Regents Told To Go Ahead With m tl the People o/ ' ou;a MSH Apartments 10 a Cltr, Jowa, salurday, J une 21 , 1951 Board Reverses Previous Barracks SUI Faculty Utilities Decision Changes Bernard Goldfine To Testify DES }'IOJ ES (AP) - committee of the Stilte Board of Regents recommended to Approved the full board Fridav that it DES MOL 'ES, Junt' 21 - The Stand b its earlier decisions on 3tate Board of nt durmg i June mef)lIng Friday ad 24 new the location and type of COll­ faculty appointments. n, trtlction for 192 pennonent The Reg<'Dls also appro\' d 12 House· SEC Investigati on .partment units for married slu­ re igntllion. from the 1 f cully, denls at SU I. Ch'e leav(' of ab ence, and ('\'('n The committoo ma. this roc· 'hangc In appointml'nt, _ondation .. fter in ....cting II· Mil~onaire Textile Magnate rn addition to the per~nn('1 ..""o sit.... nd rovl.wing con· change, traditionally numerou Ike Signs .trvctlon plan. for the H.... ,k.y. Summer Officially Here each umm€r a faculty members Is A,Nrtmants projoct. ~eek curthet' udy or additional Today' the fir t d y of umml'r The board postponed discussion chaileng s at olh r in titution. , th£' To Appear July 1 of the committee report until its Regents award d three contract Government and tim to forg t th book and July meeting. Cor con truction and t'quipnll'nl at ha\,(' a litO outdoor W '111\ TO.' ( PI ) - \)jlli n ir Berru rd Goldfine' Commitl I' members were board the Unil! rsity, the contract. being Iowa Citr there ar l~n't'J Frida ~ to It' t if~ twfore HOli invt' tigator in un alleged members Clifford Strawman, of awarded to the lowe t bidd r in Pay Hike Bill . ion th t h Ip to b Anamosa : Lester S. Gillette, of each ca e: otony of tud)'. in llul'lI<:c,ror-fnvor\ C;I~(' in\,o" ing chi f Prl' iel ntial ide h r­ Fostoria, and Arthur Barlow, of Projects Approved WA III GTI ttl - A 10 per '-001 Open man ,\ dam . Cedar Rapids. Burger Construction Co, Iowa cent pay incre e \\,a m d' offi­ For th Immin nthu ia t , ;hainmlll Oren Ilurrh ( D -Ark.) of the 11011 l' infllll'nce in- Some married students had ques­ City, COil lruction of an addition cial for 1,021,072 Gov rnm nt work­ City Pork pool is of)l.'n ever)' da)' tioned the board's earlier approval to the sanitary engine ring I bora Iers throuli. hout lhl.' country Frid )' from t p.m. until 9; p.m., w('ath· vl'~tignting\locommittt iel Goldfine' luwycr tel phonl'd him of the project, contending the loca­ otory at a cost of $19 ,900, Th pro· when Pre.ldent El. nhow('r. ien~d l'r permitting. Thl' f I 40 Cl'n in ,Ill \, ('r to .1 tel gr. plwd Invi- * * tion west of the present eampu jeet wiil be supported by a $12.000 th nl.'w bill. JX'r day. * lind the type of construction would gran~ from the U.S. Public Ht'alth Th y not only th 10 per c nt eN Th indoor pool In th lallon nd said th New En I nd add unnecessarily to the co t of Service. pay boo t under legislation i ned textile magnate would t ', tify July Iowa Solons &ymna lum will bt> ovail bl' fOr 011 married student housing. Don Gannon ConstrucUon Co.. by Prt' idt'nt ELenhowt'r but th y I The board rovors.d Friday an worn n . tud ·nl.. f culty nd f c­ Iowa City, $2,937 for gt'n('ral con· get a retroactiv bundl going back ulty famill from 8;30 p.m , to II a rri old the u ""I.... decl.lon to ... rmlt SUI struction invoh'ed in in tailing a to Jan. 12...... nts In univer.ity hou.lng new turbogencrator in th UI pow· Lump Sum 9' 30 p.m. e\'cry tond y \ DIn . Goldfinl! to n w r qu View Adams units to p.y their own utilitie, er plant, and Fandel EI('ctric, Ce· That m an xtra lump urn uits ar(' provided for th dulls I I d but mut bt> brou,ht far th' chl!- . nc r or WASHrNGTON tftl - Iowa's bills. dar Rapid .. $12,486 for el ('(rical checks ranging from $150 10 $500, dr n, En ryan i r('(juired to w 'ar In connecUon With a CII Involvln, conlre sional dt'l • tlon Imo t to Arter some married students pro­ equipment and wiring In connt'c, and av raging about $250, to bring tested a $10 monthly rent in crease, han wUh the same project. the raise up to dale. a bathlnl ap. hi. ED t Bo ton Company and t.he a man think th Sh rmlln Adams a the board in April gave students an Tho Regents also .pproved .. Crlft CI..... I cE'clrllU &. Ekchan Comml Ion aff ir will hurt th R public n A. part of the lqIm wom n' alternative of paying $20 a month contract recentlv .. warcled by IN IOWA CITV I r cr tlon progr m, craft cia cknowledgt'd contactlng party in lhe eleclion next fall . less than the new rate iC they would the SU I Board of Control of Ath­ R. H. Oennlng, a"lst.. nt m.n· Ada~ pay for their own utilities. letic, for construction of new .. g.r It the V.t.ranl Ho.plt.. 1 will Ix> h ·ld V('ry 'ond y ni,ht the SEC In 1956 in Goldfin '. behalf Sen B. S . Hlckl'nlooper tR· It was later found that students biueblll bleacher, It a cos, of in low .. CIty, Slid .. bout 400 of from 7: p,m. until 9:30 p.m. A it r Goldfin h d complained to Cedar Rapid t said: would have to pay substantially $89,U3, the project to b. financed the 600 her. would be n w croCt I Introdu d cv ry Ion· him boUI his dUfi uille- with the "Thl I bound to have an ('f. from .thletlc earnings. .. H,ct.d by tho p .. y hike. day. Charg will be m d for th FRIDAY MAV HAVE BEEN the I.. t d .. y of sprln., but the sub·7' all r he 11' I U" more than $20 a month to buy mlltt'riai and uppll( u ed for .gree tom ...rature. forc. d the clo.ln of Iowa City' ••wlmmlng pool ncy. ' ct on t po lica ou 00 • • I am In addition, the R g nl. author· Dennin" .ald .. II doctors, don· utilities ser vice individually and it th proJ t at City P .. rIe. Recreation commission policy I. to dolO tho pool any. Herrl. ..110 ch..... ~ , th.. F·Cd- sur It Is B m tt r on which people would cost the univcrslty a lot to ized sur to participale In supporl tist. end nur... In the dep.. rt. f Y • 5 I h' dJ "-I &.- 10 d ... - f' t d of ,r.1 T r.. Comml ....n (PT) a dolnD a lot oC thinklni. I don't arrange for individual utilities of a city planning sun'ey now bl;. ments of medicine .nd .urgery I ou Are.. portlm.n t me t. Imp,nturoe p. "" ow t... .gr.e ma.... , 10 Irs ay rule ...nd the I.. w _roe v\ellted • service. ing con. idered by the Iowa City .nd all cla ..ifi.d civil sorvlet ]f th port man i mar of a summer or not, up w.nt tho cloSid .Ign. - Dilly low,n Photo by when Goldfine w.. Infermod know what th flD I outcom wil l Sixty· nine married students City Council. tmploy.e, here would be Includ­ iolf fiend, the two unlver, ity Waltor Kleine. through Adam. ".w • c ..a lbe .. chose to pay Cor their own utililies. Medicine td. cour • provld(' a good choll nll(' .g.lnst hi, tutil. mill. cMld lie illckenlooper term d the Adoms- Ul1der Friday's board action, these Five of tht· n('w f,culty appoint­ Old Finkbln oIX'n nt 630 a.m, bin . rach additional hour. and Ih pric soHlocI without crlmln.1 pNMCU- Goldfine c e "a dislr in, Sit. ments were for th(' sur Coilege xpcct d to pro· and 1.'10 e. at dark, co Ung 75 el·nt. nc no, b 11\ I' C nt (or "aeh students must pay the $62.50 