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Allergy Testing

The purpose of the Multi-Prick skin test is to screen for possible allergies to pollens, molds, animal dander and dust mites. Allow 30-40 minutes for testing. A parent must be present during testing on minors. Please bring completed allergy questionnaire with you. Please check with your insurance company to see if allergy skin testing is a covered benefit on your plan. Give them the name of the ordering physician and CPT code; 95004, diagnosis code; 477.9. The following is a partial list of medications that interfere with allergy skin testing and the number of days to stop them prior to the day of the test.

Medicine # of Days Medicine # of Days Medicine # of Days Actifed 2 5 Advil PM/Sinus 2 Loratadine 7 Benzodiazepines & Atypical /Sedative Alavet/Allerclear 7 Meclizine 5 Ativan (Lorazapam) 3-7 Aller-Chlor 3 Nolahist 2 Klonopin (Clonazepam) 3-7 Allegra 3 Nolamine 3 Effexor (Venlafaxine) 7-11 Allerhist 5 Nytol 2 Remeron () 7-11 Astelin 2 Optivar 2 Serzone () 7-11 Astepro 2 Pataday 2 Wellbutrin (Bupropion) 7-11 Atarax 5 Patanase 2 Atrohist 3 Periactin 9 Herbal Supplements Benadryl 2 Phenergan 3 Astragalus 3 Calm-Aid 2 3 Feverfew 3 Ceterizine 3 Reglan 1 Green Tea 3 Chlorpheniramine 3 Rynatan 3 Licorice 3 Chlortrimeton 3 Rynatuss 3 Milk Thistle 3 Clarinex 7 Singulair 0 Saw Palmetto 3 Claritin 7 Sinulin 3 St. John’s Wort 3 Compoz 2 Sominex 2 Contac 5 Tavist 5 Cortaid 1 Trinalin 3 Dimetane 2 Tussionex 3 Dimetapp 0 Tylenol PM/ Cold, Flu 2 Diphenhydramine 2 Unisom 2 Drixoral 2 Vistaril 5 Fexofenadine 3 Veramyst 1 Genahist 2 Xyzal 5

Hydramine 2 Zyrtec 3 OVER> Tricyclic should be stopped for 3-11 days prior to allergy skin test. Please consult with your prescribing doctor before discontinuing these medications.

Brand (Generic) Brand (Generic) Adapin () Norpramin () Anaframil () Pamelor (Nortipyline) Asendin (Amoxampine) Sinequan (Doxepin) Aventyl Hydrochloride () Surmontil () Elavil () Tofranil () Endep (Amitriptyline) Vanatrip (Amitriptyline) Etrafon (Amitriptyline) Vivactil () Limbitrol (Amitriptyline) Zonalon (Doxepin)

The following is a list of medications and drops that interfere with allergy skin testing. If you are taking any of these medications or are pregnant please inform us right away so blood testing an be ordered instead.

Brand (Generic) Brand (Generic) Betapace () Lopressor & HCT () Betimol () (Nadolol) Betoptic () Normodyne () Blocarden (Timolol) Sectral () Brevibloc (Esmolol) Sorine (Sotalol) Cartrol () Tenoretic () Coreg () Tenormin (Atenolol) Corgard (Nadolol) Timolide (Timolol Maleate) Corzide (Nadolol) Toprol-XL (Metoprolol) Inderal () Trandate (Labetalol) Inderide (Propranolol) Visken () Kerlone (Betaxolol) Zebeta () Levatol () Ziac (Bisoprolol)

Ophthalmic Preparations (Eye Drops) Brand (Generic) AK-Beta () Betagen (Levobunolol) Betoptic (Betaxolol) Betaxon (Levobetaxoll) Cosopt (Timolol) Ocupress (Carteolol) OptiPranolol () Timoptic (Timolol)