EMERSON CENTER A Publication of the Cherry L. Emerson Center for Scientific Computation http://www.emerson.emory.edu

Volume 1, March 15, 1998



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 The Cherry L. Emerson Center for Scientific Computation may not be the

 best known center on campus, but it surely is one of the most active scientific

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 research facilities. The Emerson Center was estab-

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 lished in 1991, with a generous gift of Emory Alum-


 €¦%‚8ƒj¤„¤ @†P‡pˆ>¤‡<‰¤„%Š‹<Œ> @¤„ŽŒP¤„¤ nus, Cherry L. Emerson, and has a dual mission to


„%<¤ @¤‘/„¤¤€“’‡<‰¤„¤¤ @‰ p” •—–P˜4™ ‰€¦Ž accomplish: to establish Emory as a world center of

 and physics, and to provide 

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 a high-end of computational services to the Emory

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 research community. It presently owns and operates  an IBM9076 SP2 parallel computer with 14 proces-

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 sors, as well as fifteen IBM, HP and SGI worksta-


 tions. It also offers a variety of application software

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✾ Ô Õ¦Õ×Ö«Ø and consulting services in computational chemistry 


Õ-ç/èàé and physics, in addition to basic mathematical and 

 graphic libraries. With the use of its facility, the Cen- Mr. Cherry L. Emerson 

êjêëêëêëêëêjêëêìê ter subscribers have published over 200 scientific papers in the first six years of 

 existence, and have put the name of Emory clearly on the map of computational 

 chemistry and physics. 

 We are currently ex- 

 panding the scope of the 

FREE-TRIAL  Center to other disciplines,  including computational SUBSCRIPTION! 

 chemical, physical and bio- 

If you are not sure whether you  logical sciences, and to en- may benefit from the Emerson  compass a much broader Center services and facilities, you 

may now try the service (hard-  base of scientific comput- 

ware, software and consulting)  ing. This newsletter is one FREE for 3 months! It is the  of our efforts to reach out newest feature initiated by the 

recent Emerson Center Executive  to potential users who 

Committee meeting in an effort  might need the Center’s to reach out to the university com-  Prof. Keiji Morokuma, Director, Emerson Center computing hardware, soft- munity. Please call the Emerson 

 ware and consulting services for their research. Through issues of this newsletter Center at 727-2380 or email 

[email protected]  we plan to provide up-to-date information about the Center and its facilities and for details. Also, please make  activities.

sure you return the enclosed  

USER SURVEY form for future  If you have a need for high-end computing for your research, please contact

information updates. 

 the Emerson Center. The Center is easy to reach, via internet web page, e-mail, telephone or visit, whichever is convenient to you. © 1998-99 VISITING FELLOWSHIP Meet the Emerson © © The Emerson Center offers visiting fellowships in computational chemistry/physics © throughout the year. Scientists from academic institutions all over the world who want Center Staff: © © to perform intensive research in computational chemistry/physics for one to several

© months are encouraged to apply. We also accept faculty on sabbatical leave. Postdoctoral ©

© research associates are not supported through this program. Travel expenses (and sti-

© pend for long term stay) are available. Although fully independent research is not ex- ©

© cluded, collaboration with a “subscriber” is desirable. Deadline for application is

© usually Feb. 1 each year, and decisions are made in late February at the Executive ©

© Committee meeting of the center.

© For the 1998/99 academic year, the Executive Committee has offered 6 fellowships ©

© so far for computational research in theoretical and experimental chemistry and phys-

© ics. The names of awardees and their affiliation are listed below. Additional $15,000

© ©

í/îXïPðòñ¨ó<ô is still available for visiting fellows interested in collaborating with scientists doing

© mainly experimental research.