rental I r u",'S -;. ' tlon. uaUon" but said hA wanted to of M('dicin!' : Dr. CliHord P. Gop· vide an ('conomie hoI in th arm (or all players. Aft r 5 30 p.m.. t in the party , that includes utilities if they want how('v r, th(" I. 40 c nl . ('. rn per. on . Harr chali need a stat ment all th evidence befor arrtllln, at to li ve in the University housing lerud as a~ i tant profe . or of OQ­ to Wa hlngton and oth r cltle Anoth 'r way to I:~I a qUIck un· b) Pr id nUal Pre Sec t units. stctrlcs and gynecology: Dr, Leo having bi, conc ntration or fed· AI th n w Finkbln Golf COllfS(', Ian I.. II In'nuou tl'nms match on J 'C 11 ,'rt that rfidar~ any final conclusion. J . DeBacker, a~si tant profe~. or eral white collar work rs. tud n are charg d lIS cents dur- the niH'rslly court acro from I .. m . a y no n n I Rep. Karl LeCompte IA.Cory. in an sthe iology, Walter 1\1 Kirk· Some of th militery al ncl s Ing the day and other player pay Univcr ity Ubr ry. Th ar arc. tGi301ldfllnnformalion wa rei a d to endall, as ociate profe or of in­ don ) laid h think' Adams "ouaM plan 10 I u th(' r troactlve pay $1.60. Both fel'. bccom helf pri .m in .o(l(n throughout th ~ay Ind had r f rr to be convict d of dumb If SUI Libraries lernal medieinl': Dr Richard D ch cks to th ir civilian employ art r 5:30 p.m . Hour ror thl I a" II bl h n vcr I nm cia '1 Ha rty to the n Richards, a. sistant profe ~r of in the next few days. art' thl' sam Old Flnk- Ion thell'. ~ me of complainanl.s mtnlioned nothing I . A man in hI po Ilion ophUlalmology : and Dr. harl A, Oth r federal III n I will mak ------...... ---- ...... --..:...:...... :.--....;;.--,;,.- ...... ------In Ih(' \t1h'r fr m former FTC has no bU$iness doing what h did" Whitten, Jr., a associate in neuro- th retroactive paymenls In 8 chalrm n Edward Howr -; to R p. M rwin COlld of Boone, surgery. . Director weeks. Adam and turn d ov r to Gold· Iowa', Ion Democrat in Congr s , Liberal Arts I $250 MIIII.n Thl. VOIr Historical Building Suit Tension fin . said th r was as much ground Ten oth r appointments were to The retroactive provi Ion i le- various depart.m nl. in the Iowa N. ltnt.r C~fh""t1eI for eritic11lng Adams as there was peeted 10 co t th Governm nt an lIalerly said the complainants for criticizing Harry Vauahan, College of Liberal Art., Karl Named extra $250 million this year in back Settled Of Court Growing th'm Ive dl closed lh Ir Lnllolvl'- form r President Truman's a slsl­ S. Vorre. in truetor. cherni try: pay. Over the long h3ul , the 10 per A native of Oregon who has Franklin E. Sherman, In truetor, m nt . TIl reCor , h saId, the in· ant, for accepting gratuiU and I.' nt Incr('a will add $542 million An out of court tll m nt w reached Frid )' In a John on Count) Carma lion wa no lonler nflden· aiding friend who had problems worked in three stales, the Oi t· School of Religion: Clyde F. Kohn, to th Gov rnrn nt's annual pay DI tnct Court aclion which h Itl-d construction of the [OW8 'tatl! Ills· rict oC Columbia and in Canada profes or, geography: Thomas L. In Lebanon tlan under th law. with federal agencies. roFIt.· . I t I . torical Soci 'Iy buildin, on th corner oC Gilbert I. and Iowa Av . Ham relorted that pu blic dIs· will become Director of State Uni· Davis, in tructor and as I tant band n d ay s ncrea e gac a c a 1- . • • versity of Iowa Libraries, profes· dir ctor, and William W. Preucil, fied Civil Scrvi('e worker and em· I Th action wa broughl by lr. and If. Elm r E. Paul. 410 Iowa BEIR T, Lt'banon tftl - Gun­ cia ur(' of som information "did fire brok an un a c y 2-d,y truce not rell ve" o(flclal of Callow In, sor of librarianship and University instructor, both in mu ic: Fre r· ployees of Congre ,th f deral Ave, who~ hom is next door to th buildmg it '. Tlwy claim('d til archivist next Sept. l. ick G, Heymann, visiting profes or, whll U,. 'cretary Gen ral Dag their own rul s. courls, th For Ign Service, th excavalion und r way wa d maging th Ir property, Hammar kjold talked to Preml r Dr. Hamilton He is Leslie W. Dunlap, who He ch.r.ed that tho Hewrey since 1951 has been associate di · AtomIc .Energy ~ommi. ion, and Th y were kinK an injunction ag In t th Soc I ty, til Stat of Saml Solh about the Leban (Con tinueel 011 page 4) the Medlcal Service of th V ter- . bellion. I.tter to Adams ...". OeIdfine rector oC libraries and proressor FACULTY- ans Administration. Iowa, ond Frantz Con truction Compon), of low City, r('~tr IBIO "confl.ntlel" Information on of library science at the University __ I rurth'r 'xc8vation and con. tructlon how the caM .,alnst hI", could New Head of of Illinois. of th build mi. be ..ttlod ~ ...... Iunt.ry IN.II, Prior to his appointment to the THE PAULS also a. ked th court to recomm nd a .N. Em('rg nc), "wltheut clHftplyln," w.... the lIlinois faculty Dunlap, 46, had Forc to patrol th Syrian bord r. comml Ion'. rul., to order 8 formal cond mnatio" served as librarian at the Universi· But Hammar kjold - d rlbed a . II • Anesthesiology proc din again t th Ir property m what annoy('d _ wo aid to Horns aid he was lUTe that ty of British Columbia from 1949- before con truction continue . 51. His previous positions had been btU ve the U . mi Ion OOuld IAdam , who la 1 wef)k admltl d re­ as assistant chief of general ref· be solly on of ob rvatlon. ceiving lavish gifls and favors (rom erence and bibliography in the That would Il.'ave border polic- Goldfine, would again 1e tif)' before manuscripts division of the Library lng to th Leban ,who have It~ .. ubcommittle "if we need or Congress (1945-49; head of ac· charged the rebel ore being help- him. quisitions at the University of Wi s· cd by arm d band and upph The White House, m. anwhile, re­ consin library (1942-45 I, and as a coming from th n IghOOri n ICu d to comment 011 r n wed GOP reference librarian in the New yrian province of lh United Arab demands for Adams' re illnation, York Public Library (J936-4LJ. Ihe uit Tue day. R public. lIagerty said the Pre ident would N.. tlve of Portl .. nd SETTLEMENT c;Jlled for : Source close to the cretar)' I be inform d of the demandl. A native of Portland, Ore., Dun· 1. MOVING the 110 feet by 74 g ocral id he had found the total I Investigation R._. Tuesday lap earned a B.A. degree with feet Centennial buildmg three C t l number of arm d in urgen here Harris said the subcommlttee honors in English at the University w tward, lhu pullin" it ix f et is only about 5,000, although the would re ume its politically-ex­ of Oregon. He took postgraduate from the 101 line in t d of lhe governm nt had told him at lea t plosiv inve Ugation into the al· work at the University of Frei· originally proposed thr (t. that many had enlered th country leged LnDuence·for·favors ca in· burg in Germany for a year before There will now be an eillht foot from yria, "olvlng Goldfine and Adams next going on to earn three degrees at clearanc between Paul's home Hammar kjold appar('nliy was Tu sday. Coiumbia University : the A.M. in and th building, in lead o( the und r th lropr Ion