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1986 Alumni Magazine September 1986 Whitworth University

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Recommended Citation Whitworth University , "Alumni Magazine September 1986" Whitworth University (1986). Whitworth Alumni Magazine. Paper 360. https://digitalcommons.whitworth.edu/alumnimagazine/360

This Text is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at Whitworth University. It has been accepted for inclusion in Whitworth Alumni Magazine by an authorized administrator of Whitworth University. Whitworth College, Vol. 56/No. l/September, 1986 -- Dr, Robert H. Mounce, President

High-Sounding dislodge truth has not abated one Nonsense whit from the day Satan impugned the character of God by asking Eve, Colossae was once a prominent with calculated subtlety, whether MminIsttatIoa city in Asia Minor lying some ' God had really forbidden them to Robert H. Mounce, president hundred miles inland from the eat of any tree in the garden (Gen. Julia M. AndertOll, Viceptesidellt fur Aegean Sea, Although the site is 3:1). The necessity for clear and , srudelllilfeldean of studenrs now uninhabited, Colossae remains logical thought is as crucial today as Joseph 1'. H, Black, ViCe president fur of special interest to the Christian mstitulional ad¥ancCUlerlt it ever was, but the philosophical G. Michael Golns. vice president for church because of the letter it starting point is equally as important business allilIrs received from the apostle Paul early as the process that follows, Darrell \.. Guder, vice president for in the seventh decade of the first The secular world begins with the academic affairs and dean of the century, autonomy of the individuaL Each rncuiry Paul wrote from prison in answer Douglas Clegg, director of church person constructs his or her own relations to certain matters that Epaphras had structure of knowledge unfettered Ronald G, Frase, chaplain reported to him, Of special by ideology or commitment to a Ron Detrick, director of alumni importance was what has become given truth, Not so the Christian, relations known as the Colossian heresy It Or has it? Is philosophical and Faith is a commitment to the real was a form of Iewish-Christian IldItotlal Staff religious heresy a stage in existence of God and his self Linda Sharman, editor legalism, modifi.ed by Hellenistic intellectual history from which we revelation in Jesus Christ his Son, In Lonna Baldwin, associate editor astrology and Oriental speculations, have now emerged, or has error the same letter to the Colossian John caner, Ann Kennaly, Linda After encouraging the young simply adopted new and more church, Paul said that in Christ "all Lawrence Hunt, cantribUllng converts to live in vital union with sophisticated forms? Is it only a few the treasures of wisdom and editors Christ (2:6), Paul goes on to say, Alice Tyler, technical assistant remaining fringe groups that still fall knowledge are to be found" (2:3), Don Woodward, art direclOr "Be careful that nobody spoils your prey to popular fads, or is it He is our basic assumption and all COnnie Walters, graphics technidan faith through intellectualism or possible that the literati as well are learning proceeds from that high-sounding nonsense" (2:8a, susceptible to intellectual whimsies? perspective, Board of 1i'ustees Phillips), Such teaching is "built on Even a cursory survey of While this does not mean that Wllllatn B. Alles men's thoughts and ideas, instead of Jack C. Bills yesterday's set of working there is no truth but religious truth, Chades 1.. Boppell on what Christ has said" (2:8b, assumptions reveals that ideas, like it does mean that the incarnation G. Call Taylor). fashions, come and go with provides the ultimate guidelines for llentarest The reason I bring this up is to remarkable regularity, This is less all truth worth knowing, In Christian Dewey ask whether or not it has any true in the sciences than the P. DiJltln colleges such as Whitworth, it is relevance for the 20th-century humanities, but then science deals critically important that we Christian liberal arts college. One primarily with the created cosmos, understand the secular mind set, might say, "Of course not!" since which by definition is one step but that we do not allow our faith to modem intellectual thought has removed from mankind's central be "captured by hollow and outgrown the excesses of earlier concern. delusive speculations" (2:8, New philosophical speculation. I maintain that error's struggle to English Bible},

• InsideToclay

Today's Mail/3 Faculty Fotus/3 Bulletin Board/14 The Critical Ye:!1': Presidential Search Alumni Notebook/IS Examining the Freshman Experience An Open Letter from the Chair Page 4 Page 13 Today in Sports/19 Up and Coming120

Major Campus Improvements Begin with Arend Hall Page 12

2 Today's Mail Faculty Focus

I enjoyed the article on South conclusion, not a dogmatic given. Africa Week in the summer issue of Second, I was elated by the most Today. It was refreshing to read that recent issue of Today - I'm jubilant Whitworth continues to take an to see Whitworth living a lesson on active part in educating its students, Apartheid. I learned so much at faculty and community on issues of Whitworth about the world - and I world concern. learned it from uncensored I was, however, appalled to read experience. I bless the people who that Whitworth still has financial made this experience of Apartheid investments in companies that do happen, and I'm proud of Today for business in South Africa (pending emphasizing - not hiding - their the OCtober vote of the Board of brave and interested activities. Trustees). It is morally wrong to Third, I compared the alumni support, directly or indirectly, a notes section with that of the school nation that maintains an evil system. I actually graduated from. (I receive It is better to divest, in order to both newsletters.) The contrast is bring about constructive change. striking. What I find significant is You are skeptical as to whether that Whitworth's graduates are divestment can create constructive overwhelmingly involved in service, change? Let's try it here, not at in innovative projects and in non- Whitworth, but with Whitworth: I, traditional kinds of work. Many are FRASE LIEBERT Bret Stein, divest, or rather refuse to not even in the United States. If University of the Pacific's grads are invest in Whitworth College as long .Deane Arganbright, professor of that the letters are not epistles, but any indication, this is not usual. as Whitworth College sustains mathematics and computer science, informal communications that financial investments in companies Though I ended up at UOP by should be delivered orally, in the circumstance, Whitworth is very recently published a 14-page article that do business in South Africa. in the 1986 summer issue of presence of the group. Do you think that a lack of definitely my alma mater. Abacus, a journal for computer One example is Paul's letters. alumni investment would create a It is because Whitworth has "What did these people think when encouraged deep questioning and professionals. The article, change in policy here at Whitworth? "Mathematical Modeling With . he spoke highly of someone they outspokenness - in faith and in Do you think that the companies Spreadsheets," gives examples on didn't think much of?" Leibert says. that do business in South Africa,and world affairs - that I am proud to Another example is Beethoven's say I went to Whitworth. I'm how computer spreadsheet South Africaherself, would feel the programs can be used to construct letters to his two brothers. - same pressure for change? Nobody sending money now because I see "Obviously, he meant them to read signs that Whitworth will continue models in such diverse areas as goes it alone. legislative apportionment, genetics, the letters together." I love Whitworth College. that commitment. Classmates: The project may initially take the remember that big business isn't population migration and Whitworth has been one of the mathematics. form of several articles but will single most influential factors in my going to create and nurture this eventually be published as a book, life. It has taught me critical kind of activity on its own, we have .Chaplain Ron Frase and seven Leibert says. "The Union thinking and appropriate forms of to keep it viable. former students, the first group of Theological Seminary encouraged response. In no way do I wish to Sincerely, Whitworth students to travel to latin me to present the work at a damage the future of Whitworth. On Ellen White Class of '84 (in spirit) scholarly level," he says, "but I also the contrary, I divest financially in Berkeley, Calif. America together in 1975, were reunited July 19-22 at the Frase want it to be read by college the hope of investing morally, freshman - it's hard to reach that believing that it will bring about home. "The fact that we accomodated everyone at our home broad a spectrum in a single genre." constructive change and maintain I have just finished the last issue - we ate and slept under one roof the integrity of the fine educational of Today, and you make the - gave us quality time together," institution that Whitworth is. following statement on page 15: .Alan Peterson, adjunct professor Because I love Whitworth, I 'Alan Copsey, '79, Whitworth's only Frase said. of physics and geology, traveled to In addition to Marilyn Strong, divest. Because I love the people of Danforth Fellowship recipient to the People's Republic of China this South Africaand hate the system date." I want to call your attention to who initiated the reunion idea, Lee summer to study at the Institute of under which that nation operates, I two previous recipients with whom Smith, Carolyn Mooney, Ann Geophysics, Chinese Academy of divest. I divest not to hurt, but in I am acquainted, because I was the Berney, Cindy Smith, Cindy Sciences. The visit, funded by a Bryggman and Lynn Greisbaum the belief and faith that constructive Registrar at Whitworth during their u.S'/China Cooperative Science were present. All have remained change and healing will take place, Whitworth days. Grant, followed the study of socially active and have chosen and that it will take place more Dr. Richard Gray (now deceased) Chinese graduate student He Fan at received the first one to my careers in nursing, law, psychology Whitworth last fall. rapidly. or the ministry. • Bret Stein, '84 knowledge in 1954. Dick was a He Fan and Peterson built and "Basically, these kids lived Puno, Peru joumalism student under professor calibrated an airglow photometer, Alfred Gray. He was a reporter for together that entire year," Frase said, which measures the nighttime the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, a "and it was great to see how that radiation from the oxygen I am just sending my first alumni correspondent for Life Magazine experience shaped their thinking molecule. The instrument was taken contribution. I am finally eager to and dean of the journalism and their lives. The reunion get- to a site in China last December, send it, and I want to tell you why. sequences on all 22 campuses of together was so good, we're where Peterson recently delivered a First, I was encouraged by the the Indiana University system. thinking of doing it again in 1995, computer for recording and most recent fund-raising letter I've Dr. Ron Turner received two which would be our 20th analyzing the data. received, from Dr. Darrell Guder. I prestigious awards in 1961: the anniversary." Accompanying him was his Wife, was encouraged because he Danforth which he used to earn his Lois Kieffaber, associate professor emphasized the value of a liberal Ph.D. from 1962-66 at Harvard, and .Don Liebert, professor of of physics at Whitworth, who Arts education not restricted a Fulbright Scholarship to study in sociology, has a new writing project collaborates with Peterson on the (though augmented) by Christian Spain. under way. The writing takes its airglow research. awareness. I really believe that I am happy for Alan's focus from his study of I Corinthians Christianity will stand up to accomplishments and would in no and revolves around letters written thoughtful, searching examination way detract from the honor due to groups of people. Leibert stresses - indeed, that it's not worth having if it won't. Christianity is my toaay's Mail continued on page 18. 3 In eight years of teaching freshman writing classes at Whitworth and Spokane Community College, Linda Hunt has developed a special affinity for freshmen. Through their essays and journals, they reveal to her the joys ,and struggles of adjusting to college life. Drawing upon this experience, she provides a serious look at one of life's pivotal events - the freshman year of college.

