MON, TUES, WED, FRI: 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM

THURSDAY: Entire Campus Temporarily Closed

SATURDAY & SUNDAY: Only Office Temporarily Closed


Pastor Rev. Eduardo Bernardino Associate Pastor Rev. Abel Barajas Deacons Michael Partida Ed Montoya

1445 Conway Drive, Escondido, California 92027 Phone Number: (760) 747-2322 | Website: www.resurrectionchurch.org WELCOME 2


Sunday/Domingo 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, 4:30 PM MINISTRY MEETINGS HAVE BEGUN IN OUR PARISH (English) 12:00 PM, 6:30 PM (Spanish/Español) THE MASS TODAY Saturday/Sábado 8:00 AM, 4:30 PM (English) MASSES ARE NOW CELEBRATED INDOORS AGAIN! 6:30 PM (Spanish/Español) We are maintaining the COVID 19 safety protocols established for San Diego: Monday-Friday  Wear masks 8:30 AM (English)  Wash & sanitize hands Lunes, Miércoles y Viernes  Keep six feet apart from those not in your household, even when in the pews and in 6:00 PM (Español) line for Communion

Last Sunday of the Month

2:00 PM | Tagalog Mass Please do not attend mass if you are not feeling well Next Tagalog Mass: June 27th If you still do not feel comfortable returning to mass, remember that the Diocese is still continuing to dispense Catholics from attending public Sunday masses, especially for Holy Days those who are more at risk and may be fearful of returning. So, please know that Sunday See inside the bulletin, the parish masses have not yet been reinstated as days of obligation. The faithful maintain the website, or call the Parish Office choice to return according to their own judgement and are not obligated to attend. Masses will continue to be recorded FIRST FRIDAY We have missed you and we are excited to unite as Brothers and Sisters in the Mass ADORATION

First Friday of the Month Next Adoration: July 2nd ¡LAS MISAS AHORA SE CELEBRAN EN NTERIORES OTRA VEZ! 9:00 AM - 5:30 PM Mantenemos los protocolos de seguridad COVID 19 establecidos para San Diego:  Usar cubre bocas CONFESSION/  Lavar y desinfectar las manos  Manténgase a seis pies de distancia de los que no están en su hogar, incluso cuando CONFESIONES esté en los bancos y en fila para la Comunión

Monday/Lunes After 6:00 pm Mass Por favor, no asista a misa si no se siente bien. Despues de la Misa a las 6:00 pm Si aún no se siente cómodo regresando a la misa, recuerde que la Diócesis continúa Friday/Viernes dispensando a los católicos de asistir a las misas públicas dominicales, especialmente After 8:30 am Mass para aquellos que están en mayor riesgo y pueden tener miedo de regresar. Por lo tanto, Despues de la Misa a las 8:30 am tenga en cuenta que las misas dominicales aún no se han restablecido como días de Saturday/Sábado obligación. Los fieles mantienen la opción de regresar según su propio juicio y no están After 8:00 am Mass obligados a asistir. Despues de la Misa a las 8:00 am Se seguirán registrando misas Los hemos extrañado y estamos emocionados de unirnos como hermanos y hermanas en la Misa. Join the next Tagalog Mass! June 27th, 2021 at 2 pm 3 PRAYER & SCRIPTURE

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 9, 2021 For those MASS INTENTIONS 08:30AM Michael Ontiveros, RIP who have SUNDAY, JUNE 6, 2021 08:00 AM Fe Fernandez Laranang, RIP 06:00 PM Agueda Andrade, RIP gone before 10:00 AM Susie Knoll, SI THURSDAY, JUNE 10, 2021 us, life has 08:30AM Gabriel Talaroc, RIP 12:00 PM Maria De Jesus Bernal, RIP changed, 04:30 PM Leonard John Sottile, RIP FRIDAY, JUNE 11, 2021 not ended: 08:30AM Francisca Mercado, RIP 06:30 PM Teresa De La Torre Esparza, RIP 06:00PM Sara Cruz, RIP Alice Yorba MONDAY, JUNE 7, 2021 Rogelio C. Abellera 08:30 AM Alejandra Caburnay, RIP SATURDAY, JUNE 12, 2021 Roberto Lopez Montoya Fernando Nuesca 06:00 PM David Velazquez, RIP 08:00AM Jaema Valencia, RIP TUESDAY, JUNE 8, 2021 04:30PM Bill Southwell, RIP 06:30PM Viviana Ayala, RIP 08:30 AM Lenny King, RIP WEEKLY READINGS