that th Elsewhere on Capitol HiIJ, more American literature, a B.S. In li­ planned five feet. government controlled the Leban- Republican members were join1n& brary science, and a Ph.D. in 2. PAUL'S damaged top oil to ese bordcrs but found that in ur- a " Dump Adams" drive In urging American history. Dunlap is the editor of " The be replaced and resodded. Igent do. Lebanon ks an armed that Pre ident Eisenhow r get rid Letters of Willis Gaylord Clark 3. AGREEMENT to pay Paul .. forc (rang nough to eal of his chief a istant. and Lewis Gaylord Clark" , pub· $300 for past damages to their the mountainou ISO-mile frontier Sen. Arthur V. Watkins IR-Utab ) Ilshed in 1940 : author of "Ameri· property. again 1 U.A.R. infiltration. liIi- praised Adams as a " dedicated can Historical Societies, 1790·1860", WORKMEN THIS WEEK CONTINUED work on found ..tions for SUI'. new $19,710 ...rmanent SUI ~~iate Prof or of His· tary experts ~ limate that would public rvant" but said his "own Dr. W. K. Hamilton published in 1944 : editor of the bleach.,.. The 2,400 c .. p .. clty bluche,. will be compl.t.d urly in the f.1I .nd will lie made of .....<1111 tory Wilham J . Peter en, who 15 take 5.000 soldl r . sense of \'o1u s .. should lell him to Will Begin New Dutie July 1 "Services to Readers" issue of concrete slab on .. stHI fr.. ",.. About ono-third of the bl.Khe" will lie sholtorod by .. roof, Now due­ uperintend nt of the State Hi tori· re ign. "Library Trends" in 1954 : author outs .. ro also included in the con'tructi~ pl.n•• -D.. lly I_.n Photo by Walter Kltlne. cal Society or 1o\\, a , aid he was McAII.·ster Offered Rep. James C. Auchincloss IR­ Appolntmenl or Dr. William K. of the "Libraries" section of the happy the a reemcnt had been reached and that the society till b N .J .t aid that despite President Hamilton as professor and chair· 1957 edition of Collier's Encyclo· Des Moines Jo Eisenhower's expressed need for man of anesthesiology in sm's l)ledia, and author of various ar- SUI Building- plan to move into the new build· Adams, " the fact that it is admit- College of ledicine was approved ticles in library and historical jour· ing in th spring of 19S9. ted that ~fr. Adams has ..... en In- Friday by the Iowa Board of Re­ nals. S. W. McAllister, administrative .. "" discreet and imprudent jeopardizes gents. M.. ny Honors assistant to Iowa City city mana­ his usefulness in his preM!nt of­ Dr. Hamilton at present is an A member of Phi Beta Kappa, Dulles Backs ger Peter F. Roan. has been 0(­ fice. " associate professor of anesthesio­ Dunlap has held a Columbia Uni· New $89,700 loll)' at SUI. July I, will Bleachers fered a imilar post on the taCf of On he Rep. Charles B. Brownson IR­ versity Graduate Residence Schol· S-Year Trade Plan succeed Dr. Stuard C. Cullen, who The concrete footings have been home plate. It will extl!nd from the to the dugouts from the inside, the De 10ines city manager. Ind.) said he hoped Adams would arship and an American Library on the same date will become ground to the top of the roof cover- Jordison said, It was decided, how­ WASHI ... GTO I PI ) - Two " develop the judgment. sensitivity pro­ Association Fellowship. He was poured and the foundalions start· I cAllister would nl!ither confirm ressor and head or the Department ing the center section. The roof ever, to use the dre sing rooms Cabinet olLicers urged Con~ress and courage Lo resign." chief of the Surplus Books for I'd on SUI's new $89,700-2,400 cap· nor d ny rumors that he would ac· of Anesthesia at the University will shelter approximately one- in the field house, since the bleach­ Frida)' to approve a ~year exten· Vetera'ls project in 1946 and di· of CaWonUa College of Medicine acity, permanent bleach· lhird oC the spectators from the ers would only be used for lhree sian of the reciprocai trade pro­ cept the position, but informed rected an orientation program for in San Francisco. Indian librarians at the Universi· ers. weather. months of the year. gram to help build American pros­ source close to him said that they U.S. Demands Return Dr. Hamilton, a native or Pa­ ty. of llIinois in 1956 . Construction is expecled to be The bleacher will be pre-cast Construction is being done by the perity and counter the Red econo­ believed he would r emain in Iowa mic offensive in neutral nations. Of Nine U.S. Airnwn nora, recei ved bis bacheior' 5 de­ The Ounlaps have two children. completed in September, Richard concrete slab on a sleel frame. The Frantz Construction Company oC City. Secretary of State John Foster gree in 1M3 and his doctor of seats will be the stadium·type - Iowa City, who entered a low bid It was learned that he had been R. Jordlson, designer of the bleach· Dulles and Secretary of Commerce WASHINGTON IUPII - The medicine degree in l!H6, both from wood slabs on metal supports. of 179.463 for the seating and lower ers, said. Sinclair Wef)ks called for Senate offered the job in Des Moines a few United States demanded Friday SUI, He served his internship at Access to the bleachers will be part of the bleachers, and $10,000 weeks ago and had been interview· The structure will be about 30 passage of the House-approved bill ~at.. Russia take "immediate ~c- St. Luke's Hospital In Dululh, r-Weather by (our concrete ramps - two at for the roof and roof supports. in testimony before the Senate ed here and In Des Moines as re­ lion . to ret~ to freedom nme Minn., and later took a residency feet high and approximately 270 the center and two on t.he ends. The State Board oC Regents had Finance Committee. The House cenUy a a week ago. However. AmerIcan soldiers held by the So- in aneathesiololl)' at University Tho forec.... for summer'. feet long. It will be "L" shaped, The will contain rest orillinally aulhorized the Sul passed the measure by a 317 to 98 three days ago he said he planned viet puppet regime in East Ger- Hospitals in Iowa City. He served ' ... wHk.nd I. contl~ cloudy Nith the center at home plate and rooms and concession facllities. Board of Control of Athletics to vote la l week. on staying in Iowa City. many. as a medical off/(:er in the Army he legs.stretching along the basc Two new dugouts for the teams spend $116,000 in the construction. Frida-; McAllIster received Soviet Charlie 0' Affain Serllel R. {rom 1... to I... """ 1C ....recI ....w.". Tho low Dulles aid the program sought Last lines tn, first and third base. Thc are also included, with access to This figure was lowered when the by Prl'sident Ei enhower was es· his M.A. devee in municipal ad· Striganov was summoned to the In addillon to bli ~reh In - ...... tvre / II .II~ to ' ~ I ~enter section will be 60 feet be·' them only fro.m the playing field. Frantz bid was accepted. sential to combat the Russian and ministration from SUI. This past Slate Department and Informed of anesthesia, Dr. Hamilton ' Cor a ~ ~"I .