Post-Transition Human Rights Performance in Peru, Uruguay, and South Korea Nusta Pitushca Carranza Ko Purdue University

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Post-Transition Human Rights Performance in Peru, Uruguay, and South Korea Nusta Pitushca Carranza Ko Purdue University Purdue University Purdue e-Pubs Open Access Dissertations Theses and Dissertations 8-2016 Post-transition human rights performance in Peru, Uruguay, and South Korea Nusta Pitushca Carranza Ko Purdue University Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Political Science Commons Recommended Citation Carranza Ko, Nusta Pitushca, "Post-transition human rights performance in Peru, Uruguay, and South Korea" (2016). Open Access Dissertations. 739. This document has been made available through Purdue e-Pubs, a service of the Purdue University Libraries. Please contact [email protected] for additional information. Graduate School Form 30 Updated PURDUE UNIVERSITY GRADUATE SCHOOL Thesis/Dissertation Acceptance This is to certify that the thesis/dissertation prepared By Nusta Pitushca Carranza Ko Entitled Post-Transition Human Rights Performance in Peru, Uruguay, and South Korea For the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Is approved by the final examining committee: Ann Marie Clark Chair James A. McCann Harry Targ Mark C. Tilton To the best of my knowledge and as understood by the student in the Thesis/Dissertation Agreement, Publication Delay, and Certification Disclaimer (Graduate School Form 32), this thesis/dissertation adheres to the provisions of Purdue University’s “Policy of Integrity in Research” and the use of copyright material. Approved by Major Professor(s): Ann Marie Clark Approved by: Rosalee A. Clawson 6/3/2016 Head of the Departmental Graduate Program Date POST-TRANSITION HUMAN RIGHTS PERFORMANCE IN PERU, URUGUAY, AND SOUTH KOREA A Dissertation Submitted to the Faculty of Purdue University by Nusta Pitushca Carranza Ko In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy August 2016 Purdue University West Lafayette, Indiana ii Para mis padres Francisco Carranza and Hye Sun Ko, mi hermana Ayra Carranza Ko y cuñado Eric, meu querido esposo e amigo de vida Fernando Zago, e meus sogros Luis e Angelica, for instilling in me the importance of education and for their unyielding love. iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Thank you to everyone who provided advice and support throughout my studies. I am particularly grateful for the guidance and support of my advisor, Ann Marie Clark. Thank you for pushing me to go the extra mile, encouraging me think about the bigger picture, and pointing me to the right direction of research. Reflecting back upon the years at Purdue, I realize more and more how the comments and advice you provided me were honest, sincere, and for me to succeed as a junior academic going into the field. This final product improved considerably from your input. Thank you for being a great advisor. Thank you to the other members of the committee. Dr. Harry Targ, for your dedication to activism and Latin America; Mark Tilton, for being attentive and supportive of my research related to Peru and South Korea; and James A. McCann for helping frame the research and navigate my way through the employment process. I would also like to thank Rosie Clawson, from whom I learned of life and the meaning of leaning in; Song No and Yonsoo Kim for their unconditional family support during my time at Purdue; Marc Lanteigne, whose course on Asia brought me to become interested in the region; Elizabeth Salmón, Salomón Lerner, and Juan Méndez who willingly offered guidance in international law and human rights; Patricia Boling for mentorship; and for the wonderful clerical staff Annette Wheeldon, Brenda Ditmar, Betty Hartman, and Daniele Sharp, who all willingly helped me throughout the PhD process. iv To my friends—Jun Lee, Aleksandra Kasztalska, Hyo Won Lee, Andra Nicolescu, Bharathi Radhakrishnan, Yuko Ogawa, Erica Stern, Liana Hakobyan, Pablo Rosales Zamora, Mark Petersen, Laura Young, Kali-Wright Smith, Cheryl O’Brien, Mintao Nie, Sharonda Woodford, Eli Osorio, and Heather Cann—thank you for listening, helping, advising, and encouraging. Finally, I am indebted to the care, love, and affection from my family. I have been fortunate to be the daughter of great academics Francisco Carranza Romero and Hye Sun Ko, whose paths in life will guide my future career. A special thanks to my sister Ayra Carranza Ko for her being the stronger one of us two and my brother-in-law Eric who has brought Alex to our lives. And most importantly, I would like to thank my dear husband and best friend Fernando Zago, for being attentive, keeping up with my rough nights of work, providing me feedback, listening to my rants, cheering-me up, and for letting me set my priorities. Without the support from the Carranza Ko and Zago family and friends and their faith in my work, I could not have made it this far. Thank you. v TABLE OF CONTENTS Page LIST OF TABLES ........................................................................................................... viii LIST OF FIGURES ........................................................................................................... ix ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................................ x CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................. 1 1.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Development of International Human Rights Norms ........................................... 3 1.3 Theoretical Rationale: Converging Frameworks .................................................. 7 1.4 Research Design ................................................................................................. 10 Case Selection ............................................................................................. 16 1.5 Outline of the Study ............................................................................................ 19 1.6 Conclusion .......................................................................................................... 25 CHAPTER 2. PERU .................................................................................................. 27 2.1 Tracing Human Rights Development: Spiral Model .......................................... 28 Denial and Tactical Concessions................................................................ 30 Latter Phases of Norm Adoption and Extending the Spiral Model ............ 32 2.2 Rule of Law and Domestic Prosecutions ............................................................ 35 2.3 Compliance with the Inter-American Court of Human Rights .......................... 39 Barrios Altos v. Peru and Accomarca Massacre ........................................ 41 Hugo Bustíos-Saavedra and Eduardo Rojas-Arce v. Peru ......................... 45 2.4 Truth-Seeking ..................................................................................................... 48 Comisión de la Verdad y Reconciliación .................................................... 49 2.5 Compliance with CVR: Reparations .................................................................. 51 vi Page 2.6 Compliance with CVR: Legislative Changes ..................................................... 56 2.7 Compliance with other Norms: Mecanismo Nacional de Prevención ................ 58 2.8 Causes of Limitations: Domestic Front of Transnational Advocacy ................. 61 2.9 Democratic Transition and Former Power Circles ............................................. 69 2.10 Former Power Circles: Armed Forces ................................................................ 74 2.11 Conclusion .......................................................................................................... 80 CHAPTER 3. URUGUAY ........................................................................................ 83 3.1 Tracing Human Rights Development: Spiral Model .......................................... 85 Denial and Tactical Concessions................................................................ 86 Latter Phases of Norm Adoption and Extending the Spiral Model ............ 91 3.2 Rule of Law and Domestic Prosecutions ............................................................ 96 3.2 Compliance with the Inter-American Court and Commission of Human Rights .. .......................................................................................................................... 102 Gelman v. Uruguay ................................................................................... 104 3.4 Legislative Changes: Truth-Seeking ................................................................ 111 3.5 Compliance with Comisión para la Paz: Reparations ..................................... 114 3.6 Causes of Advancement: Transnational Advocacy .......................................... 119 3.7 Democratic Transition and Former Power Circles ........................................... 122 3.8 Former Power Circles: Armed Forces .............................................................. 130 3.9 Conclusion ........................................................................................................ 134 CHAPTER 4. SOUTH KOREA .............................................................................. 138 4.1 Tracing Human Rights Development: Korea’s Norm Adoption Processes ..... 141 4.2 Post Transitional Justice and Rule-Consistent Behavior .................................. 151 4.3 Legislative Changes: Truth-Seeking ...............................................................
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