Appendix I a Select List of Holders of Major Public Office, 1900-51*
Appendix I A select list of holders of major public office, 1900-51* Attempts have been made to locate the papers of all persons listed below. However, an entry for each individual will not necessarily appear in the main text of this Guide. In cases of omissions the Project's findings were negative or inconclusive, and no useful information was available for publication. HOME CIVIL SERVICE (Permanent Under Secretaries, Permanent Secretaries, Directors General, etc.) Agriculture and Fisheries Sir T. H. Elliott, 1892-1913 SirS. Olivier, 1st B Olivier, 1913-17 Sir D. Hall, 191 7-20 Sir F. Floud, 1920-27 Sir C. Thomas, 1927-36 Sir J. D. B. Fergusson, 1936-45 Sir D. E. Vandepeer, 1945-52 Aircraft Production Sir A. Rowlands, 1940-43 Sir H. Scott, 1943-45 Sir F. N. Tribe, 1945 Cabinet Office Sir M. Hankey, 1st B Hankey, 1916-38 Sir E. Bridges, 1st B Bridges, 1938-47 Sir N. Brook, 1st B Normanbrook, 1947-62 Civir Aviation Sir W. P. Hildred, 1941-46 Sir A. H. Self, 1946-4 7 Sir A. E. Overton, 1947-53 1st Civil Service Commissioner W.J. Courthope, 1892-1907 Lord F. Hervey, 1907-09 SirS. Leathers, 1910-28 Sir R. S. Meiklejohn, 1928-39 *Sources: Foreign Office Lists; Colonial Office Lists; D. Butler and A. Sloman (eds), British Political Facts, 1900...1975 (1975). 264 Sir P. Waterfield, 1939-51 Sir A. P. Sinker, 1951-54 Board of Customs and Excise Sir L. Guillemard, 1909-19 Sir H. P. Hamilton, 1919-27 Sir F. Floud, 1927-30 Sir P.J.
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