Ex 24:3-8/Ps 116:12-13, 15-16, June 9th - St. Ephrem SUN June 11th - The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus 17-18 [13]/Heb 9:11-15/Mk June 12th - The Immaculate Heart of the (DOMINGO) 14:12-16, 22-26 Blessed Virgin Mary Pray for us! 6 WE PRAY TO THE LORD... MON 2 Cor 1:1-7/Ps 34:2-3, 4-5, 6- 7, 8-9 [9]/Mt 5:1-12 ...for those who are Shalma Dixon Martha Madera Maria Ramo (LUNES) Sheri Dolan Maribel Remedios Reyes seriously ill and for Eleanor Doyle Maldonado Rochell Reyes all those who also Donald Eder Aricela Martinez Anne Richardson 7 need our prayers... Okiemute Esiekpe Jovita Martinez Ashley Rider Shirley Everwine Girlie Martinez Clifton Rider C.A.A., SI Silvano Figueroa Marie Medina Ivan Rivera Kiki Adessa Denise Flett Esteban Mendez Jose Rodrigues 2 Cor 1:18-22/Ps 119:129, 130, Jose V. Altares TUES Salvador Flores Catherine Ernestine “Tina” 131, 132, 133, 135 [135a]/Mt Joe Sergio Altares Mary Fogerty Mercado Rodrigues (MARTES) Teodora Altares Robert Garlejo Barbara Miller Jose Rodriques 5:13-16 Anita Amora Stephan Gnecco Gerald Miller Angela Rodriguez Felipa Amores Mia Godinez Andres Montejo Arminda Herrera 8 Kevin Appling Artemio Gonzalez Magdalena Rojas Wilma Arban Reyes Gonzalez Montejo Margaret Romero Frank Bigelbach Nina Goodspeed Oscar Montoya Alejandra Anita Bigornia Genevieve Green Alejandra Morales Sandoval 2 Cor 3:4-11/Ps 99:5, 6, 7, 8, John Bigornia Cecilia Soriano Dolly Mundae Robert Schwindt WED Wilfredo Bilog Guevarra Marie Myers Sheryl Seaver 9 [cf. 9c]/Mt 5:17-19 Judith Blackburn Ellie Guevarra Guadalupe M. Sherlynn Shakir (MIÉRCOLES) Msgr Lloyd Esther Guzman Nieves Tillie Simunec Bourgeois Hallibick Family Sister Rosalie Angela Smith Fr. Larry Briske Estela Flores & Noder Dwayne Smith 9 Bruno Family Family Maria Ontivero Kathleen Soward Veronica Caballer Lydia Flores Joselito Ordona Mariano Stellini Mia Capuano Ava Handley Alex Oribello Josefine Russ Capuano Christopher Anita Ornelas Sternberg THURS 2 Cor 3:15—4:1, 3-6/Ps Fred Cariaga Hidalgo Serena Ornelas Ernestina Terrazas 85:9ab and 10, 11-12, 13-14 Nancy Cayabyab Lornalyn Hilario Andrea Orosco Jose H. Terrazas (JUEVES) Lola Chavez Jodi Hill Magdaleno Ortega Pedro Tostado [cf. 10b]/Mt 5:20-26 Rocio Chavez Carmen Holt Gabriel Ortiz Jenny Traenkle Richard Christie Mervyn Hoover Cora Palaganas Willie Trias 10 Sister Kathleen Dorothea Hoskins Diaz Pelayo Family Nora Urrea Cleary Barbara Hurst Jennifer Peterson Lupe Valdez Judy Crane Kerry Hutchinson Jean Perez Elisa Valdez Jesse Croxen Imelda Jimenez Zenaida Phillips Cole Vargas FRI Hos 11:1, 3-4, 8c-9/Is 12:2-3, Adela Aparicio Rayabyat Johna Celica Garcia Nolasco M. 4, 5-6 [3]/Eph 3:8-12, 14-19/ Cruz Teresa Johnson Plascencia Vasquez (VIERNES) Jenny Cruz Asley N. Irene Purnell Shane Williams Jn 19:31-37 Lisa Dahl R. Kachiresk Quite Parnell Susan William Nicole Delpriore Rosalie Kulimlin Javier Quiroz Joseph Willette 11 Amber Dixon Nicole Lee Carol Rambo Phyllis Wilson David Dixon Silvestre Lopez Anthony Ramirez Sherri Wood Sam Dixon David Lowe Nereyda Ramirez Catherine Wulff SAT 2 Cor 5:14-21/Ps 103:1-2, 3-4, 9-10, 11-12 [8a]/Lk 2:41-51 PRAYER REQUEST (SÁBADO) The foundation of all other forms of Stewardship is prayer - giving back to God a generous portion of our time through a prayerful relationship with Him. Send any prayer requests 12 [email protected] or by calling Parish Office (760) 747-2322, Ext. 200 STEWARDSHIP 4