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© The Emerson Center Visiting Fellowship


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© Awardees, 1998-1999


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© Dr. K. Christoffel, Augustana College, Illinois

■ © Collaborator: Prof. J. M. Bowman, Chemistry ©

© Dr. C. Hu, Academia Sinica, Taiwan

© Collaborator: Prof. F. Family, Physics ©

© Dr. J. Moc, Wroclaw University, Poland

© Collaborator: Prof. K. Morokuma, Chemistry ©

© Dr. R. Musin, Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch

© Collaborator: Prof. M. C. Lin, Chemistry ©

© Dr. B. Yates, University of Tasmania, Australia

© Collaborator: Prof. K. Morokuma, Chemistry ©

© Dr. Y. Osamura, Rikkyo University, Japan ?£@ A B>C(DFE

© Collaborator: Prof. K. Morokuma, Chemistry




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] ^_` a©bdc e§fgih.g/j(k§lm no k§l g§p6o g§prq e;sto g§u>j © 1996/1997 © 1997/1998

© Dr. Stuart Carter Ã

■ © Dr. Harold Basch

Univ. of Reading, UK Ã ©

à Bar-Ilan Univ., Israel

© Dr. Kevin Dunn Ã

© Dr. Stuart Carter

Hampden-Sydney College, VA Ã ©

à Univ. of Reading, UK

© Dr. Viktor Horvath Ã

© Dr. Viktor Horvath

à © Eötvös University, Hungary

à Eötvös University, Hungary

© Dr. Stephen Klippenstein Ã

© Dr. Nobuaki Koga Ã

© Case Western Reserve Univ., OH

Nagoya University, Japan Ã

© Dr. Lucas Lathouwers Ã

© Dr. Eugene Kryachko Ã

© Univ. of Antwerp-RUCA, Belgium

Bogolinbov Inst., Ukraine

à ©

vw x4y>z({F| Dr. Feliu Maseras Ã

© Dr. Vladimir Mandelshtam à © Univ. de Montpellier II, France

Univ. of S. California, CA Ã

© Dr. Ruslan Minyaev à © Dr. Minh Tho Nguyen

© Rostov University, Russia Katholieke Univ., Belgium © Dr. Srihari Murthy

© Dr. Huan-Xiang Zhou

}~€©>‚~ƒ „>€© #†¥‡ ˆ ‰Š~ ‹~ ŒWWŽW€¥~ §-‡ Œ Œ‘~ Œ €©£

© Georgia Tech., GA

Hong Kong Univ., Hong Kong


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’ “” •– ’˜—š™ › œ£-ž.Ÿ/ (¡§›#¢4Ÿ/£ Dr. Shogo Sakai ©

© Osaka Sangyo Univ., Japan

■ © Dr. Tamar Seideman ©

© Nat. Res. Council, Canada 2 The Emerson Center Subscribers The Center is supported, in part, by “subscribers” or faculty members who purchase shares in order to gain access to its resources for their research projects. IBM workstations are housed in their labs while controlled by the LoadLeveler queu- ing system. Currently, there are nine subscribers, eight from the chemistry department and one from physics. In addition, there is a Chemistry departmental subscription, providing access to the Emerson Center for class use and occasional users

in the department. The following is a list of faculty subscribers and their research interests

Ä â â

Joel Bowman (Phys. Chemistry) Ä Keiji Morokuma (Phys. Chemistry)

Ä â â

(404) 727-6592 Ä (404) 727-2180 â

[email protected] Ä [email protected]

Ä â â

Quantum Calculations of Chemical Ä Quantum Chemical Studies of Chemical â

Reaction Dynamics and Vibrations of Ä Reaction Mechanisms: Transition

Ä â â

Large Molecules Ä States for Gas Phase Reactions, â

Ä Organic Reactions, Organometallic â

Fereydoon Family (Physics) Ä â

Ä Reactions and Enzymatic Reactions â

(404) 727-4293 Ä â

[email protected] Ä

Ä â â

Monte Carlo Simulation and Molecular Ä â

Dynamics of Models of Material Ä

Ä â â

Growth and Other Non-equilibrium Ä

Ä â

Ä â


Ä â

Ä â

Karl Hagen (Inorg. Chemistry) ÐÙØ>Å/Ú4Û×Í©ÜÞÝ#Å8Ó¯ËiÌÑÌÑÜÞÍ©Í¥Å/ÅÙßàÅ/Å/Í©ÜÞÒ§á

Ä â â

(404) 727-6556 Ä â

[email protected] Ä Designed Mimic of the Breast The newly formed Emerson Center Execu- â