~ 56, whUI ,tothy',' ~iod home plate, • Previously, it had been planned The bleachers are to be paid for Chilll!se Communist economic ..mesler McAllister had been the Americaa demand ill a. 30 min- number of yearl hal beea en'fa(ed • ,,",h, I. llIpectoci to .. '" hI,her " A backst,op·screen wLII be erect- to include dressing rooms for the from Athletic Department re­ drive in nation Dot committed working a Roan's assistant as part Jte meeting with Deputy Under In rueareb in the .enerll arlea ...."fnmM .. ·7L , ,' .'4 between1the ceatet section and teams in the bleachers, with access , ceipts . to ('ither East or We t. of a requirement for his degree. .>ecretary of State Robert Murphy. of cardlo-puImcIDary ph~.loloU. Pagt 2-THE"OAllY 10WAN....;Jow. City, f"j...... Sat .,VJmtJ 2t•. ,JJJ. 41 Mcgenafd :POI/J)irecf MIssouri fAoeller Says 'Prof. Stark Announces Cast, ' '., Balloon Launching Thursday Press Faces Crew for Madame Butterfly I' The cast for Puccini's opera uside ; George Umberson. G. Por- f "Madame Butterfly" was an· tales. N.M .• as the Imperial Com· By LOU YOUNKIN and 118,000 feet in about three Great Threat nounced Friday by Herold Stark. missioner; Walter Farwell. G, Fay. Staff Writer hours. professor in the SUI Music Depart­ ette. as The OUicial Registrar; A 175-foot·long balloon with a The instruments aboard the bal­ In the face of what is perhaps ment. and Ann Holcomb. A3. Martelle. as capacity of two million cubic feet loon will do their best work when the greatest threat to freedom of Cho-Cho-San's mother. will be launched Thursday near The opera is the eighth in a the balloon reaches its maximum the press ever confronted by the series being presented in connec­ The Chorus for the opera will Moberly. 1\10 .• under the direction altitude. McDonald said. The ma­ include 22 members. of Frank B. McDonald SUI U.S .• the real beneficiaries of free­ tion with the Fine Arts Festival jority of the instruments which at SUI this summer. The opera physics research associate. will go aloft with the balloon are dom are the weakest defenders. McDona ld. will leave Tuesday will be presented July 28, 29. Aug. from SUI. he said. but MIT and Leslie G. Moeller. director of the 1 and 2. in Macbride Auditorium. Congress Hears for Moberly with an assistant. Louis Minnesota have "hitch hike" equip­ SUI School of Journalism. charged Hinton. A2. Davenport. The Mas­ English Translation ment scheduled to be aboard. Friday. An English translation by R. H. Plan To Rocket sachusetts Institute of Technology The balloon will return to the I and the University of Min nesota "Mr. and Mrs. Everyday Citizen Elkin is being used for the opera. earth's surface about two hours which is being produced through Man Into Space are cooperating with SUI on the before sun et of the same day of give the strong impression of not WASHINGTON (UPI ) - The experiment. the collaboration of the Music De­ the launching. McDonald said. It bothering much with this sort of #;0 ", •. ,. partment and the Dramatic Arts Pentagon's chief space scientist has it The flight is being made to help thing. In general. Mr. Average '~'.'I{, iI: physicists discover why the cosmic may be returned to earth by radio· " .".~ ~~f:. .- .; ,,'. . .7... ·. ~?i . Department. told Congress it has a proposal to ing to equipment aboard the bal­ Citizen seems to feel that. so long rocket a man into space for six cl rays in the atmosphere are being Stark is the musical director B drastically red uced. McDonald loon. This will release a parachute as things go moderately well. (ree­ for the opera and Harrold C. Shiff­ minutes in a Reastone missile and aboard the balloon and it will float Almost Completed bring him back alive. said. Cosmic ray counts are going dom in the abstract is somebody PAVING ON THE HIGHWAY 6 widening project between Newton ler. assistant professor of art will back to earth. An airplane will Dr. Herbert York, science chief down. he said. since the peak has else's business." he said_ Road and Iowa Avenue is nearing completion. Early estimates set be the dramatic director. been reached in the H-year sun track the descending balloon and for the Advanced Research Proj- " radio its landing point to the physi­ Addresses Press Ass'n June 28 as completion date. Thursday evening the Iowa City City Others in the Dramatic Art De· spot cycle. partment connected with the opera ects Agency (ARPA) told the cists. McDonald said. Council will open bids for materials to be used for lighting the new Another reason for launching the \ Moeller addressed the National are: Arnold Gillette. set designing; House Appropriations Committee of While the venture is related to Press Photographers Association pavement. Erection of the new lights is a joint project betw.. n SUI balloon is to determine the vari­ Fronk McDonald and Iowa City. A member of the city manager's staff estimated that Richard Haesler. G. Highland the plan in testimony released reo ance of cosmic rays at different the International Geophysical Year. Photojournalism Short Course at Park. 111., lighting under the suo cently. To Launch Balloon he said. it is being sponsored by the Leamington Hotel in Minne· the str.. t lighting would not be completed until September. -Daily latitudes. McDonald said. Imme­ Iowan Photo. pervision of David Thayer, in­ "The state of the art is not really diately after recovering the equip­ the Office of Naval Research. apolis. structor ; Lila Lewis. G. Brooklyn. up to the point where I would urge ment from the balloon, after its ed by the Raven Industries of It has taken about two weeks to The SUI professor explained that N. Y.. costuming under the super­ putting a man in space in one fi rst flight. the team will go to Sioux Falls. S.D.. at daybreak test the instruments for the bal­ since administrators in the Federal vision of Margaret Hall. assislant year. or putting a man in orbit." Minneapolis to re-launch it and try Thursday, McDonald said. By ris- loon. McDonald said. and two days Government have learned that the professor. he testified at a closed hearing to determine the amount of cosmic ing at a rate of 900 feet a minute. before launching anoth f thorough "haadout." coupled with a tight Soviets Publish New About 50 members of the Sum­ April 23. rays at that latitude. the balloon will attain its maxi- check of the equipment will be rein on subordinates. is an effec­ mer Opera Orchestra will also be "There are proposals that are The balloon will first be launch- mum altitude of between 116,000 , made. tive method of controlling the working with the production. called man in space. but they are ------news. the "right of access" is Agricultural Policies Earl E. Harper, director of the really not quite what I was talking under greater challenge in this SUl School of Fine Arts. conceived about." he said. "The Army has 102 Pass country than it has ever been. MOSCOW (uP}) - The powerful The communique did not indicate the Idea of staging a grand opera a proposal to use the Redstone to Union Board Initiates "Now for the first time in history Central Committee of the Com- whether the committee disc ussed in connection with the Fine Arts put a man into space, but