by Linda Lawrence Hunt . 4 128 freshmen who chose to live in Reinhold Neibuhr's metaphor of Baldwin-jenkins, the recently shipwreck. designated Freshman Residence. ''To undergo shipwreck," explains Students living there participate in Dr. Parks, "is to undergo an Ie Critical Freshman Year an on-site seminar geared to unraveling of what held one's world provide a specific set of coping together, that which once was One day shortly after Tom skills. secure and trustworthy. A person lachermeier, a competitive "I walked in cold turkey," says suffers a collapse of a sense of self, swimmer from Colorado, decided to Tom, who is naturally adventurous. world and God ... leaving one enroll at Whitworth College, his ''I'd never visited the campus and I disoriented and bewildered. Often, mother called the Office of Student didn't know a soul." Despite the during shipwreck, there's an life on campus and, after asking a bravado, like most freshmen he inability to sense immediately a few questions, began crying. entered with a mix of high spirits promise of anything beyond." "I was really embarrassed," recalls and unvoiced apprehension. But the vast majority of freshmen Dolly lachermeier. "We knew so 'Almost every freshman is would say they neither sailed little about the school. I just needed somewhat frightened," says smoothly nor shipwrecked. They more information. Partly, I think, I Hamann. simply muddled through, pleased was afraid he might lose the faith While the college programs and on most days just to be afloat in and values he'd been raised with, schedules attempt to provide new territory. "I was humbled every but mostly, I just needed to know, structure for the students' beginning day my freshman year," laughs one Is my son going to be all right?" experiences, for them it seems all student, recalling the painful loss of In many ways, her question is loose and fragmented, more like high school prestige and identity, every parent's and every freshman's what American philosopher, William "but I still loved the challenges." question: Will I be okay? Will I James calls "one great blooming, It's common parlance for high "I walked in cold turkey. I'd succeed, whatever that means? buzzing confusion." school seniors and their parents to It's not that Mrs. lachermeier is Each freshman differs, but the talk of going on to college, setting a never visited campus and I an overprotective, inexperienced turbulent move from adolescence to forward tone for the year - a time didn't know a soul. " mother. Tom is the fourth of six adulthood often seems as of gain and growth. But students children to leave home. Rather, it's disorienting as an apprentice usually come unprepared for the precisely her experience that alerts seaman's first voyage. Or perhaps shadow side of gain, a sense of loss her to how pivotal the impact of the more so, since the destination - a that can linger for weeks or even college environment is during that major or career - is usually vague months of their beginning year. critical first year. and undefined. Students leaving the Leaving behind the safe harbor of Increasingly, educators recognize secure mooring of home feel adrift, home, family, the privacy of one's the power of the freshman year in buffeted by unpredictable winds own room, and a comfortable circle shaping young adult lives. At the and storms. of friends, creates a vacuum of 1986 National Conference on For a few, it's smooth sailing - loneliness. In a new environment, Freshman Year Experience, keynoter an exhilarating year, heady with the the carefully carved out high school Arthur Levine, president of Bradford freedom to chart one's own course. and community identity as athlete, College said, ''The freshman year is "I found myself excited almost scholar, musician, clown or the key, the best chance we have to every day," recalls senior lisa whatever is also gone, and the touch the hearts and minds of our Commander of her first year. For feeling is disorienting. It can even students." this Valdez, Alaska student and be wrenching to leave possessions Reseachers are exploring why others like her, even the occasional behind. some first year students succeed rough water of a low test score, a "Everyone on my island knew me and others fail, drop out or change faltering romance or an by my souped up convertible," . schools. Responding in part to the incompatible roommate fails to lamented a husky Hawaiian football pressure of a decade of dwindling daunt their confidence in their own player. "You can't imagine how lost enrollment, colleges nationwide navigational skills. I felt without wheels, especially feel the need to ask intentionally: But for others, the year can be - when it came to dating." What makes a student satisfied and devastating. Unplanned events - a Such losses, though unexpected, successful? What are the unique divorce or remarriage in the family, are natural and normal. In her book needs of this time? What social and financial crisis, academic Necessary Losses,Judith Viorst says coping skills need developing? unpreparedness, death of someone these are "intricately linked to Which academic tools make a close, sheer inability to manage growth," involving the essential difference? time wisely, the breakup of a long leaving and letting go needed to To impart these tools and skills, a term high school romance - can gain and move on. "How we deal flood of freshman experience plunge the student into turmoil. with loss differs," she observes, "but classes, special residence halls and ''When I found out in October it is almost always painful. There are workshops are springing up on that my high school girlfriend was no merry remedies like Winning college and university campuses sleeping with my best friend, I through Losing or the Joy of Loss." allover the country. Whitworth is started drinking and didn't attend a But the gains do come. Through no exception. "We're initiating more single class for two weeks," says a their creativity, resiliency and risk- programs every year," says Greg Whitworth junior, relating how taking, students discover new Hamann, Whitworth associate dean close he came to dropping out of dimensions of themselves. "It's of students, citing a new freshman school his freshman year. almost inexpressible the joy I'm advising program being added this In her book, The Critical Year.s: finding in my art classes," says one year to other survival skill training Young Adult Search for a Faith to student, who originally planned to already offered to freshmen, "But Live By, Harper and Row, 1986, major in business. it's a fine line, offering the right Harvard Divinity School Professor "Part of their task is discovering balance of support and challenge," Sharon Parks, former Whitworth what they want," says Hamann, "not he adds. associate chaplain, shows the just meeting expectations from When Tom lachermeier entered shattering force of these society, peers and family. If we Whitworth last fall, he was one of experiences, borrowing Theologian encourage freedom of inquiry, 5 they'll eventually own for noticing I was acting pretty strange," themselves the choices they make." she says. Finally, distraught and The new freshman advising disoriented, she ended up in the program, offering 'generalist' health center. 'Authorities called my academic planning until students Mom in Spokane and suggested that are ready to declare a major, is I was in pretty bad shape and designed to lead students into that should probably return home." ownership, Hamann adds. I Now? • After spending several months li\{o Am Freshmen must negotiate the back home sorting out, Kate entered Dave Stephens, a leading athlete rocks and shoals of three major Whitworth the following Spring in basketball and tennis, and adjustments before arriving at their Term. "I realize now my straight A student from Coeur yet-to-be-defined destination - overdependency on Mom:' she says. d'Alene High SChool,recalls losing passing through the loss of old "She'd wake me every morning and both identities in his first weeks at family patterns to arrive at new ways always did my laundry. And I Whitworth_ ''I'd heard it's common of relating to parents and siblings; probably wanted to go East to drop a full grade point in college, finding new, more independent primarily to please my Dad. I know so I decided not to play any sports definitions of self; and, finally, now I have to make decisions for my first year. Actually, I'd rarely accepting responsibility for their myself, not to please others." studied in high school, and I was own future as represented by the . That experience helped shape scared my sloppy study habits might academic tasks at hand. Kate's major, clinical psychology. catch up with me." If distance from family is the loss, Carrying a heavy load during Fall the gain is often a new appreciation Term, including physics and UI for family heritage. "I never paid calculus, Dave diligently studied never paid much much attention to-lIDwMom set the hours every day. 'After taking my attention to how mom set table," says a student who lived in first physics test, I felt very confident an apartment with three other men. and told everyone I probably got an the table ... " LOOking Back on the "But sitting at our formica table, A When I received a Co,I was Family observing the spitoon centerpiece, absolutely shocked." crusty silverware and mismatched He responded with even more "Most weekends during my plates, I started thinking about our studying. "For the first time in my senior year, I raised hell," recalls farm home and the way Mom life," says Dave, who's normally Dan, a junior from Denver. "I always had placernats, flowers and light-hearted and fun-loving, "I challenged many of my parents' nice dishes on our table." started getting really moody. values and made everyone Others tell of earlier family Someone would knock on my door miserable. I was glad to be getting memories: the taste of home-cooked and I wouldn't answer. Or if my out of the house, and they probably pot roast, a father who jogged at 5 roommate didn't pick up his felt just as glad to see me go." a.m. to help his daughter reach a clothes, I'd blow up." Though he was eager for track goal, parents who co-signed a He also became very jealous of independence, Dan wasn't prepared loan for a herd of cartle to provide Whitworth's basketball players. for what happened once he was on farming experience for a 16-year- 'After all my high school campus. "Every day I missed Mom old, an inner city mother who achievements, I was used to having and Dad. It absolutely insisted her son keep his grades up strangers coming up after a game dumbfounded me! My whole to escape the ghetto, a recovering and saying 'Good job.' Now I felt appreciation for them changed over alcoholic parent who reestablished like a nobody." the next few weeks." When trust with the family. By the middle of the term, Dave's Thanksgiving came and he couldn't While distance brings new resident advisor noticed the afford to fly home, Dan talked some appreciation of family experiences, changes in him. ''The best thing that buddies into driving all night to it also provides painful clarity for happened to me was a conversation surprise his family. "I realized, students from abusive homes. with him suggesting I might actually finally, how much they meant to Awareness of the destructiveness of be studying and worrying too much. me." the home environment often You might be wiser,' he said, 'to Kate Christy, a student officer plunges a student into depression occasionally accept a bad grade for from a Spokane high school, began or anger. "Myfirst semester, I just a day than be in a continual state of college at the University of New immersed myself in studies to stress.' " Hampshire, partly to be closer to forget my past," said one victim of One night, feeling especially her father, a lawyer in Ohio. She'd sexual abuse, "but in Jan Term, the tense, Dave pushed his calculus traveled for six weeks in Europe awful reality of what I'd lived book away, grabbed his basketball one summer, so she thought being through blew me apart. I couldn't and ran over to Graves Gym. "I just 3,000 miles from home would be study, my grades fell dramatically. shot balls for two hours by myself. I no problem. Finally I asked for help. Through couldn't believe how different I felt wrong. Within hours of her arrival counselling at the Lutheran Family after that. I now realize that I'm the in the New England town of Services, I learned ways to heal the kind of guy who needs the release Durham, a dizzying culture shock hurt." and relaxation of sports. So I started set in. "I was so lonely. I knew During the first few months, even making a habit of shooting and nobody knew who I really was." For the most confident of freshmen joining pickup games." the next few days, she barely ate or depend heavily on