THE SOLEMNITY OF THE MOST HOLY BODY AND BLOOD OF LA SOLEMNIDAD DEL SANTÍSIMO CUERPO Y SANGRE DE CHRIST —B— CRISTO —B— The Feast of Corpus Christi is celebrated Sunday after the feast of La fiesta del Corpus Christi se celebra el domingo después de la the Holy Trinity. The purpose of which is not to celebrate the fiesta de la Santísima Trinidad. No tiene por objeto celebrar la night on which Jesus first shared the Eucharistic table with his noche en la que Jesús compartió por primera vez la mesa disciples. The feast of Corpus Christi reminds us that Jesus eucarística con sus discípulos. La fiesta del Corpus Christi nos entrusted the gift of his body and blood into the hands of the recuerda que Jesús confió el don de su cuerpo y sangre en manos Church. We have become the ministers of the gift which brings de la Iglesia. Nos hemos convertido en ministros del don que da life to all who would approach the table of the Lord. The feast also vida a todos los que se acercan a la mesa del Señor. La fiesta también enfatiza que cuando venimos y recibimos su cuerpo y emphasizes that as we come and receive his body and blood we sangre, experimentamos el encuentro real con Jesús que murió y experience the actual encounter with Jesus who died and rose resucitó de entre los muertos. from the dead. La celebración de la fiesta del Corpus Christi nos invita a una The celebration of the feast of Corpus Christi invites us into a asociación cercana y personal con Jesús cuyo cuerpo y sangre close and personal association with Jesus whose body and blood compartimos en la mesa eucarística cada vez que celebramos la we share in the Eucharistic table every time we celebrate the Eucaristía en comunidad. Por tanto, la Iglesia no debe dejar Eucharist as a community. Therefore, the Church must never nunca de alimentar a los fieles que tienen sed y hambre del cease to nourish the faithful who thirst and hunger for the food alimento que da la vida eterna. Rezo para que cada vez más that gives eternal life. I pray that more and more people may be personas se acerquen a la mesa donde se ofrece el pan de vida. drawn closer to the table where the bread of life is offered.

Padre Ed Father Ed

NEW MEMBER REGISTRATION TO READ DEACON If you wish to join our faith community, we welcome you! Registration in narthex is temporarily suspended, contact or visit the Parish Office to register MIKE’S HOMILIES INSCRIPCIÓN PARA NUEVOS MIEMBROS go to: www.resurrectionchurch.org and click on Blogs Si desea unirse a nuestra comunidad de fe, ¡le damos la bienvenida! Also follow him on Twitter: El registro en la entrada de la Iglesia está temporalmente suspendido, contacte o @michaelpartida1 for short visite la Oficina Parroquial para registrarse inspirational messages & 5 MINISTRIES STAFF

Contact the Parish Office if you would like to serve the Lord through any of these ministries, PARISH STAFF or if you would simply like more information: OF CHURCH Parish Office (760) 747-2322 or email [email protected] OF THE RESURRECTION

Liturgical Ministries  Ministry of Concern (for the Sick)/ Ministerio a los Enfermos Pastor: Rev. Eduardo Bernardino Ext. 200  Adoration / Adoración  Ministerio de Matrimonios [email protected]  Altar Care / Cuidado del Altar  Parish Health Ministry / Ministerio de  Altar Linen / Vestimenta del Altar Salud Parroquial Associate Pastor: Rev. Abel Barajas Ext. 200  Altar Servers / Monaguillos  Soup Kitchen - Interfaith Community Services / Servicio de Cocina - Servicios [email protected]  Art & Environment / Arte y Ambiente Comunitarios de Interfaith  Bereavement Ministry / Ministerio de Deacon: Michael Partida  Culture of Life - Carla Gibbs Duelo [email protected] (off-campus)  Commentators / Comentadores Deacon: Ed Montoya  Extraordinary Ministers (EM) / Ministros Parish Organizations & Other Ministries [email protected]