Ä Cancer Agent Taxol tive Committee (ECEC) had their first â Structural Studies of Supramolecular Ä

Contributed by Dennis Liotta & Jim Snyder â

Model Complexes as Models of Ä meeting on Feb. 9, 1998. The committee, â

Ä appointed by the Provost, consists of three â

Metalloproteins Ä â

Ä faculty members: Keith Wilkinson (Bio- â

Ä Dennis Liotta (Org. Chemistry) chemistry), Michael Heaven (Chemistry),

â Michael Heaven (Phys. Chemistry) Ä

(404) 727-6602 and Al Padwa (Chemistry-will join in fall), â

(404) 727-6617 Ä â

Ä [email protected] and is chaired by Keiji Morokuma, Direc- â [email protected] Ä

Computational Approaches for Examin- tor of the Emerson Center. It will oversee â

Calculation of Potential Energy Ä â

Ä ing Enzyme/Ligand Interactions; Ab all matters related to administrative sup- â Surfaces for Weakly Bound Systems Ä

Initio Calculations for Assisting port and operation. At its first meeting, â

Ä Morokuma reported to the committee on â

M.C. Lin (Phys. Chemistry) Ä Synthetic Strategies and/or gaining â

Ä the current status of the Emerson Center â

(404) 727-2825 Ä Understanding of Synthetic Results; and its operations. Technical issues re- â

[email protected] Ä Effective Core Potentials for Examining lated to hardware and software upgrades

Ä â â

Calculation of Potential Energy Ä the Electrostatics of Ligands Containing were discussed. The committee also re- â

Surfaces for Combustion Related Ä Metals viewed applications for the 1998/99

Ä â â

Reactions and Reactions on Solid Ä Emerson Center Fellowship, and selected â

Surfaces Ä Fred Menger (Org. Chemistry) 6 award winners. (See page 2 of this news- â

Ä (404) 727-6599 letter for names of award winners.) Addi-

Ä â â

Ä Optimization of Molecular Geometry tional funds are still available specifically â

Ä and Energy Calculations for Local/ for visiting fellows collaborating with ex- â

Ä perimentalists. â

HCN/HNC Ä Global Minimum and for Transition â

Ä States, Calculations of Reaction â

Ä Also discussed at the meeting are issues â

Ä Pathways, Prediction of Rate Constants related to future operations of the center, â

Ä for Organic Reactions and Isotope subscriber issues, suggestions on how to

Ä â â

Ä Effects strengthen collaboration between the â

Ä Emerson Center and BIMCORE, and how â

Ä Albert Padwa (Org. Chemistry) â

Ä to expand the scope of the center to be of â

Ä (404) 727-0283 better service to the larger community of â

Ä the University. â

Ä [email protected] â

Isomerization Wavefunction Ä Computational Studies in the Area of â Ä The committee is scheduled to meet

Contributed by Joel Bowman â

Ä Heterocyclic Chemistry and Rhodium monthly. â Ä Catalysis 3

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he Emerson Center provides powerful computational û

    ! ! " #  " $ # % &  ' (  )  Tresources and promotes active computational research in chem- û

istry, physics and related areas. The Center has an IBM9076 SP2 û û

parallel computer with 14 ThinNode-2 units (each is equivalent to û http://www.emerson.emory.edu an RS/6000 model 39H), a High Speed Switch, 4 GB of total memory û and 63 GB of disk space. The operating system of the SP2 is IBM’s û The Emerson Center web page gives the most up-to- û date information about the Emerson Center operations.

Unix version AIX accompanied by IBM’s parallel system support û product (PSSP). In addition, there are 10 IBM RS/6000 model 550 û You will have access to information about the center’s

û Mission Statement, the current list of the centers sub- workstations, one 590, and two 350s. These machines are also run- û scribers and their research interests, our Visiting Fel- ning under AIX and connected to Emory’s ethernet network, whereas û lows Program updates, software and hardware upgrade internally connected to each other via the Network File System (NFS) û

û information, news on conferences and other programs and Network Information Systems (NIS). The homogeneity of these û that the center initiates, tutorials, and links to many other AIX machines allows efficient and transparent user access by facili- û exciting sites.