An Open Letter to the Whitworth Community Reed Heads Dear Friend of Whitworth, correspondence to me at: Admissions Office President Mounce's retirement Nine South Eighth Ave. Yakima, from Whitworth College effective Wash. 98902 John W Reed, associate director August 31, 1987 presents us all with It would be helpful to have any of admissions, has been appointed acting director of admissions for the a large challenge and an exciting supporting statement you wish to opportunity. The challenge is to make, but if you prefer to furnish college. Reed holds a masters select a person who can meet the only name and address, we will degree in guidance and counseling measure of innovation and extend an invitation for submission from Whitworth. He was assistant effectiveness set by Bob and his of application and resume. basketball coach and director of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes at predecessor Edward Lindaman. The I want to assure you of the opportunity is to find a person who excellence, experience and Whitworth before joining the can build on their work and lead enthusiasm of your Presidential admissions staff in 1982. Whitworth to realize its great search Committee. The thirteen Reed has been responsible for promise as one of our nation's members include representatives recruiting students in every geo- leading Christian liberal arts from the Board of Trustees, faculty, graphic area of the West during his PENTZ time with admissions. He has also colleges. administration, alumni and student We know that our job will be body. Two were on the last PSC for a closer look The final few served as a retreat speaker for the candidates will visit campus and go Inland Empire Presbytery's youth difficult. which brought us President We solicit your assistance in two Mounce. We're thankful for the through extensive rounds of camp and has spoken to hundreds interviews and evaluation. The of schools, churches and groups ways. warm spirit which has characterized First, keep us in your prayers. our first four meetings. Board of Trustees will make the about Whitworth. Reed replaces Through nearly one hundred years What are the steps in the process? final decision. Shirlene McKenna, who resigned in of existence, prayer has upheld Having finished a thorough study of How long before a decision is February after serving as director for Whitworth through periods of the needs and goals of Whitworth, made? Our hope is to have the six years. transition. During this particular we currently are developing a person selected before Dr. Mounce "moment of maleabiliry' we desire profile of the sort of person who leaves next summer. But more God's will as we seek the person to could best lead Whitworth over the important than meeting a time line lead Whitworth into its second next ten years. From this profile will is finding truly God's leader for century. come a formal job description Whitworth. We welcome any word of advice Second, we would greatly which will be sent to institutions of appreciate your sending us the higher learning throughout the or concern you may have! names of persons you consider country. A pool of over a hundred Sincerely, qualified to be Whitworth's candidates will be developed from The Reverend Vic Pentz, Chair, president. Please direct your which eight to ten will be screened Presidential search Committee • 13 Alumni Bulletin Board

July 18-20. Emcee Jon Flora, '78, Another Sell-out Alums from the Mid-Sixties and introduced talent including vocalists Spokane alumni will board a Seventies are welcome to join the Christie Burchett, '85, and Kristy chartered bus on Saturday, October Detricks for a pre-Homecoming (Parker) Bergland, '84; comedy acts 18, bound for a weekend in Seattle game brunch at their home at 10 Notes and Eddie Antak (whose wife Shirley highlighted by the Seahawk-New a.m. on Saturday morning. After the messages from the (Mulford) is a '64 alum) and Bob York Giant game in the Kingdome Whitworth - Lewis and Clark clash at Whitworth College Carlsen, '75; theatrical readings by Sunday afternoon. Special features 1:30 p.rn. in the Pine Bowl, alums Alumni Director Rick Homor, '70, and Linda of the popular trip include breakfast from "The Eighties" are gathering Ron Detrick. (Devine) Rurey, '64. The audience served on board Saturday morning for a no-host pizza party at Elmer's, glimpsed the old (vintage '76- '78) and a relaxing dinner enroute home North 9029 Division. intermission film clips as well as the Sunday following the game. Mid-day All alumni are invited to attend new admissions slide show, arrival in Seattle on Saturday leaves the Oktoberfest Bavarian dinner at Gridiron Stars Return "Possibilities." Auditorium stage plenty of time for visiting, shopping, Leavitt Dining Hall at 6:30 Saturday. Flex those muscles! Bend those crew alums SCott Shaw, '76, and Paul and sightseeing. All aboard! The Alumni Distinguished Service knees! Lift those weights! Touch Viren, '78, were on hand to load Award will be presented during the those toes! Now do it again! projectors and give technical Oktoberfest: Homecoming 1986 evening, which concludes with the Former varsity athletes retumed assistance. Be sure to phone in your 8 p.m. presentation of "Damn to campus September 12 and 13 for A memorable feature of the reservations to the Alumni Office Yankees." The price of $10 per the annual Alumni Varsity Football Saturday evening all-alumni banquet (509) 466-3217, for Homecoming! person includes reserved seating at Game. Physical stamina (or lack of was the impromptu performance of Parents' Weekend events October the musical. For those wishing to it!) was put to the test at pre-game the Whitworth Pirate Fight Song, 24-26. (See special display in this attend the Homecoming Dance workouts and the Saturday accompanied by composer-lyricist issue of Today.) Out-of-towners, this at 9 p.m., or who saw the afternoon contest in the Pine Bowl. Hal Eastberg, '40. Do YOU will be your only pre- Homecoming play on Friday evening, the dinner- Other events specially planned for remember ... notice! only price is $8 per person. the football stars of yesteryear Alumni from the warren Era are Sunday's events include brunch at included a pizza party on Friday For Whitworth fight, fight, fight invited to a hors d'oeuvres party at Leavitt Dining Hall from 11:30 a.m. night, and a dinner following the and win, For the red and the black 6:30 p.m. Friday in (where else?) to 1 p.m., and the final performance game catered by Danny Almanza, Highest honors bring back! warren Lounge. This event precedes of "Damn Yankees" at 7 p.rn. '77, of Dolly's Gingham Gourmet. For Whitworth fight, fight, hear the evening's production of "Damn the cry "Onward to victory!" Be not Yankees," and includes a Please be prompt in phoning in Mac Hall Remembered content with less - Whitworth commentary by the director. You'll your reservations to Homecoming And it was at the Alumni deserves the best. be seated together in a special events to the Alumni Office, (509) Weekend rendition of Mac Hall in For Whitworth fight, fight, fight section of the auditorium for the 466-3217. We must hear from you Concert during Alumni Weekend and WIN! musical which begins at 8 p.m. by October 21. HOMECOMING/ PARENTS' WEEKEND October 24-26, 1986

Featuring: 1:30 p.m. DAMN YANKEES - Rollicking musical treat by Richard GAMETIME - Pine Bowl Whitworth vs. Lewis and Clark Adler and Jerry Ross, adapted from Douglas Wallop's novel, The Year the Yankees Lost the Pennant. 4:30 p.m. No-host pizza party at Elmer's for alumni from The Eighties. FOOTBALL - Whitworth vs. Lewis and Clark 6:30 p.m. OKTOBERFEST: Bavarian Dinner for alumni, HOMECOMING DANCE - Cavanaugh'S Inn at the Park parents, students and friends of the college. Leavitt Dining Hall. GATHERINGS - For alumni from The Warren Era, $10 per person (includes reserved seating for Damn The Mid-Sixties and Seventies, and The Eighties. Yankees) SPECIAL ACTIVITIES - For students and their parents. $8 - dinner only $4 Student price Friday, October 24 8:00 p.m. DAMN YANKEES 6:30 p.m. Hors d'oevres reception prior to Damn Yankees for Cowles Auditorium alumni from the Warren Era. Warren Lounge. 11:30 -1:30 Brunch - Leavitt Dining Hall (Reserved seating for musical in the Auditorium.) 7:00 p.m. DAMN YANKEES - Final performance. 8:00 p.m. Damn Yankees, Cowles Auditorium Cowles Auditorium Alumni - To make your reservations by telephone, saturday, October 25 call (509) 466-3217 10:00 a.m. Pre-game brunch at the Detrick's for alumni from the Parents - Contact the Student Life Office (509) 466-3271. Mid-Sixties and Seventies . You'll be receiving further information in the mail. • 14 Alumni Notebook