Extraordinarios  Cursillo Parish Office Manager:  Hopspitality Ministry / Ministros de  Exploring Scripture Rebecca Hoffman Hospitalidad  Estudio de Biblia Ext. 207  Liturgical Dancers / Danzantes [email protected] Litúrgicos  Festival  Ministers of the Word - Lectors /  Filipino Community Faith Formation & Parish Secretary: Norma Bernal Ministros de la Palabra - Proclamador  Food Ministry / Ministerio de Comida Ext. 201  Sacristans / Sacristanes  Grupo de Oración [email protected]  Wedding Coordinator / Coordinadora de  Golf Tournament / Torneo de Golf Boda Parish Weekend Secretary:  Historian / Historiador Evelyn Alva  Worship Ministries / Ministerios de  Knights of Columbus / Caballeros de Ext. 200 Música Colon (#9897) [email protected]

Faith Formation Ministries Catechist or Aid  Legion of Mary / Legion de Maria Business Manager:  Men of Resurrection / Hombres de Irma Cruz Faith Formation Elementary (FFAA) /  Resurrection Ext. 205 Formación de Fe de Primera  Women of Resurrection [email protected]  High School Youth Group / Grupo de  Ministry of Young Families / Ministerio Jovenes de 9-12 grado Music and Liturgy Director : de Familias Joven  Middle School Youth Group / Grupo de Robert Giracello, Phd  Parish Photography & Video Ministry / Ext. 212 Jovenes de 6,-8 grado Ministerio Parroquial de Fotografía y [email protected]  Liturgy of the Word for Children Video (Dismissal) / Liturgia de la Palabra para Faith Formation Coordinator  Rosary Prayer Group / Grupo de Oración Niños Elementary & Middle School: del Rosario  Baptism Prep. / Preparación de Bautizo Elizabeth Rubalcava  Sewing Ministry / Ministerio de Costura Ext. 210  Reconciliation / Reconciliación  Social Activities / Actividades Social [email protected]  First Communion / Primera Comunión  Traffic Ministry / Ministerio de Trafico Parish Hall & Food Ministry  Confirmation (for teens) / Confirmación  Cena de Varones Coordinator: Marisol Munoz (para jovenes) Ext. 209  Cena de Mujeres  Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults [email protected] (RCIA) / Rito de Inciciación Cristiana  ALIGN - Young Adult Ministry para Adultos (RICA) High School Youth & Young Adult Office Support Coordinator/Communications  Returning Catholics / Católicos que Coordinator: John Navarette Regresan  Bulk Mail & Bulletin Stuffing / Correro Ext. 200 or (760) 518-2867 Masivo y Acompañantes de Boletín Outreach Ministries [email protected]  Clerical / Oficina  Bereavement Follow-up / Seguimiento Maintenance Staff: Development Ministries Apolonia Aguilar de Duelo Angel Ortega  Food Collection Ministry / Ministerio de  Capital Campaign Margarito Saldaña Colación de Alimento  Communications & Social Media Eliezer Segismar  CPR / AED Class / Clases de CPR/AED  Parish Membership Welcome Ministry / Parish Outreach  Ministry of Charity / Ministerio de Ministerio de Bienvenido (760) 747 2322 Ext. 200 Caridad - Jesús en ti Confío [email protected] FAITH FORMATION 6

For any questions or concerns: Liz Rubalcava FF Coordinator: FAITH FORMATION / FORMACIÓN DE FE [email protected] John Navarette HS & YA Coordinator: [email protected] FAITH FOR ALL AGES (FFAA) FORMACIÓN DE FE DE TODAS is our religious education program for all EDADES (FFAA) children grades 1 - 8 along with their es nuestro programa de formación y REGISTRATION: parents. educación religiosa para todos los niños Registration will be open for 2021-22 For more information please contact the de los grados 1-8 con los padres. Registration for 2021-22 will open in Parish Office at: (760) 747-2322 Ext. 201 Para mas información llame la oficina the summer: June 14th, 2021 (760) 747-2322 Ext. 201 Faith Formation, First Communion & Schedule 2020-2021: Confirmation: Horario 2020-2021: Grades 1 - 5 First time students for: Grados 1 - 5 Wednesday (English) & Thursday First Communion, please bring a copy Miércoles (Ingés) & Jueves (Inglés) de (English) from 6:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. of the Baptism certificate 6:30 p.m. a 7:00 p.m. (dos veces al mes) (twice a month) on Zoom For Confirmation students, please en Zoom Sunday (English) 11:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. bring a copy of the Baptism and First Domingo (Inglés) 11:30 a.m. a 12:00 p.m. (twice a month) on Zoom Communion certificates. (dos veces al mes) en Zoom Upcoming Sessions: For students not baptized, age 7 and Próximas Sesiones: Sessions have ended for this year up, please bring a copy of the birth Las sesiones de este año han terminado

