Ritual Room: Album: - "Death Acoustic" http://ritualroom.blogspot.com/2010/01/album-nick-oliveri-death-acoustic...

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WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27, 2010 Album: Nick Oliveri - "Death Acoustic"

This is Nick Oliveri's recent solo album titled " Death Acoustic ". I've always appreciated this man's ability to bring an angry, punk rock attitude to acoustic music and so it's beyond cool to see a complete album of him doing acoustic songs. It's even cooler to see him acoustically cover songs from past bands he's been in such as "Love Has Passed Me By " by and " I'm Gonna Leave You " by . This is Oliveri's second solo album and is all in all a really enjoyable, angsty, comedy laced release. He's also doing a tour for this album right now so catch it if you can!

1. Start A Fight 2. Invisible Like The Sky 3. Dairy Queen 4. I'm Gonna Leave You 5. Love Has Passed Me By 6. U Blow

1 of 3 2/1/2010 1:16 PM Ritual Room: Album: Nick Oliveri - "Death Acoustic" http://ritualroom.blogspot.com/2010/01/album-nick-oliveri-death-acoustic...

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2 of 3 2/1/2010 1:16 PM Ritual Room: Album: Nick Oliveri - "Death Acoustic" http://ritualroom.blogspot.com/2010/01/album-nick-oliveri-death-acoustic...

3 of 3 2/1/2010 1:16 PM