Bobby Roach, Federal Way, Wash., is Park Presbyterian Church. involved in a number of civic activities. He Bert Mills is a partner in Lehman-Mills, a 1923 1942 has served as president of the Greater Des Spokane human resources consulting firm. Moines Chamber of Commerce, is the Barbara (Elliott) Miller will retire from Margaret (Miller) Robertson is retired director of development at Wesley Gardens her position as librarian in the Public Affairs and living in Spokane. She became a great- and president-elect of the Des Moines- Department of General Dynamics in St. grandmother when Trevor Robertson was Midway Rotary Club. Bobby also serves on 1961 Louis, Mo., in September. She plans to move born in February. the Seattle-King County Advisory Board on to San Diego. Irma (Bengston) Heiple and her Aging husband, Bruce, attended the annual Larry Clark and his wife, Nancy, live in President's Prayer Breakfast in washington, Santa Ana, Calif., where they work for D.C. in february. The Heiples live in Grass wycliffe Bible Translators. Larry also does 1925 1945 Valley,calif. Mildred (Hess) Criswell recently moved freelance writing. Trudi (Cordova) Wardwell is to vtan. Okla. from Tillamook, Ore. She lives George Van Leuven has been the stated broker/owner of Valley Land and cattle near her daughter's family. supply pastor of Calcutta Presbyterian Company in Westcliffe, Colo. Church in East Liverpool, Ohio, since . Richard S. Strong is retired and living in February, 1985. 1954 Liberty Lake, Wash. Isabelle (McNeely) TesdaIllives in Bella Mary (Hartman) and Richard Ryan reside Judy (Boppell) Peace's book, The Boy- Vista, Ark. She works for Wld·Man, whose 1927 in Paradise, Calif. The Ryans have rwo Child is Dying: A South African Experience, corporate headquarters are in nearby married daughters, Kelly and Kathy. Their was re-issued by Harper and Row this Laurance J. Mitchell, honorably retired Bentonville. spring. Her husband, Dick, had two books from the Army in 1971, currently resides in son, Chris, is on the staff of Navigators in Davis. Another son, Rick, a Marine out this year. The Peaces have two Portland, Ore. helicopter pilot, was lost during a training daughters, Usa and jenny, and two sons, 1947 mission off the coast of Sardinia last Stephen and Jonathan, and live in South September. Hamilton, Mass. Dewey and Edith (Brock, '48) Elizabeth (Porrett) Carroll has taught 1933 Mulholland have served the Baptist business courses at the St. Maries, Idaho Florence (Baker) Kingma and her Theological Seminary is Brasilia, Brazil, for high school since 1978. husband, Gerben, recently celebrated their over 30 years. Dewey is president of the 1955 golden wedding anniversary. The Kingmas 26o.student seminary. 1. Ruth (Higgins) Gray makes her home live in lake Oswego, Ore. Bruce and CIarabei (Stevens, '48) on Camano Island, 'Wash. She is director of a 1962 Zelma (Morgan) Doig makes her home McCullough are retired and living is San in Des Moines, wash. at Wesley Gardens. Diego. counseling service and serves a Native American church. Ruth attended a seminar Though Stephen T. Davis has enjoyed at Indiana University in March which was success as a teacher, coach and ordained dedicated to her husband, Richard, who minister since he graduated from Whitworth died in November, 1984. Dick, a a 1954 in 1962, the intervening years have not 1934 1948 diminished the fond memories he has of his Whitworth graduate and Danforth After 22 years in children's education, Olga (Anderson) Rahm is retired and Fellowship recipient, is credited with alma mater. Evelyn (Irwin) Ashbrook has retired and enjoys traveling. She spent last fall in Europe leading the Indiana University school of And, over the years, Davis has done his moved to Temple, Texas. She and her and this year plans to focus on the United journalism to national prominence. former school proud in many ways, husband, Bob, live near their two daughters. States. Olga is also studying Swedish. Frank and Alicia Marshall live in including an honor he has just received. His Manhattan Beach, calif. Frank has served as colleagues and students have nominated pastor of Covenant Presbyterian of Los him for the prestigious Carnegie Foundation's Professor of the Year award. Angeles for 15 years. 1935 1949 The recipient will be announced later this fall. Keith A. Murray, Bellingham, \1fush., Joann (Larson) Gillis, Bremerton, \1fush., recently published Centennial Churches of enjoys playing the piano for musicals at Washington's ''Fourth Corner," Occasional Bremerton Community Theater and for 1956 Paper #20 for the Center for Pacific Bainbridge Performing Arts. She is retired Dick Sieler, a social studies and \ Northwest Studies. from teaching kindergarten. economics teacher at WE West High School Norma Louise (Brown) Brown, Spokane, in Centralia, \1fush., was honored in May by studied piano with Anna Jane Carrell while seattle television station KING. He was at Whitworth, and received her bachelor's chosen to be one of five western 1937 degree from from the University of Idaho in 'Washington teachers profiled. 1953. She subsequently taught music in In May, Phil and Lorraine (Rasco, '38) public schools and has been a certified Walborn left for Bedford, England where piano instructor for 15 years. Phil will serve as associate pastor of Bunyon Meeting. They win return to their home in 1958 Des Moines, \1fush. in February. Mary (Latimer) and Don Lee make theit Ralph Shanks has been retired from full- 1950 home in Anaheim, calif. Mary is president of time ministry for ten years. He and his wife, - the las Ranchos Presbyterial, and Viola, live in Napa, calif., and celebrated Richard and Ardith (Moberly, '53) Klein evangelism coordinator for the Santa Ana their 50th wedding anniversary last June. serve the Wendell, Idaho Presbyterian First Presbyterian Church. She and Don, They serve with a volunteer clergy tearn Church. Their son, Steve, graduated from owner/pharmacist of Jackson Drug Co., have which is developing a new Presbyterian Fuller Seminary in June of 1985. a sen, Paul, and daughter, cathy, both church near Fairfield, the fourth church the students at Whitworth. DAVIS Shanks have helped organize. . Leslie (Norquist) Egloff runs a Davis, a professor of philosophy and Ruby L Hobson, Lewiston, Idaho, calligraphy and graphic arts business out of religion at Claremont McKenna College, and attended the Assembly of United Methodist 1951 her home in Girdwood, Alaska.. his wife Charis (5oults), a teacher at Women in Anaheim, Calif, in April. She Harvey and Corrine (Weber, '50) Polley Western Christian High School in West concluded her trip with visits with friends in continue their missionary work in zaire, Covina, both graduated from Whitworth in relatives in California and Seattle. under the auspices of International 1%2. They now live in Claremont with their Ministries of the American Baptist Churches 1959 two sons, Adam, 16, and Nathan, 14. USA Evangeline (Babcock) Triplett and her 'We love Whitworth very much, have Spencer and Geraldine (Tweedy) Lewis, husband, Vernon, are retired and living in many friends there, and wish the college 1939 Fremont, Calif., are both retired from well," Davis says. "I am grateful for the Spokane. Evangeline taught second grade at Grant V. Rodkey, Belmont, Mass., became teaching. Spencer continues to do substitute Spokane's Longfellow SChool for 12 years. excellent academic training I received there, a grandfather for the second time in June. teaching and Geri enjoys writing. David QUiring received a doctor of and especially to professors Lawrence Yates He continues to have a busy surgical ministry degree from Drew University and Howard Redmond, who got me started practice and is a member of the AMA SChool of Theology in May 1985. He is the in philosophy. Council on Medical Service. protestant chaplain of Muhlenberg Hospital "But the most important things that 1953 in Plainfield, N.]. David and his wife, happened to me at Whitworth were outside the classroom - participating in student Ken and Donna (Nash) Munn live in Virginia, have two teenage sons, Steven and government, making lifelong friends, seattle, 'Wash. Ken has retired and spends Nathan. John Gunn and his wife, juyne, live in San participating in athletics, growing spiritually, his time writing children's stories. He and meeting my wife. I arrived at Whitworth a Donna have four grandchildren. Mateo, calif. John works part-time at Menlo 15 ¥