certificate MIDDLE SCHOOL YOUTH GROUP GRUPO DE JOVENES DE LA Classes for 2020-2021 ESCUELA SECUNDARIA REGISTRACIÓN: Grades 6-8 Clases para 2020-2021 Registración estará abierto 2021-22 Sunday (English) 11:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Grados 6-8 Registración para 2021-22 se abrirán (twice a month) on Zoom Domingo (Inglés) 11:30 a.m. a 12:00 p.m. en el verano: 14 de Junio de 2021 Upcoming Sessions: (dos veces al mes) en Zoom Formación de Fe, Primera Comunión Sessions have ended for this year Próximas Sesiones: y Confirmación: Las sesiones de este año han terminado Estudiantes Nuevos: Tuition: 1st - 8th grade:

Para Primera Comunión por favor June, July, August: $100.00 each child for Cuota de registración: 1 - 8 grado: traer una copia del certificado de the first 2 children and $80.00 each Junio, Julio y Agosto: $100.00 por niño los bautismo additional child. A $30.00 deposit per primeros 2 niños y $80.00 cada niño Para estudiantes de confirmación por child 1st - 8th grade is due at the time of adicional. Un deposito de $30.00 por niño favor traer una copia del certificado registration de los grados 1 - 8 es requerido al de Bautizo y Primera Comunión. momento de la registración. Para estudiantes no bautizados de 7 HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH GROUP / años en Adelante por favor traiga una CONFIRMATION copia del acta de nacimiento. GRUPO JUVENIL DE LA ESCUELA PREPATORIA / CONFIRMACIÓN Youth Groups for 2020-2021: Grupos Juveniles para 2020-2021 Grades 9-12 Grados 9-12 Mondays 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. in-person Los Lunes 6:00 p.m. a 8:00 p.m. en & on Zoom persona y también en Zoom. ALIGN - YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY Tuition: 9th - 12th grade: Cuota de registración: 9 - 12 grado: $120.00 each child for the first 2 children $120.00 por niño los primeros 2 niños and $80.00 each additional child. A y $80.00 cada niño adicional. Un $40.00 deposit per child deposito de $40.00 por niño de los 9th - 12th grade is due at the time of grados 9 - 12 es requerido al momento de registration la registración.

Upcoming Sessions: Próximas Sesiones: Ages 18+ June - 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th June - 7, 14, 21, 28

Tuesdays | 7:00 PM Todas las reuniones ahora son en persona Men/Women’s Bible Study All Meetings are now in-person and also y también se transmiten en Zoom. Once a Month broadcast on Zoom. Asista en persona o descargue la Attend in-person or Download the Saturday Rosary aplicación Zoom para asegurarse de Zoom App to make sure you are able to que puede participar: participate: For Questions: 760-518-2867 or [email protected] Follow us on Instagram: align.yam 7 COMMUNITY

PRAYER QUILT MINISTRY SPIRITUALITY COMMITTEE RETURNS Prayer Quilt Ministry welcomes Spirituality Committee resumes meetings and you! Join us as we gather to planning for upcoming events that offer ways to create and sew quilts, and to increase parishioners' spirituality. Established by pray for those who will receive Fr Ken and blessed by Fr Ed, the committee them--no sewing experience initially held training for Mass ministers, began the 2 minute needed. We'll meet on Saturday "Explanation of the Mass" before all masses, and also May 29th from 1-3pm in the old introduced and helped set up Flocknote for the parish. We church building. Thereafter, we invite anyone who is interested in helping this committee to will meet every fourth Saturday. Donations of fabric and quilting join us. Either apply to join on Flocknote or call Jean material would be greatly appreciated, as we start this new Marinelli (English) @ (209) 402-9024. ministry. Contact Lisa McLeod 760-738-1884 for more information or to answer any questions El Comité de Espiritualidad reanuda las reuniones y la planificación de los próximos eventos que ofrecen formas de

aumentar la espiritualidad de los feligreses. Establecido por ¡El Ministerio de Colchas de Oración le da la bienvenida! Únase a el Padre Ken y bendecido por el Padre Ed, el comité nosotros mientras nos reunimos para crear y coser edredones y orar por inicialmente llevó a cabo una capacitación para los ministros quienes los recibirán. No se necesita experiencia en costura. Nos de la Misa, comenzó la "Explicación de la Misa" de 2 minutos reuniremos el sábado 29 de mayo de 1:00 a 3:00 en el antiguo edificio de antes de todas las misas, y también presentó y ayudó a la iglesia. A partir de entonces, nos reuniremos cada cuarto sábado. Las establecer Flocknote para la parroquia. Invitamos a donaciones de tela y material para acolchar serán muy apreciadas, ya cualquiera que esté interesado en ayudar a este comité a que comenzamos este nuevo ministerio. Comuníquese con Lisa McLeod unirse a nosotros. Solicite unirse a Flocknote o llame a al 760-738-1884 para obtener más información o para responder Martin Castaneda (Español) al (760) 271-0806. cualquier pregunta