he is there for only six minutes. They the ifederal Government has begun munist Party Friday formally pub­ Festival. to espouse formally the theme that other matters during the meetings would send him up and back." lished the decree spelling out the SUI students who had leading Iowa Law the pu blic does not ha ve the right Tuesday or Wednesday_ It was an­ Meantime. other testimony reo II newest reforms in Soviet agricul. roles in the previous operas have Tot-Tending Service to know. nounced that Khrushchev made a gone into professional work Doro· leased Friday told of a planned tural policies designed to realize U.S. attempt to launch two satel· This summer the SUI Union Union activities or utilizing its fa­ ;j Executive Sessions; AEC major address but neither the sub· thy Krehble. who appeared in the Examination "Executive sessions total one­ Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev's ject nor the text was made public first three operas. has been in lites in the next few months de· Board will experiment with a "Tot· cilities. signed to send back info rmation The service will begin Wednes· Ulird of all Congressional commit­ ambition to outproduce tlle United as yet. several of Cian·Carlo Menotti's Tending Service" which is designed Iowa admitted 102 law graduates which should improve weath~r day. June 25. lind be open from tee hearings. These and the ab­ States. Informed sources in London said modern operas in New York. to provide baby sitting services on Friday at SUI to practice law with· sence of information from the The decree was adopted at a 2- Announce Cast forecasting. 6:45 p.m. to 9:45 p.m. on Wednes­ there is little doubt the main topic Wednesday and Sunday evenings day and Sunday in the East Lobby in the state. Atomic Energy CommiSSion on day meeting of the Central Com­ The cast for "Madame Buller­ of discussion was Marshal Tito's for married students attending Conference Room of the Iowa Me­ Iowa Supreme Court Justice G. atomic fallout arc examples of the mittee in Moscow. The committee fly"; Rosemary Jenkins Raridon. morial Union. It will be supervised K. Thompson. Cedar Rapids, swore sup~ression being practiced in the also elected as alternate members continued defiance of the Kremlin G. Io wa City. and Rolanda Rin go. by junior and senior student nurses in the new lawyers, on a motion Federal Government today." he of the ruling party Presidium N. N. leaders and the problem of grow­ G. Iowa City will alternate in the WSUI Schedule poitJted out. He urged that educat­ Podgornyi, first secretary of the role of Madame Butterfly; Leslie WSUI - JOWA CITY 91t Ilp Cr!I, 7:30 ,.m.. l'.P_M.B. available and from 8:30-9 :30 swim­ CalendaT by June 23. On June 14. in a letter to Cooney. when Bruce Boling went to the Drama students will receive in· (I struction in costuming. stagecraft EVANGELICAL FaEE CBu.cB • • ming. Bring suits for children only County Attorney William B. Tucker Police Friday to report his bicycle OF CORALVILLI! SRABON EVANGEUUAL informed him that the charges stolen from Shaeffer Hall on Mon· and makeup. in addition to the act· The e.v. W. Robert CuJberil.a. r •• to, UNITED BRETllaEN CHU.CB and caps must bc worn by all. SATURDAY, JUNE 21, 1958 FAMIL Y NITES at the Field­ ing expericnce. O:4~. ... m. Sanh1 S . ....I . K a lona Charge made for materials and qgainst the girl could bc dropped da y. U:'"I,a.m .. Wor.h'p Se rvlc...... B..... d R. M.rly. p ••I.r ~onday, June 23 bouse for students. aWt. facull1, Speech students will receive tt Sunday 8(lhool, 0:30 a.m. supplies used in crafts. One craft upon payment of $5 court costs. The police handed it right over. Sermpn: " Recoflelled Mornln, W.rsh lp. 10: aO •. m. 9 a.m. to 12 noon-Summer Con· their spouses and their famIIlei training in speech development. 7:1J4i,1t p.m. E.... 'n' Servlc. will be introduced each Monday Cooney paid the costs and the It had been found abandoned earl­ EYeniDC' Worllhlp, ' :88 p .m. ference-lowa High School Teach· every Wednesday. Recreational ier in the week and taken to the public speaking. and indi vidual - FIR8T· BAFTI.ST CHUBca. Unl ....It,. F.II.w.tlp. 1It-8r. 8 ••"7 evening in the following order - charges were dropped Friday, on Nortb Ollnt.n and Falrcbll .. StL al ':00 p.m. basketry (June 23). aluminum etch­ ers of English-Scnate Chamber. swimming and family-type actio police station. speaking events. They will spend (r.r Tr.n.p .....I1 .... call '-Nte, .r f­ Tucker's r commendation. R.".- G. Tb.m.. Fallaru... Mlnloter ing (June 30 ). linoleum block Old Capitol. vities will be available from 7:15 The police have several other time each day in the SUI Library MarloD Vln MlDuler .f ..... aul). 0,,,. o to 9:15 p.m. unclaimed bicycles at the station. doing research for debate and dis­ o a.m. Cb urch Sch ••1 prints (July 7). elementary leath· LECTURES ABOUT AGED ID: '3 · ... m. W.nhlp ST. ANDREW paESBl'TERlAH ercraft July 14 ). and simple cop· Tuesday, June 24 They may be claimed by properly cussion topics. Actual discussion Sermon: " More Lllht, More SI,bt .. • CHURCR 9 a.m. to 12 noon-Summer Con· Woodrow W. MorriS. assistant identifying them. and debate performances are 6:00 p.m. Youtb Choir 8unset St. and Melro., A ... per enameling (July 21 >' Sessions THE UNIVERSITY COOPERA· 6:80 p.m. Bllpllst Youlb Fellow.hlp ference-Iowa High School Teach· dean of the SUI College of Medi· scheduled for evening sessions. In Ubl ••.,II, H.I,b .. will continue through August 4. Paul E. P.r~er, Mlcia&.r ers of EngliSh-Senate Chamber. TIVE BABY SITTING LEAGUE cine and director of the SUI Insti· 0:00 •. m. Cburcb Scb.ol i~ Both speech and drama students PIRST CR.IST IAIf CBVaUB 10 :110 • . m. Old Capitol. book in charge of Mrs. tute of Gerontology. will be one of Reports Air Let Out • t l1 E, Jow~ A .... Mornln, W... bl, THE PH.D. FRENCH Examina­ will attend daily radio and tele· The Key. A. C. Rotrtohler Jr., Palt.r 10 ,00 a.m. Cburcb Scbool .rd 0 ..01. James Cogley from June 10 to JUDe the major speakers at the Urn· Sail A. Sm llb. Mlnl.l ..., EdnalloD and Under tion and the French Achievement Of 3 Tires on Car vision sessions. The workshop will a p.m. Blblo Stud,. VVednesday, June 25 24. Telephone her at 8-4760 if a versity of Michigan's 11th annual continue through July 18. 8::10 a.m. . Youth .nd Adult Cburcb Examination will be given on Mon­ Sc 001 Tu .... )0:00 •.m . Bible Siudy 9 a.m. to 12 noon-Summer Con· Conference on Aging next week. W.d .• 9:30 Choir P ...II •• day . June 23. from 2-4 p.m., in sitter or information about jolnln, Bill Orne. 1850 Friendship St .• 9: ' ~ a.m. Wo rsh'p S.rvlc. ference-Iowa High School Teach­ Dr. Morris will speak Monday reported to Iowa City police Friday ON TRAINING CRUISE Sermon : "Candle. In tbe Wind" room 309 Schaeffer Hall. No ad­ the group is desired. 