boy and graduated a man." Lois E. Goodman, Doylestown, Penn., will Tom Bristow, a former football star at Kim and Christine (Sacco, '70) Williams Aftet graduating from Whitworth with a be installed as Moderator of the Presbytery Whitworth, has become one of Washington's reside in Benicia, calif. Kim is a bachelor's degree in philosophy, Davis went of Philadelphia in january, 1987. She will be most visible ~ and in some cases, most mentor/teacher for the Mount Diablo on to Princeton Theological seminary where in first woman minister to serve in this controversial - state representatives. School District. Christine keeps busy home he received a master's degree in Divinity, capacity. She currently is associate pastor of Two years ago, when Bristow, a farmer schooling their three children, Anne-Marie, and Claremont Graduate SChool, where he the Doylestown Presbyterian Church. and cattle rancher who has served as Ferry 13, Mark, 11, and Sean, 7, "an adventure the was awarded a doctoral degree in Gary and Janet (Kirk, '66) Wolfer make County Commissioner since 1976, whole family finds extremely rewarding." philosophy in 1970. their home in Denver, Colo. Janet recently announced his candidacy for the 7th Before joining the Claremont faculty, earned a bachelor's degree in music-vocal legislative district, no one could have Davis taught at Pomona College, the performance at Denver's Metropolitan State foreseen the impact he would have on local University of Riverside and at California State College. She and Gary have two children. politics. Bristow's district covers the 1970 northeast portion of the state but not Polytechnic College in Pomona. He has Bill and Merrie (Wallace) Melver have Spokane. Still, some people are saying he's authored four books and numerous moved to Spokane, where Bill is pastor of on the 'Way to becoming Spokane's leading scholarly articles, and is also the associate Millwood Community Presbyterian Church. politician. editor of the tnternaaonat toumat for Tim and Bonnie jo (Dinnison, '74) Stime Philosophy of Religion. 1966 have completed ten years with wycliffe Since 1969, Davis has been the head Elaine (Willard) and Thomas Dezurter Bible Translators in Quebec, canada. Tim coach of the Claremont McKenna-Harvey live in Federal Way, Wash. Tom is regional and Boo enjoyed a short furlough in Mudd-Scripps combined soccer team, with a customer service manager for Alaska Airlines Washington state this summer. record of 194 wins, 76 losses and 30 ties. In at Sea-Tac International Airport. The Martha Harris, Pasadena, Calif', was 1983, the team was an NCAA Division III Dezuners have three children, Darren, 9, promoted to associate vice president of the finalist and Davis 'WaS elected National Lindsay, 5, and Bryan, born last january. University of Southern california in July. She Soccer Coach-of-the-Year. Mary (Gingrich) Wakefield teaches is responsible for the university's external An ordained Presbyterian minister, Davis second grade for the Indianapolis, Ind. and internal communications and public has served as assistant pastor of Bethany public schools. Her husband, Ron, is a relations. Her husband, Morgan Lyons, is United Presbyterian Church in Burbank, systems analyst for Indiana Bell. president of Lodestar Management/ Calif. and of Claremont Presbyterian Church. Peter Said lives in Rancho Cucamonga, Research. This year, when Davis's colleagues and Calif., where he is a member of Hillside Patricia (Kleinback) verdal teaches students nominated him for the Carnegie Community Church. He has been working junior high school horne economics in Foundation's Professor of the Year title, they in the construction field. Moscow, Idaho, where she lives with her cited his outstanding scholarship, strength Steve Smith, executive director of Kemp husband and two daughters. of character, integrity, challenging teaching Pacific Fisheries, lives in Woodinville, Wash. Maynard and Colleen (Nelson, '71) style and balance as worthy of the award. He and his family attend Rose Hill Medefind live in Wimon, Calif, where Presbyterian Church in Kirkland. Maynard teaches science at Atwater High BRISTOW School. He and Colleen have four sons. During his first year as a representative, 1963 Bristow gained a seat on the Legislature's powerful budget writing w..ys and Means Phil Rich and his wife, Bev, live in Port 1967 committee. Kaiser Aluminum and Chemical 1971 Townsend, w..sh., where Phil teaches sixth Shirley (Menkes) and Latty Grossman Corp. went to him with a major bill this grade at Pan Townsend Intermediate David AMerson is classified advertising live in Spokane where Shirley has a music year, and he's become the leading SChool, and Bev is a registered nurse. Phil manager for the Fresno, Calif., Bee. school for 3 to 5 yeat olds, The Grossmans proponent for the removal of the Maple Sarah (Plotts) and Jetty Schaldack live in also fishes commercially in Alaska during have two daughters, Eve, 18, and Miriam, 15. Street Bridge toll. Glasgow, Mont., where sarah is a resource the summer months. He and Bev have three Robert and Elizabeth (Merkle, '68) Because of his reputation for teacher for the Glasgow School District. She childten, Bill, Sally jo and Rob. Coppock live in Duluth, Minn. Robert is compromise, Bristow has also been asked to Leon Thompson is pastor of First received her master's degree in special senior pastor at First Presbyterian Church, sponsor a tort reform package aimed at Presbyterian Church in Concord, Calif. His education from Eastern Montana College in and Elizabeth is a busy homemaker. They controlling insurance costs for doctors and wife, Betty, is a worker's compensation june. Jetty is shift operator at Fott Peck Dam have three sons, Paul Robert, 11, Karl Jon, 8, businesses by limiting jury awards and for the Corps of Engineers. The Schaldacks examiner for Safeway Stores, Inc. The and Benjamin Caty, 4. attorney fees. The issue has seen the Thompsons have three children, UZ, David have two children, Nathaniel, 9, and Prairie, Marvin Sather teaches high school heaviest lobbying of the session. and Katy. 6. English and coaches basketball and track in Since he's been with the Legislature, Daniel Peterson has his own law practice Libby, Mont. He is president of the Libby Bristow has been described as talented, in Sunnyside, Wash. He and his wife have Education Association. aggressive, bright, thoughtful, low-key and two childten, sarah, 7, and Andy, 4. Michael and Betsy {Turner, '68) Nunley shy. But he is not without detractors. sen. 1964 reside in Phoenix, Ariz. Michael teaches Lois Stratton feels Bristow is cheating junior high computer courses and Betsy is a Spokane out of sponsoring its own bills. Nancy (Bums) Acheson, Malibu, Callf., professional calligrapher and part-time Despite the naysayers, some people see 1972 became president of the Los Angeles elementary teacher. They have a son and a him as a possible candidate for mayor or Chapter of the Juvenile Diabetes Foundation daughter. county commissioner. While Bristow said Vern Hogberg is principal of Regal in July. Paul and Shelia (Cogley) forsyth live in he's not going for either of the posts, he Elementary School in Spokane's School Nadine (Smith) Heusser teaches third Everett, Wash. Paul teaches third grade for also said, ''I'd like to be in a position to take District #81. He has been with the district grade at Banner SChool in Frederick, Md. the Edmonds school district, and Sheila is a another step if something was to open up." for twenty years. Her husband, Roger, is director of waste educational aide for the Mukilteo school Dorothy (Larson) Hay is business management for the Department of Energy. district. They have two sons, Kirk, 12, and manager for Unity Church of seattle. She The Heussers have two sons, Andy and Matt. Kyle,9. was a recent guest lecturer for the Gari Ann (Hughes) and Wesley Truscott Ron and Nancy (McCarty, '68) Krantz graduating ministerial class of Unity School live in Pebble Beach, Calif., where she is the have returned to IDs Alamos, N.M., after a 1969 of Religious Studies at Unity Village, Mo. principal of schools for handicapped year's sabbatical in St. Albans, England. They Ceil Cleveland recently became assistant Dorothy's husband, Allan, is in corporate students and he is an attorney. They have have two sons, Daniel, 15, and Douglas, 12. vice president for publications and media sales for Bell Atlantic. three childten, Elizabeth, 12, Wesley, 7, and affairs of the State University of New York at Patrice (Winfrey) and John Roberts live Anne,S. Stony Brook Prior to her new position, Ceil in Tucson, Ariz. John is an open pit was Columbia University's senior public enginner for El'I. US, a consultant finn with affairs officer and editor-in-chief of mines in Zaire, Africa The Roberts have two 1968 sons, Peter, 10, and TImothy, 7. Columbia magazine. Cheryl (Kinder) Tibbetts moved to Nancy (Darnell) McCarthy is a 1965 Granada Hills, Calif., two years ago. She homemaker in Ogden, Utah. Her husband, Susan A. Ward is education and program teaches kindergarten at the Los Angeles Jim, is a civil engineer. The McCarthys coordinator for the United Nations Unified School District's O'Melveny attend Holy Family catholic Church and 1973 Association of Tucson, Ariz. She edits a Elementary School. Cheryl has two have two childten, Becky, 13, and Dan, 9. newsletter entitled UN Perspective and is daughters.Janelle, 15, and Melissa, 11. Stephen W. Grindall lives in Mulilteo, Rick and Kathy (Graham, '74) Hansen also active with the Returned Peace Corps Dean Jamieson and his family are living Wash., where he owns the Mulilteo Family make their home in Santa Rosa, calif. Rick is Volunteers of Southern Arizona organization. in Kaiserslautem, West Germany where he is Dentistry practice. Stephen and his wife, an assistant golf course superintendent at Linda (Flathers) Parsley, Leavenworth, teaching at Vogelweh Elementray School. Nancy, have four children, Daniel, 6, Jessica, Fountaingrove Golf and Country Club. Kathy 'Wash., received a "Making a Difference Dean is on leave from his position with the 4, and Amy and Rachel, 2. keeps busy with their three children, Corey, Award" from the Cascade, w..sh., school Edmonds, Wash. school district. Lorene (Signs) Dagg is a realtor for 7, Rebekah, 4, and Timmy, 2. district for her work in computer education. Judy (Gaines) and Dell Lundien make Michael Smith and Associates, Inc. in Susan K. Morris has opened a private Bert Webba and his wife, Margie, make their home in Reno, Nev. Dell is a Bellevue, Wash. She and her husband, practice in consulting and teaching in their home in central Point, Ore. Bert is a technician for Sierra Electronics, and Judy is Richard, have two sons, Michael, 11, and Phoenix, Ariz. Her husband, Richard self employed research photojournalist. a homemaker. Steven 8. Plattner, is an attorney. 16 attends medical. school at the University of Ann Kough, Los Angeles, calif. is vice Christopher, who will be a year old in Washington. president and general counsel of Pacific OCtober. 1979 Triangle Management Corporation, a Beverly Hills real estate development company. Mark and Carol (Witbeck, '78) Slomka Dean and Gayle (Shelton, '74) Shriner reside in San Diego, Calif. Mark is associate live in lakebay, Wash. Dean is a nurse 1977 pastor at Mount Soledad Presbyterian 1981 practitioner at Key Peninsula Health Center, Church. Carol is involved in the church's Richard P. Waterman 'NaS commtsstoecd Debi (Klahn) and Steve Knight live in and Gayle ('74) cares for their two music and children's program. They have a second lieutenant in the United States Army England where Steve works on the news daughters, Hannah,S and Katharyn, 1. daughter, Alison Joy, 1. upon graduation from Officer Candidate desk of the Bristol Evening Post. Debi is Nancy (Beiler) Crutchfield is a family SChool at Fort Benning, Ga. busy with their three children, David, 4, nurse practitioner for Southwest Medical Dann Moomaw is vice president of Clare, 3, and Katherine, 1. Debbie and the Association in U1.s Vegas, Nev. Her husband, American Video Enterprises in Sherman children were in Washington State for a long 1974 Michael, is an optometrist. They have an Oaks, Calif. He lives in santa Monica. visit this las- summer. infant daughter, sarah Elaine. Kristen (Foster) and SCott Mason reside Jan (SchneidmiUer) and Glen Hank live Ron Gee and his wife, Kitti, make their Dr. Susan D. Lonborg is assistant in Pleasant Hill, calif. Kristin teaches second in Walla Walla, Wash. jan, a registered nurse, home in Tacoma, Wash., where they attend professor of psychology at Central and third grade special education students and Glen have three children, Agape Force City Center Church. Ron Washington University in Ellensburg, Wash. for the Mt. Diablo Unified SChool District of Larry and Suzanne (Erb, '75) Burciaga teaches and coaches for the Tacoma School Brian and Diana (Heath) Kruse, Concord. SCott is the business manager of make their home in Davis, calif. Larry is District. He is also chaplain for the Tacoma Gresham, Ore., have their hands full with the Ford Motor Company in Milpitas. involved with a new rice mill in Arbuckle, Tigers, the oakland A's MA baseball team. twins Meredith and Morgan, born last Philip and Deanne (Novasky, '83) Silva and Suzanne keeps busy with Brian, 7, Billy, The Gees have an infant son, jevan joshua. December. They belong to Covenant live in Kingwood, Texas. Deanne keeps 5, and Todd, nearly 2. Connie (Kirkman) and John Dunton Presbyterian in Gresham. Diana is the billing busy with son Gabriel, and Pino manages recently moved from Boise, Idaho to the coordinator for a Portland law firm. office and inside sales for IPSCO Steel, Inc. Olympia, Wash. area. The Duntons have two Pat OJ. Johnson) and Ron Smith live in Mark and janet Watson returned to the daughters, Amy 'Sue and Allison. St. Petersburg, Fla. Prior to their move to Northwest after Mark completed a master's Vida (Smith) and Thomas]. Delanty were 1975 Florida, JJ. taught English as a second degree in library science at the University of married last November. She is a preschool Larry and Barbara (Dennison, '76) Peck language to college-bound foreign students Chicago. They now reside in Springfield, special education teacher for the Everett live in Olympia, Wash., where Larry works and French in Seattle. Ron manages a pool Ore., with their daughter, Bethany Alice- school district, and he is a tax accountant for for the Department of Fisheries and Barbara service and supply company. Marie, 1.. Mark is a librarian at the University Coopers & Lybrand. They make their home works part-time in a local hospital. The Ken and Karin Young, Coeur d'Alene, of Oregon. in Bellevue. Pecks have four sons. Idaho, expect their second child in OCtober. Brian Best, Washington, D.C., works for R. Alan Magnuson's sales for Mountain Alice (Raines) and Drew Anderson Ken is the director of youth ministry at the samaritan Ministry of Greater Bell were the company's second highest in returned to Spokane in February after three Coeur d'Alene's First Presbyterian Church. Washington, a social service agency 1985. He is active in Republican politlcs and and one-half years in saudi Arabia. Alice is Karin is a teller for Idaho First National sponsored by a coalition of Episcopal the Denver, Colo. Chamber of Commerce. director of nursing at sacred Heart Medical Bank. parishes in the District of Columbia. He Carol L Simonson Danielson is associate Center and Drew is a radiology technologist John andJill (Williams, 80) Bookwalter directs the job Search Center, which shares a pastor of the 2,200-member First at Spokane Valley General Hospital. They live in Ventura, Calif, where John manages a floor of St. Stephen and the Incarnation Presbyterian Church in Fort Warne, Ind. In have a son, Michael Drew. healilh club. He and jill have a son, Brock' Episcopal Church wiilh ilhe Washington Free her spare time, Carol sings with the city's Bonnie Sue Lewis, sacramento, calif, James, born last November: Clinic, an agency which is directed by Philharmonic Chorus, and enjoys aerobics. wcrks for a California state assemblyman. Margaret (Meriwether) and Roben Faye whirworth alum William