MASS MINISTRIES / WOMEN OF RESURRECTION MINISTERIOS DE MISA Would you like to serve in any of the All women of the parish are invited! ministries at mass? Reflection, Prayer and Adoration Have you ever considered being an Saturday June 12th Extraordinary Minister of Communion from 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm or a Lector proclaiming the Word of in the Church. God? Get more info by sending an email to This is a free event this address: hosted by the Women of [email protected] Resurrection group. or Contact the Parish Office: (760) 747 2322 ¿Le gustaría servir en alguno de los ministerios en misa? ¿Ha pensado alguna vez en ser Ministro Extraordinario de MEN OF RESURRECTION Comunión o Lector proclamador de la Palabra de Dios? Obtenga más información enviando un correo electrónico a esta All men of the parish are invited! dirección: Scripture Study & Fellowship [email protected] Join us every 3rd Wednesday o Comuníquese con la Oficina Parroquial: (760) 747 2322 “No hay nada pequeño en el servicio de Dios.” - San Francis de Sales of the month in the Small Hall Begins Wednesday, June 16th from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm STOCK DONATION in the Small Hall. Have you been thinking of donating stocks to Church of the Resurrection? B.Y.O.B. - Bring Your Own Bible The stock donation process is efficiently handled through the Diocese of San Diego on behalf of our church. Please email or call our Business Manager, Irma Cruz: [email protected] SoCAL CARE Call for an (760) 747-2322 appointment: for more information. COMMUNITY Stock (760) 385-3739 Thank you for your generosity! Free Medical Clinics Email: Cinicas Medicas Gratuitas [email protected] Donation Website: www.SoCalCC.org

ADULT SACRAMENTS / SACRAMENTOS PARA ADULTOS RCIA (Adult Sacraments) Call the Faith Formation Office to Register RICA (Sacramentos para Adultos) Llame a la Oficina de Formación en la Fe para registrarse Sessions / Las Sesiones: June 8, June 22 In Room 7/8; 7pm-8:30pm (760) 747-2322 Ext. 210 [email protected] COMMUNITY 8


Daily Prayer For Priests O Jesus, I pray for your faithful and fervent priests; For your unfaithful and tepid priests; For your priests laboring at home or abroad in distant mission fields. For your tempted priests; For your lonely and desolate priests; For your young priests; For your dying priests; For the souls of your priests in Purgatory. But above all, I recommend to you the priests dearest to me: The priest who baptized me; The priests who absolved me from my sins; The priests at whose Masses I assisted and who gave me Your Body and Blood in Holy Communion; The priests who taught and instructed me; All the priests to whom I am indebted in any other way (especially...... ). O Jesus, keep them all close to your heart, And bless them abundantly in time and in Eternity. Amen By St. Therese of Lisieux

Pray for Priests and Vocations “Now we ask you to respect those who work hard among you. . . Hold them in the highest regard in love because of their work.” (1 Thess. 5:12, 13, NIV)

Daily Prayer for Vocations Jesus, Lord of the harvest, Look with love on this portion of your vineyard. Bless the Diocese of San Diego with more priests to shepherd your people, Priests with hearts like your own. Mary, Mother of the Church, pray for us.

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday June 6 June 7 June 8 June 9 June 10 June 11 June 12 Rev. Rev. Rev. Rev. Rev. Rev. Rev. John Michael Manuel Brian William Ronald Gregory Grace, Guinan, Gutierrez Hayes Headley, Hebert Heidenblut, OSA OFM Del Toro CSSP OSA


Jose Canizales and Alma Castaneda Gabino Serrano Catalina Raygoza Nicholas Mateo and Delfina Catarina Pascual Francisco Josus Garcia and Elizabeth Meraz Felix Galindo and Alvina Garcia Maria D. Ramirez Jimenez Juan Cedillo and Maribel Carrillo Javier Monroy and Karla Yadira Guadarrama Tom Barclay Martinez Calso and Grace Coleman Baruch Vega and Lorena Vega Salvador Felix and Maria Guadalupe Zarazua Tin and Nancy Nguyen Francisco Villanueva and Gabriela Lomeli Thomas and Beverly Collimore Jose Luis Gonzalez and Sandra Lemus Maria Santoyo de Rodriguez Kathleen Avina Fernando Matilde Mateo Marcos and Maritza Rodriguez Angel and Mariza De Los Reyes Susan Anoba David Cortes

THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS CULTURE OF LIFE The Knights of Columbus is an organization of Catholic men who Pregnant & In Need? serve the Church and the Community. We invite all men of the Culture of Life Family Services helps uninsured and Parish to join us. underserved women in the midst of unplanned pregnancies. To schedule a free ultrasound, call (760) 741-1224 or “You are born a man… You become a Knight.” visit www.COLFS.org for more information on other medical services. Announcement: Tri-Tip Dinner: Abortion Pill Reversal: Regret taking the abortion pill? Call Date: June 19th; Time: TBD or text the APR Helpline at 1-877-558-0333.

God Bless, Joe Masino GK Culture of Life Family Services COLFS Clinic Website: www.COLFS.org For more information contact: Joe Masino COLFS Ministry Website: www.friendsofcolfs.org [email protected] *COLFS Escondido (760) 741-1224 *COLFS Mission Valley (619) 692-4401 9 COMMUNITY


2ND OFFERING - DEBT REDUCTION - NEW CHURCH New Church Total Cost (for all phases) ‐ approx...... $14,800,000 ONLINE GIVING Original Loan Amount ...... $7,800,000 Loan Balance as of March 2021 ...... $7,139,316 Ways to Give Online: Weekly or Monthly Loan Balance as of April 2021 ...... $7,117,718 Visit our website today to sign up for Online Giving April Debt Reduction Collections ...... $59,873, and begin making your contribution. It’s easy! April Minimum Monthly Loan Payment ...... $51,822 www.resurrectionchurch.org Net/Collection Less Payment ...... $8,051

1ST OFFERING & OTHER - GENERAL FUNDS Giving Online is quick and convenient: April Offering Total ...... $92,384*  Checking debits Food Sales & Other Offerings Collected ...... $12,498  Credit Card charges Total Gross Income ...... $104,882  Visit website or stop by Parish Office April Operating Expenses ...... $81,009 Net/Collection Less Expenses ...... $23,873 Try it now! Scan QR Code Below

April numbers are here! * = Includes Easter Sunday Offerings Call or stop by the Parish Office if you have any questions or concerns Thank you for your Support and (760) 747-2322 Generosity!

GIVING IS A BLESSING: perhaps many reasons, but here are two that may be of value. First, it is a reminder that the Church has been entrusted with the “Amen, I say to you, I shall not drink again the fruit of the vine Body of Christ. We celebrate and rejoice in the fact that the until the day when I drink it new in the kingdom of God." Church maintains this highest of responsibilities now even until (Mark 14:25) the end of time. Our Lord places Himself in our hands and on our Our Easter Season has ended and now we celebrate two very tongues. important aspects of the Church. Last week we placed our focus Second, it is a reminder of what sustains us as followers of Christ on the Most Holy Trinity, which is the highest mystery of our faith. and children of the one true God. Last week we were reminded of This week we dial in on the Most Holy Body and Blood of Jesus the incomprehensibility and almighty reality of our God as three Christ, which is the source and summit of our faith. persons, and this is the God we worship. This Sunday we are In the Gospel this Sunday, we revisit the scene in the shown again just how we worship and commune with this God in upper room. It is at this time that Jesus institutes the Eucharist the most intimate way possible: we consume His flesh and drink and shows His apostles precisely how he is to be worshipped from His blood. It is by this very Body and Blood that we maintain this point forward. the life of the Trinity within us and continue to live as Christ’s hands and feet in the world. WE ARE SUSTAINED. Nothing in Holy Thursday is our great reminder of this event, so why include this world will ever satisfy our hearts the way the Eucharist it again after the conclusion of the Easter season? There are does. We are truly drinking new in the Kingdom of God.


