters.
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