Tatum, '53, Joyce Kissinger teaches music at St. After nine years of teaching high school live in San Luis Obispo, 'Ca1iE,where Robert libby Avnet, Spokane, is a member of the Henry's SChool in Chicago, Ill. She is also American Government, Bonnie enjoys is an aeronautical engineering student at cal Idaho- Washington Board of ilhe United Norwood Park Lutheran Church's organist learning about the legislative process . Poly. Margaret is house director for Alpha Nations Association, and recently toured and choir director. firsthand. Phi sorority and cares for their son, Corin, 1. three colleges in Israel. Marybelle Savage recently retired from Harry Crumbaker, whtrworth's first male Christopher and Lisa {Gruenfeld, '81)' Tim and Nancy (Erickson, '80) SCott her position as director of nursing at Walla senior scholar graduate, lives 'in Spokane Call make their home in salem, Ore. Chris is make their home in Sumas, Washington. Walla Community College. Her Career and is busy researching his family the co-chairman of Trinity-Covenant Church. Tim teaches and coaches at Nooksack High included 29 years of teaching in diploma, genealogy. Warren and Nancy (Twibell, '80) Lewis School. Nancy is busy with Amy Breanne, practical nursing, and associate degree Michael Orendorff is a certified public have two children, Natalie, 3, and Andrew, 1. born last March. nursing programs in Walla Walla, Wash. accountant with Molatore, Gerbert, Rusth Warren is a software specialist for Digital Tim Pines lives in laguna Beach, Calif, Susan (Drotts) Gontarski is acomputer and Co., PC in Klamath Falls, Ore. He and Equipment Corporation in Bothell, Wash. and works in product planning and research programmer for a medical computer firm in his wife, carole, have two children, Aaron, 4, Mark Wiser is a counselor at Hunter for Mazda. Sacramento, Calif. She and her husband, and Michelle,S. Junior High in Salt take City, Utah. John Perkins, Foster City, Calif", received Frank, were married in September, 1984. Teresa (Zimmermann) Davison also lives his master's degree in international policy John Mauch is a chemistry teacher and in Klamath Falls, Ore., where last year she studies from-Stanford University in june. He assistant football coach at Pasco High taught an experimental drug resistance is an associate consultant in the san SChool, Pasco, Wash. He and his wife, program to seventh and eighth graders. Francisco office of Bain and Company, an Valerie, are expecting their first child this - Teresa and her husband, Lynn, have three 1980 international management consulting firm. children, SCott, 6, and Sarah and Shannon, 3. fall. Andrew and Janet (Cizik, '82) Lindahl Ruth Ellen Peterson teaches sixth grade Steve Meyer recently received a Rotary Jean (Russell) and Bill Winder moved to moved to Bothell, Wash., last fall, following in Lake Oswego, Ore. She is a deacon at International fellowship to study the history Ridgefield, Conn., where Bill is product Andrew's graduation from Fuller Seminary. lake Grove Presbyterian Church: and philosophy of science at cambridge manager at IBM's corporate headquarters in University in England, beginning this fall. He is director of family ministry at NewYark and New Jersey. The Winders He and Elaine (Moneymaker, '82) have Inglewood Presybterian Church, and janet is have three children. been working in Dallas, Texas. a registered nurse at Seattle's Providence Gary and Barb (Bowerman) Ash make Shannon (Williams) and Ed Luttrell live Medical Center. their home in Kennewick, Wash., where in Seattle, Wash. Shannon earned her Paul Brassard, Los Angeles, Calif., Gary is a systems analyst for WPPSS. They 1978 master's degree in rehabilitation counseling manages the U.S. sales office of a Hong have three children, Michael, 6, Paul, 3, and john Robertson 'and Karen Chalfant, a at in 1983, and is a Kong based manufacturer of photo-video Stephen, born last january. Westmont graduate, were married in August, vocational consultant for Shervey-Owings. and consumer electronics products. He 1985. They live in Pasadena, California. Ed is director of operations at Golden Alaska attends Wilshire Presbyterian Church. julie Hutton-Gonzalez finished her NlBA Cathie Bremer, San Rafael, Calif., is Seafoods. in accounting and finance at Oregon State involved in Bay Area Dance and looks Stephen and Kristen (Quint, '83) Renz 1976 forward to designing and performing with and their newborn son, Christopher, make University in March, and is now a their home in Spokane. Stephen is project financial/accounting analyst for Hewlett- <- Susan Lee Viel teaches fifth grade in the the company. _ coordinator for S.L Start and Associates. Packard in McMinnville, Ore. julie and her Colton, calif, public school system, Adriana (SChilperoort) and Douglas Tom Kittleman is planning a move to husband, Ramon, live in Corvallis. following six years of teaching in Christian Havnaer recently moved to Rohnert Park, Pasadena, Calif, to finish his master of Gayla (Howland) Traylorteaches piano schools. She received her master's degree in Calif, from Madison, N.]. Adriana is at home divinity degree at Fuller Seminary. He has at the Kamehameha SChools in Hawaii. She reading education from California State with their year-old daughter, Helen Marie. been living in Seattle for the past two years. wrote a paper entitled, "Synthesizers for University at san Bernardino in 1985. Doug flies for American Airlines out of San Following two years at Whitworth, Brian SChool Music Programs," which was Melody (Brock) Podlas works for the Francisco. L. Bocksch completed his bachelor and published in the Hawaii Music Educators Postal service in Spokane. She and her Russ Thompson, IDs Alamitos, Calif., is master's degrees at the University of Association's publication Leka Nuhou in husband, Rick, are expecting ilheir first child. dean of students at Locke High SChool in January. Estelle (Poole) and Steve Marks live in Watts. He and his wife, Betty-jean, have a Washington. He now works for General Julia (Ehrlich) and Robert Baisch were Pasco, Wash. They have two sons, Nicholas son, Nolan Russell, born last December. Dynamics in La jolla, calif. Ed and Renee (Gumb, '81) Riley live in married in March, 1985. They make ilheir and Erik. Sarah Stephens was ordained on July 12 at seattle. Renee graduated from Princeton home in Fresno where julia teaches biology Marcia (Brown) and Keith peterson San Francisco Theological Seminary. She Theological seminary in june and is now at Fresno High SChool and Robert coaches a make their home in Spokane, where Keith is now serves as conference director for the associate pastor of mission and pastoral care U.S.5. swim team. They are expecting a child a civil engineer with NA Degerstrom, Inc. Presbyterian Health, Education and Welfare at Mercer Island Presbyterian Church. Ed in early November. Marcia is home with Sarah, 3, and Association. 17 Betsy (Keno) Woolley teaches piano services administration. Deaths lessons part-time in Savoy, III. Her husband, Toni R. Swanson is employed by PSA Former Music Bob, is enrolled at the University of Illinois Airlines. She has relocated to Reno, Nev., '3 I Helen (Doig} TravailIe, August 9, 1986, College of Medicine. from San Diego, where she roomed with in Duarte, Calif. Professor Dies Kathleen Ellen Carroll-Mahan, Ridgecrest, Amy Haydon, '85. '58 Loretta (Sloan) C1aucherty, June 5, George O. Poinar, a former Calif" is planning a move to Visalia where Eiizabeth (Sprengeler) and Lane 1986, in Sun City, Ariz. she will teach senior high school civics. professor of violin and orchestra at Hendrickson live in Tillamook, Ore., where Whitworth in the 1930s, died of Kathleen taught junior high history for two Elizabeth teaches first grade at East Marriages years in Lake Isabella. Elementary School. . cancer May 15 at the home of his Kelly and Ann (Burnett, '83) McEachran '62 Karen McMiI1an Shuss and David R. daughter, Martha Quigley, in Sue Almour, Iajolla, Calif., is senior note Nordby, June 28,1986. live in Albuquerque, N.M. Ann is a teller for Ia Jolla Bank and Trust Company. Georgetown, Washington, D.C. He registered nurse at Presbyterian Hospital's '67 Peter M. Stonebraker and Jacqueline I. She also works with high sehool students at Bradley, April 19, 1986. was 76. neonatal intensive care unit. Kelly teaches Point lorna Presbyterian Church. and coaches at a private school, and directs '79 Pat ("J-1-") Johnson and Ron Smith, Poinar, who taught at Whitworth Rachel Stallings is enrolled in Princeton November 23, 1985. the Southwest Basketball and Volleyball Theological Seminary's master of divinity from 1936-38, also founded the Camp in the summer. '80 Shannon Williams and Ed Luttrell, July washington State Symphony and program, and is pursuing a master's degree 19, 1986. Sara Scott Owens teaches junior high in Christian education as well. served as music director of two language arts and science and coaches girls '83 Sherry Kuehn and Robert Bourgeois, Karen (Smith) and Preston Kauk live in August 30, 1986. Spokane radio stations during those volleyball and basketball in Prescott, Ariz. Jose, Calif. Preston is an electrical san- Elizabeth A. Sprengler and Iane years. engineer for National semiconductor. The Hendrickson,June 21,1986. Kauks have a son, Adam, born last March. Poinar joined the faculty of Ronnajo Detrick is director of the Births Baidwin College in Berea, Ohio in 1982 Weight loss Clinic in Spokane. 1939, where he remained until 1974 Susan Worster is a registered nurse at '66 Elaine (Willard) and Thomas Dezutter, when he retired. as a professor of Sacred Heart Medical Center in Spokane. boy, Bryan James, born January 13, violin and orchestra, concertmaster, 1986. She attends Ncrthvtew Bible Church. musical director and conductor of Laurene Lafontaine has finished her 1984 '70 Lois Anne Willard-Sykes and Hank second year in Princeton Theological Sykes, boy, Joshua Scott, born Match 22, the annual Bach Festival. Seminary's master of divinity program. She Navy Lance Cpl. Roger Wold recently 1986. In 1974, Poinar's work with the 'WaS involved with clinical pastoral reponed for duty with the 4th Marine '73 Paul and Kay Eileen (Olson, '75) Bach Festival in Berea was education at St. Joseph's Hospital in Division in Yakima, Wash. Roger joined the Willard, boy, John Paul, born recognized when he received the AJbuquerque, N.M. this summer. Marine Corps Reserves in August, 1985. November 7, 1985. '75 Gene and Barbara Grose, boy, Leonard Harry Cohen International Medal for Gene, born November 26, 1985. Musical Excellence. Following his Patricia (Dooley) and Norman Dias, retirement, Poinar taught in his 1983 1985 twins, a boy, Gavin, and a girl, Megan, Duxbury home and at the cape Cod born January 14,1986. Conservatory of Music. Sherry (Keuhn) and Robert Bourgeois Kris and Madeline ('82) Waid-Jones live '77 Connie (Kirkman) and John Dunton, both work at Children's Hospital in in Cooperstown, N.Y. Madeline graduated girl, Allison Christine, born on Mother's Milwaukee, Wise., Sherry in the operating from the University of Nevada School of Day, May 11, 1986. room and Robert in the pharmacy. Medicine in May, and has begun her Nancy (Wendlandt) and David Mary Jane Martz works for Ralston Purina residency in general surgery at Mary Matthews, boy, Lukas Anson, born on as assistant front desk manager at Keystone Imogene Bassett Hospital in Cooperstown. Easter Sunday, March 30, 1986. Resort in Dillon, Colo. John Hee, '82, also John C. Kinne is doing graduate studies '78 Russ and Betty-jean Thompson, boy, works at Keystone as property management in forestry at Washington State University in Nolan Russell, born December 15, assistant. Pullman. 1985. Sue Ann Higgins traveled to Europe in Gordy Toyama has been appointed Adriana (ScltiIperoort) and Douglas April for an indefinite period of time, "to assistant director of admissions for Havnaer, girl, Helen Marie, born July see what I can see." Upon her return to Whitworth. "Traumatically," he gave up his 11, 1985. Eugene, Ore., she will pursue her master's California residency, "but will survive." Heather (Leavens) and CunAugust, degree in education and a teaching career in Matt Heaps was commissioned Ensign in girl, Elizabeth Louise, born July 31, Eugene. the U.S. Navy last spring, after graduating 1986 Roberta Polkinghorn has finished her from Officer Candidate SChool at the Naval '79 R. Mark and Elizabeth Ramseyer, girl, L. RICHARDSON N. RICHARDSON master's degree in sociology at Duke Univer- Education and Training Center, Newport, Kathleen Elyse, born Aptil 23, 1986. slry, and makes her home in Durham, N.C. RI. Naney (Beiler) and Michael 50 Years Ago Scott and Brenda (Hicks) Arkills reside TRIVIA Shauna Bare is employed by KIJIV, Crutchfield, girl, Sarah Elaine, born From The Natsibi, 1937. in Veradale, Wash. Brenda is a dietetic channel 18 in Tucson, Ariz. June 30, 1986. technician at Sacred Heart Medical Center in Melanie Kawano, Kaneohe, Hawaii, Brian and Diane (Heath) Crose, twins, Oregon Normal versus Whitworth Spokane and Scott is an account teaches special education at Jefferson a boy, Morgan, and a girl, Meredith, ''Whitworth's Homecoming representative with GMAC. Elementary in Honolulu. born Decembet6, 1985. Martin Reid has a new job as sales football game with Oregon Normal Peggy Tadej received her masters degree John W. and lill (Williams, '80) was very disastrous as far as the representative for E1HICON in Denver, in public administration from California Bookwalter, boy, Brock lames, born Colo. He was formerly district supervisor for State University- Long Beacb in May. She November 27, 1985. score goes: Whitworth lost 19 to O. Bristol-Myers in Seattle. works for the City of Inglewood, Calif, and Chet and Janet Noll, twins, a boy, Bryce As Norman Richardson, star guard, Kristina Molitor has been promoted to has been accepted as a finalist to the David, and a girl, Monica joyce, born was operated on for appendicitis marketing communications specialist for Mayor's Urban Fellows Program for the City June 26, 1986. Acurex Corporation in Sunnyvale, Calif. She just two days before the game, the of Washington D.C. Peggy is a 1985 graduate '80 Stephen and Kristen (Quint, '83) morale of the team was deeply and '83 Whitwonh classmate Tia Watts of the master's program in applied Renz, boy, Christopher Stephen, born share living quarters. behavioral sciences. june 17, 1986. touched. Fighting hard to win for Beth Kehle, Phoenix, Ariz., has been Richard A Frost lives in San Francisco, '81 Philip "Pino" and Deanne (Novasky, 'Rich' against much larger players, accepted to graduate school at Berkeley, Calif., where he is attending the California '83) Silva, boy, Philip Gabriel, born the Pirates gave all they could, but Callf., where she will study health and social College of Podiatric Medicine. OCtober 30, 1985. this wasn't enough." Iater, Norman Richardson and his Continued from 1bday's Mail page 3. twin brother, Leonard, sophomores from Clarkston, were voted the Snider Cup, a football inspiration Suggestion: How about having society, yet is beyond the award, for the 1936 season. one of your issues on alums feature him, but I do feel that some of our boundaries of the traditional parish "These two rugged linemen those who have entered into what ministry. earlier scholars should be flashed as outstanding performers might be called the "alternative recognized fat their Such para-church ministries take and good sportsmen in every game Christian vocations," those not of a accomplishments. many forms, The organized church and were named on several A1l- parish or church institution type? Estella Baldwin, '34 looks at them with some suspicion, Opponent teams. Coaches at Ginny and I are engaged in a Portland, Ore. but often they are truly in the Spirit Whitman and Cheney Normal Christian ministry through "The of Christ We regret the oversight and lauded the fine playing of the Wedding Haus" in the Bavarian Just an idea. appreciate your setting the record Richardsons. Both men are Village of Leavenworth. This style of Jim Dowdy, '50 straight. - Ed. prominent in student activities." ministry serves a great need in our Leavenworth, Wash. 18 - Howard 'Warrick, Sports Editor. Today in Sports·