Church of the Resurrection now offers a Text-to-Give option. This is an easy way to manage your church giving in addition to Online Giving and envelopes. Our Text-to-Give feature lets you donate via text using credit card or bank account. You can text an AMOUNT such as”20” (for default fund) or AMOUNT & CODE such as “20 NEWCHURCH” (for a specific fund). Please go to the link on your phone, if prompted, and fill in required information to complete your donation. This enhancement is available for all: Guest Giver, One-Time Giver, Online Giver or those who would like to create an account. Here is some helpful information to get you started: Text-to-Give Phone Number: (760) 858-6260 Codes: OFFERING, NEWCHURCH, REPAIRS, HELP, FAITHFORMATION, COVID19RELIEF, ACA2021, CHURCHPLEDGE. The default fund is OFFERING (Sunday Offering). Specific Funds are NEWCHURCH (Debt Reduction), REPAIRS (Maintenance), HELP (Parish Outreach Needs), FAITHFORMATION (FFAA Donation – Not Tuition), COVID19RELIEF (Help with COVID-19 financial strain), CHURCH PLEDGE, ACA 2021 (Annual Catholic Appeal) For questions or suggestions, please call Irma Cruz (760) 747 2322 Ext. 205 or email at [email protected] (760) 858-6260 COMMUNITY 10



 All families in need of food are welcome to stop by the parish  Todas las familias que necesiten comida pueden pasar por el campus on Tuesdays between 9:30 am and 12:00 pm. campus parroquial los martes entre las 9:30 am y las 12:00 pm.  Our distribution center is staffed with the Knights of  Nuestro centro de distribución está integrado por Caballeros Columbus, Resurrection Council #9897 and can offer you de Colón, el Consejo de Resurrección # 9897 y puede ofrecerle assistance. asistencia.  COVID-19 Social Distance Compliance Procedures will be in  Se implementarán los procedimientos de cumplimiento de la place. distancia social de COVID-19.  These are trying times for everyone but if you, or a neighbor,  Son tiempos difíciles para todos, pero si usted, un vecino, friend, or relative, needs food for themselves and their family amigo o familiar necesita comida para él y su familia, no dude do not hesitate to take advantage of this most valued service. en aprovechar este servicio tan preciado.  May God Bless you all  Que dios los bendiga a todos

PB&J DONATIONS FOR THE HUNGRY We have collected 867 jars for sandwiches to feed the hungry. We thank you for your generosity! Please drop off your peanut butter or jelly jars to the Parish Office or in the narthex of the Church

NEW CHURCH 3RD YEAR ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION! / ¡CELEBRACIÓN DEL 3 AÑO DE LA IGLESIA NUEVA! June 6th, 2021 On Sunday, June 6th Resurrection Church will celebrate the anniversary of the third year of our New Church Building. Food will be sold on the plaza! Glory to God who has granted us our new worship space!

6 de Junio de 2021 El domingo 6 de Junio, la Iglesia de la Resurrección celebrará el aniversario del tercer año de nuestro Nuevo Edificio de la Iglesia. ¡La comida se venderá en la plaza! ¡Gloria a Dios que nos ha concedido nuestro nuevo espacio de adoración!

PADRE TOURS SPAIN - MAY 6– 7, monastery and see the "Black Virgin", 2022 patron saint of Catalonia. Benny Garcia, Trip Coordinator - Highlights: Madrid, Madrid by Night with Tapas Dinner, Ave (619) 550-8670 or call Parish Office Royal Palace, High Speed Train- Madrid to Padre Tours will review Toledo, Cordoba, Cordoba and Barcelona Cooking Class each trip and comply Seville, Granada, Valencia and Experience. with all the corona virus guidelines that Barcelona. In Cordoba, take a walking are in place We will be holding a meeting on June 9, tour of the Mezquita, a religious marvel. 2021 at 6:00pm in the Church Hall for

This UNESCO site, an architectural marvel this trip. Please notify Benny if you are LAS VEGAS – built by the Moors in the 8th century as a planning on attending this meeting. magnificent mosque, was converted into APRIL 2022 the city's cathedral in the 16th century. Benny Garcia can meet with you/or Date: TBA Explore Madrid's Royal Palace, the official discuss over the phone to review the Golden Nugget - $175/ residence of the royal family. Step back in details of the tour. person double occupancy - $190/ person time in Toledo, a UNESCO World Heritage single occupancy. Departs from Our Lady site and the former capital of the Spanish of Angels, San Diego at 7am & Empire. Visit the Church of Santo Tome. FUTURE TRIPS . . . Resurrection, Escondido at 8:15am. Trip In Granada, join a local expert for a tour of LOURDES / FATIMA - APRIL 2022 includes: transportation, hotel, snacks, the world-famous Alhambra CAMINO DE SANTIAGO - 2022 reception on the second night, games & (UNESCO). Available Options offered: raffle. Montserrat-visit the 8th -century Alhiser-Comer Mortuary (760) 745-2162 Family Owned & Operated since 1897 • Quality, Caring Service for Burial & Cremation

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