9:15 ... m.. Cblldr.n·s Cb urcb 8cb ••1 IT. PAUL'S LUTREItAN CIIti,.C1I vance registration is necessary. ers of English-Senate Chamber. afternoon on "Personal Adjustment that the air had been let out of Edward K. Madden. USN. SOll of · . . MI ..ourl S,.bod Old Capitol. in tile Life Span." Theme of the three of the lires on his car while Mr. and Mrs . Edward L. Madden of FIRST CRU.CH .04 E_ ""'.noD OF Cllal T SCIENTl8T Th...... C ••,labl... p.".r SUMMER HOURS PLAYNITES fOr stutlents, staff conference is "Social Gerontology it was parked in the south parking 1t •. 81. 1 719 S. Capitol St.. left Melville. 7" E. C.II... .t. S.nda, Sc .... for the ThundClY, June 26 and faculty and their spoUJJel .t and Its Applications." Gerontology lot of City High School. R.I .. June 4. aboard the destroyer Sud a,. Scb ••I. 9:45 a.m. IJ:OO .... _ M.roln, Worahl. 9 a.m. to 12 noon-Summer Con­ Sanda,. S.r"'et. II •.m . Sermon: ·'w." and Found" MAIN LIBRARY the Fieldhouse eack Tuesday aDd is the scien UIic study of the psy­ A woman told police that she saw USS Rooks for a 2-month Midship· Lenon Sermon: .... the UnJ.Clne In­ ference-Iowa High School Teach­ Friday night from 7:30 to dudlnr Man Evolved by AtomJo Reserve Desk .:a chological. economic and sociologi­ two boys in a car similar to Ornc'S man training cruise to Northern t IT. TBOMAS MORII CIlAPIIL ers oC English. , 'oree'" loa McL.a .. S~. Mon . • Thurs, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. p.m. Admission will be by facull1. cal aspects of aging. around the car earlier in the day. Europe. Wed .. 8 p.m. T.. UmoDY MeeUol •• nal,n.r 8. U. •• COII ... a,.. 1'•• 1.' 6:00 p.m. - 9:50 p.m . staff or student I.D. Card. TIle · . . Bun •• ,. Ma.IIlI, 15:45, at a, 10, .... 11:111 Friday June 27 Weight Training I\oom will be n.n INOLISH LUTBIRAN •. tn. Friday 8:00 a.m.· 5:00 p.m. 9 a.m. to 12 noon-Summer Con­ OUU RCH 'fbe 10 ' .81 ...... tl a Bl,b Man .ab, Saturday 8:00 a.m. - 11:50 a.m. at the followrng times: Mondaya,' " Dubaqu ••n4 Markot 8"'- by III. oon,r.,.Uon. rerence-Iowa High School Teacn­ 1he-1)Q,'ly Iowan Bev. Il.y WID,.I •. Pr .....Ia. 0.11, Maisel, 6:80 a..... 1 a ...., f:st Sunday 2:00 p.m. - 4:50 p.m. to 6 p.m.; Wednesdays, ,to 8 p.m.; Services: 0:80, 0, J l a.m. ers of English-Senate Chamber. and Fridays. 4 to 6 p.rn. Nurser,: • and 11 •.•• IT. WENCESLAUS· . CBUaCB . Main Library Old Capitol. ~aDd.,. Sob ..I, • a ... Mon . - Fri. 7:30 a.m. - 2: 00 p.m. TM Dally Iowan II written and edited by Itudent, tJftd b governed by Il board of flo6 Itlldent truBteu elected "'10 E. Dunp.... SI. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.-Workshop in • • • 1'10 ••ev. E .....rd W. Ne ..lI. 1'.... , Saturday 7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. by the atudent body and four faculty trwteel app04nUd by the president of the University. The Dally rowan', FIRST PRI SBYTERIAN CBVIWB lunday Malle., 61:80 •. m., • a.a.. Stuttering-House Chamber. Old PARKING - The UniversIty parll· til Z. Marlt.t 81. Jt •. m .• 11:. 6 • . m. Sunday 1:30 p.m.· 2:00 a.m. tditcrla/ policy. therefore. " noI an expre88Wn of SUI adminisfration policy or opinion in any particular. Dr. P. B.... I.o .. Pell •• k. 1I1.loter Dall, Mallei, 7 • . m .. 1:3' . .... CapitoL inl( committee reminds 8tudellt " The R... Jerome J . L...... Desks open 8:00 a.m_. Mon.· Sal. · . . 8 p.m.-The Newspapers in the autolsts that the f2-hour parkinl ,1 Vn.yel,lty Pa.tor THt; UN ITED CHU.CR Desks close 4:50 p.m., Fri. - Sun. CIa' rooms of a Frec Society lImit applies to all University IoU .', ------,r------9:30 and JJ a.m. Cburch Scb.ol JM7 t ,Gwe r Mala.Uae ••• DAILJ: lOW IIDlToaIAL STAFF (rom 7 to 9:30 a.m.. on Satu rday. O:!JO a.m. MornJ", WOrlbtp " The ~u: r. ­ Workshop-Lecturer. W. Earl Hall. except the storage lot scuth of tile '11l4:' "Daily Iowan Make-good llervlce on mined paper. I. E. E.rene Welle!. p • • I.r Editor .. _...... Jim D. vie. m enta of tbe Lord's Supper" 9:45 •.m. Suad.,. PH.D. GERMAN READING EX­ Editor. Mason City Globe Gazette· l:Iydr Dot possI ble. but eve ry e/fort will be 6:00 Fellow.hlp - Ple.le .. Dd O.ldo.r 11 :00 a.m. M.rol .. , W.rsblp tullcs Laboratory. New. EclJtor .... Jerry Kirkpato •• MI.lJlor SH I. Coli... SI. if you are taking the examination. Published dally except Sunday and Editorial A ss l ~n t ., Donna Blaufus. clusively to the use lor republication 9:00 .• . m.. Church Sc ho.1 Tb ...... a. J. B. Ja,GI .. Roorp 2~ University Hall begin· Monday and legal hoUdays by Stu· 01 aU the local newl printed 10 this 0:30 .~ •• Mornlnr Worohlp 1:00 a.m. Hoi, Communion S.turday, June 2. ning at 1 p.m. Monday. June 23. dent Publication •. Jnc .• CotTUnunlca· newspaper al well a. all AP new. Sermon . "The TrU0I"" 01 Love." Be • • 8:46 •. m •• Bre.kt.fI ' ANYONE INTERESTED in apply· 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. - Workshop in tlon•, Center. Jowa City. Jow.. En· DAILY IOWAN ADVIl.TIRING STAFr dlspatch.s. Rob.rl R. In'" 9:10 a.m. Chur.1I Sclo ••1 N... erf, Students expecting to take this ex· F.mll)' Ser.i•• ing for lire guarding at the Stuttering - House Chamber. Old tered aa second ela.s matter .t the Advertb10c Manager ... .. Mel Adams FIRST UNITARIAN SOClETJ' amination should notify tho Becre· po.t omce at Jowa City. under the Asst. AdverUslng Mer ... John Ruddy DAlLY IOWAN SU PERVlsoas FaOM 11 :00 MorDln, Prayer Women 's Gymnasium pool [or OIlC Capito!. tary, Room 213 University Hall. by 187'. ClassWed Maquer ..... Jack Powers I ...a A.e. • nd Ollb ..t 8" .rt of Congre .. or March a. SCHOOL OF JOUItNALI SM FACULTY Pu lor B eY. KbofPn A,Ia J•• · . hour at 11 (1 ,111. and 4: 15 p.m. daily Promotion Manaller ...... Jim Orth Publisher ...... " John M. Harrllon liT. MA.Y'iI CHU.Ca JUlie 19. 10:80 • . m. Ser m.n : "The M..... W. ''''.;.. n .... Llnll .... pleasc contact tbe secretary at thc Mond.y, Jun. 30 Dial 4191 from noon to mldnl,tlt to Edllorlal ...... Atlhur l\!. Sanderson" 1:. ••, Bev. C. B. Melnberr. Pad., report new. Item.. women '. pase AdverUslng ...... John Kollman I ...d.,. Mal"', ••. 111 ., 1:...... Women's Gynmasium. 9 a.m. to 12 noon-Suml11er Con· Uem., or .nnouncemmtl to The DAILY IOWAN CJACULATION .' Circulation ...... Wilbur, Pe\enoD r.n METHOD lilT CBAPIL 1':16 a.m., 11 :at a.m. Dally Jowan. Editortal oHle.. are •• 8S1 Tlllr. A ...... ferenc e [or Iowa High School ClrculaUon Manaller ... .. Paul BeaI'd ' nUlrllS, 1I0A~D or sTun.NT . In the communlcpllon. Center. AIId&tant Manaler .. .. Michael Dailey •. PUBL10ATIO!ll8" " n. an. I ..... w. aa.".., ...... - IT. rAT.IOK·S CBU.oa In ECONOMICS, will be given in Teachers of English - Senate ilDo~af Sctreol .. It •. ",. '- -: - 22f ~ '] Co~' 81. Room 204 University Hall begin· Chamber, Old Capitol. 8ublCl'IpUon nl!!. - by carrl.r III Dr. Oeors. E •• ton. PenU.YI David MOl1lln; W.rohlp. n .... B.1y D.f.' 1:.5. T•••. m •••• T:" .... II Jow. City. 25 ~nta weeki, or $10 B. P'itulmmonl. A3 : Thoma. S. 8'1"1- 1 • • • IA. II...... 8:111. ':45, 11 La. ning at 1 p.m, on Tuesday. June 24. SU!)~~ DI • l 419tlf you do nol recelve your ilion. A4 : Pl'Cl, HtW> Kelso. Polilicai F lr nar In .cjvancoL .be month1u FRIENDS MElTING B,,' ...... :16 •••. '1.50; thJ'ft 00. Dally ...WID b,. 