27 Warner Pacific College at Portland, Sports calendar Ore., 7,30 p.m. Cross Country 28 University of Portland at Portland, September Ore" 1 p.m. 13 Arnie Pelluer Invitational Meet OCtober (Men- 8K, women . 5K), 1 at Whitworth, 4 Whitworth p.rn. 20 Whitman Invitational Meet (Men- 4 Western Washington University at 8K, Women· 5K), Walla Walla, Whitworth, I p.m. Wash. 5 Seattle University at Whitworth, 1 27 Simon Fraser Invitational Meet p.m. (Men - 10K, Women - 5K), 7 at Seattle, Cnquitlam, B. C. Wash., 7,30 p.m. October 10 Seattle Pacific University at 4 Willamette University Invitational Whitworth, 3 p.rn. Meet (Men - 8K, women- 5K), 11 Simon Fraser University at Salem, Ore. Whitworth, 1 p.m. 11 Eastern Washington University 18 Pacific Lutheran University at Invitational Meet (Men . 81(, Wom- Tacoma, Wash., 2 p.m. en - 5K), Finch Arboretum, 19 University of at Spokane, Wash. Tacoma, Wash., 1 p.m. 18 Central Washington University 22 Gonzaga University at Gonzaga, Invitational Meet (Men - 10K, Spokane, Wash., 3,30 p.m. Women - 5K), Leavenworth, Wash. 25 at 25 Community Colleges of Spokane Whitworth, 1 p.m. Invitational Meet (Men - 81(, Wom- 26 University of Puget Sound at en . 5K), Wandermere Golf Course, Whitworth, 1 p.m. Spokane, Wash .. November 2 at Walla Walla, i:i~' November Assistant Coach Dobby WUllams addresses members of the Duc team. 1 NAIA District I Championships Wash., 2 p.rn. (Men - 10K, Women - 5K), Volleyball Coquitlam, B. C. 15 NAJA National Championships september 19-20 Whitworth II th Annual Invitational (Men - 10K, Women - 5K), Volleyball Tournament Kenosha, Wise. The Outlook: Cross Country, 29 Central Washington University at Football Whitworth, 7,30 p.m. Football, Soccer & Volleyball 30 Lewis-Clark State College at september Fallis in,the air, and it's time to Ralph will be joined at wide 20 WiUamette University at Salem, Whitworth, 7,30 p.rn. pull out the stopwatches, balls and receiver by returning seniors Mark Ore., 1,30 p.m. OCtober nets. four teams of Pirates are Houk and Steve Turbin. On the 27 Central Washington University at 3-4 University of Puget Sound beginning their seasons in cross offensive line, Kenny Hoppus is Whitworth, I,30 p.m. Tournament at Tacoma, Wash. 10-11 Fresno Pacific College Tournament country, football, soccer and back, as are Todd Gilbert and junior OCtober volleyball,with strong contingents Kelly Neely. Defensive linemen 4 Western Washington University at at Fresno, Calif 14 Whitman College at Walla Walla, of returning players in each sport. David Campbell and Dean Bitz Whitworth, 1,30 p.m. 11 Western Oregon State College at Wash., 7,30 p.m. Cross Country: Hal Werner's men return to their positions this fall, Momnouth, Ore., 1030 p.m. 16 Willamette University at Salem, are looking to overtake their fifth along with linebacker SCottsadler 18 Simon Fraser University at Burnaby, Ore., 7 p.m. place finish at last year's district and defensive secondaries SCott B. c., 1030 p.m. 17-18 Western Oregon State College 25 Lewis & Tournament at Monmouth, Ore. meet. Returning for the '86 season is Ralph and Sean Alcantara. 21 Lewis-Clark State College at Whitworth number two runner SCott Soccer: The Pirate soccer program (Homecoming) at Whitworth, 1,30 p.m. Lewiston, Idaho, 7,30 p.m. Hink and veterans Mike lawrence has a new coach, Icelandic native 22 Gonzaga University at Gonzaga, and Colin Sutherland. The Pirates Einar Thorarinsson, and a bumper November Spokane, Wash., 7,30 p.m. 1 Pacific Lutheran University at 24·25 District Crossover Tournament are hoping for a touch of Irish luck crop of eleven returning Whitworth, I p.m. _when Allan Bracken, a native of the sophomores. Led by seniors David 29 Whitman College at Whitworth, 8 Eastern Oregon State College at La 7,30 p.m. Emerald Isle and transfer from Benz and Marc Eilers, and juniors Grande, Ore., 1 p.m, 30 Central Washington University at North Idaho College, joins them this Jeff Dobson and William Stewart, 15 University of Puget Sound at Ellensburg, Wash., 7,30 p.rn. Whitworth, I p.m fall. Thorarinsson's men are facing three November The women runners are looking weekend tournaments on the road Soccer 3 Eastern Washington University at toward a stronger squad with the before returning to the campus on september Whitworth, 7,30 p.m. return of Gwen Keiser, Melissa Wednesday, Sept. 24 for the Alumni 20-21 Northwest Nazarene College 7-8 District Tournament Tourney at Nampa, Idaho 14-15 Bi-District Tournament Johnson and Bobbie Mishler. game at 4 p.m, 24 Alumni Match at Whitworth, 4 p.m. 20-22 Nationals Bolstering the team are eight Volleyball: Pat Shelton's net freshmen and several older, setters are back after a fourth place experienced transfers. finish in '85 district play with a 6-3 Football: The gridiron guys are conference record. The team, paced out to avenge last year's 3-6 record, by returning seniors Lei-AnnAkua, Former All-American Named Soccer Coach their first losing season in six years Deborah Burkhart, Julie Cordes and Einar Thorarinsson, a former All- Thorarinsson played for Monroe under Head Coach Bruce Grambo. Colleen SChlonga,will aim at American soccer player for Cornell Community College in Rochester, The season opener at Willamette passing last year's 22-16 overall University, is the new head soccer N.Y.from 1971-73 and at Cornell University on September 20 will see performance, Adding to the squad's coach for the Pirates. A native of from 1973-75.He has coached for a number of returning players, depth are returning juniors laura Iceland, Thorarinsson is a veteran select soccer teams in New York including record-setting wide Black, Elaine Brown and Allison player of 25 years. After spending State and headed the program at St. receiver W\tyne Ralph. Heiser, and sophomores Melissa one year as a player and assistant George's High SChool,Spokane. He Duren, Erin MacKayand Kim coach under the head coach of the is currently director and instructor Newman. Yugoslavian national team, he of the Spokane SkyhawksAcademy and coach of the Skyhawks U-19 moved to New York, State. team.

