Topography of Great Britain Or, British Traveller's Pocket Directory : Being an Accurate and Comprehensive Topographical

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Topography of Great Britain Or, British Traveller's Pocket Directory : Being an Accurate and Comprehensive Topographical THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES TOPOGRAPHY OF (great l^ritain, OR, BRITISH TRAVELLER'S POCKET DIRECTORY; BEING AN ACCURATE AHD COMPREHENSIVB TOPOGRAPHICAL AND STATISTICAL DESCRIPTION OF ALL THE COUNTIES IN WITH THE ADJACENT ISLANDS: ILLUSTRATED WITH MAPS OF THE COUNTIES, WHICH FORM A COMPLETE BRITISH ATLAS. BY G. A. COOKE, ESQ, VOL. XIIL CONTAINING GLOUCESTERSHIRE AND HEREFORDSHIRE. Hontron: Printed, by Assignment from the Executors of the late C, Cooke, FOR SHERWOOD, NEELY, AND JONES, PATERNOSTER-ROW A>'D SOID BY ATI. BOOKSKLIERS, . 3 ) A TABLE OF THE PRINCIPAL TOWNS GLOUCESTERSHIRE j Thtii DisLajK-e firaai lioadon. Markets.. HDiffes. and Inhaiiita-als ; vith the Tuae «f the ArrivaJ and Departiue of tiie PcsL Toves. Dist. Markets. HotLses. Inha'hi- Post tanls. arrives. Berkeley 113 Wed. 124 616 4tatt. Campden 87 Wed. 27 S 1214 iTm. Cbeltenham* • • • 95 Tburs. 82i;^ 8325 10 m. Cirencester . • • 88 M. F. 902 8m. Colford 124 Friday. 253 1551 Great Dean • • 117 Monday. 121 535 Dursley 107 Thurs. 48^ 2580 3afL Fairford 79 Thurs. 295 1444 7 m. Frampton • • • • lOS 848 Gloucester • - • • 105 W. S. 1509 S28Ct ll|m. Lechiade 75 Tnes. 195 993 6|: m- Marshfield 102 Tues. 272 1415 W incliing-bam pton 9S Thurs. 72 333 12 n. Moreton on Marsh 82 Tues. 194 928 7|m. Nevreiit 111 Friday. 494 25SS S aft. Newnham 113 Friday. 150 842 4 aft. Norihleach 82 Wed*. 139' 647 8 m. Painswick 93 Tues. 641 3201 2 aft. Stanley Leonard • • 103 111 538 Stow'-on-the-Woid 81 Tbors. 252 1188 Stroud 101 Friday. 1064 5321 lOf aft. Tetbury 98 Wed. 499 2533 12 n. Tewkesbury 103 Satur. 9591 4820 Ujaft, Tbornbury 124 Satar. 20 i 1093 Saft. Wickware lOSl Monday 151 805 4 aft. Winchcombe 95 Satur.' 257 1256 12 u. Wotton-under-Edael 108 Friday. 293 1527 Tbe price of posUg^e lor a si nek letter, throughout tbe cottBtv, laiies irozm Jo 9d. 5555.%Sd. TOPOGRAPHICAL AND STATISTICAL DESCRIPTION or THE COUNTY OF GLOUCESTER; Containing an Account of its Situation, n. M'Millan, Prinlcr, Bow4fUeet, Cortnt'Oardcn. ; "^ A TABLE OF THE PRINCIPAL TOWNS GLOUCESTERSHIRE Theii Distance from London, Markets, Houses, and Inhabitants; with tlie Time of tlie Arrival and Departure of the Post. Towns. Dist. Markets. Houses. rnhabi- Post Post tants. arrives. departs. Berkeley 113 Wed. 124 616 ^ aft. 9 m. Campden 87 Wed. 273 1214 11 m, 4 aft. Cheltenham 95 Thurs. 822 8325 10 m. 41 aft. Cirencester 88 M.F. 902 4540 8 m. 5 aft. Colford 124 Friday. 253 1551 Great Dean 117 Monday. 121 535 Dursley 107 Thurs. 489 2580 3 aft. 10 m. Fairford •• 79 Thurs. 295 1444 7 m. 6i aft. Frampton 103 172 848 Gloucester 105 W. S. 1509 8280 Him. 3 aft. Lechlade ..