7:110 • . m. The Dally Science; Dwllht Lowell Mathe •• Af; Students expecting to take this Tu ••day, July 1 IJIontM, ... By ..... -1IIOA ••6m. I...... rlal Ual •• .',r. Pwlek I . O'a.wr.... "', ~II. low .... per , ...; .", month .. t5: lowa Circulation oUlce I~ Communi· Prol . ..I,e.Ue O. Moeller. Joumal\iqn; It. ·B., .." (;Ierk • • • examination should notify the Sec· 9 a.m. to 12 noon-Summer Con­ """ montha. $3' all other _U I\I~ eat10na Center .. open from. a,m. 10 Prof..x.. A. Van Dyke. EducaUon ; 10 u n. 1I1. lory' D..... S... Da,. Law Lounge at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, ""'.D _ ZION U rralBAN cBvaca .,tCtary. Room 201 University Hall • ference I ipr Jowa High School ..,rtptlOb" ,10 ;;.i ..- ,7 ...r; ebc -pu.., • p ...... , on Monday. bom T •.m. to. • Oal'7 •. ' WI1IIamI, Alj '1'IIomu W, II ...... Wor. hlp I ...... • nd 81 ....ln,l.. sto. ....; &br •• •.~ ... p,... TIIatIClaI tbI'olllb .rldar. UICl .II~. LL , N.,?.!l: l'luolc willi O.. .. r a.\ll •• Frlt"I, 11 ....1.. U ta. .... by__ June 20. _ 'l' ~liel~fs ~ !>L~l1L:,n~h,. _ Jun., j 4lh...... , -.. _--_ ...... _...... - ..... -- ...... S.r,". YOUNKIN- ' ~ to 3 Pushing Wins Rain ~ash':$.Out Braves leaU , TenniS Semifinals, Kramer To London in Quest

• On I On Win Over Cards Mickey Mantle ~C;/Llowa R:~~~:'!ay .... Of Talent for Pro Tours Par. Corn. A -Ilelng Leist oe oses f.:~ded I! u-.: Fri~aJCO~on mi· EWYORK - Profl\C)ter J aclI ted in turning pro." Fay. . 1ILWAUKEE IA'I - H nk A ron oC t way to record hi. first Kra.mer heads for London Sunday Kramer will scout the r med On A AMES - Carole Pushing, Chicago \'ict ry and c' n his ~. a at!....~eruusmi!i· • l~iOnships . ~ar ; broke out of an extended lump nilht ..,ith a tcheUul or YaM Wimbledon championship. open· e, as long enough Friday night to club ord at 2·2. charming 11 _ - old Carl ton UK ba"e been Coll rre hman became the for tada , and the final ing .!onday, and so me locker· Limb an eighth grand slam Boon doubl d home a pair of ce doUars ~ at buying n Women's Ccillegia.~ Golf Champ!. scht-duled U~y • • will homer as the 1ilwaukee Brav runs in a [our· ixth to put the ent for his prof onal t room bargaining. 00 Friday in her first major lour. ~rn CaiiCOl'lUll holds a 0- beal the SI. Loui Cardinal 7·3. Sox In front to l y. troupe. '!be promott'r d he had prom· By namen! out Id her nah"e fJnne. pomt . d ~ the b III for! . m and pulled three game out in front Baltu-~ ...... III .... 3 IS • sola ~hamPIOll hip, aod the Tro]lln5 Object or Ius arch ill be uclI ised Australian offici that he The Dint I owan', Own in thc race. CMel • • • • • ooe... - ,.. Hanhman. Zu,· .. rlnk "It. lAhmall . lin' the pta) to beat ror the amat ur play rs a 51 n 0 I; d· \IIould r,'e a "bands orr pol. LOU YOUNKIN The blasl by Aaron. over the 111 an4 Trbnd : Donov n . I\a ". individu I • I and doobl ti· cenler field fence. wa the 11th Ind LollA.. W- haw l"..Hlrahman. n of S.... den. Kurt '1 n of icy on the A i until after the Ho~ na Chi C I, -':..1'''\ 11· II . D v' Cup chal] og round in De by the Milwaukee right field rand USC has 9 points. St.aoford Denmark, Blldle Patty of Paris National League Stars the third of the ball game for the nut Ith 7 and 10 4 Each nd J Drobny of Egypt. cember. but he dd : The major league players, Bra,·e. Ed lathews unloaded victory frum bet- on is worth n· He al.. may malte everturec " I ~n talk to lhem. ev 0 though The coaches and managers begm vol· two-run bla 1 anG Johnny Logan other po nt. (can'l iJn thl.>m up." .. Alatt-. G I~ aNi taritain', ing Sunday (or the starting teams parked a solo hot in lhe I ft field AI. 01",.., s.uttt.NI Cal'l in tbe 1958 AII·Star Game. The bleachers. ace and a fann te te ,..peat hil sensa.... 17-".... "d Christine classic will be played July 8 in The homer for Aaron, who went 1956 51"8 les champion.... ip. will Truman, whe whipped Althea in Baltimo re's Memorial Stadium. into the game hitting .262. came face fifttHaecltd Art AnciAws of the ,..cent Wi,htman Cup match: Kirkwood Fred Ha ney of Milwaukee and of[ Billy Muffett, second Cardinal I_a at 1;)1 p.m. In tecIa,', a •• Casey Stengel of New York will hurler. ma~h play. " Th 1 di a h rd Kwik Kleen manage the National and American Aaron's homer wa his first in 10 doubl and ,h'e me time but two girls eould League squads respectively. As in County Stadium thi y r. Bob Pol will race th top- the ce"... of OIIality Sanka the past, the skippers will choose St. Lou.. ... 000 100 011- 3 4 1 seeded te m of Olmedo and Ed· make a lot of money playin t n· Mllwlukee 210 000 0.,.- 7 7 2 ni now if they w r of a mind," their own pilchers and utility men. Jon • MuU.1t II, and LAndrith. ard Atkin n, whil Stan(ord's • Expert Dry Cleaning Here is how I believe the a· RUlh. M.Mahon III and RIte w­ nd·r nked combination of J ck the Los Angel t nn· pllaUst Rulh. 1.-Jone . aid Friday. tional League can stack up at its . - Mllwlukee, Mithewl Dougla nd 0 ~e N Ison m t • Shirts Skillfully strongest against the American ,141. LoCan ,8,. Aaron (II •. u rn C I' o. 2 unit. Jim " Main I,. I hav. roem for a laundered and prea. Leaguers. Pirates 2, Dodgers 1 Bu k and Ed erdo Guzman. few IftON pI',erl te ..... the circuit." Kramer ~ " Ned • Complete Laundry At (irst base there is no conlesl. PITTSBURGH IA'I - George Witt, Service .. The Cardi nals' Stan Musial Is in. recalled by the year I _lei like ...... _e Musial has more records than RCA Jones Named to tollmame.nts Mel put twe teI/rs Acro.. fr.." Hy.V.. GrK8ry from Columbus last Sunday. stop­ _ the roM, H ""...... Victor and is orr to a tremendous ped the Lo Angeles Dodgers 2-1 start in 1958. Friday night on ix (or his fir t All-America Team "j h VI.' nough play rs for one Kirkwood A real Icramble develc'Ps at major league victory. N w York , . • .•.. 000 100 ISO !Deacon ) Jones tournament circuit now. A few second base. The National Leag' The 24·year-old righlh8nd r DelrolL •• '" .000 003 401(- 7 , 0 to the 1 58 N • mor and ( could hay a couple . G·l · I d Turl l', Tnlck. 17 •• Stuntl. 1'71 'nd Kwik Kleen uerl will have Bill Mazuoski of wa Ike d JIm I bam, the en 0([ Berrl : Bunnln, and Wllaon ...... T\lrl.\·. of hows eoinl imulloneously. Pittsburgh, Johnny Temple of battcr, but Gilliam wn out at· Hom. run- New York. Be .... 1111 Th r ar a lot of oldtJmers in Cincinnati. Red Schoendienst of tempting to steal. He then got the Europe now who might be int r· Milwaukee and Don Blasingame next 12 batters before Norman A's 5, Red Sox 3 ef St. Louis to pick from. Solly Larker singled to left in the fifth. KAN AS CITY I!'I - Kan City H.mul of the Phillies hal also That apparently ratll d the rookie broke a 10 in, str ak With LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANING lINn lust short of senatienal linct hurler for and Dick a big inning explo ion Frld y night replacing Granny Hamner at the Gray followcd with singl s to end and de[eated Bo ton 5-3 to move LOCATED ACROSS k.ydon. for Mayo Smith. My Larker across with a Dodger run. up within half n game o[ th pick for the starter is Malero ski. but he got the next two batters and place R d Sox. from Pearson's Drug At shortslop it has to be Ernie on . Th 's who had be 0 unllbl DON'T GET Banks of thc Cubs. Banks, usually Lol Ancele. . .. 