tating an IBM batch queueing system product called LoadLeveler, û û

where the user submits a job to a single queue and the software dis- û patches the job to the first available CPU for execution. Parallel jobs û are executed using message passing parallel programming environ- û û Software -continued ments such as PVMe and Linda. In addition to this variety of IBM û

RISC machines the Emerson Center owns one HP workstation, model û Such software allow users to use computational methods to pre- û dict properties or assist structural analysis using molecular or

730 and one Silicon Graphics Indy 2 graphics workstation with video- û atomic scale models and rich molecular visualization capabili- output capabilities. The total computing power of these machines û ranges from 0.5 to 1 gigaflop, depending on the application used. û ties. Applications are to polymers, zeolites, catalysts, ceramics, û semiconductors, metals/alloys, organometallic, and molecular ma- û terials. They are intended to provide a convenient environment to

However, due to intensive use of our facilities the capacity limit is û carry out individual molecular mechanics calculations and semi- already sometimes reached, and therefore we plan to substantially û upgrade our hardware in the near future. û empirical, ab initio Hartree-Fock and correlated molecular orbital û calculations on diverse molecular systems. They also serve to fa- -Contributed by Dr. Stephan Irle, û cilitate processing of large numbers of closely-related calculations û as might be required to map a conformational energy profile, to System Manager, The Emerson Center û

û screen a set of compounds for a particular property or structural

û characteristic, or to parameterize a potential function for later use

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û in a molecular mechanics or calculation. û

û 3. and SciAn. Software for visualization and anima- he Emerson Center offers basic mathematical, graphical(GL), û

û tion of the research results. FORTRAN NAG and IBM’s ESSL libraries, along with dozens

T û of extremely powerful software packages, which can be divided into û 4. Data bases such as QCLDB_97. Quantum Chemical Litera- several different categories: û ture Database, for example, is an on-line application and allows û users to search quantum chemical literature. This database includes 1. Electronic structure codes, such as -94, Gamess-96, û

û all quantum chemical papers published up to 1996.

Molpro-96.4, Cadpac-5.4, Hondo-8.4, Molcas_4.0, Turbomole/ û

TurboNMR, Mopac_93. These codes allow users to û The Emerson Center also offers Morate_4.5 and Polyrate_7.0 for

(a) optimize the geometry of the molecules, û calculations of the rate-constants of reactions. Additional soft- (b) search for transition states, û ware are added continuously upon requests from subscribers ac- (c) calculate the energy, transition dipoles, vibrational û û cording to their research needs.

frequencies, force constants, intensities for vibrations, û

polarizabilities and hyperpolarizibilities, Mulliken population û -Contributed by Dr. Jamal Musaev, analysis, multipole moments, natural population analysis, û

electrostatic potential, atomic charges, thermochemistry û Applications Software Manager, The Emerson Center û

using arbitrary isotopes, temperature and pressures. û

These packages offer semi-empirical methods (such as CNDO, INDO, û MINDO/3, MNDO, AM1, PM3, etc.), Hartree-Fock and various ver- û

sions of density functional methods, as well as the high level correla- û û tion methods such as MCSCF, MR-CISD, CCSD(T), QCISD(T), MP2, û Cherry L. Emerson Center

MP4. With these codes, users can û (a) study the potential energy surface of the complex û for Scientific Computation inorganic, organic, organometallic, biochemical reactions, at the û û Atwood Hall, 1515 Pierce Dr.

both ground and excited electronic states of the reactants, and û Atlanta, Georgia 30322 (b) search for the new materials with given physical and û Phone: (404) 727-2380 chemical properties. û û Fax: (404) 727-6586

Our message passing parallel environments such as PVM_3.2 and û

Linda that permits the use of powerful Gaussian-94, Gamess-96 and û Email: [email protected] Hondo-8.4 packages which speed up the calculations with parallel û http://www.emerson.emory.edu processing. û û This issue of the Emerson Center Newsletter 2. Molecular modeling and molecular dynamic software such as û

û is designed and edited by Jianli Zhao Cerius2, SYBYL, MM3, AMBER, Spartan_4.0, and HyperChem_4.5. 4