••.... 75 Tues. 195 993 6im. 71 aft. Marshfield 102 Tues. 272 141 Minching-hampton 98 Thurs. 72 333 12 n. 1| aft, Moreton on Marsh 82 Tues. 194 928 7|m. raft. Newent Ill Friday. 494 2538 3 aft. 10 m. Newnham 11<1 Friday. 150 842 4 aft. 9 m. Northleach 82 Wed. 139 647 8 m. 8| aft, Painswick Tues. 641 3201 2 aft. 10 m. Stanley Leonard • • 103 111 538 Stow-on-the-Wold 81 Thurs. 252 1188 Stroud 101 Friday. 1064 5321 lOiaft. 3 aft. Tetbury 98 Wed. 499 2533 12 n. 1 aft. Tewkesbury 103 Satur. 9591 4820 Hi aft. 2 aft. Thornbury 124 Satur. 202 1093 8 aft. 5 m. Wick ware 108 Monday 151 805 4 aft. 7 m. Winchcombe • • • • 95 Satur. 287 1256 12 n. 3 aft. Wotton-under-Edge 108 Friday. 293 1527 The price of postage for a single letter, throughout the county. varies fron^ Sd.^o 9d. *=^ 0'<4-*'<^55.13 »^ »- i X TT CV (T) ?» O « '^ O X ?3 "^ < § ; « X O) C X c r; O •_- . o v^ & r" CO CT- 'o o ^ t3 *j r^ P C^ Ci (N C CO 05 (73 X O X a — k--^ S ?S --fi-^-S^ P I ^ Safj f^ X c-i X t^- rt « ~ "2 'p tig p-^o:iX(N<^o«:x C< CO^ g< F- (M fq (M (N c\ tfi ifi n •— -^ n nt^ >. (N n M g< Ty ^ -" (^^ £ "3 S C OV (N CO <^ (N 'S' ** « O X C"^ Oj Tf 5 CO CO t^ M t ^^^ - (N OJ — 1?)^ a « S S (N — (N — fr y; c^ IN ' iXOMfOCOCiOXC-tN' ej g< ( ci (N (N c4 <N <:5 — Cj r. X ss O O C •5 a;0(^XOX(MCOOrt(00(N>r'X<NOM'^iCO'-- - ?—<(N ^ »^ r-. 1 (N (N <N (N • CO C>> < ; C3^ X Ci CD O ^ t'- o >o c; »^ X o (N Oj <N — cr. o I I !>• l^ _o X « ( Gj t^ — 'O -T" 03 'N t- ; Cl -p t^ O O M O C« §2s: O fl c i >.-^ s : AN ITINERARY OF THE DIRECT AND PRINCIPAL CROSS ROADS IN GLOUCESTERSHIRE IN WHICH ARE INCLUDED THE STAGES, INNS, AND GENTLEMEN'S SEATS. N. B. The first Column contains the. Names of Places passed ; through the Figures that follow .^ shew the Distances from Place to Place ^ Town to Toum^ atid Stages; and in the last Column are the Names of GentlemeiCs Seats and Inns. The right and left of the Roads are distinguished hy the letters R. and L. LONDON TO GLOUCESTER. Kensington Gra- • • . vel Pits . H Holland-House, Lord Hoi- land, L. ; Norland-House H. Drummond, esq. R. Shepherd's Bush Inn : White Horse. Acton •a Bury-Mead Lodge, J. Acres,; Heat/ijleld Lodge, J. Winter, esq. R. ; at the end of Acton is Bank- House, Mrs. Payjie, R. Ealing Common Hanger-Hill, G. Wood, esq. R. ; Castlebear Hill,— CockerJ esq. R. Ealing • • • Old Hats Oaterley-park, Earl of Jer- sey, L. Hanwell Hanwcll-park, Countess de On L. a T. R Salis, R. to Brentford. SOUTHALL Southall-park, Rev. Dr. Col- lins —Inns : Red Lion, White Hart. ITINERARY, &.C. Ha)'es ^ Hi Inn : Angel. Cross Hilling- don Heath to Hillingdon VSi Cedar-House, — Mawhoody csq.Yi.', at Little Hilling- don, Hillingdon - House, — Cox, esq.; just beyond iheUthM.S. The Lodge, J. Chippendale, esq. R. Uxbridt^e • • • • 14|:rnns: King's Arms, Three Cross the Colne Tuns, and White Horse. R. ; and the Grand Junction Canal, 4" enter Bucks. Red Hill 17 On the top Denham Mount, At the 18th M.S. — Snell, esq. On li. is Oak on R. a T. R. to End, R, Sewell, esq. Amershum andJj/- lesburi/. Tatlinti End .... 