'lOG 010 000- I • 0 pul th ir hits log th r . inee re­ Pltlsbullh 101 000 OOx - 2 8 0 a slow slarler. is tearing the cover Kour.". Labine '5', KllpPlt turning home thL w k (rom a MARRIED .•. In "', ..r , ..,lfte KiPI' 18. Dud p.l,na"'no; WIll and 10 an 0 . . . ..u..... I'f'r.. off the ball and should get the nod Folie• . 1.-KoulOX long road trip, nt to the 8,14.1 ...1 ... - 100naUene. A.· 315 E. Market over Daryl Spencer of San Fran· plate, In a 3·hit 4·run filth Inning "••••• "'.ntt. a.. "I...... ,"'.w, cisco and of Pittsburgh. 4 splurge that routed Bob Smith. We.UI •• II ..~ ....TIt .." .... Ife' , O,.n 7 a .m. to 6 p.m . I Phils 5, Giants ..... In. Ph.'•• , W~ •• I.I 11 ....,. . Another scramble for thc start· PHILADELPHIA ~ - Ruben Jack! J('n. n clout d hi 18th Mlalt ••• MI •• , "'..1 ... "... Ok.. ing berth will be at third base. Gomez walked Harry And rson Ihom e run of th ason for Bo ton Monday thru Saturday For lhe last couple years lhe fight with the bas s loaded in the ninth with Dick Gernert abo rd on a Ha\l's Bridal Shop has been belween Ken Boyer o[ inning Friday night sending hom walk in the fourth inning. Th hom· a 127 South Dubuque the Cards and Eddie Mathews of Stan Lopata and giving the Phila· er gave J n n th Am rican '1 =JI the Braves. This season, besides delphia Phillie a 5-4 victory over League I ad I!l that d parlnll.'nt. these two sluggers, you have to the Sao Francisco Giants. Bo ton ...... 010 200 0 'I 0 = rRIO \ .. R . t' take into consideration Gomez, who relieved larter xo;r'" mTt~~ Wal1 " lo~.~ ~o l:k-'~' ~nJ Chlr .0 O. Balum ... 2 of Cincinnati, Frank Thomas o[ Mike McCormick during a sev- Wh ile: TelT)'. Toman I< '7. .nd II IHtroit 1. N.w York I .. II j hi h th Smllh. W - Tur~ . L-R. mlth. lUn.. . CII. n""l<," 3 Pittsburgh and Willie Jones of en th snnsng ra y n w c e Home run Do ton. Jen n III. W. hi I,t"n et CI .. ,.I nd ,.In Phlladelphia. All five are excellcnt Phils tied il up at 4·all. walked Tal) \ PIT( til It glove men and are having a good Lopata arler gelling Will ie Jones Cubs 11 , Redlegs 3 N".... ¥ork _t D40l,ull M. year ~. LAr), '7-51 at the plate. My choice is to ground out. Th n Wally Post CINCINNATl I!'I - Chica&o's the greatly improved Hoak. singled orf Daryl penccr's glove &Ilon .. t )(an City t N . - Shl~l· Cubs staged II 1'1' n·run coring " -3' " }t ,\>tort 122" In left field I'll take Thomas. and Lopata went to third. Then spree in th firsl inning Frid y W.\hin.ton . t C ...... I"nd - Ot1l" Although playing third base for Bob Bowman walked, filling the 13·3. \ .• Norl kl II-b '. night and went on to ama four R.UlmorC'" at Chi\: . 0 - 1..0. 10·'1 Room, to r Kent this year. bases. more run In a rain·.horlcn d 11 ·3 \ .• WlllIOn 18· 1 Thomas i, normally an outfield· Anderson worked the count to 3 victory over Cincinnati' Redleg . TlOS l. L at' Classified ATTRACTIVE ft·· .", ; wam",. Phone i, '·I~41 5.JO p.m. 1-3 tr and leading the maiors in nnd 2, and Couled off three pitches Th 10 knocked Cincinnati out W J. " f l Gil .'I<>r homers and runs batted in. The flhnukH bcfore the walk which ended th 3 n I ROOM: mel. l1adu \ .lud.,,1 pre! r- of the National Leagu' o. Frl nd a .. »" 2' .m rHo CI In, 1·2147, $tniCor loop seems to be a little contest. PlttJbur,h • • • • , ~ l 2t • 11 4 Advertising Rat .. e·21 spot. ClnclnnaU 21 21 P e oak on Ilugging outfielders this Son Fr.nclaco . 040 000 OO!).. 4 I 0 MEN tud~ nt_ ln.l~ or room. PhiladelPhia . 200 000 2~1 - 5 II I The Red. threat ned in n Ilrly . I· Loul, •• •• 11 28 ,481 1''1 $tl.on 10 it looks like moving Chlee,,, 4 .. ror e.. mme. end lell. CI ·In. Dial McCormlcl<, Gome. 171 and Schmidt. every inning but did little with th ...... 30 at Word un 841 Thomas back to his fa minar Sh"1II0nl, Meyer 121, Ferr~1I II', Philid lphl. • 21 31 .4oe •1 A. opportunilic , LDI All ••1 t 34 .4,. Hoorn 19. and Lop.... . W H •• rn ...... U MEN'S <001 fOOlTII. Summu ro haunts for the cl assic will Gomez. ", ODe Day ...... Ie a Word strengthen Han. y's stars. Chlco,o ••••• 700 021 00 II 12 1 rrlday', R .. ull COOk,". prh lit.... Sho"'.... 214 N. ClncinnlU .,.000 020 10- 3 12 1 Put bur,h I . Lo. An.elea I Two Day. ...•.... tOe a Word BABV Capital 63Il N. CUnll>n. Phone 5141. 7-1 , Illed enC! of ~I,hth , r.lnl Willie Mays of San Francisco White Sox 5, Orioles 3 Phllid Iphl. e, n P'rlntl 0 4 Tbret Day• •.• ,." 12c a Word will be in cenler fie ld in lhe bot· CIIICAGO Ii?I - ReHefer Bob Phillip, And Taylor; Purkey, Mllwauk 7, I Lout. l .·2. Schmidt. 11 •• Lown IS" t..awrt"nce 171 , Four Days •...... l k a Word ChIc a~ II. Cln.lnneU I 8·%1 to m of lhe first July 8. Willie's Shaw and first ba eman Ray Nuxhlll Ill . and Belley Pur~ey . .Oam. CA1J~ ;at fOnd of • innln,_. Five Oa)l' ...... 15c: a Word Home runo-Cinelnn.U, Robln ... n 2 raIn) usual opponent, o[ Boone. acquired from Detroit last T eD Days ...... 20c a Word Roo~IS - lU N , Oubllq ue. 1·2415 . '·21 Sunday, pitched and balled th ' 17 •• is off to a rocky start TOI) ,,'. PIT II Ea. ODe MODtD ...... tic a Word Hou.e Wonted ROOM l or Men Dial 14as. 1·1:1 in 1958 and should not be given Chicago White Sox to a s.3 victory ~l . 1..oul. .t MUwauk. - Mbl'U OtI.IA1ntum Char" 5Oc) over Baltimore Friday night. '3·1, v. Durd~ll. ,H'. , DOU8LE roomt lor men. Prlve .. too much consideration. n ....ndtro I Ph ll.delphl. - An­ \lNIVER (TV In lruclor enC! lamlb· d.· kitchen Ind bot~ , 1-:a78. 1·21 My right field choice is the Shaw relieved starter Dick Dono· IOUf'1Il ".~I " . .nford ,S-SI . lire 3 _"""on hau.. . Occ:u.,."" l ull' , ['l't'lit~ Chlcaaa at ClndnnlU - Orllit .,." 1, Write B .... H. Th. 01117 low n ... 1 QUIET •• n,le room n... M... y ho· Phi llies' Richie Ashburn. We al· van in the sixlh inning to put down Display v, Haddix .4·3 •• A. p.1al. III.ln . 7~ . 1·11 ready have the sluggers in Musial, one oC Ballimor 's numerous Lc>- An •• le. e. Pit burch - X 'pp ODe lDaertlOD ...... BOX OFFICE OPENS AT 1;00 ' 24, o. Labine ,3. 2. v. Law 17-41 . Miscellaneous for Sal. FOR R.INT: Phone '·32et. On. and two R£ASONA81.& room [or n, n, 1411. 1·21 Banks, Hoak. Thomas and Mays threats after th Orioles had taken ' 1.20 • CoIuma lDch room l uml.hH apartmentl, 1.. 100, so a high·average. speedy man is a 3·1 lead. Five lDaertloDs a Month. DA VJ:NPORT: tabl .. : d te no: plaIn ~ 00 Ind 160.00 per month a bloclU House for Rent needed and Ashburn more than fills lIe allowed Ulree singles the rest NOW e Ends Tuesday and tu lled thll .. : tablne : bed.: from campu. VlIlltle pold. 7-11 NOW! P.. ch lD&ertlOD .• ...... ru,.: plano. Call "~l2J or 4801. ..14 the bill . He is normally a cenler ~ARsrrv PRACTICALLV n w - furnished ap,nt - a-ROOM hou .. In Corllvlll• . 1'11.., ~or d . , .. 0. ' ... "'. . , •• ' 1.00 • CoIWDll lDdl field er. BOOK Iv; Ikl and lid boo ..; lee menl lor ltudUlt coupl.. Slimmer Summer Ion onl) Phone lUI .. 8·27 feD lDIertioDl • MODth, .I