19 UplrComing

Academic calendar 26 "Damn Yankees," 7 p.m., Cowles september Auditorium 24 LastDayto Add a Class 31 Forum - "Fraud and the October Supernatural" magic show, 11:15 8 LastDayto Drop a Class a.m. & 8 p.m., Cowles Auditorium November November 19 FacultyDevelopment Day 3 Forum - "Reflections on ;26-28 ThanksgivingVacation Chernobyl," 11:15 a.m., Cowles December Auditorum 12 LastDayof Classes 3 Monday at 7 ·"Island Gems" with TAX CHANGES 15 Reading Day Dr. William Stoddard, 7 p.m., 16-18 Final Examinations Leavitt Dining Hall MAY AFFECT YOU! 19 Donnitories Close 8 National Theatre for the Deaf, 8 p.m., Cowles Auditorium Miscellaneous 13-15 Admissions Office's "Sneak The tax laws are changing, Preview" and it appears that next year september 14 "Choral Music of the Church," 8 26 Forum - "A Peasant of El p.m., SI.John's Cathedral, Spokane • tax deductions will be lower Salvador,"11:15 am. & 7:15 p.m., 14·15 Black Student Union Symposium Cowles Auditorium 18 Wind Ensemble Concert with . and capital gains taxes higher 26 Asger Troelsen Organ Recital, 7 World Premiere of p.m., Whitworth Presbyterian "Commensuration" by Michael IF YOU OWN PROPERlY THAT HAS Church Young,7:30 p.m., Whitwonh INCREASED IN VALUE OVER THE YEARS, 29-4 Refugee Projects Week Presbyterian Church 29 Forum - "Who Are the Refugees?" 21 Forum - Madeleine Hunter, 11: 15 ACT NOW and contact us on how you Can maximize your tax 11: 15 a.m., Cowles Auditorium a.m., Cowles Auditorum deductions and income this year, before the new tax laws October 22 Phil Keaggy and Brian Duncan in snatch this from you. 3 Forum - General VangPao, II: 15 Concert, 7:30 p.m., Cowles Auditorium For more information on how tax changes may affect you, fill in a.m., Cowles Auditorium the attached coupon and return it to: 4 High School Choral Festival,8:30 December a.m.-4p.m. 1 Forum - Steve Drury in Concert, ------6 Forum - jeb Stuart Magruder, 11: 15 a.m., Cowles Auditorum 11: 15 a.m., Cowles Auditorium 5-12 Christmas Week Stephen Trefts 10-12 "The Weekend," Camp Spalding 6 Christmas Brass and Choir Concert, Executive Vice President 17 Forum - "Christian Faith and 8 p.m., Whitworth Presbyterian Whitworth Foundation Economic Systems," 11:15 a.m., Church Whitworth College Cowles Auditorium 7 Christmas Brass and Choir Concert, Spokane, WA 99251 20 State B VolleyballTournament, (509) 466·3220 4 p.rn. & 8 p.m., Whitworth Fieldhouse Presbyterian Church 20 Forum - Robert Mitchell of Young 8 Forum - "The Man from Life, 11: 15 a.m., Cowles Auditorum Aldergate," 11:15 a.m., Cowles 22-24 Trustees Board Meeting Auditorum Please send me more information on the new tax changes. o 24-26 Homecoming Weekend 13 Whitworth Ballet, 8 p.m., Cowles o Whitworth is in my will. 24·26 Parents Weekend Auditorium 24,25 "Damn Yankees,"8 p.m., Cowles 14 Christmas Candlelight Service, 7 Auditorium p.m., SeeleyMudd Chapel Comments Name _ Address _ HOMECOMING 1986 City, State, Zip Phone BestTime To Call _ OCTOBER 24, 25, 26

September, 1986, Vol. 56, No. 1

Published Quarterly by Whitworth College. Second class postage paid at Spokane, Washington, 9921R USPS 087200. Send address changes to Whirworth College, West 300 Hawthorne Road, Spokane, Washington 99218

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