18 Gerard's Cross • < Bulstrode, Duke of Somerset —Imi: The Bull. Beaconsfieid . • • • Wilton-park, Josiah Du Pre, esq. ; bei/ond on L. Great- hall Barn, the ancient seat of Waller, Rev. E. Waller —Inn: Saracens Head. • • Hotspur Heath 24| Inn : The King^s Head. Loud Water • • 26 Wycombe Marsh Inn : The Red Lion. High VVycom^e 28| Wycombe Abbey, Lord Car- On R. a T. R. rington, L.— Inn : Red to Amersham; on Lion. L. to Great Mar- low. West Wycombe Sir John Dashzoood King, L. Ham Farm • • • • 32i A little hefort Stoken Church on 8 ITINERARY OF THE L. a T. R. to Great Marlow. Stoken Church, Oxon 361 7nile on L. Wormslej/, J. Fane, esq. From Stoken Church Hill, see on R. Aston Rowant, P. Wi/- cojnb, esq. ; on L. Lezokiior Grove, Mrs. Davis. From the 37 th M. S. 2| miles on L. see Shei^burn Castle, Furl of Maccleiifield ; and from the ^Ist M. S. see on L. Wheatfie Id-house, Lord Chas. Spencer, and Ad- Post Combe •••• 3i 40 well-place, Mrs. Jones. On R. a T. R to Thame. Tetsvvorth • • 42i Thame-park, Miss Wickham, R. Hutt 44^ 1 mile on R. Rycoie-park, On R. a T. R Far I of Abingdon—Inns: to Tha7ne, on L. to Royal Oak, Swan. Wallingfo7'd. Wheatley 3i 481 Waterperry, H. Curzon, esq. On L. t/ie old R. ; Holton-park, F. Bis- road to Oxford coe, esq. R. ; 1 mile on L. over Shotover- Shot over, T. Schuby^ tig. hillj and about —Inn : The Crown, 1 mile further on R. Chipping Norton. Forest Hill 50 Headington • • • • 521 Headington Hill 531 On L. old road to Wheatley. St. Clements • • 53| On L. u T. R. to . ROADS IN Gl.OrCESTEUbUIIir.. Henley Cross; tht Charuellf R. Oxford Inns: The Angel, King's At the junction Arms, Koe Buck, and Star. of roads from Ab- ingdon and Glou- cester, on R. a T. R. to Woodstock and Bicester, on L. to Abingdon. Cross several branches of the Isis R. Botley, Berks - • 56 1 mile beyond Botley-bridge, On L. hi/ the see on R. Wytham, Earl of new road, avoiding Abingdon. Eynsham and Bot- ley-hills to the Isi or Thames, re-enter Oxfordshire. E}'nsham H 60i Eynsham-hall, Hon. Thos. Cross Eynsham Parker, 2 miles on R. Heath. HiJl Houses • • 634 Shores Green 64|: Witney Staple-hall-inn. Cross the Waiji- rush, R. 0)1 R. a T.R.toWoodstock about 1 7ni(e before Burford take the new road on L. to Burford 73 Suinbrook, Lord Reuesdale, On R. r. R. to R.—Inns: The Bull, and Stow, on L. to George. Farringdon, about 1 jnile from Bur- ford on L. to Ci- rencester. Barrinsiton • • • 76 Bur rington-park, Hon. and Rev. E, Rice, and 3 yniles 10 ITINERARY 0¥ 1 Ht further, Sherborne, Lord Sherborne. The New-inn. NORTHLEACII 6 Farmingion, T. Willan, esq. Through No7'th- Through on L. is Stow ell- leach on II. a T.R. park. Lord Stowell— Inn : to Stow, on L.
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